• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Dragon Quest

Today was the day for a once in a lifetime opportunity for any lucky ponies to witness every generation; the dragon migration. Since there were other dragons aside from Spike and the one dragon the Mane Six had met when Ponyville was almost shrouded in smoke nearly a year ago, there had to be more in Equestria. And by Twilight's calculations, the migration pattern for the dragons would be directly over Ponyville.

Donald and Goofy had arrived in Equestria just in time for the migration to arrive, helping Sora and Kairi dig out the trench for them all to hide in as the dragons passed. Eventually, the otherworldly group finished making the trench, along with steps to walk in and out instead of having to climb up and jump in.

"Oh boy. I can't wait to see this fancy dragon migration," Goofy said, digging his shovel into the ground outside the trench.

"As long as we don't see a certain witch who could turn into a dragon," Donald grumbled, flapping up out of the rectangular hole they dug out after making sure it wouldn't collapse. "Any sign of her yet, Sora?"

"So far, just Pete mostly. Though he's probably learned his lesson not to steal the Cake Twins. Those babies are more trouble than they seem." Kairi pouted as she looked at Sora, feeling jealous over him as he was the twins' favorite sitter.

"I wish I could watch them." Sora rolled his eyes, though his girlfriend noticed his expression. "Hey! I can be a good babysitter!"

"Kairi, you would focus more on cuddling them and putting them in silly outfits while gushing over how cute they are," Sora said. "Trust me, you do NOT want to foalsit a rambunctious little pegasus colt with strength that could beat Applejack in a hoof wrestling match and a unicorn filly with erratic bursts of magical energy, causing things to fly around, herself included, and even phase through walls with that magic. It. Is. Hard."

"...Are you exaggerating?" Kairi asked.

"Hey, y'all!" They turned over to the direction where Ponyville was, spotting Applejack, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash approaching the trench. The cyan pegasus mare, however, looked like she was beat up by something or someone, clutching her abdomen. "Looks like everything's all set!"

"Uhh, what happened to Rainbow Dash?" Sora asked.

"Well, Rainbow tried to get Fluttershy to come along to watch the dragon migration with us, and tried to force her to come along," Twilight answered. "She instead escaped, but not after running through Rainbow, hitting her hard in the chest, then again as she stomped on her and fled out her window."

"She stood up to a fully grown dragon and yelled at it, yet she's too scared to watch them fly several thousand feet above us while we stay far enough away from them," Rainbow groaned, rubbing her slowly bruising chest. "And she made me watch a dumb, boring butterfly migration a few months ago."

The group climbed down into the trench, Twilight pulling out several binoculars for everyone to get a closer look at the dragons from afar. So far, they haven't come yet, and the only ones missing were Spike and Rarity. Pinkie Pie popped up in the trench from out of nowhere, her body and hair covered in camouflage body paint to conceal herself from everyone, not just the dragons.

"So far, no dragons," Sora commented as he looked up at the sky with his pair of binoculars. "You sure it's today?"

"I'm positive," Twilight said. "They should be arriving any second now."

"Here I am, darlings!" Rarity finally arrive, fashionably late, along with being fashionably stood out with what she wore. It looked like a camo styled dress, though it was purple and gold instead of dark shades of green, which would make her stand out in every kind of environment that wasn't a catwalk. "It took me forever to get this to work, but I make camouflage look good."

"Rarity, the whole point of 'camouflage' is to blend in," Sora said, being the first to speak out everyone's opinion. "The dragons will spot you a mile away. In a pile of gems. Even if they were blind."

"Hmph. Boys have no sense of fashion functionality," Rarity scoffed as she walked down the dirt steps as the only males in the trench gave each other blank looks.

They soon heard loud roaring echoing in the distance as the migrating dragons began flying overhead. Everyone quickly ducked low and looked through their binoculars, watching the massive group of dangerous creatures of varying colors and sizes. Each of them had different wingspans, differently shaped spines and spikes, some skinny some overweight, it was an amazing sight to see, even if they could swoop down and try to eat them for a quick bite. The onlookers had to duck as a couple dragons began fighting with each other, one of them breathing fire at their foe, the flames reaching their trench and burning the grass around it.

Sora was the first to poke his head back up after the torrent of flames died down, wearing a big grin at the close call as the migrating dragons flew past them and far to the east. "That was awesome!"

"More like terrifying!" Rainbow exclaimed. "They nearly singed us!"

"So? Donald, Goofy, and I fought Maleficent when she turned into a dragon, and she spewed flames at us." Sora looked back up at the sky at the dragons disappearing in the distance through his binoculars. "As long as I don't see a black dragoness with a purple underside, green eyes, black curved horns, and breathing out green fire, then we're good. She'll be a lot worse than any other dragon."

"Well, we dragons are pretty scary," Spike said as he came walking over to the trench. The baby dragon wasn't exactly showing off the scary side of his species with what he was wearing. As he pushed a cart filled with sweets he made for everyone as they watched the migration, he was wearing a pink apron with a red heart in the middle. "We're a force to be reckoned with."

"Yeah, Spike. You look really scary in that frilly apron of yours." Rainbow began laughing as she teased him.

"So? Do you have any idea how badly blueberries can stain your scales? It's impossible to get out!" The cyan pegasus began laughing even harder while Sora, Donald, and Goofy felt bad for Spike.

"Rainbow Dash, don't make fun of Spike," Rarity scolded. "He doesn't have to be like other dragons. Spikey-wikey's just perfect the way he is."

"Wait. I'm not like other dragons?" Spike asked.

"Of course not! You have something those other dragons don't have." The fashionista approached Spike and squished his cheeks with her forehooves. "You have the cutest widdle chubby cheeks!"

Spike blushed and pushed himself away from his crush's hooves, though his embarrassment was more out of feeling degraded. "C-Cute!? Dragons aren't supposed to be cute at all!"

"They aren't as cute as you, Spikey, especially in that little apron." Rarity was not helping with her compliments, humiliating Spike more as the other mares giggled at his reaction.

"I'm not cute!" the baby dragon shouted, tearing off his apron and stormed off back to town.

