Fate Is Written

by Bysen

First published

Carrot Top and Written Script have been seen around Ponyville with Dinky Doo. But what ever happened to Derpy then? And how did Carrot Top became her mother?

Written Script, little brother of Ditzy Doo gets a call one day. His sister is in the hospital and there's nopony to take care of little Dinky. He catches the first train to Ponyville where he meets one of his sister's friends Carrot Top. The severity of Derpy's condition put's Dinky's future in there hooves.
Written plans on taking Dinky back to live with him in Detrot but that might not be what's best for Dinky and Derpy. Or Carrot Top either. But it is better than the alternative. He won't let his niece become an orphan in the system.

Written Script is the stallion's name [according to unicorn names wiki] and the character Sparkle is the unicorn who was entered with Dinky in the Sisterhood Social.
Please don't hate me for the reason Derpy's not well. I did it in a way that says she's not 100% there but you're still an arse if you're mean to her.

Basiclly, from the latest episode [Just For Side-Kicks] I don't accept the theory that Carrot top is Dinky's mother and I wrote this to justify my head-canon.
Also my internet died for two days so I had nothing better to do than write this.

Pic simi-related.


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“Yes, I understand. Thank you f-for letting me know.” said the grey-ish-blue unicorn as he hung up the phone. His purple mane cut like a mullet and his flank bore a scroll for a Cutie Mark. He hadn’t heard from her in a while. What he had last heard though, was that his sister and Dinky where doing just fine. Ditzy had steady employment and was taking good care of herself and her daughter. How things had gone downhill so fast, unfortunately, wasn’t surprising.

She’d had what was called ‘an episode’ by the professionals and now… now his big sister was locked up in an institution. This wasn’t the first time. He never understood what had happened as a young colt, why his sister would be put in the mental ward every so often. He only saw the good, caring and happy side of her. It wasn’t until he was much older that he really knew. Even still, he wasn’t around as much as he would’ve liked; to help support her at times.

There had been some very dark times in her life. But ever since his niece came along, Ditzy had really gotten her act together. Until just now he had hoped that it was all in the past, that she would be fine and her daughter would never have to worry about her mother like he did. Dinky… she must be so scared.

The little filly was being taken care of by Ponyville Social Services until he arrived. That wouldn’t be until tomorrow at the earliest. She was on her own until then. Worse yet, while he tried to take care of his sister, he wasn’t sure if he would be able to take care of his little niece. At least not full time. But until Ditzy was deemed a fit parent once more, he was all Dinky had.

It was late at night now, too late to catch a train to Ponyville but not late enough to go to sleep and let time pass faster that way. As such he stayed up; thinking and worrying. There wasn’t much else he would do. The most prevalent thing on his mind was should he move to Ponyville or take Dinky back here to Detrot?

He had a job here. It wasn’t much but it was more than he had in Ponyville. But he didn’t want to uproot the filly by taking her away from her school and friends to go live with some stallion she’d met only a few times. Even fewer that she would even remember. No matter which he chose, it was still better than the alternative. He wouldn’t let Dinky go into the foster system. It just wasn’t an option.

She wasn’t going to be adopted.

Carry on, my wayward neice

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The first train arrived in Ponyville around midday. He departed quickly, having not brought any luggage with him, he headed straight for his sister’s house. Guessing he would be staying there the next few days. He didn’t know where much anything was in this town. As it was he hoped he could remember where Ditzy lived. Nearly a year… he hadn’t seen her in nearly a year.

It took him a while, but he found her house. He still had a key, not that it was locked. He wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad sign. That she always left it unlocked. He’d heard Ponyville was a good town, little-to-no crime, but still. Or it could just be that it had been left unlocked from what had happened yesterday. He still wasn’t entirely clear on the details of that.

There was a third possibility though. One that he didn’t think of. The one that was what happened. “Can I help you?” a yellow-coated mare with a curly orange mane asked as he stepped into the house. She looked a little concerned but not at all surprised. “Are you with social services too?” she continued. She was an earth pony and had three carrots for a Cutie Mark.

“N-no. I’m uh, looking for Ditzy. She lives… or lived here. I think. Am I at the right place?” he stammered. It was completely possible he’d accidently walked into the wrong house. That was until he heard…

“Uncy Written!” Dinky yelled as she ran up to him and leapt into a hug. At least she remembered him, and she was still as cheerful as ever, despite whatever had happened to her mother.

“’Uncy Written’? So… you’re Derpy’s brother then?” the mare asked.

“Yes, I’m her brother. Written Script. May I ask who you are?” he replied sternly. This mare he’d barely met had the audacity to insult his sister not only in front of him but in front of her daughter with that nickname ‘Derpy’.

“I’m Carrot Top. Derpy’s best friend. You heard about what happened I take it. If you haven’t guessed already, yes, this is Derpy’s place and…

“Stop saying that!” he blurted out. “Stop insulting my sister to my face! You sound apathetic, so why would you mock her like that?!”

Carrot Top was taken aback by his outburst. Unfortunately the first thing she thought was the perhaps metal illness ran in the family and this stallion wasn’t 100% there as well. This diffidently wasn’t the best first impression either of them they could make. After a moment of looking at each other weirdly she realized what he meant. He’d called her Ditzy, she’d called her Derpy.

“Dinky, what’s your mummy’s name?”

“Derpy Whooves, silly. Don’t you remember?” she said without hesitation.

