Only in My Imagination

by Butt

First published

My wife is a Changeling, and we're both into hot roleplay sex.

I knew I had a happy life, with a happy wife. And with those two, I was happy.

Turns out, having a Changeling as a wife does wonders for your sex life.

Chapter 1: My Eccentric Wife

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I didn’t like the winters much. Spending all that time cooped up in your house trying to avoid the cold was possibly the second-worst thing next to dashing home through a raging thunderstorm. Ponyville usually had lighter weather patterns since heavy winds might cause loose debris to fly all over the place, and there really was too much debris from aging construction here.

The Apple family was possibly the worst offender, to the point where our company just wouldn’t take up contracts for them anymore. Time was money, and spending a bunch of time building up a barn instead of setting the foundation for the new city hall in Manehattan was widely seen as a bad move. It’s not like the Apples couldn’t take care of it, anyways. They always helped their own.

I’m just another stallion that works for a living, just like every other stallion. My wife would tease me a lot about that phrase, telling me “that’s exactly what every other stallion would say.” Well, that really isn’t much of a problem with me, since I have a whole month off to spend with my loving wife. Work’s been pretty busy lately, and the boss wants to give us all a break.

I shook the snow off my fetlocks before I stepped into the foyer of our cozy little home. Bulging saddlebags on my back represented the fruits of my labor this day, since that crazy rainbow pony that headed up the weather team told the town there’d be a blizzard tomorrow. Yeah, like that’s totally great for the town. I guess they’re trying to get into the season, or something.

“Honey, I’m home!” I trotted for the kitchen after I made sure all the snow was on the welcome mat, and stretched my shoulders as I walked. Groceries always seemed heavy, no matter how strong you were—must be some unwritten law of the universe.

Holly poked her head out of the kitchen door, and shot me a lover’s death glare. “Well hurry up, then! I’ve had the stove on for at least five minutes now waiting for you to get back!”

Ah, love.

“I told you not to fire it up until I got home, Holly.” The kitchen table creaked as I laid the bags on top. I might need to replace this thing sometime soon, with all the weight it has to handle. Which includes Holly’s, not that I’d ever admit to her that the table was getting a bit tired of her bon-bon sprees.

“Well, I like to think of my husband as a fairly efficient little colt, so excuse me for wanting to prepare.” She hoofed out a whole bunch of the carrots and peeled them with magic. She never uses a knife except for cutting exceptionally large vegetables, so she also used her magic to split the carrots apart and toss them into the frying pan.

“Glazed carrots, hmm?” She tossed the sugar and butter into the pan after dumping sufficient amounts of carrots in, not even a minute after I had laid down my saddlebags. “I guess we can have apples tomorrow, then.”

“Apples?” She looked over her shoulder at the pockets of one of my saddlebags, brimming with the aforementioned fruit. “That’s a lot, sweetie pie. Were they having a sale?”

“Well, a small one. Applejack gave me a one bit discount for every apple I bought, and I just couldn’t resist.” A frown passed over my face as I remembered what my boss told me a few days ago. “I feel a bit sorry that my company isn’t helping rebuild their barn anymore, so I figure if I give them some business it’ll get them more bits. A financial buffer, if you would.”

“Ah, I heard about that,” she said over the din of the sizzling carrots. “Good on you for helping the Apples out, Nutty.”

Nutty. I scoffed at the nickname, and continued. “Well, you know me. Can’t say no to a pretty face, right?”

I knew that she knew I was joking, but I could see the faintest flicker of doubt on Holly’s face. Just as suddenly as I saw it, it disappeared, and turned back towards me with a teasing smile. “Oh, really? My husband, the tail-chaser. Not that any mare would mind a strong, tall, built stallion chasing after them, of course.”

I chuckled sheepishly, ignoring the blush building on my face. “Well, there’s only one tail I’d chase, and it’s in this house.”

“Tough Nut! Are you saying that you’d choose yourself over me?” She brought a hoof to her forehead in mock indignation, and rolled her eyes. “I never thought I’d see the day when you would choose yourself over your pretty wife! All the empty promises of chivalry, ever since the first date!”

“Stop it, you.” I threw a carrot at her, which she caught and split apart just like the others, and dumped into the pan. “Damn. I forgot how good your reflexes were, honey!”

