Silly Song of Silver Snow

by I Thought I Was Toast

First published

The Cutie Mark Crusaders decide to build a snowstorm for Hearths Warming Eve.

You can't have Hearths Warming Eve without snow, so, when there's a mistake at the weather factory, three little fillies decide to bring matters into their own hands. CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS SNOW MARES, GO!!!

This was my submission to the Hearth's Warming Care Package Anthology for Kiki. There was a formatting issue given that it's a series of 11 poems made into a story, and there wasn't any formatting rules on how to submit poems, but it at least makes it to the anthology. Hope you enjoy.

Piece the 1st: Prelude of Peers and Peering

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Three little fillies stood upon a hill, looking out on Ponyville.
They stamped the ground, looking all around, but not a flake of snow was found.
And none was planned tomorrow.

“No snow!” The orange one cried in rage.
“How could they be so stupid? So stupid that they didn’t know,”
“How much water we’d need for our very precious snow?”
“There will be war to wage!”

“Now, Scootaloo,” the white one chimed, her voice was sweet and oh so fine,
“You cannot whine and pine all of the time,”
“Unless you have some to borrow.”

“We have things to do, and plans to see.”
“We can’t control the weather.”
“Even if we actually could, we seem to lack the feathers.”
“There is no remedy.”

Scootaloo wouldn’t take her answer straight, and she seemed to want to ask her,
‘What do you call these things?’
‘I most definitely have wings.’
Instead she shouted at her friend, as if yelling would make them grow faster.

“Don’t say that I’m a stupid pine!” she said,
For trees were always grounded.
“Are you looking to be pounded?”
She roared, as her face became beet red.

“Enough y’all!” the yellow one drawled, before one friend made the other one sprawled.
“We have a job to do. Now, be quiet, both of you.”
“It’s time to go crusadin’, and there’s little time remainin’.”

“But that’s just it! Don’t you see?”
Scootaloo’s voice rang with annoyance,
Yet still her spirits had a certain buoyance.
“We have no reason to complaining at this opportunity!”

Applebloom looked quizzical.
Sweetie Belle questioned whether that was really wise.
Scootaloo merely rolled her eyes.
It’s not like this was impossible, or impulsive, or whimsical.

“Why shouldn’t we build snow,” the pegasus said.
“Don’t tell me that you all are chicken.”
“Don’t tell me, when something tough comes up, you’ll always end up ditchin’.”
“Crusaders never give up, so get those doubts out of your head!”

“Everypony is whining about this very awful timing.”
“We pretend we’re all fine, having dinner, dancing, dining, and singing songs while rhyming,”
“But it bothers us all the same.”

Scootaloo took a breath before continuing.
“We can not let this stand! There shall be snow, I say, tomorrow!”
“We will build it all ourselves to end our friends little sorrows.”
Just like that. It seemed as if the crusaders were never arguing.

The three felt glee replacing misery, as they hatched a plan in mystery.
How to make it snow by tomorrow? They couldn’t know. How much joy they were going to sow.
It was such a wonderful game.

Piece the 2nd: Serenade of the Sonic Spectrum

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There was one, and only one, to see for info on the weather.
Scootaloo was sure of Rainbow Dash, and would even bet her feathers.
She might not like their plan, but she wouldn’t stop them either.

Rainbow was loyal and would not toil when her friends were on the line.
She would teach them to control the weather without missing a beat or rhythm or rhyme.
Something they’d all need to do to get the snow out and on time.

These were the thoughts of Scootaloo as she searched for her great hero.
The daring devil Rainbow, who knew nothing of fear.
Oh, the things that mare would show that left you utterly amazed.
To think she wouldn’t help you, you would have to be so crazed.

“Oh, Rainbow Dash!” The filly called, as Rainbow entered sight..
In a flash the mare was there, seeming fast as light.
All who saw her were in awe. For when she flew, Rainbow and the sky were one.
They did not part even when the day was done.

“What’s up kid?” Rainbow asked, drifting by,
“Got something big for me to try?”
“A daring trick to defy the sky?”

“I wish,” said Scootaloo, stuck on the ground,
“But I have something bigger this time around.”
“I was wondering if you’d help us build snow for the town.”

“What do you mean, build snow for the town?”
So asked Rainbow, her brow sinking into a frown.
“There’s no plans for snow.”
“That’s why the town’s so down!”

