The Devourer of All Evil

by Keshaunthesilverwolf

First published

A digimon fan was given the choice of reincarnation after dying from a car accident thanks to the digital world god, Yggdrasil. He accepts and was reincarnated as Gammamon with his memories along with new powers. Be prepared! He’s gonna go kaboom!

A 20 year old digimon fan named Gentaro Kazuma or known as Genta has died. The cause of death, saving a child from a car accident only for him to be the one that was left fatally wounded. In his dying moments, he wishes he could’ve had a life of adventure, the life he could never have. The life of a hero.

On his way to the afterlife, his soul was standing before the god of the digital world, Yggdrasil. He was given a choice for his bravery. Be reincarnated, or accept his death and go to heaven.

He chose reincarnation. Now reincarnated in an anthro Equestria as Gammamon with the ability to digivolve at will without a digivice and other new abilities. Get ready cause Gen’s gonna go kaboom!

Digimon is owned by Akiyoshi Hongo, Bandai, and Toei Animation

My little pony Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro entertainment and created by Lauren Faust

All characters belong to their respective creators and companies.

This story is based off of Don't you dare, Ancient protector, Don't underestimate me, and most importantly Don't get Cocky as well as My previous story The Dragons of Metal, Sun, and Thunder. As well as a few others.

Connection: Prologue Part One

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It’s an emotion that has existed since the beginning of time. Everything that is truly alive experiences fear. And right now I’m experiencing a fear every human has…


I’m going to die. I never thought I would die so soon. I never thought I would die trying to save someone I don’t even know all that well. I guess my life is just weird like that. I try to save someone and I die. I do it again and I’m about to die.

But I’m sure you’re just confused about this whole thing. So why don’t we start at the beginning. That way you all can get the needed context. To before my death.

My first death

(One day ago.)

My name is Gentaro Kazuma. Most people call me Gen, or Genta. I’m 6’2”, I’m mixed (Afro-Asian), and I was 20 years old before I died. I’m a fan of most music. I grew up in a small town in Ohio before moving to California for college. I had a few friends, both online and in real life, and I was going to college for a degree in computer engineering.

Other than that I had a pretty normal life. I never did sports because I didn’t want to hurt myself. I did join a few school clubs like music club, and the robotics club. A few of my friends even made some clubs that I joined while we were in middle and high school.

It was the Digimon club. A club to talk about digimon. Our favorite games, animes, movies, mangas, and other things. After high school we still talk about digimon though not as often.

We had our own lives, own responsibilities and yet I felt like I didn’t had that. I had a pretty standard and honestly boring life. I go to college, do my classes, head to my dorm, do my work, and then play video games or watch anime.

Recently I just finished watching Digimon Ghost Game. A really good horror anime with a Digimon twist. The characters were all great, it had a good character moments, the atmosphere was really good for horror, and the digimon themselves were awesome. After watching it for the first time. I felt really glad to be a digimon fan. Thought I did wish it had an english dub. Maybe it’ll get one later.

“Hey! Earth to Gen!” A female voice said as snap out of my thoughts. As I look and see another friend from my college. This is Marie. A 20 year old woman who’s also a fan of anime. We share a few classes together. Nothing much other than that.

“Oh hey Marie. What’s up?” I asked as I look over to her. She had her crossed while looking over to me.

“You were spacing out again weren’t you?” Marie asked as I chuckled nervously. I sometimes had a problem paying attention to my classes

“Sorry about that.” I said rubbing the back of my head as she rolled her eyes.

“Honestly… I have idea how you’re passing your classes.” She said as I smirk.

“It’s easy. Crunch time and my great intelligence.” I said standing up as I give her a wink.

“If you can really call having a B- average intelligence.” Marie joked as a fake gasp left my mouth.

“How dare. I’m sorry not everyone can have an A+ average like you do.” I said with a smile on my face as we started to laugh while leaving the lecture hall.

“I just like to apply. Like I know you can.” Marie said as she smiles as she heads for one of the door to the lecture hall. I roll my eyes as a joke and follow after her.

As Marie and I were about to step out of the lecture hall. I accidentally opened the door on three people. The head jock of the college and his friends. Lucas the big dumb leader, Paul the second in command, and Alex the kiss ass.

They were all football players that had one too many blows to the head from playing who think they rule the campus because they’re great at the sport. Lucas was a 22 year old white man with black hair standing at a height of 6’10” with 280 pounds dumb muscle on his body. He was the quarterback of the campus’ team, the Eagles.

Paul is another white guy with blonde hair with 210 pounds of muscle on his body standing at a height of 6’08”. He was 21 year old and was one of the linebackers of the team.

And then there was the youngest of the bunch. Alex, and surprisingly he was the biggest weight wise. Standing at a height of 6’05” and 310 pounds of muscle and fat. Alex was an offensive guard. Another white guy who looks like he would believe just about anything anyone would say. He has black hair and was as dumb as a box of hammers.

“Hey asshat! You made me spill my beer.” Lucas said as he grabs me by my shirt. Clearly pissed as beer was on his white shirt.

“Hey it was just an accident Lucas. Let him go.” Marie said as she was blocked by Paul and Alex. The two goons wouldn’t let her pass

“Sorry but this asshat needs to pay for making me spill my beer.” Lucas said as he punch me in the face. I land on the floor as I slow get up. A bruise was underneath my left eye.

“Gentaro!” Marie said as she saw me get punched in the face as Lucas lifts me up. Holding me by my shirt once more.

“Was that supposed to hurt?” I asked as I tried to sound tough. “Cause that only tickled.” I said as Lucas started to look even more pissed.

“Bros! Hold him down!” Lucas said as Paul grabbed my left arm and Alex grabbed my right. After that Lucas started to beat the absolute tar out of me. As I took every single one of those hits. With Marie watching with absolute fear.

