My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic: The last of the Dark Kingdom

by Shadowponyty

First published

Two humans are turned into ponies and sent to equestria with twilight and her friends they must defeat the new evil plaguing the land of equestria

In the land of Equestria there were tales of dark times and war raged throughout the land the problem was due to the dark kingdom of ponies who's evil was greater than anything anypony could have seen. The dark kingdom was sealed by princess Celestia forcing the evil ponies to stay inside the walls as long as they were evil but one dark pony was not there to be sealed but he was later caught and sealed in an ancient tree in the everfree forest the pony was left there for centuries and everyone soon forgot about the dark ponies evil.
Over a centuary has past since then and peace filled the land of Equestria, but it will soon be interupted when the Dark pony Alucard finds a way out of his tree prison and enters the human world he is met by two boys who chase after him but they are then flung into a portal and awaken as ponies themselves.
Evil will soon plague the land of Equestria if it is not stopped along with Twilight and her friends the two humans must stand with them to stop the dark pony Alucard but what price must they pay in order to defeat him.

Chapter 1: Of Humans and Ponies

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Chapter 1: Of Humans and Ponies

In Equestria there existed a giant tree in the Everfree forest, this tree is said to have certain magical properties that have unimaginable power.

Unknown to the ponies of Equestria no one has dared to go near it because of the rumours about it throughout Equestria.

Apparently the magical properties around this tree was dark and great evil could be sensed from inside of the tree, therefore it is forbidden to ever go near the tree that is now known as “The great Tree of Everfree”.

A spell has been cast around the tree in order for nothing to get in or out of the clearing where the tree exists.

It is a good thing too because of the terrible evil some pony that exists within the tree’s trunk.

This pony had a crystal horn on its head and those who have seen it would suddenly disappear from existence.
This ponies name was Alucard a pony of great evil magic that struck terror into the hearts of every pony he met.

Except he had not met anyone since he was sealed in this area where the tree was but he had a plan on how he would get out of the area, he had a spell that could let him travel through dimensions.

It had not been tested because it took a lot of magical power to perform but he would test it today. He pointed his crystal horn to a dark corner of the room he made within the tree’s trunk.

A black circular portal opened up in the corner of the room sucking a few spell books in the room into the portal.

As the Pony Alucard put the hood of his cloak over his head covering his horn and face and his midnight blue fur and black mane as he then stepped into the portal having an evil grin on his face.

My Name is Tynam I was on a train to Hastings to meet some of my friends for a good old day out for fun and games.

It was a beautiful day when I looked out of the window of the train, the sun was shining in the in the town of Hastings, the ocean was sparkling with the sun’s rays, it was summer, and for students at school it was time to have some fun before they go back to their course work and all the other work that school has to offer, me being one of those students.

When I arrived at the train station I stepped off the train I had short black hair and was wearing a short sleeved black shirt and dark blue shorts I looked around the train station I was looking for someone a friend but then I saw a tall figure with short brown hair wearing a sleeveless white top and black shorts.

“Hey Pete” I called over to him with a smile and I began to walk over to him he was one of the people I was hoping to meet today this is Peter he is my best friend in school and a day out would not be the same without him it just was not fun without it.

“Hi Tynam! how have you been?” Pete asked me as we exchanged a hand shake and a bro fist like we always did when we met… Hey don’t act like you haven’t done it.

“I’ve been great it’s good that you could come here” I told Pete “So should we get going?” I asked Pete nodded and we both walked to the exit of the train station.

“So when are the other’s meeting us at the beach?” Pete asked me as we both used our tickets to open the barricades to the exit.

“That’s right but we will have to wait for them some of their trains were delayed” I said and then sighed I knew that they were not coming.

“They aren’t coming are they?” Pete asked I looked at him surprised he catches on pretty quick you can’t even imagine what he knows.

“No they all had other plans” I said to him disappointed but I gave Pete a reassuring pat on the back “Don’t worry we can both still have fun there’s a lot of stuff around here to do on a summer day so let’s have some fun okay?” I smiled.

“Yeah sounds like a plan” Pete said smiling back at me.

Throughout the day Me and Pete went on rides went to the beach to talk to girls… not having much luck then trying our hand at mini golf even though we were both terrible at it but never wanted to admit it.

After it had gone 2 o’clock in the afternoon Pete and I decided to get a late lunch from McDonalds it was too packed to eat in the restaurant so we just took the food to go and left walking outside we looked for a place to sit down and eat.

“What about over here Ty?” Pete asked me pointing at an empty bench which looked perfect but as we were about to sit down.

Suddenly a circular black shiny thing I could not describe it I did not know what words to use it opened up next to the bench sucking it into it there goes our place to sit.

But then something came out of the object it had a cloak over it… it almost looked like a horse but shorter a pony maybe I did not know I was not expecting to see something like this today.

Just then the horse charged straight at me from under the hood I could see red glowing eyes as it charged it’s hood blew off of its head and people around gasped at what they saw.

The horse had a horn it looked exactly like a unicorn but it then shoved past me knocking the bag of McDonalds out of my hand sending it flying into the air and it fell onto its horn as it ran off with our food as I fell to the ground.

“Ty are you okay?” Pete asked me shock on his face seeing what that thing was.

“I’m fine but he has our lunch we waited in cue forever for that food” I said annoyed as I got up and ran after the horse
“Tynam they are just chicken nugge-!” I did not hear what Pete said I was already running after the lunch thieving horse I saw Pete run after me when I turned back to look at him and then continued after the horse.

People screamed as the horse ran past them as me and Pete bumped into the confused people managing to squeeze past them as we saw the horse go into a corner we pursued it and then we were all in an alley with a dead end to it the horse was trapped.

“Ty isn’t it a little colourful to be a horse?” Pete asked.

“Who cares it has our lunch” I said annoyed as I charged at the horse grabbing it’s head and trying to grab the McDonalds bag from its horn but it was bucking and kicking hard as its horn suddenly lit up with a dark light hitting the wall behind me.

It kept firing black lights from its horn hitting the wall in two other places making three circular objects in total on the walls in the alley.

“Get off me!” I heard from somewhere and it felt like someone shouted in my ear did it come from the horse.

“Ty get away from it!” Pete shouted as he ran to me and tried to get me off but then was hit by a black light that came from the horse and was sent flying into a wall and he was right next to the circular object as he looked like he was being sucked into it.

“Pete!” I yelled as I let go of the horse and tried to run over to him but he was suddenly gone I turned to the horse “What are you?” I said.

“Alucard the most feared unicorn in Equestria” the horse said as its horn glowed black looking like it was charging something magical and dark as it then shot a black orb straight toward my chest hitting me hard and sending me into one of the circular objects.

I could feel myself falling I could barely see anything it looked like a dimension of lightning and darkness was this it was this the end where am I going what is this place I looked at my chest where the black light hit.

There was a small burn there but it hurt a lot I could barely keep my eyes open as I could feel myself falling my eyes slowly closed as I then lost consciousness.

For a long while there was nothing just darkness but I then felt something tickle my nose as I opened my eyes.

I saw that there was a butterfly on me nose my vision was a little blurry I lifted my arm to swat it away but as I did I saw that my arm was no longer there it was what looked to be a hoof and it was a Light blue colour which made it even weirder.

I wanted to jump up and start panicking but as I was about to a quiet soft soothing voice asked.

“Umm hello uh excuse are you okay?” Said the voice as I looked my vision was still a little blurred but I could make out a yellow and pink colour “Umm oh my, are you hurt?”

My vision then started to clear as I saw that it was a pony was I going crazy?

“Umm” The pony looked away shyly her mane covering one of her eyes I saw her mouth move like it was talking and then I began to freak out I quickly jumped up “What the heck are you!?” I shouted at the top of my voice.

“Ah” The yellow pony then ran away from me scared.

I then felt it hard to stand up as I fell flat on my face also I felt shorter for some reason I looked at my arms and then at my legs seeing that they were hoofs.

I tried to remain calm I lifted my head to see that I was in a meadow filled with grass and there was a small lake here.

As I dragged myself to the nearby lake and looked into it as I saw that my face had changed not just that but my body and hair as well I gasped as I backed up from the lake.

It had to be a dream it just had to be I had become a pony!

