
by daggraforce

First published

This is the story of the adventures of a warrior exiled to Equestria. Follow him on his path to discover great threats and the magic of friendship and love!

After losing the great war, Teridax is banished from his homeworld and exiled to Equestria. Follow him on is path to seek redemption. He shall experience great adventures, and discover them magic of love and freindship!
Bionicle/MLP Crossover


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Bright light. Bright light and pain. That was everything I felt and saw in this moment of weakness.
I was dead. Dead and beaten. And now everything I could do was to wait for my trial. Although I had done nothing wrong. No, it was the one bringing me to trial who was the true criminal.
“Teridax, you disappointed me” the Great Spirits voice boomed through the white, empty void.
“Spare me this farce of a trial Mata Nui, and kill me already!” I yelled back. “I’m trying to be merciful, but you don’t even regret your crimes! Well, I can’t blame you for it. I created you without the ability to regret. So I will grant you this ability.”
I still regretted nothing. “How could I regret doing the right thing?” I asked him. He gave a heavy sigh. “I had forgotten how determined you are, Teridax! You really believe you did the right thing, and I don’t blame you for that. Let me explain you what you did wrong. After your long life in the order, fighting injustice and keeping peace in the world, you searched for the cause of injustice. And you blamed me for it, because I’m the creator of this world, so I had to be responsible for it. But if I took the ability to commit injustice from the sentient beings, I would destroy their free will. Didn’t you assume I thought of this beforehand! It is the reason of your existence, and the one of your brothers and sisters of the order. Well it was, until you decided to throw the world into chaos and war.” He answered. Every single of his words hit me like a whip. He was right.
“Bu- But” I stammered. “Listen, Teridax, I wish I could do just what you wanted me to do, but even I can’t touch the free will. All of this is my fault, too, because I never explained that to you or your brothers. I´d love to let you return to your home, but your crimes are too big. But I won’t kill you. While I traveled through space in form of the Kanohi of Life, I spotted another Planet full of life. A peaceful planet to start over. You crimes shall be forgiven. From now on and forever, you are banned from Spherus Magna and exiled. The world of equestria shall be your new home! Fare well, Teridax, and good luck.”
If I had the ability to cry, believe me, I would have done that. But so I only said “Thank you” and the pain ended and the light engulfed me to grant me a new life.

First Quarrels

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As I opened my eyes- oh, interesting, this new body has eyes! The first thing I saw was a bright green canopy of leaves, bright sunrays shining through it. The joy of being alive again was an indescribable feeling. I stood up and looked down. Four legs, apparently hooves at the end. I looked around. I was in a dense forest, but something was strange. Everything seemed… brighter than home. I shrugged it off and started moving in a random direction. The forest was beautiful, the birds were chirping, everything seemed so peaceful. I stopped at a small pond, with some woodland critters drinking from it. They eyed me curiously, but they didn’t run away. Strange, animals at home were shy, these apparently not. Anyway, I looked in the pond and eyed my reflection. I was a horse. A pony, to be more precise. You might think I was shocked, but it took more than that to shock a being that lived as long as I did. My coat was deep black, my mane spikey and black too. My eyes were the only thing that hadn’t changed. They were of the same deep blue as a crevasse ready to swallow you. But they didn’t glow anymore. Sad, I liked that. On my ass, or flank, now that I was a horse, was a picture of my Kanohi, the Kanohi Kraahkan. The Kanohi of darkness. In my life on Spherus Magna it had granted me the ability to control the darkness, and to toy around with the feelings of my enemies. Not all feelings, I could only make them angry or terrified. It was pretty useful in combat. I shrugged of the thoughts of home and continued walking.
Some minutes later, my attention was caught by a scream. “Stay away, you ruffians” it commanded, in a female voice, to be more precise, a ladylike female voice. I turned my head to the origin of it. I was greeted by the view of a clearance, and on it a picnic blanket. On the blanket stood two member of my new race. One of them was yellow, with a pink mane, curled together in a weeping and shaking ball of fear. The other one, apparently the owner of the voice, had a cream white fur and an elegant purple mane. She had three diamonds on her flank. She was trying to fight three bipedal dog-like beings of with a stick of bread. The dogs didn’t seem really impressed by that. One of them wielded a crude spear. That one was my main target. I had the element of surprise and thousands of years of fighting experience on my side. The three dogs seemed pretty stupid, but you should never judge an enemy by its exterior appearance. So I sneaked up in the high grass behind the one with the spear, jumped and knocked him out cold with a swift punch on his neck. I dropped down and picked up the spear, rolling under the paws of the second dog who was trying to catch me. He received a nice strike with the dull end of the spear for that, knocking him out too. As I turned around, the third one had picked up the yellow one and used her as shield. “Don’t do stupid” he told me in an angry voice. “Let her down and I promise not to kill you” He simply threw his head back and laughed. That was what I indented. He held the pony in front of his chest, leaving his throat exposed. I leaped and threw the spear. It pierced his throat, cutting of the gust of laughter. His dead body fell to the floor, the yellow one to the ground in front of him, still crying. Her friend rushed over to her and held her, trying to comfort her. “Shhhh, Fluttershy, its over” she told her in a quiet voice. Then, she looked up to me.
