Flight of the Eclipse or PM's Adventure Soup (Serves 7)

by Mr Merritt

First published

Peppermill, Applebloom and co. go on a mis-adventure...full of excitement and other things...

A abandoned cart becomes the ultimate mobile clubhouse for Peppermill, Pipsqueak, Rumble, Featherweight, Snips and Snails. But overprotective Applebloom considers it a death trap for her beloved little brother. In order to prove her point the filly sabotages the 'maiden voyage'.

But in doing so she gets her self and the boys dragged into a mysterious forest, complete with fast growing trees and a serious head injury for herself. It is up to the colts to band together to survive the elements until rescue arrives. But not before some adolescent crushes come to light and some simmering rivalries (of both the sibling and friendship variety) boils over.

Mr. Merritt Sez: Quite possibly the biggest story project I have ever attempted. Full of character development a la Mr. M!

Chapter One

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“Come on Peppermill! You absolutely have to see it to believe it!”

“I wish you…wouldn’t rush ahead like that…Pip.” panted the grey colt with the pepper grinder cutie mark. As much as Peppermill, the youngest of the Apple clan (Ponyville division) adored the little pinto pony, he hated the fact that youngest of his circle of friends could be a hoofful when he was excited.

The chef had learned quite quickly that, as a city colt, he was not used to the more…physical demands of having a bunch of colts his age to hang around with. It meant that he had to settle for bringing up the rear more often than not. While it didn’t bother him as much as it had at first, there were still times when he wished he could borrow a bit of strength from his elder siblings in order not to feel like he was a burden rather than an equal.

Still, the unadulterated excitement radiating off of Pipsqueak proved to be plenty of motivation to pick up his pace. Peppermill had been surprised when Pipsqueak had raced up to him about a half an hour earlier, gushing about a ‘discovery’. Usually the pinto pirate tended to go to ponies like Rumble or Featherweight when he had something important to share. But apparently Pipsqueak wanted Peppermill to be the first to see this amazing thing. It had led the two Earth colts down a path leading out of Ponyville and to, at least for Peppermill, a part of the neighbouring countryside he wasn’t familiar with.

“Over here! Quick!” Without waiting for acknowledgment, Pip suddenly veered off of the dirt road towards a wooded area nearby. Before Peppermill could say anything, the little colt had dived head first through some thick bushes.

“Oh…bother…” Peppermill approached the spot in the dark foliage where his friend had vanished with trepidation. While certainly not a coward, the chef was cautious with situations he had little experience in. Following an adventurous, fearless if not to the point of foolish colt into the unknown was definitely new. But he also trusted the youngster, and decided that he really had only one direction to go. With a silent prayer, the grey pony pushed through the leaves and branches…

…and found himself in a small yet rather open space surrounded by trees and bushes. While the secret space was surprising enough, it was nothing compared to what the colt with the splotchy coat sat before with a massive grin of pride and triumph.

“Isn’t it the most brilliant thing you’ve ever seen?”

“It’s…something all right.” While Pipsqueak was notorious for exaggeration and the occasional tall tale, even Peppermill had to admit the sight before him was worth the sweat he had built on his brow.

It appeared, for all purposes, to be a large abandoned carriage. It only had three wheels still attached to its body, the fourth laying broken a few yards away. The canvas cover was ripped in places, faded by the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees but still solid. The wood was weathered and there was no way of telling what the original color the transport was, but it too seemed to still be in one piece.

“I found her when I was exploring the other day. I thought maybe me eyes were playing tricks on me, but she is solid as any worthy vessel. Can you imagine just how much fun you, me and our mates could have with this?” gushed the colt, his eyes shining.

“It’s…very impressive Pip.” admitted Peppermill. “But I have…to ask about…the whole ‘her’ and…’she’ stuff…”

“Everypony knows that ships are like ladies that have to be respected. Any pirate captain with salt water in his blood knows that!” explained Pip emphatically.

“You…and your pirate fetish…” remarked Peppermill shaking his head in amusement.

“What’s a fetish?”

“I’ll…explain later.” said the grey colt quickly. “What exactly did…you have in mind…with this…ahem…ship and the gang?”

“Well think about it: if we could get her rolling and ship-shape, it would be like having our very own moving clubhouse. We could go anywhere in Ponyville, maybe even anywhere in Equestria!”

“Anywhere?” The grey colt was understandably skeptical at this claim, despite Pip’s enthusiasm. Peppermill approached the carriage cautiously, reaching out and giving the side of the transport a poke. Despite paint flaking off onto his hoof, the wood seemed still solid. As he examined the durability of the abandoned vehicle, Pip dove underneath it. He appeared a moment later, startling Peppermill in the process.

“There’s a trap door in the floor…well, a hole at any rate. Come on!” The pinto colt motioned with a hoof to his friend to come inside. Peppermill bit his lip, and then managed to pull himself up and into the interior of the carriage. Thanks to a tear in the canvas above, the Apple colt was able to see the dirty seats, the hole in the floor and a beaming Pipsqueak in the middle of it all.

“You see, there plenty of room. I bet all six of us could fit in here with a bunch of supplies and all sorts of stuff!”

“You sure seem…to have thought of…everything.” admitted Peppermill.

“Oh absolutely! This is the greatest discovery ever!”

“Just…one question: how…do you plan to…get this fixed up? I mean…we certainly can’t…leave it here. We would…have to get this…back to town. How would we…manage that?”

“Back…home?” It became clear that the little colt had not completely thought of everything. His little brow furrowed and he began to look less and less confident as the seconds passed.

“Don’t get me wrong…Pip, this is…quite a discovery. And…your idea does…sound fun. But we can’t…just try and drag…this thing around as is. And…for that matter…how do you know…that the rest…of our friends will…even agree…to your idea? Repairing this…thing will…be a lot of work…for a bunch…of colts.” While he hated disappointing his young friend, Peppermill felt he had to be the voice of reason to Pip’s foalish behavior.

“It’s just…I wanted to give you a chance to be able to play along with the rest of us for once.”

“You…what?” The pinto pony gave a sigh and continued, looking Peppermill square in the eye.

“I know you ain’t exactly the kind of pony that can run around and jump and play and stuff like that all the time. I see you trying your best but always getting tired and breathing so hard and…well, kind of sad. I mean, even I can beat you in a foot race.”

“Hmm…” While Peppermill couldn’t deny that he did find himself always last, if able to finish a race at all, he was genuinely surprised (and perhaps touched) that the little colt seemed to be genuinely concerned and sympathetic towards him.

“But if we had something like this to ride in, you wouldn’t have to be left behind. We can all be together like a proper crew should be. Until I came to Ponyville I…well, I was pretty much treated like a runt. Everypony, like me mum and dad, wanted me to play with the ponies my own age. But I wanted so much to be around the older ones because…well, they were so brilliant and cool!”

“I didn’t…really have any friends…my age. You don’t tend…to see many colts in…high-class restaurants…in Canterlot. Most of…the ponies I…was around were…adults.” Peppermill could genuinely understand where Pipsqueak was coming from.