Chapter 2: A village filled with new friends

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“Okay this has to be a dream” I said to myself trotting around in circles near the lake “I mean seriously who wakes up in a colourful land such as this and becomes a pony?”
I then looked at my reflection in the lake again to see a bright light blue horn on my forehead “And not just a pony a pony with a horn sticking out of his head!” I said to myself kicking the ground with my hoof but then falling flat on my face as soon as I did I needed to get use to walking here.
Maybe if I really was stuck in this strange place I would have to find a way back home as I walked I then stopped and remembered that Pete could also be here.
So I would have to find him before I left this place I looked ahead of me to see what looked to be a village.
I could see many other ponies in that village but if I was going to get anywhere I would have to be able to talk to them without freaking out.
I approached the village seeing a sign that said “Welcome to ponyville” it was brightly coloured it was almost something out of a TV show in fact it was beautiful and all the ponies here were bright and colourful.
Everything I could see was amazing this place was not like others I’ve seen before the world I came from was dull and depressing at times but this place I just felt like it brought me so much joy by just being here.
Right no more enjoying the scenery I have information to gather, I saw a pink pony approaching me her mane looked like cotton candy she looked friendly enough so I approached her.
I cleared my throat “Hi there um…!” I was about to say but the pink pony gasped loudly jumping into the air a pulling a weird face as she did.
“Are you okay?” I asked did this pony have something wrong with her.
“Of course I am I get to meet a new friend oh my gosh are you new in town my name’s Pinkie Pie what’s your name?” The pink pony asked me speaking excitedly also grabbing my hoof and shaking it.
“I’m Tynam” I said and when Pinkie pie let go my hoof was shaking on its own.
“Wow wee that’s a strange name” Pinkie pie said bouncing around me in circles excitedly I have to admit it was kind of cute.
“Yeah I get that a lot” I told her rolling my eye’s it was true when I was human everyone always said “That’s a strange name” when I introduced myself well not that I ever introduced myself too many people I did not really have many friends.
“So where are you from?” Pinkie pie asked bouncing in front of me.
“I’m from England” I told her I then realised I was getting nowhere.
“Oh my gosh I have never heard of that place before is it in Canterlot? Or maybe Manehattan? You have to tell me about it sometime okay bye bye now!” Pinkie pie said bouncing away from me excitedly.
“Well that got me absolutely nowhere” I said to myself but that pony seemed nice enough so if all the ponies are like her then it should be easy to gather some information about this place they called Ponyville.
I looked around the place and everywhere I looked it just made me want to stay more and more.
I approached a farm where I heard a “Yeeeeeeeeehaaaaaw!” as a rope attached to a wooden gate was then pulled shut I saw that it was a gate housing some cows I followed the rope to see where it was coming from.
It was in the mouth of an orange pony with a blonde mane the pony dropped the rope and looked to me.
“Well howdy there good sir have you come to visit our sweet Apple acres farm? Maybe you would like to try one of our apples?” The pony asked.
I did not want to be rude so “Well if you don’t mind I would love to try one” I told her as the pony passed an apple to me I caught it with my mouth because I was no good at using my hoofs yet I then took a bite and I will have to admit it was the best apple I have ever tasted.
“Well what do you think?” The pony asked expectantly.
“Mm it’s really good” I told the pony as I finished the apple.
“Well I’m glad you have good taste buds so what’s your name there stranger?” the pony asked.
“I’m Tynam” I said “And yours?” I asked smiling
“The name’s Apple Jack and I would like to welcome you too our wonderful town of ponyville” Apple Jack said holding out her hoof it looked like she wanted a bro fist or something well I did not want to let her down.
I lifted one hoof to bump hoofs with her but I fell flat on my face again.
“You okay there sugar cube?” Apple Jack asked me as I quickly got up.
“Yeah just a bit clumsy” I said to her rubbing the back of my neck with my hoof then felt like I should ask about Pete or a where I live “Um I don’t suppose you’ve seen a tall brown haired guy around this place have you?” I asked Apple Jack.
“Nope sorry can’t say that I have is it a friend of yours?” Apple Jack said.
“Yeah we just got separated that’s all” I said.
“Oh… well I hope you find them soon” Apple Jack said patting my back.
“Oh do you know anything about how to get to a place called England?” I asked.
“Nope” Apple Jack said “It sounds like a place out of a legend or something”
I sighed disappointed looking down in sorrow was I ever going to get home or was I even going to be able to find Pete? Was he even here? And was he a Pony like me?
“Hey don’t get so down there partner you’ll find’em in no time flat” Apple Jack told me.
“Thanks Apple Jack” I nodded appreciating her concern as I left the farm not empty handed at least my stomach was full.
I carried on my way through ponyville looking for a pony that looked like Pete well I doubt I would even recognise him but still it’s better than asking some random ponies about him and drawing too much attention.
I felt my hoof hit something on the ground I looked down to see that it was a book with a pony with a hat on it.
“Daring doo and the search for the…” I then heard a yell.
“Daring doo!” Someone shouted at the top of their lungs before I could even turn something crashed into me hard I was seeing rainbows when I crashed to the ground hitting my head.
My vision started to recover from landing on my head and the rainbows were not a delusion I could see a light blue Pony with a rainbow coloured mane but also… wings? The pony was in front of me as I stood up I still had the book in my hoof.
“Okay buddy just give me the book and no pony gets hurt” The rainbow pony said.
“Whoa okay I don’t want any trouble” I said quickly handing the pony the book in my hoofs “Sorry I didn’t know it was yours” I told the pony.
The rainbow pony gave me a strange look “Are you new here?” the pony asked me.
“Yeah I guess I am my names Tynam” I told the pony.
“I’m Rainbow Dash the most awesome Pegasus in Equestria” The rainbow pony introduce herself.
“Okay that’s nice” I said to Rainbow Dash not really thinking much of her.
“Oh you don’t believe me? Then watch this!” Rainbow dash then jumped from the ground and flapped her wings as she took off with amazing speed I felt as wind rushed past my mane.
I watched as Rainbow Dash flew from cloud to cloud eliminating them from existence in a poof I swear I could see a rainbow wherever this pony flew and her speed was amazing I could not believe what I was seeing.
Before I could even blink she was done she had eliminated all of the clouds in the sky surrounding us allowing the sun to shine brightly in the sky.
Rainbow Dash landed in front of me “How was that?” She asked me.
I did not know what to say to be honest I was so overwhelmed by how awesome and fast that was and how someone can even control the weather like that.
“Speechless” Rainbow Dash chuckled as she flew away looking proud of herself.
“Hey wai…” But it was too late she was already gone with a rainbow trail trailing behind her.
And yet again absolutely nowhere I trotted around on my hoofs for a while and came across what appeared to be a dress shop.
I did not even know that ponies could even wear dresses let alone make them with their hooves.
I had to admit I was quite curious about this shop so I guess curiosity got the better of me as I opened the door to the shop.
At first I saw a pretty well put together place dresses on pony mannequin’s well fashioned curtain and well fashioned designs on the dresses but to be honest the whole shop was amazing.
There was one thing strange about it though a white pony with a purple main and white horn was running all over the shop in a hurry with what appeared to be ribbons and other fabrics floating in thin air following her.
“Oh no that will not do” The pony said as she kept pacing around the room with a worried look on her face.
“Umm excuse me” I said
“Not right now darling I’m busy with the preparations for the party this evening” The pony said she then started tying ribbons and other things together.
“If I could just talk for just a second it would be really helpful” I said.
“No time to talk I must have this done by tonight ugh! It’s all on such short notice I won’t even have a new dress to wear for the party” The pony carried on.
“Just one minute and I’ll be out of your hair I promise” I said and the pony turned and glared at me looking annoyed.
“What?” The pony said angrily but her faces expression then changed “Oh my you must be the new pony that my friend Pinkie Pie mentioned”
“Oh you know Pinkie pie” I asked the pony.
“What pony doesn’t know Pinkie pie with all her strange behaviour?” She said.
“You have a point there” I said.
“Well you must be Tynam my name is Rarity I am in charge of this shop you see and right now I am very busy so if you would mind making this quick” Rarity said as she got back to work “So where are you from?”
“I’m from England I doubt you heard of it” I said.
“Hmm? No never heard of such a place it sounds like something you would find in a book” Rarity said.
“Dang it” I said kicking my hoof on the floor I had to admit the carpeting in this shop was really comfortable on my hooves better than the grass outside.
“Well have you at least seen a guy with short brown hair and who is really tall?” I asked
Rarity paused from her work for a second the shook her head “No”
I sighed “Well do you know anyone who could possibly help me get to England or who would know about it?”
“I do not think such a place even exists besides what kind of pony would live in a place with such a strange name?” Rarity chuckled to herself.
“Well humans for one I used to be one myself” I said spilling the beans.
“Oh darling you must have hit your head those human things are a myth but if you must find information on them or that place your from then go see my friend Twilight Sparkle at the library” Rarity said going over to a sewing machine as she got to work.
“Okay and where is that exactly?” I asked.
“Oh it’s in a tree in town you can’t miss it” Rarity said without turning away from the machine.
Well I at least had one lead that I could use I came out of the shop and looked around town for the library tree and after what seemed like forever I finally found it.
I did not even know that trees could even be made into libraries in fact I thought Rarity was joking but here it was.
I was about to enter when the door swung open hitting me in the face as I saw a little purple… is that a dragon? I thought to myself forgetting the pain my face was going through.
The dragon looked up at me seeing what he had done “Sorry about that you okay?” The dragon asked me.
“Your… a dragon?” I said finding this hard to believe.
“That’s right the names Spike nice to meet you” He said holding out a claw.
“Umm I’m Tynam” I said shaking his claw with my hoof this was strange usually ponies and dragons do not mix.
“You’re the new pony in town right? What are you doing here at the library?” Spike asked me.
“Just looking for some books isn’t that what libraries are for?” I joked then realised nearly every pony in this place knew that I was new here does news travel that fast?
“Right well help yourself but if you take any books out ask Twilight first” Spike told me.
“Well Twilight the one I’m about to see she might know something I need to know” I told Spike as I walked into the library.
The inside of the tree looked even better than the outside it was filled with books and lots of other things there was a telescope a globe of the world lots and lots of strange and unusual things this was more like a museum than a library.
“Hello? I’m here to talk to someone called Twilight Sparkle” I called.
“Someone? Do you mean some pony?” A purple pony with a purple coloured horn a mix of dark blue and pink in her mane said to me coming down the stairs.
“Twilight Sparkle I assume?” I said and the pony nodded.
“That’s right are you the new pony in town I heard about from Pinkie Pie?” Twilight asked me.
I keep hearing that name does she go around telling everyone who she met today?
“Yeah that’s me” I said I kept having to say that over and over again today and it was getting repetitive but hopefully I would not have to keep saying it if I could get help from this pony.
“So Tynam your from England am I right?” Twilight said.
“Yes that’s right do you know anything about it and how to get there from here and possibly know how to change a pony back into a human?” I asked quickly excited to know how I could get back home.
“No I never heard of a place called England” Twilight chuckled and my heart sank “and what are you talking about you’re a unicorn like me you’re not human in fact they’re a mythical creature that no one really knows about”
I could not believe this where would I go? I don’t belong here where would I even stay if I lived here? And where is Pete?
“Are you alright you look a little sad” Twilight looked to me worried.
“It’s just-!” I was suddenly interrupted by the door slamming open and Pinkie Pie jumping into the room looking overjoyed about something.
“Twilight, Tynam you have to come and see this thing at the town hall it’s so amazing that you would not believe it was there” Pinkie Pie said excitedly as she pushed me and Twilight out of the Library.
I felt a bit uneasy by being dragged off by a random pink pony to somewhere I don’t even know.
Maybe they were planning to sacrifice me to their pony God what am I saying that’s just stupid.
When we got to the town hall Pinkie Pie then look like she realised something “Oh yeah put this on” She said putting a blindfold over my eyes blocking my vision.
“Hey what the heck are you doing I can’t see” I said not knowing where to go.
“Tee hee hee that’s the point silly” I heard Pinkie Pies voice as I was guided through somewhere I’m guessing a door because I heard the creaking sound of it on my way in.
“Okay you can take off your blind fold… now!” Pinkie pie instructed and I removed my blindfold it was still pitch black but the light filled the room with also a big.
“SURPRISE!” I heard a huge group of ponies shout as I saw that he town hall was filled with decorations and food like cakes and sandwiches and all kinds of food that was almost as brightly coloured as the ponies.
“What the heck is this?” I asked confused
“It’s a party silly to welcome you too ponyville also I invited everyone here so you could meet them all and make lots and lots of friends” Pinkie Pie said to me dragging me to a small group of ponies that I recognised already.
“These are my friends Apple Jack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle” Pinkie Pie told me.
“I already know these guy’s” I said I recognised the pink haired yellow pony called Fluttershy she was the pony that I accidentally scared away after I got here in Ponyville.
“A pleasure to see you again” Rarity said to me adjusting her mane.
“Hey there” Apple Jack said putting a hoof over my shoulder “Be sure to help yourself to the food here it’s made from the apples at my farm”
“Wassup there pal were you impressed with my cloud work?” Rainbow Dash asked me of course I nodded.
“Umm hello” Fluttershy said shyly I think I scared her by freaking out earlier who could blame her?
“Hey sorry if I scared you earlier I had no idea where I was and panicked a little.
“Oh no that’s okay” Fluttershy said with a bright smile.
“When did that happen?” Pinkie Pie asked.
“It was when I got here” I answered.
“Well anyway welcome to Ponyville Tynam” Twilight said.
“I really appreciate the party and everything but I don’t think I will be staying here that long” I told them
“Why not are you just here on business or something?” Rainbow Dash looked curious.
“Or maybe he’s a spy to seek out the secret behind the apple family’s apple pie!” Pinkie Pie said.
“I bet this fake face comes right off!” Pinkie pie then tried pulling off my face it hurt a lot.
“Ow hey it’s not fake I’m not a spy either!” I yelled and Pinkie Pie got off of me.
“Oh sorry about that hee hee” Pinkie chuckled to herself and bounced off somewhere.
“Well enjoy your party be sure to socialise with everyone” Twilight told me as her and her friends walked off.
Well I could at least have fun while I’m here so I decided to socialise late into the night meeting many new ponies one of them even knew a little about humans she was called Lyra but to be honest she did not really have any useful.
I met a few nice ponies a strange one named Derpy hooves and even a group called the cutie mark crusaders whatever a cutie mark was anyway.
The party was about to reach its end as the Mayor of Ponyville approached the podium to speak I did not expect to get such a good reception here I thought they would be wary of strangers but they seem to be welcoming me with open arms.
“Your attention Everypony” The Mayor spoke into the microphone on the podium.
“Thank you all for coming to welcome our newest resident of Ponyvile Tynam the Unicorn” The Mayor said.
“I am also pleased to announce that Princess Celestia’s rising of the sun will b…!” The Mayor went silent as a pony suddenly teleported on stage next to her it was a light brown pony with dark brown hair but something felt off about it.
“How did that pony use magic?” Twilight said to herself.
“That’s right only unicorns can use the magic can’t they?” Rarity said
“Excuse me Mayor” The pony said the voice was familiar to me.
“Who are you?” The mayor asked but she was pushed out of the way by a strange dark energy and thrown away from the podium ponies gathered to see if the Mayor was alright.
The pony stood at the podium and said “I am the Dark families Alucard I am possessing this pathetic body with my gracious presence to deliver a message to the ponies of Equestria”
“Alucard? Dark family?” I was confused but I recognised the name it was the same pony who flung me through the portal.
Rage welled up inside me as I charged towards the pony “Send me and my friend back now!” I shouted ready to take him down.
“Oh Tynam I thought we were friends you wouldn’t want to hurt me now would you?” Alucard asked.
I stopped and realised who this Alucard was possessing as I said the name of my closest friend.

