The Dragon Knight of Canterlot City

by Wildcard25

First published

Spike Obsidian after being bestowed by a magical artifact becomes the protector of Canterlot City, all while leading a normal life as a high school student

The world was always cruel to Spike Obsidian due to his physical appearance and low self esteem. But with the help of a magical artifact Spike has gained a chance to finally be the person he always wanted to be and protect his very city from the rise in crime.

Inspired by anime I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in the Real World, Too, with a touch of Batman to it.

The Cruel Life of Spike

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The scene panned out over a large city known as Canterlot. It was best known as the social and media capital of the world and had something for everyone. From malls, gyms, fast food places, cafes, shops, and so much more. But despite all the city has to offer, what it's lacking is enough law enforcers to keep the city safe. Because of that there have been so many criminals breaking the law and getting away avoiding arrest. And while the crime rate makes the city feel like hell to some people, it's an even bigger hell for one particular individual. This is his story.

Don't be fool by how the city looks. Sure it looks bright and prosperous, but beneath it all is the horrible truth. The world is a dark and cruel place. Especially to one such as me.

Walking through the city was a teenage boy with green spiked hair, but what stuck out most about him was he was incredibly fat. Even his face looked pudgy. He walked along paying nobody any mind, because nobody paid him any mind.

My name's Spike Obsidian, and yeah I'm a fat boy. But it's not because I have an eating disorder or something. I was born very healthy and still am, just with a large body. No matter how much I try exercising and eating healthy I just can't seem to lose any weight. And because of that I was often mocked and teased at school when I was younger. And as I got to high school the bullying just got worse.

Spike was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard something, “Please, leave me alone!”

His head shot up and gasped, “A cry for help!” as if going on some instinct he tried running to find the source of the problem, before stopping and saw right outside a 24/7 shop were three juvenile punks cornering a girl his age.

The girl that was cornered had long dark purple hair with a single pink streak in it, and violet eyes. Spike was enamored by her beauty, and especially her well endowed chest. But he shook whatever indecent thoughts he had and focused on the situation.

“Come on, baby. Just an hour with us.” one of the punks told the girl.

“We'll make it worth your wild.” another said.

“Please. I don't want to.” she said worried.

As the punks continued to try coercing the girl to join them, Spike stepped forward, “Excuse me?” he asked but got no answer, “Excuse me?” he repeated himself but got no response again which started making him angry, “HEY!”

That finally got the punks attention, as they looked back seeing Spike, “What do you want?” one asked rudely.

“Can't you see we're busy?” another asked.

“It's plain to see the girl's not interested in any of you. So why don't you get lost?” Spike suggested acting as tough as he could despite how terrified he was deep down.

The three punks started smirking deviously at Spike, as the third spoke, “Oh, a tough guy huh?”

“Let's see how tough you are after we beat your fat ass!” the first said, as they ganged up on Spike who tried to fight back, but wound up getting knocked to the ground where the three started beating him without mercy causing Spike to cough up blood.

All the while the girl the punks were harassing watched in shock seeing someone who was trying to save her be treated so poorly. Soon some sirens were heard as one of the punks spoke, “It's the fuzz!”

“Let's beat it!” the first said, as they made a run for it.

The squad car arrived, as two cops got out with one going after the three punks, while the other went to check on both Spike and the girl who was trying to help the boy up.

“Are you ok?” she asked in worry, “Here, let me help you.”

Spike just got up, “It's alright. I'm used to this.” he said, as he just walked on, while the girl and the cop watched him. The girl who was still in shock over what she just witnessed had a faint blush on her face while watching Spike leave.

Spike returned to his home, where he went inside and started cleaning his face off of all the leftover blood that ran down his face.

As said, this is a normal thing for me. Being bullied. Even when I try to do the right thing like help someone I always end up a mess. And yet I always feel compelled to do something when someone's in distress. I guess I picked it up from listening to my parents.

He flashed back to something his parents once told him when he was a kid, “Spike, when someone is in peril or distress it's important to treat them with kindness.” his father began.

It is?” young Spike asked.

That's right,” his mother confirmed, “But to do so requires great courage on your part.”

I don't know if I can ever be like that.” the young boy said doubtfully.

Don't say that about yourself, Spike,” his dad said, “You are our son. And you embody our best qualities. Like your mothers kindness.”

And your father's desire to help those in need.” his mom smiled making the boy gasp and smile.

It cut back to present time as Spike continued to patch himself up, while remembering those words of his parents.

I remember those words very well. They were some of the best words of wisdom they bestowed upon me. Even when others treated me like dirt because they thought they were better than me or anyone else, or they just didn't like how I looked. Even though it happens to me so much on a daily basis and it didn't do my self esteem any favors I continued to try and stay strong. But unfortunately, I couldn't. Not when the worst of news was delivered to me.

Spike flashed back a year ago where he was in a cemetery with several people as two coffins were being lowered into the ground. Spike was crying his eyes out while watching the coffins go down.

My parents passed away and I was left alone. Everything they owned was transferred to me. Their house, their entire savings, and all their possessions. There was plenty of money for me to provide for myself and everything, but it didn't change the fact I was now completely alone in the world.

As Spike finished making a microwaveable dinner for himself, he sat in his living room watching TV. When he turned to the news, he saw reports of more criminals stealing and killing innocent people. The sight of this made Spike frown.

“The same thing day after day,” he began, “Corrupt people and psychos taking what they want and killing people who never did anything to them. This city is rotting, and nobody is doing anything about it!” he held himself back from throwing his remote and rather just changed the channel to something else to avoid losing his cool. He watched TV until he finished his dinner, and decided to turn in.

The next day at his high school, after classes let out, Spike was trying to leave, only to be grabbed from behind and pinned to the wall in the back of the school. He looked up seeing he was pinned by a teenage boy with two mean looking girls standing behind him.

“Going somewhere, fatty?” the boy asked with a laugh.

“Shadow Storm.” Spike groaned.

Shadow Storm was one of Spike's worse tormentors in high school, and always accompanied by his girl followers Black Belle and Violet Shiver. Any time Shadow saw Spike he always went out of his way to make his life hell.

“Don't think you can just take off without me getting in a few rounds.” Shadow Storm told Spike.

“Please, I really need to get home.” Spike pleaded, only for Shadow Storm to sock him in the stomach making him groan in pain.

As Shadow continued to punch Spike in the stomach, Violet and Belle laughed, “Sock it to him, Shadow!” Violet cheered.

“Show him his place!” Black Belle cheered along, as Shadow continue to mercilessly beat Spike who couldn't even call out for help.

Eventually Shadow ceased punching Spike who fell to his knees clutching his stomach before spitting up some blood.

“You're so pathetic, fatso. Trash like you shouldn't even be alive.” Shadow spat on Spike, before he and the girls walked away laughing.

Spike tried to keep his tears in as he picked himself up and started walking home while still clutching his stomach from the painful hits he took.

When he got home, Spike once again cleaned himself up before walking into the dining room while looking at a picture of his parents together. He looked at their smiling faces in the picture as he remembered them before tears came down his face.

“Mom. Dad. I'm trying to stay strong for both of you. But it's just so hard... It's so hard!” he cried, before kicking the dresser causing one of the cabinets in it to open slightly.

Spike tried calming down before he got down to close the cabinet only to realize he never once looked inside the cabinet and always assumed it was filled with more of his parents stuff. Curiously he opened it all the way and found a small box inside of it.

“What's in there?” he asked himself before taking the box out and opened the top.

Spike looked inside the box and saw a metal wristband with some strange writing all around it, “What kind of language is this?” he asked himself as he picked it up and looked it over, “I know my parents like collecting strange artifacts, but I've never seen this one out on display before. I wonder...” he gently slipped it onto his wrist before looking at it.

As Spike looked at the wristband he noticed the strange writing started glowing, “Huh?” suddenly the wristband clenched onto his wrist, “Hey!” he tried getting it off but to no avail, “Why won't it come off?!” he struggled to pry it off but it wasn't budging. He saw the writing on it continued to glow. Before a purple aura shot out from it and appearing before Spike was an astral purple dragon.

The sight of the creature made Spike scream as he fell on his butt and looked up at the dragon looking down at him.

“Do not be afraid. I don't want to hurt you.” the dragon began.

“Most people want to do that to me.” Spike replied frightened.

“Yes, I'm aware of that. Humanity can be such a cruel thing. Especially to those who're different. Am I right, Spike Obsidian?”

“H-How do you know my name?”

“When you put the Dragon Band on, my spirit linked to your mind. Everything you know I now know.”

“So then who are you?” the boy continued to question.

“You may call me Drakon.” the creature answered.

Spike blinked in confusion, “Drakon the Dragon?”

“Yes, I know. But don't blame me. Blame my parents!” Drakon grumbled, “Anyway. By putting the Dragon Band on your wrist you have awakened my spirit.”

“You've been living inside this wristband?” Spike asked in shock.

“Oh, yes. For centuries I might add.”

“How and why?” the boy continued to question.

“Well, centuries ago I was once a wise and noble dragon that wanted to keep peace in the world by bestowing my powers upon a great knight.”

“So you dragons don't just kidnap princesses, terrorize towns, and hoard treasure?” Spike raised a brow.

Drakon sighed, “Oh, the false stories and lies spread throughout the centuries. My ancestors would be rotting in their graves if they knew of this. But to answer your question. Not all of us are that malicious. Dragons were once regarded as a symbol of wisdom and strength. And people used to worship us, until some decided we were too dangerous and attempted to destroy me and my chosen knight. Though the vessel was killed my spirit lived on inside the Dragon Band. And since then I have been passed on to other vessels worthy of my power to carry on the legacy of The Dragon Knight!”

“Whoa.” Spike gasped in awe.

“And now the legacy shall continue with you, Spike.”


“Yes, you. For I have seen you are a pure soul and worthy of my power.” Drakon confirmed.

“You must be mistaken. I'm nothing special.” Spike sighed while looking down.

“That may be what you're saying, but deep down you truly desire to do more. Don't forget I looked into your mind. Even when the world treats you like a plague and would rather pretend you don't exist you still try to help others the way you promised your parents you would.”

Spike looked back at Drakon, “I want to, but look at me. I can't help people in this shape.”

“Very true. So something must be done about it.” Drakon said studying Spike.

“What do you mean must be done about it?” Spike asked suddenly feeling nervous.

“As a demonstration of my power, let me give you a makeover.” Drakon said before diving right into Spike's body.

“Hey, what do you think you're-” Spike was cut off as he started to groan, “What's happening?!” Spike felt his body bulging and changing making him cry and spasm before he passed out on the floor hearing Drakon's voice.

“Sleep now, Spike Obsidian. For tomorrow you'll see a whole new you.”

When the morning sun rose over the city, Spike who was still passed out on the floor groaned, before opening his eyes, “Oh, what a dream. I don't know if it was something I ate last night but I-” he stopped and suddenly realized something, “Whoa, I feel lighter. And my clothes... they feel so baggy.”

Spike got up and held his now over sized pants up while walking towards the bathroom. He decided to splash some water on his face. He grabbed a towel and dried his face off, but when he lowered the towel to look at his reflection in the mirror he saw he had lost all his fat in both his body and face. To top it of he was more athletically built with six pack abs and his face looked like it belonged to a male model. Spike stared at his reflection in shock before finally letting out a scream that could be heard from outside his home. Whatever happened to him he was definitely not prepared for.

The New Spike

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Sunday night Spike was at his home doing exercises, and it felt really good. In the past trying to exercise was so strenuous because of his out of shape body, but now it felt so easy to him. Although he was still surprised over what happened to him yesterday thanks to Drakon merging with him, he slowly accepted what happened really did happen.

That Saturday morning, after Spike's panic after seeing his reflection in the mirror saw he no longer looked like the out of shape loser he had been called several times by other mean kids and teens. He looked at his reflection closer before feeling his face while trailing down to his torso.

“Is-Is that really me?” he asked himself, “Wow. This is unbelievable. I hardly recognize myself. But how? Wait a minute, Drakon?”

“You called?” came the dragon spirit's voice as he appeared in the mirror startling Spike.

“It is you. So all that last night really happened?”

“Indeed it did. So how do you like your new body?” Drakon inquired.

“This was the makeover you said you'd give me?” Spike asked.

“That's right. What do you think?”

“It's-it's awesome! I can't believe this is the new me.” the teen smiled.

“Not only have I trimmed down all your fat I've also increased your strength, speed, reflexes, stamina, and durability.”

“You really did all that for me?”

“I did. But don't think this means you're some indestructible powerhouse. I may have increased several aspects of you, but you must also keep up with your exercises now and not turn into a couch potato.” Drakon explained.

“I understand. I used to fear exercising, but now I don't think that's gonna be a problem for me anymore.” Spike replied.

“Good. Next thing you need to do is get some more fitting clothes. Because I doubt what you've always worn will suffice.”

“Right.” Spike agreed, as he left the bathroom, as Drakon's spirit left the mirror and followed him.

The teen went to his parents old bedroom before digging through some of his dad's old clothes, “Some of my dads hand me downs will do until I can get some other new clothes. Glad I can put them to good use now.”

“Well how about you get dressed and we'll see how much you can do now.” Drakon suggested. Spike nodded as he put on some of his dads more casual attire before stepping outside.

Spike walked down his block while noticing many people passing by looked at him in awe, while several young ladies had blushes on their faces.

'They're staring at me.' Spike thought, as Drakon appeared at his side.

“Can you blame them?”

Spike looked in panic and whispered, “What're you doing, what if they see you?!”

“Relax, kid. No one can hear or see me except you. So try not to talk so loud otherwise you'll just look like you're talking to yourself.” Drakon suggested.

Spike knowing how right he was just kept to himself, before Drakon led him up to a building's roof top.

“So why am I up here?” he asked the spirit.

“To see how far your new skills can go. For starters run as fast as you can and jump to the next rooftop.” Drakon instructed.

“Jump to the next roof?!” Spike asked in shock.

“Don't get cold feet on me now. Remember you're not the boy you were yesterday. This is the new you.”

“Right. But I may look different, I still feel the same as I did before.” Spike said in worry.

“Just let go of your fears and take a leap of faith.”

“Leap of faith,” Spike repeated, while remembering his parents words about being strong, “Ok.”

Spike took a position making sure he hand plenty of distance while looking across the crevice between the two buildings. He swallowed his worries before making a dash to the edge of the building. When he closed in on the edge he jumped from it and made it to the other side with no problem.

The teen looked back seeing he was on the other side from where he started, “Whoa! I really made it! I made it!” he cheered.

Drakon flew over to him, “Not a bad first try, kid. How did it feel?”

“Well, my hearts pounding, and my palms are sweating. It feels good.”

“Perfect. Because I want you to do that nineteen more times.”

“What?” Spike did a double take.

“You heard me, I want you to do twenty of those. Remember you need to also exercise to keep your strength up.”

Spike sighed remembering that, “Of course.” And so Spike continued jumping back and forth between the two buildings to keep his leg muscles up.

It cut back to Sunday night, as Spike finished working out and ordered some take out for dinner. Afterward he was in bed thinking about tomorrow.

“When I go back to school, people are going to wonder what happened to me. Not that it matters. Nobody ever paid enough attention to me to actually care.” and with that Spike fell asleep.

The next day, Spike got up and ready for school once again wearing another pair of his dads old causal attire before heading for school. As he entered the school grounds his fellow classmates took notice of him and like the first people who saw his new appearance were completely flabbergasted.

'They really don't recognize me.' Spike thought, before he continued on to his first class.

As he sat down at his regular desk, many of the students in the room were already confused by him. But then Spike heard a familiar voice, “Hey, you!”

Spike tensed up knowing who that was and saw Shadow Storm with Black Belle and Violet Shiver behind him. Spike noticed Shadow looked at him suspiciously, while Belle and Violet were blushing while looking at him.

“What?” Spike asked.

“I haven't seen you around here before,” Shadow continued, “Where'd you transfer from?”

“Nowhere. It's me, Spike Obsidian.”

Upon hearing that Shadow and the other students in the room were shocked, but Shadow's shock turned to anger, “Hey, if you're gonna pull a prank then you should make it believable!”

“It's the truth!” Spike assured.

“But that's impossible!” a male student spoke up in disbelief, “There's no way you're that fatso!”

“You hear the sound of my voice? Well figure it out from there.” Spike suggested.

The students stopped and having heard what he sounded like remembered that was Spike's voice. Realizing it was him, another student spoke to him, “Dude, what happened to you?!”

Black Belle spoke up sounding swooned like a school girl as opposed to the mean girl vibes she's always shown him, “Whatever happened, I think I like it.”

“Take away all that fat and this is what we get?” Violet Shiver asked feeling just as swooned.

“Did you take some weird freaky drugs over the weekend?” Shadow interrogated him.

“No! Never!” Spike protested.

“Then what the hell is all this?!” Shadow demanded.

“You wouldn't believe me if I told you.” Spike answered starting to get annoyed by Shadow.

“Try me!” Shadow threatened.

“That's enough, class!” the teacher announced, as the students started to take their seats.

Shadow grunted before speaking to Spike, “We're not through here.” He went to take his seat, as Spike just went through class like he always did.

When his first class ended, Spike was walking through the hall to get to his next class until he was once again confronted by Shadow Storm, Belle, Violet and some more of Shadow's goons.

“Hold it, Obsidian.” Shadow stopped him.

“What is it?” Spike asked sighing.

“You know damn well what it is. How did you go from porker to this?!” the bully demanded.

“I'd like to know your secret too!” Belle pleaded.

“So do I!” Violet added.

“Really, there's no secret.” Spike covered up knowing better than to blab what really happened. He noticed Drakon appeared floating above Shadow speaking to him.

“This is the prick you were so afraid of? He's a total chump!” the dragon spirit mocked.

Spike couldn't help but chuckle, which didn't go unnoticed, “What's so funny?” Shadow frowned.

“Nothing.” Spike quickly said.

“If you're not going to talk, then I'll have to beat the answers out of you.” Shadow threatened, until the principal's voice came on the intercom in the hallways.

“Will Spike Obsidian report to my office immediately. You have a guest waiting for you.”

Spike hearing that knew this was his chance to avoid unwanted confrontation, “Sorry like to hang, got to go, bye!” he told them before hurrying to the principals office making Shadow angrier.

Spike entered the principal's office, where said principal Neighsay was sitting at his desk, “Principal Neighsay.” Spike greeted.

“Mr. Obsidian. My how you've changed.” he noticed.

“Yeah.” Spike chuckled sheepishly while rubbing the back of his head, “So you said I have a guest here?”

“That's me.” came a voice, as Spike looked and saw standing by the office window was a girl a year older than him, and her attire was a uniform composed of black slip on shoes, knee length stockings, red short skirts, white long sleeved shirts, and on the shirts collar was a black ribbon.

Spike looked at the girl in awe, as she spoke with a smile, “Spike Obsidian, do you recognize me?”

Spike raised a brow curiously, before getting a good look at her and suddenly recalled a familiar girl with long dark purple hair with a single pink streak in it, and violet eyes just like hers. It suddenly dawned on him, “You! You're that girl outside the convenience store!”

“That's right,” she confirmed, “I'm Twilight Sparkle. It's nice to finally meet you.”

“Um, same, I guess. But what're you doing here? And how did you know I go to school here?” Spike wondered.

“Well, I never got the chance to properly thank you for what you did. So even though it felt a bit rude I decided to have you investigated. But nothing too personal, only the basics. It was almost impossible to find you, especially since you seem so different from when we last met.” she said with a faint blush on her face.

“I see. So you came all this way just to thank me?” Spike asked.

“Well, that's part of it. What I really came here for was to offer you an invitation.”


“Yes. How would you like to come to Everfree Academy?” Twilight offered.

Spike was surprised at what Twilight offered before realizing something about her, 'That's right. She's wearing the uniform of Everfree Academy,' he then spoke up, “Everfree Academy? But that's a super elite school.”

“I know. I'm a protege of the academy's principal, Principal Celestia Equestrius. When I told her what you did for me that day she was deeply grateful and asked me to send you an invite to attend the school.”

“She what?” Spike stepped back in shock.

“That's right,” Twilight nodded, “So what do you say?”

“I'm very grateful, but I don't know if I have all the right academic requirements to attend.”

“Spike, Everfree Academy enrollment prioritizes strength of character over academic aptitude. So there's no issue with that. But rather than hear it from me, why not talk to Principal Equestrius at the academy, huh?”

“Now? But I can't just...” he looked to Neighsay.

“Principal Equestrius already informed me, and I shall allow it and inform the rest of your teachers where you'll be.” the principal said.

“Really, sir?” Spike asked.

Neighsay nodded, “This is a golden opportunity for you, Mr. Obsidian. You'd be a fool to pass it up.”

Spike looked back at Twilight who gave him a hopeful look, “Well, I guess I could at least meet with the academy's principal. So ok.”

“Great!” Twilight cheered, “Come on!” she took Spike by the hand and dragged him off and out of the office.

As Twilight took Spike outside his school they saw a limousine was waiting for them, “Whoa. You came in this?” Spike asked Twilight.

“Principal Equestrius felt it was necessary,” Twilight answered as she opened the side door letting Spike in before climbing in herself, “To Everfree Academy, please.” she instructed the driver who drove off.

As Spike sat next to Twilight, he blushed finally getting a chance to see how beautiful she truly was. When she looked at him he quickly shook off any thoughts he was developing about her.

“Are you ok?”

“Yes. I'm fine. But maybe just a little nervous.” Spike confessed.

Twilight comfortingly put her hand on his, “It's ok, Spike. It's only natural. But I promise, things will be alright.”

Spike blushed from having her hand on his, “Uh, sure.” he glanced and saw Drakon sitting on a side seat of the limousine.

“Now this is style,” Drakon admitted, “I can't wait to see what this Everfree Academy's gonna be like.”

Spike smiled and thought, 'Yeah. Me too.'

Everfree Academy

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The limousine drove Spike and Twilight through the city before pulling right up to the gates of Everfree Academy. The driver got out and opened the side door allowing Twilight and Spike to exit. As they stepped out, Spike looked up at the academy building in awe.

“Wow!” he gasped.

“Yeah, this place really does have that effect on others.” Twilight explained with a giggle.

“This is just amazing. I never thought I'd be standing on Everfree Academy's grounds.” Spike continued to look around amazed.

“Well, come on, Spike. I didn't bring you all the way here just to look at it.” Twilight said, leading him along. Spike followed Twilight as he continued to marvel at the school.

Everfree Academy; one of the most prestigious institutions ever. They say if you're lucky to get in, then there's a guarantee your future will be bright. A school that was way out of my league. At least I thought it was.

Soon Twilight brought Spike into the principal's office of the academy and was standing before a woman sitting at the desk, and another woman standing next to it. Both women were incredibly beautiful and curvaceous. The one sitting at the desk had pink-colored eyes and long flowing hair that had various colors of light green, pink and blue. The one standing close to her had long and wavy dark blue hair hair with light and dark blue streaks.

As Spike stood before the two ladies the one at the desk spoke up, “It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Spike Obsidian. I am Celestia Equestrius. Principal of Everfree Academy.”

The woman at her side spoke, “And I am Vice Principal Luna Equestrius, also a pleasure to meet you.”

'So they're sisters.' Spike thought.

Celestia continued, “Twilight has told us a great deal about you. She is one of my best students here and very special to me. Thank you for coming to her aid that day.” she bowed her head in respect.

Spike spoke up, “Well, I can't say I actually saved her or anything. I just took a beating.”

“Spike,” Twilight spoke to him, “Even if you didn't throw any punches you were the only one willing to step up and confront those who tried to do me harm while anyone else just looked the other way.”

Celestia nodded, “Such bravery is really rare. Especially in these times.”

“Even if you did not physically come to her defense just by showing concern like that proves you have a kind heart and soul.” Luna put in.

“Such people are who we look for to attend our academy,” Celestia continued, “And if Twilight's report on you is anything to go by you truly fit the bill.”

Spike blushed having not been used to such compliments as the principal continued, “Now then, I would consider it a great honor to have you attend Everfree Academy. As as a personal thank you for protecting my closest student there won't be any concern for yourself for paying tuition.”

Drakon who was floating at Spike's side looked intrigued, “This is a sweet deal, Spike. Now you have to say yes.”

Spike despite knowing what a sweet deal this was still felt unsure, and spoke up, “I'm grateful, but I still don't know if I truly belong here. I'm not that special.”

Celestia got up from her desk and walked around it to Spike, “Spike, what does it mean to you when someone is special?”

“Well, when one has something to offer that would benefit those around them.” Spike answered.

“While that may be true, I feel anyone can be special in their own ways, even if the person themselves don't see it. And we at this school want to help those discover what makes them special.”

“It's true, Spike,” Twilight confirmed, “Everyone here has found ways to discover how special they are in their own ways. And now you have the same chance as all of us.”

Spike was moved by their words and started thinking on it, as Celestia continued, “I understand this is a lot to drop on you, so for now why not take today as a trial enrollment to get better acquainted with everything here.”

“Uh, sure I can do that.”

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, “Principal Celestia? Vice Principal Luna?”

“Ah, perfect timing.” Celestia smiled.

Entering the office was a woman with pale, light grayish rose with light ceriseish gray stripes. She was dressed in black slacks and a moderate cerise jacket. The woman took notice of Spike and spoke up.

“Oh, so he's the one who will be joining us?”

“For a trial enrollment, but we can hope.” Luna answered.

“Spike, this is Ms. Cheerilee; one of our faculty members.” Celestia introduced him.

“It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Obsidian.” Cheerilee greeted him.

“Likewise, ma'am.” Spike replied.

“Cheerilee is one of our best teachers. You'll find her class to be very educational.” Luna explained to Spike.

Cheerilee nodded and spoke to the boy, “My class starts soon, so why don't we head over?”

“Um, ok.”

“Great,” Twilight got up, “We'll see you later.” Cheerilee left with the two teens as Celestia and Luna smiled eager to see how the new boy enjoys their school.

Spike waited outside the classroom as Cheerilee and Twilight went inside. As he stood while listening to Cheerilee begin announcements he thought to himself.

'I'm about to attend class with others I never met before. How will they feel about me compared to how my current classmates feel about me? Oh, this is making me sick to my stomach. But this is my chance to start fresh and challenge myself. I'm not the guy I was back then physically at least. But I came here to challenge myself and so far people believe in me.” he thought of Twilight, Celestia, and Luna.

“Alright, Spike, you may come in.” came Cheerilee's voice.

“Ok, this is it.” Spike said to himself as he opened the classroom door and entered.

As he entered the classroom he stood by Cheerliee's desk and looked out to the students present. Like Twilight, all the girls were wearing the girls uniform of Everfree Academy, while the boys were wearing male versions of the uniform with the difference is they wore black slacks and neckties.

Spike spoke up to everyone, “My name is Spike Obsidian. As part of my trial enrollment I will be joining you all and participating in class. Thank you for having me, and I hope to get along well with you all.” he bowed his head. When he looked up at the students he saw many of the girls looking at him in awe while blushing, and many guys looking just as surprised at him.

'Jeez, I know I should expect this, but some kind of reaction would be appreciated.' Spike thought before spotting Twilight among the students smiling at him and nodding to let him know it's ok.

'He's so handsome.' a girl thought.

'What a hottie!' another one thought to herself.

Cheerilee snapped them out of their stupor by clapping her hands together, “Could you all please not stare so much. You're making Spike uncomfortable,” and with that the students regained their composure as she turned to Spike, “You may take a seat, Mr. Obsidian. The one in the back by the window's free.”

“Yes, ma'am.” Spike answered, as he went in the back to the empty desk and sat down, while noticing the student sitting on his right side was a girl a year older than him with her hair colored dark gray with a lighter tint and done up in a coif.

“Now class, open your textbooks to... Oh, Mr. Obsidian, you can look off Ms. Melody's right next to you.”

Spike hearing that suddenly heard the sound of desk moving and looked to his right seeing the girl had pushed her desk right next to his and moved her textbook in the middle so both could look off it.

“Um, thank you. Ms. Melody?” he asked.

The girl nodded, “Octavia Melody; a pleasure to meet you.” Spike smiled sheepishly, as he and the students listened in on the lesson.

Throughout the class, Spike listened to the lesson and whenever Cheerilee asked a question about it he would raise his hand knowing what the answer was. What surprised him was how proactive and nice the students were. A feeling he never experienced at his current school.

When class ended, some of the students left the room, while some stayed behind and crowded Spike before he could get out of his seat.

“Hey, are you free after school?” A girl named Flitter asked.

“What school are you currently attending?” Another girl named Cloudchaser asked.

“Also, you in any clubs?” a boy named Thunderlane inquired.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” a girl named Amethyst Star asked.

“Um, no I don't.” Spike answered while secretly feeling overwhelmed. The girls who stuck around hearing Spike's recent answer suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of joy.

“Are you a pop idol or something? Cause ya sure got the face of one.” said another boy named Party Favor asked.

Before any one else could continue to pester Spike with more questions, a boy his age approached, “Hey, ease up, guys. You're overwhelming him before lunch. So why not save the questions for some other time?”

“Uh, right. We're sorry.” Cloudchaser apologized.

“Our bad.” Thunderlane said, as they took their leave as Spike was left with the boy who came to his aid.

“Sorry about that,” he told Spike, “But I can't say I blame them. We're all curious about you.”

“In a good way, right?” Spike asked hopefully.

“Of course. I'm Thorax by the way.” he introduced himself.

“Nice to meet you. I'm Spike, but you already know that.” Spike said sheepishly.

“Yeah. I was about to head for the cafeteria. Care to join me?” Thorax offered.

Spike curiously glanced over to see Twilight still in her seat was looking his way. Sensing what Spike was wondering Twilight nodded and beckoned him to go along, “Sure.” Spike answered, as the two headed off.

They made their way to the spacious cafeteria where students were seated in groups or in line getting food. Spike looked up at the menu display in awe.

“Wow. So much variety, and at such low prices.”

“Yeah, it's got everything,” Thorax admitted, “Come on, let's get in line.”

So Spike and Thorax got in line before selecting some food from the menu before looking around for a place to sit, until someone called out to them.

“Hey, Thorax! You guys can sit here!” The two saw sitting at a table alone was a boy their age with hair colored moderate scarlet with a streak of moderate tangelo.

“Hey, Button, thanks for saving us a spot.” Thorax said, as he and Spike sat down.

“Anytime,” Button turned to Spike, “You're Spike Obsidian. We're in class together. My name's Button Mash.”

“It's nice to meet you.” Spike greeted.

“Button Mash here is known as the videogame wizard.” Thorax explained.

“Videogame wizard?” Spike asked the boy.

“Yeah. When it comes to vid-games, I know them all.” Button boasted.

“Sweet.” Spike admitted.

“That's why I'm president of the gamers club. Have you decided on joining any clubs yet?” Button inquired.

“No, I haven't. But I'm sure I will eventually.”

“Well, no pressure. You'll know what you want when you see it.” Thorax said.

“By the way, Thorax, did you catch the last episode of Power Princesses?” Button asked.

“Sure did. Man that episode was good.”

“Wait, you two watch Power Princesses?” Spike asked the two in disbelief.

“We sure do,” Thorax confirmed, “Button got me hooked on it.”

“You follow it too, Spike?” the gamer asked.

“I sure do. It's one of the best shows ever.”

“And that's a fact.” Thorax put in.

Spike smiled and thought, 'I can't believe are really others out there who like the same stuff I like.'

Drakon appeared at his side, “Yeah looking at everyone else from your current school they don't look like they enjoy half the stuff you do. But I got a good vibe from these guys. They'd make excellent buds.” Feeling Drakon was right about that Spike smiled seeing he was already making friends.

And so the rest of the day continued with Spike growing more accustomed to Everfree Academy and the students as well. Then when the day was over Spike returned to Celestia's office where she and her sister waited.

“Well, Spike, have you come to a decision?” Celestia inquired.

Spike nodded, “I have. I wish to enroll at Everfree Academy full time.”

Celestia and Luna smiled, as the younger sister spoke, “So we take it you enjoyed today?”

“I sure did. The teachers were very clear in their lessons which were very educational, and to top it off, the students were very nice to me.” Spike explained.

“We're glad to hear it,” Celestia replied, “As we said we prioritize character in our students when having them enroll. So you should find no trouble with any of your new classmates.”

“We'll get started on your full transfer to Everfree Academy with Principal Neighsay.” Luna said.

“But for now, you're free to go.” Celestia concluded.

“Thank you both, and once again I'm so grateful for this opportunity.” Spike said gratefully before leaving the office.

When Spike left the office he saw Twilight standing by the downward stairs, “Spike.” she greeted.

“Hi, Twilight.”

“Did you tell Principal Celestia your decision?”

“I did.” he confirmed.


Spike smiled, “I've decided to attend full time.”

“Really? That's wonderful!” Twilight cheered, “I know someone who'll really wanna celebrate that.”

“Who?” Spike raised a brow.

“Well, do you have plans right now?” she asked.

“Not really, no.”

“Then it'll be easier to show you who. Come with me.” she beckoned him.

Spike curious to know who Twilight was talking about decided to follow her down the stairs wondering what new and exciting things he was going to learn about, and what new people he'll be meeting.

New Friends and a New Purpose

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Spike followed Twilight outside the school building, curious to what the girl was hoping to show him. As they walked towards the school entrance, they saw waiting by the gates were six more girls about Twilight's age.

“Twilight!” called a girl who had pink hair in a poofed style.

Twilight walked over as Spike kept his distance, “Hi, girls.”

“We were wondering when you'd show up.” said a girl whose hair was a mix of red and blonde.

“Well, I wanted to bring along a new friend. I hope you don't mind.”

“Not at all, Twi.” said a blonde haired girl with a country accent and wearing a stetson hat.

“So who is this new friend, Twilight?” a girl with elegantly curled purple hair inquired.

“See for yourself.” Twilight said revealing Spike to them.

Spike looked at the girls nervously, while the six girls themselves like so many others blushed at the sight of him.

“Um, hello. I'm Spike Obsidian, but I assume you already know that since I'm kinda a big deal around here today.”

“You bet your obviously toned ass you're a big deal!” laughed a rainbow haired girl as she slid up to him, while Spike blushed upon what she said about his butt, “Nice to finally get a chance to talk to you. I'm Rainbow Dash. And soon enough, you'll know my reputation around here.”

'Reputation?' Spike thought in concern.

“Rainbow, ease up! Spike's had a long day and he doesn't need any of that,” Twilight scolded her, before speaking to Spike, “You'll have to excuse Rainbow Dash. She can be very brash with others.”

“Right.” Spike replied sheepishly, as the poofy pink haired girl was bouncing around Spike in a circle.

“Oh my gosh, I'm so excited to finally have a chance to talk to you! I'm Pinkie Pie, the best party planner ever!” she cheered.

“Nice to meet you,” Spike answered awkwardly, before looking to Twilight, “I take it she's the one who would be the most excited to hear it?”

“More or less.” Twilight confirmed.

The girl with the stetson hat approached and shook Spike's hand, “Nice to meetcha, sugarcube. Name's Applejack.”

“A pleasure.” Spike answered, while shaking the girls hand.

“Whoo, ya got some grip there. That says a lot about a man.” Applejack commended.

“Thanks.” Spike smiled a bit.

Then a girl with pale pink hair approached looking a bit timid and spoke in the same kind of tone, “Hi, I'm Fluttershy. It's... nice to meet you.” she shuffled her feet.

'She's more nervous than I am.' Spike thought.

