• Published 24th Feb 2024
  • 2,542 Views, 925 Comments

Other Duties As Required - Hiver

It might not be rain season in Nocturnis, but when it rains, it pours.

  • ...

Chapter 30

The doors of the throneroom opened, allowing a unicorn inside. She had a white coat, her grey mane was pulled into a thick braid. She looked about sixty or so and had a pair of scales cutiemark.

As she stopped, she gave me a small bow, "Prince Page."

"Judge Even Weight," I said with a smile, "Welcome to Nocturnis. I hope the trip was not too bad."

She stood back up and shook her head, "Not at all, your highness. In truth, I spent most of it working, reviewing everything that was delivered to Canterlot along with the petition for a judge to be assigned."

We delivered anything other than a petition?

"Good," I said with a smile, "What do you think of Nocturnis so far?"

Even smiled a bit, "I have always been a bit of a night owl, which will likely help. As for the town itself, it's beautiful."

I nodded as I regarded her, "If I may ask, why did you choose to accept the position? We're pretty far from everywhere. I don't expect you to be very busy."

She nodded for a second before answering, "I was a lawyer for fifteen years. I spent another thirty as a judge in Manehattan and later Canterlot. I plan to retire in ten years or so and Nocturnis seems like just the right place to spend those ten years," she explained before she smiled again, "Besides, I greatly approve of what you're trying to do here, your highness. I'm not sure it will work, but I want it to."

"With your help, the odds increase I think," I told her seriously, "Anything you need from our side?"

She looked up, meeting my eyes, "In all honesty, your highness, what I need the most is for you to keep your nose out of it. I have reviewed your rulings in the cases supplied to me to study, and while I do find them fair, if it was not for being a royal alicorn making the judgment some would break Equestrian law."

I smiled in agreement, "You are referring to the two mares that got inducted into the guard?"

"Among others, but yes."

"As we don't have a prison," I said, "And can't afford ponies just sitting around in one. It was either that or banishment. And before you ask, I'm not about to ship ponies across country to some prison."

"In which case, you need to build one," she told me seriously, "And if you can't afford to put ponies in it, then you might as well pack this entire thing up. Sooner or later, somepony will do something serious enough to warrant a stint behind bars. Banishment is all well and good, but all that does is make them somepony else's problem."

I took a deep breath before letting it out, "Judge Even Weight," I told her just as seriously, "Just locking ponies away helps nopony."

"Which is why it's only used in the worst cases," she said firmly, stomping one hoof, "But we still need one! Especially in a place as potentially dangerous as this. Quite frankly, while I do understand it worked out well with those two mares, you were lucky, your highness. Somepony could easily have died. Been killed."

I glared down at her, "Even Weight," I said, baring my fangs slightly, "You think you can talk to me in such a manner?"

She glared right back, "With all due respect, Prince Page, if you can't deal with me telling you the truth, I think I will do more good back in Canterlot."

I let my glare shift into a grin and I relaxed, "Good. I think you're exactly the pony we need."

Even blinked at me, "...You were testing me?"

"My apologies, judge," I said with a smile, "No offense intended. But you will face quite a bit of resistance I think, especially at first. I need somepony fair but firm. Somepony that won't bend to pressure."

She regarded me for several moments, "While I do understand, I do not appreciate it."

"Noted," I agreed and flicked one ear, "If you believe we need a prison, we will construct a small one. For now, make do with the jail."

"Thank you, Prince Page."

"One more thing," I said with a smile, "Off duty guards are civilians. And should be treated the same as anypony else, if not firmer because the trust invested in them. On duty as well. Agreed?"

She nodded firmly, "Agreed."

"Excellent. I'll let you go get settled in, it must have been a long night."

"Thank you," she said and then bowed slightly, "Good morning, your highness."

"Good morning, judge Even Weight."

She left and I relaxed on the throne, watching the closing door behind her for several long moments before the scent of tea reached my nose. I sniffed and then turned my head, watching a maid pour a cup before presenting it to me. I smiled at her, "Thank you, Moon," I said as I took it, sniffing at it, "This is a new blend I think?"

"Yes, your majesty," the slender batpony said, "Just arrived from Canterlot on the train. It's made from a smoked black tea. A gift from the Silver Tea company as I understand it."

I nodded and took a small sip, "...Oh, that's different," I said before studying it, "You can taste the smokeyness."

I took another small sip, "...I think I like it. This is most definitely a morning or midnight kind of tea. But not strong for waking up in the morning."

Moon Pie nodded, "Agreed, sir," she said with a smile, "Would you like something to eat?"

"Not right now I think, thanks. I'm good until dinner."

She bowed and then retreated, leaving me to sip my tea as I looked out over the lights of the village, shining in the light of my Luna's moon high above.

"I like her," Flower commented after a second.

"Me too," I agreed as I nodded, "I see why Celestia recommended her. I hope she'll work out," I said before I turned my head to look at her, "Could you please schedule a meeting with Solid Slab tonight?"

Flower nodded, "Of course, sir. Regarding the prison?"

I let out a sigh, "Preliminary regarding the prison so they can start to pick a site for it. In Fact we should likely have somepony from the guard invited as well as they will be the ones to keep it secured."

"Of course, sir."

"Anypony else scheduled for today?"

Flower shook her head, "Not until after lunch when you have a meeting with Lady Fluttershy and Tight Bit."

And wouldn't that be a fun bucking meeting. My newest headache teaming up with my biggest headache.

"In which case, I'm going to stretch my wings for a bit," I said and slipped off my throne. Leaf and Shade quickly moved away from the door to join me,

"There may be some rain later, sir," Shade pointed out.

"Not planning to take long," I told her with a smile, "But all I did all night was sit around. I need to move around for a bit."

"Anything especially in mind, sir?" Leaf asked.

I considered it and then shook my head, "Not really," I flicked one ear in thought, "How about a couple of laps around the village and then down to the bathhouse."

"Sounds good, sir."