Under Snow

by Trashy the Trashman

First published

Applejack is stuck at Carousel Boutique. Rarity takes advantage of the opportunity to teach her a few things about herself, and things escalate.

Stuck at Carousel Boutique during an unusual blizzard, Applejack berates herself for a poor decision. Thankfully, Rarity is there to help her out of a rut. Things get a little out of hoof, and Applejack learns that somepony is always looking out for you.

Warning: some light bondage. If that's not your thing, well, you know what to do.

Also, a big thanks to Prince Solstice for proofreading this!

Under Snow

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Under Snow

The wind snapped savagely through the air, carrying sheets of bitter white snow. Applejack had to plant a firm hoof on her hat to keep it from soaring away, and muttered mild oaths at her misfortune. Though it was only mid-autumn, an unnatural blizzard had taken hold of Ponyville in a matter of hours, and the snow was already at chest-height. She pushed onward, slowly progressing through sheer force of will and more than a little stubbornness.

The sky was an ominous grey, the sun entirely blotted out and almost all light gone from the world. Here and there among the houses, light spilled weakly from the inside of frost-laden windows, but it was difficult to see otherwise. More than once Applejack had to stop and squint to make sure she wasn’t veering off-course. Her whole body shook when she did so, and she tried to keep moving to stave off the cold. Her breath left in warm, brief huffs. Apple Bloom couldn’t have picked a worse night to ask for help.

Pressing through the drifts, Applejack’s destination eventually came into view, though it was difficult to see through the squall: Carousel Boutique. Strangely, it appeared rather picturesque despite the frigid onslaught. The snow had yet to completely smother the exterior, and had piled neatly upon the roof. From almost every window came an inviting glow and Applejack could feel relief wash over her. It was a few minutes more before she had reached the front steps, but it felt much shorter than the previous stretches of her journey.

Approaching the door, she raised a hoof and gave a limp knock. A moment passed; no answer. She shivered as a swift gust swept through her body. She gave another knock, much more firmly. There was no way she’d come this far just to get turned away at the last second. At last, the door opened a crack. A single, bright blue eye surveyed her from within before the door was pushed completely open. Rarity looked understandably confused.

“Applejack? What in Equestria are you doing here on a night like this?” Applejack gave a sort of feeble smile.

“Do… do y’all mind if Ah come in for a second?”

“Oh, of course you can!” replied Rarity, and she stepped aside to let Applejack in. “Where are my manners? But… why are you out on such a dreadful night? Don’t tell me a loose hem or stray button brought you all the way out here!” It was an attempt at humor, but Applejack was so consumed by her own shivering she failed to notice. A light layer of snow had formed on her hat and Rarity gave her a curious look as she closed the door with a pulse of light-blue magic.

They were inside the boutique’s showroom, the lights turned down low. A number of impeccable dresses and outfits were on display around the room’s perimeter, nearly all flanked by large mirrors or standing before tall windows. A set of stairs stood opposite the entrance, and a few distant doors led off to other rooms on the ground floor.

“N-Nope, nothin’ fashion-y or anythin’ like that,” Applejack replied. “Ah was just stoppin’ by to… to…” She sneezed violently, the snowy crown on her hat scattering across the floor. Rarity winced.

“Hold on, darling, let’s get you dried off and warmed up first. The last thing you need is to get sick.” She trotted off upstairs, leaving the shivering Applejack by the front door. Still freezing, the Earth pony called out after her a few moments too late.

“Rarity, wait!” She gave a tired sigh— she couldn’t stay long. The snow was piling up fast, and if she didn’t get going soon she’d need a shovel to get home. She shook herself off, but melted snow still clung to her coat here and there. Hopefully this this unpleasant night was almost over.

“Applejack?” A high-pitched voice came down the stairs. It was Sweetie Belle, wearing lavender pajamas undoubtedly of Rarity’s design. She rubbed a single eye sleepily, descending the stairs with heavy steps.

“Sweetie Belle! Just the pony I wanted to see!” Applejack was relieved. “Apple Bloom said she left somethin’ here when you met today. Could you get it for me?” The filly looked confused, eyes unfocused, before realization snapped her awake.

“Oh, yeah, she did! Hang on!” She scampered off to another room on the same floor just as Rarity returned, fluffy towels and blankets levitating at her side.

“Did I hear Sweetie down here?” she asked with concern. “She’s supposed to be asleep by now.”

“It’s okay, Rarity, she’s just helpin’ me out. That’s actually the re—aaugh!” Her hat was lifted from her head by magic just in time to avoid a smothering towel. Applejack flinched as another landed on her back and they both began to vigorously dry.

Rarity!” Her voice was muffled by a layer of thick cotton.

“No need to thank me, Applejack! We can’t have you catching a cold, now can we?” Applejack irritably wondered whether her well-being was the real concern or if Rarity just wanted to keep her floor dry. Either way, the towels alighted after a moment, leaving a frazzled Applejack to swipe her hat out of the air and replace it on her head.

“Ah appreciate the hospitality,” said Applejack, “but Ah’m just stoppin’ by, really. No need for all this.”

“Yes, what exactly brought you all the way out here in the first place? It must be quite important.” Applejack gave a slight chuckle.

“You could say that.” As she spoke, Sweetie Belle returned, some folded garment on her back.

“Here it is, Applejack! Make sure you remind Apple Bloom we’re meeting at the clubhouse when the snow melts.” Drawing close, she handed over the bundle— a hoof-stitched cape, embossed with the emblem of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

“Thanks, Sweetie Belle. And sure thing.” Applejack slung the folded cape over her own back with a smile.

“Guess this means I have to go back to bed, right?” asked Sweetie Belle, words thick with false sincerity. It was clear she wanted to stay up, but Rarity gave her a knowing look.

“Yes it does, Sweetie. So nice to hear you being cooperative for a change.” The filly departed, grumbling a little, and slowly ambled up the stairs. When her sister had disappeared from sight, Rarity returned her attention to her friend.

“You came all this way just to get Apple Bloom’s cape?” Applejack gave a sheepish grin, cheeks flushing a little.

“Uh, yeah, she has a hard time sleepin’ without it, so… Ah said Ah’d stop by and pick it up. Not a big deal. ” Rarity seemed to think anything but.

“That’s unbelievably sweet of you, Applejack! I don’t know many ponies who would endure a storm like this for something so small. But if I may ask—how exactly are you planning on getting it back to her?” Applejack raised an eyebrow.

“Uh… probably by hoof? You know, when Ah get back and see her?” Rarity looked bewildered.

“You can’t be serious, Applejack! How long did it take for you to get here from Sweet Apple Acres? Pushing through that snow, it must’ve taken over an hour!”

“It took a little while,” Applejack admitted, “but at least now Ah’ve got a path to follow back.” Rarity gave a sort of strained smile.

“Maybe you should have another look outside, dear.” They both walked over to one of the showroom’s large windows and peered out. Applejack’s little path through the snow had already been completely filled, leaving the boutique stranded in the ever-growing drifts. Worse yet, night had now truly fallen, and it was impossible to see beyond what little light spilled from inside. Applejack grimaced.

“Well then, Ah’d best be leavin’,” she said. “It’s only gonna get worse the longer Ah stay.”

“You can’t be serious, Applejack! The snow must be up to our necks by now, the temperature is dropping by the minute, and you won’t be able to see your own hoof in front of your face!” Applejack anxiously glanced at the cape slung across her back.

“Ah… Ah really can’t, Rarity. Ah just have to move quick and—”

“Applejack, your sister will be just fine. I’m certain she’d much rather go one night without her cape than risk your safety.” Applejack’s gaze slowly shifted to the floor in front of her hooves, and when she spoke she was surprisingly quiet.

“But Ah… Ah can’t stand the thought of her worryin’ where Ah am.” Rarity smiled and placed a hoof on Applejack’s shoulder.