The purple haired girl approached, as Spike looked at her and felt his heartbeat increase, “It's very nice to meet you, darling. My name's Rarity. Charmed and delighted to make your acquaintance.” she said with a bat of her eyes.

“Um, likewise.” Spike replied with a blush.

The final girl spoke up to Spike, “It's nice to meet you, Spike. I'm Sunset Shimmer.”

“A pleasure.” Spike answered.

“We've seen you in classes today, but we didn't actually have a chance to talk to you.” Sunset explained.

“We didn't wanna be like the rest of our classmates by bombarding you with so many questions at a time.” Applejack added.

“And it was so hard for me because I had so many I wanted to ask you.” Pinkie whined.

“Well, you may have a chance, Pinkie,” Twilight told her, “Because we got some news to share with you.”

“What kind of news?” Fluttershy asked.

Twilight turned to Spike feeling it was best he tell them, “Well, you may be seeing more of me soon. I've decided to become fully enrolled here at Everfree Academy.”

The six girls gasped, before Rarity and Pinkie squealed happily while the rest smiled with joy.

“Whoo-ee! Now that's music to my ears!” Applejack said excitedly.

“Oh, yeah! That's what I'm talking about!” Rainbow cheered.

“We have to celebrate!” Pinkie cheered.

Spike turned to Twilight, “You're right. She definitely wanted to hear it the most.”

“Told you,” she replied, “I figured you girls should be the first to hear Spike's decision before the rest of our classmates learn it.”

“Oh, I just wanna tell somebody!” Pinkie cheered, before calming down, “But I don't wanna ruin the surprise.”

“Yeah, we'll save it until after he's officially enrolled.” Sunset told her.

“I hope it's alright I invited Spike to join us after school.” Twilight asked her friends.

“No problem at all, Twilight.” Rarity replied.

“It's always good to have new company.” Pinkie put in.

“You ok with us, Spike?” Applejack asked.

“Sure thing.” he answered.

“Then let's go!” Rainbow called, as they all left the school.

As Spike walked behind the girls, Drakon floated at his side, “Well. Only a day here and already hanging out with seven lovely ladies.”

Spike whispered to him, “I know. This never happened before. I'm not sure what to do.”

“Just relax, and be yourself.” Drakon suggested. Spike taking his guide's advice decided to roll with it.

Later on the girls and Spike were at a shopping district and sitting at a circular table enjoying some ice cream.

“How is it, Spike?” Fluttershy asked Spike, while enjoying her ice cream.

“Delicious. And I'm amazed by this place,” Spike looked all around the district, “I've never been around here before.”

“The students at Everfree Academy usually come around here both after school and on weekends.” Twilight explained.

“Wow. Well, I guess I have a new area to come to in my free time.” Spike replied.

“Uh-huh.” Pinkie and Rainbow agreed.

“So, how long have all of you been friends?” Spike asked deciding to get to know the girls more.

“Well, we've been friends since Junior High,” Twilight explained while motioning to all but Sunset Shimmer, “We met Sunset when we started high school.”

Spike looked to said girl, “So you were the last one to join this group?”

“Yeah, that's right. I never had friends before I met them.” Sunset admitted.

“Well, neither have I.” Spike added.

“Based off what Twilight said about you I kinda get it.” Rainbow answered.

“What Twilight said about me?” Spike asked in concern.

“When Twilight first told us of how you saved her, she said you looked different than how you look now.” Rarity explained.

“I see.” Spike said blushing in embarrassment.

“But regardless what you did for her is something we feel proud of.” Applejack told him.

“Well, like I kept telling her I didn't actually save her.”

“So what if you took a few rounds, at least you tried to do something about it,” Rainbow said, “And that's pure loyalty if I ever saw it.”

“And you can't say you don't have friends now, because you have seven here.” Pinkie smiled.

“And I also heard how you were getting along with Thorax and Button Mash today.” Twilight added.

“Right,” Spike replied, before remembering what Pinkie Pie said, “You're my friends?”

“Why not?” Rainbow asked rhetorically.

“Anyone willing to go out of their way in helping a friend of ours deserves our friendship.” Applejack said.

“Indeed so.” Rarity agreed.

“We'd love to be your friends, Spike,” Fluttershy said happily before blushing, “If you want at least.”

Spike looked at each of the girls who were giving him a smile while glancing up seeing Drakon who nodded in agreement beckoning him to accept.

“Well, if you really want to. Then yeah, we can be friends.”

“Alright!” The girls cheered.

“Here's to Spike's enrollment and a new friend!” Pinkie cheered, as they each ate more of their ice cream.

Spike shrugged and continued to enjoy his ice cream with the girls, until Sunset spoke to him, “So, Spike, you have any plans for tomorrow?”

“Actually, I was planning on going clothes shopping after school tomorrow.” he answered.

At the mention of that Rarity spoke up excited, “REALLY?!” Spike looked at Rarity surprised by her reaction, before the embarrassed girl composed herself, “I mean, how lovely.”

Spike continued, “Yeah, as I'm sure you're aware my older clothes don't fit me, and these are my dad's hand me downs. But I need my own attire.”

“Understandable,” Rarity agreed, “While using hand me downs is nice from time to time and puts someone's old clothes to good use, it's still only right for someone to have clothes of their own choosing.”

Spike raised a brow, before Applejack enlightened him, “Rarity's a fashionista. Clothes are her life.”

“You say it like it's a problem,” Rarity pouted, before straightening herself out, “I do happen to have a way with clothing though.”

“Have a way is an understatement,” Pinkie spoke up, “Rarity's one of the top youngest clothing designers ever.”

Spike looked back at Rarity impressed, “Really?”

“Well, I don't like to boast, but I am quite gifted with sewing materials. I've always loved to make sure my friends and others are dressed to look their best not just for occasions and festivities, but to look like their best selves.” the elegant girl explained proudly.

“That's so nice of you.” Spike admired.

Rarity nodded, “And if it's clothes you're looking to get tomorrow I insist on joining you.”


“Of course, Spike. With my knowledge of fashion I'll pick out the right types of clothing to make you look the best you can be.” she declared.

“Are you also gonna pick if he should wear boxers or briefs too?” Rainbow joked.

Rainbow's joke put a blush on Rarity, Fluttershy, and Twilight's faces while Spike felt embarrassed about the idea of a girl picking out what he should wear under his clothes.

“Rainbow Dash!” Rarity scolded as Rainbow just laughed, “I would never go that far when selecting attire for someone!”

“Just had to be sure.” the rainbow haired girl replied.

As everyone shook off their flustered looks, Rarity cleared her throat, “Ignoring, Rainbow's droll attempt at humor. I would be delighted to help you pick out new clothes, Spike.” she smiled at him.

Spike feeling moved by Rarity's generous offer thought about it and knew he could use an expert when it concerned clothing since he's never had to worry about style before.

“Well, if you want to, Rarity. I don't mind it.”

“Wonderful!” Rarity clapped her hands, “Shall we meet up at the mall after school at Three Thirty?”

“Deal.” Spike agreed.

“Perfect! I look forward to our little clothing date, Spike.” Rarity winked Spike's way getting him flustered.

“Yeah. We too.” Spike agreed nervously, while the rest of the girls looked at Rarity envious of how she found a way to get close to Spike alone.

As it got darker, Spike was walking his way home pondering over all that went down today, 'I can't believe I'm going to be attending a new school, with new real friends, and everything.'

Drakon floated by, “Ya done good kid. Because this is just the beginning.”

As Spike was walking by a convenience store, the doors opened as an alarm was sounding. The teen boy looked seeing a mugger armed with a knife was coming out carrying a bag of money. As he exited the 24/7 store, two girls who were passing by in the opposite direction spotted him with one screaming.

This alerted the mugger who growled at them, “No witnesses!” he armed his knife and started running for them.

Spike seeing this felt a rush build up inside as the sight of the two girls in fright reminded him of how Twilight looked that day he came to her defense.

'I didn't do much that day, but not this time!' Spike thought as he dashed ahead of the mugger cutting him off before he could reach the girls. Spike kicked the knife out of the muggers hand making it land on the parking lot.

“Damn, that hurt!” the mugger cursed, while clutching his hand, “You little bastard!”

Spike gave the mugger no chance to make a move and punched him in the stomach making him clutch said area. The teen boy threw his arm back as the Dragon Band glowed a bit, before he punched the mugger in the face making him fly back before hitting an empty bike rack.

The mugger laid on the ground groaning from the hits and unable to pick himself up, as the two girls gasped. The store clerk stepped out having seen the situation with the mugger and the girls along with Spike who looked at his own fist he used to punch the assailant.

Suddenly the sounds of police sirens were approaching and Spike snapped out of his rush, “Oh, shit!” not wanting to be questioned by the cops he made a run for it.

“Hey, wait!” one of the girls called out, but Spike was already out of range.

Spike ran before ducking in an alley way before processing what just happened, “I just punched a mugger with my own hands!”

“And ya saved two lives as well.” Drakon added.

“I-I actually did it.” Spike continued to gasp in shock.

“Not bad at all, Spike.” the dragon guide commended him.

“I couldn't help it. It's like I was going off an instinct.”

“You really can't help it when someone's in trouble. It just proves how much a big heart you really have.”

“That... Actually felt good. I mean it was scary, but what a rush!” Spike said with growing excitement.

“You always wanted to try and help the city because of it's rise in crime. And that's exactly why I did this for you.” Drakon reminded him.

“I do wanna help. With so few cops and so much rise in crime I just want this city to feel safe for me, and for others like those girls, and Twilight. Drakon, I want to get even stronger so I can protect those I care about.”

Drakon nodded, “Spoken just like a noble dragon would. You really are a worthy vessel.”

“Thanks. Oh, I really need to get home.”

“Then let's go. And we'll discuss more about the power you now possess later.” Drakon promised. And so Spike continued on for home knowing he found himself a real purpose for helping the city.

Clothes Shopping

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The next day as Spike arrived at Everfree Academy, still waiting on the arrival of his official uniform, so he had continued to wear his dads old clothes. As he sat at his desk, he listened to some of the students discuss something.

“So did you hear about last night?” a male student asked another.

“Yeah, someone stopped a mugging at a 24/7 store.” he answered making Spike freeze up by the mention of that.

“I heard the witnesses describe the one who stopped it was a good looking guy.” a girl student said which only got Spike tenser.

'Oh, great. I just made the news.' Spike thought, as Drakon appeared at his side.

“Well, at least nobody knows it's you.”

Spike did feel relieved nobody could pin it back to him knew if he was going to do more stunts like that again, he should be more conspicuous.

“Well, I say it's about time somebody did something about all the crime happening.” another male student voiced his opinion, catching Spike's attention.

“Yeah, the cops aren't doing enough these days.” a girl student added.

Spike appreciated that they sounded grateful, and that there were those who agreed with him about the cops not doing enough to protect them from the rising crime rate. He was soon brought out of his thoughts, as Cheerilee entered the classroom and ready to begin the lesson.

When school let out, Spike got up and left the classroom before Rarity approached, “Hello, Spike.” she greeted him.

“Hi, Rarity.”

“I was just making sure we were still on for our shopping date today?”

“Of course. I was about to head back home for a quick change.” Spike replied.

“Agreed. I'd like to go change into something more casual myself.”

“So then we'll see each other at the mall?”

“Of course, darling. I'll see you then.” Rarity said, as the two split up to head home and get ready.

When Spike returned home he took a quick shower and changed into new clothes before walking for the mall.

Drakon floated by his side looking excited, “Ooh, my little Spike on his first date.”

“Can it really be called a date if we're just clothes shopping?” Spike asked.

“Hey a date's a date, isn't it?” the dragon spirit asked rhetorically.

Spike shrugged as he just decided to go along with it. As he got closer to the mall he looked and saw standing at the entrance was Rarity herself out of the academy uniform and in more casual wear

'Wow, even in regular clothes she's beautiful.' Spike thought with a blush.

“She'd probably even make the filthy look appear beautiful.” Drakon joked.

Spike rolled his eyes and got closer before calling out to the girl, “Hey, Rarity!”

Rarity seeing the boy smiled, “Spike!”

“Sorry to have kept you waiting.” the boy apologized.

“No trouble at all, darling,” Rarity brushed it off, before noticing his eyes fixated on her, “What is it?”

Spike snapped out of it, “Sorry, it's just. I like your outfit.”

“Oh, this old thing? Just one of my many casual outfits,” Rarity replied modestly, “Now then, shall we get you some attire more befitting of you?”

“Um, sure.” he agreed.

“Then let's go.” Rarity took Spike's hand and brought him inside.

As the two walked through the mall many other people who were there stopped to look at the two, “Whoa check them out.” a boy told another.

“A hot guy and a gorgeous girl, now that's an ideal couple.”

“Wait a second, isn't that Rarity; the young fashion designer?” a girl asked.

“You're right it is her!” another girl realized.

“Who's that with her?” a third girl asked.

“I don't know, but he's such a dreamboat.” a fourth one swooned.

Spike sighed, as he walked at Rarity's side, “Everyone's staring at us.”

“I know, Spike. But try not to think too hard on it, ok?” Rarity suggested.

“Hey, Rarity!” a boy called.

“Looking lovely as ever!” another called.

“Oh, you flatterers.” Rarity said with a wink making the boys swoon.

'Wow. Rarity, sure knows how to handle the attention well. I could never last in a situation like that alone.' Spike thought, as he watched Rarity give flirtatious responds to some hopeless lover boys complimenting her.

Soon the two walked up to a clothing store, as Rarity spoke to him, “Now I know this place. You'll find some of the best clothing here. And with me around, you'll get the best suited for you.”


The two entered the store and Spike looked around seeing it indeed had a fine assortment of clothing for both men and women.

“Wow,” Spike marveled, “There's so much here.”

“I know.” Rarity giggled.

“Rarity, darling!” came a woman's voice.

The two looked seeing a beautiful woman approach them. She had brilliant orange colored eyes, and her hair color was a combo of brilliant vermilion with light amber and light tangelo stripes, with a gradient of moderate fuchsia to moderate orchid on the shadowed side.

“Sassy, darling!” Rarity cheered, as she hugged the woman like they were close.

“What brings you here today, Rarity? I thought you got all you needed last time you were here?” Sassy inquired.

“I'm not here for me, Sassy. I'm here for my new friend.” Rarity showed the woman Spike.

The woman named Sassy blushed, “Oh, my. And who is your gentleman caller?”

“May I introduce you to Spike Obsidian,” Rarity introduced, “Spike, this is Sassy Saddles; owner of this establishment.”

“Um, a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Saddles.” Spike greeted her with a handshake.

“Please, the pleasure's all mine, Spike.” Sassy answered sweetly.

“Well, we have lots to check out.” Rarity said, as she escorted Spike to the menswear.

So Spike looked around with Rarity for some clothes he could get. Because Spike wasn't so fashion savvy, he left it up to Rarity to decide, but she still allowed him to pick out anything he personally liked. Once he selected several articles of clothing he started trying them on one by one and showed them off to Rarity to hear her thoughts.

As Spike showed off one of his chosen outfits, Rarity clapped her hands, “Oh, Spike, you look positively fabulous!”

“Really?” Spike asked, while looking himself over.

“Indeed so, darling. With your looks you could be a model.” Rarity continued to flatter him.

“Uh, I don't think I could handle the model life.” Spike replied sheepishly.

“Well, it's not for everyone.” Rarity admitted.

Later Rarity and Spike collected enough clothing from shirts, pants, socks, and underpants, which Spike selected himself feeling embarrassed if Rarity tried to pick for him. His clothes selected ranged from formal to casual, and even sleepwear that looked just right for him.

They brought all the clothes to Sassy up front, as Spike thought to himself, 'All this stuff is really gonna cost a fortune. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten so much in one day. Oh, well, can't do anything about it now.'

As Spike watched each of the clothes he purchased was being scanned he watched the price go up. Soon the last item was scanned and tallied up. When Spike reached for his wallet, he was stopped by Rarity.

“Ah-ah-ah, Spike! I'll field this.” she said.

“Rarity, I can't let you do that!” Spike protested.

“I insist. Plus I have quite a discount as a member of the store's site. Trust me I got this covered.” Rarity assured him.

“Better let the lady do it if she's offering.” Drakon suggested to Spike who decided to let Rarity pay.

Once paid, all the clothes were neatly placed into a few shopping bags, “Thank you for shopping with us. And feel free to come again.” Sassy told them.

“Well, naturally for me, Sassy,” Rarity replied, before looking at Spike, “And what say you, Spike?”

“Yeah. I just might come back here again for more clothes when I need them.” he answered.

And with that the two teens left the store, “Hey, thanks for doing this, Rarity.” Spike said gratefully.

“No trouble, at all, darling.” she replied.

“How about I treat you to something to eat here?” he offered.

“Why, Spike, how thoughtful. And I will take you up on that.” Rarity smiled.

And so the two went to he food court where sat at a table and enjoyed their orders with Rarity's being a slice of cheesecake, and Spike's being a slice of pizza.

“Delicious.” Rarity beamed.

“I'll say.” Spike agreed, as he enjoyed his slice.

Rarity looking at Spike and at her cheese cake got an idea. She scooped a bit of it on her fork and offered it to Spike, “Here, Spike, have a taste.”


“Yes, here. Ahh...” she said.

Spike taking the hint opened his mouth allowing Rarity to feed him, “That's good!” he smiled.

“I know.” Rarity giggled.

“Rarity, once again I appreciate you paying for my new clothes. I'm surprised you had enough to cover it all.”

“Darling I'm not a top young fashion designer for nothing,” Rarity explained, “I don't do clothes for just my friends and regular people. I do it for all kinds. Models, celebrities, pop stars, and other VIPS.”

“You do?” Spike asked.

“That's right. And you'd be amazed at how much they pay me for one outfit alone.”

“Well, that clears up you being able to afford it.”

“Well, I didn't just pay for you because I could afford it. But because I like being generous, especially to those close to me.” Rarity smiled.


“Yes. Outside my talent for creating fabulous outfits and clothing, what I'm truly known for is my generosity.”

“You are?”

“Indeed. I've always enjoyed helping others not for money, fame, or anything but because I loved seeing the smiles on their faces when doing a good deed for them.” the girl explained.

Spike continued to look at Rarity in awe, 'Rarity's even more incredible than I thought. She's beautiful, popular, and generous. I don't even deserve to be conversing with her.'

Rarity continued to enjoy her cheesecake, before speaking to her friend, “I'm so glad we could spend the day like this, Spike. You make for excellent company.”

Upon hearing that, Spike's eyes started watering which caught the girls attention, “Spike?”

Drakon seeing this knew something was about to happen, “Oh, jeez.”

Spike started sobbing while looking down at the table much to Rarity's surprise, “Spike!” she got up and went to his side, “Darling, what's wrong? Did I say something to offend you?”

“You didn't offend me, Rarity,” Spike said through sobs, “If anything I offended you!”

“What do you mean?” she asked in confusion.

“You are a girl high on the scale of popular and important people. You're popular at school, you're a VIP to celebrities and such, and you have guys who look like they'd do anything for you if you just asked. Compared to you, I'm nothing. I don't deserve to be in your company.” he sniffled.

Rarity looked down with her eyes watering before she threw her arms around Spike much to his surprise.


“Never call yourself nothing, Spike,” Rarity began, as she looked up at him revealing her own sad look, “You are more than what you give yourself credit for. You're kind, helpful, and a hero. All those boys you said that would do anything for me? They don't know the real me. Not the way Twilight and the others do. And now you know the real me. And while it's true I may be popular in the world of fashion, I don't consider myself better than anyone. And if it's between my friends at Everfree Academy or those of the high and elite class I'd take my friends in a heartbeat.”


“Of course. I may be a girl with class and enjoy finer things, but I'm still like anybody else. After all growing up too fast means you miss out on other things. And I have no intention on missing out. But the point I'm making, Spike, is never think you don't matter. Because you do. You're important to Twilight, and me as well.”

Spike looked at Rarity surprised, “I am?”

“Of course you are.” she smiled sweetly.

Spike's eyes started drying up as he returned the hug, “Thank you, Rarity. Thank you so much.”

“My pleasure, Spike,” Rarity replied before thinking, 'Wow. He may look like an overly handsome guy, but to cry like that. He really is sensitive, and that makes him all the more real.'

Later both Spike and Rarity left the mall and returned to Spike's place, “Well, this is where I live.” Spike said, as they stood outside his house.

“It's lovely.” Rarity admired.

“Would you like to come in?” Spike offered.

“Thank you, darling. But I must be getting home as well. I had a lovely time with you today.” Rarity said.

“So did I. I don't suppose we could do this again some time?”

Rarity smiled as leaned forward pecking Spike's cheek making his face turn red, “I'd love that very much.”

She then walked a few steps away before looking back at the stupefied boy, “Until next time, my Spikey-Wikey.”

Spike's blushed increased from what Rarity addressed him as before the girl headed off. Spike watched her disappear down the block as Drakon nudged him.

“Well, one date and already you got yourself an affectionate nickname.”

“That's the nicest thing anyone's truly called me.” Spike said in wonder.

“Feels good, doesn't it?” Drakon asked.

“Yeah. Feels very good.” a smile grew on his face as he went inside his house feeling very pleased with himself.

The Full Time Student

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One morning, Spike woke up and got ready for school. Once finished with his morning routine, he stood before his mirror now wearing the Everfree Academy uniform that was delivered to him yesterday. With his own uniform for the academy he was ready to begin as a full fledged student at Everfree.

Spike looked at his reflection a few times admiring how he looked in the academy uniform as Drakon appeared looking equally pleased.

“The uniform suits you well.” the spirit admitted.

“Thanks. I like how it fits me too.” Spike agreed.

“Well, if you keep staring at yourself any longer you're gonna miss class.”

“Shit, you're right!” Spike grabbed his bag and headed out.

Spike walked for Everfree Academy, as many pedestrians once again looked at him in awe, but this time it was more about him in his new school uniform. When he arrived at the school he was standing before Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna.

“Congratulations on your first day as an official student, Spike.” Celestia congratulated him.

“Thank you, Principal Celestia.” Spike replied gratefully.

“We hope you enjoy your day. And remember every day opens new possibilities. Especially here.” Luna added.

“Yes. I'll be looking forward to them.” Spike replied, before he was dismissed.

Soon he went to Cheerilee's class where he once again stood before his classmates, “Now then, once again this is Spike Obsidian. And as of today he will be your classmate long-term. So continue to be nice.”

Spike glanced around and saw Thorax who was smiling and winked in support of his new friend. Spike also saw Button Mash who gave him a thumbs up. When Spike saw Twilight she smiled and nodded.

“He is still getting used to the lay of the land so help him out when he needs it.” Cheerilee finished.

“Yes, ma'am!” they answered.

“Take your seat now, Mr. Obsidian.”

“Yes, Ms. Cheerilee.” Spike answered, as he went to his desk and sat down.

“The uniform,” came Octavia's voice, as Spike turned to see the girl he sat across from had a faint blush, “You wear it well.”

“Um, thanks, Octavia.” Spike replied, as they turned their attention back to their teacher.

And so the day continued on, where by Phys Ed began some of the students were outside on the soccer field, while some were by the tennis court next to it. Among the students on the soccer field was Rainbow Dash who was playing like a pro with the team she was on. She maneuvered the ball with her teammates before one passed it to her and she kicked it into the opposing teams net scoring them another goal.

“Alright, Rainbow Dash!” one of the students cheered.

“Oh, yeah!” Rainbow pumped her fist up.

Off to the side was Spike who was sitting on a bench watching things play out, “Wow. That was some kick. Rainbow Dash is amazing!”

“She sure is,” agreed Pinkie as she hopped over and sat beside Spike, “You can tell the other teams crumbling when going up against her. That's why everyone wants to be on her for every sports team.”

“Every sports team?” Spike wondered.

“Yeah. Rainbow's actually president of just about every sports team.”

“What?! How can she managed that much?” Spike asked in disbelief.

“If it's sports, she can handle it.” Pinkie smiled, “So how come you're not out there with everyone? Still feeling shy?” she teased.

“No, it's not that,” Spike replied, “My Phys Ed clothes haven't arrived yet so I'm sticking to the sides.”

“Makes sense,” Pinkie admitted, “It's so good to hear you're an official student, Spike. I'll really have to get started on planning a party for your official enrollment.”

“Thanks, Pinkie. I mean I've never had or even been invited to a party before.”

Pinkie suddenly froze up, “What did you say?”

“Uh, I never had or been invited to a party before?” Spike repeated himself.

The girl gasped in shock, “Those words should never go together!”

“Well, sorry, but it's true.” Spike sighed, only to get embraced by Pinkie.

“Well, that's gonna change. Because from now on you're going to be invited to all my best parties!”

“Really?” Spike asked in dis belief.

“I Pinkie Promise,” Pinkie began acting out the promise, “Cross my Heart and hope to Fly Stick a Cupcake in my Eye!”

Spike raised a brow in confusion, “Ok?”

Pinkie smiled, “That's my own version of a Pinkie Promise, ensuring that I'll stick by my word.”

“Well, thank you.” Spike smiled, as he continued to watch his classmates partake in class.

As the day came to an end, Spike decided to check out the academy a bit more now that he was officially a student. He walked through the halls seeing many students had also stuck around and were engaging in after school club activities. He saw in one of the rooms was Octavia Melody. She was playing a cello, while other students were playing their own instruments trying to make sure they were playing the best they could together in harmony.

“Octavia sure is good on that cello.” Spike said.

Drakon floated by, “Yeah. So melodious.”

Spike continued on with Drakon at his side. He saw in one room was a bunch of drama club members with Rarity going over some outfits and costumes for an up and coming play. He smiled seeing Rarity in her element before continuing on. He looked out a window at the sports field to see Rainbow Dash with other athletes keeping them in shape.

“Rainbow really can manage all sports. I'm impressed.” Spike admired, before walking along.

Soon Spike stopped before the indoor gymnasium. He peeked in through the open door and saw Applejack standing on a wrestling mat wearing a sports bra and shorts, while sparing against a male student.

“Ooh, looks like we got us a fight going on.” Drakon said intrigued.

“This is MMA, Drakon. And Applejack's part of this club?” Spike wondered.

“She's definitely got moves.” the spirit admitted.

Spike nodded as he watched Applejack and her opponent spar. With every move and block Applejack made to her opponent, Spike continued to watch in awe, even as a blush grew on his face.

When Applejack's spar ended with her knocking her opponent to the ground, she offered him her hand and pulled him back up.

“Good match, partner. Just keep up with your training.” Applejack instructed.

“Yes, Applejack.” the student nodded before going back to join the other members.

As Applejack looked she spotted Spike standing in the door-frame of the gym, “Well, looks like we got ourselves an audience. Don't be shy, sugarcube. Come in.”

Spike not wanting to be rude entered the gymnasium, “Hi, everyone. I'm Spike Obsidian, sorry if I interrupted your club activity.”

“No trouble at all, Spike,” Applejack replied, “What brings ya by?”

“Well, I was just still getting to know the school grounds more, and happened to catch sight of several of the clubs going on. Like this one for example.”

Applejack nodded, “Uh-huh. Welcome to MMA Club, Spike.”

“I didn't actually expect any school would have a Mixed Martial Arts club. But I guess that's Everfree Academy for you. Full of surprises.”

“It sure is,” Applejack agreed, “Hey, while you're here, why don't ya join me in a spar?”

“What?! Me fight you?” Spike asked nervously.

“Why not? I'd like to see how you measure up. Unless you're busy or something.”

“Well, not exactly.” Spike confessed.

“Then why don't ya?” Applejack continued to beckon him.

“But I don't even have the right attire for it.” Spike motioned to the uniform he had on.

“No sweat. We got plenty of spare clothes for ya.” Applejack assured, “Apple Bloom, go fetch Spike some work out gear.”

Spike saw Applejack had motioned to a girl about his age with red hair and wore a pink bow,” Sure thing, Applejack.” she got up and went to one of the lockers filled with spare work out clothes, before coming back and offered them to Spike, “Here ya go.”

“Thanks, Apple Bloom, was it?”

“That's right.”

“I assume you're related to Applejack?” he asked.

“Yeah, she's my big sister.” Apple Bloom said proudly.

“Well, it's nice to meet you.” Spike greeted.

“Nice to meet you too.” She replied smiling fondly at him.

“Uh-huh.” Spike replied feeling awkward at the lovey dovey look she was shooting at him.

“Go and get changed, Spike.” Applejack instructed, as Spike nodded and went to get changed.

Inside the locker room, Spike was putting on the workout clothes while looking worried, “I know I took down a goon outside a 24/7 store, but I still don't have as much fighting experience even with training.” he looked to Drakon who was sitting on one of the locker room benches.

“You can use this as a way to learn some new moves and hone your skills.” the spirit suggested.

“But what if I don't know my own strength and end up hurting Applejack in the process?” Spike worried.

“Relax, Spike. Don't think too hard on it and don't put too much strength into your hits,” Drakon calmed the boy, “Do that and you'll be fine.”

“If you say so.” Spike finished after putting the workout shirt on.

So Spike came out all ready as he stood on the mat opposite side of Applejack, “Ok, Spike. One round no time limit. Think you can handle that?”

“I'll try.”

“Go!” one of the students announced.

And so Applejack and Spike engaged in hand to hand combat, with Applejack using the same kind of moves he witnessed her use in her previous match. Spike dodged a few hits, and blocked a few more.

“Dodging and blocking is just one of the few moves to use, Spike. But ya need to go on the offense as well.” Applejack reminded him, as she threw a punch that made Spike move back.

Drakon floated above observing, “That Applejack really does have moves, but so do you, Spike. Now show her what you can do!”

Spike listening to his guide started getting another of his impulses and started fighting back against Applejack who suddenly found herself on the defense for a change.

“Whew, now we're getting somewhere!” Applejack cheered.

The turn of events got Apple Bloom and many of the other members in the club equally excited seeing their newest classmate take on their toughest member.

“Look at him go!” a girl student gasped.

“He's really giving Applejack a workout.” a male student said in surprise.

“That Spike is full of surprises.” another girl student said with a faint blush on her face.

Spike and Applejack continued to spar with both of them matching blows, until they both tried to take each other down only for both of them to end up falling over one another. The other members looked shocked seeing as Applejack was laying on her back, Spike ended up falling on top of her landing face first into her breasts.

Applejack moaned as Spike's face moved around in her breasts, before pulling his face up and saw Applejack blushing hard. Drakon couldn't help but laugh as he watched the two in their compromising position.

“Um, I-uh...” Spike trailed before thinking in fright, 'Oh crap, she's gonna kill me for this!'

Suddenly he heard a laugh and saw it was coming from Applejack herself, “Well, I think we can call this here match a draw. Good match, Spike.”

Spike pulled himself back from Applejack, “Uh, yes. Thank you!” he said gratefully.

Soon the club members took their leave, while Spike returned to the locker room to shower off and put the workout clothes he borrowed with the rest of the laundry to be washed. When he exited the locker room he saw Applejack alone.

“Apple Bloom take off already?” Spike wondered.

“Yeah, she had her other clubs to get too. And she told me to give you her best regards.” Applejack answered.

“Well, thanks,” Spike realized what else Applejack said, “Other club? I didn't think there were any other clubs still going on at this hour.”

“It's not a school club, but a club she and her friends made outside school.” Applejack explained.


“I got to say, Spike, what you did today really blew my mind.”

“Really?” Spike asked.

“That's right. No one else in the club's ever last that long against me, or even came close to beating me.” Applejack chuckled, “Do you take lessons yourself?”

“No. I mean. Not a lot. I just recently started working out and practicing self defense.” Spike explained not wanting to tell her his real reason for learning how to fight in his spare time.

“Well for a beginner ya sure got the moves. Maybe you could join the MMA Club. You'll be sure to improve on your moves here.” she suggested.

“I don't know. It's too soon for me to commit to a club.”

“I understand, but if ya ever wanna come by after school and practice I'd be more than happy to help you.” Applejack continued to offer.

“You would?” Spike asked, as AJ nodded.

“Take her offer, Spike. This may be just what you need to further get into shape and learn some moves.” Drakon encouraged him.

Spike heeding the word of his spirit guide answered her, “Sure, Applejack. If I need some training I'll drop by here after school.”

“Perfect!” Applejack, “And if you wanna do it off school grounds, you can come to my place.”

“Ok, where do you live?”

“Sweet Apple Acres.”

Spike did a double take upon hearing that, “Sweet Apple Acres? You live there?”

“You betcha.” she confirmed.

“But that place makes the best apple products ever. You and Apple Bloom are part of that family?”

“We sure are.”

“Wow. And I can't believe I'm talking to you so casually.” Spike said embarrassed.

“Think nothing of it, sugarcube. Just because my family runs one of the biggest businesses in the market doesn't mean I think myself above others. After all our business started off as a simple farming business, until we modernized it over the years. But make no mistake we still value hard work over big time machinery and such that's supposed to make things easier.”

“I get it.”

“You should come by. I know Apple Bloom would love that as much as me.” Applejack smiled.

“Thanks. I'll keep it in mind. And also about what happened at the end of our spar...”

“It's ok,” Applejack replied, “I know it was an accident.”

“You really believe me on that?” Spike asked.

“Yeah. Ya seem far too shy to do anything like that on your own. No offense.”

“Well, none taken.”

“Well, I better get goin'. Thanks for stopping by the club, Spike.”

“No problem. Glad I did.” Spike replied, before seeing Applejack approach him and kissed his cheek.

“See ya tomorrow, sugarcube.” she left the gymnasium.

Spike stood in place watching as Applejack left before feeling the cheek where she kissed him, “Bye.” he said, even though she was gone.

Drakon laughed, “Well, that was unexpected, now wasn't it? So, Spike, be honest with me. Did they feel soft or firm?”

Spike blushed from what the dragon spirit asked him, “Drakon!”

Drakon just shrugged, “I was just asking.” Spike just left the gymnasium as the spirit floated after him trying to get more answers out of him.

A Happy Girl

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One night out in the city, Spike was running and jumping some roof tops for some late night exercising. He jumped to another roof before stopping to catch his breath.

“Good workout.” he told himself, before Drakon appeared at his side.

“Gonna call it a night now?”

“May as well. I got in all I needed,” Spike said, but before he could take off he spotted something down near an alley, “Hold on.” Spike moved down the roof while making sure not to give himself away.

When he landed on the ground he hid around a corner before peeking out and saw a group of five guys no older than him were skulking around carrying bags. Spike squinted as he saw one of their exposed shoulders bore a tattoo that looked like a purple equine head with a horn.

“Purple Nightmares.” Spike frowned.

Drakon spoke, “Ah, yes. The most infamous street gang in the city.”

“The cops may not always catch as many members, and those they do never even know the location of where they operate,” Spike explained, “Drakon, I think I'm gonna give these goons a little taste of what happens when you steal in my city.”

“Ooh, I like it. But you remembered to bring your 'disguise'?”

Spike nodded, before reaching into his bag and pulled out a dragon styled kabuki mask, before dawning it, “Let's show them what I'm made up.” he activated the armband that became his gauntlet.

Meanwhile the five members of the Purple Nightmares were still lurking around making sure to stay out of sight of anybody.

“Come on, keep moving.” one whispered to the others as they followed behind.

As they moved around a building they were suddenly face to face with a teenage couple who looked nervous upon seeing the gang.

“Bad timing.” one of the members warned the couple.

The boy gulped, “No kidding.” his girl clung to his arm.

“Get 'em!” one ordered, as the couple tried to make a run for it.

