The Clash of Two Minds

by Heesman

First published

A Roleplay sesison turned into a fiction. Enjoy.

Shine Yellowsoul leisurely strolls around Ponyville. But at the end of his regular route, he encounters a creature he has never seen before.


I saw a picture in my inbox on DeviantArt, posted a comment, the author replied, then I replied, all of a sudden we were knee-deep in a Roleplaying session.

Then when it reached a dead end, I decided I wanted to glorify that randomness and turn it into a fic, and here it is.

Tag suggestions are welcome.

The RP session this story is based off can be found by clicking on the ''Source'' link below the cover image and scrolling down the comments. My comment should be the last on the first page or among the first on the second page. My dA name is ''LucarioLovesLopunny''.

Before you decide to put all praise and glory on my shoulders, keep in mind that I wasn't the only person who participated in the creation of this fic. Praise the one who shall be praised and visit Krazoa at his dA page found further bellow and tell him how awesome he is. Or at least take a peek at his art.

Also, Krazoa doubled as, *Pipsqueak voice activated* ''My very first pre-reader, EVER!''

*About the cover image*
I have personally asked the artist and have gotten green light in using his work. The artist is

Even though Shine is starring in this fic, it is not in the same timeline as the other fics with my OC, Shine Yellowsoul. In the real timeline, Shine never meets Chrysalis.

This fic is what you call, a spin-off.

Chapter 1

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Shine Yellowsoul, a slim orange unicorn, is happily walking around Ponyville, cheerfully enjoying the sunny weather. He walks by the Sugar Cube Corner and sees that the doors are wide open.

He takes a peek inside and sees a very tall bug-like alicorn with holes in her hooves, horn and wings. Pretty much all of her body. She is just standing there, looking back at Shine, licking her sharp, pointy teeth.
Hey there, handsome stallion! I'm having a wonderful time over here, care to join me?
The strange alicorn said with a seductive tone.

Shine froze in his tracks, blankly staring back with huge eyes. He felt his heart beat just as if he had run a marathon. He was feeling confused from such a proposal and at the same time scared of said proposal, coming from such a hideous creature.
- I-I... uhm... I gotta go, I think Derpy is waiting for me at home, ciao!
Shine turned around abruptly and began running away.

The horn on the strange creature began lighting up in a strong green color. The same happened around Shine who was lifted closer to the entrance of Sugar Cube Corner where the creature was awaiting her victim.
- And just where do you think you're going? You would be perfect as my slave.
The bug-like creature said in yet another seductive way.

Shine did not take lightly to her words as he looked angrily into her eyes.
- SLAVE!? Who the hell do you think-
Before Shine could finish the sentence, he was struck to the ground by what can only be described as a grey lightning. The grey lightning turned out to be Ponyville's own mailmare, Derpy Hooves. She was not happy as she, too, glared angrily into the eyes of the marvelous creature. She raised her voice to a level one did not believe she would dare to use.
- Back off, sister! I saw him first!
Derpy quickly turned her attention to Shine who was lying on the ground on his back. She picked him up using her front legs and with the help of her wings, she slowly took a step on her hind legs, rapidly gaining speed up to a full running speed. She used her wings as well to keep her balance, occasionally flapping hard to keep her steadily running ahead.

The monstrous creature giggled as she used her magic to encase both Shine and Derpy in two separate cocoons. She used her magic to lift in the two cocoons into The Sugar Cube Corner. She hung them in the ceiling by channeling magic onto the top of the cocoon, closest to the ceiling. The magic hardened into a slime-like substance. She quickly glanced over her new prey before she slowly began walking into the kitchen behind the counter.

- Uh, 'scuse me? Hello?
Shine was tapping his hoof rapidly on the inside of the tissue-like window of the cocoon he was inside, trying to get the attention of the creature. It worked as she stopped and looked back at Shine.
- You're a changeling right? If what Twilight told me is correct, you changelings feed on love. But, uhm... if me and Derpy are separated, HOW do you think we are supposed to be able to produce any love for you to feed on, hm?
- I have other ways as well...
The changeling giggled teasingly.
- ... like this!
She used her magic to detach and dissolve the cocoon Derpy was trapped in, still holding Derpy firmly with her magic. The changeling put Derpy down on the glass counter and glued her four hooves to it, using the same slime-like substance she used to hang the cocoons in the ceiling.

