Pinkie & Aria Take Over the World

by LewdChapter

First published

Pinkie and Aria Take Over the World

With the power of mind control, Pinkie Pie and Aria Blaze take over the world.

Cover is 3216506

WARNING: this story contains mind control, futas, and incest.

This is a very silly story, not to be taken seriously.

A birthday gift from me, to me!

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Pinkie & Aria Take Over The World

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You would be hard pressed to find a stranger duo of friends than Pinkie Pie and Aria Blaze.

Everything about their respective personalities and life paths seemed diametrically opposed to one another. One was a girl made of sugar and spice and everything nice, while the other was a flurry of rage and hate barely contained in a sleeveless denim jacket. One was a protector of the innocent, a real-life superhero, while the other was a sinister force who sought to feed on the weak for her own nefarious purposes. One was more than likely to greet you with a hug and a cupcake, while the other tended to prefer a cocktail of swear and a right hook to the jaw. And yet, every Friday, the two spent the evening relaxing in Pinkie’s “Party Cave” (a fancy name for her basement), kicking back with snacks, drinks, and pot. This could be attributed to their two common traits, this pair of similarities more than enough to make up for their near-innumerable differences.

These two similarities being their unquenchable libidos and their unreasonably large cocks.

"Ugh… This fucking blows…" complained Aria, reaching for a beer with her left hand while her right hand was occupied with working all thirteen inches of meat between her legs. She took a deep swig and belched before passing the bottle to her left, where Pinkie herself sat. Pinkie accepted the beer and polished it off in a single gulp, chucking the empty bottle over her shoulder where it shattered against the concrete floor.

"What's wrong, beb?" yawned Pinkie. While Aria was leaning back on the couch, working her pole with one hand, Pinkie had to use both to fit around her girth. This made it difficult for her to partake in the drinking, toking, and the selection of the pornography the two enjoyed on Pinkie's almost comically large flat-screen television, but, like with most things, Pinkie made do. "We out of beer? Cause I can call Limestone and she'll yell at me for bothering her and then she'll go wake up Marble and then make her go to the store to get us more."

"It's not the beer, Pinks," groaned Aria. She looked over to the table in front of her and frowned. "We're running low on bud, though… But the problem is this porn."

"What's wrong with it? That girl just took six dicks in her mouth at once!"

"The problem is that she looks exactly like my sister."

Pinkie pursed her lips, taking a break from beating her meat to actually observe what she was fapping to; the actress on screen was a thick, curvaceous specimen with olive skin, bold magenta eyes, and a lot of curly orange hair. Sure enough, she carried more than a passing resemblance to Adagio Dazzle, although Pinkie couldn't help but notice that the Siren had an ass easily twice as fat as the one currently on screen being pounded for her perverted amusement.

"Huh. She does, doesn't she? I bet that's kinda weird for you." Pinkie reached for the remote. "Want me to change it to something else? I got a whole bunch of stuff. Bondage, gangbangs, bukkakes, whatever you need."

"Hang on, I didn't say change it."

"But I thought—"

"It doesn't suck because it's killing my boner. It sucks because I can't get Adagio to blow me. If she wasn't such an uppity bitch, I'd be jerking off with her tonsils instead of watching porn in the basement like a loser." Aria glanced over to her friend and, after some consideration, decided to apologize. "No offense, Pinks."

"I getcha. Some girls are just so lame about putting out," sighed Pinkie. "You know, I've tried to fuck all of my friends and they all said no! Said they don't like dick. What are the chances that all six of them are dykes?"

"I don't think you're allowed to say that…" said Aria, shaking her head. "It's not just Adagio and her giant ass either. Sonata lays around the house all day with her tits just crammed into the tightest fucking tanktop in the world. She sneezed the other day and I swear her shirt ripped a little. She won't even let me fuck them. What a bitch, right?"

"Hey… I just had a crazy idea…" said Pinkie, pausing their porn. "The girls we wanna fuck don't wanna fuck us… so what if we just… made them?"

"Pretty sure that's the R-word, Pinks."

"No, no, you're not getting me. We're not gonna like hold 'em down and rearrange their guts—even though that's super hot—but no, we're just gonna tell them to let us fuck." Pinkie continued on with her explanation as if it wasn't completely insane. "Except, and here's the kicker, we don't let them tell us no! You see?"

"Ohhh…" Aria feigned understanding with a nod. "That's rape, idiot."

"Nooo, it's not rape, 'cause we're just gonna tell them and they're gonna do it."

