A Night at Vinyl's

by Tremil

First published

Octavia is invited to stay at Vinyl Scratch's place for the night.

After seeing Vinyl after a concert. Octavia is invited to stay at Vinyl Scratch's place for the night. This story is about how i think the two friends would act in the given situation. Just about friends being friends.

A Night at Vinyl's

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A Night at Vinyl’s

“Thank you, Thank you” Octavia said before walking off stage. She had just finished a concert. She was proud of how well she had performed. She could hear the crowd still applauding as she put up her cello.
“Great job out there Tavi!” a familiar voice sounded. Octavia looked up to see it was Vinyl. “Please just call me Octavia Vinyl.”
“That nickname didn’t work either? Darn. You have to give me something to work with here Octavia.” Vinyl Scratch said jokingly while smiling.
Octavia finished packing up her instrument and picked it up. “There is no use in trying. I already told you I don’t like nicknames.” She said as she walked to Vinyl. “Ready to go…Scratch?”
Vinyl giggled then playfully pushed Octavia. “Yeah, sure.”
Octavia and Vinyl started their walk. The moon glowed in the sky, providing the little light it could. Vinyl looked over and saw Octavia looking around. She looked very paranoid. Vinyl and Octavia stopped at a fork in the road. “Well, looks like this is where we go our separate ways.” Vinyl said. “Yeah..” said Octavia looking down at the ground. “I guess so.” Vinyl could still see the worried look on her face. For a moment they both stood there, silent. Then Vinyl put a hoof on Octavia’s shoulder. “You know, you don’t have to walk all the way back home. It’s already dark. You could chill at my place for the night. It’s closer anyway.” Octavia smiled for a second then her expression changed into a sad look. “But… I have to practice for my next show. I wouldn’t want to bother you…” “No, no, no. That wouldn’t be a problem at all. I would actually think it would be pretty cool. It would be like my own private concert.” Vinyl said in excitement. Octavia looked down the dark road. “Well...Ok I guess I could stay over tonight”
Vinyl and Octavia walked until they came to the house. “Here we are!” said Vinyl. She opened the door and allowed Octavia to walk in first. Octavia wasn’t really shocked at the appearance of her house. It was kind of like she had imagined it. It wasn’t the cleanest place she had been in. Records were here and there. Old boxes of veggie pizzas were sitting around. “Um…Vinyl when was the last time you cleaned?” “Just yesterday” said Vinyl as she walked in and closed the door behind her. “Why you ask?” She looked around the room. “Well…It’s just slightly messy…” Octavia said slowly pushing a pizza box away from her. “It’s not like I was expecting a guest.” “What do you mean? You’re the one who invited me.” Said Octavia confused. “Only because I knew you were too afraid of the dark to walk home alone.” Octavia blushed at the response before answering “I am not!” “Are too.” Vinyl said in a way she hadn’t said since she and Octavia were little fillies. Octavia’s face turned redder as she tried to think of something to say. “Uh…Um… I was….worried someone would try and take my cello! Yeah that’s it!” Octavia took the instrument off her back and laid it beside her then pat the case. “Ok.”, said Vinyl. Vinyl’s reply shocked Octavia. “I believe you” she said grinning slowly walking out of Octavia’s view. “Really?” Octavia said still shocked that her story was believable. “Yeah.” All of the sudden everything went dark. The lights had gone out. “Boo!” Vinyl yelled. Octavia screamed and all that could be heard after were the loud sounds of stuff falling and things moving. Vinyl turned back on the lights and rolled on the floor laughing harder than she ever had in her life. Octavia peeked out from behind Vinyl’s turntables, blushing. “That’s not funny!” Vinyl pounded the ground still laughing “I don’t know, that was pretty hilarious to me.”
After she finally calmed down she apologized to her. “Sorry. I guess that was kind of mean.” Vinyl said wiping a tear from her eye. “It’s ok” Octavia said standing up and fixing her pink bowtie. She lightly punched Vinyl’s shoulder. “Just don’t EVER do that again.” Vinyl rubbed her shoulder. “Ok, ok.” She laughed.
