My Little Twilight Zone

by D4RTH4NN3

First published

An MLP:FiM and Twilight Zone crossover. You are walking home from a hard day's work and find yourself in Ponyville. But how did you get here, and why do you keep experiencing flashbacks.

An MLP:FiM and Twilight Zone crossover. You are walking home from a hard day's work and find yourself in Ponyville. But how did you get here, and why do you keep experiencing flashbacks.

A Humans Dream is a Ponies Reality

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There is another dimension, one which is unknown to man. It is a dimension as vast as space, and as endless as time. It is the middle ground between fact and fiction, and it lies within the pit of man's fear, and the summit of man's knowledge. This is a dimension of imagination, a dimension called, The Twilight Zone. The place is Earth, the time is now. Meet Edward, a hard working construction worker walking home from a hard days work. But as he nears his street, a thick fog begins to roll in, and suddenly he finds himself somewhere he's never seen before. But I'll stop here, after all, it's your story.

You walk down a brick road and arrive at a village. "Where am I?" You ask. "I was just on my street a second ago." You walk to find yourself at a library built into a tree. You look up and see the sky is completely grey, and not a single cloud in sight. "What a weird place this is, it looks like it's night, but the sun is shining." You walk into the library and find it empty. "Hello, is anyone home?" You yell.
"Yes, I'm here just wait a second. Wait, what in Equestria are you?" You turn to face the voice and find yourself staring at, of all things, a purple horse.
"What the hell! Did you just talk?" You ask, panic gripping you.
"Of course I did, silly. But you didn't answer my question. What. Are. You." The mare eyes you questioningly.
"I'm a uh, a human. But you're a horse! Horses don't talk! Jesus Christ, I must be losing my mind!" You blink rapidly, hoping everything will go back to normal.
"I'm not a horse, I'm a pony!" The pony says, laughing. "And I've never heard of a human before or read about it in my books." The pony runs over to a wall of books and begins frantically searching through them. Her horn on her head then begins to glow and a purple veil of magic encircles the book she's holding and lifts it in the air.
"OK, What the fuck is going on. Do you have a bathroom or something?" You ask her, your mind spinning. The mare points to her left with her hoof.
"Down that hall and to the right. There's a sink and a mirror, if that's what you're looking for."
"Thanks." You mumble, and head in the direction she pointed to. You open the door and look inside and see, just like she mentioned, a sink and mirror. The room is relatively small, and surprisingly human looking. You walk to the sink and turn on the water, splashing it in your face. "OK, so I was walking home and - ARGH!" You yell, and faint, having a flashback.

"Hoist her up!" Edward pulls on the lever lifting the crane. He messes with the controls and pushes a button, releasing the cargo on the top floor of the building. He pulls the lever down, and the crane moves with him. "There we go. Finally, I'm done." He exits the crane, and the memory fades.

"Ow, God, That hurt." You find yourself on the ground, and you get up, lifting yourself to your feet. Your head throbs and you rub it.
"You OK in there?" The pony asks, knocking on the door. You open the door and look her in the eyes.
"We need to talk."
"I agree, follow me, we can talk upstairs." The mare says, turning to leave. You follow her upstairs and take note of the bed and desk. She uses her horn to pull out both of your chairs. You sit down and eye her curiously.
"OK, so where am I? Who are you? Why can you talk? Why do you have magic?" You ask, bombarding her with questions.
"OK, firstly, my name is Twilight Sparkle, this is my home and library. You're in Ponyville. Also, everypony talks here, and the majority of us are ponies. I have magic because I'm a unicorn. Didn't you notice the horn?" You stare at her, mouth agape.
"But, how did I get here? I was walking home, and then this fog came in, and I wound up here." You say, perplexed.
"I don't know, I haven't studied Inter-Dimension portals, which is how I'm guessing you got here. It's been on my to-do list. So, tell me. Who are you, where are you from?" Twilight asks curiously.
"Uh, my name is Edward, I'm from a planet called Earth. I work as a construction worker and - ARGH!" You writhe in pain as you experience another flashback.

Edward walks to his friend. "Man what a day, I can't wait to get home." The man looks at him and nods. "I know, and the best part, tomorrows payday!" The man high-fives him. "Oh hey Eddie, you want to come over to my place tomorrow and meet the wife?" Edward shakes his head. "I can't, I promised mine I'd help clean the house tomorrow." He turns around and hears someone shout. "Look out, It's falling!" He looks up and the memory fades.

"Are you OK?" Twilight asks, bewildered. You look up and see her staring down at you intently. You get up and brush your legs. "I'm fine, just another damn flashback." You rub your throbbing head and cringe.
"Hey would you mind if I took you down to the basement and studied you? It would be real quick, and painless." The pony looks at you hopefully.
"Study me! Uh, no, thanks." You start to say, getting worried. "I need to get out of this crazy place." You think.
"Oh please, It'll be so quick, and I promise it won't hurt, I just really want to examine you." Twilight says and begins to use her magic to lift you. You scream and grab a book off the desk and throw it at her. It stuns her and the magic fades, releasing you.
"No, get away from me! Get away!" You yell at her and bolt down the stairs and out the door, exiting the building. You scream as you see tons of ponies meandering through the streets. "This isn't normal! I just wanna be back home." You yell as another memory enters your thoughts.

"Look out! It's falling!" A man shouts. Edward looks up and gets hit in the head by a falling hammer. He falls to the ground, blood gushing from his forehead. Edward loses consciousness and falls to the ground. "Oh my god! Someone call a doctor!" A man yells. He rushes towards Edward taking off his shirt and pushes against his wound. Edward regains consciousness and screams in pain. "Edward, you got hit by a hammer that fell, we called a doctor and-" He starts to say. "No, you know I can't afford another medical bill." He says. "But Eddie you REALLY need a doctor." Edward pushes the man off him and heads towards the parking lot. "No, I can't afford it, I'll just clean and fix it when I get back home." The man follows Edward to his car. "Ed, listen, you're not yourself. You NEED a doctor." Edwards yells at him. "No damn it, I can't afford it! Leave me alone!" He opens the door of his car and starts it. The man yells at Edward, but he ignores it and drives away, the memory fading.

You wake up and find yourself face to face with Twilight Sparkle. "You need help Edward, You keep passing out. Just let me study you and I can help." You get up and run, running faster than you've ever ran. You hear a whooshing sound and look to your right. You scream, the sight of the Pegasus startling you. "Calm down, we just want to help you." The cyan colored Pegasus grabs you and begins to lift you in the air. You thrash and kick and beg her to release you but she refuses and brings you to Twilight. Your heart beats rapidly and you clutch your chest in agony. "Thanks Rainbow Dash. Now let me check your vitals." The purple mare then uses her magic to scan you and gasps. "Your heart, It's beating so fast, it's gonna kill him." You shriek and your heart stops.

"It's what he would've wanted." I man says. There are 5 people in the room. A man and a woman are talking, while two doctors carry out a bed with a man in it, dead. "It's been two years since the car crash put him in a coma honey, we had to pull the plug, he was never gonna wake up. It's better this way." The woman begins to sob and the man hugs her, holding back tears.

Death, dreams, two things that commonly intertwine. Was the killer the hammer, or human stupidity. We may never know. Stranger things have happened, and will happen in, The Twilight Zone.