Chapter 3: A friend in need

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Chapter 3: A friend in need

A mix of emotions ran through me shock, fear and anger that someone would even do this to my friend I did not think this kind of world was possible but now I suppose it has to be real now.

“Be gone!” Alucard shouted as I was lifted off of my hooves and thrown into one of the nearby tables of food and drink.

“Why you!” Rainbow Dash flapped her wings and darted towards Alucard hooves ready for action but Alucard was not at the podium anymore as Rainbow Dash crashed into the podium making a massive smashing sound.

Alucard then reappeared at the exit of the hall shocking all of the ponies.

Fear rushed through all the ponies in the hall but 5 ponies approached Alucard I assumed Rainbow Dash was supposed to be there with them but she was sorting herself out with the microphones cord being tangled against her wing.

“Who are you? And what do you want? And how can you use magic when you are a land pony?” Twilight asked glaring at the new foe.

“Me as I said before I am Alucard of the dark family I am from the dark kingdom that every pony has apparently forgotten” He spoke as he walked around the room in my friend Pete’s pony body.

“I have never heard of them who are they? Do they throw parties?” Pinkie Pie asked bouncing happily and was about to ask something else but Apple Jack stuffed her hoof in Pinkie Pie’s mouth to silence her.

“What I want is to see the entire land of Equestria thrown into darkness so that my kingdom can rule the land in eternal everlasting darkness forever” Alucard said his eyes glowing red.

“But that still does not explain the magic” Rarity cut in.

“Well whoever I possess my magic, spells and abilities are transferred to that body” Alucard explained.

“But there is no spell like that in the world how can you do that?” Twilight was clueless.

“It seems like you have a thing or two to learn about the dark kingdoms magic peasant” Alucard had a smirk on his face.
I struggled to get up from the broken table I was on top of “Why did you bring us here?” I asked my anger rising.

“You see I entered you miserable world by mistake and you followed me so I had to get rid of you but then I thought you could be useful so I teleported you to this world so that I could use you both for my plans only things did not go as expected” Alucard sighed.

“Of course I could not teleport outside of the tree that I was sealed in here in this dimension even if I tried the seal would force me back to the tree in other dimensions I am free to do as I please but I do not want other dimensions I want this one here” Alucard explained.

“I threw your friend into the portal that would make him end up outside of my tree I had originally planned on both of you being there but you somehow threw off the trajectory where you would have originally been” Alucard continued he never seemed to shut up.

“So why didn’t you just possess me huh?” I shouted.

“Well some people are not as strong willed as others also I you were out of range and I can only take control of one pony at a time” Alucard said then showing an evil smile.

I was helped by the other ponies around me from the table I stood on my hooves “Let him go!”

“I’m sorry?” Alucard asked “What was that? I couldn’t hear you”

“I said let my friend go!” I shouted at the top of my voice.

“Sorry I can’t do that but if you want him why don’t you come and get him” Alucard said as the door’s opened by themselves.

“Get back here and send me and my friend back!” It hurt my throat raising my voice so much but I was so frustrated because I did not know what I could do.

“I will be waiting for you all at the dark family’s hidden Mansion in the everfree forest” Alucard spoke.

“When the time comes you will know where the mansion is if you want to save your friend then be there tomorrow at midnight I now take my leave” Alucard then disappeared in a dark poof of smoke.

After Alucard had disappeared panic then filled the room as I heard Ponies talking, shouting and worrying the Mayor of Ponyville was trying to keep everyone calm.

I had to get out of here and find my way to the Everfree forest then to that castle I got out of the town hall it was night outside there was no way I would be able to find Alucard tonight I would have to search tomorrow.

“Where do you think you’re going huh?” I heard Rainbow Dash’s voice as she tackled me to the ground and held me down.

“Where do you think? To the Everfree forest” I told her.

“You can’t do that it’s dangerous to go there at night with all of the wild creatures in there” Twilight said walking out with the rest of her group.

“Um yeah it’s really scary in there I don’t think we should go there” Fluttershy said hiding behind Apple Jack.

“Look you guys don’t understand that pony Alucard was possessing that was the friend I mentioned I need to get him back”

I told them as Rainbow Dash frowned and got off of me.

“Sorry Tynam” Rainbow Dash said.

I got to my hooves “I know it’s going to be dangerous but please show me the way to the Everfree forest if I have to find it alone then I will” I told them seriously.