"But you said we're not gonna let them say no."

"We're not!"

"Then that's rape."

"Nah, we're not gonna threaten them or anything. They're just not gonna say no."

"And why won't they say no?"

"Cause we won't let them!"

"Pinkie, you're driving me fucking nuts, just tell me your stupid ass plan," groaned Aria. "So I can ignore you and go back to beating my dick."

Pinkie let her cock flop into her lap, sliding her hands into her giant mass of hair. After a few minutes of rummaging, she emerged with a large glass bottle containing a glittering purple-ish pink liquid. Pinkie grinned deviously, shaking the bottle in front of Aria's face. The Siren cocked a brow curiously, but said nothing in response, waiting for Pinkie to explain herself. When she did no such thing, Aria had no choice but to take the bait.

"Alright, I'll bite. What the hell is that?" sighed Aria. Pinkie grinned deviously before tossing it to Aria. Immediately, Aria felt a buzzing in her veins, the power of the potion palpable. "This is Equestrian magic, isn't it? I can feel it…"

"Yep! I've been sneaking over to Ponyland for the last year or so to swipe cool nick-nacks without anyone noticing. Last time I was there, I got this!" said Pinkie excitedly. "Horse Twilight called it a mental behavioral something or the other, but I'm pretty sure it's a mind control potion."

"There's no such thing as mind control, Pinks."

"Oh yeah, my bad, just like there's no such thing as inter-dimensional singing fish perverts?" Pinkie smiled, tilting her head innocently. "Magic singing fish perverts who used their magic singing to try to take over the world via mind control?"

"I meant… That's not how that works. Our music just influenced emotions, we couldn't just make someone do something they'd never want to do." Aria grabbed Pinkie by the collar and pulled her close, holding a fist a few inches from Pinkie's face. "And if you call me a fish again, I'm gonna punch you in the face until my knuckles bleed."

"Yeah, yeah, you're big and scary and tough and have a huge dick, I got it, beb." With no effort or regard for the laws of physics and momentum, Pinkie slipped free and found herself on the other side of Aria in a blink. "So? You wanna use the potion and get our dicks wet?"

"How do we even know if that thing works?"

"Pinkamena!" Limestone's voice shook the walls with her raw, unadulterated fury, echoing from the floor above. "Your dumb friend's dumb sister is here!"

"Which dumb sister?" called Aria.

"The stupid one!"

“Ooh! Ooh! Send her down, Limey!” exclaimed Pinkie, quickly stuffing herself back into her jeans. She glanced over to Aria, who made no such efforts to reclaim her decency, even as the dainty footsteps of her younger sister grew nearer and nearer. “So… You’re just gonna leave your junk out while I drug your sister?”

“Eh, I never wear pants around the house, Sonata sees my cock all the time. It’s just a…” Aria trailed off for a moment as it occurred to her what Pinkie said. “Wait, you’re gonna do what?”

Ariiiii! Dagi sent me to go get you because there’s a spider in the kitchen and she won’t kill it and you know I won’t kill it.” Sonata obliviously drifted her way down the stairs and into Pinkie’s porn dungeon Party Cave. Her appearance was not dissimilar to Aria’s previous observations; Tight jeans covered her bottom, hugging her respectable backside. On her top was a tight pink cropped tank top that just barely managed to contain Sonata’s ridiculously fat tits, the sheer mass of her melons stretching and warping the deep pink text reading “Barbie” that was stitched across the chest of the top. “So will you come home and then kill it so I can make dinner? I was gonna make grilled cheese…”

“You came all the way over here to get me so I can kill a spider?” droned Aria. Sonata tilted her head in confusion.

“Uh, duh? What else was I supposed to do?”

“Hey, Nata!” Pinkie leaped into position beside her mark, grinning from ear to ear as she held the potion bottle in front of her face. “How goes, beb?”

“Pinkie! Super cool to see you, we haven’t hung out in ages!” giggled Sonata. She paused, pursing her lips in confusion. “Hey, what are you doing here, anyway?”

“Oh, you know. Getting stoned and beating my meat with your sis.”

“The correct answer was ‘I live here’, Pinks,” sighed Aria.

“Yeah, that too. Anyway, wanna drink this random colorful liquid in this unmarked bottle, the contents of which I simply will not elaborate on?”

Aria buried her face in her palms. Only Pinkie would ever approach a situation like that. While Aria herself wasn’t exactly the dictionary definition of the word “subtle”, she still knew better than to just up and say it like that. Not even Sonata would be stupid enough to accept that with no follow-up questions.

