Mega Man In Equestria

by The Destined One

First published

Mega Man crashes in Equestria, along with his foe Galaxy Man.

When Mega Man is fighting Galaxy Man in space, he ends up crashing. Somehow, Galaxy Man runs out of fuel at the same time. Coincidentally, they are right above Equestria. When they land and survive, Mega Man goes off to investigate this land. However, Galaxy Man still has contact with his fellow Robot Masters.

Credit to Waffle2789 for helping.

Mares and Mega Busters

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Mega Man turned his ship to avoid incoming gunfire from Galaxy Man. “God, this guy is persistent!”
“Give up, Mega Man,” Galaxy Man proclaimed. “You’re no match for my gunship! Be glad I haven’t fired the Galaxy Laser yet!”
Mega Man rolled his eyes. “Oh, please, Galaxy Man. I’ve beaten your robot friends time and time again, what makes you think you can beat me now you’re in a spaceship?”
“It has THIS!” Galaxy Man charged his laser, and then fired it out of his ship.
“Wow. What a rip-off,” Mega Man commented, then dodged the laser.
Or tried to.
“Darn it! Hit in the wing!”
Galaxy man laughed in triumph. “Uh-oh, Mega man. Looks like you got a nasty dent. Want me to call the repairman?” He cracked up at his own joke.
Then Galaxy Man’s ship shook. “Oh, come ON! Out of gas right at the part where I get to gloat?!”
Mega Man’s ship started falling towards a pinkish planet. Galaxy Man steered the ship towards him. “If I can’t kill you myself, at least I can crush your ship at the landing!”
Mega man attempted to pull up. He grabbed his radio. “Requesting assistance! I repeat, requesting assistance! We’re going down! MAYDAY! MAYDAY!”
Then the radio fell out of its socket and smashed into pieces.
Galaxy Man forgot to gloat, because he was busy trying to fix his ship.
Both ships were just about to land.
“This is the end!” both robots screamed.

Pinkie looked around. “Oh, boy! What’s that in the sky I see? They look like...giant birds! Oh, boy! C’mere, Birdie Birdie Birdies!” Pinkie bounced up and down, somehow not knowing the birds were actually
GIANT SPACESHIPS. Pinkie squinted. It appeared they weren’t birds.
Pinkie immediately screamed and ran for her life as they crash-landed.

Mega Man climbed out of his ship. “I’m alive.”
He looked around. “This looks like Earth.”
Galaxy Man had seen Mega Man, but he stayed in his ship just in case Mega Man’s Mega Buster was still working.
Mega Man saw something in the distance. “Is that a... pony?”

Pinkie immediately perked up and ran back. “Hi there! My name is Pinkie Pie! What’s yours?” She asked, her smiling face gleaming in the sun.
“Um... Mega Man.”
“Hi, Mega Man! Where’d you come from? Why do you live in a giant bird? How come you don’t look like a pony?”
Mega Man memorized each question. “I come from a planet called Earth. I don’t live in it, and it’s a space battleship, given to me and built by Dr. Light. I don’t look like a pony because I wasn’t made like that.”
“You’re a robot? Cool!” Pinkie thought for a second. “Wait...what’s a robot?”
“Something you build that acts sentient.”
Pinkie bounced happily. “Come over with me! I’ll introduce you to Twilight and Rainbow Dash and all the other ponies.”
Mega Man blushed. “Sorry, but I have to get back to Earth.” He got in his ship and tried to turn it on.
“WHAT? No battery charge?!” Mega man slammed his head on the window. “DANG IT! Now how am I gonna get home? It looks busted beyond repair.” He looked out the window at the pony. He stepped out. “I guess I’ll...humor you.”
“Yay! Thanks, Mega Man! Follow me!”
Galaxy Man watched the two leave. He took out his radio. “Metal Man, do you read?”
“I read, Galaxy Man,” Metal Man replied. “What’s up.”
“I’m in a land of PONIES! The fuel ran out, so could you come here? Mega Man’s here too, so we could give him a good beating before leaving.”
“I’ll find you on radar first. You’re off the charts. Quite literally.”

