Equestria Noir Case 15 "Give Unto Discord"

by Jacoboby1

First published

Murder mystery in equestria starring Detective Private Eye

A lot of strange things are happening all over Equestria. Bodies are being stolen by a mysterious doctor who was also the one who worked on Private's mom. Upon capture he reveals that Sparrowheart's death was no tragic accident. Private's personal demons start to come out as this case appears to be connected to the Vice case that caused Private to leave in the first place. Will Private be able to save himself and Manehatten from a dark and evil threat? Or will he give in to the growing anger inside of him? Is Irenius really as innocent as he claims to be?

Chapters are based on the song "Sweet LA" By Miracle of Sound, the song that inspired this series in the first place.

Chapter 1 "Sweet Equestria"

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Equestria Noir

Case 15

“Give Unto Discord”

Written by: Jacoboby1

Edited by: ShatteredIllusions

Cover art by: Skullman846

Dedicated to: Everypony who’s supported this series

Chapter 1

“Sweet Equestria”

Perspective: Sherrie Illusion

Victim: Nightspeller, female unicorn, mid 40’s. Cause of death? Exsanguination, somepony slit her throat. Victim appears to have been sexually assaulted but no ejaculate was found. Discovered that a student named Moondancer murdered her when the teacher threatened to expose her activities in the school-


I screamed and fell out of my chair when Nightspeller’s head suddenly rose and gazed at me. Then I saw a black unicorn stallion with a grey mane looked down at me, “Ye certainly are jumpy round them stiffs.”

“Well, I don’t expect them to magically come to life, Forceps!” I snapped, glaring at the old coot.

Forceps gently levitated Nightspeller’s head back down. Dr. Forceps was one of the greatest minds when it came to studying the dead. Sadly, that mind also had a very sick sense of humor. I’ve had to put up with that sense of humor ever since I’ve been called down here to help him out.

I’m starting to wonder if it was punishment by my superiors.

I got up and dusted myself off. Forceps turned his eyes towards me. “What’cha looking at this stiff fer?”

“The victim is Nightspeller,” I said, walking to the victim. “I was trying to see if there were any connections to her death and the others that Private brought in.”

“You've been here ever since the whole Glimmer incident,” Forceps said, uncharacteristically concerned. “You think all of Private’s cases are connected somehow?”

“Maybe I’m just trying to make sense of all of this,” I said, with a sigh. “All these murders, you wouldn’t think a peaceful land like Equestria would have so much death.” I covered Nightspeller with a blanket and prepared to put her away.

Forceps spoke behind me, “Death has no prejudice, it’s the fairest judge in all the land. Only problem is, some ponies believe that death can be made into a tool. In the end, nopony can escape death, for she is a cruel mistress who cannot be denied. In the end, a stiff is a stiff; all we can do is figure out how and why it became a stiff.”

“Getting philosophical in your old age, huh?” I grinned at Forceps, raising an eyebrow.

“Something I would always tell Private whenever he brought me a body.” He walked back to his desk and began writing something on one of his clipboards.

I shook my grey head bemused; Private certainly works with strange individuals.


“Did you hear-“I was cut off when Forceps put a hoof on my lips. He put his other hoof to his lips to tell me to shut up. I nodded slowly and gestured to where I heard the crash. It sounded like it came from the cold storage area.

I walked quietly to the door and peeked through the glass. I saw a black clad unicorn trying to open one of the body drawers. I couldn’t see his coat or his face because he was clad in a black body suit and ski mask. Somepony was trying to steal a body!

I knew I should get one of the guards, but it was late at night. Most of the guards are at the front entrance. Nopony expects a morgue to get robbed, so no badass cops to save us. This guy didn’t see me yet. I could catch him off guard with a surprise attack.

I looked around for something heavy and settled on a nearby metal trash can. I held it in my magic and quietly opened the door. I charged inside, flinging the trash can. Sadly, my aim was a little off. It only grazed the intruder's head and he managed to recover from the hit. He turned and glared at me with strangely blood red eyes…

“You shouldn’t mettle where you don’t belong.” Judging by the voice, he was a stallion. He slowly advanced on me.

“I should say the same to you,” I said, returning his glare. “I won’t let you get away with stealing bodies, it's unsanitary.”

“Pathetic girl, you couldn’t comprehend the plans in store,” he said, as he got closer to the door. I noticed Forceps was on the other side of the unopened door. I had to get this guy closer…

“What does stealing corpses have to do with anything?” I asked, slowly backing up.

“I serve a higher master,” he said, as he advanced on me. “His orders are absolute.”

“So, you don't know then. You wanna know what’s really absolute?” I asked smugly, as I stepped back out into the main lab.


“The fact you’re not getting out of here without a few bruises on your face.”

“Smug little girl” he exclaimed, as he followed me out of the freezer. He was so focused on me that he didn’t notice Forceps behind him. The old stallion leaped on his back, levitating a syringe in his magic. The intruder struggled under the added weight but I delivered him a swift buck to the face, disorienting him. Thank you, Iron Will.

Forceps stabbed the syringe into the stallion’s neck and he slowly stopped struggling, collapsing onto the floor. Forceps looked at me as he hopped off the stallion's back. “Doped him, he’ll be out for several hours”

“Who would want to steal corpses?” I asked, levitating the black ski mask the stallion was wearing off. Slowly, the face of a brown stallion with a long, dark brown, mane was revealed.

“It can’t be,” Forceps said, slowly.

“Who is he?” I asked, looking up at him.

“This is Doctor Shelter,” Forceps said, staring down at the stallion in disbelief. “I knew him in medical school. He’s the one who treated Private’s mother…”

“Judging by your tone,” I said, gravely, “there’s more to the story that that.”

“I heard he died years ago…”


The next day…

Perspective: Private Eye

“You sure this is all you have to give me?” I asked, as I saw the pile of bills that Ditzy brought me today.

Ditzy looked down in guilt. “Sorry Private, I don’t have any muffins on hoof to help.”

“That’s okay,” I said, levitating the bills with my magic. “You’re just the messenger.”

Ditzy tilted her head. “Everything okay, Private?”

I just smiled at her, “I’m fine Ditzy. I just need to figure a few things out.”

“Okay,” Ditzy said, only half convinced. “If you need anything you just let me know, kay?”

“I will,” I said, as Ditzy turned to fly off…

Into a nearby wagon, pulled by Big Mac.

Luckily, she only crashed into the hay and just laughed it off , flying into the sky. I chuckled a little, and then walked back inside my house. When the door closed behind me the façade was cast to the wind. I walked to my kitchen table, and began opening the bills.

I started working the calculator like nopony’s business. The first couple of bills were simply water and heating bills. Most of them, the most expensive ones, were all about the colt sitting in the living room.

That same blue Pegasus colt was hard at work writing his Hearth’s Warming Eve wish list. He sat on his belly innocently writing on the tile floor. I just watched him write for a few minutes. Hard to believe he was ten years old now. He stopped believing in Santa Hooves after he figured out the hospital didn’t have a chimney so there was no way Santa could bring presents. I guess he got some deductive genes after all.

I turned my attention back to the bills. His wheelchair needed some parts after being left in the woods for a couple of days. Hard to believe it was only a week since the whole incident with Glimmer. That’s not the only thing though; his prescriptions were going to need to be renewed soon. Those cost quite a bit, as well as his regular visits to the doctor to make sure his body was growing right.

Being born premature can cause some funny things to the body. So far nothing serious has come up, but it didn’t hurt to be prepared. The hospital bills were stacking up as well. Larksong paid for most of the hospital bills the after my first case in Ponyville. Sadly, Tailspin’s subsequent visits for physical therapy dug into my wallet.

I started adding up numbers and I was seeing a lot of red. This wasn’t good; I’d have to increase my fee at the detective agency. If that didn’t work, I’d have to take a second job to pay for the house, Tailspin’s bills, and tuition for next year, as well as simple needs like food.

I put my hooves on my face in sheer defeat. There was no way I was going to pay for this all by myself. I didn’t want to ask Celestia to loan me money. She could do it, but it might look bad for the monarch to show favoritism to a lowly detective.

I couldn’t ask for my friends to loan money. I didn’t want to be a burden on them as well. I wonder if Potso is hiring…?

“Hey Bro,” I heard a voice come from the living room. I quickly hid all of my bills and calculations in a kitchen drawer, and smiled as Tailspin rolled in with his list on his lap. “I finished it.”

“Let’s see what Santa’s going to get you this year,” I said, levitating the list to eye level. I frowned slowly…

“Private,” Tailspin said, with guilty blue eyes, “They are only just ideas; you don’t have to get me anything this year.”

“It’s all right,” I lied. “I’ll figure out some way for you to have a good Hearth’s Warming like every year.”

Tailspin rolled right past me and opened the drawer where I hid the bills. Tailspin looked at me “Private, I know about them…I know how much you’ve been struggling! I hear you doing all those calculations at night! I’m acting like a leech!”

“Don’t say that!” I said, earnestly.

“It’s true, darn it!” Tailspin fired back. “It's because I’m in this darn chair you have to struggle so hard to take care of me. It would’ve been better if I wasn’t born…” Tailspin said, looking down.

“No! Never say that!”

“If I wasn’t around, you’d have a happy family with mom and dad.”

“Then I wouldn’t have you!” I argued.

He looked right at me with the blue eyes he shared with his father. They were trying to fight back tears. “It’s all my fault! If I was never born your life could’ve been so much better!”


“Forget it!” My brother snatched the list away from me and tossed it into the trash. He rolled off trying to fight back tears along the way, and slammed the door to his room.

“Tailspin…” I looked down at the tile floor of the kitchen. He honestly blamed himself for what happened to mom…

He hates himself for what I...

For what your father did.

If he hadn’t made that stupid mistake…

Then Tailspin would have wings and legs like everypony else.

We’d have a real family…

And you have your father to thank for the current situation.

I shook my head, what the hell? That was weird, for a second I thought I was hearing the voice again. This time though, he sounded louder, and more agreeable.

I pushed aside the thought and walked to Tailspin’s room. I could hear him sobbing on the other end of his door. I lifted a hoof to knock, but I couldn’t do it. He was crying so much over something he had no control over. I slowly pushed open his door and saw him crying into his pillow.

I sat on the bed and gently nuzzled my little brother on the back. “Tailspin, I’ll figure it out all right?”

“I’m so sorry…” Tailspin said keeping his face on the pillow

“It isn’t your fault, I already told you that” I said, firmly. “Don’t cry over something you had no control over.”

“I just wish you didn’t have to sacrifice so much,” Tailspin’s voice was muffled against his pillow.

“You’re my brother, and I’d do anything for you.”

“Why does it have to be so hard on you?” Tailspin asked, slowly pushing himself up to look at me with those blue eyes of his. “I just wish things could be like in a normal family.”

You can’t have that, not after what your father did…

“We’ll figure it out,” I said, gently nuzzling him. “We’re brothers; we’ll stick together to the end.”

“You’re right, Bro.” Tailspin hugged my neck tightly. “I just wish I could help.”

“You’re already helping by being here and living your life,” I said, hugging my brother tightly.

Suddenly a knock was heard and I let go of Tailspin. I walked to the front door and opened it. Twilight was standing there sweating and panting. She must have been running.

“Private, you have to come to the detention center quick!”

“What happened?” I asked, going into detective mode.

“You know a Doctor Shelter?” Twilight asked.

“Of course I do” I replied, with a nod. “He was our family doctor for ages, but I heard he died a few years after mom did.”

“Well, he didn’t stay dead,” Twilight explained. “Come on!”

I made a quick call to Ditzy to have Sparkler look after Tailspin. Sparkler was Ditzy’s adopted daughter, and one of Tailspin’s favorite foal sitters. Ever since I helped her mom, Sparkler has taken on the task of looking after Tailspin when Pinkie Pie wasn’t available.

She’d take good care of him while I sort all of this out


I entered the detention center and couldn’t believe my eyes. There, behind the one way mirror, was Dr. Shelter sitting in the detention room. I looked over as Officer Hoof Dunnit, a young earth pony with an orange coat and bright blue eyes walked over to me. “We brought him in this morning, Sir. Sherrie Illusions was the one who called it in.”

“Give her my thanks, and a gift basket later.” I turned my head back to Shelter. “What have you got on him?”

“Well, on paper he’s dead” Dunnit said, firmly. “Our records showed he died while serving as a field medic five years ago. He got lost in some jungle and was presumed dead by his troops when he didn’t show up anywhere near Equestria within the past few years.”

“What’s stealthier then a ghost?” I asked, with a nod. “Was he carrying anything on him?”

Hoof pulled out a plastic bag containing a medallion. “Just this.”

I looked at the medallion, it was a black and red with what looked like a long red dragon on the corner. Wait, this was familiar.

It bore a striking resemblance to a certain god of chaos…

“Give this to my assistant” I said, hoofing the medallion back to Dunnit. “Check background on Shelter too. I want to know if anypony could’ve helped him disappear in the past few years.”

He saluted and went off with the medallion. I entered the interrogation room and Shelter looked at me. His eyes were a steely blue. “Keeping yourself healthy, Private?”

“Don’t be cute Doctor,” I said, taking a seat opposite him. “You know exactly why you’re here, and I want to cut the bullshit.”

“As firm as ever,” Shelter said, as he sat back in his chair. “You always were a stubborn patient.”

“I want to know why you’re stealing bodies” I demanded.

“Well, Private,” Shelter leaned forward in his chair, “somepony had something on me and I didn’t want him to use it.”

“What did this guy have on you?”

“I’d rather not say.” His eyes were starting to shift… He was holding back.

“Nopony goes and steals bodies as a hobby!” I said, leaning forward. “Now you are going to tell me why, or I’ll make sure you won’t ever see the light of day again.”

“Fine,” he said, lifting his hooves. “I got lost in the jungle during a training exercise. When I dragged my way back home, everypony thought I was dead. I thought it would be a chance for a fresh start. Sadly, the one making sure I stayed dead threatened to expose me.”

“Expose what exactly?”

“That your mother’s death was no accident…”

Chapter 2 "Why do you hurt me like you do?"

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Chapter 2
“Why do you hurt me like you do?”

