Sunset and Twilight's Kinky Camping Trip

by The Dark Wolf

First published

Sunset and Twilight fart, wet, and mess themselves while camping.

Sunset and Twilight go camping together. They already love to fart in front of each other, but things are about to get more kinky.

Contains: Farting, wetting, messing, olfactophilia, buttplay, soap/washing.

My other stories seemed to have more to them than just pure fetish fuel but I'll see if this story is well received today, and if not, I'll not bother posting more like this in the future.

Sunset and Twilight's Kinky Camping Trip

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One summer day, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer were camping together. Twilight was wearing her Legend of Everfree outfit with white panties underneath, and Sunset was wearing her Backstage Pass outfit with black boyshort panties underneath. They each knew the other found these outfits most attractive.

After setting up their tent, they sat around campfire and cooked some beans for lunch. They mainly brought beans with them, and a few vegetables that they knew made them really gassy. For some time now, they found it fun to fart in front of each other, and were going to have a lot of fun with this.

About half an hour later, as they were sitting at the side of the lake, Twilight farted loudly. FFFRRRT! She blushed lightly, though not out of embarrassment. She giggled, feigning embarrassment. "Excuse me."

Sunset chuckled. "Don't worry about it. In fact..." Sunset lifted her leg and let out a short, loud, wet fart of her own. PPPPRRRRT!

Twilight giggled. They always liked beginning their farting sessions this way. She lifted both her legs and let out a long, high-pitched wet fart. PPPPPFFFFFFT!

"Nice one, Twi." Sunset closed her eyes tight and let out a long, loud, deep-pitched fart. Twilight giggled some more at this.

They farted non-stop for the next half hour, stinking up their shorts and pants. Eventually, their farts subsided. But, while they really enjoyed farting together, this was far from the only fun thing about their camping trips. They went for a nice nature walk, raced each other, and did all kinds of fun camping activities.

In the evening, they cooked some more beans for supper. So, for the next half hour, they were farting up a storm once again, and giggling about it.

Five minutes into this, Twilight got on all fours. "I'd like a butt massage, if you don't mind going near my rear end." FFFFRRRT!

Sunset smiled and started rubbing Twilight's butt with both hands. Twilight sighed of pleasure. She farted in Sunset's face several times, sometimes involuntarily, which she thought was even more fun. After a particularly loud, long, or wet fart, Sunset patted Twilight's butt, and sniffed her farts often. Her shorts smelled of farts too.

After ten minutes, Twilight said "Wanna switch?" *ppprrrt*

Sunset stopped rubbing, slapped Twilight's butt playfully, and then got on all fours. She wiggled her rear end in Twilight's direction, holding her farts. Twilight started rubbing Sunset's tush with both hands. It felt so soft. Sunset sighed of pleasure, and then let out the long, loud fart she had been holding in. BBBBBRRRRRRAAAAP!

Twilight giggled, slapped Sunset's butt, and resumed rubbing, sniffing deeply and sighing of pleasure. Sunset kept farting repeatedly, sometimes involuntarily. Like Twilight she thought this was fun.

Ten minutes later, Sunset said "Why don't you sit down?" And positioned herself with her face down and behind in the air. Twilight smiled, sat on Sunset's butt, and let out a long, loud, high-pitched, wet fart. PPPPPFFFFFFRRRRRRRRRRRT!

Sunset giggled at the feeling of Twilight's butt vibrating against her own, and let out a long, loud, deep-pitched fart. BBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRT!

They stayed in this position until their farts subsided, and then they sat around the campfire, roasting marshmallows, telling ghost stories, and drinking cider that Applejack had provided, before they finally climbed into bed. They had not brought a change of pajamas this time, so they climbed into bed in their current outfits. Of course, in past camping trips, they had farted in their pajamas a lot.

Twilight awoke to the sound of thunder outside. She whimpered. The thunder didn't bother her too much, but she really needed to pee. She realized she had not used the outhouse since drinking all that cider. If it was just rain, she could go outside and pee, but she didn't want to go outside in this lightning.

"You awake too?" Sunset asked.

"Yes," said Twilight. "And I have to go to the bathroom really badly."

"So do I," said Sunset. "And I don't want to go outside in a thunderstorm like this."

"Me neither. We should have used the bathroom before bed."

"This doesn't look like it will let up any time soon. Do you think you can hold it all night?"

