Filly Angel(Hell's Angel Sequel)

by Resurgent Wanderer

First published

Sequel to Hell's Angel. Upon her return to Equestria, Scootaloo finds herself once more in the throes of combat, this time to keep her family safe, not just herself.

~A Direct sequel to Hell's Angel~

It has been but two months since Scootaloo returned to Equestria, and everything has been upended. Everypony thought she had been killed, due to lies told by Luna. Due to believing her adopted daughter dead, Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty, lost faith in Celestia and Luna, believing them to be fools and weaklings that hide behind others to fix their own problems.

Now the Gryphon nation, due to the commands of its Warlady, are gearing up for war. To make matters worse, the one inciting the war is Rainbow herself!

It is a race against time for Scootaloo, along with her lover Faolan, to stop Rainbow and end all hostilities before its too late.
(Sizeable uses of the word Fuck, and occasional blatant references to couples screwing but nothing R rated.)

Yes, I know I suck at descriptions....

Setting the Time and the Place

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At this place and time it has now been just over two years since the events of Halo 3.

Master Chief has awoken the Ur-Didact, and he has set in forth motions that will affect the galaxy.

UNSC Destroyer Falcon Claw has left the orbit of the planet Avol in an attempt to dissuade the UNSC from interfering with the planet, leaving behind Spartans Scootaloo Dashia and Faolan Grant as they try to decide where their destinies lay.

In that sense, the two Spartan will find that not all plans go accordingly and that you never truly pick your own destiny, but instead, your destiny picks you.

The Covenant resistance are now mainly around the artificial planet Requiem, and a select few ships have left to follow their lords orders, commanded by a set of Protheans.

Knowing of the Ur-Didacts plans via tapped radio signals, Thel 'Vadamee sends forth his friend and blood brother Krix 'Ustomee with a platoon of Sangheli loyalists to attempt to halt the Remnants.

War is coming yet again.

Families will be destroyed.

Lives, ended.

Truths both ruined and revealed.

The universe is falling to chaos, its systems ignorance and fear spurring it on faster.

All known life is at risk to meet its end, and each species will find itself in danger.

Every being, known or unknown, is in mortal peril and each will need their heroes like never before...

...regardless of species.

Chapter 1

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The path was obviously rugged and under used. Shrubbery and trees occasionally attempted to impede the path of the two black clothed travellers, but it was nothing troubling for either of them. The only true issue was that it heavily obstructed their sight, meaning that if there was a checkpoint up ahead, they would know nothing about it.

"How are ye holdin' up Scoots?" asked Faolan as they walked.

Shrugging, Scootaloo realized she still was unable to fully wrap her head around everything that had happened.
"I just don't get it, you know? My mom is the living embodiment of loyalty itself, how did she just turn her back on her friends and attack Equestria?"

The man thought on it for a few minutes before responding.
"Did you ever think that maybe she wasn't breaking her loyalties at all? You can be loyal to anything, from people to places to ideals."
When Scootaloo didn't answer Faolan continued.
"What if Rainbow Dash foun' 'erself more loyal to 'er family and frien's than to 'er country, and then 'er country turned its back on her, or at least she felt it did, like when you disappeared. She felt her country led to your death, and being more loyal to you and your friends, she decided tha' there needed to be a leadership change to keep everyone she cared for safe."

Slowly Scootaloo nodded, starting to understand.
"So, not betrayal, but safeguarding? My mom is trying to protect the others from suffering a similar fate as mine?"

Nodding Faolan pushed past a small tree as Scootaloo cut down another with her wing guards.
"Now we jus' have tae reach your mother without any trouble."

"We're Spartan-IV's Faolan, and I don't think that's something anypony will be able to deal with on this planet." Scootaloo reasoned, "What could actually cause us problems?"

Seemingly unworried the pair continued forward. They knew that Celestia aimed to stop them, and that they wouldn't be free to do as they pleased until they reached the Gryphon lands. Pressing forward through yet another shrub, the two came out on the other sides to find a club coming down towards the taller of the two, but one outstretched wing and a hardlight shield later everyone present froze.

"Ah'd suggest you all drop the clubs, 'cause while Ah'm more cordial, this one has a penchant fer violence."

One of the larger gryphons, a burly deep brown coloured one, stepped forward.
"You are entering Gryphon lands....creatures, and we do not allow Equestrians! Leave now with your pony friend."

Rather than get angry like Faolan implied she would, Scootaloo adopted a rather uniform stance and eyed the gryphons authoritatively.
"Spartan Faolan and Spartan...Angel of the UNSC military. We have been sent as envoys to ascertain whether or not peaceful negotiations between our two cultures could be obtained."

The gryphons eyed both the pony and the human and looked over their odd attire before settling on asking for their identification. Scootaloo and Faolan both displayed their dog tags before the gryphons nodded.

"Black Raven! You've just got your first mission!" the large brown gryphon called, "You will be required to escort these...dignitaries while they make their way to our capitol. Do not fail, and due to one being...equine, do not let them get into trouble."

As Scootaloo and Faolan turned, a small jet black gryphoness about Scootaloo's height emerged from the group. She had amber coloured eyes that almost shone in the evening light. She was also nearly bouncing giddily as she came forward.
"Thank you sir! You have no idea how happy I am you've entrusted me with this!"

