Fancy That

by JaketheGinger

First published

When Fancy Pants goes to Ponyville on Hearts and Hooves day, he gets a bit more than he expected when he runs into Pinkie Pie.

Fancy Pants is one of the most powerful and charismatic nobles in all of Equestria. But sometimes, the life of a Canterlot noble can be tiring. So a refreshing trip to Ponyville on Hearts and Hooves day seemed like a fantastic idea.

What he hadn't expected was to run into Pinkie Pie.

Fancy That

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Ponyville. Such a quaint town, with a reputation for being charmingly rustic. Well, I suppose I gave it that some of that reputation, but that does not mean it isn’t true. There’s something so...simple, about life here. Now don’t get me wrong; simple isn’t always bad. Quite the opposite actually. I needed to take a break from the complex life that is the Canterlot upper class.

So far, I was enjoying myself. I was what I assumed to be the center of the town, for the biggest building in the town was located here. The Town Hall, perhaps. It was covered in pink and red banners, celebrating today’s holiday: Hearts and Hooves day. I took a moment to admire the decor. It was very tasteful, but not over the top. Far different to anything back in Canterlot.

I’m not willing to give up that life though, heavens no. However everypony should spice up their life a little in order to try new things. I am quite lucky in that respect. I’m what you could call a ‘trendsetter’. Other nobles are not so fortunate.

I trotted around the town, gazing at the couples that were enjoying their day. It was quite a sweet sight to see. I saw mares with mares, but I didn’t judge them. I don’t think anypony was.

Ponyville has a sort of relaxed atmosphere about it but you’d never hear that from the citizens. I’ve heard stories ranging from a rampaging ursa storming into town and a plague of parasprites. Curiously, a few ponies always seem to pop up: Rarity and her friends.

I peered around quickly, not spotting them. I was hoping to avoid that particular mare today. The only reason I left Canterlot was to escape an entourage of lovestruck mares on Hearts and Hooves day. No doubt that Rarity would be the same. Even so, if she found me, one mare following me is better than ten.

She’s very sweet though, that can’t be denied. The first moment I met her, I knew she was lying. Granted, she was staying in Canterlot Castle but the rest wasn’t truth. It’s perfectly understandable why she would resort to lying though. If you don’t have considerable influence, you must follow the herd in order to survive. I make it sound wretched but in all is.

I had used my influence in order to save her hide and even when the truth finally come out, I still supported her. I’m very glad she (eventually) stuck by her friends though. In Canterlot, friendship is fake, all too often.

I kept walking along, smiling at anypony who came by. It really was a perfect day. I can almost imagine it in a postcard. The sun was shining, big clouds hung in the sky. I even saw a butterfly or two.

I was curious to see how Ponyville’s inhabitants handled Hearts and Hooves day. In Canterlot, it is simply a contest to see how can get paired up with the most powerful noble. Hence, my reason for being here. Last year’s Hearts and Hooves day wasn’t a disaster it was just...tiring. Today, I wasn’t looking for a special somepony. I was merely observing. Perhaps fade into the background for once.

That plan didn’t get off to a great start, I must say. I was heading towards the establishment named ‘Sugarcube Corner’. I had heard that they sold the greatest of confectionaries and I thought I could spoil myself today. Yet before I could even enter, something pink appeared from seemingly nowhere and blocked my way.

“Hi Fancypants!” Aah. Her. I wasn’t prepared to see her so soon. I remembered her and her...certain ways. “Whatcha doing here?”

My first instinct was to not act surprised at all. I don’t think it worked, but she didn’t comment on it either way. My next task was to try to remember her name. “Aah, Pink...Pinkie Pie, was it?” She nodded and the silly smile she had on her face grew even bigger. “I was just visiting your quaint little town.”

She seemed a little disappointed at that, tilting her head to the side. “Just visiting?” It didn’t take me long to figure out where this was heading.

I gave her a firm nod, with a small smile. “Indeed. I must say though, it has been very enjoya--”

“You don’t have a special somepony?” I didn’t scold her for her interruption but in Canterlot, something like that would have had her disgraced from the city. That’s an exaggeration, if you didn’t realize.

I really would have preferred not to talk about this but I suppose it was inevitable. I kept my smile on as I answered, “I do not. However, that isn’t--”

“Don’t you get lonely?”