"Oooh, even when he waddles off in anger, he's so adorable," Rarity squealed.

"WADDLE!?" Spike screamed in frustration and ran, trying not to waddle as he escaped the tormenting compliments that made him feel more insecure by the minute.

While the girls found the purple dragon cute, the males only shook their heads. Sora knew Spike had probably grown up with mainly other girls most of his life, and being in Ponyville, there were barely any colts he made friends with that weren't as clueless as Snips and Snails were. He may seem young, but he's a lot wiser than he appears, and his masculinity seemed a little too low being around the girls so much.

"Hey, girls, can't you cut Spike a little bit of slack?" Sora asked, the mares all turning to face him. "You all kind of shattered his pride a little as a dragon, and as a boy, no less."

"We were just messing around," Rainbow said. "He's a tough little guy. He can take some teasing."

"He looked really confused and frustrated." Donald and Goofy nodded their heads, backing Sora up. "Spike's grown up around ponies while raised by Twilight. Have you even told him anything about dragons? Their culture? Other than the fact that they're greedy, dangerous beings that should be avoided?"

"...Well...no," Twilight said. "There's never been any books explaining the behaviors of dragons or what they do."

"Anypony who did that would have to be absolutely loco in the cocoa!" Pinkie added. "They're dangerous no matter where they go!"

"That's why Spikey-wikey's special, unlike the other dangerous ones that just passed us." Sora gave Rarity a look, remembering the time Spike had gotten too greedy on his birthday, took everything, and grew to gargantuan size with the massive growth spurt he had. Rarity did save him from himself, wearing the fire ruby he gave her that brought him back to his senses, though that moment did confuse him for a little while. "...Though, after that little greed incident...He was bigger than most of those dragons..."

"We might not know much about the dragons here in your world, but we know one thing," Goofy said. "He'll eventually want to find out who he is and why he was raised by you guys, wanting to understand his kind a little more."

"I'll try to see if there's anything in the library that might have some answers, but back in Canterlot, there was absolutely nothing on dragons except in fictional novels. I just hope Spike doesn't try to think of anything drastic." Everyone got out of the trench, the migration having passed over Ponyville and gone to wherever their meeting grounds were.

While the went about their days, Twilight couldn't help but worry about what how Spike was feeling. She raised him and hatched him, though the latter was made possible thanks to Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom. She was just as curious about dragons as well, resorting to any books she could get her hooves on to help learn how to raise a newborn dragon hatchling. Though there was little to no information on them, Twilight had to rely on herself to know what to do. As she walked back to her library with trepidation, Sora, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy watched the lavender unicorn, sensing her growing worries.

"You think Spike will be ok, Sora?" Kairi asked.

"I think so," he said. "Even though he isn't born into a dragon family, he still has a family here with his friends. I'm sure he's not going to do anything stupid."

"I can't believe I let him do something so stupid!" Twilight chided herself as Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Sora, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy met with the unicorn the next morning.

Since Rarity and Rainbow were at the library that morning, Twilight told the otherworldly ponies, diamond dog, and griffon what had happened. She and Spike went through every book in the library that had something about dragons, but their search ended up turning south with no information on them. The baby dragon decided that he would go off on a dangerous quest to find out who he was, following the dragon migration to learn more about himself. As much as the girls wanted to keep him from going, Twilight thought it would be a good idea for him to do this and discover his dragon roots on his own. Now, she regretted doing such a thing, knowing Spike probably won't stand a chance against any of them if he finds them.

"He's a determined little dragon, I'll give him that," Kairi muttered.

"I should have said no. Why didn't I say no!?" Twilight questioned herself, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Don't worry, Twilight. We'll find him and look out for him," Sora said. "We've dealt with more dangerous creatures in the past, and we know how to deal with dragons."

"But they might tear you to shreds!" Rarity said. "Even if I was able to make a dragon costume to hide any of us, I don't even know what to even make it look like! It'll probably just be a strange, ditzy looking piece of fabric that won't even fool them!"

Sora began to think while the three mares panicked. As he put a hoof to his chin, he looked down at that hoof, staring at the appendage. He soon got an idea, but he hoped that it would work outside of the theory running through his head.

"Hey, Donald. I think I have an idea." He pulled the small griffon over and whispered something in his ear.

"Uh huh...Yeah..." Donald's eyes widened a moment later, looking at his friend in shock and awe. "That just might work, but it would only work with you and Kairi. Goofy and I would stick out too much if we did that."

"Perfect! Can you pull it off?" Sora asked, the others having no clue what the pegasus was talking about.

"Maybe, but I'm going to need a little help from Twilight," the griffon said. "I'm going to need a lot of mana to pull this off for you two."

"Sora, what do you have planned?" Kairi asked, knowing her boyfriend can come up with some crazy schemes, and this was one of them.

"Just prepare to like a new, temporary body," Sora said, giving everyone a big grin. "I know this is gonna work."

"I sure hope so." The Keyblade wielding couple stood side by side as Donald pulled out his wand and Twilight charged her horn, aiming their weapon/appendage at the pegasus and unicorn.

Spike traveled long and far as he followed his dragon brethren on foot, with nothing but a bindle that carried some food for the road. It took the little dragon a couple of days to trek across the land to reach the lands where the dragons lived, far from any pony civilization. With the Dragon Lands found, the migrating beasts resting at the top of a wide, dormant volcano, Spike slowly began to climb his way up to learn more about his kind, maybe make some friends around his age.

On the other side of the volcano, however, someone else made their way up, appearing at the base in a plume of green flames. Maleficent held an annoyed expression as she looked around where she teleported.

"That imbecile is more trouble than he was worth saving him from the prison he was thrown in," the witch grumbled. "How is it someone like him is too afraid to come back to this world again when these colorful equines are practically ripe for corruption? 'I was attacked by two crazy babies that were stronger than they looked. I thought they would be perfect little apprentices for me and maybe bring some color in your dreary castle.' Pete, you are looking to be thrown back in the dark void I broke you out of for your insignificance.