“I’m sorry if I offended you, but that’s her name to us. She introduced herself to me as Derpy years ago. Like I said, I’m her best friend. I have been for years.” Carrot Top explained herself. It sounded right. Last time he’d visited, Ditzy had seems a lot more aloof about her name, even referring to herself as being a bit ‘derpy’ at times. To introduce herself to Carrot top as ‘Derpy’ a few years ago. Well… she had been better with her condition, perhaps she’d learnt to laugh about it, to help with it.

“Oh, well, I’m sorry if I startled you too. Do you live here too?”

“No. I heard about what happened. I went and got Dinky first thing this morning. Uh, Dinky? Would you go play with your toys for a moment. I need to talk with your uncle.” Carrot Top said, turning and looking at Dinky with a smile.

“Ok. Can Uncy play with us when you’re done, Carry?”

“Of course he can.” Carrot Top replied before Dinky ran off back into her room where she’d been before. A moment passed as both’s eyes followed her back there and then listened to the childish sound effects of toys being played with. “She doesn’t need to hear this.”

“I agree. I do though. She’s been doing fine, what happened?”

“She hurt herself again. Badly.” Derpy was depressed. She was a little slow and didn’t have the best eyes. Her vision was 20/-20 and as such she’d been teased growing up. Something had gotten to her. It just grew from there. “I, I usually try to keep her in check. I’ve helped her with her problems a lot. But I wasn’t there when that jerk started calling her retarded, among other things.”

“Was it that rainbow’d pegasus? I’ve heard about her and seen her…”

“Rainbow Dash? No. I mean yeah, she’s a jerk but their actually quite close friends. She can be crude but she’d never hurt that filly. It was just some no good mud-pony. And… before I even knew anything had happened, I was told she was in the hospital. I couldn’t see her yesterday and I spent all of last night working to get to see Dinky. I don’t want to see her go into the system, but there’s only so much me and the program can do.”

“Program?” he asked. He wasn’t surprised there was some sort of program helping out his sister, the question was which?
“Big Sister Society. Dinky has a ‘big sister’ who does stuff with her some times. Derpy works a lot to keep them afloat and can’t always do everything with her. So, her big sister Sparkle hangs out with her. Takes her to places like Cantalot Gardens, enters contests and just acts like a sorta second mother to her. It’s only her word that let Dinky come with me. We’re… we’re meant to be packing her stuff to take back… but I… I can’t let that happen to her.” Carrot Top said, trying to hold back tears.

Derpy was Dinky’s mother, Sparkle was dinky’s big sister, and Carrot Top was… Carrot Top was half way between both. “I won’t let that happen." Written assured the mare. "I’ve come here to take custody of her. I’m sure this Sparkle cares about her but it’s better she’s with family.” he said as he put a hoof on her shoulder.

“Th-thanks. You, you should stay here, I’ll go let them know Derpy’s family has come. I’m sure they’ll, they’ll understand.” she replied as a few tears escaped. She leant against his hoof for a moment before pulling herself away and facing towards Dinky’s room “Dinky, I’m going out for a while. Your uncle’s going to be taking care of you until I get back, ok?”

“Ok Carry.” she called back. Carrot Top turned back towards him and let out a sigh. She picked herself back up and put a smile on.

“Thank you for this.” she said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll be back as soon as I can… probably with paper work and Sparkle.” before she walked off and out the door, closing and locking it behind her.

A derp in the life

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It had been a few days now. Dinky was at school at the moment and Carry was at work. Dinky had friends here in Ponyville: good friends. So did Ditzy.That Rainbow Dash had even said that if anypony makes fun of Dinky’s mother at school, namely those two rich bitches, that she’d make sure Scootaloo would take care of them. Also that something ‘unfortunate’ had already happened to the stallion who’d provoked Derpy.

Until now they still hadn’t seen his sister but today they were finally allowed in to visit. Dinky hadn’t been told the exact details, just that her mummy was in the hospital for a while and that her uncle would be taking care of her. However he couldn’t take care of her here. It was a requirement that a guardian have steady employment and a steady income. He didn’t have that here; he had that back in Detrot. Written didn’t want to take her away but… it was for her best interest. Right?

He had looked into getting a job here in Ponyville but it wasn’t very economical of a town. Unlike Detrot that was busiling in the prime of the factory era, one that would NEVER end. As it stood he was in hot water already, taking a week off work suddenly wasn’t the best move but he’d gotten it approved, if not as a last second thought a few hours before getting on the train.

Sparkle had just come around and told him they could see his sister this afternoon. She’d be going with them as well. Sparkle wasn’t just paid to care for Ditzy, in fact she wasn’t paid at all. The dark-ish-pink unicorn volunteered out of the goodness of here heart. She left soon after telling him and let him know she’d meet them there about an hour after school ended.

All he could do was sit there in the house and wait for Dinky to arrive home. It was normal for her to walk herself home, in fact almost all the kids did. He didn’t like it but Ponyville was a safe town after all. Unlike Detrot. She wouldn’t be walking home by herself there. That was something he’d have to worry about. He worked at the time that school ended. There was so much he’d have to change and adjust to. But if it was hard for him, he hated to think how hard it would be for Dinky.

Eventually she arrived home. He told her they could visit Derpy in the hospital. He still disliked calling her that but Dinky didn’t seem to even know the name Ditzy. As they walked towards their destination, they made a detour to pick-up Carry. She worked on a farm and made her own hours so she could come with them at any time for anything.