That question stunned me for a short bit. “Not at all. I have many fine mares waiting for me back in Canterlot.” I blinked after saying that. That blasted question had thrown me off more than I thought...thankfully, she seemed innocent enough not to notice my mistake.

“Why aren’t you with them then?” she asked. I was getting a little bit annoyed with all these questions but I could see the concern in her eyes. It was rather touching.

Unfortunately, I didn’t really have a answer for her question. Time to bluff my way through. “I’m just...not.” In hindsight, there were probably hundreds of better excuses out there.

Either she was way too trusting or she knew that I was lying and was changing the subject topic. Finally. “Okie dokie lokie!” She bounced on the spot and turned around to face Sugarcube Corner, before looking back to me. “Did you wanna cupcake?”

“Why yes, I was looking to--” before I could finish, she darted off inside. Suffice to say, I was shocked at the speed at which she could go. I also started to wonder exactly why she kept interrupting me. She seemed excitable, so perhaps she was impatient...but that doesn’t explain why she inquired into my love life. I started to get an inkling of suspicion that I was long winded.

Before I could conclude on my thoughts, she was back, cupcake in hoof. “Here you go!” she chimed, grinning so wide that I thought her face would tear itself apart. Eugh. A horrible thought. The cupcake though, was the very opposite. It was basic in design but that only added to its charm. It was covered in pink icing and on top was a traditional love heart. I assumed it was made out of cherry.

I enveloped the treat in my magic and let it hover by my side. “Thank you Pinkie Pie, how much do I owe you?”

She blinked in surprise. “Why would you owe me anything?”

Now it was my turn to blink. “You kindly bought me a cupcake, so it is only fair that I pay you for it.”

Pinkie shook her head rapidly, her mane getting whipped everywhere. No wonder it was so...everywhere. “I didn’t buy it, silly! I made it!”

I dismissed the thought that she made it in those few seconds. “Aah, I see. Even so, I still owe you something.” I opened up a pocket with my magic, retrieving a couple of bits from my wallet within. I had to open it first; it has a special magical lock, you see. Makes it all the more harder for pickpockets to grab its contents. I levitated the bits near her but she backed away from them.

“Nononononononono.” She shook her head again. How was her neck still intact? “You don’t understand. I made this for you for free!”

At this point, I was lost. “’re not a waitress or a servant.”

“Nope!” she answered, still maintaining that smile of hers.

“So therefore, I owe you something. I insist, take the bits.” I brought the bits closer to her but once again, she retreated from them.

“No you don’t!” she giggled. I don’t think I’d ever heard a laugh so genuine in my life.

I simply couldn’t wrap my head around why she wouldn’t take my payment. In Canterlot, favours were always repaid with either another favour or bits. Every noble had the money to do so. It was just simple etiquette. I realized that this wasn’t Canterlot but despite that, it still seemed like the most sensible and kind thing to do.

I decided to put the bits back and changed tact. “Perhaps there is something I can do for you then?”

“Eat the cupcake!” Pinkie ordered, pointing at the treat.

I suppose it’d have to suffice, for now. I lowered the cupcake towards my mouth and I took a bite. The sweetness leapt onto my taste buds immediately. It was almost overwhelming. I never thought cherry could taste so good. Truly, she was talented at her craft. I resisted the urge to wolf it down and took my time with it. All the while, Pinkie was staring at me expectantly. Once I had finished, I got out a napkin from a pocket and dabbed it around my mouth.

“That was simply divine, Pinkie Pie!” I exclaimed.

Pinkie laughed again. “Thanks! And you don’t need to call me ‘Pinkie Pie’ all the time! Just Pinkie. Or Pinks. Or whatever you want!”

I was glad she said that actually. “Aha, well in that case, Pinkie it is.” I quickly started a new conversation topic before she could. I thought it’d be interesting if I turned the tables on her. “So do you have a special somepony?”

“Nope.” I tried to look for evidence that would suggest how she felt about the matter. I got nothing.

“And how do you feel about that?”

“All I care about is making my friends happy!” She gave me a single, firm nod. Seemed like she was very serious about that. It was noble, yet I couldn’t help but fear that she never gave time for herself.