I just stared at Shelter. I could not believe what he'd just said. Somepony murdered my mother?

“You had better not be shitting me, Doctor!” I growled, getting to my hooves. My nose was inches from his, my nostrils flared as my fury became obvious.

“I swear it’s true.” Shelter retorted. “The Mandrake given to your mother wasn’t a simple accident. I was told to give her a lethal dose while she was pregnant.”

“Why? What possible reason could you possibly give me to justify that?” I yelled, my rage boiling over. I levitated open the window and grabbed him by the hooves with my magic.

“I was told to! You think I would willingly let a patient die if I could save her?”

“There's no excuse for what you did!” I yelled, dangling him out the open window by his hooves. “Do no harm, that's the first RULE! Who told you to do it?”

“I don’t know! I got a letter ten years ago that said somepony would make sure I’d lose everything if I didn’t!”

“Where is this letter?” I roared, my grey eyes brimming with barely restrained fury. I released two of his hooves causing him to drop a couple feet.

“I have it! Just don't drop me,” he cried, panicked.

I took a deep breath, resisting the almost overwhelming desire to just let him go, and fall to his death. Where's the voice when you need him? I pulled him inside and dropped him on a heap on the floor. He reached inside his coat jacket after catching his breath. He pulled out a letter and my magic yanked it out of his hooves. I looked at it.

Dear Doctor Shelter,

It is in our best interest that Sparrow not give birth to her son. We know all about your little drug business on the side. It would be unfortunate if that were to come to light. We want you to give her a lethal dose of Mandrake. If you can’t kill her child, then kill her instead.


“What’s this about drug activities?” I asked slowly, through clenched teeth.

“I had a business going on the side,” Shelter said, looking up at me pathetically. “I serve the Disciples of Discord. The church requires certain drugs and I provided them.”

“You should’ve stayed dead in that jungle,” I said, darkly. “This is more than enough to put you away for the rest of your miserable life. Now, who is this I.E?”

“I don’t know,” Shelter said, still balled up on the floor. “I just know he could destroy my life if he told anypony about the drugs.”

I glared down at him; I could not honestly believe this man could be so selfish. To kill my mother, and cripple Tailspin, and for what? To save his own skin, I couldn’t find it in my heart to forgive him. I simply said, “I’m placing you under arrest for drug trafficking, defiling the dead, and whatever the hell else they can get you on.”

I walked out without another word.


Twilight was waiting for me, and she looked very concerned. I didn’t say a word as we walked outside of the detention center. She looked at me sideways. “Private, back there you almost lost it again.”

“What did you expect?” I asked, looking over at her. “A supposedly dead pony comes along and says that somepony had my mother killed. I just can’t believe it!”

Twilight put a comforting hoof around my shoulder. “I’m always here for you, you know?”

“I know, Twilight,” I replied, with a sigh, “but now we gotta find the monster that did this.”

After we walked inside the library, Twilight showed me the medallion. “I did a little research, as it turns out this does belong to a cult called the Disciples of Discord.”

“Some crazy cult worshipped a god of chaos?” I asked, looking at the book she had open. Discord was a strange being indeed. About half a year ago, he tried to take over Equestria after being freed from his stone prison. Apparently long before even Celestia was around, he had ruled the land with an iron fist. Granted no modern history books can tell us exactly what happened all those years ago, but that didn’t make this insane creature of chaos any less dangerous.

Hard to believe there were ponies that worshipped such a dark being. Then again, some worshiped Nightmare Moon. I guess a cult that worshipped Discord can’t be too far-fetched.

“Apparently, the actual cult was started centuries ago. I even looked in some of the books that survived the fire at Glimmer’s place. As it turns out, Discord had a cult of followers that tried several times throughout history to take over Equestria. The Cult of the Blood Moon was a proxy cult to them.”

“Well, they died out with the banishment of Luna,” I said, knowingly. “What kind of activities did they perform?”

“Assassinations, manipulating businesses, drug smuggling, you name it, they had some hoof in crime everywhere.” Twilight looked at me. “Private, we should probably inform Celestia about this.”

“Good idea. You do that,” I said, with a nod. “I’m getting the next train to Manhattan.”

“What for?” Twilight asked, looking at me.

“I’m going to see an old friend.” I turned and walked out.


I entered the Violet Rose and found her sitting at the booth she usually relaxed in between songs. Her blue eyes looked up at me and a small unreadable smile crossed her face. I sat in the seat opposite her.

“For somepony hell bent on avoiding me, you sure come around a lot,” Larksong said smoothly.

“Larksong, please,” I said, looking across at her. “I need your help.”

“This is a change of pace,” she said, looking at me with an unreadable expression. “You're asking politely this time around?”

“I'm not in the mood for your games,” I snapped.

“Now you’re back to usual Private,” she said, with a roll of her eyes. “Just once I’d like to have a conversation that doesn’t involve a case.”

“Lark, I need to know something. Did you dad have anything to do with a certain cult?” I asked, hesitantly.

Her blue eyes didn’t break their gaze on me. She sighed and said bitterly, “You know that’s a sour subject for me as well.”

“That was three years ago,” I said, looking down.

“That’s not long enough to forget what happened it seems,” she said, looking down as well.

I remember everything…


Three Years ago…

Big Wig, a pony with a long silver mane and a golden coat, entered his office just as the rain was starting to really come down. Big Wig owned a large pharmaceutical company; several drugs were made by his company as well as several other products.

He turned on the light with his magic and found me sitting in his chair. He let out a yelp of surprise and then a sigh of relief when he realized it was me. “Private, don’t scare an old man like that.”

“Oh you’d better be scared of me,” I said, keeping my steely grey eyes trained on him.

“What are you talking about?” Big Wig said, with a smile. “You’re going to be my son in law soon. I do believe there should be trust between us.”

“Then will you tell me why a shipment of 24 billion bits worth of medical mageth suddenly disappeared off the coast?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” He replied too fast.

“Oh I know it all,” I said, getting up from the chair. “I know that you've been selling it on the side. Your business not making enough for you?”

“You have no proof!”

“Wrong,” I said, pulling a sheet of paper out of my brown trench coat. “I have 12.”

“12 what?”

“Twelve officers of the vice department, all of them were found with at least several hundred bits worth of the stuff. All of them delivered it to various drug dealers, I found out. The pony they reported to? You, Big Wig.”

“Think rationally about what you are doing,” Big Wig said, as I advanced on him. I grabbed the old pony with my magic and pushed him against the wall. I pulled out my .32 revolver and aimed it at his head.

“You honestly expect me to believe that you had nothing to do with this?” I asked, keeping the gun pressed against his head. “You already had all the bits you could want through your company, why’d you have to drag those officers down to satisfy your own greed?”

“They didn’t have any choice,” Big Wig retorted. “If word got out they even looked at the stuff, they would never see a badge again. They have families, Private, foals and some even had grand foals. They needed the money, and they were willing to look the other way to get it.”

I hit him with a free hoof in the stomach. He let out a gasp of pain, and I just glared at him. “You were going to hold that against them. Have them be your little puppets on the police force. Well no longer, I’ve taken care of them all”

“You arrested them?” Big Wig said, astonished.

“All of them, I wanted to make sure nopony could help you anymore. They all squealed about their deal with you.”

“So, are you going to arrest me?”

“I was planning on it,” I said, slowly.

Big Wig spoke frantically, “You need me! You need to marry Larksong, if you don’t you cripple of a brother will di-“

I bucked him in the face and he slammed against the wall. I aimed my gun at his head. “Don’t you dare talk about my brother like that, you monster.”

“Larksong will never marry you now, you need me…”

“What?” I asked, my grey eyes growing wide.

“Did you really think she would fall for a stallion like you?” Big Wig said, with a smirk. “Did you really think out of all the stallions at that college she would choose you? Some poor detective with no future? I knew you would be trouble when I saw how fast you climbed the ranks.”

“So,” I said, with slow realization, “you had Larksong pretend to be in love with me. You used her so I would choose to let you go to keep her.”

He smirked slowly. “What are you going to do now?”

I just looked down at him and slowly opened my trench coat. Inside the inner pockets was a tape recorder. I saw Big Wig’s eyes grow wide “Fenlock always said to keep one of these on at all times. You never know who you might need to get a confession out of.”

“You can’t do this to me!” Big Wig, pleaded.

“I can, and I will.”

“What about Larksong? What about your brother? I’ll give you anything!”

I delivered a swift kick to his face and he fell over unconscious. I glared down at him. “I don’t want your dirty money.”

I wandered around in a daze, my heart broken, for an hour. Then it was time for me to meet Larksong. It was time for her to explain herself...

I stood on the bridge facing Larksong. The rain was pouring down with a ferocity equaling my own. Larksong looked at me with those eyes I once was enchanted by. Not anymore.

“Why did you lie to me, Larksong?” I asked, looking at her. “Why didn’t you tell me your father was forcing you?”

Larksong shook her gold head, her green mane was falling around her eyes “Private, I know what I did was wrong. I just knew that if I told you, something like this would happen”

“What?” I yelled. “That I’d find out the truth? That I would find out the mare I love was only pretending to love me?”

“It may have been that way at first!” Tears fell from her eyes mixing with the rain. “Then I found that you are nothing like other stallions! You’re kind and gentle, but also strong and brave! You aren’t a show off, and you always do what’s right! I’ve grown to love you, despite why I dated you in the first place.”

I closed my grey eyes and looked down. “I was going to propose, Larksong…”

“What?” Larksong asked. I didn’t see the reaction she had.

“I guess if my trust can so easily be tossed aside, you aren't the mare I thought you were.” I reached into my trench coat and pulled out a small box. It contained the ring that I was going to give her. I threw it onto the ground and turned around, unable to even look at her anymore.

I walked off as Larksong cried on the middle of the bridge.

I’ve never liked the rain…


Present Day…

“I was serious that night you know,” Larksong said, looking up at me. “I really did fall in love with you.”

“I was too angry to hear anything that night,” I said, slowly.

“You’ve changed,” Larksong said.

“What do you mean?”

“You didn’t care back then about the officers you put in prison.” Larksong observed. “Now I hear about you helping ponies, even when the case doesn’t benefit from it.”

“Do you think I should’ve let it go?” I asked.

“Honestly,” she said, with a shake of her head, “you did what many cops wouldn’t do. You stood up and did what was right, despite everything. In the end, I think you did the right thing.”

“Even though it cost us our engagement?”

“Eh, I would’ve gotten tired of you after the first week or so.”

We both laughed a little. It was interesting joking around with Larksong again. She smiled a little. “Twilight is a lucky girl to have you.”

“I’m lucky to have her,” I said, smiling. “Now, do you have any info about drugs going to a cult called the Disciples of Discord?”

“I don’t,” Larksong said, “but I know who would.”

“You’re not suggesting what I think you are…” I said, warily.

“Him, I have no problem with you kicking the snot out of.”


Vegas walked out of the bar with a smirk on his face. I could imagine he’d scored some mare or something like that. Being a detective had its benefits; Vegas took advantage of every one.

He was a couple of years older than I was. His white and black spotted coat reflected his dice cutie mark. He wore a brown trench coat that kept him warm in the chilly night air. His black and white streaked mane allowed him to stand out on the crowded streets of Manehattan.

I followed him slowly, keeping to the shadows of the alleyways. I felt almost a supernatural instinct as I followed him. When it came to tailing, there was nopony better than I. Vegas however knew me from our work together. He caught on that I was following him.

His green eyes turned around just as I ducked into an alley. He broke off into a run and I went after him. I shoved several civilians out of the way as he ran. Vegas took a side street and I noticed he was heading for the peer. I knew Manehattan far better than he did however.

About ten minutes later Vegas came to a deserted dock and tried to catch his breath. He turned around and I walked to him slowly, pulling out Blackbird. He tried to make a run for it, but I shot him in the leg and he came tumbling down onto the dock.

He glared up at me as he nursed his shot leg. “What the hell, Private?”

“The hell is that you ran before I could talk to you,” I said, as I advanced on him.

“What do you want? I’m bleeding here!”

I pointed the gun right at his head. “Vegas, you know vice better than anypony. There is a cult that had something to do with killing my mother. I want to find said cult, and I need you to tell me how they got supplied with their drugs”

“I ain’t telling you shit!” Vegas shouted “Now call the hospital I’m bleeding!”

“You’ll bleed a lot more if you don’t give me what I want” I admonished “I would also like to direct your attention to exhibit B” I pointed to the Horson River just off the dock that Vegas was on. “You do know that’s the Horson right? If I dump your body in there the chances of somepony finding it is next to none”

“You aren’t going to kill me, Private,” Vegas said, smugly. “You ain’t got the balls.”


I fired again, this time shooting him in his hind leg. He yelled in pain as I spoke again, “Here’s how it’s going to go down, I’m going to ask you a question. If I don’t like the answer, I’ll shoot you. There are four bullets left in this gun. You can imagine what I’m going to do with the last one…”

“You’re crazy, you know that!”

“No, just want answers,” I lowered my head to face Vegas. “Now tell me, how would somepony get a hold of Mandrake or Mageth in Manehattan?”

“Local grocery,” he said, with a smirk. “Aisle four.”


I shot him in his other hind leg. He let out another screech of pain and I simply said, “Three left.”

“You’re insane!”

“Start singing, little birdie,” I said slowly.

“All right!” Vegas shouted “It’s a griffon! A griffon was the one supplying Big Wig with that Mageth. He’s some kind of drug lord.”

“What’s his name?”

“Big Bird,” he smirked.


“Two left.”

“Shit!” He exclaimed, holding his other foreleg. “What the hell, Private?”

“Give me a name.” I pointed the gun at his hind leg again.

“I ain’t telling you,” Vegas fired back. “If I do they’ll kill me!”

“What makes you think I won’t?” I asked, menacingly.

“I know you, Private! You’ve gone soft! Always caring about the ponies in the cases! You won’t kill me! You’re nothing but a pansy, a no good lousy dete-“


“Shit!” Vegas swore as I shot the gun in his hind leg again.

“One left.”

“You didn’t ask me a question!” Vegas pointed out.