It wasn’t much longer until they arrived at the hospital. The mental ward. The high risk corner of the mental ward. Sparkle was there already and made a head start on getting them cleared to enter. Once that was done they were escorted by a nurse to his sister’s room. Though ‘bouncer with a small bit of medical training’ would describe this stallion more aptly than 'nurse'.

She looked at them and it took her a moment to acknowledge them. She was always a little slow but Written could tell she was slightly sedated right now. He hadn’t seen it in so long, but he would always remember the look. He hoped Dinky wouldn’t. “Mummy!” Dinky yelled as ran up and jumped onto Derpy’s bed. He hadn’t noticed at first but she was also restrained, though with long enough straps to let her move around on the bed.

“Mummy’s missed you so much Dinky. Have you been a good filly for Carry? And… oh. You’re here.” she added as she noticed her brother. She wasn’t sad he had come, she was ashamed that he’d had come under these circumstances.

“Yes mummy. I’ve been good. I even got an A on my test today. Cheerilee says I did really good!” it had most likely been given to her because Cheerilee had heard about what happened. But Derpy didn’t know that and it made her happy to hear. And more importantly, it made Derpy somewhat less disappointed in herself. The two others approached her bed while the ‘nurse’ stayed at the door watching over them.

As Written got closer, he got a look at her wings. One of them was nearly completely plucked. Again, he hoped it was something Dinky wouldn’t notice. “Cheerilee says she’s been doing really well in school for a while now.” lied Sparkle. She was doing alright, an average student.

“That’s great.” Derpy said with a smile. She was happy. For now at least. Her daughter was with her… though, also only for now. Written hadn’t thought about his sister in all this. He’d only been thinking about what taking Dinky away would do to his niece. But it was still better for her to go with family then a stanger. Ditzy would rather she be with him than in the system. He remembered the fear in her eyes when the question was brought up whether she’d be a fit mother after Dinky was born.

She wasn’t now. She wasn’t suitable for parent-hood. But she had been for so long. That had to count for something. If he took Dinky, Ditzy would get her back some day. She could visit them or they could visit her any time... that was a lie. At least the first part. It was unlikely Ditzy would ever get her daughter back. It’s a cycle. She’d held it together this long for her daughter, or because of her. Without her, it was only so long until it happened again.

Dinky didn’t need to hear the details of what was going to happen to her. Or more over, she didn’t need to hear her mother crying about them. Ditzy was going to cry. So was Carry and so was he. After a while of catching up, Sparkle took her out of the room to go get them all some ice cream. They’d be back in about half an hour. “I’m going to take her back home with me. To live in Detrot.” Written said bluntly. It was best to be forward about it.

“I thought you would. Do they have a Big Sister Program there?” Derpy replied.

“I don’t know. I assume they would.”

“I’m sorry… I screwed up. I’m just a screw up. I screwed up Winter-Wra…"

“No you’re not!” Carry said before she could utter a single word more. But before she could say a single word more Written took his turn.

“Maybe you did screw up a few things.” he got a look from Carry that said ‘What the hay?!’ and responded with a look that said ‘Trust me, I know what I’m doing’. “But you succeeded in the one place it counts the most. You have a wonderful daughter. She’s smart, polite and I know she’ll grow up to be just like you. And believe me, that’s a good thing. A very good thing.”

“That wasn’t me… Sparkles more of a mother to her than I am. And I’m losing that too. But please. Take her… take her away from me. She’s better off!”

“No filly is better off without their mothe…”

“YES SHE IS!!!” Derpy screamed and moved towards them slightly. The ‘nurse’ moved but stood down a second later. The restraints had done their job in holding her back. Then they did their second job and started to retract, pulling her down to the bed now that they’d been pulled away from. She hadn’t needed to before but now she couldn’t even wipe the tears away from her eyes.

Written did that for her. Carry wipe some of her own away before turning and leaving the room. Written looked back to her questioningly. “I’m go-oing to find Dinky and Sparkle.” She sobbed, not looking at either of them, walking away. It hurt her as much as it hurt him to see Derpy like this. Unfortunately, it hurt Derpy even more to see Carry like that.


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Three signatures. It had only taken three signatures on a few forms and legal documents to change dinky's life forever. To take her to Detrot to live with her uncle for the foreseeable future. It boggled his mind that it was so simple. And he wasn’t the only one. Carry had been getting worse. She was crying so much and barely managed to hide it from Dinky.

They were leaving tomorrow, late in the afternoon Sunday. Written had packed Dinky’s stuff already, all her stuff. ALL her stuff. Dinky knew it was permanent… but she didn’t really know what that meant. Forever can be a hard thing to explain to a child. He’d chosen Sunday for a reason. To give her one last weekend with her friends and Sparkle and Carry. A few of her close friend had even been given Friday off school as well.

The last of her friends, an earth pony named Applebloom was being picked up by her big sister now. Her real big sister, not like Sparkle. Sparkle was still here and unlike the fillies, didn’t have a curfew or a bed time and could stay a lot longer. But she would leave too and that would be the last Dinky would see of her. There was tomorrow, but very little of it that wasn’t going to be at the train station.

“Sparkle, do you mind watching Dinky for a while longer. I’m heading out.”

“Of course not. Where’re you going though?”

“I’m going to go see Carry. To thank her for what she’s gone. I may be a while. You don’t mind staying quite late do you?”

“No, take the whole night if you have to but… just so you know. She’s gay. She and Derpy.”

He just stared at her blankly for a moment. “I didn’t know.” he said, trying to avoid picturing Carry and his sister… unsuccessfully. “That’s not what I was going there for though. I haven’t known her very long but, she’s been acting strange. Hasn’t she?”