“Hm, I see.” That was all I wanted to say. Intruding too much would have been rude. It felt awkward to just let the conversation stop like that but luckily, Pinkie was on the ball.

“Soooooo did you wanna see Rarity?”

“No!” I blurted out. Damnation, Pinkie was brilliant at destroying your composure in a matter of seconds. I tried to build mine back up. “As I said, I’m just visiting.” Time to divert the conversation once again. “What did you plan on doing today?”

“The only things I plan are parties. The rest I kinda make up as I go along,” she replied nonchalantly.

“Well, I think I’ll take a walk around town.,” I said as a hint to end our meeting. She didn’t catch onto it.

“Oh! Can I come too?”

Looking into those expectant eyes of hers, I found it hard to say no. “If you wish.” I don’t know what she would’ve done if I had said no. I couldn’t imagine her sad. It was like trying to imagine Prince Blueblood being humble...haha, what an absurd notion.

I set the pace, walking away from Sugarcube Corner (the cupcake I ate had surprisingly satisfied my hunger) with Pinkie walking alongside me. I looked around and almost everywhere were couples. Strangely, the majority of them were female and female. Canterlot wasn’t on social matters such as that. It was quite odd, seeing so many mares together. The best part was that their eyes weren’t focused on me.

Surprisingly, Pinkie had kept quiet. She was seemingly looking at the same ponies I had but I didn’t look at her face to determine what she was thinking. We were walking past a nice little restaurant before she finally spoke up.


I turned my head, looking at the pink mare. “What is it?”

“Over there!” she chimed, pointing at a couple sitting at a table just outside the restaurant. They were simply staring into each other’s eyes romantically. There wasn’t even food on the table yet. “That’s Lyra and Bon Bon. Don’t they look so happy together?”

I nodded. “Quite.” There wasn’t much else to say. It wasn’t my place to comment on them.

“They’ve been together for about...uuuuh...three years now!”

“Three years you, say? Are th--”

“Yes. Three years I do say indeed!” she interrupted, copying my Canterlot accent.

I refrained from frowning. It was rude yes but...I suppose it was a little endearing. “...yes. Are they married?”


“Hm...I see...” I trailed off, thinking. In Ponyville, it seemed, relationships went at their own pace. In Canterlot, it was usually a case of who can marry the most powerful noble. At least, it was for the upper class.

“Do you want to get married someday?” Pinkie asked me, looking up into my eyes.

I rubbed my chin with a hoof, musing over the question. “It would be nice. I shall need a heir to continue the Fancypants line anyway.” I had already thought about this subject before and had decided that if I couldn’t find real romance, I would have to settle for a fake one. Fleur de Lis, most probably. Rumours were already circulating in Canterlot that were we a couple anyway.

I blinked, realizing I was staring off into space. I looked down at Pinkie and posed her the same question: “And how about you?”

She shrugged absent mindedly. “It might be nice...I dunno!” In all honesty, I didn’t think a mare like her could settle down with somepony else.

We kept on walking and soon found ourselves in the Ponyville Park. It was rather serene and beautiful, with bright and colourful flower birds and the songs of birds that flew between the big strong trees. Like everything else in the town, it wasn’t too complicated or over the top.

Note to self: invest in a summer home here.

This was probably the most romantic area in Ponyville and that was to be expected. Couples had taken every bench in the vicinity, some were kissing, others were giving gifts and a few were just enjoying each other’s company.

During our walk, Pinkie had repeatedly brushed against me. I passed it off as an accident but I could not take it forever. However, I still wanted to be polite.

She brushed my side again and I took the opportunity to speak. “Pinkie, I’m afraid I have to point out that you are brushing against me a lot. Could you kindly stop, please?”

She halted and looked up at me. “Oh! Sorry about that!” she chimed, before continuing her stride.

“Thank you,” I said with a smile, one that she returned. I was relieved--no way of telling where a simple request could get you with this mare.

We had been walking for quite some time, an hour or two perhaps? Regardless of the time, I had began to notice that some other ponies were giving us curious looks. Not that it bothered me. I was a new face in town and chances were that many ponies didn’t know me all too well. Even if they did, they may have been too nervous to approach. In that respect, I was glad Pinkie did. It was nice having someone to talk to without them constantly asking me for favors or my approval over something.