“No, I did ask you a question, rhetorical questions count”

Vegas looked at my gun as I slowly levitated it to his head. “Wait Private, we can work this out.”

“You know I don’t take bribes, Vegas”

“All right!” Vegas shouted. “It was a griffon named Talonbreak! I don’t know anything else, I swear!”

I just gazed at him. I used my magic to start pulling the trigger ever so slowly…

“Private, you aren’t going to kill me!” s


“Private don’t joke around!”




Vegas opened his eyes as I shot Blackbird into the air and holstered her. “That’s all of my bullets.” I turned away from Vegas.

Vegas yelled back at me “What the hell was that? You really have gone soft!”

I ignored him as I walked away.

“Three years ago you would’ve killed me!”

Chapter 3 "I keep running and running to catch a clue"

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Chapter 3

“I keep running and running to catch a clue”

I walked Manehattan’s streets for a while. My mind was more focused on this case than it was in a long time. Vegas’ confession narrowed down the list of suspects. I knew if I wanted to find out answers for my mother’s death I was going to need to track down this drug circuit.

Celestia’s sun was just starting to rise on the horizon when I arrived at the meeting spot. I saw her playing her cello under a gazebo in Central Park. Her violet eyes were closed in concentration as she played her piece. I walked to her and spoke ,“This time it’s Clopin, I believe.”

“You’re getting better,” Octavia said, as she stopped playing her cello and looked at me. “It’s good to see you again, Private.”

“I wish it was under better circumstances, Octavia,” I said simply.

She put her cello back in its case. “I trust you need my help with something. Your call was rather urgent.”

“I need you to help me track down a drug dealer,” I explained.

“You know I don’t deal in drugs,” she said, looking at me. “It’s a messy business and too many ponies get hurt.”

“I know, but you are the only pony I know who can get in the inner circles of gangs,” I said firmly. “I need your help, Octavia.”

“Who do you need to find?” She said, after closing her case.

“Griffon by the name of Talonbreak,” I answered. “He’s supposed to have ties to the Disciples of Discord.”

“I know of him,” she turned her ashen grey head to me. “He was scum even before he arrived here after the Griffon Wars. The only one who would know where he is would be Grimwing.”

“How would Grimwing know where he is?” I asked.

“Talonbreak used to work for him.”


“So, yer sayin Talonbreak’s got somethin tah do with your mama’s death?” Grimwing asked as he sat opposite me. Octavia and I managed to track him down at the Prancing Dragon. Never thought I’d be here again after the whole Fashion Week Fiasco. The Griffon mob boss closed his yellow eyes. “I warned him not tah get involved with some crazy cult.”

“What can you tell me about Talonbreak?” I asked, pulling out my trusty notebook.

“Bout fifteen years ago he was a Soldato one of mah boys recruited off the streets. Smooth talker, real slick, and a tough fighter. Never much one fer brains though, he ran some rackets in Fillydelphia before he caught wind about mageth,” Grimwing shook his head. “He heard that some cult was willin tah buy the stuff for a hell of a lot of bits.”

“How’d he get his supply?” Octavia asked. “It’s not like you can just go to the store and buy the stuff.”

“He heard that the army was getting rid of the stuff after the Griffon Wars,” Grimwing said knowingly. “Mostly it was the kind doctors would use to keep patients from going nuts during surgery.”

Based on some of the stories I’ve heard about the Griffon wars I can imagine why many would turn to the stuff. The Griffon Kingdoms were filled with mountains and dense forests filled with all manner of evil creatures. You were lucky if you got out with just a leg lost.

“So one of mah boys hears that the army was planning on dumping the stuff on some island and burning it all,” Grimwing said. “That way nopony would know about the drugs and come looking for it. It was a good plan; sadly, it didn’t work out too well.”

“What happened?” I asked.

“Talonbreak got together with his cult buddies and they knocked out everypony on board. They took the mageth and all manner of other drugs. Twelve out of the fifteen ships had their cargo taken. Two made it to their destination and presumed the other ships lost at sea. Only one made it back home…”

“The Love of Luna,” I said knowingly.

“How did ya guess?” Grimwing asked.

“That was the ship where Big Wig and those officers got their drugs. The officers were all army buddies and thought they could make a quick buck with the mageth. I stopped their little scheme though, three years ago.”

“Good thing ya did,” Grimwing said, with a nod of his black head. “If there’s one business ya don’t wanna get into its drugs. Too many problems with junkies and complications to worry about, as well as detectives hunting ya down to stop yer fix.”

“So, do you know what happened to the mageth?” Octavia asked.

“Talonbreak made quite a buck off it. He runs some joints downtown as a front for his business. He quit the family shortly after making it big. I think I know where to start looking fer the bastard.”

“Grimwing, you don’t need to come with,” I said simply. “You don’t owe me anymore.”

“Maybe I don’t owe ya,” Grimwing said, pointing his claw at me, “but after this, you will owe me. It’s always good to have favors, Private, on both sides of the law”

“Just know,” I said firmly, “this doesn’t change the fact I will bring you in someday.”

He smirked, “I look forward to the day when ya try.”


Talonbreak, a rather large griffon with a white head and brown wings, was yelling at his men. “Be careful with the merchandise!” His shout echoed in the warehouse. “That stuff is worth more than all of you put together.”

The other griffons groaned at this. They’ve had to put up with this jerk telling them what to do all week; but they were getting paid so it didn’t matter to them.

That’s when the warehouse door opened and Grimwing, Octavia, me and two other griffons walked in fully armed. Talonbreak saw us and ordered his men to open fire. The griffons started shooting at us and we ducked behind crates for cover.

I shouted at Grimwing, “You get your griffons to the scaffolding and rain hell down below! I’ll cover you!”

“Don’t need tah tell me twice” Grimwing said as he flapped his enormous wings while carrying an assault rifle in his claws. He turned to his two griffons “Graf! Clawmons! Ya two go up topside!”

The two griffons that were beside Grimwing nodded and flew up to the scaffolding. They began raining bullets on the enemy griffons. Two got shot in the wings and fell down like rocks. Grimwing swopped down and grabbed one of the griffons with his claws and slammed the screeching griffon into a wall.

The Griffon tried to head-butt the mob boss but missed and got himself stabbed in the skull with Grimwing’s metal beak tip. As I hid behind cover I shuddered as I recalled how gruesome Grimwing can be. I’d have to think about that when I do have to face him one day. Right now I should focus on the straggler griffon. I aimed Blackbird at the other fallen griffon and shot him in his other wing. That should keep him grounded.

Octavia looked up as a griffon swooped down on her. She dodged his claws and reached into her black suit jacket and pulled out her bow. She shook it and it folded inversely into a blade. She clashed it with the griffon’s claws and gave it a swift buck to it’s beak. The griffon screeched in pain before being cut across the chest by another slash of Octavia’s blade.

Octavia then hit the griffon upside the head with the flat of her blade. My straggler tried to pull out a pistol and shoot her but received a shot in the claw by yours truly. I smiled at the ashen mare “Pretty chivalrous huh?”

She smirked as she knocked out my straggler with a swift buck to the face “It’s not dead; it’s just gotten better at hiding”

I saw Talonbreak attempting to escape in the chaos. I aimed Blackbird and shot the griffon in the wing. Talonbreak screeched and crashed into a nearby wall. The last of the griffons were shot down by Grimwing’s men. I used my magic to pin the drug dealer down as Grimwing advanced on Talonbreak.

Grimwing grabbed the other griffon in his claws and lifted him up several feet off the ground. Grimwing’s yellow eyes glared at Talonbreak “Ya’ve gotten careless in yer success Talonbreak. It’s sickening tah see slime like you runnin around like ya own the place.”

“Look we can talk this out, Grimwing!” Talonbreak pleaded. “I can give you a cut! Any amount you say, I’ll get you!”

“Ya really think me that disgusting?” Grimwing asked with a small smirk. “Ya certainly aren’t one fer brains.”

“What do you want then?” Talonbreak asked trying to sound braver then he probably was.

“Answers,” I said, while walking towards the griffon. “I want to know about a certain cult you work with.”

“You know about that,” Talonbreak asked as Grimwing let him go. Both of Grimwing’s men kept their guns trained on Talonbreak should he try to make a break for it.

“You would need somewhere to sell the drugs once you hid them,” I said knowingly. “Where were you selling them?”

“I ain’t telling you shi-“

Grimwing cut him off by clawing the griffon on the wing. The mob boss kept his yellow glare on him “Ya better start singin before I decide I want tah use yer wings as a scratchin post” His claws drew blood on Talonbreak to drive home the point.

Talonbreak shrieked again and finally caved to the pain “All right! I got a joint runnin in the local prostitution rings. The
girls sometimes need a little incentive to give themselves up fer a night”

Octavia made a noticeable glare at Talonbreak for his comment. I ignored it and spoke, “Who’s the one selling your drugs?”

“The gal who owns the place, she’s about as old as mah mama and not nearly as friendly”

“Do you remember her name?” I asked.

“Doll by the name of Corset, I believe. I met her back when she was small time. Now she runs a cat house down in some alley in Midtown. It's called Plot of Heaven.”

I nodded and looked at Grimwing. “Tie him up and send an anonymous tip to Shinebadge. The drugs here are enough for Vice to get him”

“Yer doin this so I don’t get busted, huh?” Grimwing smiled a little. “Yer alright, detective. Yer alright.”

Octavia looked over at me as Grimwing and his men went to work. “I know where the place is. Not exactly a place I’d want to go to, but I can give you the address.” We began to walk out side by side. “Detective, you better be careful in there.”

“I’m well aware, Octavia,” I said solemnly, “but now that I know where the drugs were being sold, maybe I can find out how they connect to mom,”

“By your tone you don’t sound as convicted about this as you want.”

“Who’s the detective here?” I asked, looking over at her.

“I have other business to attend to” Octavia explained “Good luck on your quest” She wrote down the address on a small sheet of paper. She looked at me. “The password to enter on there as well.”

I nodded and slipped the piece of paper into my trench coat. “Dare I ask how you know about this place?”

Octavia closed her violet eyes and just walked out, picking up her bow sword along the way. “Let’s just say my mother used to do a lot more than sing.”

I just watch her leave for about a minute. I wonder, if her mother never died in that alley would she have been the same mare…?

If your mother never died, what could have been?

What could have been…?

I walked the streets of Manehattan as my thoughts turned elsewhere…


10 years ago…

“And in nine months a foal is born” My father said as I sat in front of him. We were in the lounge of our mansion having one of the strangest conversations I’ve ever had. This teaches me to ask dad what Raiden was talking about when Mom was discovered to have been pregnant.

I looked down awkwardly, my fourteen year old mind trying to comprehend all of this. “It sounds so…messy.”

My father let out a breath of relief at having that conversation over with. “Now you know where your baby brother is coming from.”

“Mom’s going to get hurt a lot when she has him?” I asked, looking up at Dad.

He met his blue eyes with my grey ones. “Son, your mother is one of the strongest women I know.”

I saw Mom enter the room She motioned for me to be quiet, as she began quietly sneaking up on dad. So engrossed was my father in his praise of my mother he didn’t notice her sneaking around behind the couch.

“She’s had to deal with taking care of all of her brothers and sisters. She’s had to face being poor and a Pegasus back when both were looked down upon here in Manehattan. Yet she did it all with a strong and brave heart. She handled having you; she can face having your brother”.

“Well, aren’t you just the sweetest stallion?” my mother said from behind my father.

Dad almost leapt out of his skin, and fell out of the seat he was in. Both mom and I laughed as dad got up and dusted himself off. My mother smiled warmly, “Now we know where Preventus gets his jumpiness from,”

“Funny,” Dad said, looking at his wife. “We can also see where he gets his habit of sneaking around everywhere.”

“Oh, you love it when I surprise you and you know it,” Mom teased.

“That I do,” Dad said, smiling. He then looked at me. “Preventus could you excuse us for a few minutes?”

I was about to leave but then I looked at mom. Her blue body had a swell on her belly. It was only few months ago since this whole baby talk started. I was going to be a big brother, and all they ever talked about was that little brother coming along.

My mom blinked her grey eyes then walked to me; they were showing concern “Preventus, are you alright?”

I sat on my haunches and sighed. “It’s just; I know you guys are going to talk about the new foal.”

My mother looked over at my father and he showed equal concern. My dad looked down at me, “Preventus, I know it seems like we aren’t paying as much attention to you, but we still love you as much as this new child.”

My mother nuzzled me on the head. “You’re going to be a big brother, Preventus. The little one will look up to you. All three of us will raise this foal together.”

My father bent down and nuzzled me as well. “We won’t forget about you, Preventus, count on that…”

“You guys are right,” I said looking up at them. “I’ll give you guys some time.”

I began to walk out of the room “Oh Dad!” I said, turning back quickly. “You’ll come in for family appreciation day next month, right?”

“Don’t worry, son, I’ll be there,” my dad assured me. “I’ve already cleared my schedule for that day.”

“Great!” I exclaimed, as I walked out. I closed the door behind me, but I heard my parents talking inside.

“Sparrow, are you okay?” my dad asked, concern evident in his voice. I put my ear to the key hole to listen.

“I’m fine, Irenius,” My mom reassured him. “It’s just this city air; I had to fly home through all the smoke coming out of the factories in the industrial district.”

“I think it’s time you took the idea of maternity leave seriously,” my father said.

“I’m not used to not working, I guess,” my mother admitted. “I had to work at a bridal shop almost 60 hours a week before I met you.”

“You don’t think it harmed the baby, do you?” my father asked worriedly.

“Irenius…” my mother hesitated. “Maybe we need a change in scenery.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean Manehattan is our home, but I was thinking maybe it’s not the place to raise a newborn foal, with all this industrial development.”

“You’re suggesting we move?” my father asked.

“Not permanently,” my mother replied. “Just a temporary respite from all of the madness of the city.”

“Where did you have in mind?” my father asked, thoughtfully.

“I was thinking about that little town your brother Slant bought that wonderful zap apple jam from.”

“You’re suggesting Hicksville?” my father asked, dumbfounded.

