• Published 5th Apr 2024
  • 362 Views, 24 Comments

A Dazzling Flower Under the Moonlight - Sandbar0227

Caught between royalty and true love, Rainbow Dash embarks on a journey of personal transformation where she must discern her values and priorities. Along this path, she will discover the inner strength that defines her and the destiny she truly long

  • ...


The loud bang of the collision echoed throughout the place, immediately attracting the attention of the two royal sisters, Blooming Rose and Shining Marigold, who, with worried expressions, rushed to Rainbow Dash's aid, relieved to see that, although a bit dazed, she was unharmed.

- "Oh for Equestria's sake, are you all right, Rainbow Dash?" - Blooming Rose inquired, her eyes twinkling with genuine concern.

Rainbow Dash nimbly rejoined her seat, sketching a lighthearted smile to downplay the incident - "just a minor mishap, nothing this pegasus can't handle."- she shook her mane with a casual gesture. Shining Marigold couldn't help but let out a light laugh at Dash's carefree attitude - "you're amazing, even when you end up crashing into walls, you do it with style all your own."

Blooming Rose joined in her sister's laughter, but quickly resumed her composure. -"but tell us, what brings you practicing here in the halls of the palace? Do you need help with anything?"

Rainbow Dash, still dusting off her fur, pointing up at the wide sky visible through the windows says- "I was just perfecting some maneuvers and..." - a sharp sound of alarm cut off her sentence, the royal guards, alerted by the din, were approaching the unicorns' room in a hurry.

The two sisters, instinctive accomplices, shared a meaningful glance as the guard's hooves echoed ever closer. - "we must keep her from being recognized or you'll be in trouble" - Shining Marigold mused urgently.

Blooming Rose nodded decisively - "I have an idea, we'll transform Rainbow Dash into a princess, that way it's easier for her to go unnoticed around the palace" - and without further ado, the two magical mares approached the bewildered pegasus, surrounding her with a glowing magical aura.

- "What, what are you doing to me?" - Rainbow Dash protested, her voice tinged with disagreement and apprehension at the transforming spell enveloping her without her consent.

Shining Marigold gave her a mysterious but reassuring look - "No big deal, just a little change so they won't recognize you and you can get out safely."

- "You'll see, Rainbow Dash, we'll turn you into the perfect princess" - added Blooming Rose with an almost childish enthusiasm, ignoring the objections of the pegasus confident that her magic wouldn't harm her.

- "Princess? Oh no, no, no, no, no, let go of me!" - Dash's demand was in vain, as the lingering magic enveloped her completely. She was caught in a surreal situation, watching her identity change in front of her eyes with nothing she could do to stop it, having no control over the metamorphosis least desired for her.

The magical light of the two sisters enveloped Rainbow Dash, who watched her transformation with a mixture of awe and distrust. She soon watched as her sky blue fur disappeared, replaced by an elegant violet dress that clung to her figure, with a V-shaped neckline that subtly hugged her chest, noticed how her front hooves were adorned with fine black gloves and raised on high gold heels, sparkling diamond-like jewels materialized in her ears delicately, while a beautiful pearl necklace adorned her neck gracefully, two bejeweled yet delicate bracelets held her hooves, feeling almost like chains preventing her from escaping, while her once wild mane adopted natural, elegant waves.

A subtle touch of makeup enhanced her pure features, a bit of mascara and eyeliner that danced over her eyes ending in a winged tip, finally, dark violet shadow on her eyelids and an ornament of a lunar flower in her hair, matching her attire with the scent of a floral perfume that permeated the air and made her nostrils dizzy.


When the door suddenly opened, she was in the midst of a sigh of resignation. A royal guard entered, surprised to see the newly transformed Rainbow Dash standing next to the two royal sisters, His brow furrowed with confusion and suspicion.

- "Who is this mare, what is she doing here?" - She inquired in a sullen, menacing tone, wary of a stranger's presence in the palace corridors.

Blooming Rose stepped forward with a disarming smile. - "Oh, don't worry, the one present here is our friend."

- "We're just trying out some fun outfits before the big gala, you know" - added Shining Marigold with an innocent smile, supporting her sister naturally.

The guard, still skeptical of the unconventional situation, withdrew with a nod after a few tense moments. Once they left, the sisters relaxed their postures.

Dash took the opportunity to express her frustration - "What was that, I can't believe they put me through a transformation like that!"

Blooming Rose giggled softly, ignoring Dash's annoyance with nonchalance - "hey, not bad at all. Have you seen yourself in the mirror yet?, your appearance is worthy of a true princess, worthy of admiration."

