Ice Heart enters Ponyville.

by C4ptainSeven

First published

If you like amnesia stories, you might want to hear mine.

Ice Heart finds himself in Ponyville. He doesn't seem to recall anything before he wakes up.

Part 1. A new start

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Cold. It’s hard to breathe. The air is crystalline. Am I alone? Or is this a dream? I open my eyes for what I remember as the first time. “It doesn't seem right” I thought out loud to myself. There was nopony around. The ground was white. For some odd reason I felt as though I should run from, or to something. But what? Or who? Most importantly, why? I found a reflective spot in the ice to look at myself. Not knowing what somepony would normally look like I judged myself. Unicorn, obviously stallion , dark blue coat, red eyes, pure white mane and tail, and something was stopping me from seeing my cutie mark. Surely somepony would know who I was because of that, the thing that made everypony special.

I then realized I had not looked at the sky. So I look up, only to see a red circle shrouded by the clouds… and something in the distance. It looked like somepony I knew, but couldn't put my hoof on it. I start running to the figure to see who, or at least what, it was. I realized I was not running but somehow flying. Knowing that only Alicorns and Pegasi could fly I was in shock. Then I fell. No, not fell, plummeted! I was going to hit the ground if I wasn't saved by somepony! I thought that I was surely going to hit the ground but I was caught by the figure I thought I was chasing. Looking down, I saw through them. Their eyes were a glowing blue and they seemed more like an overgrown ghost pony than anything else. Yet there was a calmness about them. Then I realized they did not rescue me, but giving me a ride to wherever I needed to be. My hooves here frozen to them however. I could not move at all.

I did some thinking. How long could I have been asleep? Where was I going? Why hadn't the sun set when it had felt like days? I was afraid to ask. But who knows, they were flying without wings and using magic without horns! It was going to be a long journey, or so I thought. I soon found myself in a town. Or at least the snowy outskirts of a town. I heard singing, saw ponies cleaning snow off their houses, and having fun mostly. There was a sign reading “Ponyville” where I was standing. I was exhausted from the long flight here and collapsed after stepping hoof into the new town.
Waking up for the second time to recall. I was in a hospital bed. These seemed like a comfortable surroundings. Looking over, I see a bright pink mare with curly tail and mane, earth pony, and a light yellow mare with a pink mane, this one was a Pegasus. Both looked worried. But a smile grew on the pink one’s face upon my awakening.

“Hello! I’m Pinkie Pie and we found you next to the entryway of Ponyville asleep and noticed you were in bad shape so I took you here to throw you a GET WELL PARTY!” This had to be the greeting committee. Or I’m losing what might be left of my mind.

“Um… Pinkie, shouldn't you be more concerned? His hooves were frozen solid…”Her voice faded out. But the yellow one had a much more soothing tone. Almost like a lullaby in comparison to the alarming pink one.
I gathered enough strength to speak. “Pinkie, how long have my hooves been frozen?”

But when I spoke, there was a purple unicorn mare casting magic on me. She was surprised to hear my very weak voice. “I’m Twilight Sparkle. Your hooves have been thawed out for a long time Mister…?”

I thought. She was asking for my name! “Ice Heart” I replied with alarmed rate. Both of our eyes were wide. There had been a small cloud of cold air when I spoke my name. This, I knew, was not natural.

“Well, Ice Heart,” she continued “You’ve been in this bed for two months. I've been giving you nutrients for you to live. How do you feel?”

“I feel fine. Just a little weak. That’s all.” I had not known what happened. I did not wish to know. “There were two ponies last time I was awake. One was Pinkie Pie and I didn’t get the other’s name.”

“That was Fluttershy. We were all worried about you. Even Mayor Mare visited you a few times to check on you.”
“Am I that important? Everypony came to see me?” I said in a sarcastic tone.

“Well, you are the first one that pinkie hasn't thrown a party for right away.” She was worried as well. I could tell by her eyes. They looked almost sad yet hopeful.

“Well, I don’t know how I got here. Or even who I am. So any friends will be good. You can be my first friend.” I smiled at my voice getting stronger. As well as the fact that I might finally have a friend.

“Of course I’ll be your friend! Just be sure to come to the library once in a while.” She said with enthusiasm.
“I’ll be sure to.” I almost smirked.

She left the room as I let out a sigh of relief. I could only expect more ponies to want to know me. But there was something special about Twilight. I could feel it. But she was not my type. I knew that much. I get up and notice my cutie mark was finally visible. A chunk of ice, in the shape of a heart. I was amused at this. What had I been doing in that icy area? It no longer mattered. It was now my past. I started for the door and had a little trouble walking but I stabilized. It was easy after a while. I had not left the room. Nurse Redheart came in and told me to get rest. I laid down only for her to leave. It was fair to say I could now walk without any trouble. The air was warm and I felt in the best shape I could know at the time.

Part 2. Making friends

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I wake up again, this time with a small headache. Was there music playing? It feels like a drum is being played in my head. I rub the back of my head on the pillow, thinking it would help. It didn’t. I still found it a little uneasy to open my eyes, so I did it slowly. A pink mare was playing a large drum. I cleared my throat. “Who are-” I was interrupted. “I’m Pinkie Pie!” She said with a beam.