"I need new followers. Someone more fierce. Someone who's strong enough to defeat Sora without taking a single scratch." Maleficent heard a roar come from on top of the volcano, looking up to see several dragons fly in and roost at the top of the dangerous mountain. "...Someone like a dragon. Hmhmhmhm. Perfect." Her grin soon turned into a frown as she looked down at herself, her body forced to change into a pony as she appears in this world. "Though, I do not thing creatures like them will take me seriously in this equine form...That can change, though."

Using her magical power, her body was shrouded by a pillar of green flames, growing taller as well as her frame from inside the transformative flames. Once she reached a bigger size, taller than the trees in the nearby forest, she spread out her black dragon wings, the fire dispersing from her dragon body. She looked down at her sharp claws, nothing different about her powerful form has changed except for her eyes, actually having pupils instead of being completely green.

Stretching out her wings, Maleficent flapped herself up off the ground, slowly getting used to her transformation's form after not using it for a long while. After getting her bearings, she flew up to the top of the volcano, looking out at the massive group of dragons down below. There were smaller dragons down inside the crater, pools of lava scattered about and still boiling hot, while the larger dragons rested at random spots on the lip of the mountain, holding onto a hoard of treasures while watching the younger of their kind. Maleficent flapped down and watched the smaller dragons down below, many of them fighting with each other to prove their strength among their peers.

"Perfect. These younger dragons will be easy to control and mold into potential Heartless." While pondering her scheme to use these dragons as her loyal minions in this world, she heard a growl come from beside her. Maleficent turned her head, staring at a male red dragon that was slightly taller than her. "...What do you want?"

"Never seen you around here before," he said, giving the witch a sharp, toothy grin. "You new to the migration?"

"...Leave my sight or you shall suffer my wrath," Maleficent warned, focusing her attention on the young dragons.

"Ooooh. Fiesty." The dragon eyed every part of her body, grumbling low in his throat, approving what he's seeing. "Quite a sight for a potential mate."

Maleficent blanched and turned back to the dragon, glaring at him with a threatening growl. "I suggest you watch your tongue around me, you oaf. Leave me, or else."

"That green in your eyes makes you stand out from your dark scales." Having enough of him, the witch breathed out a powerful blast of green flames directly in his face. The dragon was unfazed, snorting out a smoke ring shaped like a heart. "I think I'm in love."

While the dragoness kept trying to give the male a hint to leave her alone, on the other side, Spike managed to climb up the top of the volcano. He panted heavily as he reached the top, wiping some sweat off his brow as he looked down at the crater of the volcano.

"Wow. Teenage dragons! That's a bit to my liking...I hope." Spike slid down until he reached the filled in crevice, making his way to the wrestling dragons. "Uhh, excuse me, guys?" The red teenage dragon fighting against a fat brown one slammed him to the ground before they stopped fighting when they noticed the small dragon. "Uh, hi there. I'm Spike."

"More like Shrimp," a skinny dark purple dragon said, the other teens laughing as they mocked the baby dragon.

"N-No. It's Spike, not Shrimp," Spike said, failing to stand up to the taller, dangerous dragons.

"He looks more like Peewee to me!" the fat teen mocked, earning more laughter.

"Hey, come on, guys, take it easy on him," the red teenage dragon said. "You might make him fly away...if he had any wings!" He picked Spike up and hung him upside down by the tail as they continued making fun of Spike. "You look like you just hatched from your egg! Bet you guys my hoard that he still sucks his claw at night."

"Hey, I haven't sucked my claw in months!" Spike didn't help his case as he instinctively sucked on his claw in fear, humiliating him further.

Before any of them could make fun of Spike any further, a tan blur flew in and kicked the red teen holding the baby dragon hard in the gut. The impact made the dragon wheeze and fling Spike up into the air, quickly caught by a white one that leapt up after him. The bullies were caught off guard by the sudden blurs, staring at the intruding beings that stopped them. Standing before them were a tan male teenage dragon with brown, spiky hair that looked sharper than the spines going down his back, wearing a black jacket, and a white teenage dragoness that caught Spike, her long red hair matching her spines, wearing a pink shirt. The male had wings while the female had aquatic frills and webbed claws.

"So, you guys are picking on my little brother, Spike, huh?" the tan dragon asked as he sneered at the bullies. "You wanna mess with someone, then try a dragon your own size!"

The red dragon stood up, clutching his stomach from the low blow. "Urgh...You're so going to pay for that!"

He roared and charged at his attacker, but before he could punch him, the spiky-haired dragon teen blocked the fist with his claw. Clenching down hard, he pulled the bully toward him hard, giving him a hard knee to the gut, making the red teen gasp, letting out squeaky grunts of pain. The tan dragon let go, letting his opponent fall to the ground, the other dragons knowing not to mess with him as he was better than their group leader.

"Unbelievable. Spike just wanted to meet some other dragons, yet instead, he met a bunch of cows who pick on a little dragon as if he were a tiny fly," he said, cracking his knuckles. "If you guys want another tussle, you know who to fly to."

While the two teens walked away, the female carrying Spike in her arms, hiding at the top of the lip watching them were Twilight, Rainbow, and Rarity, wearing an odd looking dragon costume that looked like it was rushed to be created, and Donald and Goofy hiding in a mobile bush. "Phew. Thank goodness Sora did something before those awful dragons hurt a single scale on Spikey-wikey's head."

"I can't believe we were able to pull off a transformation spell that not only changed their appearance, but also their abilities," Twilight said in awe, writing notes down from inside the three-pony dragon costume. "Maybe we can finally get something on dragons after all this time. I just might have a book published for all of Equestria! This is exciting!"

"Don't get too happy, Twilight," Donald warned. "What we cast on them is temporary. When we arrive in any world where we need to change to adapt and blend in with our surroundings, we stay what we are so we don't cause suspicion."

"Yeah! The world porter needs to be protected!" The griffon slapped his forehead and grumbled at Goofy's poor choice of words.

"World order!" Donald squawked. "How hard is it to say!?"

Goofy just chuckled, whether he was doing it on purpose just to tease Donald or not was a mystery. Back down below, Sora and Kairi headed over to a dragon-less side of the crater, Spike looking at the two of them in confusion. The baby dragon knew the two from somewhere, but he just couldn't put his claw on it.