“I know!” said Scootaloo, glad she was right,
“The other Crusaders didn’t believe me. It almost caused a fight!”
“I got them to agree with me in the end.”
“That’s why today we’re CUTIE MARK SNOW MARES! We’ve got weather to tend!”

“Snow mares?” asked Rainbow, containing her glee,
“Do you know what that even means?”
“It takes a lot of time to build just one snowflake, you see.”
“How do you plan on doing that? Tell me.”

“Well, we figured we’d get what we need from the town,” Scootaloo said with a frown,
“We just need to know how to make weather right now.”
“Why? Do you think we won’t be able to make snow come round?”

“It’s not that,” said Rainbow, landing on the lawn,
“It’s just that this is a lot to take on.”
“There are so many things that could end up going wrong.”

“That’s why we chose you!” said Scootaloo, excitement making her hop.
“If anyone can help us it’s you, or so I thought!”
“Show us everything you know!”
“Teach us how to make snow!”

Rainbow swelled with pride at her little friend’s praise.
Surely, it wouldn’t hurt to humor their little phase.
Besides, they needed her. What else was she to say?
Helping her friends always made her day.

“Okay, kid!” said Rainbow with a smile.
“I guess I can help you for a little while,”
“But then I gotta dash. I got weather papers to file.”

And so Rainbow taught Scootaloo how to make snow.
They chatted until the sun was quite low.
Then Rainbow flew off, giving Scootaloo a show.

Piece the 3rd: Anthem of the Apple Accumulators

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“I see,” said the blind pony to his deaf dog, as he picked up his hammer and saw.
“Applebloom! If you need something, I believe saying it’s the law.”

At his words, the little filly crept down the stairs with the tiniest of fears.
She’d forgotten Winona’s father could see quite well, even without his ears.

They needed tools to build the snow, or so Scootaloo had said.
The task to get them, sad as it seemed, fell on Applebloom’s head.

She was told never to bother Pa, for a carpenter’s work is hard after all.
It’s harder still when you cannot see, but that never stopped him from doing it and standing tall.

“Well, it’s kinda hard to say,” muttered Applebloom as the saw sang it’s raspy song.
“Ah need some tools for crusadin’ time, but to bother ya for them now is wrong.”

“Maybe,” rang her father’s voice, as he cut through wood and hammered twice.
“It depends on if they’ll be treated nice.”

“They will!” said the filly, her bow flailing about, as she hopped with glee.
“If there’s one thing ya know, it’s ya can count on me!”

“I know I can,” said her father smiling as he opened up a paint can.
“Just make sure that your sister knows all about your big plan.”

Loaded with tools, Applebloom climbed up the stairs.
At the top she gulped as she met her sister’s glare.

“What were ya doing down there?” asked Applejack with her stenson.
“Ah don’t suppose ya were just helping Pa hammer the fence on?”

Applebloom gulped before standing tall, even if it was for show.
“Ah was actually asking for tools, if ya must know.”

“What for?” asked Applejack sternly. She was definitely not smiling.
“It better not be for something bad. Now tell me, and don’t be lyin’.”

“Ah need it for crusadin,” said Applebloom quite meekly.
“We’re building something for the town, something we’ve complained of weekly.”

“Don’t get cheeky with me, little sis.” Applejack’s breath came out in a sigh.
“Tell me what it is you’re really doing, or I’ll go downstairs and ask the big guy.”

“Fine,” said Applebloom with a pout. She would rather not have let this out.
“Ah’ll tell ya, but ya better not shout.”

“We’re building snow for Hearth’s Warming Eve,” said the filly, feeling silly.
“Please don’t get mad at us for doing this all willy-nilly.”

“Yer building snow?” muttered Applejack, with just a hint of confusion.
Her face had the oddest twist, as if she were in musing.

It made no sense to the humble mare.
For how could only one Earth Pony, Pegasus, and Unicorn let snow fill the air?

How would they do it? How could they do it?
Even if they had all the time they saw fit...

However, Applejack knew her sister had told the truth.
To not support her now would be, as Rarity would say, uncouth.

Surely this little goal wouldn’t cause harm or ire.
It’s not like snow could set the town on fire.

Plus, if it worked the whole town would be cheering.
Wasn’t that worth more than any of the silly things she was fearing?

“Alright,” said Applejack, as a smile lit up her face.
“Ya better get going. Ya’ll are gonna have one heck of a race.”