“Apple Bloom knows how strong her sister is. And we’ll make sure that you head out first thing in the morning, okay?” Applejack took a moment to think this over before responding.

“Ah s’pose there’s nothin’ for it. You don’t mind me stayin’ the night, do you?”

“Of course not! Now come on, let’s get you warmed up.”

Folding up the wet towels by the door, Rarity led Applejack and the still-hovering blankets through the showroom. A cozy sitting room was waiting beyond a far doorway, decorated just as tastefully as the rest of the boutique. A low, violet couch sat beneath a long window, opposite a stately but empty fireplace. A number of small end tables were occupied by family photographs or lamps emitting a dusky glow.

“Have a seat, dear, and I’ll get the fire going.” Applejack sat down on the couch and tenderly placed the cape beside her. The blankets landed at her other side, and she pulled one over herself in a single, fluid motion.

Meanwhile, Rarity concentrated on the vacant fireplace and, after a few attempts with magic, started a small flame. Satisfied, she settled at the other end of the couch. Applejack was still feeling guilty about staying, but silence would be unfair to Rarity. She tried to think of something to talk about.

“So... this, uh, weather’s pretty strange, huh?” Oh, good. The weather was always a great place to start a conversation. Surprisingly, Rarity didn’t seem to mind.

“Oh, I know! It’s absolutely dreadful. I meant to ask Rainbow Dash about it, but I didn’t see her today. Not that I was outside much, of course. Say,” she added, a nervous look crossing her face, “what exactly will you do about Sweet Apple Acres? I doubt this snow will be good for the harvest.” Applejack gave a shrug, but it wasn’t very apparent under the thick blanket.

“Not a whole lot we can do. Hopefully this gets sorted out right quick, but Ah think the apples’ll be fine for a bit.”

“I’m certain they will,” Rarity assured her.

From there, they began to speak of daily life—work at Sweet Apple Acres, the latest trends in Equestrian fashion (though Applejack was a little clueless on the subject), and a new policy regarding pet alligators ruled in by Mayor Mare, among other things. The fire reached maturity throughout, adding its own voice to the conversation by means of a low crackling. Opalescence slunk in, unnoticed, and had curled up on a cushion by the fireplace. From the couch, it would have looked as though a patch of snow had wandered inside and made itself comfortable. The scene was soothing, but a small part of Applejack’s mind refused to relax. She was still anxious about her family.

“Hey, Rarity?” she said when she could stand it no longer.

“Hm?” The unicorn looked sleepy, eyes only half-open and a sort of dreamy smile on her lips. “Yes, Applejack?”

“D’ya… d’ya think they’re wonderin’ where Ah am?” She ran a hoof gently over Apple Bloom’s cape. Rarity paused before responding, and spoke softly.

“Of course they are, Applejack. They’re your family. But they also know how strong you are. Though they might be worried now, I know that they trust you to stay safe. And you are, aren’t you?” Applejack gave a lopsided smile.

“Uh course Ah am. Ah jus’ can’t help but worry. Ah feel like Ah made a mistake comin’ out here, like if Ah’d just said no to Apple Bloom at least Ah’d still be at home. Now she doesn’t have her cape or her sister.”

“Applejack, you endured a blizzard to get here, all just to make Apple Bloom happy. Goodness, you were even prepared to do it again in near-total darkness! You’re a wonderful sister, and that’s something that’s not going to change because of one little mistake.” Applejack’s smile was now slightly more genuine.

“Ya think so?”

“I know so. Now,” she said, rising from the couch and giving a slight stretch, “I suppose we should be off to bed, then.” Applejack gave a brief nod of approval, and unceremoniously shrugged off her blanket before rising as well. The fire had died by now, and each lamp was silenced by Rarity’s magic as they went. Together, the two returned to the showroom and up the stairs to the boutique’s second floor.

Rarity didn’t have a second bed, but her own was more than large enough for the both of them. Applejack didn’t mind—it wasn’t as though this was the first time they’d slept in the same bed. Rarity, however, suddenly seemed a bit nervous.

“Um, darling, are you certain you’re entirely… comfortable?” A blank look crossed Applejack’s face.

“Uh, Ah think so. What exactly do you mean?”

“Oh, I don’t know. I was just wondering if you were completely relaxed, or if perhaps you still needed to unwind. Maybe with, oh, I don’t know… a warm shower or some such?” Applejack considered this.

“Huh. Hadn’t thought a' that,” she said. “But now that you mention it, Ah—” She froze mid-sentence, and her eyes narrowed. “Waaaait just a minute. Ah see what’s goin’ on here.” Rarity gave a nervous laugh, blue eyes darting about.

“Ah-ha-happlejack, I have no idea what you—”

“This is another one a your weird tidiness habits, innit? Can’t have anypony sharin’ your bed without bein’ squeaky-clean?” It was Rarity’s turn with a blank look, but she soon spoke with unusual quickness.

“Well, I didn’t want to phrase it quite like that, but you seemed to have figured me right out!”

“Well, Ah guess that don’t bother me none. Washroom’s second door on the left, right?” Rarity gave a delayed nod, and Applejack strode down the hall.

She didn’t really understand Rarity’s obsessive cleanliness, but as long as she was a guest it was her responsibility to follow the rules of the house. And besides, maybe a shower would do her some good. A chance to think things over before bed, perhaps.

The washroom was small but absolutely spotless: as Applejack flipped on the light, every white floor tile and porcelain inch lit up with a polished glow. A stately bathtub stood on short, golden legs, and a number of other small details around the room were laced with gold as well. The walls and bathmat, meanwhile, were gentle lavender, and the shower curtain was a dainty, veil-like affair.

Applejack closed the door behind and quietly turned the lock. The last thing she needed was a half-asleep Sweetie Belle wandering in. On the back of the door were a few hooks for clothing, and with some reluctance Applejack took off her hat and hung it up. Walking over to the sink, she began to loosen the ties from her mane and tail with help from the wide mirror behind it.

This room was Rarity’s shrine to beauty, both in its immaculate state, and its purpose of purifying those who entered. It honestly made Applejack a little uncomfortable. She wasn’t particularly interested in glitz or glamour, and sitting in the brilliant room tugging hair ties didn’t help much. When both the red bands had been removed, she placed them on the sink’s edge and turned her attention to the tub.

It was low and fairly wide, and obviously had a showerhead hanging above. On the side was a small, detachable shelf holding a small variety of lotions and creams. Bottles labelled Dandelion Breeze and Tropical Spice, among other variants. Nothing apple-scented, though. She’d have to settle for something a touch less familiar.

She pulled the curtain around the exterior, and then gave the shower handles a few nudges with her hoof. Water spilled forth, and soon clouds of steam had taken hold of the room, making both the edges of the mirror and Applejack’s mind a little foggy. Parting the curtain slightly, she stepped inside.

It was a bit too warm for her liking, so she adjusted one of the handles slightly and the temperature calmed. She gave a sigh of content and remained motionless as the torrent purged her. In a short time her coat in its entire glistened and her mane hung heavily about her head. She sat gingerly—recoiling slightly, for the tub’s bottom was still slightly cold—and turned her attention to the shelf.

Dandelion Breeze would have to do. Picking up the bottle between her teeth, she gave her head a tilt and let it ooze out onto her open hoof. It was pleasantly cool, and after replacing the bottle she took a few moments to simply rub it between her hooves before beginning.

Her coat was a little coarse and it took some effort to loosen it, even with the lotion. Up and down she scrubbed, letting it soak in, somewhat surprised at how good it felt. Showering had always seemed like a mechanical, rigid practice to Applejack, but now that she had taken a minute to slow down and enjoy it, it seemed much more pleasant.

