• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 172: Meeting the Terrans and Zerg

Reinforcements arrived from the portal just as the enemy army left. However, the Gerudos, upon leaving, left a nasty surprise behind them: the body of Nabooru, meaning that Hyrule lost the only ally it had among the thieves.

Heroes immediately worked to save the civilians and soldiers trapped under rubble and wounded. Thankfully, there were almost no victims. Bowser’s army avoided killing. The Gerudos were the only ones who mortally wounded the ones they attacked.

The town, however, was pretty much entirely destroyed. Not a single building was left intact.

Before long, everyone gathered in the castle.

“And in the end, it was just a diversion to free Ganondorf,” Link said.

“And since Bowser was here, it means that the mastermind is Crazy Hand. He probably recruited Ganondorf,” Mario said.

“Crazy Hand… Anything to do with Master Hand?” King Liam asked.

“Certainly,” Present Sonic answered. “They apparently work together. Does this mean that the Subspace Army recruited Ganondorf?”

“But the Subspace Army said that they wouldn’t attack us!” Dream Warper said.

“It hasn’t stopped the Space Pirates and this K. Rool guy. Clearly, there are some elements among them who don’t care about this non aggression pact,” Samus said.

“And someone named Crazy Hand certainly wouldn’t care,” Impa said.

“But that’s twice now. Master Hand would have certainly done something to stop him after Bowser attacked the first time,” Past Tails said.

“Would Crazy Hand listen?” Diddy Kong asked.

“I doubt it,” many answered.

“It means we will have to keep our guard up. Crazy Hand could attack again anytime,” Dawn said.

They all nodded.

It wasn’t long after that they received a new message: Past Eggman’s prison was attacked. He was freed.

By Crazy Hand.

Sweetie Void, Phantom, and Apple Death received that second message and finally looked at their phones as they were about to enter the Spear of Adun, the Protosses’ arkship.

They groaned at the news. Especially Phantom. She didn’t like Past Eggman. At all.

Then they received the message about Ganondorf and groaned again.

“Crazy Hand is starting to be a serious problem,” Sweetie Void said.


The Rainbooms were in the Throne Room, kneeling before the king who was on the throne.

“When my daughter was in danger, you risked your lives to protect her. As a reward…” The king signed for a guard holding a wooden box to advance toward the Rainbooms. “I give you these bracelets and necklace, just out of the smithy.”

At that, the guard opened the box and revealed the jewels in it. Six bracelets and one necklace, each with a gemstone that matched the girls’ geodes. The necklace had an orange stone while the bracelets had lavender, red, blue, purple, pink, and darker pink.

“I chose these gems so they matched your necklaces,” King Liam specified. “They were in the royal vault for countless generations.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” the Rainbooms all said at once before the guard walked in front of them and let them pick up their respective jewel. They put them on right away.

Immediately, the gems and the geodes glowed, and they felt a sudden power enter their body, their veins glowing too.

Right away, fire, electricity, and stones appeared around Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack, the fire forming wings on the mare. Wind picked up around Fluttershy. Rarity’s shadow undulated. Twilight Sparkle began to float as if she was in space. And Pinkie Pie… seemed to shift in place without moving at all. After a few seconds, everything returned to normal.

“What the heck just happened?” Applejack asked.

“It would seem that the gemstones the king gave us are more than simple gemstones,” Rarity said.

“Hey! Look! Look!” Pinkie suddenly yelled, gaining everyone’s attention. Then… another Pinkie walked out of her, followed by another one, and another one. Four Pinkie Pies then said, “More of me!”

Dream Warper looked in horror. “Oh no… It’s the Mirror Pool all over again.”

“Silly Twilight,” one Pinkie said.

“My clones aren’t repeating “fun fun fun”!” another continued.

“We are exactly like the real me!”

“And I can call them back whenever I want,” the real Pinkie finished before the clones poofed out of existence.

Dream Warper breathed in relief.

“So… the gems gave us more magic powers?” Rainbow asked before she made electricity move along her right arm. “Cool!”

“Did you know this would happen, my king?” Impa asked.

King Liam rubbed his chin. “I suspected that these stones were special. I’m glad to see that I was right. It seems that someone needs to have magic to use them.”

“Do you have more of these stones, King Liam?” Dream Warper asked.

“Many. Hundreds of them, all in the vault.”

“Then could it be possible for us to have them? We could equip them for our soldiers, and we could even find a way so they could work on the ones who don’t have magic! This way, magic wouldn’t be limited to ponies and some of the beings from the Dream Universe! The Alliance’s overall power would be greatly improved!”

The king thought for a bit.

“There is nothing to lose to give them,” Impa said.

“That is true,” King Liam agreed. “Very well. But I hope to quickly see results.”

“I may already have something in mind,” Dream Warper said.

The necklace before Dream Warper’s horn stopped glowing. Then, she levitated it to a Hyrule guard beside her.

“Put it on.”

“Yes madam!”

Once the guard had the necklace on, Dream Warper then gave him a bracelet with a gemstone which the guard also put on. Immediately, power flowed through him, like what happened with the Rainbooms, ice appearing around the guard.