“But here you blokes actually let me hang around you. Trust me; there are days when even I wonder sometimes how you can stand me. My aunt and uncle tell me I’m…what did they call it? Oh right, hyperactive!”

“Well…maybe you are…a little too energetic…at times.”

“But you all accepted me. You and Snips and Snails and Rumble and Featherweight, you are all my best friends. I want nothing more than for us to be able to do everything together, no matter how different we all are. I just thought…maybe something like this would help.” Pipsqueak lifted his head and jutted out his chin, almost defying Peppermill to counter his argument. But Peppermill was unable to do so, if only because he was trying hard not to tear up. Instead, he reached over and scooped up the smaller pony in a tight hug.

“You are…an amazing little…colt, did you know…that?”

“Heh, I hear that lot.” giggled the youngster, returning the hug just as tightly. Eventually the colts broke away, and Peppermill looked around the fallen wagon. A thoughtful look crossed his face, followed by a smile.

“I know a certain big, strong…workhorse that…might be convinced…to help us haul this thing…somewhere we…can all try and fix…it up.”

“Would Big Macintosh really do that?” asked Pip in awe. While the little colt may have been a full-fledged worshipper of Princess Luna, he was also a huge fan of Peppermill’s huge older brother.

“Well…maybe if you…came and explained…your idea to him. And I might…have some Waldorf salad waiting…at home…that needs to be…eaten before…it goes bad.”

“A chance to see Big Mac and have some of your Waldorf salad! Brilliant!!!” The splotched colt began to bounce around excitedly around the carriage. But when his exuberance brought him a little too close to the gaping hole in the floor, Peppermill lunged at him in alarm to try and catch him…

…only to have the two of them tumble through and land in a heap under the carriage.

“Bloody heck…”


Chapter Two

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It was a red letter day at Sweet Apple Acres, full of excitement, mystery and at least in one specific case resentment and hurt feelings.

It had proven to be remarkably easy to convince Big Macintosh to help the colt drag their discovery from its original resting place into one of the less used barns on the acreage’s property. None of the six colts could determine just why the stallion had seemed so willing to help, though Peppermill swore he had heard a low murmur at one point during the trip about ‘colts being colts’ and ‘reminds me of when I wuz small…or young as the case might be…’.

Once safely stowed away, the colts began to arduous task of restoring the carriage to something at least movable and presentable to the general public. After all, as Pipsqueak had insisted, a proper ship had to be both sea-worthy (or land-worthy, whatever was easier) and able to strike fear and/or respect in anypony who laid eyes upon it. While the whole ‘ship’ idea was debatable at best, the others agreed that there was potential in the whole ‘moving clubhouse’ idea.

“And maybe if Snips would make a huge sail we could catch the wind. That would be smashing!” Pipsqueak chatted endless as he tugged at some broken wood off of the side of the carriage.

“Why do I have to make a sail? Why would I want to make one?” whined the chubby unicorn as he struggled to pull out loose nails near the front of the carriage with a borrowed hammer.

“Because you are so good at making things like that. I mean, you’re so brilliant when it comes to sewing and stitching and stuff…” insisted Pip.

“Honestly Snips, if you would spend as much energy on your talent as you do on avoiding and complaining about a little hard work, you could be the greatest tailor in Equestria” This comment came from above with a smirk as Featherweight pulled the canvas from the carriages body. Snips gave the Pegasus colt a glare, and followed it by a snort as he struggled with the stubborn tool. Nearby Rumble, Peppermill and Snails peered at a rather rough drawing made by Pipsqueak of what he felt their ‘ship’ should look like.

“For a crayon drawing, it’s actually pretty detailed.” said Rumble thoughtfully.

“He certainly seems…to have taken a lot…of thought into this.” agreed Peppermill.

“What is that?” asked Snails, pointing to a small doodle in the corner of the paper. It looked like a rough drawing of a crescent moon.

“That’s going to be our Jolly Roger!” announced Pip gleefully from the ‘ship’.

“Ugh. For that last time Pip this…thing isn’t going to be a boat!” snapped Snips.

“I don’t know. This looks like a drawing of a boat to me. Well, a boat with wheels at any rate.” remarked Rumble.

“It has wheels so we can go on land and water.” explained the pinto pony, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Well, whatever this thing turns out to be we have a whole lot of work ahead of us.” grunted Featherweight as he finally managed to pull the canvas free, sending it and himself tumbling to the ground. He slid across the wooden floor of the barn and smacked into the wall with a thump. The other raced to check on him.

“Heh, and you keep saying I need to work out more.” grinned the spindle-legged colt to his friends, which elicited peals of laughter.


“Well, wutever them boys are doing they seem to be enjoyin’ themselves.” This was the comment made by the blond Earth mare with the triple apple cutie mark to her elder brother. Applejack and Big Macintosh stood a little ways away from the barn, the mare having been spending the last half an hour or so needling the draft horse for answers. Applejack didn’t like being left out of the loop when things happened on the acreage, and she especially didn’t like it when her brother kept infuriatingly tight-lipped about it.

“Colts will be colts.” This had been the catch-all answer for almost every enquiry posed by the Element of Honesty as to what exactly was occurring in the occupied barn.

“It ain’t that I mind Peppermill and his friend using it Big Mac.” intoned Applejack. “Celestia knows ahm pleased as punch to see our little brother and his pals enjoying ‘the magic of friendship’. After all, I reckon I know a thing or two about that. It’s just…just…”

“There are some things a colt has to do on his own or in this case a mess of them doing together. It ain’t our place to interfere.” announced Big Mac. The stallion couldn’t deny he was enjoying his sister’s unease a little more than he probably should have. Though the stallion knew that he probably should tell his sister about it all, he chose not to for a simple reason: pride.

There was no mistaking that Applejack and Big Macintosh had very differing opinions on how to raise their new little brother. Granted, their immediate knowledge of younger sibling until that moment that Peppermill literally stumbled into their lives was relegated to dealing with a precocious, cutie mark obsessed filly. Gender notwithstanding, Peppermill and Applebloom were two extremely different ponies, and therefore required extremely different methods of lending a helping hoof with the trials and tribulations of adolescence.

Applejack, utterly lost when it came to colts (and stallions, for that matter) had a tendency to hover like a frantic Pegasus and insist on knowing where and what Peppermill was doing on a constant basis. While she obviously meant well, it led to the colt feeling that she didn’t have any faith in him or that she didn’t trust him to make his own choices in his life. Lately, it had caused issues between the two of them which had led to the chef spending long periods of time away from the farm and not sharing stories of how his day went with her. This silence only hurt the mare’s big heart, but she hadn’t the slightest clue of what to do about it.