Most of my body looked bruised up from all of those punches but that about it. As Paul and Alex let me go. I fell to my knees and started to cough from the pain.

“Hey… Was that it?” I asked as struggle to stand up as I spit out some blood.

“Fuck you!” Lucas yelled as ran towards me as I move out of the way of his punch as he falls towards his fellow football players as they land on the doors of the lecture hall. They look at me with a very pissed off look to their faces.

“Well. Looks like I should get going. See ya Marie!” I said as I started running. As Lucas, Paul and Alex follow right behind me, leaving Marie in front of the Lecture hall.

I was running through out the entire campus trying to lose these guys. But they would not give up trying to beat me within an inch of my life.

“When I get my hands on you! You’re dead! You hear me! Dead!” Lucas yelled as I was continue to run without looking back. I turn the corner as Lucas, Paul, and Alex run ahead. They continue to run ahead as I was a sweating mess.

“Phew… didn’t think I would lose them…” I said panting heavily from all that running. As I was recovering from all that running, I see a small red, white, and blue ball bounce towards my feet.

I pick it up as I see a kid running over towards they stop and look up at me. I guess he were after the ball. I give it back to them as he smiles.

“Thank you sir.” The small boy said as he ran over to his friends. I look around and see there was a festival being set up.

I decided to look around and see what’s gonna be at this festival. It was February. So they must be celebrating Lunar new year.

As I was walking around, I took my phone out to take some photos of the displays that were still being put up.

“Hey there! Don’t think I’ve seen you around here. Did you come to see the preparations for the Lunar New Year festival?” An older man with white hair asked me as he walked over to me. He was wearing simple clothes of a white shirt and some black pants.

“Yeah. I wanted to check it out.” I said as I show some photos I took. “I was actually running from some bullies and happened to find the festival being prepared, but I don’t think he needs to know the full details.” I thought as he was looking at the photos.

“Great work do you do photography?” He asked as I shake my head.

“I don’t do photography or anything. I just have a good camera on my phone.” I said slightly embarrassed as I rubbed the back of my head.

“Well I hope you come back tomorrow for the festival. I would love to see what your camera can do when the festival is fully complete.” He said before walking away. As he did I noticed something on the ground. It was a card for the Digimon card game. Specifically for Gammamon and his champion level evolutions. BetelGammamon, KausGammamon, WezenGammamon, and GulusGammamon.

Did it belong to the old man? I look for him but he disappeared. I started to look confused as I put that card in my pocket to give it back to him later if I find him again. I then continue to walk around looking at the decorations and attractions that were being set up.

As I was walking around I hear someone scream as I see Lucas and his goonsrunning through the still preparing festival.

“What the…?” I asked as they continued to run in fear even running past me. I look and see why they were running… As fear filled my face as well.

A delivery truck speeding through the streets

Many started to run away from the rampage of the speeding truck. It swerved and swayed as it hits tables, chairs, signs, and even cars. It continues to speed as older men and women grab their belongings, and their children. Panicking from fear of death.

While people were panicking and trying to save their own kids. I saw that kid with the red, white and blue ball that I gave back. He wasn’t moving as he looked into the carriage of the truck. He was in the way of that speeding truck. He was gonna get ran over if no one saved him.

…I wanted to run away but I couldn’t… Why am I doing this? He’s someone I don’t even know! He’s a kid that I just gave their ball back too. Why am I throwing away my life?!?

Because he’s a kid. He has a life ahead of him. Every life is different and none should be taken away. If they choose to sacrifice themselves that is their choice. If they chosen to run away. That is their choice.

Well… This is mine…. Saving this kid’s life in exchange for my life. It just… felt right. I started to run towards him. As I did it felt like time was starting to slow down with every step I took.…

All my life… All I wanted was to be a hero for someone. I wanted to save someone if it meant that I could possibly die. I had other wishes but to be a hero. That was definitely one of them. If I could a digimon that would definitely be my second wish.

With every running step, the truck got closer. And closer and closer it got. I was a foot away from him and the truck was minutes away from pulverizing him. I reach out to push him out of the way. As I did the card that in my pocket glowed a bright white. As I see the kid being pushed away from the truck in slow motion as all I did…

Was close my eyes.

”Name: Gentaro Kazuma. Termination date: February 9, 2024. 4:30 pm at a Lunar New Year festival in California. Age: 20 years, one month, and 14 days old. Cause of Death: Labeled as a Drunk Driving Accident involving a delivery truck. Actual Cause of Death: The delivery driver was possessed by a bakemon, and the bakemon took the body and the delivery truck on a “joyride.” You stand before Alphamon, and the god of the digital world, Yggdrasil. Stand straight and strong young man.” A deep but still feminine voice said as I open my eyes and gasp as I look around. Gasping and panting as I just realized I died. I was standing inside a white field with binary code moving throughout the sky.

Before me was Alphamon. A dragon-like digimon encased in heavy black armor that has gold trimmings. There was a red gem on its forehead just like the one Dorumon has. A long navy blue cape adorned the dragon’s back. And the big man himself Yggdrasil. A computer program that is stated to have created all digimon. He is essentially god and because of that can’t be perceived and so he made himself look like a 7 foot tall older African male with white dreadlocks, some of which were adorned with silver jewelry. He has a mustache and a small beard, as well as a dragon tattoo on his right arm. On his left arm is what looked like a leopard tattoo. He was wearing a long white and silver jacket with black pants. The front of the jacket had two knights on the front and two dragons on the back as well as the kanji for Royal. He wore a silver medallion with the crests that the original digidestined wore back the original digimon adventure anime. So that I can perceive him.

I immediately stand up before the three as I then bow before them. Sweating as I was still getting over the fact I died.