With ease, the atrocious creature flapped her torn wings a few times, making her float up on the counter as well, standing above Derpy. Her horn shone up brightly as she locked eyes with Derpy.
- I will now extract every ounce of love from your body.
The creature leaned in and forcefully kissed Derpy deeply. Derpy's eyes narrowed and she began gasping for air. As she felt like her entire soul was drained out of her body, green strings of magic edged with a rosy-reddish tone seeped out of Derpy's body and into the devilish creature standing above her, leeching on her emotions.
Shine turned furious at seeing Derpy being treated like this. He began thrashing around wildly inside of the cocoon, slowly damaging it. Many tiny shreds of the tissue-like substance that made the cocoon fell to the ground. But despite the massive amount of damage, it was not enough to break free of his prison.

The changeling broke the kiss, stealing the last of Derpy's emotions which was indicated by Derpy's eyes turning a darker shade of gray than her coat. The green glow that came from the misshaped alicorn's horn faded, causing the green slime around Derpy's hooves to dissipate as well in a puff of green smoke.

Derpy curled up upon feeling she once again had control of her hooves, but she was abruptly pushed off the counter by the villainous creature which by now set her aim at Shine who had calmed down from fatigue.
- Now it's your turn!
The ravenous creature licked her lips as she plucked down the damaged cocoon Shine was muttering inside. She strapped up Shine the same way like Derpy, with the safety precaution of having a noticeable thicker layer of slime around his hooves.
- Any last words before I drain all of your love from your precious body?
The mischievous creature looked longingly into Shine's eyes while stroking his chest with one of her hooves.

Shine looked back unflinchingly, almost cynically, but still somehow sad.
- Devour my soul if you wish, but this is nothing like true love. True love is when having nothing and still being able to share. True love is caring deeply for somepony else even during the most harsh circumstances. Too bad you will never experience it.
A small spark flashed in Shine's eyes before he slowly shut them, forcing a single tear out from the corner of his eye which quietly fell and splattered on the glass counter.
- Do it!
Shine called out at the obnoxious creature and her beastly hunger. She looked back at the defeated unicorn with a sort of admiring look on her face.
- Such bold words...
The creature hesitated a bit before she shrugged off the little bit of sympathy she felt.
- ... Oh well!
She proceeded by giving Shine a very deep kiss, just like she did to Derpy. This time though, she put far more compassion behind her kiss by lowering her entire body onto Shine's body. She gently stroke the side of his head with her hoof.

Shine felt his anger grow at the insulting actions of the thief on top of him. His heart was beating faster than he thought was physically possible. He wanted to hit the sickening creature, badly. He tried yanking his back legs in a thrusting manner, but it was harshly stopped by the strong slime holding him down.

Outrageously macabre thoughts passed his eyes like visions. Visions filled with anger, hatred and death. He felt a familiar spark ignite within him. The pure, wild, instinctive hunger for blood.

Just as the changeling was about to drain the last bit of love from Shine, she got tackled off the counter by Derpy. Her eyes were burning with anger, anger that soon went into tears which in turn came in a bundle as well. She quickly tried hugging Shine, placing her head on his chest. Her tears crashed down her cheeks and down on Shine, wetting his short orange coat.
- You horrible creature! How dare you even TRY to steal something so precious?
Derpy buried her face in Shine's coat, crying out loudly.
- D-Derpy?
Shine strained to look up at Derpy who returned a teary look.
- Yes. It's me. Lie still, I-I'll get you free.
Derpy tried to wipe away the tears coming from her eyes. She began trying to get rid of the slime around Shine's hooves. She tried to rub off the slime, but it ended up soaking her own hooves, covering them with a nasty, slimy film. Out of desperation, she bit the somewhat solid slime, but the disgusting taste just made her wanna puke. She spat violently from the horrible taste. She sat down in defeat and looked at Shine. His eyes were partially grayed out, striped blue and gray, much like how a little filly would have drawn the rays of the sun.