“Um… What flavor is it?” asked Sonata.

“Sparkles flavor!”

“Ooh! My favorite!”

Aria watched through her fingers as her idiot, moron, room-temperature IQ sister proved her wrong; Sonata wasn’t stupid enough to take the bottle without any follow-up questions. Worse, she took the bottle after asking possibly the dumbest question one could ask in this situation. Completely, blissfully ignorant to her precarious situation, Sonata accepted the bottle and took a healthy swig of its contents. She gulped down a mouthful and grimaced, pulling the bottle away from her face to cough and gag.

“Blegh. Gross!” hacked Sonata. “What the heck is in that? It tastes like how Ari’s room smells.”

“Oh, suck my fat cock, Nata,” snarled Aria, flipping the bird to her sister. “My room is fine. I told you, that smell came from when Adagio snuck a fish in my… What are you doing?”

“Hm? You told me to suck your cock, didn’t you?” Sonata was on her knees, slowly sliding across the floor until she was just in front of Aria. Even as she spoke, just as casually as can be, she grabbed her sister’s formidable hunk of meat with both hands and wrapped her lips around the tip. “Like thish?”

“Holy shit, it worked,” said Aria, unable to believe her eyes. Never one to waste an opportunity, she grabbed Sonata by her ponytail and viciously bucked her hips against her pretty face. She glanced over to Pinkie, who was currently observing, stroking her fat pink cock at the sight before her. “So, like, do you know how long it lasts?”

“Oh, it’s permanent. And whatever you tell them, they do. You can make them do whatever, think whatever, say whatever, and feel whatever you want!”explained Pinkie. “At least, that’s what the writer’s outline said, he might change the rules before this goes live. Wouldn’t be the first time.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Oh, nothing important, hey, wanna let me demolish your sister’s guts with my giant veiny horse donger?”

“Ugh… And Adagio says I have a foul mouth…” Aria rolled her eyes, but pulled her cock from Sonata’s throat nevertheless. She pulled her up to her feet by her ponytail, and smirked. “Sonata, you’re gonna finally show me those stupid fat tits of yours, and then you’re gonna bend over and take both our cocks like the nasty fucking slut you are.”

“Okay, Ari!” said Sonata. She went to remove her crop top, but Aria stopped her with a hand. “Hm?”

“You have to call me Daddy from now on.”

“Okay, Daddy, whatever you say!” With her new orders in place, Sonata pulled her tight-fitting top off and threw it to the side, letting her comically fat, bouncy tits spring into view, much to Aria's visible delight. “Like this, Daddy?”

“Ohhh, yeah, this fucking rules.” Aria giggled like a schoolgirl, her joy only interrupted by the snort from Pinkie's direction. “What's so funny, Pie?”

“Daddy, huh?” snickered Pinkie. “If I was your therapist, I'd be taking a lot of notes after that one.”

“Look, do you wanna keep yapping or do you wanna fuck my sister?”

“Now we're talking!”

Pinkie pushed Sonata forward, bending her over at the waist so that she could get a grip on her tight blue jeans. With a strength that one wouldn't expect from someone of Pinkie's build, she effortlessly tore the seat of Sonata’s jeans, giving herself a clear entry way to the bubbly bimbo’s tight little pussy. She wasted very little time in guiding her throbbing, drooling head into Sonata's folds, giggling with unrestrained joy as she forced inch after inch of her cock into her best friend's little sister.

“Ooh, that’s snug! She feels goooood!” giggled Pinkie. She held Sonata around her narrow hips and set her hips forward, sending Sonata lurching forward with each deep, powerful stroke. “You’d think she’d be all worn out, what with her big bimbo vibes.”

“Actually, I think she’s a virgin.” Aria snickered as she grabbed her sister by the head and stuffed her cock back into Sonata’s eager mouth. “Well, she was a virgin, I guess.”

“Let’s give her a first time to remember, then.”

Pinkie set the pace for the pair, slamming her wide hips into Sonata’s slender frame with an almost feral aggression. Aria was just a half beat behind, quickly matching Pinkie’s speed; drool dripped from the corners of Sonata’s mouth, her lips spread to their limit from the meaty girth of Aria’s thick cock forcing itself into her tiny, empty, obedient head. From behind was a similar story, except Pinkie took her aggression one step further by pulling Sonata’s very conveniently-placed ponytail in time with her thrust. The new fucktoy gushed from both ends, slick arousal from her cunt and sticky, slippery throat slime from her face.

