Summer Sun And Filly Fun

by XionFate

First published

A rag-tag group of young fillies enjoy a summer to remember

As a group of fillies wraps up their final year of pony school they look forward to the summer that lies ahead. With the sun bright they learn lessons of life and friendship that will live on with each of them for years.

Graduation Day

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Summer Sun and Filly Fun

A silly short by XionFate

Graduation Day

"Ah yes miss Celestia, welcome to Ponyville academy." Cheerilee greeted as Princess Celestia stepped into the tiny building at the outskirts of Ponyville.

"Why of course miss Cheerilee, I wouldn't miss the graduation of our great young fillies and colts for the world." Celestia returned with a warm smile and took a seat in front of the tiny stage that was set up in the room.

Behind the curtain on stage a mismatch of magic and mishap was taking place, and at the head of it all was little Lily Gumdrop.

"Come on everypony, we need to be in our gowns and hats in five minutes if we plan to keep with the schedule!" Lily shouted as she used her magic to move a garment rack to the other side of the room.

"Oh come on Lily, we're graduating today. Even you of all ponies can afford to relax a little bit." Cherry Blossom retorted as she backstroked through the air above the chaos.

"Yeah, Cheery Blossom is right. Besides, we're all pretty much ready to go as it is." Starry Daze injected as she took her spot around a few other fillies and colts on stage.

"Hmmm, I suppose you're right guys, I'll go get ready." Cherry Blossom said as she galloped off to get ready.


The procession began within the hour much to the delight of Cheerilee, and went off without a hitch. Cheerilee called the name of each little pony as they walked to the front of the stage and then presented them with a certificate of graduation. Princess Celestia applauded at every name called and smiled every time a pony stepped forward. Just ahead of them all was the one thing they had been waiting all year for, summer vacation. It was a time when all the fillies and colts got to relax and have fun before returning to school, or in these ponies cases work, in the fall. It was the most sought after and revered time of the year, and the fillies and colts of this graduating class drank it in like they planned to drink in the sun.

After the ceremony was over Cheerilee congratulated them on their achievement and allowed them to leave, a tear rolling down her cheek as she whispered a silent goodbye to them all. Starry Daze was the first to leave followed by Cherry Blossom and then Lily Gumdrop. They took their time to walk the small cobblestone path that led to the school one last time before gathering in a tight circle. The time had come to plan for summer and for that Lily was nominated numero uno.

"So, what are we gonna do first?" Starry Daze asked, a breeze rolling over the land around them.

"Well, how about we go tell our parents and then meet at sugarcube corner to decide?" Lily replied.

"Sounds like a great idea! I'll go tell my parents right away and meet you guys there." Cherry Blossom exclaimed and then dashed of to the east. Trees bent slightly at her burst of speed and a little apple fell from the oak nearest the center of the road.

"Yeah, I'll go do the same. My parents were so excited when they heard that graduation day was today, I can't wait to tell them." Starry Daze said as she began to trot off to the west. "Hey Lily, I'll see you at sugarcube corner. I'm sure you'll have a plan worked up by then."

"Yeah, I'll see you there" Lily called back as she turned towards her home and started walking.

It was true, Lily Gumdrop already had a plan for what they were going to do. Her mind was always working, even when it seemed like it was not, and she owed much of her success to that solitary fact. She had been scheming during their impromptu meeting, and though nopony else knew, she was ready to go. She wanted to go to the beach and play in the sand as she watched the stallions walk by. She wanted to go to the Fly-In theater and see a movie with her friends, and end the day with a conversation about the future. It was perfect in Lily's mind, but first she had to go home and tell her parents about her graduation day.

"Ah, I'm getting ahead of myself. There's plenty of time to do all the things we want to do this summer." Lily whispered to herself with a smile as she approached the front door to her home.

The perfect summer was about to start, and these fillies were ready for it.

A Day On The Beach

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A Day On The Beach

The group reconvened at sugarcube corner nearly two hours after they parted before. Cherry Blossom was the first to show up, a cloud exploding in the air as she made her entrance. Not one to make light of her entrances, Cherry Blossom always found a new way to make jaws drop. Her idol was the famous Rainbow Dash of the wonderbolts and she worked day after day to hone her skills. The next to enter the scene was Starry Daze, stopping to smell the flowers as she walked. Starry Daze was as carefree as anypony had ever been. She often stopped as she was walking to smell flowers or gaze at the sky and was always getting in other ponies ways. The last to make their entrance was Lily Gumdrop, and she entered as studiously and professionally as ever. Not one for horsing around she always wore her body like the finest dress and secretly hoped that some older stallion would take notice, with no such luck of course.