Whereas Applejack was clearly having trouble, Big Macintosh finally felt like he could offer something other than his prodigious strength to the farm. He doted just as much in the colt as his other sibling did, but his methods were much more subtle. After all, who better to understand the mind of a colt than a pony who had been a full-blooded boy himself not that long ago? He understood better than most just how trying it could be for a colt to live in a house full of females. And as such he knew just the right things to say and the right things to do to keep the peace. At least, for the most part…

Big Macintosh readily accepted that the colt’s early life in Canterlot was centered on his family’s restaurant. As such Peppermill naturally excelled when it came to deal with older ponies, to a point where even he felt he should go to him for advice when trying to talk to mares. But it also meant that Peppermill had little to no regular contact with ponies his own age. It was funny in a sad way how Big Mac’s awkwardness around mares was mirrored by the colt’s uncertainty around colts.

But with some gentle prodding and tough love when Peppermill became despondent over bouts of shyness the chef had come out of his shell and flourished. Despite his incredible maturity and poise, the young ponies of Ponyville accepted the colt with open forelegs and empty stomachs. Big Macintosh always liked to see it when his little brother and his five little friends got together and played as colts were meant to do. And when he got wind of their discovery and the big plans they seemed to have for it, he was more than happy to assist as needed.

The stallion also respected the fact that sometimes (well, a lot of the time) it wasn’t that necessary for his sisters to know every detail of his day-to-day life. Sometimes a colt only learned by doing and taking each success or failure as it came. Applejack and Applebloom had to learn that they were not always going to be there to protect Peppermill. And if the only way to get that lesson across was to keep the Element of Honesty out of the loop, then so be it.

“Fine. Ah can see ya ain’t gonna talk.” snorted Applejack in resignation. “If you say everything is going to be okay, then I guess I ought to take yer word fer it.”

“Everything will be fine AJ.” agreed the stallion. “I promise you’ll lahk what they are gonna accomplish together…”


“Ah don’t lahk this, ah don’t lahk it one bit!” This angry comment was spat out by Applebloom as she sat and glared at the barn, on the opposite side and out of sight from where her elder siblings stood. On either side of her sat her two best friends Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, who were decidedly less angry about the situation.

“So a bunch of boys are working on some secret project in the barn. We’ve done all sorts of secret projects in that barn and you didn’t have a problem with it then…” snorted Scootaloo. The Pegasus filly had been looking forward to some serious cutie mark crusading that day, only to have Applebloom drag them into yet another Peppermill-centered crisis.

“Peppermill is in there with those fellas. Who knows wut kind of trouble he could get into thanks to them…”

“But those are his friends.” remarked Sweetie Belle, shocked at how angry her Earth filly friend sounded. “They are our friends. They wouldn’t get him into trouble…well, not intentionally.”

“They better not get him into trouble.” A small, insistent voice in Applebloom’s mind reminded her yet again that she really was over-reacting. The voice pointed out that she did consider the other colts with her brother as her friends. The voice also added emphatically that as a Cutie Mark Crusader she was hardly in a position to complain about secret projects being done that may or may not lead to misadventure and/or tree sap. There was even a reproachful reminder that it hadn’t been all that long ago that she and her brother had come to an emotional charged compromise in regards to her over-protectiveness.

But self-inflicted trouble was one thing; trouble induced by hanging around a bunch of other colts with questionable motives and sense of self-preservation was something else entirely.

Ah know ah promised not to lose mah cool about stuff lahk this little brother… thought the yellow filly darkly but as long as ah can still breath I ain’t lettin’ anything hurt you, even if you bring on yerself…

Chapter Three

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“I can’t believe it’s only been a month since we started work on her.” chuckled Featherweight. He and Peppermill were heading into downtown Ponyville for what was considered a last minute supply run to prepare the finishing touches on their secret project.

“I have to admit…when this all began I…had my doubts. But now that…we are almost…finished I honestly…think we have accomplished…something special.” Peppermill had an infectious grin on his face as he thought back to all of the hard work he and his friends had gone through. It was probably the most physically demanding labour the chef had ever willingly taken part in. And yet despite every drop of sweat, every strained muscle, every pinch (and every tuft of fur lost due to said pinches) and poke he received, he couldn’t recall ever enjoying himself as much as he did in doing so.

“I absolutely have to make sure to have my camera tomorrow when we unveil it. There are going to be some serious photo ops to take advantage of.” Featherweight rubbed his forehooves in anticipation at the thought. His pleasure was momentarily halted when he noticed the sudden change in direction the chef took them on. “Hey, where are we going?”

“We are making…a quick stop at…the Carousel Boutique. I am…under strict orders…from Pipsqueak…” Peppermill gave the Pegasus a cryptic smile as he led them towards the dress shop. Within moments they were inside the inner sanctum of Ponyville fabulosity, in the presence of the beautiful Element of Generosity.

“So, what bring a pair of gentlecolt callers here today hmm?” Truthfully, part of the unicorn mare’s good mood was the amusement she felt observing the stark contrast between the two colts sitting before her. Peppermill, as always, was a picture of calm poise and confidence. Of course, he had been before Rarity many times in the past, and was quite comfortable in her presence. The same could not be said for Featherweight, who would admit later that he had never been inside the dressmaker’s shop until that day.

That blush is going to be permanently burned onto his face…poor boy… Indeed, Featherweight seemed unable or unwilling to tear his eyes off of the stunning older female pony before him. His little wings were stuck out and so rigid that Peppermill had to lean around them in order to properly address his older friend.

“Well, actually we…are here on behalf…of Pipsqueak.”

“Oh? And what does the little darling want of me?” The Apple colt squared his withers and spoke in such a fashion that it was obvious he was reciting from memory.

“Lady Rarity is…cordially invited to…take part in the…launching of a special…vessel one day from…today. It would…be the crew’s…great honor if…she would christen our vessel…during the ceremony.”

“Christen? What does that mean? And how the hay does Pipsqueak know about something like that?” Apparently learning about this recent turn of events was enough to shake the Pegasus colt out of his unabashed ogling of Rarity to face his friend in puzzlement.

“Christening a vessel? My, that is quite an honor…” A thoughtful look came across Rarity’s flawless features. “I was not aware there was a ship near Ponyville…”

“It’s…a long story. But…in any event…it would be nice…if you did come to…Sweet Apple Acres tomorrow…afternoon. We…that is to say me and Featherweight…and the other guys have…something of a…surprise for everypony.”

“Well, I certainly cannot refuse such a request or an invitation like those. I would love to attend this little event. And I even know exactly the outfit to wear, though I wonder if it is proper to wear the same dress for two separate christenings…” Already focused on choosing her apparel and accessories, the two colts took their leave of Rarity though it took a few sharp nudges in the side of the Pegasus colt to get him moving. It was only when they were well away from the boutique that Featherweight seemed to fully regain his composure.

“I suppose now…Spike has yet…another rival for…Rarity’s affections.” snickered Peppermill, watching as Featherweight tried in vain to fold his wings back against his sides.

“N-no…” muttered the colt. “I was just…thinking…”


“Do you…do you think that Sweetie Belle might look like Rarity? When she gets older, I mean.”