Two of the gang members jumped at the couple knocking them to the ground, “Get away from us!” the girl shouted, before kicking the one member in the face before trying to get up.

Unfortunately for the couple the gang surrounded them, as the head one spoke, “Bad move trying to run. Now you're gonna see what nightmares are made of.”

Before they could make a move they heard clanging and they spun to see a garbage can knocked over with the lid off. Everyone was cautious feeling someone else was around. The air grew tense as they felt something was creeping up around them.

Suddenly in a loud scream, something dropped in from behind kicking one of the members down flat and shocking the other gang members. Spike who had dropped in jumped back onto his feet striking a fighting pose.

“Hah!” Spike grunted.

The other four Nightmares frowned not sure who this intruder was but if he was looking for a fight then it's what they were going to give him. They charged at Spike who dodged their hits and grabbed one throwing him into another before looking at the couple who were still scared, but no longer cornered by the Nightmares.

“Get out of here! Go!” he ordered the couple who bolted.

“You'll pay for that, punk!” one of the Nightmares growled.

“Cash or credit? I'm good either way.” Spike sneered through his mask.

The other two Nightmares still standing attacked Spike head on, but the young man defeated both of them and tossed the five into a pile, before looking inside the bags they had on them. He looked and saw they were filled with wads of cash, which Drakon whistled at.

“That's a lot of green.”

“I know. Luckily it'll be going back to where it came from.” Spike replied, before hearing police sirens approaching.

“And that would be your cue to go.” Drakon said, as Spike nodded, before disappearing into the alley.

Soon he watched from one of the roofs looking down in the alley seeing the cops arresting the five Purple Nightmares and taking their stolen loot to be returned.

“Not bad, Spike. You really showed those losers a thing or two,” Drakon chuckled, “And you saved those other two as well.”

Spike nodded before removing his mask and continued to look down at the scene, “Now that I roughed up members of one of the most infamous gangs in the city this is gonna send some signals that someone's ready to bring justice.” he headed for home.

Elsewhere in the city, a Purple Nightmare member who had a spiked mohawk haircut with his hair colored in a mix of white black and red was hurrying through a hall before knocking on an office door.

“Enter.” came a voice from inside.

The goon entered and stood inside the office seeing someone sitting in a chair facing away from him at a desk, “Boss. There's something you need to hear.” he began.

The chair rotated around to reveal a muscular guy with blonde hair tied in a thin ponytail. He was Night Terror; leader of the Purple Nightmares, “I'm listening, Riff.”

The Nightmares member Riff continued, “Five of our guys have just been picked up tonight.”

Night Terror sighed, “I guess they couldn't pull the heist off.”

“No, sir. The heist went well, but someone got the drop on them.”

“Who?” Night Terror inquired.

“Well, I'm not sure how to describe it.”

“Spit it out, Riff!” Night Terror ordered as he stood up from his desk.

Riff shaken by his boss' tone answered, “It was some guy dressed in a dragon mask. According to sources he took the five of them out.”

“You mean to tell me five of my men were taken out by a single guy in a mask?!” the boss continued to sound angry.

“Don't shoot the messenger.” Riff trembled.

Night Terror calmed down, before sitting back down, “Whoever this masked person is, clearly has no idea who he's messing with. When you send a member of the Purple Nightmares to the slammer you pretty much declare war. Well, if this vigilante wants a war, then he will get one. Riff!”

“Yeah, boss?” Riff asked standing tall.

“Tell the others to be on the look out for this masked person. And if they see him... Spill his blood.” he said sadistically.

“As you wish, sir.” Riff left the office.

Night Terror got back up and walked over to his office window and looked out it seeing the city, “I've worked far too long to get the respect of many of the big time crime bosses in this city. And I won't let it sink because someone decided to play hero.” he frowned determined to find the one who sent five of his gang members to jail.

The next morning at Everfree Academy, Spike was sitting with Thorax and Button in class, as the gamer boy spoke to the two, “You hear what happened last night?”

“What is it?” Spike asked while pretending to be oblivious. He could already tell what he did last night to those Purple Nightmares members was already spreading to the media.

“I heard someone took on members of the Purple Nightmares.”

“What?!” Thorax gasped, “But those guys are dangerous. Who'd be stupid enough to go messing with them?”

“Someone who obviously knew what they were doing,” Button replied, “Because those guys were arrested.”

“Whoa. Looks like someone's actually doing something.” Thorax said amazed.

Drakon laughed as he sat in an empty seat next to Spike, “And they have no idea the one who kicked their asses is right here!” Spike said nothing as Cheerilee entered the classroom and was ready to begin her lesson.

So the day went by, and soon school was out, and Spike left the academy grounds. As he walked Drakon floated by.

“I got to say kid since your fight last night, your strength really increased. And the more enemies you fight the stronger you get and the more power you'll unlock from the Dragon Band.”

“Which means it'll be more than just a gauntlet when I activate it?” Spike guessed.

“Uh-huh. But until then you'll have to make do with your makeshift outfit and mask.”

“I should look into wearing something bulletproof and yet movable underneath my attire when I go out to fight crime.” Spike noted.

The young man continued wandering around the section of the city Twilight introduced him too before stopping outside a sweets shop, “Sugarcube Corner? Hm, sounds like a good place.” he walked inside.

As Spike entered, he saw many other people were enjoying tasty sugary treats in booths, tables, or even up by the counter. He shrugged and decided to take a stool by the counter. Seeing a new customer, one of the shops heads, Mr. Carrot Cake spoke to him, “Well, what can I getcha, son?”

“Vanilla milkshake mixed with chocolate pieces.” he answered.

“Coming up.” Carrot Cake replied, as he went back to give the order.

Spike waited patiently, while enjoying the sweet smell of sweets in the air of the shop. Even Drakon himself was enjoying it while hovering over some of the customers while eyeing their treats.

“Wow. We had nothing like this during my years. If I were solid I'd enjoy them myself.”

Spike smiled, until a familiar voice announced, “Here ya go!” he looked and saw Pinkie placed his milkshake before him.


“Hiya, Spike!”

“What're you doing here?” the boy asked surprised.

“I work here silly.” she smiled.

“You do?”

“Well, part time.” Pinkie admitted

Carrot Cake approached with his wife Cup Cake, “Oh, Pinkie, you know this boy?” Mrs. Cake asked curiously.

“I sure do,” Pinkie started to introduce them, “This is Spike Obsidian; my newest friend. Just transferred to Everfree Academy. Spike this is Mr and Mrs. Cake, owners of Sugarcube Corner.”

“It's very nice to meet you, dear.” Mrs. Cake greeted him.

“Same to you two. And I love what you did with the place. It feels so welcoming, and I love the smell of freshly made sweets.”

“Yeah, everyone feels that way when they come here.” Mr. Cake admitted.

Spike took a sip of his milkshake and his eyes lit up, “Wow. This is delicious!”

“We're glad you think so.” Mrs. Cake smiled with pride.

“Only the best for our customers.” Pinkie added, “So, Spike, after you finish you wanna hang out with me?”

“But aren't you working?” he asked.

“My shift's almost done.” she replied.

“Well, in that case. Sure.” Spike said, as he enjoyed his milkshake.

When Spike finished his shake, he paid for it and waited for Pinkie Pie. Soon the girl hung up her work apron and met up with Spike before they took their leave.

As Spike and Pinkie walked through the city, many people were enamored by Spike's appearance as always, but many started greeting Pinkie Pie as she passed them and greeted them in return.

Spike noticed much like Rarity, Pinkie herself seemed to be friendly with everyone they met, 'And I thought Rarity was popular. But Pinkie seems to be popular for a different matter.' he thought.

“No kidding. It's like being around her alone is giving people such a positive feeling.” Drakon added.

'Doubt it'd be able to effect Shadow Storm.' Spike replied knowing there's no way someone like him could be effected by Pinkie's happy charm.

Pinkie looked seeing Spike deep in thought, “Something on your mind, Spike?”

Spike snapped out of his thoughts from hearing Pinkie answered, “Sorry, Pinkie, was just thinking about something.”

“About what?” she leaned in.

Spike blushed at how close she got, “Well... about you.” he confessed.

Pinkie blushed in response before smiling happily, “Oh, really?” she asked slyly.

“I mean, ever since we left Sugarcube Corner you've been greeting just about everyone we passed by, and they all greeted you in response like you really know them.”

“Well, I do. I know just about everyone in the city. I am a party planner and I love planning parties for others for whatever reason.” Pinkie explained proudly.

“You do it all by yourself?” Spike wondered.

“Most of the time, but sometimes if it's a party that's too much for even me to handle alone Twilight and the others help me out.”

“That's... nice of them.”

“Yuperoonee! That's why they're my bestest friends.” she beamed.

Spike thought to himself, 'It's so easy for someone like her to make friends. Something I never had before in the past before all this.” he started remembering how had his life was and how in school the kids would always make fun of him because of his weight, resulting in him never making any friends and developed low self esteem. And yet this happy-go-lucky girl makes it so easy to make friends and wondered where she was when he needed a friend the most.'

Pinkie started hearing sniffling coming from Spike and looked concerned, “Spike?”

“Why?” Spike asked.


“Why weren't you there when I could've used you the most?!” Spike's head shot up revealing his tear filled eyes.

Pinkie was taken aback by Spike's outburst, “I never had a friend before in my life before transferring to Everfree!” he started to vent, “And it was all because everyone was repulsed by my physical appearance before all this! They judged me without trying to get to know me! I've been insulted, bullied, and threatened on a daily basis, and there was no one for me to turn to!”

“Oh, Spike.” Pinkie gasped.

“But you make it look so easy,” Spike spoke bitterly, “Everyone wants to be your friend, and you make them all happy. But for me, I was just everyone's punching bag they could take all their frustrations out on.”

Drakon sighed seeing this was just like how he broke down in front of Rarity, only this time it felt more like he was throwing himself a pity party.

“Spike.” Pinkie continued to feel sympathy for him, as he looked away still sounding bitter.

“I wouldn't expect you to understand my pain. It's as you said. You know everyone and love making friends with them. How could you possibly know what it's like to be rejected?” Spike was taken aback and he was suddenly embraced by Pinkie who was sniffling on his shoulder.

Spike snapped out of his pity party and looked at Pinkie noticing her hair looked a little deflated, “Yes, I do love making people happy. But it wasn't always easy. Back then I also wasn't always someone people wanted to be around. When I first decided to start spreading cheer and put smiles on others faces, not a lot of people were appreciative or even returned my happiness. They felt I was too chipper and it made them uncomfortable.”

“Then why continue?” Spike wondered.

Pinkie smiled, “Because I found friends who did appreciate my attempts to bring smiles and laughter.”

Spike nodded realizing, “Twilight and the others?”

“Uh-huh. And since then I made new friends at school and elsewhere. And now I have you, Spike.”

Spike blushed, “But what about those who still don't want to be your friends?”

“Well, some I learn just don't want to be friends. But some I see there's good to them so I try to find a way to bring that side out of them. And I see so much good in you, Spike. Despite however people treated you in the past, you still remained strong and caring. Anyone else would've taken their own life a long time ago. But the fact you're still alive means you're stronger than most. And I would love to have a friend like you.”

Spike smiled more as his tears slowed down, but hugged her, “I wish I had you for a friend sooner.”

“I wish I was there for you when you needed a friend the most.” Pinkie replied.

“Well, you're here now. And I'm glad you are.”

Pinkie's hair poofed back up and smiled, before kissing Spike's cheeks, “Let's be friends forever, Spike.”

“Sounds good to me, Pinkie.” Spike agreed, as he embraced her.

“And don't worry, when the preparations for your official enrollment party is complete, it'll be a party to remember.” she promised.

“Can't wait.”

Pinkie then whispered, “And I hope whoever's watching us will be there too.”

“Watching us?” Spike asked in confusion.

“Yeah. Ever since we met I felt like someone's been following you close behind. But he must be invisible.” she explained.

Spike's eyes widened as he looked over Pinkie at Drakon who shrugged, and answered, “Is she secretly spiritually aware?” Spike himself didn't know how to answer, but knew Pinkie was indeed a very odd girl. And yet he didn't mind it.

Kindness of a Friend

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Outside a warehouse in Canterlot City one night, sounds of gun shots could be heard, along with the voices of screaming coming from inside the warehouse. Inside the building was Spike in his vigilante disguise taking out a bunch of goons who were trying to shoot at him. Spike using his skills thanks to Drakon were dodging the shots before disarming one of the goons of his gun and knocked him away.

“SHOOT THAT MO-FO!” the one leading the operation ordered the others as they kept trying to shoot Spike.

As Spike dodged more gunshots, Drakon flew around observing, “Feeling regret following these guys, Spike?” he joked.

“Actually, I'm glad I did,” Spike answered, “I mean how often does someone get the chance to bust up a weapons smuggling trade off?”

As Spike talked with Drakon while dodging, some of the goons were confused, “Who the hell is he talking to?” one asked the others.

“He's crazy, that's what.” another answered.

Spike deciding to table the discussion with Drakon resumed focusing on the goons, by going back on the offense. He disarmed the rest of the goons of their guns before knocking them to the ground hard. After he took down the one leading the trade off, the guy looked up at Spike groaning.

“Who the fuck are you?”

Spike looked down at him, and answered, “I'm the Dragon Knight.”

Sometime later, Spike watched from a roof as the goons and their illegal weapons were being taken in and confiscated by the police.

“Well, Spike, you've been on a roll here,” Drakon said, while standing at his side, “In the last few days you've busted up weapons exchanges, drug smuggling, and just plain thievery.”

“I know. The more I do here the safer the city feels.” Spike answered.

And it was true, ever since he fought those Purple Nightmare punks and protected that couple Spike started going after other small groups of gangs in the city, before he started going after smugglers of illegal stuff. He already had the police baffled on who was cleaning up the streets leaving the crooks and gang members for them to take away, while he could also tell he was stirring up discord and fear in the other gangs and criminals in the city who now knew there was someone out there coming for them should they make a move of their own.

“Although, Dragon Knight?” Drakon wondered, “This isn't medieval times you know?”

“Knights were regarded as defenders of their kingdom, Drakon,” Spike reminded him, “And Canterlot City is my kingdom.”

“Fair point.” Drakon admitted.

“I'm also planning on leaving a calling card that way at least the cops and even the crooks will know what I am. At least until I come up with a good design.”

“Well, hopefully it'll be a good one, otherwise people will take it as a joke.”

Spike chuckled, until he saw his one bare fist glow and suddenly appearing over it was another gauntlet like the one on his other hand thanks to the dragon band.

“Whoa, two gauntlets now?” Spike looked at them both.

Drakon smiled proudly, “Your armor from the dragon band grows as does your strength. Gaining another gauntlet shows you've grown stronger since you started training in unlocking its power.”

“Awesome.” Spike said amazed. Feeling his work was done Spike headed off for home pleased to know his improving has made him stronger.

The next day at school, Spike was walking through the halls to class while listening in on some of the other students conversations because the topic they were discussing intrigued him.

“So yeah, that vigilante that's been going around struck again last night.” Thunderlane whispered to Flitter and Cloudchaser.

“Really?” Cloudchaser gasped.

“That's amazing!” Flitter beamed.

“And I hear they finally got a name out of who's doing it. Or I think it's a name.” the boy continued.

“What is it?” another girl named Roseluck asked.

“They say he's the Dragon Knight.” Thunderlane answered.

“Dragon Knight?” they asked.

Spike hearing this smirked to himself, until he noticed Twilight and the girls coming by and decided to hide around a corner not wanting to get in on the conversation if they're around.

“Hey, what's going on?” Sunset asked the group gossiping.

“Hey, girls, we were just talking about that vigilante that's been out taking care of crime in the city at night.”Thunderlane explained.

“Oh, yeah, I heard there was somebody out there kicking crime's ass!” Rainbow laughed.

“Did he strike again?” Pinkie asked the group excitedly.

“He sure did.” Flitter confirmed.

“We even learned what he's called.” Cloudchaser added.

“What is it?” Twilight asked.

“He's called the Dragon Knight.” Thunderlane explained.

“Dragon Knight?” Rarity gasped before swooning, “Oh, my. Sounds chivalrous.”

“Careful, Rarity, you're droolin'.” Applejack teased, as Rarity quickly straightened herself out.

“I think it's an awesome title.” Rainbow spoke up.

“So do I.” Pinkie smiled.

“I'm surprised someone is actually going out taking on all those gangs and crooks as of late.” Twilight voiced her concern.

“Sounds scary.” Fluttershy shuddered.

“Hey, if you ask me, it's about time someone's doing something for the city.” Rainbow voiced her opinion.

“Yeah,” Applejack agreed, “Them cops are supposed to be protecting us, and yet they're not doing as much as they should.”

“Hopefully with what this Dragon Knight is doing will inspire them to try harder.” Sunset hoped.

“I hope so,” Fluttershy replied, “It scares me to think what goes on out there late at night.”

“Or even during the daytime.” Flitter said.

Spike listened in on their conversation and nodded to himself, as Drakon spoke, “Looks like you're already getting more supporters.”

“And they seem to like the idea of Dragon Knight.” Spike added.

“Especially Rarity.” the spirit teased about her drooling, making Spike hold in a laugh. Eventually Spike and everyone else headed for their first period classes for another day of learning.

As the day went by it was finally time for the students to take off. As Spike was going out front with some of the others a scream alerted him and so many others who they started screaming as well.

“What's going on?!” Spike asked, until Drakon spoke.

“One good reason, and that's it!” Drakon motioned ahead.

Spike looked ahead of the students in front of him and saw a brown bear on school grounds, “A bear?” he asked in shock, as the students started retreating back into the building, as the creature started walking closer. Spike joined his fellow classmates back inside.

“How'd a bear get here?!” Spike asked his classmates.

“I heard the zoo was supposed to be getting a new bear added to their habitat.” Twilight began.

“Looks like something went wrong when that fella was being transferred.” Applejack suspected, as they watched the bear from inside.

Rainbow looked through the glass of the doors and saw someone was still out there, “Fluttershy!”

“What?!” The girls gasped, as Spike looked out and saw said girl.

“It is Fluttershy!” he confirmed.

Outside the building, Fluttershy saw the bear close to the academy building's door, “Oh, my!” she gasped.

The bear caught a new scent in the air, and looked seeing Fluttershy before growling. From inside the building the students were worried beyond belief.

“Fluttershy, get out of there!” Sunset called.

But it was too late. The bear started charging right towards Fluttershy. With the bear no longer close to the door, Spike on his growing instinct of helping, pushed past his classmates running out, “Spike!” Twilight and the girls cried.

Spike made it out and tried to stop the bear from going after Fluttershy, only for said girl who wasn't moving before suddenly jumped onto the bear's back looking ready to wrestle it. Spike stopped in place when he saw Fluttershy twisted the bear's neck.

“Ooh! That'll hurt.” Drakon groaned.

“Wait, look.” Spike gasped, as the bear fell to the ground with Fluttershy still on top of it and started massaging its back.

“There now. Does that feel better?” she cooed at the predator who growled happily much to Spike's shock, “I can only imagine how much stress you have from dealing with the truck transferring you crashing and you getting out, and wandering around lost and confused. But it's ok. You're safe now. No one's going to hurt you.”

Spike stared blankly, and thought, 'Nobody's gonna hurt him?!'

Fluttershy looked up and saw Spike staring in her direction, “Oh, Spike. Hi.” she said like she wasn't just on the back of a bear giving it a massage.

“Fluttershy, how, what are... What just happened?” he asked in shock.

“Well, Harry here was stressed from getting lost from the truck transferring him to the zoo so I thought I'd give him a massage to calm him down.” she explained nonchalant.

“How did you figure that? And you named him Harry?”

“No. His mother named him that.” she answered with a sheepish smile.

“O-kay.” Spike replied awkwardly, as the rest of the students slowly stepped outside but still kept their distance.

Soon enough, the people handling the zoo transfer arrived at the school with a new truck to transfer Harry the bear to his new home at the zoo. Fluttershy watched as Harry was led up into the back of the truck before entering his comfortable cage.

“Goodbye, Harry! I'll come visit you at the zoo!” Fluttershy called, until the truck drove away.

Principal Celestia who had been talking to the people handling the transfer about what happened spoke up to everyone, “Ok, students, that's enough here! Move onto your club activities or head on home!” she instructed, as the students moved along.

Fluttershy was approached by Spike and the rest of the girls, “Fluttershy, that was awesome!” Rainbow cheered.

“Darling, that was incredible!” Rarity commended her.

“I knew you had a way with animals, but ones like that?” Twilight asked in disbelief.

“I'm surprised at that myself.” Spike agreed.

“How'd you know that would calm him?” Pinkie asked.

“I didn't. But sometimes we all have to be shown a little kindness.” Fluttershy smiled.

Spike blushed from her words, as Applejack spoke, “Well, better get a move on. Catch ya later, Spike.” she said patting his shoulder before heading to her club, followed by several of the others. When they were gone it was just Spike and Fluttershy.

“Well, I guess I better get going.” Spike said, as he was about to leave as well.

“Spike, wait,” Fluttershy stopped him, “I was wondering if you'd-well-like to walk with me?” she blushed a bit, “That is, if you wanted to. If not I understand.”

“No, it's ok, Fluttershy. In fact, I'd be delighted too.” Spike said happily.

“Really?” Fluttershy asked with her face lighting up, before feeling embarrassed by her own reaction, “I mean. Great. So shall we?”

“Sure.” Spike agreed, as he walked off with his timid friend.

So Spike and Fluttershy walked through the park close together while exchanging shy smiled at each other every so often. Meanwhile other people in the park noticing the two couldn't help but admire how they looked together.

“Whoa, that guy is so handsome.” a girl told her friend.

“No kidding.” she replied.

A guy spoke to his own friend, “Check out that girl he's with. She's the definition of cute!”

“I know. Looking at her adorableness is too much for my eyes to handle!” he agreed equally excited.

The two students overhearing what they were all saying felt a bit embarrassed, but Spike stomached it and spoke to his friend, “Why don't we go sit down somewhere, Fluttershy?”

“Yes, please.” she agreed.

So they sat down at a nearby bench to relax and not worry about what others were saying about them, even if they were compliments.

“So I see you don't do well with unwanted attention?” Spike inquired.

“Not as much as my friends do,” Fluttershy confessed, “A lot of times if I'm ever in the spotlight I'd try to run and hide from it. I've really been shy for most of my life. And because of that I was often teased about it.”

“Well, I can relate,” Spike admitted, “I was never used to so much attention before in the past. Now that I have it, it's slowly growing on me.”

“Oh, Spike.” Fluttershy said in empathy.

But Spike deciding to steer away from him, decided to change it back to her, “So your friends said you have a way with animals. Is that why you were able to understand that bear was stressed while no one else could?”

“Exactly,” she confirmed, “Because I was so shy back then I found it easier to talk to animals than with people.”

“You must have a lot of pets.” Spike suspected.

“Just one, but a lot of times I'd pet sit for others and they've grown to like me,” she smiled, “Why I even help out at the local animal shelter helping stray pets find a home that's just right for them.”

“That's very admirable of you, Fluttershy,” Spike began, “Just as it feels unsafe for us a lot of times in the city, I can only imagine how much harder it is for stray animals who have no place to call home.”

“I know. That's why whenever I find a stray animal I get it to the animal shelter as soon as possible before it starves to death.”

Spike looked to Fluttershy in awe, “Wow, you truly have a kind heart.”

“Well, it's not limited to just animals,” Fluttershy admitted, “I'm like that way with people as well. From sharing food, to helping children and the elderly.”

“How did you learn to be so kind?” the boy wondered.

“Well, my mom used to tell me to be kind to others, because they may just show kindness back.” She smiled at Spike.

Spike continued to look at Fluttershy as if he was looking at an angel shining brightly before him. Suddenly tears started forming in his eyes before he started sniffling which got Fluttershy's attention.

“Spike? What's wrong? Oh, my goodness did I say something wrong?” she began to panic, “I'm so sorry, the last thing I wanted to do was make you cry!”

“It's not that,” Spike assured through a sniffle, “I just wish we met sooner.”


“Remember what I said about relating to you about being teased? Well, it was more than that. I assume Twilight informed you of what I used to look like when she first met me?”

“More or less.” she confirmed.

“Well, I was more than just teased because of that. I was mocked, ridiculed, bullied, and so much more. And I had nobody to turn to for support. Especially after my parents passed away.” Spike continued to explain sadly.

Fluttershy recalling what Twilight told her and the others about Spike during her investigation of him realized his life was just as bad as she thought hers was back when she was just shy. She quickly leaned closer and hugged Spike close surprising him.

As Fluttershy sniffled this confused Spike, “Fluttershy?”

“I'm so sorry,” she began, “I wish I knew you much sooner. If I had been your friend earlier I could've helped you through your pain. But I do understand you. I know what it's like to be bullied, of course compared to me you had it the worst. But those days are behind you now, Spike. You go to a new school, and you have friends now. And while I wonder how you turned out like this, I still would've been your friend regardless of what you used to look like.”

“You know, I really believe you on that.” Spike smiled as his tears became happy ones, as he hugged Fluttershy back.

Afterward, Spike walked Fluttershy back to her place. As they reached her home, the girl spoke, “Thanks for walking me home, Spike.”

“Anytime.” he replied.

“So I guess I'll see you tomorrow?” Fluttershy asked.

“Obviously.” Spike reminded Fluttershy who blushed sheepishly.

As Spike got ready to leave, Fluttershy took his hand, “A moment, Spike.”

“Huh?” Spike asked as he looked back to Fluttershy, and suddenly felt her kiss his cheek.

This surprised Spike while Fluttershy's face turned red in embarrassment, but still kept herself together, “Thanks for being my friend too.” she hurried inside her house unable to keep her face straight any longer.

Spike had watched Fluttershy head inside her home while feeling his cheek. He smiled over it and started heading home.

As Drakon flew at Spike's side, he spoke up, “For such a shy girl that was quite bold of her.”

“Yeah,” Spike agreed, as he continued to smile, “You know, when Fluttershy hugged me I felt this incredible warmth from her. I haven't felt such a warm hug since my mom. I'm glad she's my friend, Drakon. Just as I'm glad the rest of the girls are and everyone else too.”

Drakon nodded in agreement, “You've experienced kindness you thought was out of your reach, and yet it came to you in the end.” And with that Spike continued on for home to get ready for another nightly patrol.

The Awesome One

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At the police station, inside the chief's office. The chief of police was a woman called Tempest Shadow and had moderate rose with lighter edges. She was currently looking over files, until there was a knock at her door.

“Enter.” she answered.

The door opened and walking in was a young man who had hair in a mix of moderate sapphire blue, moderate cerulean, and dark phthalo blue. He was Captain Shining Armor; one of the best cops on the force. Even though there were plenty of cops not doing half as much as they should, he on the other hand dedicated his life to upholding the law in the city.

“Chief Shadow.” he addressed her.

“Captain Armor,” she acknowledged him, “What news do you have this time?”

“Our boys just picked up a couple more punks that were trying to rob the electronics store on Monroe St.” he began.

“Was there any resistance?” Tempest inquired.

“No, ma'am. In fact, they were all bound and left for us.”

Tempest looked up at the sergeant, “What?”

“And what's more. They found this on them.” Shining Armor put a card on the desk.

Tempest pulled the card closer to her and saw the image on it was Spike's dragon mask with the title Dragon Knight marked on it.

“Again?” she asked in shock.

“Yes, ma'am. Whoever this vigilante is, has just left a calling card now.”

Tempest sighed, “This almost feels like mockery to us.”

“Chief, normally I wouldn't encourage such behavior, but this Dragon Knight has helped us clean up the streets as of late,” Shining Armor began, “Already several smaller gangs are too afraid to even come out at night.”

“Be that as it may, Captain. As the law enforcement of this city we still have to uphold the law here. Regardless of this vigilante's intentions.” Tempest replied.

“So what're you suggesting?”

“That you tell those doughnut dunkers down there to triple their efforts unless they wanna be out of a job!” Tempest ordered.

“As you wish, chief.” Shining said before taking his leave hiding a smile.

When Chief Tempest was alone, she sighed and looked out her office window, “The city is indeed ridden with so much crime. And we try so hard to protect it, even when some of the boys here act like they could care less and hardly put in the effort. And now this vigilante the Dragon Knight shows up and starts taking the law into his own hands? Well, I'm not going to let him be the only crime fighter in this city. Alright, Dragon Knight, you got my attention. We're really gonna clean up this city. Count on it.”

Soon Shining Armor stepped outside the station and walked to the parking lot. As he got into his car, he heard his phone ring. Picked it up and answered the call as Twilight appeared on screen.

“Twily!” he cheered.

“Hey, BBBFF,” she greeted, “I figured you just got off.”

“Yeah. So how's school going for you?” he asked.

“Great. The girls and I stayed afterward for a study session with Spike today.”

“Spike, huh? The same Spike you told me that saved your life?” Shining raised his brows with a cheeky smile.

“The very same.” she confirmed.

“You've been going on about him for quite awhile, Twilight.” he noted.

“Well, can you blame me? He saved me, and he's become the talk of the school.”

“Right. Still with the way you talk about him I just might have to meet him myself some day. And I'm sure mom and dad are just the same about the idea?”

Twilight sighed, “More than that, they won't stop hounding me about when they get to meet him. But I don't wanna overwhelm him. Spike didn't exactly have such a good life before transferring and I'm worried it might be too much for him. So, baby steps.”

“Fair enough. Well, I'm heading home. I'll talk to you later, Twily.”

“See you.” Twilight answered, as they ended their chat before Shining Armor started driving for home.

The next day at Everfree Academy, Spike went to his locker to collect his books. Upon opening it a note fell out from it and to the floor drawing his attention to it. He picked it up and unraveled it seeing the message.

Spike, come watch me at track after school today, Rainbow Dash.

Drakon looked over Spike's shoulder to see the note, “Ooh, looks like Rainbow Dash is hoping to get your attention.” he smirked.

“Well, I've watched her on the sports field before, but mostly during class. So it'll be nice to watch her after school.” Spike admitted before he pocketed the note and headed for class.

The day went by, and soon Spike was heading for the track field of the school. He arrived and looked to see several other students on the field stretching and exercising. Among them he saw Rainbow Dash doing some toe touches. As she bent over Spike got a good view of the girls butt through her shorts which got him blushing but quickly shook it off before he grew too stiff below.

“Spike, over here!” came a voice.

Spike looked and saw it came from a girl his age with moderate cerise hair, and waving him over to the bench she was sitting on. He went down and sat next to her who looked glad he did.

“I remember you're in my class. You're Scootaloo.” Spike recalled.

“That's me.” she confirmed.

“What're you doing out here on track?”

“Watching Rainbow Dash.”

“Are you her sister or something?” Spike wondered.

“Not really. But I do look up to her. She even thinks of me as a little sis.” Scootaloo answered.

“How nice.” he smiled, as they looked to Rainbow Dash who finished her stretches.

As the girl was about to take position at the starting line with a few others she noticed Spike next to Scootaloo. Spike waved at Rainbow who shot him a wink making him blush a bit before getting himself together. And so the two watched Rainbow run the course blowing away the others running the course.

Drakon floated above Spike and Scootaloo, “Damn, that girl really is fast on her feet.” Spike nodded in confirmation as he watched Rainbow move.

Scootaloo noticing Spike's awed expression spoke, “She's awesome, isn't she?”

“Very,” Spike agreed, “So, how'd you end up being Rainbow's surrogate sister?”

“Well, I first saw Rainbow Dash during one of her soccer matches awhile back. It helps that my friends are sisters of her friends Applejack and Rarity.”

“Applejack?” Spike wondered before it dawned on him, “So you're friends with Apple Bloom?”

“Uh-huh.” she confirmed.

“But I didn't know Rarity has a sister. Who is she?”

“Sweetie Belle.”

Spike thought back during his classes, “Ah, that's right. She's the one who loves singing.”

“She's the one.” Scootaloo nodded.

“Well, it's nice to know Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity aren't the only ones who're friends.” Spike said.

“Well, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom are more than friends. We're an after school club.”

“What club is it?”

“We're the Canterlot Movie Club, or CMC for short.”

“A movie club?” Spike asked.

“That's right. We watch and talk about all the latest movies and even old ones.” she explained.

“Sounds like fun.”

“It sure is. You should come to one of our meets and review a movie with us.” Scootaloo offered.

“I may be interested in that.” Spike admitted.

They watched Rainbow run more laps before finishing her last lap in first making them cheer, “That was incredible.” Spike told Scootaloo in awe.

“I know, right?!” she cheered.

Soon the other track stars were packing it in, until Rainbow went over to the two, “Hey, guys, what'd ya think?”

“You were awesome as always, Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo fangirled.

Rainbow smiled before turning to the boy, “What about you, Spike?”

“You were amazing out there, Rainbow,” Spike replied, “You just blew everyone away. Were you hyped up on sugar or something?”

“Nah, that's Pinkie's thing. That was all hard work and determination,” Rainbow boasted, “And it also helps when it's natural talent.”

Scootaloo nodded, “Well, I gotta get going. See you both tomorrow.”

“Bye, Scootaloo.” Spike and Rainbow said, as the girl took off.

As Rainbow sat down on the bench next to Spike she groaned which caught the boy's attention, “Rainbow, you ok?”

“Yeah, just my legs feeling a little worn out is all,” Rainbow explained before an idea came to her and smirked, “But maybe you can help me with that.”

“Help you? How?”

“Could you give my legs a rub down?” she requested.

Spike blushed as he looked down at Rainbow's legs, “You want me to rub your legs?” he stammered.

“What am I speakin' gibberish?” she asked rhetorically, “Give my legs a rub.”

“Uh, you really don't mind me doing that?” Spike asked nervously.

“Well, you're the only one here. Why so nervous, afraid you might enjoy it?” Rainbow asked flirtatiously.

Spike blushing at Rainbow's implication answered, “No! I'll do it.”

“Good,” Rainbow smiled, as she removed her shoes and socks leaving her barefoot, “But if you start tickling my feet I'll lock your head between my legs.” she warned him.

Spike's face turned redder as Drakon laughed, “She's trying to make her threats sound like pleasure so you would do it.” Spike just ignored Drakon and began rubbing down Rainbow's right leg.

“Oh, yeah that feels good,” Rainbow moaned, as Spike's hands rubbed up and down her leg, and thought to herself with tears of joy, 'More than good, it's awesome!'

“So, Rainbow Dash, how long have you been into sports?” Spike asked deciding to make small talk while rubbing down her leg.

“Oh, I've been a sports girl since I was little,” Rainbow began, “Ever since I saw my first Wonderbolts game.”

“The Wonderbolts?” Spike asked, “They're the best soccer team around.”

“Got that right. And since then I've been doing one sports thing to another. After all I shouldn't limit myself to just one sport. I wanted to really broaden and see where they all take me.”

Spike gasped inspired by her speech, “That's very admirable. I too like to try new things and see where they take me as well.”

Rainbow smirked, “You do that.”

“I hear you're president of all the sports clubs. I'm amazed you can actually pull that off.”

“I may not be a schedule freak like Twilight, but when it comes to managing sports it's no chore.” she boasted.

“And I also heard just about every team wants you on theirs.”

“They sure do, but I don't go for just any team.”

“What do you mean?” Spike asked.

“Sure there are plenty of teams. Some better than others. But when I pick a team I stick to it, even if there's another that's supposedly better than the one I'm on.”

“Really? Even though you're all about being the best?”