Piece the 4th: Strain of the Sensational Seamstress

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Snip, snap, stitch, twitch,
“You need me to what?” asked Rarity from the mannequin.
“Make us all jackets!” said Sweetie Belle from the outfit she was modeling in.

Snip, snap, stitch, flinch,
“I would if I could,” said the fair-maned mare.
“I just can’t, however, juggling all these things in the air.”

Snip, snap, stitch, itch,
“But Rarity,” Sweetie Belle whined.
“We have to stay up all night in the cold if we’re gonna make it on time!”

Snip, snap, stitch, twitch,
“Stay up for what?” asked Rarity with a sigh.
“If you’re doing something wrong, I swear, I could just die”

Snip, snap, stitch, flinch,
“I told you already!” squeaked Sweetie Belle.
“We’re making snow today!” The scissors fell.

Twitch, flinch, teeth did grind,
“You’re what?” Rarity asked.
“We’re making snow!” came her sister’s reply.

The white mare smiles, trying to be kind,
“Are you sure you really need to know,”
“Whether your Cutie marks in making snow?”

But only fury comes to mind,
“Couldn’t you try something better?”
“Only pegasi can fix the weather.”

Whimper, simper, puppy eyes,
“I know that,” Sweetie Belle said.
“But that doesn’t mean I won’t try until my face is red.”

Standing tall, or at least the filly tries,
“It’s not even for us!” she yelled.
“We’re doing it so everypony’s gloom is felled!”

Voice ringing, and singing, and clear as ice,
“Couldn’t you give us a single chance?”
“All we need is some coats and pants.”

Tears mixed with fears, and even stranger pride.
Rarity could just simply die.
“I can and I most certainly will try.”

No sorrow for tomorrow, all of Rarity’s pressures had died,
“That is certainly going to be a most wonderful gift from your friends.”
“It will be even better than my other small projects in the end.”

Smiles going miles when tongues were tied,
Rarity set herself to work,
Grinning at all her sisters quirks.

Piece the 5th: Canticle of the Coward Who Cared

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“Eeep!” The cry was quiet for a scream.
It couldn’t even be heard as Scootaloo crashed in the tree.
What was much more violent was how fast Fluttershy jumped in the stream.
She moved even faster than the eye could see.

“Sorry, Fluttershy,” said Scootaloo bashfully,
As she picked herself up seeing stars circle her head.
Fluttershy peaked from under a lilypad carefully.
“I gotta learn to stop faster, or I’ll end up stuck in bed.”

Fluttershy stepped from the stream, quiet as can be.
She left the water in her mane, too timid to shake it free.
“What are you doing here?” she whispered out.
“I hope I’m not intruding,” she said with a little pout.

“Fluttershy,” said Scootaloo with just a hint of frustration.
“This is your stream, and it houses your trout.”
The yellow mare was always afraid to put herself in the equation.
“I’m the one to blame for intruding, what with all my speeding about.”

“Oh,” said the yellow mare looking down.
It seemed Scootaloo’s words went over her head.
“I’m sorry. Please, oh please, don’t frown.”
Scootaloo sighed, watching the sun setting red

“Fluttershy, I was wondering if you’d let the other crusaders and I spend the night.”
“We were hoping to finish our crusading there in the moonlight.”
Fluttershy looked a bit quizzical at the request.
Scootaloo continued to explain the rest.

“You see, we’re trying to build snow for Hearth’s Warming Eve.”
“We need someplace free to work under the moon.”
Scootaloo looked at Fluttershy with expectant eyes.
“You have a lake, lots of space, and even a loon.”

“Oh! I can do that!” said Fluttershy, brightening.
“It would be wrong not to help you if you’re doing something right.”
“What do you need Mr.Loony for? He’s way too easy to frighten.”
“Wouldn’t you rather have something that wakes at night?”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes.
Fluttershy had names for all her pets, even her flies.
“I was joking about the loon.”
“All we really need is a place to work while the shadows loom.”

Fluttershy shrank at the odd turn of phrase.
Looming sounded rather scary, even during the day.
Now she rather wished that the sun would reraise.
“Sure, I can do that. Come by later. Okay?”

“Thanks, Fluttershy!” Scootaloo yelled as she dashed off.
“I’ve gotta get the others. See you later!”
The scooter flew away, and the dust made Fluttershy cough.
The yellow mare however didn’t mind as she had more friends to cater.

“I wonder how they’ll do.” Fluttershy murmured to the trout.
The trout poked their heads up and looked about.
When they saw the coast was clear,
“They’ll do just fine,” the fish whispered into Fluttershy’s ear.

