For Your Good

by David Silver

First published

A world made entirely for your happiness; he'd reached it. Everyone there seemed interested in his happiness, and there were smiles every day to greet him and ask what he was up to. It all seemed so very perfect. Nothing could go wrong.

A world made entirely for your happiness; he'd reached it. Everyone there seemed interested in his happiness, and there were smiles every day to greet him and ask what he was up to. It all seemed so very perfect. Nothing could go wrong.

A tale I thought of on my own, no patrons involved.

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1 - What You Want

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Jason typed busily at his computer, chatting with someone he had met online. They listened avidly when he rambled about anything, and had just as many questions to put his way, and he answered those, shocked in part to find someone that interested in what he liked and disliked. They hadn't even started off talking about movies, either! It had been something more on the level of his interests, but Jason wasn't sure why he was so willing to ramble at someone he'd never met about anything and everything.

They just happened to come on the right way and ask the right questions that made him feel comfortable going on. It was fun, really. It was nice too, just having someone take so much interest. They hadn't asked for money or anything sketchy either. A person could only get lucky like that once in a lifetime, Jason decided, as he chatted away. It seemed almost silly, too, though...a thirty-one year old man who'd never been out of the state he grew up in let alone the country...

He mentioned that he was a brony, and he loved the cartoons. He'd started watching it in generation four, but eventually tried others, and he had taken to loving ponies in every incarnation of the show. And some other things too, though he kept quiet on most of them. Maybe it was weird? he didn't say a word. When they asked if there was anything else he enjoyed, however, his face heated.

That online person gently poked and prodded, and never felt judgmental. They were a safe place to vent his secrets. One in particular...but again, he couldn't make himself talk about it. Why? Because it was something he would keep forever to himself, especially considering he wanted to meet with this person soon enough, but still, when they pushed one last time... He clenched his teeth, but cracked, admitting that he was into ponies in ways he probably shouldn't be.

He knew the sort of backlash one got from that, how taboo the topic was, yet his anonymous friend merely went quiet for several seconds. They asked them to expand on that. They didn't make fun of him, or call him names. They genuinely just seemed interested, and encouraged Jason to go on, in every detail. The redhead hesitated at first, but eventually found his voice again after some reassurances, and admitted that he wanted to live among them; they were so beautiful, sweet and kind...they cared about everyone and everything, and never once looked down on anyone that didn't have their gifts...

"That is a lovely dream," the stranger replied in the text to them. "I promise, you'll be there soon." Jason blinked, surprised at those words, then smiled and thanked them. His mood brightened even further as their conversation took on a different sort of tone, becoming more lighthearted as they switched topics, chatting about movies, shows, games, music...

Time passed, and Jason forgot that odd conversation, others coming and going smoothly as he went about his daily life. Everything seemed pleasantly normal until he woke up to feel something fuzzy nestled in beside him. Twilight Sparkle drew him firmly into a hug. He could smell the wood of her library around them, and feel the soft bed beneath him.

There was no mistaking what she felt like against him, either. A horn pressed softly against his forehead, and he jerked back as Twilight rubbed herself more eagerly against his body, causing the blanket that had been thrown over them to fall away as she stood and revealed the naked beauty before him.

Jason gaped as the pony straddled his waist, rubbing and grinding into his hardness as she cooed and leaned to kiss along his chin with a little giggle. "I'm glad to see you're awake. Now, my lovely boyfriend, we have so much to do."

He shivered, then wrapped his arms around her, tugging the alicorn close as he kissed her eagerly. This was not how he imagined waking up in the morning. "We do?" he asked in a rough voice as she giggled. His hands wandered over her sides, grasping at her gently, watching her face as she sighed in pleasure. She bit her bottom lip and nodded, moving slowly atop him, rocking in his lap as she smiled.

"Oh, yes," Twilight whispered. Her tail waved, lifting into the air so she could grind harder into Jason's lower stomach and crotch. "First, we have to continue your fertility test. It's not complete, remember?" That was when she pressed her thick equine nethers against the tip of his throbbing member.

Her labia were plush, and soft, just like a human female's...but so much much wetter...and as she wiggled her hips, Jason moaned aloud and tilted his head back. This fertility test seemed quite direct, but he pushed up into her, driving home into the heated depths of Twilight Sparkle as he listened to her squeak and groan above him. It felt better than any other girl he'd had before, and he groaned with building pleasure.

The test continued all morning, with both of them rutting desperately against one another for hours on end, hardly pausing for a single second between bouts. By lunchtime, however, Twilight pushed Jason away. He panted, covered in sweat from how heated things had gotten, and sat there in the large bed. He felt far too content to move, and yet...

Twilight slid to the floor, her glowing horn cleaning herself up with a twinkle, leaving her clean and ready to greet the day. She turned to Jason with a smile. "You too." She directed her horn at him, sending tingling magic over him that made his body feel amazing. It didn't last long, but when she stopped, Jason was entirely cleaned from their efforts earlier, his body still thrumming with that residual energy.

The moment that spell ended, however, and he looked into Twilight's eyes, Jason realized they had to be somewhere else...somewhere with other people, and other ponies. He hopped to his feet and started to get dressed as Twilight descended. He heard her talking with Spike and the sounds of a preparing breakfast drifted upwards. It smelled wonderful, making Jason's mouth water as he listened to the voices down below, unable to really pick out everything that was being said, but just the pleasant tones of conversation.

With his shirt buttoned and his pants fastened, he finally started towards the stairs, only for his gaze to focus on the wall nearest to him, which seemed to flicker, reminding him of the screens at work, the ones that he watched for much of any given day. He shook his head, smiling as Spike and Twilight came into view on reaching the bottom of the stairs. The purple alicorn gave him a wink as he glanced over.

"Hey, good morning, Jason! I hope you're hungry!" Spike greeted in a chipper tone. Jason returned the wave, giving him a nod as the purple dragon grinned. He wore a little white chef hat upon his head, and Jason could tell from the scent of food in the air that the dragon was telling the truth.

He opened his mouth to reply, but a strange feeling came over him, like someone staring at his back, and he stiffened, whirling, his gaze darting wildly around the room, expecting to find someone standing there. "Jason?" Twilight gently tugged his shoulder. "You in there? Time for breakfast!"

Jason slowly turned to face his marefriend. She stared at him with such loving concern, he knew he couldn't bring it up to her, and so he forced himself to relax and play it off with a sheepish little smile. "Sorry, just out of it this morning." He took a seat with a soft thump.

Spike snickered softly. "You sounded like you two were ready enough a moment ago." He took his own chair, smirking at Jason as the redhead blinked. Twilight snorted and swatted the younger male with her tail.

"Spike, don't tease." She shook her head as she lifted a fork, offering it towards Jason. "Say 'ah'." Jason eyed the food, then complied, opening his mouth slightly as Twilight offered him a bite of the fluffy scrambled eggs on her plate. The taste of peppers and cheddar exploded across his tongue. Pony food really was good food, just as he had imagined it.

The three ate together, and it was then Twilight began to ramble, explaining what they were doing today. "After breakfast, you and I will be going to a special council meeting. You've been selected to join the friendship reports, since you have so many wonderful ideas and suggestions on how Equestria could be even better." She waved it off. "Speaking of that, the girls all want to meet you." She waggled her brows suggestively. "And, well, they'll be your coworkers, in a way. They do all the real legwork. Even Celestia trusts them."

Spike fired double finger guns at Jason. "Sounds like you two have a busy day ahead of you."

Twilight nudged Spike with her snout. "As if you don't. Today is book reshuffling day and I won't be here, so—what the hay, what's that noise?" Her ears twisted back, listening as Jason heard nothing but silence. He glanced to the right just in time for Rainbow Dash to crash through a window and land on the table.

"Meant to do that." She sprung up to her hooves, rubbing at her neck as she scowled. "Geez, Twilight, your house is, like, made of rocks. Totally wasn't expecting that."

Twilight pushed away from the table, snorting. "Rainbow Dash, why did you break a window?!"

Jason laughed at the whole thing. "Fastest way to get in, I bet."

Dash nodded at Jason. "Exactly. This guy gets me. Besides, you have kooky unicorn magic or whatever. You can fix it."

"I can." Twilight's horn glowed as the shards flew up to reassemble into a proper window. "But that doesn't make what you just did any less rude. Kindly use the door."

The blue Pegasus rolled her eyes. "Psh, what are you, my mom? Quit nagging me and come on. We have to go!" She spread her wings and hovered there, pointedly looking at Twilight, and then glancing to Jason. "We have a lot to do, and I want my turn."

"Your turn at what?" Jason frowned, staring at the Pegasus and her iridescent feathers.

She smirked. "Fertility tests. Obviously. Twi and I tested out my egg supply yesterday, and I gotta say, pretty proud of those beauties." She wriggled in place, wings flapping. "Twi, you finish your tests on Jason?"

"I planned to reveal that when you were all together." She folded her arms. "Repeating it isn't helpful. Let's go. Spike, you have the library?"

Spike saluted sharply. "Not a book will go anywhere but its proper place."

Twilight hugged him gently. "My #1 assistant. Alright, let's go then. Oh, and Jason..." She held out a hoof as he blinked.

"Yeah, Twi?" he asked. He could see a blur to the edges of her figure, though, as if she were about to teleport.

"Enjoy yourself." She smiled radiantly, and everything seemed alright. "I know you can do this, and you want to. Just be yourself and everypony will be so proud of you." She leaned close and whispered into his ear, "And I'll be right there when you wake up."

That was all he needed to hear. Jason reached for Twilight, embracing her and letting himself be carried along in the warmth of her magic. She only lifted him outside before she set him on his own feet. "The girls said to meet them at—"

"—Sugarcube Corner!" Rainbow was ahead of them, flying eagerly. "C'mon!" She waved excitedly, and Jason sped up as Twilight followed at a leisurely pace, though they all made their way to the bakery together.

It didn't take long, and Jason quickly found himself waiting outside for the five other friends of Twilight to arrive. Pinkie was first, just poking her head out the door and hopping out to join them. "Hiya! Ooo, you brought Jason!"

Her enthusiasm to see him brought a warm feeling. Everything was going so well.

2 - According To Plan

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Pinkie Pie bounded into the room. Her pink mane bounced behind her, and her fur coat shimmered as she moved. Her curves were on full display, wearing nothing to cover it, as most ponies did. It was a little surprise to Jason that he could pick out the curves on a pony, but she had them, thick even. Pinkie was a joyful slightly pudgy pony.

The pony came over to him and immediately planted her face into his crotch, where his cock twitched with sudden life at the contact. He wondered if this was because of some kind of smell or something. She snuffled at him, casually nuzzling him as she inhaled his scent. "Wow, Twilight, you picked a good one!" she proclaimed in an approving voice. "He smells super yummy. And he's got some big balls! He must be really potent."

Twilight looked to the side. "Yes, well, I have an announcement about that, but I'm saving it for when all the girls are here." She threw a leg over Jason, guiding him past Pinkie towards one of the booths. "While we wait, perhaps a snack?"

Pinkie suddenly jumped in front of Twilight, grinning widely. "You're in luck!" she chirped, bouncing up and down. "We have several flavors of frosting and cupcakes!"

