• Published 17th Dec 2011
  • 150,508 Views, 7,640 Comments

Anthropology - JasonTheHuman

Lyra is determined to find out the truth behind the mysterious legends of humans.

  • ...

Between Two Worlds

"Make a left here... We're that house. Right there." Lyra pointed at where the main road broke off into her driveway.

Randall pulled the van in, and parked in front of the house. It looked unchanged. The chaos had obviously left when Discord did.

She turned to the back seat. "Well, here we are. Home."

"With your human family," Twilight said.

Lyra hopped out of the front seat and slid open the side door. Pinkie practically bounced out immediately.

“That was fun! Except for the whole being packed into a small space for two hours, but let’s do it again!”

“No thanks. I’m just glad to be back somewhere that looks halfway normal,” Applejack said. "Still... that house does look mighty big."

“I will admit I’m impressed,” Twilight said, looking back at the vehicle. “How did you say it worked again?”

“You use magic, and you can’t figure out how a car runs on gas,” Randall muttered. He turned to Lyra. “So, this is your place, huh? Looks pretty nice.”

“We can stay here while we wait here for the others to arrive. In the meantime, I’ll find Paul and Monica,” Lyra said. “They probably saw what happened this morning.” Had it really only been today? Lyra thought.

Right now it was getting late. As they’d gotten farther away from New York, the light had become normal. It was nine o’clock, dark, and would probably stay that way for as long as it was supposed to. However Discord had been playing with the sun and moon in the city, it was somehow only affecting a small area. For now.

Fluttershy seemed transfixed by the trees and the sounds of crickets around her. Only the sound of a passing car back on the main road snapped her out of it. “You… live here, Lyra?”

“It’s my family’s house,” Lyra explained. She led them up to the front door as she spoke. “My dad – I mean, Dewey, back in Canterlot – he had a photograph of it that he found with me. That’s how I found out who I really was.”

"I was the one who recognized it," Randall said.

"Thanks for that," Lyra said. "My dad's actually a famous writer in the human world."

"Really? What about?" Twilight asked.

"Well... That's hard to explain..."

As if he knew they were talking about him, Lyra's father came out of the front door and headed over to them. He noticed Lyra immediately. He couldn't think of what to say. Then, he simply commented, “You’re back to normal."

She nodded. “I hope it stays that way.”

He looked behind her at the ponies, as if he had only just noticed them. “And these are…”

“Oh! Uh… You must be Lyra’s father,” Twilight said. She gave an uneasy smile. “She’s… invited us to stay here for a few days.”

“Y-yes…” He stared at them for a moment - mostly at Twilight, then he noticed Rainbow Dash hovering a few feet off the ground. "There's really all sorts of you..."

“These are some of my friends from Ponyville. They tried to stop Discord, but… it didn’t work,” Lyra said. “But I’ve got another plan.”

“You’re Thomas Michelakos, aren’t you?” Randall said. He walked over and extended his hand. “It’s an honor to meet you.”

Lyra’s father took his hand. It was almost as if seeing another human with them was the most surprising part. “And who are you?”

“Name’s Randall. I’m one of Lyra’s friends. I’m not sure what she’s got in mind, but I’ve got something to do with it.” He shrugged.

“Lyra, what exactly are you doing? I thought you said the Elements of Harmony would stop him,” her father said.

“They still can,” Lyra said. "At least, I'm pretty sure. We just need to adjust our plan."

Without another word, she ran ahead to the front door. She could hear a voice from inside, probably the television. Her mother was there waiting by the window, looking at the van. She turned when Lyra entered.

“Lyra, you’re back? You never called us,” she said. Then, squinting out the window at the ponies headed their way, “What on Earth…”

“They need to stay here for a little while. There’s been a change of plans,” Lyra said.

Chloe stepped out of the kitchen and into the hallway. She seemed sleepy - on most nights, she would be asleep by now. “Lyra’s back? Is she…” A look of disappointment seemed to cross her face, but it instantly vanished the moment Twilight came in the front door. “That’s…!”

“You live here, Lyra? It’s… pretty big.” Twilight’s eyes moved all over the entry hall, taking in every detail. She paused for a moment on the painting of the dragon.

