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3. Pushing Beyond The Limits

The training was harsh, learning to not only use my powers but the sword as well, eventually Luna's scientists gave me the sheath for the sword, it was a mixture of midnight blue and sunset orange with white and gold accents, and it had the symbol of Luna's Royal Guards on the left side of it, near where the blade would go in, and on the right side facing outward, Celestia's Symbol for her Royal Guards. I was told they glow, using magic to sense my feelings and depending on how I felt either the Moon or Sun would glow but if I was balanced, then both would glow, in which, if that happens, It means I'm ready to be a leader.

During the training I was able to tap into my powers more and more, eventually gaining control over it and then mastering it, I was never creative with names so I just call it Super Fox, but either way something inside says there's more to this form, something beyond it, so after some convincing I had Luna give me the absolute best training. It was painful but in the end I knew for sure there was something beyond where I was now I just needed a push, a big one.

After a few more training sessions I was given some armor, after they took my measurements of course, it was prototype armor meaning it was minimalistic at most, a simple chest plate, leggings, boots and gloves, it was a similar pattern to my sword's sheath, midnight blue and sunset orange with white and gold highlights.

A few months had gone by and apparently I missed a lot, some unicorn with the power to remove cutie marks, and a lot of stuff in general, Twilight offered me to come with her to the human world as there was some big threat so I tagged along, when we got there human versions of Twilights friends, and herself and another girl were waiting, they were confused on who I was and after a surprisingly short talk they understood, mostly.

Soon enough though the threat had shown herself, apparently controlling this worlds version of the Everfree Forest, I stepped up and burst my power, hoping not to end up fighting, but prepared to either way.

"You dare get in the way of nature!? Out of my way! or else!", Gloriosa shouted out.

"You know, sometimes nature has to make a sacrifice for the things around it, cities, towns, everything, nature's sacrifice is clear, keep itself alive, without endangering other lives, it's a hard balance but nature finds it's course.", I walk forward, seeing her tense up, I add, "You don't have to do this, we don't have to fight, let nature take its course and stand down."

I watch as she struggles to make up her mind, but I then sense a dark presence and as I look around to find it I failed to notice it was her. She had changed her eyes, instead of yellow, they were a dark purple. I charged myself up and readied myself to fight, barely dodging an oddly sharp vine, I prepare myself mentally to draw my sword. "You can stop this! just fight off what's making you do this!"

"No one, only me!", Gloriosa said sinisterly.

I turn into my Super Fox form, "I guess I have few options then.". I fly forward and kick her backwards, following up with a punch to knock her to the ground. It's then I'm knocked back by massive group of vine and as I get up I see it coming towards me, tensing up and putting my hand forward, I flick the trigger on my swords sheath, launching my sword out of its sheath, grabbing it while its launching I slice clean through the vines.

I hear Gloriosa yell in pain at this, getting up I notice her beginning to go after Twilight and everyone else. "Your fight is with me! not them!", I power up more, showing my full power.

We began to fight once more, while I was stronger, she had control of nature itself, this made it difficult to get decisive hits on her as vines or wood would block me from doing so. It was a back and forth, a fight for life itself, we seemed to both be getting desperate. After another failed attack I was knocked down into the ground.

"It's over, now perish!", Gloriosa yelled out, flinging a sharp vine towards the odd creature but something else was hit.

I look up in horror to see this worlds Twilight, in front of me, stabbed by the vine. I watched as she fell down and began to groan and struggle to breathe. I sit above her, "Why!? I had this!"

"It's my fault magic got into this world, I felt like I had to help somehow, someway.", She said, sadness covering any other emotion.

"You were a fool! a worthless fool!", Gloriosa said, readying another strike.

I stand up, "Get her somewhere safe and patch her up, NOW!", I yelled to the others stepping forward. "She was innocent as far as I could tell, and you treat this as if you've done a service.", I felt enraged, more than I've ever felt. "This is where it ends! everything!", My aura bursts, this time it's a soft blue with purple electricity.

Through my rage I can still tell she's possessed, I keep in mind that I should use a purification spell, considering I'm much stronger, for now at least. I charge forward and stun Gloriosa with a punch to the chest, opening my hand, I quickly charge the spell and blast her with it. As the smoke clears I watch closely as a now normal Gloriosa steps forward and passes out into my arms.

As the others tend to human world Twilight, I carry Gloriosa over and lay her down near by, letting doctors take care of her. After a few hours she woke up and apologized, it's then I noticed the dark presence leave and seemingly disappear. I return to my normal state and follow Twilight back home. After explaining what had happened to Luna she agreed to continue training me, we weren't sure before if I could ascend my own power but this recent burst proved otherwise.

Author's Note:

Another power has been obtained, but lurking around is a dark presence, one of pure malice, as of now it seems to only possess people but will it ever show it's true form? find out soon.