Before Rainbow could attack her comment, Shining Marigold intervened with a conciliatory tone - "Calm down, little one, we just need you to leave the palace without attracting attention, there's protection and reinforced aerial surveillance after your.... little mishap with the wall, and we don't want you to be discovered and get in trouble with the guards or do we?"

Rainbow Dash, annoyed, but understanding the logic behind the princesses' actions, nodded in poorly disguised disgust - "okay, but this is the strangest and most awkward thing I've ever been in for a simple outing!"

Blooming Rose, unable to resist the temptation to joke - "oh, don't worry, Rainbow Dash, being a princess for a little while gives you an innate air of royalty. - she added with a sly wink - "maybe you'll even get a noble admirer at the big gala tonight!"

-" yeah well, I assure you that's not going to happen" - Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in exasperation and snorted disdainfully at the princess's teasing comment heading towards the nearest mirror to take a full view of the result of the imposed transformation.

The mare looking back at her from the glass was a perfect stranger to her, and though she maintained a defiant and rebellious attitude, she couldn't help but appreciate the meticulousness of the sisters' work and the flawless final effect they had achieved with her costume.

Shining Marigold and Blooming Rose looked out the window, sharing a knowing chuckle as Dash inspected every detail of her new appearance. The colorful pegasus was temporarily trapped in a royal dress, and though the situation was awkward, she knew she had to move on.

A magical aura abruptly stopped her in her tracks, and Dash turned sharply towards the sisters, what little patience she had left reflected in her countenance - "what now?”

- "You can't go out with such a hasty demeanor, they'll notice you're an interloper if you look like a princess, but don't act like one!" - explained Blooming Rose calmly as the magical glow dissipated over her, relinquishing the restraining spell.

Rainbow Dash exhaled a deep sigh, trying to calm down and understand the situation she was in. - "okay what should I do?"

Shining Marigold and Blooming Rose approached with a complicit look - "Don't worry, Rainbow Dash, just let yourself go and everything will be fine."

Rainbow Dash, still annoyed by the extravagant princess attire that had been imposed on her, walked resignedly towards the palace garden. Blooming Rose and Shining Marigold, noticing that Dash was not behaving with the grace and decorum expected of a princess, decided to use their magic to subtly control her, Dash's every gesture, word and movement was now directed by the sisters to keep up appearances before others. If all went according to plan, this magical control would leave her the moment she crossed the outer gate of Celestia's castle, just like her costume attire, however, as she walked through the royal garden, her appearance did not go unnoticed at all.

The dress, shiny and flowing, stood out among the nature of the garden like an exotic flower. Dash felt uncomfortable, as if she was wearing an armor that did not belong to her, every detail of her appearance was calculated to fit into the world of high society, however, her thoughts stirred her discontent, every step she took echoed in her head like a hollow echo, her feet sank into the soft grass, but she did not feel the freshness or freedom it used to bring her, on the contrary, she felt the weight of the dress and the oppression of the expectations she carried with her.

Inside, she longed to get out of there as quickly as possible, it was ironic to think that being the fastest pegasus in all of Equestria, she could not take flight or at least run, but the body control that the sisters exerted over her prevented her from any movement other than walking upright and elegant, with a dress dancing to the beat of her hips swaying side to side with each ridiculous step of her golden heels. She could do nothing but ponder the surreal situation she found herself in, and question why, being who she was, did she allow the sisters to transform her into someone she was not to leave the castle when the solutions were on a silver platter?

- "Oh dear, who is this lovely maiden lighting my way tonight?" - expressed Prince Aster with a mixture of fascination and genuine interest, she felt her body turn and her eyes meet the prince's, she wondered, how long had she been submerged in thought?

Just when she thought her misfortune couldn't get any worse, Prince Aster was not only approaching her with gallant assurance, but his comment had caught the attention of the guest ponies scattered around the garden. How had she not noticed they were there until now with their eyes on her in the first place? Would they notice her deep discomfort disguised under the facade of elegance the princesses were imposing on her?

The handsome prince Aster approached Dash with a determined step, without ceasing to observe her with an intense gaze, his charming smile seemed to illuminate the garden, all the gazes of those present followed him with admiration, Dash felt a turn inside her, a sudden longing to escape from that compromising situation that clearly surpassed her.

Blooming Rose and Shining Marigold watched from a distance with satisfaction as their elaborate plan unfolded to perfection, they had succeeded in transforming the fearless and defiant Rainbow Dash into a real princess, at least in outward appearance. Every gesture, every word that escaped Dash's lips, was carefully orchestrated by the control magic of the skillful sisters, making sure she fulfilled the assigned role without deviating one iota from protocol. It had worked out better than they ever thought possible, and when they saw their brother Aster approaching with unmistakable interest towards the disguised pegasus, they could not waste this auspicious opportunity.