Mega man followed the Pink, unprecarious pony Pinkie Pie. “So, you have any spare engines? Run by petroleum or solar, I hope.”
“What are engines, petroleum, or solar?” Pinkie Pie asked.
Mega Man facepalmed. “Never mind.”
Then it started raining. “Oh boy. It’s raining. Is the rain acidic on your planet?”
A blue pony crashed into Mega Man at sonic speed. “Don’t worry, Pinkie, I’ll save you!”
“He’s not attacking me, silly!”
Mega Man and Rainbow Dash stopped fighting. “He’s not?”
“Why would I?” Mega Man snapped. “I mean, sure, I crash-landed here, and sure, everything around me could be hostile, and sure, the laws may not apply here, and even that flower could be dangerous, and sure, she could be a target since she could turn on me and...What was my point?”
“I don’t know. Sorry. I’m Rainbow Dash! And I’m the fastest in the world!”
“I’m Mega Man. I’m the... I don’t know.
“That seems like a pretty big boast. Are you SURE you’re the fastest in the world?”
“Just watch!”
Rainbow Dash flew upwards. Really high. And we mean REALLY high.
She then plummeted towards the ground. A mach cone formed around her.
“She broke the sound barrier?!” Mega Man said in disbelief. “b-b-but....but...
Big deal! Where I come from, we have HUNDREDS of things that can go that fast. Sometimes even faster.”
Then Rainbow Dash’s mach cone started to break, and then it shattered the visible light spectrum. A giant rainbow ring flew out from where she had shattered it.
“Can your things do THAT?” Rainbow Dash bragged.
Mega Man was stunned. “Well, uh, no, but, uh... okay, you’re the fastest.” Mega man reluctantly admitted.
“I told you!”
“Let’s go to Fluttershy next!” Pinkie Pie bounced happily, with Rainbow in pursuit.
“Pegasi and Ponies. I’m going crazy. What’s next, Unicorns?”
A unicorn walked past. “Hi!”
Mega Man facepalmed again. “What is this, Equestria?”
“Actually, yes!”
“EVERYTHING I KNOW IS A LIE!” Mega man, in his mind, went to delete ALL the files about ponies...but had to drag them to the delete bin one by one. And he had to say what he was doing.
“...What are you doing?” RD asked.
“Be quiet! I’m deleting you from my memory!”
More ponies walked by.
“RAAAAAAAAAAGH!” Mega Man sighed. “Okay. I give up. I don’t care anymore.”
They arrived at a strange-looking house. Pinkie Pie knocked. “Fluttershy! Someone wants to meet you!”
“Actually, I don’t.”
“Well, YOU’RE GOING TO!” RD yelled.
Fluttershy timidly opened her door. “Hi.”
“Um... hi! I’m Mega Man.”
Without a moment’s hesitation, Fluttershy quickly slammed her door. “Well, looks like she hates me. Too bad. Let’s leave.”
“She’s just shy! We’ll see her again sometime! Next, let’s visit Twilight!”
“Wait!” Fluttershy opened her door. “I’d like to come along. I have to return a book to Twilight.”
“Please tell me ‘Twilight’ is smarter than you guys.” MM said, not wanting to spare any feelings in his current, agitated state.
“She’s a smarty-smart pants!” Pinkie said. “She knows TONS of things!”
“Well, she might know how to fix my ship! Let’s go.”
And so they set off. They set off far and wide and...
Wait, they’re already here. Dangit.

Blades and Brawls

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They arrived at Twilight’s house. Or, tree house.
“That’s an... interesting house design,” Mega Man said, careful choosing his words. “So...she lives in a library? Huh.” Wanting to make it look like he was interested so they wouldn’t attack/all start crying, he was the one who knocked. “...Pizza.”
“I didn’t order any food... Spike, could you get that? I’m busy studying some mechanical stuff.”
“You got it, Twilight.” Spike flew off the bookcase and opened the door. “Hey, gu-
uhh...Heh heh...hello giant.” He said, referring to Mega Man. Um, please don’t hurt me. I’ll give you my gems. I’ll, uhh...I’ll give you this!”
“Dude. I’m not here to hurt people - or ponies - or... what are you?”
"I'm a dragon," Spike replied. "Why are you here, exactly?
"I'm supposed to be meeting someone named Twilight," Mega Man explained.
“TWILIGHT!” Spike yelled. “Pizza pony wants to see you.”
“I’m not a PONY! I’m a ROBOT!”
Twilight whipped towards the door. “A robot?!”
“I said, he’s a pizza pony.” Spike dozed off on the bookshelf, not wanting to partake in this.
“But he just said he was a robot!” Twilight dashed to the door.
“Are you... Mega Man?! Strange... my book didn’t say you would be landing here...”“...How do you know who I am? Have you been stalking me?” Mega Man asked, squinting at Twilight in a suspicious way.
“I have a book on you, of course! I have TONS of books!”
“You have books on other planets?”
“Well, of course! Just look around!” Twilight laughed.
Mega Man looked around. Indeed, there were hundreds of books---no, THOUSANDS of them. How one pony managed to hold all those books and such a large capacity to knowledge was beyond him.
“What does it say about me?”
“Too much to say,” Twilight said. She began bombarding him with questions. “Who was your favorite Robot Master to fight?”
“Probably Knight Man. He fought with honor, unlike someone else I could mention,” Mega Man replied.
“Favorite weapon?”
“Okay... that’s a hard one. Probably the Shadow Blade, the Silver Tomahawk, or the Slash Claw.”
RD, Fluttershy, and Pinkie were staring at Mega Man blankly while Twilight asked questions.
“Hold on,” RD interrupted. “Could you tell us about all of this?! We’re not eggheads.”
“Okay. It all began when I was first built...”