“Fuck yeah,” groaned Aria, pushing her cock as far back into Sonata’s throat as she could manage. Her fat, heavy balls twitched against her sister’s chin, each thick vein of her pole pulsing as Sonata’s tight, wet throat convulsed around a hunk of meat too big for anyone to reasonably take. “You know how long I’ve wanted to fuck your stupid face? Hope you’re hungry, idiot, cause you’re about to get a thousand years’ worth of frustration down your stupid slut throat.”

“I love hearing you talk dirty, Ari! Super hot!” giggled Pinkie. “I don’t know about you, but I’m about ready to empty my nuts in this pussy.” Pinkie brought a hand down onto Sonata’s ass, giggling at the way she moaned in pained delight. “So you wanna give us a countdown or—”

“Choke on Daddy’s jizz, dumbass cocksock!”

Aria hilted herself in her sister’s throat, and she let out a savage growl as she erupted. Thick, hots jets of molten hot cum sprayed down Sonata’s throat, with so much force that it nearly took the bimbo’s head clean off her shoulders. Not much was going through Sonata’s mind, just a light, airy satisfaction at obeying the orders she had been given. It felt good, to be used as a fleshlight for her big sister, the weight and heft of her fat balls pulsing in time with each load of jizz down her throat and into her belly.

Very soon after Aria began to unload, so too did Pinkie, with just as much force and volume as Aria. Between the two, Sonata would’ve sworn her stomach was swelling, if she had enough brainpower to form such a thought. Instead of any sort of analysis, Sonata’s mind was simply awash with pleasure, and she let out a satisfied little coo as she slid off of the cocks that were impaling her and plopped into a puddle of fluids on the floor.

“Gimme some warning next time! Almost didn’t get the timing right!” complained Pinkie. “Pumping your dicksnot in a fuckhole is always more fun with a bud!”

“Alright, I’m gonna ignore how fucking gross that sentence was,” sighed Aria, wiping the sweat from her brow. “Just out of curiosity… How much more of that mind control potion do you have on you?”

“Hm… Let’s see.” Pinkie reached into her endless abyss of Pink hair and returned with a small wooden crate containing roughly a dozen more glass bottles of the potion. “Hm… Enough for, like, 8 more people and then a few back-ups. Why do you ask?”

Aria wasn’t always sure when Pinkie was joking, so she gave her a few moments to reach her own conclusions.

“Oh! I just had the best idea! Why don’t you take one to give to Adagio!” Pinkie applauded her own genius, much to Aria’s general annoyance. “And then I can give a dose to all my friends, and then we can fuck them whenever we want!”

“Yeah… That was, like, the whole plan, wasn’t it?”

“I know, aren’t I so smart?”

“I… Well, I guess it was your plan, huh?” Aria swiped up a potion from Pinkie’s crate, then grabbed Sonata by the ponytail and dragged her across the floor to the exit. “I’m gonna go make Adagio twerk on my cock. Text me later.”

“Okie-doke! Bye, Ari! Catch you later!”

Pinkie waved as her friend departed, dragging their semi-conscious fuckdoll up the stairs like a sack of potatoes. Pinkie watched them go, all the while deciding how exactly she’d proceed. Then, almost as if by providence, Pinkie’s phone rang, and she quickly answered it.

“Hello? Oh, Rarity, hi! Oh, what am I doing? Nothing much, just finishing up this new milkshake recipe.” Pinkie smiled deviously, stroking her cock as her mind was flooded with debauched fantasies of the coming hours. “Hey, you should gather the girls and come over to try them…”

Hey wanna take over the world? Come meet me outside!

Aria was used to weird texts from Pinkie by this point, and she often ignored them. However, given that nearly a full week had passed since the last time the two spoke, it dawned on Aria that it might be beneficial to see what Pinkie was on about this time. So, even though she had plenty to keep her occupied, Aria pulled herself away from her living room to check outside. Once she opened the door up, she was met with a sight so strange, it could only be the cause of Pinkie herself.

On the front lawn, The Rainbooms stood neatly in a row, like perverted toy soldiers. Each of them were completely nude, baring their luscious bodies to the world. All seven of them grinned blankly, with one notable exception; Rarity, for one reason or the other, scowled as she stood, covered in bruises and attached by a collar around her neck to the strange structure behind them. Some cross between a wagon and a throne, with luscious cushions upon which Pinkie currently sat.