“A little, yeah. Your sister isn’t the only one losing Dinky. She is as well. Derpy may say I’m more of a mother to Dinky than she is. She’s wrong of course but, she wouldn’t be entirely wrong if she said that about Carry. She’s been around longer than I have for both of them.”

He hadn’t thought about that. He hadn’t thought about a lot of things until they were directly in front of him. There had to be other stuff that he’d missed too, but he couldn’t see it. He only hoped it wasn’t something to important. As it was, what he had on his plate was big enough, he didn’t need to add more. “I’ll be off then. And, if I can’t find you tomorrow for whatever reason, thank you too. You’ve done a lot for my family. Maybe more than I have. Maybe more than I even could’ve. So thank you.”

“It’s my pleasure.” she said as he waved and headed off. He wondered if he had sounded flirty there. He hadn’t meant to. Only intended to be legitimately thankful for all she’d done. Same with Carry. It was dark out and he didn’t know his way around the town perfectly so it took him a bit longer to get there than he had thought. He had to stop and get directions from some crazy pink mare who he had to talk out of throwing him a welcome to Ponyville party before he finally got her to point him in the right direction.

He knocked on the door and it slowly swung open. Not lock, not even closed properly. He distinctly remembered her locking the door to his sister’s house a few days ago. He was worried at this point and walked inside. What he found though was “Are you… drunk?”

“Working on it.” Carry said as she downed another large mug of cider. The stuff wasn’t that strong but she’d drank so much already. She finished glugging it down and let out a refreshed sigh. “Aaahhh… you want one?”

“No, no thank you.” he said as he walked up and took a seat beside her on the rug. There was a small coffee table next to them, mostly covered in empty mugs now. “Are you alright? All of this must be hard. It’s hard for me too, you know. But I don’t go trying to drink it away.”

“Yeah, well we all have our own ways of dealing with our problems. And unfortunately, mine's in the hospital so this’ll have to do this instead.” she said as she put down the old mug and picked up a new one. She started to raise it to her mouth before Written put his hoof out and stopped her.

“So she helped you deal with your problems? I guess seeing her like that mustn’t have helped. But you know, I’m here for you. I can help you with them instead.”

“Sorry, but you can’t. You’re not… you’re not in the same boat.” he remembered what Sparkle had said about her and his sister. Again, he hadn’t meant to sound flirty there, and he didn’t like that perhaps she though he was trying to take advantage of drunk mare. He would never do that. “She understands me, knows what I’m going through. And I know what she’s going through. And… what I AM going through now! Because she is too…”

He remembered what else Sparkle had said “You’re losing Dinky too.”

“Yes…” she cried. And he realised. This was something he’s missed. Until it was right in front of him. This mare was as much a mother to Dinky as his sister. She had a steady job, support from Sparkle, still lived in Ponyville so Dinky wouldn’t have to leave. And most importantly would give his sister the will she needed to keep calm and… ‘Carry’ on. Because her daughter would still be with her.

“I want you to be Dinky’s guardian. It’s perfect. I didn’t know why I didn’t see it before.”

“I can’t be. I tried… I, I’m not a fit parent. Just, just ask the state. Just ask my son!” a perfect plan with a huge hole in it.

“Oh… I didn’t know. I’m sorry I said anything.”

“I said we met years ago. She called herself Derpy. I met her in therapy. She was… so happy. It just made me happy to be around her. I called her Bright Eyes for a while. She didn’t mind, she even liked it. I actually meant it as an insult at first but it just didn’t get to her at all. I even said some horrible stuff to her. Nothing scaved her at all. She, she was amazing. She still is, even with this… this… this THIS!”

“You still admire her strength, even after her set back? So… it’s not her that’s causing this in you. It’s losing Dinky.” he said. He thought himself playing a psychiatrist, which he always hated doing to his sister. But now he felt it had the exact right answers. Even if he didn’t. “How long ago did you meet her?”

“I don’t know… before Dinky was born. A year or two before that.”

“Since you met her, she was your way to keep it together right? Did you? Did Ditzy… Derpy help you?"

“Yeah, she did. I haven’t since before I… but this isn’t about her! I-it’s Dinky!”

“You’re right, it’s not about her. But it’s not about Dinky. It’s about you. Two years before Dinky was born since you last did anything. That’s long time. Please, tell me you haven’t done anything now?”

“N-no. I haven’t. I, are you saying, you think I could be her parent?”

“I don’t see why not. You’ve known her her entire life. You’ve kept yourself and your friend safe for so long. And I’m sure Sparkle would vouch for you.” without warning she leapt forwards and locked lips with him. He didn’t fight back. Admittedly he found this mare quite appealing and obviously had some affection for her. But he did pull away once it started to last a while.

“You’re drunk.”

“I know. But that doesn’t mean I can’t like you.”

“Yes but you liking my sister does.”

“You think I’m a lesbian?” she asked quizzically. “Do I really put off that vibe…” she said, slightly dejectedly, but with a tinge of humour behind the words.

“No, not at all. It’s just that Sparkle said that you were with my sister. And if you’ve been together for so long, I assume it’s serious.”

“Ok, I DID say that to her... but she doesn’t know how to take a joke. I said that to Derpy a year ago in front of her so some jerk wouldn't stop hitting on her.”

“Well, you’re still drunk.”

“I know. But still.” she leant in and kissed him again. This one more innocent, just a peck on the lips. “Nopony’s ever said something so nice before. I mean sure, Derpy probably thinks that too, so does Sparkle. But they’ve never said it. Do you, do you really think I’d be a good parent?”