Stand tall Gentaro… ” Yggdrasil said as I stand before him. I had to look up just to look at his face. ”You were chosen for a test. Run away from the danger of the truck diver and save yourself or run and save the life of a child who you didn’t know and die so that he could live.” Yggdrasil said as he place a hand on my left shoulder. As he showed me two futures. One where I run away and that kid died from the truck as the guilt of his death caused me to kill myself. Meanwhile the other showed me the path I did take. When I saved the kid and I ended up here.

”You have chosen a path not many would take. The path of a hero. The path of courage. The path of reincarnation. You have been chosen to become a digimon in another world. Do you accept this… or would you like to go back to your world?” Yggdrasil asked as he lets go of my shoulder as he shows me over 1000 digitamas.

“Wait… I want a favor. Can you leave a clone of myself in my place? And also can I have some extra powers on top of the abilities I get from my choice?” I asked as the god of all digimon nods.

”Very well. But they will be locked away in your mind… These powers can only be unlocked as you get stronger.” Yggdrasil said he leaves me to choose what kind of digimon I would be. As the card that was in my pocket begins to glow. I pull it out and it floats before me. After a few seconds of flying I begin to run after it. The card was glowing brighter and brighter as I followed it. After a few minutes of following the card stopped still floating the air as I see a digitama that was also glowing. It was colored just like Gammamon it had a black and white aura swirling around it. I begin to reach towards it as the light of the egg got so bright it was almost blinding. I reach to touch it but all I could feel was what felt like… A mirror. As I look in front of the mirror and see is a small bipedal Triceratops. It was mostly white in color with black-tipped horns and tail, red tipped spikes on the frill, with a red stripe or bracelet like mark close to the left wrist, two black wings that grow out of its back, and dark violet-tipped claws on all four of its limbs. It also possesses yellow eyes and a small black nose, and wears a blue bandana around its neck.

I’m Gammamon. I’m actually Gammamon now. I look more at myself as the biggest smile formed on my face. I was one of my favorite digimon from Ghost Game. I couldn’t believe it. It’s amazing.

”It seems that you have made your decision. Are you prepared for what the future holds?” Yggdrasil asked as he appeared behind me looking at what I am now. As I give him a nod.

”Excellent…” Alphamon said as they appeared before me as well. ”Interesting choice of Gammamon. Just know that you are the sole barer of the GRB contagion in the new world you go to. So keep… him under control.” Alphamon said as I immediately knew that they meant GulusGammamon, and Regulusmon.

”Gentaro… be prepared. Because your journey is one full of challenges and surprises. Hardships and obstacles. Pain and suffering. But it is also filled with times of happiness. Times of friendship. And times of peace. You must be ready to fight for that peace. Can you do that?” Yggdrasil asked as I nod as he snaps his fingers as a portal opens up. As I start walking towards it.

It was time… my new life. Where I can become a hero. I can’t wait to see what’s ahead of… me?

I look down and see nothing but sky. As I started to fall.


[Next time on The Devourer of All Evil.]

(“Where am I?” Gentaro asked looking around.

“Wherever the hell Yggdrasil sent us.” GulusGammamon said as Gentaro looks around.

“Welcome to Canterlot.” A female voice said as she gives him a smile.

“He can use magic!” A younger female’s voice said as she ran up to Genta excited.

“I’m a digimon. A digital monster.” Gentaro said with a smirk on his face.

Connection: Prologue Part Two

Get ready for a new adventure.)

Connection: Prologue Part Two

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Last time on The Devourer of All Evil.

[We begin the story understanding the life of Gentaro Kazuma. An Afro-Asian, 20 year old man who lived in California for his college education. A day before the Lunar New Year. The young man was chased by three jocks because he accidentally made one of the jocks spill their beer and he beat up said young man. And gave chase after Gen ran off.

After the chase ended with Gen hiding in an alleyway and the jocks running ahead. Gen gives a white, red, and blue ball back to a kid who was poking g for it, as he follows him to see that a street was busy preparing for the Lunar New Year festival. During the festival preparations. Gentaro ran into an old man. Who dropped a card with Gammamon and his evolutions on it for the young man to keep.

While preparations were underway, a delivery truck with the driver inside started to rampage through the street. The entire street was thrown into a panic as many tried to run or hide. Gentaro however died trying to save the kid he helped before as an act of heroism.

On the rows of his deathbed he stood before Yggdrasil, and Alphamon who were testing to see if a human would give their lives to save another’s. Gentaro passed the test and was given a chance to reincarnate or to accept his death and go to heaven. He made his choice. He chose to be reincarnated as the Digimon, Gammamon. Now we see what is next for his new life.]

I was still falling! Why did Yggdrasil have to drop me off over the clouds? Maybe this is another test? Yeah! Maybe he wanted to test my courage and see if I could be able to learn how to survive falls that would kill that average human. It’s a good thing I’m no longer an average human.

Now I just need to learn how to summon my wings…. Oh fuck! I forgot I need to learn how to summon my wings!

“Okay with Gammamon, it was as easy as thinking of them. I just need to think about my wings. Come on wings! Think about flying! Think about wings! Think about flying!… Think about not dying!!” I said as I try to summon my wings or to digivolve as to not plummet and crash from an over 1000 feet in the air drop.

(The intro starts with six mirrors appearing from out of the shadows. The mirrors surround Gentaro as he stares at a one of them.. He then places his hand on one as they break. The title forms from the shards of glass with one of his yellow eyes becoming the O.

The Devourer of All Evil.

The intro changes as it shows the shards of glass flying through the air showing 8 silhouettes with their irises glowing slightly. Purple, light blue, green, red, yellow, light green, and blue. As they look up at the camera with Gentaro in the center.