The burly gryphon just pulled her close.
"Do not mess this up niece, or even I won't be able to help you."

As Black Raven readied her bag Scootaloo stepped forward to the large gryphon and proffered a hoof.
"Thank you for your hospitality sir, and I promise my companion and I will do our best to ensure your nieces first mission ends with her commendation."

Nodding and giving his thanks, the gryphon ordered his fellow soldiers back to their posts as he watched the two dignitaries and his niece begin to head down the path and further into his country.
"I wish you two a safe journey," he murmured, "If not for your own safety, than that of my favoured niece."


"So, you know, they kinda figured that it'd be safer with me on the outskirts, after the incident with the fireworks, and the other incident with the fish, and that third one with the tribal diplomat's son from New Whinny. But this is the first time I've ever gotten a truly important mission, and now I get to protect you two!" Black Raven giggled enthusiastically, "I can't wait to get into this first town. Its called Hyperion and I grew up there!"

As the gryphoness continued her talking Scootaloo and Faolan toned her out somewhat. They were going over their different plans in their heads on what they could or should do once they reached the capitol.

"You know what we really need a plan for? How do we shut her up?" grumbled Scootaloo.

Casting a glance up to Black Raven, the Scotsman shrugged.
"Ah haven't the foggiest. You know, we could try getting 'er tae do something else."

"Hey, Black Raven," called Scootaloo, "Think of your favourite song and sing it in your head, it passes time better."

"A song? Just one? But there are so many? What about our favourite bands? Or our favourite concerts? Ohhhhhh, nightclubs! I know some awesome nightclubs in Hyperion, we should totally check some out. There's this-"

Sighing, the two Spartans just settled that they'd be in for a long, long walk.


"Rainbow Dash, Warlady Gilda, I've just received word that two beings, one pony and one strange biped have entered our realm. They claim to be from a group labelled You-En-Ess-See. Our best guess is this is the group that destroyed our first assassination plot!" a messenger barked as she stood rigidly before the pair.

Narrowing her rose hued eyes Rainbow Dash growled once before barking her own orders back.
"Then why haven't they been dealt with? What, does nopony think that if they wiped out an assassination party then maybe they shouldn't be coming here. Damnit, I'll do it myself!"

Before Rainbow could move, though, her friend and current lover Gilda placed a claw on her shoulder.
"Hey Dash, cool your jets. Messenger, you were there when that one assassin made it back. do you remember what he said?"

" to disrespect anyone of course ma'am, but I believe he noted that he had, in fact, attacked the new group first, and that the bipeds reacted violently."

Nodding and withdrawing a claw from her friend Gilda gave new orders.
"Dash, I don't see them causing any issues outside of coming to visit. We'll send a platoon to pick them up, but that is all."

Nodding, the messenger exited the room.

"An exciting turn of events, eh Dash?"

"Yeah sure...Sorry I'm in a bad mood G, but the anniversary is coming up in a few weeks, you know?"

Nodding Gilda stepped up next to Rainbow and kissed her on the cheek.
"I know, but how about we take your mind off things for a bit, 'kay?"


Not the most important city(such as the Gryphon capitol Maliwan), but definitely the largest and most busy, Hyperion stood out as a safe haven for any who needed a cheap place to stay or a quick bit made. Due to this it was known notoriously for its large soldier presence to keep the crime rates down. This also meant that for any pony to enter the city, it was going to be trouble. That and once they did enter, it wouldn't make things any easier.

At the moment though, they still needed to pass through the front gate, and one unfortunate and brash young guard was currently receiving and amazingly clear view down the barrel of an M6C sidearm. Faolan stood between him and Scootaloo. Behind him Scootaloo had her Jiralhanae combat knife brushing the chin of a gryphon that had attempted sneaking up behind Faolan. To top it all off Black Raven was still talking about her favourite ice cream and was seemingly oblivious to it all!

"Throw down your weapons, you are here by being arrested by the Hyperion Guard!" shouted one to the soldiers that had hemmed them in.

"Aye? An' you expe' us tae be the ones to go 'long with wha' you say? Especially since you attacked me'n'mah mate here firs'?" Faolan shot back, his eyes never once leaving the gryphon before him, arm steady as a stone as he continued to level the M6C at the nervous guard.

" citizens are not allowed in our lands!" the guard captain growled back.

"Spartan-IV Angel of Fireteam Raven of the UNSC. Currently a Peace Envoy on my way to Maliwan, the capitol of the Gryphon Lands." Scootaloo answered back under guise of her old code name, Hell's Angel.

Eyeing the pair suspiciously the guard captain couldn't help but find fault in their claims.
"Peace dignitaries do not often carry weaponry, yet you do, why is that?"

Both Foalan and Scootaloo eyed the two that had first assaulted then pointedly, and the guard captain took notice of this and coughed uncomfortably.
"Ahh, right. Guards, stand down! My apologies to you both, I did not know, and current standing with Equestria is not at its best. When I saw you, well, I'm sure you understand."