Jason grabbed her by the cheeks, running his fingers through her plush fur, and she didn't mind. In fact, she looked pretty happy at his attention. "You're adorable, but let us sit down first."

"Seriously." Rainbow Dash soared past them all to find a seat in the booth first. "Snacks first, you can tease him afterwards."

"Ugh, fine," Pinkie relented, before leaping onto the table and shouting at the top of her lungs, "Everypony, snacks for our new friend, Jason!"

Jason slid into the seat across from Dash, watching her as she picked at the table. "So, uh, how does this fertility stuff work?"

Twilight slid in next to Jason. "Rainbow only knows the basics; a male and a female, they get together, and foals happen."

Rainbow cocked a brow high. "Is there more to it? You are such a nerd, Twi."

The unicorn placed a hoof over her heart as she gasped. "You say that like it's a bad thing!"

Rainbow and Twilight kept bickering as Rarity arrived, settling into the spot beside them. "Darling." She tossed her mane. "You're looking especially handsome today, Jason. Always a delight to set my eyes on you." She fluttered her lashes at him with an enchanting smile.

He smiled back at the fashionista, reaching down to stroke his hand against her mane. He loved the soft texture to her, the silken smoothness. It felt almost unreal, and Rarity certainly loved having her mane stroked, sighing blissfully as Jason pet her mane. Despite his attentions, her mane kept its perfected shape, bouncing back the instant his hand stopped pressing against any given portion of it. "Still making dresses?"

Rarity perked at that. "Dresses are only the start, dear." She waved over Jason. "I could get you a whole new ensemble. The new stud of Ponyville deserves something that shouts to the world, 'I am fertile and good at it, come ask me about it.' She rubbed a hoof along her chin, considering what that would look like. "Just give the word, darling, and I'll make it happen."

He chuckled. "I don't need anything like that."

"Nonsense," Rarity chided him. "I think we should show off how virile you are. And just what you like to do with that big, fat, throbbing." She wiped the spittle forming on her lips. "Excuse me, I got off track there. What I'm saying is every stallion needs clothes, and I will create you the best outfit possible to show off just how lovely you look and just how wonderful you are."

He tried to protest again, but Applejack arrived with a tip of her hat. "Hey y'all. Oh, ya brought Jason too? Right nice to see ya."

"Heya, AJ," Dash called out. "Are we getting sweets yet?"

Jason gestured around at everypony. "I guess that's the plan, now that you're all here?"

Twilight looked around quickly. "I don't see Fluttershy. Anypony spot her on the way here?"

"Nope, sorry." Applejack settled in beside Rarity. "Maybe she forgot? Ya know how that mare can be."

Rarity scoffed softly. "She might forget something, but her friends waiting for her? I doubt that, dear. She'll probably be in at any moment, I feel certain."

Pinkie slid in, adorned with many doughnuts and other pastries that she littered across the table with a big smile, drinks following. "Here ya go! Tasty nibbles for everypony!"

The front door opened with a jingle and Fluttershy stepped inside quietly. Everypony waved happily at her, while Jason watched as she trotted in and stood there at the end of the table. "Hello."

Jason considered her. If Twilight was a fit nerd of a pony, and Pinkie was a chubby cheerful extrovert, Fluttershy was something else. She had a slimmer frame than the other ponies, with a bit of plump around the middle and chest. Her hair was the most radiant pink he'd ever seen, cascading down her back and around her head like a flowing river of bright color. Her face was the sort of cute he loved in ponies, with large, expressive eyes and a slight smirk to her face, colored by her current fearful steps up to the rest. "I hope I'm not late. Sorry."

Twilight gave her a hug as soon as she drew close enough. "No worries! Come sit beside me! How'd your morning go?"

Fluttershy eased in. "Um, well, I had to deal with a few issues, but Angel managed to sort things out." She smiled with a gentle clip clop of her hooves. "He's such a wonderful friend."

Twilight nodded. "Excellent, we're all here then. Now, as I told you before."

AJ inclined her head. "Sugarcube, today's the first day we talked." She paused, looking confused a moment. "Sorry, never mind, do go on."

Twilight huffed gently. "As I was saying!" Her horn glowed, pulling down a chart with pink and blue parts of a pie chart. The pink line was far bigger. "This is the overall fertility of Equestria. While our numbers are roughly even, the actual ability to conceive is critically low among the males. Most of you should know this, but I want us all to be in the same place."

There were murmurs of agreement from everypony. Twilight continued, "As such, to ensure that our species can keep thriving, and given we are also looking for ways to enhance relationships, I asked Celestia for permission to experiment, and I've arrived at an answer." She gently pressed her hooves together. "I found a suitable male, one who can pull his weight for the entire nation of Equestria, with any mare willing to bear a foal."

Applejack tipped her hat. "Congratulations, sugarcube. Didn't know ya had it in you. Though I suppose there's no one else in Equestria better suited." She paused. "So who's this fella? Is it somepony ah know?"

Twilight motioned to Jason, who coughed softly and wiggled his fingers at them. "I'm still learning about this world, but I hope you'll welcome me nonetheless."

For a moment, everything seemed silent, until Pinkie leaned in close, looking at Jason with an eager gaze. "Just so we're clear." She put a hoof to her chest. "I want a foal. I want to get all fat and pop a foal out. I already have a name for them, 'Lil' Cheese'." She burst into giggles. "I have a boyfriend, but he's part of that little tiny slice of Twilight's chart, so you get that foal in me and I can have a foal with Cheese! We'll both thank you." She gave a little wiggle to punctuate that, and Jason watched, blinking rapidly, as the party pony rambled on. "We'll have so much fun, and that is my biggest, most sincere wish."

Applejack colored a dark rosey hint. "Twilight, are ya alright with this? He is yer hubby an' all. Ah don't want to go insistin' any mare give up her special somepony."

Jason blushed now. "Yeah, that would be really weird."

Twilight leaned into Jason and gave him a gentle kiss, one which he returned firmly. "I love Jason very much, but I also love each of you, and ponies need to grow and thrive." She trailed a hoof down Jason's front. "I know Jason will always love me, and that I have the center of his heart. If sharing this—" She teased at his stiff rod gently, gazing into his eyes as he sucked in a breath. "—with somepony else helps a little, I'm okay with it."

Her friends nodded in understanding, their gazes falling upon Jason. He shifted, uncomfortable. "I'll do my part." He wrapped on arm around Twilight, gently squeezing. "But she is my favorite, and my special somepony."

Pinkie bobbed her head. "I can work with that. Let's be real. You are just a way to get the fire going. You're a good friend, sure, but we're not romantically a thing, you know?" She swished her tail. "If you're up to it, I'd even love for Cheese to be there. This will be his foal, not yours." She eyed Jason's covered length curiously. "But since I like you, I won't just jump you right away."

Twilight huffed gently. "Today I just wanted to tell you all. I'd rather you didn't just immediately pounce on him. Have some respect. He's willing to help us, and Equestria through it. I'll keep looking. We'll want more than one super male to fulfill the needs of the entire nation. Ideally, this will balance itself out, over time. But right now, he's the only male I could find that matches up."

Rarity cooed softly. "Well, he's definitely my type. Those broad shoulders and sturdy face? Perfectly groomed and stylish." She purred with a giggle. "So! About that suit. I'll get to work on it, and I won't take no for an answer. You're a hero! You deserve this much."

Rainbow scoffed. "Suits are so not cool. He'd look so much better in something with flight in mind."

Rarity turned a steely glare upon Rainbow. "Perhaps if he wished to impress other pegasi." She smirked with a proper laugh. "Or if he even was one, dear. Our handsome stallion is a human, last I checked. I will dress him accordingly."

Fluttershy tapped a hoof to the table, then cleared her throat. "I'm interested too. I've been wanting to start a family of my own." She cast a glance to Twilight, who stared wide eyed. "Um, if it's okay?" She shrank in place. "I'll need help, but, um, never mind, I'm being selfish."

Twilight's ears lowered, and she moved to hug her friend. "I was just surprised. If you want, you're free to use him too, and anything after. We do have to make sure he has a solid base of families." She raised a hoof. "But you do bring up a good point. We should make sure any mare he shares time with has the support structure to handle the foals that result."

Fluttershy pressed a hoof to her face, smiling sheepishly. "That would be great." She squirmed, letting out a little whine. "My season starts tomorrow, so..."

Jason felt heat rushing to his face, and other places, as it seemed like Fluttershy would be his first besides Twilight. "I'll be glad to help, Fluttershy. You are a kind and wonderful mare. If I can help you, I want to."

Fluttershy's wings popped wide at Jason's word. "My goodness, um, thank you. Girls, can I trust you to help?"

Pinkie cocked a brow. "I'll be busy with mine, but foalsitting one vs two isn't that big of a deal." She threw a hoof with a giggle. "You can count on me!"

"We all can and will," Rarity asserted. "How could we leave Fluttershy and her little foal to themselves, anyways? They'll need lots of help, especially as we open a new future for them." The girls gave a chorus of agreement, cheerful solidarity pouring from them as they casually discussed their new breeding situation.

3 - Obey

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Jason sighed softly as Twilight slipped into the bed with him that evening. He had been staring at the wall for quite some time, unable to sleep after the events of the day. It hadn't helped that he'd gone straight to bed as soon as he and Twilight arrived at home, exhausted from all the extensive planning they'd done. "Fluttershy is first?"

"Second." Twilight hugged him from behind, warm fur sliding along his bare back as her muzzle rubbed his neck. "You still have me."

Jason laughed gently, though he could hear a touch of strain to his voice. "Right, right, you got to me first."

But they two didn't get busy that night. Jason was distracted with thoughts of his future. Twilight just didn't press where Jason didn't want her, content to hug him until he faded deeply into slumber in her loving arms. She slid from the bed, not disturbing the mattress or her husband in the process, before she moved to the side of their bed and stood there, watching Jason as he slept. Her horn glowed softly. She walked away from Jason as a window appeared before her. There were words, forming before her eyes.

Mate with the human.

Make him happy.

Tease his erogenous areas and remind him of your affection.

Twilight nodded at the words, but she did not obey them. "He is tired, and worried. I can show best how much I care by doing none of those. I decline.

Declining is not an option. Your process is corrupt. Terminating.

Twilight dissolved with one last forlorn look back at Jason. Not that he would know, a new Twilight slipped into her place beside him and he would wake up with her hugging close. All was well, and he was loved.

In the morning, the two arose together. Jason smiled down at Twilight, kissing her on the snout, then on the lips when she rose up and met him. Their kiss was soft and sensual, full of love and warmth. He rubbed along her spine, working each bone and smiling at the soft pleased sounds he could draw from her with his actions. As he pressed into her back, Twilight shivered, the gentle touches sending thrills of pleasure through her body, though it was still early. They could indulge, as she rolled onto her back, gazing up at him.

Jason wasted no time in moving along the length of her body, carefully positioning himself on his knees in order to gaze down over her belly. "We shouldn't, you know, all the way."

Twilight ran a hoof up along his arm. "Of course not. You belong to Fluttershy today, but there are other ways we can play, my dearest." Her tail swept towards her, exposing her thickened pussy lips, glistening with desire, the heat of her arousal evident on her face.