“I like to keep myself in shape, sweetie pie. Can’t have you showing me up at every opportunity, right?” She winked at me and continued watching the pan.

“Right,” I said, unconvinced. The boxes of bon-bons led me to believe otherwise.

“Besides, dear.” She dumped the carrots onto two plates and brought them over to the table. “I have a special present for you, tomorrow.” She popped a few bites of carrot into her mouth and smiled at me with confidence.

“A present, huh? Is it going to be another box of condoms, or should I expect something different?” She almost choked on her carrots, but swallowed just in time.

“Hey! We haven’t even used up the last box yet, you know.” She daintily patted her mouth with a levitated napkin, and turned her snout up at me. “And for the record, now that you are finally back, we are going to be using the whole box.”

“The whole box? Is that a challenge?” I smirked at her over my half-finished plate, and she met my gaze. There would be no quarter this time, not with a month of free time ahead for both of us.

“Sure thing, sweetie pie. But remember, we start tomorrow. I want to clean up the house first!” She grabbed her empty plate and dumped it in the sink before walking to the living room, humming a tune to herself.

I looked down at my plate, still half unfinished. She seemed to inhale food... and bon-bons.

The next morning, a crack in the curtains let a beam of sunlight engage in a surgical strike against my eyelids. I laid still for almost half an hour before I got fed up with the sunlight in my eyes. Too lazy to move, and too annoyed by the sunlight... opposing forces inside my mind, and the annoyance would always win this war.

I turned around in the bed to find that Holly wasn’t with me. This was really strange, because on top of being a heavy eater—and not gaining any weight—she was also an incredibly heavy sleeper. Usually she wouldn’t wake up until after I was, but today? She wasn’t there. Even the warmth of her body on the sheets was absent, which told me that she had gotten up way before I did.

The smell of apples hit my senses, and I could hear a faint sizzling sound coming from downstairs. Looks like she decided to use the apples after all. I really hoped it was some apple pancakes, or apple fritters. Maybe an apple pie. I’d probably never admit it to Applejack, but there were only maybe one or two apple dishes that I really liked.

I rose up, groggy and dazed, and walked over to the bathroom to freshen up before I went downstairs. My work persona differed greatly from when I was at home, and Holly was always quick to point it out. The lazy slob versus the organized worker. I like to rationalize it as “I do whatever I want”, but Holly also rationalizes it “I lazy around whenever I want.” Sometimes, there’s just no pleasing her.

As I walked downstairs, I noticed a strange hat hanging on coat rack next to the front door. I walked over to it and gave it a better look, and found out it was the hat Applejack usually wore. When did I buy this? I certainly didn’t recall going to any of the clothiers in town for something as fine as this. Did Holly buy it?

I decided to find out, and walked into the kitchen. “Holly, did you—”

My voice caught in my throat as I saw the pony standing at the stove, cooking the last batch of apple pancakes to accompany the dishes already set on the table. Her orange coat shined vibrantly with the sun coming through the open window, and her blonde mane glowed just as much.

Applejack turned her head to me, and gave me a smile as she worked the pan with her hooves. “Mornin’, sugarcube.”

My jaw went slack, and I just looked around the kitchen with disbelief. “A-Applejack.”

“Yeah, sweetie pie?” Oh, goddesses, that accent. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a thing for Apple family mares.

“I, um...” I looked around again, just to make sure this was still my house, and to my dismay... it was. The same old house that I bought so many years ago when Holly and I moved in together. Even the tacky plates she loved were still on the wall above the hearth in the living room. “Why... why are you in my house, Applejack?”

“Now what kinda question is that?” She sat down on the far end of the kitchen table and moved a plate up to my side with a hoof. “Ah’m your wife. Why wouldn’t Ah be in your house?”

“I—what?” I looked at her incredulously. “Where in Tartarus is Holly?”

“Holly? Sweetie pie, are ya sure you’re alright?” Applejack looked at me with concern, and got up out of her chair to walk over to me. “Horseapples, are ya sick again? I told ya to be careful when ya came home yesterday!”

“Look, Applejack, I’m not sick, okay?” I just couldn’t wrap my head around this. Where was Holly? Why was Applejack claiming to be my wife? Was this one of those incredibly lucid dreams, or perhaps I was—

Oh. Oh, no.