The group formed another circle in front of sugarcube corner and began to discuss the plans for the day ahead. Cherry Blossom spoke first, her slightly masculine voice echoing through the partially empty streets around them.

"So, now that we're all here what are we gonna do today?" Cherry Blossom asked.

"Well, I was thinking maybe we could go to the beach first." Lily Gumdrop said as she rummaged through her saddlebag. Her face grew frustrated for a mere second as she went but then softened after she found her sunscreen.

"Ah, seems Lily is already prepared for the beach, and I do need to work on my tan." Starry daze replied as she nudged Lily. "I also wanna see some cute stallions while we're there."

All three of the fillies faces lit up at the thought and they each turned to look away. Lily was the first to regain her composure and turned to speak to the other two.

"Alright, it's settled. For the first day of summer vacation we will go to the beach!" Lily exclaimed excitedly as she placed an arm around each of her friends.

"You guys are going to the beach? Oh I haven't been to the beach in forever! Last time I went to the beach Gummy fell in the water and everypony totally flipped out. They actually thought he was dangerous!" Ponyville's premiere party pony exclaimed as she hopped into the circle.

"Oh hey Pinkie Pie." Lily said nervously as a forced smile found its way to her face. "Are you busy in the bakery today? If not then you can go with us."

"Oh I would absopositivelylutely love to go to the beach, but I need to finish up some orders here at the bakery." Pinkie Pie said as she bounced around the trio. "You guys go have tons of fun, and don't be afraid to start a party while you're there!"

"Okay Pinkie, thanks for the encouragement." Lily said as she waved goodbye to Pinkie Pie.

"So, what are we waiting for? Lets go to the beach!" Cherry Blossom exclaimed as she rocketed towards the edge of town.


The beach was only slightly busy that day, and there was plenty of room for the trio to "party" as Pinkie Pie had put it. They set up three fold-out chairs by the water and began to put sunscreen on. Lily Gumdrop and Cherry Blossom raced to the water; behind them Starry Daze was beginning to lay out her towel for a relaxing day of sunbathing. It was absolutely beautiful out, and Lily secretly thanked Celestia for the day they had been given.

"Hey Lily, think fast." Cherry Blossom said as she tossed some water onto Lily Gumdrop.

"Oh no you didn't, I'm gonna get you for that." Lily said as she chased after Cherry Blossom splashing like crazy.

"Oh Lily, you are so silly. Hey, that rhymed." Cherry Blossom said as she flew backwards through the air.

The pair continued to play water games for well over an hour. From diving contests to marco polo they kept themselves entertained. Starry Daze joined them in the middle of a game of water ball, in which one pony tries to keep the ball away from the other ponies for as long as possible, and when tagged the pony with the ball must throw the ball away for the other ponies to get.


"Ha, gotcha Cherry Blossom!" Starry Daze exclaimed as she tackled Cherry Blossom into the water.

"Yeah, guess you did. Alright Lily, this ones headed for you." Cherry Blossom said as she hurled the ball through the air towards Lily Gumdrop.

"I got it, I got it!" Lily called out, running backwards. She kept her eye on the ball the whole time to be sure she would catch it.

After several steps there was a loud crash and Lily Gumdrop was submerged beneath the water. She resurfaced after a few seconds and turned around quickly to see what she had run into. Standing in front of her was one of the most handsome stallions she had ever laid eyes on, and her heart skipped a beat just at the sight of him.

"Oh, I'm so sorry sir, I didn't mean to run into you like that." Lily Gumdrop said hurriedly, trying not to fumble over her words. "I promise it won't happen again."

"Oh no, you're quite alright miss..."

"Lily, Lily Gumdrop's the name." Lily said, her heart racing.

"Ah, Lily Gumdrop, that's a cute name. I suppose you're looking for this?" the stallion said as he placed the little rubber ball into her hoof.

"Why, um, yes, that's exactly what I'm looking for." Lily said as a tinge of red spread across her face. "Thank you very much Mr..."

"Mr. Flash. Midnight Flash to be exact." the stallion replied with a smile.