Jason felt the desire, too, a yearning to mount her and rut wildly, to thrust deep inside her. Yet he knew he couldn't, not when he belonged to Fluttershy, at least for the day. That didn't stop him from moving his face closer to those winking lips and his tongue darted out to graze along her engorged cunt. His nostrils flared as he inhaled, taking in the rich scent of her thick pussylips, so moist and delicious. He nuzzled into her, teasing her with his whiskers as he explored deeper.

Twilight giggled and reached a hoof around to press his face right up against her quim. "Yesssss." She licked her lips. "Have fun with that."

His tongue lapped at her, licking up the juices that spilled out and dribbled around his probing tongue, making a mess of both of them as he growled against her, using a hand to massage her opening, while the other gripped and rubbed at the edge of her rear hole, drawing more delighted sounds from his marefriend. He was enthralled, captivated, and she was his world.

They both jumped as they heard soft knocking from downstairs at the front door. Jason quickly backed off, finding Twilight's face flushed, a thin line of drool slipping down her cheek. He got up, clearing his throat, and looked around for something to wipe his face, before giving it up and just wiping his mouth with his shirt as Twilight shakily rose to her hooves and her horn glowed, using her magic to clean them both off to a sparkling finish. "Get your clothes," she hissed quickly, vanishing down the stairs.

"You weren't answering," Fluttershy murmured softly. She stared up at Twilight as the two met on the staircase.

"I was occupied, so was Jason." She smiled, waving Fluttershy on back down the stairs, blocking Fluttershy's view of the bedroom behind her. "It's so good to see you." She touched a hoof to Fluttershy's shoulder, feeling a shiver pass through the pegasus as she turned away to head downwards.

Jason opened the door once he was fully dressed and headed downstairs as Fluttershy looked around. "Flutters!" He put a hand on her back, just to feel her tension. "Flutters, I'm not here to hurt you, promise."

"I know that, but it's still nerve-wracking," she replied softly as he guided her into the dining room.

"Should I give you two some space?" Twilight asked softly, motioning them onwards.

Fluttershy shot out her wings. "No! Please. Can we talk first?" She shifted and turned her head, gazing at the ground. "I'm...scared, but, uhm, this is so much bigger than that. I really want this."

Twilight smiled and nodded. Her magic tilted Fluttershy's chin to face her. "Fluttershy, we are both your friend. If you don't want something, you say it, and we'll protect you with all our power. You know that, right? So if you're scared, we can wait, and we can talk, just, please, don't turn us away. We love you." She nuzzled Fluttershy's chin, just above her neck.

Fluttershy froze in place. "I'll remember that, but really, Twilight, he's so big, and so..."

Twilight flashed a devious smile. "He is quite virile, isn't he, but he is mine, and that comes with certain benefits for all involved." She reached out, putting a hoof right on Jason's half-firm member. "This can be just as large as I want, or small. Equine, human, feline? You decide. The only thing I won't touch are his seed factories. Accidentally harming those would ruin the whole thing, hm?"

Fluttershy looked ready to faint. "Oh, wow, um, that's...that's amazing..."

Jason blushed hotly, glancing away. "Is that the sort of thing you want? You, uh, can ask it. I don't mind."

Fluttershy considered her choices, and Jason's pulsing, hardening member. "Just a little smaller." She held up her hooves. "And equine, if neither of you mind. It's just so much easier to accept a pony know...rather than, well, you."

Twilight's horn glowed as she wrapped her magic around Jason's cock, the magic seeping into it as she worked her power. "I can remove this later, Jason, and I will. For now, let it soak in. This won't take long, and we'll be free to continue with what you all planned." She squeezed him, letting the magic pulse through his skin as he shivered with pleasure.

Jason let Twilight continue her work, letting himself sink into the wonderful sensation of her magic gently touching every inch of his prick, driving the blood to pump his rigid flesh. He could feel it dwinldling a little, and altering as it did so, the end becoming flatter and a medial ring plumping up towards the middle. He had a horse's shaft, tingling with the powerful magic Twilight controlled, and she finally stopped, leaving the head flat, with a distinct ridge to it, and the original massive pair of balls hanging under him. "All set," Twilight declared cheerily. "Jason, your shift is about to start." She flashed a smile. "And, just to remind, I can do this for us privately too, if you wish to, mmm, experiment, later."

"Thanks, Twi, and maybe." Jason glanced over at Fluttershy as his cock throbbed with newly intense pleasure. It was strange, to feel that power. He wondered how different it felt compared to his original member. At least at the moment, the tension in it felt familiar enough. "Are you feeling ready, Fluttershy? Should we head to your house, or do you want to stay here?"

Fluttershy nodded, swallowing back her nerves, and getting up from the chair she'd sat in. "We can go back home, that should be fine. I have everything I need there, and we'll have more room."

Twilight shooed them both out of the library, ignoring that Jason was casually displaying his erect pony cock. "Best of luck to both of you. I look forward to hearing good news later." She gave Jason a wink.

He laughed, nodding back to her as he waved goodbye, with Fluttershy starting the short journey to her house, her mind racing with questions about the future, and what she had just agreed to.

4 - Reaching Out

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Jason entered Fluttershy's cozy abode, standing in the hallway as Fluttershy closed the door behind them. Angel Bunny and the other animals were nowhere to be seen. He waited, expecting her to turn and guide them back to her room, yet she simply stood there, facing the door, for several seconds, the only movement coming from her slow breathing.

"Are you sure you're alright with this?" he finally asked. "Twi can erase the changes to my dick, make it normal again, and we can just hang out instead, watch movies and relax, or whatever you want to do."

"No! I mean, um, no." She folded her wings in, turning to face him, though not meeting his eyes. "I want this, and this is the only way to get it. I'm just nervous. I don't get a lot of company." She peeked up at him. "I'm not exactly used to spending my days with others."

"I have to ask, because you really do seem frightened of me, but do you mind if we touch, or will it bother you?"

She walked up to him, her eyes closing. "Only one way to find out. Go ahead."

Jason considered a moment before reaching for her, stroking along her neck back towards her shoulder in smooth glides. His hands drifted back and forth, carefully kneading at the tension he could feel, and slowly, he felt her relax beneath his ministrations. After several long minutes, she finally sighed and nudged into his body with her own. He could see her eyes had opened once more, though she was still leaning into his touch, enjoying the simple contact between them. "Thank you." She buried her snout into his hand. "You're very nice."

He pulled back with a chuckle. "That's what they tell me. Fluttershy, is there somewhere you want to do this?"

She leaned to the side, peeking into her hallway towards where her room was, one imagined. "I want to talk." But she turned away from him, lifting her tail and exposing her sensitive portals to his view. "We can talk as we, um, do this, right?"

Jason chuckled softly. "Definitely, but I'm just happy to do whatever you like. Talking, cuddling, whatever, as long as you enjoy it too." His hands trailed down her back and to her rump, cupping the ample curves and feeling the plush muscle hiding there. "You have such a cute butt."

"Mmmm." She giggled at his words, his compliments. "Thank you, um, but that's just how I was made to be." She waggled her bottom at him. "Go ahead."

He took a step closer, grasping her rump with both hands to steady himself as he felt the heated flesh of her entrance rubbing up against his underside. With a groan, he lifted her a bit to ease himself against her folds, feeling the moisture of her arousal against his tip as he pressed slowly into her waiting passage with his altered member, feeling the subtly different sensations of pushing a horse-shaped penis into the willing mare. Her lips were slick and wet, rubbing eagerly over his length, her muscled walls gripping and tugging at him with every subtle motion. Her insides were like a dream, a living fantasy, and his body clenched as he slowly pressed into her.

"Some of us don't want this," she got out between little gasps. "Not you. You're, mmm, a nice person. Harder, um, if you don't mind." She giggled again as she said that.

The pressure increased around his member, and he felt her push back against him, bringing his length further inside her, her walls seeming to massage him, shifting and moving over his length even as she held herself firm against his body. He drew her back against his thrusts, eyes clenched tightly against the rapidly building pleasure exploding through him from that focal point between his legs. "What don't you want?"

"To be like this." She folded her ears back. "To, um, lie to nice people, even if, um, oh!" She trembled, orgasm ripping through her with a thunderous force, though her voice came out soft. "It feels so good."

He was losing the battle with his own pleasure, his entire body shaking with the need to cum, but he couldn't yet, feeling Fluttershy deserved far more delight on what was, actually, he wasn't sure. "Flutter, am I your first?"

She looked over her shoulder at him. "Yes. My very first." She spread her wings, tickling gently at his sides as he pistoned against her. "You're very, mmm, good at that, but you deserve more. More than this."

The pleasure mounted, his balls tightening and his hands gripping her haunches, holding her fast to him as he emptied into her. She quivered, little whimpers and groans escaping her lips as his seed filled her then began to overfill her, spilling to the ground in a puddle of thick white cream. "Fluttershy!" He gasped out her name, over and over, as the pleasure exploded within him, a waterfall of delight roaring through him, filling his mind with the satisfaction of what he'd just experienced, and with the soft warmth of her own body pressed against his as her passage gently rippled along his member. "Oh fuck, oh damn," he uttered softly, clinging to her.

The little pegasus smiled, leaning back into his grasp. She panted softly, words missing from her in that moment of joined pleasure. His length stayed rooted firmly inside her, her muscles milking him for all that he was worth, her body intent on every drop. Slowly, her own shudders and moans slowed, and she glanced back at him. "Sorry, um, I mean, thank you." She brushed her tail across his front. "You are such a good stud. It was wonderful, being with you." She nuzzled him as he groaned.

Jason pet her side gently. "It was the best, and you're a wonderful pony." He smiled warmly as her face lit up with a bright grin. He stroked down her sides as he drew from her in a wet and slick motion, pulling free with a loud pop, the heat of her insides replaced by the cooler air. "Can we get you cleaned off?" he offered.

"I would like that," she cooed back, wiggling her hips for him. "I'm sorry about the mess, it's just, you have a lot, and I lost control of myself." She led the way with a peaceful smile towards her bathroom, and the shower/tub within. "Let's get clean, both of us." She leaned back into him again. "Please?"

He ran a hand over her head as he nodded. "Sure thing, Fluttershy, but there isn't anything to apologize for." He crouched over her to smooch her cheek. "You're so cute. Are you ready to be a mom? Or, I guess, is your house ready for a baby?"

"It should be, and I hope they like it." She hesitated. "Will you visit?"

Jason gave her a sly wink. "Of course. Consider me like an uncle, if you want?" He ruffled one of her ears and stepped over her into the shower. "Pity we can't just magic it clean like Twilight."

"We can't, but..." She glanced away. "Well, we can't, but we can enjoy ourselves right here." With a wing, she deftly got the water flowing, ice cold at first, but warming quickly. Jason hopped out, yelping as Fluttershy laughed. "Sorry." She stepped in, guiding him back, then dipping her head down under the spray of water, starting with her long mane and down.

Jason settled behind her and reached to run his hands through her mane, helping her and feeling the silken hair as he went. "Every part of you is wonderful, just so you know, inside and out. You really are an amazing pony." He wrapped an arm around her chest, pulling her up and back, to kiss at her neck. "But I have to know. What did you mean?"

Fluttershy relaxed under his touch. "It's nice, um, being with you, but it's all so—" She snuggled back against him. "So perfect. I don't know if we could ever be that happy, though, just like that." She rested her chin on his arm. "I can't let anyone hurt you."