“I may like to be the best but I'd never abandon my team like that.” she answered.

“That's very loyal of you.” Spike said in admiration.

“Another thing I'm known for.” Rainbow smiled.

Spike switched from rubbing Rainbow's right leg to her left one, “How is it? Still good?”

“Yeah. Oh, I really needed this.” Rainbow moaned again as she relaxed, “So, Spike, how're you enjoying Everfree Academy since you enrolled full time?”

“It's been great. Getting to know everyone here's been perfect for me.” Spike answered smiling.

“That's good. I heard from the girls you've been getting to know them more.”

“Right. I have,” Spike confirmed, “Is that why you invited me here to watch you run track?”

Rainbow nodded, “Yeah. Figured you'd get to watch the most awesome athlete in school show her stuff.”

“Well, you were right. I could hardly take my eyes off you.” he confessed.

Rainbow smirked again, “Were your eyes taking glances at my butt while I ran?” Spike's eyes widened as his face turned red, “Not that I'd blame you for doing it. Next to my legs I have been told I got a hot ass as well.” she laughed.

Spike blushed as Drakon laughed and spoke, “Oh, I like this one!”

Rainbow continued still bearing a smirk, “But I'll bet your ass is even hotter.”

Spike yelped as he jumped back letting go of Rainbow's leg. The girl once again laughed hysterically, “Relax, Spike, I'm just teasing. Don't be so uptight.”

Spike sighed, 'This girl's gonna be the death of me.'

Soon, Rainbow finally went to shower off and change back into her school uniform. When she came back she saw Spike was packing it in himself.

“You heading home too?” she asked.

“Yeah. I got things to do myself.”

“Well, I guess I'll see you around.”

“Yeah. See ya,” Before Spike could leave, Rainbow took his hand and pulled him back, “Hey!” He was cut off as Rainbow kissed his cheek leaving him flabbergasted.

Rainbow smiled with a faint blush, “Thanks for the leg rubs, Spike. I might ask you to do it more often,” Spike just chuckled sheepishly in response, “Well, see ya around.” Rainbow took off.

As she ran, Spike did watch as her ass shook with her steps, 'Bloody hell.' he thought while feeling stiff.

“Come on, lover boy, let's go.” Drakon said, nudging Spike forward who continued on at his own pace.

"Rainbow Dash really is awesome." Spike said, as Drakon nodded in agreement.

Rebellious Artist

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As the students were being let out at Everfree Academy, they were heading home, or heading for their clubs. Spike had just left Principal Celestia's office, and started walking the hall with Drakon at his side.

“I can't believe the principal wanted to check on you.” the dragon spirit sighed.

“Hey, as the newest student here she just wants to make sure I'm getting used to the place.” Spike replied.

“Maybe, but part of me thinks she holds these meetings with you as an excuse to see you more.” Drakon chuckled.

“Drakon!” Spike chided with a blush on his face.

“I'm just saying, with your looks you attract attention from just about anyone.”

Spike rolled his eyes before passing the clubs rooms and looked inside one of them being the art room. And among the students inside doing artwork, one was Sunset Shimmer painting a countryside landscape. Curious about the bacon haired girl, Spike entered while making sure not to startle her or anybody else in the middle of painting.

When Sunset put her brush down, she sighed in relief while marveling over her masterpiece. She suddenly felt someone behind her and looked back seeing Spike.

“Spike?” she asked.

“Hi, Sunset. So this is where you go after school?” he asked.

“For the most.” she answered.

Spike eyed her painting, “And you really painted this?”

“Guilty.” she admitted.

“This is very impressive. I mean I'm no art enthusiast but I do know an amazing piece when I see it.”

Sunset blushed, “Oh, stop.”

“No. Really. This is some impressive work. Especially for a high schooler.” Spike continued to compliment her.

“Well, thank you.” she smiled.

“But I do hope I'm not interrupting anything.” Spike said feeling embarrassed for possibly intruding.

“Not at all. You're more than welcomed to stick around.” she offered.

“Thanks,” he said before sitting down, “Have you always been an artist?”

“Well, not like this,” Sunset confessed while noticing many were focus on their own works to pay attention to her and Spike, “Back then I was more into graffiti art.”

“Graffiti? Well, that's also a good kind of art in its own way.” Spike admitted.

“Yeah, but back then I was more or less a tagger, not caring where I left my art at public or private property,” Sunset continued to explain as Spike listened in, “Before I knew Twilight, Applejack, or any of the others I wasn't exactly a good person. My parents passed away when I was just a child, and I kept getting bounced from one foster home after another because I wasn't the most well behaved kid. Pretty soon it got to the point where no one would take me in, but back then I didn't care.”

Spike listening to Sunset's story thought to himself about how she lost her parents, 'She's just like me.'

“I was proud of my art and cared about nothing else, not even people, especially not those who tried reaching out to me. But one day tagging really got me in trouble. I got caught tagging the school bathrooms and was brought before Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna. For the first time I felt legitimately scared as both of them argued on what would be the most appropriate punishment,” Sunset continued, “V.P Luna had suggested expulsion since it was the most logical thing to do and let me be some other school's problem. But Principal Celestia on the other hand thought not. Despite my vandalizing she was actually impressed with my art and felt it would be a waste to send me somewhere else. And despite V.P Luna's reminder that some of my tagging was a direct insult to Celestia herself, the principal still thought I deserved a second chance. She also mentioned that V.P Luna herself was a rebel herself and used to lash out at their parents too.” she giggled.

“Whoa. Vice Principal Luna was a rebel?” Spike asked in surprise.

Drakon chuckled, “Now that's something worth knowing.”

“So then what?” Spike asked Sunset.

“When Principal Celestia brought up how V.P Luna was rebellious she said she said I reminded her of her sister. But Luna was rebellious for different reasons.”

“What reasons?”

“I don't know. V.P Luna wouldn't let Principal Celestia mention more of that. But she mentioned Luna changed her ways and felt there was hope for me too. So V.P Luna agreed and needless to say I was shocked I wasn't getting expelled. But I did have to serve plenty of detentions, and Principal Celestia suggested I use my art as an outlet for my rebellious nature rather than vandalism. And over time my art became less noise and more meaningful. I started treating my art with more care than I ever did,” Sunset began to smile fondly, “My artwork became so well, Principal Celestia let me hold my own art exhibit here at the school. That was actually were I first met Twilight and the others.”

“Really?” Spike asked.

“Yeah. They were all very impressed by my work, especially Rarity and even Pinkie Pie. We all started talking and before I knew it I had six best friends.” she shed a tear, which Spike noticed and quickly caught it much to her surprise.

“You know, Sunset, you and I really are birds of a feather,” he began, as Sunset listened, “I too started off losing my parents, and grew up without a single friend. Although we grew up with different mindsets, you a rebellious troublemaker and me a low self esteem punching bag.” he sighed.

“Oh, Spike.” Sunset said sympathizing.

“And then we both met Twilight, and in turn the rest of the girls and look how we turned out.” Spike said feeling happier.

Sunset smiled and nodded, “Yeah. We're both much better than when we used to be.”

As the two stared happily at each other knowing they found someone who understands them, Drakon watched while sitting on top of another's painting, “Ain't it grand knowing you're not alone?”

Later on as it got dark, Spike and Sunset were walking through the park, “I appreciate you walking me home, Spike. But you didn't really have to.” she started.

“Oh, I know. I just felt like you shouldn't be alone at night,” Spike replied, “I mean a lot's been going on at this hour.”

“I know.” Sunset recalled all the reports of the Dragon Knight rounding up crooks and leaving them for the cops.

“I mean not that something will happen of course.” Spike corrected himself not wanting to ruin the mood of such a beautiful night.

“Right,” Sunset smiled, “It is a nice night after all. And nicer to share it with someone.” she took Spike's hand into his making him blush while she did herself.

Drakon flew above the two enjoy the sight, until he tensed up feeling something vile in the air before speaking down to his vessel.

“Hey, Spike! Look alive! There's someone watching you two. And it reeks of malicious intent.”

Spike listening to Drakon darted his eyes around seeing while they appeared to be alone, everything felt far too quiet and still for comfort confirming the dragon spirit was right.

Sunset seeing a shift in Spike's mood spoke, “Spike, everything ok?”

Spike whispered, “We're being followed.”

Sunset gasped and got nervous, “By who?”

“I don't know. Stay close.” he continued, as they pressed on while keeping an eye out.

Suddenly Spike felt something coming right for them, and pushed Sunset to the ground before a knife impaled a tree close to them.

“What?!” Sunset gasped seeing the knife.

“Damn, my aim must be off tonight.” came a voice.

Spike and Sunset looked up seeing someone standing on a tree branch jump down to their level. Stepping into the moonlight was a boy no older than them with messy black hair, and on his shirt was a vampiric sigil.

Spike noticing the sigil gasped, “That mark. You! You're part of the Children of Sanguine!”

“Guilty as charged.” the attacker confessed with a smirk.

“I heard of you guys,” Spike continued, “You're a bunch of vampire wannabe cultists!”

“Wannabes?” he asked sounding insulted, “You have no idea of what we really are.” Drakon hearing that squinted at the attacker.

“I'm gonna tell you this one time, walk away and we pretend this never happened.” Spike warned him.

“Butt out pal, my beef's not with you. It's with her.” he motioned to Sunset.

Spike looked to his friend confused, “Sunset?”

Sunset bearing a guilty look spoke up, “I never wanted anyone to know about this.”

“Know about what?”

“I'll tell you.” their attacker spoke, “Sunset was once a member of our group, but then she betrayed us.”

“You were part of them, Sunset?” Spike asked her.

“It was back when I was still rebellious. I thought they were cool. But when I learned of the stuff they actually do I couldn't stomach it so I got out before my membership could be permanent.”

Their attacker continued while stepping closer eyeing Sunset Shimmer, “And now I'm gonna earn my keep by eliminating you.”

Sunset looked terrified, until Spike shielded her, “You're not laying a hand on her!”

“I told you to butt out!” the cultist ordered.

“Not happening.” Spike replied standing his ground.

The attacker pulled his knife out of the tree, “Then I'll take you first!” he charged at Spike attempting to stab him.

“Spike!” Sunset cried.

Spike dodged the stab before kicking it out of the cultists hand, “Dammit that fuckin' hurt!” he gripped his hand.

“That was nothing. Don't tempt me with worse.” Spike continued to warn him.

“I'll kill you!” he screamed, as he kept trying to attack Spike, who kept dodging.

'This guy's crazy. Well, blind fury like this means they lack focus. Unlike me.' Spike thought before finding an opening and punched the attacker so hard he flew back and crashed into a tree before falling to the ground.

“SON OF A BITCH!” he cried and groaned from the impact with the tree.

“Come on, let's go!” Spike ordered, Sunset as he grabbed her hand and ran off with her.

The two ran out of the park and into the city where they stopped to breathe in relief, “I don't think he'll be following us here,” Spike told Sunset who was still processing what happened, “Are you ok?”

Sunset looked to Spike as he look of shock turned into a look of happiness, “You rescued me!” she pulled Spike closer and kissed him on his lips much to his and Drakon's surprise.

When they parted Spike partly in a daze answered, “Well, yeah.”

Sunset thanked him again with another kiss, as an adult couple walked by with the man speaking to his woman, “Young people these days, huh?”

“Indeed.” she agreed, as they laughed.

Spike and Sunset realizing what they did blushed embarrassed, “Still, thank you, Spike. For saving me back there. Twilight was right, you really are brave.”

“I couldn't stand the thought of him hurting you.” he replied.

“Right. Listen about me being part of that weird cult-”

“Your secret's safe.” Spike assured her.


Spike nodded, “You're not that person anymore. So no sense in thinking about it.”

Sunset smiled, “Thank you, Spike.”

“Come on, let's get you home.” Spike said, as they continued on.

Soon they arrived at Sunset's home, “Are you sure you'll be alright now?” Spike asked her.

“I'm sure. No one in that group ever knew where I lived.” she assured him.

“Well, ok. I'll see you around.” Spike said, as he was about to leave.

“Hold it, Spike,” Sunset began, as she pulled him back and kissed his cheek, “Thanks again.”

Spike smiled, “No problem.” And with that, Sunset Shimmer went into her house, as Spike started for home.

As Spike walked, Drakon spoke, “You really nailed that guy there. And you didn't even have to power up to do it.”

“It was just one guy.” Spike replied.

“Yes, but I don't think he was bluffing about them not being wannabe vampires.” Drakon said seriously.

“Wait, you're saying that guy was a vamp?”

“No. But he had the aura of one surrounding him.”

“Meaning?” Spike asked wondering what that meant.

“He's working for real vampires.” Drakon concluded.

“Real vampires?” Spike asked in shock.

“No doubt.”

“But how? I mean aren't... Well, you're proof dragons were real, so I probably shouldn't be surprised. And yet I am.” Spike said.

Drakon nodded, “In my day, vampires were enemies of us dragon folk. And if that guy was in contact with one. Then I have my hunches this group The Children of Sanguine, are being led by actual vampires.”

“Oh jeez.” Spike feared.

“And if real vampires are part of this city's problem, then we're gonna need to step up your training.” Drakon instructed.

“I understand,” Spike replied, “For Sunset. For any of my friends.”

Meanwhile in a rundown power plant, the one who attacked Spike and Sunset was presented before five cloaked figures, with the center one removing their hood to reveal he had blood red eyes, pale skin, long black hair, and fangs.

“You were taken down by a single punk?!” he shouted at the attacker.

“Yes, Count Orlock! But this punk couldn't have been human!” he argued in defense.

“Silence!” the Count ordered shutting him up before turning to two guards, “Take him to the dungeon. We'll decide on his punishment for failure later.”

The guards nodded and grabbed the failed attacker who struggled and pleaded with the group before being dragged off.

One of them spoke to the head, “Count Orlock, do you really believe his claim that the boy who was with the traitor was stronger than he appeared?”

“Please.” the Count spat, “The fool was too cocky and arrogant. And that led to his own defeat. And we shouldn't worry about the traitor now. We got more important things to worry about.”

The other four nodded, as another spoke, “The Dragon Knight.”

“Yes. We all felt Drakon's power emerge some time ago,” Count Orlock explained, “And then this vigilante calling himself the Dragon Knight emerges and starts taking on several gangs in the city. I find it difficult to believe this is mere coincidence. No. Whoever this Dragon Knight is has awaken Drakon's power and the wretched fool himself.”

“So what shall we do?” another of the council asked.

“Make sure if any of our soldiers see him. Bring him to me.” Count Orlock answered while bearing his fangs and hissed.

The Welcome Party

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The next morning, Spike was on his way to school while thinking about all that went down last night. From taking on a member of the Children of Sanguine, rescuing Sunset Shimmer, and even getting a kiss from her. But he was also concerned about hearing that the Children of Sanguine were being led by actual vampires.

'If real vampires are running about this city leading one of the gangs here I need to be extra careful now.' he thought to himself until Drakon snapped him out of it.

“Hey, don't fret about that now!” he began, “Instead you should thinking about how close you got with Sunset last night. You saved her and got a kiss out of it. And compared to the other girls she gave you a real one.”

“I know,” Spike admitted, while blushing from the memory, “They felt so soft. So that's what it was like to get a real kiss.”

“Pretty awesome, ain't it?” Drakon nudged him.

“Yeah. I mean I only dreamed of how it would actually feel. A girls lips against mine.” Spike smiled

“Hey, if you're lucky maybe the others will give you the same treatment as well.”

“Drakon, let's not rush that!” Spike replied getting flustered.

As Spike continued onward towards school he wasn't aware that someone had been watching him from around a corner.

'That bastard thinks he can live a happy life, well he's dead wrong!' he thought, 'And soon, he'll just be dead.'

Soon Spike arrived at Everfree Academy, and upon entering the building he saw Twilight and the others who appeared to have been waiting for him. When they saw Spike enter, they raced over to him except Sunset who walked casually over.

“Hey, there's the superstar!” Rainbow cheered, as the girls gathered around Spike much to his confusion.

“What're you talking about, Rainbow?” Spike asked confused.

“Now there's no need to be modest, sugarcube,” Applejack said leaning into him, “Go on an' give yourself a pat on the back for whatcha did.”

“What I did?” Spike continued to ask until Fluttershy spoke up.

“Sunset told us what you did for her last night.”

“How you took on a member of the Children of Sanguine while protecting her.” Pinkie added with a grin.

Spike looked to the girl, “Sunset?”

“Sorry, Spike. But I just couldn't keep that a secret from them.” Sunset admitted with a shrug.

Twilight smiled and nodded, “I knew you were a hero.”

Spike flinched from being called that while hoping they wouldn't know of his secret identity, “Hero's still such a strong word, Twilight. I saw a friend was in trouble and I jumped in to help.”

“Even so, what you did was once again so chivalrous.” Rarity swooned, “I'm actually jealous I wasn't the one who were saving.”

“Well, don't get any ideas like throwing yourself in harms way hoping Spike'll be there to help you.” Applejack warned her.

“Perish the thought, Applejack!” Rarity gasped, “I may love a good fantasy scenario such as that, but I would never stoop to that low by throwing myself into danger just to be rescued.”

“Just makin' sure.” Applejack shrugged.

“Does anyone else know about this?” Spike asked in concern.

“Just us.” Sunset assured him.

“Well, good. The last thing I want is people around here hearing I fought a gang member and lived.” Spike replied.

“Hey, if I were you I'd be proud of it.” Rainbow patted his shoulder.

“Maybe, but I'd rather not have that rep hanging over my shoulder here.”

“He brings a good point,” Twilight nodded, “So come on, let's get to class.” and so they all headed for their homerooms.

The day went on like normal until school let out. Before Spike was prepared to head out, Twilight caught up to him.

“Spike, hey!”

Spike looked back to her, “Oh, hi, Twilight.”

“Are you heading out now?”


“Well, before you go could you take a walk with me?” she asked smiling.

Spike blushing at the sight of the girls smile couldn't bare to say no, “Sure, ok.”

“Great!” Twilight said taking his hand, and they walked.

As Twilight led Spike on, he noticed the lack of activity going around in the club rooms or even the track.

“Are all the clubs on break today?” he asked Twilight.

“Something like that.” she replied, as they kept walking.

Spike noticed Twilight had been walking him closer to the gymnasium, “Twilight were you just planning to walk me around the school? I know where everything is already.”

“Oh, I know. There's just something I have to show you.”

“Show me what?”

“You'll see.” Twilight winked.

Spike felt curious as Twilight opened the gymnasium doors and was suddenly met with the sounds of popping and streamers and balloons released.

Welcome to Everfree Academy, Spike!”

Spike looked around seeing the whole gymnasium was decorated for a party with tables set up with refreshments and food, a photo booth, instruments set up on the stage, and hanging above was a big sign reading 'Welcome Spike'. He saw everyone from school was gathered from students to even the faculty. Spike spotted among the students present were Thorax and Button who gave him a thumbs up. And when he saw Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna present they smiled and nodded. Spike then spotted the rest of Twilight's friends hurrying over.

“What's this?” Spike asked surprised.

“The welcome party you were promised when you became a full time student.” Sunset reminded him.

“Surprise!” Pinkie cheered, “Sorry it took so long to put this together. But I wanted to make sure it was extra super special for you.”

“Wow,” Spike gasped, “I don't know what to say. Thank you.”

“Anytime, Spike.” Twilight smiled.

“Come on, ya'll, let's get this party started!” Applejack announced, as they all cheered.

And so the party was under way with Spike once again getting to know more of the students in school that he hadn't had a chance to get to know yet. And like before he was really hitting it off with them.

As Spike walked around greeting more of the guests, someone announced to him, “Hold it!”

Spike jumped before freezing in place, until he saw a girl about Twilight and her friends age run over. She had short light gray hair, and wore sunglasses. She came running over with a camera in hand, “I've waited for this opportunity, and now it has dawned on me. A chance to photograph our newest student!” she declared with passion.

“Right. And you are?” Spike asked.

“Oh, how rude of me. I am Photo Finish; I am the best photographer in the Photography Club. If I see something photogenic I must capture it!”

“I see.”

“And you Mr. Obsidian, will be the pinnacle of my career!” Photo continued before snapping her fingers, “Violet! Pixel! It's time to make The Magicks!”

Zipping over were Photo Finish's two assistants Violet Blurr and Pixel Pizzaz who began setting up lighting equipment and applying makeup to Spike.

“Hey, hold on!” Spike protested until Photo Finish announced.

“Hold that pose!” she announced once again making Spike freeze in place. And so she began snapping pictures of Spike with her camera from all sorts of angles, “Yes! Yes! Good! Yes! No! No! Yes! More the side! Now the other side! Fabulous! Enough! You go!” she motioned to her assistants who took down the lighting and zipped off leaving Spike stunned, “These will make excellent photos for our yearbook. I go!” she zipped off.

The girls went to Spike, “Are you ok, Spike?” Fluttershy asked concerned.

“Fine. Just seeing a bit of spots from all that flash photography.” Spike answered while blinking a few times while Drakon chuckled.

“We're terribly sorry, Spike,” Rarity apologized, “Photo Finish is quite eccentric when it comes to photography, but she means well.”


“Come on, let's show you more.” Twilight said, as they showed Spike around more of the party.

Spike continued to enjoy himself as he had punch with Thorax and Button, conversed with Octavia and some of the others from his classes. He even managed to squeeze a bit of time to talk with the principals and the faculty who once again wondered how he was doing around school outside their classrooms. Spike smiled to himself enjoying the party they all threw for him, until he felt a small tug on his sleeve. He looked and saw Twilight who spoke.

“Can I borrow you for a moment?”

Spike agreeing followed Twilight where they stepped outside the gymnasium and in the hallway, “So what's up, Twilight?”

“Well, I wanted to know how you're enjoying the party?”

“I'm loving it. It is the first time I've ever been to one before.” he answered.

“I'm glad to see it's to your liking,” Twilight smiled, “As Pinkie said, she went all out to make sure this party was the best that you deserved.”

“And I'm so grateful to her, and everyone for making me feel so welcome. Especially you, Twilight.”

Twilight twirled one of her bangs blushing, “Well, sure. Although if you can believe it, I used to have no interest in such things as parties or even friends.”

“Wait, what?” Spike asked.

“Yeah, it's kinda embarrassing, but it's true. Before I met Sunset or any of the girls I wasn't exactly a social girl,” Twilight explained, “In the beginning all I had were my books.”

“Books?” Spike blinked.

“Yeah. I was more interested in reading, studying, and science, and saw things like making friends as a distraction.”

“In other words you were a total shut in.” Spike called it.

“Yeah. But when I enrolled at Everfree Academy I was mostly focused on improving my academic standing, until Principal Celestia asked me to meet with her. While we talked she commended me on how extraordinary my grades were, but said I was lacking in socializing. As I tried to explain my reasons, she insisted that I try taking my nose out of the books and actually speak to people outside her or my family. Not wanting to disappoint her I did what she instructed me to do and tried to make friends.”

“And how did it work out?”

“Well, I met Pinkie, Applejack, and the others before and while they were nice to me, a part of me felt they were a bit odd. But eventually I stopped thinking with my head and started seeing they were all a nice bunch of girls. And so I had real friends and made so many more since then.” Twilight smiled in nostalgia.

“Wow,” Spike replied, “So before the girls you had no one to call a friend?”

“Well, not exactly. The only other one in my life I considered a friend was my older brother Shining Armor.”

“You have a brother?”

“I do. He's grown up with a wife and child.”

“And who're they?”

“Well, he married his high school sweetheart Cadence who was my old sitter, and the older sister I always wanted. And together they had Flurry Heart. She's the most adorable baby you'd ever seen.” Twilight smiled bright.

“So what does your brother do for a living?” Spike wondered.

“He's a police officer.”

Spike's eyes widened a bit, “He's a cop?”

“That's right. And proud of it.”

“I hope he's not one of the cops that would prefer to slack off than do his job.” Spike said.

“He's nothing like that,” Twilight assured him, “He genuinely tries his hardest to keep the streets safe.”

“Well, at least there's one good cop I know trying to make a difference.” Spike said relieved.

“Yeah. Even though we all worry about him, he manages to come home after his shift.” Twilight said just as relieved.

“Yeah, it's a scary place out in the city. Especially at night,” Spike added, as the two sat smiling at each other, “It's been really nice getting to know you so much since I started attending here, Twilight.”

“Same, Spike. I'm glad I met you,” the two stared at each other before coming back to their senses, “We should probably get back to the party.”

“Agreed.” Spike nodded, as they rejoined everyone in the festivity.

Soon Twilight and her friends were on the stage next to the instruments with Sunset and Rainbow on guitars, Rarity on keytar, Fluttershy on tambourine, Pinkie on drums, Applejack on bass, while twilight was by the mic and spoke into it.

“Hello, Everfree Academy! We are the Rainbooms!” the students cheered, as Spike who was up front looked up at them amazed.

'Wow, they're also a band?' he thought.

“Wild.” Drakon marveled.

Rainbow spoke into the mic, “This one's going out to our newest student and friend. Spike Obsidian!”

The crowd of students cheered and applauded for Spike as all eyes were on him.

“One-two-three!” Rainbow announced, as the girls began playing and sang.

(Believe in Us)

Spike listened to the girls rock and sing while feeling moved by them as his fellow classmates were, 'It's as if they're reaching right into my soul.' he thought happily.

He knew if there was anybody at Everfree Academy he could always believe in it was these girls he knew as the Rainbooms.

As it got late, everyone was packing it in and headed for home. Spike decided to walk Twilight home feeling it would be best.

“I appreciate you walking me home, Spike. I mean after what Sunset told us about what happened to you guys it kinda makes me nervous traveling alone.” Twilight feared.

“Don't even think about it,” Spike calmed her, “Just focus on the fact it's a nice night for a walk.”

“Yeah, you're right.” Twilight agreed smiling, as they continued on.

As they walked further, Spike started feel the air was tense and even Drakon knew something was up, “Something's following you guys.” he told Spike.

Spike looked around before stopping much to Twilight's surprise, “Spike, what's wrong?”

“Shh. We're being followed.” Spike whispered.

“By who?” Twilight asked nervous.

“That's what I'd like to know.” Spike squinted as he surveyed the scene, until he felt something running up close to him.

He spun around and grabbed the arm of his attacker that tried to cut down him and Twilight. To Spike's shock the one who tried to assault them was none other than Shadow Storm; his longest tormentor from his old school. And needless to say he was not looking happy.

“Shadow!” Spike frowned.

“Obsidian.” Shadow smirked.

Spike pushed him off and away, “Why're you here?” the young man demanded.

“One reason only. To end you for good!” Shadow growled.

Spike frowned, “I'm not afraid of you anymore, Shadow. You're just a spineless dick who bullies others to feel good about yourself because you're truly nothing but a waste of space!”

Shadow's hatred grew deeper before yelling, “I'll kill you!” he ran at Spike again with his knife ready to stab Spike but he intercepted and knocked the knife out of his hand.

The two boys started grappling trying to overpower the other, until Twilight ran over and started whacking Shadow's shoulder with one of her hard cover books.

“Get away from Spike, you monster!”

“Get lost, bitch!” Shadow whacked Twilight back causing her to knock her head into a nearby tree making her pass out.

“Twilight!” Spike shouted before glaring at Shadow.

“And you're next!” Shadow spat.

'I'm done holding back against this asshole. He's through!” Spike thought angrily, as he channeled his energy into his fist before throwing it back, and announced, “Go to hell!” he slugged Shadow so hard it literally sent him flying off.

When Spike realized what he did he surprised himself, “Oh, God. I literally sent him flying!”

“Hey, it's like you said. He was an asshole,” Drakon reminded him, “Whatever happens to him now it was his own fault for messing with someone he shouldn't have messed with.”

Spike knowing Drakon was right decided to let it be. He then ran to Twilight and propped her up, “Twilight! Twilight, wake up!”

Twilight groaned before opening her eyes, “Spike?”

“Oh, thank goodness.” he sighed in relief.

“What happened? Where's Shadow?” she looked around.

“I sent him running.” Spike lied.

“You did?”

“Yeah. I was done being his punching bag like I used to be. So I stuck it to him and he ran like the coward he always was.”

Twilight smiled, “You saved me again.”

“Well, you had the guts to come to my defense too.” Spike commended her.

“Not that I did much. I got knocked out.” Twilight sighed.

Spike smiled, and used similar words that she said to him when he felt he didn't do much when he first saved her, “Even if you didn't deal any hard blows, you were willing to step up and confront who was trying to do me harm.”

Twilight hearing those words shed a few happy tears, before hugging Spike, “Thank you, Spike.”

Spike hugged her back, “No problem. Now, let's get you home.” Twilight nodded, as they continued on.

They soon arrived at Twilight's place. Twilight looked up and noticed part of the window drapes look slightly moved as if someone was peeking through it, before quickly hiding, 'Mom and dad.' she thought embarrassed.

“So this is where you live?” Spike asked.

“Yeah. I may have to invite you over some time. My parents are dying to meet you.” Twilight chuckled.

“They are?”

“Oh, yes. But I'll give you the heads up when the time comes.”

“Ok. Thanks, Twilight.” Spike said, as he was ready to leave only for Twilight to lean in and kiss Spike's lips.

This made Drakon watched excitedly, before the two teens parted, “Thank you, Spike. For everything.” she said with a blush before heading inside.

Spike touched his lips before smiling and headed off for home, “Man I'm good.”

Meanwhile back in the city, outside a warehouse some men were approaching a tanker truck. They stopped and saw the tanker had a whole in it and saw some glowing ooze substance dripping from it and onto the ground.

“What the hell?!” one asked.

“Something's landed into the tanker!”

“Look there!” another pointed at some foot prints of the glowing substance leading away from the scene.

“Someone got covered in Radiation X.” another said.

“And this was supposed to get to the lab! What'll we tell the doc now?”

“How about the truth?” one suggested.

“Oh, that's good. Tell him someone's landed in the chemical and is out free!” another answered sarcastically.

“Hey, with any luck whoever fell into it will die from it. The odds are in that field.” one calmed them as they decided to go with those odds and clean everything up.

Meanwhile the one who landed in the tanker was none other than Shadow Storm, who after getting punched flying had ended up landing inside the tanker containing whatever chemical was being shipped. He stumbled away from the warehouse and into an alley groaning, as he looked at his hand that was turning purple and oozy.

“What-what's happening to me?” he asked, as his ooze hand fell from his body and watched as more purple goo dripped off him and onto the ground. He ran to a nearby window on the side of a building and saw in what little reflection he could see was his body had turned a mix of purple and dark purple and looked like an ooze person.

“No! No!! NOOOO!!!!!” he screamed.

The Smooze

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After Shadow Storm landed in that tanker of what some called Radiation X, he crawled out and limped away into hiding discovering that the chemical he fell in changed his physical appearance into a purple oozey being, with his body dripping of the stuff and even his limbs kept falling off and splattering only to regrow again.

After the horrible realization of what happened to him, Shadow ducked into an abandoned building and walked around before once again seeing his horrible reflection in a mirror. He frowned before punching the mirror shattering it as pieces of the mirror landed on the floor. When Shadow looked down seeing his reflection in the pieces he growled.

“Look at me, I'm a freak!” he stomped around, “I can't go back to school or even home anymore!” he busted up a table close by out of frustration.

He continued to stomp around in pace as one thing was on his mind. Seeing Spike Obsidian's happy carefree face and laughing, “And it's all his fault! He will pay with his life for doing this to me! HE WILL PAY!”

The next day at Everfree Academy, the students were being let out as the final bell rang. Spike, Twilight, and the girls stepped outside the building.

“No practice today, which means we got a free afternoon.” Rainbow said excitedly.

“What does everyone feel like doing?” Sunset asked.

As the girls started voicing their own thoughts, Spike was in deep thought over what happened last night between him and Shadow Storm. He was so angry at Shadow for years of bullying and threatening Twilight finally crossed the line he ended up slugging him so hard he literally went flying off. He wasn't sure where he landed or if he even survived.

“Spike? Spike? SPIKE!”

Spike snapped out of his thoughts seeing Pinkie in front of him while the rest of the girls had been looking upon him concerned.

“What?” he asked.

“We decided to to grab a milkshake, you in?” Pinkie inquired.

“Sure, I'm in.” he confirmed.

“Are you ok?” Applejack asked concerned.

“Fine, why do you ask?”

“You just looked out of it for a moment there.” Rainbow noticed.

“Just had something on my mind.”

“What kind of something?” Pinkie asked slyly.

“Pinkie Pie, don't be rude.” Rarity scolded her.


“It's fine. Just had a lot to think about.”

“After what Twilight told us about last night, we can imagine it.” Applejack replied smiling.

“You really make it a habit of rescuing people, don't you.” Rainbow chuckled.

“Couldn't be helped,” Spike explained, “That creep was the worse tormentor from my old school. And I had it with him. Threatening Twilight pushed me past my tolerance point.”

“Well, it's good you sent him running,” Twilight said happily, “I only wish I was awake to see it myself.”

As they left the school grounds two voices called out, “Spike!” Spike looked and saw running down to him were Belle and Violet.

They pulled to a halt before him and the girls panting, as Spike spoke to them, “You two?”

“Oh, good. You're alive.” Belle said in relief.

“Well, of course I am. Why wouldn't I?”

“Spike, who're they?” Fluttershy asked.

“This is Black Belle and Violet Shiver; old classmates from my previous school.” Spike squinted.

The girls noticing Spike's tone looked to the duo with frowns, “So you two treated Spike like dirt before he came here?” Applejack accused.

“Admittingly yes.” Belle confessed.

“But we're not here to do that!” Violet assured.

“Then why are you here?” Twilight crossed her arms.

“And why're you surprised to see me alive?” Spike wondered.

“Because we knew Shadow was coming after you last night.” Violet answered.

“You knew?” he asked.

“Yes. He told us himself,” Belle added, “He said he was going to end you once and for all.”

“But seeing you here means you survived.” Violet noted relieved.

“Yeah. Why did Shadow not tell you what happened?” the boy inquired.

“He didn't show up in school today.” Belle explained.

“What?” Spike asked, as he started feeling nervous.

“He wasn't at school, and not even his parents knew where he was.” Violet explained.

Spike thought to Drakon, 'Oh shit! Maybe I did kill him!'”

'Relax, Spike, if that were the case we would've heard about it on the news.' the spirit replied.

“Spike, what happened between you two?” Belle asked concerned.

“Why should he tell you two anything?” Rainbow asked rhetorically as she confronted the pair.

“Especially if you two gave him nothing but grief before.” Sunset added.

“Because we never would've actually wanted death upon anyone!” Violet cried, “Not even anyone like Spike here used to be.”

Spike blinked upon hearing Violet's words, and seeing her and Belle so concerned made him wonder if they truly were as bad as Shadow Storm is.

“Alright, I'll tell you both,” Spike said deciding to enlighten them, “It's true Shadow came to try and kill me while I was out with Twilight. I held my own against him, but when he knocked Twilight out I let him have it. The cocky prick ran away like a coward.”

The two gasped while blushing, “Wow.” they gasped.

“And you're saying he didn't show up today or go home?” Spike wondered.

“Precisely.” Belle confirmed.

“Well, I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do further. Not that I even would do anything for that dickweed.” Spike replied.

“We understand,” Violet replied, “We just wanted to see if you were still alive.”

“Well, he is.” Twilight said.

“So if you girls don't mind, I have plans right now.” Spike said, as he was about to leave with his friends, until screams could be heard.

“What's going on?” Fluttershy asked worried.