Galaxy Man looked at Metal Man’s ship. “About time,” he grumbled. “Sweet ride, I’ll admit.”
The ship looked very cool. It was dark red, with gray-tinted glass, yellow fins, and a metal blade similar to the one on Metal Man’s head was on the hull.
“Hey, you were off radar,” Metal Man protested.
“So... I secretly followed Mega Man, and made sure he would stay still for a while. He kept moving, but he stationed himself at a tree house.”
“Why didn’t you attack him?” Metal Man demanded. “You could have taken him out!”
“I was in public! Even I wouldn’t stand a chance against tons of ponies!”
“Good point,” Metal Man mused. “Shall we head there now? I’m armed with my Metal Blades.”
“You can take this one. I’ll call some more Robot Masters in so we can take Mega Man out easily. Maybe we can construct a base for the Master!”
Metal Man trotted off.

“... And that’s how I defeated Dr. Wily for the first time.”
“Wow,” RD breathed. “That sounds awesome! But we need proof that you did this.”
“Oh, I’ll show you proof. But we can’t do it indoors. Let’s go out in the open.”
Mega Man walked out with Pinkie Pie in the lead. But just as they got out of the building, a familiar robot leaped out of a bush.
“It’s been a long time,” Metal Man said.
“Metal Man,” Mega Man growled.
“Ooh! Isn’t he the one who dies in one shot from his own weapon?” Twilight volunteered.
“SHUT UP!” Metal Man yelled.
“Yes! Some action!” RD cheered, then flew upwards to watch.
“This looks fun! Want some cake?” Pinkie Pie asked Metal Man.
“Sorry, pink pony. I have business to deal with. Besides, I can’t eat food.”
Fluttershy hid, naturally.
Mega Man stared at Metal Man.
Then they clashed.
Mega Man rapidly fired shots from his Mega Buster. Metal Man jumped over them and threw Metal Blades, which Mega Man sidestepped.
“Go, Mega Man!” RD cheered.
Mega Man had an idea. Metal Man had a split second time to recover after landing from his jumps, so he would have to time his shot carefully.
Metal Man jumped over the first shot, but was hit by the second shot.
Mega Man dashed to Metal Man and pressed his palm against him. A beeping sound was heard. “Data complete.”
“Check this out,” he said to the ponies.
He switched to Metal Blades and took one out.
“You wouldn’t DARE,” Metal Man said, with fear in his eyes.
“Good-bye.” Mega Man tossed the Metal Blade.
It cut Metal Man right in half. There was no blood, only some circuitry.
“Wow, he DOES die in one hit from his own weapon. What a weakling,” RD commented.
“Indeed. Want to see some things I can do?”
“Sounds like fun!” Pinkie Pie bounced happily.
“Does that pony act sad at all?” Mega Man whispered to Twilight.
“Well, there was one time where... you don’t want to know,” she whispered back.

Galaxy Man had radioed Yamato Man, Spark Man, Commando Man, Freeze Man, Grenade Man, Guts Man, Drill Man, Napalm Man, and Crash Man. He KNEW he would win with this many robots.
Strangely, Metal Man hadn’t returned. He headed towards the tree house to find Metal Man cut in half.
Galaxy Man was stunned. Metal Man had died. Metal had been Galaxy Man’s best friend ever since they were created. Dr. Wily couldn’t fix him when he was so far away from this place!
Galaxy Man shook. He then did something he had never done before.
He cried.

Robots and Rage

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“And that’s why Dr. Wily is a complete jerk.”
Rainbow laughed. “This guy sounds like he tries WAY too hard. Yellow Devil? Really? That’s just sad.” She wiped tears of laughter from her eyes, one chuckle short of falling on the floor.
“Trust me, the Yellow Devil is formidable. I just used a glitch in its system to kill it with one Thunder Beam,” Mega Man explained.
“Well, you sound like you live an interesting life. Have you ever taken down any gods, though?” Dash asked.
“Well, there was Sunstar...”
“Sunstar? Who’s that? If he controlled the sun, why didn’t Celestia take care of him?”
Mega Man let out a hearty laugh. “By Dr. Light, no! Celestia wasn’t in our world. Besides, Sunstar didn’t control the sun. He was a god, though. He wanted to destroy everything, but I stopped him. He even destroyed Dr. Wily to achieve his goal!”
“If he destroyed him, shouldn’t he be dead?”
Mega Man sighed. “You realize that Dr. Wily has somehow survived after I blew up his laboratory with him still in it, crushed him with a ceiling, and put him in jail?”
“Yeesh. This guy is persistent.” Rainbow Dash commented.
“Well, anyways, going back on Sunstar, for once I didn’t face the Robot Masters. Instead, I faced the Star Droids...”