“Thank you so much for saving us from these stupid diamond dogs, Mister…” “Teridax” I replied.
“I’m Rarity, and this is Fluttershy” The yellow one lifted her head, fear in her eyes. I looked in her eyes and told her in a calm voice: “It’s okay, I won’t hurt you”. She looked to the ground and kept weeping. “You must forgive her, she is quiet the scared nature.” Rarity told me. “Then we better get her away from here, I assume there is a settlement nearby?” “Yes, Ponyville, our home” she replied as she helped her friend up and led her away from the corpse. “Wait somewhere nearby, and make sure not to turn around, I must… take care of the rest”. Rarity turned her head around “You won’t kill, them, will you?” I shot her a stern glare. “And what would you suggest? Leave them out here, unpunished, seeking for revenge?” She seemed to think about it, the turned round and led Fluttershy away. I took the spear and sliced the remaining dog’s throats. I threw the spear away and ran after Fluttershy and Rarity.
We walked in silence for some time, until Rarity spoke up, obviously nervous “And, where are you from, Teridax?” She feared me, I heard that. Maybe they weren’t used to killing. “Listen, Rarity, I know that for some reason you fear me, but I assure you, the rightful don’t need to fear me.” “Well, Darling, I’m just not used to… killing, so I assume that’s the cause.” She gave me a forced smile. I sighed, and nodded. It was like that back home, the small folk always feared the Members of the brotherhood for our… rather direct methods of punishment. “Too answer your question, Rarity, I’m from a lovely Tropical Island” Her expression lighted up immediately “Oh, with pure white sand beaches and Palm trees?” she asked rather excited. “Yes, just like that”. “OH, it must have been wonderful, darling!” My expression grew sorrowful as I thought about home. Yes, indeed it was…”
Fluttershy had stopped to weep at my tale of home. “With lots of animals?” Fluttershy asked. “Yes indeed, we had hummingbirds and monkeys and turtles…” as I started to talk about animals, Fluttershy’s Expression lighted up, too. “Oh look darling, we arrived” Rarity interrupted me, “I present you: Ponyville!”


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The Town of Ponyville was a small, peaceful settlement. We stood on the main road entering the village and bypassing ponies would shoot me curious look and occasional waves to Fluttershy and Rarity. “Seems like a nice town” I said to no certain pony. “Oh, Darling, it’s the nice town here in Equestria! And also, it’s close to Canterlot, so my customers don’t have a long way! Did I mention yet? I am the GREATEST Fashionista all over Equestria” Apparently Fashionista is the Local word for seamstress. “No you didn’t mention that yet Rarity. And what do you do for a living, Fluttershy?