“Can you please stop playing that? I woke up with a headache because of that.” I said calmly as I could, still sleepy.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Pinkie smiled nervously. “I was just excited to see you awake again. Twilight told me that you were starting to be awake every day from now on.”

“Yeah, that sounds right.” I looked at her cutie mark. “Party balloons? I guess your special talent is throwing parties?”

“How did you know!? Well, is there anything I can get you?” Pinkie said, smiling. Somehow I felt the need to ask for something, but I didn't say because I didn't know what I wanted.

“I want a friend. Can you do that for me?” I said, hoping to see exactly how big her smile could get. I greatly underestimated her happiness. Her smile went from ear to ear in a grin that made me smile. “I’ll be your friend!” She said with great joy.

“Glad to hear it. I’m Ice Heart, if Twilight failed to say that.” I said, reminding myself that she might not know my name.

“Twilight told me. When has she failed? Besides, it says your name on the clip-board here!” She said, holding up the clip-board. I could see my name, my Cutie mark, gender, race, but age was blank.

“Pinkie… How old am I? It doesn't say here.” I said, pointing a hoof at the spot where it should say my age.

“I don’t know. We were all hoping you could tell us that. But if you don’t know, then we’ll assume you’re around twenty-one years old by your looks.” I felt a little shocked. I haven’t seen my reflection, so I couldn’t have known. But was I really that young? Checking my cutie mark, I wondered about why that windigo was there.

“Thank you Pinkie. But next time, can you be a little quieter?”

“Sure. Maybe you can come to…” After that the sound of her voice blurred away, going in and out with sound. I’m guessing she had been there for a long time, because she woke me up around morning, and it was already night time. She was still there, but so was Twilight. I looked up at her, about to say hello, but everything stopped again. I fell into a deep sleep. I could tell that I was now in a dream. My surroundings didn't make sense. Out of one window I could see the moon. Out of another I could see the clouds. Out one more I could see the sun. Out the last window, I could see other ponies, playing outside. It took me a while, but I noticed I was walking. This was clearly a dream. I also noticed all the windows were closed.

What would happen if I opened a window? Would I wake up then? Or just enter a new part of the dream? “Only one way to find out...” I thought as I opened the window that showed the moon. Looking outside, I see a town. By my guess is its Ponyville, seeing as it’s the only town I know of. But something was off about it. I get out through the window and start looking around. The town was empty, no, not empty, but asleep. I look up to see the sky. The stars and moon were breathtaking to say the least. It feels right to see the night more than the day. It’s cooler, more calm, and the sky… I lost myself in it for what seemed like an hour.

“Hello.” I hear a mare’s voice from behind and turn to see who it is, another friend, perhaps?
“Hi.” I say, not paying attention to how they look. “Who are you?” I ask.

“Do you mean you don’t know who I am? I am Princess Luna.” She said with a confused voice.

“Luna… means the moon. The moon only shows during night time. The Princess of the night?” I look up at the moon. “So, the night is here because of you?” I smile, bow, and close my eyes. “Thank you. Thank you for your gift.”

“Do you not know? I am the Princess of the night, but you don’t seem to actually understand. What is your name?” The mare seems a little different from the others. I can’t put my hoof on it though.

“My name is Ice Heart. I’m new around here.” I say, gesturing to the town around me.

“I don’t think you are. How much of Ponyville have you seen? This is your dream, after all.” It makes sense that I would only know three places, them being the icy plane, the entrance to Ponyville, and my hospital room. Well, along with just outside because I've seen through the window.

“Are you saying I've been here before? If that’s so, why doesn't anypony recognize me? Or why don’t I remember anything?” I have to admit, my memories were crisp because of them being the only ones I have. Luna started to turn around, whispering something. I couldn't hear her.

“When you are able, go see Twilight Sparkle at the library. She can inform you as of to what’s been going on around Ponyville.” With that, she flew away. As she got higher, she faded away. I start to look around the town and notice there’s more than what I've seen, or remember seeing.

“Just great! I’m lost in my own dream! The first time I slept, I was asleep for three months! Now what, four months, five? I don’t want to do that again!” I grunt and stomp a hoof to the ground. “Maybe all I need to know IS in the library. But I don’t even know where… wait a minute… this is MY dream, I haven’t been around here before. Maybe I can find it if I look hard enough.” I start searching for the library. It didn't take long; it was just a few blocks away from the hospital window. It looks like large tree with a candle sign in from of it. I peer inside to take a closer look. “Yeah, looks like the place.” I start to feel dizzy. I haven’t eaten yet. I should wake up.

I head back to the library and the dizziness starts to go away. Once at the bedside, I notice the other windows are gone. Not only that, but a small slip of paper on the bed reading “Welcome to Ponyville, Ice Heart.”

Part 3. Fluttershy, Rarity, and magic.

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Waking up again, I see Fluttershy at the end of my bed. I sit up. “Good morning” I say in a soft tone. “Oh, um… Good morning Ice Heart.” She smiles at me. Wondering what she’s doing here, I was about to ask but she says something first.