“Hey, Aria!” said Pinkie with a wave. “Hope you’ve been having fun, cause I sure as heck have!”

“You got them to build you a throne?” snickered Aria. Pinkie nodded energetically, reclining in her lavish throne on wheels as her harem came around to stand beside their master. “Sweet. But, uh, why do you only have the cunty one pulling you around?”

“The ‘cunty one' has a name,” droned Rarity.

“Well, you dickwads never bothered to ask me mine, so why the fuck would I care about yours?” Aria gave Rarity the finger before turning her attention back to Pinkie. “But, yeah, she's pretty scrawny, and that chair looks heavy. Why not have muscles over here do it? Doesn't she have super strength or something?”

“Oh, you mean Applejack?” asked Pinkie, gesturing to the obliviously grinning farm girl beside her. “Yeah, she's crazy strong, I've seen her roll up a skillet like a newspaper once. But I need her hands free for other stuff.”

“Okay… What kind of other stuff?”

“No, don't ask!” shrieked Rarity, but it was already too late; As soon as Aria's question left her lips, Applejack turned on the spot and punched Rarity in the gut, harder than Aria had ever seen a human being hit another before. Rarity collapsed, heaving in shaky, pained breaths as she tried her best not to puke, all while Pinkie cackled above her. “Every time someone asks what AJ is for, she has to hit me…”

“Not gonna lie, that's fucking hilarious!” Aria cackled, but offered a hand to the fallen Rarity, and helped her back onto her shaky feet. “But I think I missed it, what's Applejack here for again?”

“Oh, eat a dick and die, you rotten c—” Before Rarity could finish her insult, Applejack swung again, this time slamming her powerful fist into Rarity’s face with enough force to dislodge a tooth and send it clattering onto the pavement. “C-cunt…”

“This is too good. What'd you do to the others?”

“Okay, so, first off, I had Sci-Twi do all my homework, but then I realized that was dumb because why do I need to do homework now, so then I made her make out with Princess Twilight for a while,” explained Pinkie. “It was super hot, basically watching two sisters play tonsil hockey.” Both Twilights stepped forward and, almost as if to prove Pinkie right, began furiously tongue wrestling, much to Aria's amusement. “Then I tried to play this, like, shell game thing where I tried to figure out which Twilight was which just based on how their pussy felt, but I got them mixed up so now I don't know which one is which.”


“Fluttershy doesn't do much, she just keeps my dick warm when I'm not using it. I also make her tuck me in and read me bedtime stories ‘cause I have trouble sleeping sometimes. Sunny does my hair, Rainbow fetches me coffee, Rarity is there for gits and shiggles, and Applejack… Sorry, I forget. AJ, what are you for?”

“Oh, for fucks sake…” groaned Rarity, bracing just in time for Applejack to crashing her fist into Rarity’s middle, pounding her right in her womb and sending her crumpling to the floor in a sobbing, quivering mess. “This is ridiculous!

“And obviously, I dump my jizz in all of them whenever I want, it's pretty sweet. Oh, and check this out!” Pinkie clapped her hands twice, and her entire harem stood up a bit straighter, almost as if in salute. “Oh, girls? Tell me, who's the prettiest, smartest, cutest, funniest, charmingest, most beautifulest woman in the world?”

Only you, our beloved God Emperor Queen Pinkie Pie,” recited the harem in unison, with all chipper and cheery in their delivery, barring one Rarity-sized exception. “Long may she reign, with her cute hairdo and sexy fat cock and balls.”

“The best part?” said Pinkie with a smirk. “They’ve all been programmed to love being under my control. Except Rares, obvs.”

“Cool. Gotta try some of that with Adagio…”

“Oh, yeah, that reminds me,” said Pinkie. She stood up from her throne and clapped her hands again; Rarity unlatched herself from the front of the throne and dropped to all fours in order to give Pinkie a convenient step down to the floor, scowling all the while. “How’d you get Adagio to take the potion, anyway? Isn’t she supposed to be the smart one?”

“Yeah, I was expecting it to be a lot harder than—” Aria scowled as she caught what Pinkie was getting at. Pinkie just grinned, much to Aria’s general annoyance. “Just get in before I kick your ass.”

“M’kay. Never been to your place before!” Pinkie stepped forward, stopping her approaching harem with an extended palm. “Rarity, AJ, you’re with me. Everyone else, just wait here and, like, make out or something, I guess.”