“It’s a nice little town,” my mother explained. “Our baby will come in the summer and we can get away there for a while”

“Maybe you’re right,” my father agreed. “Ponyville could be a nice country town for Preventus and his new brother to vacation at. I heard that it’s grown quite a bit in the last few years.”

"Thank you," my mother said softly.

"Anything for you my love," dad replied. I heard him walk up to my mother and then I heard them kissing. Ew!

I crept quietly away. Ponyville, huh…?



Had Mom had her baby on time…

I would’ve gone to Ponyville…

Chapter 4 "To the Mysteries of Your Dark Heart"

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Chapter 4

“To the Mysteries of Your Dark Heart”

Celestia’s sun was starting to descend when I found Plot of Heaven. The place was situated in one of the slums of Manehattan. I remember passing similar areas back when I had to investigate crime scenes. Most of the time I had County or somepony else as company when I walked the dark alleys. This time, I was on my own.

It’s better this way.

This way nopony else can get hurt.

Time to find out how your father works into all of this...

I finally found it after ten minutes of wandering the back alleys. It was a squat brick building, only a couple of stories tall. It had clearly seen better days. The brick was crumbling in some spots, and a few of the windows were covered by plywood. It used to be a old apartment building back when the city was smaller. Nowadays it’s the site of a place where you could forget your troubles for 50 bits a night.

A couple minutes after I knocked on the door, a sliding peephole opened and a jade green eye looked out at me. A female voice asked, “Who sent you?”

I looked the eye closely and said, “Sibsy sent me.”

The peephole closed and a complex series of locks was heard on the other side. Slowly the door opened to reveal a mare about my age. She was a red headed orange unicorn. She was covered in a hell of a lot of makeup. I could see that it was used to hide some bruises she must have gotten from her customers. She was wearing a skin tight yellow dress that highlighted certain... features on her body. She certainly didn't believe in leaving anything to the imagination.

She looked at me seductively and spoke in a low breathy voice, “Hello there, handsome, welcome to Plot of Heaven. I’m Cherry Blossom, and you look like you’re looking for a good time.” She ran her hoof slowly up one of my arms.

I looked at her and smiled a little, “You can stop trying to steal my wallet, thank you.”

She looked taken aback at this but then she smiled slowly “Oh, you are good, most are distracted by me. You obviously aren’t a bored noble seeking to cheat on his wife. So what’s your name?”

This could be tricky. If I told them I was a private investigator the chances of me getting anything out of Corset was the same as trying to kill a dragon with a spoon. I had to pretend to be a simple customer. I hope Twilight doesn’t get the wrong idea with this.

I kept my smile and replied, “My name is Downbeat Ingram.”

“Such a strange name,” Cherry said, with a small smile. “Come in then, and get ready for the most…lovely night you’ll ever have”

She gestured with her hoof for me to enter the building. The lobby was large and dimly lit. The pony that decorated it seemed to have some strange jungle obsession. Everywhere I looked was some sort of animal skin themed decoration. The chairs were done in a zebra print pattern, the rugs done up in a cheetah print. On the various couches were mares all dressed in a similar style to my host. That is to say as minimalist as you can get while still being classified as clothed.

I turned around to see my host entering the room behind me. If I was going to get into the office then I was going to have to play it cool. Time to dole out the charm, Private. I gave her a small smile. “What’s a nice gal like you doing selling love for a night?”

She looked at me with half lidded eyes. “Well, if you must know, I ended up here like most everypony here.” She and I walked side by side as we moved through the main room. “I was going to be a singer, but bad luck just left me here with you, sweetheart.”

“Wouldn’t call it bad luck,” I complimented, “If I get to spend time with a beautiful mare. I call that good luck.”

“You flatterer,” she giggled a little. For some inexplicable reason I felt like Twilight was watching me from somewhere. Maybe I’m just getting paranoid, but I did get an odd feeling like somepony was watching me.

As we walked up the stairs however, a small filly was waving to get Cherry’s attention. She looked at me and smiled a little. “Sorry hun, got something to take care of.”

The filly was an orange colored earth pony with a light red mane combed to the side of her head. She had freckles on her cheeks and light green eyes that looked up at Cherry. I noticed the striking resemblance between them. She had to be this mare’s daughter. She couldn’t have been much older than Tailspin or Applebloom.

She spoke to her mother in a heavy Manehattan accent, “Mom, do ya really have to work tonight?”

I pretended to be occupied with one of the many dirty magazines just lying on the floor. I listened in on their conversation…this could be useful later”

“Sorry hunny,” Cherry said sadly. “I wish I didn’t have to, but you know I have to do what I can to take care of you.”

The filly blew her bangs in obvious disapproval. “Whatever mom, just promise me you’ll be there to walk me to school, kay?”

Cherry sighed. “Babs, I can’t keep walking you to school, someday you’re going to have to walk by yourself.”

“But Mom!,” Babs protested,“Ya know what happens when I walk alone!”

Cherry shook her head. “I know you’ll be fine, Babs. You gotta just be more open to others.”

“But when I try…” The filly unconsciously covered her flank with her tail. I noticed she was a blank flank. I could imagine what she was worried about.

“Don’t worry, Babs,” Her mother reassured “You’ll get your mark soon and you’ll show all of those bullies.”

“Sure mom,” She didn’t sound totally convinced, she prepared to turn around. “I’ll uh, see ya later”.

Cherry waved goodbye to Babs. I couldn’t be helped but reminded of Tailspin and myself. Tailspin had a lot of trouble going to school after some brats named Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon got a hold of him. It’s not easy being teased for being a blank flank.

I can relate.

Cherry gestured for me to follow her. I put down the magazine. We began walking up the stairs side by side. She was making every attempt to brush up against me. That old feeling of somepony watching me came back when she did.

I chalked it up to paranoia, and followed her into one of the many bedrooms. The place was obviously an older apartment converted into a semi sexy atmosphere. The bed was large and round covered with zebra colored blankets and pillows. It reminded me a little eerily of Luna’s bed back at Canterlot. My nostrils took in the scent of the candles burning to provide mood lighting.

I heard the door close behind me and saw Cherry leaning against it. Her voice was just as low and seductive as before, “So now, care to show a mare a good time?”

“I may be,” I said, slowly backing up to the bed. My horn glowed its soft grey color and my trench coat opened up. Twilight said I looked good without my trench coat and hat, well, let’s test that theory.

I felt my hind legs touch the bed and Cherry slowly walked towards me. She was about to press her lips to mine when my magic caught her by the hooves and I pinned her down on the bed with them. She spoke slowly, “Oh, the dominant type I see.”

“Not dominant,” I said, not getting up on the bed. I was out of charmer mode as my spell held her down. “My name is Preventus Phelps Eye, I’m investigating Corset’s activities in the drug trade.”

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t scream, you bastard!” Cherry shouted, as she struggled against my spell.

“Because I can help you,” I said, looking down at her jade green eyes. “You aren’t doing this just to pay bills, are you”?

Cherry sighed and shook her head. “I have a kid, okay? A little filly who’s name is Babs. I was going into a musical career before I had her. Sadly, nopony is willing to let a pregnant mare sing.”

“She was the bad luck,” I deduced.

“I love her to death,” Cherry explained. “Her father is some noble who decided I would be a suitable way to cheat on his wife. I had to make ends meet with this…”

“Cherry, would you audition if given the chance?”

“In a heartbeat,” she said, looking at me, “but I’m a whore. I’d be lucky if they even let me walk the street to an audition.”

“I know Raiden Bolt personally, he could set you up.”

“Raiden Bolt?” She laughed out loud. “You honestly expect me to believe that?”

“I’m telling the truth,” I said earnestly. “Listen, I just need to get into Corset’s office without her knowing about it.”

“You want to shut her down?” she asked.

“Maybe, but I also want to find out something about a stallion named Irenius.”

“Irenius?” She blinked. “As in Irenius Eye of Irenius Eyewear? He actually came by here years ago.”

“For what exactly?” This was news to me. My father would never come by this part of town if he could help it. What was he doing talking to Corset?

“I remember it was around the time I was pregnant with Babs,” Cherry recalled. “He came in and started arguing with Corset over something. Said something about her having something on him.”

“As in blackmail?”

“That would’ve been my guess.” She looked at me. “Now will you let me go?”

“If you can get me into Corset’s office without drawing suspicion,” I said slowly.

“All right,” She said. “Just hold up your end of the bargain.”


I hid behind a corner as Cherry knocked on Corset’s door. A unicorn mare about my father’s age exited the office. She was probably the most modest out of all of the “girls” in the building. Then again it was probably to keep everypony from going blind.

She spoke in a rather refined accent, “Cherry, can I help you?”

“Yes, in fact” Cherry affirmed. “Cuttlefish got a little carried away during her “training sessions” now we got a guy with his limbs all beaten up. I could use the extra hoof.”

“All right, though I really think she should see somepony about this” ,Corset rolled her eyes and closed her office door behind her; she slid the key in her pocket. With the speed that the untrained eye would’ve missed Cherry snatched the key out of Corset’s pocket. The two walked on, Corset completely unaware that she just was pick pocketed. Cherry left the key inside a flower pot as they passed me.

When the coast was clear I ran to the pot and got out the key. Honestly I could’ve picked the lock myself but that would’ve wasted time. I walked into the office and locked the door behind me. The office was small and square, with a filing cabinet next to a desk. It kind of reminded me of my old office, before I came to Ponyville, the main difference being this one smelled cleaner.

Alright, there had to be financial records around here somewhere. I opened the first cabinet I found, and started sifting through the files. Hopefully, Cherry can keep Corset distracted long enough for me to-

Ah ha!

I came across an old file that had “Credit Records” labeled on it. I sifted through it and sure enough my findings led me to Talonbreak’s name. “Looks like Corset made frequent purchases. Her credit records show that she bought several pounds of Mageth on a credit card through a phony bank. This way this file would be the only evidence that the transaction would’ve occurred. But how does this connect to Dad?”

I returned to sifting through the files and found one labeled…Irenius.

I opened it slowly…

The things I saw…

How could my father even consider?

That bastard!

He cheated on mom!

I saw Irenius in several erotic positions with a much younger Corset. I saw my father take my mother’s love and throw it away. For what?

I can’t believe Irenius would so something like thi-

I heard police sirens outside. I knew somepony was following me! I looked out the window and saw several officers start to raid the place. Wait! Cherry is still here!

I slipped the files into my trench coat and opened the door. I came into the main room where officers had the various prostitutes rounded up. I saw Shinebadge enter the building and looked at me as I descended the stairs.

“I was hoping she was lying when she said you were here,” the old police pony said.

“Shinebadge, what the hell is going on?” I demanded.

“What’s going on is that I’m busting a prostitution ring, and I find you right in the center of it.”

“I’m investigating a crime,” I explained. “I found out who was distributing the mageth in the city.”

“So did we,” Shinebadge explained .“The detective you shot up told us about it. That wasn’t your call to shoot him like that!”

“We’re talking about Vegas here!” I shouted. “The guy is scum! He backed out of the vice case way too fast! I’m starting to think he knew all along!”

“Private, that’s enough!” Shinebadge ordered. “You're coming down to the station with me.”

“I’m not your detective anymore,” I growled.

“No, but you are a suspect in the running of this place.”

“That’s crazy! You can’t bring me in for that!”

“Too late! Now you can come in hoof cuffs or willingly, it’s yer choice.”

I was about to retort when I looked over at Cherry. I saw the sadness in her eyes. This was going to ruin whatever chance she had of giving her daughter a better life. It was all my fault…I should’ve figured Shinebadge would have somepony here to scope things out. I fell right into a trap laid for somepony else.

Only thing is, somepony else got hit…

I looked over at Shinebadge. “Give me two minutes okay? I’ll meet you down at the station, I promise.”

Shinebadge nodded solemnly. “All right, but if you try and skip town I’ll hunt you down like a rabid timber wolf.”

I walked over to Cherry who looked crestfallen. I saw the other officers going to question the other prostitutes and stuff. Cherry met me with her jade green eyes “I’m sorry you got caught, hun…”

“I should be apologizing” I said slowly. “Now you won’t get a chance to take care of Babs.”

“Please,” she looked at me earnestly. “She doesn’t have anywhere else to stay, her school is going to go into winter break soon, and she’ll be home alone for so long.”

“Doesn’t she have relatives or something?” I asked.

Cherry slowly nodded. “Not on my side though, but her father’s.”

“You said he was some bored noble” I reminded her “Just who is he?”

“I lied about that part” Cherry admitted. “In actuality, I found out a few months ago he wasn’t a noble at all.”

“How did you find out?”

“Cause you arrested him,” Cherry explained.

I looked over at Babs, who was sitting at a chair with a glass of water, trying to look tough at the prospect of losing her mother. I then noticed a strong resemblance to another pony I remembered…

“She’s Mandarin Orange’s daughter?” I guessed.

“Yep,” Cherry nodded. “I haven’t told her that yet. I guess it’s fate that both of her parents end up as jailbirds.”

I looked over at her, then I handed her a phone number written on a notebook. “Your first call should be to him.”

“Sandā Bolt?” she said, looking at the paper. “Isn’t he related to Raiden?”

“One of his five brothers,” I explained. “He’s also the best lawyer I know. You tell him I sent you, and he’ll see if the judge can lighten your sentence so you can get back to Babs as soon as possible.”

Cherry’s eyes were tearing up. She slowly hugged me tight, she whispered in my ear, “Please, until I can take care of her, find her a safe home.”

“I will,” I explained. “I promise.”

She walked away with some officers and I made my way to Babs. She looked up at me with her mother’s jade green eyes. “Mister, they’re gonna take my mom right?”

I didn’t want to break the news to the poor kid. But I’ve dealt with children as victims before. The key is to tell them gently, but don’t bullshit them. I tried my best as I said ,“Yes, unfortunately your mother was involved in this establishment.”

Babs looked down. “I tried to tell her not to get into this stuff” She spoke in her heavy accent, “but she said she was doin it fer me. Now I can’t help but feel terrible.”

I put my head level with Babs and smiled gently. “Don’t worry, your mom’s gonna get a great lawyer to help her out.” I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small bag of bits. “This is enough for a train ticket.”

“To where?” She asked, with a raised eyebrow.