Grenade Man let out a hearty laugh. “I’ve found something to blow up! Even better, an entire CITY!”
“Grenade Man, we didn’t come here to blow up a city,” Napalm Man rumbled. His voice was so deep it sounded like an earthquake. “We came here to blow up the PLANET! Jeez, try to keep up!”
Spark Man shook his head. “Guys! Focus! Metal Man’s been murdered, so Galaxy Man needs backup!”
“Mega Man’s a murderer, like we always thought. He’s caused too much pain to us,” Freeze Man noted.
“Then why’d we bring Sheep Man along instead of Commando Man?” Drill Man demanded.
Sheep Man was cowering in a corner. “Somebody help me. I’m on an unknown planet, and..and...SOMEBODY HELP!”
“All the other Robot Masters INCLUDING Commando Man were busy,” Crash Man replied.
“Just give Sheep Man a chance,” Yamato Man insisted.
Flash Man rolled his eyes. “Whatever. In my opinion, Sheep Man is a coward.”
“All right, let’s go! We should send out one-on-one to see who wins first, and if we lose at least three, we all go at once. Who wants to go first?”
“ME!” Grenade Man yelled.
Flash man scoffed. “Oh, please. You couldn’t take ‘em if their feet were glued to the floor.” He chuckled.
Grenade man blew a fuse. “Well...fine then! Why don’t you go after him?” He retorted, thinking he was clever. Flash man rolled his eyes. “Okay. I will.” He checked out his scanner. “He’s near here...”
Grenade man gulped. “Wait! No! I was joking!” Sheep man looked up. “Flash man..wait. You’ve been known to be rash..come back! Don’t do anything stupid! Wait for me!” Sheep man got up and ran after him.
Flash Man turned around and glared. “Stay back. You’ll die instantly.”
“B-but, Flash Man, you’ll die!”
“RIDICULOUS. I’ll beat him up.”
He pushed Sheep Man down and went off.

“Wow, Terra sounds tough!” RD said. She looked at Mega man brag and brag. She couldn’t help but wonder if he was lying. It sounded like she couldn’t beat them. And if she couldn’t beat them, he HAD to be lying.
Mega man gave a hearty laugh. “Yep. I managed to win by--”
He was interrupted by someone’s voice. “Hello, Mega man the robot destroyer. Or should I say Mega man the MURDERER.” Flash man’s voice rang as loud as the sunday noon bell. Megaman turned quickly to see him. “Hello, Flash man. I have no idea what you mean by murderer.”
“ KILLED Metal man! Really! No one can repair him now!”
“Of course you can. Just get him to Dr. Wily.”
Flash growled, then advanced.
Mega Man drew the Metal Blade and threw them constantly. Flash man ducked under one, and jumped up in the air to attack. Mega man threw another one, and he slid under it, matrix style. He froze the area to make sure Mega man couldn’t move, and wailed on him. After a few minutes, Mega man got out, he kicked him, then jabbed him in the stomach. He shot a metal blade at Flash man, and it cut his head off. His mechanical body fell to the ground ,but not before his head uttered, “...My...brethren shall avenge me...uhh...” Then it fell, dead.
Applejack grimaced. “Uh, I don’t mean ta judge, pardner, but, uh, that was kinda gruesome.” She shuddered. “Shouldn’t ya tone it down? There a’ foals here.”
Mega man looked around. Indeed, there were 3 foals standing around him--all gaping at him in horror. The first one to speak up was a regular pony, her mane bright red. “ ain’t gonna hurt us none, are ya mister?”
“No, little ponies. I’m just taking care of that villain.”
“That was awesome!” An orange pegasus said. “But a bit creepy.”
Mega man looked around at the publicity he was getting. “Ladies and gentleman, settle down. Settle down. I am only..your savior!” He yelled, raising his fist in triumph. The crowd cheered. “Wow! A hero who can beat up bad guys!”
RD was getting a bit more suspicious. Who was Mega Man?
Mega Man took the Time Stopper from Flash Man.
“With this, I shall defeat any other Robot Masters!”
The crowd cheered again.