Soon it changes to Gentaro running after a shadow as it disappears with the shadow shifting into a pair of red eyes. Soon after the scene shows a large dragon like shadow flying through the air as three of the silhouettes were sitting on a field of grass before looking behind themselves.

The scene changes once more as a flame on a candle glows as the light of the flame showes a wicked smile. Then the flame goes out. Showing red and yellow eyes glowing in the dark.

After that several shadows fly through the air with a giant smile appear before the screen. Then a web appears with two shadowy hands trying to reach each other before one falls. Then it shows Gentaro running towards the sun and six other shadows following behind him.

Soon the scene changes to show a woman sitting before a table as Gentaro sat next to her as a cup was place before her.

Gentaro starts walking forward as he sees a silhouette walk next to him making him look back only to see a dark fire before him.

The flame was blown out as Gentaro turns around once more. As he sees an army of monsters coming at him and the eight other silhouettes with glowing eyes.

Then the scene changes as it shows the word Digivolution as Gentaro charged forward as he started to glow. Gentaro then digivolved into BetelGammamon fighting a silhouette with a spear. He digivolved into KausGammamon as he fights a shadowy version of himself. Then he digivolved into WezenGammamon as he clashed heads with a horned monster. And finally GulusGammamon points a claw at the screen as a dark fire forms.

Then it shows the silhouettes fighting as well. Some were using magic. One used a gun, another used fire, and one used a literal cannon.

After that Gentaro and GulusGammamon look at a giant black fire as it started to look more monstrous. As the two jump towards the screen as the intro ends.)

[Connection: Prologue Part Two.]

I was still screaming and fall. As I was still trying to summon my wings or digivolve. Tears were filled in my eyes.

“Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap!! Okay! Calm down Gen! You’re just falling at rapid speeds to your possible death. You just need to think. How did Gammamon originally evolve into KausGammamon? He had help from Hiro because he wanted to stop Yatagarumon…. CRAP!! I don’t have a digivice!! Or a DiM card!!” I scream as I was still falling to my possible death.

”Jeez you’re pathetic. And you want to become a hero… What a joke.” A voice said as I look around super confused. It sounded cool and cocky with hints of sinister. It had to be him.


“GulusGammamon?!” I asked as I look around trying to see where he is.

“The one and only. Also I’m in your head so stop looking around dumbass. Anyway will you shut up?! Your screaming is so loud that I can hear it. And reminder, I’m in your head so that’s extra annoying. Besides you’ll survive the fall. Gammamon from the anime has survived worse.” GulusGammamon said as I begin to calm down.

“Sorry. Kinda not used to falling thousands of feet!” I said as GulusGammamon sighed. For some reason I could tell that he rolled his eyes as I was still falling.

”You’ll be fine. Just use those wings of yours or digivolve into KausGammamon. Oh wait… You can’t! Haha!” GulusGammamon said as he started to laugh at me as I close my eyes as the mark on my left wrist started to glow. As my wings extend out of my back as I started to stop falling towards the ground.

I open my eyes and see that I was flying. “Wait I’m flying…? I’m actually flying! Oh my god this is amazing!!” I said laughing as I started to flap my wings and fly through the sky. A bright smile on my face.

”Congrats… You figured out what every digimon with wings can do naturally. Way to go…” GulusGammamon said sarcastically as I roll my eyes and continue to fly.

“Where are we anyway?” I asked while looking around.

”Fuck if I know… try flying around some more. Maybe you’ll fly into a city.” GulusGammamon said as I cross my arms. I had a feeling he was being sarcastic but he also a point. We have no idea where we are. Maybe if I fly around I’ll find a place with people or maybe digimon.

“You know GulusGammamon, I just realized. I don’t know where Yggdrasil sent us.” I said while flying as I begin to see what looks like a mountain.

”I don’t know he didn’t tell us anything. He just sent us here and that’s it.” GulusGammamon said as I continued to fly.

As I looking around. I noticed that it was pretty early in the morning or maybe it late at night. It was hard to tell.

“Well let’s land somewhere. Maybe we’ll find someone who knows the area better.” I said as I started to descend from the sky.

”It’s better than nothing. Even if it might be a half-assed idea.” GulusGammamon said as I continued my descent. Rolling my eyes ignoring his comment as I continued to fly down. After about ten minutes of descending. I reach some ground to rest up on. I look around and see that I’m in some forest.

“Well we’re somewhere. Man this would be a lot easier if I had a map.” I said as I my hands on my hips while letting out a sigh. As I started to walk around.

”Can’t believe I’m agreeing with you but yeah. We need a map or something.” GulusGammamon said as I was walking around.

“Damn… This forest sure is dark.” I said as I continued to walk around. The large trees hang in a way that blocked out the sun or moon from the sky.

”Welp. I’ll leave it you to try and find your way around.” GulusGammamon said as I continue to walk around the dark forest.

The forest was large and had an eerie feeling about it. It didn’t help that I’m like three feet tall now. For now I just have to walk around and look for a way out of the forest. As I kept on walking,

After a few hours of searching. I find what looks like a castle. Or maybe the ruins of one. No… It couldn’t be ruins. The damage on it looks new. This place must’ve been raided or there is a battle going on here.

That’s when I heard it. The sound of a battle going on and a powerful one at that. The sound of explosions, rocks falling towards the ground, the sound of glass breaking, the sound of different metals clashing. It ranged in my ears but it was close. I started to run towards where the sounds were coming from. After 20 minutes of running I found where the sounds came from. I look inside and see something I couldn’t believe.

There were two women standing before each other, they were something I couldn’t believe. They were winged unicorns. Not only that, but they were anthropomorphic.

