Mountain Mare Rendezvous

by YesMan456

First published

The mane 6 have the most awkward camping experience.

After Twilight sparkle and rainbow dash plan a camping trip, the mane 6 end up having an extremely awkward camp out that they will never forget.

Chapter 1: Planning

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It is a bright, sunny day. A light breeze calmly blows, rustling leaves and swishing grass. It is an average Thursday in Ponyville, and Twilight can be seen in the library, aimlessly swishing through a book, riddled with a blank expression.
"Ugh, this book is so boring. There isn't a thing to do."

She said. She slams the book shut, and places it back on its correct shelf. She walks into the den muttering, and sits down on the floor in front of a table. There is a list on a clipboard, containing the names of all of her friends. All of the names are slashed out, except for one. Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, great. The dare devil."

Twilight said, slashing the name with a pencil. "At least she’s one of the creative ones." She mutters. Twilight stands up from the table, and walks up the stairs to the second floor. Walking over to the doorway of her balcony, she puts a cap on to keep the sun out of her eyes. Using her magic, she unlatches the lock, and opens the door and steps outside.

She glances up to the sky, looking at the low flying clouds, seeing if Rainbow Dash is sleeping on one of them. No luck. She begins looking higher; searching the skies for a vapor trail of rainbow, or bashed clouds, something to determine the Pegasus was close by. Unfortunately, there was no such luck. "Of all the times you come crashing into my house uninvited, you had to pick today to not to." She angrily said to herself, throwing the cap on the floor.

As she turns back into her home, she hears a faint cry. She squints back up to the sky. She sees a small blur, bursting with colors. "What the devil is that?" Twilight confusingly said. The ball of color kept screaming something. Twilight perks her ears up as high as she could, trying to make out what that noise was. "LOOK OUT BELOW!" broke the silence. Twilight snaps into focus, and realizes the blur was Rainbow.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY, I CANT STOP!" She screams. Twilight jumps in the air, springing into the house. Rainbow crashes face-first into the railing, causing her to flip onto her back, making her slide into the library.

Twilight peeks out from behind a bookcase. She notices Rainbow dash, sprawled out on the floor, trying to get her bearings.

"What the heck, Rainbow!? You could have killed me AND you!" Twilight said, furiously.

Rainbow gains focus, and looks up at the unicorn. "My bad, Twi; I was doing a stunt with a catapult." She said, standing to her hooves.

"And?" Twilight snapped.

"AND, I made the mistake of letting Pinkie use the controls." Rainbow replied, dusting off her wings.

Twilight shakes her head in disapproval. "Well, next time, Aim lower." she said, giggling.

"Will do, Twi!" Rainbow said, placing her hoof over her head, trying to salute.
Twilight could not help but laugh.

The two ponies sit in the den, playing a game of tic-tac-toe, talking among each other.

"So, Rainbow, got any plans this weekend?" Twilight asks. Rainbow dash drops the pencil, and glances up at Twilight.

"You want to use one of my ideas?" Rainbow said, surprised.

"Well, I have nothing to do over the weekend, and I’m pretty sure there isn't anything going on, so I was wondering if you had any ideas." Twilight said, marking the paper.

"Look, Twi, I’m flattered you came to me. However, do you really think it is a good idea to use one of my awesome ideas? Remember what happened last time you let me plan a weekend?" Rainbow replied.

"Yes yes, I know, and Fluttershy will never go in her closet again, whatever." Twilight said, rolling her eyes. Rainbow marks the paper, and looks back up at Twilight.

"Well, I do have this little idea floating around in my head." Rainbow said, taping her hoof on her chin.

"And? What is it?" Twilight said enthusiastically.

"Well, we could go camping." Rainbow replied, looking out the window.

"Fantastic! Where should we go!?" Twilight shouted.

"There is this little campsite up in the mountains. It is called Mountain mare rendezvous. A bunch of ponies go up there, the filly scouts, Fur traders, explorers, you name it!" Rainbow explained. "Plus, they have world famous root beer. It’s the best in all of Equestria!" she said, showing a grin.

Twilight stood from the table. "Than it’s settled! Mountain mare it is! And we head out TONIGHT!" She said, aimlessly pointing.

"But it’s only Thursday." Rainbow said, confused at twilight.

"Oh, well. I guess we'll pack tomorrow." Twilight said, slowly inching back down into her chair.

"I'll rally up the other girls tomorrow morning and tell 'em what's going on. I’m sure most of them will come." Rainbow said. "Oh, and one more thing." Rainbow picked up the pencil, and slashed the paper with it. "3 in a row. I win again." Rainbow stood from the table, and headed for the door.

Before twilight could say anything, she left. Twilight stared blankly at the door. "Well, alright then."

Chapter 2: Rise and shine

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It is a chilly Friday morning in Ponyville, and Rarity and Rainbow dash stand in front of Twilight's house.
"Twilight Darling, are you there?" Rarity said, knocking on the door.

"If you are, hurry the heck up! I’m freezing my flank off out here!" Rainbow exclaimed, pounding the door. This continues for five more minutes, until the door finally opens.

