To Fly With Dragons

by lunabrony

First published

When Scootaloo takes a shortcut to learn how to fly, is it really what it's cracked up to be?

Poor Scootaloo has been trying to fly for a long time, and her impatience is getting the better of her. Wanting desperately to impress her friends (and Rainbow Dash), just how far will the young pegasus go in order to get off the ground?

My very first MLP fanfic. Ever.
This story is meant to read like an episode.
>Silly introduction
>Introduction of Problem
>Problem gets worse
>Problem fixed

To Fly With Dragons: Chapters 1-3

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Chapter 1

"Go, Rainbow Dash, go!" Came the cheers of the ponies surrounding the Town Square, all circled around and gazing up at the blue blur zipping through the air above them.

Rainbow Dash was on top of her game, cutting left, dodging right, avoiding the enormous heavy claws that slashed through the air in her direction. The claws were attached to the front leg of a very angry mid-sized dragon, who was not at all amused at being toyed with. The beast roared in agitation, sending pillars of flame through the air, barely missing the mare he was aiming at.

"Nice try, fishbait! But I've already got red and orange in my hair, I'm good for now!" Dash taunted, zipping through the creatures front legs around its back end. "Too slow! Try again!"

Infuriated, the dragon rose up on its back legs to get another shot in at her.

"That's your cue, Applejack!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

Moments later, a thick rope came whirling out of the crowd, wrapping around the dragons neck and yanking its head to the ground. "Ah wasn't best in show three years at th'rodeo fer nothin'!" She hollered. "Yer amazin', Rainbow Dash, if only ah could be half as amazin' as you are, ah'd be-"

"Wait, wait, wait!"

Scootaloo stopped in midsentence, front legs up over her head. "Aw, I was just getting to the best part!"

"You said this was a true story about Rainbow Dash."

"It is!"

"Then how come I never heard anything about a rampaging dragon? You'd think that would make the news."

"And ah'm pretty sure mah big sister never said anythin' like that." Apple Bloom chimed in.

"This is a story! You wanted an exciting story, you get an exciting story. Will you let me finish now?" The other two Crusaders had no objections.

"And so, with the dragon incarcerated..."

"Ah think y'mean incapacitated."

"You wanna let me tell the story, dictionary?"

"Don't call me a dictionary!"

Scootaloo glared at her. "AS I WAS SAYING... so Rainbow Dash had the dragon on the ground, and-"

Rainbow Dash stood atop the dragons head, chest puffed out, looking mighty proud of herself. "Don't everypony come begging for autographs at once, there's plenty to go around!"

Applejack frowned. "Now, Sugarcube, don't y'all get yer ego all out of whack again. We talked about this." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Fine, fine. No autographs here. But I'll take donations for saving you all again! Just send your bits to Sweet Apple Acres, my secretary Applejack will-"


Apple Bloom rose to her hooves, shaking her head. "Yer a mighty fine story teller Scootaloo, but that's all it is. A story. That never happened."

Sweetie Belle followed her friend out the door of the clubhouse into the warm summer night air. "Maybe you'll get your cutie mark in sto*squeak*rytelling!" She said excitedly.

Scootaloo followed them outside. "A book...mark? That's lame!" She protested. "Anyway, I'm bored. I'm gonna go see if Rainbow Dash did anything amazing in the last few hours. I'll be back!"

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked at each other. "Where does she get all that energy from?" "Got me."

Chapter 2

Rainbow Dash was hard at work, surprisingly, teaching one of her recruits about proper cloud placement. She was overseeing a grey pegasus, whom had part of the cloud in her teeth and was pulling back on it.

"Now you don't want to pull too hard or you'll stretch it out, and you don't want to pull too loosely or it'll get all thin. So what you want to do is-"


The grey pegasus looked down and waved, letting go of the cloud which sent it flying into Dash like a slingshot. Covered in cloud and now dripping wet from vapor, she glared at her recruit. The other mare gave her an apologetic grin and bolted away. "How many times have I told you, D-"

"Rainbow Dash! Hi!"

The blue maned mare fluttered to the ground, dripping, and landed next to Scootaloo. "I'm working, kid. Whatcha need?"

"Well I was wondering if you could show me any new moves."

Dash stretched her wings. "Well... I have been working for almost a whole fifteen minutes now. I guess I deserve a break. Yeah, I could show you one. What do you think about the Pegasus Twist?"