One of the two was an anthropomorphic unicorn woman with feathered wings… She has white fur that covered her body. Her hair and tail were long, flowing hair that was tied into a ponytail and it had the colors pink, light green, light blue, and green. She was towering over me even when she was on her knees. She was covered in cuts and bruises. She was wearing gold armor that covered her entire body except her head. The white furred woman was holding onto a golden battle axe. She was standing at a height of 9 feet and 10 inches tall. Her horn added an extra 6 inches as well.

The other woman was also a winged unicorn but her fur was a deep black like the night. She was in silver armor that covered most of her body except her face. She has cyan eyes that were silted like a lizard’s eyes or a cat’s. She was holding a silver spear that had a curved blade like a crescent moon. She stood as tall as the white furred winged unicorn woman at 9 feet and 10 inches. And her hair was a dark blue that was blowing in the wind.

“Holy shit…” I said looking at the two winged unicorns with a sense of awe on my face. I had no idea what they were fighting about but I had to help.

”Now isn’t the time to be staring in awe. They haven’t seen you yet so you have a chance to hide or fight. And since we don’t know anything about this world or how strong those two are. As much as I would not like to say this. We should hide.” GulusGammamon said as he was right. The two winged unicorns don’t notice that me. I better learn the situation before I just jump into the fight. I didn’t want to but I had to for now. I hide behind the doorway while poking my head out to see what’s going on.

Soon the black winged unicorn started to walk towards the white winged unicorn. The crescent moon shaped spearhead was dragged across the stone floor. She slowly walked towards the white winged unicorn with a sway of her hips.

“I gotta stop this.” I said looking at the two winged unicorns. As I was stopped by GulusGammamon once again as the Black furred Winged Unicorn. A beam of energy was fired from the spear as time seems to slow down to a crawl.

”Hey dumbass. Need I remind you that you don’t know how to fight or how to use your abilities. Gentaro, those two women are experienced fighters that could kill you, and by extension me in an instant.” GulusGammamon said as I wanted to stop hiding.
Within a second, I started to run forward.

“You say that I’ll die but that doesn’t matter! I gave my life because I wanted to save someone! Even if it wouldn’t lead to this new life!” I said as continue to run forward.

“I’ll keep running to save people. Even if it kills me!!” I yelled as jumped in front of the white furred winged unicorn as my left wrist started to glow green as I had my claws foward.

”SHIELD!!” A voice called out a green shield appears before my claws as the blast from the black furred winged unicorn was blocked. The blast knock some stone out from the castle walls.

“What?!” The black furred winged unicorn said seeing the shield before me and the white furred winged unicorn. It begins to disappear as I stand before the one in gold armor.

“Sorry about that. Heard a fight going on and I came running.” I said as look up at the black winged unicorn as a sneer was on her face.

“A baby dragon that knows magic? Celestia! Where were you keeping this from me?! Just like the ponies admiration for you from me?!?” The black winged unicorn asked pointing her spear at the white winged unicorn who I’m guessing is Celestia.

“I do not know them Luna… But I can tell… That they appeared because they saw me in danger…” Celestia said as she looks at the black winged unicorn.

“I told you that I am no longer Luna. I am Nightmare Moon! The true ruler of this world! And the goddess of night! And I won’t let some child or my sister get in my way for eternal night!” The silver armor wearing Winged unicorn said as started to run towards me and Celestia. The crescent moon shaped spearhead was dragged against the stone flooring as sparks of fire were made as she ran towards us.

Nightmare moon started to attack by swinging her spear downward as I dodged to the right only for her to sweep the spear under my legs as she slammed the pole into my stomach causing me to go flying into a wall.

I land on my back in pain as Nightmares Moon leaps into the air, spins her spear, and points the spearhead at me while letting gravity carry her down to me. I open my eyes to see Nightmare Moon about to impale me in the face as GulusGammamon screams ”Dodge dumbass!” as I roll to the left at the spearhead stabs the ground.

“I see… you play a brave face but you are nothing more than child that wanted to play hero.” Nightmare moon said as she slammed her foot into my right shoulder causing me to cry out in pain.

”Gentaro you dumbass!” GulusGammamon yelled within my mind as I continued to scream out in pain.

“You should’ve stayed home with mommy and daddy instead of coming here to die a worthless death for my worthless sister. Oh well… maybe in your next life, you’ll learn to stay out of the way.” Nightmare moon said as she continued to crush my right shoulder before lifting her foot off me and grabbing me by my neck.

“Luna stop this! He’s just a chi-“ Celestia screamed before being silenced by a snap of Nightmare moon’s fingers as the White winged unicorn was put in a dome of energy.

“He may be a child Celestia, but he is a child that showed his insolence. And for that he mus-“ Nightmare Moon said as I punch her in the face. She reeled back from the punch with a look of pure rage on her face as she was bleeding from her nose.

“I see you truly wish to die… Well then. I shall grant your wish!!” Nightmare Moon said as she threw me into the stone floor so hard that I bounced into the air and she starts thrusting her spear stabbing me in multiple places in my body as I just scream out in pain. All before feeling her spear stab me in my stomach. Making me cough up blood.

Nightmare Moon pulls the spear out of my stomach as I fall on my back. As I spat up some blood as I laid there. She started to walk towards Celestia as the dome of energy disappeared.

”You know… You’re a complete idiot you know that.” GulusGammamon said as I was closing to walking deaths door. I was standing before GulusGammamon in what looked like a black void with flashes of purple lightning.

”You don’t know how to fight. You’re more stubborn than a mule. And you can’t help but try to be the hero…Fighting someone who could be a moon goddess without a hint of fear.” GulusGammamon said as he smiles with a huge smile on his before laughing.

“Will you stop laughing! I was just trying to do something good and help that Celestia woman.” I said standing my ground as GulusGammamon instantly appears before me and grabs me by the neck. But he didn’t try to choke me but was only holding me up by my neck.