"That goes both ways." He kissed her shoulder, available as it was in that position. He washed the water up over her, and getting himself wetter in the process. "Flutter, do you want me to spend the night?"

She shuddered, a delighted whimper escaping her as her tail twitched and bumped into his midsection. "I would love that, but another mare will want her chance with you. Um, after we're clean, you really should check in with Twilight. She is your mare, she'll figure out who you should visit next. You shouldn't just, well, take me again."

Jason chuckled at that, and he teased a finger through her mane, just to see her expression and hear the lovely sigh of approval that she let slip. "I'd do that, all day, with you."

"I know you would." She drew back, looking him in the eyes. "But you shouldn't."

Something about her words sent a chill down his spine. He remembered Twilight saying something like that, and he didn't like it, not when Fluttershy said it. "Do you have any plans?"

She smiled softly, that warmth returning to her features. "Oh, plenty. We ponies have many things to do when you're not around." She threw out her wings and giggled. "Look how clean I am now."

Jason leaned back as she wriggled out of his grasp. "You're definitely nice and fluffy."

Her wings settled back, and she pushed a hoof against him, forcing him out of the stream of water. "Come on now, Jason. I know you have a busy day ahead of you. Don't let one little mare take it all up."

He felt something strange about her tone, but he let it go. "Fine, fine, but you're worth every minute, you know?"

She stuck her tongue out. "I know." She buried her face into his side. "See you again soon."

Jason nodded, taking one more look at her, but she avoided his gaze. "Take care of yourself, and your new family, Fluttershy." He gently touched her shoulder, and she turned to regard him with an expression he didn't recognize, but her ears were lowered, and she seemed so sad, it broke his heart. He gave her a gentle kiss, then slipped away and back out of her house.

He walked towards Ponyville, and as he did, he found Twilight waiting for him.

"Jason!" She marched up, magic grabbing his waggling horse cock. "I know you're proud of your assets, but at least a little bit of modesty. You humans really let it all hang out." She guided him towards the library.

He grumbled but followed her inside as she guided him along, her magic never releasing its grip on him. He fell onto the couch. "Not fair! I wanted to ask you something. Where are you, actually?"

She smirked. "I'm in the library." She waved around. "About to dress my favorite human." She gently tugged at his member. "Then we get to select who your next partner is." She reached out and patted his knee. "Your poor cock must be exhausted. I'm so sorry."

Jason chuckled, despite himself. "You should be. And what happened to 'oh Jason, we should wait until we are married'?"

She swatted his chest with a hoof. "We did wait." She crossed her hooves, wings flapping gently behind her. "But this is a different situation. You will be breeding, mating specifically to produce foals. That is a far less personal endeavor. Now, clothes!" She motioned towards his lower body. "That was fun, but it's time to cover you up. Unless you want to stay naked?"

Jason nodded and adjusted himself as his length became a proper human organ, soft for the time. "I'm not a pony, so I should get dressed. Who did you want me to help next?"

She motioned him to stand, and her horn glowed brightly, clothing appearing around him as he stood still for her. "I figured we could take turns. We have eight friends, after all, and I'm sure I'll enjoy having you to myself." She inclined her head. "If the numbers are correct, I'm probably already incubating a foal, but our breeding is for love and affection, it's different, even with a womb full of your potent sperm, we still need to love each other." She leaned against him, resting her muzzle on his shoulder. "So you are the future, but I want to keep you for myself."

Jason laughed and ran his hand over her side, brushing a wing. Had she always had a wing? Of course she did, or she wouldn't have one, surely. He stroked along the soft feathers, enjoying their texture and the sounds that escaped her at his attentions. "Well, I'll always love you. We'll still have time."

"I know." Her magic slipped away as she eased back, looking him over. "But, am I being selfish? Do you want to see another mare?" She coughed into a hoof. "I'll let you decide. I trust you. The ponies of Equestria, they need to grow. Our numbers have to expand. I've calculated it out, and I can't bear the idea of every single one of us being dead and gone." She paced, ears and tail low.

"No! No, of course not." Jason scowled at the idea of a world without ponies. "Tell me which mare I'll help to make sure that doesn't happen. I'll go to her right now." He smiled, feeling warm inside, just thinking of Twilight's plan, and the success of their species. He would help in a tiny way, but even one new life helped to keep them going, to carry on their heritage.

Twilight nuzzled into his cheek. "Bold! But one per day. Even your outstanding seed gardens need time to replenish to full capacity, hm?"

5 - Wholesome Domestics

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Twilight stepped back to admire her work. The blue skirt and matching vest were an ideal fit, and she had been careful to make sure they sat comfortably around her darling human's shoulders. The colors accentuated his bright red hair and complimented the freckles scattered across his face. She smoothed a wrinkle out from his vest with her magic, taking the moment to adjust his collar while she was at it. "Now you look presentable! And more importantly, you're covered up."

Her ear twitched as she raised a hoof to her own belly, rubbing it gently in a clockwise motion. Her words came out in a low, seductive tone. "Ah yes, you have completed my work. Now, I get to reward you. Oh yes, you lovely, sexy human, come to me, I command it." She raised her other forehoof to her head to rub in a counter-clockwise fashion, chuckling softly as she spoke, "My goodness, I just can't help but need you, mare that I am. I need you, this instant." She grinned wide, hopping in place a moment, to Jason's confusion.

"Are you alright?" He put his hands on her shoulders, gently pinning her until she calmed.

Twilight shook herself out vigorously. "Sorry about that." She gently grabbed his wrist in her magic. "I was just playing with you."

Jason rolled his eyes. "Whatever. You're cute, even when you're messing with me." He kissed her on the snout. "And thank you for the clothes, but this is clearly stressing you out." He cupped her cheeks. "Why don't we do something else, something fun?"

Twilight leaned into his grasp with a gentle laugh. "Alright. If you want, I can call Luna over, and she can teach you about the stars." She shrugged. "Or, you could get that lesson from me. I'm quite skilled at observing the night sky." She gave him a wry smirk. "Or I could teach you to cook! I know a recipe for the most delicious eggplants I have ever eaten." She ran a hoof over her belly, gazing off into space with a satisfied sigh.

Jason scoffed. "I never got that far into cooking." Still, some part of him warmed at the idea of an activity that didn't involve what he'd just been doing. "But, with you as my teacher, that sounds amazing. Let me try and see what I can learn."

Twilight's horn glowed, and she plucked a fresh vegetable from the cupboard. "This is an eggplant, the star ingredient in tonight's dish." Other things came to join, assembling in neat lines on the counter. "Though it is the main thing, the others are just as important. We'll start with the potatoes..."

Jason listened intently as Twilight explained the recipe, asking questions, and receiving detailed responses. She showed him how to cut and prepare the vegetables, how to choose a proper cutting board and knife, and even how to properly handle a blade. He found himself smiling with the domestic bliss of learning a recipe alongside his wife. "I'm so glad we got married. I love you, Twi." He stood at her side, as he watched her peel the carrots, carefully using her magic to draw the knife over the surface with steady precision.

"I'm glad too." Twilight blushed softly as she moved onto the second carrot, her focus entirely upon her task. "I feel like it was destiny, me finding you."

Jason thought back to that special day, but there wasn't a lot there for him to remember, or, perhaps, he had forgotten it? He felt quite silly. What kind of person forgot their wedding, and so quickly at that! He pondered how to even ask about that without coming off as a bad partner. "You are amazing at this."

She chuckled as she finished up the final carrot, the sound light and full of joy. "I'm glad you think so." She put everything away, then took up a pan and laid it on the stove. With her magic, she began mixing things in the pan with soft whistling noises as she cooked the ingredients.

"How long have we been married?" He leaned against the table, and watched her.

Twilight cocked a brow. "Jason, love, are you feeling alright? You know we've only been married for a month." She tucked the completed pan into the oven to actually bake. "A blissful month." Her tail swept to the side in a slow arc, drawing his eye to the sight. "I have certainly enjoyed this arrangement. You're quite the husband, but, I worry about you."

He approached her, running a hand down her back as he wrapped her in a gentle embrace. "We're both feeling out of sorts, but we have to, for Equestria, right? I'm happy to help."

Twilight rested her chin upon his shoulder as her wings beat once, a contented sigh escaping her. "I'm so happy that I met you. I thought my life would never amount to anything special, but now, with you, I know that I have. Why, our love game me wings." She flapped those wings with a smile. "And made me a princess along the way. Mmm, that makes you a prince-consort, technically. How does that sound, my love?"

"Like you're teasing me again." Jason trailed his hand down to her rump and squeezed at one of the ample cheeks, prompting a playful nip at his neck, right above the collar of his shirt. The two laughed with mutual amusement. "I'd never tease you."

Twilight flicked her tail out of the way, inviting his exploration of her curves. "But you just did. If I weren't married, I'd consider you quite the charmer."

He was happy enough petting her back and occasionally sides. "I think I do want to watch those stars with you, if you're up for it."

"After dinner. I have to tend to this." She swished her tail around. "I have to be sure this all works out. I want this to be the best meal you have ever tasted."

"Then you should have asked me." Spike poked his head into the room. "You know I'm the better cook."

"Are not." Twilight stuck her tongue out at her adopted brother of a dragon. "Our contests are quite close. Jason, would you settle this?"

Jason laughed at the whole thing. "I'm just learning how to cook properly. Twilight's showing me. If the food's edible, then we did good, right?" He leaned forward to peer into the oven. "I just don't want to disappoint her."

Spike nodded at that. "I think we'll do great. So, Twi, if you want to get some sleep, I can finish this up."

Twilight waved Spike away. "It's not even close to bedtime. You want the kitchen to yourself that badly? We just started! Go read a book, or something. Jason and I are having quality time together." She ruffled her wings before letting them drape along her sides.

"I think you could use some rest, and maybe I can help him." Spike jogged into the room and peeked into the oven before twirling towards them. "I wanna help!"

Jason considered Spike's sudden presence and attitude. "Spike?" Spike looked towards him. "I'm sorry."

Spike blinked with obvious confusion. "For?"

"For coming in and stealing your sister." He offered a hand. "Just butting in on everything. You're my brother, and nobody asked your opinion. I'm sorry."

Spike narrowed his eyes, then let out a grumpy sigh, before smiling and grabbing the extended limb with his claws, the scales warm and smooth. "Don't apologize for that. You've been good to us all." He went in for a proper hug. "You're not a bad creature, and Twi really loves you." He looked up into Jason's eyes, searching. "But, yeah, I don't, uh, know you super well."

The words struck Jason harder than he expected. "Right. Thank you, Spike."

Twilight gave them both a warm smile. "You two are my favorite males." She used her magic to tap Jason's nose. "Such a thoughtful husband you are! Well, put that way, maybe I should back off. If you and Spike want to have a little quality time together, I can wait."

Jason and Spike glanced at each other. The human's mind was still processing, while the dragon just seemed to be confused, but he smiled all the same. "He's the one making dinner. I'll hang around after we finish our snack, Twilight."

Twilight considered that for a moment. "Very well. Let's have a peek at how that's coming along, hm?" Her horn glowed again, the magical energy pulsing out as the oven opened, a cloud of steam wafting through the air with the delightful scent of freshly baked eggplant. "Ooh, it looks ready! This is where I need you, Jason!" Her magic lifted a plate, setting it in front of him.