The ponies looked to each other and they all nodded.

“Whoa there sugar cube us ponies ain’t going to let you go there all by yourself” Apple Jack told me with a heart-warming smile.

“That’s right we can’t just leave you and your friend hanging now can we” Rainbow dash then high fived me… well it was more like a high hoof really.

“Yeah we are all friends here aren’t we? Weeeeeee” Pinkie said bouncing around happily.

“We can help you Tynam you don’t have to do this alone” Twilight spoke.

“I doubt that I will get out of the forest with a bit of dirt on me but I suppose I can help out without getting too messy” Rarity said.

“I guess… umm if you are all going I’ll go too” Fluttershy said but her legs looked pretty shaky.

“Thank you all of you” I told them appreciatively.

“But the first thing we need to do is get the elements of harmony from Princess Celestia” Twilight said.

“Who the heck is that?” I asked confused and all the ponies gasped.

“She is only the ruler of all Equestria” Rainbow Dash said.

“You really aren’t from here are you sugar cube?” Apple Jack said.

“That’s what I’ve been trying to say this whole time guys” I rolled my eyes.

“Come on we don’t have time to waste” Twilight told us as we all headed for the train station and eagerly awaited the train.

After what felt like a long train journey we awoke in our train seats it was now morning which meant at midnight tonight the fate of my friend would be decided.

As we all arrived at a place called Canterlot it was huge and with a giant castle in the city as well.

Me and the other ponies made our way to the castle and I suddenly had a realisation this was my first time meeting royalty and it made me pretty nervous as I slowed down my walking retreating to the back of the group with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.

“Hey! What are you doing back here?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Umm no reason just thought I would hang with you guy’s” I said.

“Oh that’s nice of you” Fluttershy said with her small smile.

“I think someone is a tad bit nervous” Rarity said turning her head to me as she walked.

“Well it’s my first time meeting royalty in person what am I supposed to say?” I asked.

“Just show some respect and manners and you’ll be just fine” Apple Jack said from the front of the group.

As we approached a giant door it opened before any of us touched it and two unicorn guards stepped aside so that we could pass the room we entered was a giant hall with pillars and beautiful decorations and flooring around it.

Everything seemed to shine like diamonds “The janitor here must really do a good job I hope he gets paid well” I said to the group.

“Oh don’t worry about me young fella I get paid enough I love my cleaning duties” An old bearded unicorn spoke as he used the mop with his magic on a spot he missed and whistled a happy little tune to himself as he carried on with his work.

At the end of the room there was a throne and sitting there was a giant horse that was so much taller than any of the ponies in our group its mane was almost magical it looked like the mysteries of the universe could be in that mane.

Oh no I could not handle this was this the princess she was amazing what if I said the wrong thing and was thrown into the dungeon or banished? I had to hide I quickly dove behind one of the pillars so I could not be seen by anyone.

“Welcome my faithful student Twilight and friends” Princess Celestia spoke and then looked toward the pillar that I was hiding behind as my heart sank I could feel her eyes piercing through the concrete.

“Who is this? Is he with you?” Celestia asked Twilight with a smile I was surprised I did not expect royalty to be so calm and kind towards their subjects.

“This is Tynam the Unicorn he arrived at ponyville yesterday he said he was looking for his friend who was later found out to be possessed by the dark pony known as Alucard” Twilight explained.

Celestia’s face showed great concern to the matter of Alucard “Show yourself Tynam the unicorn” She said.

I stepped out nervous “Yes Ma’am I mean sir, I mean Princess Celestia I mean your royal highness” I said trotting over as I misplaced a hoof in my steps and fell on my face again.

“He is an odd one” I heard Celestia whisper to Twilight then walked to me as she stared down at me I thought I would feel intimidated but no I felt calm as if I could trust this what appeared to be some kind of Goddess horse.

“You are not from this world are you?” Celestia spoke.

“I… well… no” I said.

“Then please explain to me what happened” Celestia said.

I took my time in explaining in as much detail as I could about what had happened to me and Pete and how we had seen Alucard and how he sent us to this strange world the group of ponies I was with were surprised about the fact that I thought
I was human but Celestia I could not tell what she was thinking from her face.

“I see so you are a human” Celestia said.

“Yes” I Replied.

“And the pony you mentioned Alucard my sister Luna and I fought him years ago in fact most people have forgotten about him” Celestia said.

“You know Alucard Princess? He seemed different to other ponies in fact he somehow used a spell that I have no knowledge about” Twilight said.

“I have a lot to explain please follow me all of you” Celestia led all of us to a room filled with paintings that told stories I could see that Twillight and the others were in a lot of the paintings but we did not stop by any of them instead we went into another room where several paintings were.

I looked across the room one of the paintings showed what looked to be Celestia and another pony putting what appeared to be a kind of force field around an entire city but another pony that appeared to be Alucard was outside of the field.

“As I told everypony before Luna and me fought Alucard but not just him also others like him known as the dark family and their subjects the Dark ponies” Celestia explained.

“On this painting why does it look like you are sealing an entire city Princess” Rarity pointed out.

“Yes well the entire city was ruled by the dark family and the dark ponies in that city were evil like the dark family they raged war throughout Equestria not caring who got in their way they just destroyed” Celestia answered.

“We tried to reason with them but they were pure evil which left me and my sister no other choice but to seal the entire dark city with all of the dark ponies inside” Celestia continued.

“But Alucard son of the dark family managed to get out of the city before it was sealed we caught up with him and he fought us he was powerful but we managed to seal him into the great tree in the Everfree forest” Celestia said.

“But he can still use magic and he possessed my friend and is using him as his puppet” I told Celestia.

“I am fully aware my little pony and our best hope are the elements of harmony to defeat Alucard” Celestia said but she then realised something.

“But I am not sure what will happen to your friend if they are used on him I do not know if he will be destroyed or if Alucard will be released from him” Celestia said.

“But what can we do if we can’t use the elements” Rainbow Dash asked as the rest of the ponies had looks of worry on their faces.

“I am not sure but I know you can all find a way to get Tynam’s friend back safely” Celestia said.

“I’ll do it” I spoke up I could not let this happen to Pete if it did I would never forgive myself.

“But we do not know how we can get your friend separated from Alucard before we use the elements” Twilight mentioned.

“Just let me talk to my friend I can try and get through to him before you use the elements maybe even get Alucard out
before you use the elements” I said.

“Oh… umm are you sure you can do that?” Fluttershy asked me.

“I don’t know but I have to try I can’t just sit around doing nothing” I spoke clearly.

“I have never been surer about anything else in my life I will not let one of my friends get hurt from Alucard or anyone” I said

“Who’s anyone?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

“Oh oh are they somepony I don’t know? No wait wait wait! Maybe its somepony in the village” Pinkie Pie kept making random guesses until Apple Jack stuffed her hoof in Pinkie’s mouth to keep her quiet.

“I think what Tynam means is anypony” Apple Jack made that clear.

“Wow your way of speaking is strange” I told them.

Celestia cleared her throat and we all perked up to pay attention.

“Tynam of the human dimension I wish you the best of luck in getting through to your friend I believe that you can do it” Celestia smiled at me.

“And my faithful student and her loyal friends I wish you the best of luck as well the fate of all Equestria is in your hooves” Celestia smiled to the group of ponies.

“Thank you Princess we won’t let you down” Me and Twilight both said at the same time we looked to each other and chuckled.

A chest levitated towards the princess as it opened and there were 5 necklaces and a tiara in the box as the jewellery levitated and attached themselves to the six ponies.

“May you all return safely and be victorious” Celestia said and the six ponies and I bowed in respect to her.

“Come on everypony we have to get back to Ponyville” Twilight said as she ran out of the giant doors where we came in from she was soon followed by the others and myself.

After the train ride back we all went to Twilights library to see if there would be anything we could use to help get Pete back or something about the dark city or dark family.

After searching for a while we came up empty.

“I can’t believe we have nothing on the dark family or anything on possession spells I really need to get an update on my collection of books” Twilight said frustrated as she trotted around the library.

“Well why would you want anything on possession spells that’s evil magic isn’t it? Weeeeeee!” Pinkie pie said for some reason she was running on the globe in that was in the corner of the library.

“Pinkie pie why are you doing that?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“So I can say I ran all over the world silly isn’t it obvious?” Pinkie Pie said but she then fell off the globe.

“Um I’m not sure if there is anything about the dark family of spells over here” Fluttershy said.

“Oh bother looking at all of this small print is making my eyes hurt” Rarity said.

“I don’t think we are going to find anything here” Apple Jack said.

“Everyon… sorry I mean everypony thank you so much for going through all of this trouble to help me get Pete out of this mess I know it’s hard but I really do appreciate your efforts” I told them all.

“It’s okay it’s what friends do” Pinkie said cheerfully.

“That’s right partner we ain’t going to let one of our friends get pushed around by an evil pony” Apple Jack told me.

“Thanks Everypony” I said smiling to them to be honest I never had many friends back in my dimension probably because I did not have much confidence in myself to approach many people but now I’m here I feel like I can approach anyone.
I looked to the clock in the library and saw that it was getting late and it was about an hour before we had to meet Alucard at his hidden mansion but we only knew it was in the Everfree forest.

“Guy’s shouldn’t we get going now” I said.

