• Published 21st Mar 2024
  • 1,047 Views, 23 Comments

Saved!!! - ArchoPony

A human fell through one of Midnight's portals; and now he's in a 7,000 foot free fall while slowing transforming into a horse.

  • ...

6 - Honesty Restored - Part 1

Thankfully, no nightmares plagued PonderBright that night. A sweet, dreamless sleep followed by a peaceful awakening.
He was not used to staring up at such an ornate ceiling.

After a quick question session from twilight about what happened and that everything was indeed alright, he headed for the library.

Ponder had little to no clue how this world operated, and thought he needed a better understanding of how things worked around here, now that he has done everything non-research related to make sure

The incident

would not happen again.

Starlight again. What a non-surprise.
There were many libraries in the castle, But this one had many books on magic. He was beginning to wounder if Starlight was a bigger nerd then Twilight.

“ Hi Starlight. “ He said with no emotion, only to signal his entrance after a short knock on the door.
“ Hi Ponder. “ She replied without looking up from her book.

This didn't really feel right for anypony in the room, but both ignored It for their own various separate reasons.
It took him a very, very long time to find a ' baby's first magic book ' and while trying to pick it up with his wings, he realized that the tips of his feathers were much to weak to hold even something as light as a book.

He was initially disheartened; until he saw it float up to where about where his mouth was, with a short reply from Starlight:
“ If your having trouble, maybe I could help? “

' This is most likely certainly some sort of test. ' Ponder thought to himself.

' Random strangers aside from the unusual outlier (Twilight) do no enjoy helping unless there's other people around to see how “kind” they are. '
' sigh better put on a mimicry mask, else I be silently judged. '

His thoughts continued, almost to the point of spiraling out of control, but since he was emotionally sound, the idea to express his worries never crossed his mind.

' OH NO I MIGHT HAVE SAID THAT IN A SLIGHTLY CONDENSENDING TONE ' Starlight was frantically thinking to herself, using those poker face skills from back in her village days to not show it.

' He looks slightly put off, did I do something wrong? I did something wrong. '
Ponder's failed attempt at acting gave way to visible confusion as the book kept hovering there.

“ What am I supposed to do? My wings won't wor- “

“ Your mouth. “ Starlight politely corrected him, pointing a hoof to her mouth.

“ Um, Ok. “ PonderBright said in genuine confusion.
It took him around a second to mentally fabricate the proper muscle movements to open his mouth, aim at the book, and then clamp down.
When he did eventually grab it, he went down the ladder and seemed like he wanted to say something, so he dropped the book.

“ Thanks Starlight. I'm not used to how ponies get things done around here, or, anywhere. “
Starlight wondered if that was supposed to be a joke. It wasn't.
She looked down at the book at noticed it's title:
' First Magic for First Fillies: Basics and Control '

“ Oh. “ Starlight said without thinking.

“ What? Don't … Pegasus-es... Have magic? “ He assumed a accusatory stance from Starlight, and had responded very so slightly defensively.

“ Well, some. But not that type. “ She pointed to the book. “ Pegasi do have magic, but it's passive. “, “ It allows them to fly and manipulate weather. “ She caught herself rambling, but oh well.
Anything to be helpful, useful.
“ And since your a – kind of an Alicorn, you probably have earth pony magic too, which is also passive. Strength and endurance, that kind of stuff. “

' Huh. ' Thought PonderBright. ' What a articulate and well thought out response. '
Ponder went into deep thought for a moment, interrupting the flow the conversation Starlight had accelerated to lightning speed.

“ I think I'll still read it anyway. I think it's good to know the basics of how the - this world works. “ He said as he was walking away.

Starlight wanted to say something, something so bad it almost burned. But she felt is was not her place.
Ponder picked up the book then dropped it, due to lack of practice. He looked sideways at it, lying on the ground.

He suddenly spread his wings a bit, but only raised them.
Starlight was having flashbacks to her village days.