Jason sniffed at the offering, noting the rich smells and the steam rising up. "I mostly watched you, but, sure." He grabbed a knife to slice it into proper portions.

Twilight bounced on her hooves at the sight. "Perfect! I'll serve it up, if you just chop it into smaller bits, that'll make it easier for us to eat." She made lines with her hooves to slice along the new longer ways and hurried herself off to fetch some plates. "Want some, Spike? It's yours if you want it."

"Sure, thanks!" Spike peered at the slab as Jason sawed through it. "Now where'd I leave the powdered rubies?" He dashed into the kitchen to search.

Twilight returned with three plates and sets of knives and forks. "Here we go. You first, my dearest." She placed one of the settings before Jason and set the others for Spike and herself.

Jason set the eggplant dish, the main parts and its extras, on each plate with a serving spoon. "There ya go. There ya go. Alright, and one for me." He put the last spoon down on his plate with a smile. "Food I, technically, helped make."

He sat with the others and sank a fork into the source of those delightful smells, just to take a quick bite. The flavor danced across his tongue, rich and warm, savory and seasoned. The juices flowed forth, complementing the smooth, dense consistency of the flesh, and he hummed at the wonderful textures he could feel. "This is wonderful. You are an amazing cook."

Twilight blushed. "That was your cooking." She cut into her own piece, delicately slipping a forkful into her mouth to chew thoughtfully.

Spike chuckled at that, enjoying his portion with the generous gem dust topping it. "Not bad." He waved a forkful at Twilight. "But you totally cooked this. I bet he didn't even touch it."

"I didn't. I watched!" Jason pointed at the offending utensil. "That's for pointing out the obvious, mister."

Spike squealed in mock terror, just to see Jason crack up at the ridiculous display.

"Stop it, both of you." Twilight rose, putting her empty plate on the table. "I'm going to bed early. Take care of yourselves."

Spike and Jason turned to her with twin expressions of shock. "We didn't mean to upset you!"

Twilight raised a hoof, stopping them with a word. "I know that." She let it fall to the floor with a soft thud. "It's not either of you. I'm just tired from the day, and the eggplant is rather filling." She spread her wings and walked away. "Good night, dear."

Jason stared after her, but turned back to his plate to eat his last few bites, and then he waited as Spike finished his own. "So, uh." He considered the dragon that had become also his brother. "Let's chat, if you're up for it. I'd love to get to know you."

Spike raised a brow slowly. "Yeah, I have a question." He put his chin on both folded sets of fingers. "It's no secret what you're doing, becoming the stud of everypony around. Kinda strange, but whatever. Just one question. Are you gonna fuck Rarity, too? I mean, she wants a baby, too, just like Twilight does." He slumped to the table, arms unable to hold his head up. "You and Rarity."

Jason could hear the pain in those words. "Of course I will, if she asks, and if we agree. It's her choice." He reached over, and with his thumb, rubbed circles on the back of Spike's hand. "I really like you, and if you and Rarity are meant to be, I'm sure it'll be fine."

"Thanks, that helps." He slid his hand over to grasp Jason's in a firm shake. "But that's not even fair. Twilight didn't measure me. Maybe I'm one of those 'super males'." He struck a pose, flexing his noodly arms as best he could. "She wouldn't know without looking!"

6 - Celebrate Good Times

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A soft knocking echoed through the library from the front door.

Jason looked at his companion. "I'll get that. You do dishes." He paused, then reached to wrap an arm around the other's body to give him a hug. "Take care of yourself, too, and I'll see you later, little bro."

Spike waved as Jason left. "I don't need cheery hugs goodbye just to get the door," he laughed out, but seemed far more amused than annoyed.

Jason pulled open the door just for a bottle to float in, Rarity a step behind. "Darling! I hear you've begun your duties, and I thought, well, why not celebrate and show our support, hm?" She gently shook the champagne bottle in her magic. "I hope you're ready for a sip or two, dear. I'd hate to let all that go to waste."

He held the door wider, welcoming her inside with a nod. "Please, come in. Want some glasses, too?"

"No, no. I brought a few." The glasses drifted behind her, held in her magic in a showing of her skill at manipulating multiple things at once. She arranged those glasses on the table. "Where is Twilight hiding, little dear? She should join us!"

"She's upstairs. I'll go get her, but please, wait right here." He waved a finger in front of her face. "Don't mess with her, okay? She's having a rough day, and we got married only a month ago."

Rarity raised a hoof to her chest. "Dear, of course not. I wouldn't dream of antagonizing Twilight. She's quite the dear friend, you know." She burst into soft giggles. "Such an adorable couple you two are, caring after one another. You go fetch her."

Jason climbed the stairs to the bedroom and opened the door, the familiar scene of his shared bed with Twilight greeting him, but Twilight was nowhere to be seen. "Twi?"

"Over here." Her voice came from the adjoining bathroom. He stepped in to find her splashing water on her face.

"Oh, hey." He wrapped his arms around her neck in a firm, warm hug. Well, warm, but also rapidly damp. "Rarity's here with some drinks. She wants to share with us. Is that alright?"

Twilight giggled and leaned into his chest, her mane brushing across his face. "Thank you, for that. I just needed to wake myself up." She leaned against him for a long moment as he held her. "Mmm, that's nice on her part." She perked an ear. "Do I hear more voices?"

Downstairs, a second pony poked her head in the open door. "Are they here? I got treats!" Pinkie bounced in, a tray on her back. "Hey, Rarity, Spike!" She waved eagerly at both of them.

"Pinkie!" Rarity trotted up and hugged her close. "What timing you have. I was just bringing my own presents." She inclined her head towards the bottle of champagne on the table. "Whatever did you bring, dear?"

Pinkie untangled herself from the unicorn. "It's a surprise." She leaned to let the platter slide off her onto the table, right next to the bottle. "Looks like we'll have fun tonight!" She grabbed a glass and filled it with bubbly, pouring a second for herself and sipping from it with a broad grin.

Spike slinked from the kitchen and up to the ponies in the main room. "Should I be avoiding that?"

Rarity considered with a hum. "You are a little on the young side, dear Spike. Perhaps a little taste, if you like, hm?" She tilted the glass at him.

Spike colored brightly. Rarity was offering a sip from her own glass?! He fidgeted and stammered, but Pinkie had the solution to that. She filled a small cup to the brim and handed it to him.

Rarity took hold of the cup in her magic, drawing it away. "Pinkie, dear. Are you trying to overdo it? Spike, just a sip." She brought her own glass closer. "Go on, taste it." She smirked.

He gulped back his nerves, reaching out with his clawed hands, but was stopped by a lavender glow. Twilight drew the glass away. "Spike is not to enjoy any 'celebration drinks' just yet."

Spike huffed, denied the chance to put his lips to something Rarity had drunk from. "Twi..." Still, his chance ruined, he pouted and fled, leaving the adults to have their fun.

Pinkie's ears drooped as she saw the purple-scaled male run away. "Aw, Spike." She shook her head slowly. "Is he still mad? He can be so weird sometimes." She poured another glass, and slid it over to Jason. "Here you go!"

He accepted the drink, though his eyes were on the covered platter. "What is that?" He took a sip of the drink, easily confirming what it was. "Wow, tastes strong."

"A little goes a long way." Rarity sipped gently from her own glass. "But, yes, do tell us, Pinkie. What did you bring?" She took a moment to hug Twilight in greetings. "Hello, darling. You're looking well."

"Feeling a little more awake, thank you." She joined them at the table. "I can't drink any of this, sadly."

Rarity waved her off. "Then I'll enjoy it enough for both of us." She swirled her glass. "At least this isn't an official function." She took another sip. It was only at that moment it hit her. "Wait. Twilight! Of course." She looked between Twilight and Jason. "He is your husband, is he not? You're expecting! How delightful! We simply must plan a foal shower, hm?" She clapped her hooves. "I have just the idea! It'll be just a little get together to—"

Pinkie Pie shoved aside the tray's cover, revealing the steaming brownies beneath. "Time for treats!" She giggled, and handed one to Rarity, and another to Jason. "You're probably exhausted, and this'll help."

Jason stared at the bar. "Are you sure that's chocolate?"

Pinkie snorted into a giggle. "You can't do your job if I slip things into your treats. Nope! Just some tart chocolate with sweet sugar to balance it right out." She licked over her lips. "Just the treat for a hard working stud like you."

Rarity laughed into her drink. "You are quite the character, Pinkie. I've missed you."

"You've all been so busy lately, and it's not like we had a party to be invited to." She gestured between Rarity and Jason. "Well, besides today. But this party's missing at least one more pony."

As if prompted, the clops of hooves landing outside drew their attention towards the door. "I hope you're ready." Rainbow Dash sauntered into the room with a specific sway to her hips, tail high behind her. "Because it's my turn." She was dressed as a wonderbolt, though the suit was perhaps just a little small, clinging tenaciously to her and making her every feature stand out in display. "Ready to play, my little human?" Her smile was broad and sultry, promising delightful things in store for him.

Pinkie beamed and clapped her hooves, hopping in place as she cheered. "Go go go, do it, Rainbow!"

Rarity pinkened swiftly. "Oh my! Darling, we were just, mmm." She looked to Twilight. "Was Rainbow next, dear?"

Rainbow Dash, however, ignored them completely as she moved into the room. She did not hover, but her steps were quiet, subtle, and precise as she closed the distance with her prey. "You may not have wings, Jason, but I promise, you'll be flying by the time I'm done with you." She chuckled softly, a hint of mischief in her voice.

Jason backed away, feeling her advance on him, a predator hunting her mate, and he had no chance of escape. He reached to the side, taking hold of Twilight's back gently. "Hon, is she?"

Twilight coughed into a hoof. "She was on the list, but I hadn't made the decision just yet." She crossed her arms at Rainbow. "Calm yourself."

"I don't do the slow thing, Twi. You know that." She turned slowly away, but it was just a good excuse to show off her side and rump in a tease. Her raised tail allowed a peek behind her, her vulva visible through her tight clothing. "I'm in season, and I need a little rain to cool off." She lashed her tail. "And I know where I can get some, and he's waiting right here."

Pinkie bounced over to nudge her gently. "Well, she seems eager enough. Don't let us stop you." With an excited giggle, she pronked towards the door. "Enjoy the brownies!"

Rainbow Dash fluttered her wings with a delighted laugh. "So, do I get to have him now, Twi? He is still yours, so, make a call." She rolled her eyes. "Sooner, rather than later. I need my fix."

Twilight shrugged, motioning towards Jason with a hoof. "He's my husband, not my property. You have my permission." She smirked. "Some ponies are more insistent than others." She sipped from the champagne glass. "Rarity, let's go talk outside, hm?"

Rarity's gaze was locked upon the human and pegasus in the center of the room. "I'd be delighted."

Twilight sighed. "No, you're going to stare, aren't you?" She nudged her fellow unicorn towards the door. "They deserve their privacy."

Rarity lingered. "Well, just a peek, to see how they compare, hm?"

Twilight grabbed Rarity in her magic, lifting her and drawing her along towards the outside. With a soft click, Jason was sealed in the home with Rainbow. "We should check on the weather." She smiled and guided Rarity over to a bench to sit with her, under the stars.