For the first time since she had run into him Lily stopped to look at his features. He was a young stallion, not like the ones she saw around the elementary school. His coat was a dark purple and his cutie mark was of lightning. His wings were filled out to their full volume and when stretched to full length were as long as Lily's body. She gasped as she took the sight of him in, then quickly regained her senses hoping he had not caught her staring.

"Well, thanks again Mr. Flash." Lily said shyly and then turned and ran back to her friends.

"Hmmm, she was kind of cute. I'll have too look her up sometime." Midnight Flash said as he turned to return to his friends at the other side of the water.

"Well well Lily, making moves on an older stallion are we?" Starry Daze mused as she poked Lily gumdrop.

"I wasn't trying to, why? did it come off like I was?" Lily asked worriedly.

"Oh don't worry about it, Starry Daze is just trying to give you a hard way to go. Anyways, he was really cute." Cherry Blossom said as she turned her eyes in the direction of the dark purple stallion.

"Yeah, congrats on running into him." Starry Daze said as she gave a playful smile to Lily Gumdrop.

"Thanks." Lily chuckled and then turned to the beach shore. "I think it's about time we got back to Ponyville, what do you girls think?"

"Sounds fine to me." Cherry Blossom said as she started to hover towards the shore.

"Yeah, the sun will be going down soon. Race you to the beach Lily." Starry Daze said as she started running towards the shore.

"Oh no you don't!" Lily shouted as she started a sprint to the shore behind Starry Daze.


When the trio arrived back in Ponyville they decided to go see Pinkie Pie at sugarcube corner. By now she would hopefully be done with her work, and would love to hear about their day at the beach.

"Hey Pinkie Pie." Lily said as she took a seat at the counter, Cherry Blossom and Starry Daze filling in the seats beside her.

"Oh hey girls, how was your day at the beach?" Pinkie asked as she bounced up to the counter.

"It was great! I got to tan, Cherry Blossom got to practice her aerial acrobatics, and Lily met a sexy stallion." Starry Daze replied.

"Oh really? What was he like?" Pinkie asked, curiosity dripping from her syllables.

"Well, he was really tall, and he had gorgeous, full wings. He was dark purple and he called himself Midnight Flash." Cherry Blossom replied as her eyes glazed over in a daydream.

"Ooohhh, sounds dreamy." Pinkie replied in a whisper.

"Yeah, but I don't stand a chance." Lily Gumdrop said glumly.

"Of course you do, everypony stands a chance with any other pony. Duh, that's how relationships work." Pinkie Pie said as she took a few steps towards the shelf with all of the cakes on it. "Besides, any stallion would be luck to catch a mare like you."

"Really? you think so?" Lily asked, hope returning to her voice.

"Of course. Now who wants some cake?"

"Oh, we do, we do!" the trio chimed simultaneously as Pinkie Pie began to cut the cake.

After the cake eating and laughing was over with the three ponies split up for the night and went home to get some much needed shut eye. Lily Gumdrop made it home earlier than she expected and immediately went up to her room. There was so much going through her head, and she wanted to sort it all out. summer vacation had just started and she had already met the most handsome and wonderful stallion she thought she would ever meet. She was on a cloud that nopony could bring her down from and she never wanted the feeling to stop. As she laid down for bed, a smile plastered on her face, she looked forward to the things that tomorrow would bring.

Fun At The Fly-In

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Fun At The Fly-In Pt. 1

The next morning the ponies were greeted by an all too unfriendly sight. The weather had called for a storm that day, much to the trios despair, and the rain fell heavily from the dark skies above. It puddled itself along the streets edges and made for a day outside nearly impossible. With no other options of what to do that day the group decided to hang out at Starry Dazes house.

As always Cherry Blossom arrived first, shaking the water off of her like a wet dog. Starry Daze scolded her for her inappropriate behavior and the showed her to the dim-lit room that she called her own. Cherry Blossom complained about the lighting at first but after an unsavory glance from Starry Daze had a second thought and went in quietly. Lily Gumdrop arrived a little later, layered in everything from a light jacket to a cumbersome poncho. She looked like something out of a horror movie, and Starry Daze took the chance to have fun with her about it. After Starry Daze helped Lily remove her assortment of protective wear they both trotted up the stairs and into Starry Dazes star lined bedroom.

"So, this rain is a real drag, it's really bringing me down." Cherry Blossom said as she rolled a rainbow colored ball back and forth between her hooves.