“Don't know, but it can't be good.” Applejack replied as they heard the terrified screams.

“Maybe we should check it out?” Rainbow suggested.

“Rainbow, when you hear screams you don't run for the source.” Twilight noted.

“I agree.” Spike replied, as he ran ahead.

“Spike!” the girls called, as they all ran after him.

“What could be causing this kind of commotion at this time of day?” Spike asked, as Drakon flew at his side.

“No clue, but it must be something really bad.” he replied.

Spike made it past all the screaming pedestrians running past him before he stopped in place and saw what was causing trouble. Stomping around leaving oozey foot prints was Shadow Storm.

“What in the? Drakon?” he asked his spirit guide.

“I don't know what the hell that is.” Drakon replied.

“Spike Obsidian!” the creature roared much to Spike's shock.

“It knows me? Wait a minute, that voice. It can't be... Shadow?” he asked in horror.

Squad cars surrounded the ooze man formerly Shadow Storm and drew their guns aiming at the creature, “On the ground and hands in the air!” Shining Armor called to the beast.

“Stupid cops!” Shadow swung his arm around unleashing globs of ooze covering their guns.

“Spike!” the girls called as they arrived, before spotting the creature.

“What the hell is that thing?” Sunset asked in shock.

“Whatever it is it's ugly as shit.” Rainbow answered.

Spike looked to Belle and Violet, “Girls. I think we just found Shadow Storm.”

“What?!” they asked collectively.

“That's Shadow Storm?” Twilight asked Spike, “But how?”

“I don't know.” Spike answered equally confused.

Shadow suddenly spotted Spike with the girls, “Obsidian!” he stomped over in their direction as Fluttershy fainted in Sunset's arms.

“Shadow?” Belle asked.

“Wh-what happened?” Violet asked.

“He happened!” Shadow pointed accusingly at Spike.

“Me? What did I do?” Spike asked playing innocent.

“You turned me into this!” Shadow continued to accuse him.

“Spike, what is he talkin' about?” Applejack wondered.

“He's delusional,” Spike covered, “Whatever happened to him must've warped his mind.”

“It's because of you I'm this hideous beast!” he shouted.

Spike frowned not even caring how he turned into this monster, “Don't go blaming me! You were always a hideous beast! Now it's all on the outside!”

“Spike, you probably shouldn't have said that!” Twilight warned him.

Shadow roared, as he tried to attack them, only to dodge his oozey arm swat, “Close one!” Pinkie gasped.

“Shadow, stop it!” Belle pleaded.

“Whatever happened I’m sure someone can fix it!” Violet added.

“Shut up, sluts!” Shadow ordered, as he punched them against a wall covering them in his ooze.

“Oh, this is so gross!” Violet gagged.

Shadow turned back to Spike, “Now for you!” He was cut off, as he was getting shot at from behind by some of the cops who got the ooze off their guns.

Unfortunately all the bullets went right through Shadow who started regenerating. He looked back at the cops and roared, before Spike and the girls tugged Belle and Violet off the wall even with their clothes covered in ooze.

“Oh, this is gonna need several wash cycles.” Belle gagged.

“You guys gotta get out of here.” Spike ordered the girls.

“Not without you.” Twilight replied.

“It's me he wants!” he reminded her.

“Obsidian!” Shadow roared, as Spike knew the girls wouldn't run, but knew there was something he cold do.

“You want me ugly? Come and get me!” Spike ran off.

“Spike!” the girls shouted, as they watched him run before running around a corner.

“Get back here!” Shadow roared, as he tried to follow.

Before Shadow could go anywhere, Spike as the Dragon Knight dropped in and kicked him hard enough to break off from his ooze legs. Shadow landed on the street before growing new legs, while Spike stood before him.

“Dude, no offense but you're as fugly as fugly goes.” Spike joked.

Shadow frowned, “Stay out of this!”

“Yeah, that's what I'll do!” Spike answered sarcastically, as Shadow tried shooting blobs of ooze at Spike only to miss.

Spike got up close and punched Shadow's face only for it to reform again.

“Regeneration is a real buzzkill to fight against.” Spike said, before dodging his opponents fists that tried smashing him.

“Smashing me with ooze won't be enough!” Spike called before something clicked, “Smashing... Ooze. Yeah! From now on I'm gonna call you Smooze!”

Shadow stopped and looked confused, “Smooze?”

“Yeah. Figured a mutant like you needs some mutant name.”

Smooze roared, as he continued to fight the hero head on, while Twilight, the girls, and several others watched him from a distance along with a camera crew filming it.

“It's the Dragon Knight!” Rainbow cheered.

“Look at that fella go!” Applejack said in awe.

“So daring.” Rarity said enamored.

“He certainly looks like he knows what he's doing.” Twilight noticed.

Spike dodged more of Smooze's globs thinking, 'I can't keep this up forever. I got to stop him somehow.'

Drakon thought to him, 'Well, it's hard to fight something that doesn't exactly have a physical form and can regenerate himself.'

'I know, but there's gotta be some way,' Spike thought back until he spotted an abandoned tanker truck and saw the label on the side, 'Liquid Nitrogen. Drakon, I got an idea!'

Spike called to Smooze, “Hey, ugly, this way!” he mocked before running prompting the ooze monster to follow him.

The hero maneuvered around ahead before arriving at the truck. He quickly attached the hose to the valve at the side as Smooze got closer.

“I'll kill you!” he declared.

“How about you chill out instead?” Spike suggested, before aiming the hose at him and turned it on spraying Smooze with the liquid nitrogen from the tanker.

The mutant teen screamed as he spazzed around as the liquid took affect, and before long Smooze stood before them as an ice statue with his hands up.

Spike turned the hose off and sighed seeing he beat his opponent, “That got him.”

'Quick thinking.' Drakon thought.

“Well, I couldn’t beat him with physical attacks so much. So I had to try a different approach. And it worked,” Spike suddenly started seeing part of him glow and covering his torso area was more armor, “Whoa! My armor changed again?”

“Fighting Smooze gave you a good boost in power and now your armor is half way complete. Keep it up and you won't have to worry about wearing that makeshift mask anymore.” the spirit explained.

“Great.” Spike replied, until Shining Armor and the rest of the squad came over.

“Hold it!” one of the cops ordered.

“Easy, guys. Your culprit is contained right here. But you might wanna put him in cold storage.” he suggested.

Shining Armor approached, “We'll see to it. And thank you for your help.”

Spike noticed his badge and name tag, S. Armor, 'Shining Armor; Twilight's bro,' he thought before speaking up, “No problem at all officer.”

“But I just have to know, why do this?”

Spike hearing that question already had an answer ready, “Because someone has to help this city. And you guys can't always be there. So figured I'd lend my support.”

“I see.” Shining Armor replied.

“Well, I'll leave you all to your work. Adios!” Spike jumped high and took off.

The girls and citizens had watched cheering and applauding, until Spike after changing back returned to them.


“Spike!” they cried running over to him and hugged him close.

“Where were you?” Rarity asked concerned.

“We were so worried!” Fluttershy added.

“Are you ok?” Twilight asked looking him over.

“I'm fine, really I am.” he assured them.

“Oh, you missed it!” Rainbow began, “Th Dragon Knight showed up and beat that disgusting blobs freak.”

“Really?” Spike asked acting surprised.

“He sure did.” Pinkie confirmed.

“And Shadow?” Spike wondered.

“He's on ice, literally.” Belle motioned to the frozen Smooze who was being placed into a freezer truck to keep cold before taking him away.

“Wow!” Spike gasped still putting on an act for them.

“I don't know about all of you, but after this I definitely need a milkshake.” Rainbow said.

“Same here.” Pinkie agreed.

Spike looked at Belle and Violet, “Would you two like to join us?”

“What?” Violet asked surprised.

“You're asking us?” Belle wondered, “Even after how we used to treat you.”

Spike nodded, “I can't forgive you for how you treated me before. But maybe Shadow Storm was a bad influence on the two of you. If you had better people to be around you wouldn't act so nasty. So how about starting anew?”

Violet and Belle looked at Spike as if they were looking upon a shining angel. They started shedding tears before bawling, “We're so sorry!” they cried.

Fluttershy walked up to them and put her hands on their heads comfortingly, “It's ok. I know you're not as bad as you come off to be.”

The two smiled, as Spike spoke to them, “So still wanna join us?”

“Sure, but our clothes.” Belle answered, as they motioned to their ooze stained clothes.

“Don't worry, Rarity's always prepared for a fashion emergency.” Spike motioned to Rarity who approached the two.

“Never fear, my dears. I can turn this nightmare into a dream.” Rarity told them.

Soon after Rarity outfitted Belle and Violet in clean clothes they all went to Sugarcube Corner for a milkshake.

“This is good.” Belle said, enjoying hers.

“I'll say.” Violet agreed.

“I told you.” Pinkie smiled.

Twilight was pondering which Sunset noticed, “Everything ok, Twilight?”

“Yeah. I'm just curious about Shadow Storm,” she explained which got Spike's attention, “Spike said he sent him running, so how did he end up like that and blame Spike for it?”

Spike tried hiding his nervousness, as Rainbow spoke, “The cocky prick probably got himself into trouble on his way home. Don't know what kind to lead him into becoming that.”

“And ya heard that varmint,” Applejack added, “Sounded like his head was a few apples short a bushel.”

“And he always had a problem with Spike.” Belle confirmed.

“He'd say anything as an excuse to beat him.” Violet added.

“It's true.” Spike nodded.

“Makes sense.” Twilight said deciding to let it go.

Spike continued to watch Violet and Belle and knew they needed more positive influence and honest work to bring out the good girls he could tell they really were, “Say, Pinkie?”


“Are the Cakes still looking for part time workers?”

“You know it. Why, you got someone in mind?” she asked.

“As of matter of fact I do. Right here.” he motioned to the two girls who looked confused.

“Us?” Belle asked.

Spike nodded, “You two need some honest work to prove you can be better than when you were with Shadow Storm. And this could be the perfect place for it.”

“Well, we do have ample free time after school than we know what to use it for.” Violet admitted.

“And we could use the money too.” Belle added.

“Perfect!” Pinkie smiled, “I'll let the Cakes know. You're gonna love working here, girls.” the two smiled.

Sunset looked to Spike, “That was a good thing you did, Spike. Giving them a second chance.”

“Well, I thought back to you, Sunset,” Spike recalled, “Some didn't think you were able to change your ways, but others did. And look where you are,” Sunset blushed, “If there's hope for you then there's hope for these two. They just need better influence.” the rest of the girls nodded.

That night at Spike's place, the boy had been watching the news that was playing footage from the fight between Smooze and him as the Dragon Knight. Drakon had also been watching, while noticing Spike looking depressed.


“It's my fault, Drakon.” he replied.


“It's my fault Shadow Storm turned into this.”

“Hey, you just punched him flying. It's not your fault wherever he landed turned him into this.” Drakon assured him.

“Even so I could've held back more on the punch.” Spike sighed.

“What's done is done, Spike. Besides he was asking for it. Belle and Violet had better chances to reform, but Shadow... I've seen your memories. And he was a lost cause. Besides he wanted to kill you that night and even Twilight. So let this piece of karma haunt him.”

Spike despite the guilt knowing he ended up turning Shadow Storm into the being he now called Smooze, couldn't deny Shadow was insane already. But with him on ice, perhaps he wouldn't really have to worry about him anymore.

Meanwhile inside an office room was a person sitting at a desk the the name Professor Grogar Dagger on it. He too had been watching the news between the Dragon Knight and Smooze. And after hearing about what his goons said last night spoke to himself.

“So this is what my formula created?” he asked while eyeing Smooze, “Incredible. And if that's just one outcome, then imagine all the possibilities it could do to others. I should look into finding more test subjects to use it on.” he snickered.

Somewhere else in another office the name Dr. Dillian Dagger rested on a desk, while said man had also been watching the same news footage. Unlike Grogar, Dillian, watched while frowning.

“No doubt that's my brother's handiwork! Well, if he thinks I'm gonna be second best, then he's got another thing coming!” he walked over to a window and looked down into a factory seeing robotic parts were being manufactured, “I'll prove my work is ten times better than his.”

Elsewhere at the city's prison, Smooze was placed in a special cell that was set to cold tempt to keep him on ice. As it zoomed in for a up close of his frozen face. Suddenly he blinked a few times signaling he was still alive even while frozen.

With the Girls

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At Everfree Academy, Spike was walking the halls with Thorax, Button, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and a third girl around their age. She had grayish mulberry with pale, light grayish rose streaks. It was Rarity's little sister Sweetie Belle, and third member of A.B and Scoot's group the CMC or Canterlot Movie Club.

“Boy, lunch sure was good.” Thorax told the others.

“Yeah, I'm stuffed.” Scootaloo agreed.

“Same here.” Sweetie Belle added.

“I never get tired of the food they serve here,” Button put in, “How about you, Spike?”

“Oh, yeah. It was delicious.” Spike agreed, as Drakon floated by and spoke to him.

“Makes me wish I was solid so I could eat too.”

“Hey, guys!”

The group looked and saw Twilight and her friends coming down the hall opposite from them. Seeing this Thorax and Button glanced at Spike, as Thorax spoke, “We'll see you back in class.”

“Later.” Button said, as the two boys left Spike along with the girls.

Spike looked to Twilight and the rest of the older girls, “So how's it going?”

“All good.” Sunset answered.

“And how're you four doing?” Fluttershy inquired.

“We're doing good ourselves.” Apple Bloom answered.

“Glad to hear.” Applejack smiled and nodded.

“And we're glad we ran into you four. Especially you, Spike.” Rarity said.

“Really?” he asked.

“Yeah. We were all heading to the mall after school. All of us.” Pinkie explained smiling.

“And you're welcomed to join us,” Twilight added, before looking at the CMC, “All of us.”

The CMC's eyes lit up as Spike smiled, “Well, I can spare some time afterward. So I'm game.” he answered.

“So are we!” the CMC answered together.

“Great. So we'll see you all when the day's over.” Sunset said, as the two sides went to their next classes.

Once school let out, Spike swung by the mens locker room to change, “Good thing I made a habit to bring a quick change of casual clothes with me.”

“Especially for getting invited somewhere when classes let out.” Drakon noted.

“Exactly,” Spike confirmed, as he got changed and put his uniform in his bag while noticing his Dragon Knight mask tucked into it, “Hopefully I won't have reason to put it on today.” he closed up his bag and left.

He went outside and rendezvoused with Twilight and the other girls, “There you are, Spike. We were almost planning to leave without you.” Rainbow teased.

“Rainbow's just kidding!” Fluttershy said frantically, “We'd never leave without you, Spike.”

“Yeah, I know.” Spike chuckled.

“Well, come on let's get this wagon moving!” Applejack declared, as they all headed out.

They arrived at the Canterlot Mall where they began roaming around together making sure to hit all the stops they all loved. They stopped by the same clothing shop he and Rarity went to that day he got new clothes, where the girls decided to do a little clothes modeling. As they did Spike took the time to talk with Sassy who was overjoyed to see Spike again. Spike watched each of the girls showing off new clothes they picked out matching their personalities which brought a smile to his face, especially when he also saw the CMC step out all dressed up too.

After that they stopped into the book shop where Twilight was looking to get the next volume of one of her fave book series. While some of the girls stuck back to wait, Spike checked around as well.

As he walked past the mature section Drakon spoke, “Looking for something, spicy, eh?” he raised his brows.

Spike grumbled under his breath, “No! I was not looking for something like that!”


Spike jumped upon hearing his name and saw Twilight looking at him oddly, “Are you ok? Why were you talking to yourself?”

Realizing Twilight caught him muttering to Drakon who was invisible to all but him had to make a cover, “I was-uh just going over some notes to myself in class today.”

“I see,” Twilight replied before smiling, “Good strategy.”

“Yeah.” Spike chuckled sheepishly, as Twilight walked down another aisle. When she was out of sighed he let out a sigh of relief, “That was too close.”

“Yeah. Nice cover back there. She really bought it.” Drakon chuckled.

“Sometimes having others not see you is a double edged sword for me. Especially when talking to you.” Spike sighed, as he walked on and Drakon pondered on what he said.

They continued to enjoy the mall with them stopping by the sports store where Rainbow Dash had to get some new sweatbands having worn out her last one. Pinkie went into the malls candy shop for some tasty sweets. Fluttershy stopped by the pet shop to peek in all the puppies and kitties in the window. Rainbow and Applejack were able to pull her along despite her pleas to wanna keep looking.

Later the group stopped by the food court for a bite and a rest. As Spike enjoyed a slice of pizza he looked into his bag that came from one of stores and pulled out a figure of a character from Power Princesses.

“Ah, yes. Radiance is mine now,” Spike marveled, “All I need left is Humdrum and my Power Princesses figure collection is complete.”

“You seem really happy to have gotten that, Spike.” Applejack noted.

“Well, yeah. If there's a set of figures from a series I like, then I want them.” he answered.

“He's right. We all have our collections and such.” Sunset agreed.

“And speaking of Power Princesses,” Sweetie Belle spoke up, “The next movie is a month away, Spike.”

“Feeling up for joining the Canterlot Movie Club to see it?” Apple Bloom offered.

“Sure. I'd like that.” Spike admitted.

“Well, why don't we all go when it's released?” Twilight suggested.

“Really? I didn't think any of you would be interested.” Spike said.

“What you think you, Button and Thorax are the only ones who follow the franchise?” Rainbow asked rhetorically.

“It's so fun to watch.” Pinkie smiled.

“And their costumes are so wonderfully designed.” Rarity added.

Spike smiled and nodded before thinking, 'Nice to see how much more I have in common with all these girls. I really am a lucky guy.'

Drakon while enjoying watching Spike and the girls suddenly felt a negative presence close by. He peered into the distance of the mall, and saw coming their way were members of the Purple Nightmares along with their leader Night Terror.

“Hey, Spike. I hate to ruin the moment, but we got Purple Nightmares closing in!”

Spike hearing Drakon knew their presence here would put the girls and everyone else in danger, so he had to do something. He quickly made a groaning sound.

“Spike, what's wrong?” Twilight asked concerned.

“Call of nature, be right back!” Spike got up and ran for the restroom.

“That boy must really gotta go.” Applejack told them.

Scootaloo looked out seeing people panicking and who was causing it, “And I think we should go too!”

“What do you mean, squirt?” Rainbow asked.


They saw the very gang Spike was alerted too, “Oh, no!” Fluttershy gasped.

“Purple Nightmares!” Sunset gasped.

“Here?” Rarity asked confused.

“We better go.” Sweetie Belle suggested.

“Not without Spike.” Twilight replied.

“But he's in the mens room.” Fluttershy reminded her.

“Girls, they're coming over.” Apple Bloom panicked.

“Stay calm, sugarcube.” Applejack held her sister close as Night Terror and his group of ten arrived.

“Well, what have we here?” Night Terror asked looking upon the group of girls.

The girls remained still and as calm as possible, as Riff spoke, “We got us a group of cuties, boss.”

“Cute indeed,” Night Terror agreed, “Alright, girls, we're gonna make this simple for you. Hand over all your money and anything valuable and we might just spare you.”

“Tempting offer.” Rarity began.

“But we'll pass.” Applejack finished.

Night Terror frowned, “I don't think you girls know who you're messing with.”

“Actually, we know all about you Purple Nightmares.” Pinkie replied casually.

“Then you know standing up to us is a big mistake. Riff. Switchblade. Show these girls what happens to those who make that mistake.”

The two Purple Nightmares were ready to grab the girls only to be nailed by food court trays flung at them like boomerangs.

“What the?” Night Terror asked as they saw the Dragon Knight approaching.

“Don't you Nightmares know that's not how you treat ladies?” he eyed some of the Purple Nightmares who were girls, “Ones in your company excluded.” the female members scowled.

“Boss, that's the Dragon Knight from the news!” another member told the gang leader.

“The one who took down that blob man.” Riff recalled.

“I call him Smooze,” Spike replied, “Blob man is too cliché.”

Night Terror frowned, “So you're the vigilante that's been causing problems in my gangs operations and many others as well.”

“Guilty.” he confessed making Night Terror's frown increase.

“You should've minded you own business and stayed out of ours,” the gang boss began, “Now we're gonna show you what happens when you mess with us. Slag him!”

The group of Purple Nightmares went to attack the Dragon Knight as the girls got down under the tables they were sitting at. Spike started to dodge the punches of one of the gang members, before grabbing him and threw him over his shoulder, landing in one of the garbage bins.

“He's mine!” a member named Clubs attacked the vigilante with a bat.

Spike dodged the bat swings, before grabbing the bat and tugged it out of the member's grip, “Here's a fly ball for ya!” he punched Clubs sending him upward and crashed onto one of the food court tables.

“He's strong!” Applejack gasped while blushing.

“Yeah.” Apple Bloom agreed with a blush on her face too.

Two of the female members Stryke and Crunch Bar attacked him together, but the Dragon Knight dodged their attacks, before they tried charging at him from both sides. The vigilante seeing them both coming leaped up before he put his hands on their heads to balance himself up and smacked their faces closer causing them to kiss.

Twilight and the rest of the girls gasped at what happened while some of the Purple Nightmares blushed and had a bit of blood dripping out of their nostrils. The two girls broke lips and spat until the Dragon Knight sweep kicked them off their feet and onto the floor.

“I've had it with him mocking us!” Night Terror roared before picking up one of the food court tables and tossing it at Spike.

Spike jumped out of the way before dashing up to Night Terror as the two fought hand to hand, “Gotta say you got some good muscles there. You hitting the gym?”

“Of course.” Night Terror replied as he swatted Spike to the side as he rolled across the floor but got back up.

“Good try, but not good enough!” he continued to fight Night Terror, as some of the other gang members spotted Twilight and the rest of the girls were still vulnerable.

“Get them!” Riff ordered some of them who tried to grab the girls.

“Help!” Pinkie cried.

Spike hearing this realized what was happening, and shoved Night Terror back before dashing over to where the girls were. When one of them grabbed Twilight and Sunset, Spike arrived and clonked the back of his head letting the two go.

“You girls go someplace safer!” he ordered, as the girls ran not even caring about their bags.

Night Terror was ready to attack again, until he saw police and security arriving, “Crap! We gotta go!” he called to his gang as the ones defeated got back up. He squinted at the Dragon Knight, “We'll finish this another time!” he threw a smoke grenade blinding Spike, as the Purple Nightmares escaped out the exit by the food court. When the smoke cleared they were already gone. Spike knowing this was his chance slipped back into the mens room before the smoke cleared.

When it did, the girls and everyone else who had taken cover came out to see their hero and the gang were gone.

“Looks like they got away.” Twilight suspected.

“But where's the Dragon Knight?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Girls!” came Spike's voice, as they saw him running over.

“Spike!” the girls cried.

“Sorry, but when things went crazy everyone else in the mens room didn't wanna step out and I couldn't get through,” he covered up, “Are you all ok? Anyone hurt?”

“We're fine, Spike.” Twilight assured him.

“The Purple Nightmares got their asses kicked by the Dragon Knight.” Rainbow explained.

“I could hear the commotion from the mens room. The Dragon Knight really was here?” he asked.

“Sure was.” Pinkie confirmed.

“I'm just glad you're all ok.” Spike said in relief.

“So are we for you.” Fluttershy added.

“All this excitement has really gotten me jumpy.” Rarity said tired.

“Why don't we grab our stuff and go back to my place?” Spike offered.

“Your place?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah. It'll be safe there.” Spike assured them.

“Sure. Ok.” Sunset replied, as the others agreed.

“Then let's go.” Spike said, as they collected their bags and left the mall.

Spike led the girls back to his place and let them inside, “Welcome to Casa Obsidian.” he joked.

“My what a lovely home, Spike.” Rarity looked around.

“Not bad.” Rainbow admitted.

“Love what you've done to the place.” Pinkie checked the place out.

“Oh, yes. It's very homey.” Fluttershy put in.

“Thanks. Just make yourselves at home.”

“Thank you.” the girls said, as they each got comfortable in the living room.

As Spike went to put his bags away in his room, Drakon spoke, “You just brought ten girls home, Spike.”

“Drakon, please.”

“I'm just saying. And I think you should do something for them what with all they've been through today.”

“You think?” Spike asked.

“Well, it's the gentleman thing to do, am I right?”

“True. And I think I know what to do.”

As the girls relaxed and unwound from what happened at the mall, Spike came back in, “Hey, girls. Would any of you be interested in staying for dinner?” he offered.

“Dinner?” Twilight asked curiously, as the rest of the girls perked up.

“Yeah. I'll cook us up something to eat.”

“You cook?” Rainbow asked with a raised brow.

“Well, yeah. I mean I don't live on microwavable meals or anything.”

“Well, that's good.” Rarity said.

“Yeah. Having those every night aren't always good for you.” Twilight agreed.

“So you girls will stay?” Spike asked hopefully.

The girls looked at each other with smiles, as Twilight answered, “We will take you up on that offer.”

“Great. I'll get started.”

“Want some help?” Pinkie asked.

“Don't worry. I can do this. As my guests you girls just take it easy.” Spike insisted.

So the girls decided to kick back and relax, but every so often they'd peek into the kitchen to watch Spike fix up dinner.

“Look at him go.” Applejack marveled.

“He knows exactly what he's doing.” Scootaloo added.

“Well, after living on his own for awhile he obviously had to.” Sunset reminded them of his living arrangements and knew without his parents he had to provide for himself.

The girls soon decided to pitch in by setting the table, as Spike started bringing out the spread of food placing it all on the table.

“Dinner is served.” Spike declared.

“Wow. It looks so good.” Fluttershy marveled.

“And smells good too.” Pinkie added.

Spike sat down between Twilight and Sunset, “Well, dig in.”

Each of the girls took a bite of the food on their plates and gasped. There was a moment of silence as Spike waited for a response, “Well, how is it? Good? Bad? At this point I'll accept any answer.”

“It's...” the girls began before letting out a cheer, “SO YUMMY!!!” this startled Spike before noticing the happy looks on the girls faces.

“This is so awesome!” Rainbow cheered.

“You betcha!” Applejack agreed, “It's so delicious!”

“Really? It is?” Spike asked.

“It sure is.” Pinkie confirmed.

“So tasty.” Fluttershy agreed.

“Tasty doesn't begin to cover it, darling,” Rarity replied, “I've had plenty of tasty dining before, but this ranks up the highest.”

“Yeah, and the food prepared at the academy for lunch doesn't even match how good your food is.” Sunset put in.

“I could eat this every day,” Apple Bloom smiled, “Not that I should, of course.”

“Is there enough for seconds?” Sweetie Belle hoped.

“Seconds, thirds. I made plenty.” Spike assured them.

“Thanks!” Scootaloo replied, as they continued to eat.

“Spike, you never cease to amaze me.” Twilight marveled.

“Well, thanks,” Spike chuckled sheepishly, and thought to himself while watching his friends eat with him, 'In fact no one but me has ever tried my cooking. But hearing them think so highly of it feels real good.'

Soon everyone was finished, “Ooh, what a meal.” Applejack said rubbing her stomach.

“I couldn't help but eat so much.” Rarity said.

“It really filled me up.” Sweetie Belle added.

“I'm glad you all enjoyed it.” Spike smiled happily.

“Spike,” Twilight spoke up, “Since you've been such a gracious host, why don't we do the dishes for you?”

“Are you sure?” Spike asked concerned.

“It's the least we can do after you've done all this for us.” Sunset replied.

“Thank you. I really appreciate that.” he said gratefully.

And so the girls each pitched in with helping the dishes and cleaning up. Once they were done, they joined Spike in the living room to relax after such a good meal.

“Once again, thanks for making us dinner, Spike.” Twilight thanked him.

“It was my pleasure, Twilight.” he replied.

“Maybe we should get you on the kitchen staff at the academy?” Applejack suggested, “I reckon the whole student body would love to try your cookin'.”

“They sure would.” Rainbow agreed.

“Tempting, but I'm good just being a student.” Spike replied.

Everyone had a good laugh, as Fluttershy noticed the picture of Spike and his parents, “Spike, are those your...”

Spike seeing what Fluttershy was looking at answered with a sigh, “My parents? Yeah that's them.”

The girls got up and looked at with picture with Spike, “Wow, your dad's really handsome.” Sunset admitted.

“And your mother is absolutely beautiful.” Rarity marveled.

Spike nodded with a smile, “They sure were.”

“And this kid right here is...” Scootaloo noticed younger chubbier Spike in the center of them.


“Wow, you used to look like that?” Pinkie asked surprised.

“Yeah. I know I looked disgusting back then.” Spike sighed.

“I wouldn't say that,” Rainbow replied confusing Spike, “Sure you looked a little out of shape, but not that bad.”

Twilight spoke, “Even when I saw what you used to look like that day you saved me, I didn't care what you looked like. Your bravery counted for more than you gave yourself credit for. It didn't matter what you looked like, because I saw you had a heart of gold. And still do.” she smiled.

Spike blushed, as the rest of the girls agreed with her, “Thanks, girls. I really appreciate it.”

“And I'm sure your parents would be very proud to see how you turned out.” Rarity added.

“Yeah. They sure would be.” Spike agreed, as Drakon himself nodded in agreement.

Afterward as it started getting late, Spike showed the girls outside, “Are you sure you don't want me to walk you girls back?”

“Don't worry, Spike, we'll be alright.” Twilight assured him.

“But we appreciate the concern, sugarcube.” Applejack said.

“Well, ok. Just let me know you make it home.”

“We will.” Fluttershy promised.

“And Spike?” Twilight asked.


Spike was taken aback as Twilight kissed him much to the rest of the girls surprise, “Thanks for such a good day.”

“Uh...” Spike droned.

“Hey, no fair, Twilight!” Rainbow said, before going over to Spike and gave him a kiss, “Thanks for a great meal, Spike.”

The other girls not wanting to be left out each gave Spike a kiss and thanked him for dinner and more, before they started walking for their homes. Spike watched them leave with a blush on his face before waving.

“Bye.” he said, even though they were out of sight, while Drakon chuckled.

“What luck ya have, kid.”

Meanwhile back at the Purple Nightmares HQ, Night Terror was in his office venting over what happened today at the mall.

“Damn that Dragon Knight making a fool out of us!” he pounded his desk, “But I guess I should be glad none of us got arrested. Still, I do not want that masked freak meddling in our business otherwise I'll just look like a laughing stock!” he got up and thought while pacing until he remembered something, “But those girls there at the mall looked very gorgeous, and I know someone who could make use of them.

Night Terror pulled out his phone and made a call, “Hello, Chrysalis. Listen you know how you've been talking about looking for more recruits for your Scarabs? Well, I think I found ten potential individuals that'll really bring in the dough for you.” he smirked.

Dinner at the Sparkle's

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In down Canterlot City at night, Spike all dressed up as the Dragon Knight was doing some runs and building jumps while searching around the city for any problems. He stopped for a breather and looked down from a roof seeing the citizens going about their way with no signs of danger anywhere.

“Looks like a slow night, Drakon.” Spike told his spirit who stood right beside him.

“So it is.” he noticed.

“I think I'm gonna call it a night now,” Spike said before he felt his phone vibrate. He took it out seeing Twilight on the caller I.D before answering, “Hi, Twilight, what's up? Tomorrow? Nothing important. Why do you ask? Really? Well, sure. If you really want me to. Yeah I'll be there. Ok, goodnight.” he hung up.

“What'd Twilight want?” Drakon inquired.

“Well, she's actually invited me to her place for dinner.” Spike answered.

Drakon blinked twice, “Twilight invited you to dinner at her place?”

“Yeah. And she wants me to meet her family.”

“Her family?” Drakon asked surprised before grinning, “Well, looks like you're really moving along with her in the relationship thing. Already meeting her family.”

“I know,” Spike nodded with a bit of sweat, “I never thought I'd be meeting someone's parents.”

“Well, you got quite a few girlfriends, so it's naturally you'll have to meet their families sooner or later.”

“Girlfriends is a strong word, Drakon.” Spike argued.

“Hey, you saw how they thanked you for inviting them over for dinner at your place.” the spirit reminded him.

“True, but let's not go that far until anything official is established.”

“If you say so.”

The two were brought out of their thoughts by a girl screaming. Spike hearing that looked down seeing a teenage girl getting cornered by four juvenile punks.

“Well, looks like I'll be having some fun tonight.” Spike told Drakon before he jumped down and stuck to the shadows.

The four punks were getting closer to the girl, before Spike made some noise from behind a dumpster alerting them.

“What was that?” one of them asked.

“Don't know.” a second replied.

The first one spoke to the third member, “Go check it out.”

The third member reluctantly approached the dumpster before looking behind it. As he peeked he was suddenly dragged behind it screaming much to his buddies shock.

“What the hell?” the fourth member asked, as the three backed up a bit.

Suddenly the one who went to investigate slid out before them bound and gagged, “What the shit?” the first one asked. Suddenly flipping over the dumpster was Spike who got into a stance.

“Harassing an innocent civilian?” Spike asked rhetorically, “You boys need a lesson in manners like your friend down there.” he motioned to the one he bound and gagged.

“Get him!” the first called, as the three rushed Spike, but the Dragon Knight made quick work of the cocky pricks.

As Spike bound and gagged the rest of them before leaving his calling card on them, the girl they were harassing ran up to him with a hug, “Thank you so much, Dragon Knight!”

“No trouble at all ma'am.” Spike answered humbly.

“Please, I must have a selfie with you.” the girl said before doing a selfie of her and Spike who didn't know how to respond, “Yes, this is a keeper!”

“Glad you're happy and all right. But I think you should head home.” Spike suggested.

“Of course. Thanks again!” the girl hurried on home, before Spike took his leave before the cops could show.

The next day at school, classes just let out with Spike going to his locker. Once he grabbed what he needed he saw Twilight approaching.

“Hi, Spike.”

“Hi, Twilight.” he smiled.

“Still on for tonight?” she inquired.

“Yeah. Just gonna go home quick and get ready.”

“Ok. I'll see you then.”

“Later.” Spike said, before taking his leave.

Twilight watched Spike head out before hearing someone clear their throat from behind her. She turned to see her friends, and the CMC had been watching.

“You and Spike got plans, Twilight?” Rainbow raised a brow.

“Actually yes,” Twilight confirmed, “He's coming over to have dinner with me and my family.”

“Oh, is he now?” Rarity asked slyly.

“Trying to get ahead of us in our friendship with Spike?” Pinkie accused.

“Not like that!” Twilight protested, “I just wanted to repay his kindness after he brought out to his place and made us dinner... And also my family has been dying to meet him.”

“I figured it also had something to do with that.” Sunset smirked.

Apple Bloom spoke to her sister, “We should invite Spike over too. I'm sure Ma, Pa, Big Mac, and Granny would love to meet him.”

Applejack chuckled, “We'll be sure to keep that in mind, Sugarcube.”

“Maybe we can introduce Spike to our parents, Rarity.” Sweetie Belle suggested.

“Of course.” Rarity giggled.

“I may wait awhile before introducing him to my folks.” Rainbow replied.

“Why, afraid they'll embarrass you with their over support?” Pinkie teased.

“Hey! I'm not embarrassed by it... Anymore.” Rainbow blushed.

“Your face says otherwise!” Pinkie singsonged.

“Well, we hope your family likes Spike,” Sunset told Twilight, “And we hope he likes them in return.”

Twilight smiled, “So do I.”

At Spike's place, the young man was getting a quick shower and change of clothes. After drying off and changing he looked himself over.

“Good thing Twilight said I didn't have to dress so formally.” Spike told Drakon.