Lyra noticed that Chloe had gone speechless. She walked over and knelt down, putting a hand on her sister’s shoulder. “Chloe, this is Twilight Sparkle. I know I told you I made those stories up, but…” She smiled. “I lied.”

Chloe’s mouth hung open as she stared across the hallway at the ponies. For a moment, she couldn’t do anything, but then…

“Fluttershy?” Chloe ran up to the pegasus, who shrank back instinctively.

“Um… Who are you?” she managed to whisper.

“Fluttershy, this is my little sister. Chloe,” Lyra said. “I’ve told her all about you and Ponyville.”

“Huh?” Fluttershy seemed to calm down, but was still uncertain. When Chloe reached out to touch her nose, her eyes stayed fixed on the hand.

“It’s okay,” Lyra said. "I knew you'd be excited to meet them, Chloe."

“I-I’m so sorry,” Fluttershy said. “It’s just that… I’d never seen a human until today, and I…”

“It’s fine, Fluttershy. There’s nothing else we can do for now, so why don’t you two spend some time together?” Lyra said. “I’m sure Chloe would love to get to know you.”

“But why would – “

“You really can communicate with all kinds of animals?" Chloe said. "Tell me about the time you took care of Princess Celestia's bird! That one's my favorite."

"Huh? You... know about Philomena?" Fluttershy said. "I still feel terrible about making such a mistake... You really want to hear that?"

"I'm sure you can tell it better than I can," Lyra said.

"Follow me, Fluttershy!" Chloe said.

Chloe ran upstairs to her room. Fluttershy examined the narrow stairs before deciding to fly carefully over them instead of trying to climb them.

“So how long do we have to stay here? I’m sick of this place already,” Rainbow Dash said. She slowly stretched out her wings, making a face. “If you need me, I’ll be outside making sure these still work.”

She turned and headed back out the door, taking a running start before she flew up into the air and out of sight.

“Don’t mind her. She just didn’t like the ride here. We’ve never been in one of those ‘cars’ before,” Twilight said.

“Just excuse Rainbow Dash. I assure you we’re not all so terribly rude,” Rarity said. “May we come in?”

“Of course,” Lyra said. "You don't mind, right, Mom?"

Before they entered the living room, Lyra’s mother took her aside.

“They’re staying here?”

“It’ll be fine. I know that we have ‘horses’ in this world that are just animals, but… I was a pony like them for most of my life, and they’re much closer to us that you realize,” Lyra said.

"Your father told us about you. And we looked at the journal you left here."

“Just… don’t mention that we have meat in the freezer.”

“You are a vegetarian… That's why, isn't it?”

Lyra shifted uncomfortably. “Yeah. I still can’t convince myself to eat that stuff.”

“There it is. Coulda sworn I heard more voices…” Applejack glanced towards the living room as she left the hall. “But it looks empty.”

The voice she was talking about came from the television in the other room. “Reports are still flooding in from those still in the city, along with shocking video and photo evidence of…”

Lyra’s mother watched the ponies as they wandered into the house. “Ever since you went missing. You really were a…”

“Yeah. I would have told you, but you wouldn’t have believed me,” Lyra said.

Pinkie Pie hopped over to the screen. “Look! That’s us! How’d we get in there?”

“It’s television,” Lyra said distractedly. Her eyes were fixed on the screen. This was the news, and yet they’d only left the city a few hours ago… How could they know so quickly? She was only slightly less confused by it than the other ponies were.

“How is the image appearing there?” Twilight stepped up to the screen until her nose was practically pressed up against it. She blinked a few times, and squinted. “It’s some kind of illusion…” She turned around, wincing and putting one hoof to the side of her head. “Lyra, I thought you said humans weren’t capable of magic, but…”

“I thought the same thing at first. But it’s not,” Lyra explained. “We just have… advanced technology. It makes up for not having magic.”

“All the stations have been reporting on this nonstop today. We started seeing pictures of you not too long ago,” Lyra’s mother said. At the moment, the screen was showing blurry images of grey buildings shimmering and changing to all sorts of garish pastel colors. “What did you say was going on there? Nobody’s been able to explain it.”