"I didn't know I had a dragon brother," he said, scratching his head. "I thought it was just me and-"

"Spike, it's us. Sora and Kairi." Spike gasped in shock, recognizing the voice coming from the male teen. Kairi put the surprised baby dragon down on his feet and stood next to Sora. "We turned into dragons."

"Huh!?...Now way!" To prove their point, both teens held out their claws and summoned their Keyblades. "It is you two!...B-But, how!?"

"Let's just say we had magic on our side," Kairi answered, dismissing their weapons before any other dragons spotted them. "Since Sora and I are from another world, our magic turns us into what the world's inhabitants are to better adapt into society and not stick out like a sore hoof, or claw in our case now."

"And Donald's and Twilight's unique magic was able to change us into a different sentient species in the world, though Donald believes it's limited," Sora finished as he scratched the back of his scaly head, glad to finally stand on two legs again and have fingers.

"Wait...if you're here...then..." Spike suddenly groaned and dragged his hand down his face. "Twilight sent you two to take me back home, didn't she?"

"Not exactly. She wanted us to make sure you were safe," Kairi said, kneeling down to the little dragon's level. She pat his head, making him groan in irritation. "She really wants you to figure out who you are, just with some bodyguards to keep you from getting hurt. Especially by bullies like those dragons."

"I don't need a babysitter," the baby dragon grumbled. "I could have taken them by myself."

"You were being hung upside down by the tail like a sack of potatoes," Sora stated. Spike glared at him for reminding him of the embarrassing moment that just happened a moment ago. "Well, you're not exactly as rough as those jerks, Spike. They could seriously hurt you with their size compared to you." The tan dragon looked up, spotting the group of dragons approaching them, their leader wanting a rematch after just getting beaten a few minutes ago. "Speaking of which, here comes trouble."

The teenage dragons stopped and leered at the trio, Sora quickly getting in front of Spike to protect him. The red one stepped forward and approached the spiky-haired teen, both males glaring daggers at each other.

"...You know what, new guy?" the leader said, his scowl turning into a smirk. "You're not that bad."

"...Uhh, what?" Sora asked, all three of them confused by the sudden outlook the dragons had on them.

"You're a pretty tough dragon. You know, for being an outsider. Name's Garble." Garble looked over Sora's shoulder, eyeing Spike and Kairi. "So, you're supposed to be the runt's older brother?"

"His name is Spike, and yes. We're related." Sora looked back at Kairi, both of them having planned ahead to give themselves a different identity in case they befriended any dragons, and it seemed like they were going to be friends with the rowdiest of the bunch. They thought up names for their dragon personas, taking the names of a couple of people the vaguely remember from when they were younger. "My name's Ventus. And that's my mate, Aqua."

"Your mate, huh?" Garble asked, his smirk growing wider as he looked at Kairi. "Never met an aquatic dragon before."

"Don't even think about it," Kairi warned as she stood up.

"I like her already." The other dragons behind Garble muttered agreements, though they were mostly staring at her physique than directly at her. "Where you three from?"

"We're from Ponyville," Spike said, Sora and Kairi mentally facepalming at the baby dragon's answer.

"Ponyville!?" The dragons began laughing uproariously. "You three live in Ponyville!? No wonder I could smell ponies on you three!

"And what's wrong with that?" Sora asked as he crossed his arms. "You got a problem with where we live?"

"I bet you're just a trained dragon, Ventus, by those wimpy little ponies. You just got lucky beating-" Garble ate his words as Sora grabbed the red dragon's arm and twisted it hard, making him whimper and collapse on his knees. "Ahh! Ow! Ow! Ok! I give!"

"Sure you do." Sora slammed Garble to the ground, keeping a firm grip on his twisted arm. "You know, I can't stand any creature that doubts what others can do and act like jerks by beating up those weaker than them. You and your friends are falling in the category of beings I'd love to beat up if they mess with anyone I know. So, if you want to speak, think before you make fun of us. Are we clear?" The pinned dragon nodded his head, yelping as he felt his arm start to hurt. "Good."

Sora let Garble go as he let the rude bully get back up, rubbing his sore arm. "Ok. You're really tough. But, if you three are gonna join us, you're going to have to prove to us that you're really dragons and not ponies in a dumb dragon costume."

Up above watching them, Twilight, Rainbow, and Rarity flinched, trying not to act suspicious in their terrible dragon disguise. "Ok, maybe I should have taken the time to make this look better than rush," Rarity whimpered.

"Ok, then. Let's begin the trials," Sora said. "What's first?"

"Belching contest!" Garble exclaimed.

"A belching contest?" Kairi asked. "Seriously?"

"Yes, Aqua. Even the girly dragons have belching contests. Or are you too much of a pony to be gross?" The dragoness glared at Garble, Sora and Spike stepping aside as they knew he had just given Kairi and excuse to injure him in some way.

She took in a deep breath, feeling her temporary draconic breath building up from the pit of her stomach. She released it and let out a deep belch at Garble and his friends, shooting out a flurry of bubbles from her maw, popping on contact with the group of dragons as they froze on different parts of their bodies. Kairi ceased her incredibly disgusting belch, clearing her throat as she felt a slight chill in her throat that quickly faded as it had appeared. Sora and Spike stared at her, jaws dropped, the former highly shocked that his girlfriend could do something that gross after knowing her for as long as he had.

"How was that?" The dragons were as speechless as Sora was, though up on the ridge, the others watching them were appalled, aside from Rainbow Dash.

"That's disgusting," Rarity said. "Kairi's a princess. She shouldn't behave that way, even if she's a dragon."

"That was awesome," Rainbow said, keeping her voice down before she gave away their position. "Do dragons have different fire breath?"

"I'm not sure, but maybe certain types of dragons have different breath abilities." Twilight wrote down more notes on the differences between Kairi's aquatic dragon form and the other dragons they've known about. "Since Kairi had turned into a dragon that can live on both land and water, it would make sense for them to have some ability to attack at long range with magical bubbles. And they have an ice attribute as well, freezing their prey in place. Or it was possible for her to do that because of her own magic mixing with her new body to give her that ability."