"That sounds like a dance move."

"The Dash of Death?"

"That sounds dangerous..."

Oh for Petes sake... the Cloud Twister?"

"That sounds cool!"

"Alright, watch closely." She shot up into the sky, and began to speed in circles with an ever diminishing radius. The clouds in the sky quickly responded to the wind vortex, drawing themselves into her tornado. Before long, a huge fluffy tornado of clouds spun harmlessly in the sky, Dash flapping next to it. "Alright kid, your turn!"

"I'm on it!" Scootaloo flapped her wings as hard as she could, her back end lifting up into the air. Harder and harder she flapped, her front legs hovering an inch or two as well. But it wasn't enough.

"Come on, kid! Gotta get in the sky first!"

"I'm trying!"

Dash flew down and patted her young ward on the head. "Take it easy, Scootaloo. Maybe your wings just aren't developed enough yet. It takes time and training to become as awesome as I am."

Scootaloo stomped her hoof. "I'm never gonna get in the air!" She said, before bursting into tears and running down the path.

Chapter 3

"Be careful, Spike. That's a very rare tome I borrowed from the Canterlot Library. If anything happened to it, valuable knowledge would be lost."

Spike groaned, staggering under the weight of the enormous book as he carried it towards the table in the study. "You say that about every book, Twilight. Surely it wouldn't be such a shame if some of these books were lost. Like The Complete History of Cheese? Why do you even have that? You don't even eat cheese."

The unicorn approached the table, frowning. "Spike! I study a wide range of subjects. And I might decide to start eating cheese one day, in which case I'd want to know about it."

The dragon shoved the book into the table, panting. "Whatever you say..."

Downstairs, the front door opened and closed.

Twilight was instantly alert, and her horn burst into activity, floating the young dragon onto her back. "Did you hear that? We have a visitor! Someone wants to learn! And I can help!" She said, trotting for the stairs.

"Unless they want to learn about cheese. Then they gotta go somewhere else."

"Spike! That's enough. Hello?!" She called, looking over the banister at the orange filly who'd just entered. "Scootaloo! This is unexpected. What brings you here?"

"I want to learn how to fly. And Sweetie Belle said Rarity said you made her fly once, can you do that again?"

Twilight shook her head. "That was a very complicated spell, and besides. Flying isn't something you just rush into. It takes practice, like anything else."

"How am I supposed to practice if I can't get off the ground?"

"she's got you there, Twilight." Spike said.

The unicorn frowned again. "I really don't know about this."

"Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase?" Scootaloo asked. "Don't make me whine, I learned all about it from Rarity, and-"

Twilight snapped to attention. "Alright, alright! Spike, get my book of levitation spells." The dragon nodded and rushed for the shelves. "Now Scootaloo, I want to make one thing perfectly clear, this is just for practice. It's not permanent, and I want you to stay within range of a trained pegasus at all times."

"Yeah yeah, not permanent, pegasus, got it. Come on let's go! I gotta go fast! Faster! Faster! Fasterfasterfaster!"

"Calm down, Scootaloo." Twilight said, as Spike brought the book over. "Let's see..." She flipped through several pages. "I can't use the same spell I used on Rarity, that was disastrous. Here we go! Ready?"

"Do it already!" Twilight glared. "Um... please?" The unicorn lowered her head, and her horn sparked with light. Spike hid under the table. There was a brilliant dazzling flash, which from the outside of the library appeared only as a blinding white light.

And all was silent.

To Fly With Dragons: Chapters 4-6

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Chapter 4

"Did y'see that?!" Apple Bloom asked excitedly, as she and Sweetie Belle raced into town, hot on the hooves of Scootaloo.

"I sure did! It was like an explo*squeak*sion!" Sweetie said, jumping into the air for emphasis.

"Ah sure hope noponys hurt!" She exclaimed, as the two of them raced into the Library.

"Twilight! Twilight! What WAS that?" She asked. Twilight was busy putting several books away. The book smelled like cheese.

"Oh, hello girls. I was just helping Scootaloo with something."

"What problem's that?"

"Ask her yourself, she's right behind you."

Both Crusaders whirled around, to find Scootaloo hovering casually in the air in the doorway.

"Scootaloo! You're flying!"

"That's great!"