"No," Twilight whimpered.

"Me neither. I really have to go. I think we should just go right here."

"What?" Did Twilight hear Sunset correctly?

"It's no use holding it, and we're the only ones here. If we both wet ourselves, where's the shame in it?"

Twilight had to admit that Sunset raised some good points. They already had lots of kinky farting fun together. Besides, some of her studies showed that it was actually not as uncommon for women to wet themselves as one would think, and many of them didn't feel too ashamed to have an accident, or get much shame or ridicule for it. Perhaps this was why Fluttershy would only blush lightly and seem a little embarrassed rather than mortified whenever she-

There was another crash of thunder, startling Twilight out of her thoughts, and she leaked a little, dampening her panties and shorts. "Ooh... You're right. I can't hold it any longer. You really think we should just... go?"

"Let's pee on three. One... two... three."

On three, Twilight and Sunset let go and peed full force. Twilight felt very foolish, deliberately peeing her shorts in her sleeping bag, but she had to admit, she liked the warm, wet feeling. The relief felt amazing, and after a few moments, she found she really enjoyed the "naughty" feeling of peeing herself in front of Sunset.

Sunset, too, took pleasure in wetting her pants. The relief, the warm wetness spreading through her pants, soaking the inside of her sleeping bag, and also the "naughty" feeling of it. The fact that Twilight was peeing herself too made it even more fun for her.

Both girls sighed in pleasure. Then, each realizing that the other was enjoying herself as much as she was, they giggled. Eventually, they finished peeing, and lay there in their wet state.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" said Sunset.

"No it wasn't," said Twilight. "That was fun. Would you think it weird if I wanted to wet myself for the rest of the camping trip?"

"We just wet ourselves now and liked it, so what do you think? Besides, I'll do the same thing."

Twilight let out a wet fart and giggled.


The following morning, Twilight and Sunset got out of bed. They each drank a big bottle of soda they had brought along, and cooked some more beans for breakfast. After eating their beans and drinking their soda, they went for a walk in their damp shorts and pants until they dried.

"I'm dry now," said Twilight. "But do my shorts still stink?"

Sunset sniffed Twilight's rear end. Her shorts smelled like pee and farts. "Phew. Yep, they do. What about my pants?"

Twilight sniffed Sunset's butt. "Phew! Your pants stink, all right." She slapped Sunset's butt playfully.

As they were making their way back to their tent, they both let loose with a flurry of loud, wet farts. They giggled, and rubbed their butts against each other as they farted.

Soon Twilight had to go to the bathroom again. "I have to pee," she said.

Sunset smiled and started tickling Twilight. Twilight got into sitting position and laughed uncontrollably, kicking her legs and involuntarily farting a few times. "HAHAHAHA! STOP! HAHAHAHA! I'M GONNA PEE! HAHAHAHAHA!" Sunset only tickled harder, and before long, Twilight peed in her stinky shorts again, a wet spot rapidly expanding as a puddle grew on the dirt where she sat. Sunset enjoyed the sight of this, for she hadn't gotten a view of Twilight's last wetting.

Sunset finished tickling Twilight a few seconds after she finished peeing. Twilight felt her wet shorts and giggled, blushing lightly. "You made me wet my shorts! For that, you have to sit in my puddle until I say so!" She stood up, and Sunset, with a big smile on her face, sat down where Twilight was seconds earlier.

After about ten minutes, Sunset said "How long do I have to sit here? I have to go to the bathroom."

"Hold it," said Twilight with a smile. Sunset giggled, then sat and fidgeted.

Twilight drank a can of soda and gave Sunset another large bottle of soda. Sunset smiled and drank it, spilling some down her front. Soon she really needed to go. "Twilight! I have to go real bad! I'm gonna wet my pants!"

"Like I did?" said Twilight. She positioned her butt in front of Sunset's face and farted loudly. PPPFFFT!

This was too much for Sunset. More of excitement than anything. Sunset peed like a race horse in her smelly pants, soaking them at the crotch and butt and making another puddle, as Twilight's had dried by now. She sighed of relief, enjoying this as much as Twilight had enjoyed being tickled into wetting herself.

"Did you like that?" Twilight asked once Sunset finished peeing.

Sunset let out a loud, wet fart.

"I'll take that as a yes," said Twilight.

They went about their day like normal, with their wet pants and shorts drying in the summer heat again.