Even if it was nice there was something...odd about it all. I had heard stories of this famous--or depending on the view, infamous--mare. The stories went from her throwing wild parties to her seemingly appearing out of nowhere. The pony beside me was acting a lot more mellow than the one in the stories. Perhaps it was because of the day? I can see why no couple would want their romantic day ruined by a loud party pony. I also had first hoof experience when I briefly saw her at that party. It just did not seem to add up.

“So Pinkie, do any of your friends have special someponies?” I asked out of genuine curiosity. I wouldn’t be surprised if Rarity was seeing someone.

“I think Rarity is having a date with some stallion in Canterlot...I can’t remember who.” Hah. Knew it. “Fluttershy is having a tea party with her animal friends.” Admittedly...that did sound adorable. Somewhat childish though. “Applejack is working at her farm...”

“Hm, she doesn’t sound interested in this whole affair,” I said. Wait, did I just interrupt her?! I really hope that being here isn’t ruining my social graces. “Apologies. Carry on.”

“It’s fine!” she replied with a giggle, then carried on, “Twilight is with Spike at the library.” Curious. ‘Spike’ sounded like a tough stallion...certainly not someone who I pictured being with the mare I saw at that party. “And Rainbow Dash...huh. I haven’t seen her all day!”

“And you are with me,” I said with a light chortle.

“That I am!” she exclaimed. She opened her mouth to say something but then snapped it shut. Curious.

“Were you going to say something, Pinkie?” I inquired. It may have been a bit intrusive, but I had the hunch something had been bugging her all day.

“Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell...” she looked at another couple, this time a mare and a stallion, who were feeding some ducks at a pond. “Don’t you wonder what it’s like sometimes?”

“What--” I cut myself off, for the gears in my mind had clicked into place. “Sometimes, yes.”

“It’s one of those things you can never feel unless you’ve experienced it, I guess,” Pinkie stated. I almost gasped in surprise, having heard such words come out of her mouth. Clearly she was smarter than I thought.

There was a moment of silence before I spoke, “Would you like to experience it one day?”

“Would you?”

I looked up at the sky. It was beginning to set now, the blue slowly transition into a bold orange. “One day, yes.”

I heard the smallest of sighs escape Pinkie’s lips. “Me too,” she said quietly. I was beginning to see where this was going, or where it could go, at least.

I had to be sure though. “Pinkie...” I cleared my throat, “Are you...?” I waved a hoof, hoping she’d catch onto what I was getting at.

She looked back at me, seeing my gesture. “I...I dunno.”

I couldn’t imagine myself with her. We were just two very different ponies and the rule ‘opposites attract’ wasn’t a rule that could be applied anywhere. Yet despite that, I couldn’t just deny her so easily. Clearly the young mare was still growing up and discovering herself. So I opted for the middle path.

“Pinkie, how about I offer you some dinner, hm?” I asked, giving her a charming smile.

Her mouth formed an ‘o’ shape. “What like...a date?”

“I suppose so. Although let me be clear: I’m not your special somepo--”

“Wooo a date!” she yelled at the top of her lungs, much to my embarrassment. I couldn’t back out now though. “This is gonna be so fun! I know the perfect place with lots of tasty grub! But not actual grubs ‘cause that’d be icky. I know that because I gave Rainbow Dash a cupcake with worms in it once and she had to go the hospital after eating it!”

Before I could think about why anyone would want to eat a cupcake with worms in it, Pinkie was already bouncing down the road. “I’m on a date and it’s gonna be great and the restaurant will be first rate!” she sang.

I laughed to myself, slowly catching up with her. I suspected that she knew we weren’t a couple; she wasn’t rubbing herself all over me like many of my admirers do. Still, hopefully this would teach her something.

And who knows? Perhaps it would be a rather fun dinner too.

Dates and Departures

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It seemed that I had found myself in a rather strange situation.

There I was, sat in a Ponyville restaurant, with Pinkie sat opposite me. She had kept up a massive grin ever since we both sat down. We had chosen a seat outside the restaurant interior, although I would have preferred to eat in. Not that I was embarrassed being with Pinkie, no no, but if one of her friends saw us, I knew I’d have to answer a lot of questions.

I had placed a napkin around my collar, as to protect my suit from any accidental spillages. Pinkie wasn’t so... careful. Currently she was playing with her knife and fork, which meant that the conversation had run a bit dry.