“Sweetie Belle?” This was the first time that the grey colt could recall ever hearing the photographer expressing interest in a filly.

“Yeah, Sweetie Belle. Do you have a problem with that?!” snapped the winger pony crossly.

“No…not at all. I am sure…that a cute filly like…Sweetie will…grow up into a…beautiful mare.”

“Hmmm. Can we head to my house next? I want to grab my camera…and maybe get something to drink. Did you think it was kind of hot in there or was it just me?”


Once the two colts had managed to collect the few odds and ends that were needed for the events of the next day, they quickly made their way back to Sweet Apple Acres. Little did they realize that they were being followed in silence by a very…interestingly attired filly.

I cain’t believe this thing is actually working. And here I was thinkin’ Fluttershy was trying to make a joke…” When the shy Pegasus had offered the yellow filly the strange dark jacket-like article of clothing with the hood and blue rabbit ears and insisted it made the wearily stealthy and unnoticeable, Applebloom had her doubts. But so far neither her little brother or his friend had seemingly noticed her as she tailed the pair from the farm, to the Carousel Boutique, to Featherweight’s house and now apparently back to Sweet Apple Acres.

Wutever they are up to, they now got Rarity involved. grumbled the filly to herself. So why cain’t Peppermill tell me? From the first day that her little brother and his friends had begun work on their mystery project at Sweet Apple Acres, they had made a concentrated effort to keep it as secret as possible. Only the boys and a select few with explicit permission (namely Big Macintosh) were allowed to go inside the old barn at any time. No pony who was not directly involved in the project knew anything about it.

Applebloom had tried everything she could to find out what was going on inside that barn for those three weeks. No matter how sweetly she asked, Peppermill would remain silent. No matter how much she threatened physical violence towards him, he always called her bluff. All attempts at getting the information from the other colts came up empty. The boys had even gone so far as to seal up any gaps in the walls, nail down the windows and kept the door to the barn shut with a lock and chain that only the six colts knew the combination to.

It all resulted in one very curious and furious filly.

When she had spotted Featherweight and Peppermill leaving the farm for the town, she had decided to follow them in hopes that one or the other might finally let slip a nugget of information. After checking one last time that her ‘stealth suit’ was on properly she had followed, at a distance, as the colts went about their tasks. While she was grateful that the boys apparently didn’t spot her, the same couldn’t be said for the other ponies in town. More than a few could only stare, rub their eyes and shake their heads at the sight of the oddly dressed Apple filly shadowing the colts through town.

Unfortunately none of the seemingly random items they had collected gave any indicator as to what may or may not have been happening at the farm. The only real piece of intelligence she had managed to get was when she had pressed her ear to the door of the Carousel Boutique when the two boys went to see Rarity. But just like Featherweight, the cryptic words and requests had left her with even more questions and a fouler mood than she had that morning.

Tomorrow That was the single word mantra that throbbed in the filly’s mind as she followed Peppermill and Featherweight back to the apple orchard. Whatever had so important that her little brother had been keeping secrets from her would all be revealed tomorrow. Applebloom intended to be there herself, for no o0ther reason than to finally find out what the hay was going on.

And maybe she could finally remove that lingering feeling that something bad was on the horizon

Chapter Four

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A small, intimate gathering of ponies had arrived at Sweet Apple Acres at the bequest of Peppermill and his friends. After a solid month of backbreaking work the colts were ready to show the world what they felt was quite possibly the greatest thing to ever hit Equestria. Or at the very least what six very different young colts could accomplish with the power of friendship…

…and lots of scrap wood.

Big Macintosh, the Elements of Harmony, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle all stood in front of the old barn where a refreshment table had been set up. A few yards away, sulking under a nearby apple tree was Applebloom. A current of excitement could be felt among the ponies as they anxiously awaited the reveal.

“If ah didn’t know better, ahd reckon them boys are making us wait.” muttered Applejack, glancing at the door to the building.

“I’ve never been to christening before! This is so exciting! I can finally take it off my bucket list!” gushed Pinkie Pie, bouncing in place.

“What the hay is a bucket list?” asked Rainbow Dash, who was already helping herself to some of the Peppermill-made dainties from the refreshment table.

“Oh, it’s a big bucket full of papers that list all sorts of things you want to do in your life. Every time you get to do one, you take it out of the bucket. When you empty the bucket, you win!” trilled the pink mare.

“I’m pretty sure that’s not what a bucket list is Pinkie.” remarked Twilight Sparkle.

“That’s a beautiful dress Rarity. I…I didn’t know this was a formal occasion…” murmured Fluttershy to the stylishly attired white unicorn. Beside Rarity was her younger sister Sweetie Belle, who was examining a small glass bottle with interest.

“Well, when one has such a vital role to play in today’s ceremony, one simply must look her best.” beamed the ivory unicorn.

“Why did we bring a bottle of ‘spar-kling grape juice’?” asked the filly, reading the label carefully.

“You’ll see soon darling.” smiled Rarity.

“I think it’s starting!” exclaimed Scootaloo. Her exclamation drew everypony’s attention to the barn, where the door to the building began to slowly open up. A low murmur of excitement ran through the group as they saw the youngest Apple pony Peppermill slowly walking backwards into the bright sunlight.

“Okay guys…nice and easy…” The grey Earth colt carefully guided a pair of Pegasus colts and a pair of unicorn colts who were tugging steadily on a long rope tied to the four of them. It was slow going, though it seemed to be more out of due care and attention than to weight. Eventually the…thing being towed out of the barn came into view of the assembled group.

“Oh my…” was the understated comment from Fluttershy.

“Ah reckon they outdid themselves…” rumbled Big Macintosh with a huge grin.

“Land sakes…” was all Applejack could manage.

“That is so cool!” squealed both Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo in unison.

“So…is it a boat, or a carriage?” came the rather simple question from Twilight Sparkle.

“I guess…you can say…it is a little…of both.” grinned Peppermill over his withers as the colts tugging their prize came to a careful stop. Indeed, what had once been a broken and abandoned carriage was now looking very much like a mid-sized sailing vessel. It even had portholes and a large sail that might have been a canvas cover in a previous life. The only oddity to the image was four large wagon wheels securely attached to the sides of the transport. And perched near the bow with a massive grin was Pipsqueak, in his full pirate captain gear.

“Ahoy me hearties. Cast yer eyes upon the greatest ship to ever sail the seas of Equestria.” bellowed the pinto colt.

“Or at the very least in and around Ponyville, whatever is easier…” snickered Rumble, untying the rope from his barrel.

“I don’t know what is more amazing: the fact we actually finished it or the fact we can actually move that thing. It’s heavy!” grunted Snips.

“Believe me it could be a lot heavier. It’s a good thing we pack light…” remarked Featherweight, his infamous camera already securely around his neck and ready to document the event.

“This is the most amazing, awesome, incredible thing in the history of everything!” squealed Pinkie Pie, who had already somehow managed to appear on-board beside Pipsqueak.