“You’re right Tynam we have to go now but we have to keep our eyes open so that we don’t fall into a trap” Twilight said.
We entered the Everfree forest it was dark it was hard to see but the moon was shining so we had some light so we could see a little we did not know where we were going and were wondering around the forest for some time.
I then stopped and so did the rest of the ponies we were in a clearing the moon was shining brightly on us I tried looking to see if I could find the mansion.

“Why are we stopping?” Rainbow Dash complained.

“I don’t know I was following Tynam” Apple Jack said.

“I don’t know why you were following me I have no idea where I’m going I was following Twilight” I told Apple Jack.

“You were?” Twilight asked confused.

“Are we lost?” Fluttershy asked she was scared as her body was shaking and her ears flopped down.

“Oh of course not darling we just don’t know where we are” Rarity said trying to comfort Fluttershy.

“That’s the same thing silly” Pinkie Pie said.

“We should have thought this through a little more” I told them.

“Me and Fluttershy we’ll see if we can see that mansion from the air” Rainbow Dash said as she grabbed Fluttershy and flew up high with her.

“So do you guys really think that there’s a mansion in this forest” I asked as I walked but then walked into something like I hit a huge brick wall my mind went blank for a second.

“What happened darling?” Rarity asked running over with the others.

“I walked into something” I told them as I felt for what I walked into looking like I was swatting at the air with my hooves.

“Is there something here?” Twilight asked after feeling around for what I was looking for.

The other ponies felt around the area for the invisible wall that we could not see we could feel something but it was still invisible.

“It’s not a force field” Twilight said.

“Your right it does not feel the same as one” Rarity replied.

“What are you doing down there why are you swatting at the air” Rainbow Dash yelled from the sky as she flew back down with Fluttershy.

As I heard Twilight explaining to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash I could feel something cold running to my head and it felt as if it was going to my horn.

I did not know what was going on my body started to feel cold.

“Ty you okay your horns glowing black?” Rainbow Dash called.

“Are you using a spell?” Fluttershy asked.

“I don’t know what’s going on” I said when I felt a force come out of my horn it blew me off my hooves knocking me back as a black blast came out of my horn and hit the invisible wall as the wall started to glow white it also lit up the rest of what was there.

When I got back up I could see that the light had taken the form of a giant mansion I saw that the ponies were surprised at
what I had just done I was myself I did not know I had it in me to even use magic.

“Way to go Ty” Rainbow Dash said holding up her hoof for what Pinkie called a bro hoof I assumed it was their equivalent of a bro fist I raised my hoof and me and her bumped hooves.

“I’m not sure that was ordinary magic but good work Tynam” Twilight said.

“Wow Ty was all like whoa! And the mansion was all like ffffffwoooooosh!” Pinkie Pie said copying exactly what I did.

“Okay can we just get in and save Tynam’s friend already we wasted too much time we have five minutes before midnight according to the clock up on that here part of the mansion” Apple Jack said pointing her hoof at the clock tower on the mansion.

“We’ve got too hurry” Twilight told everyone we all charged to the doors of the mansion and Apple Jack bucked the door open with her back hooves.

When we were all I could not see a thing in the mansion it was pitch black and I could not even see my own hoof in front of my face.

“I’ve got this” Twilight said as her horn glowed and an orb of light shot from it lighting up the room revealing what was in the mansion.

I saw that we were in a huge hall but everything was in ruins there was dust and cobwebs everywhere vases were broken.
At the end of the hall there was a stair case and in the middle a huge glass door and two other staircase one leading to the right side and the other leading to the left side of the mansion.

“I am so glad you all decided to come” Alucard’s voice sounded throughout the mansion he was nowhere to be seen though.

“Where are you Alucard? Show yourself!” I shouted.

“Sorry I don’t feel like it” Alucard said.

“You know it’s a shame I cannot meet you in my own body only through other ponies because of the seal on my tree in fact if I was out of the tree Equestria would be enveloped in darkness right now” Alucard continued.

I was about to speak up but Twilight held her hoof in front of me to stop me from saying anything.

“Alucard we are here to stop you” Twilight spoke

“Really? I would like to see you try to get to me through my subjects” Alucard said.

After what he said the clock struck midnight and a bell made a loud dong as shadows appeared on the floor as small creatures started to emerge from the shadows.

The creatures were green, they had red eyes, sharp teeth and huge ears and for some reason they were wearing what appeared to be tuxedos but they were wasted on those creature because they stank worse than a trash can and there were so many of them it was like a personal army.

“These are my subject’s The Goblins I dressed them smart for just this occasion so you’re lucky they could have smelt worse” Alucard said.

“I will have to admit their clothes look amazing but their smell is terrible” Rarity said holding her nose.
“I’m in the ball room come and stop me if you can make it past them oh and to make it more interesting you have five minutes to get here before I get bored I may just throw this body into another dimension let the game begin” Alucard finished.

The Goblins made their way towards us as our group looked at each other nervously it took Twilight to break the silence.

“Okay every pony line up Tynam get behind the line” Twilight said as all the ponies lined up next to each other and I got behind them all.

“Twilight I can fight too” I mentioned but Apple Jack put her hoof in my mouth to stop me from talking what is it with her and doing that to ponies?

“I think we all know why you’re behind us” Apple Jack said with a smile.

“Umm I don…” Fluttershy was about to say something but her quiet voice was interrupted by mine.

“Well can you tell me anyway?” I asked.

“We are giving you a chance to get to Alucard so you can get your friend Pete back” Twilight said to me.

“That’s right we are going to buy you some time by dealing with these ruffians” Rarity said glaring at the goblins making them cower a little.

“We’ll hold them off and when you see an opening to get through them then take it and head for the ball room” Twilight said.

“Yeah we can deal with this guy’s” Rainbow Dash said doing a few warm up exercises getting ready for the fight.

“You do your best Tynam we all know you can do it” Fluttershy told me with a smile.

“Thanks everyone” I told them as there was a moment’s silence and then.

“CHARGE!” Pinkie Pie shouted as we all charged towards the army of Goblins.

I watched closely for an opening as I saw Twilight using her magic to throw Goblins into each other, Pinkie Pie… for some reason had a cannon that shot huge amounts of confetti at the goblins, then there was Apple Jack who bucked a bunch of Goblins with her hind hooves kicking them across the room.

Fluttershy was surrounded and looked completely terrified as the Goblins dove towards her I was about to go and help but then saw that the Goblins had all dove into each other hitting their heads hard as the fell to the ground unconscious.
Rainbow Dash flew up and dove down into a huge group of the Goblins and then hurled them out of the way, I saw as a goblin grabbed Rarity by the mane and Rarity’s face showed so much rage.

“How dare you place your grubby stinking claws on my mane!” she shouted as the Goblins were then being tossed around the hall and there was a lot of crashing and smashing.

I saw an opening in the army and I ran through towards the staircase heading to the giant glass door at the top of the stairs I opened it but I saw that goblins were coming after me I quickly ran in and slammed the door barricading it with a nearby table as I felt the Goblins slam against the door I then saw a magical aura drag them away from the door before they could break the glass.

I sighed in relief as I turned to look behind me I was in a ball room it was pretty much like the rest of the mansion dark, dull and not much to look at but it was brighter than the other parts because of the huge window at the end of the room letting in the light from the moon.

There at the window I saw him in my friends pony body I approached cautiously towards him I was shaking a little I admit I was afraid that I have to do this alone but I have to do this.

“I’m glad that you are the one that made it here” Alucard spoke turning to face me I did not say anything though.

“I knew there was something special about you from the moment I saw you I knew you were just like me someone that has the potential to take over Equestria someone that has the power to do it if only they would let me help you” Alucard said.

“Can it!” I said plainly and when I saw the reaction on his face I knew that Alucard was not used to others talking back to him.

“I’m not here to talk to you I’m here to talk to my friend now get out of here” I said glaring at the red eyes on the pony.

“How dare you speak to me like I am a mere peasant!” Alucard gritted his teeth as a crystal horn appeared on the ponies head and launched a huge blast of black magic towards me.

The blast hit me it hurt but I could not give in I held my ground I would not fall this time I started to walk closer to Alucard no matter how much it hurt me the black magic did not let up though.

“Why do you resist? This pony is nothing compared to mine and you potential” Alucard said

“I resist because he is my friend and you chose to mess with the wrong ponies friend” I shouted as I continued towards Alucard my horn started to feel warm as the pain lessened it was like my horn was protecting me.

“It really is a shame you are too feeble minded to understand your true calling” he spoke as he increased the strength of the black magic blast.

“As I said I did not come to talk to you” I said as I felt the magic get stronger and my horns protection was starting to wear off as unimaginable pain hit jolted through my body.

“Pete! If you’re in there you have to fight him I know you can beat this guy” I said.

I then heard the door behind me crash open as I heard the gasps of the group of ponies behind me.

“Tynam get out of there” I heard Twilight yell.

“You’re going to hurt yourself badly stop it!” Apple Jack told me.

“Let us deal with this” Rainbow Dash was about to fly towards me to get me out of the way.

“No! I can get through to him just give me some time” I told them I was close to Alucard now and his dark magic finally stopped as I fell to the floor but crawled towards him and looked him right in the eye.

“Pete don’t you let this guy beat you he is just a spoiled brat with a big ego your better than someone like that you you’re the only one that was there for me when I needed someone back in our world and now it’s my turn to be there for you and

I’m telling you don’t lose to this guy” I said

I noticed a tear drop from the ponies left eye as the red eyes started to fade into a light blue I saw as black smoke shaped like the unicorn Alucard leave the ponies body the crystal horn disappeared from the pony but it was now on the black smoke Alucard.