Each of her legs was washed in turn, tenderly cleansed until her coat was silky and warm water ran freely down her body. Though her muscles had been tense when she began, they eased as her strokes grew smoother. It seemed almost meditative, letting her body soak in the lotion and the heat. Gradually, her breathing grew deeper, and it felt as though the steam was making her a little light-headed. Dandelion Breeze, she decided, was actually quite pleasant. Sort of spring-y, a floral freshness— not bad at all. She continued on, lathering her chest with small, circular motions and gradually moving up.

Giving her neck and face a few brief rubs, she tilted her head up and let the water run down the entirety of her figure; over her lightly-freckled face, down her neck and across every inch of her toned body. Her hooves returned to her chest, though they moved much slower now.

This was by far the most relaxed she’d been all night, or in quite a while. Maybe it was Rarity’s shower— much more soothing than the one on the farm. Maybe it was the gradual departure of the evening’s tension. Or maybe it was the simple act of cleaning herself so thoroughly. In any event, Applejack felt wonderful, a sort of drowsy calm largely unknown to her.

In fact, she almost felt like—

She paused, eyes widening a little. What in Equestria was she thinking? She couldn’t do that here, of all places! It was obscene, to say the least of things. And Rarity would kill her if she found out—her sanctuary of beauty and cleanliness, perverted like this? But the simple fact that it was forbidden was even more tempting than the act itself. Her body urged her forward, enticed by this prospect. It… it wasn’t really hurting anypony, was it? The door was locked and the curtain drawn; Rarity would never know. And besides, the whole point she was in here was to relax. This bit of relaxation would just be a bit more... thorough. She gently bit her bottom lip, and began to move.

One of her hooves was still on her chest, and she began to slowly lower it. Her coat was so soft now, and the warm water left her more sensitive than she’d realized. Her thighs were quivering with anticipation, and her hind legs slowly spread. She couldn’t help but be deliberate. This was something powerful, something that required care. She could feel her body reflexively tense as her hoof slowly descended. She had to place the other on the tub floor behind her back for support. She momentarily rested her hoof just below her abdomen. This was a terrible idea with far too many risks. But that wasn't going to stop her, and her hoof now moved on its own.

She tried to remain stable, but trembled regardless as it ran across her already-swollen clit. She continued to her vulva, body aching for more. She slid her hoof up and down her twice-wet slit, breath still deep but coming in gasps now and then. Her composure began to slip as her motions became more erratic.

The warm water, though still soothing, now seemed to massage every inch of her flesh. It traced down her chest and past her pelvis, mixed with her own, even warmer fluids, and departed. Applejack couldn’t remember a time when she had done anything like this. She touched herself on a regular basis, sure, but this was true masturbation. Self-worship. The steam and desire had fully enveloped her, and her cheeks flushed crimson.

She wanted to moan, to cry out, but what little sense remained caught her. She bit down on her bottom lip once again, though a few small gasps still escaped. She played with her clit, bucking slightly to meet her own touch. Her hind legs had fully spread at this point, touching either side of the basin. She wished she had more room to stretch out. She wanted freedom. She wanted more.

She grew quicker, hoof lubricated with her own juices. Her teeth were still tight around her lower lip in a vain attempt to control her lust. The smell of lotion had faded, and now only the slight scent of sweat and her own sex carried on the steamy air. A few strands of her mane stuck to her blushing face, but it didn’t matter. Nothing else mattered right now. She ground into her clit fiercely, and a moan escaped before she could stop herself. There was no going back now.

She continued, softly groaning and whimpering as she did so. If she couldn’t be silent, she could try to be quiet. This, of course, was likewise doomed to fail, and she knew it. The water was starting to cool, but her body was growing warmer by the second. Her mind was a fuzzy blank; she vaguely wondered what Rarity would think if she saw her sprawled out in her bathtub, succumbing to such primal lust. Even the thought of somepony catching her was thrilling at this point.

But as she continued, she realized something was missing. Something she couldn’t quite name kept her from the last, glorious pulse. Though she was panting and moaning and her skin was aflame, she couldn’t go any further. She tried to go on, begged her body for release, but the strange force prevented her. Gradually her hoof slowed, and her breathing returned to normal. The water, now merely lukewarm, continued to pour down, and Applejack could feel her thoughts collect themselves.

That was... incredible. She’d never masturbated like that before, and even the sex she’d had was rarely that good. What could have possibly brought that about? She struggled to make sense of things as she turned the water off and tried to stand on shaky legs. She wasn’t quite as clean as she’d been earlier, but the last rinse of water certainly helped. Rarity would have to make do with a less-than-perfect bedmate.

Applejack carefully pulled the curtain aside, trying not to move too quickly for fear of making herself dizzy—she was still reeling. It didn’t take her long to notice, however, that something was out of place. Her hat at some point or other had fallen from the back of the door. But it was fairly large, and she hadn’t exactly hung it up well. She guessed it just fell off of its own accord.

As she stepped out, the question returned: what had caused that… ferocity? Now Applejack was a little ashamed of how quickly she’d been overcome, but even the shame felt good in a strange sort of way. She pulled a fluffy white towel from a rack on the wall and swung it over her head. With swift motions, she began to dry her mane, coat and tail.

The steam had more-or-less dispersed, and Applejack’s pulse had regrettably returned to normal. She deftly replaced the ties in her hair and hat upon her head. Though not completely perfect, Applejack’s attempt at relaxation had been surprisingly effective, and she hesitated before switching off the light.

A few moments later, she entered Rarity’s room as quietly as possible. A single lamp just barely cast a glow, and Applejack could only vaguely make out the confines of the room: a number of chests and wardrobes, a large vanity, and a sprawling canopy bed. Rarity, it seemed, was already asleep, with the blankets strangely pulled almost up to her eyes. Outside a window on the far side of the room, snow was still drifting by.

Approaching the unoccupied side of the bed, Applejack once again removed her hat and placed it on a small nightstand. She slid under the covers, doing her best not to disturb her sleeping friend, and once settled yawned deeply. Between her adventure in the snow and her adventure in the steam, she was utterly exhausted. It wasn’t long after she had lain down that the pillow grew warm and her eyes closed of their own accord.

Fragments of thought drifted in and out of focus as sleep overcame her. Had she really let her sister down? Would she understand or forgive her? And… and why had she been so overcome in the shower? All drowsy questions and no answers, but Applejack still slept long and peacefully.

— — —

“…to be kidding…”

“…really…don’t know how long it’ll take…”

Applejack rolled onto her side and sleepily smacked her lips. For some strange reason, voices were disturbing her sleep. But who would be talking in her room? She must be dreaming. She nuzzled the soft pillow.

“…think we should…”

“No…tired enough…”

The voices weren’t going. She blearily pried open a single eye before bolting upright. This wasn’t her bed— or her bedroom, for that matter. Across the room, a white unicorn and a cerulean pegasus both watched her with some slight fascination.

“Are you alright, Applejack?” asked Rarity. Beside her, Rainbow Dash had a curious expression. It was only when Applejack saw both of them that memories of the previous evening returned, and she slumped back onto the pillow.

“Ah’m fine,” she called. “Wait!” She sat up again. Both her friends still looked bemused. “Did the snow melt? Is everythin’ back to normal?”

“Um… not quite,” replied Rainbow Dash.

“Not… quite?” The pegasus rubbed her neck sheepishly.

“Maybe you should look for yourself.”

Bewildered, Applejack lifted herself out of bed. She did so with regret, however, as it was quite warm and the room was oddly chilly. One of the windows was fully open, presumably to let Rainbow in, and she trotted over to have a peek outside. Her green eyes widened.

Oh.” The snow had apparently continued throughout the night, and though it no longer fell, it was piled higher than even the front doors of the boutique. Applejack made an odd series of sputtering noises.

“Ah— buh— you— it— how does somethin’ like this even happen?”

“Apparently some klutzy pegasus is to blame. Something about a muffin lodged under a control valve in the weather depot? I dunno. Whatever happened, the precipitation machine went haywire.”