“I’m going to make a call to your cousin Applejack,” I explained.

“I didn’t know I had a cousin,” she said thoughtfully.

“You do, and she’d love to take you in until this whole thing blows over.” I put a hoof on the filly’s shoulder. “I’ll make the call to Applejack and the officers will take care of you until you can go to Ponyville.”

“My cousin lives in Hicksville?” Babs said in obvious shock.

I nodded. “It’s a great place, you’ll love it.”

“Will there be any…” I noticed her cover her flank with her red tail, “bullies there?”

“Babs, bullies are going to be everywhere,” I spoke frankly. “The key is knowing when to stand up to them. But most importantly, you got to know that not every bully is a bully because they want to be.”

“Thanks mister,” she smiled slowly. “I’ll try and remember that.”

I walked back to the officers.

All this stuff, the drugs, Irenius doing all of this behind my mother’s back….

Just what did you hope to accomplish?

You murdering bastard…

Chapter 5 "The Game was Rigged from the Start"

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Chapter 5

“The Game was Rigged from the Start”

I never thought I’d be back here. The station situated in Manehattan was large and spacious. Many offices and labs were filled with ponies hard at work studying various crimes. I passed several desks I used to inhabit as I walked in. A feeling of nostalgia gripped me. I even waved at several ponies I used to work with.

Many didn’t wave back…

A little ungrateful for the work I’ve done it seems.

I used one of the phones available and spent the next ten minutes trying to get a hold of Sandā’s office. After spending the next five minutes explaining the situation, Sandā spoke on the other end.

“I can probably get the sentence lightened; she was only at the scene of a crime so she should be back with her kid once I settle everything here.”

“Thanks Sandā” I said, with a sigh of relief. “This really means a lot to me.”

“I’m always happy to help, Private; you kept my baka brother from becoming a total degenerate. I think that counts for something.”

Raiden and Sandā didn’t always get along for a lot of reasons. Raiden was sort of the black sheep of the family. Whereas all of Raiden’s older brothers became Doctors, Lawyers, and Politicians, Raiden found his talent in music. Problem was he would get into trouble way more often than not and it didn’t leave him with a good standing with his siblings.

Sandā was an honest pony, always willing to help others whether they can afford him or not. I guess that’s why both of us got along so well. It’s probably why he’s willing to do this for me as well

“I’ll look over the case and see what I can do,” Sandā said, over the phone. “Keep Raiden out of trouble, you hear?”

“I’ll try, Sandā,” I laughed a little, “but you know how Raiden can be.”

“I got work to do,” Sandā said hastily. “It's kind of hard to do things now, without a District Attorney in office.”

“Maybe you should run this year,” I suggested. “You’d make a great DA.”

“We’ll see, I gotta get going with this case. Sayōnara puraibēto.”

“See ya,” I said, as I hung up. I was about to call Applejack when I heard a pair of curses coming from the lab. I rolled my eyes and went to investigate.

Inside the lab was a pair of unicorn ponies. Numerous photos were strewn on the tables. I recognized the cluttered up lab almost immediately. One of the unicorns, an ivory colored stallion with an orange mane looked up upon seeing me enter. “Hey Cut! It’s Private!”

A nearly identical looking unicorn with a grey coat and silver mane looked up from the photos. He looked over at me with a smile. “Long time no see, Private!”

“Well if isn’t the famous twins, Cut and Paste,” I said, as they walked up to me.

Cut and Paste weren’t their real names but they went by the nicknames. They were in charge of the pictures taken at the various crime scenes. The two were always friendly and easy to work with.

“It’s good to see you again, Private,” Paste said, with a smile. “I cannot believe it’s been three years, how’ve you been?”

“I’m doing fine,” I said reassuringly. “What’s the problem here?”

“Paste and I got a little problem on our hands,” Cut replied. “Somepony came in a few nights ago and stole our picture altering powder.”

“It’s a chemical that we use to around here,” Paste explained. “Our dad invented it a long time ago. Celestia rest his soul.”

“I’ve heard of this stuff,” I said. 'You guys use it to expand photographs?”

“Mostly just to see if there was any tiny detail we missed,” Cut explained, “but if somepony stole it then who knows what could happen.”

“You see, Private,” Paste said, with a worried expression. “The powder can also be used to change the image of a photograph. All it takes is the right amount on it and you can make the picture however you want.”

“I can see how somepony can use that for a crime,” I speculated. “You could use the powder to alter a counterfeit painting to look like the real thing.”

“Which is why we don’t want the chief to find out until we can get the new order in,” Paste said pleadingly. “Please Private? Don’t tell Shinebadge about this!”

“I’ll keep it under wraps, you two,” I reassured. “If I see any powder I’ll let you know.”

“Great” Cut said with a smile. “It’s a green substance that kind of smells like Paste’s house.”

“Hey!” Paste retorted. “Sherrie likes scented candles!”

“She only said that to get you to stop harassing her!”

“Says you! She just understands a true stallions worth!”

“True stallion? Yeah right, everypony knows her and I are made for each other!”

“I’m sure she’d love to hear about your collection of My Little Human dolls!”

“They’re collectables! I don’t see her going out with a pony that irons his underwear!”

“Why you little!”

The twins got into an all-out brawl with each other. I laughed and simply walked out. Those two got along about as well as oil and water sometimes.


“Ah heard that Uncle Orange didn’t really love his wife all that much,” Applejack said over the phone, “but Ah didn’t think he’d just leave his kid like that.”

“He was willing to murder Tangerio to cover it up,” I reminded her. “Thank goodness Babs didn’t get caught up in the crossfire.”

“Ah’ll see about making some space in the house fer her,” she said firmly. “Legitimate or not, no Apple is going to starve in the cold on mah watch.”

“Are you sure you can handle it?” I asked. “I mean you’ve already got Tyran to think about.”

“He’s been willin' tah sleep out on our couch until we can make a space fer him. I hate having him sleep there but he’s just so darn grateful fer us takin' him in that he up and refused to use one of our rooms. Babs can share with Applebloom when she gets 'ere.”

“Thanks Applejack,” I said gratefully. “She’s a good kid, though she seems to have trouble around bullies. Just make sure that Ponyville gives her a good home for the next few weeks.”

“Ya can count on it, so how’s the investigation going?”

I couldn’t lie to Applejack. She’d see right through it, and buck me through the phone somehow. I sighed and told her everything that’s happened.

“Private, Ah don’t mean ta sound like a worry wart but are ya sure ya can handle this?”

“I’m fine, Applejack,” I confirmed. “I’m going to find out what happened at all costs.

"Private, ya don’t sound so sure…”

“I AM SURE!!!”

I blinked, where did that come from? That voice, it didn’t seem like my own…

“Private…are ya sure ya don’t need one of us to come and talk to ya?”

“I’m fine really; it has just been a rough day.”

“Sugercube, ya know we’re all here fer ya.”

“This is my war, Applejack,” I said brusquely. “It’s better if only I fight in it.”

“Private, wai-“

I hung up on her.

You don’t need them to get involved.

I can find this case on my own.

Your father needs to pay for what he did.

He should be the one suffering for all of this.

He needs to die…

He’ll pay for all that he’s done and not done!!!


I turned around, County was standing there. Her gold eyes looked at me worriedly, “Ya were shakin', Private, somethin' wrong?”

I let out a breath and said slowly, “I’m fine, just a little tired, is all.”

My old partner walked up and put a hoof on my shoulder. “Hey, chief wants tah see ya.”

“I know.” We both began to walk down the halls to Shinebadge’s office. I looked over at my rust colored friend, “He’s pissed over the fact I shot up Vegas.”

“Ah would’ve shot em too,” County said firmly. “Ah honestly don’t see why he’s kept around. He’s a good vice cop but he bows out of cases way too quickly at times.”

“I agree,” I affirmed. “To believe he’s been in the force longer than I have.”

“Almost a five year difference between ya,” County explained. “Did ya hear he wants tah take Shinebadge’s job?”

“He’s retiring?” I asked.

“Yep, apparently all of these crimes are getting tah poor chief,” County looked a little worried. “The crime rate going up doesn’t exactly look good on yer resume.”

“And Vegas thinks he can take the job?”

“He’s been tryin' long before you or I showed up,” she sighed. “Never liked the bastard, it seems like every day I work here I start seeing more and more of the nasty stuff.”

“What are you planning on doing?” I asked.

“Appaloosa’s gonna need a new sheriff after what happened,” County said, with a smile. “Ah’m planning on applying for the position.”

“You’re going to leave Manehattan and all of its corporate lack of character behind?” I asked, quoting County’s words when we first met.

“It’s still nothin' like Horseton,” County said with a laugh, “but the small town’s gonna need somepony to look after it.”

“Are you sure this isn’t just a means to hang out with a certain cowpony?” I smiled.

County looked over at me, her gold eyes betraying what she was thinking.

My ears flattened in regret. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bring the subject up.”

“Ya know how Ah feel about talkin' like that,” County said slowly.

“I really think you should give it another chance,” I explained. “Braeburn’s a good guy, a little too happy for my tastes, but a good guy nonetheless. Not everypony is like Rawhide you know.”

She just walked up to me and punched me in the arm. She gave me a small smile. “Yer too damn carin' fer yer own good.”

I watched her walk off, County and I had known each other for years. From those years I learned that there are two things you never talk about with her.

Her parents and Rawhide.


“Private, I’m taking you off this case,” Shinebadge said as he sat across from me inside his office. It was small and only had a single desk and a couple of chairs. On the walls were pictures of several officers on the force. Shine held a special place in his heart for us fellow officers. He wouldn’t admit it to anypony though.

This didn’t detract from my already foul mood.

“What do you mean you’re taking me off the case?” I cried, slamming my hoof on his desk.

“You’re too invested,” Shinebadge said with a voice of command “Private you assaulted an officer, broke into a prostitution ring and worked with the mob”

“First of all, Vegas was scum and I was interrogating, second you have no proof I worked with anypony to find Talonbreak. Last but not least, I was in that prostitution ring solving the case I couldn’t ten years ago.”

“Private,” He looked at me square in the eyes. “I already knew that about Talonbreak and your father’s involvement in all of this.”

I got within inches of his face and spoke venomously, “You mean to tell me you knew my father was connected the whole time! That you knew that vice was connected to all of this!”

“I did,” Shinebadge got up from his chair slowly. “I kept it a secret from you because I knew you would lose it like this.”

My horn glowed in sheer fury. Instead of a grey magic coming out though, a green and violet lined magic came out of it. I don’t know what caused it to come…

But it sure as hell felt good when I levitated Shinebadge and slammed him into the opposite wall. I growled low as I held Shinebadge in my magic, “You lied to me! Three years ago you lied to me! You knew my father was connected!”

“Private” He struggled against my magic. “What’s gotten into you? This isn’t you!”

“I just don’t appreciate ponies lying to me!” I tightened my magical grip on him. “Now tell me how my father fits into all of this!!”

“Three years ago after you left I decided to further investigate the case” Shine explained as I held him in my magic “I looked into some records belonging to some seller from Saddle Arabia. He sold some mandrake to the same dealer you caught that started all of this.”

“You didn’t let me interrogate him,” I remembered. “I left him to you; you mean to tell me he had the mageth in addition to mandrake.”

“Yes, Private.” He let out a heavy breath. “I did! Then I remembered what you said about your mother dying of an overdose of Mandrake. I dug into it and made the connection. I eventually found out, your father took the mandrake believing it to be some foreign root that could help your mother. But he was forced to have her take it when the pictures showed up”

“The pictures I found in Corset’s office,” I said darkly. “Now tell me…did my father take the mandrake for the pictures…?”



“Yes, he did…he took the mandrake to make sure the pictures didn’t see the light off day…”

I dropped Shinebadge right then and there. I turned and walked out…

Now do you see what you need to do?


Who needs to die…?



Perspective: ???


You constantly struggle…

Why do you fight?

Is it to prove a point?

Is it to bring peace?

Because I know…

No good can come from the dark path you are treading…

Tia…what has happened in my absence to cause such evil…?


I left the office and let out a breath. I can’t believe what I’ve been thinking. I needed to find my father…now.

Suddenly a uniform ran up to me and spoke urgently “Sir! You have a phone call from Officer Dunnit! Says it’s an emergency about your case sir.”

“Tell him I’ll call as soon as possible” I said with a nod.

I walked outside while the officers inside would investigate Shinebadge suddenly being assaulted by me. I left quietly and quickly before they could see me. I walked to a pay phone and got linked to the offices in Ponyville.

“This is Dunnit”

“This is Detective Private Eye, you wanted to hear from me?”

Detective! Thank Luna you called! Somepony made off with some evidence!”

“From the case?” I asked “What did they take?”

“The medallion that Shelter had, Twilight Sparkle was investigating it’s origins. We came by to check up on her and found out somepony knocked her out with an aesthetic spell and stole it.”

“Did you get a good look at the thief?” I demanded.

“No, but Twilight describes him as being an older version of you”


“Sir that’s not all, according to Twilight Sparkle, that medallion was used for one singular purpose.”

“And that is?”

“To summon Discord sir…”

“That would mean he’s heading for Canterlot! I’m on my way!”

I hung up before Dunnit could say anything else and made a beeline for the train station. So dad, you really think this will erase everything…?

Because I plan on erasing you…


Perspective: ???

Are you really doing good?

I can feel the darkness grip on your heart…

You aren’t a murderer

Yet when pushed…

You may become one,

Such is the curse of Tenacity.


It took me nearly half an hour to get from Manehattan to Canterlot. It took me even longer to get to the castle and speak with the guards. The twin solar guards looked at me as I ran up to the front gate, “State your business.”

“Has somepony named Irenius Eye come through here?” I asked, while trying to catch my breath.

“He has,” one answered.

“What is your relationship with him?” the other said.

“I need to get to him now!” I spoke frantically. “He’s got something that he plans to summon Discord with!”


I looked behind me to see Shining Armor come in front of me. “What’s this about summoning Discord?”

I explained everything that happened leading up to this point. Shining looked particularly pissed at the thought that somepony hurt his sister. But then he looked to his two guards in a commander fashion, “Inform Princess Celestia of what’s going on! I also want a perimeter around the entire sculpture garden! Nopony gets in and nopony gets out without my permission!”