The pony looked confused at first but then saw me lying on the ground as Alucard was about to strike.

“Ty!” The pony now proving that he was Pete and not Alucard dove towards me and moved me out of the way as the crystal horn that was about to hit me hit the ball rooms dance floor.

“Twilight now” I called to her to go all out.

“Alright everypony let’s show him the power of friendship!” Twilight said.

“Right” The five other ponies formed a type of battle formation as Twilights horn and tiara glowed the necklaces around the other ponies necks seemed to respond to the magic and released magic of their own.

“I will not lose to you not now and not ever” Alucard said as he charged black magic in his crystal horn.

The ponies then levitated in the air as I saw their eyes open they were bright white I could feel massive amounts of energy coming from these Ponies and the elements of harmony.

Me and Pete watched as a rainbow shot from the ponies and headed toward Alucard who shot his dark magic blast towards it but his attempt soon failed and hit him hard as he was shot straight back to the great Everfree forest.

The entire mansion was engulfed in light as I could then feel myself drift to unconsciousness.

“Is he going to be okay?” I heard a voice as I opened my eyes my vision was blurry.

“The doctor said he would be fine so I wouldn’t worry about him he’s a strong pony” another voice spoke.

“I’m awake you know” I said to who was there I rubbed my eyes and realised they were still hooves so I guess the whole experience with ponies was not a dream.

I looked at my surroundings I saw that I was in a hospital bed and that the ponies talking were Twilight and Fluttershy.

“Oh I’m glad you’re okay I’m so happy I could just shout with joy yay” Fluttershy said I realised she did not really have a loud voice even if she was trying.

“Are you feeling alright should I get the doctor?” Twilight asked.

“No I’m fine is Pete here?” I asked them.

“Actually he did not need to come here he was perfectly fine and Pinkie pie dragged him off somewhere” Twilight said.

“I see well there is no stopping Pinkie pie is there?” I smiled.

“Well Pete did not leave your side for the four days you were out so Pinkie took him to get something to eat he did not look so good after sitting here for that long” Twilight explained.

“I see” I said as I managed to get out of the bed.

“Are you sure you are ready to get up? Well the doctor said you could leave as soon as you were up but if you could use more rest then you should” Fluttershy said with concern in her voice.

“Nope I’m fine I think four days is enough time for resting” I said with a smile.

“Well if you’re sure then let’s go meet with Pinkie Pie and the others” Twilight said as we all left the hospital together.

“So what happened with Alucard” I asked.

“He went back to the great tree and Princess Celestia increased the power of the seal on the tree” Twilight told me sounding proud of herself and her teacher.

“That’s great I’m glad you guys were there to help I do not know what would have happened to me or Pete” I said grateful of the ponies help.

“No thanks is needed we are glad we could help” Fluttershy said smiling brightly.

“So now that Alucard is gone what are you and Pete going to do now?” Twilight asked me.

“I… I did not give much thought about it” I said I did not know where we could stay me and Pete did not have a place here in ponyville so where would we live?

“You know that you two are always welcome to stay here till you can find a way home” Twilight told me.
A mix of emotions ran through me part of me wanted to hug Twilight and Fluttershy and thank them repeatedly seeing as we did not have anywhere to go I guess me and Pete would have to stay here.

“I would like that” I said smiling again I could not help it I have never been so happy to feel accepted by people well ponies in this case.

“Great now let’s go tell your friend” Twilight said as we all hurried to what looked to be a café called sugar cube corner.

We all went into the café and there we saw the rest of the ponies we were with celebrating and partying.

“Hey look who’s here” Apple Jacks voice spoke over the music as it stopped.

I saw my friend Pete at the end of the room as we walked to each other and I then sighed with a smile.

“You had me worried” I said to him.

“Sorry about that I was just a little possessed” Pete joked.

All the ponies around us looked at me and Pete expecting something I rolled my eyes.

“Come here!” I said with a smile and me and Pete hugged each other.

“It’s so touching” Pinkie Pie said tears streaming down from her eyes landing on Rarity’s mane as she opened up an umbrella to block the tears.

“Bleh” Rainbow Dash simply said practically killing the moment.

Me and Pete separated.

“So what do we do now?” Pete asked me.

“Well Twilight told us that we can stay as long as we want” I told Pete.

“So you two are staying oh my gosh this is going to be so much fun” Pinkie Pie said bouncing around the room excited.

“Well there is still one thing that we need to do to welcome you to Ponyville” Twilight said.

“What’s that?” I asked and as soon as I asked the ponies dragged me and Pete off to the front of the town hall and as the doors opened the ponies of ponyville cheered as we all entered and approached the podium where the Mayor was waiting for us.

When we got to the stage where the podium was the Mayor got everyone’s attention and made the announcement.

“Now everypony I am pleased to welcome the two newest additions to our town Tynam and Peter I hope that all of you will make them feel welcome” The mayor spoke as the crowd of ponies applauded by stamping their hooves on the ground below.

This was the day where our lives in ponyville started and this was also the day that I started to feel accepted as a pony.

“Come on everypony let’s go and party!” Pinkie called to everyone as I rolled my eyes smiling as Pete and I went to join our new group of friends.

Chapter 4: gonna build a house

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Chapter 4: Gonna build a house

It has been several days since me and Pete have stayed in Ponyville we have not yet managed to find our way home or returning to our human forms but I have gotten used to walking on my hooves… mostly.
Pete however has practically mastered walking in Ponyville and is even helping buck apples at sweet Apple Acres.

During these several days Pete and I have been socialising with the ponies and we seem to have been accepted rather quickly I have to admit that this world is so much better than the one I was from.

The world I was from was filled with so many problems, so many selfish people and disasters happening, but this world is just amazing and beautiful in so many ways that I do not think I would ever want to go back there.

But the inevitable will have to happen soon we do not belong in this world so eventually we will have to go.

“Tynam are you still asleep? I swear you’re worse than Spike” I heard Twilights voice from downstairs and heard her giggle to herself.

I had been staying at the library since I came here Twilight wanted to run some tests on what my horn was doing in the fight with Alucard, but for some reason my horn had not done what it did since that fight just the odd spark now and again.
Pete was invited to stay with Apple Jacks family as long as he worked the fields picking apples, but it’s not as bad as being experimented on by Twilight.

“I’ll be right down” I told Twilight from upstairs I was in a spare room she had it was small but at least I had somewhere to stay.

“Well hurry because we are meeting the others soon” Twilight said

I was a little surprised to hear that not that I did not want to see them it’s just I was hoping to read one of the daring do books today but I guess that would have to wait.

“So what are we doing today?” I asked as I walked out of the door to the room I was in and hurried down the stairs.

“Well we are going to build you and Pete a house today” Twilight said.

“Huh? Build us a house as in today? Can you ponies really work that fast?” I questioned.

“Well we do have magic and we know some skilled ponies so you and Pete should have the house up and running by the end of today” Twilight smiled.

“I really appreciate the thought but is that okay with you all because it’s so much work” I told Twilight.

“Well you’re going to have to get your own place eventually so why not now?” Twilight pointed out.

Me and Twilight both left her house she told me that everypony in poniville was going to help me and Pete I felt honoured I did not think all the ponies would be willing to help.

When we got to the meeting place I saw the entire group including Pete they were all gathered in a circle they appeared to be looking at something.

“Hey everypony what’s going on?” I said approaching the group I saw what they were looking at and it appeared to be a blueprint of a house at everponys hooves.

“We are looking at a blueprint for your house and working out who’s good for what job” Pinkie said looking pumped and ready to get some work done.

“Umm Pinkie they already started on the house and they seem to be doing just fine we just need to know what kind of things you want” Apple Jack said.

“Yes like a garden for all the animals to play” Fluttershy suggested.

“Of course you are going to need bedrooms and some fashionable curtains for the windows oh and a good colour for the outside of the house as long as it’s not green” Rarity carried on.

“You could have a small Library to study your magic” Twilight jumped in.

“Or a huge Party room!” Pinkie said.

“Okay let’s just get the house up first shall we?” Pete said over the ponies.

“But my opinion is that the outside colour of the house should be blue” Pete declared.

“Blue are you serious?” I asked him in my opinion it was a terrible colour to put on a house even if this world is brightly coloured I think it should remain a simple colour.

“I want it to be white” I argued.

“Why white?” Pete argued back.

“Because it’s a simple colour do you see anypony else using blue on their houses” I pointed out they were all mainly white
or a kind of yellow colour.

Pete glared at me.

“Fine but were painting most of the inside blue” Pete told me.

“That’s fine with me” I told him glaring back.

“Whoa you two hold your horses I’m sure you two can work it out” Apple Jack said coming between us.

“I guess, sorry Pete” I said.

“Yeah me too” Pete apologised.

“Okay now let’s get this show on the road Yeeeeeeehaaaaaw!” Apple Jack said excitedly.

And so we set to work the walls of the house were up thanks to the land ponies and Unicorns.

As for the roof Pete and I as well as other ponies were on ladders nailing tile after tile to create the roof it was difficult enough that I did not know how to use a hammer if my life depended on it but it was even more difficult because I had to use my mouth.

Pete however seemed to be doing fine with a hammer in his mouth like it was second nature to him in fact he got pretty used to walking on four hooves pretty quickly I’m still having trouble walking but I get better day by day.

“H.. ar. You so us.. t.. t… alre.y?” I said muffled by the hammer in my mouth.

“What was that Ty?” Pete could not understand me I put my hammer down.