“Well, it's not like you're going to someplace fancy.” he replied.

“Although if it is going to be her family, I wonder if that includes her brother?” Spike wondered.

“The cop?”

“Yeah. This'll be my first time meeting him as Spike and not as the Dragon Knight.”

“Hey, at least you know he has no problem with Dragon Knight otherwise he would've arrested you with Smooze.” Drakon reminded him.

“I know. I just don't wanna end up giving him any hint I am the vigilante that's been cleaning up the streets as of late.”

“Just don't bring it up. And you'll be fine.”

“Right.” Spike smiled, as he finished getting ready before heading out.

Spike walked his way to Twilight's place and up to her door. Before he rang the bell he turned to Drakon, “While we're here don't do anything that could result in me talking to you or anything.”

“Hey, I'll be good.” Drakon said casually.

So Spike rang the bell and waited patiently. Soon the door opened to reveal Twilight who looked happy to see him, “Spike!” she embraced him.

“Hi, Twilight.” he greeted back with a return of her hug.

“I'm glad you made it. Come inside.” Twilight brought Spike into her home.

As Spike walked into Twilight's house he looked around at how nice it looked much like his own place. His attention suddenly shifted to the two adults coming into the living room.

“Ah, the guest of honor has arrived.” the man noticed.

Spike stood tall, as Twilight spoke, “Mom. Dad. I'd like you both to meet Spike.”

“It's very nice to meet you both.” Spike greeted them respectfully.

The adults smiled and approached him, “And it's nice to finally meet you, Spike. I'm Night Light; Twilight's dad.” the two shook hands.

The the woman approached and shook his hand, “And I'm Twilight Velvet; her mother. But please call me, Velvet.” she smiled sweetly.

“Um, sure. Ms. Velvet.” Spike answered while trying to hide a blush from looking at Velvet and how beautiful she was.

Drakon floated above and looked down at Velvet grinning, “Wow! Now we see where Twilight gets her looks from. Especially her bodily figure.” he raised his brows.

Spike casually shot Drakon a look reminding him to behave himself while around him in public, and so the spirit stopped.

“Twilight told us about how you stood up for her when juveniles tried to do the unspeakable to her,” Night Light began, “My wife and I want you to know we're so grateful to you.”

“It was a very brave thing of you to do.” Velvet agreed.

Spike blushed, “Really, I just did what anyone who cares enough would do.” Twilight smiled and nodded.

“We know, but unfortunately not everyone would go out of their way the way you did.” Velvet noted.

“You doing that proves that there's still a shred of humanity in this city.” Night Light added.

Spike nodded in agreement, while feeling they had no idea how right they are about him proving the city has some humanity to help others outside the cops.

Suddenly the sound of the door opened, and they saw Shining Armor enter with a lady and a baby girl with him.

“Hey, everyone. Sorry if we're late.” Shining greeted.

“Actually, you're right on time.” Night Light assured them.

“Shining Armor! Cadence!” Twilight cheered as she hugged her brother and his wife.

“Twily! Good to see you!” Shining hugged her.

“And how're things?” Cadence inquired.

“Things are great,” Twilight answered before looking at the baby, “Aw, how's my little niece?” she hugged the giggled baby.

Spike looked at the direction of the second married couple, remembering Shining Armor from when he fought Smooze, and then towards his wife who like Twilight and Velvet looked super gorgeous. He spotted Drakon about to speak before shooting him a look shutting him up.

“It's nice to see you not wearing the uniform, Shining Armor.” Twilight noticed.

“Well, I had enough time to change before we got here. Honestly sometimes I wear the uniform so long even after hours it feels like it's a part of me.” they laughed.

Cadence spotted Spike standing by the adults, “Is that him, Twilight?”

“Yes it is,” Twilight confirmed, “This is Spike Obsidian. Spike, this is my older brother Shining Armor. His wife Cadence. And this is their daughter and my niece, Flurry Heart.”

Spike approached, “It's nice to meet you all.” he smiled at baby Flurry and shook her little hand making her smile.

“She likes you already.” Cadence smiled.

"Twilight's told us so much about you, Spike.” Shining spoke to him.

“Really?” he looked to Twilight who blushed while avoiding eye contact.

“That's right,” Shining confirmed, “Thank you so much for protecting my sister.”

“Think nothing of it.” Spike replied staying modest.

“She told us a lot of things about you,” Cadence began before smirking slyly, “Though she did neglect to mention how handsome you were.”

Spike blushed, while Twilight herself felt embarrassed, “Agreed, Cadence. I dare say if I weren't married I would so love to date him.” Velvet added, as the two teens felt more embarrassed while Drakon cackled at the mom's flirting.

“Honey, please,” Night Light stopped Velvet, “Not in front of Twilight. And you're making me jealous talking about Spike that way.” he pouted.

“Oh, honey. Don't be. You're the only one for me.” Velvet assured him making him feel relieved.

“Good. Because I don't think Twilight would like the idea of you stealing her boyfriend from her.” Night Light teased.

“It's not like that!” Twilight protested embarrassed.

“You're not dating?” Velvet asked sounding disappointed, “Oh, did one of your friends snatch him up before you?”

“Mother!” Twilight pleaded.

“Honey, I think it's best to get dinner started don't you?” Night Light suggested.

“You're right,” Velvet agreed, “Cadence. Twilight. Would you two help me?”

“Sure.” Cadence agreed, as she gave Flurry to Shining.

As the ladies went to start dinner, Spike was left with Night Light and Shining Armor with Flurry Heart in the living room.

“So, you're both married men, and with daughters, huh?” Spike asked.

“That's right.” Night Light confirmed.

“I was so proud the day Flurry was born,” Shining nuzzled his baby who giggled, “Although dealing with a hormonal Cadence was another story.”

“I had to go through that experience with your mother twice, remember?” Night Light reminded his son.

Spike smiled listening to the two, as Shining spoke to him, “Still, Spike, I'm actually jealous of your appearance.”

“My appearance?” Spike asked curiously.

“Yeah. When I was in high school I was truthfully a dork compared to you.”

“You? A dork?” Spike asked looking Shining Armor over.

“I was different back then and wasn't exactly a ladies man. And yet, Cadence saw past all that and dated me anyway.”

“You and Cadence were high school sweethearts?” Spike wondered.

“We sure were. Even Twilight loved her enough mom and dad hired her to babysit her when I was with my friends and they had to go out. And those two bonded like real sisters.”

“Good to know.” Spike replied.

“Here, you wanna hold Flurry?” Shining offered.

“Me? Well, I don't have a lot of experience with babies.” Spike said nervously.

“It's easy. Just remember to support her head.” Shining instructed, as he gently passed Flurry Heart off to Spike who held her in his arms.

Spike looked down at the baby he was holding and her bright happy face stirred something inside of him that filled him up with joy.

'I wonder if this is how my parents felt the day they first held me in their arms.' he thought. He rocked Flurry Heart wanting to keep feeling the sense of joy as Drakon watched and thought.

'I think he'd make an excellent father.'

Spike looked to Shining and spoke, “So, Shining, Twilight told me you were a cop.”

“That's right. I'm a captain.”

“Nice. So how'd you decide to get involved with the law?”

“Well, I always wanted to protect people. And it helped during my old tabletop RP gaming days I always had my friends backs. So naturally I wanted to keep having others backs when they needed help. So I signed up, studied and practiced and naturally made it on the force working my way up.”

'Sounds like this guy knew exactly what he wanted in life.' Drakon told Spike who mentally agreed.

Later Twilight, her mother, and Cadence had brought out the food and placed it all on the dining room table. Seeing this, Spike, Shining Armor, and Night Light brought Flurry Heart over with them and sat down with Spike sitting close to Twilight and Cadence on his other side with Shining Armor next to her and Flurry in a high chair close to them.

As Spike took a bite his eyes lit up, “Mm, Ms. Velvet this stuff is delicious.”

“Why, thank you, Spike. Of course I can't take all the credit,” Velvet replied, “Twilight and Cadence helped me.”

“Really?” Spike asked looking at Twilight.

“What, you didn't think you were the only one who could cook?” Twilight asked rhetorically.

“Twilight told us you cooked for her and her friends last night.” Night Light said.

“Yes, I did.” the boy confirmed.

“She told us it was some of the best food she ever had.” Velvet put in.

“Well, she and her friends did feel satisfied by it.” Spike remembered.

“When Twilight had you investigated in order to find you we were all surprised she found out you live alone.” Night Light said sounding sympathetic.

“I do. Ever since my parents passed away.” Spike admitted.

“We're so sorry to hear that.” Cadence said comfortingly.

“What were your parents like?” Shining Armor inquired, as the rest of the adults were just as curious.

Spike feeling more confident to speak of his parents answered, “Well, my parents were John and Mary Obsidian. And they were the nicest people you could've ever known. They taught me to be kind and courageous. Especially to those in distress or peril.”

Twilight's parents, Shining Armor and his family nodded seeing how true that was.

“They said I embodied their best qualities, from my mother's kindness to my dad's desire to help those in need.”

“As demonstrated when you helped Twilight.” Cadence pointed out.

“Yeah. You're right.” Spike nodded.

“What did they do for living?” Velvet wondered.

“They were lab assistants to one of the greatest scientific minds of this century.” Spike explained.

Twilight looking curious asked, “Which?”

“Professor Gregory Dagger.”

Twilight gasped, “Gregory "Grogar' Dagger? The famed Biologist and genetics professor? Your parents worked with him?”

“They did.”


“And if not for Professor Dagger, I might've been homeless.”

“How so?” Night Light asked.

“Professor Dagger found my parents when they died and discovered they were poisoned.”

“Oh, no.” Twilight gasped.

“Yes. He comforted me during the troubling time especially at the funeral. And though it was a small consolation he paid off my parents house so I could keep living there. And he forwards me plenty of money to cover water, electricity, food, and everything. I was lucky my parents worked for such an understanding sympathetic man.”

“Do you still still talk to him?” Twilight inquired.

“Occasionally, but with his growing research it's not easy to get a hold of him.”

“Understandable.” Twilight nodded.

“But it's thanks to him living has been easy for me. And once I get through college and find good decent paying work he won't have to spot for me anymore.”

Shining Armor nodded, “Sounds like you have your future planned out. Twily's just the same.”

Twilight looked away, as Spike replied, “I wouldn't say I have my whole life planned out. I'm not sure I know exactly what I want to be yet.”

“Well, not everyone knows what they want right away,” Velvet said, “It takes time before deciding what you really want.”

Spike smiled and nodded, “Yeah.”

They continued to eat, as Velvet spoke to her son, “So, Shining, how have things been at the precinct?”

“Well, exhausting I'll tell you that much. But not as bad as it used to be.”

“Shining says it's due to a certain vigilante who's been cleaning up the streets at night.” Cadence pointed out.

“You mean the Dragon Knight they're all talking about?” Night Light asked, as Spike remained silent while Drakon listened in.

“That's right,” Shining confirmed, “Sure taking the law into your own hands isn't something we encourage. But his efforts have been helping us round up criminals and even gang members off the streets. We've even put away a few mobsters because of him.”

“He even took on a blob man and fought the Purple Nightmares at the mall.” Twilight added.

“We're still glad you and your friends weren't harmed there.” Night Light said in relief.

“I know.”

“I wonder where he came from and why he's decided to start helping people?” Cadence wondered.

Spike despite wanting to stay out of the topic of the conversation decided to voice his thoughts, “Who knows where he came from, but perhaps he like so many of us want this city to feel safe and not in constant fear of all the criminal activity going around.”

“Makes sense.” Shining Armor agreed.

“I mean granted he's got guts to go out and do what no other person who's not a cop would, but he must really know what he's doing.” Spike finished.

“He sure does.” Twilight agreed, as Spike smiled to himself as he continued to enjoy dinner with the Sparkle's.

When dinner was done, Spike offered to help the ladies with the dishes making them grateful. He stuck around a bit longer getting to know Twilight's family, and even play with Flurry Heart.

As it started getting late, Spike looked at the time, “Thanks for dinner, everyone. But I better get going.”

“We understand, Spike.” Velvet replied.

“Can we give you a ride home?” Cadence offered on behalf of her and Shining.

“Thanks, but I'll be fine. I need the exercise anyway.” Spike answered.

“Thanks for joining us for dinner, Spike.” Night Light said.

“Thank you all for inviting me.”

“Here, I'll walk you out.” Twilight offered, as she showed Spike out.

Once they were alone the two sighed, “I'm sorry if my parents, my brother, or even Cadence said anything to embarrass you, Spike.”

“Please, there was nothing wrong at all. If anything I'm worried about how you felt.” Spike replied.

“Yeah my family can be a bit embarrassing, but I love them none the less.”

“I like them too. Real nice people. You're lucky to have them.”

“I sure am. And they really liked you, Spike.”

“I'm glad.” he smiled.

“So I'll see you tomorrow, Spike.”

“See you, Twilight.” the two embraced, before Spike headed off.

Twilight smiled, until she saw Cadence had snuck out and had been watching them, “He's a nice guy, Twilight.”

“Yeah. The best.” Twilight smiled.

“Just so you know, you have all our support.”

“What?” Twilight did a double take.

“Don't bother denying it. We all know you have it bad for him.” Cadence said slyly.

Twilight blushed sheepishly, before speaking, “Ok, yeah I do.”

“My advice to you, hang on and don't let go.”

“Right.” Twilight replied, as they watched Spike walk on down the block before turning the corner.

Meanwhile in the office of Professor Grogar Dagger. He was at his desk looking over blueprints and notes before looking at a picture on his desk being of him and Spike's parents together looking like good chums.

“Ah, John and Mary. You two were such good friends. Such a shame you were taken from us so suddenly leaving your only son an orphan...” he began sympathetically before it turned cold, “But I couldn't let you go blabbing about my research and plans like nosy neighbors. And now my research is finally coming intro fruition.” he looked over the notes that was for Radiation X that turned Shadow into Smooze.

“Radiation X will bring forth a new breed of beings capable of the likes of which you could not have imagined. If only the both of you weren't such goody-two-shoes. We could've changed the world together. But now that honor is for me alone. And soon everyone will recognize me for my real genius.” he snickered.

The Queen of Strip Clubs

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A few days ago at nighttime in a seedier part of Canterlot City was the Brothel district. The Brothel district was a section of the city known for its brothels and strip clubs. It was a cesspool for sex traffickers, and others looking for a good time. The air hung heavy with the stench of beer, drugs, and other nauseating stenches.

One of it's most popular of strip joints was the Hive; operated by Chrysalis Queen; one of the major gang heads of the city outside Night Terror. She and her followers the Scarabs ran the club with several ladies who either volunteered to work for her, or those that were forced into it.

At the Hive it was closing time, and all the regulars who stopped in for frivolous and sexy entertainment had already cleared out, and some of the Scarabs began cleaning the place up for the night. In the back room were all the strippers with many raging from adult, college aged students, even some who looked like they were still in high school. Sitting on a chair at a desk was a Chrysalis herself. She was a beautiful but sinister looking woman who had a very well endowed body, long dark cerulean hair, and long green fingernails.

“Ladies, let me first say congratulations on such a fine job today,” Chrysalis began, “Although we have been earning less money than we usually make.”

“But it's still a lot ma'am.” One of the younger strippers noted.

“Nevertheless!” Chrysalis shouted making the girl back up, “If there's one thing I dislike it's losing money. And why do you suppose we're losing money?”

“The regulars are bored with the same routines we've been running?” one of the college aged strippers suggested.

“Nonsense, they love the routines,” Chrysalis replied, “No. What they're tired of is they see the same old girls. No offense, but they've gotten used to you all for so long.”

She got up from her desk and paced around the ladies, “We need some new faces around here. Fresh talent.”

“But, ma'am, none of the others have found anyone you've deemed good looking enough to join in the last month.” one of the ladies reminded her.

“You've turned away any applicant that didn't have the requirements.”

Chrysalis sighed, “It's so hard to find perfect beauty to match my own. But there must be some fresh faces in this city that the regulars would line up for a chance to be entertained by.”

Suddenly Chrysalis' phone started to ring and she answered it, “Hello? Night Terror? Well this is a surprise. And how may I help my handsome Nightmare?” she giggled, “Yes I was just talking about needing new fresh faces here. What? You're serious?” the Scarabs and the strippers were surprised at the sudden change in their boss' tone as she ran to her desk and started writing down notes, “Yes. Yes. Cowboy hat. Rainbow hair. Poofy Pink. Uh-huh. Well, your descriptions of these ten young ladies sound like they're real eye catchers. Yes. If you can find me these girls again and bring them to me I will pay you very handsomely. If you can deliver. We'll keep in touch. Bye.” she hung up.

“Good news, ma'am?” one of the girls asked.

Chrysalis looked to her workers, “Ladies, we may be getting some new recruits yet. But until we do. I advise you all to triple your efforts on the job! We're gonna milk all these men out of their money one way or another. Got it?!”

“Yes, Ms. Chrysalis!” they answered.

“Good.” Chrysalis snickered.

Cut to present day after school, Spike was sparing with Applejack when the MMA Club members cleared out. Spike had promised he'd come by to see Applejack and even Apple Bloom at their club and practice with them.

“That's good, Spike. Keep it up.” Applejack instructed, as she and Spike sparred.

“Thanks for sparring with me, A.J. I really need this.” Spike said gratefully, while blocking Applejack's hits.

“No problem at all, sugarcube. Ya have gotten stronger the last time we sparred.”

Drakon spoke to Spike, “If only she knew the reason why.”

The two continued to spar until they decided to call it quits. They toweled off and each had a bottle of water.

“What a workout.” Spike said after taking a gulp.

“I'll say,” Applejack agreed, “Still, you're one of the best sparring partners I ever had. Ya sure ya won't consider joining the club full time?”

“I'm happy with where I am.” Spike answered humbly.

“Fair enough. Just let me know next time ya want another spar. Ok, Spike?”

“Sure, Applejack.” Spike replied before the girl kissed his cheek making him blush. The two went to the locker rooms to get changed before taking their leave.

As Spike headed for home, Drakon spoke to him, “Decided to not join the girls after school today?”

“I just felt like getting in some alone time for now. You know a little 'me' time?” Spike replied.


“Besides they deserve to spend time together without a guy around.”

“And the fact you worry if they decide to do something that might be a bit too feminine for you.” Drakon teased.

“I can neither confirm nor deny that.” the young man answered, as Drakon chuckled.

Meanwhile with the girls, all ten of them were relaxing and enjoying a coffee, “Such a shame Spike chose not to join us today.” Rarity said with a pout.

“I know, but he sounded like he had other plans, Rarity.” Applejack replied.

“Maybe if we're lucky he'll join us next time.” Fluttershy voiced optimism.

“That'd be nice.” Sweetie Belle hoped, as A.B and Scoots nodded in agreement.

As the girls were enjoying themselves, they were unaware someone had been watching them from across the coffee shop before pulling out his cellphone and spoke into it.

“Girls spotted.”

Good. I'll let the others know.”

The guy saw the girls get up and started walking, “Better alert the others quick, they're on the move!” he put his phone down to reveal a Purple Nightmare tattoo on his arm.

The girls walked deciding to roam and see what else to do, while unaware from any place they passed there were other Purple Nightmares spying on them and alerting others to where they were heading. As the girls were ready to call it a day they heard the sounds of whimpering coming from an alley.

“Please. Someone, help me.” came the sound of a little boy.

The girls looked concerned seeing someone small in the shadows looking like they were struggling to stand.

“Are you ok?” Rainbow asked.

“I lost my mommy.” the boy sniffled while still sticking to the shadows.

“Oh, don't cry, sweetie,” Fluttershy said comforting, “We'll help you.”

As they got closer, Twilight, Applejack, and Sunset started feeling something was off.

“Thank you,” the boy spoke up, as he started stepping into the light and spoke like a man, “You're so kind!” the little boy was actually a short man wearing a purple nightmare tattoo on his arm.

“AH!” Fluttershy cried, as the rest of the girls were shocked.

“It's a man!” Rainbow called.

“Half one!” Pinkie cried.

Before they could respond more, several more Purple Nightmares sprung the girls restraining them.

“Grab their phones!” one ordered, as they grabbed the girls phones and put them in a bag.

“Good acting Lil' Reno.” one of the gang members told the short one.

“My best role.” Lil' Reno laughed.

“Let us go, ya dirty varmints!” Applejack struggled along with the rest.

“Get them in the van!” One ordered, as they tossed the girls in the back of a van and closed the doors.

The girls sat on the floor of the van, until a peephole opened up from the front and looking in was the gang leader.

“Hello again.”

“Night Terror!” Rainbow frowned.

“What is the meaning of this?!” Rarity demanding.

“What're you going to do with us?” Apple Bloom demanded equally outraged.

“I got a deal with someone, and you ladies are my meal ticket.” Night Terror answered.

“I'd like to clarify we're not willing in any of this. Not at all!” Twilight shouted, as the van began driving off.

“We gotta get out of here!” Pinkie began pounding on the walls, “Help! Someone get us out of here!”

“Save your breath, pinky. No one's helping you.” Night Terror replied, before closing the peephole.

But Pinkie kept banging on the walls of the van hoping someone would answer, while the others helplessly sat down with Applejack and Rarity holding their sisters close while Rainbow held Scootaloo close. Things looked really bleak for them.

At Spike's place, the young man was currently reading some comics peacefully before taking a drink of water. Suddenly he froze up as he heard a familiar voice in his head.

Help! Someone get us out of here!”


He stood up, “Drakon, what was that?”

“Seems your powers have grown strong enough you're able to sense when someone very close to you is in distress.” Drakon explained.

“Pinkie! And she's not alone. I can feel the others with her. They're in trouble!” he got up and grabbed his Dragon Knight mask before stepping outside.

After locking up he morphed into his half completed armored form and began jumping roofs into the direction of the city.

“I can feel them moving. I can't lose the trail!”

“Well, ya better pick up the pace!” Drakon flew beside him.

“Ugh! There's no way I'll find them in time! I need to find them now!” he shouted to himself before sprouting from his back was a pair of silver dragon wings that were metallic, “Did I just sprout wings? I just sprouted wings!”

“Your desire to rescue your friends have helped you unlock flight. Now you won't have to do as much jumping.” Drakon noted.

“Awesome! I can't wait to see how they work,” Spike jumped into the air and started flapping which kept him airborne, “Whoa! It works! Now let's go find the girls!” he flew off using his new wings while still tracking the girls presence.

As nighttime was settling in, Spike followed the trail to the seedier side of the city. He could feel the girls were closer now and decided to go by foot, but hid by shadows on the roof tops.

“What is this place?” Drakon inquired.

“The more seedier side of the city. Its Brothel district.” Spike answered.

“I knew it smelt weird here.” Drakon suspected.

"I know. The stench around this place is nauseating," Spike agreed, “And if the girls were brought here then it's worse than I fear,” he looked around before spotting the van the girls were locked in driving down the street, “They're in there.” he followed the van before seeing it pull up outside the Hive in back.

Spike and Drakon spotted Chrysalis and several Scarab guards with her waiting, “Whoa, who's that chick?” the spirit asked.

“That's Chrysalis Queen; from what I heard she runs the strip club down there as well as several other brothels and strip clubs and is head of the group known as the Scarabs.”

“Scarabs? Of all bugs she chooses that for a gang name?” Drakon asked rhetorically.

“I know right? They push dung. Doesn't exactly scream threatening. And yet the name works for her and her group. They're also sex traffickers and are always looking to recruit new faces.”

“Then the girls?”

Spike nodded, “They're gonna be forced into recruitment... But not if I have anything to say about it.” he crept back into the shadows.

On the ground, Chrysalis stood waiting, as Night Terror approached, “Ah, Madame Chrysalis, a pleasure as always.” Chrysalis held out her hand, as Night Terror got down on one knee and kissed it.

Chrysalis spoke up to the gang leader, “I trust you have delivered what you promised?”

“See for yourself.” Night Terror motioned behind him, as the Purple Nightmares dragged the girls out of the van while keeping them restrained and lined them up before the woman.

“Hmm,” Chrysalis began, as she paced past each of the girls studying their features up and down, “The older girls definitely have sexy written all over them, and very impressive in certain fields.” she poked Fluttershy in the breast making her whimper.

“Don't touch her!” Rainbow shouted, only for her captor to restrain her tighter.

Chrysalis looked to the CMC and smirked, “And these three are absolutely adorable and fit like the older ladies. Oh, the boys are gonna love them.” the CMC whimpered in fear.

“So you like them?” Night Terror asked expectantly.

“Oh, I love them, Night Terror. They'll make fine new additions to my clubs.” Chrysalis said with excitement.

“Then I'll expect my pay up front.”

“Of course. Pay the man.” she ordered one of her Scarab Bouncers.

The bouncer walked up to Night Terror and opened the case revealing rows of stacked hundred dollar bills. The sight made Night Terror's eyes light up.

“Then our business is concluded. Pleasure doing business with you, Chrysalis.” he said, as he was about to leave.

“What's your hurry, Night Terror?” Chrysalis stopped him, “You and your boys worked so hard to find me such fine specimens. Why don't you all come inside and enjoy a show from my girls... free of charge.”

“Say yes, boss!” one of the Nightmares pleaded.

“She said it's free!” another pleaded.

“Well, I suppose we can indulge ourselves.” Night Terror answered, as the Nightmares cheered.

“Then come inside, we'll have my girls show the newbies the ropes.”

“No! I don't want to be a stripper!” Rarity cried.

“Trust me, dear. You'll get used to it in no time.” Chrysalis replied, as the Nightmares brought them inside as Spike watched from around a corner tightening his eyes.

Inside the Hive, Night Terror and his gang were seated at tables close to the runway eager to see some ladies perform for them. Soon Chrysalis stepped out from behind the curtain on stage.

“Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I hope you're all excited because we got some real talent tonight. Come on out, ladies!”

Walking out were the strippers all dressed as harem girls with veils over their mouths. Following the regular strippers were Twilight and the rest of the girls also dressed in harem girl attire.

“This is so humiliatin'.” Applejack groaned.

“I know!” Rainbow agreed.

“While this is demeaning I do admire the style.” Rarity admitted.

“What do we do?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“There's not much we can do.” Twilight answered feeling helpless.

Chrysalis looked to all the girls, “Showtime, everyone.”

And so the girls began to dance exotically, while Twilight and her friends followed in tow against their will. The Purple Nightmares were enjoying the performance, until the sound of a door slamming open was heard which halted the show. Everyone looked and saw stepping in on scene was the Dragon Knight which got the Nightmares on defense.

“You again?!” Night Terror growled.

“The Dragon Knight!” Apple Bloom cheered.

“Oh?” Chrysalis asked, before smiling, “Ah, I see we have a celebrity in our midst.”

“Chrysalis, that creep's been busting up the other gangs in the city!” Night Terror warned her.

“Patience, Night Terror,” she hand motioned him down, “I'll handle this.”

Chrysalis walked up to the vigilante flauntingly, “Welcome Mr. Knight to the Hive. I'm your host with the most, Chrysalis Queen.”

“Believe me I've heard of you.” Spike replied while maintaining a calm clear head, while also trying not to stare at Twilight and the others in their costumes.

“Have you? Well, I'm not surprised. As I do have a certain reputation.” she boasted.

“If you call running strips and brothels, along with sex trafficking a 'certain reputation'.” Spike replied.

“Hey, if it pays it's legit.” Chrysalis noted.

“Answer me this, Chrysalis. How many of these innocent women's lives have you destroyed by forcing them to join you against their will?”

“Destroyed? I'm hurt. I took them in and gave them purpose. Isn't that right, girls?” she asked her strippers while giving them a glare forcing them to nod nervously.

“I know you're lying,” Spike said, while eyeing Twilight and the others, “Because I know those girls up there haven't been here long. In fact I know Night Terror brought them to you.”

“So he was following us?” Night Terror asked in outrage, “Do you have eyes and ears all over the city?!”

“Well, it'd be possible. I mean you had us staking out all the local hangouts in the city for the last two weeks to keep an eye out for the girls, sir.” one of the Nightmares reminded him. Night Terror glared at the gang member who knew he had to shut up.

“It was just Night Terror and I making a little business deal. He found me ten new fresh faces and I pay him. Simple as that.” Chrysalis explained.

“Well, sorry to spoil your business deal. But I'm taking them and all these innocent girls off your back.” Spike told her.

Chrysalis just laughed, “Oh! You've got such a sense of humor.”

“That wasn't a joke.”

Chrysalis blinked, “You're serious?”

“As a heart attack.”

“I see. Well, if you're not here for fun then you're gonna have to leave.” she frowned.

“Not without them.”

“Gonna be difficult, are we? Boys!” the Scarab Bouncers and other guards approached, “Show him the exit.”

The scarabs ran at Spike who attacked them head on, as Chrysalis gained her distance and spoke to Night Terror, “Aren't you going to get in there?”

“Well, I could. But I would require a double fee.” Night Terror said smugly.

Chrysalis growled, “Fine! Only if you kill him.”

“With pleasure.” Night Terror said, as he and his gang joined the fray.

As Spike fought the Purple Nightmares, Lil Reno was lifted up and tossed onto the back of Dragon Knight's head clinging to him, "Gotcha!"

"Get off, you little creep!" he tried tugging the little man off him, while avoiding the others attacking him.

Chrysalis looked to the girls, “As for all of you, go back to the dressing room! And stay there!”

“No way!” Rainbow took a stand surprising everyone.

“Excuse me?” the lady asked sounding miffed.

“I don't take orders from you, lady!”

“You dare defy me?”

“I was sold to you without being consulted about it. Hell, I think a lot of us were sold to you against our will, just as the Dragon Knight said!” Rainbow accused.

“Silence!” Chrysalis shouted, “I will not stand for defiance.”

“What're you going to do about it?” Rainbow challenged her.

Chrysalis pulled out a hand gun and aimed it at them shutting Rainbow up, “Ya had to ask.” Applejack told her.

Spike managed to knock Lil' Reno off and onto a table, before getting back to fighting the Scarabs and Purple Nightmares along with Night Terror with full focus. As Drakon watched his vessel fend off against the gangs, he saw Chrysalis aiming a gun at the strippers and Spike's friends.

'Oh, no. The girls. But Spike,' she saw his partner was preoccupied with the gangs, 'Ok, Drakon. Time to step up,' he flew over to Chrysalis and stood in front of her even though she couldn't see him, 'I may not be flesh and blood. But here's something a spirit can do.' he stuck his claw through Chrysalis' body.

Upon doing so Chrysalis could feel a chill all through her body and began shivering, “Why do I feel so cold?” her hand began shaking from the chill she ended up dropping her gun to the floor.

Rainbow seeing this yelled and ran to the edge of the runway and jumped Chrysalis pinning her to the ground, “Get them out of here, go!” she shouted to the others.

“Come on!” Sunset ordered Twilight and the others as they led the strippers out through the side door.

“NO!” Chrysalis shouted, as she tried to get Rainbow off her.

Pinkie zipped over to the table the Nightmares were seated and saw the bag containing their phones, “Gonna need these.” she followed the others.

Spike defeated the Scarabs and Nightmares before noticing Rainbow wrestling with Chrysalis as the woman reversed positions and pinned the athletic girl to the floor, 'Rainbow!' he thought before jumping over to the table the Nightmares were sitting at, grabbed the case containing the money and ran to them.

The vigilante slammed the case into Chrysalis' face knocking her off Rainbow allowing her to get up, “Thanks, pal!” she said.

“Hurry and go!” he ordered, as Rainbow headed out the side door.

Night Terror saw the Dragon Knight and what he had, “That's mine!”

“Sorry, guys, gotta run!” he ran for the exit, but as Night Terror and Chrysalis tried to get out, Spike had slid a dumpster in front of the door.

“Time for me to go.” he said, as he flew off above and saw the girls and the strippers were already making their way out of the district and flew in their direction.

The two gang leaders managed to get out of the club and saw the girls and the Dragon Knight were gone, “My girls!” Chrysalis cried.

“My money!” Night Terror cried, before growling, “I will kill that Dragon Knight if it's the last thing I do!”

“Get in line!” Chrysalis shoved him aside, and the two began to argue whose fault this was, while their gangs just sat and watched.

Once they got out of the Brothel District, Spike was on a roof looking at the case that was opened to reveal the money promised to Night Terror.

“Look at that moolah,” Drakon said in awe, “Whatcha gonna do with it?”

Without a word Spike just set the case of money on fire and watched it burn, “Dirty money.” he told Drakon.

Spike and Drakon looked down seeing Twilight and the girls managed to collect their regular clothes and changed out of the harem garb. And with their phones back they made a call to the cops. They arrived and many cops were escorting the strippers who had been working at the Hive off where they would be returned to their families and placed under witness protection. Shining Armor had been talking to Twilight and her friends.

“Are you all sure you're all ok, Twily?” Shining asked.

“We're fine, Shining Armor. None of us were hurt.” Twilight assured him.

“And it helps Dragon Knight was there.” Pinkie added.

“Well, at least everyone's ok. Come on, I'll see you all get home safe.” Shining Armor offered, as they followed him to one of the squad vans.

“I did it, Drakon. And I couldn't have done it without you. Thanks for what you did for Rainbow Dash.”

“Hey. I did what you would've wanted me to do.”

“Right.” he watched as Twilight and the girls left while thinking hard over what happened to them. Just a few weeks ago they were almost attacked by the Nightmares, and now they were captured and attempted to be sold to Chrysalis. His worry for the girls closest to him left him pondering.

The next day at school, Spike went about his day, but every time Twilight or any of the girls tried to talk to him he just left in silence which concerned the girls. When school let out, Spike had left without a word, as the girls all met in one of the empty classrooms.

“What's going on with Spike today?” Pinkie asked.

“Not a clue.” Rainbow replied.

“He seemed so distant. So sad.” Fluttershy noticed.

“You don't think something happened to him while we were abducted, do you?” Rarity gasped.

“Something worse than what happened to us?” Scootaloo asked rhetorically.

“You never know.” Rarity shrugged.

“Think maybe we should go talk to him personally?” Sunset suggested.

“We probably should,” Twilight agreed, “We can't turn away from a friend if they're sad like this.”

As they got up and were prepared to leave they all heard their cellphones ring. They checked seeing in their group chat which included Spike had a new message from Spike himself.

Girls, we need to talk. Meet me on the school roof asap.

The girls looked at each other in concern, but if Spike wanted to talk then it was best they go see him. So they headed up the stairs of the school from one level to another before heading further which led to the roof. They opened in and walked onto the roof looking around seeing no sign of Spike.

“Where is he?” Apple Bloom looked around.

“Spike!” Applejack called, “Where are ya, Spike?”

“We're here!” Rarity called.

“Spike!” Rainbow called out.


The girls spun, and saw the Dragon Knight step out into the open, “Dragon Knight?” they asked.

“What're you doing up here?” Applejack asked.

“And have you seen our friend, Spike?” Sweetie Belle inquired.

“Hold on,” Twilight said, “We never got the chance to thank you for coming to save all of us last night.”

“It's what I do.” he reminded them.

“Still we're so grateful for you.” Rarity said.

“But how did you know where we were?” Sunset wondered.

“I could sense you girls were in trouble. It's like a new sense I have that tells me when someone close to me is in big trouble.”

“Close to you?” Applejack asked.

“I didn't know you think so close of us. And we barely know you.” Pinkie said, as the others were just as confused.

“Actually. We know each other very well.”

“What?” Twilight asked.