“So what do you want to do now?” asked Vinyl. “Well I suppose I better start practicing. What time is it?” She looked at the clock and gasped. “It’s almost midnight!” she shouted in shock. “Wow. You’re right. Time flew” Octavia quickly unlatched the case to her cello. “Whoa slow down, chill. No need to panic” Vinyl said. Octavia took deep breaths to calm herself. Vinyl sat on the couch and moved stuff off the table to give room for her to put her back legs on the table. “What are you doing?” Octavia asked. “Well if I’m going to sit here and listen I might as well get comfortable right?” replied Vinyl. Octavia sighed then lifted her instrument out of its case. She grabbed the bow and placed it across the strings then started to play.
Music filled the room. Vinyl’s jaw dropped as she heard the beautiful sound. Octavia continued to move the bow across the strings. Vinyl smiled. She was right. It was like a little concert just for her. Vinyl had been lost in thought and didn’t hear Octavia stop playing. “Vinyl?” Octavia said. Vinyl shook her head. She stood up and clapped. “That was amazing!” Octavia blushed at the comment. “You think so?” Octavia asked. “Yeah! You’re totally ready for the next concert.” Vinyl replied while getting up.
Octavia put the instrument back in its case. “Well I guess it’s about time to go to sleep” Vinyl said looking at the clock. “Yeah, so where am I sleeping” asked Octavia . “The couch” said Vinyl. Octavia looked at the couch. It didn’t look even remotely comfortable. “Are you serious?” “No” Vinyl laughed. “I have a room just for guests. You can sleep in there.” Vinyl opened the door to the room. “Here.” Octavia walked into the room and turned on the light. Sadly it was the cleanest room she had seen in the house so far. Vinyl yawned and stretched. “Well I’m going to go lay down. Goodnight Tavi.” Octavia frowned at the nickname for a second. Vinyl left to go to her room. Octavia walked into her room and looked around still shocked at how clean it was compared to the rest of the house.
After looking around she finally lied down in the bed and looked at the ceiling. It was nice of Vinyl to let her stay here. Suddenly a thought rushed to her mind. The whole reason she was even invited. She jumped up and looked through drawers and in the closet. She couldn’t find it. She took a deep breath then let it out in a big sigh. She didn’t want to do this but she had to. Octavia left her room and walked to what she hoped was Vinyl’s room. She knocked on the door. Moments after, she heard the squeak of her getting out of bed. The door opened “Yeah? Something wrong?” said a tired Vinyl. “Well…I was wondering if you had a….a…” “A?” interrupted Vinyl “A nightlight.” said Octavia closing her eyes in embarrassment. “A nightlight? Sorry Octavia but I don’t have one.” Octavia looked down. “Oh..” “But...If it’s really that much a problem you can sleep in here with me.” said Vinyl. Octavia looked up at her “Really?” “Yeah, I have a big enough bed.” said Vinyl. She let Octavia into her room. Octavia looked around as she walked in. Vinyl closed the door then laid down in bed and put the covers over herself. Octavia joined her. They faced away from each other as to not make things awkward, though it was already slightly awkward to be sleeping in the same bed. “Goodnight” both of them said at the same time then laughed a little. Soon after, Vinyl was already back to sleep. Octavia could tell by her snoring. Even though she was still in dark she felt safer with Vinyl beside her. Octavia slowly drifted off to sleep with the thought on her mind.
The next morning Octavia woke up. Her vision was still a little blurry but as it became clearer she noticed her and Vinyl ended up facing each other. Octavia lied there looking at Vinyl’s face. She had a peaceful expression. It seemed to hypnotize her. She continued to watch. Suddenly Vinyl’s eyes popped open “Boo!” said Vinyl. Octavia screamed and fell out of the bed hitting the ground hard. Vinyl laughed rolling around in the bed. “That’s not funny!” yelled Octavia from the floor. “Yes it was” replied Vinyl smiling while looking down at her. Octavia looked back then they both started to laugh.