Yes, God Emperor Queen Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie skipped forward, flanked by her two slaves, and followed Aria into the quaint little house that The Dazzlings called home. A short hallway and left turn had them spilling into the living room, where the remaining Sirens resided. Sonata seemed to mostly be her usual, chipper self, bouncing idly on the couch as she watched TV. Of course, the hardcore gangbang porno that was playing at that time certainly impacted the apparent normality of the situation, as did Adagio’s current predicament; The former lead singer was completely nude, kneeling besides the couch with costume cat ears atop her head,and a fluffy gray cat tail buttplug stuffed into her tight little hole. She looked up and scowled at the new visitors, while Sonata just waved politely.

“¡Hola!” said Sonata brightly

“So you managed to get the Rainbooms, too?” scoffed Adagio. “You bested our greatest rivals, and you overthrew me as leader? I might be proud of your ambition if my asshole wasn’t currently on fire...”

“What? No, they’re not mine. They’re her’s,” said Aria, jabbing a thumb at Pinkie, who waved with a grin. “This whole thing was her idea.”

“Yeppers. Besides, Aria wouldn’t mind-control-roofie me,” said Pinkie. “We’re, like, besties!”

“No we’re… Actually, yeah, I guess we are. That’s fucking weird.”

“¡Manzana!” said Sonata, clapping giddily and pointing at Applejack.

“Shut up, idiot. Anyway, I figured it’d be funnier if you heard it straight from the horse’s mouth.” Aria snapped in Adagio’s direction. “Be a good bitch and tell Pinkie what happened.”

“God, I hate you… She hid it in a Crumbl cookie…” grumbled Adagio. “No matter how many times she’s pulled almost this exact prank on me over the years, I, alas, cannot refuse the succubus call of a delicious cookie… Now she’s making me wear these ridiculous things, she stuffed this gigantic toy up my ass, and she makes me… Ugh. Lick her delicious, musky sweat from every salty inch of her body. I’m obsessed with the smell of her armpits and I would do anything for a taste…”

“Ew, gross, Adagio! I didn’t even make you say all of that!”

“Yes, you did, you lying bitch!”

“Yeah, I did,” chuckled Aria. “But, like, no one knows that, so when she says it, they’ll think it’s real, it’s gonna be super embarrassing for her.”

“How is this fair?” chimed Rarity. “Compared to what Pinkie’s doing to me, you’re living the life! And this was one of my best friends, Aria doesn’t even like you!”

“Oh, how rude of me. I should’ve asked about you lot,” droned Adagio. She turned to Applejack, brow cocked curiously. “You’re not saying much. What does she do with you, Apples?”

“Jesus, not again!”

“AJ, wait!” To everyone’s surprise, it was Pinkie who jumped in to stop Applejack mid-punch. Obediently, Applejack stopped in place, looking to her master for further instruction. Pinkie held the silence for just long enough for Rarity to relax, and broke out into that same, sadistic grin. “Your arm’s probably getting tired. Kick her instead.”

Just as she had been instructed, Applejack swung her big, tree-trunk leg up between Rarity’s leg with enough force to crack granite. Not even a shout left Rarity, even as the pain caught up with her and threatened to have her fainting on the spot. Instead, she crumpled, choking and sobbing as she looked up at Pinkie with horror.

“W-why…?” heaved Rarity. “Why are you… doing this… to me…?

“Huh? Whatdya mean, Rare-Bear?” asked Pinkie quizzically. “It’s not just you, I brainwashed everyone!”

In that moment, Rarity’s sheer befuddlement was enough to distract her from the pain.

“I meant… Why… Are you fucking serious right now?”

“Nah, I was trying to gaslight you. Did it work?”

“Okay, seriously, though. If all you knew was that one of us used to be a supervillain, you’d definitely guess it was her, right?” said Aria. “Like, I’m convinced it was an act of God that Pie ended up a good guy.”

“¡Muy buena!” chimed Sonata. Finally, Pinkie could ignore the situation no longer.

“Alright, I’ll bite,” said Pinkie. “What’s her deal?”

“Hearing her talk pisses me off, so my first command when we got home was that she could only speak if she does it in Spanish,” said Aria. She rolled her eyes. “She doesn’t speak Spanish. She had to look over her notes from school, and I taught her a couple of words.”

“¡Ay, Papi, mas!”

“Just the essentials, y’know? Now, she doesn't talk as much, and when she does, it's in the sexiest language on the planet.” Aria shrugged. “Literally no downsides.”