I wasn’t worried though; I was a great conversationalist. I cleared my throat before speaking. “So, Pinkie, how is life here?”

I heard the clatter of cutlery on the table as Pinkie looked up at me. “It’s super duper fan dabby dozy! Everyday I wake up, feed my pet, Gummy, then I go and say good morning to the Cake twins--oh my gosh, they’re soooo cute, you have to see them! Anyway, then I go downstairs and--”

She talked on about her daily life, even as a waiter came to bring us our soup. I gave the stallion a polite smile, before he walked off, looking bewildered. Pinkie didn’t even notice.

“Then at some point I usually see Dashie and we go out pranking or something!” I didn’t think she was going to stop, which left me in a dilemma; I didn’t want to be so rude that I interrupt her, yet I could not sit by and let her soup get cold.

“Twilight’s library has loads of good books so sometimes I go there and get a book out! Once, I got this awesome joke book filled with really ‘punny’ jokes!” Pinkie giggled, with a little snort, and I took my chance.

“Pinkie Pie, our soup has arrived.” I gestured at her bowl and she blinked, looking down at it.

“Oh! When did that happen?!” she asked, a little confused.

I cracked a smile. “A couple of minutes ago, my dear.”

“Righto! Let’s tuck in then!” And with that, she proceeded to grab the bowl and pour the soup into her mouth. I was a little less direct, drinking with a spoon, watching her in awe.

Pinkie was so different from any other mare, or indeed anything that I had encountered before. Was she oblivious to this, or did she embrace her uniqueness? I didn’t know her well enough to answer that question, but...

Well, I have to admit, I was enjoying her difference; it was keeping me on my hooves.

Pinkie was done with her meal in seconds. “Done! Mmm, that was good!” She slammed the bowl on the table, making me flinch a little. I looked at her and laughed quietly.

She tilted her head, raising an eyebrow. “What’s so funny?”

I pointed at her mouth with my spoon. “You seem to have acquired a beard.” Indeed, her mouth was covered in tomato soup, which she quickly licked off. My eyes widened as she stuck her tongue out--it was rather big.

I focused back on my meal. With Pinkie finished, I didn’t want to keep her waiting for too long. I dipped my spoon into the soup, brought it to my mouth and blew over it softly.

Pinkie tapped the table, looking around. Then, she brightened up, peering at something in the distance and waving a hoof. “Rarity! Over here!”

Unfortunately, the moment she yelled that I, soup was currently in my mouth. I fought the urge to spit it out in pure shock and instead swallowed hastily. Perhaps a bit too much, as I nearly choked.

I followed Pinkie’s gaze and sure enough, Rarity was standing there, looking back at us. She looked as wonderful and refined as she had when I met her in Canterlot, perhaps even more so. As she approached us, I could see that she was wearing slightly more makeup than normal.

She stopped at our table, glancing at the two of us. Her mouth went agape slightly as her wide eyes took everything in.

I kept my composure, greeting her with a friendly smile. “Hello, Rarity. Lovely to see you again.”

That snapped her out of it. She blinked and turned to me. “Oh, um, indeed it is! It has been a while, hasn’t it?”

“Quite.” I glanced to my soup. It seemed like I would have to let it go cold. “How are you?”

“I am well. How are you...” She stole a glance at Pinkie, still looking surprised. “...two?”

“I’m great! No, more than great--fantastic! Fancy Pants invited me out for dinner!” Pinkie chirped, beaming.

There were many traps I could’ve fallen to with my answer. I didn’t want Rarity to suspect that Pinkie and I were a couple, but I didn’t want to offend Pinkie either. Furthermore, I had to answer quickly lest I arouse suspicion.

“I am fine, Rarity. Enjoying this lovely dinner with Pinkie,” I answered, nodding once.

“So I see. Am I interrupting?” Rarity asked, looking a little bit skeptical.

“No no--”

“Nope! You can even join us, if you want!” Pinkie cried, patting the grass next to her.

Well, this just became more awkward.

Despite that, I didn’t allow my politeness to falter. I got off my seat cushion and placed it under Rarity before she sat down. She gave me a polite nod as a thanks.

“So,” she began, “might I ask how this came about?”