“Haywire is right! Look at all this!” Applejack gestured vaguely to the surrounding sea of white, and a chilly breeze rolled in. “How the hay am Ah s’posed to get home now? Don’t tell me Ah’ve got to keep waitin’!”

“We’ve got every available pegasus clearing up the sky, and Twilight said she’d look into some melting spells, but otherwise… yeah, you’re kinda stuck.” Applejack grimaced.

“Couldn’t you lift me?”

“All the way to Sweet Apple Acres? I’m Equestria’s fastest flier, not its strongest weight-lifter.” Applejack gave her a glare before Rarity chimed in.

“Applejack, as much as I know you want to get back to your family, there’s just no way about it. You’re staying here for the time being.” Applejack gave a deep sigh and abruptly sat. Her mane swung slightly as a gust swept through, but she didn't care. Rarity and Rainbow Dash exchanged a look, and for a few moments the room was silent. Elsewhere in the boutique, it sounded like Sweetie Belle was up to something or other.

“Well,” Rainbow Dash finally said, “I should be going. Gotta help clear things up or this snow’s gonna be here even longer.”

“Wait!” Rarity stopped Rainbow with a single hoof, but she was looking at Applejack. The dejected Earth pony hadn’t budged an inch. “Do you have time for a quick delivery?”

“As long as it’s lighter than a pony, sure.” Rarity approached Applejack and gave her a little nudge.

“I think at the very least Apple Bloom would like to have her cape back, don’t you think?” Applejack gave a shrug of agreement.

“Ah guess she would. Hang on a sec.” She got up and quickly made for the bedroom door. It wasn’t long before she was thumping downstairs, pausing only to remember where the sitting room was on the ground floor. Nearby, it sounded as though Sweetie was quietly singing. Applejack retrieved the cape from under the blankets on the couch, and returned to Rarity’s bedroom in short order.

“Make sure you tell her Ah’m alright, and that Ah miss her, okay?” she said as she gingerly passed the bundle of cloth to Rainbow Dash.

“Of course! Don’t worry, Applejack,” she added, “The snow shouldn’t take long to clear.” With a flap of her wings she took to the air, and rocketed out the window.

“It’s taken too long already,” Applejack muttered. She retrieved her hat from the bedside table and irritably fixed it upon her head, fussing with the angle at which it rested. Rarity watched with concern.

“Applejack, you—”

“You don’t have to say nothin’. Ah know, Ah know.” She tromped out of the room moodily, still trying to fix her hat. After an empty pause, Rarity followed suit.

— — —

A short time later they both walked downstairs, slight tension between them. Sweetie Belle was still singing somewhere, a few notes passing through the walls. The song grew louder as they approached the kitchen, but stopped abruptly as they entered.

“Rarity! Applejack! You’re just in time!” Across the kitchen counter a number of ingredients and cooking utensils had been laid out as neatly as Sweetie could manage. “I thought since the last time I tried to make breakfast didn’t go so well, we could all make it together!”

“Sweetie Belle,” said Rarity with a smile that showed a few too many teeth, “I don’t think Applejack really wants to do anything quite so, ah, stressful right now.” Applejack, however, seemed nonchalant.

“S’okay, Rarity. Ah don’t mind lendin’ a hoof to help out. ’Sides, Sweetie’s already gone to the trouble of gettin’ everythin’ ready. Might as well, right?” Rarity looked as though she wanted to protest, but Applejack had already joined her sister at the counter. Swallowing her objection, she also pitched in, and soon all three of them were busy cooking breakfast.

The work seemed to take Applejack’s mind off of her dilemma, and her disposition improved dramatically. She began to smile and laugh, and though there were a few hiccups along the way—Sweetie Belle had to be reminded that egg shells should not, in fact, remain in the pancake mix—things progressed quite smoothly. In what felt like no time at all they were enjoying their meal at the kitchen table. The clouds hadn’t yet parted, but things were looking a bit brighter.

When they’d finished eating, they collectively concluded that it had been delicious. They then less-than-collectively concluded that they should all help clean up the mess. Rarity washed the dishes, a grumbling Sweetie Belle dried, and Applejack put them away.

“So what are we going to do today?” Sweetie asked Rarity, handing a mixing bowl to Applejack.

“We? I’m not sure about you, Sweetie Belle, but I have work to do. I’m certain you can find something to do to pass the time.”

“But… but we’re stuck inside! I’m supposed to spend the whole day indoors by myself?” She put on the cutest face she could muster.

“Aw, c’mon Rarity, look at that face. You’re tellin’ me you can’t take just one day off to spend some time with your lil’ sister?” Rarity stopping scrubbing a whisk to give it a moment’s thought.

“I suppose everypony else will be taking the day off, won’t they? It’s not as though they can get anywhere. And I have been feeling a little drained of late…” Sweetie Belle practically squealed with delight and began to bounce around the room.

“Ohmygosh, really? This is gonna be the best day ever!” She spoke with stunning speed. “I’ve already got so many ideas on what we can do today we’re going to have so much fun I can’t believe it you’ll play with us, right Applejack?” She came to a grinding halt and swept around to face the two older ponies.

“Of course Ah will. That’ll make it even more fun, won’t it?”

“Sure it will! I— I have to go get things ready!” She dashed off as fast as her hooves would carry her. The two adult ponies laughed and finished what remained of the dishes. Once they’d been cleaned and replaced in the cupboards, Rarity gave the counters a brief scrub while Applejack sat at the table. She didn’t look unhappy, but her gaze was a little distant and she was much quieter than before. Rarity was quick to notice this.

“Applejack, are you alright?”

“Hmm?” replied Applejack, returning to reality. “Oh, yeah, Ah’m fine. Just thinkin’ is all.” Rarity left the cloth she’d been using in the sink and joined her at the table. “Well, Ah mean,” she paused, seeming to struggle with the words, “Ah’m real happy Apple Bloom’s got her cape back an’ that she knows Ah’m okay. But Ah can’t help feelin' like Ah still messed up. If Ah’d just thought for one second Ah wouldn’t have gotten in this mess in the first place.”

“What, you think being stuck here is a “mess”?” asked Rarity, She’d been joking, but Applejack took it seriously.

“No! No, of course not! It’s just that Ah’m always in such a rush to help everypony that it feels like Ah never take the time to think things over. An’ then Ah get stuck.” She gave a snort. “Ah just wish Ah wasn’t so reckless all the time.”

“Applejack, I don’t think recklessness is your problem! Though,” she added as an afterthought, “you can be a bit headstrong. But that’s not what’s bothering you.”

“It’s not?” Applejack raised an eyebrow.

“No, I don’t believe so. I think if anything, it’s your dedication to helping others.”

“How d’you mean? That’s a good thing, Rarity.”

“Normally it is, but even the best intentions can be harmful if they’re taken too far. Too much of a good thing and all that.” Applejack was scratching her head.

“Ah still don’t follow. You’re sayin’ Ah’m not doin’ a good job helpin’ everypony?”

“Wha— no, not at all! What I’m saying is that trying to help out everypony is running you ragged. You’re always thinking of others, Applejack, but at this rate you’re going to completely burn out.”

“Rarity,” said Applejack, looked exasperated, “Ah’ve been through this before. D’ya remember that Applebuck Season where Ah tried to do everythin’ by mahself? Ah know Ah can count on you an’ everypony else if there’s ever a problem too big for me.”

“It’s not the same, Applejack. Rather than one big problem, it’s a hundred little problems and your need to help absolutely everypony.” For a time, there was silence in the kitchen. Not tension, but a sort of odd quietness that hung heavily in the air. From upstairs came a muffled thump as Sweetie moved something in her bedroom.

“Just, um, something I thought you should hear,” said Rarity, eyes on the table.

“Ah appreciate it, Rarity, Ah really do. But maybe Ah just need some time to think this over.” Rarity nodded.