"Yeah, and it ruined all of my plans for today. I wanted to go to the Fly-In theater and see a movie" Lily said as she swiped a hoof in front of her in frustration.

"Now girls, just because it's raining doesn't mean we can't still have fun." Starry Daze said as she crossed her small room to a large metal box.

"Yeah right. What do we have to do inside?" Cherry Blossom asked as she followed Starry Daze across the room with her eyes.

"Well, just sit back and I'll show you." Starry Daze replied as she flipped open a cover on the box and hit the button underneath it.

Suddenly the room went dark, and little lights scattered across the now blackened space. As more lights entered they began to form shapes and some combined to form colored blobs. Light reflected off of the blobs and refracted through the tiny prisms in the air creating an absolutely dazzling light show. The blobs morphed and changed into completely different shapes and caused the light to bend in different ways. It was one of the most beautiful things that Cherry Blossom and Lily Gumdrop had ever seen and for a moment they each felt a tear form in their eye.

After the light show was over the dim light returned to the room revealing a brightly smiling Starry Daze.

"So, how was that?" Starry Daze asked, hoping that the show of beauty had impressed at least one of them.

"That, was, amazing! I've never seen anything like it!" Cherry Blossom exclaimed as she jumped up to give Starry Daze a hug.

"Yes, I must say it was simply dazzling. I'll probably never see anything like that again in my life." Lily Gumdrop said as she hopped up and joined the group hug.

"Awww guys, stop it. It's something my parents created when they were younger and passed on to me." Starry Daze said as she drank in the love of her friends. "Of course, it didn't work quite like that when I got it. I made a few adjustments."

"Well your work is unbelievable!" Cherry Blossom exclaimed as she broke from the group hug. "And look, the rain stopped."

"Ah, I guess it has, shall we go to the Fly-In theater now?" Starry Daze asked.

"Well I don't see why we wouldn't. Lets go!" Lily exclaimed as she raced down the stairs.


When the trio arrived at the Fly-In theater they were amazed at how many other ponies were there. Everywhere they looked they saw a stallion and his mare kissing or sharing popcorn while waiting for the movie, or a family waiting patiently for the movie to begin. On a cloud above the rest was a Pegasus operating a movie reel, feeding it film roll after roll. It was truly something they had never seen before, and they were awestruck by how real it was now.

After they bought their tickets they quickly took a seat on a cloud near the front and got ready for the show. The scheduled movie that night was an adventure flick about an Alicorn who faces adversity in a society of earth ponies but finds common ground among them and learns to live happily in the society. It was a new release from the great Picture Perfect that was said to break box-office records soon. Picture Perfect had never failed to deliver quality movies, and it seemed that this one would continue that trend.

"This movie is awesome!" Cherry Blossom exclaimed softly as she gripped her popcorn bucket tightly.

"I know, the effects are so cool!" Starry Daze replied as she took a sip of Sparkle Cola from her cup.

"And that Alicorn, he's so brave!" Lily said with delight as she reached for a piece of popcorn out of Cherry Blossoms bucket.

"When I grow up I wanna be just like him! He's as awesome and cool as Rainbow Dash!" Cherry Blossom replied as she buried her head in her popcorn bucket.

"So, you're still on that Rainbow Dash kick are you?" Starry Daze asked Cherry Blossom with a sarcastic smile.

"Of course! She's only the greatest flier in all of Equestria! and she's so awesome!" Cherry Blossom exclaimed in her fan-girl voice, defending her idol from the attacker to her right.

"I know I'm awesome, and don't you ever forget it!" a voice bellowed over the theater, silencing all of the small conversations happening around it.

The lights went out and the movie stopped, the night sky bathing the place in a deep blue. Suddenly a rainbow appeared across the screen, then exploded into little showers of cotton candy. The ponies in the theater remained silent, wondering what was happening.

"Tonight, for your eyes only, we present the return of the greatest flier in all of Equestria and the previous captain of the wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash!" A voice echoed out over the expanse around them.

The lights returned to the Fly-In theater, and as they did they revealed a strong looking blue Pegasus posing in front of the screen. Her wings were beautiful and her cutie mark showed a cloud with a rainbow zig-zag erupting from it. The trio panned there eyes from hind legs to face and were shocked at what they saw.

From the three of them came one loud, simultaneous shout. "By Celestia, it's Rainbow Dash!"