”Oh… that is so rich. You wanted to help so badly, that you almost got yourself killed. How about think before you just decide, “hey maybe I should help this total stranger.”? Don’t think that you can retry if you do die. This isn’t a video game. This is your new life. So don’t fuck up.” GulusGammamon said as he crossed his arms.

“Why do you care so much? I thought you hate me?” I asked as I look away from GulusGammamon. He rolled his eyes.

”I do hate you. I hate that because you became one of your favorite digimon. You think you’re invincible. Maybe next time you think before you just start to fight.” GulusGammamon said as turned around and shrugged his shoulders.

“…Maybe you’re right. I shouldn’t have thought I was invincible. I was so stupid.” I said as I put my face into my hands in disappointment in myself

”Well now you know. And now that you know. You’re gonna stop that Nightmare Moon bitch from killing this planet with her stupid eternal night plan.” GulusGammamon said as he walked over to me and put me onto my feet by pulling me up by my scarf.

“Yeah.” I said as I nod as GulusGammamon placed a hand on my stomach. I was expecting him to blast a beam of energy as I close my only to feel nothing but warmth. As I started to feel better as the stomach wound began to heal. In fact most of my wounds were healed but there were still a few that didn’t.

“Wait you’re not gonna help?” I asked as he laughs

”That’s all you’re getting from me. A healed up stomach wound and a some restored energy. And a few abilities.” GulusGammamon said as he dropped me. I gasped for air as I was back in the castle that was falling apart.

I look around and see that time did not move that much. As I see Nightmare Moon standing in front of that Celestia woman.

“Luna please… don’t do this.” Celestia said with tears in her eyes as Nightmare Moon’s spear was pointing at her stomach.

“I thought I told you sister… Luna died. And all that remains is Nightmare Mo-“ Nightmares Moon said only to be cut off by a shockwave.

“Is that the best you can do?!” I said as I started to slowly stand up as both Nightmare Moon and Celestia look at me with shock.

“How?! How in Tartarus are you still alive?!” Nightmare Moon asked as she points her spear at me. As I was wiping the blood from my mouth.

“I’m a lot tougher than you think. Or maybe you’re not that good at killing me.” I said as I smiled. As Nightmare Moon was looking at me with veins popping out from under her skin. She was furious. Her eyes bore at me with the truest intent to kill. As she started to run towards me.

“I’LL MAKE SURE TO EVISCERATE YOUR CORSPE FROM EQUESTRIA WITH MY BARE HANDS YOU BRAT!!” Nightmare Moon roared as her voice boomed out as she readies a wide swipe for her spear.

“I won’t let you rule this world!” I said ready to fight. I won’t run like coward, I won’t take it and lay down, and I won’t let GulusGammamon fight for me. I’ll fight her and..,


As she got closer and closer to me. The mark on my left wrist started to glow. The word DIGIVOLUTION!! appears behind me as Nightmare Moon was blown away by another shockwave as it blows Celestia’s hair back.

“GAMMAMON EVOLUTION!” I roar out as a ball of golden energy covers my entire body as a strand of dna like energy pierces the ball as it shoots out like a fire. The ball of energy explodes as what comes was me but to the two winged unicorns. As I looked incredibly different.

Before the two winged unicorns is a bipedal red and white being. Standing at a height of 6 feet and 6 inches. The being has a ceratopsian-like head, piercing yellow eyes and a tail that was about 3 feet long. It has a black horn as a nose, yellow accents on its head crest, with black on its horns and the tip of its tail, a muscular body, and three digits on its hands and feet with black claws on them. It wears a long blue scarf around its neck and grey metallic plates on its chest, shoulders, groin, and knees.

“BetelGammamon!” I roared out as I punch my right claw into my open left claw as a black and orange fire blows out of it.

“You…. What are you? No dragon has the ability to transform like that. Are you some kind of dragon changeling hybrid?” Nightmare Moon asked as points her spear at me. As a smirk grew on my face showing off my carnivorous teeth to the two.

“Sorry but I’m not a dragon. Or whatever the hell a changeling is. I’m Gentaro Kazuma. Also known as Gammamon and BetelGammamon.” I said as I point at Nightmare Moon with one of the digits on my right hand.

“And I’m a digimon. A digital monster!” I said before pointing at myself with my thumb with a smirk on my face.

“Whatever a digimon may be. I won’t let you get in the way of my eternal night!!” Nightmare Moon screamed as she gets ready to stab me with the spear again as I pull my right arm back as I ready a powerful punch.

“Get ready! Cause I’m putting my all into this one! Sol blow!” I roared out as my right hand was covered in a black, orange-red, and white flame.

"DIE!” Nightmare Moon scream as she thrusts her spear forward. Only for me to dodge it as I punch her in the stomach with the sol blow. The force of the punch made her cough up blood. As she is sent flying into the ceiling. Causing most of it to come down.

“Hey! Celestial or whatever your name is. You have anything that can stop this fight now would be a good time to use it.” I said looking over to Celestia as I was breathing heavily.

“I have something. But I need time.” Celestia said as I groan. As I put my hands together as both were on fire while Celestia’s horn glows a golden yellow.

“IM GOING TO RIP YOU LIMB FROM LIMB AND HANG YOUR CORPSES ON MY CASTLE WALLS!!” Nightmare Moon screeched as she comes flying down.

“Sol shot!” I yelled as I started to fire a bunch of fire balls at Nightmare Moon to keep her at a distance. Only for her to swat them away. As she started to rush towards me.

She spun her spear and tried to stab me in the neck as I duck and sweep her leg. Only for her to slash right at my right arm.

I let out a growl as I hold my arm. As it immediately begins to heal. I look at Celestia as she was almost finished with charging whatever she’s doing. As I noticed there was something spinning around her body.