"...You just made something so cool sound so boring, egghead." Twilight growled, stomping her hoof down on Rainbow Dash's back for ruining her logic on a dragon's magical breath if her former theory was true.

The tests for the Ponyville dragons continued on after recovering from Kairi's surprisingly winning belch, though when it came to Spike's turn, his light and weak burp made only by a message from Celestia sent for Twilight. Before he could even read it, Garble swiped it and read it to himself, then mocked Spike for being pen pals with a namby-pamby pony princess. He threw the letter in a nearby pool of lava, which had upset Twilight, not knowing if the letter was of grave importance.

Next, they had a tail wrestling contest, Sora and Kairi easily trouncing their opponents with their own strength, and Spike was up next. Twilight, Rainbow, and Rarity tried to help Spike fit in, waddling around in their odd dragon costume, taking the challenge against the baby dragon. Ironically enough, their horrible outfit was foolproof, disguised as a similar looking dragon that looked like it, the bully dragons thinking it was Crackle's cousin. The ponies took the fall as soon as the fabric tail was connected with Spike's, winning the dragons over while Sora and Kairi couldn't believe how dumb they were from the mares' flopping as a loss from a tail wrestling match. Feeling confident, he decided to go with a pretty small dragon around his size, but he overestimated the massive, spiked tail he had, easily flung off toward the other side of the dormant mountain's wall.

Then there was king of the hoard, all the teenage dragons clambering up a massive pile of treasures and jewels to reach the top and claim dominance. With Sora's and Kairi's aid, they fought their way up to the top, knocking down the other dragons while Spike climbed after them. As soon as the couple reached the top, they fought each other, only to slip and fall when the little dragon gave them a shove over the side. His reign ended too soon as he celebrated, tripping off a gem and tumbled down the treasures.

Lava cannonballs was a big challenge. Dragon scales are pretty impervious to fire and lava, as Garble and his friends dove off a high cliff in a pool of lava and showed it was possible. However, with the disguised ponies and Kairi, there was no way they could do that, the former would easily burn in the boiling molten liquid while the latter would suffer worse as an aqua dragon. At least the other dragons had an understanding with Kairi's predicament, not complete jerks against their kind from a different variant of their species. It was either that or the fact that she was the only pretty dragoness they didn't want to see get burnt to a crisp. Sora was perfectly fine when he dove in, not making a big enough splash like the fat one of the group, but when it was Spike's turn, he instead flopped down into the pool on his belly, everyone within earshot cringing at the loud slap, feeling the burning pain he was experiencing. Even though it wasn't a cannonball, the teenage dragons were impressed to see Spike still conscious after belly flopping into the lava.

After going through Garble's tests, the group of teens welcomed them into the group. They soon began to celebrate the new members of their group, munching on the treasures they used for king of the hoard. For Sora and Kairi, with their bodies temporarily changed, they could actually eat the gems, which tasted like a similar flavor to any fruity candy depending on the color of the jewel. It was no wonder why Spike loved to eat gems so much; it was practically sweets for dragons only, not just a pretty mineral to take out of greed.

"This was a great party," Spike said as he lounged around the treasure pile with the others.

"Great? Yeah right," Garble scoffed. "Better than being around those namby-pamby ponies. In fact, I think this is the perfect time to show you three a real dragon raid."

"A raid?" Kairi asked. "On what?"

"There's a nest of phoenix eggs out in the forest near the base of the volcano. We're gonna find them, and steal them!" The Ponyville dragons gasped in horror at the thought of stealing defenseless eggs from their nest, and eggs from a bird of fire that can resurrect itself from its own ashes.

"How many times do I have to say no to get it through your thick skull!?" The dragons all sat up and looked up at the ridge of the volcano, a large black dragoness backing away from a red dragon taller than her.

"The more you say no, the more it makes me want you," the male replied, getting spewed at with green flames.

Sora gasped, recognizing the dragoness's body, growing worried the longer they stayed here. And with her voice matching similarly to a certain witch he didn't want around, it was obvious that dragon was Maleficent.

"What the heck is she doing here?" Sora asked, Kairi turning to him in confusion.

"Wait, is that really Maleficent? What's she doing here in a place filled with dragons?" Maleficent kept getting frustrated at the male dragon trying to hit on her as she continued backing away. Unfortunately, the witch had lost her footing and slipped down into the crater, tumbling down and flipping down to where the teens and Spike were lounging. "Incoming!"

The dragons scrambled out of the way as the black dragoness crashed into the diminishing pile of treasures. Green flames burst around her and reverted the witch back to a pony, her magic worn out from keeping her dragon form stable and the heavy impact against the gold and gemstones. Maleficent groaned, slowly climbing back on her hooves, wincing as her back ached.

"...I hate dragons," the witch muttered. As she looked up, she spotted the teenage dragons staring at her in shock, Spike in confusion, Sora and Kairi with anger, and the dragon that was trying to make her his mate was mortified, his jaw dropping at his dragoness turning out to be a pony in a magical disguise. "...What are you all staring at!?"

"...I am so confused," the large male dragon sadly uttered, plopping onto his stomach with a loud thud.

"There's a pony here? In the Dragon Lands?" The dragon teens leered at the intruding pony. "Ok. Change in plans. Instead of a raid, let's get this puny pony!"

"You fools think you can defeat me!? The mistress of all evil!?" Maleficent used her magic to summon her staff in a veil of flames. "Bow before my power!" She thrust her staff forward and shot a bolt of lightning at Garble, but instead of it being as powerful as she claimed it to be, she only made a light shock. It didn't affect the red teen, her mana completely drained from using it all in her dragon form. The witch's eye twitched, sweat beading down her forehead as she was completely powerless against several dragons younger than her that surrounded her. "...This...is not good."

"Get her!" The dragons rushed toward Maleficent, the mare quickly ducking as the teens all slammed their heads into each other, getting out from under them as they fell in a daze.