Rather than play angry about how contemptuously the gryphon spoke of Equestria but instead thought of it from a tactical understanding. Essentially use the gryphons' highly militaristic nature and exploit it by use of the UNSC.
"Perfectly understandable guard captain. If anything you should be proud your soldiers reacted with such haste."

"Aye, if anything they are some of the most readied soldier Ah've seen ou'side of the UNSC, you should be proud of tha'." Faolan agreed, nodding in time with Scootaloo.

Just then Black Raven suddenly appeared, Faolan and Scootaloo realizing that she'd disappeared just before they'd arrived at the gate.
"Hiya guys! Totally saw someone I hadn't seen in ages. We got to talking and stuff, but then they told me I should get back to what I was doing so I came back and you made friends with the guards and stuff and it's all happy! You wanna go to a night club later? I know a really good one!"

Casting a look that damn near pleaded for help at the guards both Spartans were near crestfallen when the guards shrugged and tried not to laugh.
"Alrigh' then, but firs' find us a place tae stay, d'you understan' me Raven?"

Nodding over enthusiastically the small gryphon began skipping further into the town merrily, humming a lively tune. As if that itself wasn't enough to draw attention, there was, of course, a large mare and a man to follow. It was going to be an interesting day to say the least.


A large gryphon sat head of the table, his mere presence demanding a fear ridden respect from the other thugs and low lives in the room. No, he was of a greater breed, large like the ancient gryphons and jet black as the shadows. A cowl hung loosely from his shoulders, threaded with fine silks, and a sickly yellow iris peering from his skull, the other missing along with all feathers from the left side of his face. His dagger sharp beak, cracked slightly, curled up in a cruel grin as he saw his awaited news arrive as a scrawny light brown gryphon entered the room.

"Blood! I bear news of a pony and a being called a human! They have entered the city along with a low ranking soldier by the name of Black Raven!"

The gryphon known as Blood smiled even wider at such information as it fell upon his ears. His eye seemed to find a new light as he rang a bell to call in his aide.
"Gooood. Go, find where they bed for the night and send a few petty thugs to test their mettle."

At this the messenger shifted nervously, something Blood's sharp eye noted immediately.
"You have troubled thought?"

" the young soldier of a nightclub. I played story of us being old friends and informed her I would be there tonight. I told her to bring her new friends, the dignitaries. I apologize if I have acted out of turn master."

"That is fine actually, plays in my favour." Blood grinned cruelly, "Aide, have a few petty thugs make attempt on the pairs life in the club tonight. We can use guise of drink as the incentive."

The tawny gryphon that Blood called as 'Aide' nodded resolutely and moved to find ten such gryphons fit for the task.

Chapter 2 (Let's Go Clubbing)

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"So, two great warriors, dignitaries to a foreign nation come to forge peace, and those tha' would search out a long lost family member?"

Nodding, Scootaloo slipped into a simple yet elegant steel grey dress that Rarity had made for her.

"Abou' tae go ou' fer a night on the town."

Having some issues, Scootaloo got tangled up in one of the straps, but nodded again.

"Even when a nation could potentially fall in the process?"

Shrugging Scootaloo gave her reasoning.
"At this point, message would have reached the ear of their leader, who mom is apparently working with. They know we're coming, yet not where we stand. They will not make moves until our intent is made clear, or at least the UNSC wouldn't. I'm kinda going off of them."

"Ah see." smirked Faolan. He got it. To be honest, he'd have done the exact same thing in their shoes too. Right now though, he'd settle for helping Scootaloo sort out her dress. Once Scootaloo was properly fitted inside her garment she turned and waggled her hips.

"Doesn't make me look fat or anything, does it?"

As Faolan laughed at the girlish action he slid into his own clothes, his dress Alphas, and prepared himself.
"You look gorgeous, now, shall we go fetch our companion from her room?"


Rainbow Dash stood ready, her wings flared for balance, two wooden batons held loosely in her hooves. Her rose hued eyes remained closed as a score of gryphons stood around her. She opened her eyes once, admiring the room that was made solely of enchanted reflective glass. No matter where you were, there was a reflection of you. It reminded her that no matter what you did, somewhere there was a consequence to your actions, and it meant she'd never miss her own consequences.

Gilda came out to her and secured a strip of clothes around Rainbow's eyes. The pegasus' ears twitched as she heard Gilda exit the room, then nodded, her face set with determination.
"Sound off!"

Each gryphon stomped once and Rainbow readied herself.


As Scootaloo and Faolan made their way towards Black Raven's room, the man couldn't help but notice the bounce in his fillyfriend's step, or the wide smile on her face. He also noticed that it seemed a bit infectious, he himself beginning to grin broadly.

"Ah see someone's happy."

Hopping up for a moment Scootaloo placed a light kiss on the man's cheek before fluttering back down to the ground. In fact, she realized she hadn't been this happy in years.
"Think about it. We don't have ONI or the marines to worry about. Not the Princesses and their fear and refusal of letting us out of the castle. We are, for the first time in forever, to do exactly as we please. I'm mean, I really want to find my mom, but either she'll come to us, or we'll be brought to her eventually. The fact of the matter is we can finally choose what we want to do, when we want to do it, and....well...exactly who we want to do it with."
Scootaloo finished with a flick of her tail.