”Pay attention to the fight dumbass!” GulusGammamon said as I remembered about Nightmare Moon and somersault over the spear to dodge it. As she was trying to stab me in the face.

“Sol shot!” I said during my somersault as I threw a fire ball at Nightmare Moon’s face as it explodes before hitting her face as the smoke was used to blind her for a moment.

“You red bastard! When I get my hands on you I will bathe in your blood!” Nightmare moon growled as she rubs her eyes.

“I hope you’re ready with that plan Celestia…” I said as I look back at her as she was holding a golden yellow ball of energy the size of a yoga ball out in front of her.

“I’m sorry Luna…” Celestia said as she fires a massive beam of light at me and Nightmare Moon. I dodge out of the way barely. How Nightmare moon recovered just in time as she sees the beam and was enveloped by it as well.. As she let a blood curdling scream as the beam flies towards the sky.

“…Holy shit…” I said as I fall onto my back. I look over to see the golden armor wearing woman looking towards the sky as tears fall from her eyes.

”Well color me surprised. You did pretty well for a first evolution. Honestly thought you pass out from the exhaustion during the fight.” GulusGammamon said as I see Celestia looking towards the moon as I get and walk towards her.

“So… you sealed her in the moon?” I asked as she nods. As a shadow silhouette appears on the moon. It looks like a cartoon horse head looking down.

“Yes… I never wanted to seal her away but Nightmare Moon was too dangerous.” Celestia said as I shake my head.

“Hey don’t be like that. You had to stop her. I mean, who wasn’t if she did her dumb plan of creating eternal night.” I said as I give her a thumbs up. As she smiles softly.

“You are a strange one. Most baby dragons would’ve ran away than fight against someone like Nightmare Moon. Then again, it’s like you said… You aren’t a baby dragon. Or a changeling. You’re a… digimon correct?” Celestia said as she sat down and helps me to my feet with her horn glowing as it covers my body. As I feel a warmth cover my body.

“Yep. I’m a digimon. A digital monster!” I said as I stand before her while pointing my thumb at myself with a smirk on my face.

“Well… you certainly are a brave Digimon.” Celestia said as I continue to smirk. As I do, I look at the moon and cross my arms. Celestia notices while looks back at me.

“Yeah. And this brave digimon needs to get stronger. So later…” I said as I begin to walk out of the throne room.

“Wait…” Celestia said as I stopped before the crumbling doorway. As I turn around and see her walking towards me.

“What’s up?” I asked as put my hands behind my head. As she lowers herself before giving me a hug. As I blush from the hug and the fact a pretty horse woman is hugging me.

“Thank you…. And I wait for your return.” Celestia said as she continued to hug me before letting go as she begins to leave her crumbling castle. I give her a wave and smile as I see her fly off.

“GulusGammamon.” I said mentally as I close my eyes. As I appear back in my mindscape or whatever I was in. It looked a lot different. It looked like a large dojo. There were no walls but a black and white starry void surrounded the dojo’s sky.

”Nice to see that you decided to come in as I was redecorating the empty void that is your mental scape. After that fight with Nightmare Moon, I’m guessing you want me to help you get stronger.” GulusGammamon said as he walked towards me with his arms crossed.

“Yeah… I want your help.” I said as GulusGammamon started to laugh as he fell onto his back while laughing.

”Man I needed a laugh like that. Alright. I’ll train you. Under one condition.” GulusGammamon said as he stood up with ease.

“What do you want?” I asked as I looked worried.

”I want to try chocolate.” GulusGammamon said as he shrugged his shoulders as I looked confused.

“Huh?” I asked still looking confused.

(The outro starts with a white background as splotches of red, blue, green, and purple paint are thrown onto the background with the guitar riffs as Gentaro appears with a chocolate bar in his mouth.

As Gentaro appears he disappears as the Gammamon begins to walk as a colorful mural showing Gentaro’s life in Equestria moves beside him in the background. Soon he digivolves into BetelGammamon as he continues to walk as two shadows and GulusGammamon follow behind him begrudgingly.

Soon Gentaro starts to run as 7 more silhouettes follow behind him. All of them running as well. Soon Gentaro and GulusGammamon into the air as they pose with a fire ball in their hands. As the outro ends.)

[Next time on The Devourer of All Evil.]

(“Nightmare Moon won’t be so lucky after all that training.” Gentaro said as he clenched his fists.

“Don’t get cocky.” GulusGammamon said as the scene shows Gentaro getting blown away.

“You can use magic.” A young girl said with awe in her voice.

“This world is my home now. And I’ll protect it all. From any threat.” Gentaro said as he looks at the sky.

“You truly are something special Gentaro.” Celestia said drinking a cup of tea with a smile.

Next time on The Devourer of All Evil!

Connection: Canterlot.

I’m gonna go kaboom!!)

Connection: Canterlot

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It’s been a few days since I came to this world thanks to King Yggdrasil’s test. And in that time I learned that I can’t fight all that well, the world I was sent to has magic, magical anthropomorphic horses that could have horns, wings, nothing or both horns and wings, and that I just helped seal a corrupted goddess of the night into the moon and said goddess is plotting revenge while being stuck on the moon. After that battle with Nightmare Moon. Celestia, who I’m just learning is also a goddess. She decided to take me to a place where I could rest up at. During the four days I was resting, I learned how to make chocolate in my mental space so GulusGammamon would train me.

Speaking of his training, I was kinda dealing with it. Unfortunately it was mental training since I don’t really have a way to really bring him out of my head yet besides letting him take over my body.

And what was GulusGammamon’s training you may ask? Having me run away from his attacks as if he was trying to kill me in my mental space.

“How is this training?!” I asked as I continued to run away barely dodging away from his attacks which were causing massive explosions.