Shine, drained of both love and energy, strained to keep is head high enough to look at Derpy.
- Derpy...? How... can you stand? I-I thought that she... ugh...
Derpy stood up and reached a hoof to stroke Shine on his cheek.
- She can never drain away the spark rooted deeply in my heart. She can never stop me from loving you. As long as we still have that spark, our fiery hot love for each other will re-ignite again and again. Forever.
Derpy leaned in on Shine and kissed him passionately. A strange kind of energy swept through the house, swirling around Shine and Derpy. It was as if Shine was re-fueled as his muscles tensed to their maximum capability for a split second, enabling Shine to get himself free from the slimy shackles.

The loathsome creature had gotten up to her hollowed hooves, just gleefully standing there and enjoying the energy she absorbed from Shine and Derpy. When the currents slowly began fading away, she laughed maliciously as she approached them.
- You do realize that whenever somepony gives love to each other when I'm near, I also gives me the same strength?
Shine rolled to his left to stand on the opposite side of the counter to the mysterious creature.
- Oh yeah? Well, how much power can you handle? C'mon Derpy! Gimme another one of those.
Derpy closed in on Shine and they both shared another kiss. Derpy felt so excited she could hardly contain herself, continually flapping her wings, forcing Shine to stand on his hind legs to reach up to her hovering just a few hoof-lengths off the floor.

The contemptuous creature stood there, ignorantly absorbing the flowing energy with ease. She laughed at Shine and Derpy's futile attempt to over-charge her. Shine looked at her with great concern. He aimlessly looked around the room, trying to think of something.
- Ok, that didn't work. Derpy, Plan B?
Shine looked at Derpy who returned a sad, but understanding look of her own.
- Plan B!
Derpy hugged Shine tightly before they both disappeared in a yellow flash of energy.

Out on a wide, lush field of many differently colored flowers, a sudden yellow flash of light appears out of nowhere. Shine ended up standing in a bald spot in an otherwise perfect patch of coltsfoot.

Not many breaths of relief was drawn before a green flash of energy appeared before Shine as he once again lays sight on the love-thieving creature's unsettling appearance.
- You were saying?
She giggled teasingly at Shine's little escape attempt. Shine looked determined back at her with a look unlike anything he has given her before.
- That Plan B worked! Derpy is safe, I sent her to... erm... someplace safe at least.
Shine hesitate a bit, being a little unsure of where he actually had sent Derpy. His aim was to send her to his house not too far from the Sugar Cube Corner. He shook his head, trying to focus on the taunting creature in front of him.
- Anyway, let's settle this score, like men. And I mean, LIKE MEN!
At Shine's command, a massive amount of energy enveloped Shine's entire body. Gut-wrenching, cracking sounds from his bones echoed far and wide as the many bones in his body changed shape. Shine rose to his full length on what previously was his hind legs, now being his ONLY legs. He raised his arms to his chest's height to help him position his body into the Orthodox boxer stance.
- Bring it!
Shine shouted at the puzzled creature.
- Oh please.
The repulsive creature rolled her eyes and channeled magic in her horn for a few seconds before she shot a green ray of energy at Shine, hitting him in the chest. Green sparks erupted from his chest, traveling alongside his limbs until they stopped at the joints whereupon they intensified, preventing any movement Shine tried to make. Shine groaned loudly at the pain from the disabling magic.
- Nnngh! You... you forget something... grrrrhh... something important...
Feeling his legs giving way for his weight, Shine fell down to his knees, still trying to look up at the gloating creature.
- ... withing one's heart, especially within the heart of man... rests the counterpart of love.
Shine strained against the spell cast upon him. He calmed down so that he could the very least speak properly.
- Hatred. Pure and untainted anger and hatred. And just like my love for Derpy, my hatred for YOU burns just as brightly. And thanks to you previously making some space in my heart just a while ago...
Yellow energy poured from Shine's eyes, showering down on his body, taking with it any and all magic that wasn't of his own. Shine chuckled menacingly as he slowly rose back on his feet.
- ... nothing you throw at me can stop me from keeping Derpy safe from the likes of you!
With a furious roar, Shine dashed at the changeling queen and delivered a strong right hook to her cheek. The blow was enough to cause her to fall to the ground with a loud thud.