Fun At The Fly-In Pt. 2

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Fun At The Fly-In Pt. 2

"Yes, it is I, the great Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she exploded past the stunned fillies. "Tonight, for your amusement and your amusement only, I will be preforming the tricks and stunts that I used when I auditioned for the wonderbolts!"

"No way, is she being serious?" Cherry Blossom asked as she began to hover up off of the cloud she was on.

"Well, I don't know, why don't you ask her." Starry Daze responded.

"That's a great idea. Hey Rainbow Dash, are you being serious!?" Cherry Blossom yelled as she hovered up a little more.

"Why of course I am squirt, and I'll prove it to you." Rainbow Dash remarked as she swooped down and picked Cherry Blossom up.

Rainbow Dash tossed Cherry Blossom up onto her back and then began a quick ascent up through the clouds. Above the cloud line the night sky was beautiful and the moon was full and bright. Stars shone vividly around them and for a moment Cherry Blossoms mind was at peace. That was, until Rainbow Dash altered her trajectory directly south and began a free fall through the clouds.

The wind pounded against the two Pegasi as they broke the cloud barrier and continued to plummet towards the earth. Gasps erupted from the crowd as the sight of an unconscious Rainbow Dash hit them. Cherry Blossom was clueless as to why all of the other ponies around her were yelling and screaming for her to let go of Rainbow Dash, so instead she held on even tighter. As Rainbow Dash came within 100 yards of the ground below her her eyes whipped open and she turned her hind legs towards the ground. Her wings began to beat at tremendous speeds and she rocketed into the air nearly seconds before she collided with the ground.

"Oh, my, Celestia... That was so awesome!" Cherry Blossom yelled as she wrapped Rainbow Dash in a hug. "I'm like, your biggest fan, and the fact you let me ride along with you was amazing."

"My biggest fan huh? Well I've got something for you then." Rainbow Dash said as she stopped in the air behind the theater screen.

"Really? what is it?" Cherry Blossom asked as anticipation and wonder stained her eyes.

"Well, ever since I was a little filly I had always dreamed of being in the wonderbolts. I went to their shows, bought all of their merchandise, and even pretended I was them at times. They meant the world to me and I wanted to be like them so badly." Rainbow Dash said as she began to rummage through a box on the high rise. "One day I went to a show in Ponyville that the wonderbolts were preforming at. I was so excited to go and I knew that that would be the day that I could show them I belonged. They were amazing that night, better than ever before, but after the show they never stopped for autographs. I was determined to get their autograph however, and after the show I followed them into the wardrobe room. Spitfire had just taken off her costume when I entered, and I was afraid that she would be mad about me sneaking in."

"I bet, I would have been too. So what happened next?" Cherry Blossom asked.

"Well, Spitfire asked me what I was doing in the wardrobe room. I told her that I had come to get her autograph and she smiled at me. She signed her name on the uniform and gave it to me. I was so happy that I gave her a big hug, that she returned, and then ran out screaming." Rainbow Dash said as a tear found its way to her eye. "It was a very special moment in my childhood, and I wanted you to experience it to."

Rainbow Dash pulled out her wonderbolts uniform from her younger years and laid it out flat. She signed her name in big, beautiful letters and then stuffed it into Cherry Blossoms saddle bag.

"I never gave up on my dreams squirt. Even when the chips were down and it looked grim I kept struggling forward to meet my goal. Never give up on the dreams that you hold closest, you never know how close you may be to achieving them."


That night the group met not at sugarcube corner, but at the playground of the school that they had spent so many years in. The clouds had been kicked out by some of the more active Pegasi and the night sky was more beautiful than ever before.

"My, my, Luna really has outdone herself this time." Lily Gumdrop said as she gazed up at the night sky.

Yes, it really is a sight to behold." Starry Daze replied as she slid down a slide.

"Hey girls?" Cherry Blossom asked to get the other fillies attentions. "Do you think I should keep trying to be a wonderbolt?"

The question left the group silent for a moment, the grasshoppers song the only sound. After a few seconds Lily Gumdrop spoke up, quieter than normal but still holding the same power.

"Of course you should Cherry Blossom. You're a really talented flier and you always keep trying." Lily replied reassuringly.

"You really think so?" Cherry Blossom asked hopefully.

"Yeah. And you also have a big heart so you can help anypony that's in need." Starry Daze said as she stepped up to Cherry Blossom and gave her a hug.