“I completely understand. Should we go see what Sweetie is up to? Sounds like she’s preparing quite a lot up there.”

“Sure thing.”

— — —

Sweetie Belle, as it so happened, had been hard at work setting up just about every activity they could possibly do in the confines of the boutique. Around the room puzzles, crafts, books, costumes, and a plethora of other things lay in wait. Upon seeing this, Rarity’s eyes widened and she gave a slight twitch.

“Sweetie, there’s no way we can do all this today,” she said as she surveyed the room.

“Not with that attitude,” replied a smirking Applejack. “So what’re we doin’ first?”

“I have this giant puzzle of Ponyville that Rarity promised me we’d put together. I think it has two thousand pieces! Doesn’t that sound like fun?”

“Two… two thousand?” asked the Earth pony. It was Rarity’s turn to smirk.

“But we’ll have enough time for it and everything else, right?” Applejack’s brow furrowed and she adjusted her hat confidently.

“Of course we will. Let’s get to it!” Sweetie dumped the pieces from the box into a pile, and they began to slowly pick through them. The task, however, took a surprisingly short amount of time: Rarity had a keen eye for detail and, in tandem with her magic, began to arrange the puzzle with ease. Applejack and Sweetie both scrambled to fit a hoofful of pieces into the scene before Rarity could complete it herself. In a short half-hour all two thousand pieces had already been set in place. Sweetie Belle, after a victorious moment lording over the completed project, swept the pieces up and dumped them back in the box unceremoniously. Rarity twitched once again, but seemed happy Sweetie was enjoying herself.

The rest of the day was packed with whatever task Sweetie Belle decided was appropriate at that given moment. From the puzzle, they switched over to painting, and then to reading and so on. They took brief breaks for lunch and dinner, but were by and large busy for the entirety of the day. Every now and again, however, Applejack would take a quick moment to peer out of the closest window. The clouds had fully dispersed by the day’s end, but the sun hadn’t enough time to adequately melt the snow and it looked as though she’d have to stay another night.

A twinge of regret pinched her at the thought, but she returned to what Rarity had said earlier. Was she really too dedicated to helping out others? Was that even possible? She had never considered it until this point. Her whole life had been spent on the farm, taking care of her family and doing everything she could to support them. That was fine, of course, but Applejack knew there was some truth to Rarity’s claim. Persistently beating herself up like this wasn’t healthy, especially when she’d had good intentions. But she couldn’t just ignore everypony else, either. She liked to help; she just didn’t know how to find a balance. She decided to ask Rarity for guidance later in the evening.

When the sun had once again begun to set, the three ponies started to pack everything up. Boxes to be replaced on shelves, clothing to be hung up or brought downstairs to wash, furniture pushed back… by the time they’d finished, night had truly settled over Ponyville. Sweetie Belle was sitting in bed, a fresh pair of pajamas on, and was looking at Rarity and Applejack expectantly.

“Sweetie,” said Rarity, “did you want Applejack to tell you a bedtime story tonight, seeing as how she’s our guest of honor?”

“Ah’d be more than happy to,” Applejack offered. Sweetie Belle placed a hoof on her chin and gave it a moment’s thought.

“Actually, why don’t you both tell a story together?”


“Yeah! You can make up a bit, and then Rarity can have a turn, and you keep going like that!” She was smiling broadly, and Applejack wondered if maybe she’d started planning this earlier. Rarity looked thoughtful.

“I suppose we could give it a try. What do you think, Applejack?”

“Ah reckon it’s worth a shot. So, how should we start…?”

They began to tell a story about a group of young fillies trying to earn their cutie marks. It began a little awkwardly, with Applejack focused on the adventure and Rarity taking time to explain characters and settings, but Sweetie Belle seemed to enjoy it regardless. Eventually the story came together and by the time the tale had ended Sweetie was fast asleep. The two mares quietly crept out of the room, and Rarity slowly closed the door.

“I thought she’d never fall asleep,” she whispered. “How did you come up with that part about the raft going over the waterfall?” Applejack grinned and shrugged.

“Every adventure has some part about goin’ over a waterfall. But, uh, listen Rarity—Ah was wonderin’ if maybe we could talk for a bit?”

“Oh, of course! Um, I don’t want to stay up too much later, though; would you mind if we spoke in the bedroom?”

“Nah, that’s fine.” As quietly as they could, they trotted down the hall to Rarity’s room.

— — —

A lone lamp was on, and they both took a seat upon the large bed. Applejack took a moment to collect her thoughts, Rarity waiting patiently.

“It’s, uh, about what you said earlier. Y’know, about me always havin’ to help everypony else? Ah just— Ah dunno.” She traced little patterns in the bedspread with her hoof. “Can’t keep beatin’ mahself up just ‘cause Ah can’t help every single pony who needs mah help, but Ah can’t just abandon ’em, either. What should Ah do, Rarity?”

“Well, I don’t think you need to abandon anypony, dear. It’s about knowing your limits. How much you can really do and how much can be fairly expected of you.”

“What d’you mean, “fairly expected of me”?”

“Well,” said Rarity, “No one pony can do everything, but every pony has potential. Things they can do without forgetting who they are.”

“Who Ah am?” Rarity opened her mouth to reply before hastily closing it again, stifling some thought. It was a moment before she actually spoke.

“Yes, Applejack. Helping other ponies is a wonderful thing but it should never come at the cost of who you are. How can you possibly think of yourself when you’re thinking of everypony else?” Now Applejack just looked confused.

“Now just what are you talkin’ about? Ah don’t do that much!” Rarity’s blue eyes narrowed.

“Applejack, you braved a blizzard yesterday just to get your sister’s cape! You came all the way out here for something that small?” Applejack was irked by this dismissiveness.

“She’s mah sister! Are you sayin’ that Ah shouldn’t have helped her?” Rarity was taken aback, and her reply was quiet.

“N-No, of course not Applejack! Just that… just that you need to take care of yourself, too. What if you had gotten lost, or hurt, or…” Her voice trailed off, and Applejack was needled with guilt. She hadn’t meant to sound so bitter, and Rarity clearly had her best interests in mind.

“Sorry,” she said, eyes off to the side. “Didn’t mean to sound so fierce.”

“No, it’s okay, Applejack.” Rarity’s voice was still low. “I know how much your sister means to you. In fact, I think that’s one of your most admirable qualities.”

“Wait…” Applejack’s mind tried to process this. “Admirable? There’s honestly somethin’ about me you think is “admirable”?” She could’ve sworn—though perhaps it had been some trick of tiredness or light—that before Rarity replied, a slight flush crept over her cheeks.

“Well… yes, Applejack. Quite a few things, in fact.” This came as a surprise to Applejack. The two were good friends, of course, but they’d always seemed like polar opposites: Applejack boisterous and rough, Rarity calm and refined. She wondered what traits could bridge these differences.

“What sorta things?”

“Oh, well, you know. This and that.”

“Aw, c’mon! You can’t just say somethin’ like that and then not explain. It ain’t fair!” Rarity smiled in an embarrassed sort of way.

“Well, I suppose one of the main things is just that—how much you care about everypony, and how much you’re willing to do for them. Especially Apple Bloom. I try so hard to be a good big sister to Sweetie Belle, but it feels like I always come up short. But you? You go above and beyond. I can’t tell you how stunned I was that you came here through that storm, all just to make her happy.” She continued to speak, but wouldn’t meet Applejack’s eyes.

“You’re dependable to a fault, and even though you can be headstrong you always have the best intentions. Sure, sometimes things don’t work out for you, but you try your very hardest and I really think that’s all that counts.” Applejack rubbed the back of her neck with a single hoof and gave a short laugh.

“Shoot, you really think all that 'bout me? Even Ah don’t think Ah’m that great. But, uh, if that’s really how you feel about all that “helpin’ other ponies” business, why’d you get so heated about me comin’ here through the snow?”

