I Creamed...

by Ununoctium420

First published

Twilight Sparkle masturbates with a bucket of creamed corn.

Twilight Sparkle's favorite food is creamed corn. She REALLY likes cream corn. I mean, REALLY likes it.

I Creamed....

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WARNING! The following fic contains a purple unicorn giving herself an enema with creamed corn. Viewer discretion is advised.

Twilight Sparkle sat in her bedroom. She was on the last pages of her new book on magic history that she had been reading for the past few days and was looking forward to a break.

"And that's how Equestria was made." Twilight read aloud as she finished the book. "Thank Celestia that's over. I could really use a break!" She carefully closed her book and put it back on the bookshelf in just the right position to satisfy her adorable pony OCD and she made her way downstairs, flicking the lights out as she went.

Twilight hummed her favorite tune as she made her way into her kitchen to make herself a much awaited snack. Her stomach growled at the mere thought of food and her mouth started to water at the mere action of entering he kitchen.

"Hmmm, What shall I make?" Twilight Said to herself as she opened her cabinet looking at the nice selection Spike had picked up from the Pony-Marttm before he departed on royal business like he conveniently does in every poorly written clop-fic like this one.

Twilight's eyes gazed from can to can as she scanned the cabinet.

" Spaghetti-o's? Nah, Soup? Nah, Canned Watermelon? Nah, i'm not a Zebra. Canned co-" Twilight stopped abruptly as she spotted the Can of Creamed Corn. Her eyes slowly went down it's smooth, yet rippled edges. Her Pupils got big at the sight of it's rounded, ovular top. Her mouth watered at the tantalizing label depicting a spoonful of the succulent creamy, corny treat. She had to have it. "I think i'll take you!" Best Pony said as she took the can off the shelf. "You'll work just fine."

She sat the can down on the table and went to get a can opener but noticed something. That can looked really good. She turned her adorable flank around to get a better look at the seductive can that laid in front of her. Her eyes went down it and up again. She felt her vagina grow moist at the mere sight of it.

"What am I doing!" She thought. "It's a can of creamed corn! I can't fuck a can of creamed corn! No matter how hot is is!" Twilight turned around to get a can opener and take her mind off of the seductive look of the can but only found herself turning back around and grabbing the can and craddeling it in her arms and stroking the length of it with her fore-hoof. "Oh whats the harm?" she said seductively.

Twilight activated her unicorn horn and levitated ten cans of the creamy goodness out of the cabnit and brought them behind her as she walked out of the kitchen and down the stairs into the basement.

"Now, where do I start?" Twilight asked herself as she licked her lips and eyed one of the cans. " I think I know." She said as she levitated one of the cans over to her mouth and slid it in.

Twilight closed her eyes and moaned seductively as the can of creamed corn bobbed in and out of her mouth. Drool started to seep around the can and her pussy grew moist, yearning for release. She levitated another can over and slid it into her pussy.

"Mmmmmmmmm!" Twilight moaned as the can slid into her hot snatch. Still not satisfied she brought another can of the hot cream over and slid it into her ass dry, with not even a single drop of lube.

Twilight quickened the pace and started slamming the corn cans in and out of their respective orifices until she felt herself near the brink of orgasm, so she pulled out.

"No, I can't end yet!" Twilight said. "I have something special planned." she said in a sultry voice. Twilight levitated a metal bucket out from under one of the tables in the basement and began to open each can, one by one and watch as the creamed corn slowly slid out and landed with a loud *plop* in the bucket. Twilight found this sight incredibly arousing and began to hoof herself slowly to it.

One by one the creamed corn slid down into the bucket, each time a small moan escaped from Twilight's mouth as her hoof brushed over her purple clit in perfect tune with the falling corn, and soon the bucket was filled.

"Oh come at me baby!" Twilight yelled as she levitated some of the corn out of the bucket and into her mouth. "Mhp mhp mhp! (This is soo good!) Twilight moaned seductively. She then levitated some more of the creamy corn and then slowly started feeding it into her pussy in a long, thick column until she felt it fill her completely.

Twilight used her hoof to hold her pussy shut to keep the corn in while she rubbed her clitoris and swished the corn around in her mouth, savoring the flavor and toungeing each individual piece.

Using her sexy unicorn magic she levitated the rest of the corn in the bucket and slid it up into her ass in a similar manner to how she shoved it into her vagina, only this time effectively giving herself a creamed corn enema.

Twilight used her magic to make the corn that was in her vagina and ass start to vibrate as she continued to swish the corn in her mouth around until she felt herself begin to orgasm.

"Mmm!" Twilight moaned as she began to climax. She spit the corn out that was in her mouth back into the bucket and positioned her bottom over the bucket. "I'm Cumming! Oh baby! I'm Cumming!" Twilight yelled as the force of her orgasm sent creamed corn rocketing out of her pussy and rectum into the bucket.

Exhausted Twilight laid down beside the bucket and peered in. There was a soppy, white mesh of cream and corn (with a few brown specs from her ass mixed in) and she noticed he stomach was still growling.

"Oh fuck i'm hungry." Twilight said to herself. She leaned over and smelt the corn. Warm, and it smelt like her vagina and shit. She couldn't resist.

"Om nom nom nom!" Twilight said as she plunged her face into the corn and began eating it ravenously. She had never had a better, or more arousing meal in her entire life.


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Anyone got any ideas about what Twilight should fuck next? Post it in the comments highest rating/one I like the best will be done.