Piece the 6th: Ballad of the Bouncy Baker

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Sugercube Corner was a complete disaster.
The Cakes had run out, leaving Pinkie the master,
And Pinkie had interesting ways to make sweets a lot faster,
Even while having two foals to look after.

She sang, and she danced, as she gambled about.
Treats were piled sky high, shuddering as if gravity was in doubt.
Bubbles of gum drifted through the sugary air.
Chocolate fountains were filled with gummy fish for some flair.

Peppermint sticks stood tall and teetering.
Gumdrops rained from pipes in the ceiling.
The scent of fresh cookies left one reeling.
It was a sugary world foals would find quite appealing.

Applebloom stared at it all. Her mouth watering fierce.
The sheer joy of the place almost brought her to tears.
She’d come to ask Pinkie for ice for their quest.
At the sight of the store, however, put her focus to the test.

“You want the whozibouts of what?” asked the baker in question.
Applebloom startled for one second before coming back to attention.
She’d been watching the toy soldiers behind Pinkie bake a confection,
While ovens popped and fizzled and did too many other things to mention.

“Ah need some ice,” said the filly airily.
She’d just seen the toy airplanes driven by mice squeaking merrily.
They were ferrying sweets about the room in a hurry.
They wove through clouds of cotton candy hanging from the ceiling without a worry.

“Oh! Are you making snow too?” said the silly pink mare.
“I tried to make some but it’s too hard to prepare!”
“It didn’t help that Gummy just wouldn’t care.”
“He wouldn’t even come out of his little lair.”

“Gummy has a lair?” asked little Applebloom.
She was currently watching a train cart mini party cannons about the room.
There was a flash of confetti here and there,
But mostly pastries flew everywhere.

“Why wouldn’t he have a lair, silly?” retorted Pinkie with a grin.
“He hides in the walls, and likes listening in.”
“Right now, however, he’s out visiting kin.”
“He said something about a staring contest to win.”

Applebloom gazed in awe as Pinkie led her into the kitchen.
She never thought she’d see something so bewitching.
It was a frosted wonderland of ice cream scenery.
Pinkie had made a complete model of the town, down to every last eatery.

“So, you never said what the ice was for!” Pinkie said with a giggle.
“I think you got distracted by the house a little.”
Applebloom woke again from her sugary dreams.
There was mint ice cream, cherry ice cream, even gingerbread ice cream, it seems.

“We’re building snow, just like ya said.”
“We’ll be up all night, can’t even go to bed.”
Applebloom said all this with a shake of her head.
“We shoulda picked something easier instead.”

“Nonsense!” said Pinkie with way too much glee.
“If you think you can’t make it, I’ll let you use my secret weapon, coffee!”
“I only use it in emergency, since it makes me even more me than normal.”
“On you, however, I think an exception can be made without too much of a quarrel.”

The pink mare giggled and chortled as they trotted through the frost.
“Besides,” she said, “without the extra energy I think you’d be lost.”
“At least your goal is worth the cost.”
“You’ll be making snow like such a boss!”

They finally reached the freezer without a fuss.
It was blocked by a vanilla flavored, life-size Princess Celestia bust.
Pinkie chattered on as she slid the bust across the room.
Constantly babbling encouragement to Applebloom.

“You really can do it, despite what you think.”
So said the pink mare after giving Applebloom something hot to drink.
The filly’s doubts now replaced by a smile that refused to sink.
She left the bakery with thoughts now colored rosy pink.

Piece the 7th: Nocturne of the Neurotic Neighsayer

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“It can’t be done!” said Twilight for the millionth time.
“To fight my math is a serious crime!”
“You claim you want to make it snow.”
“That’s impossible for a little filly to do! I know!”

“Spike!” snorted Sweetie, at such an angry dismissal.
“Can you please help me here? Twilight’s help is abysmal.”
Spike looked up from the books he was carrying, abashed.
It looked like his hopes of being ignored had been dashed.

Twilight’s mane was now frayed.
She was obsessing, while stressing,
Over how the snow would be made.

“Sweetie isn’t asking you to do the impossible.”
“This isn’t like the time you tried to figure out how Earth Ponies used a pasta bowl.”
Twilight shuddered as Spike brought up that fowl mistake.
She still wanted to know how hooves could hold forks allowing certain food’s intake.