The two guards saluted and flew off quickly. I ran towards the sculpture garden, ignoring Shining’s orders for me to stop.

I wasn’t going to let him get away…



I pray you help this one see…

That the path he’s treading…

Will only bring him pain…

For I once fell along his path…

And it nearly destroyed me…

Keep him from repeating the same mistake…



Discord’s statue was moved from its normal position after his first defeat. Celestia decided to keep it out of the public eye and hide it in the hedge maze. I was about to enter said maze when a voice stopped me.

“Private, wait!”

I turned around. I saw Twilight, Rainbow, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity and Applejack all running towards me.

I shook my head “How’d you guys get past the guards?”

“Yer kinda outranked by Princess Celestia, Private,” Applejack explained. “We’re here to help.”

“Yeah!” Rainbow landed beside me. “We heard somepony is trying to summon Discord. We can’t let that happen.”

“We’re here for you darling through and through,” Rarity quipped.

“That big meanie Discord won’t cause trouble on our watches,” Fluttershy said, but then hid behind her mane. “Maybe if we ask him politely instead of fighting him he might just go.”

Applejack and Rainbow rolled their eyes as Pinkie Pie came with her party cannon “Say the word, Private, and we’ll blow him to smithereens.”

“You all aren’t coming,” I said simply.

“WHAT?!” They all exclaimed at the same time.

“Ya ain’t serious!” Applejack fired back.

“You can’t take on Discord alone!” Twilight said worriedly.

“He hasn’t summoned Discord yet,” I explained. “I’ll stop him, this is my war.”

“But, Private!” Rainbow got in front of me when I tried to go into the maze. “This is Discord we’re talking about! He probably has a trick in mind!”

“Back off Rainbow!” I growled. “I told you this is my fight!”

“Private,” Twilight got between me and Rainbow. “What’s gotten into you?”

“I’m just tired of ponies asking themselves to get killed!” I yelled.

“But Sugercube,” Applejack spoke. “Ya can’t do this alone.”

“You know what…?” I said looking down.

Everypony started to look at me nervously…

I couldn’t hold it in anymore…

I just was so tired of this…

I had to let it out…


“Private…” Fluttershy said nervously

“This is my war!” I yelled at all of them. “You know, before I met any of you I was perfectly capable of solving cases on my own! What? You guys think that you catch a few bad guys and suddenly you get to play hero!?”

“That’s going too far, sugercube!” Applejack demanded.

“Not being honest with yourself, are you, Applejack!” I said, getting in the country mare’s face. “If you forgot, it was me who got your damn brother out of jail!”

“Hey, nopony picks on Applejack except for me!” Rainbow said, getting in between me and the country mare.

“I don’t need you showing off Rainbow!” I growled. “I don’t need you to prove yourself by throwing your life away!”

Rainbow’s wings drooped, the truth hurts huh?

“Private, stop it!” Rarity scolded. “You’re saying such hurtful things!”

“Tired of the truth Rarity!?” I glared at the mare. “Well you know what! The only reason you came onto the case was to get closer to me! Don’t even pretend that you showing up at the train station was a coincidence!”

“Private…” Rarity’s blue eyes looked down.

“Private, please…” Fluttershy spoke. “Let’s just calm down.”

“I don’t need calm now!” I yelled. “Fluttershy, the time for calm is gone! Time for growing a back bone once in a while is now!”

Tears started to flood Fluttershy’s eyes! The doormat!

Pinkie finally just got in my face, “Private! Stop saying all of this stuff! We’re only trying to help!”

“Pinkie!” I shouted at her, “If I need somepony who knows about parties then I’ll ask for it! I don’t need a bunch of stupid, annoying and constantly interfering mares throwing their lives away!”


The mane popped…

Pinkie looked at me, her mane now straight and falling down her face. Those eyes…the ones she gave me when I almost denied her help during my first case in Ponyville.

“You’re a meanie pants, Private…” She said slowly. “No better than Gilda…”

“Pinkie…” I said trying to reach out for her “Wait I…”

Pinkie turned and slowly started walking away.

Applejack looked at me “Ah though ya were somethin', Private, now ah see all you really do care about is the case…” She walked away.

Fluttershy walked up to me, and slapped me across the face, she then just flew off crying.

Rarity just followed her friend without saying anything…

Rainbow looked at me. “I didn’t follow you because I wanted to show off…I followed because I cared…”

She flew off leaving me and Twilight alone…

I looked at the mare I loved. “Twilight, surely you understand…”

She closed her amethyst eyes. The eyes I fell in love with, she turned and spoke simply “I’m sorry, Private, I can’t love somepony who says my friends are stupid for wanting to help.”

I saw tears fall on the ground in front of her. My heart snapped in two as I watched her…

“Private, now you will know how I felt…”

“Twilight, what about all we’ve been through?” I asked desperately. “Surely you understand why I do this! I’m only trying to protect you all!”

“Frankly my dear, Private,” She looked back at me. “I don’t give a damn…”

She then left me…

Just up and left me alone…

Who needs friends anyway?

I’m only thinking of them…

And this is how they reward you…

Why can’t they just listen!

Looks like you’re on your own on this one…

As it should be…


He did…

He made the mistake…


Your hubris will destroy you…

Have you truly learned nothing!?

I can no longer stand by…

I must act…


I walked to the center of the maze. There standing before the moved statue of Discord…was Irenius

He looked at me, he was holding the medallion in his magic…

He spoke “Preventus…?”

I glared at him, and said this one phrase…

“You have no right to call me by that name…”

Chapter 6 "I Long for Atonement's Arms"

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Chapter 6

“I Long for Atonements Arms”

I tackled my father and started wailing punch after punch on him. He lifted his left foreleg to block me, shoving me back. He didn’t even make an effort to try and hit me.

“What’s wrong?” I growled “Afraid to face your sins?”

“I raised you better than this,” Irenius said, as he and I started circling each other. “I didn’t raise you this way.”

“You didn’t raise me!” I fired at him. “I raised myself! Ten years dad! Ten years of my life I had to raise myself! You have no idea of what I’ve suffered! Raising Tailspin on my own! The son you cast out when you couldn’t face your mistake!”

“Tailspin,” My father said slowly “That’s his name…”

“The name of the son you forgot about for ten years. While you were sipping cocktails at parties, I was out working every day of my life. I was shot at. I was almost burned alive! I’ve faced down horrors that would make grown stallions cry! The reason is because you killed mom! What can you possibly say to fix any of that?”

His blue eyes closed and he dropped the medallion. He slowly walked towards me and sat down in front of me, opening his arms wide. “Go ahead…”

“What?” My grey eyes widened in shock.

“I claim full responsibility,” he said. “It was my fault for so many things, Preventus. Go ahead, have at me, make me atone for my sins.”

Kill him!



No, this is too easy.


“No,” I growled.

“Preventus?” He opened his blue eyes. “What’s wron-“

“I told you not to call me that!” I sent a left hook his way and pinned the old unicorn to the ground. “Tell me you’re innocent!”

“What?” he asked, looking up at me.

“Come up with an excuse!” I punched him again. “Tell me you’re innocent! Deny it! Say you didn’t do anything wrong!”

He didn’t resist as I kept pounding on him with my hooves. Blood and bruises appeared on his face. He just let me keep hurting him! Why didn’t he fight back?

Does it matter?

It matters. Why won’t he fight back?

Put him out of his misery…

I reached into my trench coat with my magic, I pulled out Blackbird and aimed it at my father’s head. My magic was faltering, I couldn’t concentrate…

Do it! Think of all he’s done!

Why can’t I pull the trigger?

Do it! Prove that you are strong!


I looked down at my father, his blue eyes looking up at me “I’m so sorry, I should’ve been there with you. I must have failed you as a father, because I did not raise a murderer.”

Why can’t I shoot him?

End him!

“NOOOO!” I fired all six of Blackbird’s bullets at the sky.

I couldn’t do it…

Why didn’t he fight back?

You really are weak.

I turned to the statue of Discord. There was no doubt now, the voice was coming from the statue. The very same statue that was now cracking, I watched in horror as a freak of nature was set free from his stone prison.

He was a Draconequus, a beast of ancient legend. He had the head of a horse, a long snake like body with the legs of various other animals. He had two horns jutting out of his head, and a smile that was dripping with evil.

He spoke, snickering a little as he saw me, “Well, we meet at last, little Private. I must say, you’re everything I expected.”

Discord… was the voice?

Finally you catch on, it only took you, what, ten cases to figure it out?


Perspective: Twilight

I heard the six shots fire in the air. Private wouldn’t murder anypony, I know that. I should’ve done something more to stop him! I should’ve…

I looked around at my five friends all sitting around the garden. Applejack was occupying herself with bucking a nearby tree. Rainbow was sulking on a cloud trying to look like she wasn’t hurt by what happened. Rarity and Fluttershy were sitting next to Pinkie, who hasn’t spoken a word since what happened. You know things are bad when even Pinkie is depressed.

My thoughts kept going back to Private, the fact that he was in there alone. Just how long has he been bottling up those feelings inside?

I should’ve done something more to keep him here!

“I never thought I’d see all six of the elements in such a state, again.”

I followed the sound of the familiar, regal voice and saw Princess Celestia herself walking towards us. Her expression reminded me all too well of the one she had during the whole Smarty-pants incident. We all stood in front of her, except Pinkie who remained planted at her spot. She refused to move, even after Rarity yanked on her tail. After six attempts, I lifted her with my magic, placing her on the ground next to me.

Celestia looked at each of us in turn. She closed her eyes and said, “I’m very disappointed in all of you.”

“In us?” Rainbow said incredulously.

“With all due respect, Princess,” Applejack said defensively, “shouldn’t Private be the one getting the tell all from you?”

“He was simply brutish to all of us!” Rarity complained. “He even went so far as to drive Pinkie to… this.” She gestured to our pink friend; her mane was still flat, and she was simply staring at the ground in sorrow.

“Am I allowed to speak?” Celestia said, spreading her wings to get our attention. We all had the good sense to keep quiet.

My mentor spoke softly to us “I know Private’s words must have cut deep, but you can't see what his heart is feeling…”

“What are you talkin' bout Princess?” Applejack asked.

“Just close your eyes, my little ponies.” Her golden horn glowed softly, and I began to feel woozy again.

One by one all six of us fell into deep slumber; before I completely gave into the spell however I heard Celestia say, “My love, it’s up to you now…”


Perspective: Private Eye

“You’re the voice in my head,” I concluded, as I climbed off my father.

Discord lounged on his former pedestal, and smiled at me, “Ooh, brilliant deduction, Detective.”

“Just what do you want from me?” I yelled. “How were you summoned without the medallion?”

He laughed a maniacally. “You actually thought the medallion would summon me? Wow, Celestia really knows how to pick her imbeciles!”

“What are you talking about?”

He suddenly teleported to my side and ran a finger along my chin. “Ooh my dear detective, the whole point of this little plan was to get you here.”

“Why me?” I asked, slapping away his claw.

“Maybe I just wanted your company, the other statues aren't much for chit chat,” he said, in mock sorrow. “That, or the little spat with your father was just enough disharmony to awaken me again.”

“Dad was just bait?” I looked over at my father who was trying to get up. “But, the pictures…”

“What pictures?” my father asked.

“The pictures of you cheating on Mom!” I yelled at him “You cheated on mom and then killed her to make sure the scandal didn’t see the light of day!”

His blue eyes blinked, and then he said slowly “It’s true, I accepted the mandrake believing it to be ginseng root. Corset gave it to me so that the pictures wouldn’t come out, but they were not of me.”

“What?” I growled “Do you think me blind or stupid?”

“Maybe both,” Discord said, with a thoughtful tap of his claw on his chin. “Of course, that’s just my opinion.”

“The pictures weren’t of me; they were of your grandfather.”

“Grandpa?” I looked down. “That doesn’t make sense”

“Now where’s the fun in making sense?” Discord said, appearing in front of me. “The fact is, you couldn’t perform your job right.”

“You wanted me to kill my father,” I said slowly, "but why?"

“To fulfill a little deal I have with some lowlife” Discord explained. “However, I’m far more interested in you, little Private.”

“I ask again, why me?”

“Why, because you have been quite the thorn in my side,” he growled, teleporting back to his pedestal. “Time and time again, I’ve used the touch of my namesake to convince little ponies to give in to their darkest desires.”

“So all those ponies committing crimes,” I said, realization dawning. “The increasing crime rate, it all points to you”

“Well, I can’t take all the credit, my rain on my parade colored friend,” he emphasized this by summoning a cotton candy raincloud that rained chocolate.

I wish I was making that up...

“You see, my little pony,” he continued, after dismissing the raincloud. “Everypony has a nasty little darkness inside of them. The fact of the matter is, I have nothing to do with that darkness being there. It was implanted at the very beginning of creation. I thought it would be fun to see Equestria give in to that very darkness.”

“So, you used the Miasma to make them give in to their hate and greed,” I deduced.

“Well, I like to think of Miasma as a little booster.” He flexed his tiny arm, and suddenly the muscle was as big as an athlete’s. “You’ve felt its effects, it makes thing easier to deal with. I had to use it on some of the trickier villains you detained”

“All of them,” I said, with a glare. “You were the mastermind behind it all!”

“Again, I can’t take all the credit,” he explained. “For even I serve a higher master, one that I’m sure your dear Princess is quite familiar with.”

“You won’t get away with this, Discord!” I shouted, reloading Blackbird.

“So cliché,” he said, rolling his eyes. He held up his claw, and suddenly a bolt of lightning fired from it. The blast hit me square in the chest sending me flying into the hedge wall.

I felt a pain in my body like never before. Discord laughed as he fired another bolt of lightning at me. I tried to fight it, but the magic was far stronger than any I’ve ever faced. I dropped down on my knees.

“Your power cannot hope to match mine,” Discord sang. “You should just fall in line.”

He’s right. I can’t beat him…


Perspective: Irenius

I watched as that horrible creature fired blast after blast at my son. Preventus, I’ve done so much to cause you pain, perhaps this is my punishment.