The orange filly grinned widely, doing several circles in the air around them. "I'm flying? Am I? I hadn't noticed." She said bolting out the door.

"Hey! Wait for us!" The other two called, racing after her.

Twilight called after her. "Wait! Whatever you do, don't..." She sighed. "I really need to stop letting that happen."

Not very far away, in a quaint little cottage set on the edge of the forest, yet another pegasus was going about her day, tending to a large sea turtle in a kiddie pool.

"I don't know how you managed to hurt your flipper like that, but just stay off it for a few days and-"

"Fluttershy! Fluttershy!"

The mares ears folded back. "Oh, goodness, somepony is being very loud... I... I don't like loud..."

Scootaloo raced into the yard, flanked by her Crusaders not far behind. "Fluttershy! Look what I can do!" She boasted, flying in circles around the cottage.

"Oh, my! That's very good, Scootaloo. But perhaps you should come down on the ground. Where it's safe. And quiet."

"No way! I'm never coming down!"

Sweetie Belle frowned. "Not ever for us?"

"I can hang out with you guys all day from the air! This is great!" She said,

Fluttershy squeaked. "Yes, being in the air is very nice, but all your friends are down here."

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. "Alright, alright." She sighed, landing on the ground. "That better?"

"Oh, yes. That's much better. You girls wait right here. I might have some snacks for you." She said quietly, and disappeared inside her home.

Apple Bloom smiled. "We're really proud of you Scootaloo, I didn't know you could fly."

The filly buzzed her wings. "I can't... not really, anyway. But Twilights spell gave me wingpower, so I can shortcut getting my cutie mark and fly under my own power even faster!"

"I'm not sure it works like that..."

"Of course it does! You're just worried I'm gonna get my cutie mark before you!" She said, speeding off through the air.

The two remaining Crusaders sighed and looked at each other. This wasn't turning out to be a very good day at all.

Chapter 5

With Scootaloo hanging out with Rainbow Dash, Apple Bloom wass left to find something to do on her own. "We could... no.. we usually do that with Scootaloo... Ah know! We could.... no, Scootaloo usually runs that."

The farm filly sighed. "There's gotta be something we can do jes' me an' Sweetie Belle."

Applejack came around with a tray of milk and oatcookies, looking confused. "Whatch'all doin' sittin' here in the Clubhouse like a rottin' log fer? Aintcha usually rasslin' with yer friends by now?"

Bloom made a face. "Scootaloo can fly and she's out hanging with Rainbow Dash and we don't know what to do."

Applejack made a what face. "Beg Pardon?"

"Twilight gave Scootaloo flying powers and our trio is missing its usually umph."

"Yer umph is gone huh? Ah'll take care of this. Y'all jes' sit tight." And with that she marched towards Rainbow Dash's usual lazy hangout; and was not disappointed for the two were practicing tricks in the sky.

"Both y'all come down here! Ah got a bone to pick with you!"

Scootaloo was perched on a cloud, and looked down at her. "What if I don't want to?"

Applejack threw her hat down on the ground. "Consorn it, ah said git down here right now!"

Scootaloo obliged, while Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes again. "Lighten up, Applejack. We're just practicing some sweet moves."

"How come yer friends think you abandoned them, Scootaloo?"

"It's not my fault they can't fly! They're not cool enough!"

Applejack narrowed her eyes. "Ah'll have you know us Apple are cool as cucumbers, and-"

"Here's a protip. Cool ponies don't refer to themselves as cucumbers." Rainbow Dash interrupted.

"Ah'll deal with you later! Now Scootaloo, go play with yer friends before ah tell yer-" She cut short.

"Oh, what?" Scootaloo snapped. "You're going to tell the orphans parents on her? Let me know how that works out for you." Zipping into the air, she flew onto a cloud and turned her back on them both.

Rainbow Dash whinnied. "Real smooth, Applejack. Real smooth."

Chapter 6

Across Ponyville, Sweetie Belle was expressing her sorrow and frustration to her big sister, who although she was in the midst of sorting fabrics was equally unamused.

"Scootaloo? Dear sweet little Scootaloo? I would almost think you're being a bit harsh, Sweetie Belle."

"No, it's true! She called me lame!"

"You're not lame, darling."

"She called me slow!"

"Pegasi have an advantage, they're going to be a bit faster than-"

"She called me unfashionable!"