Spike went on, not seeing Twilight’s sense of dread.
It can be hard to tell what someone hears instead of what’s said.
“Chill out, read a good book, and try not to dwell.”
“Don’t you think the idea of snow tomorrow is really swell?”

Twilight’s eyes were awhirl.
Suddenly, it clicked, like a switch was flicked,
And she began to dance and twirl.

“You’re right!” she began to shout with glee.
“Who am I to judge impossibility?”
“I’ve stopped Nightmare Moon, and Discord too!”
“I’m living proof of what possibility rues!”

The violet mare’s horn dragged thousands of books out.
She shifted through them, while prancing about.
“It’s not just me! Ask any creature!”
“The ability to talk, and walk, and simply be isn’t a normal feature!”

Book after book whizzed by in a flash.
Sweetie had to dodge, while more books were unlodged.
She wondered how they didn’t crash.

“Life itself is one of the greatest mysteries!”
“One older than any and all of our histories!”
Twilight laughed on how such a simple fact was forgotten.
Miracles can happen. That’s how they were talking.

Sometimes the math and the numbers lie.
Why shouldn’t you be able to do anything if you try?
If you say something can’t be done.
It is you who makes it seem as certain as the sun.

“I can’t believe I forgot why I search!”
So said Twilight, as the line of books gave a lurch.
“You aren’t supposed to learn to find out what can and can’t be accomplished.”
“You’re supposed to learn so that all the problems you face are demolished.”

Sweetie Belle watched Twilight search through the first hours of night.
It left her curiosity itching, so bewitching.
Soon the candles only gave flickering light.

“There’s always an answer to the question you seek.”
Twilight grinned. “A nugget of knowledge can empower the weak.”
“You wanted a spell to help make snow.”
“There is a multiplication spell I happen to know.”

“A what?” asked Sweetie, still trying to stay safe.
Right now, the library was a truly chaotic place.
Books were flying all about.
She’d already accidently been hit by a book about how to handle a drought.

The energy pervading the room was slowly spreading.
Sweetie smiled. The room was wild.
She forgot all the things she’d been dreading.

“A multiplication spell!” Twilight chimed.
“It was made by Star Swirl himself, and was one of his greatest finds”
“It will take a single flake of snow,”
“And it will turn it into thousands, maybe millions. I don’t know!”

“Go on ahead to the other crusaders.”
“Building enough snow is going to be quite the caper!”
“I’ll come by in the morning to cast the spell,” Twilight said.
“If it works all of Ponyville will see the snow after climbing out of bed!”

So Sweetie Belle dashed into the darkness.
She felt no fright for the night,
She only felt joy and incredible bliss.

Piece the 8th: Tune of the Tactless Tomboy

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The cry caused the ground to quake.
Excitement filled the trio, for they had snow to make.
The crusaders had arrived at Fluttershy’s in the dead of night.
The spoils of their errands being clung to, so tight.
They set up as the animals had sweet dreams in their lairs.

“How are we doing this?” asked Applebloom.
“Scootaloo, ya’ll were the one who asked Rainbow.”
“What’s the use of all this stuff we had to tow?”
The tools and the ice sat off to the side,
While the fillies leaned in with eyes their eyes sparkling and wide.
They snuggled in cozily in their coats as the night did loom.

“It’s actually really simple!” said Scootaloo.
“I work on cloud production, and filling the skies,”
“Applebloom builds snow by chiseling the ice, till it cries,”
“And Sweetie Belle sweeps the ground layer around.”
“Then it’s mission accomplished and we watch the snow settle down!”
They high-hoofed in the air, unaware of five mares watching the crew.

Scootaloo dashed off to the lake by the house.
She’d never made clouds before, but it couldn’t be hard.
Besides, she wouldn’t want her awesome record to be marred.
She got on her scooter, zooming round and round.
Slowly more than wind began to lift of the ground.
A whirlwind rose from the lake, and things were no longer quiet as a mouse.

Water rose through the funnel, spraying into the sky.
There it flashed into mist, to float down to the crew.
They were now engulfed in fog and couldn’t see anything they had to do.
“Come on!” shouted Sweetie Belle, her hooves flung in frustration into the air.
Her friends couldn’t see them, but they guessed they were there.
“Scootaloo! Couldn’t you please make the clouds proper so they’ll fly?”

Scootaloo growled something under her breath.
She rounded up the clouds into small little bundles,
Missing the smothered snickers coming from the bush at her bungles.
There Rainbow was snorting and Pinkie was chortling.
Rarity smirked a small smile, and Applejack couldn’t help chuckling.
Even Fluttershy grinned towards her friends on the left.