He put the book in between one his wings and his body, making a makeshift basket.
Starlight was considering starting small talk, just to extend the conversation to buy herself more time.

He started to walk away.
“ PonderBright, you shouldn't ignore a part of yourself just because you had a bad experience! “ She almost shouted.

He turned around to ' be a part of the conversation '.
He looked surprised and amused. She really was just trying to help.

“ Wait, no, not like, now, when your not trained, just- “
“ No I get it. “ Ponder responded to her, wanting to cut off the awkward moment.

“ But I wanted this. I don't even have magic back in my own world, so I'm not loosing anything. “
“ Yes but -“ She was sound more and more frustrated and submissive. “ You are missing out on something. “
He looked her last sentence put him into deep thought.

She sighed.
“ Iv'e, … made a lot of mistakes. A lot. I just don't want to let the same fate to happen to any other pony. “

She looked up and saw his expression : blank with minor surprise.
Her fears finally snuck in.

“ Just- Uh- Forget what I said. “ She said while bursting into minor nervous laughter.
Ponder was astounded. Not only was she not here to poke and prod, but she was willing to say something so controversial to the new guy.

He could not help but see some of his past self in her.

He smiled slightly.
“ Starlight. Your good. You didn't say anything wrong. It's just your opinion. “ He wanted to clarify as much as possible, assuming that would calm her fears. And since he was not talking to a perfectly logical robot, it didn't. At least not entirely.

“ But I- Didn't mean for it to come out like that. “ She rebuked.
“ It's fine. I understood you perfectly. “ He said in calm demeanor.

Ponder was staring to get frustrated and Starlight was staring to get flustered.

“ Alright, Bye. “ Ponder said In an attempted pleasant tone, and walked away.

Their first real meeting had not gone so well, but it was irrelevant; Ponder was thinking to himself. He set the book down on his table. HIS table. In HIS room. The thoughts immediately ricocheted around his head as immense catharsis. This was Twilight's, but he trusted her. He knew she would not hold them over his head like meat above a dog.

Starlight was feeling so-so about the encounter. She's glad she was able to say it, but worried about who he might tell, and what trouble that might cause. She really did not want to take any sort of leadership stance in anything, not even a conversation, but she felt she had to say it.

Starlight expected doubt and even remorse to come, but they didn't. She didn't regret her decision. Huh.

The next morning Ponder found himself wanting to talk to Twilight. He had selected the magic book himself, and he didn't know the first thing about magic. Not a good combination.

Instead, he ran into Twilight and a very familiar looking pony. His human world memories resurfaced.

“ Applejack? “ He guessed.
“ Yup. “ She replied, lacking her usual headstrong or chipper tone. Then again, not all pony equivalents are 1 : 1. Maybe it's a world-between worlds difference?

Twilight looked worried about something. When didn't she?
“ Well, I'll leave you too it. “
She walked away.

“ Well come on. “ She said with little emotion.
“ Meetin's spot this way. “

He followed her out of the castle, and out of ponyville.
They were now next to a farm.

“ I'll be back with somepony else, stay here. Do not get near that farm, ya hear? “ She said with minor sternness in her voice.

She walked away, towards one of the barns.
An apple orchard. Huh.

He sat down, legs tucked into themselves like he saw Twilight do when she was reading.

He waited.

And waited.

And waited.

He was tired of waiting.

He reared up, and shouted at the top of his lungs,
“ A P P L E J A C K ! ! ! “ with very low tone and maximum volume for maximum sound travel distance. His science teacher would be proud, if he gave a crap.

He was getting mad.

He shouted a few more times, and still, Nothing.
' A lot of seriousness she took this. ' he thought to himself, as he ignored Applejack's order and got up, walking to the farm.

He walked past many trees. A red pony... Kicking them? Oh. All the apples... are aiming themselves into the basket as if by magic. Do I have that power? Starlight said I do. Or something similar.

Is it dangerous?