Faolan felt a rush of heat to his cheeks as the implications of the words hit him.
"And have we discerned exactly how we break such news to your mother?"

"Do we honestly give a shit? If anything she'll be happy that you have kept safe and that you mean so much to me. In the meantime though, why don't we just go out and enjoy the night, okay?" asked the mare as she leaned against Faolan with a playful pout.

With a joking shove from her boyfriend, Scootaloo found herself tripping towards Black Raven's door just as it opened. The mare bumped right into the gryphoness, currently garbed in a neon green set of faux leather boots and a plaid mini skirt and chains hanging off.

"Totally ready to party, how about you guys? Are you ready, like, dudes, by far one of the most popular and well know nightclubs! Also I sent a message ahead so they completely know they'll be playing host to you two as dignitaries and such so you wouldn't be bothered and stuff. Isn't that great!?" droned the gryphoness.

The trio made their way to the entry hall and exited the building quickly. As they left, even Faolan felt as if there was a static current in the air. Casting his gaze forward he smiled widely as Scootaloo moved about, taking in the foreign scenery she hadn't bothered to see, and noticing the neon lights that flashed and strobed everywhere.
'It really is as if fate has let us pick our own path...'
Laughing, the man lunged forward and poked Scootaloo on the nose.
Laughing, she dove after him.

It was going to be a great night.


Ear's twitching to the right, Rainbow Dash dodged forward, spinning to her right and swinging a baton at level to her chest. She was satisfied by the sound of wood striking the hardened foreleg of a gryphon. Through the air her feathers detected subtle vibrations giving her an instinctual warning of a solid mass approaching from behind her. Ducking, she hissed as a wooden sword clipped the tip of her ear. The hiss became a growl of annoyance as Rainbow kicked out and slammed a kick home in the gryphon's stomach.


Both silently thanked the gods that neither of them were epileptics as they followed their diminutive gryphoness guide into the club. Their eyes dilated rapidly, attempting desperately to cope with the multicoloured flashing lights on the room as sound waves slammed against them like a tsunami. The reverberations shook them to their cores and reminded them of the battle field explosions, the lights as if muzzle flash rippled across their vision.

Faolan and Scootaloo grinned wildly. This felt right! Laughing, the mare pulled Faolan further into the the club and towards the bar.
"You like Guinneighs? From what I understand, gryphons sell it warm, like you said the Scottish do."

"Alrigh' then, Ah'm all down for the bar then!" roared Faolan as he followed his mare towards the bar.

Seating them selves at the bar, the pair drew many an odd look, some angry and disgruntled, others wary and scared. It was about that time a well dressed Minotaur stepped out from the back room and took note of them.
"Ah, the delegates I was told of from that yappity guard. I do hope you're enjoying my fine establishment. So, how may I help you?"

Scootaloo nodded to the Guinneighs emblem on the wall.
"Nice so far, granted we literally just got here."

"Mmm, well feel free to dance, drink, and have an all around good time, just uh..." the Minotaur trailed off, eyeing Scootaloo specifically.

"Don't cause trouble, since I am equine?"

"More or less yeah. Not that I mind you, but these gryphons're all riled up about 'em." shrugged the Minotaur. "Name's O'Grady by the way. So, I take it you want you Guinneighs like all Equestrians, ice c-"

"Warm, mate. Ah don' drink it if it isnae room temperature." Faolan interjected, "An' neither does she. Through an' through pub goers the both of us."

Laughing loudly the Minotaur poured two room temp. glasses of Gunneighs and handed them to.

For the most part things had gone well. Good drink and the music kept the pair content for the next hour or so.


Grimacing from what she knew would be a nasty welt come morning, Rainbow pressed tenderly at her side to check for a cracked rib. Satisfied that she had found now, her ears went back to full attention scanning for the slightest hint of-


"Twenty, upper left side back. Severed wing and possibly pierced heart. Dead." the blind folded pony droned. Rainbow dropped both her batons and then dropped to all fours. With a quick tug at the blindfold Rainbow's vision was filled with the blurry forms of twenty subdued gryphons and on blue blur in the middle. Turning, she looked clearly at the bruise already forming at her side before moving within seven hooves of the wall and circling it until she found the door.


As Faolan and Scootaloo enjoyed their drinks they paid no heed to the group of gryphons that encircled them. They truly weren't bothered, as Scootaloo was the size of a small gryphon and Faolan the size of an alicorn. Luckily the group left them alone to finish their drinks and then order new ones and finish them as well before speaking up.

"So...what does a pony, a mare no less, think she's doing in gryphon territory?" growled the leader, an almost ginger gryphoness with a collar that read 'Tiny Tina' on it.

Raising her glass and taking a swig, Scootaloo turned to the gryphoness with a smile.
"Drinking and enjoying the night, how about you?"

'Tiny Tina' watched in disbelief as the pony flippantly ignored her and turned back to her drink. Growling, she reached forward to grab the mare's shoulder but was stopped when Faoaln griped her wrist with a hand.

""ow tough are ye tha' you would pick a figh' with two soldier dignitaries?"

The gryphoness froze.
"You two are the dignitaries here? Well shit, we're the band for tonight, I apologize, didn't realize. How's this, Judas!"
The Minotaur turned their way.
"Drinks for these two on me for the night! Well, you two have fun, we're actually about to go set up for our gig, catch ya on the flipside!"