Dash, her will completely subjected to the princesses' magical control, answered the prince with a soft royal tone that was far from the pegasus' natural speech - "I'm Moonflower, your highness, a pleasure to meet you." - the words burst from her lips against her will, in a honeyed, cloying tone she would never have used on her own.

Moonflower? Disbelief flooded Dash's mind upon hearing that impostured name. This couldn't really be happening, it had to be a bad joke, a nightmare from which he couldn't wake up no matter how much the alarm kept ringing, if that was meant to be, a dreadful dream, he repeated over and over again inside himself, clinging to the hope that it was all a terrible dream, while his body bowed respectfully and cordially to Prince Aster, against all his instincts.

The serenity and formality of the royal court gave way to adrenaline and the roar of the wind in the Wonderbolts' training field. There, each one of the intrepid flyers synchronized the extensive and memorized aerial routine, if, undoubtedly, in that enclosure the atmosphere was totally different from that of the palace.

- Do you think the modifications to our routine will be too risky for the Canterlot audience? You know how they are with surprises" - asked High Winds, his voice reflecting genuine trepidation about the reception of their risky acrobatics during training.

The ponies of refined Canterlot were used to the monotony and predictability of their elegant lives, they attended shows regularly, but they were always predictable events, repetitive choreography and well-established traditions, although they seemed to enjoy it, deep down they longed for something different and out of the ordinary. However, that same predisposition to order and custom made them a highly critical public when faced with any unexpected change or break with tradition.

High Winds' question resonated with the group, causing the idea of stepping out of their comfort zone for the impending presentation to royalty to generate an internal discussion, as they were not only facing an unknown audience, but one of high social standing, with high expectations and an ingrained taste for the typical.

Soarin observed his younger sister with a sympathetic smile. - "It's a valid concern..."

- "Canterlot is not Cloudsdale, ponies have different expectations, more.... - Fire Streak said as his gaze scanned the expressions of his companions - "...refined, so to speak."

- " But that's precisely the point, isn't it, I mean, if there's one thing I've learned from Rainbow Dash, it's that we should never underestimate the power of a good surprise, let alone our own abilities, I'm sure the audience is going to love it " - he then gave his partner a friendly nudge.

- " Now that you mention it, I thought Rainbow Dash was coming to rehearse one last time before the performance" - Fleetfoot noted, his voice dropping a tone that called some concern around him.

- "I hope she won't be too late" - Spitfire added, his expression tense, as his mind analyzed possible reasons for this unusual absence. - "It's not like her to miss this opportunity."

- "Do you think something has happened to her?" - asked Surprise with an altered tone, exaggerated for the tone of the conversation.

- Don't talk nonsense, she's always on time, isn't she?" - Blaze said with an unconvincing tone

Rapidfire shook his head slowly, sharing the growing unease - "well..., Rainbow Dash is the element of loyalty. She wouldn't be missing without a good reason."

The conversation lapsed into a brief silence, each lost in thought, considering possible situations that could have held their companion back and prevented her timely arrival.

- "I think we're putting too much unnecessary spin on the situation. She's fine, I've seen how she handles practically anything that comes her way, and this time will be no exception" - Spitfire's words echoed loudly in the hangar, trying to restore confidence in the atmosphere - "she's probably already in Canterlot and we haven't even left the barracks" - he gave them a scolding look, urging the group to quickly get ready to head to Canterlot after his intervention.

The responsibility of the impending presentation weighed on their shoulders, and the last thing they needed now was to generate more unnecessary worry, as they were already relatively nervous about the important event, perhaps Dash was just as nervous and just needed her space to deal with it. Spitfire hoped that was the case.

Thunderlane's laughter cut through the tension like a bolt of lightning. - "Speaking of handling things, I hope tonight's DJ knows what he's doing. I remember last year, my great aunt danced better than the music they played."

Thunderlane's joke had the desired effect, and a wave of laughter and facetious comments rippled through the group, lightening the mood.

- "Hey, isn't your great aunt that one who fell asleep in the middle of the last gala?" - Wave Chill asked wryly with a nudge toward his friend.

However, amidst the laughter and banter, Soarin's gaze occasionally wandered skyward, still hoping to see the signature rainbow that heralded Rainbow Dash's arrival. Although her confidence in her was strong, the uneasiness of not knowing where she was or what had happened to her was still present in her mind.