“I, uhm, and care about hurt animals” she told me in that cute voice of hers- Wait cute voice of hers, did I really just think that? A loud gasp and a pink bolt that crashed into me interrupted my Thoughts. The pink bolt turned out to be another female Pony- mare is the term, isn’t it? – Who was now sitting on me, her puffy pink mane hopping as she blurted out a constant stream of words: OMYGOSHWHOAREYOUIMPINKIEPIEDOYOUWANTTOBEMY- Rarity silenced her with a hoof and pulled her of me. ”Pinkie, this is Teridax” she told the crazy pink pony “he saved me and Fluttershy from a bunch of Diamond Dogs”. Pinkie Pie bounced in the air, screaming: “THIS CALLS FOR A PAR-TEY!” and then zoomed of still in midair with, apparently, the speed of light. As I got back on my hooves I started to ask myself if the laws of physics applied for the pink one. “You MUST meet the rest of our friends, darling” Rarity interrupted my train of thought and pulled me with her. We arrived at the town’s central marketplace and rarity headed for a Cart full off apples with and orange-coated Pony wearing a hat next to it praising the apples. She was the first one I saw that wore any kind of clothing, and I started to wonder if Rarity even made the slightest profit. In that moment I realized that there were three different types of Ponies: the horned ones, the ones with wings and the regular ones like me. The apple turned her gaze towards us and smiled. “Howdy Rarity, Fluttershy and…” Before I even had the chance to tell her my name, rarity made a step forward and exclaimed “This dashing stallion over here is called Teridax! He saved me and Fluttershy from a group of Diamond Dogs!” “Oh, really? Well fellah, seems like yer a good fighter! These damn Diamond Dogs are sure not easy tah deal with!” “It was nothing” I shrugged it off. “OH, such a humble hero” Rarity put a hoof to her in a theatrical gesture. Applejack chuckled to that. “She has a thing fer heroic fellahs, you should be careful around her, or you might end up married” she joked. Rarity shot her a frown for that. She looked back to me and said: “Well, there are more friends to visit, see you at tonight’s party to Teridax honor, Darling” “Goodbye, Applejack” I told the Farmer-Mare and followed Rarity and Fluttershy to their next friend. They stopped in front of a tree with a door. “What is this building”? I asked, but Rarity had already opened the door, so I followed her. As we entered, I found myself in a library, bookshelves everywhere. On a counter, nose deep in a big book, sat a purple Unicorn and with a dark purple mane with a pink streak in her hair and said: “Welcome to the Ponyville Library, someone will be right there for you” without even looking up from her book and shouted “SPIKE! Customers!” A small purple and green lizard came walking from the back end of the library, and as he set his gaze on us, he made a little jump and stammered “Hey Rarity” with a goofy grin. After a short time, h seemed to get aware of me and Fluttershy too. “Oh, hey Fluttershy and…” Again, Rarity took a step forward and said: “THIS handsome hero is Teridax! He saved me and Fluttershy from a pack of nasty diamond Dogs” From “Dashing” to “handsome” in some minutes? Applejack seemed right about her and being saved! The little lizard was shot me a jealous frown and there was smoke coming from his nostrils. Apparently the little guy had a crush on Rarity. The purple Unicorn had risen from her table and was greeting me now “My name is Twilight Sparkle, I’m the local Librarian and Princess Celestia´s most Faithfull student.” “Is that princess Celestia the local ruler?” I asked her. “Uhm, yes she is! Are you not from Equestria?” “No I’m from an island Named Mata Nui” I casually told her. “You never told me you weren’t from Equestria, Darling!” Rarity spoke up. “Well, you never asked, Rarity.” Twilight giggled at that and then said “I’ve never seen such an island on any map of the known world! Where exactly is it located?” “On a planet named Spherus Magna some light-years from here! If you have a strong telescope, I can show it to you by night!” “You- you’re from another Planet? But, you’re a Pony! How is that Possible?” “Long story short: I lost a war, died and a godlike being granted me a new life on this Planet!” Their jaws dropped, and Spike said “He is insane!” Rarity shot him a glare and answered “HE isn’t insane! Spike why are you so rude!” “No problem, the lizard has a point. My story sounds a bit strange, how about the Long version?” “Hey, I’m no LIZARD, I’m a Dragon!” “Then you are the smallest Dragon I’ve ever seen! Listen, do you want the whole story or not?” Everyone agreed, except for spike, who continued to glare at me. So I told them the Story of my Life: My early Life as Metru Nuis Makuta, a peacekeeper, and my fast rise after the war against the Barraki. I spared some details at the Great War (mostly the detail that it was my fault) and ended it with my Banishment. Some hundred Thousand Years of live narrated in some minutes. The others listened politely, there were no interruptions expect for occasional owe and awes, and whimpers from Fluttershy, because my life is a pretty Brutal Story, and they only asked questions were it was necessary. At the end of it, Twilight was the first one to speak up: “Well, after you saved Rarity and Fluttershy, I’m sure the Princesses would help you to get back to your Home!” “Nah, I don’t want to go back, I’m beaten, my armies are dead, there’s nothing to return to. And also, I start to like it here.” Rarity spoke up after that: “Well, its getting late, and I assume you have no place to sleep Teridax?” I shook my head no. “Well, you could sleep with me- uhm I mean at my Boutique of course!” she giggled and Blushed, and I swear, Spike was about to explode and kill me, so I replied “I´d love that” eager to get away from the little dragon.