“I think you already are. Everything I said about Dinky to Derpy. It goes for you too. You helped raise her. She’s already your daughter.” he said before he gave her a kiss, though on the cheek like the one she had given him the day they met. “And tomorrow we’ll make it official. It took me three signatures to take custody of her. With Sparkle on your side, and your history with Dinky, you’ll get her. I promise.”

“Don’t make a girl a promise you can’t keep.”

“I promise you that I’m not.”

“You really think so.” she said, more of a statement than a question.

“I don’t think so, I know so.” Written replied and put his hoof on hers. “Now, stop drinking and come back to Derpy’s place for the night. We’ll tell Dinky the change of plan.”

“I’d like that, I really would. But… I’d rather do that tomorrow and instead of going back there, and have you stay here.”

“I’m sticking with you’re drunk.”

“And I’m sticking with I know. I don’t want to sleep with you, I just want to sleep with you. Here.” she said as she pulled him close and then lay down on the rug. She closed her eyes and nuzzled into his neck. “Will you stay the night here?”

“Of course.” he replied as he gave her a kiss on the forehead and then rested his chin against it as he too closed his eyes. “Dinky is lucky to have such a caring Carry.”


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The next morning, he didn’t want to get up. He wanted to just rest in Carry’s hooves a while longer. But he couldn’t. It had only been three signatures for him, but there was still a lot of work needed to be gone and he was leaving today. Without, or with Dinky. They found Sparkle still at Derpy’s place, preparing breakfast for them. All four of them.

He told her his idea, and though she liked Carry, she was apprehensive. As you could imagine that didn’t help Carry out very much. But she came around when he asked “Do you trust her? Trust her with Dinky. She loves her and you must know it.” Sparkle couldn’t argue with that. She knew full well that Carry was already Dinky’s mother in her own way. She said she’d help but she couldn’t make any promises. Sparkle left quickly after breakfast to find the forms that would need to be filled to get the ball rolling.

Carry didn’t have much hope. They’d taken a child from her before, why would they give her one now? It had been so long… but from that all she drew was wondering if her son even remembered her anymore. Probably not. She barely remembered him, or tried to forget rather. And until lately, she’d done a good job at it. Now though, it was happening all over again, made worse by the false hope Written was giving her.

Sparkle worked quickly, returning just after midday. She arranged a tribunal to decide whether or not she would be deemed fit to be the filly’s guardian. And while Sparkle now seemed assured Carry would be successful, Written now had his doubts. If they interviewed the Carry he’d met less than a week ago she’d be fine. But right now, she was torn up; fear and doubt ebbed at her mind constantly.

It was only an hour away and would take most of the time Carry and Dinky would have left. If she failed, Written and Dinky would have to leave right away to make their train. Carry wanted to forget about it, and not risk their last moments together. But Written assured her it was worth the risk. Because there was no risk. They would approve her as a fit mother. Because she was more than a fit mother. She’s a good mother, a great mother. If only he would get her to believe that too.

The tribunal consisted of three ponies. One of them knew Dinky personally, it was Cheerilee. Another was the a member of the Social Services that Sparkle worked for and the third was the head of the Ponyville Social Services as Sparkle had told them. Not that she needed to. Carry remembered him. He had been one of the ones who had taken her son from her all those years ago.

“A history of mental instability and post-pardon depression lead to a suicide attempt. Resulting in the state taking your son into its custody, and now you seek to adopt a child. Is this correct?” the pegasus, the judge asked. He was a pale blue, wearing a black robe with a red tie and had a grey beard with no mane as he’d gone bold years ago. He sat in the middle of the three and looked directly at Dinky when he asked this. He wanted to not have the child in question hear but Carry was ‘on trial’ and both Sparkle and Written where going to testify in her behalf.

“Yes.” Carry replied. She wasn’t sure if he remembered her. It had been so long ago, he’d surely seen so many other cases since then. But she sure as hay remembered him.

“You’re medical history indicates that you haven’t had any relapses in your therapy in almost eight years. But that’s only what has been what’s said here. You suffered some deep wounds that needed to be treated three years ago. Would you explain these to us please?”

“A manticore, your honour. Me, Dinky and Derpy where in the Everfree Forest when it attacked. I risked my life to let them escape.” Carry said with pride. “Recorded or not, I haven’t caused myself harm in any way in years.”

“Maybe so, but there are many things to consider in this. The child’s uncle has already put in a claim for custody of her and has been successful in his attempt. While this can be changed quite easily under regular circumstances, he does have more authority in this matter than you do.”

“I know. And he’s one of my character witnesses today. Along with Dinky’s big sister from the Big Sister Program. And, I’m not sure if this is allowed but I believe Cheerilee could be as well.”

“No, I’m afraid not. While I know Dinky personally, I’m not allowed to let that sway my opinion. I’m sorry deary.”

“Is there anything you’d like to say before the first testimony is heard?”

“Yes. I’ve been around this filly since she was born. I’ve raised her alongside her mother. I may not be her uncle, but I’m a lot closer to her than he is.”

“Very well then. Would the first character-witness please take the stand.” the judge declared as Carry stepped off of it and Sparkle approach. She placed her hoof on a copy of the holy ‘Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide’ and swore to tell the truth. “Please state your name and relation to the mare in question.”

“My name is Sparkle and I’m the Dinky’s big sister. In the Big Sister Program that is. Not by blood.”