No. Starlight or Twilight would have said or … done something. I should not be worried. I should not be worried.

He had zoned out a bit too hard, as he started to hear what sounded like 2 mares talking. Arguing.

“ but - “, “ mark - “, and “ NO! “ was all he could make out.
One was from Applejack, and against all odds he recognized the other.

He walked closer to see Applejack arguing with... Applebloom? He did recognized someone. If only from a name drop during his trail. He was surprised he remembered it at all, given how bad at names he was.
“ But if he could just find out- “ Applebloom was rebuking.

“ NO. That pony is dangerous. Now for the same reason I tell ya to not step in front of an apple cart while it's movin', or go playin' near the border of the Everfree forest, STAY AWAY FROM THAT PONY.

Applebloom looked like she wanted to say something, but didn't.

“ Alright. “ she sheepishly replied. She hung her head.
Applejack had noticed him.

She turned around to face him.
“ NOW WHAT IN TARNATION DID I TELL YOU?! “ She yelled, fear almost a given in her reaction. Anger completely a given.

Ponder was conflicted. She wasn't taking this... ' friendship lesson ' seriously and she was spreading sorrow because of him. And too Applebloom, no less. She was the first one that tried to help him.
On the other hand he was basically a prisoner and had a x3 manslaughter record.

His face awkwardly contorted to a half-annoyed, half-worried look.
“ OH – OH NO YOU DON'T! GET BACK TO THE -” Applejack verbally retaliated. She got closer. Leaned forward. That was an attack stance, if he had ever seen one. He grew a scowl.

They were interrupted by the red pony that been following him.

“ Applejack, we got a visitor, is he the one you want to talk with ? “

“ Yes- but-” Applejack's anger turned to frustration.

“ Applebloom, go somewhere else. Go play with your friends or help Granny Smith. She's cleaning the bottlin' cookware. “
Appleboom was scared now. Not of PonderBright, but kind of scared of Applejack.

Even PonderBright had enough social acumen to know what was going on.

She ran off, as requested.

“ Big Mac you can go back to harvesting. I was looking for ya but I don't feel like helpin' Ponder out that much now. “ She said with minor ire.

Big Mac had a slightly knowing look when he look at Ponder, back to Applejack, Ponder and then Applejack again. He then exchanged a look with her for few seconds before dropping all pretense, going back to his usual demeanor, and saying “ Aight. “ while walking back to his harvesting location.

“ Come on. “
“ This way. “
“ Back the way we came. “
She sounded more annoyed then angry now.

They returned to the spot he had left.
They sat.

Combined quotes! These multiple praters will often contain multi part lines from the art of war.

There are three ways in which a ruler can bring misfortune upon his army:--

(1) By commanding the army to advance or to retreat, being ignorant of the fact that it cannot obey. This is called hobbling the army.

- Sun Tzu, Art of war.

Author's Note:

I am open to PM. No discord or email. Do not use email. Please.
I am open to work, even collaborations. I can't draw. Muscle condition.

I find it very funny that the first written record of how to wage war references the magic of friendship. (In Sun Tzu's own demented way)
Ill be posting some after every chapter.

Want to test my writing with this one. Will try to write more and more challenging subjects as time goes on.
All criticism minus something that can only be seen as a nitpick will be appreciated.

I post on my FIMfiction blog!
Be involved!
Make friends!!
Influence (ever so slightly)
The direction of the story!


The start of author's commentary.
Be prepared, and be prepared to read in context as I personally like to leave a lot of it up to the other guy (you) to figure out.

Ponder is starting to get accustomed to it all... And that means his truest personality can finally show.
He and authority do NOT mix.

If you didn't already get it from the story: Ponder actually hates bad intentions and stupidly executed plans the same. Can't tell the difference.
No matter how small or how insignificant the transgression might be, if there is a single shred of ill intent in the entire interaction he will view the entire interaction as having at least the same level of ill intent.