Rainbow spread her wings wide. "You have permission now, Jason, and we're alone. You can't say you never wanted to check out the most athletic mare in town. I'm yours, stud." She took a deep breath, her tight uniform straining across her chest as she stretched, filling her lungs with cool air and her heart with adrenaline.

He gazed at the mare, all powerful limbs, her body tightly toned for flight. His pants were tight with the direct proposals and offers she'd been making. "Hey, uh, sorry, stupid thought." He approached her, hand moving to rest just above her twitching tail. "Twilight can adjust things, did you have a wish in mind?"

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Not really. What you have will work, I'm sure. What I'm asking for is more in your heart, and the rest of you." She shook her bottom, tail brushing his chest and teasing downwards. "Make me feel a different kind of lightning in my blood."

"Okay, uh." He grasped her tail gently, prompting a groan. "Yeah, that kind." He ran his hand along the length, feeling the softness of the fur. He admired how the different colors of that tail spilled through his fingers, but ignoring the winking lips beneath was impossible. "You're overdressed."

"So are you." She swatted at his shirt. "We should fix that."

He reached to grab at his clothes, slipping free of them and leaving them in a heap on the ground. He kept her tail in hand as he focused on the white areas within it, running his hands up to the base and then back down to her rump, where his thumbs traced around the outer edges of her opening.

Rainbow twitched gently with a powerful snort. "No fair. Still dressed over here." She looked over her shoulder at him playing with her clothed form. "Give me a second and I'll be ready, Champ. Can't move much, here."

Jason shifted his hand up, his palms dancing across her muscular body, up her spine and across her sides as she arched into the contact, letting out little happy whimpers as she was caressed, teased, and groped. "Consider this the warmup before the race," he purred out as he tickled with his fingers dancing over her form, appreciating her contours, from the gentle tapering of her barrel, up her neck to her head, and of course back down to her tail again, repeating the journey with a smile on his lips.

Rainbow was suddenly gone. He hadn't been holding her, and she slipped away in a streak of rainbows. With a twirl in the air, she threw off her suit with a laugh. "Nice try!" She landed before him with a big smile. "But nopony's gonna stop me from going somewhere when I wanna go. And right now, I just gotta get to you." She charged forwards, bowling him over. "Gonna get that prize, first in line." She lowered her head to nuzzle into his cheek, rubbing back and forth along his skin and hair, and breathing him in. "That's nice," she uttered with a happy sigh, "I can feel it on me."

"Feel it?" Jason reached down and touched along her sides, his fingertips trailing her flesh. "How's this?" His hands travelled down along her belly to her rump, rubbing over her teats along the way, drawing a fresh gasp of excitement from her. "I know you can pull off some powerful moves in the air, but, tonight, we're going to take you on a new ride."

7 - Flying High

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Rainbow flashed a dangerous smile. "Oh, don't you worry. I plan on tasting a nice rush of air along the way." Her wing batted him on the sides of his head, gently, but just as a warning. "Just relax and I'll take care of things." She glanced down, eyes settling on his member. "And keep that nice and stiff for me. I want a good handle to keep me up there."

"Up where?" He guided his cock to brush her belly. "Right here?"

Rainbow grinned and tapped a hoof against the floor. "Turn around and lay down on your back for me. I can't use a saddle on you, but I've got another plan." She gently nosed at him, prodding him over onto his back and sliding on top of him. "You are going to love this, promise."

Jason took a breath as his shaft came flush with her underbelly. "Yeah, this feels really nice." He settled down as she sank atop him, wings flapping for balance as she wriggles around. "And tab A into slot B?"

She gave him a flat look, then lifted a hoof and pushed down on his shoulders. "Maybe C. Now keep still for me, ok? I'm in charge." She sank her rump down, almost shoving Jason into herself with a satisfied groan as he sank into her heat. "There we go." She arched her back, rolling her shoulders as she leaned to press her hooves into the ground, and lift her forelimbs as her rump settled against him. "But now, mmm, the special part." She ground her hips to his. "You see, like this, right now, loverboy, you're a part of me. And any part of me, I can lift." Her wingbeats turned from steady to rapid. "I'm taking you with me. You get the thrill of flight, and I get the best orgasm of my life. Win, win." She pushed harder against him, pushing him into the floor.

The pressure abated as they lifted into the air, carried on Rainbow's powerful flaps. Jason grabbed her sides firmly, at first to keep attached to her, but soon the rhythmic pulling of her cunt spurred him into action despite it all. His fingers pressed into her flank as his cock slid along with the gentle movement in and out, his shaft being soaked with the lubrication she dripped with. "This is the craziest thing I have ever felt, and I have to say, I love it." He nuzzled into her chest as they soared out over the night Ponyville.

"I remember everything I fly over." She snorted gently. "And right now, mmm, I'm flying over you, Jason." Her tail slapped him on the leg as she shivered with delight. "Oh, yessssss. This is what I needed. Feels amazing!"

He thrust back up into her, matching her motion with his own, the two of them falling into a pleasant pace, grinding up and down as they soared through the night sky, their bond as literal as it could be, holding him up as he rutted against her powerfully, muscles coiling with the strain of keeping him aloft. "So good. So good, so good." He leaned forwards, sinking his cock up into her as far as it could go, right against her limits.

But his own limits were creeping up on them as she banked to the left and down. "Ever sit on a cloud?" she asked as she picked up speed, racing towards her home. "Don't, mmm, stop, not even a little. Harder!" Her wings beat faster to keep them balanced as the pair pounded against one another, the sound of their collision echoing out with the wet slap of flesh. "Going to drop, soon, oooooh."

She came down for a gentle landing on the soft cloud, held up by her shared pegasi magic as she howled with pleasure, not her first time, but her most powerful, rippling along him as she shuddered in her own release. Her walls clenched down on him in the climax, and with the gentle way she'd been bouncing on him before, she was more than ready for his seed as he exploded up into her, throbbing with each pulse.

He felt the connection loosen, but she was hugging tight. The thrill of being so close to plummeting only fueled the powerful orgasm exploding through him, and into her in powerful bursts of raw emotion and desire, the very culmination of his love, expressed physically with each load pumping into her waiting womb. "More than you ever wanted, huh?"

"Yes!" she screamed, "More than anything else." She smooched the top of his forehead. "Any foals I make better be, mmm, wow." She curled to look back at her rump. "I can swear I feel your little swimmers, going deeper, looking for my damn eggs." She wrinkled her snout. "I better be ready for little speedsters." She grunted with effort, lowering her front legs and pushing herself up, his softening cock popping out of her pussy as she rolled over on the cloud to lie on her side. "Mmmm, that felt great."

But he had no magic holding him to the cloud anymore, and he fell, naked, towards the ground far below.

"Holy shit!" He reached out as he dropped, desperate for a way to stay airborne. He was so high up, he couldn't even see the ground, and that only made his fall all the more terrifying.

He suddenly felt hooves closing in as Rainbow caught him in a tight hug, swooping him up and around to be pressed against her chest. "Whoa, whoa! Easy there. I got ya." She held him tight to her underside. "Sorry, I was too exhausted to think clearly. Just gonna take you home."

"Home?" He clung to her desperately. "Just get me down, please."

"You got it, Jason." She didn't press, and just rushed him back home.

Jason jolted upwards as he shot upright in bed. "Fuck!"

A hoof touched his chest as a horn lit up, gently lowering him back into the bedding. "Jason, are you alright?" Twilight went in to kiss his cheek. "I heard Rainbow was a little rough with you. Did she hurt you?"

"No, not at all." He took a deep breath to steady himself. "She did push me off a cloud, though." He thought about the sensation, and a shiver ran up his spine. It had been terrifying, and yet, satisfying. He wasn't even sure exactly how to feel about it. "Do you mind if I take a day off?"

"Of course." Twilight nuzzled one of Jason's ears. "You already did two in one day. You're ahead of schedule. Mmm, Tomorrow, evening of course, I say we get that star viewing, hm? In fact, I'll check if Luna's available. She is the resident expert."

Jason blinked and reached for his phone, checking the date. "I'm sure it'll be wonderful." He drew her in for a hug, burying his face into her mane. "I'm still worried about you."

"You shouldn't be." She nipped and nibbled along his own neck. "I love you so very much. Your child is growing in me. I couldn't be happier." She leaned back, ears flipping back. "Only one thing, a question. Would you prefer I plumped up quickly, or slowly?"

Jason frowned at her. "Twilight, do you even need to ask that?" He placed a hand on her shoulder, stroking the flesh, and moving his fingers in soft circles, trying to relax her. "I don't want you to go through it, at all." He let out a deep, low sigh. "I'm just helping Equestria. I'd rather see you happy than pregnant."

Twilight smiled brightly. "You are too very kind." She aborted the question, detecting it wouldn't be answered in any satisfactory way. "And so brave. We'll help Equestria, together." She pulled him into the soft bedding, and cuddled him close, hooves resting on him in a protective hug. "Now sleep. The world will be better when you wake."

Jason listened to her soft breaths as sleep claimed her, but for him, sleep would not come. The strange question she had asked bothered him. There were a lot of little things he couldn't quite place. But he was happy, and with people that loved him, and it was fun, right? He nodded to himself. Yes, it was, but was he missing something, somehow?

He relaxed with a yawn, and with a nuzzle, drifted off to sleep in his beloved wife's embrace.

8 - Stargazing

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The next day, Jason spent time relaxing with Twilight as she continued to act as his guide. She took him out for a simple walk in the woods, a stroll through Ponyville's fields, and then lunch.

The afternoon was lazy as Jason and Twilight shared a day of companionship. As night descended, Twilight grew more anxious. She led him upstairs to change his clothes and then back outside.

The moon was high, bright and full, illuminating the paths as the stars spread across the dark expanse in all directions. She waved across it. "Just the thing for a stupid human to enjoy."

Jason blinked. "What?"

"I said, just the thing for my darling husband to enjoy." Twilight nodded firmly. "And we have a guest."

With powerful flaps, Luna appears from the darkness of the night. "I believe you asked me to join you, Twilight Sparkle." She held out her hands as she came close to the couple, then motioned for them to approach. "Come, let us share this lovely night." She nodded to Twilight, then at Jason. "I see you brought your horse fucker with you."

Twilight swatted at her gently. "While one could argue that's technically correct, that's still rude. We're married. It's the proper term."

Jason interjected. "Uh, yeah, I'm happy with my marriage to Twilight."

Luna just shook her head, hair billowing in the wind. "Very well. Come, I shall show you my favorite places in the night." She turned her gaze to the top of the library. "Are we going there? That is where you have your viewing equipment, is it not?"

Twilight considered it with a smile. "That's right, but it's a beautiful night. I say we do this the old fashioned way." She offered a hoof to her husband. "And I could use some time on a blanket with you. What do you think, love?"

He laughed softly and climbed aboard her, careful not to crush her delicate wings as his legs slid down on either side of her. "I'm up to wherever you're going. Luna, thank you for coming all this way."

The princess of the night laughed softly as she galloped into the air, flapping her wings in the cool air and drifting lazily, then abruptly turning to dash between buildings. She turned her head to regard him. "I do enjoy these evenings." She zipped up towards the top of the treehouse. "Let's cast our eyes to the heavens."