“It’s not morning anymore; you’ve been asleep all day. You’re awake just in time for dinner, at least.” This concerns me, but at least I woke up. I didn’t really feel hungry, but I suppose I should get use to eating at regular meal times. “Thank you, Fluttershy. I think I need this.” I say as she places a food tray with salad on it on my front.

“Oh, it’s no problem at all. I’m just glad to see you’re doing better.” Something about her makes me feel a little safer than with Pinkie around. Maybe it’s her voice. She’s quiet and doesn’t seem to mind helping another pony when they need it. “Oh, I was told to tell you that the doctor says you’ll recover faster than most ponies but they don’t know why. You’re healing fast, even for a unicorn.”

“Even for a unicorn…?” I don’t know what that meant. Do unicorns heal faster than other ponies? I mean, sure there are some things magic can help the body do faster without anypony noticing…. How in the name of Luna did I know that?

“Unicorns have magical properties inside of them that help mend their bodies. The older and more powerful the unicorn, the faster they heal. So you must be really powerful, because you’re healing faster than even Twilight did when she had bee stings all over.” She says it as if those don’t take long to heal from at all. But I have a feeling that she’s not into a stallion like me. “Well, you look just as old as Twilight is. She has a memory spell that she might be able to help you with.” I’m shocked.

“Why hasn’t she casted it yet, then?” I wonder about it a little. “Because she doesn’t know what kind of pony I was with my memories?” She nods, looking a little shyer. “Well, that’s expected. Then again I don’t know that, myself. Maybe it’s for the better.” I can’t believe I just said that. I don’t want to have to wait to remember, do I?

“That’s only because you were colder than it was outside when we found you.” A voice I hadn’t heard before says, entering the room is a white unicorn mare with a purple mane. But she’s wearing a dress, so I can’t see her cutie mark. “Rarity, I thought you had more dresses to make today.” So that’s her name, Rarity?

“Yes, darling, I do. But I thought it would be nice to see how our new friend is doing.” So now I’m automatically her friend. Well, at least I know I’m a little bit trusted. I look at Fluttershy. “So… what’s the deal with how powerful I am? I’m still practically stuck in bed.” I say this, not knowing if she even knew that much.

“I don’t think anypony really knows how it works….” She sounds like she regrets not knowing. Does even Celestia know?

“Well, I don’t know. It’s just something that is known to be true for how unicorns heal.” So, what? Am I just a fast healer? I sigh. “I guess it doesn’t really matter.” Looking around, I find that I’m in my own room. “Why am I in my own room?” I think out loud.

“The others were getting cold when you were sleeping.” Rarity says, with a worrisome tone.

“It made it harder for them to heal and sleep. Don’t even get me started when I tried to bring Opal in to see you.”

“Who’s Opal?” I ask. Not know who, or what, they were.

“Opal is my cat, of course.” Rarity answers with grace. Something like that is unexpected. How did I not expect that? Then again, I don’t remember most things right now. I remember what a cat looks like, somehow I’d forgotten that.

“I thought cats had fur to keep them warm? Unless you have a bald cat?” I ask, not really knowing if bald cats existed.

“No, she’s just not use to the cold like that.” How could a cat not be used to the cold? Isn’t that why they have fur? I’m lost at what the point of its fur is if it doesn’t keep it warm. I almost start to speak, but hold it back. Was I always like this, stopping myself from talking? Only time can tell.

“So, am I ready to walk?” I ask, knowing what to say.

“You should be ready to. You do heal a little fast.” Fluttershy, you are very helpful. I’ll keep a more open mind around you. I try to get out of bed. It’s a little difficult at first. My muscles are a little stiff at first, but I loosen up after a few first steps.

“This is a little weird.” I say, looking at Fluttershy. “Can you give some support?” I ask, thinking she’s kind enough to. She trots over to me and gives my left side a nudge. “You were leaning on the bed.” She says, smiling.

“Oh…” I could laugh at my own stupidity right now. What would I do, lean against walls around town? I walk around the room and walking gets easier for me.

“Basic movement seems to be down.” Fluttershy says, smiling. “I’ll let Rarity teach you how to use your magic.” Rarity steps forward, looking elegant. Her horn started to glow as she looked at the glass of water on the table.

“Now listen, Ice. You have to imagine it being lifted from the surface with your mind, and then will it upwards. I will demonstrate.” I wait a second and I see the same glow from her horn go around the glass. The glass starts to move up, slowly. The water seems unshaken by the direct up-ness of the glass. “Okay, Ice, your turn.” Rarity smiles at me as the glow about the glass dissipates as she sets it down.

“My turn then…” I say, trying to give myself confidence. I give myself the mental image of the glass moving up. An icy blue glow went around the glass as it went up. It stops going up after about two feet and I slowly set it back down. “Was that good?” I ask, seeing if I had done it ‘right’ by their standards.

Rarity looks at me, impressed. “Well, that proves you’re powerful.” She smiles and Fluttershy steps back up to me. “You should get some rest. Using magic while healing can slow the healing.” I nod and get back in my bed. I’m tired from using magic and walking around the room. I can hope a memory returns to me, but that’s it. I fall into the bed, and into sleep.