Scootaloo looked to the sky, eyes making a dare.
“Come on, kid,” whispered Rainbow, silently encouraging.
“You can do it,” she whispered, considering emerging.
Scootaloo suddenly dashed into the night.
Rainbow hoped she hadn’t given up without even testing her might,
Then, suddenly, a bold and brave blaze shot into the air.

Scootaloo had launched herself off of the cottage while pulling a cloud.
Her form filled the night sky, her scooter twirled around.
Doing a hoofstand she pushed off from her scooter, sending it crashing to the ground.
Flipping in the air not once, but twice,
She pushed off of the cloud, leaving it floating high above the ice.
Her two friends below now giving her cheers that were loud.

She continued to glide along the path of her launch.
That’s when it became clear to the others her stunt wasn’t done.
Her scooter had landed upright on the ground, and it had continued to run.
Scootaloo glided down slowly, keeping pace with her scooter.
She made a perfect landing on it, bringing a muffled squeal from her tutor.
With that landing, as Scootaloo was left standing, the five in the bushes saw her haunch.

The five in the bushes stared in amazement.
The trick Scootaloo had just performed went way beyond cool.
The fact that they couldn’t cheer aloud was cruel.
They saw something the three working hard had easily missed.
Upon Scootaloo’s flank a winged wheel shined bright in the lingering mist.
This night was turning out great considering how crusading normally went.

Piece the 9th: Berceuse of the Bowed Builder

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Tink! Tank! Ting-a-ling!
Hammers making clamors.
Applebloom sat on the ground,
With small piles of snow scattered around.

Tick. Tock. The clock did ring!
Midnight blanketed their sight.
Hammer, and chisel, and saw twirled away,
Making silver dust that twinkled as bright as day.

Each flake was like a little star.
Each one unique without a single mar.
They twinkled lightly upon the grass,
Reflecting moonlight as the night did pass.

Applebloom tried to make perfection,
While the five in the bushes avoided detection.
Each flake was greater than the last.
Each one an improvement from those in the past.

Hammer away a chunk of ice.
Split it evenly to make it nice.
Carve away until it’s something all its own.
Give it to the wind to find a pile to call home.

They were all unique, like the pieces of a puzzle.
A puzzle so complex it left all who watched somewhat befuddled.
Applebloom worked the night away,
Even as her limbs did sway.

This task, this wondrous task, was cold and tiring.
What Applebloom wouldn’t give for a little fire ring,
But that would melt the snow,
So she worked on freezing in the moonlight’s glow.

As the snow piled higher and higher,
The colder it got. Things seemed to be dire.
But they all kept on going into the night.
They were keeping their wonderful goal in sight.

That’s when it began, in the silvery snow.
A warmth, a feeling, a light did grow.
The star and moonlight fell from the sky.
Becoming trapped in the snow, which was piled so high.

It bounced, and it weaved, through every little piece.
It brought a glow to the world, so all felt at peace.
It brought a warmth to the spirit,
Drawing everypony near it.

The cold was gone, but not the snow.
The fillies were free to continue, without feeling low.
So they worked even deeper into the darkest of night,
But the warmth of the glow told them all was alright.

Tick. Tock. The clock did ring.
The night no longer
Hidden friends kept them in sight.
They couldn’t believe it came again, a second time that night.

Tink! Tank! Ting-a-ling!
Chiseling while whistling.
The fillies worked on, continuing to rush,
While Applebloom’s flank now bore a hammer and brush.

Piece the 10th: Melody of the Mellow Minstrel

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The day will come when things will change.
So thought Sweetie Belle with the smallest pang.
The other crusaders were as bright and bold as before.
Only Sweetie Belle seemed to realize that life had more.

What happened when one of the crusaders found their talent?
So thought Sweetie Belle watching the snow relent.
It was swept from her tail as the shadows did loom.
She spread it around thinking of the future in gloom.

Sometimes Sweetie wondered if finding their talents would drive them apart.
After all it was there lack of talents that made this all start.
They were so busy trying to find them each and every day.
Would the one who found theirs first end up being pushed away?

Rarity told her not to worry what the future would bring.
Her sister always encouraged her to let her voice ring,
To wash away her worries and just let herself sing,
So Sweetie let her voice take to the skies, almost like the words had wings.