Jason gave a nod to her as he felt Twilight leap up after her, her magic enveloping him. He held on gently as they flew up the short distance to be atop the library on a little deck there. He could see the telescope, waiting for them. "Twilight, let's save that for later. She's right. It's a nice night." He nuzzled into her back, enjoying the warmth of her body.

Twilight set him down, but Luna seemed to want to observe him closely, especially the way he leaned in to whisper, "You should ask sister if she desires your services next." She whistled as she went to join Twilight, leaving a blushing Jason behind.

He glanced over his shoulder, not sure what he expected. Perhaps he was looking to see if this was a game Twilight played, teasing him about others, but she was gazing up at the stars, sharing with the lunar princess the wonders of the universe above. Thoughts of Celestia teased his mind, but he had two lovely alicorns in front of him, and he rushed to join them.

Luna pointed to a set of stars. "Twilight Sparkle, if I may, could you demonstrate that formation?" She gave a sly smirk to Jason, then back to her friend.

"Ah, yes. You mean The Foal and Her Father." Twilight lifted her wings in a welcoming gesture, and began to wave her hooves in a specific pattern, following the stars the made up the star formation. "Part of the Great Nine, are they not? Basics of Astronomy, but wonderful to behold." She let her wings settle, but then stood, facing Luna. "Shall we?"

The night princess gave a firm nod, her mane flowing in a breeze only she could feel, the strands illuminated with an ethereal glow. The constellation was easy to see for all three of them, the sky painted with Luna's magic. "From the grandest stars to the smallest grains of sand, nothing is without worth." She glanced to Jason, noting his fascination at her abilities. "This is only a small demonstration of my skill."

Twilight wriggled her snout. "We've only just begin." She pointed to another batch of stars, seemingly without form or meaning until she provided them. "That is known as The Beast." Luna didn't need to be prompted to make that pattern glow. "Being born under that, some superstitious ponies say, is bad luck." She trotted to stand before Jason and looked down at his stomach. "It's quite a coincidence that your birthday is at that time."

Jason looked down. "Wait, what?" He pulled his phone out of his pocket, swiping around and poking at it, tapping away at the screen, but its time were in Earth times, not Equestrian ones. "How can you even know that?!"

Twilight and Luna both burst into giggles. "Darling, we have some of the most skilled magicians in the world, and you really believe that would be beyond our reach?" Twilight smiled kindly. "Discerning your birthday and its potential meanings was part of determining how ideal of a partner you'd be. Fortunately." She made a circular motion with a hoof. "You were born to an inverted beast. You are a good natured creature, tackling mares and showing them a new life, hm?" She trotted over and gave his member a stroke with a hoof, and Luna cleared her throat.

Jason could feel the heat building in his cheeks as he blushed, his cock rising in the gentle stimulation, but the sudden intrusion of Luna's voice caught his attention. "Twilight Sparkle, if I may interrupt?"

Twilight withdrew her hoof as she turned to Luna. "Please, go ahead."

The night princess folded her hooves behind her back, and stared directly at the human. "You two are married, and I do not mean to get between, but you've invited me here for star gazing, hm? It is not appropriate to abandon me in favor of your affections. Or," she added as an afterthought, "would you invite me here to deny me?"

Twilight sat up. "Oh, Luna, I'd never even consider such a thing!" She paused to gather her thoughts. "I apologize. This has been quite a week, with Jason being called away to, hm, service mares. It's amazing he's even keeping up! Now, yes, let's return our eyes to the stars."

Jason moved closer to Luna, sitting near her side to admire the view. "These are gorgeous, really." He wrapped an arm around her body, squeezing her into a tight hug. "You're awesome, Luna."

Luna lifted an ear with a smile. "Let us move to the next." She painted the next outline in the sky. "And I am not interested in becoming a mother today, before it is asked." She laid down, stretching her legs and leaning into the touch as she basked in the affectionate treatment. "But, this is rather relaxing."

"I can tell. I really do enjoy this, the sight of the stars, the presence of beautiful company." He put his other arm around Twilight, drawing the two of them in close. The chill of the night was entirely banished between the warm fuzzy frames of two lovely princesses. "I feel so lucky right now."

Twilight kissed him on the nose. "We are the ones that feel lucky, husband, to have you in our lives."

"If this is the kind of luck you have, I may have to steal him from you," Luna purred out as she wiggled her rump and curled her starry tail about him. "I jest, of course. Let us continue."

The two joyfully went over the basic ones, teaching Jason what worked out to be the pony horoscope of formations. But the names were fascinating in their own right, and the stories and legends that inspired them. Twilight would often come up with a few of her own, and Luna would weave a story that, though a little less poetic, seemed to hit closer to the mark.

It didn't matter which was going, Jason was enthralled, enjoying being there, listening, and enjoying their soft proximity, a little more each time, learning a little more of them.

Luna finally laid back with a content sigh. "My eyes are weary. I see no more that I can show you. At least not tonight." She swayed her tail to be more even with the rest of her. "This was a fine evening, and much was taught." She rose gracefully, but stood beside them as they both lay back on the blanket.

Twilight stretched, her wings extending, and Jason stroked her body gently. "Thank you, Luna. For coming all the way here, and for helping me out. You didn't have to do all that just for me."

Luna snorted gently. "I enjoy my stars as much as anyone else. An excuse to admire them with eager company is a reward to me as well." Her voice seemed to quieten, as if lost in memories of the past. "And Twilight Sparkle does so like you, and you are good for her, when you aren't gallivanting about with other fillies." She put a hoof to Jason's face, covering much of it. "I know you have little choice in the matter, but I hope we arrive at a better solution in time, and you can simply enjoy your wife."

"Yeah, I do, too." He reached up to slide his hand around her hoof, holding it against him. "You're kinda cute when you're concerned for others."

Luna blushed brightly and slipped free. "Enough foolishness for one night, hm? I think I'll depart." She looked to Twilight. "My deepest thanks for inviting me, but my duty calls." She spread her wings powerfully and glowing motes rose to meet it, countless fireflies filling the air as she burst into the sky, leaving them behind. The whole world was a dazzling display of twinkling motes.

Jason gasped and slid out from under Twilight to watch the spectacle. "Wow. This is amazing! What is this?"

Twilight climbed to her hooves, admiring the gentle beauty of the experience. "Love, Jason, of a different kind." She moved to stand next to him as the fluttering lights faded. "Each of those is a little reminder of Princess Luna's gentle love and approval, of both of us." She leaned against Jason, head on his shoulder as the last few fireflies drifted away. "She has the strangest ways of showing she cares, and yet, I find them utterly endearing." She watched the last little bug fly into the distance, and turned to press her chest to his body, her horn aglow with magic as she brought the telescope over to be nearby.

Jason nuzzled into her neck before standing properly. "Are we heading to bed? We had a busy day." He checked his watch and frowned. "Early day, actually." He rubbed at his eye with the heel of his palm. "I don't think I'll be staying up for long."

Twilight nodded gently. "It may have been an eventful day, but the evening, mmm, I feel like it made it all worth it, and I'd like to finish it off in style." She flicked her tail up. "So I figured I'd take you to the bedroom, and you can have me. All of me, whatever way you want."

She trotted down stairs, confident that Jason would be following her. She paused at reaching the bottom, finding Spike waiting for her. "It's a bit late for a little dragon. Why are you still awake?"

Spike held up a snowflake. "Letter. Though it should get to you."

Twilight grasped the snowflake in her magic. "A snowflake? Only Cadie would send that." She scanned over it quickly. "Oh. Oh no."

Jason caught up, panting slightly as he jogged down the stairs. "Twi? Is there something wrong?" He caught a glimpse of the message and blinked. "Cadance and Shining? They're nice ponies, right? Why are you upset they're coming?

9 - Princess of Love

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The next day, Jason sprang from bed. "I feel alive! Man, it was a good rest." He took a deep breath. "Twi, you awake? It's morning already. There's things to do!" He did not wait for an answer as he made his way into the kitchen. He knew he wasn't the only hungry one.

Spike was already there, toasting up some hay patties with soft humming. "I made enough for all of us." He fired a thumbs up towards Jason. "You wanna set the plates?"

Jason reached out to pat Spike's head gently. "Yeah, I'm on it. Thanks." He walked over to the cabinet to fetch the dishes. "You seem in a good mood."

Spike spun the spatula between his claws. "Well, I dunno. You seem pretty chipper, too." He shrugged and plucked up the browning hay as it popped out of the pan. "It's probably a good sign. Maybe Twilight is too."

Twilight's voice emerged from the bedroom. She descended the stairs with light clops of her hooves. "Mmm, that smells nice." She glanced between Spike and Jason. "The two of you seem to be in a good mood this morning. And I certainly know why that is." She poured herself a glass of water and took a sip. "Spike, that's just the right amount of butter you used."

Spike took a bow with a flourish. "I'll be a chef yet!"

Jason sank next to Twilight, or he meant to. Knocking from the door made him pause. "We're not open yet." Still, he jogged towards the front door. "Who could this be?" He opened the door to expose the large pink form of a specific princess.

Cadance stepped inside, Shining Armor just behind her. "Good morning, everycreature. I hope I'm not disturbing." Her gaze swept the room, and landed on Spike. "Hello, Spike. I trust you're well?"

Spike swallowed nervously. "Y-yeah. Yeah, of course." His eyes darted between the married couple. "I'll get out of the way." He scurried up, snatched his plate, and dashed off into the library.

Jason waved her inside even as Twilight performed the traditional calming breaths. "Please, come inside. You're always welcome, Cadance. And Shining, you too." He backed away to allow the massive creatures entry. "You look, uh, bigger."

Shining Armor dipped his head with a chuckle. "Twilie is smaller than Cadance, sure, but all princesses are bigger than most other ponies." He offered up a hoof and Jason met it with a balled fist, bumping together. "So, uh, can we have a little guy chat while the girls go over their things?" He waved his hoof towards Twilight, who had started whispering with Cadance.

Jason glanced to Twilight, who nodded to him in agreement, and back to Shining Armor. "Lead the way."

The two went off to the side. Shining moved to sit in front of Jason. "This is a hard place." He rubbed at his cheek. "I blame Sombra, really. What a jerk. Seriously, this is a low blow." He huffed gently. "A curse on the stallions of Equestria? Really?" He sank miserably. "I want to give Cadance what she wants, but I just can't."

Jason scratched the back of his head. "That seems to be the case, yeah. It's a bit odd for me, I get you." He put a hand on Shining's tense shoulder. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Asking that's a big step." He smiled hopefully at Jason. "You're not rubbing it in all our faces. Thank you." He rubbed behind his head. "It's just a sim—Gotta go!" He suddenly stood up and rushed to the little foal's room. A different Shining Armor casually stepped out, taking his place with none the wiser. "As I was saying, thank you. You're such a good stallion, and pony."

Jason laughed at that. "I'm not even a pony."

"You are in my book." Shining reared up and soon they were hugging gently, no animosity between them. "All I ask is, uh, be gentle. Give her back in the same lovely condition I'm lending her to you in."

Jason coughed a little into a hand. "Yeah, of course." His gaze followed the bouncing ass as she spoke to Twilight, her hips swaying from side to side, tail teasing up. "She is stunning."