Scootaloo nodded in mutual respect as the band headed towards the stage.
"That was nice, so what's the plan?"

Grinning wickedly Faolan downed his beer and ordered another.
"Abuse the fuck out o' her offer tae cover our drinks, tha' an' go see if they're any good..."

Laughing Scootaloo leaned over and planted a kiss on Faolan's lips before hopping off the stool and heading towards the crowded stage.


Sitting on the far side of the room from the door, Rainbow worked on honing the bladed edges of her short scythes. Each one was made big enough to fit a hoof, with a hoof long blade arching from the top. As she did so her ears twitched, hearing the door to the room open.

Looking up, the mare stared at the movement registering in her vision up until Gilda was but six or seven hooves away.
"Hey G, how's it going?"

"Good," the gryphoness smiled as she drew closer, wrapping a large wing around her cyan companion, "How're the eyes?"

Sighing, Rainbow placed her weapons on the ground and slammed a hoof into the wall. Her vision, it was always her damned vision. Everything else was fine, but her eyes.
"My radius has dropped to just over five hooves. If you remember it was at ten three days ago. It's just that...I'm supposed to be the fastest flier, and I am the fastest flier. I guess pegasi bodies aren't meant to handle Mach speeds so often, and with my face leading, eyes unprotected...."

Nodding Gilda kissed Dash lightly on the neck.
"You still are the fastest flier, and you can take on twenty soldier with out your sight at all. That's definitely cooler than anything else I've ever seen."

Dash moved to kiss Gilda back when she suddenly pushed the gryphoness back wards and an arc of light slammed into the ground before them.


The light's arced all around as 'Tiny Tina' introduced the band and they started up. It wasn't much more than a tune to start getting the beat thumping and the crowd cheering. Faolan and Scootaloo nodded to the rythm. The song started up...

....just as a fist flew-

-into the space where the strange glowing blade came from. Gilda grimaced as her claw struck metal, and a cloaking field around their assailer dropped, revealing a large hinge jawed monster. Rainbow grabbed her twin hoof scythes and quickly clenched her eyes do that her failing vision wouldn't distract her. Listening to the hiss of the glowing blade, Dash brought up her-

-knife and blocked the incoming bottle while spinning deftly and driving a rear hoof into the thugs beak, cracking it loudly. Faolan reached out and grabbed two thugs head and smashed them together before driving a booted foot into a third's throat. Hefting a bar stool, the man swung it, smashing-

-the hilt of the sword into the left side of the monsters face, Gilda tore at its exposed eye, ruining the orb. With a cry of a warrior she drove the blade of the sword into the monsters neck.
"Yeah, who else wants some!?"
As an answer-

-five more thugs charged the pair. Faolan plowed right into three of them while Scootaloo vaulted over his back. The mare slammed a terrifying round house kick to the temple of one gryphon before-

-leaping side ways and slamming a scythe home in one monster's neck. When it dropped, Rainbow fell with it and-

-slammed their head repeatedly into the ground angrily. They were sick of it, the things that attacked because they were bigger and uglier than they were. This continued until there was a tug at her shoulder.

"You got it, Dash, we're safe."
"You got 'im Scoots, we're done."


Gilda and Rainbow moved towards the balcony and looked out upon the city of Maliwan. Large purplish objects hung in the air and there were fires all across the city. Moving back into the room Rainbow tripped over something and lifted it up. It didn't have much in the way of words, but held two images of two different characters, both mark with the letters UNSC. One appeared to by a odd looking monkey, the other...

"Gilda, we're going to Hyperion!"

The gryphoness shook her head.
"Maliwan needs our aid and leadership, Dash."

"No!" Rainbow Dash snapped loudly, "My daughter fucking needs me, Scootaloo is alive G, Scootaloo is alive!

A hardened determination filled the Warlady's visage as she lifted her sword.
"We gather the soldiers left in the War House, then we move to Hyperion. Don't worry Dash, I'll make sure you don't lose her again!"


The two Spartans were breathing heavily as the song finished and the thugs lay unconscious around them. No one in the room moved or made a noise as Scootaloo and Faolan stared at each other. Leaning towards each other the two kissed quickly and busted out laughing, breaking the tension for everyone.

"Tha' was a pub brawl iffen Ah've ever been in one. O'Grady, fill us up a pair o' glasses, lord knows we could use 'em!"

The crowd all busted out laughing and the band started back up as Scootaloo led Faolan back to the counter and took a nearby passed out gryphon's cold beverage and held it to a newly forming bruise on Faolan's head.
"So, what do you think that was all about?"

Taking on a grave visage Faolan was quick to answer.
"Ah don' know exactly 'ow tae break this to ye, but yer a pony, Scooty."

Getting the reference from one of the old vids Fireteam Raven had watched once, Scootaloo clacked the cool glass on the sore spot on Faolan's head.

"But yer mah pony, and Ah woulnae have it any other way!"

Rolling her eyes Scootaloo refused to answer.

"What if Ah said you're beautiful?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Scootaloo still didn't look over, pouting playfully.

"You're mah tubby wubby little pony waifu, ow's tha-oh shit!"