A dream. If this was a dream, that this basically meant that my mind was yearning for somepony else. I started to trot backwards, away from Applejack as she approached me. Her green eyes mesmerized me, but I knew that I couldn’t keep staring. I couldn’t be near her, and I certainly couldn’t be intimate with her, even if she claimed to be my wife.

I was loyal to Holly, and only her.

“S-Stay back!” I felt my rear bump into one of the chairs in the living room, and I moved my hooves to circle around it accordingly. “I don’t know why you’re here, but I want answers!”

“Sweetie pie, what’s goin’ on? Why are ya actin’ like this?” She obeyed me, and stopped walking, but still looked at me with concern.

“Don’t call me that!” It angered me that she was using Holly’s cutesy nickname for me. That was a private thing between couples! And, well, as attractive Applejack is, she is not my wife. Hearing her say those words just felt wrong in my head, and that anger only mixed with my confusion.

What in the world was I even feeling at the moment? Fear? Distrust? This was Applejack, the most dependable of ponies in the entire town! If it really is her, then I shouldn’t have anything to fear... or at least, I hoped I shouldn’t. She looked at me with a combination of her own confusion and concern, and when I looked into her eyes—really, seriously looked into her eyes—I could see she really didn’t know what was going on.

“Y-you’re not my wife,” I stuttered. I grabbed the picture frame sitting on the fireplace, and showed it to her. “This is my wife!” I tried to keep the tone of my voice level, but it came out rougher than I thought.

She stared at the picture for several seconds, occasionally glancing at me, before she giggled and took the frame out of my hooves. “Really, sugarcube? Ah know ya like to be clingy sometimes, but this is just takin’ it to a whole new level.” She turned the frame around and showed it to me, and what I saw almost broke my mind.

It was supposed to be a picture of Holly and I during our first date, when we went out to one of the cafes in Ponyville, the one down the street from the library. I remembered that day because I accidentally spilled some of my tea on Holly’s head, but she took it in stride and hit me with a blast of water when we walked through the park.

I decidedly avoided the park on any future dates, which caused an endless amount of teasing from Holly. It was one of the reasons we worked so well together—no matter what happened in our relationship, we were always able to make up and laugh it off, and that was the only thought on my mind as I stared at the spot Holly was supposed to be at.

Applejack stood there instead, sitting next to me. I was wearing a goofy grin at the time, and Applejack held a hoof up to her hat, which had a few darkened blotches on it from the spilled tea. I stared intently at the table behind us, and saw the tea cup on it, laying on its side. This was impossible! Did this mean that Applejack was my wife the whole time?! Was Holly nothing more than a dream?

“Holy—How did...” I took a long look at the photo, then at her, then at the photo again. “I... huuuuuuuuuuuuuh?” I shuddered, and gave a confused groan. This wasn’t happening. This wasn’t happening! I was too young to get into a mid-life crisis, and with it to revolve around which pony was my wife! My wife, of all things, to have a crisis about!

“Are ya really okay, sugarcube?” I just kept gawking at the photo in my hooves, and I kept staring until she put a hoof on my shoulder. “Look, sweetie pie, if it ain’t somethin’ you want ta talk about...”

“No, it...” I sighed, and dropped the picture on the table. There was no reason not to believe in her, in Applejack. The facts were laid out before me, but I wanted to make sure of one thing first, and pointed to the plate sitting in the middle of the wall above the hearth. “Do you remember when we got that plate?”

“Why, I remember it if were just like yesterday,” she said with a chuckle. “Y’all said that them tacky things were weird-lookin’ when we saw ‘em down at the Ponyville market, but Ah really liked that particular one. Ya remember what I said that day? ‘That’ll be a looker on—”

“—’our dinner table’,” I finished. So it was true, then. This was no dream, and Applejack really was my wife. Celestia, what in the world did I just do in the past few minutes? I woke up, walked downstairs, and accused her of being a fake. Even if I don’t remember Applejack being my wife, she still is my wife. I shouldn’t have treated her that way. “Honey, I’m really, really sorry for everything I just did,” I said in exasperation. “I just... I had a weird dream, and I woke up confused, and in panic, and...”