Being forced to watch my son die…

I saw my son’s grey coat slowly get darker; his efforts to fight back were becoming more and more feeble. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, he was giving up…

No son of mine is going to give up!

I clambered to me hooves and leapt in the path of the next blast. The pain from the lightning bolt shot through my entire body. I yelled in pain as Discord’s yellow eyes narrowed at my interference.

“So predictable, your line was always eager to throw yourselves in front of the weak.”

I saw Preventus looking at me as I fell to the ground.

Tears were in his eyes…


Perspective: Discord

Just a little bit more, ooh we’ll have so much fun! Once little Preventus is under my control the other elements will follow.

He has no idea of his power!

Take that you miserable dragon spawn!

You really thought you and your little trinkets could hold me?

The almighty god of chaos, Discord?

Wait, why can’t I cast any more bolts at the fool?

Oh no…

No, this can’t be!

Suddenly a barrier formed around the father and son. I tried to fire at the barrier, but all I saw, were those all too familiar red eyes…


Perspective: Private Eye

I opened my eyes slowly; the last thing I remembered was Dad trying to save me. Why?

Why is it that everypony wants to die so much?

Why can’t they just let me protect them?

I looked around, I was somewhere dark again. I couldn’t see anything at first; then I looked up, and directly into a pair of red eyes. They were slitted like a dragon’s.

They seemed eerily familiar…

“Who are you?” I asked the pair of eyes slowly.

“You will know me soon enough,” I heard a very deep voice speak. It almost sounded like it belonged to a dragon. Wait! The voice when I entered the old princess’ castle on Nightmare Night!

“It was you!” I said, pointing at the eyes.

“Indeed,” The eyes said. “Though you came far later then you were supposed to.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked, mystified.

“You were originally supposed to accompany the Elements of Harmony when Nightmare Moon returned,” it explained, “but Discord arranged otherwise.”

“Before Mom died she wanted to go to Ponyville. Mom would’ve wanted to stay. I would’ve spent my entire life there if she hadn’t died,” I said slowly.

“Discord foresaw the events, however, and took control of your Grandfather. Using the Miasma, he planned to force you to stay in Manehattan by killing your mother…”

“No!” I shouted “My father is responsible for her death!”

“You want to know the true culprit? The one you know of, but keep avoiding.”

“Shut up!” I shouted, knowing what was coming. “Don’t say it!”

“I don’t need to say anything. For you know who was responsible. You know him very well.”

A mirror appeared in front of me, but instead of my normal reflection, I saw myself as a fourteen year old colt. I was covered in my mother’s blood. She died, because of me.

I fell on my knees and started sobbing. it was true…Had I only accepted myself as the family heir. Had I only given up on my dream of becoming a Detective…

We could’ve all have been happy, Tailspin would have his wings and legs,

And dad would be happily spending his twilight years with mom.

That happy dream was gone, all because I couldn’t keep my mouth shut about what I wanted to be!

“You believe yourself responsible,” the deep voice said.

“Yes, yes I am. I just… I kept blaming dad,” I sniffed “because it took the blame from me. I just didn’t want to face the guilt… the pain.”

“The reason you try to keep others safe,” the voice said, almost soothingly, “is because you fear having to bury one of your friends. Just as you saw your mother getting buried.”

“I…” I didn’t even bother wiping my eyes. “I’m so weak; I try and look like everything is under control. The reality is, I’m a mess. I help so many ponies find solace. I catch criminals, but none of that matters in the end. I still think of mom dying in front of me. Tailspin is still never going to be normal. Most of all, I’m never going to be able to do a damn thing about any of it!”

I just broke down, sobbing into my hooves. I didn’t care that some voice could probably hear my sobbing. I just wanted it all to come out.

I felt so alone…

Then, I heard something land in front of me. It was the scrapbook I got for my birthday. I slowly opened it. Each page was dedicated to a pony. I opened to Applejack’s page. Suddenly the orange mare appeared in front of me.

“Applejack,” I said, looking at her. “Applejack, I’m so sorry.”

Her greens eyes looked at me sorrowfully. “Private, ya ain’t got nothin' tah be sorry fer.” She walked over to me and put a hoof on my shoulder. “When mah brother was taken Ah thought nopony could help me. Ah know what it’s like tah want tah do everything' yerself.”

“I…” I couldn’t even say anything.

“Ya got a good heart, Private.” She prodded my chest with a smile “Ya ain’t got nothing' tah be ashamed about. Sure ya have trouble every now and then, but that’s what friends are fer. That’s the honest truth, and don’t let anypony tell ya otherwise.”

The page turned again, this time to the one dedicated to Fluttershy. I saw the butter yellow Pegasus smile sweetly at me. I didn’t deserve that smile. She walked to me and met my grey eyes with her aqua eyes. “When we first met back in Cloudsdale, I didn’t think I could help much. Then when we went to that mansion I saw how confident and brave you were, and it gave me courage.”

“But Fluttershy, after everything I said”

“Private” She said firmly “At the end of the day everypony has to stop and realize that they aren’t perfect. We all have flaws and things that can make us seem scary, but in the end, all it takes is a little kindness to bring out the best in everypony.”

The page turned, this time to Rarity.

Her blue eyes looked down “Private, you showed me that being an element doesn’t mean you are perfect. For the longest time, I’ve struggled with my element.”

“But Rarity,” I interjected.

She shook her head, and continued, “Private, if anypony is deserving of generosity, it’s you. You constantly throw yourself at danger to make sure everypony can go home at the end of the day. I’ve never met a more generous individual in my life.”

The page turned, now I was looking at Rainbow. Her wings drooped limply at her sides.

“Rainbow, I’m so sorry about what I said.”

“I should’ve gone with you,” Rainbow said. “When you and I first started working together, I’ll admit, I did it really to show off more than anything else. Then I saw how much you were willing to help Spitfire. You made me take a long hard look at myself.”

“I’ve never thought I’d hear words like that come from you,” I said, with a slight chuckle.

“Hey,” she smirked, “I’m trying to give an inspiring speech here.”

“You taking lessons from Raiden?” I joked.

“Eh,” she shrugged. “Anyway, what I’m trying to say is, I saved you from falling out of that warehouse because I wanted to. I didn’t do it to show off or anything. It was because you were willing to do Spitfire a favor without any attention or photo ops that made me want to help you. You taught me a thing or two about loyalty without even really trying.”

The page turned, and I saw Twilight. She opened her arms to me, and I ran to her. She held me tight to her chest, running a hoof down my back as I sobbed into her coat. “Shh, it’s okay, Private. I’m here.”

“Twilight,” I choked out, “I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to break up with me.”


“Look at me!” I cried, stepping back and spreading my forelegs out. “I’m arrogant and too stubborn for my own good. I almost raped you, for Celestia’s sake! You deserve a far better stallion then me…”

She took my face in her hooves and said softly, “I don’t want another stallion, I want the one I fell in love with.”

“Even after all I’ve done?” I asked, fresh tears filling my eyes.

“You’re a pony just like the rest of us” she said, gently wrapping her forelegs around me. “You aren’t perfect, but neither am I. After you and I split the first time I couldn’t bear the thought of being apart from you. When I’m around you I feel I can do anything! You showed me not only the Magic of friendship. But the joy of love…” She buried her muzzle into my chest. “I’m so sorry, Private; I didn’t mean to hurt you like that. I don’t want you to leave again.”

I slowly moved my lips to Twilight's and kissed her. I felt her tears fall on my muzzle as our kiss deepened. I loved Twilight. I wanted her with me forever.

I love Twilight…

Then the page turned, and Twilight was replaced by Pinkie. Her blue eyes stared fixedly at the ground as she sat a little ways in front of me. Her mane was still flat like I remembered it. Her expression was so sad it broke my heart to see it.

“Pinkie,” I said, bowing my head. “I’m so sorry I called you stupid. You didn’t deserve any of what I said. You were one of the first to volunteer your help with a case.” I forced myself to look up at her. “Please, I beg your forgiveness.”

Pinkie stared at the ground for a few more seconds then lifted her head, her gaze meeting mine. Her blue eyes were brimming with unshed tears. Slowly she opened her forelegs spread wide.



“I may not be a good detective, Private,” Pinkie said, tears slowly spilling from her eyes, “but I know this, when ponies are sad it makes me want to cheer them up. I may not be smart as Twilight, or as brave as Rainbow Dash, or anything; but I do know one thing, that a hug makes things better. That it means that you and the other pony are just happy in each other’s company. I don’t want you sad anymore.”

I ran to Pinkie and pulled her into a tight hug. She hugged me back just as tightly. I noticed her mane gained its air back and she started bouncing all over the place again. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

“Oh that felt so good! Hugs really do make everything better! Maybe if I hugged Gilda then she wouldn’t have been such meany pants, but then again she might have tried to really stick a cupcake in my eye if I tried. Oh well, Pinkie is Pinkie again!”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” I said, when my laughter died down a little.

She looked over at me and gave me one last smile “Laughter really does make everything better”

The book closed, then all six mares were around me. The voice spoke again, “There’s one last pony you need to see.”

I looked up as Applejack and Rainbow parted as Ireni- no, Dad walked forward to me.

He bowed his grey head slowly, “I can’t begin to ask for your forgiveness, Preventus. I loved your mother more than anything. You have to believe me when I say those pictures aren’t of me.”

I looked at my father. He was pony who taught me how to be a stallion, the one who I had looked up to. I had blamed him for my mother’s death, but learned he was innocent…

The father I loved… love.

“I believe you.”

A bright light enveloped us all…


I opened my eyes and saw a strange pony standing before me. He was very tall, as big as Celestia. His coat almost blended in with the blackness all around us. His long, almost shaggy white mane, however, showed that he was here. His eyes were red and slitted, and his wings were leather like, almost like a dragon’s.

He smiled, “So, you finally realize everything?”

“I think so” I replied, thoughtfully.

“Then tell me,” he walked to me and lowered face to meet mine. “What have you learned of friendship?”

I met his red eyes with my own grey ones. “I learned there’s no shame in accepting help from your friends. No matter what the challenge before us, as long as we stand together, we can accomplish everything a single pony cannot.”

He raised his head and a strange object descended upon me. It was a necklace, in the shape of an eye, my family seal. It was made of silver with a bright diamond in the center of it. The Alicorn before me spread his wings, as the necklace clasped around my neck.

“Preventus Phelps Eye,” he said in a deep voice, “you have faced every trial and hardship placed before you. You have realized that your power comes, not from just yourself, but through the power of the bonds you formed with others.”

“The chanting!” I exclaimed, as comprehension came to me. “It was the power of this thing?” I asked, pointing to the necklace around my neck.

“Indeed,” he replied, with a small smile. “The chanting was the spirits of those your line has saved, and will save in the times to come. You have the power to bind the other elements together, to make them stronger by reminding them of the bonds of friendships they’ve formed.”

“You, Preventus, are the Element of Tenacity.”


The barrier burst and I was floating in the air. My eyes were closed as the girls were around me the Elements of harmony around their necks.

Discord saw us and his yellow eyes dilated, “What? No! You're supposed to be dead!”

“You thought wrong Discord,” I said, with a smirk. “You underestimated the Elements yet again, it seems.”

“No!” His hand glowed with a flame. “I will not be denied!” He cried, flinging a fireball at us.

We all raised our hooves in unison, and a barrier formed, blocking the attack. The fireball fizzled out harmlessly and gray glowing cords of light extended from my element to the others. The chanting came again, this time with the vigor of a battle cry.

The elements started to circle me, and a bright light enveloped us again. I looked down to see dad floating there with a cord of light connected to him. The Element of Tenacity hung around his neck, as well.

“Care to let your old man on the action?” he asked, with a smile.

“Always,” I answered.

All eight of us raised our hooves to the sky. A rainbow of pure magical power fired from the elements. The beam hit Discord square in the chest. Instead of turning him to stone, however, he flew into the sky and exploded in the air. The blast radiated throughout Equestria. Discord was no longer sealed anymore; he no longer needed to be.

He was truly defeated, by the power we all held within us.


We floated down to the earth cheering and celebrating. Twilight embraced me while Rainbow went on to talk about how awesome the win was. “Forget defeating Nightwind! I classify this as the BEST WIN EVER!”

“I’m so happy!” Fluttershy said, beaming. “We rock!” She then let out a soft, “Woo hoo!”

“You still need about 20% more cheering training,” Rainbow said, crossing her hooves in annoyance.

We were all laughing, giddy in our victory, when I noticed somepony was trying to pry the diamond off my element. I looked down at Rarity, she laughed nervously, trying to hide the chisel behind her back, “Old habits die hard, I guess.”

I just laughed, “You guys are all amazing, I’m so lucky to have friends like you.”

Pinkie then cheered, “Group hug!”

Oh crap…

All six mares hugged me in a large group hug. I just rolled my eyes and accepted their affection. After a few more minutes of celebration, I joined my Dad.

He grinned at me, “An Element of Harmony, a detective, and a friend to six lovely mares. If there’s any way you could make me more proud, I can’t think of it.”

“Dad,” I blushed a little in embarrassment.

“So, you are Irenius Eye,” Twilight said, joining us. “I’m Twilight Sparkle; I was hoping to meet you under less strange circumstances.”

“I apologize for casting the spell on you,” my dad said, bowing his head. “Somepony threatened to make the pictures of my father public. I had to do it to protect him, and the company. I take full responsibility for what I did.”

“What about those pictures?” Rainbow asked. “Didn’t they have your dad in them?”

“Hold on,” I dug inside my ruined trench coat and fished out the pictures, my horn glowing.

Then I made the connections….


Vegas sat down inside Shinebadge’s office, smirking to himself, he had won. The job was as good as his…

His train of thought was ruddily interrupted when two royal guards burst in and pointed spears at him. He stared in horror as Irenius, Shining Armor and I entered behind them.

“You!” He exclaimed, pointing at me. “He’s the man who shot me! Arrest him!”

“It won’t work, Vegas,” Shining Armor said, with a glare. “The jig is up.”

“What jig?” Vegas retorted.