They were quick to snap out of their stunned state, having very thick skulls, they chased after her out of the volcano. The older dragons didn't seem to pay any mind, too busy watching their hoards of treasure they brought with them on the migration. Spike was about to run off after them, only for Sora to step his foot down on the baby dragon's tail.

"Spike, what are you doing?" he asked.

"We gotta help that mare!" Spike said.

"No way, Spike! That's Maleficent! That's the same witch who manipulated our friend, Riku, and is trying to take over your world!" Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity in their disguise approached their friends, the lavender unicorn stared in shock as the mare that was running away from the dragon teenagers was the same mare that tricked her and cast a spell on her that made her almost kill Kairi. "I'd rather appreciate it if those dragons actually got rid of her for good."

"But she's completely defenseless and in trouble! Even if she is the bad guy, does that mean she should die without any way of defending herself?" Sora and Kairi looked at each other, feeling conflicted with the point Spike had made.

Even though Maleficent had tried to take over every world in the universe and find Kingdom Hearts, there were some moments where she actually helped Sora in the past. In Radiant Garden, when Organization XIII sent an endless swarm of Heartless to get him to release their hearts to create their own Kingdom Hearts, the evil witch helped him escape from Saïx when he was in despair, realizing he had been helping the Nobodies with their plan and knowing they had Kairi. Then she and Pete helped them in The World That Never Was when millions of Heartless began charging into the Organization's palace, distracting them long enough to stop Xemnas.

As much as he hated to admit it, Sora growled, waving his arm to Donald and Goofy to have them follow the dragons and witch as they watched from the ridge. "I hate how nice I can be. We're helping Maleficent."

"What!?" Kairi and Twilight both exclaimed.

"I think we both still owe her for helping us in The World That Never Was, Kairi," Sora said. "And I still owe her for rescuing Donald, Goofy, and I in Radiant Garden. When Saïx told me I was helping Organization XIII and you were held hostage, she tried to distract him to help us escape, but did it for us when I felt like giving up fighting with the Keyblade.

"I know she only did all that because Organization XIII was threatening to ruin her own plots to take over the worlds, but she actually helped us." Twilight was about to argue on the topic of Maleficent being nice, but she didn't want Rainbow Dash and Rarity to find out about her being manipulated by the witch. She was still self-conscious about what she did under the control of her darkness, even though Sora and Kairi forgave her. "This is going to be the only time I'll ever help her out. After this, we're back to being enemies. Let's hurry."

The group made their way out of the volcano, the mares discarding their dragon costume as soon as they reached the base of the mountain. They met up with Donald and Goofy in the forest, both of them unsure about rescuing someone who nearly took over their own world, but with how Maleficent was completely defenseless and was about to get mauled by dragons, along with Spike's point on helping those who were in peril whether they were good or bad, they reluctantly agreed and gave chase.

Deep in the forest far from the base of the dragons' nesting grounds, Maleficent panted as she ran for her life, swerving through the trees to avoid the teen dragons flying after her. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually wish that fat oaf Pete was here to distract these imbeciles!" She called out Heartless to try to stop them, but the ones she called were all burnt away by their flame breath, none of them even batting an eye at the dark creatures that could kill them as they easily took care of the summoned beings of darkness. "Not even the Heartless are stopping them!?"

"Get back here, you stupid pony!" Garble shouted, catching up to her. "Your dumb magic shadows aren't gonna scare us!"

The teen breathed fire on Maleficent's backside, sending her flying far into the forest, partially thankful her power gave her some immunity to any flames. Her body flew into a large branch at a nearby tree, bending it back, though it didn't snap. It whipped back in place as soon as she hit the ground, smacking Garble and his friends, sending them flying back into a tree, slamming their bodies through it as they hung in the trunks through the holes they made.

"Urgh. That hurt," one of them said.

"Shut up!" Garble scolded.

The tree suddenly creaked as it fell over from their combined weight, their faces slamming into the ground as their groans were muffled by the dirt and grass in their maws. Maleficent got up on her hooves, wincing as she had injured one of her legs from getting flung by Garble's fire breath. Unable to run any further, she quickly hid in some nearby bushes, letting her cloak and green coat conceal her in the foliage, hoping none of them were smart enough to spot her horns sticking out. The teenage dragons were relentless, getting up after lifting themselves out of the tree they were crushed by, flying past where she hid to find her.

"This wasn't a bright idea after all," she said, limping out of the bush, holding herself up with her staff. "Finding any simple allies outside of those equines is troublesome. I'm not going to bother turning those ungrateful whelps into Heartless." Maleficent tried to teleport away from Equestria and back to her world, but all that came out from her staff was a spark of green embers. "Curse my dragon transformation eating away my magic. I can't escape."

"That would be a good thing, wouldn't it, Maleficent?" The witch flinched as she looked behind her, finding Sora, Kairi, Donald, Goofy, Spike, Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash. She recognized the two Keyblade wielders, unsure how they became dragons when Pete told her they turned into ponies like she had while in this world, even Sora's companions with their faces remaining the same while their bodies had changed. And out of the ponies and baby dragon with them, she recognized Twilight, the lavender unicorn leering at her with caution and fear. "Guess you're not as powerful as you were when we actually fought you in the past."

"You're lucky my mana has been drained, child," Maleficent said, glowering the annoying teen. Donald and Goofy held their weapons out in case the witch had something up her sleeves. She looked over at Twilight and grinned, seeing her slowly move behind Sora. "At least I managed to almost get one of you pathetic equines to turn into a Heartless. Too bad the Princess of Heart freed you from my spell."

"Don't bring Twilight into this, or anyone else in this world, Maleficent!" Sora warned, summoning his Keyblade and stepping forward. "How about you be grateful that we're trying to save you from those dragons instead of trying to get me to kill you right here and now!?"

"Save me? I can take care of myself." The witch felt her legs buckle from her injuries, gripping her staff tightly before she collapsed to the grounds. Spike tried to help Maleficent back up, but she pushed him away. "Get away from me. I've already had enough with dragons for a lifetime!"

"But you turned into one," Spike said. "Why?"

"So I could make more Heartless with powerful creatures," Maleficent explained. "I thought finding the youngest and powerful of the bunch in that mountain would be useful, but I wasn't able to observe because of that perverted dragon that couldn't take a hint!"