“Because, Applejack, you refuse to think about yourself, even when your own safety is at risk. And even if you aren’t in danger you worry about what else you could be doing! Honestly, I’d rather hoped that a bit of relaxation would help you—” She immediately clamped both hooves over her mouth. If Applejack had suspected her of blushing before, she was certain now: her pure white cheeks burned fiercely in the lamplight.

“Relaxation? An’ what exactly d’you mean by that?” Rarity just stared, eyes wide and unmoving, holding back something perhaps not ready to be put into words. “Rarity?” She lowered her hooves, and spoke at a whisper.

“W-Well I was just hoping that maybe if you had some, um… “alone time” in the shower maybe you’d feel a bit better. Let yourself go. A chance to relieve some stress, so to speak.” It took Applejack a moment to register what she’d said—what she’d really said. It had taken her completely off-guard.

“Wait, hang on,” said the Earth pony, trying to wrap her head around this statement, “Was that the whole reason you wanted me to take a shower? To, uh… y’know?” Rarity was once again looking away.

“More or less. I’d just hoped that maybe if you had a moment alone, you’d… ease up. Take a moment to think about you for a change. Maybe feel better about yourself.”

“Um, wow. But wait, how did you know that Ah even tried to—” Suddenly, something clicked in Applejack’s mind: she remembered her hat falling off the door ‘by itself’ while she had showered. Her eyes widened, and her lips parted slightly in surprise. “Rarity, were you… did you spy on me?” The unicorn was cringing and still blushed furiously. She mumbled a reply.


“B-But…” Applejack was dumbfounded. “Why’d you… why’d you do that?” She already knew, of course, but she didn’t dare say it aloud. Rarity took her time responding.

“Because maybe I think you’re a wonderful pony who deserves to feel secure about herself. Because maybe the thought of you feeling good makes me feel good. Because maybe… maybe I don’t just admire you, Applejack.”

For a long while, silence reigned in the room. Neither pony would look at the other, Applejack gazing without focus at a distant dresser and Rarity looking down at her own hooves. Both were heavy with thought, but neither knew what to say, much less how to say it. Finally, Applejack spoke, her tone low.

“How, er… how long have you felt like this?”

“I’m not sure. It was just something that sort of, well, happened. A little while now, I suppose.”

“An’ you really—” Applejack bit back her words, but knew she had to ask— “An’ you really care about me that much?” She didn’t have time to react to what happened next. Rarity leaned across the bed and, without saying a word, kissed her.

Applejack was stunned. Nopony had ever been this forward with her before. In fact, no mare had ever been forward at all. But now one of her best friends had confessed feelings for her, was locking lips with her. This was new, and honestly? New was more than a little exciting. Rarity soon broke away.

“I’m sorry,” she said, falling back to her original position. Her eyes were wide and she seemed understandably surprised with herself.

“Don’t worry about it,” Applejack replied distantly. She was a little confused, but that had felt good, like something she’d desired without consciously knowing it. A craving, dormant for a single day, stirred within her. She wasn’t sure if she was thinking clearly, but this was something she wanted. She gently lifted a hoof up to her lips. “So you really care about me that much, huh?”

“I’m sorry,” Rarity repeated, quieter this time.

“Ah said don’t worry about it. Ah’m just, uh, curious.”


“Yeah. That was pretty forward of you. Makes me wonder just how long you’ve been waitin’ to do that.” Rarity seemed to have shrunk into herself with embarrassment. The lapse in judgment had cost her a fair bit of pride, and she remained silent. Applejack, however, felt that a bit of brashness on Rarity’s part deserved a bit of her own. “You’re a pretty good kisser, Rarity.”

“I’m… what?”

“You’re a pretty good kisser. At least, Ah sure think so.” Rarity was taken aback, eyes widening slightly.

“Applejack, are you saying…?”

“Ah don’t really know what Ah’m sayin’,” Applejack admitted. “But Ah think you’re right about what you said—about me not takin’ care of myself. Ah’d like to change that, but Ah think Ah need some help.”



“And… and how exactly would you like me to, um, "help"?” Applejack's response was nonchalant, but inside her heart was pounding furiously.

“Ah already said you’re a good kisser.” A nervous smile played at the edges of Rarity’s lips.

“Applejack, are you sure that this is something you...” Rarity trailed off as Applejack began to lean closer. Mere inches apart, their eyes met and they both vaguely wondered how far this would go.

“Ah’m sure.” They kissed. Her craving suddenly fierce, Applejack realized that this brief contact was better than her entire adventure last night. Something about another pony wanting her, desiring her, was exciting in a way she couldn’t explain.

Rarity seemed more hesitant this time, less willing to give in to her urges. Applejack wanted to change this. She slowly ran her tongue between Rarity’s lips, careful not to seem too eager. The unicorn soon she responded in kind and the kiss deepened, tongues sliding and breath quickening. Neither was thinking clearly, acting instead on base desire. Applejack caught a whiff of Rarity's perfume, a gentle but mildly tart scent, and decided she rather liked it. Rarity pulled away, a thin band of saliva connecting their lips.

“Lie down.” Taking the hat off her head and lightly tossing it aside, Applejack did so, head just below the pillows and forelegs raised up to her chest. This position was oddly vulnerable, but she didn't mind in the slightest. Only here, lying down, did she realize that she had become slightly wet.

Now Rarity was on top of her, their bodies lightly grinding one another. Applejack prepared herself for another kiss but Rarity had other plans, and gave the base of the Earth pony’s neck a lick. Applejack felt the urge both to moan and giggle—it tickled a bit. But the moan won out as a string of kisses slowly made their way up her neck and to her ear. Rarity’s breath was warm, and a single, sultry whisper sent shivers coursing through Applejack's body:

You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this.” Rarity planted a kiss on her cheek before meeting her lips. It was wilder than before, less restrained, their bodies reacting to the other's warmth. Their tongues clashed, rolling and tracing small, meaningless patterns. Rarity was brushing her body against Applejack’s, but seemed to be holding back. Applejack slid her hooves over her back and pulled her closer, and though Rarity resisted a little, she wasn’t long to comply. Applejack could feel the unicorn’s heart beat rapidly through her flesh, and wondered if her own was as noticeable. Rarity pulled away slightly.

Sorry,” she whispered, breath short.

“What for?”

“I… I’m already..” Applejack hadn’t noticed in the heat of the moment, but the spot where Rarity’s pelvis rested on her had gotten unusually warm, and… slick? It didn’t take her long to figure out what was happening. She grinned nervously.

“That excited already?” She waited for Rarity to give a small nod before adding, “Yeah, me too.”

“Applejack, are you sure you w—”

“Ah don’t think Ah’d let you pin me down on your bed if Ah wasn’t, Rarity.”

Rarity smiled coyly and dragged her groin down to Applejack's, a soft sigh of pleasure escaping her. As they began to brush across one another, the Earth pony arched her back, gently biting her lip. Her hooves moved on their own to Rarity’s thighs, pulling her downward; grinding into her. The unicorn gave a slight squeak of surprise but made no effort to resist. A few beads of sweat had appeared on her body and her mane was a little dishevelled, but Applejack honestly thought it made her more attractive. Something about seeing somepony so uptight brought down by lust was incredible. She continued, savoring Rarity’s deepening moans as her restraint disappeared. More. She wanted more of this gorgeous mare. When she felt she could bear it no longer, she spoke.

“Can Ah have a turn on top?” Rarity's reply still had a seductive tone, but was surprisingly firm.

“No, I don’t think so. This is supposed to be about you, Applejack. In fact…” She paused briefly, but her mouth soon broke into a mischievous smile, “…I think maybe you should be doing a little less.” In the half-light there was a light blue glow, and it sounded as though something was moving elsewhere in the room.