I opened my mouth to answer, but Pinkie had already beaten me to the punch. “Weeeeeeell, Fancy Pants came to Ponyville and was looking a bit lonely, so I came and gave him a cupcake which he really enjoyed! Then we did some walkin’ ‘n’ talkin’ like good friends do, but then he surprised me by inviting me out on a date and here we are!”

I wish she had let me explain, but no matter; it was done now. Rarity did a double take at me and I would’ve responded to her quicker, but my situation was a tricky one. I was used to the careful balancing act that sometimes occurred in the social graces, however, I was handling two entirely different mares here.

“Indeed. A harmless date as...” Think of the right word, Fancy Pants. “... companions often do.”

“I see,” Rarity said, her face now neutral--that told me that she was probably still settling on a conclusion. Her next words proved that much. She looked between us and uttered, “I’m intruding, aren’t I?”

Pinkie answered again, which made things easier this time. “No, you silly-filly! Why would I invite you to join us if you were?” She beamed at Rarity, who returned a less exaggerated smile.

Rarity then turned to me once again. “If I might be so forward, why have you come to Ponyville today? I’m sure you realise what day it is.” She didn’t take her eyes off me for a moment, meaning that she wanted an answer from me that was more definite. Pinkie was also staring at me, leaning over the table.

I was beginning to tire of this interrogation, but I kept calm nonetheless. “For the sake of curiosity, my dear.” Pinkie leant back at those last two words and glanced at Rarity. I mentally berated myself for my first mistake, although I knew it was an easily amendable one.

Rarity nodded, smiling gently. “I hope you’ve enjoyed your time here. Ponyville isn’t as glamorous as Canterlot, but I find it has a certain, rustic charm.” Her smile turned into a smirk and she leant towards me very slightly.

Thankfully, Pinkie couldn’t read the signs (she was too busy staring at me), but I could; I now had two mares vying for my attention--the exact thing I was trying to get away from. Perhaps this dinner wasn’t such a great idea after all.

Even if it was nice.

I needed a distraction and fortunately, restaurants provided the perfect excuses. I called over a waiter and asked for my bill. The waiter, a rather bored looking fellow, gave me an unimpressed look and gestured to my meal.

“Fancy Pants, you’ve barely eaten anything,” Rarity commented, her voice laced with concern.

“It wasn’t quite to my tastes, regrettably,” I replied, nodding at her. I then spoke to Pinkie, in order to maintain balance. “However, it has not dampened the enjoyable time I have spent here.” Pinkie grinned, letting out a sound that I can only describe as a ‘squee’.

The waiter shrugged and gave us the bill, which I happily paid for. I could see Pinkie squirming as I gave the stallion the required bits.

“You are here on my invitation, so I insist that I pay,” I said, giving our waiter an extra tip. He suddenly became more enthusiastic, and trotted off happily.

“Uh, okay,” Pinkie replied, looking a little unsure, her eyebrows raised and her head at a slight angle. I assumed that she was so used to giving, that being on the receiving end of a gift was a little unnatural for her. Hm. That’s a very admirable quality.

It was also somewhat... endearing? Yes, endearing, seeing her like that.

I looked up and saw that the sun was beginning its descent to make way for Luna’s glorious moon. I sighed and stood up--time to return home.

Pinkie was poking my side, looking up at me with her rather beautiful eyes. “What’s wrong?”

Aah. So she had picked up on my regret. And her question was genuine. I could tell from her voice; it was gentler than it ever had been.

“Regrettably, I have to return to Canterlot now.” Both Pinkie’s and Rarity’s ears fell back, although the former was much more noticeable. “Regardless, I had a lovely time with you both.” I took their hooves in my own, one at a time, and kissed them gently. The two mares giggled at the gesture, again, Pinkie much more apparent.

I didn’t want to leave, truly, but this was only meant to be a one day excursion. If I was gone for any longer, it would spell chaos for my social life in Canterlot. Everything would go to Tartarus and nopony is prepared for that.

“Well, it was lovely seeing you again. I’ll have to visit you sometime.” Rarity blinked, realizing how forward she was being. She let out a little awkward laugh. “That is, if you’ll have me, of course.”

I gave her a little bow. I honestly wouldn’t mind seeing Rarity again; she was sophisticated, yet some of that Ponyville charm had rubbed off on her. “It would be my honor, my dear.”