The vigilante suddenly powered his armor down and removed his mask to reveal himself, “It's me, girls.”

“SPIKE?!” they gasped in confusion.

Sharing the Secret

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On the roof of the academy Twilight and the other girls stared at Spike in shock, for the boy they had grown to love had just revealed to them he was the masked vigilante Dragon Knight.

“Spike?” Fluttershy gasped.

“You're the Dragon Knight?” Rarity asked equally shocked.

“Guilty,” he confessed, “That's why I was avoiding you girls today. I was debating on how to break it to you. And so here we are.”

“How-what-huh?!” Twilight asked trying to process it.

“I-I don't believe it.” Sunset said in disbelief.

“After today nothing will surprise me ever again.” Pinkie told everyone.

“Look I know you're all confused.” Spike began trying to keep them calm.

“That's an understatement.” Rainbow replied.

“So it was you fighting Night Terror, the Purple Nightmares, Chrysalis, and the Scarabs?” Apple Bloom asked.


“My mind's blown.” Scootaloo said.

“Look I'll tell you all everything, but right now let's go back to my place, and keep it quiet.” Spike instructed.

The girls nodded deciding to go along with Spike's instructions, as they headed back down into the school. As they walked for the exit they avoided making eye contact with any of their classmates or faculty that still stuck around before making it outside the school where they continued on for Spike's place.

Once they made it to Spike's house, he brought them inside and locked every door leading to outside and closed the windows and drapes making sure no one could see inside.

Spike sighed in relief as he looked at the girls who were sitting around still unable to take their eyes off of him.

“Ok. Let's start at the beginning. Yes, I am the Dragon Knight.” he began.

“The same Dragon Knight that's been knocking out criminals in the city?” Sweetie Belle asked, as Spike nodded.

“The same one that's been taking on the Purple Nightmares and Night Terror?” Pinkie asked.

“That's right.” he confirmed.

“The same Dragon Knight who fought an ooze man that used to be your worst bully?” Applejack asked.


“That... is...” Rainbow began before announcing, “AWESOME!!!”

Spike was taken aback by Rainbow's reaction, as Twilight spoke to her, “Rainbow!”

“Well, it is! Spike's more bad-ass than he already was!”

“What Rainbow said,” Pinkie agreed, “And he did save us twice. Or in Sunset's case three times, and four times for you.”

“Even so, let's try and keep an open mind about all this,” Twilight replied, “Spike, how can you do all of the stuff you've done as the Dragon Knight, and why?”

“Well, I-” Spike suddenly stopped and looked to his side, “Not a good time. Wait, what? You're serious?”

The girls looked at Spike oddly as he was taking to thin air, “Is he all right?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I think his head went bye bye.” Pinkie replied.

“Ok then,” Spike finished before looking back at the girls, “Sorry about that. But I know how to clear things up.”

“And how?” Scootaloo asked.

Spike held out his arm showing the dragon band on his wrist, “Touch my wristband.”

“Excuse me?” Sunset asked confused.

“Touch it, and you'll get your answers. And when you do I must ask you all not to scream afterward.”

“Are you for real?” Apple Bloom asked.

“He is, sis,” Applejack answered, “I can tell.”

Taking the words of their honest friend to heart, the girls touched the dragon band together and it glowed a bit much to their surprise. When the glow died down, the girls looked upward and saw Drakon floating above Spike as the spirit looked down at them.

“Hi there! How's it going?” he greeted nonchalant.

Rarity and Fluttershy reacted with shrieks, while the others scooted backwards, “What is that thing?!” Twilight asked in fright.

Spike sighed, “I told you not to scream, and relax. He's my friend.”

“Friend?” Rainbow asked.

“That's right.” Drakon confirmed.

Pinkie lost her shock and smiled, “Well, why didn't ya say so? We love making friends.”

The rest of the girls started calming down and continued to look upon Drakon who sat beside Spike, “Spike, who is this?” Fluttershy asked.

“This is Drakon.” he introduced them.

“Drakon?” Rarity wondered.

“Yeah Drakon the Dragon, I've heard it before.” Drakon replied in annoyance.

“Is he a ghost?” Twilight inquired.

“Spirit, technically,” the guardian replied, “And it's nice to finally talk to you girls face to face.”

“You know about us?” Applejack asked.

“Of course. I've been at Spike's side since the day he got his new makeover courtesy of me, thank you.”

“You did this for Spike?” Twilight asked looking back at Spike remembering how he used to look before he turned into such a stud.

“I sure did.” Drakon boasted.

“I knew I felt like someone else was around Spike when we were with him. So it was you.” Pinkie pointed to Drakon.

“Yeah. That reminds me are you spiritually aware?”

“Not that I'm aware of.” Pinkie grinned much to Drakon's confusion.

“Ok, Spike, let's start back at the beginning.” Twilight suggested.

“Agreed, well you're aware of how I looked before that day we first met?”

“I do.” she confirmed.

“Well, the next day after I got home from school I looked into one of the cabinets that had a bunch of my parents stuff, and one of them I found was this; the Dragon Band.”

“Well, it does look like a fine accessory.” Rarity admitted.

“Except it's not an ordinary accessory.” Spike replied, as Drakon took the wheel.

“You see, girls, centuries ago I was once a wise and noble dragon that wanted to keep peace in the world by bestowing my powers upon a great knight.”

“How noble of you.” Rarity admired.

“I was one of the noblest dragons in the land,” he answered, “Together we protected the land from all threats. But there were many out there who feared the power we dragons possess.”

“Logical,” Twilight admitted, “People fear what they cannot control or understand.”

Drakon nodded, “Because of their paranoia they attempted to destroy me and my chosen knight. Even though my vessel was killed my spirit lived on inside the Dragon Band. And ever since I have been passed on to other vessels worthy of my power to carry on the legacy of my first vessel.”

“And now Spike is your next chosen one.” Sunset realized.

“Exactly. Of course with Spike in poor physical condition I had to rectify that so I gave him a complete makeover on his appearance.”

“Well, you certainly worked wonders.” Rarity admitted still captivated by Spike's looks.

“I still find it hard to believe to this day myself.” Spike admitted.

“So, Spike, did you just automatically decide to be the Dragon Knight like that?” Twilight asked.

“Well, once Drakon told me about what he did in the past with his other vessels I admired what they did,” Spike explained, “And I also looked at the condition of the city. How it's a rotting mess.”

“No denying that.” Rainbow agreed.

“What happened to you that day we met, Twi,” Spike told her, “That was nothing compared to everything else going on in the city. Criminals getting away with stealing and murdering, mobs and gangs with their illegal activities. No offense to your brother, but he and the police force aren't doing half of what they should be doing. And as their efforts work slow, the crime rate continued to rise. If what Drakon said about his power and his former vessels was true I knew this had to be my destiny. To bring order and justice to the city that the cops cannot deliver alone. I want to make this city a safe place for me. For you. For everyone. So no one has to suffer the same way I did, the way any of you did at the hands of some of the worse gangs in the city.”

“Oh, Spike.” Rarity gasped feeling moved.

“I lost my parents, and I'd hate to think of anyone else losing someone they love all because of the corruptness in the city.”

“You're willing to put yourself in harms way to protect the innocent?” Applejack asked.

“I am.” he nodded.

“Ok, you're even more awesome than I thought you were.” Rainbow said excited.

“You think so?”

“I do. And you're right. The city's gotten so bad over the years it's amazing people are still living here. Me included.”

“Even though it's dangerous work, you have been cleaning up the streets faster than the police have been.” Rarity agreed.

“Thank you, but I'm sad to say I am the one responsible for turning Shadow Storm into the Smooze.” Spike explained in regret.

“You?” the girls asked.

“That night when he attacked me and Twilight, while she was dazed I actually uppercut him harder than anyone knew. Wherever he landed was the result of my hit.” Spike looked down.

“Oh, Spike.” Twilight said concerned.

Fluttershy spoke, “That wasn't your fault, Spike.”

“But it was!”

“You were protecting Twilight. You couldn't have known Shadow Storm was going to land somewhere that would turn into that monster.”

“That's what I told him.” Drakon said.

“Even if he didn't land in whatever turned him into that the impact still would've killed him and I would've been a murderer.” Spike continued.

“Hey, from what you said about him that guy had it coming. Especially if he was willing to kill both you and Twilight.” Rainbow noted.

“Drakon also mentioned that,” Spike admitted, “Even though he's in cold storage now I just hope I don't end up doing something worse to someone.”

“Well, we can't predict outcomes, Spike.” Applejack said.

“And besides you saved Twilight,” Sunset reminded him, “Just like you saved me against that member from the Children of Sanguine.”

“Speaking of, I'm glad you brought that up,” Drakon spoke up, “Turns out that group isn't all a bunch of wannabe vampire cultists.”

“What do you mean?” Sunset asked fearing what the spirit was hinting at.

“According to Drakon, the cult is led by actual vampires.” Spike explained.

“Vampires?!” Fluttershy asked frightened.

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked wanting to be sure.

“Drakon said he could feel the aura of real ones around the member that attacked me and Sunset.”

“Real vampires in the city?” Sweetie Belle trembled.

“Dragon spirits and now vampires?” Rainbow asked feeling this was a lot to take in.

“As if gangs and criminals weren't bad enough.” Scootaloo said.

“That's why I've been training myself not just to take on crooks and gangs, but in case more people involved with the Children of Sanguine who are working with actual vampires appear I need to be ready. Especially if more creatures like Smooze emerge” Spike explained.

“So that's why you've been coming to the club a lot to practice.” Applejack realized with Apple Bloom.

“Exactly. Training with you two has helped a lot.”

Twilight went to Spike who blushed as she got so close, “Spike, you are one of the most remarkable and bravest of people I've ever met. The fact you'd put your life on the line not just for us, but for the city as well proves you are a saint.”

“A saint is overstepping it, Twi.” Spike replied humbly.

“But she's not wrong, sugarcube,” Applejack agreed, as she got closer, “I don't think anybody would have half the guts you got to take on the criminals of this city.”

“Part of me dreamed of doing it,” Rainbow confessed before everyone shot her a look before she continued in a sheepish tone, “But even I'm not crazy enough to act on it.”

“Before we met you, Spike, we didn't think anyone but the cops would go out of their way to help people the way you did.” Fluttershy said, as she and the others started getting closer.

“But you showed us there's still a shred of humanity in this city.” Rarity added.

“You changed our lives and opinions, Spike.” Pinkie smiled.

“And we're glad you did.” Apple Bloom put in.

“And we'll always love you for that.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Girls.” Spike gasped, as he suddenly found himself getting kissed all around by all ten of them.

Drakon watching this smirked, “I'll be elsewhere.” he went through the ceiling and waited on the roof.

Sometime later as it got late, the girls were ready to head home. Before they went for the door Spike spoke, “Girls, before you go. I want you to-”

“Promise we will never tell your secret to anyone as long as we shall live?” Pinkie finished at fast pace, “You have our word.”

Twilight nodded, “I won't let my brother or anyone know you're the Dragon Knight.”

“I may hate lying, but in this case it's for a just cause.” Applejack put in as Apple Bloom nodded in agreement.

“And we'll still help you stay in shape.” Apple Bloom offered.

“You can even join me and Scoots for jogs.” Rainbow offered as well, with Scootaloo nodding.

“Thank you, girls. I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay you all.” Spike said gratefully.

“Just say you're our boyfriend and we'll call it even.” Pinkie said.

“Boyfriend?” Spike blushed.

“Well, we love you, and we know you love us too.” Sunset replied.

“And we'd all be more than willing to share you, Spike.” Rarity added.

“Wow. I-I never thought I'd be in a relationship in my life. Let alone with ten.”

“Always a first time for everything.” Rainbow smirked.

“Ok then. From this moment on, we are together.” Spike declared.

Drakon hovered down, “And I'm the witness to it. And when I'm around with Spike girls, try not to pay me too big a mind when in public. After all only you girls and Spike can see and hear me.

“We understand.” Twilight replied.

“We'll see you soon, Spike.” Sunset said, as the girls gave Spike another kiss before taking their leave.

Spike watched the girls leave, before speaking to Drakon, “Do you think I did the right thing telling them, Drakon?”

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Sharing my secret with them. I know it feels like a weight off me, but was it truly the right call?”

“Spike, sometimes you just gotta take chances. Even if you didn't tell them, who knows what kind of things will happen that they might get involved in. Even if you're not the cause. At least them knowing who you are gives them a sense you trust them. And now you don't have to make up excuses if you have to slip away and change to deal with something.”

“True.” Spike admitted.

“And personally. I feel you did the right thing. My other vessels always kept this secret to themselves because they were scared of putting those they cared about in harms way. And while it was admirable of them to think of those they cared about that way, you did something even more admirable by not closing them off from you and letting them in on your secret. Because of this you have more support from not just me or random fans.”

“I never thought about that.” Spike realized.

“And thanks to this, you've officially cemented your new relationship with the girls.” Drakon nudged him.

“Yeah. I have.” Spike blushed, as he went back inside.

Meanwhile, Grogar was wandering the labs passing cages where individuals were being kept it. He turned to one of his workers, “Are we ready to begin the experiments?”

“Yes, sir.” he confirmed.

“Good. Radiation X is about to change the world.” Grogar looked at the caged subjects were being ready to be given dosages of the formula that turned Shadow Storm into the Smooze.

Water Park Date

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At a clothing store at the mall, Fluttershy was looking around the swimsuit department checking out several bikinis hanging up. With every one she looked at she blushed up in the face while remembering why she was there in the first place.

A few days ago at the academy Spike and the girls were on the roof holding a get together with Rarity showing them an ad for an indoor water park on her phone.

An indoor water park?” Twilight inquired, as the rest of the girls and Spike were curious.

Exactly. Now that we're all in a shared relationship with Spike it is only right we have an official first date with him.” Rarity explained.

Didn't we just spend time at the mall not too long ago, Rarity?” Applejack reminded her.

That was different, Applejack. We were just there to have fun, and we were not in an official relationship then.”

Rarity does have us there.” Sunset admitted.

Uh-huh.” Pinkie agreed.

And I like the idea of going to a water park.” Apple Bloom said.

Me too.” Scootaloo agreed.

And me.” Sweetie Belle nodded.

And with all that's going on we really need some much needed down time.” Rainbow spoke up.

Well, I'm ok if everyone else.” Fluttershy said timidly.

Well, why not?” Applejack asked getting on board.

I'm in too.” Twilight said.

What do you think, Spike?” Rarity asked him.

Spike looked around at the girls who were eager to here his answer, while Drakon spoke up, “You've got a good set up here for a first date, Spike.”

Spike nodded and answered, “Yes. It'll be the best first date ever between us all.”

Yeah!” the girls cheered.

Fluttershy continued looking at the swimwear, and thought, 'I wanna look nice for Spike since this is our first date together. But I'm not sure which one to pick,' she looked over and gasped, 'That will do.'

Then the day of their date came and Spike and the girls entered the indoor water park titled Rapid Waves. Spike and the girls split up for the locker rooms to change into their swimwear.

In the mens locker room, Spike was getting changed into his trunks, while the other boys in there stared in awe at Spike's abs.

Spike glanced around seeing the stares he was receiving while the other boys tried averting their eyes but failed to do so, before he thought, 'Jeez I feel really on the spot here.'

Drakon hearing Spike's thoughts laughed and spoke, “You can't really blame them, Spike. Compared to your manly bod they feel completely inadequate.”

'I don't want them to...'

“Relax, they'll get over it.” Drakon replied, as Spike got his purple swim trunks on, grabbed his towel and headed for the pool area as the men made way for him like he was a king.

Inside the women's locker room, the girls themselves were getting changed themselves. As Sunset removed her shirt, Rainbow glanced at her rack still in her bra and smirked.

The athletic girl snuck up behind Sunset and started groping her breasts from behind, “Ha!”

“What the F, Rainbow?!” Sunset demanded.

“Careful, Sunset, with a pair like this you're gonna knock everyone out!” Rainbow teased.

“Get off!” Sunset ordered.

“What, we're all girls here.”

“That's not the point!”

“Come on, Rainbow, you're making a scene.” Applejack stopped her.

“Fine, party pooper.” Rainbow sighed, as she went back to changing like all the others.

As Spike waited by a row of lounge chairs close to the pool for the girls he continued to receive mixed looks from both guys and girls.

'I hope the girls get here soon.' he thought uncomfortably.

“Look, a superhero!” a young boys voice shouted.

“WHA-?!” Spike jumped before looking and saw a young boy pointing at Spike.

“Look at those muscles! He must be a superhero!” the kid declared while motioning to Spike.

The kids mother then escorted him off, “Come on, son. It's rude to point.”

“But mom!”

Spike sighed in relief, as Drakon spoke, “The kid wasn't wrong you know?”

The young man muttered, “We don't need that publicly announced.”

“Oh, Spike!” Rarity's voice came in singsong.

Spike looked back and gasped seeing the girls standing before him in two piece bikinis that gave him a good eyeful of their figures. Some of the girls looked confident and ready to flaunt their stuff for Spike, while some like Twilight, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo looked a bit sheepish but tried to stay strong.

Twilight's bikini was in violet, Sunset's was black, Rarity's was purple, Applejack's was orange, Apple Bloom's was red, Pinkie's was pink, Rainbow's was blue, Scootaloo's was magenta, and Sweetie Belle's was yellow.

“So whadaya think?” Rainbow asked, as she posed while the others eagerly awaited some feedback.

Spike blushed upon looking at each of them, “You all look absolutely amazing!”

“You mean it?” Twilight asked blushing a bit.

“No question about it.”

“Well, you're nothing to sneeze at yourself,” Rainbow admitted, “I mean look at those abs! Life guards have got nothing on you.”

“They are a work of art.” Rarity said while trying not to salivate.

Spike chuckled a bit before realizing something, “Hey, where's Fluttershy?”

“She said she'd be right behind us.” Sunset explained, as the others were curious.

“I'm here!”

They looked and saw Fluttershy approaching with her whole towel wrapped around her body, as she looked nervously timid.

“Fluttershy?” the girls asked.

“Are you ok?” Spike asked concerned.

“I'm ok.” she answered.

“So why're you wearing a towel right now?” Sunset asked.

“Are you not wearing anything under there?!” Pinkie gasped.

“Darling, we're in public!” Rarity reminded the girl.

“No!” Fluttershy cried, “I have my swimsuit on, it's just...”

“What, it can't be all bad.” Scootaloo said.

“Well, I...” Fluttershy said nervously while looking at Spike, and unaware of Rainbow sneaking up behind her.

“Yoink!” she snatched away the towel.

“Rainbow!” Fluttershy cried, as she was revealed to be wearing a green two piece bikini that showed off her figure like the other girls.

The girls gasped as Spike looked flabbergasted. Fluttershy knowing there was no use hiding now spoke to Spike, “How-how does it look, Spike?”

“You look wonderful, Fluttershy!” Spike said happily which perked the shy girl up.


Spike nodded, “Most definitely. You shouldn't have had to hide it like that.”

“Th-thank you so much, Spike.” Fluttershy blushed.

“Ok. So now that we're all here. Let's have some fun!” Twilight declared.

“Yeah!” Spike and the rest of the girls cheered.

Soon they hopped into one of the pools and swam around. Spike smiled as he watched each of the girls relax and have fun until Twilight swam up to him.

“Hi, Spike.”

“Hi, Twilight.”

“How's the water?” she asked.

“Feels good. Cool and relaxing.” Spike answered feel relaxed.

“I'm glad.”

“Of course I was a bit nervous about coming here before.” he confessed.

“I can only imagine,” Twilight said, “With how you used to look, the last place you'd ever want to go to is where there's a pool.”

“Yeah, but now I feel more comfortable about being here. Aside from many looking at me for different reasons now.”

“Can't blame them with you looking like this.” Twilight said.

“True. But all in all I'm glad I could be here with you and the other girls.” Spike told Twilight as she blushed and smiled his way.

Suddenly they were interrupted by water getting splashed at them, “Hey!” Twilight called, as she and Spike saw Rainbow and Pinkie were playfully splashing them.

“Hey, come on guys, get over here!” Rainbow called.

“Otherwise we'll have fun without you!” Pinkie added.

Spike and Twilight looked at each other before Twilight smiled and asked, “Shall we?”

“After you.” Spike replied, as they swam to the girls and joined in the splashing fun with the others.

Later they were all out of the one pool sitting at a table enjoying drinks, “Mm, nothing like a good drink after a swim.” Rarity relaxed.

“Amen to that, sis.” Sweetie Belle agreed.

“I'm just glad we could all be here together.” Sunset said, as she had a sip of her drink.

“So am I,” Spike agreed, “I never imagined I'd ever be in a place like this, let alone with friends.”

“Well, you better get used to it.” Scootaloo replied.

“That's right. Now that we're together officially it's nothing but fun times!” Pinkie smiled.

“Yeah.” Spike chuckled.

Drakon spoke, “You know you girls are lucky you can see and hear me now.”

“And why's that specifically?” Rarity wondered.

“Well, up until now only Spike could. And being a spirit I can go in and out through anywhere. Which means if Spike wanted to he could've sent me into the girls locker room to spy on things.” Drakon said sneakily making Spike almost spit out his drink while the girls blushed embarrassed and trembled.

“Whoa, seriously?!” Rainbow asked surprised.

“Spike, you wouldn't really make Drakon do that, would you?” Fluttershy trembled.

“NO! I would never!” Spike protested, “If anything Drakon would do it of his own choice not because I'd tell him to, which I never would!” Drakon laughed.

“Oh, it's so easy to get you flustered, Spike. And now they know it.” Drakon motioned to the girls who while blushing chuckled a bit at Spike's reaction.

Spike sighed before speaking to the girls, “Now you know what I have to listen to.”

Still regardless Spike and the girls still made the most of their date. He and Pinkie made their way up to one of the tall water slides before they were next to go down. Pinkie sat down and Spike sat down behind her.

“Keep your arms wrapped around me, Spike.” Pinkie instructed.


“And make sure you're not wrapping around me too high.” she teased.

Spike blushed, before wrapping his arms around her stomach, “Ok, here we go!” Spike said, as they slid down the water slide laughing and cheering while going through the zigzag turns before reaching the bottom and slid into the pool. The two came up laughing.

“That was fun!” Pinkie cheered.

“I'll say.” Spike agreed.

“But I noticed you really held onto me going down.” she said slyly.

“I was just doing what you told me too!” he protested.

“Right.” Pinkie replied, before giving Spike a kiss making him happy.

Afterward he joined the CMC riding a banana boat down one of the pools streams, “This sure is fun.” Apple Bloom said.

“You bet.” Scootaloo agreed.

“You ok, back there, Spike?” Sweetie Belle asked while looking behind at said boy.

“I'm good.”

“Doesn't this remind you of the scene in Daring Do and the Ruby Dagger?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yeah when she's riding down the swampy river.” Apple Bloom agreed.

“But in our case we're riding down a a stream in a pool without the swampy atmosphere.” Spike joked and the three girls laughed with him.

“Or crocs in the water.” Sweetie Belle put in.

“Hey, Spike, with your strength think you could wrestle a croc?” Apple Bloom wondered.

“Well, I wouldn't know.”

Drakon floated by, “Please, you could take on an oozey meta, so a croc shouldn't be a problem for you.”

“Even so, I'd rather not try that out.” Spike said, as they enjoyed the rest of the ride before climbing off the banana boat and out of the pool.

“Thanks for riding with us, Spike.” Sweetie Belle said, as she kissed Spike.

“It was fun.” Apple Bloom said before giving Spike a kiss too.

“Hope we can do it again.” Scootaloo gave Spike a kiss.

“Sure.” Spike replied with a smile.

Later Spike joined Applejack as they drifted down a lazy river each sitting in a floating inner tube.

“This is the life, huh, Spike?” the cowgirl asked.

“Sure is. Nothing but relaxing and lazing about.” he agreed.

“While I enjoy doing honest hard work , it's nice to relax and do nothing every now and then.” Applejack continued.

“With all the work you do, you earned it.”

“Yeah. Especially if I have someone special to share it with.” Applejack smiled at Spike, who turned to look at her returning the gesture.

As their tubes slowly spun their hands met up and locked as they continued to drift down the lazy river together passing by others. When they reached the end of the lazy river they got out of their tubes and returned them.

“That was fun.” Spike told A.J.

“Uh-huh. Glad I could enjoy it with you.” Applejack said before kissing Spike.

Soon Spike was walking with Rainbow Dash, “Rainbow, where are we going?”

“You'll see, Spike. And voila!” Rainbow presented to Spike a high dive.

“Whoa, that is high.” Spike looked up surprised.

“I know. And we're gonna conquer it!”

“We?” Spike asked.

“That's right. You and I, Spike!”

“I'm not sure about this, Rainbow.”

“Come on, with the stuff you do this should be a piece of cake. Unless you're too chicken!” she teased.

Spike twitched, “Oh, you're gonna go for that, huh? Well, I'll show you who's chicken.”

Rainbow smirked, “Game on.”

Soon the two reached the ladder and climbed it with Rainbow Dash up front and Spike following behind..

When the two made it to the top, Spike stood back, letting Rainbow take the lead, “After you.” he said.

“Fine by me.” Rainbow said, as she walked forward to the edge and readied herself before diving off plunging downward into the pool where the rest of the girls watched and cheered.

Soon Rainbow's head surfaced, as Scootaloo spoke, “Rainbow Dash, you were awesome.” suddenly she and the others noticed Rainbow was looking worried.

“What's wrong?” Fluttershy asked.

“You got a cramp?” Sunset wondered.

“No... I kinda... Lost my top.” she whispered the last part which got them worried. As they surrounded Rainbow.

Drakon flew up to Spike who while watching from above could see Rainbow in distress, “Bad news, Spike, Rainbow lost her top.”

“What?” Spike asked in shock, and thought, 'I can't let Rainbow be exposed like that in public. She'll be embarrassed for life.'

“Spike?” Drakon asked.

“I'm going in!” Spike answered as he dove off the high dive.

Spike landed into the pool and searched before finding Rainbow's bikini top. He swam further and snatched it before going back up to the surface, “Girls, I found it!”

“Good job, Spike.” Twilight commended.

“Hand it to us, and we'll help Rainbow.” Rarity instructed.

“No!” Rainbow answered, as she kept herself neck deep, “I want Spike to do it.” she blushed.

“Huh?” the girls asked.

“Please. Won't you, Spike?” Rainbow pleaded.


“Better do it now, Spike, before some peeping tom tries to get a peak at Rainbow.” Applejack warned him.

Spike nodded as he got closer to Rainbow's back, as the girls boxed him in with her to keep anyone else from looking. Rainbow kept her back towards Spike as she took her top and slipped it on.

“Help me with this, Spike.”

Spike nodded as he looked down and retied Rainbow's bikini top making sure it was nice and secured for her.

“Ok, I'm decent.” Rainbow said, as the girls separated.

“That was scary, Rainbow Dash.” Rarity said.

“I know. I was this close to being all exposed. But thanks to Spike, the girls are covered up.” she boasted while sticking her chest out.

“Way to go, Spike.” Pinkie commended him.

“I just did what was right.” Spike answered humbly.

“You sure did,” Rainbow agreed as she embraced him, “I owe you so much for this, Spike.” she kissed him making the girls gasp.

When the two parted Spike answered stunned, “No problem.”

“And by the way, that was a sweet dive you made.” Rainbow added.

“A perfect ten.” Rarity put in.

“Did it hurt?” Twilight asked.

“No. Actually, it felt good.” Spike admitted.

After that, Spike had joined Fluttershy for a walk around the water park. Even though they had no problems swimming they decided to dry off for a bit before deciding to get back in.

“Thanks for walking with me, Spike.” Fluttershy said gratefully.

“No problem. I could this time to keep getting a better layout of this place for future reference.”

“I'm glad you agreed to come here with us.” the girl smiled.

“Well, yeah. This is turning out to be perfect for a first date with you and the others.” Spike confessed.

Fluttershy giggled, “It sure is. Although, Spike.”


“Did you really mean what you said about my swimsuit?”

“Of course I did, Fluttershy. You look wonderful in it.” he confirmed.

Fluttershy blushed and looked away a bit, “Thanks. I did pick it out just for you.”

“You did?” Spike asked, as Fluttershy nodded, “Well, I'm glad you thought of me while picking it out. Truthfully, I think you'd look good no matter what you picked.” As he spoke while looking away he heard Fluttershy gasp and looked back seeing three teenage boys named Hoops, Dumbbell, and Score were blocking Fluttershy's path.

“Hey there, cutie. You doing anything?” Dumbbell asked smugly.

“Why don't ya come have some fun with us?” Score asked in a similar tone as his friend.

“Please, I don't...” Fluttershy trembled.

“What, we're not good enough for you?” Hoops asked rhetorically.

“I just-”


The four saw Spike approach giving the trio a firm look, “Are you giving her trouble?”

“Butt out, pretty boy.” Dumbbell warned him.

“It's plain to see she's not interested in you. Especially since she's spoken for.” Spike put an arm around Fluttershy making her blush.

“Oh, damn.” Score groaned.

“Oh, well. Let's go.” Hoops said

“No,” Dumbbell told his boys, “I'm not going anywhere.”

“Dumbbell, you should back off.” Hoops suggested.

“Listen to you friend, Dumbbell. You don't wanna do this.” Spike warned him..

“Yeah, man. That guy looks like he could break you in half.” Score feared.

“I won't give him the chance too!” Dumbbell ran for Spike and Fluttershy, only for the secret vigilante to grab Fluttershy and step out of the way.

Dumbbell ended up running right past them and trip onto a woman laying on a beach chair much to her shock.

“Hey!” The woman's husband grabbed Dumbbell, “You trying to mess with my wife?!”

“NO! NO! Never!” Dumbbell pleaded only for the man to throw Dumbbell into the pool.

This got laughs out of Spike, Fluttershy, and many others who witnessed the scene. As Dumbbell came up from the water, Spike called down to him.

“Enjoy your bath, Dummy!”

“No one makes Dumbbell look like an idiot!” Dumbbell warned him, only to get beaned in the back of the head by an inflatable beach ball.

“I'd say you already were.” Spike joked, as he took Fluttershy off.

The two went someplace secluded, as Fluttershy spoke, “Spike, you saved me.”

“Well, in a manner of speaking.” Spike answered sheepishly.

Fluttershy wrapped her arms around Spike's neck and kissed him, while pressing her breasts into his bare chest.

They parted as Spike looked at Fluttershy stunned, “Someone's being bolder today.”

Drakon spoke slyly, “I'll say. Wearing such a hot bikini and stealing a kiss.”

Fluttershy blushed, “Well, I guess it's Spike's charm working on me.”

“Spike, look what you've done to this sweet innocent girl.” Drakon said with a faux gasp.

“Har-har.” Spike laughed sarcastically.

Later Spike was at the snack bar enjoying some nachos with Sunset Shimmer, “Mm, these are good.” Sunset said, as she dipped a nacho into some cheese, before eating it.

“Got that right.” Spike agreed while dipping a nacho into the cheese as well.

“All this must be a relief for you, Spike. Not having to worry about other things.” Sunset hinted at.

“It actually is. While I want to protect the city, I don't wanna deny myself a chance at a normal life. It's another reason why Drakon did this to my body.”

Drakon spoke, “Yeah, with him being in more physical shape he didn't have to worry about being out in public or do other activities.”

“Well, it was a very good thing of you to do for Spike.” Sunset told the spirit.

“Well, the kid needed some hope in the world. And I gave him that hope.” he boasted.

Spike nodded, “And I wanna give hope to the people of the city. Where they don't have to be so afraid of the crime activity.”

“Well, you're doing an amazing job at that, Spike.” Sunset replied.

“Glad you think so, Sunset.”

“We all do. And we all know you'll continue to do so.” Sunset dipped a nacho into cheese before holding it out to Spike.

Spike taking the hint leaned in closer ready to eat it, only for Sunset to pull it away and move forward planting her lips onto Spike's. The young man despite surprised still enjoyed the kiss, before he and Sunset parted.

“And we'll be there for you forever.” Sunset promised happily. Spike nodded in response while Drakon floated above them sighing happily.

Spike had eventually joined Rarity as the two lounged on beach chairs which they moved side by side so they'd be closer. They basked under a skylight where the sun shined through right onto them.

“Mm, doesn't this feel nice, Spike?” Rarity asked relaxing.

“Yeah. It's gorgeous.” he agreed.

“After some good swimming it's nice to just bask in the sun.” the girl said.

“Right. And it's nice I can just unwind with you.”

Rarity looked at Spike and giggled, “Feeling's mutual, darling. Oh, Spike, could I ask a favor of you?”

“What is it, Rarity?”

“Could you possibly massage my shoulders, please?” she pleaded.

Spike blinked and blushed as Rarity sat up and spun around so her back was facing Spike, “Uh, well. If you don't mind it.”

“Not at all.” Rarity batted her eyes.

Spike relaxed and put his hands on Rarity's bare shoulders and began massaging them. As he did Rarity let out delight moans hinting Spike was doing right by her.

“Oh, Spike. That feels so heavenly.” she moaned.

“Thanks. I'll do all I can to make you feel comfy.” Spike said, as he continued.

Rarity continued to relax and enjoy the massage as if it were the touch of a hundred angels. When Spike finished, Rarity looked back to him, “Thank you so much, Spike.”

“It was nothing.” he replied humbly.

“Now then, it's only fair I return the favor by giving you a massage too.”

Spike blinked, “Uh, you really don't have too.”

“But I insist, darling. It's only right.” Rarity replied.

“Well, if you want to.” Spike said as he turned with his back towards Rarity.

“Ok, Spike. Be still.” Rarity said, as she began massaging Spike's shoulders like he did for her.

'Mm, this feels really relaxing.' Spike thought as he enjoyed the massage.

Spike felt like he was in paradise until he started feeling something soft press into his back, 'Wait, are those... Holy snap! Rarity's pressing her goods into my back!'

Indeed Spike was right. As Rarity massaged Spike's shoulders she decided to tease him a bit by pressing her breasts right into his back.

“Everything ok, Spike?” Rarity asked teasingly.

“No. I mean yes! I mean.. Oh!” Spike groaned as he fumbled his words.

Rarity giggled, “Oh, Spikey-Wikey, you're too precious.” she turned Spike to face her and kissed him. Spike himself returned the kiss as Rarity still kept one hand on his shoulder while still keeping her breasts to his back.

The two parted as Spike spoke with a smile, “Thanks for the massage.”

“Anytime, darling.” Rarity replied sweetly.

After Spike's time with Rarity he met back up with Twilight as the two strolled around the water park catching the eyes of many individuals looking either awestruck or envious of the two together.

“We really stick out, don't we?” Spike asked Twilight.

“I know.” she replied.

“Well, let's look at the facts,” Drakon told the two, “One of you's a hot looking stud, and the others like a smart sexy goddess. Put you two together and you're bound to turn some heads.”

Spike and Twilight blushed at what Drakon said about them, and yet they looked at each others and couldn't deny what he said was true about them both.

“Oh, hey! You two got some company heading your way.” Drakon noted.

“Company?” Spike asked, before he and Twilight looked ahead and saw approaching were their own principal and vice principal Celestia and Luna.

Celestia was dressed in a yellow bikini, while Luna was wearing a black bikini. The swimwear of both sisters showed off their sexy figures that had even Twilight and her friends beaten.

“Principal Celestia?” Twilight asked.

“Vice Principal Luna?” Spike asked.

“Twilight Sparkle and Spike Obsidian, how wonderful!” Celestia greeted joyfully.