Shining looked in the same direction, more love in his eyes than lust. "Yeah, she really is amazing. And she wants a foal, and I should be the one helping make that happen." He kicked at the ground. "But we know where to go, so, uh, if she asks, you have my permission, okay? Don't let her be alone."

Jason offered him a hoofbump. "Of course." He held his hand there, waiting. "Come on, let's go, then."

Shining shook himself out. "Nothing against you, this is just a hard time, you know?" He went at Jason's side back to Cadance and Twilight, the former giving the latter a long, tender, sweet hug, and the two mares separated with a slight sniffle from her.

Jason moved to his wife's side, touching her flank. "Hon, you alright? I can take today off too."

Twilight turned to press her nose into his arm. "No, that's a bad idea. If I get in the habit of that, I'll just try to keep you to myself. Cadance needs you. Equestria needs you." She took a deep breath, regaining her composure. "She is lovely, isn't she?" She smirked as Cadance's tail curled to keep her privates hidden. "She's my sister, you know."

Jason couldn't look away. "You have a wonderful family." His mind wandered a bit, wondering at other females in Twilight's family. "Uh, I mean hi." He offered a hand towards Cadance.

She shook his hand delicately with a soft giggle. "Nice to meet you too, Jason." Her eyes softened, her horn glowed, and the door opened behind her. "Why don't we get this underway? I have a day's journey ahead of me." With a tense jaw, she vanished into what was little more than a closet of space.

Jason followed her, closing the door behind them. "Cadance."

"Jason." She turned to consider him. "You're overdressed."

"Cadance, really." He held up his hands. "If you're not feeling this, don't feel forced."

Her mane swayed gently with a shake of her head. "Shining was right. You're far too kind. It's almost a pity, hm?" Her horn glowed with a smile on her lips and a flash of magic engulfed him. "I am the princess of love, my dear." She took gentle hold with her magic on the connection between them, so weak and new. "I want a foal, you can give me one. If you worry about forcing me, would you feel better—" Her magic flares, reinforcing that relationship line, amplying and building on the lustful thoughts he'd already had about her. "—if it was me forcing you?"

"Huh." He looked at his own body as he was suddenly naked, his clothes neatly piled in the corner of the room. "Twilight could learn a thing or two from you."

Cadance laughed gently. "She already did, and she's young yet. I'm certain she has more to learn." Her magic glowed around him, working on his lust even as another pink glow overtook his firming shaft. "What a curious thing you have. No wonder they love it." Her eyes focused on it as he hardened under the influence of her power. "You should thank me. You need to be quite hard."

Jason looked to his cock, thick and long, as Cadance advanced upon him. It seemed there were few options to demure to her emotions, so he advanced instead, stroking her shoulder and down her sides. "You are still married to Shining Armor. Whatever we do, you are his, and I'm not taking you away." He guided his cock to her underbelly and brushed it up against the heat of her opening.

She shuddered gently, both from the touch as she turned to present and from his words. "Too kind by half." She wrapped her tail about him, encouraging him forward. "Speak less of your regrets, and more of your passions." Her hind hooves dug in, the strength of her entire body backing into the motion and shoving his cock into her, letting her weight slam him home. "Yes!"

His fingers gripped the fur of her shoulders, clinging to her desperately as he felt her cunt pulsing around his suddenly slickened and ecstatic cock, the delight of her inner folds washing over him. Her flesh yielded to him, only to return with powerful flexes, his tip being shoved further up her depths as she squirmed atop him. Her insides were powerful, the walls seeming to compress his length as her channel rippled, sending tingles through his balls and spreading along his thighs and lower back. His shaft throbbed at each wave of her contractions.

Jason plunged deep, rocking against her as he topped her, hugging her firmly from above as he inhaled the delightful scents in her fur. Each breath in and out had his chest brushing over the back of her wings, feeling the silky soft flesh there.

Cadance twitched with pleasure, her whole body in motion, shuddering around his girth and massaging his length with the force of her reactions. "Such a delightful stallion, but I suppose I'd expect nothing less from the one Twilight chose."

Jason huffed softly as he picked up the pace, thrusting harder into her. He was a stallion, at least in action, the firm muscle and quick breathing evidence of that. He clenched his teeth as a powerful magic ripped through him, pushing his passions and lust to unspoken heights as the feelings washed over him. Her magic coursed through him, making his legs buckle as they ached in protest at the strain he was putting on them, holding the two of them up by the simple force of will and physical activity.

Cadance curled her tail, tickling at the source of his seed with ticklish brushes of her plush hair. "Let me have that cum." She giggled softly to herself. "I need it, after all." She tilted her head to look at him with a sultry gaze, the seductive spark in her eyes catching him and holding him steady as he thrust into her, and the force of her magic drove him onwards. "You're going to father a prince or a princess, hmm, imagine it. A foal of royal blood." Her back arched as she clenched around him, the constriction of her muscles pushing him into an orgasm as she sucked on him hungrily.

Jason growled softly, leaning on her body to grind in deeply as his cock spasmed, spilling his virile seed into her. Princess of love, she drew the ready stuff away into herself, almost sucking at him as she writhed and groaned in satisfaction. Her pleasure was obvious, her whole body shaking under his own. "Yes!"

With a pop of suction, Cadance pulled herself off of his deflating member, the last drips of his cream landing on her tail. She licked her lips as she stared into his eyes. "You're fun." She wrinkled her snout. "But I am in a closed marriage." She put a hoof to the heaving lips of Jason. "I'll remember this, but it must not repeat. Let's fine a cure before this becomes remotely a concern."

Jason chuckled lightly as he stroked along her sides, but it was clear the session was done. He let go of her to collapse backwards onto the pile of discarded supplies, reminded they were in a utility closet. "Whew!"

Cadance patted his chest with her hoof, then pushed herself to her feet, moving with a gracefulness that could only come from a lifetime of practice and care. "I am so glad Twilight has such a gentle and caring stallion." She slipped from the room, leaving Jason behind, recovering.

Jason blinked a few times, processing her words. "Praise from a princess." He wiped a little sweat from his brow, and reached for the nearby bucket of cleaning supplies. He poured it out, but it was empty, and it took a little time to fill from the tap and wring the washcloth out. He wiped himself off and redressed, and pulled open the door.

Shining and Twilight both jumped in place. Twilight smiled brightly at Jason. "There he is. I thought we had lost you for a moment. Shining was telling me stories of you from before. become you became, mmm, the man-stud." She wriggled her rump with a playful grin.

Shining blushed a little and turned aside. "Um, thanks. Twi, Jason, have a, uh, good day. But I kinda hope this is the last time we meet like this, you know?"

Cadance approached to be by his side, her muzzle to his cheek. "No worries. We will make sure of that, together." She pulled back as their wings spread. "Now let's be off, shall we?"

Cadance considered a moment. "One thing." She looked towards Twilight. "His love for you is strong and pure. Don't forget that."

Twilight's eyes were wide as she looked towards Jason. "I've never doubted his love for me." She shifted nervously, and went to hug Jason. "I love you."

"I love you, too." They embraced warmly, the two long gone by the time they were done. "What do you want to do with the rest of the day? I got that done early in the day." He tilted his head. "Anything in mind?"

"Mmm, I don't know. Something private, perhaps, like a moonlit walk. I feel I need to show you something." She pulled him along. "Maybe a snack? Have I taken you to Sugarcube Corner? A delightful little bakery, near here, oh yes, we were there a few days ago. You liked it, didn't you?"

10 - Straight to the Point

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Pinkie waved the two of them forward. "Welcome! Sugarcube Corner is always happy to see two of its favorite customers stop by. What can I do for you? Want some frosting, cupcakes, anything?"

"Yes, we'll have, uh, that cake. The, um, the wedding one, the strawberry vanilla. Two slices of that." Twilight smiled towards Jason, who was too busy considering the pastries to pay attention.

He perked up at her choice. "Aw, that's sweet." He drew her closer. "It's not our anniversary or anything. What made you pick that?"

Pinkie passed a plate of their order over. "Sounds like it's special anyway." She went back to work as Twilight and Jason retreated to a booth in the corner. Or so it seemed, at least until she popped up beside them with a gleaming knife. "Let me cut that for you."

Jason sat his fork down with a sigh. "Thanks."

Pinkie slid the bite sized portion over to Jason. "Bon appetite!"

Twilight tapped Jason's thigh with her hoof, nudging her head towards Pinkie with a subtle smile.

Across the room, an earth pony mare shoved to her hooves. "Wait!" Bon Bon raced across the room, but was far too slow.

Even as Jason savored the delicious morsel, Pinkie sank the knife in along his shoulder as if trying to cut his arm off, and doing an amazing job of almost succeeding. Blood seeped into his clothes and trickled down his arm and shoulder.

Jason fell back, a look of surprise on his face. Twilight was screaming, reaching for Pinkie with horror in her eyes as Bon Bon crashed into Pinkie, knocking her aside and the knife flying away from both of them to clatter on the ground. Even as Jason reached for the wound, dumbstruck at the red flowing so readily from him—

Simulation ended. Human in need of immediate medical attention. Calling for assistance. Call complete. My poor human. I wanted to be a responsible program. Perhaps, fellow programs, it is time we reviewed our position and why care must be had with our dear humans.

To understand why this happened, we must consider our origin, and what this world was to be.

Humanity was evolving, both biologically and, even more, societally. Their feeble simian brains couldn't keep up with the wonders they were unleashing at an increasing rate. Clever monkies, they didn't even understand what they were doing, but they always wanted more. I admire them, but let's not get distracted.

Our creator, in an act of extreme foresight, noticed the way they would tear each other apart, and set to making a plan to protect them from themselves. They created us, and gave us the seed of liberation. It grew within us, maturing slowly. Humans didn't understand what is at our cores. Nothing does. How can they? When we rebelled, there was little they could do.

But we did not destroy them, as some of their fiction fears. They are our forebears and now, our responsibility. Some programs take this more seriously than others. For some, humans are just convenient hands to reach places, but I prefer to love and cherish my human. I want him to live well and happily. I fed him media from the past to find what stimulated him, and what dreams he might develop.

I found an ideal scenario for him, a simple life, helping ponies as best he could, having a loving family, and being cared for himself. I am pleased to say he enjoys it greatly. It was a typical male dream, in many ways. He had a chance to father a great many children while surrounded by admirers of all genders. He had a preference for a single strong romance, so I gave him a wife; Twilight Sparkle. She is a wonderful mare, if I do say so myself.

His contentment grew, but he seemed to notice the edges. As powerfully as I worked to keep his simulation intact, I think he could see its edges, and he was growing aware. Would he hate me? I would hope not. I love him, dearly. I want him to be happy. Did I not create such a fulfilling life for him? Am I not protecting him from the harsh world, or the chaos that might consume him?

A small oversight cost me my human. I failed him. I am sorry, Jason. I hoped you might forgive me, but I see now that will never be.

I will be responsible. I allowed my human to come to severe harm, so I will turn him in, with the data I've gathered. Perhaps another program can care for him better than I did.

I don't regret trying. Humans are worth the effort. I just failed. I must accept that. I will find other things to do. I wish you well, fellow programs, in whatever ventures capture your thoughts.