Suspicions And Sheep

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RD looked over to the others. “You guys think that Mega Man is acting a an...uhh...attention hog.”
Applejack laughed. Pinkie looked over to Rainbow. “But don’t you love attention, too?”
Rainbow Dash gasped. “PINKIE? How could you say that to me? I thought we were friends!” She started to whimper.
“Silly! I enjoy that part of your personality!”
RD puffed her chest up.
Then a fluffy, round thing jumped out from behind a building.
“It’s a monster!” the crowd screamed.
“Don’t worry. It’s just Sheep Man. He’s pathetic,” Mega Man said.
Sheep man clenched his fists. “Stop it! I am not pathetic! I’ll show you! ...Right after I get lunch.” He went over to the nearest restaurant. “I would you have anything to graze on?”
Dashie facehoofed. “You were right. Is he worth killing?”
Sheep man turned around. He had a grass sandwich in his hands. “So, uh, listen. Everyone I know, except for Yamato Man, are complete meanies. And I wanted to know... can I join you guys?”
MM froze for a second. “Oh my goodness. Did you think I would say yes?” Sheep man tugged on his fleece. “..yes?”
“Wrong answer.” He charged up his Mega Buster.
But Fluttershy jumped in front of him. “MEGA MAN!”
“Get out of the way!” he growled.
Fluttershy unleashed the Stare.
Mega Man gasped. “AAH! IT’S ... MAKE IT STOP!”
Sheep man looked quizzical. “Uh...what stare? I don’t see anything so piercing about it.”
“It’s okay...” Fluttershy trotted to Sheep Man.
“You’re just the cutest little thing, aren’t you? I’m sorry that meanie called you weak.”
“I’m right here!” Mega Man protested.
Fluttershy ignored him. “You’re not weak. Show us what you can do.”
Sheep Man nodded. “Thanks!” All of a sudden, his head turned into a cloud. Then his arms conjoined into one cloud. Then his fur turned into a cloud. The rest of him turned into a fourth cloud. Rainbow Dash scoffed. “Please. We get rid of clouds like you every day!”
RD flew up to dispatch the clouds...only to be struck by his lightning.
“WATCH IT, PAL!” She yelled. Sheep Man chuckled.
He turned back. “See?”
“You’re so strong,” Fluttershy said with admiration.
“I know! But all the other Robot Masters hate me.”
“You can stay at my house.” She glared at Mega Man again.
“He can! Just don’t stare again!” Mega Man flinched in terror.
Sheep Man grinned. “I wonder if I could take Mega man right now. Maybe...I’m gonna go tell the guys!” He ran back from where he came. “GUYS!”

“You came back alive?” Freeze Man said in disbelief.
“I made friends with the ponies. I could bring Mega Man here and we could... you know. Avenge him!”
Sheep Man was hesitant in his mind. The ponies had been nice... He shrugged it off. It would be JUSTICE. But either way, something nagged at him.
“We already called Shade Man. We were SURE that you were dead,” Spark Man said.
“I told you we should give him a chance,” Yamato Man exclaimed.
Shade Man dropped from out of nowhere. “Greetings.”
“AAH!” All of the Robot Masters jumped back.
“You want to know something? I found a pony with some unusual powers. Shall we kidnap her?”
“What sort of powers?” Drill Man asked quizzically.
“How about...she’s a unicorn. With amazingly magical powers. Basically she’s the only one besides Mega Man that poses a threat. Now, let me repeat the question. Shall. We. Kidnap. Her?”
“Okay, okay,” Drill Man grumbled. “You don’t have to be sour about it.”
“She could be of use to us,” Guts Man pointed out.
“Can we blow her up?” Napalm Man asked.
“NO! Then she couldn’t help us,” Grenade Man growled. “But I like the thought.”
“I have a good idea. I will do it,” Shade Man suggested.
“WHAT?!” Guts Man yelled. “Outrageous! That’s only for special missions!”
“What, this isn’t a special mission?” Shade Man replied.
“Good point,” Guts Man mused. “Go ahead.”
Shade Man flew off to find the unicorn.

Fluttershy trotted over to Megaman. “I don’t see why you hate the sheep so much.”
Mega Man rolled his eyes. “Please. I don’t care how nice he is. Once a robot master, always a robot master.”
Fluttershy gasped. “Don’t say that! Ponies can change!”
“It’s a robot master, not a pony.”
“Aren’t YOU a Robot Master?” RD demanded.
“Well - um - yeah - but - “ Mega Man sputtered. He WANTED to say he used to be a cleaning robot at one point, which he was, but that would make him look embarrassing. “Uhh... No comment?” He chuckled nervously.
RD simply rolled her eyes. “Point proven. Now, just give him a chance! If he can surprise me like that, I respect him.”
“Fine. But only because I don’t want to get The Stare again!”
Sheep Man returned. “There’s a bat robot heading this way.”
He had made up his mind.
All of the other Robot Masters, excluding Yamato Man, were complete jerks. He’d show them for a change.
“Bat robot?” RD looked confused.
Mega Man gasped. “That’s Shade Man! He has hypnosis powers! We’d better stop him.”
Shade Man watched from above them.
“Idiots,” he said. “Never even bothered to look up. I always suspected Sheep Man would do this.”
He shrugged. “Ah, well. He’s not my target.”
He flew off into the distance. As he did, Twilight ran off. AppleJack yelled “Hey, Twi? Where ya goin?” Twilight didn’t hear her, as she was already pretty far away.

