• Published 6th Mar 2024
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Equestria Girls: The Contest of Champions - Time Agent pony

Dropped into a contest and their entire earth on the line Twilight and the others must fight not just for themselves but for the fate of their entire world

  • ...

Chapter 3

Twilight and Tommy continued to watch the fight between Max Steel and Generator Rex.

Max seemed to have the edge over Rex, in terms of versatility, with his wide range of modes, but in terms of power, Rex had the edge with his more offensive builds.

"They're pretty good," Tommy commented, "I'd hate to go up against ether of them."

"Their powers are amazing," Twilight nodded, "being able to build whatever they need out of nothing."

Just then the six armed woman from before arrived at their cell, she motioned to Tommy.

"You're up next," she barked, "on your feet."

"I guess thats my cue," Tommy said.

As Tommy exited the cell, Twilight noticed the six armed woman opened the cell door with a strange keycard of some kind.

The six armed woman then led Tommy away, to prepare him for the next fight, after which the cell door was closed.

Twilight returned to watch the fight between Max Steel and Generator Rex.

"If only the combatants knew what waits for them at the end of contest," The Grandmaster smirked, "wouldn't you agree brother?"

"Indeed," The Collector nodded, "they will have to face our champions."

The two brothers smiled at each other, knowing exactly what was waiting at the end of the Contest for the combatants that manage to make it the end.

They would have to face their own personal picks for the contest, Longshot, the Champion of the Universe and the being simply known as - Ægon.

Back with Twilight.

She watched as the next combatants were announced those being: Tommy Oliver vs Ryu.

Soon after being called, the two appeared in the arena.

The two faced each other down, sizing each other up, trying to gauge the other's power.

When the command was given, the two activated their powers.

Ryu fired off some energy projectiles, called Hadoukens, and Tommy, using his Master Morpher, changed into one of his five ranger forms.

The two traded blows, Tommy changing into different forms to try and outmanoeuvre his opponent.

The battle came to ahead when Tommy, using his Dino Thunder Black Ranger form, his Ryu with an Energy orb, his most powerful attack, Ryu tried to block it but he was teleported away before the attack could hit.

With Tommy taking the win, he was taken back to his cell with Twilight.

After which, the next fight was announced.

"You okay?" Twilight asked, as Tommy looked like he was worn out.

"That was close," Tommy said, "that guy wasn't pulling his punches."

"We're fighting for our Earth's very survival," Twilight replied, "I don't think anyone can afford to mess around."

"Good thing I got this," Tommy answered, with a smile, he reveal one of the guards keycards, he had managed to swipe when he was taken back to the cell.

"Right," Twilight nodded, "lets move."

Tommy looked around, making sure that no one was watching, then silently unlocked the cell door.

He and Twilight exited the cell and began looking around.

The corridor seemed like a giant menagerie, with cells lining the walls, each containing combatants from different Earths.

Some ranged from human to humanoid to otherworldly, like an anthropomorphic banana and super space cyber suit wearing earthworm.

All of them had Obedience Disks, some even had Inhibitor Collars on them, devices that neutralise the abilities of anyone they were placed on.

"Something doesn't add up," Twilight said, "why gather all these fighters together and make them fight, for fun? Entertainment? Some sick joke? What?"

"Or maybe it's for something else," Tommy answered.

"Like what?" Twilight queried.

"I don't know," Tommy replied, "but we're going to find out."

The Security room and Broadcasting room.

The security guards watched as the contest carried on, right now a battle was raging between two samurais, Miyamoto Usagi vs Samurai Jack.

"Now, this is what I call a show," one guard remarked, as he and his comrade watched through the monitors.

"Agreed," the second guard nodded.

They continued to watch the fight.

Back with Tommy and Twilight.

The two were beginning to get lost as the sheer size of the holding cells, the place looked like it went on forever.

They rounded a corner and were surprised at what they saw.

A giant crystalline wall, containing all the combatants that had lost in the contest so far.

"So this is what happens to the losers," Twilight said, "are they dead?"

"No," Tommy replied, "they seem to be in some kind of stasis."

"I think it's sick," Twilight remarked, "these are living beings, not trophies to be displayed."

"We still need more information," Tommy said, "there is no use in flying off the handle until we know for sure who or what we are dealing with."

"You're right," Twilight nodded.

Suddenly, she remembered something, when Sunset had looked into Starro the Conqueror's mind, when he tried to take over the minds of all the superheroes and supervillains on their world.

"something that could destroy an entire universe, something bigger, stronger and more powerful than Starro itself."

"What if we're being prepared or tested" Twilight stated.

"Prepared? Tested?" Tommy repeated, "what are you talking about?"

Twilight explained about what had happened with Starro, what her friend had seen, she also explained who and what Starro was.

"If thats true," Tommy answered, afterwards, "and this is all a test, then why the contest? Why all the deception?"

Twilight thought for a moment, "maybe," she said, "whoever is behind this, is running out of time and needs to find those of us that have what it takes to take on such a mission or threat."

Back in the Security room and Broadcasting room.

The guards had suddenly noticed that the two combatants had escape their cells and were wandering about.

"Alert, Spiral," The first guard said, "send out the guards and inform the boss!"

"Roger," The second guard nodded.

Back with Tommy and Twilight.

As the two continued to wander through the endless hallways.

Suddenly, an alarm sounded and Rita Wayword a.k.a. Spiral, the six-armed woman along with some guards also with dogs that appeared to be made of liquid metal, materialised ahead of them.

"Combatants," Spiral declared, "you will return to your cells or face cancelation."

"I don't know what that means," Tommy responded, "but if I'm going down, I'm going down fighting."

"We want answers," Twilight added, "why are we here? Whats the real reason for the contest?"

"The reason is for your own good," Spiral answered, "trust me, you'll be grateful."

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Tommy retorted.

"That's for me to know and you to find out," Spiral replied, "I wish I could cancel you now, but you are too much of an asset to the over all plan."

Twilight and Tommy prepared to stand and fight.

Spiral simply activated her master controller, the thing she used to control all Obedience Disks.

Tommy and Twilight instantly fell to the floor, unable to withstand the amount of electricity coursing through their bodies.

Spiral stood over the two, as they slowly lost conscious.

"Remember this well," she smirked, "everything here belongs to the Grandmaster including you, he orders, you obey. His eyes see everything and his will controls everything here, so if you survive you will be grateful."

The end of the speech was lost on the two heroes as they finally completely passed out.