“I have to admit it is…amazing.” smiled Twilight, already beginning to formulate a friendship report to send away to Princess Celestia.

“Well, there is…more to come. Rarity…if you would…do the honors?” The grey Apple colt nodded to the unicorn mare. Rarity, now the center of attention, gave a beaming smile and sauntered to the stern of the carriage/ship/clubhouse. The rest of the group gathered nearby, watching with interest as the beautiful mare used her telekinetic magic to hold up the bottle of sparkling juice.

“Dearest friends, we are gathered here to welcome into the world the newest…”

“And greatest!” piped up a Trottingham accent from nearby.

“…and greatest vessel to ever grace the…er…shores of Ponyville. I do not doubt that this fine vessel shall provide many, many years of service for these industrious young colts.”

“There are only so many hours in a day Rare. Get on with it!” called out Rainbow Dash, with her typical impatience.

“Ahem.” Rarity gave the speedster a dark look, but decided to give in just this once. “And so, it is with great pleasure that I christen thee…er…um…” An awkward silence fell over the group as Rarity looked around anxiously, catching Peppermill’s eye. “Darling, the name?”


“Yes darling, the name. When one christens a ship, they do so by announcing its name.” The assorted colt looked at one another in puzzlement. In truth, none of them actually knew what a christening was, nor had they the time to find out. They had simply been listening to Pip, who seemed to be far more knowledgeable about things of this nature than they did.

“Wait, wait!” cried out the colt in question as he leapt down from the ship and directly in front of Rarity. The mare did a decent job of not shrieking in surprise by his dramatic arrival, and she leaned down as the colt reared upon his hind legs to whisper to her.

“Really darling? Well, if that is what you’ve all agreed on…” murmured the mare. The other colts looked at one another warily, knowing this was as big of a surprise as it was to rest of the gathered guests.

“I hearby name thee…the Eclipse!” With her resonant voice filling their ears, the mare hefted the bottle of grape juice with her magic to burst upon the stern of the ship.

“Hooray!” roared both Pipsqueak and Pinkie Pie jubilantly.

“The…Eclipse?” murmured Peppermill thoughtfully.

“I think it’s a nice name.” remarked Snails cheerfully.

“I guess it’s kind of cool.” shrugged Featherweight.

“I suppose that is what we get for not actually…you know…asking Pip about it.” agreed Rumble with a sigh and a chuckle.

“It’s not over yet…” groaned Snips. He motioned to where Pip had already jumped back onboard and grabbed at a rope attached to the mast. With a tug, the crowd watched as a small rectangle of fabric inched its way slowly up to the very top of the central post. The flag contained an image of a white crescent moon above a pair of crossed swords on a midnight black background.

“I had nothing to do with that!” exclaimed the stubby unicorn colt emphatically. “All I did was lend him some thread, I swear!”

“I got me auntie to make it!” chirped Pip as he tied off the rope and hopped back to the ground, his smile seemingly permanently attached to his face.

“We seriously have to have a talk about you telling us things and springing surprises on us like that. This is supposed to be a group effort after all.” Rumble gave the pinto colt a stern look, to which Pip bit his lip in supplication.

“I’m sorry Rumble, everypony, I was just so excited. A real ship. We have ourselves a real ship! Can you imagine the adventures we can have, as a crew?”

“Now jus’ hold on there a minute sugarcube.” Applejack approached the gathered colt with a firm expression. “Do any of yer folks know about this here…uh…ship? I reckon ah ain’t too keen on letting you boys go off to Celestia knows where without some pony knowin’. The rather sheepish expressions the blond mare witnessed proved to be all the answer she needed.

“I agree with Applejack. As amazing as this is, and as proud as we all are for you all, you can’t just get on that thing and go where ever you want.” said Twilight firmly. “I think you all need to ask your parents before the…ahem…maiden voyage.”

“I reckon until yer parents and such say it’s all right, you can keep yer ship in the barn.” announced Big Mac.

“Aw…” Pipsqueak was obviously disappointed, for he clearly wanted to cast off as soon as possible.

“They are right Pip.” admitted Rumble. “Besides, we’ve already had enough excitement for one day.”

“Oh all right…” grumbled the pinto colt in resignation. He was hanging his head in disappointment when Pinkie suddenly sidled up beside him and gave him a hopeful look. The colt gave a giggle.

“All right Miss Pinkie. Go ahead.”

“Christening party WOOOO!!!” shrieked the mare as her party cannon (which, as usual appeared out of thin air) launched a mass of balloons and confetti.


Out by the tree, away from the celebration, Applebloom sat staring at the Eclipse.

“Ah…ah reckon that is mighty impressive.” she reluctantly mumbled to herself as she gazed upon the wheeled boat. “But there is no way that thing can be safe. There ain’t no way ahm lettin’ mah little brother on that thing. No sir.”

Chapter Five

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Due to the fact that Pipsqueak’s uncle was away on business, and that his aunt would not give the pinto colt permission to ’cast off’ until he came home, the maiden voyage of the Eclipse was inevitably delayed. As disappointed as the youngster was, his older friends were actually relived. Pip’s lack of patience made it hard to make proper, safe preparations which the more mature colts of the group preferred to spontaneous adventuring.

More mature colts, for example, like Rumble and Peppermill who were hanging out by Ponyville’s central fountain. The Pegasus colt held a small scroll and a quill in his mouth while the Earth colt chef paced back and forth thinking out loud.

“Can’t be perishable…can’t be something…that needs to be kept…cold…can’t be bulky…but has to be enough…to satisfy six growing colts.”

“How about we call it five and a half? In all honesty Snips probably could stand to lose a pound or three.” quipped Rumble around the quill in his mouth as he dutifully wrote down his friends words.

“Snips is already…cranky enough to…start with. I do…not want to have to…deal with him if he is…hungry.”

“You sure seem to be taking this whole ‘head chef’ thing pretty seriously.” Pipsqueak had, in his own bull-headed fashion, assigned each of the colt’s different roles as the crew members of their vessel. Understandably Peppermill was in charge of supplying snacks and other sundries, a duty the chef took quite seriously. It might not be the same as a restaurant, but Peppermill was determined to use his father’s teaching to make sure his friends wouldn’t go hungry where ever their trip and/or subsequent trips would take them.

“Whereas you…don’t seem all…that excited about your new…role as captain to Pip’s second-in-command.” grinned the grey colt.

“That’s because I don’t have a clue how to be a captain.” snorted Rumble.

“It is no…different than being…the leader. The…only difference is…maybe in the…terminology.”

“You see, that is exactly what I’m talking about. You are the smart one, using words like ‘terminology’. What they hay makes all you guys think I am a leader?”

“Well, you are…smarter than you…think. You are…also the strongest of us.”

“Big deal…”

“You are also…the one we go to…whenever something goes wrong…because you take charge and…don’t panic. We trust you…and you treat all of us…the same, even if…some of us aren’t remotely on…your level. Name one thing…that I can do…outside of cooking…that you couldn’t do better?” snorted Peppermill. He was answered with a snort of Rumble’s own.