She took my head in both of her hooves, and turned me toward her. She just gave me a gentle smile, as if she were telling me that it was alright, and nuzzled my neck. “Sweetie pie, ya always act too tough ‘round me. Ah guess it’s startin’ to nab ya in the rear, but just remember. Ah’m here for ya, okay?”

I wrapped my hooves around her, looking off back to the kitchen, and she reciprocated in kind. This was her, alright. The Applejack that I knew, the Applejack that everypony in town knew. Reliable, trustworthy, dependable. Always there for you when you need her, and right now... I needed her. I needed somepony.

I lifted her face up to mine, and stared longingly into her emerald eyes, so strong yet compassionate. She looked into my own in return, and as I closed the distance we both closed our eyes. Our lips touched, and I began roaming her mouth with my tongue. It felt so strange... it was like kissing Holly. She went for the same spots Holly went for, but the overwhelming scent of apples reminded me that this wasn’t Holly, and by Celestia, was that smell intoxicating.

“Mmm...” Applejack broke away from our kiss, short of breath. “Ah always forget what a great kisser ya are.”

“Anything for my fantastic wife,” I said with a shy smile. Maybe I was just dreaming the whole time, but that “dream” was basically my whole love life... almost six years since I met Holly and dated her, hung out with friends, traveled around, settled down, and lived a happy life. Was I just supposed to forget all of that?

I shoved those thoughts aside, and let go of Applejack as I nodded back over to the kitchen. “Come on, sugarcube. Food’s probably getting cold,” I said with a light-hearted laugh.

Again, she took her seat across from me at our modest table, and we began to dig into the apple pancakes. I had no idea how she managed to dice the apples so finely with only her hooves, but she was Applejack. I sure as hay didn’t know how to finely chop anything with my hooves, but If any pony knew how to do that, it would be her.

I sighed in satisfaction as I finished the last of my pancakes, and pushed the plate away from me with a clink. How could I ever forget Applejack’s cooking? The memories weren’t flooding back to me just yet, but a part of me felt so childish and giddy. I felt a pang of sorrow for the loss of Holly, but the mare sitting across from me easily made up for it.

Applejack didn’t share my enthusiasm, however. Her plate was only partially empty, and she poked at the pancakes with her own fork. I reached out for her hoof, and placed my own on it in a reassuring gesture.

“Honey? Are you okay?” Applejack must have had some thoughts on what I just did. I wouldn’t blame her for it, either. It’s not everyday your husband wakes up acting like a madpony.

“No. Ah ain’t okay. And... and Ah can’t take this anymore,” she said with a sigh. It had been only a few minutes since we left the living room, but she dragged me back in there with my outstretched hoof and sat me down on our tacky couch.

“Applejack? What’s going on?” Oh, Celestia, was she going to break up with me? Tell me off for being a raving lunatic? Or maybe I wronged her in the recent past, and I just can’t remember it? Oh, I hoped to the goddesses I would get my memory back soon.

“What kinda dream did ya have?” She said this sternly, but without force.

“I... honey, there’s no reason to worry. It was just a bad dream, and there’s—”

“Jus’ tell me,” she said with resignation.

I bit my lower lip in apprehension, but resolved to tell her anyways. It was the least I owed her, after all. “I... I dreamt that I was living with a different pony,” I started. “Her name was Holly. She was a terrific, bubbly unicorn with a coat as white as snow, and a golden mane. It was like I lived my whole life with her,” I said with a chuckle. “Can you imagine that? A dream, where you feel like you lived years with that pony. She... she’s gone now, though. I’m really sorry for dreaming that up, Applejack. I can’t imagine how you must feel, knowing your husband is having dreams about an imaginary mare.”

And in another shocker for me, Applejack looked straight into my eyes. “Ah ain’t Applejack, Nutty.”

“Eh?” I could only smile as I felt a laugh coming on. “Applejack, you’re not a very good comedian, you know.”

“Ah’m serious, sweetie pie.” She jumped straight onto me, pushing me onto my back as she looked down with a glare. “Ah ain’t Applejack. Ah never was, and...” She started giggling, and eventually those giggles turned into full-blown laughter. “Ah can’t believe Ah got ya that good!”

My smile was still on my face, although it faltered. Just what in the world was going on today? “Uh... what do you mean, Applejack?”

“Holly.” She pulled me up with her hooves, and sat down next to me on the couch. “It’s me, sweetie pie. Ah’m Holly.”