“The jig to get Shinebadge’s job,” I said, tossing the pictures on the desk. My horn glowed as I aimed my magic at the pictures of my father bucking Corset. They glowed a bright green, and so did Vegas. “Your DNA is all over these pictures. You stole the picture altering powder to make it look like my father was the one in the pictures.”

“What would I gain from a couple of dirty pictures?” he asked incredulously.

“Shinebadge’s position,” I replied. “You’ve been trying for years to become Chief of Police, only you knew I would eventually discover your little conspiracy; so you decided to kill two birds with one stone. You made a deal with Discord to have the crime rate go up. That would make Shinebadge look bad, forcing him to resign. Only I solved all of those cases, with the help of my friends. Then you tried to use me as a weapon against Shinebadge. Had I killed my father, I would’ve been arrested and Shinebadge would have gotten fired for trusting in me. You altered these pictures to use as bait, and you got me to shoot you up, earning you sympathy points. Once I was found out to be a murderer you could claim to have been right about me all along.”

“You were always so full of yourself!” Vegas glowered at me. “I was clearly the more experienced cop on the squad, but you made homicide at twenty. Twenty! Barely out of the academy and already working your way through the ranks. It sickened me how runts like you got the attention while all my work did was get me a slap on the back.”

“I didn’t become a detective for the fame, Vegas,” I said, heatedly. “I did it to stop scum like you from running Equestria.”

“Now I have a real excuse to kill you!” he cried, pulling out his revolver. “I should’ve done this years ago!”


Vegas swore and keeled over as a shot hit him in his bandaged leg. One of the guards knocked the revolver away and butted him with his spear. I looked behind me as my dad levitated his own gun, a .223 pistol he called “This Gun”. He glared at Vegas, “That’s my son you’re trying to kill, you bastard!”

“Get this slime out of here,” Shining Armor ordered to his guards.

Vegas struggled, yelling and swearing, as the guards dragged him away. Several cops cheered at Vegas finally getting his just desserts. I looked over at my father, “Thanks again, Dad.”

“Anything for you, son,” he said with a small smile. “I just got you back; I'm not going to lose you again.”

I looked down and then back up at him “You know something?”


“You still have another son to meet…”


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Case 15


Perspective: Tailspin

“Get in the banshee!” I yelled, rapidly mashing buttons on the game controller.

“You try dodging twenty-thousand aliens with only a pistol!” Sparkler retorted, as she levitated her controller in her magic, the buttons pressing themselves in rapid succession.

“Well, we wouldn’t be in this situation if somepony didn’t use up all her grenades!” I said, firing my assault rifle at the nearest alien.

“I panicked!” Sparkler shouted. “Watch out for that green one!”

“Aah!” I yelled, as my character got blown up by a grenade launcher. Stupid aliens!

Sparkler’s character shortly got blown up as well and she turned off the game. “I think I’ve had enough saving the galaxy for one night.” She gestured to the night sky and noted, “Your brother’s going to be home soon.”

“I’ll pack things up then,” I said, unplugging the Stablebox from the TV. It belonged to Sparkler and she brought it along sometimes. I never told Private about it. He was under the impression that Sparkler was a responsible teenaged mare who had me doing my homework, and reading all night.

Truth is Sparkler isn’t like that really. She wants us to have fun while we are together. I really enjoyed having her as my foal sitter. She helped me pack up the video games and smiled at me. “Well, we still have a little bit of time before I have to ditch you,” She commented, looking at the kitchen. “What’s say I rustle us up some midnight snacks?”

“Private’s going to be mad if he finds out I was up so late,” I said in mock worry.

“That won’t be a problem,” she replied, winking at me. “I got you to bed on time, right?”

“Yep,” I answered, grinning at her. “You’re awesome, Sparkler.”

She used her magic to get me a chocolate chip cookie out of the jar. “This is for being such a sweet heart”

“I try,” I said, biting into the delicious cookie.

Sparkler’s violet eyes fell on the trashcan. She spotted my Hearth’s Warming Eve list and levitated it out. I rolled over and tried to snatch it back before Sparkler got a better look, but I was too slow. “Seems like somepony is looking forward to a lot this year.”

“Sparkler, give that back!” I demanded.

The pink unicorn looked at me sympathetically, “Tailspin, I’m sorry.” Her magic gave the list back to me. “Have you shown this to Private yet?”

My blue eyes watered a little as I looked down, “Yeah, but I know he can’t afford half of these.

She lowered her head to meet mine at eye level. “You really care about him that much, huh?”

“Every day of my life he’s always thinking about me,” I explained. “He could’ve had a happy life if I wasn’t around.”

Sparkler got quiet for a second, and then she smiled warmly. “Dinky said the same thing about her mom.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked. “Is your mom in trouble?”

“Not anymore,” She said, with a shake of her head “but after her husband died, she had to make a lot of sacrifices in order to keep Dinky. It was hard on her for a long time; she had to take three jobs to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads.”

“What did she do?” I asked.

“One night mom got so tired of working all the time. She just started crying all night because she was going to lose the house. Dinky noticed her crying and decided to run away, she thought she did something horrible that made mom cry.”

I looked down; I considered doing the same thing whenever Private started adding up all those bills.

“I had been living on my own for a long time when it happened,” Sparkler explained. “I was only about your age, when I found Dinky attempting to take shelter in an old cellar that was attached to the orphanage I lived at. At the time, the orphanage was considering kicking me out because I was almost a teenager.”

“They can do that?” I asked nervously.

“It’s hard for a teenager to get adopted,” Sparkler said sadly. “My parents died when I was only eight years old. I spent the next four years trying to make myself as appealing as possible. When I turned twelve and nopony was coming to adopt me, I got so sick of hearing the talks about it. I went outside and there she was, trying to break into the cellar to get out of the rain. I brought her inside the cellar and dried her off. She told me her story and you know what I said to her?”


“That her mother loves her,” Sparkler said firmly. “No matter how hard it gets, she’s doing it so you can have a good future. That it’s hard to see our parents suffer to take care of us, but that’s all part of raising foals. Parents have to take the responsibility of helping them succeed.”

I looked down, she was right. Private was only looking after me. That’s what brothers are for.

I looked up at Sparkler, “When did Derpy adopt you?”

“The same night she found me and Dinky at the cellar,” she said, with a wide smile. “I replaced mom at her day care job, and I've gotten pretty good at it too. Since that day, Dinky’s never thought about running away again.”

“You’re right,” I said thoughtfully. “I guess I’m just worried I might be too big of a responsibility.”

“You’re a good kid, Tailspin,” Sparkler said, putting a hoof on my shoulder. “Your brother cares a lot about you. It’s hard, but in the end, it’s worth it to him.”

“Thanks,” I said, Giving her my most charming smile. “Now, can I have another cookie?”

“Only if you say who’s the prettiest mare in Ponyville,” she sang in teasing tone.

“Um,” I thought for a minute. “Sparkler?”

“You got that wrong, buck,” she said with a frown. “You’re supposed to say, the most beautiful mare in all of the land is my love, Scootaloo,” she declared, mimicking my voice perfectly.

“Sparkler!” I yelled, my face turning beet red.

She giggled as I chased her around the room.

Geez! Does everypony have to tease me about Scootaloo?

Though, she is pretty, brave, strong and…

Tailspin! Get a hold of yourself!


Perspective: Private Eye

I walked down Ponyville’s streets with Dad by my side. Some ponies gave us odd looks as a pony looking almost identical to me walked beside me. Some whispered about the fact that he was also rich looking. My dad simply walked on, ignoring the onlookers.

I noticed a couple of mares trying to look more appealing when my dad passed.

If Dad wasn’t so in love with Mom we’d have at least twenty gold diggers on our hooves.

I stopped as we got to my home, “This is the place.”

Dad looked at my house with his blue eyes and smiled a little, “You’re saying that Princess Celestia bought this after you solved a few cases?”

“Yeah,” I rubbed the back of my head. “I guess she felt grateful or something.”

“You’ve lived here ever since?” he asked, scanning the town around us. “I can see why Sparrow wanted to live here. It’s quaint, a nice town that I would’ve loved to have raised you in,” he closed his blue eyes, and sighed, “But we never did. A lot of things never happened.”

I put a hoof on my Dad’s shoulder “Dad, we can’t change what happened. We can only pick up the pieces of what we broke.”

“I see you still remember my old sayings,” he said, smiling at me lovingly.

“You were the one who drilled them into my head,” I shot back, grinning at him. “Now, are we going to head inside before Luna sets the moon?”

We got to the front door; I gave a knock on the door and heard frantic movement on the other side. I guess Sparkler must have been in the middle of something. After two minutes Sparkler appeared in the door and smiled at me. “Hello Private, you’re back a little late.”

“Got held up,” I explained. “Is Tailspin awake?”

“I just sent him up,” Sparkler answered, gesturing behind her. “If you hurry you can catch up with him.”

“Thanks, Sparkler.” I reached into my trench coat and was about to hand her some bits when she pushed my hoof back.

She walked forward and whispered in my ear. “Spend those bits on him.”

I knew what she meant, and nodded gratefully. “Thanks for looking after him.”

The teenaged mare levitated her purse and walked out. “I have go, Dinky’s going to want me to read her a bedtime story.”

My dad watched the mare leave, and looked inside my house. “He’s in there.”

“Dad,” I said hesitantly, “If you don’t want to meet him now…”

He shook his head. “I’ve avoided him long enough. I need to face him. If I don’t, I’ll never be able forgive myself for leaving him without a father.”


“Call him.”

I nodded and we both walked inside. Dad took a seat on my couch as I knocked on Tailspin’s door. “Hey buddy, you asleep?”

Tailspin opened his door and rubbed his eyes, “What’s going on? Is the meadow on fire?”

“No, Applebloom and the others stopped trying to get their cutie marks in fireworks ages ago.” We both just chuckled at the joke. “Anyway, there’s somepony who wants to meet you.”

“Now?” Tailspin asked, looking confused. “Who’d want to meet me so late at night?”

“Somepony very important," I replied. "Now don't forget to be polite, okay?”

He nodded and I gently pushed his chair into the living room. Dad looked up as Tailspin and I entered; his blue eyes just stared at my little brother. He got up from the couch slowly and walked over, breaking the silence, "Your name, its Tailspin correct?”

“Yeah,” Tailspin said, his blue eyes showing suspicion, “How do you know my name?”

“Your brother told me,” Dad explained, his eyes glued to Tailspin.

“Why are you staring at me?” Tailspin asked. “Did I get something on my face?”

My dad slowly lowered his head, drinking in the first view of his youngest son. “You, you just look so much like your mother…”

“You knew my mom?” Tailspin blurted out, excitedly. “Wait…you look an awfully lot like Private” He looked down in thought “And you said I looked like Mom so that means…”

“Tailspin,” both pairs of blue eyes met each other. “My name is Irenius Adamus Eye, I am your father.”

Tailspin just blinked, shock apparent on his face. He looked down for a minute, Dad took this as a bad sign.

“Tailspin,” he bowed his head. “Please, I’m so sorry”

“For what?” Tailspin said, not looking up.

“I’m the reason you can’t use your legs and wings, ”My dad’s voice was riddled with guilt.

Tailspin didn’t move. Dad walked to him, and looked down beseechingly at his son. “Please, Tailspin, I know I made so many mistakes before. I don’t even deserve to be here, but I just wanted to see you,” a tear fell from his eye. “My son…”

Suddenly Tailspin pushed himself out of his chair and clung to Dad tightly. His weight caused dad to fall back. He held the young colt in his forelegs as Tailspin started crying into him.

“Tailspin?” Dad said, looking down at him.

“I have a Dad,” Tailspin’s voice was muffled against my dad’s grey chest. His tears were starting to stain my dad’s suit jacket. “Ten years and I finally meet my dad.”

“My son,” My dad held my brother tightly, his eyes fell on Tailspin’s small and mangled wings. Tears entered my father’s eyes as guilt took over.

Tailspin looked up at his father, his blue eyes tear stained and puffy. “Dad, I’ve waited a long time to meet you.”

He wiped his eyes with a sleeve. “After all I’ve done?”

“I know it wasn’t totally your fault,” Tailspin explained. “I know mom may be gone because of what happened. I know you had some part in it, but I don’t care!” Fresh tears came to his eyes “I’m just happy to have a dad! Everypony else has one. Now I know what it feels like to have parent who cares. Please, don’t leave me again, dad.”

Father and son held each other tighter then ever before. My dad looked up at me, and gestured for me to join them. I walked over and got into the group hug together with my father and brother.

We were a family again…

Mom, we’re a family again…

“Preventus” My dad looked at me “Will you let me be a part of Tailspin’s life again?”

“Dad?” I said looking up at him “I…”

“Just let me be your father again, Preventus,” he begged. “I want to make things right, I want to spend the rest of my years with my sons.” He looked down at Tailspin who was pressed against his coat still “I missed so much, ten years of my life wasted on such frivolous things. I missed having you around so much. Now I finally meet my second son, I’m truly blessed to have such wonderful children.”


“Private, please,” Tailspin said, looking back at me.

I slowly nodded, “Dad, I’ll let you be our dad again. In turn, I don’t want you ever to cast us out again.”

“I promise,” my dad said firmly. “I will never leave my children again.”

All three of us just hugged each other at that moment. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this happy in my entire life.

It was like huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I’m glad to have come to Ponyville. If I hadn’t, I never would’ve found friends to soften my hardened heart. I never would’ve forgiven Dad. I never would’ve been able to give Tailspin a happy home.

Now, everything just seems right again…


Dear Princess Celestia

I don’t think I’ve ever written a letter to you before, but Twilight said I should after all that’s happened. I’ve learned so much in the past few months. I think above all I learned that, while I may have had the best of intentions trying keep my friends out of the cases, in the end, this is their home as well. This war that we’re fighting to keep it safe from evil ponies like Vegas and Glimmer, is going to need all the soldiers it can get. I learned that we can’t always stand alone. Sometimes it takes a group effort to keep ourselves going. In the end, my friends picked me up when I’d fallen. I cannot thank you enough for giving me this wondrous opportunity. I hope and pray I can keep the lessons I’ve learned in my heart.

Your Detective Always

Preventus Phelps Eye