Royal affairs

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The walk to Rarity’s Boutique was short. The Boutique was a round, colorful building with lots of decoration. Rarity approached the door and opened it, telling me to come inside. The main room I was standing in was filled with dresses and other clothes of all sorts. “Welcome to the Carousel Boutique darling, my Home!” Rarity said with a gesture enclosing the room. “Looks pretty nice” I told her while looking around in awe. I hadn’t seen so many dresses on one spot in my life. Well, I spend most of my Life on Battlefields or in the wilderness, what sort of explained that circumstance. “I have a spare Bedroom upstairs for you, darling” Rarity told me. “Aww, I thought I would spend the night with you” I teased. She blushed and giggled at that. Yes, she definitively had something for me. Damn, that was the last thing I could need. I followed Rarity upstairs, and caught myself staring at her plot. I looked to the ground and cursed my new Body for having such primal desires. I assumed this could become a weakness. Rarity opened a door to a small Bedroom “Well, this is your room! Make yourself at home darling, I´ll cook something! You must be hungry! ” My belly grumbled in response, which lead to a giggle from Rarity. Great, now I have to feed this thing to! I started to wonder just how deep my fall from grace was, or if I had hit rock bottom yet. “Well, I’ll leave you alone now, darling” Rarity said and left to prepare dinner. I sighed and hopped on the bed, thinking about my new life. I was mortal now, so I had to be more cautious in fights. Also, this new body seemed to have the basic primal desires of an animal. That was pretty gross if you were used to be a spirit inhabiting a set of armor like me. Rarity´s voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I went down for a light vegetable dinner and light conversation. I let Rarity talk about herself while I focused on devouring my food. Damn, I already started to hate hunger. Rarity told me most of her life, and her job as Fashionista. I listened closer as she told me how her and her six friends freed Princess Luna and defeated Discord, Queen Chrysalis and King Sombra. Maybe these Ponies weren’t so weak after all. As I asked her why she hadn’t used her powers to defeat the Diamond Dogs, she told me that the Elements of Harmony only worked if all six bearers were gathered. Weakness Detected. I avoided talking about myself the whole evening, but Rarity seemed not to mind that. After a good while, the sun had already set and the Moon was high in the sky, I yawned, wished Rarity a good night and retreated to my chamber. I collapsed on the bed, tired from the days adventures, and slept a light sleep, tortured by nightmares I couldn’t remember afterwards.
I was awoken by a loud rapping on the door. I stirred out of the bed and opened the door. Rarity rushed past me, the sleep still in her eyes, and muttered “I wonder who dares to interrupt my beauty sleep this early.” I chuckled and followed her downstairs. The rapping increased. “I’m coming already” rarity yelled and opened the door. On the outside stood two white pegasi in golden armor, armed with spears and a chariot beside them. They looked like parade guards, and I wondered how good they could wield those spears if necessary. Not that I was eager to find out. “Miss Rarity”, the first one spoke up, “on behalf of Princess Celestia, we shall take this stallion to her.” He pointed to me and spat the sentence out like a curse. I wondered whether I should really test his skills, but brushed the thought aside. I was curious what that princess could want from me, and how she even knew I existed. Rarity turned to me with joy in her eyes, speaking: “I’m sure the princess will reward you for saving me and Fluttershy!” I wasn’t so sure about that. According to what I had seen, Equestria was a rather peaceful Kingdom, its inhabitants not used to spilling blood. Maybe the princess classifed me as a threat for her subjects. “Well, then what are you two waiting for?” I asked them, and the one who had spoken up shot me a glare, pointing towards the chariot. “Oh, I will accompany you, Teridax. My last visit to the castle was ages ago.” Rarity spoke up. One of the guards shook his head politely. “I’m sorry, Miss Rarity, but the Princess made clear she wanted to speak to him alone.” He said in a polity, but determined voice. “Oh, well, if that’s the case, good luck Teridax, darling”. And with that, the two guards pulled the chariot in the Sky. I waved Rarity goodbye and turned my gaze towards the horizon.