“What Discord does makes no scientific or logical sense,” Twilight said. She looked back at the screen. “Much like… a lot of things here.”

As the report on the television went on, Lyra and the ponies explained what they knew. What Discord had done a year ago in Ponyville, and what they had seen in New York. And how the Elements of Harmony hadn’t even left a scratch. Lyra stepped in every once in a while to clarify some aspect of either human or pony culture that the others didn’t understand.

"Ponies were able to save Equestria, but you have no connection to this world. I think that's weakening you somehow," Lyra said. "We need humans to use the Elements instead."

“So I’m basically an honorary magical unicorn for the day, is what you’re saying,” Randall said.

“This morning, you told me there was nothing humans could do,” Lyra’s father said.

“I’ll admit that the exact way the Elements work isn’t completely understood, even by ponies,” Twilight said. “They were originally used by Luna and Celestia, but now we’re the current bearers. Still, humans have absolutely no magic power… I’m not sure you'll be able to use them.”

“Twilight, I told you. We’re not giving up,” Lyra said.

“And I understand that. We just left a huge city, and traveled for two hours through a huge expanse and there were humans everywhere,” Twilight said. “This world is a lot bigger than I imagined. And… It’s just as important as Equestria, even if we aren't accustomed to it.”

Suddenly there was a dull pounding against the front door. Everyone’s head turned at the same time. Lyra’s father was the first to stand up.

“I’ll go check on it. You stay here.”

He left for a moment and went to the entry hall. They heard the door unlatch and swing open.

“I don’t get it!” It was Rainbow Dash’s voice. She came into the room looking slightly more annoyed than earlier. “The doors don’t even work here.”

Lyra inspected her fingers idly. "Not for you, at least."

“Good. Looks like you finally decided to join us,” Rarity said.

Rainbow Dash frowned. “So how long are we staying here for?”

“Until we’ve figured out how to stop Discord,” Lyra said. “Nathan told me he’d come and bring Audrey with him as soon as he could. We’ll just have to hold out until then.”

"Great..." She rolled her eyes and hopped up onto a chair to settle down. "This better work, Lyra."

Lyra woke up the next morning, hardly aware that she had fallen asleep at all. The day before had been so hectic that she had hardly realized how tired she was. Going from being a human to a pony and back again hadn’t exactly helped, either. She must have collapsed on the sofa in the living room and been out before she even realized.

“Mornin’, Lyra,” Applejack said. She was sitting in front of the television, still switched to the news, but wasn’t paying any attention to it at the moment.

“Oh. Hey.” Lyra rubbed her eyes. Her attention turned to the image on the screen – still New York, and it wasn’t looking any better.

“I thought I’d let you get your rest. You goin’ out to try and use the Elements of Harmony and all,” Applejack said. “Looks like nothin’ much has changed. Discord’s still raising a ruckus out there, but everything’s fine and dandy here.”

“That’s good.” Lyra glanced out the window. She noticed Fluttershy and Chloe in the backyard, talking to each other. “So… What do you think? About humans using the Elements?”

Applejack tilted her head. “Well, I don’t know exactly, it's more Twilight's cup of tea, but… However unicorn magic works, I don’t think it’s the same thing as the Elements. Those times that I’ve used the Elements, it’s always just happened. Hard to explain. I guess you could say I can feel somethin’ happening, not just with me, but with everypony. If your friends are really as good as you say, maybe it’ll work.”

Lyra thought about that for a moment, but she was interrupted. Twilight trotted in from the front hall, followed by Lyra’s father.

“Lyra, you’re awake,” she said. “We were just having a discussion on magic. Your family seems shockingly uneducated on even the most basic principles.” She turned back to Lyra’s father. “No offense intended, of course.”

He laughed. “Before yesterday, I wasn’t even aware magic was real.”

“So I’ve heard…” Twilight said. “Lyra, how did you ever manage getting by without it?”

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash stumbled through the front door. Her wings were outstretched and she panted for breath. Finally, she managed to say, “I think we’ve got a problem. Discord’s messing with the clouds.”

“You mean the cotton candy?” Lyra said. “That was here earlier. Is it back?”