”It’s cardio and reactionary training. You need to be able to move faster and react much faster than you did in your fight with Nightmare Moon.” GulusGammamon said as he was floating in the air with claw pointed towards me as he was using death demona. An attack where he shoots flames of darkness out at me.

I was running, sliding and dodging attacks like crazy. As each one caused an explosion that could level a building. It didn’t take long before I was being blown away by the explosions.

GulusGammamon pinched the bridge of his nose as he floats over to me. I was on my face with my body covered in burn marks and one of my horns was on fire.

”This brat’s gonna be a lot of work.” GulusGammamon said with a sigh as I was letting out a pained groan.

(Intro sequence)

I was laying on my back healing up from training as GulusGammamon was standing above me with his arms crossed. He was eating some chocolate that I made for him thanks to my making it for him.

”Get up.” GulusGammamon said as I just let out another pained groan. I couldn’t really move from the fact I just survived an explosion and didn’t die from it. Suddenly I hear a sigh come from GulusGammamon as I was picked up by my scarf.

“Can’t I lay down in pain for a few more minutes?” I asked as GulusGammamon rolls his eyes and puts a hand on my face. I was super confused by that. Soon his hand glowed a green aura as I started to feel better. He must be healing me. Before letting me go as I fall onto my ass.

”There. I healed you again. Now get up. You got more training to get through. And since you can’t handle what I can do. You’re gonna fight something around your battle abilities.” GulusGammamon said as he snapped his fingers as something drops before my feet.

What was before me was a large green slug with red eyes, blue spots on its back, large teeth and a large tongue in its mouth. It was a numemon. A rather large one but still a numemon.

“What the hell?! A Numemon? Are you seriously gonna look down on me. Why not at least something that isn’t considered one of the worst digimon in existence.” I said looking over to GulusGammamon as I get to my feet.

”Oh I wouldn’t be underestimating him. As everyone can be strong even if they look weak.” GulusGammamon said as he floating above the Numemon with a confident smirk. As the Numemon glares at me and they was instantly gone from my sight like he teleported.

“What the hell?!” I asked as I look around me trying to see where it went.

”This is your new test. Defeat my Numemon and I’ll give you full control over digivolving into BetelGammamon.” GulusGammamon said as the Numemon appeared before me as I dodge a punch from the surprisingly fast Numemon.

“Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap!!” I said as I was dodging punch after punch from the numemon. A few punches from the Numemon did hit me but they didn’t hit all that hard because I’m a vaccine type digimon and he’s a virus. It still hurt like hell though.

I duck another punch as I do a backflip and kick it away. It recovers from the attack almost instantly and begins to grab something from behind it. As a look of dread filled my face.

“Nonononono!” I yelled as I see the Numemon holding a pink sludge in its nubs for hands. It was gonna throw it. He was gonna throw his poop.

“Multi-Junk attack.” The numemon said as he started to throw those pink piles of poop at me as I dodge to not get hit by it. As all of the poop the numemon threw hit the floor.

After 5 minutes of dodging. I growl and charge towards it, horns first as I yell out “Horn attack!” As my horns jab into its side and send the virus mon flying. I then gagged and started to wipe my horns of the slime they were covered in.

”A lot faster than I thought. I was expecting you to take a while. Adequate work. Keep trying to improve or whatever.” GulusGammamon said as he slowly walks over to me. He then puts one of his claws on my head, his claw begins to glow red as I suddenly felt a bit stronger.

“Wow this feels great! Nightmare moon won’t know what happen to her next time we fight.” I said as punch forward as my fist briefly was coated in the fire used whenever I use Sol blow or Sol shot.

”Well you keep thinking that cause you are gonna be training for a while. GulusGammamon said as he begins to walk away with the chocolate.

“Hey wait! Where are you going?” I asked as GulusGammamon continues to walk away.

”Gonna explore your mindspace. This place is massive and I don’t know what else is in here. Better to get to learn about where you are if you're gonna be stuck in it.” GulusGammamon said as he put his arms behind his head as he continues to walk as I sigh. He is right. Probably better for GulusGammamon to explore my mental space while I explore the physical world.

I look around and see I was a large room. There wasn’t much around just wooden walls, floor and ceiling. I was laying on a rather large bed. Fitting for royalty or someone of a high standard of living. I get out of the bed and land on the floor. It didn’t feel too cold on my feet so that was good. I begin to walk around. Looking around as I walking to get a feel of where I am.

From the looks of it I seem to be in a castle. A rather large one at that. On the walls were large stained glass windows. Each one with an image of what looks like an event. There was one of Celestia and another pony like her fighting some weird hybrid of a donkey, a lion, an eagle, and a dragon. There were other ones but I noticed one being made. It’s of me as BetelGammamon helping Celestia seal Nightmare Moon away.

”I have to admit. It’s impressive.” GulusGammamon said as I cross my arms and smile.

“Yeah…” I said as I then walk away from the stained glass windows. As I walked around. I notched another window. It wasn’t filled in.

“I’m glad to see that you made a full recovery Gentaro.” A female voice said as I almost jump and see it was Celestia stand behind me.

“Oh Celestia… Uh. Thanks for taking me to uh… your home.” I said as I bow before her. I was sweating a little bit from the surprise and the fact I was talking to royalty.

“No need to be so nervous. After all you helped me with Nightname Moon. I might as well help in any way I could with your injuries.” Celestia said as it look at my chest. As there was some bandages around my stomach, right arm and right shoulder.

“Thanks for that by the way.” I said as I roll my right shoulder as it started to feel better already as she smiles softly.

“Of course. So what will you do until you have fully recover?” Celestia asked as I look at my hand as I clench it.

“I’ll train. That fight against Nightmare Moon taught me that I have a long way to go when it comes to fighting.”