Canterlot Castle was carved into the side of a Mountain, and looked pretty noble. It was colored in ivory and gold, and had an overall royal appearance. It had rather the look of a fairy-tale palace then the one of the strongholds I was used to. The chariot landed and the two guards escorted me through highly decorated marble hallways. There were a lot of tapestries, telling tales of equestrian history. We reached big golden double Doors with a stylized sun on them. They opened before us, revealing a big throne room, highly decorated like the rest of the castle. On the throne on the opposite side of the room, sat what appeared to be Princess Celestia. She was bigger than any Pony I had seen so far, with both wings and a horn. She had a white fur, her mane was multicolored and flowing in an inexistent breeze, and she wore a golden crown and a golden necklace. Her eyes were of a magenta color, and she had an overall regal appearance. The guards escorted me in front of her throne and bowed looking to the ground. I kept standing and stared in her eyes. Which earned me frowns from the rest of the guards in the room. The princess herself simply eyed me curiously, and then spoke up, in a soft and motherly voice: “You must be Teridax! I heard you saved Rarity and Fluttershy?” “You are pretty well informed” I shot back. She chuckled “Well, I must know everything that concerns my subjects! I also know that you used lethal force against the Diamond Dogs, and cut the throats of those already knocked out!” her expression hardened, and there were a few surprised gasps in the room. Nothing left of sweet and motherly. I smiled and shook my head yes as response. “Do you regret what you have done?” “No, I don’t regret ending the life of these worthless maggots” I replied, still a cold smile on my features. “Well, that confirms my worries. GUARDS! TAKE HIM TO THE DUNGEON!”


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A/N I really go into the "gore" tag in this chapter! Be warned!

As the guards were stepping towards me, the colored windows behind me, that displayed some sort of Equestrian tale, were smashed by a heavy gust of wind, and the skies began to darken. Seems like work calls. As I slowly turned around, a gust of fire busted through the open holes where the windows had been. Thanks to my quick reflexes, I managed to get behind one of the many pillars in the room. The heat rushed past me, only to be extinguished by a magic shied casted by Celestia. A voice spoke up “well, Celestia, because you and your little Ponies keep destroying my wonderful plans of spreading chaos, I decided to put an end to this annoyance” followed by and evil laughter. “You are going to fail again, Dis-“BAM! She was shot out threw the wall and in the castle yard. The being rushed through the room without even looking at me. It was a crossbred between many different species, horrible to look at. Well, time to end its existence. It left threw the hole in the wall and took position in the castle yard, ready to end Celestia’s life. I looked around. Next to the pile of ash formally known as Royal Guard laid a sword. I picked it up and ran for the hole in the wall, jumped through it and rammed the sword in Discords long back, using my bodyweight to slide down, the sword pulling through his flesh, leaving a nice wound on his back. Blood sprayed everywhere while I slid down. Discords scream of agony where ear shattering, and apparently the pain prevented him from casting any spells. I wanted to keep it like that. Upon reaching the ground, I pulled out the sword only to receive a strong kick from him, sending me against the castle walls. The impact took the air out of my lungs, and I was sure I broke some ribs. I dashed into cover fast enough to avoid another stream of fire. Time to change my tactic. “You’re pretty slow for a god!” I taunted and rushed swiftly to the next cover, closer to him. His fire clashed against my old cover. Good, he didn’t know where I am. I threw a rock in the opposite direction where he was facing, and as he turned around, I charged for his knees, ramming my sword straight though the right one. Again, an ear shattering roar, but this time I couldn’t pull the sword out again. Damn! Well, time for Plan B! I leapt to his leg, using the wound on his back to climb up. He tried to push me of with his claws, spinning in circles to get a better view of me, but I dodged his attacks. As I reached the middle of his back, I used all my force to push the wound more open and slipped in. Yes, literally inside him. I started to bite my way through to his heart. He was shaking terribly due to the pain. Upon reaching his heart, I used all my remaining strength and ripped it in pieces. The gust of blood following that pushed me violently outside his body ant threw me against the castle walls again. Covered in a thick, sticky film of blood, in terrible Pain, but yet content and proud of the agonized look on Discords face, I leaned against the wall. As his body got limb and crashed to the ground, I felt something. I started to take over his powers. YES! THE SWEET KISS OF IMMORTALITY! I felt my ribs healing, and the cutie mark displaying my Kanohi started to glow. I slowly walked over to Discord, a cocky grin on my features. “Well, “he spoke up, interrupted by a gust of blood leaving his throat, “you are outstanding in direct combat! You have beaten, *cough*, me! Let’s see… how… you handle… this…” and with that he fired a beam of magic, which missed me by inches. “You missed, weakling!” I taunted, but his only response was a last evil grin, then his eyes closed forever. I noticed that it was night- wait a minute, it had been noon on my arrival, and we didn’t fight that long…

Lunar Conquest

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A booming female voice spoke up: “Behold, mortals, behold the eternal night!” I turned around and yelled: “Okay, who is the next one in line for a beat-up!” only to be lifted by a blue magical aura. Well, fuck! I narrowed my eyes on the being in front of me. A black alicorn mare, cat like pupils, her cutie mark displaying the moon. “WHO DARES TO TAUNT THE ALLMIGHTY NIGHTMARE MOON!” she yelled at me. Time to test how much of my skills were restored. I concentrated on the shadows surrounding me and YES! I formed a fist out of them and punched Nightmare Moon in the opposite wall, and held her in the palm, squeezing the life out of her! “Yes… do it… kill the innocent I possess… “She coughed. I let her slip from my grip, taken back by that. So that’s what Discord talked about. That coward of a nightmare used an innocent being as a shield. Once again I found myself in a magic grip. But this time she squeezed the life out of me! I could already feel my ribs breaking again. Think, Teridax, possible solution! Then an idea struck me like a lightning! Yes of course! We didn’t I think of that earlier! I concentrated on the magic connecting us, left my body and charged my spirit right inside her!