“I can do better than that. I can give you two things: you can talk to adults and have them take you seriously, and you can talk to fillies.” Peppermill mulled over these answers as Rumble looked intently at him. Finally, the grey pony responded.

“Well, the reason…I can talk…to adult ponies is because until…I came to Ponyville I…rarely talked to anypony…my age. As far as…them taking me seriously, well…I didn’t really ‘play’ like other colts did. And as for talking…to fillies, are we…talking about all fillies…in general or is there…one in particular you…are interested in?” It was a trick question to be sure, for Peppermill knew exactly who Rumble was referring to. Sure enough, the Pegasus colt looked away, blushing heavily and nearly biting the quill in two.

“Still…pining for Scootaloo…are we?”

“I am not pining! I just…I just wish she would actually talk to me for once instead of flat out ignoring me…”

“Maybe if you…didn’t get so flustered…when you got near her…she would see you…as being cool and…not some silly love-struck boy. Don’t forget…she wants to be as…much of a tomcolt…as Rainbow Dash.”

“I don’t get flustered!” snapped Rumble, his face beginning to go red.

“Well, not flustered…easily. That’s why…you make such a…great leader…as long as Scootaloo…isn’t around.”

“Humph…” The Pegasus colt gave a grunt and folded his forelegs tightly against his body in a full-blown sulk.

And yet…you are still…just a colt…like the rest of us. Peppermill thought to himself. He was about to apologize for upsetting his friend when a voice called out from above.

“Hey! I got great news!” The two boys looked up to find their other flying pony friend Featherweight land a few yards away, with an ear-to-ear grin.

“What’s up FW?” asked Rumble.

“It looks like Pipsqueak’s uncle came home early, something about a windstorm cancelling a meeting. As far as I know, we are good to go as of tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? But I…haven’t been able…to come up with…any supplies yet.” moaned Peppermill.

“Do you want to tell Pip we aren’t ready to go yet?” asked Featherweight.

“Oh…bother. I guess…I’ll have to…work something out at…home.”

“Me and FW will spread the word: tomorrow the Eclipse sets off!” announced Rumble, his spirits risen once again.


Ah cain’t believe they actually didn’t lock the door… Applebloom carefully removed the already opened combination lock off of the door and set it aside. Despite knowing that her little brother, his friends nor her older siblings were anywhere near the barn, she still felt the need for caution. For all she knew, they could have easily set up all sorts of booby traps for unwanted ponies trying to get a glimpse at their prized vessel.

Ever since the colts had shown off their project, the yellow filly had been out of sorts mentally and emotionally. One part of her was genuinely impressed and proud for Peppermill and his friends. They had managed to make something almost out of nothing, and had done an incredible job of it. In her mind’s eye she could she her grey little brother and the other colts traveling all over the place, their new clubhouse set up anywhere they wanted and easily moved to a new spot at a whim. The adventures they would have would make the Cutie Mark Crusader’s crusades tame in comparison.

But on the other hoof, her little brother…well, he just wasn’t like other colts. She wouldn’t say he was fragile or weak, but he wasn’t physically or mentally as tough as a full-blooded Apple. And as far as she knew the other colts in town could get pretty rough at times. And what if their crazy rolling boat ended up somewhere dangerous? What if they crashed and he got hurt, or worse? The dark thoughts and the ‘what ifs?’ made her heart and head ache. She decided that she needed to give the Eclipse a personal inspection…for safety, of course.

The Apple filly quietly crept into the dim building and approached the boat/carriage. Until now she had not had a chance to get a good look at it, and her anxiousness was palatable in the air. She proceeded to examine every joint, every piece of wood and eventually every square inch of the hull. She managed to locate the rope ladder used to climb aboard and examined the interior. She shimmied up the mast and examined the rolled up sail. Soon she sat at the helm, which sat a non-functioning but apparently essential ship’s wheel.

“This…this is mighty impressive.” admitted Applebloom into the gloom. “Them boys did an awesome job…” It hurt her considerable pride to admit it, but she could not see a single thing wrong with the craft. She had noticed the various safety measures that had been installed including belts, small seats and an honest to goodness anchor with a thick rope attached to the stern (where they got one, she couldn’t even fathom). It would certainly be a heck of a ride to roll along the countryside in it, no doubt.

“But… all the safety in the world ain’t enough. Who know where those boys would take Peppermill. Shoot, ah wouldn’t put it past them to try an’ take this thing into the Everfree Forest.” The thought of a big wheeled boat full of young, innocent (and brave to the point of stupid) colts crashing into a dangerous place that only zebra sorceresses would dare to live made the filly shiver. “Wut if they hit a patch of Poison Joke? Or came across a manticore, or a cockatrice? Ah don’t want a statue fer a brother!” The Apple filly was so consumed in her inner turmoil that she almost jumped out of her skin at the sound of a colt outside the barn suddenly speak.

“Huh…I don’t remember…leaving the lock…on the ground.”

“Oh ponyfeathers…” Applebloom recognized Peppermill’s rasp and flattened herself on the deck of the ship. She strained to listen as the colt apparently lugged something into the barn, grunting in exertion.

“There…this will have…to do.” announced Peppermill to himself. The colt gazed at the ship with a grin. “It’s going…to be a…interesting day tomorrow.” The colt turned and left the barn, and Applebloom held her breath until she was certain he was gone, silently thanking Celestia and Luna he had not locked the door behind him.

“They are going tomorrow…” hissed Applebloom frantically. “No, no ah ain’t gonna let them! But how do I stop them? It ain’t lahk I can just ask them not to.” The filly looked around the boat, desperate for an idea. In her annoyance she stomped her forehoof on to the deck, leaving a healthy gouge in the wood underhoof. As she looked at the blemish she left on the smooth surface, an idea bubbled in her mind.

“Ah know it ain’t right, but if ah cain’t convince them it’s dangerous maybe ah can make it that way. Nothing serious mind you, jus’ enough to make them think twice about going anywhere on this here death trap. But…ah ain’t got tahm now. Gotta do it before anypony else gets up tomorrow…” Despite the little voice in her head loudly protesting the idea of damaging the impressive vessel, the filly hopped off the boat and out of the barn.

“Just remember Peppermill, ahm doing this fer yer own good…”

Chapter Six

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Usually a typical morning for Applebloom included a quick wash, a check of her homework (except for weekends, of course) and then a hearty Peppermill-made breakfast. While it wasn’t completely necessary for her to wake up as early as her hard-working older siblings, she still tended to be an early-riser.

Today she was up and out of the farmhouse long before anypony else was even stirring.

Once again she found herself inside the old barn, gazing at the Eclipse, the very transport that was going to be used hours from that moment. Peppermill and his five friends had intended on a small, simple trip just to see how the carriage handled and if there were any major improvements needed to make it the ultimate mobile clubhouse.