“There you go. The necklace gives magic, serving as a catalyst for the gemstone. As long as you have the two of them on you, you will be able to use this new power which, for you, seems to be ice.”

“Thank you madam!”

The guard immediately demonstrated his new power by sending an ice shard into a wall.

Dream Warper applauded, then she looked at King Liam who was observing. “Convinced?”

The kind nodded. “Very. Take all the stones from the vault.”

Sweetie Void, Apple Death, and Phantom were in a large room, beside a large round table around which were standings representatives of the three races of the Koprulu Sector: the Protoss, the Terrans, and the Zerg.

At one third of the table were Artanis, his advisers, and tribe leaders. Among them were Matriarch Vorazun, the representative of the Nerazim, Talandar, the representative of the Purifiers, Talach, the representative of the Tal’Darim, Grand Preserver Rohana and phase-smith Karax who were close advisers, and High Executor Selendis, the leader of the military.

Occupying a second third of the table was a blond man, Valerian Mengsk, the Emperor of the Terran Dominion, and his advisers, ministers, and some generals and admirals whom the fillies didn’t know the names of.

Finally were the Zerg who had two representatives: Overqueen Zagara, who took a lot of place by herself anyway. She was a creature much taller than a human, with a humanoid torso and an insectoid body with a glowing green sac. Needless to say, if she had brought her fellow Broodmothers, they would have taken more than one third of the table. The other representative was introduced as Abathur. He was a tall worm-like creature with a large chitinous head and numerous glowing green sacs with four arms, two larger than the other two, and several more chitinous limbs.

Thank you for coming in such short notice, Emperor, Overqueen, Artanis began. But as the missive said, this is a matter that could change the Koprulu Sector, and potentially the whole galaxy.

“Get on with it already! I have better places to be.” Zagara demanded.

Without further ado, Sweetie then went on to describe the near future war against the Subspace Army and the coming war against the God of Light, Galeem, and the God of Darkness, Dharkon. She also mentioned that either of these forces could attack this universe at some point which got the attention of the Terrans and Zerg.

“What can you tell us about this Subspace Army?” Valerian inquired.

Sweetie described the Army while mentioning the leadership of Master Hand. She also recalled the various villains from across the multiverse she and her friends had encountered who served as their generals. She also described what she knew about their capabilities.

Your story seems difficult to believe, Vorazun noted. Would you be able to prove the existence of this army that you claim is a threat?

“Sure!” Sweetie chirped as she lit her horn. She then looked at Phantom, “Do you mind if I show them your memories of your battle as well?”

Phantom shrugged, “Sure.”

Sweetie then linked her mind to her friends before she projected their memories onto a nearby wall for the representatives to see. It surprised the representatives when they saw the weapons they had in their arsenal. They saw the weapon that enclosed an entire chunk of space the size of a city into a zone that reminded them of the Void where they fought the fallen Xel’naga Amon. They also witnessed the combat prowess of the Galleom where Valerian and his advisors noted that it had a transformation mechanic that reminded them of their Viking starfighters, except this one could shift between a tank and a metal warrior. Though it did make them wonder if they could use this technology to increase the combat capabilities of their Thor siege walkers.

“What you see are the memories of our battles against the Subspace Army,” Sweetie pointed out. “Even now they continue to gather more allies for future battles and so is the Alliance which we are a part of.”

“What is the purpose of this Subspace Army?” Valerian asked.

“They seek to gather the power necessary to challenge the two Gods. Though their goals are the same as ours, we disagree with their methods. They use those weapons to steal parts of other universes to gain their power.”

I agree that they should not be taking lands for their own. Artanis said. My people are no strangers to having our home taken away from them. Years ago, my people lost our homeworld to the Zerg and years after that the Nerazim lost their home to the same creatures, though we made them pay dearly for it when we obliterated the very planet they had just occupied. When we came together, alongside the Tal’darim, our unity gave us the strength to take back our homeworld.

Zagara remained silent, not voicing her belief that Aiur looked better when it was controlled by the Zerg, even if they were just a mindless, feral brood.

What about the two gods that you mentioned? What do you know about them? Talach asked.

“Unfortunately, I don’t know much about them. I only know that they are coming,” Sweetie responded.

We can’t take the risk that these two might be equal to, if not stronger than Amon, Artanis said to Talach. We made the mistake of underestimating the Zerg and it cost us nearly everything. We underestimated Amon and he turned our false unity, the Khala, against us and it nearly cost us everything. We will not make the same mistake a third time. What say you, Vorazun? Talach?

You have our blades, Vorazun offered.

A new challenge is just what the Tal’darim need to keep our skills sharp. Fighting the same foe for years gets boring after a while. Talach said.

Artanis nodded then looked toward Sweetie. Then we are in agreement. The firstborn shall provide what aid we can in your war against the Subspace Army and the Gods.

Sweetie smiled and bowed respectfully. “Thank you for your aid.” She then looked around the room at the other representatives.