I found myself on a platform, surrounded by darkness. In the middle of the platform was a cage, holding the Princess of the Night! In front of it stood… well, I can only describe it as a nightmare! A terrible monster, looking at it would have driven any other being insane of fear! But in this state, in the pure state of being a Makuta, there was no fear! I looked at myself. I was a bodiless cloud of shadow in this realm. The nightmare spotted me. “You won’t take her away from me!” it spoke in thousand whispers in thousand dead languages. I smiled, and charged for it, forming to arms and gripped it! It had a look of fear in its eyes, and I burst out laughing, saying “Look, the nightmare himself is afraid of the great Makuta Teridax!” It started to wiggle, a desperate try to break free, but how do you escape a shadow? “I would have granted you a normal death, but you forced me to harm an innocent!” Then I killed it in the most horrible way I knew! I called that technique “Pain Overflow”! I flooded every nerve in his body with the maximum amount of pain, until they literally melted! Upon its death, I was thrown out of the Night Princesses Body, back in my own one, and again against a wall! But this time, there was no healing. I had used my powers to long and was exhausted, my vision becoming blurry, the pain of the smashed ribs overwhelming. Finally, I thought, the sweet embrace of death!
The next thing I heard- Oh, I’m not dead, I hear something! Anyway, the next thing I heard was the constant beeping of some machine. I opened my eyes slowly. I was in a bed in some sort of building. Bandages were wrapped around my chest. The room was plain white, and next to my bed where some machines, apparently connected to me. I groaned in pain, but smiled, happy to be still alive. The door to the room opened, and a brown unicorn stallion in a white doctors overall entered. “Oh, you woke up! Very good, how do you feel?” “Well, aside from the pain, happy to be still alive!” I answered. “It’s quite a miracle! No normal pony would have survived these Injuries, but well, I assume you are no normal pony?” I chuckled, only to groan in pain right afterwards. Well, laughing with a smashed chest is apparently not the smartest thing to do! “The princesses ordered to be informed when you wake up so they can speak to you, but I’m the doctor, and you need more rest!” he told me. I nodded. That doctor had quite the courage. “I will give you something against the pain, and after that, you can sleep for some time”.
The next time I woke up, Princess Luna was in my room, looking at me sadly, but her expression lighted up when she saw me awakening. “I´m terribly sorry for what I did-“ She began, but I interrupted her. “It wasn´t your fault, that creature could have possessed anyone” My voice was still weak, and I cursed this body for being so fragile mentally. I took a closer look at her, now that she was in her normal form. She was taller than a normal pony, but smaller than her sister. Her blue mane was flowing like the one of her sister Leggy, lean, but yet a nice plot- WHAT AM I THINKING? “I can’t thank you enough for defeating Discord and saving me!” Her sweet voice pulled me out of my thoughts. “Ah, it was nothing” I shrugged it off. She smiled. “I was already told how humble you are, another trait of a true hero” I shook my head no. “Believe me. I’m anything but a hero!” I told her, dark thoughts of home in my mind. “And yet you protect the rightful and never ask for a reward!” I shrugged. “Someone has to do it”. She looked at me sadly. “Why do you hate yourself so much?” “Believe me, if you what know who I am, what I am you would hate me too.” She didn’t answer that, but instead embraced me. “Believe me, I understand how you feel, I did terrible things in my past, too, but you must forgive yourself, or one day, the hate will consume you!” she whispered in my ear. Great Spirit, she smelled so sweet, like a beautiful night under the stars. I blushed. Much to my discomfort, she broke the embrace, and stepped back. “Sorry, I know you are injured, I shouldn’t have…” “It’s okay, I really appreciated that” I cut her off, and she gave me a sweet smile. The door opened, and her sister stepped in, crooking an eyebrow as she noticed the looks me and her sister where exchanging. “Sister, leave us please, I need to speak to Teridax alone.” She looked surprised, but did as her sister insisted. After Luna left, Celestia’s Motherly expression hardened to the one of a Mother Protecting her Children. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful that you… got rid of Discord, but the way you did it…” “Your subjects don’t need to fear me, as long as they walk the righteous path!” I cut her off, earning a frown from her. “As much as I would like to believe that, I can’t let you stay in my Kingdom! As a possible threat for my loyal subjects, I shall ban you from Equestria! “ Oh boy, here we go again…