“No. Something else,” Rainbow Dash said. She stared out the window. “I was trying to get up to the cloud level, but… it’s way too high up. I ran out of breath before I could even get there. I never run out of breath that fast.”

“That’s it?” Lyra said. She let out a sigh of relief.

“Why would he do that? I just don’t get it…”

“The clouds are always like that,” Lyra said.


“I realized that when I was on the airplane. The clouds in this world are much higher up than in Equestria. And we don’t have weather production up there.” Lyra hesitated. “It all just happens on its own.”

Rainbow Dash groaned. “Great. The entire world is one big Everfree Forest.”

“I agree it sounds difficult, but it’s a fascinating study,” Twilight said. “Anyways, Lyra, so far we only have two humans to use the Elements of Harmony. You said you had others in mind.”

Lyra nodded. “Audrey and Nathan are still going to be a while to arrive. What time is it?”

“The middle of the afternoon,” Twilight said. “You’ve been sleeping for hours.”

She hadn’t even noticed it, but the clock on the wall said it was already past three. Lyra jumped off the couch and scrambled to her feet. “I need to get going.”

The streets downtown were strangely empty. Normally this place felt familiar, but ever since Discord had shown up yesterday nothing was quite the same. Lyra couldn’t put her finger on what it was.

The bell by the door jingled as Lyra pushed it open and entered the bookstore. She went straight to the front counter like always, but… Monica wasn’t there. Instead, an different human was there, his face hidden behind a copy of the Philadelphia Inquirer. He set it down when he heard Lyra enter, but she had time to recognize a blurry, distant picture of Twilight Sparkle on the front page.

“Can I help you?” he asked.

“I’m looking for Monica. She works here,” Lyra said. “Do you know where I could find her? It’s really important.”

“She works in the mornings. She’s not here right now. Can I help you with something?”

Lyra shook her head. “It has to be her.”

"Important, huh?"


He searched the counter for a moment, then took out a scrap piece of paper and started writing something down. “You a friend of hers?”

“Yeah. A friend,” Lyra said.

“Here’s her address.” He pushed the scrap across the counter and Lyra took it. “It’s not far from here. You head down the street and turn on the third street down, take a right.”


“Haven’t seen many people in here today. Still shook up from yesterday, I guess,” he said. “What do you think of all that? And now they’re saying New York has it even worse.”

“Yeah. Weird.” Lyra looked back at the address she’d been given. “Thanks for you help. I gotta go.”

Without another word, she headed back out the door.

It took Lyra a while to find the right street, and then it was only a matter of finding the right house. It was a neighborhood kind of like Audrey’s. The houses were close together, not quite as large as Lyra’s. From what she had seen, this was typical for humans.

She was still searching for the house when the rain started.

Somehow all it took was a few drops for her to realize that it wasn’t regular rainwater. The pink clouds spreading over the neighborhood told her the rest.

“No…" Lyra muttered, staring up at the sky. "Not now!"

She put a hand up to shield her eyes and ran down to find the right house number. She was getting closer now, it couldn't be more than a few houses down…

“Lyra? What are you doing out here?”

She lifted her head at the sound of Paul’s voice. He was on the front porch of one of the houses, sitting on a bench and staring out at the weather.

“Paul? Great! I was looking for you!” She ran up to the cover of his porch. “Listen, we need to find Monica right away.”

“You’ve seen this, right?” He gestured to the rain. “It happened earlier today, too. I’m sure it can’t be natural.”

“It’s not. We need to stop it. Where’s Monica?”

“Whoa, slow down. She lives right next door,” Paul said. “But what’s the matter with you? I mean, chocolate milk rain isn’t exactly the end of the world.”

“But it’s coming. You said she was in that house?” Lyra glanced over at it. She gestured for him to follow. “Come on.”

She practically sprinted across the yard and up to the front door of the next house. She rang the doorbell and stood there waiting. The rain was dripping from her clothing onto the welcome mat. As much as her soggy clothes were bothering her, she had to admit it was still better than being a pony covered in all that itchy, matted hair.

Paul came up behind her. “I didn’t quite get what you said. You said the chocolate rain is the end of the world?”

Lyra nodded. "Yeah."

"Some stay dry and others feel the pain..."