“What if she has something important to tell you?” asked Pinkie. Aria just stared at her friend, as if she had sprouted a second head

“Have you met my sister?”

“Are we done here?” complained Adagio. “Aria didn't lube this plug and she said I have to keep it in until you leave. I'd appreciate it if you fucked off so I can put an ice pack on my asshole.”

“You think that's uncomfortable,” snorted Rarity. “Pinkie programmed me so that every time I get even slightly aroused, I get period cramps.”

“It's not a contest, Rarity,” said Pinkie. “But, since you mentioned it… Remember that time we were at the lake and Big Mac’s trunks blew off?”

Oof… Oh my God, this is the worst…”

“I thought you said she was gay,” noted Aria.

“Yeah, I thought so too. Turns out she was just a bitch who didn't feel like putting out,” shrugged Pinkie. “Anyway, getting bored now, wanna go take over the world?”

“Yeah, you said that in your text but I was too busy face fucking my idiot sister at the time to ask you what that means.”

“Oh, did I not say? I had the Twilights turn the potion into a spell,” said Pinkie. “Just gotta give them the go ahead and they can place it on everyone, everywhere, all at once. We could do whatever we want! We could have anything, all the money, weed, and hot chicks we want!”

“You're telling me you found a way to mind control the entire fucking planet?” asked Aria. Pinkie nodded ecstatically. “Well, why the fuck didn't you open with that?”

It got quiet for a bit, and Pinkie toed the ground in a rare display of shy sheepishness.

“I kinda just wanted to hang out with my bestest buddy in the whole world…” murmured Pinkie. Aria blinked, unsure if she should be taking Pinkie seriously here. When Pinkie gave no indication that she was anything short of dead serious, Aria leaned past her to look at Rarity.

“There’s something seriously wrong with your friend’s head.”

“Agreed,” said Rarity dryly. “Though I wouldn’t exactly call her my friend at this point…”

“Hey, Rarity, guess what? You just went into labor,” said Pinkie. Rarity gasped before shrieking in pain, clutching her stomach as she collapsed to the floor, doing her best breathing techniques to ensure the safe and healthy birth of a baby that didn’t exist. “Keep up that sass, and I’ll make it triplets, comprende?”

“¡Si, si!” cheered Sonata. “¡Me comprende!”

“That’s not how you say that, dumbass. That probably reads as super offensive,” groaned Aria, rolling her eyes. “Anyway, before we take over the world, I gotta piss. Be right back, gonna hit up the urinal.”

“You have a urinal?” asked Pinkie quizzically.

In lieu of a verbal answer, Aria instead walked a few feet to where Adagio was sitting. She unzipped her jeans and flopped out her fat, musky cock, which she immediately shoved past Adagio’s plump lips. The former lead of The Dazzlings grunted her disapproval, which became a prolonged groan of fury when Aria released; A powerful stream of hot piss hosed down Adagio’s throat, with such intense ferocity that, if not for Rarity’s continued bawling on the floor, it could likely be heard with the naked ear.

“I do now,” snickered Aria. “Man, she fucking hates when I do this.”

“You do this often?” asked Pinkie.

“I’ve been chugging tons of water just so I can keep pissing down her throat.” With a contented little sigh, Aria shook the last few bitter drops onto her sister’s tongue, then patted her almost lovingly atop the head. “What do you say, pissbreath?”

“Thank you, Aria, your disgusting piss was delicious,” snarled Adagio. She darted her eyes to Rarity beside her. “Still say I have it easy?”

“Oh my God, please make it fucking stop!

“Man, this is the life.”

Whenever Aria had pictured world domination, she unfortunately imagined having to split her power with her two obnoxious sisters. Both Adagio and Sonata certainly had their own ideas of what to do once their mission was complete, and Aria wasn’t especially looking forward to whatever an idiot like Sonata would do with the entire world at her beck and call. Luckily for Aria, she found another partner in her conquest, one who strangely enough had very similar taste to her.

The two had upgraded immensely from jerking off together in Pinkie’s basement. Now, she found herself on a luxurious couch, in a theater that was nearly the size of her entire house before. Now, it was just one small room in a much grander, more extravagant mansion. The new and improved Party Cave was a feat of debauched architecture, with multiple strip clubs, gloryholes, dungeons, porn theaters and hydroponics labs, each the pinnacle of design in their fields. That was just the beginning of their spoils, of course. Even six months in, and there were still new women entering the mansion to satisfy Aria and Pinkie. At this point, Aria wasn’t sure if they’d ever run out of pussy, though she and Pinkie were determined to find out. Even with the countless new holes to explore, it was perhaps expected that both Aria and Pinkie would have their favorites.