The bar tender and owner, O'Grady, just shook his head laughing as Scootaloo ran off after Faolan swinging an empty beer mug.
"Young love, she'll kill him or she'll fuck him.....or both."


Blood giggled in a rather odd manner as Black Raven was brought before him, surrounded by guards. He eyed the gryphoness hungrily before beckoning her closer.
"So, you received the mission to watch the dignitaries, eh? That is fine. You will lead them to this location tomorrow, and you will not fail me. Is that understood?"

When Black Raven refused to look up Blood grabbed her chin and pulled her head up, planting a rough and forceful kiss one the young soldier.

"I said, is that understood?"

Flushing slightly and looking rather ashamed, Black Raven nodded and headed out.


Scootaloo cast her eyes about for Black Raven as she helped steady a thoroughly smashed Faolan. As she continued through the club, she noticed the gryphoness smiling widely and dancing to some electro music.

"Raven, come on, time to head home. Faolan's absolutely shitfaced and I need your help with him."

The gryphoness bounced over joyfully and took the Spartan's other side before launching into a conversation about how much she loved the club. Thankfully Scootaloo was just tipsy enough to be able to follow the conversation perfectly.

~~~Some Miles Away~~~

A loud clattering awoke the mare from her bed. Figuring one of her friends must have knocked something over, the mare threw her covers of and moved towards the door. Upon hearing another clatter, and noticing her pets bed was empty, the mare figured he must have gone down for food. Opening the door, she went down stairs to find the most horrifying sight ever to greet her eyes.

There was blood and fur, as well as feathers, littering her floor. The mare began to hyperventilate as she began searching frantically for any signs of life. It wasn't until she moved to the open front door did she find anything breathing.

There before her was the strangest creature she'd ever seen, and dangling from its mouth was the lifeless, half eaten corpse of her pet. Retching everywhere, the mare but screamed one thing as the creature turned its beak like head towards her and eyed her hungrily.


Chapter 3

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Faolan awoke in his bed next to Scootaloo feeling a little more bubbly than usual. The fact that his first thought was of how sexy Scootaloo looked draped across the bed cemented his thought that he was, in fact, recovering from being absolutely smashed, most likely from the prior night.

Grinning, the man rose from his bed to find that Black Raven was passed out and sprawled across the floor. Lifting the gryphoness, Faolan placed her down on his spot on the bed and dressed himself for a quick PT run.

What's the worst that could happen from one unsupervised run?


About eight hours after the Remnants original assault on the city of Maliwan, Krix 'Ustomee and his fellow Loyalists engaged in battle in the orbit of the new planet dubbed Avol. Around three hours after that Krix led his fellow Sangheli down the the planet's surface. They touched down just outside Maliwan, and 'The Right Blade of the Arbiter' as Krix was sometimes called, quickly led his comrades to the main building that he knew the natives had their leader.

Upon reaching the front steps, the hiss of energy blades filled the air as the Loyalist and Remnant forces of Sangheli stared off against each other. It quieted down enough to where one could hear a pin drop.

The leader of the Remnant Sangheli stepped forward in hopes of convincing his brethren to rejoin their crusade, but Krix had none of it, quickly moving forward with two energy swords, sheathing both in the traitor Sangheli's stomach. At that movement the rest of the Loyalists charged, slamming into the Remnants with the force of a vengeful god.


Nothing. Nothing is exactly what a harmless unsupervised run accomplished for Faolan outside of making him wish to drink some water. Upon returning to their hotel room he found that Black Raven was sitting on a chair nursing her head slightly and Scootaloo was making eggs.

"Morning love, how's the chick?" Faolan asked as he wrapped his arms around Scootaloo from behind. The mare lifted onto her hindlegs and leaned back against her lover and best friend.

"Black Raven's fine, woke up after me with a headache. So where'd you go?"

"Just ou' for a run 'roun' the block. Ah figured the chick wouldnae be feelin' to keen on doin' much today."

Letting Scootaloo go sit down, Faolan took over making breakfast, which comprised of fish and pancakes. Not his usual mix, but the planet of Avol was not his usual planet.

Grabbing a plate, Faolan settled down to wait for his final companion to awaken.


Krix cut down one final Sangheli Remnant before booting the door open into the main war room. Just inside the door he found a number of day old Sangheli corpses. Rummaging through the place he found a data pad that held the images of Scootaloo and the Spartan Faolan that he was sent to protect. Moving to the balcony he called in his forces to follow the Remnants to the next city and was about to turn around when three red lasers in an upside down triangle pattern flashed next to his shoulder. Krix was just about to dodge when the round went flying past him.

Ducking and turning around at the same time, Krix realised that whoever fired that shot saved his life as a Covenant Remnant Jiralhanae hit the ground and disintegrated. It was also upon turning around that Krix realized that there were nine more Jiralhanae and a strange metallic creature.

The metallic creature leapt at Krix first, but the lasers appeared and ripped its leading arm off and sent it flying backwards. Next to charge Krix was a brute, but the Sangheli easily side stepped him and drove his energy sword home into the beasts gut. Two more brutes tried to press at Krix's exposed side, but successive shots from a beam rifle carved tunnels in both their heads.