“Oh... ‘kay,” I said. My brows furrowed in thought, before I turned to her. “I don’t follow.”

“Now, sugarcube, this is probably a bit hard to accept,” Holly said, putting a hoof on her chest. “But the truth of the matter is... Ah’m a Changeling.”

A Changeling. Everypony in Equestria had heard about them after the attack on Canterlot, and although Princess Celestia made no attempt to pursue them, their presence was now seen as unwanted. This naturally caused a bit of discontent in the peaceful Changeling hives to the south, and they had offered their condolences and apologies for the attack on Canterlot.

But me? My wife, was a Changeling?

“... honey,” I said. She was looking away from me now. The not-Applejack, and yet also not-Holly didn’t want to look at me directly. Was it out of shame? Disgust? Fear? “Did... Holly ever really exist?”

“Oh, she sure did.” She kept her voice low, and her eyes locked on her hooves. “When ya found me on the banks of the lake near Ponyville, Ah was busy readin’ a book somepony left behind. I was practicin’ mah disguisin’ magic when you came along, and ya saw me when I got to the ‘Holly’ section of the book. Ah knew enough about Equestria to secure mahself a place in town, and... that’s how we got here.”

Well, this was quite a revelation. My wife, yet not-wife, was actually a pony who had never existed, and was just now masquerading as Applejack. “So, why’d you decide on Applejack?”

“Eh?” She was caught off-guard and looked at me with a combination of relief and confusion. “Ah remember ya said yesterday how ya ‘couldn’t resist’ Applejack. Ah wanted to put that to the test mahself.” She deviously smiled at me. “Looks like it worked way too well.”

“Hey, I was totally convinced that Holly was a dream! That’s how good it was!” I retrieved the picture from the other room and brought it up to my face. It was Holly in that spot again! Applejack was nowhere to be found. “Let me guess, Holly. Magic?”

“Magic,” she said affirmed succinctly.

“Wow, you got Applejack’s look down really well,” I observed. Her smile and facial features were very realistic compared to the pony who stood before me, which was not an easy feat to achieve. Even skilled unicorns had problems manipulating photos, to the point where exclusive “photo shops” began popping up. Often it was to embellish pictures, but sometimes people would go to these shops to pull pranks on people. “You must be quite talented with your magic to be able to do something like this.”

“Aw, thank ya, sugarcube.” She nuzzled up to me again, and remained leaning into my side. “Ya know, you’re takin’ this a lot better than I thought ya would.”

“Well, maybe I’m brainwashed, hmm?”

“Sweetie pie! That ain’t anythin’ to joke ‘bout! That danged Chrysalis just came in and ruined everythin’! Ah was gonna tell ya Ah was as Changeling the week after that royal weddin’, but then... that happened.” She began sulking, and her body expression slackened. “Tain’t fair.”

“So, you’re a Changeling. Does that mean you’ve been... feeding on my love?”

“Well, sugarcube, that’s… actually, yeah. I’ve been feedin’ on your love for the whole time we’ve been together now.” She blew her locks out of her face, and grabbed one of the apples sitting in our living room fruit bowl. “I mean, we still need to eat on top of feedin’ on love, but if we had to pick one of the two, love comes first. It’s that important in keepin’ us alive—the invasion’s proof of that—but food is important, too. We go through a lot of energy in a day compared to the average pony, so bein’ stocked up helps.”

“So that’s why you always eat so much,” I blurted out. Realizing my mistake, I looked down at Holly to find her staring back at me, none too pleased. “Oh, no no no! I didn’t mean it like that, honey! I just thought it was kind of strange you always kept buying those bon-bons!”

“Ah thought so,” she replied with a smug smirk. “Ain’t right for a husband to accuse his wife of bein’ fat... or a fake.” She snickered at the last part.

“So... can I see what you really look like, then?” An innocent question, right? I’d seen pictures of Changelings, but I was actually curious about looking at one up close.

“That... Ah ain’t so sure about that, sweetie pie.” She shifted around uncomfortably, brushing her coat against mine. “Ah’m actually kinda shy.”

“You? Shy? The normally boisterous, outgoing, and at times annoying Holly is admitting that she’s shy?” This seemed a bit ironic considering that it was a Changeling I was talking to. Weren’t they always about emulating others, and being outgoing to secure a place in the society of their choosing?