Twilight stands before her two friends, rubbing her eyes. "Ugh, sorry girls. I was up all night packing and planning. I closed my eyes for a second and next thing I know its 5:30 am." She explained.

"We know. We’ve been here since 4:50." Rainbow snapped. Twilight waved her friends into the house shutting the door.

While lighting a candle, Twilight leads the others into the kitchen, and places the candle on the counter. "So, Rainbow, where are the other 3?" Twilight asked, walking over to the fridge.

"Well, I know Pinkie pie and Fluttershy are planning on bunking with each other. They've already packed and have started heading up to the mountain." Rainbow replied.

"And what about applejack? Is she going?" Twilight said, pouring 3 cups of coffee.

"Well, while Rainbow talked to Pinkie and Fluttershy, I went ahead and asked Applejack. She said she'd meet us either on the trail, or where ever the campsite is." Rarity said, grabbing one of the cups.

"How will she know where the campsite is?" Twilight asked. Rainbow dash took a big swig of Coffee, and proceeded to
tell twilight the plan.

"Well, the entire camping thing is organized. There is this big lot up there, reserved for the ponies camping up there. We have section 3, one of the closest to the entrance. She’ll find us." She said, leaning against the counter. "I had the section reserved for us at 3:00 this morning. It’s a good thing the mail carrier works early on Fridays." She explained.

"Now, Twilight dear, unfortunately my tent was ripped the last time I went camping. May I bunk with you?" Rarity asked, placing sugar into the coffee.

"Of course you can. Just bring your own cot." Twilight said, nodding.

"Umm, Twi. Can I, you know, bunk with you too?" Rainbow said, stuttering.

"Umm, don't you have your own tent?" Twilight said, sipping her coffee. "Well, I...kind of lost it." Rainbow replied, tapping her forehooves together.

"Well, I guess it’s a good thing my tent can fit up to 4 ponies in it. I guess I will just let applejack in to, if she does not already have a tent. But like I said, just bring your own cot." Twilight acknowledged. The three ponies sit in the kitchen, slowly finishing their coffee, and have conversations with one-another.

Chapter 3: Painful Packing

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It is now early in the morning in Equestria and the chilly wind still quietly blows. Twilight's house on the other hand, is not so quiet. The three mares run around, bickering at each other over what goes where in which box and why. "Rainbow, you imbecile! That sleeping bag goes in the box with the red duct tape on it!" Rarity shouted, stuffing a backpack with clothing.

"Damn it Rarity, There are two boxes with red tape on it!" Rainbow said, kicking the box.

"There aren't two boxes with red tape, one is red and one is rose!" Rarity exclaimed. Rainbow angrily stares at rarity.

"They're the same freaking thing!" She said, shaking her head.

Before Rainbow could finish, twilight stood from the floor once more.

"Umm, girls? Where does the toilet paper go?" she said.

"That goes in the box with the toothpaste and stuff." Rainbow replied. "

Umm, no it doesn't, you moron. It goes in the box with the shampoo." Rarity said, sneering.

"Why in the hell do we need shampoo!? We’re camping!" Rainbow said, flipping a box.

"There aren't showers up there! It’s the mountains!" She said, swiping the toilet paper from twilight's grasp.

"Well, what if my hair gets greasy?" Rarity asked; zipping up the backpack, she was packing.

"Wear a hat!" Rainbow screamed.

"All weekend?" Rarity replied.


"No need to shout, dear. You’re just lucky furs are in this season." Rarity remarked.

"Umm, sorry girls, I don't mean to interrupt, but where does this pink hairbrush go?" Twilight asked.

"Hairbrush? I thought I already packed my brushes..." Rarity said, re-opening a box.

"Umm, twilight, that's mine." Rainbow said. Rarity giggles.

"What’s so funny?" Rainbow asked.

"Oh, nothing. It’s just funny how a rough-and-tumble pony has a pink hair brush, that's all." Rarity said, still giggling.

"Hey! It’s not pink, its lightish red!" Rainbow snapped.

"Silly, its pink. I know a color when I see one." Rarity remarked.

"Why, I ought to bust your chops!" Rainbow shouted, unfolding her wings.

"Now girls, let’s not get violent! We still have more packing to do!" Twilight said, jumping in between the two mares.

Rainbow dash walked to the other side of the room, blistering with fury.

"I can’t believe I’m bunking with this priss." Rainbow muttered.

"Well, one thing is for sure, I’m sleeping on the other side of the tent, far away from this...Monster." Rarity snaps. The two mares angrily stare at each other, while they continue packing.

"Ugh, all weekend....this'll be fun." Twilight grumbles, wiping sweat off her head. It is now Mid-morning and the three mares had just finished with packing and are now loading a small cart with boxes.

"Okay, do we each have our backpacks?" Twilight asked, wrapping the boxes with rope.

"Me, being the most athletic here, of course." Rainbow said, placing her hoof on twilight's shoulder. (UNFINISHED, READ AUTHOR'S NOTE)