Krix was quick to down another four brutes while four more went down under a barrage of beam rifle shots. The metallic creature suddenly reared up and made a move at Krix's back, but a beam rifle round hit its shoulder knocking it back just long enough for the Sangheli to leap atop it and thrust his sword into what appeared to be its head.

Once sure the creature was dead Krix made to leave the room, but when he turned for the door he found himself faced with a beam rifle barrel. Just past it was a glimpse of pink and black hair.
"You're going to help me save my friends, and avenge the one's I lost."


Gilda stopped for but a moment to make sure Dash was still secure on her back. They had been cruising along for a while now, but only now just realised that the aliens were overtaking them and headed for Hyperion.

"Dash, that data pad said they were headed for Hyperion, we need to double-time, so hold on tight." Gilda barked.

"You got it, just find my daughter!"


Scootaloo lounged across Faolan's lap lazily. It had actually been a long time since they had truly gotten to rest. In response Faolan rubbed Scootaloo's chest idly, content to sit there and do nothing.

"It's been a long time, you know?"

Faolan grunted as sign for Scootaloo to continue.

"Since we've gotten the chance to just not do anything." Scootaloo sighed, "Back in Equestria it was always questions and scheduled meetings, and we never got to just sit and do nothing It's nice being able to do that."

Thinking hard, Faolan realised that before today he never got a true day to himself. In fact, before Equestria, he'd never known such simplicity. And now, a month later, he was beginning to realise how much he valued the peace.
"Ye know, you alway said tha' whether we stayed or not was mah choice, an' you would go with wha' Ah chose?"


"Well," Faolan grinned, "Ah think, given the choice, Ah would like tae stay here with ye. It's a lot nicer than Ah would ha' expected, even wi' all the mess. When we find yer mum, Ah think Ah'd be okay to settle down, ye know?"

Scootaloo smiled wide and leaned up to nip at Faolan's neck.
"I never did thank you, by the way."

"Fer wha'"

Scootaloo got an unsure look in her eyes, looking a lot more sensitive than she'd ever looked since Faolan first met her. It reminded him of the pictures back before Scootaloo was teleported off of Avol.
"You weren't allowed to walk around freely...not like I was..."

"Scootaloo, wha's wrong?"

"I..." the mare stopped as she realised she really didn't know how to explain the situation to Faolan, "We obviously judged each other on how we acted, not how we looked...but other ponies..."
At this point Scootaloo couldn't help but tear up a bit, something that immediately grabbed at Faolan's attention.

"Tae the others...yer probably real scary Ah'm assumin', Ah'm sorry abou' tha'." Faolan assured.

"I'm not ugly am I?"

Faolan was taken aback that someone would have told Scootaloo such a thing. It hurt him to know that someone could have hurt Scootaloo in such a way, but was refreshed to know that she could still show her emotions. Some soldiers weren't so lucky when they got home.
"Hey, hey, don' you be listenin' tae some random fuck who thinks he can mouth off tae ye."

"I know... I guess everything just finally caught up to me. I finally get a moment to think, and all I can think about is what's wrong with me." sniffed Scootaloo.

Faolan pulled Scootaloo closer and kissed her gently.
"There's not a damned thing wrong with ye. Now here's the plan, we find yer mum, we go back tae Equestria, we opt for the citizenship, an' we get some much needed time tae oursel's."

Scootaloo smiled just as there was a loud thump against their door.
"And what about that?"

Faolan just growled fiercely as he stood up and grabbed his SRS99-S5 Anti-Materiel rifle and slammed in a magazine and cocked it, training it at the door.
"Ah don' know quite yet, but i's abou' tae wish it picked a different door."

Scootaloo just grabbed her twin M6C/S's.
"Fuck right."


Scootaloo and Faolan stood back to back, panting hard. Both of their undersuits were coated and dripping red with blood, the formers knife was held at ready, the latter had bleeding knuckles. All around them were the dead or dying bodies of gryphons that had poured in to try to take them.

"Well, that was exciting." laughed Scootaloo, once she was sure it was over.

Faolan wiped a particularly large chunk of...something, off his shoulder before replying.
"Aye, ye think tha' was all tae try an' get tae ye?"

Before any reply could be given there was a coughing gasp from the corner. Scootaloo made her way quickly to the gryphon that made the noise.

"They...*Gragh*...said that it would only be *Huuaagh*.....the chick...."*Crack*

After snapping the thugs neck Scootaloo made her way over to the bedroom to find Black Raven missing.
"Fuck, so I'm off to go save 'Raven's' ass again? Well, let's go Faolan, they took our new friend!"

Digging through the corpses the pair found their weapons and ammo while Scootaloo spent a specifically longer amount of time looking for her hardcase. Ten minutes later the mare was still trying to find the hardcase.
"Damnit! Have you seen my hardcase anywhere?"

Faolan was about to respond, saying he hadn't, when he tripped over said case while it jutted out from under the bed.
"Aye, s'righ' here lass."

Pumping her hoof Scootaloo in triumph threw the case open, revealing a zero-space spell. The first thing Scootaloo removed was a hand held tool for applying MJOLNIR armour. Then out came the armour pieces.

Ten minutes later they were in their armour and on their way out the door.