“Ah ain’t shy like that, Nutty. Ah mean... body shy. Ya know?”

“Oh.” Well, I guess it makes sense. She’s spent her whole life around me as Holly, and to suddenly drop the disguise might have seemed a bit daunting to her. Either way, I decided to give her as much time as she needed. “Well, whenever you’re ready to show me... that’s fine.”

“Thank ya, sugarcube.” She gave me a smooch on the cheek, a quick and jovial kiss, and pranced off to the kitchen. “Ah’m gonna finish mah food now. It’s probably already cold.”

“Alright, honey. I’ll be here.” I looked at the photo again and placed it back on the hearth, before grabbing a random book laying on the shelf in the back of the living room. Holly was the most erudite between the both of us, but that was okay.

Everything was okay.

“Alright, sugarcube. Tell me, what do ya think of this?” I lowered the book from my face to see Holly’s orange rear not even a few hooves away from my face. She wiggled it around, and looked back at me with pride. “Ah ain’t used to changin’ into a pony other than my original form, but Ah like to think Ah did a good job.”

I, of course, said nothing. Holly’s original self was a bit on the chubby side for a pony, but it really accentuated her curves. Holly’s Applejack, however, was a whole other thing entirely. I could clearly see the toned muscles along her rear legs and butt, formed from years of applebucking. Holly had, for all intents and purposes, literally become Applejack, straight down to the scent, and individual hairs on her head.

“Speechless, huh?” She lifted her tail and pushed her rump right into my face, giving me a clear look at her... at Applejack’s... vagina. It looked very different from Holly’s, and I whimpered in arousal. “Ah’m a very observant pony, I reckon, and I got all these fancy magics to help me change mah form. Right down to the little things,” she said breathlessly.

“H-Holly,” I managed. I could feel my stallionhood rising between my legs, and I brought my hooves up to her butt and grabbed both sides, right on top of the cutie mark.

“Ah ain’t Holly today,” I heard her say. “Today, Ah’m Applejack, and you’re my special somepony.”

“W-wait!” I tried to scramble out from under her, reaching for the box sitting under the couch. Pregnancy isn’t a joke, ponies, and if you don’t want foals, you gotta use contraceptives. “We gotta get the—”

“Don’t matter, sugarcube.” Somehow, she had pulled a lasso out of nowhere and roped me by the hooves. “Ah’m gonna take ya to the bedroom, and rut ya like the dirty, loyal stallion ya are.” She leaned closer and whispered, “And besides, Ah’m a Changeling. Can’t get pregnant unless you’re the queen, and Ah ain’t a queen.”

My stallionhood rose even more after hearing this, as she pulled me into the hallway and up the stairs to our bedroom. Today was actually the first time I would ever go bareback with Ho—Applejack, and for it to be... well, with Applejack... I’d imagine that tight butt would do more than wonders for my pleasure.

“Here we are, sugarcube.” She dumped me unceremoniously on the bed, and tugged at the knots with her mouth. With my hooves free, I was laid out spread-eagle on the bed, with my erection pointing at an angle upwards. “Eager to get started, huh?”

She jumped on top of me, and positioned herself above my stallionhood. “Well, Ah’m a bit eager to get started mahself. Time for ya to see how good my Changeling magic is,” she said with a sultry smile, and she lowered herself down onto me.

As I predicted, her vagina was incredibly tight. I absolutely loved Applejack’s lean, muscular body, and that only heightened my arousal even more. Her walls closed in around my member, and I could hear Ho—Applejack, moan loudly as I placed my hooves at the sides of her rump. How appropriate it was for us to be using the cowfilly style.

“Applejack!” I could feel all of me inside her, and she paused for a minute to look down at where we were connected.

“Hah... it... feels great, sweetie pie.” She moved her butt in a circle, causing me to moan in pleasure. “Ah guess Ah could use the usual positions and moves. Ah actually don’t know any new ones,” she admitted with a chuckle. “Oh, it feels so great bareback, Nutty.”

“Please don’t say that name during sex,” I replied. Nutty. I’d never be able to live that nickname down.

“Well, Ah reckon that if’n you’re still talkin’, then ya better shut up real quick.” She hopped up just enough until I was almost out of her, then slammed her butt onto me. “Get workin’, colt.”