Valerian was the next to speak up, “My people are weary from the past wars. My father’s regime has also put a strain on my people’s faith in the government. I cannot promise you the full support of the Dominion, but I will send all that I can to aid you. I will not allow this Subspace Army to threaten Korhal. I will send Admiral Matt Horner to represent the Dominion to your Alliance. He is the finest officer at my disposal.”

That made two out of three, though Sweetie had a feeling that the third was not going to be so easy. She looked at Zagara in anticipation.

“Before we consider our decision, I need to know how much we could stand to benefit from fighting this army. I saw the part of your memory where you faced those strange little creatures but they vanished when they were destroyed. This tells me that they have no essence to give. Facing them would be a waste of our time. At the same time, if these Gods are the threat you claim them to be and if they could rival or be stronger than Amon, then the Swarm cannot afford to waste its strength taking part in your meaningless war against the Subspace Army when it would be better spent preparing itself for the threat that comes after.”

“Overqueen partially incorrect,” Abathur spoke for the first time. “Swarm can gain from conflict between Alliance and Subspace Army. New essence, new adversity, new environments throughout multiverse, new possibilities.”

“You are suggesting that we side with this Alliance like the others?”

“No. Swarm can gain much by claiming essence of both sides. Better prepared for imminent threat.”

“If I were a fool! That would only pit both of them against us and based on the child’s memories alone we would be annihilated. If we do take part then it must be beside the Alliance or the Subspace Army.”

“Suggest Army, more essence to attain from Alliance. No attainable essence from Army soldiers.”

“I will take that into consideration. For now, we shall weigh our options.”

Phantom glared at them, but Apple Death placed a hoof on her shoulder and shook her head.

With a smirk, Sweetie gave the Overqueen one warning, “Just so you know, if you decide to join the Subspace Army you will have no way of contacting them. You may not be able to join this war until it’s over.”

Zagara remained silent as she considered what she said. Abathur did raise a point but so did Sweetie Void. However, there was also the fact that the two factions would wind up weakening each other over this conflict and she didn’t want to weaken her own Swarm when the threat of two Gods was a possibility. However, she also had an idea that had the potential to benefit her Swarm.

“Perhaps a proposition then, I wish to ensure my Swarm is at full strength by the time these Gods show up but I can offer you something that would be just as good as our cooperation.”

She then gave a telepathic order to Abathur who chittered for a moment before he began forming a ball of glowing mucus in his hands. He applied his skills as an Evolution Master into creating a new lifeform using the key essences he needed for the process. Within seconds a segmented larval creature with large teeth and sharp spines formed inside the slimy orb.

Once it was finished, Zagara took the orb from his clutches before removing herself from her position at the table to skitter toward Sweetie. The fillies had uncertain looks on their faces. “This is a Broodmother Larva. Feed her enough biomass and she will quickly mature into a broodmother who will spawn a brood of Zerg. The broodmother will act according to your wishes as long as you imprint your telepathic signature into her. She will raise the brood according to your specifications.”

Sweetie stared at the orb then warily at Zagara, “By biomass do you mean…?”

“Any living creature will do. The bigger they are the more biomass that can be obtained from them. I had Abathur grant this one knowledge on how to construct a hive cluster so that she will not have to spawn the entire brood herself.”

Phantom knew that there was more to this deal that the Overqueen was not saying so she had her get to the point, “Sounds tempting, what do you want in exchange?”

“Once the danger has passed any essence, adaptations and knowledge gained by your brood is shared with us. That way, even if we choose to remain neutral in this war, we will still reap the benefits.”

Sweetie understood that this was the closest she was going to get to the Zerg cooperating at this time. She collected the ball of ooze in her telekinesis and lowered it so she was eye level with the nascent Zerg inside. “Does she have a name?”

“You are the one raising her, you can name her.” Zagara then returned to her place at the table. “That telekinetic field you have wrapped her in should suffice for a psychic imprint.”

Sweetie tilted her head and put a hoof to her chin as she thought up a name. “I’ll name you Void Heart.“

Zagara did her best to hide her disgust at the name given to the larva that sounded nothing like a Zerg’s name but resigned herself to the fact that this was her fate now.

While Sweetie was introducing herself to the larva, Valerian decided that there was nothing more to discuss at this meeting. “I believe that we are ready to adjourn this meeting, unless anyone else has anything to add?” The silence in the room was his answer. “Very well, we are adjourned.”

Everyone left the building which had been built by the Terrans especially to house meetings like the one that just happened.

Sweetie Void said to Artanis and Valerian before they separated, “I will send engineer teams to build portals as soon as possible. This way, you will be able to send people to other universes at will.”

“We will await them,” Valerian said.

Karax will be the one accompanying you, Artanis said. He will be able to study your technology. Hopefully, we will be able to integrate ours to yours.

“Magolor and Susie will be happy to welcome him.”

Karax, and also Matt Horner, then joined the fillies, the man asking, “How will we return to your universe?”

To answer him, Sweetie Void opened a rift, surprising all the locals. She giggled, Apple Death chuckled, and Phantom rolled her eyes.

Finally, after goodbyes, the fillies, Karax, and Matt Horner passed the rift.

Author's Note:

Xarmar13, specialist of the Starcraft universe, wrote the meeting scene for us. Thank you to him.

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