The trail was easy to follow, namely due to the blood on the fleeing gryphons claws and paws. Tracing it swiftly, the two armoured Spartan-IV's rushed down the street bowling over any gryphon unlcuky to remain in their path. Even still it wasn't a large worry, as the majority of the gryphons leapt from the paths of the two mechanical monstrosities tearing down the street. Rounding a corner both Faolan and Scootaloo stopped short in the face of a large number of thugs swinging chains and the like.

"You lot migh' want tae get ou' o' our way..." growled Faolan as he glared violently through his visor. He secretly sometimes wished the visor wasn't so opaque so his enemies could see how murderous he look.

When none of the thugs moved Faolan drew his sniper rifle whilst Scootaloo whipped out her twin M6C/S's.

"Ye move or ye die....wai', Ah know tha' no-Scoots, down!"

Both Spartans threw themselves to the ground as a roiling ball of green plasma rushed over the pair and slammed into the horde of lowlides gryphons sending many flying and flat out disintegrating others. Behind it came numerous smaller bolts of plasma as a Type 26 Ground Support Aircraft, or Banshee as it was known due to its keen as it flew, passed overhead.

"When the fuck did the Remnants get here?!" roared the armoured Spartan pegasus.

Even as the pair began to surprise from their positions they could only watch in shock as Type 25 Troop Carrier lowered from the skies in tandem with Type 44 Troop Carriers and more Banshees. The Type 25 Spirits began dropping off Wraiths and Ghosts in the streets, and any gryphon not pulling sword and charging the Remnants were gathering the young or old and fleeing. Chaos rained in Hyperion as the Remnants made their presence known.


Gilda held her body over Rainbow Dash's own as debris flew through the air. As soon as she was able the gryphoness turned to her left over War Guards and shouted her orders.
"Flanking manoeuvres! Don't take them head to head, work your way behind!"

Dash rose shakily to her hooves before lending her own voice.
"Take their weapons if you can! The hilt will be at the back, the front the end furthest from the hilt! Press every advantage, Hyperion is your home, not theirs! Show them that they won't be taking it any time soon!"

The War Guard cheered as they fanned out, collecting any war ready City Guard or 'civilian'(as all gryphons are trained to be war ready). Rainbow listened intently as her and Gilda stood behind their cover. How Gilda breathed when she was ready for a fight, the crackling of the flames, the crunch of glass as something large came up behind them...

Rainbow suddenly grabbed a spear that she saw a hoof away and raised onto her hindlegs, yelling loudly.
"Aaaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhh-nd you aren't sneaking up on us!"
The war cry having been a ruse, Rainbow spun around and slammed the spear haft into the invisible form.

The form caught it and multiple other invisible Sangheli uncloaked and grabbed the pair before they could properly fight back.


Dodging plasma and thug alike, and killing those that couldn't be dodged, Spartans Scootaloo and Faolan were just about to duck into a sewer access hatch on Black Raven's trail when they caught a glimpse of something both reassuring yet damning for the idea of peace on Avol. Two golden Loyalist CCS-Battlecruisers began engaging four SDV Heavy Corvettes and two CPV Covenant Destroyers. While admiring the bravery of the Loyalists, they did not seem to be the dominant side in this fight.

"We need to find Black Raven and then get them help, and I mean yesterday!" Scootaloo noted.

Nodding, Faolan booted the entrance open and jumped in.


Black Raven flinched slightly as she felt the pair of claws run across her body, occasionally kneading at the sensitive spot between her wings, causing her to flush. Eventually a claw traced up and found purchase on her chin. The claw pulled her into a sensual kiss with Blood while the over claw slipped lower and lower until its touch caused her face to grow red with excess blood flow. After a time Blood pulled away, smiling satisfactorily at his little gryphoness.

"You've served me well, you know that Raven?" Blood asked rhetorically. "I think we should have a bit of a tussle under the covers, as thanks for your support of course."
The large gryphon began pulling the gryphoness towards his bed when there was a thud from the door and a particularly sleazy looking gryphon stumbled in.

"Sir, the human and the pony have taken the bait, but we can't find a way to get through their armour!"

Blood just laughed as he stroked Raven's head lovingly.
"That's fine, I'll bet some acting on little Raven's part would do just fine."

I need about three volunteers.

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So I started working on this again, and figuring out exactly where this is going.

Here're my issue readers:

1. Multiple Endings¬ I have come up with a few different endings I like, and paths to reach them, but do not know what would be best.
2. Said paths¬ Certain paths lead to the deaths of certain characters.
3. I Don't know which would be best¬ I like all the ideas, but yeah, not a clue what which path would make my readers happy.

With this in mind, I have decided I would pitch this idea.

I'm looking for three to five volunteers who are invested with seeing this continue, but also aren't overtly worried with spoilers that they would discuss a few of my ideas with me so that I can see how well they pan out to people other than me.(So kinda like pre-readers, only sorta like pre-readers for the planning rather than the actual story part.)

As a form of compensation, I will work a character from each helper into the tre-quel that I'm planning(Yes, planning, so that we won't encounter the same problems this Sequel has had.)

So, yeah, anyone up for helping a scatter brained ADD addled nutter like me, I'd be super grateful.