"That was actually pretty hilarious," Rainbow laughed, Sora, Donald, and Goofy joining her at her outburst and tumble down into the volcano.

"Bite your tongues or I will smite you where you stand!" The green unicorn tried to shoot more lightning from her staff at the pegasus, but all she made was a small spark of lightning barely reach anyone. Maleficent growled, her legs finally giving out on her as she fell to the ground. "This is already humiliating enough. Just end me."

"Oh how I wish I could," Sora said, dismissing his Keyblade. "Unfortunately, because of a certain little dragon who has more sagely wisdom than Twilight-"

"Hey!" Twilight exclaimed, Rainbow snickering at the lavender mare's reaction.

"-it would be wrong for any of us to easily take you down in the condition you're in. For now, we're sparing you, paying you back for helping us against Organization XIII." The tan dragon dug into his jacket pockets, pulling out an ether. He tossed it in the air, blue sparkles falling over Maleficent and restoring her mana a little bit. The witch stared at her enemy in confusion, though she didn't show any gratitude for the strangely kind gesture from the boy who had stopped her plans before. "That should be enough to get you back to where you and Pete are hiding now, right?"

"...I don't need your pity," she said coldly, shakily standing back up as she sneered at Sora. "You'll always be a gullible fool with that heart of yours, Sora. How the Heartless haven't gotten to it is beyond me."

"I did turn into a Heartless though, Maleficent." The witch raised a brow as he looked over at Kairi. "When you had the Princesses of Heart in your lair back in Hollow Bastion, now renamed Radiant Garden, you were missing Kairi's heart. Her heart was with me the whole time, so I came to your palace with the last pure heart gift wrapped to you, and killing me would have given you access to Kingdom Hearts."

"You had her heart all that time?" Maleficent asked, never knowing how she couldn't find Kairi's heart when she and her comrades searched everywhere for it in the other worlds.

Before she could demand answers as to how Sora had two hearts in him, Garble and his dragon friends pounced on her and the other mares, holding them hostage and surprising the group. "Hey, nice going! You three found the stupid pony and her other little friends spying on us!" Maleficent tried to use her regained magic to shock the red teenage dragon grappling her, but Garble smacked her horn hard, dispelling even her own unique magic with the painful blow. "Now to take care of these dumb ponies. Spike, you go first."

"W-What?" the baby dragon asked, the dragons unaware of Donald and Goofy in their presence as they snuck around them out of their sight.

"We were gonna plan a raid for all three of you to do with us to take one of those phoenix eggs from that nest and break them." Everyone was appalled at the horrible idea of a raid Garble had in mind. Even Maleficent was disgusted by the obscene plan, killing an immortal avian chick of fire and revival one of the dumbest things to do when it can be trained to be a loyal pet that can never die. "But I think killing one of these ponies is just as good. So go on, Spike. Prove you're not like these namby-pamby ponies."

"Y-You mean...if we did the raid...you wanted me to break a phoenix egg?" Spike felt sick, just the thought of killing one of his friends was bringing back his horrible greed frenzy he went on, where he could have possible hurt someone during that time. And killing a defenseless hatchling, where that hatchling was a mystical bird of flames, almost made him throw up his snack of gems back in the volcano. "T-That's not right."

"So what? It's fun!" The other dragons agreed with Garble, which only angered Sora and Kairi more. "And killing these ponies will be even better!"

"Alright, I've had enough of this," Sora said, stepping forward. "You guys realize that killing something in an egg is like killing a part of yourselves, right? You guys were born from eggs! How would you feel if you broke a dragon couple's egg before they're even ready to hatch!?"

"Who cares?" The crossed the line between him and Garble, Sora clenching his fists.

"...You know what, Garble? I've been tolerating your obnoxious behavior for far too long," Sora said, leering at the teen leader. "It was for Spike's sake, just to have him learn a little more about his dragon roots and what dragons really are...And you've proven to me, him, and the rest of us what you guys really are." He suddenly disappeared with a burst of speed, getting behind Garble and wrapped his arms around his middle, pulling the red dragon's arms away from Maleficent as he dropped her. "You're nothing but a bunch of monsters! To everyone!"

Sora leapt up in the air and flipped backwards several times, carrying the screaming Garble with him. As they fell to the ground, the Keyblade wielder slammed Garble's head down hard into the ground, knocking him senseless. Donald and Goofy jumped in and attacked the dragons holding the other mares captive, the former freezing the ones holding Rainbow and Rarity with a Blizzard spell while the latter clonked the one holding Twilight hard in the skull with his shield, the dragon dropping like a log as stars flew around his eyes. Before the frozen dragons could break out of their icy prison with their fire breath, Kairi rushed in and broke the ice, grabbing their heads and slamming them together, knocking them unconscious.

With the teenage dragons subdued, Sora and Kairi picked up Maleficent as they all ran far from the forest and the Dragon Lands as they could. As soon as they were clear enough away from Garble and his group, they stopped and took a breather. After the teens lowered the witch to the ground, the magic that kept them as dragons wore off, turning them back into a pegasus and unicorn. Maleficent backed away from her saviors, calling her staff to her in a veil of green flames.

"...I should thank you, but I could have handled those brats myself." Sora rolled his eyes, knowing full well she was completely helpless and too injured to even move. "Though I find it hard to believe my mana was disabled after getting smacked in this...appendage on my forehead."

"Unicorn horns channel the magic to cast spells," Twilight explained. "It's also pretty sensitive, meaning any hard contact into it while channeling mana disables magic use for a small amount of time. That might have also affected...your own magic..."

Maleficent glanced over at Twilight, quickly stepping behind Sora, not wanting to be affected by her manipulative spells again. Rainbow Dash and Rarity noticed their friend's odd behavior, wondering if the two had actually met some time ago, especially when the otherworldly villain mentioned doing something to Twilight.

"I think this makes us even, Maleficent," Sora said, diverting her attention back to him.

"...Very well then." Green flames spiraled around the witch as she began to teleport away. "Next time we meet, I will have a massive army of Heartless with me to take this world over."