And work, I did. It was a surreal experience watching Applejack squeal without restraint, knowing it wasn’t Applejack. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t look at other mares, and Applejack was one of the most attractive mares in town. The fact that she was an Element of Harmony just seemed to add an extra bit of excitement to it. It was like having sex with a celebrity.

She slowed her movements, and began grinding slowly as she shifted on top of me gain better traction against the bed. “Let’s slow down a bit, hmm? Ain’t right to rush somethin’ like this.”

“You are one sadistic mare, Applejack.” My breathing was heavy, but I managed to endure her offensive. I almost forgot that it was Holly I was dealing with here, and she was never the one to just lay still and take it in bed. No, she was the type to grab life by the throat, and choke the ever-loving life out of it using her hooves or vagina. Mostly the former, and the latter was reserved only for me.

Of course, no sooner had I thought that, she tightened the hold she had on me. “Applejack” placed her front hooves on my chest and began bouncing up and down, taking in my cock over and over again. I really had to hand it to Changeling magic—it was really good at replicating genitalia!

I decided to spice things up by grabbing her by the shoulders, and twisting around so she was the one below me. I could see the surprise in her face as she looked up at me, and I couldn’t help but put on a smirk.

“Enough of the cowpony stuff, honey. Time to hit the railroad.”

And with that, I started ramming into her as fast as I could. I could see her gasping after each insertion, and she gripped the bed sheets, moaning loudly. Her mouth was hanging loosely, which only turned me on even more seeing Applejack’s face as she got rutted like crazy. I felt so perverted, enjoying the sex. It was so dirty, and knowing Holly approved didn’t particularly help.

“Nnn! Ah’m gonna cum!” I leaned forward and caught her mouth in a passionate kiss as we both climaxed, gasping into each other’s mouths and letting our bodies take over. In the afterglow, I stayed within her and roamed her mouth again. I made sure to make it as sensual as possible, by licking her lips and pecking her chest with soft kisses. She and I were both romantics at heart, and we took it straight into our lovemaking.

“Well, that was... fantastic,” Holly admitted with a chuckle.

We cleared off the bed sheets and fitted some new ones, and cleaned up ourselves in the shower. I was laying on the bed, smiling and satisfied. She laid to my side, and we both spent a few minutes appreciating the details of our bedroom ceiling.

“Honey?” I asked, unmoving.

“Yeah, sugarcube?” She brought her hooves around my torso, and hugged me closer.

“What gave you the idea to do this whole ‘change into a pony and engage in sex’ thing?” I was genuinely curious. It seemed like a strange thing to do as a Changeling if they were simply content with living as a single pony.

“Well, sweetie pie, you should check the back of yer closet sometimes.” She got up and trotted over to our decently-sized closet, and pulled out a box with a bunch of my old things. “Ya got this here roleplayin’ guide, and Ah figured that maybe you’d like to take that roleplay to the next level.”

“Oh, Celestia. You found that old thing?” I admit, I played way too much Dungeons and Diamond Dogs back when I was in high school. So much for keeping that part of my life a secret, although the resulting sex was totally worth it.

“Yep! Lookit here: ‘Shadow Nightdagger’,” she read out loud. “Says here he’s a thief, and he’s usin’ all these fancy traps and daggers and slinks in the shadows for backstabbin’ and whatnot. Ah can’t imagine what he could possibly be doin’!” She laughed and threw the notebook at me, which I caught with an embarrassed smile.

“I was not going to let you find out about this, Holly. I knew you’d never let me live it down!” I placed the notebook back in the box and shoved it back into the deep, dark closet where it belonged. Dirty, dirty secrets.

“Well, sweetie pie, looks like this one backfired on ya spectacularly,” she said, leaning into my back with her chest. “Although, Ah don’t mind it one bit if’n we continue this little escapade, if ya get mah drift.”

“Oh, yeah? I wouldn’t mind that,” I admitted. Roleplay sex wasn’t usually my thing, but if this was how it was done, it aroused me far more than I would have cared to think about.

“So, then. Who do you want me to be tomorrow?” she asked me with a low, sensual whisper.

I didn’t even bother turning my head, and smiled at the closet door. “Surprise me, honey.”