Derpy's muffin Necklace

by rainbowdash0301

First published

This is a humanized story of Derpy as she's lost in a field of barley

Derpy is lost in a field of barley but makes new friends while there.

Chapter 1

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Chapter One

One day, Derpy, a fifteen year old girl with messed up eyes and wearing a grey shirt that had a muffin dancing with another muffin and jean shorts, was walking down Main Street when suddenly she passed out. She awoke to find out she was in the middle of a field of tall barley. She looked around and saw a shimmer of light. She walked towards the shiny item to find it was a necklace. The necklace was a shiny silver with a muffin-shaped pendant at the bottom.
“Hey it’s a muffin necklace. I love it!” Derpy said with enthusiasm as she put the necklace on, “and it goes great with my top.”
“Hello? Anyone out there?” Derpy yelled, “I’m lost.” Just as she said those two words, her necklace got a little warmer. As she turned to the right, it got cold again, but as she turned left, it got unmistakably warmer. Derpy thought what could it hurt to go the warmer way? Her necklace got warmer as she walked, and she had to frequently move it away from her skin in fear of burning herself. She looked at her watch, which also looked like a muffin, and realized she had been walking for at least three hours.

“What have I done? I should have stayed in place. Dang necklace. It got me more lost than I already was. No, it wasn’t the necklace, idiot. It was your idea to follow the way it went. “Now I’ll never get out. I just don’t know what went wrong.”

Seeing that it was getting dark, she laid atop some barley she had laid down on the ground and slept.


Screaming, Derpy woke up from her nightmare of evil giant muffins that ate people. She wiped the frightened tears from her eyes and stood up. Looking around, she couldn’t see a single thing other than barley, and a cave like thing about one hundred yards away from her. Derpy started slowly walking towards it. She looked at her watch and saw that it had been several hours since she had last eaten. She grabbed some barley and tried to eat it, but ended up just spitting it put from the unpalatable taste it left in her mouth. She grabbed at her necklace for an idea, when she heard a POOF behind her. She spun around in fear, and saw a muffin, just floating there. She pounced on it and ate the muffin quickly, waiting for another one to appear. When none came, she laid down and slept.

When Derpy woke up, she instantly started crying because she didn’t know where she was and she shouldn’t have moved. She was still hungry, and looked around for a muffin. When none came, she started walking away. Right at that moment, she saw a flash of light before her, and stopped to see what it was. It was the muffin necklace. It fell off while she was sleeping. She picked it up, brushed it off and started walking, but stopped when she heard a low growl from behind her.

“Kayne, stop that. Be nice,” Said a girl from behind the dog.” Sorry about him. He’s a little nervous about being out here. Not to mention we’re lost and it keeps getting colder every day. I’m Luna, and you’ve already met Kayne.”

Luna was a taller girl than Derpy, only fifteen years old too. She was wearing an obviously too-big hoodie, jeans and a pretty red bow in her hair. She also had deep, dark blue eyes. Kayne, on the other hand, was a German Sheppard with a black studded collar, a red baseball cap and great brown eyes.

“Hey, do you have anywhere to sleep?” asked Kayne,”We did just find a cave earlier today. We already have a fire going, and it won’t be a burden to us at all.”

“Only if I am not any problem. Oh, by the way, my name is Derpy. Nice to meet you guys. Do you have any food? I haven’t eaten since the last floating muffin.”

“Wait, floating muffin?” asked Luna.

“Yep. They just keep popping up.” said Derpy.

“Did you find a necklace out there?”

“You mean this one?” said Derpy, as she pulled out the necklace.

“Touch the muffin pendant, please.”

“Okay, but I don’t see how—"she was interrupted by a POOF behind her. She spun around to see a floating muffin.

“This is it, Kayne. This is the muffin necklace that can make up to 100 muffins appear from thin air, but one she hits 100, it will become powerless.” said Luna,” OmigodOmigodOmigod!”

“Hey, listen up!” barked Kayne “let’s all calm down and get to the cave. It’s getting dark, and I’m tired.”
In the cave, there was a fire already going. The second Kayne laid down, he fell asleep.
“Okay, Derpy, push the pendant.”
When she did, she heard a POOF behind her, and knew that a muffin had appeared. When she tried to grab it, it moved away from her. As she grabbed for it again, it flew right in front of Kayne. It bounced off his nose a few times, and when he woke up, it flew into his mouth.
“Mmmm cinnamon. Can I have another?”
“Okay,” said Derpy as she pushed the pendant. The muffin appeared in front of Luna. Kayne jumped and tried to eat it, but it shoved its way into Luna’s mouth.
“Mmph hey!”
“Sorry, but I don’t choose where it goes.”
Derpy made four more muffins appear, so everyone could have two total. As they were eating, they didn’t hear the wolves sneak up on them from the barley field. In the middle of his second muffin, Kayne stopped eating suddenly and his ears perked up. He stood up, growling, and walked with his head lowered towards the entrance of the cave. He stood there for a few minutes before Derpy asked what’s wrong.
“Wolves, and a lot of them. Go hide at the back. I’ll keep them away.”
“Let’s get some rocks to help Kayne keep them away.” Said Luna
Derpy and Luna walked away towards the back of the cave to get rocks. They could here Kayne barking at a wolf that had tried to make its way in. After a minute, they came back with an armful each. Just as they got ready to attack, Kayne instantly calmed down, tail wagging.
“What? Why are you so happy?” asked Derpy.
“They’re gone.”
Kayne stood up and trotted out the entrance.
“Hey come look!”
“What is it?” asked Derpy
“It’s a deer carcass, and it isn’t eaten that bad. Only the throat is gone. The wolves must have left it here.” Kayne grabbed a leg of the deer and started tugging it towards the entrance.
“You want some help?” asked a voice from behind them. Kayne growled at the girl, obviously upset that she snuck up on him. The girl looked to be about 16 and she had clearly dyed her hair to look like a rainbow. She was wearing a dark blue hoodie that had a raincloud and rainbow lightning coming out of it and jeans. She had magenta eyes and was a taller girl than Luna.
“Hi. My name is Danielle, but you can call me Dash. Do you want help?”
“Nice to meet you. I’m Luna, and this is Derpy and my dog Kayne.”
“Hi,” said Derpy and Kayne in unison.
“What the? That dog can talk?”
“Yeah, he’s been able to talk since we got lost in here. I can run faster too. Watch!” Said Luna as she ran about 50 yards in a second. “Cool, Right?”
Luna didn’t know it, but when she ran, that loosened up a hole in the ground that was covered up by barley. Derpy didn’t see it until it was too late. Just then, Derpy screamed as she fell down the hole hidden by the barley. It was about 15 feet deep and she couldn’t get out. She was only scraped up a little.
“Wait there, I’m going to get something to get you out.” said Luna as she blasted towards the cave.