Her body disappeared behind the growing flames, and as they died to embers, there was no sign of Maleficent. "Good luck with that."

"Well, I think we learned a lot about dragons today," Rainbow said. "They're jerks."

"But not Spikey-wikey," Rarity said, grabbing Spike and hugging him tightly, making the dragon blush. "He's nothing like those monstrous brutes."

"Yeah. I'm not like them at all. And I think I finally figured out who I am." Spike squirmed out of Rarity's grasp, looking up to the ponies around him. "I may have been born a dragon, but I realized who I am isn't the same as what I am. I know where I truly belong; with my friends in Ponyville. My family."

Twilight, Rainbow, and Rarity scooped Spike into a group hug at the heartwarming sentiment, Goofy picking up Donald and hugging him as he watched the moment. "Hey! Let me down, ya big palooka!"

Sora and Kairi laughed at Donald, the small griffon grumbling as he was hugged like a stuffed doll by his taller friend and companion. The group began to make their way back to Ponyville, Spike's quest to discover who he was having been in Ponyville with Twilight and their friends all this time. Even though they learned a little bit about dragons, the adolescent teenage dragons were by far the worst kinds of dragons to deal with, holding no morals over life, even to their own kind.

"Urgh...my head..." Garble woke after being knocked unconscious, rubbing his aching cranium as he sat up. He found his buddies laying unconscious, one of them sporting a painful bump on his head while the other two had ice melting around them. There was no sign of the other ponies, Sora, Kairi, or Spike anywhere, the dragon teen growling angrily. "Those stupid, pony loving traitors. If I see them around here again, they are so going to get it."

He slammed his fist into a nearby tree, shaking the branches and causing a nest to fall down on his head. Chirping noises rang out on his head, along with the sound of a pair of avians screeching. Garble looked up at the nest, being the phoenixes he and his friends planned on raiding earlier, all the eggs hatched with small orange and red phoenix chicks. Hovering down in his point of view were the fully grown parents of their babies, their bodies igniting with bright flames, screeching as they flew down and pecked at him. Garble flailed about and ran from the angry parents, dropping the nest as the phoenix chicks flew up to their branch, chirping excitedly as they watched their mom and dad attack the bad dragon that knocked their home out of the tree.

"Maleficent!?" Pete wandered around the castle in the Enchanted Domain, wondering where his boss had disappeared to. "Where did she run off to? Not even leaving a note or anything." The minion decided to check the throne room again, and as he entered the room, Maleficent appeared in a pillar of green flames. The witch flinched, clutching her staff as she held herself up. "Maleficent!"

Pete ran up to her and tried to help her up, only to get smacked in the face by her staff. "I don't need your help."

"Owwww! You know that hurts, right?" he asked. Not wanting to anger his boss, Pete had no choice but to watch Maleficent limp up the stone steps to her throne and sit down. He noticed her injuries, somewhat concerned about her well being and where she disappeared to. "What happened to ya, anyways?"

"It's none of your business," she said. "Just get me something to drink. I need to recover after...trying to seek potential minions in that colorful world." Without a word, Pete nodded and walked off to give what his boss wishes. Maleficent leaned back in her throne, recalling Sora's response to her back in the forest about where Kairi's heart had been during her first attempt of conquest throughout the universe. "So...that boy had turned into a Heartless?...How did he come back after losing his heart? That is impossible...Unless..." She scoffed, figuring out what had saved him, or in this case, who saved him. "Their relationship...Their hearts being one...He's very lucky, but eventually, that luck will soon run out."

Yen Sid paced around in his study in the Mysterious Tower, waiting for Riku to report in with his scouting across the different worlds. Earlier, he had spoken with Celestia earlier, something about an important matter with a threat from her world that would dare trespass on a very royal event within the next couple weeks. She hadn't received any word from her student about the message she had sent earlier, afraid that her letter went unnoticed and Spike forgot to give Twilight the urgent message. All she knew of the threat was that they were going to arrive at some point, though when or what their purpose is, there was never a description depicting the villain's goals.

Sensing that if the enemies struck and Sora and Kairi can't stop them on their own, the wizard couldn't help but agree as he too knew that there would be a massive battle that may take place. As strong as Sora was, he can't handle everything on his own. Yen Sid didn't have to wait much longer, the door to his study opening as the silver-haired teen walked in, bowing respectfully to the wise old man after closing the door.

"I got your message, Master Yen Sid," Riku said. "What's going on? Is there a world in trouble?"

"Yes, unfortunately. But instead of Heartless, it is more against a threat to a kingdom of that world. A world that is far too peaceful to ever be tainted by evil and darkness." Yen Sid pulled out a book and opened it up, showing the world that was in trouble. "This world is where I had sent Sora for his training, but also for him to keep the world safe from the Heartless that have begun to appear."

"So that's where Sora's been." Riku looked over the world, eyeing the grand castle on top and the small town at the bottom. "It does seem peaceful, but looks can always be deceiving...But, why send Sora somewhere that's been peaceful? And so far from every other world?"

"I've actually made contact with this world's ruler, though I've withheld this information since the world is quite far from here, practically on the edge of the cosmos." Riku wrote down the coordinates of the world from the book. "I'll let them know you're arriving within a week. Head for the castle that you see in the world, and you'll find the ruler there. She isn't hard to miss."

"I'll be on my way." The teen bowed again and headed for the door. He paused before putting his hand on the doorknob, looking back at the wizard. "By the way, Master, have you heard anything from Kairi? Aside from her coming back to your tower to report any Heartless activity, I have no idea where she's been."

"You may find her soon enough, Riku. I assure you that she and Sora are perfectly alright." Riku nodded, not wanting to question his master, taking his leave to head out for this new world. Yen Sid watched from his window as Riku's Gummi ship flew off into the sky, headed out to Equestria. "I better let Celestia know he's on his way now. He's going to be in for quite the surprise when he makes it there."

The wizard chuckled as he headed into his chambers with the magical mirrors to give the alicorn princess his news. Whatever dangerous threat would attack Celestia's castle, he had confidence that his three pupils would be enough to stop them.

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