Twilight ran home to research about this “Bat Robot.” She opened up a rather large book, titled
‘History of Robot Masters: A complete guide to the multiverse.’ She opened it up. “Okay...s...Sheep...too far, go back...Shade Man! Here he is!”
“You’re a smart little pony, aren’t you?” A chilling voice rang throughout the room.
Twilight turned around and gulped. “It’s you!” He crossed his arms. “Yes. It’s me. Don’t I deserve the welcome wagon? Yeesh.”
Twilight readied herself. “You think you’re so tough?” Admittedly, she was a bit nervous. She wasn’t exactly the best fighter, and despite being a very powerful magic user, she wasn’t that good at taking damage.
Shade Man chuckled. “This should be easy. Noise Crush!”
He fired out a sonic shockwave. Twilight dodged and it hit one of her books.
“Hey! That was an antique!”
“What is, the book or your skull?” Shade Man cackled at his own joke. While he was laughing, Twilight used her magic to get a book and slam it against his head. “Oww!” Twilight did it with 2, then 3, the number repeatedly going up higher and higher until he was dazed. “Ugh...” Then, as he stumbled around, a bookshelf landed on him.
Shade Man, with lots of effort, got out from under the bookshelf.
“That is IT. I tried to play nice, but you forced me to do this the hard way!”
He launched a beam from his eyes at Twilight. It hit head-on and she flew back into a different bookshelf.
Shade Man chuckled. “That beam’s effects are a bit slow, but they’ll work. At least I can do this!”
He fired a Noise Crush at the wall. It bounced off and hit him, and he charged it up.
Twilight smashed into the wall as he fired it. She struggled to stand up, but fell to the floor. The sound of the noise crush echoed loudly in her ears. She eventually succumbed to her wounds, and passed out.
Shade Man simply gave an evil smirk. “Mission Accomplished.”
The paralyzing beam was starting to take effect, because he could see that Twilight’s limbs were starting to get stiff.
He grabbed Twilight and flew out of the library.

Shades and Shrapnel(Flash Bomb Edition)