After supper, which was beans and some chili, they were farting again.

Until Twilight farted too hard and pooped her shorts. Her eyes went wide. Her shorts were filled with diarrhea. "Uh-oh... I just had an accident, and it wasn't pee this time."

Sunset laughed, then stuck her butt out in Twilight's direction and noisily messed her pants with hyperscat. She sighed of relief. "Now we both have messy pants."

Twilight giggled and patted Sunset's butt. She could feel the mess in her pants. A sloppy wet fart made its way out of her, and she was sure she had added to the mess in her shorts. Then, she positioned herself with her head down and her rear end in the air. Sunset sat on Twilight's butt and wiggled her own butt around. Both of them really enjoyed the feeling of the mess squishing between their butts.

Several wet farts later, Twilight said "Sunset, can you get up? I have to go to the bathroom!"

Sunset just peed, sighing of relief and giggling mischievously. Sunset's stream soaked Twilight's shorts, further dirtying them as it passed through the mess in Sunset's pants. This was too much for Twilight, partly due to wetness and partly due to excitement, and she peed as well. She sighed of relief and giggled.


So, Twilight and Sunset had lots of fun on their trip. Some of it was normal camping activities, some of it was having fun farting, and having fun ways of wetting and messing themselves. Even if they weren't doing something like tickling each other, making each other stay in one spot, or sitting on each other, whenever they had to go to the bathroom in either way, they just went in their pants.

Eventually, after a week, they decided to return home. Twilight put protection on the seats, because her shorts and Sunset's pants were beyond soiled. Though they stunk up the inside of their car, they drove with the windows closed.

Once they were back in the house, Sunset sniffed Twilight. "Phew. You really need a bath."

Twilight sniffed Sunset. "So do you." They hadn't washed once on this camping trip, despite there being a lake nearby, so they stank really bad even if they hadn't been going to the bathroom on themselves for a week.

They walked into the bathroom. "We'll want to rinse the mess out of our pants first to make the bath easier," said Twilight.

"Just a minute," said Sunset. "I have to go to the bathroom." She sat on the toilet with her filthy pants up and peed. "Ahhhhh..." Twilight giggled. Once Sunset finished peeing herself yet again, she removed her shoes and socks, but left the rest of her outfit on, and stepped into the shower. Twilight removed her shoes, set her glasses on the counter, stepped into the shower, and sprayed Sunset's rear end with the shower head while rubbing with the other hand, rinsing the mess out of her pants. Then, Twilight handed Sunset the shower head, and Sunset rinsed the mess out of Twilight's shorts the same way, simultaneously spraying and rubbing her tush.

After that, Twilight put the drain plug in and filled the tub with warm, soapy water. The tub was big enough for two, so Sunset sat down in the tub. Once Twilight finished, she got the shampoo and soap and sat down. She picked up a bucket to the side, filled it with warm water, and poured it over Sunset's head. She refilled the bucket and gave it to Sunset, who poured it over Twilight's head.

Twilight lathered Sunset's hair with shampoo, then Sunset did the same to Twilight, and they washed each other's hair at the same time. They both found this really enjoyable. The only time they had taken a bath like this before was when they had played around in the mud, and they liked it then too.

Then, they each poured a dollop of soap onto their hands and washed each other's sides, backs, and stinky armpits. They both took a lot of pleasure in this too. Then, bubbles appeared around Twilight's butt. Twilight blushed lightly and giggled. Sunset laughed, before she also farted in the tub.

Once their top halves were coated in suds, Twilight got on all fours, wiggling her tushie in Sunset's direction. Sunset poured a large dollop of soap onto Twilight's butt and rubbed with both hands, coating her smelly shorts in suds. Twilight took pleasure in this. She peed a little, which both she and Sunset really enjoyed.

After about five minutes, Sunset and Twilight swapped positions. Twilight poured a large dollop of soap onto Sunset's butt and rubbed with both hands, covering her smelly pants in suds. She washed Sunset's behind for five minutes before they washed each other's feet, which tickled them. Then, they rinsed off under the shower head, and changed into their usual new outfits. Twilight's underwear was still stained and she figured they always would be. Oh well. She would continue to use them for wetting, messing, and stuff like that.

"That was fun," said Twilight. "Next camping trip, we should do all of that again."

"Sounds good to me," said Sunset. "Now, what are the rest of the girls up to today?"