“What exactly do you— aaugh!” Applejack felt a tightening around each of her legs, just above the hoof, followed by a strong tugging. She tried to pull back, but in short order she was forcibly spread out across the bed.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I had to use ribbon,” said Rarity, inspecting the red bows on Applejack’s legs. Each was connected to a different bedpost, securing her in place. “I don’t think I have anything else on hoof that would work quite as well. While I’m at it…” There was another brief pulse of magic, and Applejack could hear the door shut and lock itself.

“Rarity! What’s the big idea trappin’ me like this?” The unicorn looked surprised.

“Wait, what? You can’t move at all?

“No!” Rarity’s mouth broke into a devilish grin.

Perfect.” She bent over and gave her a quick kiss. “Sorry, but this is for your own good, Applejack. You’re just too focused on others—you need a night dedicated to you.” Another kiss. Another mischievous smile. “Besides, I have plans in mind.” A third kiss, firmer. Applejack was caught in-between a sort of dazed awe and overwhelming desire. “Now, what could I…? Oh, of course!”

The blue glow returned, and with it came Applejack’s hat from beside the bed. With deliberate care, Rarity replaced it on the Earth pony’s head, tilted just enough to cover her eyes. Her mouth, however, was still bare—a fact Rarity took advantage of. A soft tongue slipped between her lips, entwined with her own, and was gone as quickly as it had come.

Applejack wasn’t sure quite how to react. She loved this sense of powerlessness, the fact that somepony else was ravishing her. It was so different from what she was used to, but that made it all the sweeter.

Rarity’s warm breath travelled from Applejack’s mouth down to the base of her neck and farther still. The lack of sight seemed to heighten the sensation, and as Rarity’s tongue slid up Applejack’s chest she couldn’t help but give a low moan. She strained a little against her bonds, but the ribbon was surprisingly strong—it must’ve been specifically crafted to resist breaking. Not that Applejack minded, of course. Not at all.

Rarity continued downward, though she had to stand up to do so. Applejack missed the warmth of the pony, but was soon distracted as the licking grew adventurous. Rarity was running her tongue across every inch of Applejack’s flesh on the way down, soft noises of pleasure escaping her open mouth. She seemed to like the taste. With her sight gone, Applejack’s other senses were heightened and Rarity's sounds seemed louder, more intense. This was almost too much to bear. Applejack could feel her back begin to arch and legs strain against the ribbon.

Unbelievable. That was the only word she had for this. Rarity was surprisingly forceful, but Applejack could tell that no matter how domineering she was or how breathy her tone, she was still eager to please. Rarity wouldn’t stop until both of them were satisfied. Applejack bit her lip to avoid crying out.

Soon, Rarity was mere inches away from Applejack’s crotch, every warm breath caressing her. She was pausing for effect, hooves placed firmly on the Earth pony’s firm thighs, waiting for the right moment. Applejack tried to resist the urge to speak, but desperation quickly overcame her.

R-Rarity…” That was her cue. With agonizing care, Rarity ran her tongue from the base of Applejack’s wet slit all the way to her throbbing clit. The Earth pony bucked her hips in surprise and stifled a gasp. Her breathing was suddenly erratic. Again Rarity waited, allowed the tension to build, before giving her another long lick. Applejack was practically whimpering.

Rarity, please… Ah can’t take this.” Though she wasn’t sure, she thought she heard a giggle before she was overcome with ecstasy. Rarity returned with intensity, tongue stroking the folds before pushing in deeper. Her groans and squeaks returned, delighting in the taste of Applejack’s fluids. Applejack herself desperately wanted to place a hoof on the back of Rarity’s head for stability, but being bound felt far better and she knew it. A light sheen of sweat formed on her legs, her stomach, her neck as she struggled, body wracked with tension. She found herself wanting to see Rarity—to see her bent over with lust, the prim and proper unicorn submitting to primal desire that even she couldn’t fight.

Eventually, Rarity slowed and Applejack could hear her moving on the bed. As she tried to catch her breath, she was met by an unseen kiss. Applejack allowed her lips to part and was met by another, deeper than the last. The inside of Rarity’s mouth tasted different, and it took Applejack a moment to realize this new flavor was her own.

“Rarity,” she said quietly when the two broke away, “can you at least take the hat off?” This time there was a definite giggle.

“Oh? Already tired of being helpless?”

“Ah—” She faltered, and a slight blush blossomed across her cheeks— “Ah just want to see you.” Though the top half of her face was covered, a smile played at her lips. There was a brief pause before Rarity replied.

“…how am I supposed to say ‘no’ to something that cute?” The hat was lifted from Applejack’s head and once again flung aside. Rarity was once again on top of her, illuminated by the half-light. Now untamed, her mane hung messily to her shoulders, and she brushed away a few loose strands that had stuck to her face with sweat. Her eyes were unusually bright, and she too had a small smile. “Don’t think this means I’m letting you go. It’ll take more than a few sweet words for that. Although…” She ran a hoof down Applejack’s chest, lost in her own musings, “…maybe it does deserve a little, ah, present.

“Present?” This made Applejack nervous, but strangely excited as well. And besides, her craving hadn’t been satisfied— not even close. Rarity turned her head and once again there was a soft glow of magic. Something shifted elsewhere in the room, the sound of some cabinet creaking open. Rarity sat upright, crotch grinding into Applejack’s (who sharply inhaled), and both of them winced as the mysterious object slid between their bodies. It was a long, fairly thick, and made of glass. It gleamed proudly in the half-light. Applejack knew what it was, but couldn’t believe it.

“T-That’s a…” she sputtered. Rarity was grinning.

“Just a little toy. Ready, Applejack?” The Earth pony hesitated, trying to think of an excuse.

“It… it’s a bit cold…” she said tentatively. In truth, the prospect of being screwed by a magic-fueled glass cock was daunting, to say the least. Applejack was eager, sure but this was a bit of a shock. Rarity had a curious expression, delicate eyebrows meeting and mouth turning into a small frown.


“Um, yeah.” Rarity’s smile slowly returned.

“And… what if I were to warm it up for you?” She lifted herself off of Applejack, the toy magically following suit and resting in mid-air behind her.

“You… you don’t mean…” But her question was cut short by a low, satisfied groan from Rarity. She leaned forward as it penetrated her, her face mere inches away from Applejack’s. Her eyes were half-closed in pleasure, and she was lightly biting her lip.

Oh, Applejack…” Her words dripped with desire, a tone both soft and sultry. “I can’t believe you’d pass this up. The feeling of having it inside you…” She leaned in for a kiss, but shied away at the last second as the toy once again thrust inside her . “Ah! S-So big… Applejack, I…” Another thrust. Another squeak.

Applejack knew, of course, that Rarity was just teasing her, denying her an outlet for her lust. But to her own surprise, Applejack found the sight of Rarity being debased by the toy equally arousing. The unicorn moaned with every thrust and gave a sigh of relief as it pulled back, repeating again and again. She’d returned to her position on top of Applejack, bodies stroking one another as Rarity enjoyed her fucking. Her pace, however, remain consistent; it was clear she was drawing it out, letting Applejack know just what she’d missed. Taunting her. Though the Earth pony admired the show, her flesh soon ached for her own turn. She spoke, voice stumbling a little over the words.

“Rarity? D’you… think Ah can have a turn?”

“I don’t know, Applejack. I’m just—ooh—just not sure I’m ready to stop yet.”

“But… you can’t just leave me out!” Rarity didn't stop, but her next few words seemed haughtier than usual.

“Sounds like—ah—you’re only thinking of yourself, Applejack.” The Earth pony’s eyes widened.

“Hey! Y-You tricked me! Ah didn’t mean it like that!” She was quivering. Rarity had deceived her somehow. There was no way she’d ever be so concerned with her own desire. Was there...?

“Oh? You didn’t mean that you want it? That just watching was driving you crazy?” She leaned closer. The thrusting had stopped, and her words were amplified by the quietness of the surrounding room. “That deep down, in some secret part of Applejack, she’d like nothing more than to be fucked?” The Earth pony was speechless.