“Sometimes the darkness fills us with fright,”
“And sometimes beasts howl deep into the night.”
“Sometimes we fear the silliest things,”
“And sometimes what we fear the most is the song our thoughts sing.”

“For all of the tears you shed in your fear,”
“There will always be somepony near you who’ll hear.”
“You’ll find them behind you,”
“And their voice will ring clear.”

“They’ll sing you a song, as I’m doing now,”
“To lull you to sleep, and bring your fears down.”
“They’ll lead you to dreams, and banish your frown.”
“They’ll cut off the worries etched into your brow.”

“Sleep in the sweet melody of the night.”
“I promise the darkness you fear will not bite.”
“Sleep as the wolf cries out to its friends.”
“It seeks only comfort as the day ends.”

“Sleep as your fears turn to sweet, silly, things.”
“Things you thought foul only make you want to sing.”
“Sleep as sweet thoughts dance through your head.”
“Sweet bells sounding softly, hear how they ring.”

“Sleep to the song of a friend you hold dear.”
“Sleep as you know there is nothing to fear.”
“Sleep to dreams where you play with your peers.”
“Sleep softly knowing your friends always near.”

Her song filled the night as the fillies worked on.
They were all too exhausted to last to the dawn.
Eyes began to close as snow filled the lawn.
Even the five in the bushes fell to the grace of the song.

It was the song that her sister sang to Sweetie in bed,
Until sweet dreams swam into her head.
For Sweetie, this song always settled her fears.
It was nice to know a friend would always be near.

Snow gently fell as the lullaby worked it’s charm.
Each friend of Sweetie’s fell into sleep’s arms.
At last it was Sweetie who fell into slumber.
Her doubts washed away as she finished her number.

Piece the 11th: Carol of the Cumulative Creation

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Snow fell slowly to the ground.
A soft wind swirled silver dust around.
Everything was simple, peaceful, and calm.
The beautiful sight was like a balm.

When Twilight topped the crest of the hill on her way,
All the stress from her studying simply melted away.
She stopped and saw how much the crusaders had done.
She giggled and couldn’t help but break into a run.

Flakes of soft snow began to fall from the clouds.
They fell on the crusaders who should be feeling proud.
Instead they slept sweetly, hardly making a sound.
The soft snores from bushes told Twilight where her friends could be found.

Sneaking softly to the bushes without waking the three fillies.
Twilight nudged her friends awake slightly and told them they were silly.
They were supposed to take the girls inside,
After the girls had latched on dreams to ride.

She supposed it was for the best,
That her friends had fallen asleep instead.
This wondrous winter had brought the crusaders rest,
And made a darn good bed.

It should have been cold, but instead it was warm.
It appeared within the snow and ice the fire of friendship took form.
The crusaders had taken what was cold, and harsh, and unforgiving,
And they made it into a fresh miracle worth giving.

Twilight and her friends decided to wait for the girls.
They watched the three sleep until they woke in the snow swirls.
They woke to the scene that they had created.
The snow and the ice fell upon breath that was bated.

The three stood up and looked around in glee.
It was better than anything their wildest dreams let them see.
They danced, and shouted, and made angels of snow.
It took them forever to see what they still didn’t know.

Each of them now had their own Cutie Mark.
Scootaloo was a master of daredevil tricks.
Sweetie Belle could sing as sweet as a lark.
Applebloom would be building with wood and with bricks.

They were so excited they forgot there was one more thing to be done.
They were too busy having their fun.
There were adventures to be had with the talents they’d earned.
What they should do with their talents had yet to be learned.

The crusaders dashed off into the dawn as Sweetie sang their theme song.
As long as they stuck together things couldn’t go wrong.
The six mares chuckled at the three’s energy.
The three were already off on another destruction spree.

Luckily, Twilight remembered there was one last thing to be done.
This small patch of winter was a triumph, hard won.
Her horn lit with a brilliant, magnificent, light.
She cast a spell on the snow using all of her might.

A whirling boom rang out through the world.
A sudden gust of wind was followed by a blinding light,
And all the world came to watch as fresh snow fell through the air and swirled.
All who watched stood pinned at the sight.

They couldn’t help but smile bright.
Not one pony tried to fight.
Everything that was wrong suddenly seemed alright,
And it was thanks to three little fillies that they felt such delight.

Author's Notes: It's been a while since I've written poetry so sorry if the rhyme scheme's ever off. Hope you enjoyed.