Slowly, the tormenting creature rose back up on her shaky legs, wrinkling her face in pain from the crippling hit. She rubbed the spot she was hit with her hoof. She was devastated at feeling her beautiful face had been damaged. For once, she wasn't looking all love-dovey, but quite furious for a change, creating a clear contrast.
- How dare u punch a queen!?
She burst into full gallop, charging towards Shine with her horn aimed at his chest. Thanks to Shine's reflexes, he managed to steer away the sharp horn. Sadly, he wasn't quick, or strong enough, to make her miss completely. Instead the horn pierced his flesh just bellow his left shoulder.

Shine was petrified by the shock and pain. He wanted to scream, but everything just clogged up in his throat, only letting out a gurgling gasp. He grabbed the base of the horn with his right hand and tried to pull it out, no result. He then placed his right foot on the shoulder of the infuriated creature and pushed all he could muster.

With a gruesome grinding sound form the meat around the wound, the horn slowly dislodged from Shine. Because of bad footing from Shine's part, he fell backwards the moment he let go of the horn with his hand.

The bug-like creature, not having her anger justified just yet, pounced Shine, purposely pressing her front hoof against Shine's wound.

Shine roared from the unbearable explosion of pain pulsing from his shoulder. His body at this state was controlled purely by his instincts, it was kill or be killed. He gathered all his strength and thrust his right knee as hard as he could, right in the diaphragm of the savage creature. All air escaped her lungs from the clean hit, causing her to tip over and just squirm at the ground, gasping for air.

Shine painfully got up on his feet, groaning at the pain, trying to catch his breath. Shine gloated at the pitiful creature on the ground for a few seconds before he shouted out loud at her.
With renewed energy from his hatred, Shine bent down beside the changeling's head and grabbed her horn with both his hands. He yanked once, a massive crack echoed throughout the plain. Shine saw the crack he made further down on the horn, he re-placed his hands closer to it and gave it another all-out pull. The horn snapped in two, blood gushing out from the stump on the now crying creature's forehead and from the horn in Shine's hands. Disgusted by the blood soaking his hand, Shine threw the horn as far away as he could muster with the little strength he had left.

Shine looked down again on her, grinning evilly at her vapid, tormented screams.
- I'm not ''horny'' right now.
Shine turned around and began to stumble away from the scene while trying to put as much pressure on the wound as he could with his right hand alone.

A while after Shine left the miserable creature to her suffering, she finally got up to her hooves and laughed louder and more wickedly than ever before. She turned to Shine and yelled his way.
- Have you forgotten that I can regenerate?
She began channeling magic into the little stump on her head. The green magic swept over her head, wiping away any blood that had fled her body. The wound atop the stump on her head shrunk into the oblivion of non-existence. With a strained puff, the horn grew back into it's previous proud length.

The foul creature locked her attention on Shine and began yet another charge. This time Shine did not notice her from having his back turned against her. Upon feeling his body being penetrated yet again, Shine looked down in terror at the blood-soaked horn that erupted through his stomach.

He shrieks again from the tremendously painful attempt at his life. He stumbles a few steps forward until the horn gets loose from his body. Shine fell down to his knees and looked in shock at his blood drenched hands, crying from the cheer amount of pain and knowledge of what will happen to him next.
- No! N-no... Th-this can be it... you... you... you... chea... ter...
Shine coughed up a lot of blood, drawing his last breath as his body falls down to the dirt with a thud.

The ignorant creature tried grooming away some blood stuck in her hair as she looked at Shine's fresh corpse.
- Hm... pity. He would have been an excellent food source. Well, well, back to work.
She slowly turned around and began walking back to The Sugar Cube Corner, pondering on what she should do with her remaining victims she had harvested.