“Ah… Ah…”

“Just say it.” Rarity’s tone was crooning, almost hypnotically sweet. “Say that you want to be fucked.” Below, the toy had moved itself down to Applejack, slowly running its length over her wet lips. She wanted it with every inch of her being.

Ah… Ah want to be fucked,” she whispered. The toy began prodding. It was so close now. Applejack was gently moving her hips, trying in vain to coerce it. She'd never been more desperate.

“Even if it means being a bit selfish?” This was too much teasing for Applejack. She was practically begging.

Just fuck me already!” Two things happened: the glass cock thrust in with a single, powerful motion, and Rarity gave her a forceful kiss. Applejack’s cry of pleasure faded into the unicorn’s mouth as the toy slid back and forth. She’d been with a few stallions, sure, but this was at least as large as they’d been, if not bigger. And where they’d been awkward and crude with their motions, Rarity had a touch of subtlety. Finesse. She paused just long enough between strokes, pushed just deep enough to make Applejack shudder. It had just started and it was already too much.

Applejack strained against her bonds, Rarity’s tongue probing her mouth. Her mind was a blank slate, hopelessly trying to control this sensory overload. She was being fucked. Fucked by Rarity. It was the best she’d ever felt, strapped to the bed. Masturbation, in the shower or otherwise, could never come close to this—to somepony relentlessly ravishing her. She couldn’t move. She couldn’t think. She never wanted to stop.

Rarity was still deep inside Applejack’s mouth, tongue caressing the other. Though still dominant, she tried to convey a desperate passion. How long had she waited for this? Thought it would never happen? Believed that it was all in vain? And now here was Applejack, sprawled out across her bed, flushed and glimmering with sweat as the motions of the toy rocked her. It was like something out of a dirty dream, so impossibly heated that it felt unreal. She would make this count.

With urging, the glass cock grew quicker, the motions fiercer. Applejack let out a low, continuous cry, unprepared for this change of pace. She tried to keep herself stable, to avoid being completely overwhelmed with ecstasy. Rarity had begun kissing her on the neck, a purposefully gentle underscore to the toy’s brutal fucking. Grinding into one another from Applejack’s bucking, they both began to feel a little light-headed. Rarity’s breath rolled in deep, warm waves over Applejack’s neck. Applejack herself was vaguely wondering how much more she could take before she… she…

The toy sped up again, wildly pumping the Earth pony’s slit. This was it. The limit. After only a moment Applejack whimpered something that could barely be heard over Rarity’s breathy gasps.

R-Rarity…” The unicorn understood, and the cock pulled out only to once again wedge between their bodies. The smooth glass surface slammed back and forth, slick with the fluids of two lovers, warm as the flesh that seconds ago held it. It stroked between them, over the folds and pulsing clits as fast as Rarity could will it.

Applejack pulled at her bindings and was surprised to feel them loosening. The knots, urged by magic, were coming undone. She was being freed. Her forehooves immediately flung themselves around Rarity’s back, pulling her as close as possible. Both were gasping, bodies nigh-uncontrollable, driven by base desire and almost nothing else. Rarity somehow squeaked out a few words.

“Applejack, I… I’ve been waiting for so long… I… you…” Words failed her. Applejack, almost overcome with lust, still managed a soft smile.

Just kiss me already.” Their lips met. Their bodies shuddered. The cock, now dripping with juices, gave a few final thrusts. Clinging to each other, a mutual orgasm ran through them; a mix of fiery pleasure and pure bliss. Their last reserves of strength were spent rubbing and twisting, trying to prolong this single moment.

But it ended all too soon, and their movements began to slow. Rarity, totally spent, lost control of the toy, and it slid from between them onto the bedspread. The two ponies lay there, panting and gleaming with sweat, eyes half-closed and complexions flushed. Their heartbeats slowed. Their temperatures returned to normal. Reality asserted itself around the bedroom.

“Applejack,” whispered Rarity, voice weak and straining, “I… I love you.” These words, and the vision of soft blue eyes, were all Applejack could remember before once again the warm bed stole her consciousness, and she faded into the exhausted confines of slumber.

— — —

The next morning was rather uneventful by comparison. Rarity was the first to awaken and upon venturing downstairs saw that the snow had almost entirely melted. Where once grim clouds had shrouded the sky, a bold autumn sun had risen to purge the land of cold. The earth was muddy and distressed, but still very much alive, and would soon return to its normal state.

Both Applejack and Sweetie Belle awoke a short time later, and a rather quiet breakfast was shared between the three. Sweetie was going to ask what the silence was about before realizing with mild horror that it would be a school day, and ran to prepare her bag. The filly gone, the two older ponies exchanged a few embarrassed remarks before setting about their own business. Rarity began to collect the dishes, and Applejack quietly made for the front door.

She opened it with some reluctance, and left it ajar as she stepped outside. A warm breeze rolled by, carrying with it the smell of damp earth and defeated snow. In the not-so-distant town a few ponies were already milling about on daily business, life returning to the formerly-frozen world. It seemed things were at last returning to normal.


Except back inside the boutique there was a pony with whom she’d spent the night. Confessed desires. Made love. She’d made no true obligation to her, just an evening of passion and instinct. And it had been wonderful.

With a single hoof, she nervously scuffed the ground. She didn’t know what to do. She could return inside and maybe—just maybe—try to make sense of this mess, or simply leave with her freedom and the fond memory of a lustful night. Overhead, the morning sun shone with an unusual brightness, affording an uncommon clarity of light and heat. Applejack made a difficult decision.

The door closed. The hoof that had scraped at the ground left a slight blemish on the boutique floor, and Applejack absent-mindedly hoped that the unicorn wouldn’t mind. Back in the kitchen, Rarity had collected the dishes in the sink, but now stood motionless before them. Her back was to the door as Applejack returned.

“Rarity?” The unicorn gave a start before turning, and when she did so her expression was one of strained happiness. Her eyes seemed a little misty.

“Applejack? I'm sorry, I thought I heard the front door close— did you, ah, forget something?” She had a weak smile.

“Uh, no, actually. In fact, Ah’m back because Ah don’t think Ah’ll be able to forget a certain something. Not for a long, long time, anyhow.” She stepped forward, her gaze on the ground but rising as she approached. “About last night…”

“Just a harmless little fling, Applejack. No need to say anything else.” But her eyes pled the Earth pony to continue.

“Yesterday you said somethin’ Ah’d never heard anypony say before— that Ah had to think of mahself for once. Ah’ll admit, the thought kinda scared me. Not because Ah didn’t believe it,” she added, “but because it meant somepony really understood me. In a way Ah don’t think anypony else ever has, or—shoot—maybe ever will.” Rarity was listening intently, and though some slight confusion showed on her face she didn’t dare interrupt.

“Nopony’s ever cared about me like that. Not just about how Ah act, but… but how Ah feel. How Ah really feel, even about mahself. You… you really love me, don’t you Rarity?” The unicorn was motionless. The weight of her reply seemed too much to bear. But with monumental effort, she spoke, voice quiet.

Yes.” A genuine smile spread across Applejack's face.

“Then, well, Ah think Ah’d like to be with you, Rarity.”

“A-Are you sure, Applejack?” Rarity sputtered. “There must be dozens of stallions better suited for you than I am, let alone mares. Are you certain you don’t…?” Applejack gave her head a firm shake, hat shifting slightly on her mane.

“No pony understands me like you do, Rarity. This… this is me thinkin’ about somethin’ Ah want. Somethin' that would make me happy. And honestly, Ah don’t think anythin' would make me happier than being with you." She paused, the words simple but difficult to convey. "Ah love you, too, Rarity.”

A moment of disbelief passed before the two embraced. Brought together under snow, a fresh sun now rose over the boutique as a new day, and new lives, began.