“You’ve been with Dinky Doo in the Big Sister Program for three years now, correct?”

“Yes, nearly four now.”

“In that time how often has Carrot Top been around Dinky?”

“Almost as much as her mother. And more than I have.” Sparkle replied without pause. She had faith in Carry but she also had her doubts. “And while I don’t see anything wrong with her uncle, Dinky knows Carrot Top far better than him.”

“Do you know about Carrot Top’s mental history. And why she had her first child taken from her?”

“I know the basics of it. But I don’t need to. That was long ago and from what I’ve seen from her in the last years, I don’t think that will happen again.”

“Did you think that Ditzy would have a relapse until she did?” the judged questioned, throwing Sparkle for a loop.

“N-no. I didn’t.” she said. It was true, she hadn’t thought this would happen to Derpy and had up until now thought the mare had made a full recovery. Sparkle had even had to fight to stay assigned to Dinky now that her mother was considered well enough to not be eligible for the program anymore. “But you can’t compare two different pony’s conditions. I know all about Derpy’s condition. It’s unrelatable to post-pardon depression. “

“Clarify for the record: ‘Derpy’ is a nickname of one Ditzy Doo, the mother of Dinky Doo, correct?" the judge stated more than asked.

“Yes, Ditzy Doo is Derpy’s real name. But I, Carrot Top and her daughter all call her Derpy by her own request.”

“Is there any reasons you can think of that Carrot Top should not be deemed Dinky’s legal guardian?”

Sparkle paused. There was. But she couldn’t say it… but she had to. “Yes, there is one.”

“And that would be…?”

“While she hasn’t tried to harm herself in the time I’ve known her, she often said that it was because of Derpy that she had done so well for so long. I can’t deny that she’s been… not quite herself this last week since Derpy’s incident.” she turned to look back at Carry apologetically. She cared for Carry, but she cared for Dinky more and Sparkle couldn’t deny she was worried about what she had just said.

“Thanks you. Is there anything more you’d like to add?”


“Very well. Would the next witness please take the stand.” the judge proclaimed as Sparkle left the stand and went back to Dinky’s side. The filly was confused; she didn’t understand what was going on.

“Why would Carry hurt herself?” she asked. Another thing it’s hard to explain to a child. She’d learn eventually but that didn’t need to be now, though perhaps now was the best time. But it wouldn’t end well, telling her would most likely end up with a filly in tears and a hopeful guardian also crying in front of the three who would decide Dinky and her own’s fate.

Written came up to the stand and took an oath. He had nothing to hide however, unlike Sparkle, he couldn’t think of a single negative thing about Carry. Or so he thought. “Please state your name and relation to the mare in question.”

“I’m Written Script and I’m a friend of hers and uncle to the child she wants to take in. And I believe current guardian of the child too.”

“You are Dinky’s uncle: her mother’s brother, correct?”


“How long have you known Carrot Top?”

“I only met her less than a week ago. But I’d heard about my sister’s friend from her quite a lot.”

“Knowing her for so short of a time, how do you feel that you’re qualified to give testimony on her behalf?”

“I haven’t known her long, but my sister has. I trust my sister and my sister trusts her. They’ve been close friends since before Dinky was born. I can’t say I know her well, but from what I’ve seen from her, she cares about Dinky. As much or more than me or Sparkle do.”

“Before this hearing, did you know of Carrot Top’s mental history?”

“Yes. I suggested that she take Dinky instead of me and she told me why she couldn’t. But even after that, I still told her to try. This entire thing was my idea. I trust her to take good care of Dinky. There were only a few requirements for me to take custody of Dinky. That I have a job and means to support her. I think Carry... Carrot Top has more than me in that front as well. She has her own job with much more flexible hours than me, and Sparkle would still be around to help out as well.”

“Is there any reasons you can think of that Carrot Top should not be deemed Dinky’s legal guardian?”

“No. While Sparkle thinks that Carrot Top’s been odd of late. I can’t equate that to Derpy’s condition. I would say it’s more to the feeling of loss. That she was losing Dinky. I told her this last night, she agreed.” he said with a smile. A smile that perhaps said too much.

“Where were you and she last night?”

“We were at her house. I’d come over to thank her for all she’d done. I only broached the subject of taking Dinky then. She told me she’d thought about it herself but had been refused. I’m amazed at how fast Sparkle worked to get this trial arranged. That’s another reason she’d be better off with Carrot Top than me.”

“Are you and Carrot Top in any sort of relationship at this time?”

“N-no. All that happened last night was a few drinks. She may’ve drunkenly kissed me but there was nothing more than that.” he said before he realized he had called her drunk.

“Thank you. Is there anything else you’d like to add?”

“No.” he said flatly. He couldn’t tell if the judge had taken the drinking to heart or just let it slide by. Ponies drink all the time.

“Very well. That was the last testimonial. Would Carrot Top please take the stand once more.” the judge announced as Written stood back down and took his seat aside Sparkle and Dinky. Carrot Top took the stand once more. “From the testaments we have just heard there are a few questions I’d like to ask. You’ve stayed safe for years and have shown no signs of regression until lately. Would you attribute that to your friend Ditzy or to the child in question?”

“Both, your honour. But I think keeping Dinky here with me in Ponyville would also help Derpy make a faster recovery and help me as well.”

“You are aware that you are adopting this child. That Ditzy would no longer be considered her mother. That any and all responsibilities for the child would now be yours, not hers.”