“I asked how are you so used to this already?” I said to Pete.

“Used to what?” Pete questioned.

“Walking, using tools with your mouth next I’m going to see you flying like Rainbow Dash” I said

“Oh umm I don’t know guess I’m just a natural I would like to be able to fly like Rainbow Dash though too bad I wasn’t turned
into a Pegasus” Pete sighed picking up his hammer and hammering the nails.

The clock then struck 12 as the bell dinged and donged I then thought of something clever.

“Pete stop!” I said and Pete looked at me the hammer still in his mouth.

“Hammer time” I said pointing at the clock and to the hammer and we both chuckled.

“I wonder if they have that song here” Pete thought out loud.

“Well let’s get this over with before we start looking all over Equestria for music from our world” I rolled my eyes and got back to work.

“Agreed” Pete nodded as we set back to work.

It had reached 3:00pm the whole house was up now it was just the task of decorating the house including the garden that had been set up outside.

“So how do we want the inside of the house to look?” Pete asked me when we were gathered around the blueprints again.

“I don’t mind how the inside looks as long as we can get a TV I’m curious to see what kind of shows they have here in Ponyville” I said and looked around to see confused looks on the ponies faces.

“What a TV?” Apple Jack asked.

“Is it a kind of instrument?” Pinkie guessed.

“You can’t be serious you guys don’t have TV’s in this world?” I was close to passing out from shock a world without TV was
the worst thing I could imagine how could I watch my favourite shows? How could I watch my anime?

“Ty you look pale is it really that shocking?” Pete looked concerned.

“No it’s fine I can live without TV hahahah I’ll be fine” I said hopefully Ponyille would have a lot of things to keep me entertained but if they didn’t then…

“So here’s the colours of paint you two wanted” Twilight said using her magic to set them in front of us.

“We’ve decided on the outside colour of the house so that leaves the inside” I said.

“Remember whose designing the inside house Tynam that’s what we agreed” Pete stepped in.

“Come on dude you can’t decide on all the colours in the house” I told Pete.

“You agreed to let me paint the inside if you got to choose the outside colour” Pete argued.

“I said you could do some of it!” I argued back.

“Okay that’s enough you two” Apple Jack stepped in annoyed.

“Now what’s a colour that you both like?” She asked.

“Well I wanted to go for a mature colour for the living room and dining room I was thinking a light blue” Pete said.

“I can agree with that colour I want it in my room too” I nodded.

“I want green in my room” Pete said.

“Good now was that so hard?” Apple Jack sighed.

As we painted the house the furniture began to arrive including sofa’s, shelves, wardrobes etc.

It was a lot of work bringing everything up the stairs and moving it all into the house, but we managed to fit it all in through the door.

The house was not yet finished we still needed to sort out the garden the problem was I knew a little bit about gardening but
Pete he knew absolutely nothing… in my opinion.

We were outside in the soon to be garden and of course me and Pete were arguing about what should be in the garden.

“Look if we put a flower bed here and maybe plant some seeds here we could grow our own vegetables” I said.

“I think all that really matters in a garden is a shed” Pete told me.

“Well what about flowers and growing vegetables and all that a shed is just a waste of space and it will block the flowers form the sun and what do you need a shed for anyway?” I glared at him.

“Well I might want to make some things you know build stuff I could make bird houses and sell them” Pete glared back.

“You have a point there but they better not get in the way of my flowers” I said my Mum loved her garden a lot and I guess
that rubbed off me a bit because I grew to like it in time after realising what I was doing I was helping something grow something so fragile as seeds cannot grow without proper love and care.

“Those Ponies have done nothing but argue all day I don’t see how they are going to get through living together if they cannot cooperate or compromise” Apple Jack said to the group.

“Your right I think someone’s going to need to remind them about this” Twilight said stepping forward.

“Lookout below!” Came a clumsy voice.

Suddenly a piano dropped from the sky as it landed on top of the house with a loud crash as it went straight through the roof and sounded like it caused a lot of damage to the house besides the roof.

I saw the whole thing and my mouth was hanging wide open as well as other ponies mouths were seeing the damage that had been done to the new house that was just built today.

“Dang it Derpy that roof took forever now we are going to have to do it all again” Rainbow Dash yelled at a grey pony with a blonde mane.

“I’m sorry Rainbow Dash it’s like it kind of fell out” Derpy said.

“Did you leave the shutter open again how many times do we have to tell you Derpy?” Rainbow Dash carried on.

“What I want to know is who wanted a piano in the house” I turned to glare at Pete.

“Oh so now your blaming me for that?” Pete asked sounding annoyed.

“Darn right I am” I Answered back.

“All I wanted was to have a little calming music in the house” Pete said.

“And all I wanted was to have was some flowers in the garden that get enough sun so they can grow!” I yelled.

“ENOUGH!” Twilight shouted at the top of her voice and me and Pete silenced.

“You two need to decide on what you want for this house together so until you can do that we are not going to continue work on this house” Twilight said as she walked off angered by mine and Pete’s arguing.

The other ponies soon followed it was getting late so they just headed home I was frustrated with Pete and I could tell he felt the same way about me right now.

“I just wanted to play a bit of music to cheer us up” Pete mumbled.

“Excuse me?” I asked.

“Think about it Ty after coming here and having no possible way of getting home and our families being worried sick about us we could use a bit of time to relax and listen to some music don’t you think” Pete said.

I was silent I did not know he was that worried about me I thought he had accepted this life but he wants to go home just as much as I do.

“Sure we have Twilight and the others and I like them a lot in fact this place is a lot more appealing than our world but we don’t belong here no matter how you look at it we are supposed to be humans and we are meant to be in our own world” Pete spoke the truth.

I knew eventually our time here would end but I did not want to think about it my time here was so much better than anything in my world could compare to even if the was a dark pony after us the first day we were here it felt good just to be with the new friends I made here and Pete my best friend of all was here by my side as well.

I swallowed hard me and him did not really discuss our ideas with each other and come to an agreement on them we just wanted the house our own way but we would have to compromise if living together was going to work and who was I to tell Pete what to have he could have a football stadium if he wanted and if he could fit it in his room.

“I’m sorry” I said apologetically.

“No worries I’m sorry too it was my fault” Pete said.

“No it was mine” I persisted.

“It’s both our fault” Pete said and I nodded in agreement.

“From now on we build this house our way even if we have to work all night” I said and me and Pete hoof bumped and got to work on repairing the roof.

The next morning I was sleeping on top of the roof Pete was a short ways away from me we had worked nearly all night but the roof was fixed but there were still a few more things to do as I saw the ponies returning to help with the house I sighed in relief it was good because I had no idea what else needed to be done like plumbing, heating and all that stuff that usually comes with the house.

Twilight suggested that while I was here I should write to the princess about what I have learned staying here in Ponyville and right now it was not a bad idea.

I took a pencil with my mouth and tried my best to write with it on a scroll when I was finished it read:

Dear Princess Celestia

In my first few days of staying here I have realised the kindness and generosity of this town but I have also learnt how hard it is to build a house with a friend when you both have completely different tastes.

I have learned that true friends should compromise with each other if they ever plan on moving in together and if they can learn to accept the differences between them the friendship between those two or maybe more friends will grow even closer.
I have also learnt that a true friend is always looking out for you even through little things.

Your human/pony/unicorn subject Tynam.

“Spike could you send this off for me” I asked as I handed the small dragon the scroll as he took it and sent it off to the princess in a burst of flame.

As soon as I stepped out of the library I saw that the house was finished and it was exactly what me and Pete wanted.

“Come on everypony we need a picture” Apple Jack announced as everypony there huddled in to be part of the picture.

“Big smiles and cheese!” Everypony gave the biggest smile they could as the picture was taken.

That evening we framed the photo and put it up on the wall in the living room on top of the fireplace this commemorated our what Pete and I had learned that day as well as our first picture with all the ponies in ponyville.

Chapter 5: Understanding Magic

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Chapter 5: Understanding Magic.
It has now been a week since me and Pete moved into our new house in Ponyville it had been quiet since then apart from the occasional random Pinkie pie party out of nowhere and magic spell gone wrong from Twilights experiments.
But other than that everything was fine until…

I woke up to birds outside tweeting I then realised for some reason it was getting louder until it was piercing my eardrums my eyes opened and I saw a bird in my room flying around I do not know how it got in the window was shut I looked to see a hole in my ceiling and the roof above it.

It appears me and Pete did not do the best job on the roof when all the other ponies went home when we started arguing.
“Hey get out of here” I told the bird jumping out of my bed and trying to grab a broom with my hooves and swat at it but I was so clumsy at holding things with them and it kept falling over as the bird panicked and flew into the bookcase in my room and knocking a lot of the books off the shelves.

“It took me forever to get those in order!” I shouted at the bird mortified that it destroyed my hard work as I dived to grab it but I hit my horn on the wall and now it was stuck.

“Ty what’s going on in there” I heard Pete on the other side of the door.

“Pete there’s a bird in the house” I said.

“What do you mean a bird? You mean a girl right?” Pete asked confused.

“No a bird just flew in” I said trying to pull my horn out of the wall
“Holy cow! how did that happen?” Pete said after he bucked the door open.

“A little help would be nice here Pete” I said when at that moment I flew back getting my horn with a small chunk of the wall out of the wall.

“So there really is a bird in your room” Pete said as the bird landed on his head

“Well can you get it out of here it’s caused a huge mess that I need to clean up” I said annoyed at the bird.