Rarity nodded and began to turn away. “I look forward to it. Until next we meet.” And with that, she set off, but not before giving me a sly smile and showing off her body a little bit. She was showing interest, bless her, but she would need to do much more to win my heart. That is, if she was even trying to.

“Bye Rarity!” Pinkie waved after her friend enthusiastically, then paused, turning to me. “And, uh, you too, I guess.” She rubbed one foreleg over the other, smiling sheepishly. If she was trying to not look endearing, then she was failing horribly.

“Perhaps you would look to accompany me to the station?” I offered, and found myself in Pinkie’s vice grip a mere second later.

“Yes!” Pinkie shouted, squeezing me harder. The air in my lungs was quickly pushed out and my monocle almost fell off.

I took a huge effort to form a coherent sentence, let alone a single word, but somehow I managed. “Erm... Pinkie?”

Pinkie blinked in realization, then quickly let go of me. “Oh! Sorry!”

“Not to worry, Pinkie,” I replied gently, giving her a friendly smile. Despite the near suffocation, her hug felt... nice. Genuine. Warm.

It wasn’t like I had experienced hugs before. Nobles who knew each other fairly well often greeted each other with them. But those were merely a formality--they lacked heart.

And Pinkie was full of it, it seemed.

“Now, let us go,” I announced, beginning to walk slowly away from the restaurant, Pinkie right by my side.

As the sun makes way for the moon, it tends to paint a stunning vista in the sky. In Canterlot, it was difficult to see, what with various towers and such in the way. But in Ponyville? It was like I had acquired a free seat to the greatest art exhibition on Equestria.

The sky was streaked with a brilliant orange, a few fluffy clouds dotting the skyscape. Black silhouettes of birds went across, flying to their nests no doubt. Couples were taking notice of the gorgeous view, resting against each other. Pinkie and I might have stopped to take it all in, but I had to get back to Canterlot.

We went by in silence, which was odd... but also nice. It was a companionable silence and I didn’t think Pinkie was capable of such. Yet again, she had surprised me.

In what felt like almost an instant--far too short for my liking--we had arrived at the station. I bought my ticket, ignoring the stares from onlookers waiting for their trains.

I stood on the platform, Pinkie next to me. She was staring at the tracks, looking a little forlorn. Hm... I didn’t think that this goodbye would be that hard for her.

“Thank you for the wonderful time, Pinkie,” I said, “you are always welcome in Canterlot.”

Her tail began twitching and she looked up to me, excited. “Really?!”

I let out a quiet chuckle. “Really.”

Then Pinkie did the oddest thing. She jumped into the air, cheering, and just... hovered there for longer than should have been possible. I tried looking for invisible wings, or hidden wires holding her up but... nothing.

Then she decided to set herself down--I assumed that it was her choice and not some unknown force controlling her. Once she had calmed down (well, as much as Pinkie Pie could calm down), I began to make my inquiry. “Pinkie... just how did you do that?”

“Do what?” she asked, her grin never vanishing from her face.

I gestured to the space above her. “The, erm, floaty thing?” Pinkie stared at me for a few seconds, silent. For a moment, I was worried that I had broken her by pointing out one of her illogical ways.

“I dunno!” she finally answered, giving me a big shrug.

“I see...” I looked back down the tracks, but kept an eye on Pinkie just in case.

“Do you like Canterlot? ‘Cause I really really like Ponyville, but Canterlot is pretty cool as well!” Pinkie stopped, rubbing her chin. “Sometimes. I think that some of the ponies there are kinda boring.” She blinked and was grovelling underneath me in an instant. “Not you, though! You’re really fun!”

I smirked and gave her a helping hoof up. “No need to apologize, Pinkie.” I lowered my voice slightly. “I find myself agreeing with you, actually.”

Pinkie’s ears twitched once. “Oh? Why’s that?”

“Because it is the truth,” I replied, nodding to her.

Pinkie scratched her head. “That makes sense. I mean, there’s just some things that are, and others that aren’t.” Her wording was a little confusing, but I assumed she was talking about universal truths.

Only a few minutes later did my train arrive, screeching to a halt along the tracks. The conductor pony stepped out of one of the doors, keeping an eye on passengers boarding and disembarking.