Applebloom had every intention of seeing that it would be the first and last voyage for the wheeled craft, even if it meant taking it apart board by board by her own hooves.

It ain’t lahk I’m gonna completely destroy it. thought Applebloom to herself. Ahm just gonna make sure that a couple of things go wrong. That ought to be enough to make them think twice about riding it.

They ain’t gonna be too happy with you. Especially ifin they find out wut ya did… The annoying little voice of reason had been nagging at her for days now, and it had reached a point where the filly was beginning to get genuinely worried. Usually the voice tended to be so silent that she could easily claim ignorance, as her laundry list of misadventures could attest to. But lately it had become much more insistent, especially when it came to Peppermill.

It’s one thing to keep Peppermill out of danger, but wut right do ya have to do it to his friends? Besides, why would them boys want to do anything to hurt him? Applebloom winced at this blunt statement, mostly because she knew it was true. She had not seen Peppermill as happy as he was when he spent time with the other colts in town his own age. She knew he would never do anything to hurt them, and vice versa.

But I am his big sister. It would hurt me worse ifin he got hurt than it would his friends. It means I ain’t being responsible.

Do ya see Big Mac or AJ getting’ all hot under the saddle about this? They trust the boys…

“Shush!” hissed the Apple filly, trying to silence the nagging voice. The young pony drowned out the commentary by climbing on board the boat and using a small knife to cut the rope that was tied around the anchor. Not all the way through, but just enough so that it wouldn’t take much for it to snap. It was just one of the few ‘modifications’ she had decided would serve her purpose. In her mind, it wouldn’t so much destroy the boat as it would scare the colts enough to think twice about their big ideas.

Shameful…jus’ shameful. Ahm sure Applejack would be proud… Sarcasm dripped from the voice, and the filly bit down harder on the knife handle in anger. He hated the fact that she couldn’t stop comparing herself to her older sister. But she also knew that there was an incredible strong bond between herself and the grey colt, which started from the moment she laid eyes upon him. She knew with every drop of Apple blood in her that she would protect him forever.

And if it should mean doing something she would regret for the rest of her life, then so be it…


“So, we aren’t really going anywhere right?” asked Snails in his slow drawl.

“That’s right. We are just going to see how the boat handles. I mean, we need to know if we can actually use the wind or if we’ll have to tow the Eclipse everywhere.” explained Rumble.

“Still, it’s going to be a smashing adventure! The wind in your mane, the heave of the boat under your hooves…” gushed Pipsqueak, who had been bouncing around the group of colts as they headed towards the barn at Sweet Apple Acres that their mobile clubhouse sat.

“Heave of the boat? I’m seasick just thinking about that.” grumbled Snips.

“Let him have his fun Snips.” chided Featherweight, to which the stubby unicorn gave a snort.

“If I had…known we were just…doing a test run…I wouldn’t have…stayed up so late…working on our supplies.” yawned Peppermill.

“We can still have some later right?” asked Snails hopefully.

“Believe me I…took into account…the fact that some…of us have bottomless pits…instead of stomachs.” The colts all laughed, while Snails blushed slightly knowing that the chef was referring mostly to him.


“Oh ponyfeathers! They’re here!” Applebloom had been busy loosening some bolts that kept one of the wheels attached to the body of the boat when the laughter of colts made her ears twitch. She had intended to do her dark deeds and be out of there long before anypony arrived at the barn. In fact, she had been convinced that their ‘maiden voyage’ was going to have as much pomp and circumstance as the christening. She was certainly not counting on a half dozen boys discovering her deception.

“No tahm to get outta here…gotta hide!” Tossing aside her tools of destruction, the filly scrambled back on board and leapt down into the hold. She found what appeared to be a small cupboard and squeezed inside just as the door to the barn opened.

“Isn’t she beautiful?” sighed Pipsqueak, looking upon the boat longingly.

“As beautiful as Princess Luna?” teased Rumble.

“Yes...I mean no…I mean…bloody heck.” The pinto colt blushed and squirmed, caught once again in his adoration of the dark alicorn. The others just grinned as they began to move the transport outside. None of them were aware that they had an unwanted passenger, the filly in question having something close to a panic attack while cramped in the hold.

Eventually the Eclipse was out in the sunlight, and the colts were making the final preparations. Ropes were tied, loose items were fastened down and every pony was in their assigned position. The fact that nopony considered checking below decks, outside of Peppermill quickly putting some food in another cabinet right next to the one Applebloom was in (who was holding her breath the entire time) was perhaps pure dumb luck.

“Okay guys, this is it. Are we ready to…shove off, is that right Pip?” asked Rumble of his second-in-command.

“Aye aye captain!” cried the pinto pirate jubilantly. “Raise the main sail!” Snips and Snails pulled on the rope that lifted the dark fabric into position, while Featherweight and Peppermill hauled the anchor off of the ground. Everypony on board, Applebloom included, held their breath waiting for something…anything to happen.

“Maybe we are too heavy?” offered Rumble.

“Are you blokes sure you pulled the anchor all the way in?” asked Pip desperately.

“Wow, what fun…” muttered Snips sarcastically.

And then it happened…

Whether it was a passing Pegasus, a rogue gust from a nearby storm or just plain circumstance a massive breeze blew up around the Eclipse. So sudden and fierce was the wind that the wheeled boat suddenly lurched forward, sending all of the colts sprawling onto the deck. The groan of the wheels as the vessel slowly moved could be felt as much as heard. The weighty transport, despite protesting mightily, was indeed moving…

…and picking up speed by the second.

It proved to be an incredibly rough ride, for the carriage bounced and jostled over every bump and rock in its straight ahead course. The boys found themselves bounced around like pinballs all over the deck. Meanwhile down below, Applebloom was having a considerably rougher time of it. At the first major jolt the boat took, she shot out of the cabinet like a balloon out of Pinkie’s party cannon. The crashing and banging of the ship masked the thunderous crack that the back of her head made impacting the far wall. The bright white pain eventually led to blessed darkness.

The same fortune did not extend to the boys above.

Bodies were tossed and nasty sounds of breaking wood and wrenching metal. And all the while the Eclipse kept picking up speed heading for a heavily wooded area outside the boundaries of Sweet Apple Acres. Somehow Snails managed to grab at the creaking mast and dared to open his eyes at the looming mass of brown and green coming up fast. While the lanky unicorn might have been considered slow at the best of times, he could occasionally have a flash on insight.

“Hold on tight!” he bellowed as he gripped the wooden pole with all his might.


The wheeled boat slid into the woods like a knife through one of Applejack’s best apple pies. It didn’t slow down for a moment as it vanished into the gloom. And if any ponies had happened to be there, they might have noted with surprise and alarm just how quickly the trees seemed to…grow back hiding any evidence that something as large as a cart had even entered its inner sanctum.