“I, I wasn’t. The first part I mean. I’m aware she would be my responsibility. But, I thought this would only be temporary. Until Derpy recovered.”

“No. You are appealing for full custody of Dinky, to be your legally adopted daughter. She would not be Ditzy’s anymore. With that now clarified, do you still want to proceed?”

“Derpy would still be allowed to see Dinky though?”

“Yes, there would be nothing stopping us from letting you choose who is allowed near your daughter should you be sucessful.” he replied. All his comments had been in a hypothetical sense of ‘if you’re successful’. It sounded cruel but everything had to be so-so in this to avoid legal disputes of decisions made.

“Then yes. I still want to proceed. And even if Derpy couldn’t, I still think it would be in Dinky’s best interest for her to be with me.”

“Very well, next question. Of late, those who know you have noticed a change in your behaviour. What would you attribute this to?”

“I’m not sure. All of this I guess. My best friend is in the hospital and her daughter’s life being thrown for a loop. Wouldn’t anypony act differently with stuff like this happening?”

“You were drinking last night, presumably drunk from given testimony. Is this a regular thing, new or old?”

“It is regular. But new. I’ve been drinking the last three nights. I rarely drink normally and it’s even rarer that I over-do it. I don’t think it’s an issue though. Cheerilee’s sister, Berry punch is an alcoholic, so you can ask her if I show any signs of abusing the drink.”

"Y-yes… well…” Cheerilee spoke up. “Like I said earlier, I can’t give testimony for you… but I do have a stick to compare you too is all I’ll say.” offense not taken.

“Yes well,” the judge took back the hearing. “as rare as it may be, when intoxicated, do you often make rash choices.”

“I don’t know what you mean, you’re honour.”

“Testimony shows you made two decisions while under the influence of alcohol. One: you kissed this stallion, and that you aren’t in a relationship one would assume it was on impulse. Under different circumstances that could’ve ended poorly. While it isn’t my job to judge your personal and love lives, this could prove to cause an unhealthy environment for a young foal to have suitors after their mother’s affection.”

“Oh. Well, I, I stand by what I did. Drunk or not. He’s a nice stallion and should’ve it lead to anything I think I’m a good choice of character. He’d make a great father…. figure! A great father figure.” she added with a little blush.

“The second choice you made, only yesterday, while intoxicated was to try for custody of Dinky. I have to question the sudden taking of charge and whether it’s been fully thought through.”

“It has. I told you I tried to take custody of her as soon as I heard about what happened to Derpy. They wouldn’t let me. If it hadn’t been for Sparkle, I’m not sure I even would’ve been able to see Dinky since then. She trusts me enough to let me take her while she was under her supervision. She trusts me enough to try and help me take full custody of Dinky now. I don’t see why I should have to prove any of this! I’ve been a little upset lately, but who wouldn’t be? Maybe drinking wasn’t the best way to cover it but it’s not the worst and it’s far from uncommon. I’m sure there are mothers, fathers, brother, sister’s and all kinds of what-else far worse than me! I’ve been there for this child! I’ve been there since before Sparkle. As long as her real mother has! I just want to help her. She’s already my daughter… she’s…”

Carry lost it as the tears finally escaped. This was the last thing she wanted to happen in front of them. She’d yelled at them and then burst into tears. But not a word of it was a lie! Dinky had been her daughter as much as she had been Derpy’s. “Thank you.” the judge called as he stood up. Cheerilee and the other stood as well. “We’ve heard all we need. We’ll return in thirty minutes with the tribunal’s decision.” and they walked from their seats away to their chamber.

Carry stayed on the podium she’d given her speech on. She didn’t want to leave, instead just wait for them to make their minds. Written approached her and put a hoof over her shoulder. “Come. Let’s get something to eat fast. How about some ice cream for Dinky?”

“Ok.” she said leaning her head onto his hoof a bit. She turned and started walking alongside him as they left.


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The shop wasn’t far, two buildings down from the city hall. By the time they got there, Carry had stopped crying. Dinky had helped a lot on that part. Carry had always told Dinky not to cry in the past, now Dinky was telling her. It was a funny reverse in a way. If it hadn’t been so heart-breaking to see.

Carry ordered for them all, knowing what they wanted. Except for Written, but she just ordered what Derpy liked for him and it was spot on. As she sat there and watched Dinky gobble down her ice cream cone, she thought that she’d lost the last hours of being with her. That she should’ve just spent them playing instead of dragging her to some stupid court hearing just to be told she was not good enough. But…

Even if this was the last time she’d spend with Dinky… that was ok. She looked so happy right now. If Derpy was here it would be perfect. Her uncle, her big sister… and her other mother. Dinky was happy, that’s all the really mattered. Perhaps she would be alright with her uncle. Carry knew she would. She just wondered if she herself would be happy with Dinky living so far away.

About twenty minutes passed and they had to get back before the tribunal returned. This had been nice. They started back to the town hall. Dinky challenged Sparkle to a race and without waiting for her to accept took off. Sparkle was close behind her, letting her win. They left Written and Carry together. “Do you still think I’m a fit mother.”

“I never didn’t. And I think you’re right. Whether or not they say so, you’re Dinky’s mother already.”

“Thank you. It means a lot. I hope you haven’t taken offence to this. It’s not that I don’t think you could take care of her, like I said, you’d be a great father figure.”

“It’s alright. Remember, it was my idea for you to have her. But… if they say I’m to take her, they said they couldn’t choose who was allowed to see her. If I get Dinky, I want you to come visit us. And we’ll visit you. That is you and my sister of course!” he covered.