Pinkie and I looked at each other and... I’m not too sure even now, but I think we shared a mutual understanding of sorts. We both knew that this was it.

I gently took her hoof in my own, kissing it. “It’s been lovely, Pinkie. Truly. I would like to do this again, sometime.”

It was hard to tell because of her coat color, but I think she was blushing. “Yeah, we gotta meet up again soon! Maybe in Canterlot?” She gave me a hopeful smile.

“I’ve already said, my dear, that you are always welcome there.” I looked back at the train--time to go. “Now, I’m afraid I simply cannot delay any longer.” I let go of her hoof and the smile on her face fell very slightly. I stepped towards the train, never taking my eyes off her. “Until next we meet, Pinkie Pie!”

Pinkie took in a deep breath. “Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!” Then she started waving erratically, a gesture which I returned, although in a much more restrained manner.

I then stepped inside fully, the doors closing behind me. Already, I could feel the burdens of my Canterlot life coming back to me. I took a seat next to a window and spotted Pinkie, still waving at me. It took her a little while to find me again, but she managed.

The train started moving and Pinkie began to get further away. Despite that, I’ll never forget the look at her face; sad, yet hopeful at the same time. When she disappeared from sight, I sighed and reclined against my seat. Hopefully--no, surely--we would meet again.

Hm... I wonder how much it would cost to have a summer home in Ponyville?

Routine resumed the moment I got off the train.

My entourage of servants greeted me more than enough times and ushered me to my carriage. The ride to my manor wasn’t very long, and as I stepped out of the carriage, I felt a mix of joy and regret to be back.

Canterlot is a crowded city, but my residence has its own space--a big, impressive white building in the middle of a sizeable green space, flowers dotting the landscape. The area was surrounded with impressive iron gates, but I had them sprayed white so they wouldn’t look so intimidating.

I went up the front path, gardeners greeting me as I went. I smiled back at them, giving them compliments on a job well done. My butler, Greymane, was waiting for me outside the double, wooden doors, leaning by one of the huge pillars that were on the walls of my abode. Upon seeing me, he straightened up and gave me a salute.

“Stand down, Greymane,” I said, smiling. He instantly relaxed, walking by my side as we entered my home. Everything from the gleaming white walls, to the red carpet that led up the stairs, was spotless. As always.

“Good to know that you haven’t slacked off in my absence.” I chuckled, giving Greymane a good pat on the back for his efforts.

“Thank you, sir. Shall I prepare arrangements for tonight's meal?" he asked. Come to think of it, I was a little starved from hardly touching that soup.

"That would be most lovely, Greymane." With my approval, he waved at another stallion, who scurried off towards the kitchen.

Greymane’s horn then glowed and from his black suit’s pocket, came a little notepad. He flicked through it, murmuring quietly, until he smacked a steel blue hoof on the correct page. “Here we go! Just a reminder that Blueblood’s party is coming up--tomorrow, in fact.”

Aah yes. That little shindig. It was a good thing I went to Ponyville to wind down.

“Very good, Greymane. I’ll decide on what to wear, in that case.” I waved him off and headed up the stairs. It took a little while to get my room, but once I got there, I let out a somewhat frustrated sigh.

Blueblood is so... insufferable. The complete opposite to a noble like myself. The biggest problem is that I have to act nice around him. He is one of the few nobles whose power rivals my own.

Oh, and this little party of his wasn’t for his birthday either. It was just for attention. I had to turn up, just so I wouldn’t offend him and risk my own position.

Granted, I never forgot the time I beat him at fencing. Good times. For me, at least.

I glanced around the room, everything prim and proper. Even the stacks of papers on my desk in the corner were tidily stacked, much to my slight annoyance. My servants had the best of intentions and they worked hard, but sometimes I liked a little mess in my work space. It gave it a little bit of character.

I walked past my royal blue, double bed, which always felt a little big for me. My grand, wooden wardrobe stood there, all my best suits within. I opened it up and looked at my selection. Suits of all colors, styles... and something new...?

I blinked, spotting something very bright deeper in the wardrobe, obscured by my other outfits. I pushed them aside to find something I’d never expect.

“Hi, Fancy Pants!”

A second later, I was on the floor, shocked out of my mind and staring into those blue eyes looking down at me.