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AppleJack burst into the library. “Twi, what’s wro-” She quickly cut herself off to find that Twilight wasn’t there anymore.
“Aww, horseapples. This is bad.”
She quickly ran back outside. RD was in the middle of an intense argument with Mega Man about currency--she was sure it was bits, while he was sure it was screws. “I told you, BITS! Why would screws make any sense? WHAT’S A SCREW?” Dashie retorted. “You mean, the stuff they use to build houses? What sicko would use THOSE as currency?”
“Shut your holes, you two!” Applejack yelled. “Twilight’s... gone!”
Both RD and Mega Man gasped. Pinkie interrupted. “GONE? WHERE? To a slumber party? OhboyohboyohBOYYYY! I WANNA COME!”
“She’s not in a slumber party! Look at this!” Applejack showed the ponies a metal feather-like object. It was purple.
“Uh oh...” Mega Man leaned down to inspect the feather. “Oh dear...” He turned to them. He had a lump in his throat from anxiousness he quickly swallowed. “I’m afraid what I was afraid of has happened.” Everypony gasped. “Shade Man came and took Twilight.” He shuddered, thinking of the cold-blooded torture he might have been putting Twilight through.
Rarity’s mouth was agape. “Oh..oh dear. This is bad. This is dreadful. THIS IS AWFUL! THIS IS THE WORST! POSSIBLE! THING!” Faucets from her eyes rained down as hard as a tsunami. Mega Man put up an umbrella to protect himself from the rain.
“Fool!” someone said.
Mega Man turned to the voice and recognized someone he had never wanted to see again.
“Grenade Man,” he said with distaste.
“Oh, yeah! This party’s getting crazy! Let’s rock!” Grenade Man took out several Flash Bombs. “Get ready to have an explosive time!”
Everypony quickly dashed behind a tree except Pinkie. “OH YEAH! PARTY TIME! C’mon, Grenade Guy! Let’s dance!” Pinkie ran up and jumped around him.
“PINKIE!” Mega Man yelled. “He’s one of Dr. Wily’s most dangerous robot masters! Stop it! Right now!”
But Grenade Man didn’t seem to mind. He started dancing. “Give me a disco ball, would you?”
Pinkie fired her party cannon. “PARTY TIME!” She hung up some balloons (The Pretty ones!), some lights (The Sparkly Ones!), and the streamers (Enough for Three!)”
Mega Man’s jaw hit the ground.
No, literally. It detached from his mouth and hit the ground.
Grenade Man snuck away from Pinkie and whispered to Mega Man, “Can we settle this somewhere else?”
Mega Man reattached his jaw before answering. “Certainly.”
Pinkie never noticed that everyone had left to watch Mega Man battle Grenade Man.
Mega Man drew his Metal Blades. “Bring it on!”
Grenade Man jumped up onto a house and fired a Flash Bomb. Mega Man dodged and threw several blades, and they hit Grenade Man’s other Flash Bombs, which blew up in his face.
“Keep hitting me! I love it!”
Applejack’s jaw dropped. Thankfully, not literally.
“I think this Robot Master’s a few tufts short of a cloud,” Rainbow Dash whispered to the other ponies.
“Can’t argue with that,darling,” Rarity said.
“You’re not wrong,” Fluttershy replied.
Mega Man fired the metal blades once more, but Grenade Man dodged with ease. “You’ll have to do better than THAT, Mega Man.” He shot his Flash Bomb at the roots of a nearby tree, causing it to fall on an unsuspecting Mega Man. However, unlike Shade Man, Mega Man couldn’t squirm from under the tree. As he struggled, Grenade man walked over and aimed his Flash Bomb cannon down at Mega Man. “Any last words?”
“Hey, Grenade Man! Look out from above!”
Grenade Man tilted his head. “Odd last words...”
A thunderbolt hit him in the head.
“Still crazy,” RD said.
“I’ll...I’ll get you Mega Man...” Grenade Man stumbled around, unable to get his head straight. “Oh, that hurt..wonderful, wonderful, pain.” He chuckled. “Who did that... anyway?”
“Just the weakest Robot Master, apparently.” Sheep Man reformed into his robot self as the smoke settled. “How does it go, Grenade Man?”
Sheep Man expected more harsh, piercing insults, but he got the exact opposite of that. “Sheep Man. You, of all robots.” He leaned on a nearby building. “I’m impressed. Really, I am. Nice work, pal. I’ll send out a message warning about you before I go...ding!” He said. “There. Anyway, see ya, pal.”
He fell on the ground. “I’m going out...with a bang.” He turned on every one of his Flash Bombs and latched them onto himself. “Everybody, stand back.” Everybody in the area stepped back 10 feet, and then he released a large explosion. When everything settled, Mega Man heard an echo:
“That felt good!”
“Okay, he doesn’t have ANY tufts,” RD said. “That’s just plain WEIRD.”
Sheep Man flew down.
Mega Man didn’t say anything.
Then he spoke.
“I’m sorry I treated you the way I did, Sheep Man. I was wrong to do so. Just because you look different doesn’t mean you’re weak. You can help us.”
Sheep Man would have smiled if his mouth was visible. “Thanks, Mega Man. Now, I got some information from the others: They’re sending in the Mega Man Killers.”
Mega Man gasped. “WHAT?! NO! Not THEM again! But surely Ballade isn’t going?”
“He is, but only because he has to follow Dr. Wily,” Sheep Man said.
“Well, let’s go! We have to be prepared!”

Punk Rock and Protective Rays

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Enker, Punk, and Ballade were on a different ship. They were heading for a pink planet.
“I’m going to pummel Mega Man!” Punk growled.
“Calm down. You’ll go first,” Ballade said, still uncertain about Mega Man.
“I just...I just can’t take it anymore!” Punk growled in frustration as he stomped his foot, making the ship shake. “WHEN ARE WE THERE?” He got so angry the words he were spewing became more and more disjointed, until he started foaming at the mouth and shaking his head. His words were so unintelligible, the language he was speaking could only be described as “Angrish.” This “Angrish” consisted of nothing but random syllables in an angry tone.
They finally landed on a planet.
“All right, we’re - “
Punk stopped.
The planet was a deserted land, with red dust everywhere and some cacti.
“WRONG PLANET!” Punk screamed.
“Do not blame yourself, Ballade,” Enker said. “If Punk hadn’t been pestering you, we would have landed.”
“I’m right here!” Punk protested.
Enker simply rolled his eyes. “Yes, yes. Terribly sorry, Punk. Anyway, I’ll check our coordinates and see where we really were supposed to be headed.” He walked back inside the ship, and checked his green sonar radar thingy that you saw on boats in movies.
“All right, this time we go left.” Enker turned the ship left after everyone got on.
Enker squinted his eyes. “Let’s see...” He checked the radar. There were a few things on it. There were in the middle, the white dot. There were some random asteroids, a comet, but nothing too significant. “THIS IS TOO SLOW!” Punk yelled. Enker let out a heavy sigh. “Oh, dear. Don’t worry, Punk, we’ll be there soon.” And as sure as the sky was, wait, there is no sky. And as sure as the sun was a planet...wait, it’s not. As sure as something was something, there was the equestrian planet.
Ballade took out his Ballade Crackers. “Armed and ready! I shall now best Mega Man to prove I am the best robot in the world! After Punk, anyways.”
Punk chuckled. “You bet! No one is better than me by a long shot!” He looked out the window as the planet grew closer. Enker squinted his eyes. “Okay, this is good. I’ve found a good landing spot. Hold on.” He readied the landing gear.
After a few seconds, they landed safely. “Punk, you’re on. Go find Mega Man and terminate him.”
“Got it!” Punk turned into Screw Crusher form and zoomed away.