“Sure thing Ty come on little bird oh I’m going to be out with Fluttershy and AJ today rounding up bunnies Pete said.

“Oh and I’m not invited?” I asked.

“Well I would invite you but this mess looks like it might take a while to clean” Pete said as he then walked out and shut the door behind him.

I looked at my room there was more damage done than I thought there were books scattered and my secret stash of snacks had been torn open and scattered across the room it was going to take me forever to clean this mess up.

After what felt like hours my room was finally clean it would have helped if I had my hands to pick the things up I could barely pick anything up with my hooves or my mouth it was going to take a while to get used to this.

“Tynam you in here?” I heard Twilights voice.

“We brought you a present darling” I heard Rarity’s voice.

“I’m up here guy’s” I called.

The door to my room opened and in came Rarity and Twilight Rarity carrying a bag on her back.

They saw the bags of trash in my room and Rarity had a disgusted look on her face.

“How could you have all the rubbish piled up in the place you sleep?” Rarity exclaimed.

“Well a bird got into my room and started trashing everything and because I’m not used to these hooves it took me forever to pick all this stuff up” I explained.

“I see… anyway here we brought you these for you and Pete” Rarity said her horn glowing and a blue light opened her bag and what appeared to be Tuxedo’s made for ponies floated out of the bag towards me but Rarity noticed that I did not look too clean and put them directly in the wardrobe in my room.

“Thank’s you two you did not have to go through the trouble” I said.

“Nonsense every Colt deserves to look fashionable at a party now and again” Rarity said.

“Also with The Grand Galloping Galla approaching you will need something to wear” Twilight pointed out.

“The what?” I asked confused.

“Tynam I was wondering why didn’t you use your magic to pick it up?” Twilight asked changing the subject.

“Magic? I can’t use magic ever since we defeated Alucard I have not been able to do anything with my horn” I explained.

“Hmm? Maybe you just need some practice” Twilight said.

“Of course every unicorn needs training” Rarity said.

“Well where am I going to learn magic from?” I asked.

“We could teach you I’ve been thinking about starting up a group where I could teach ponies how to use their magic” Twilight said.

“That’s a wonderful idea and you, me and Tynam can be the first members of the group” Rarity said fascinated by the idea.

“I like that idea I like it a lot” I said it would make cleaning the house a lot easier using magic to pick up and clean everything.

“Alright then we should host our first meeting at the library and show Ty the basics of magic” Twilight said clapping her hooves excitedly.

When we got to the library I expected more physical training but it was just reading books of spells for me and Twilight and Rarity actually practicing magic or discussing ideas for the group we just put together.

I was looking through a book of beginner spells Twilight told me I had to expand my mind to help focus on the magic I got that I was not the smartest pony in Equestria but I was quite creative when it got to thinking of magic, legends and stories I like to create my own ideas of heroes and villains and possible adventures but I usually give up on this stuff after a while though.

I noticed a spell for levitation I could not see any words for the spell I thought it would be like Harry Potter with a “wingardium Leviosa” and something magically flies up to the ceiling.

I looked to my left to see a quill on the table next to me it would be best to start with something light.

I concentrated on the quill trying to make it levitate nothing I tried poking it with my horn nothing I tried concentrating power to my horn and then nothing happened.

“Why isn’t this working?” I said frustrated with myself.

“Magic takes practice Tynam” Rarity said.

“That’s right and to use magic you need to understand it for yourself like me and Rarity had to do” Twilight said.

“Okay how do I understand it I’ve been looking at these books forever and still I do not understand it” I face hoofed myself.

“Well you have to be able to understand it in your own way the way I did it was through focused study” Twilight explained to me.

“So I need to find a way to understand magic in my own way” I asked.

“That’s right and I’m guessing that studying is not your way of understanding” Twilight said.

“I’m not really the smartest person in my world I feel like practical things are the only way I understand what the teachers are saying now Pete on the other hand he is like a computer he is so smart that I’m a little jealous” I said.

“Well maybe what you need is to watch us using magic to understand it” Rarity proposed.

“Would you mind? It would be really helpful” I said the ponies nodded and I sat down and watched as the two unicorns performed spell after spell after spell.

I watched closely some of these spells I saw in the book I was reading earlier like the levitation and what appeared to be some kind of beacon of magic even some strange ones where Twilight made Spike grow a Moustache that he seemed to like a lot.

An hour passed and Rarity and Twilight appeared to be exhausted after performing so many spells, the problem was that I still could not understand magic.

“Do you understand it yet?” Twilight asked me exhausted.

“No I just don’t understand your concentrating and you can pull off magic but when I do it nothing happens” I responded.

“Well we tried what you suggested and nothing” Rarity said collapsing onto a very luxurious sofa in an overdramatic way.
“Maybe I’m just not cut out for magic” I said disappointed was it because I was just no good at it I was able too against Alucard but that was an important situation now I’m just learning it for fun.

“That’s not true you used it before and you had no knowledge of it back then so you have the power to use magic it will just be a little while” Rarity said.

“Maybe we should stop for today and try again tomorrow so that you can think about what you saw today and take this with you” Twilight said using a levitation spell to put a book in a bag for me and the bag was put on my back.

“Thanks you will probably have it back by tomorrow though because of how useless I am at magic” I said walking out of the door.

“Should we go after him?” Rarity asked.

“No he needs to be alone right now besides if I know the real Tynam he won’t give up so easily” Twilight said with a smile.
I kept on walking until I came across a lake the sun was setting making the lake look beautiful no one else was here and most of all it was quiet.

This was the perfect place to be alone with my thoughts I began to think what is magic and how do I understand it?

I thought back to the time when we fought with Alucard I knew I had to help Pete even if I could not do much he was my friend and that gave me the power too…

“That’s it friendship is magic the power does not just come from me it comes from my friends and the bonds that I make” I said to myself.

I saw leaves falling from a nearby tree as I then closed my eyes and concentrated my horn glowed black as a black aura surrounded the leaves falling and they floated towards me.

I opened my eyes and saw that the leaves were moving with the levitation spell that I was casting I became overjoyed finally I was using magic and it felt amazing.

The next day Pete awoke from his sleep he noticed that it was rather quiet this morning usually Ty is up doing something by now.

He checked Ty’s room but no one was there Pete proceeded down the stairs still no one there maybe Ty went out early then again he is not usually up till sometime in the afternoon.

There was a knock at the door Pete opened it and he saw Twilight and Rarity.

“Good morning Pete” Twilight said cheerily.

“Morning you two how can I help you ponies today?” Pete asked with a smile.

“Well we were just wondering did Tynam come home yesterday.” Rarity asked.

“I don’t think he did his bed is still made and he forgot to take the bags of trash out of his room” Pete said.

“Eww are those things still there?” Rarity asked.

“We probably should have reminded him to take it out when we left for the library” Twilight sighed her ears flopping down.
“Where could he be then?” Pete asked.

“We have no idea we told him to take a break and think about magic and that’s the last time we saw him” Twilight said.

“You don’t think Alucard got him do you?” Pete asked.

“No I don’t think we will hear from him ever again” Twilight said.

“Yeah the princess sealed him good” Pinkie said appearing out of nowhere.

“Pinkie when did you get here?” Pete asked Pinkie who was bouncing excitedly.

“I’ve been hiding here forever we were playing hide and seek right?” Pinkie said.

“No” Pete was confused.

“Oh I guess I got confused with what I wanted to do and what I was doing” Pinkie said.

The other ponies sighed.

“So have you seen Ty?” Twilight asked.

“Well yeah he’s at the lake playing with rocks “ Pinkie said.

“Why would he be playing with rocks?” Pete asked.

“Well I wouldn’t say he was playing with them they were floating around him like ghost rocks” Pinkie said and then realised what she said.

“Ah Ponyville has ghost rocks!” Pinkie said and ran out of the house.

“She is so random” The three ponies said at the same time.

The three decided to go to the lake where Ty apparently was and they saw him standing on a big rock in the middle of the lake.

Above him were several small flat stones with a black aura around them as they span around Ty in circles they then dispersed and the stones skipped over the water of the lake in all directions.

“He did it” Twilight and Rarity said excited and ran over to Ty along with Pete.

I turned to see Twilight and the others running over to me they were probably worried about me because I did not come home last night I was here all night practicing my magic.

“That was absolutely smashing” Rarity said to me.

“Yes it looks like you mastered levitation already that’s just amazing” Twilight said.

“Thanks everypony but I’ve still got a long way to go if I want to be as good as you two” I said rubbing the back of my neck embarrassed.

“Still just to learn all this in one day that’s impressive” Pete looked impressed himself it was not easy impressing him.
“Oh Ty we are about to have our group meeting would you like to join us” Rarity asked.

“Maybe next time” I said as I fell on my back exhausted I had been up all night working on my magic and was very tired.
“Well I guess we should get you home then” Pete rolled his eyes.

After getting some rest I started my letter to the princess.

Dear Princess Celestia

In the last two days I struggled to understand the power of magic I thought it was something unicorns instantly had but I learned that first you must understand magic in order to be able to use it right.

I realised that to understand magic you need to understand the power of friendship which I did not figure out until I thought back to the time we fought Alucard I used magic to protect my friends and from here on out I am going to use my magic in order to help my new friends here in Ponyville.

Your human/pony/unicorn subject Tynam.

I levitated the letter over to Spike and with a poof of smoke it was sent.

So what happens with my new powers now is a mystery but I know I would use them for the good of my friends but still it won’t stop me from having a little fun with people once in a while.

I then gave a mischievous smile.