“You said it, Pinks. I gotta give you credit,” said Aria, sighing contentedly. For once, even she struggled to find something to be annoyed by. She was on top of the food chain, above even her sisters. Now, the two lesser Sirens exist purely to serve and satisfy the true lead of the group. Even as Aria spoke to Pinkie, her underlings were at work; Sonata was on her knees before Aria, using her fat tits to work her sister’s pole, while Adagio was on the couch beside her, scowling as she was compelled to continuously lick Aria’s sweaty armpit. Between her two favored toys, and the massive screen before her showing off an endless stream of high quality porn, there wasn’t much to complain about. “When you set your mind to something, you really come through.”

“Sometimes, you just gotta… Ooh, fuck yeah, Rares, that’s good!” Though Aria couldn’t quite see Pinkie, she could hear her voice float a bit from the right, and she could feel the impact of her pounding Rarity over the couch. It took Pinkie a few more moments of drilling into Rarity’s womb to regain her train of thought. “Sorry. I was saying, sometimes you just gotta trust the process!”

“Guess so. Still, I can’t believe you were down to do something like this. You’re supposed to be a goody-goody, and I’m supposed to be the bad influence on you.”

“What can I say? Being naughty is fun!” Pinkie punctuated her point by violently slapping Rarity’s ass, the smack so loud it nearly drowned out the sounds of her whimpering moans. “Besides, what’s the point in being a good guy if you can’t jerk off with your friend’s ovaries whenever you feel like it?”

“You’re a psycho, Pinks, and I mean that in the best way possible.”

“You’re such a sweetie, Aria. I’m glad that we started hanging out,” said Pinkie. “Even if I’m pretty sure you just wanted to smoke my weed.”

“Heh. Well, I didn’t know you were this cool back then. You sure showed me,” chuckled Aria. She hefted up her cock and slapped her meat none-too-gently against Sonata’s face; Just as she had been instructed in earlier months, Sonata took Aria’s cock into her mouth and swallowed down as much of it as she could fit in her face. “Not to get too corny but… There’s no one I’d rather take over this stupid ugly human planet with than you, Pinks.”

“I’m literally right here,” complained Adagio, shuddering in disgust as her tongue once again lapped up a beat of sweat from beneath Aria’s arm. “Did you forget the thousand years where it was supposed to be us who took over this stupid ugly human planet?”

“Yeah, well, maybe if you put out every now and then, I wouldn’t have had to give you the potion,” said Aria. “Now shut up and lick more, pitslut.”

“Ugh… As you command, Daddy…” Adagio returned to her duties, scowling all the while. “Disgusting fucking pig…”

“You know, talking like that only makes me want to fuck you more, right?”

“P-Pinkie… Please…” gasped Rarity. “You’ve been fucking me… nonstop… for a week…”

“Hm… I suppose I could go for some Flutterpussy,” said Pinkie. “If you want, you can just go help Applejack work out. I hear she’s looking for a punching bag.”

“Ugh… Can’t you at least make me happy… Like the others…” She glanced up to a girl she once called her friend, hoping for some modicum of mercy. “I still don’t know why you’re only treating me like this…”

“Remember my 18th birthday? You Pinkie Promised you’d be there on time,” said Pinkie. “You were late! And these are the consequences.”

“Darling, you cannot be fucking serious right now.” Rarity pounded her fists against the couch, like a little girl throwing a tantrum. “I was two minutes late!”

“And you promised you wouldn’t be, so now you get to take my cock every day, forever and ever!” giggled Pinkie. “Doesn't help that Lewd just doesn't like you. Also, I'm not a fan of your tone, so now your lungs don’t work.”

“Yep, like I said. You’re a real psycho.” Aria, barely heard over the sound of Rarity suffocating beside her, offered up a fist bump to Pinkie, who eagerly accepted. “So? What do we do now?”

Pinkie grinned, tapping her chin in thought. As she ruminated on the question, she pushed down on Rarity’s head and hilted herself in her poor, abused pussy. Pinkie snapped her head up, eyes looking straight ahead. Her eyes beamed through the screen, to you, the person reading this silly story, and she grinned.

“I think I know someplace we can have some more fun."