At that moment, Prince Aster took Dash's helmet with gentle gallantry. - "It is a true pleasure to meet you, Lady Moonflower" - he said in a soft and melodious voice that seemed to flow like silk. The unexpected touch of her warm hoof generated a strange and confused feeling inside Dash.

- "The pleasure is more mine than yours, your highness," Dash replied in a forcibly casual yet formal tone, the words creating an empty echo in his own ears, a pale imitation devoid of his true voice.

- "I make no apologies for my boldness, for it would be a lie to declare that your dazzling beauty has not completely captivated me" - Aster declared gallantly, his eyes roaming Dash's face in admiration, appreciating every detail, from her striking magenta eyes to her radiant, lip-painted smile.

An involuntary blush took over Dash's cheeks, a blush that even the controlling magic subjugating her couldn't completely conceal. Despite the awkward circumstances, she couldn't help but feel flattered and slightly overwhelmed or uncomfortable by the handsome prince's words.

The two sisters, observing the scene, chuckled conspiratorially, amused at the idea of even the stoic and indomitable Rainbow Dash partially succumbing to her brother's charms involuntarily. It was almost comical to see how the magic that controlled and disguised Dash's every move played with her.

Blooming Rose leaned over to Shining Marigold, a smirk lighting up her face - "see, our little puppet isn't so lost in the role after all" - she commented in a voice brimming with amusement and cunning.

Shining Marigold raised an eyebrow. - "I can't believe you called her ' our puppet', it's not the most delicate way to refer to her" - he reprimanded her gently, though his eyes sparkled with a mixture of surprise and complicity at how quickly his brother Aster had set his seduction on the reluctant Dash in motion.

- "Oh, please don't look at me like that, you know it's all in jest, after all, it was us who transformed her into this exquisite vision to Dash's chagrin" - Blooming justified herself - "after all, aren't we here to give our brother an extra helmet?" - he mentioned trying to lighten the impulsive weight of his actions.

- "Well...yeah, I guess you're right. But still, I can't help but feel uncomfortable with the idea of using these spells on Rainbow Dash, even if it's with a good intention in mind" - Shining Marigold's voice revealed the internal struggle between the desire to support her brother and the ethics of her own moral principles with questionable magical practices.

- "Agh, I get your point. And now that you mention it, I hadn't quite considered the ethical implications of what we did" - Blooming Rose admitted with a slight frown - "but, what's done is done, besides, perhaps without realizing it, we are helping Dash in a way" - Blooming got a strange look from her sister after this sentence, she clarified - "I mean, you saw her, she's undeniably beautiful and possesses so many other virtues that would be more than enough for anyone who analyzed her closely" - she added, trying to convince herself as much as her sister that her actions could have a positive side.

- "Wait, you're right" - Shining Marigold stopped the conversation for a moment, capturing her sister's attention with a serious look - "too right..." - took Blooming gently by the shoulders, pulling her a little closer as her countenance darkened - "but did we ever consider if Dash already had someone special in his life before meddling?"

A long, awkward silence took over the space between the two sisters, their eyes glowing with unusual intensity, reflecting a mixture of emotions: surprise, disapproval, and a hint of fear at the possible consequences of their actions. Blooming Rose, on the other hand, was staring at the ground, her mischievous smile had faded, giving way to a serious and reflective expression.

They were standing in one of the wide corridors of the castle, a place that gave them a privileged view of the front gardens, from their position, they could observe their brother Aster courting the disguised Rainbow Dash in the middle of the garden, an image that now gave them more anxiety than pride. Should they intervene at that moment and reverse what they had unleashed so recklessly? what would happen to the curse if they backtracked now?

Shining Marigold wasn't sure, but she involuntarily stepped forward, intending to do something, perhaps with the idea of stopping it all right there and then?

- "No, we can't undo what we've done, but maybe we can mitigate the damage, we could... talk to her, explain everything after the gala"- a gentle grip on her helmet from Blooming Rose stopped her, providing a cautious reminder that, while regret was great, they should tread carefully and not make things worse.

And her sister had a valid point, as much as it pained Shining to admit it, they could no longer erase what they had done so impulsively or it would be worse, they were left with only the attempt to make peace with Dash afterwards and trust in her capacity for understanding of their delicate situation.

However, they were so immersed in their internal judgment that they did not notice their oversight....

The front lawn of Celestia Castle was a magical sight in itself. Celestia's dusk was beginning to bid farewell and Luna was greeting Equestria by slowly raising the moon in the night sky. Fruit trees, in full bloom, perfumed the air with a sweet and intoxicating scent, flowers of every color and shape imaginable vied for attention with their beauty as they formed a structured rainbow path to the main entrance of the castle, fireflies flitted among the plants, creating a magical and surreal atmosphere.