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“And what’s supposed to be my new Home?” I asked Celestia with a cold voice. “The wastelands, southern of Equestria! You are going to like it there! Its home to the most dangerous beasts of the Continent!” “And how are you supposed to get me there?” I said with a smile. She broke out in her own cruel smile. A Flash of white light later I found myself in… a wasteland, there’s no better description! Black rocks, sand, and no plant or what so ever anywhere to be found! Well, at least my injuries where healed, so I should be able to survive! Well, at least I hope… A loud roar shook me out of thoughts. Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to Teridax vs. the wilderness, bets are now open for placement! I turned around and faced… well, a lizard-tiger hybrid? It was deep black, eyes glowing red, sharp tooth, and circling me. Great, I had no weapon either! Time to test out how strong my new abilities really were! I focused on the shadows once again, formed some arms and grabbed the thing, ripping it apart before it knew what was happening! Sadly, its death cry attracted even more beasts! Well, looks like a long day to me…
After some hours of fighting, my mind noticed in horror that excessive use of my shadow powers exhausted me really quickly! I was on a small hill on top of the wasteland, fighting against some three of these dang beasts. I had picked one up and twisted it until I heard a satisfying cracking noise, as the second one attacked my back, leaving some deep gashes and terrible pain. I uppercut it, sending it flying backwards, as the third beast launched at me and pinned me down beneath its claws, roaring in my face. With my last powers, I lifted it off and tore it apart, but my vision was getting shaky and blurry, and I felt my body getting numb. Was this supposed to be it? Finished by some damn lizards! I could hear one roaring closed to me, and forced my head to face it. There it was, eager to end me! But, instead of being able to feast on me, it was hit by a green bolt of magic. The stinging smell of burned flesh filled my nostrils. The last thing I saw was a dark, pony-shaped figure trotting towards me, and then the world went black…
The next thing I saw- Aw, come on, what’s it with me and near-death experiences? Anyway, the next thing I saw was a black surface. It seemed to be the celling of a cave, but it was smoothed out. Apparently, I was in some sort of Civilization! Finally, some good news! I tried to get up, but the chains on my wrists had another attitude towards that! Yep, I was chained up! I looked around, and all I saw were more smooth stone walls. It was chilly, and dark. Not the best place to wake up, but better than being dead. Or, maybe… My thoughts were interrupted by the clip-clopping of hooves on the smooth stone surface. “Ah, you’re awake! Finally!” a husky female voice shook me out of my thoughts. Is it weird to get aroused by a voice? The owner of my voice stepped in my field of view. She was a pretty weird creature. Not the weirdest thing I had seen, believe me, I saw SOME SHIT in my long lifespan! Anyway, she resembled a pony… but I’m quite certain she was no pony. Her physique resembled the one of the princesses, but her coat was black, her horn crooked, her wings looked like the one of some insect and were full of holes, just like her long legs. Her mane and tail were teal, and had holes, too. She wore a crown and some sort of armor over her midsection. Her eyes were of a dark green and looked different from the ones of a pony, not to say, better. Actually, she was overall the first thing nice to look at in fucking Candyland! Well, except for Luna maybe, but anyway, I’m zoning out! “I am Queen Chrysalis, queen of the Changelings!” she told me in that smoky voice of hers while striking a dramatic pose. Oh, she had fangs, too! Then she lowered her head on eye level with me, her muzzle only inches away, and whispered “And you are?” “My name is Teridax” I answered while the typical smug grin crossed my face. “Oh, what an exotic name” she cooed. I rather enjoyed this little game we were playing, but the half of my brain that was not in pheromone-overdrive demanded a few answers. “So, tell me Chrysalis, where exactly am I? And why am I chained up?” “You’re in my changeling hive, and the chains are a security measurement… I saw what you are capable off out there!” “Well, if you know what I’m capable of, do you really think these chains could hinder me from doing what I want? And also, you saved my life, so I would never do any harm to you or you people!” She seemed to think for a bit. “Well, I guess I can trust you” I felt the