"Thanks girls, it means a lot to me." Cherry Blossom said as she brought Lily Gumdrop into the hug as well.

The trio of adventurous fillies shared a tight hug for awhile then fell down side-by-side with a smile on all of their faces. As the stars twinkled brightly the only thoughts in the heads of the young ponies were of gumdrops and rainbows. So far it had been the greatest summer they had ever had, and they hoped for many more adventures together. Perfection was often times impossible to achieve, but this summer was one of the few instances where perfection had been found. As the ponies drifted off into a peaceful nights sleep they turned their thoughts to the future, ready for whatever adventures awaited them next.


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"Hey mom, can me and Gumdrop Swirl go to the fair today?" Cinnamon Bun asked as she flew into the room occupied by Lily and her husband Midnight Flash.

"Well, that's not up to me dear. How about you ask your father and see what he says." Lily replied as her hooves continued to work the fabric in them together.

"Well, okay, but you girls have to be back by 9:00 sharp or else." Midnight said as he got up to get a drink.

"Okay! Thanks dad, and thanks mom. We'll be back by 9:00 you can count on us!" and with that Cinnamon Bun and Gumdrop Swirl bolted out of the small cottage and down the small dirt road to the Ponyville fair.

Lily Gumdrop had spent many years trying to find Midnight Flash after that fateful encounter on the beach, and after just over 3 years of searching she had finally found him again. He was a tour guide in Canterlot, showing all of the tourist ponies the ins and outs of a royal and highly sophisticated life in the mountains. Lily decided that it must be fate that brought them together for the second time and she was not going to miss this chance to make her dream come true. So after a few dates and a few really good dinners together they both decided that everything felt right and decided to go for it. The rest they say, well that's history in the making.


"Wow Cherry Blossom, There sure are a lot of Rainbow Dash photos here." Pinkie Pie said as she sifted through the endless pile of photographs with the cunning Rainbow Mared weather pony in them.

"Yeah, I guess there are. Oh, speaking of, did you by any chance happen to want a few of them?" Cherry Blossom asked Pinkie Pie.

A tear came to Pinkie's eye as she looked at the photos of Dashie and all of her friends, including Pinkie Pie, in a photo together and she decided she had to have a few pictures.

"Sure Cherry Blossom, I'd love to take a few off of your hands."

It had been many years since the performance at the Fly-In by Rainbow Dash that had turned Cherry Blossom's world upside down, but no matter what happened it still burned vividly and brightly in her mind. Everywhere she went she always managed to see something that would remind her of the pony she so selflessly looked up to. From Rainbow colored hats to the rainbows themselves Cherry Blossom was always reminded of Rainbow Dash, and she liked the closure and solitude that it brought her.

"I hope you're proud of me Dashie, I really am. You were right by the way, being the head of the Wonderbolts really is the most fun job a Pegasus can have."


"Hey Starry Daze, do you have a minute?" Lily asked as Cherry Blossom and her stepped into the large planetarium at the outskirts of town.

"Yeah, I always have time for my friends. Speaking of, how have you all been doing lately?" Starry Daze asked back as she cut the power on the light show taking place around her.

"Not bad, not bad. Getting by and enjoying the simple life." Lily replied as she kicked a hoof in front of her.

"Ah that's nice. The simple life sure does sound like the kind of life I wish I had." Starry Daze said, "And how about you Cherry Blossom?"

"Busy. Who knew that being captain of the Wonderbolts could be so time consuming."

"What, you thought it was all easy and fun? There is seldom a moment in life that is ever easy and fun." Starry Daze said.

"And how about you Daze, how's life been for you?" Lily Gumdrop asked her.

"Busy but enjoyable. I preform my shows and look at the stars, taking in everything that they have to tell me." Starry Daze replied as she looked up into the sky.

"Hmmm, sure does sound nice." Lily Gumdrop said.

"Yeah, but it does get kind of boring. Hey, I know, how about we all go to the beach!" Starry Daze exclaimed.

"You mean like we used to when we were little Fillies?" Cherry Blossom asked.

"Of course! And we can even invite Pinkie Pie, that is if she would want to come."

"Oh don't worry Starry Daze, if I know Pinkie Pie, she wouldn't miss this trip for the world." Lilly Gumdrop said as her friends and her trotted off into the sunset, in search of their next big adventure.

The End