Chapter Seven

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Bellows of pain and fear were drowned out by the sounds of breaking wood as trees and the Eclipse impacted, with the boat winning more often than not. The rocking of the vessel sent the six colts back and forth, sliding across the deck unable to gain purchase or grab onto anything. Down below, their unknown stowaway was having an even rougher time of it for she had to deal with flying objects and food. All the while, all she could think of was Dear Celestia wut have ah done?

At one point Rumble and Featherweight somehow managed to tumble towards the stern of the ship, and grabbed at the anchor rope stored there. Once the two Pegasus ponies realized where they were, they immediately shoved the weight through its opening in a desperate hope of stopping their unwanted trip. The two boys watched as the rope unraveled, jerk to a stop…and then snap clean in two. Rumble could only manage a quick look over the edge of the ship to see their anchor disappear into the gloom.

“This is bad…” moaned Featherweight, his face pale beneath his white coat. As if to validate his understatement, a loud ripping sound above sent their gazes to the source. What had been once a solid square of material meant to catch the wind was now nothing but rags. Remarkably, the flag on the top of the mast seemed to still be in one piece. Even so, it was small comfort compared to the looming issue at hoof.

“We’re gonna crash!” came a frightened cry from the bow of the boat. Snips, clinging onto the side of the railing like a chubby barnacle pointed forward at a massive tree dead ahead. There was little time for anypony above or below decks to brace themselves when the impact occurred.


The sound of boat striking tree thundered around the woods. The sudden stop sent all six colts flying up and over the side of the ship and into a pile on the ground. It took a long time for the echo of the impact to subside. When it did, there was dead silence, followed by an occasional bird chirp and the panting of colts. Nopony moved for a while, but then eventually one by one they stirred.

“B-blimey.” managed Pipsqueak, flat on his back, gasping like a fish.

“That…was intense.” mumbled Rumble.

“If that is how it is like to ride an actual boat, I’ll stick with four hooves on dry land.” agreed Snips bitterly.

“We are missing a wheel.” This was the rather blunt comment from Snails, which caused the other boys to look for themselves. Pip gave a cry of dismay of the sight of the gaping hole in the stern of the ship where one of the rear wheels had been moments ago. A trail of debris and smashed food led from the hole to the spot where they had entered what turned out to be a large clearing remarkably devoid of foliage.

“The Eclipse…she’s…she’s…” wailed the pinto pirate. Suddenly, the little pony bounded towards the boat before any of the others could stop them.

“Look at…how far the bow…is wedged into…that tree.” gasped Peppermill. “It is…almost completely through…to the other side!”

“Considering how fast we were going, I’m not surprised.” sighed Featherweight as he examined his wings for damage.

“So, exactly where are we?” asked Rumble. The other colts looked around unhappily, trying to come up with an answer.

“Well…it isn’t Apple land…that much I know.” explained the grey chef. “I was told…that the tree line of…these woods were…the boarder. The only other…thing I know is that…Granny Smith and…my older brother and…sisters told me…never to go inside them. Not that…I would…”

“Did anypony else notice that the hole in the woods we came through isn’t there anymore?” Snails, the master of understatement, motioned with a long foreleg. The boys carefully walked over to the edge of the clearing to the general area that they had entered it on the boat. Where there should have been a massive hole in the trees was now nothing but thick foliage.

“Ok, now that is definitely not a good thing.” grimaced Rumble.

“Well, we are certainly not going to get out of here the way we came in.” huffed Featherweight.

“We’re stuck in the middle of a bunch of trees that grow back fast with a broken boat. What else can go wrong?” growled Snips. He was answered by a heart wrenching sob from behind them. They all turned to find Pipsqueak trembling and clutching what appeared to be the remains of his jolly roger flag. Without another word, the pinto colt flopped over onto his side and began to stuff his hoof in his mouth with tears trickling down his face.

“Oh Pip…” Peppermill began to walk over to the devastated colt, when another noise caught the group’s attention. It was coming from inside the boat, and they all warily stood by as something slowly tumbled out of the hole in the side of the ship.

“Mah…head hurts…” Applebloom’s accent was thicker than usual as she slowly tottered toward the boys. But she only managed a few steps when her dull eyes rolled into the back of her head and she fell forward.

“Applebloom!” squawked Peppermill in shock as he bounded towards her. He came up short, his grey face growing ashen as the other boys (sans the near-comatose Pipsqueak) crowded around. All eyes were on the large, ugly lump on the back of the filly’s head that oozed a bit of blood.

“We are so bucked…” rasped Rumble.


Back at Sweet Apple Acres, Granny Smith had been in her rocking chair dozing on the front porch when she woke with a start.

“Don’t go inta them woods!” The elderly mare sat up, a dazed look on her face…

…then she fell back into the chair, snoring rather loudly.


“How in the hay did she get here?!?” demanded Snips loudly.

“I don’t…know!” shouted Peppermill right back at the unicorn.

“Is she ok?” mumbled Snails unhappily.

“No, she’s not. I’m pretty sure she has what they call a concussion.” explained Rumble, who was a little more knowledgeable about injuries given his knowledge and skills at sports.

“I think this is the least of our problems.” remarked Featherweight, looking around worriedly.

“Ya think?” snorted Snips, ignoring the furious glare from Peppermill. The situation was spiraling out of control, certainly not helped by the emotional panic coming off of the young colts. Rumble, finding himself lost, squeezed his eyes shut and tried to concentrate. Both Pip and Peppermill were pretty much out of commission as was Applebloom (and that didn’t even touch on how the filly got there in the first place). Snips was being his usual whining self, and would probably not be much help with anything until he either calmed down or got threatened to behave. That left himself, Snails and Featherweight to try and pick up the pieces.

“Okay.” It might have been a single word, but the weight behind it was enough to get everypony’s attention. Rumble marveled for a second at just how effective that single statement had been, thought back to the conversation he and Peppermill had about leadership, and then squared his withers.

“FW, Snails,” he began firmly “we need to check on the Eclipse and see just how bad the damage is. Snips, you can stay here and watch over the others and not complain about it.” The stubby unicorn had opened his mouth, most likely to complain about having to be a nursemaid, but one dark look from the Pegasus shut him up quickly. He gave a sigh, but sat in-between the two prone ponies and distraught chef as his friends began to circle the remains of the wheeled ship.

“Three wheels aren’t going to work…” announced Featherweight gravely as he peered into the hole where said wheel had once been attached to the side of the carriage. “Not to mention the giant hole in the side. I think most of whatever peppermill had brought is gone…”

“The mast is still intact but the sail is rags.” added Rumble, fluttering up onto the deck. “And it is way too far into that tree to pull out without some Big Macintosh-sized help.”

“Um…” Snails was standing on the ground at the stern of the ship, staring intently at a piece of rope hanging in front of him. The two Pegasus colts approached him and looked as well.

“That doesn’t look like a broken rope. That looks like a rope that was cut…” said Featherweight.

“That rope was attached to the anchor. It didn’t work.” said Snails.

“I know for a fact that the anchor rope was fine. I got it and attached it myself.” remarked Rumble grimly.

“Well, something happened to it.” murmured Featherweight.