The door finally opened. Monica seemed surprised to see them. She was dressed in a T-shirt and sweat pants. “Uh, hey Lyra…" She scratched the back of her head. "How did you find out where I live?”

“The guy at the bookstore told me. Listen, there’s no time to explain right now. I need you to come over to my house.”

Monica looked at Paul, who shrugged. “She’s not telling me anything, either.”

“Look, I’ll explain on the way. You’ll understand once you meet Twilight and the others,” Lyra said. “But the future of the human species is depending on us right now.”

“Uh…” Monica stared at her, then sighed. “At least let me get dressed first.”

She let them into the house while she went upstairs to change. Lyra leaned against one wall, her arms folded. Soon. They had four of the six humans they needed… The other two might still be hours away, but there was nothing she could do to hurry them up. Hopefully this chaos wouldn’t get in their way.

“You actually think you have a way to prevent the end of the world? I mean, I can’t really deny that what’s happening out there isn’t normal, so I guess I trust you,” Paul said. “I always could tell there was something different about you, Lyra.”

“That’s what the other ponies always said,” she muttered.

It took a moment for that to register with him. “What do you mean, ‘ponies?’”

The rain hadn’t let up by the time they got back to Lyra’s house.

“Let me get this straight, because I might not have heard you through this rain, but… You used to be a unicorn?” Monica said.

Lyra said nothing, but led them down the driveway and into the house. It seemed much quieter after the downpour outside.

“You always showed up asking about unicorns and American history,” Paul said, wiping his shoes on the mat. “Guess that explains it.”

“I just wanted to understand human culture better. I’d never even heard of America until I left Equestria,” Lyra said.

“Lyra? That you?” Applejack’s voice came from the living room. “I think you’d better come in and see this...”

“Who was that?” Monica said.

“Well… my friends from Equestria are here. They’re going to help us set things back to normal.”

Lyra headed to the living room, where nearly everyone was gathered around the television. Rainbow Dash was sitting by the window to the back porch, staring outside.

Monica’s eyes were huge. “Of… course. Your friends from Equestria.”

“Lyra, things aren’t looking good. Discord’s got Filly…” Twilight corrected herself. “Philadelphia under his control, but this says that it’s still centered in New York.”

“It’s spreading…” Lyra said. "How far does it go?"

"We're not sure yet," Lyra's father said. "The local news is getting reports from all over the county."

Monica had hesitantly gone into the living room to look at the television with the others. “I’ve been hearing bits and pieces about this stuff in New York. So this whole thing… That’s what we’re up against?”

“What’s out there isn’t normal, but all of them, they’re completely fine,” Paul said. “I’m just making sure I’ve got this straight.”

Randall stood up and walked over. He put an arm around Paul’s shoulder. “You’ll get used to it. Guess we’ll be working together. Welcome to the honorary magical unicorn squad.”

The remainder of the day was tense. Everyone had seemed to settle into an ease earlier, getting used to meeting residents of other worlds, but now the ponies and humans were all nervously taking glances out the window. The rain continued, the sun kept rising and setting every couple minutes.

Fluttershy and Chloe were practically inseparable. Lyra noticed them looking out the back windows at the trees. The forest itself was normal, but there was a squirrel trying to figure out how to climb now that its legs had turned into three-foot-tall stilts.

“Oh, I do hope the poor dears are alright…” Fluttershy said.

“Did this happen the last time?” Chloe said. “Lyra never told me about Discord.”

“Well, yes, everything was fine eventually… But only because Twilight helped us to stop him. If she hadn’t been there to remind us of our friendship, the Elements wouldn’t have…”

“It’s alright, Fluttershy. The Elements will work this time,” Lyra said.

“Are you... sure?” Fluttershy said.

Lyra wasn’t sure what to say. New York was pretty far away. The chaos already covered the entire area from here to there, and it was probably still expanding, yet all they could do for now was sit here and wait…

Aside from everything that could now be seen happening right outside, even just seeing her human friends and family with the ponies she’d left behind in Equestria was odd. Rarity was examining the paintings in Lyra’s mother’s studio, commenting on the accuracy of the dragons and other creatures. Paul, once he had gotten over the strangeness of the whole situation, seemed to get along well with Pinkie. And Lyra’s father had convinced Twilight to demonstrate a variety of spells for him, often asking Lyra what she had been able to do.