“Hehe, of course… you know, last night. You were a gentlestallion through and through.”

“You were drunk…”

“I know… but it doesn’t mean I didn’t mean it.” she said as she planted a kiss on his cheek once more. Like the first one she had. “Once this is over, no matter what happens, I’d like to see you again.”

“I’d like that too…”

“What took you so long?!” called Dinky standing just out front of the city hall. She looked so happy. Carry wondered if she really understood what was happening. Right now she was happy though, and that’s how she wanted to remember Dinky.
They went back inside and took their seats. It was still a few minutes until the three returned. While Cheerilee was meant to be impartial, Carry hoped she had swayed in their favour. They returned to where they’d been seated before. They had already made their decision but Carry couldn’t stop thinking even what she was going now would mingle with their opinion of her.

“After discussing the evidence provided by testimonial witnesses and medical history, we have reached our verdict on one Carrot Top’s eligibility to adopt one Dinky Doo.” the judge announced. Carry held her breath without even noticing. “We consider Carrot Top not to be a threat to herself that she was once deemed and a suitable candidate to be a legal guardian. As such, we will conditionally reward custody of Dinky Doo to her.”

“I-uh-aa…” Carry stammered with joy.

“The conditions under which must be maintained to keep custody are as follows. Dinky’s big sister, currently one Sparkle, must report on Dinky’s well-being every month.”

“Great, more paper work…” Sparkle sigh, with a slight smirk. She was ok with this.

“Secondly, Carrot Top must maintain employment and place of residences.” not an issue seems she owned both her house and business. Saying this was a mere legality on the judge’s part. “And lastly, Dinky is not to see her former parent, Ditzy Doo…”

“WHAT!?!?!?” screamed Carry at the top of her lungs! “You can’t do that! You said you couldn’t do that! Don’t do that! I refuse, I utterly refuse!” Sparkle and Written where both on Carry’s side on this. An outburst was completely justified to them. This ruling was a complete outrage. They’d fight the ruling if they had too.

“If you’ll allow me to finish: until she is released from the hospital. Seeing one’s mother in such a state can be troubling to a young child.” he finished with a look Carry couldn’t quite place. Somewhere between bemusement and sympathy. As much as he tried to remain neutral in his rulings he felt justified in this one. He remembered this mare. Remembered taking her son away from her so long ago. He had sided with her in the chambers after the hearing but had been out numbered. He thought he had been right about her back then. He knew so now. He’d given her the second chance she should’ve already gotten.

“Thank you, your honour. Thank you…” Carry said as her friends… and now daughter, approached. She still doubted Dinky knew what any of this meant. But it didn’t matter. She didn’t have to have her last memories of Dinky now… hopefully she never would.

There wasn’t too much time to think about it all though. “I’d love to stay around but I have to leave.” Written was leaving in just under an hour. “I’ll visit this weekend.”

There were no words to thank him for what he had done. So she just kissed him. It lasted a while as they stayed together. She pulled away eventually. “Thank you… for everything. I’m really… glad I met you. You’ve changed my life. You’ve changed Dinky’s and Sparkle’s and Derpy’s… just thank you.”

“I didn’t do it for you. Not entirely. But I’m glad it worked out how it did. When I come back, we’ll all go out somewhere together. Ice cream, dinner, visit Derpy… well, maybe we can’t visit her next week, but soon.”

“That sound brilliant. But, perhaps we could also go out just the two of us.”

“That sounds just as brilliant. It’s a date.”


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They took their time getting to the train station from city hall but made it before Written’s train departed. Ponyville was only a small town after all. They had a bit of time before it was going to leave. Not much though. Dinky had never been on a train before so Carry took her inside and had a look around. After a short time they came off the carriage and went over to Written. Even if he was coming back in a week, he was leaving now.

“Dinky, why don’t we go see what the front of the train looks like” Sparkle said. She wanted to give those two some time together. Man… had she been wrong about Carry and Derpy…

“So I’ll see you next week.” Written said. He wasn’t sure what she wanted right now. He didn’t quite know for himself. What he really wanted was to forget the train and stay longer. but he’d missed a week of work already. Not that it wasn’t worth it, but still.

“Yes. I’ll be waiting. And maybe the week after, we’ll see you in Detrot. How does that sound.”

“That sounds wonderful…”

“ALL ABOARD!!!” shouted the conductor from the caboose of the train. As he held up a flag. He then put it back down. The flag that should’ve come from the front of the train hadn’t come up. Bless Dinky… as she waved it around off in the distance. It was only a little, but it gave them a few moments more together.

“See if Sparkle can come too, we’ll need a sitter if I’m to take you anywhere.”

“Hehe, she’s not free labour you know… but I’ll try. I’m glad I met you. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I hadn’t. Or what would’ve happened to Dinky.”

“Don’t wonder what if, just wonder what will. And what will, is we’ll see much of each other from now on. I promise.” he said as he leant in and gave her a kiss. It wasn’t on the lips but on the cheek. Just like their first. It meant more to him and hopefully to her too. That she then leant further forward and nuzzled her neck against his made him sure it did.

A whistle blew and he pulled away. Giving her another quick peck he turned and got in the train. As it pulled away she didn’t follow after his window. They just looked at each other until she was out of view. He then turned his attention to Dinky, up the front of the platform and waved her goodbye. She said something and so did he, but neither heard each other over the train.

In all honesty, he could think of much more romantic ways for that to end, but he was happy with what had happened.
He was happy with what was to come.