"SHE WHAT?!" Rarity dropped the magical hold on the items she was using. "I won't stand for this! No sister of mine is going to be accused of being unfashionable! Come with me at once!" She marched right out of the Boutique in a tizzy.

Sweetie Belle bounced after her. Okay, so Scootaloo hadn't exactly used the word unfashionable. But she knew how to get her sister to listen.

While the Crusaders and their siblings were en route to intercept Scootaloo, Twilight was pacing back and forth in her library, wearing out the floor under her hooves. Spike sat on a table, offering nervous commentary.

"Twilight, you really shouldn't be trotting like that. It's not your fault. This just went all to her head."

"But I'm the one who keeps giving out magical favors! I should just lock myself in my Library and-"

"What would Princess Celestia say if she saw you like this?"

"Princess Celestia knows about this?! I could get a magic demerit for this!"

"No, it was just a figure of-"

Spike was lifted up off the table and onto her back as she raced out of the Library. "Come on Spike! We've gotta put an end to this before things get any more out of control!"

To Fly With Dragons: Chapters 7-Epilogue

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Chapter 7

Scootaloo had most certainly let the power of flight go to her head. She was zipping and darting around Ponyville as if she owned the place. She'd stopped to rest on a cloud, dizzy with excitement. "This is totally awesome, Dash!" She exclaimed to the blue mare keeping watch over her. "Maybe I'll get to be A Wonderbolt!"

Rainbow Dash started laughing. "Aim high, kid. But not that high. omething more realistic." She glanced down and frowned. "Whoa. Looks like we got a party."

Scootaloo glanced down as well, and noticed both of her Crusader friends were below, and had brought their sisters. None of them looked particularly pleased. Scootaloo fluttered down, and landed before them.

"What's up guys?"

"You. You're up. And we want you to come down." Rarity said. "You're behavior is absolutely abhorrent."

"What do my abs have to do with anything?"

"Yer bein' rude, Scootaloo, ever since you got your wings supercharged. We just want our Crusader back."

"I'm still a Crusader, I just don't have my cutie mark in flight yet."

Applejack muttered. "Maybe y'll get yer cutie mark in bein' a total-"

Rarity shoved a (thankfully empty) pincushion into Applejacks mouth. "That's enough!"

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked at her pleadingly. "Come on Scoots. Just have Twilight uncharge your wings, and come back and hang out with us."

"No! I like my wings!"

Rainbow Dash put her foreleg around the fillys neck. "I know you want to be awesome like me. But sometimes the most awesome thing to do is to listen to your friends."

Scootaloo cringed. "But then I won't be able to fly anymore and I won't get my cutie mark!"

Applejack shook her head. "All three of y'are gonna get yer cutie marks someday, but yer kids. Y'don't want to rush into growin' up. When yer grown up and older y'll want t'be kids again. Enjoy it while you can."

Scootaloo hung her head. "You guys really don't care if I can fly or not?"

"Of course not!"

Rarity tossed her mane back. "Now then. Go get this nonsense taken care of and go visit Fluttershy. She made cookies for you three and by the time she had them ready you were gone. She's spent the last hour trying to figure out what she did wrong."

Twilight ran over the hill, panting for breath. "Finally! I've been searching all over for you! Scootaloo, I know this is hard to hear, but-"

"I need to have my superflight stripped."

"You need to have your...flight... what?"

"It's okay. But I feel like a total jerk now. Come on! Back to the Library!" She said, racing her Crusaders over the hill.

"But... we just... came from..." Twilight groaned, collapsing upon the grass.

Chapter 8/Epilogue

Having donned proper sunglasses, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were prepared this time for the violent burst of light that accompanied the decharging flight spell.

Twilight looked affectionately down at the orange pegasus. "Scootaloo, do you have something you'd like to report?" She asked, Spike standing nearby with a quill.

"Uh huh. I learned that even though I really want grow up, and being patient is really really hard, sometimes you have to avoid taking shortcuts, even when it seems like a good idea." She glanced at her Crusaders. "Especially when you wind up thinking something else is more important than your friends."

She went over to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, and hung her head. "I'm really sorry guys."

They both hugged her. "We're just glad yer back."


All three of them stuck their hooves in the middle, chanting.


They fell over laughing.

The E-

Pinkie Pie pushed the letters away, glaring. "Hey! I didn't get a line!"