In a way, Lyra felt like she was the only one aware of the huge responsibility looming over her. She and the other humans had to take the Elements, not even sure that they would work, and if they didn’t… Well, humans would be a lost civilization again. She’d always assumed they had been. But to have been a part of this, to have lived here, and then possibly be responsible for letting it all fall apart – again – that would be too much.

So for the remainder of the day, she tried to distract herself like the others were. Her knowledge of both the human and pony worlds were making her a useful link. And the more Paul, Monica, and Randall understood about Equestria, and the Elements of Harmony, the better chance they’d have.

Lyra pulled out her cell phone to check the time. It was about ten at night, though it was almost impossible to tell by looking outside. She was in her bedroom, showing her small collection of books to Twilight.

Twilight lifted up one of the books. “This one, about ‘American history.’ You said that’s the name of the country you live in?” She inspected it more closely, then compared it to the others. “None of these books have covers. What happened to them?”

“It’s human publishing. We don’t always have thick covers on our books,” Lyra explained.

“Weird…” Twilight flipped it open. “This is an entire land not mentioned in any book I’ve ever read. I must admit I find it fascinating…”

“You can take those back with you,” Lyra said. “I’ve read them already. And there’s a lot more at Monica’s store.”

“Are you sure? I mean… Princess Celestia doesn’t want anypony to know about this. If books about your world fell into the wrong hooves – “

“Um… Am I interrupting?” Fluttershy peeked her head through the doorway.

Lyra glanced up. "No. What's going on?"

Rarity stepped in front of her. “We just thought you should know that another one of those…” She tried to remember the right word. “Well, another one of those human carriages is outside. Do you think it’s the other humans you told us about, Lyra?”

Lyra and Twilight exchanged a glance, then Lyra headed out and down the stairs. She opened the door and stepped out into the chilly air.

She recognized the old grey car immediately. It was the first one she'd ever ridden in - all those times going back and forth from band practice.

“Audrey! Nathan!”

Nathan looked up at the sound of his name. “Hey, Lyra.” He stared at her. “You look… normal,” he said.

“What do you mean?”

Audrey was leaned against the car on the passenger side, staring down. She yawned. “We’ve been on the road all day. Would you care to explain what’s going on?”

“Back in Cleveland, we got held up by what the radio was calling ‘adverse weather conditions.’ Turns out they meant Coca-Cola thunderstorms,” Nathan said. “And then the radio started playing everything backwards and we couldn’t change the station.”

“I know it’s weird. But we’re going to stop it,” Lyra said. “I’ll introduce you to the others, and then we need to get back on the road.”

“Looks like we’ve got all six of the humans now,” Twilight said. She trotted up from behind Lyra and examined the two standing by the car.

“Wait, that’s…” Audrey suddenly seemed much more alert.

“It talks,” Nathan said.

Twilight gave an irritated sigh. “Of course I do. Are we going to have to go through this again?”

“This is Twilight Sparkle. She’s one of the original Elements of Harmony,” Lyra said. “And… she's a friend of mine from back home.”

“I heard you mention a place called ‘Cleveland.’ I’m not familiar with the geography around here, so that would be…?” Twilight looked at them expectantly.

The two of them said nothing for a moment, then Nathan said, “It’s… Well…”

“I’ve been driving through Candyland for the past ten hours. All I want to know right now is what's going on and why you need us,” Audrey said.

"Ten hours..." Twilight frowned. "With as fast as human transportation goes... I'm no expert on this, but that must be a very wide area."

"We got slowed down. There was a lot of traffic, because of all the confusion with the street signs getting up and walking away, and we passed through a farm field that was turning into popcorn, and..." Nathan's voice trailed off. "I'm explaining this all to a purple unicorn now."

"It might already be too late. We need to get on the road, now," Lyra said. "I'll go tell the others."

Audrey put a hand to her forehead. "At least we got out of the car for a few minutes..." She stretched out.

Nathan looked over at her. "Told you it'd be an adventure."