chains getting loose and sat upright. “Well, now with those chains off, is there any way I could repay you for saving me?” I asked her, eager to pay my blooddept. “Well,” she began, and pinned me down, her body resting on mine “there might be one thing…” she cooed. “Oh really? Wouldn’t that be more of a payment for me than for you?” I asked her. “You know,” she began stroking my mane, “changelings feed of love, and there is no better way to get love than a good hard rutting!” she said, and pressed her lips down on mine. I gasped in surprise! I never felt something like this before! Her tongue brushed against my lips, demanding entry, and I was eager to comply! This was all so new, so good, so dirty! Her tongue wrestled against mine, and I joined the battle without any of her grace, awkwardly pushing my tongue against hers. She broke the kiss, much to my discomfort, and giggled. “You haven’t done this before, now have you” she asked, and I found myself blushing madly. “I... uhm…” I stammered, but she silenced me with another kiss, pulled back and purred: “It’s not bad, I actually… like the thought of being your first.” She started to nibble on my neck, licking it, biting it occasionally, and I found myself in a world of bliss. Focus, Teridax! You want her to feel good to, now don’t you? So I started to lick and nibble and bite her neck, which led to a few moans from her. Damn, her voice is so hot! And the slight distortion in it had something, too! She stopped her attention for my neck and slid lower, leaving a trail of kisses on her way. As she reached my fully erect stallion hood, she looked at it in awe. “My, my, such a big stallion! I’m going to enjoy every second of this.” And with that, she licked the outlines of one of her legholes, leaving a nice film of saliva on it, and pushed it on my rod. Damn, it was so tight! She moved her hoof up and down, never breaking eye contact. Wave after wave of pleasure shot through my body, and in the moment I thought it couldn’t possibly get any better, she moved her mouth towards my member, licked it a few times, before taking all off it in, sucking greedily on it. She looked in my eyes for a moment, before closing them and focused on the sucking. I felt like I was about to explode of pleasure! My whole body was shacking, and then, BOOM! A tidal wave of pleasure ran thought my Body, pushing away every thought, and I shot spurt after sticky, hot spurt up her throat. She let go off my dick with an audible PLOP! “Mhhm… Tasty” she cooed and licked her lips. I slowly descended down from my orgasm. I looked in her beautiful eyes and said “Turn round, I´ll repay the favor!” She did as told, and shortly after, I found myself face to face with her glistering wet marehood. I exhaled some hot breath on it, taking some moans out of her. I continued by slowly licking the entire slid from bottom to top. It tasted odd, but never the less good! I started to kiss it, slowly sliding my tongue inside. Her moans became more intense. I licked the inner walls, and sucked on the outer lips. The juices were flowing freely now, and I drunk them greedily. I licked over a little button on top of it, and she screamed “YES! RIGHT THERE!” Apparently, that was her clit. I continued licking it, and then sucked it. “OH, TERIDAX, I´M CUMING!!” I nibbled on her clit, sending her over the edge, her juices splashing in my face, and I eagerly swallowed them. After she descended from her volcano-like orgasm, I crawled up until I was face to face with her. “Mount me!” she coed and I was eager to comply. I adjusted my member with my fore hoof until the tip rested against her wet folds, and then slowly slid inside her mound. Damn it felt so good! Her tight, warm walls hugging my dick, I slowly started to thrust in and out. I never felt so good before! I quickened her pace, and her moans of pleasure intensified. The sound of flesh hitting flesh filled the room, as my balls slapped against her with every thrust. I felt the pleasure rising again. I wouldn’t last much longer. “Chrysalis, are you *pant* close?” “Just some more- AHHH- thrusts!” I quickened my pace one last time, and then she violently started to milk my member sending me over the edge again. I shot loads of hot semen in her marehood, our combined juices leaking out of her. After I descended from my climax, I pulled it out and collapsed next to her, panting heavily, but feeling oh so wonderful. She smiled and leaned in for a hot, sloppy kiss. She broke it and cuddled against me, her lips only inches from my ear. “That was wonderful, thank you! It had been ages since I received a so good rutting!” “Oh, I enjoyed every second of it, too!” I replied and embraced her, pulling her as close as possible to me, enjoying her warmth. We lay there peacefully for some time, and we soon dozed off.