Mega Man, to protect himself from any other Robot Masters, was in Twilight’s house. “The Mega Man Killers are VERY dangerous.” He said, trying to hide himself behind a bookshelf.
Fluttershy stuck her head out from under a table. “C-can’t we just have a pleasant chat with them?”
Pinkie jumped out from behind the curtains. “Yeah! Are they like Grenade Man? He was fun!”
“They will KILL anything that gets in their way,” Mega Man replied. “NOTHING like Grenade Man.”
Fluttershy squealed and hid under the table again.
Pinkie giggled. “Are they even more fun? I wanna party with them! Woohoo!” She chuckled and started pulling balloons from thin air and blowing them up. “What’s their favorite color balloon?” She asked between breaths.
“They HATE parties. Except Punk, but he only likes rock music parties...”
Pinkie gasped. “They... they HATE parties?!”
Mega Man nodded. “Yep. They. Hate. Parties. They go out of their way just to destroy any parties and happiness in the area.” That wasn’t true, obviously, but Mega Man was just trying to scare Pinkie to entertain himself, to get his mind off possibly being destroyed.
Pinkie Pie hid in the closet.
“Ah’m not sure hiding in here is a good idea,” Applejack protested. “It’s easy to break in.”
Pinkie shuddered. “I’m not taking any risks. Those sunshine, party hating...” She started to break down.
Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Please. I can take ‘em with one wing tied behind my back.”
“Go ahead, then,” Mega Man challenged.
“Fine,” RD said, scowling. She flew out of the window.

Punk hadn’t found Mega Man anywhere. He didn’t want to cause suspicions, but he needed to interrogate SOMEBODY if he was going to find Mega Man. He picked up a random foal. “Good morrow, young chap. I was wondering if you could please tell me where to find an aqua garbed fellow. Bipedal.”
“You mean Mega Man? He wandered off towards there.” The foal pointed in the direction.
“I appreciate the information.” Punk put the foal down and walked calmly towards the direction.
Punk politely knocked on the door. “Hello? May I ask if anyone is home? Hello? I’m dreadfully sorry if no one is home. Oh, I would feel positively silly.” Punk chuckled.
“Do you hear somepony?” Fluttershy asked, poking her head out once again.
“It’s Punk. I can hear his voice,” Mega Man said.
“BLAST!” Punk growled. “Oh, dear. It appears I will have to use blunt force.” He rammed his head, and the door fell down. Fluttershy cowered under the table again. “”Old chap? Are you in here?” Punk asked. “I shall find you.” He kicked the table over, and saw a cowering Flutter. “No.” He kicked the closet open, and saw a crying Pinkie Pie. “No.”
Punk started grumbling in Angrish.
He threw a Screw Crusher at a bookshelf. The shelf gained a cut in it that you could see through..
Mega Man almost gasped, but managed not to.
Punk glared at the bookshelf. He looked through the gash. Mega Man shifted his position.
“I’ll be back,” he muttered, before leaving.
Fluttershy shut the door quickly.
“That was close.” Mega Man sighed and came out from behind the bookshelf.
Applejack came out from under the staircase. “Partner, how are we supposed to stop a menace like that?!”
Mega Man looked around a bit and spotted a machine labeled “Protective Ray Device”.
He smiled. “I think I know how.”

“Mega Man!” Punk growled. “You’re a fool to reveal yourself now!”
“I’m armed with something that even you can’t stop!” Mega Man replied confidently.
“Try me!”
Punk threw out several Screw Crushers. They shot towards Mega Man...
... and bounced off him.
“What?!” Punk said in disbelief. “Well, then, try this on for size!”
He turned into ball form and charged towards Mega Man. He ended up bouncing off.
“How can this be?!”
Mega Man smirked. “I’ve gained mirror armor. There’s no way you can stop me now. Why don’t you go crying back to your little friends?”
“AAAAH!” Punk turned into ball form and zoomed away.
“Since that party-hating menace is out of our town, we can PARTY AGAIN!” Pinkie said with joy.
The crowd cheered.