High-ranking ponies continued to arrive along the carpeted main concourse, where butlers and servants hurried to attend to each luxurious carriage, the air was a hive of animated chatter and laughter drowned behind fans and champagne flutes, as guests gathered in groups, critically assessing each other's attire and jewelry, with little disguised glances cast towards the center of the garden.

Aster gave a crooked smile, taking a step closer until she invaded Dash's personal space. The pegasus held her breath and just stared at him, she was playing with fire and the idea was no longer as terrifying to her as before.

- "Would you like to take a ride in the back yard, Lady Moonflower?" - Aster asked gallantly, offering her his hoof and leaning slightly towards Dash's figure, who despite the high golden heels, was a mare of small stature.

Dash nodded her head slightly, accepting the prince's invitation, something Rainbow Dash would have done under normal circumstances, but despite the tension she felt from the situation she was in, there was something comforting about the idea of stepping further away from the spotlight at the castle entrance.

And so it was, Aster directed her to the back garden by circling the castle to avoid entering and passing through the main hall, where the guests were already situated. The castle gardens, with their meticulous design and nighttime beauty, promised a refuge from the prying eyes and attentive ears of those elegant guest ponies.

She simply followed him into one of the castle's back gardens, feeling a twinge of pain in her hooves with each step she took on the gravel, "Damn heels," she thought, she felt awkward and uncomfortable in such impractical footwear, as if she were a foal learning to walk again. Thanks to this, her steps were becoming slower and more hesitant.

She couldn't help but notice her escort a few inches in front of her. Prince Aster was advancing with feline grace ahead, seemingly oblivious to the difficulties she faced, he was getting all the stares, all the smiles, everyone bowed respectfully to him, instead Dash felt so out of place, everyone was looking at her expectantly, with curiosity, some with envy, she was a stranger, even to herself. Dash gritted her teeth, determined not to let a pair of shoes make her look like a wimp, so she straightened her back and lifted her chin higher with a defiant air.

Suddenly and without warning, Aster stopped and turned to her, his eyes, filled with unusual intensity - "Are you feeling well, Lady Moonflower?" - He asked with genuine concern. Her sapphire eyes, illuminated by the moonlight, rested on Dash's, searching for signs of discomfort.

- "Why the question?" - Dash tried to keep her tone casual, how naive, of course Aster was going to notice her discomfort.

Aster approached her with an expression of genuine concern on his face, his eyes searching Dash's magenta orbs intently - "You're acting different, like something is making you uncomfortable, do you need help with something?" - her voice was soft and comforting, as if she wanted to offer him sincere support.

Dash instinctively recoiled at the stallion's advance, her hind hooves tangled in the wide skirts of her dress, causing her to stumble backwards into a sitting position with a thud, a few muffled exclamations echoed in the distance, from some ponies witnessing the scene.

- "No, what are you talking about? I'm fine..." - Dash started to protest in a strangled voice, somewhat annoyed by the prince's inquiry.

But the words choked in her throat as Aster rushed towards her again. Suddenly she had the towering steed leaning very close, invading her personal space, in an attempt to help her get on her feet after stumbling.

Her body reacted instinctively to the sudden closeness. A rush of adrenaline surged through her from head to toe, activating her fight or flight instinct, and without thinking or planning, she abruptly pulled away from him, propelling herself backward with the force of her wings. Suddenly, the atmosphere went completely silent, his ears were dazed and his vision seemed to slow down.

Aster was petrified for a few moments, bewildered by the sudden change in the mare before him.

It was then that Dash turned her head in bewilderment, as if looking for a way out, she thought she had found it as she exchanged glances with the unicorn sisters, who were watching her from a distance with petrified and alarmed expressions. Everything happened in slow motion from then on; her pupils dilated until they became two small pins while an alarm resounded inside her as she understood what was happening, it didn't take her long to tie the ends together: her controllers had momentarily lost their concentration, allowing her true self to emerge to the surface. A tingle ran through her limbs, as if she suddenly became aware that she was master of her own movements, she wondered at what precise moment she had begun to regain independence over her actions and how much of what she had said had actually been voluntary.

A flash of determination and disagreement shone fiercely in her eyes as her gaze met Blooming Rose and Shining Marigold's, that brief eye contact was enough for the unicorns to convey a silent message to her, "You will be free, but we can't allow it right now." He watched as the horns of both began to glow with their magical auras.

The freedom he had tasted for a brief moment was slipping away from him between his hooves, like a puppet that momentarily escaped the hooves of its puppeteers. As much as her conscience had awakened, she realized that her will was still trapped on the strings of the royal sisters' horns.