“I see you two had the same idea as we did.” Luna noticed.

“Not just us, Vice Principal Luna.” Spike replied.

“Us and the rest of our friends are here with us.” Twilight explained.

“Well, that's not surprising seeing as how close you all are.” Celestia noted.

Drakon spoke to the teens, “Little do they know you're all a lot closer than they know.”

Twilight and Spike ignored the dragon spirit before noticing the two adults had been looking at Spike with faint blushes on their face.

“Uh, is something wrong?” Spike asked nervously.

“Forgive me, Spike. But you are in such fine shape.” Celestia began, while still looking at Spike with a blush.

“Indeed,” Luna agreed, “How much do you work out?”

“Just the standard amount.” Spike answered not wanting to go to deep into detail.

“Well, whatever you do it's certainly working.” Celestia said.

“Right.” Spike answered sheepishly, only for Twilight to sneakily pinch his elbow in jealousy making him groan.

“Twilight! Spike!” came Applejack's voice.

The four looked seeing the rest of the girls coming over, before spotting their school's heads, “Principal Celestia?” Sunset asked.

“Vice Principal Luna?” Fluttershy asked.

“Hello, girls.” Luna greeted.

“And how're you all doing today?” Celestia inquired.

“We're doing fabulous, ma'am.” Rarity answered.

“Surprised to see you two here, though.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Well, running a school is no easy feat.” Luna reminded them.

“And we really need time to relax and unwind. So we decided to come here today.” Celestia added.

“Well, you had the right idea.” Pinkie admitted.

Drakon looked at the girls and noticed like Twilight they too were envious of the adults bodies, and knew attention had to be diverted before the awkwardness could increase and cleared his throat causing Spike to speak up.

“So, girls, what're you interested in doing now?”

“Well, we were hoping to play some pool volleyball. Are you interested?” Rainbow asked.

“Sure.” Twilight answered.

“I'm game.” Spike added.

“Great.” Scootaloo said pleased.

Rarity turned to Celestia and Luna, “Would you two care to join us?”

The sisters looked at each other before smiling, and Celestia answered, “I think we will take you up on that offer.”

“Alright, then let's go!” Rainbow announced, as they headed for one of the pools.

The girls had divided up into teams of six with Celestia and Luna playing on different teams so each one would have an adult. Spike was in the water off the the side acting as referee. He watched the game go with Drakon while gazing hard as every time one of the girls spiked, volleyed, and knocked the ball across the net, their breasts were shaking and bouncing around. Especially Celestia's and Luna's.

“Spike, we got the best seats in the house.” Drakon laughed.

“Right.” Spike agreed, while trying to maintain his composure.

“So between Celestia and Luna, who's your pick?” Drakon inquired.

“What?” Spike looked to the spirit.

“Spike, heads up!” came Sunset's voice.

Spike looked ahead only for the volleyball to clonk him in the head knocking him out and he started to sink into the pool.

“SPIKE!” The girls cried.

Rainbow and Applejack quickly dove under the water and grabbed Spike before bringing him back up.

“Lay him down here!” Twilight instructed, as they laid Spike on the floor outside the pool.

“We should get a lifeguard quickly!” Apple Bloom suggested.

“Don't worry, I'll handle it!” Celestia answered.

“You, Principal Celestia?” Fluttershy asked.

“I've taken classes in this. Don't worry.” Celestia assured before she began the process for CPR.

When she began giving Spike mouth to mouth, the girls watched in jealousy, but thought to themselves, 'It's only CPR. It's only CPR.'

Celestia did some stomach compressions before resuming mouth to mouth on Spike before he spat up some water.

“Spike!” the girls cried in relief.

“Are you all right?” Celestia asked.

“Ugh, I saw my grandpa.” Spike groaned.

“You really scared us, sugarcube.” Applejack said.

“Sorry about that.”

“I'm the one who's sorry, Spike!” Pinkie cried, “I hit the ball so hard it went off course and hit you! Oh, I'm so bad!” she bawled.

“Pinkie, it's fine.” Spike assured her.

“Yeah. He's got a hard head. Getting knocked out like for a short time was nothing compared to if it hit anybody else.” Drakon added.

The girls felt relieved hearing Drakon say that, as Luna spoke, “Take a rest, Spike. We'll continue our game.”

“Sure, ok.” Spike agreed as he relaxed on one of the chairs as the girls resumed their game in the water.

“Well, Spike, you just got an indirect kiss from Principal Celestia.” Drakon said slyly, as Spike chuckled sheepishly while blushing.

When Spike was well again he went back into the pool to continue having fun with his girlfriends, and the two adults until it was time for them to all go. Before they did, Spike and his girls decided to commemorate this first date by squeezing into a photo booth. Unfortunately this got Spike squished around between the girls breasts, but nevertheless they all got a picture to remember this day.

Later on, the group stood outside the water park back in their attire, as the adult sisters stood opposite of them.

“You all have a good rest of the weekend.” Celestia said.

“And we'll see you on Monday.” Luna added.

“Bye!” Spike and the girls bid farewell, as the two left.

“So, not bad for a first group date, huh?” Rainbow asked the girls.

“It was very fun.” Fluttershy admitted.

“It certainly was.” Rarity agreed.

“I wouldn't mind doing it again.” Twilight said.

“Same here.” Sunset agreed.

“Right,” Spike nodded, “But remember we may all be dating, but I'm sure each of you would have your own ideal dates with me. So we don't all have to be together for a specific date.”

“Spike's right,” Twilight nodded, “We're all entitled to individual dates with him, or depending on a certain event not all of us can join if it's not something we'd do. The choice is ours.”

“Agreed.” Rarity confirmed.

“Something we should all keep in mind.” Applejack added.

“Uh-huh.” everyone agreed.

“And when I'm not too busy or exhausted from my other activities.” Spike hinted.

“Right.” Sunset winked.

“But until then, I'm glad I had the chance to date you all officially.” Spike smiled.

“Same here, Spike.” Twilight said, as each of the girls gave Spike a kiss before they all headed for home.

The Fire Bird

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One night at the Purple Nightmares HQ, inside Night Terror's office, the gang leader was sitting at his desk, fuming. For weeks now the Dragon Knight has continuously disrupted his operations left and right, and especially with the deal he made with Chrysalis gone awry he was getting irritated.

'Could this get any worse?' He thought inwardly to himself.

Just then, Riff came in with a nervous on his face, "Er, boss...?"

Night Terror gave him a hard glare, "What is it, Riff? You better have a very good reason to bother me at this time."

Riff gulped before replying, "W-We lost Raven Harbor..."

Night Terror jumped over his desk and ran right up to Riff with a furious look on his face, "WHAT!!!!"

"Y-Yeah, another gang took it not too long ago." Riff explained.

"Who took Raven Harbor?!?" Night Terror angrily demanded, "Was it the Metal Heads? The Children of Sanguine?! I swear to God, Riff, if we lost another turf to those fucking Castlevania cosplayers, I'm gonna-!!!"

"It was neither of them boss!" Riff began to explain, holding his hands up defensively, "It was a new gang!"

"A new gang?" Night Terror exclaimed.

Riff nodded before replying, "Yeah, they just came outta nowhere and started attacking our guys stationed at Raven Harbor. Most didn't survive and those who did were beaten and bloodied. They told us there was something not human about these guys."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Night Terror asked with a raised eyebrow.

"They told us that their skin was as gray as tombstones and their eyes glowed in the dark, I don't know. They were really frazzled when they told us this." Riff explained.

"Do we at least know their names?"

"Yeah, they call themselves... The Bio-Fiends."


“Yes, sir,” Riff confirmed nervously. Night Terror's angry demeanor didn't change which shook Riff, “I'm uh, just gonna give you your space.” he rushed out of the office.

Night Terror alone angrily shoved several papers and stuff off his desk before grabbing his chair and chucked it across the room, “Dammit! And we were expecting a shipment of rare animals we were going to sell to collectors! Whoever these Bio-Fiends are, they'll regret making an enemy out of the Purple Nightmares.”

Meanwhile, Spike in his armor mode save for his mask was flying through the city on route to a familiar location.

“After days of intercepting news of the Purple Nightmares hijacking a shipment of rare imported animals for the city zoo it's finally going down tonight.” Spike said, as Drakon flew at his side.

“Imagine how overjoyed Fluttershy will be when she hears you're doing something for endangered animals.”

“Yeah. She'd definitely be happy to know that,” Spike agreed, “Ok, we're coming up on Raven Harbor.”

Spike flew down closer before ducking behind some crates. He peeked out and surveyed the scene spotting some figures getting ready to hijack the targets.

“Purple Nightmares spotted.” Spike said.

“Spike, I think you may be blinded by your mask.” Drakon replied.

“What do you mean?”

“Those don't look like Purple Nightmares.”

Spike took another good look and saw Drakon was correct the figures were the very people Riff talked about with Night Terror; the Bio-Fiends. And as Riff said their whole bodies were as gray as tombstones and their eyes were glowing green in the dark. But what also stuck out was they were wearing respirators on their faces and within the filters was a green gas.

“You're right, it's not the Nightmares.” Spike realized.

“So who do you think they are?” Drakon wondered.

“'Not a clue. They must be newly established.”

“Newbies or not, looks like they're taking over the Nightmares plan.” the spirit noted.

Spike saw these new guys were in fact carrying out the Nightmares plan and hijacking several cages containing endangered animals big and small.

“You're right. Nightmares or not, they're still committing hijacking. So I guess I'm gonna have to give them a proper greeting.” Spike said, as he snuck closer making sure not to be seen.

One of the Bio-Fiends spoke to the others, “Alright, we got the animals, let's load them into the truck.”

“And let's avoid any mishaps.” another said.

“After taking out those punk Nightmares, this'll be a cinch.” A third member boasted.

Before they were ready to load the animals Spike swung in and kicked one of the Bio-Fiends to the ground, alerting the others. The Dragon Knight got up and addressed the others.

“You guys throwing a Mad Max theme party here or something?” he asked rhetorically.

“Hit the road, Dragon Knight.” one of the Bio-Fiends warned him.

“Not until you step away from the cages and give yourselves up.”

“We're warning you, hero. You don't wanna mess with the Bio-Fiends.”

“Bio-Fiends? So you are new to this whole thing. I was expecting the Purple Nightmares, but I guess I'll have to settle for you guys.”

“Challenging us will be the biggest mistake of your life.” A Bio-Fiend said, as they inhaled some of the gas they breathed through their respirators. Upon doing so their muscles started increasing which shocked Spike and Drakon.

“Ok, those got to be some serious steroids they're taking.” Drakon said.

Spike just prepared himself, as the Bio-Fiends rushed him. As Spike fought one of them, his usual hits nailed his opponents but they were brushing them off.

“They sure can take a punch better than the Nightmares could.” Spike said to himself, before another Bio-Fiend came at him from behind and grabbed him.

“Gotcha!” he proceeded to squeeze Spike.

Spike groaned as he could feel his opponent trying to squeeze the life out of him, 'Jeez he's got some grip! But he's never fought with the power of a dragon before.' he slammed the back of his head back into his captor's face making him let go.

“Oh, my nose!” the Bio-Fiend cried.

“You guys might be my toughest challenge this week.” Spike humored them.

“Don't mock us!” one of them ordered, as he attacked Spike who dodged, but the fiend ended up punching through a crate.

“Missed.” Spike mocked.

“Next one's going for your head!” the Fiend shouted, as he and the others continued to attack Spike who was dodging as best he could but ended up taking some hits. But regardless of how hard they hit him, Spike walked it off even if he recoiled from some of the hits.

“Looks like whatever they inhaled increased their physical strength and such, but did nothing for their brains.” Drakon noted on the Fiends.

Spike blocked one of the hits from a Bio-Fiend and made him run into a pole denting it. Another once again tried to grab him from behind, but Spike intercepted this and side stepped making him crash into a crate.

One of the Bio-Fiends motioned to the others, “Get the cages loaded!”

A Bio-Fiend rushed to the caged animals, and looked among them seeing a white tiger that growled at him, decided not to go for one of the predator types and grabbed a cage containing a falcon that had red feathers.

Spike seeing this flew at the Bio-Fiend punching him in the back before snatching the cage before going to safety. He sat the cage down and spoke to the falcon.

“You wait here, while I deal with these creeps.” he said before going back to stop the gang.

As he left, the falcon watched Spike in awe, as he fought the Bio-Fiends. The bird looked down at the lock to its cage before reaching down and began picking at it with its beak.

Spike had just dodged another punch only to get punched by another Bio-Fiend. The member quickly gave Spike more hits before he could recover or block knocking him to the ground.

“Now to smash him into nothing!” one of the Bio-Fiends was ready to crush Spike, only for screeching to be heard.

The red feathered falcon flew in before plucking the tube connecting the filter to the fiend's respirator. The gas poured out and dissolved.

“NO!” the Fiend cried as he started to lose his strength.

Spike seeing this got up and knocked the de-powered Bio-Fiend away, “That's one smart falcon.” he saw the falcon continued to fly around the fiends pulling the tubes from their filters to their respirators releasing the gas thus making them lose their excess strength.

“Now let's see how you guys fight without your special gas.” Spike said, as he engaged the Bio-Fiends again head on.

Fortunately for Spike without their special gas the Bio-Fiends weren't as strong as they were before and were getting their asses handed to them.

“We gotta split!” one of them ordered.

“But the animals!”

“Forget about them!” the one answered as they got back in the truck and drove off with Spike watching.

“You let them go?” Drakon asked.

“They're going back to their base and explain to whomever leads them their failure. Let this new gang know if they wanna make trouble then they can expect me to be there.” the boy explained.

“Very true.”

Spike looked at all the caged animals, “I'll leave you guys in the care of the authorities.” he took off and was surprisingly followed by the falcon.

As the vigilante flew he could tell he was being followed before landing on a roof and looked to see the falcon perching.

“You helped me. Thank you. But you're free now.” Spike told the falcon who tilted its head.

“Spike, I got a feeling that ain't your run of the mill bird.” Drakon said.

“Well, I know it's a red feathered falcon. It's a rare breed.”

“Not just that, Spike. That falcon's not exactly a falcon.”

“What?” the boy looked as the falcon started to glow with a red flaming aura before covering itself with its wings.

Upon opening them back up the falcon had transformed into a reddish orange feathered bird that squawked while unleashing a fiery glow.

“Whoa!” Spike gasped, “Is that a...”

“Oh, yes,” Drakon nodded, “That, my dear Spike, is a phoenix.”

“Wow!” he marveled, “I mean after seeing dragon spirits and knowing vampires exist I shouldn't be surprised at this. But how does a phoenix get captured like this?”

“Well, some creatures like phoenix's like to blend in by taking on the form of a regular animal they're close to resembling. It's a natural instinct to defend themselves. This guy here must've felt being in a zoo would keep it safe, but I don't think he wants the zoo anymore.”

“What do you mean?” Spike asked, as the phoenix squawked and flew to Spike perching on his shoulder.

“He's taken quite a liking to you.”

“To me?”

“Yes. And like a baby when they imprint you're guaranteed stuck with them.” Drakon chuckled.

“I see,” Spike said before looking at the phoenix on his shoulder, “You really want to be with me?” the phoenix squawked in confirmation.

“Phoenix's are very loyal creatures and will always come when they are needed by their masters.” the spirit explained.

“Well, I never had an animal companion or pet before. Maybe I can make this work. Of course, you'll need a name.” Spike said, as the bird tilted its head.

“Funny thing about this one. Seems like a runt compared to the size of regular phoenixes.” Drakon noticed.

“A runt?” Spike asked, before pondering on the concept, “That gives me an idea. Listen, boy, how about the name Peewee?”

The phoenix pondered on it before giving a squawk of approval, “Seems like he likes it.” Drakon said.

“Peewee it is,” Spike declared as he pat his new pets head, “Come on, Peewee, I'll show you to your new home.”

Peewee squawked as he and Spike flew off into the city heading for home.

Meanwhile at Dr. Grogar's lab, he was standing before the Bio-Fiends who had told him what went down at the docks. Needless to say the doc wasn't pleased.

“You managed to usurp the hijacking from the Purple Nightmares, but were defeated by the Dragon Knight?!”

“Sir, I know we failed but-”

“And even after I made those respiratory devices to feed you smaller samples of Radiation X to increase your strength and stamina!”

“It wasn’t our fault! One of the animals got loose and disconnected the tubes!”

Grogar frowned, before his angry demeanor subsided, “Well, despite your foul up, you proved that Radiation X works in smaller dosages. But even with your extra boost from it, it still wasn't enough for you to handle the Dragon Knight.”

“Next time we see him, sir. He won't get away with it.” one Bio-Fiend promised.

“You hope he won't. Leave me.” he dismissed his men who left.

The doc paced, “It would've been nice to have acquired those animals. Just imagine what larger doses of Radiation X would do to them. No matter. I still have more test subjects to try them on. At least those that survive.”

Back with Spike he returned home and brought Peewee inside, “Well, Peewee, this is where you'll be living from now on. What do you think?” Peewee squawked in approval.

“He likes it.” Drakon confirmed.

“I”m glad. And tomorrow I'm gonna go get you some supplies.” Spike told his new pet who looked excited.

When morning came, Spike got ready for school and before he went out the door he looked to Peewee who was perching on a chair, “Alright, Peewee, I'm off. You behave now.” Peewee squawked before Spike took his leave with Drakon.

When Spike got to school he greeted his girlfriends who were waiting for him, “Morning, girls.”

“Morning, Spike.” they replied.

“We saw the paper this morning. Looks like the city's hero struck again.” Rainbow nudged him.

“I'm so glad you rescued those poor animals,” Fluttershy said gratefully, “The zoo will be sure to take very good care of them.”

“I know. But listen I need your help, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy got curious, “My help?”

“Yeah. You see I just took in a bird recently.” Spike began, before Fluttershy gasped with excitement.

“You have a pet bird?”

“Uh, yeah.” Spike said taken aback by her excited reaction.

“What kind? A canary? A cardinal? A parrot's a good one.”

“Actually, none of those. I'll tell you all about it later. If you're not to busy I'll introduce you to him after school. At least after I've gotten some materials. Would you help, Fluttershy?”

The girls smiled, “I'm so glad you asked me.”

“Good. Then we'll meet up after school.” Spike said, as they headed for their classes.

Once school let out, Fluttershy took Spike to the nearest pet store where she helped Spike buy a few essentials like a bird perch stand complete with a small water and food dish.

When they were finished they left and met up with the rest of the girls before heading back to Spike's house. Upon arriving Spike turned to the girls, “You all wait out here. I'm gonna explain things to my bird. He may get overwhelmed if he suddenly sees more than one new face without a heads up.”

“We understand.” Fluttershy replied, as Spike took the materials and brought them inside.

“I do wonder what kind of bird Spike has?” Rarity wondered.

“I'll bet it's an awesome one.” Rainbow hoped.

“If all goes well, we should bring our own pets over to meet his.” Applejack suggested.

“That sounds like a good idea.” Twilight agreed.

“But we should probably wait until after we see his pet.” Sunset noted, as they agreed.

“Ok, girls. Come in now.” Spike said, as the girls entered.

They entered the living room and saw perching on his new perch was Peewee who was currently disguised in his red falcon form.

“Oh, my gosh!” Fluttershy gasped, “Is that a rare red falcon?”

“That is awesome!” Rainbow said confirming her claim.

“How did you manage to get such a rare bird for a pet?” Twilight wondered, as did the others.

“Well, it's a long story, but for starters. He's not actually a red falcon.”

“Then what is he?” Apple Bloom asked.

Spike looked to Peewee giving him a nod. Peewee then glowed and returned to his phoenix form surprising everyone.

“My stars!” Rarity gasped.

“Pretty!” Pinkie marveled.

“What is it?” Scootaloo asked.

“That's a phoenix.” Sunset noted.

“An actual phoenix?” Fluttershy asked in awe.

“Ok, that just made him twenty percent more awesome!” Rainbow got more excited.

“That's right. Allow me to introduce you all. This is Peewee; the newest member of my family.” Spike introduced as Peewee squawked a greeting.

“And Peewee, these are my girlfriends. There's Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Sunset Shimmer, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom.”

“Oh, my goodness he's beautiful,” Fluttershy cooed, “Uh, would it be ok if we pet him?”

Spike looked to his pet, “Is that ok with you, Peewee?”

Peewee squawked in approval before flying off his perch and onto the coffee table. Once he was closer the girls started to pet his head and his wings gently.

“He's such a sweet little thing.” Fluttershy said patting Peewee's head.

“And his feathers are just lovely.” Rarity marveled.

“So, Spike, how'd ya end up with a phoenix for a pet?” Applejack inquired.

“Well, it all started last night,” Spike began explaining what went down at the docks with the Bio-Fiends, “And so Peewee now belongs to me.”

“Incredible.” Sunset gasped.

“Who would've thought among those imported animals was a phoenix in disguise.” Fluttershy said surprised.

“Those Bio-Fiends sure sounded like nasty folk.” Applejack said.

“And you said they were inhaling some gas that gave them super strength and stamina?” Rainbow asked.

“Yeah. They were able to take my blows more than any of the criminals or the Purple Nightmares I faced before.”

“I wonder where they got whatever they were using from?” Twilight pondered.

“So do I. But the next time those Bio-Fiends show, I'll get the answers out of them.” Spike promised.

“Right,” Sunset replied, while petting Peewee, “So, Spike, if you're interested, we'd like to one day bring our pets over and introduce them to Peewee.”

“Yeah, we usually have a pet play date every so often.” Pinkie explained.

“And we'd like you and Peewee to be part of it now.” Rarity added.

“What? Really?” Spike asked as Peewee squawked surprised.

“We are dating, Spike. So it's only right you be involved in something we all do together.” Twilight said.

“Wow. Thanks, girls. I'd really love that.” he smiled.

Peewee squawked happily as he flew around in circles above them, “Looks like he's happy for it too.” Drakon noted.

Peewee continued to fly around before shaking and dropping to each of the girls was a feather each.

“Wow.” Sweetie Belle gasped while marveling at her phoenix feather.

“So divine.” Rarity marveled.

“It's beautiful.” Fluttershy held hers.

Drakon nodded, “You girls should be lucky, when a phoenix shares a feather with someone it means they have their full trust. So cherish it.”

“I feel honored.” Twilight smiled.

“Me too.” Apple Bloom agreed.

“Thanks, Peewee.” Rainbow thanked the phoenix.

“We really appreciate this.” Sunset added, as the mythical bird nodded his head.

Spike smiled seeing how well Peewee is already adapting and making friends with his girlfriends, while also thinking of other matters of use he could be.

'I've always wanted a scouting bird.' he thought.

The Class Trip

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In Cheerilee's classroom, the teacher addressed the students, “Now then, as I'm sure you're all aware this Saturday we will begin our class trip to Camp Everfree. Are you all ready for that?”

“Yes, ma'am.” the students answered.

Spike listening looked surprised, “Wow. Camp Everfree? That's one of the best camp sites ever.”

Octavia nodded, “Indeed it is. It'll be the first time many of us are attending to, so as you can see we're all excited.”

“Right,” Spike replied, and thought, 'Wow. A fun place like Camp Everfree. I've always wanted to go somewhere like that.'

Drakon looked just as excited, “Camping trip. Sounds fun.”

Later on during a free period, Spike met up with the girls to discuss the camping trip more, “I am super duper excited for Camp Everfree!” Pinkie cheered.

“I'm just lookin' forward to roughin' it,” Applejack said, “I'm gonna make my own shelter, forage for food.”

“You know they'll be providing us with food and tents, A.J?” Rainbow reminded her.

“She is right.” Apple Bloom agreed.

“Yeah. Still gonna forage though.” the older Apple replied.

"Hopefully stuff that's edible and not poisonous." Drakon said.

"I happen to know a thing or two about what's poisonous and what not. I was in the Tree Seed Scouts after all." Applejack boasted.

“I'm just taking this as a chance for some R&R.” Rarity said.

“Well, school has been keeping us busy as of late.” Twilight confessed.

“Some have been busier than others.” Sunset added, motioning to Spike who looked sheepish.

“Speaking of, you think everything will be ok if the city's vigilante disappears for a weekend?” Scootaloo asked.

“The city will be fine. The cops can handle things while I'm away,” Spike assured, “Besides I may be a hero, but I shouldn't deprive myself of a chance like this.”

“I know I'd be sad if you weren't at camp to enjoy it with us.” Fluttershy said.

“We all would.” Sweetie Belle added.

“Oh, girls.” Spike smiled.

“We all better make sure to get all the essentials we need there.” Twilight instructed.

“And by essentials, she don't mean a dozen luggage, Rarity.” Applejack told the fashionista who pouted.

“Well, free period's almost over, we better get back to class.” Sunset reminded everyone.

“Ok, see you all later.” Applejack said, as they all headed for their next classes.

After school, Spike returned home where he was greeted by Peewee, “Hey, buddy, you've been good?” Peewee squawked in confirmation.

“That's good. Well, I'm gonna need to dig out a duffel bag.” Spike said, as he went to a closet and pulled out a duffel bag for the trip.

“This camping trip sounds like a good chance for some R&R. Especially for you, Spike.” Drakon said.

“I know. As I told the girls, after going out at nights to bust up crooks and gangs I need this break.”

“And this could also be a good training experience for you.”

“Training experience?” Spike raised a brow.

“Of course. Training in nature is a good way to improve your skills and especially senses.” the spirit explained.

“Hm, very true. But I should also take this as a chance to unwind just like the girls suggested I do.”

Peewee squawked a bit sadly, “Peewee?” Spike asked concerned.

“Seems he's a bit down about you going away for the weekend.”Drakon noted.

“Oh, Peewee, I wouldn't think about leaving you here by yourself.” Spike assured his pet who perked up with curiosity, “Since we're going to be at a campground we'll be surrounded by trees and such. So you can hide yourself amongst them. Plus I wouldn't wanna keep you sheltered here you're whole life. You're not just my pet, you're my scouter.”

Peewee squawked happily and nuzzled against Spike's face, “Ok-ok. I love you to.” Spike chuckled.

Over the course of the next few days, Spike aside from his responsibilities as a student and as the Dragon Knight had started packing for their class trip to Camp Everfree. Even Rarity had sent over an outfit for him to wear at camp. Soon on the morning of the trip, Spike awoke and got ready. After conditioning he stood before a mirror wearing the outfit Rarity provided him with including jean shorts, and a top that bore the logo of Camp Everfree.

“Alright. I'm set. Peewee, let's go!” he called, as his bird squawked and flew out the door with him before locking up, “Remember, Peewee try to keep yourself hidden.” Peewee squawked in confirmation as he took on his red tailed falcon form to be less conspicuous and flew up into the air. Spike picked up his duffel bag and started heading for school.

When Spike arrived at the Academy he saw at least two charter buses parked out front, and his fellow classmates were all there dressed in similar camp attire like his, each one wearing a Camp Everfree shirt.

“Wow, they're all here.” he said to himself.


He looked and saw Twilight and her friends all in their own Camp Evrefree attire.

“Hi, girls. Good morning.” he greeted them.

“And good morning to you too, darling.” Rarity greeted him, “I hope the outfit I supplied you is to your liking?”

“I love it, Rarity. Thanks again.”

“My pleasure.”

“I can't believe the day is finally here!” Pinkie cheered, as Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo approached.

“I know. I'm excited!” Scootaloo voiced her feelings.

“This is sure to be awesome!” Rainbow pumped her fists.

“Hey, Spike!” Button called, as he and Thorax approached.

“Morning, guys.” Spike greeted the two with a fist bump.

“I can't believe we're finally going to Camp Everfree.” Thorax said happily.

“Yeah, a chance to get out of the city for some relaxation in nature.” Button asked.

“And the fact you obviously packed plenty of GamePal Videogames, right?” Sweetie Belle teased.

“With plenty of backup batteries just in case.” Button boasted, as the group laughed.

“Well, you might wanna save those for nighttime.” Applejack suggested.

“Yeah, there's gonna be so much stuff to do during the daytime.” Rainbow added.

“Good morning, students.” came Principal Celestia's voice, as they saw their Principal and Vice Principal Luna approach with Cheerilee, and two more faculty members.

Spike looked upon Celestia and Luna admiring the scout master uniforms they were wearing.

Drakon whistled, “They pull the scoutmaster look off well.”

“Shh!” Spike shushed him, as the girls glanced at the spirit.

“Good morning, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna.” Twilight greeted the two.

“We hope you are all prepared for the trip.” Luna hoped.

“We sure are.” Applejack confirmed.

“Excellent” Celestia smiled.

Spike spoke up, “And listen, Principal Celestia, I appreciate you cutting me some slack about not needing a permission form signed to go on this trip. Considering my...”

“Think nothing of it, Spike,” Celestia began, “It wouldn't be fair to have you missing out on this because you'd have no guardians to sign for you.”

“Ok, all of you get in line as we take attendance.” Cheerilee instructed, as the group lined up with the rest of the students.

Once roll call was complete, they were all let on the two buses with Spike and his girls making it on one together with Spike taking a window seat and Twilight sitting at his side while the others saw behind or in front of them in one of the two rows. With everyone on board the two bus drivers drove off from the school to their destination.

As the buses drove out of the city, Spike looked out the window and saw Peewee flying above them.

“Spike, what're you looking at?” Fluttershy asked as she looked back at him.

“Just someone who will be joining us at camp.”

“Who?” Rainbow asked.


They looked out the window and saw a familiar bird, “Is that?” Sunset asked.

“Oh, yeah. I didn't think it'd be right for me to take off for the weekend and leave Peewee all alone at home.”

“That's so nice of you.” Rarity commended.

“And it'll be good for him.” Fluttershy added.

“As long as he remembers to keep himself hidden.” Twilight noted.

“He'll be fine, Twilight,” Spike assured her, “Peewee's a smart bird.”

“We are gonna have so much fun!” Pinkie said, looking over everyone, “We're gonna roast marshmallows and eat marshmallows and sleep on marshmallow pillows!” Some of the group gave Pinkie odd reactions.

“Yeah, probably not gonna do that.” Rainbow replied.

“Maybe you're not.” Pinkie countered, as she held up a jumbo bag of marshmallows and cuddled it to her cheek like a sugary cushion.

“Using that as a pillow's gonna end up getting messy.” Drakon told Spike and the rest of the girls who all agreed.

“Attention, students!” Celestia addressed everyone on the bus she and Luna supervised, “We're almost there. But before we arrive, we'd just like to thank you all for being able to join us on this class trip.”

“Some of our greatest memories were made in these woods, and we hope you'll make plenty yourselves.” Luna added, as the students smiled.

“Now, who's ready for Camp Everfree?” Celestia asked excitedly, as the students cheered.

Spike smiled as he looked out the window looking forward to nothing but fun. Pinkie suddenly spoke up, “This calls for a song!”

The students started looking invested in it, and soon they all began to sing together.

Will you be lost by time or be part of history?

Will your story be told or remain a mystery?

Will they sing your song, telling all that you have done?

Time to make your choice, only you can be the one

Oh, oh, oh-oh-whoa

As you join in the Legend of Everfree! (Hey!)

Oh, oh, oh-oh-whoa

As you join in the Legend of Everfree! (Hey! Hey! Hey!)

Twilight leaned closer against Spike who blushed, while the other girls noticing this looked jealous, but continued to sing along. Even Drakon decided to join in despite only Spike and the girls hearing him.

Will you do something great with the time that you have here?

Will you make your mark? Will you conquer what you fear?

And when you go back home, everybody there will see

You were part of the Legend of Everfree!

Oh, oh, oh-oh-whoa

As you join in the Legend of Everfree! (Hey!)

Oh, oh, oh-oh-whoa

As you join in the Legend of Everfree! (Hey!)

Will you find your greatest glory?

Will you be a falling star?

Here to learn what nature teaches

Here to learn more who you are

Will you be lost by time or be part of history?

Will your story be told or remain a mystery?

And when you go back home, everybody there will see

You were part of the Legend of Everfree!

Oh, oh, oh-oh-whoa

As you join in the Legend of Everfree! (Hey!)

Oh, oh, oh-oh-whoa

As you join in the Legend of Everfree!


Soon the buses drove under an archway reading Camp Everfree, before parking in the lot of the campgrounds which got everyone excited knowing this was going to be a weekend to remember.

Camp Everfree

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When the buses pulled into camp, the students, and the faculty chaperones got off and started collecting their luggage.

“I can't believe we're actually here!” Pinkie cheered, as she jumped around excited.

“Try to keep the excitement under control, Pinkie.” Sunset eased her.

“Yeah save it for when the fun stuff actually starts.” Rainbow added.


“It feels so peaceful out here.” Spike marveled.

“Feels good to be out of the city, don't it?” Applejack asked patting Spike on the back.

“Sure does,” Spike agreed, as he looked around, “So this is a camp.”

“Not a bad set up.” Drakon admitted.

“I can't wait to go on a nature walk.” Fluttershy smiled.

They heard a screech, before looking up and saw Peewee still in falcon form perching on a tree branch looking down at them.

“It sounds like Peewee wants to go on that too.” Spike told the animal whisperer.

Celestia came back to them, “Come on, everyone. Grab your luggage and meet by the gazebo.”

“Yes, Principal Celestia.” They answered, before grabbing the rest of their luggage and made their way to the meeting spot.

They arrived at the courtyard, where all the campers had gathered and waited instructions, as two people no older than the students stood by a gazebo.

One was a girl with light green eyes, two toned moderate raspberry hair with a crown of daisies on her head, and freckles across her cheeks. The second was a boy with grayish green eyes, and his hair was two shades of dark aquamarine.

The girl spoke up into a mic with a peppy voice, "Hi, everyone! Welcome to Camp Everfree! I'm Gloriosa Daisy, your camp director! Think of me as your friendly camp and nature guide. And this is my brother, Timber Spruce!"

Timber took the mic, and spoke, "Think of me as that awesome guy... who should always be invited to fun things." he said while showing off.

Some of the girls felt amused by Timber's flirtatious tone, as Drakon spoke to Spike, “Jeez, who brought this guy here?” Spike just remained silent and listened to the counselors.

Gloriosa took the mic back, “Now then, here at Camp Everfree, we're all about having fun and building bonds. And the activities we got lined up during your stay here is sure to be a blast!”

“But that doesn't mean we're without rules,” Timber continued, “First is to note the rock quarry is off limits. And there is a range at how far you can go into the woods. And you should always use a method of finding your way back if you get lost. Does anyone have any examples?” Twilight raised her hand, “Yes?”

“Well, I would mark certain trees leading from the designated trail to off the trail, that way if I get lost I'd just follow the markings back to the trail.” she explained.

“Excellent. You're one smart cookie.” Timber winked making Twilight blush, as Spike watched before looking disheartened.

Drakon seeing this floated to Twilight and whispered, “Careful, girl. Someone's feeling a bit inadequate.”

Twilight hearing this saw the downhearted expression on Spike and realized what was happening, before inching closer and took this hand into hers. Spike looked down at his hand before looking at Twilight who gave him a smile reassuring him he was her boy. This put Spike at ease as they listened in on the two counselors.

“Now then, Boys cabin is on the right over there, and Girls cabin is on the left.” Timber motioned to the two cabins for the campers.

“Oh, no co-ed?” Drakon asked, before speaking to Spike and the girls, “Tough luck.” Spike and the girls blushed with the girls now wishing there was a co-ed cabin for them.

“We'll let you all get settled in, before meeting back by the docks for further instructions.” Gloriosa said before dismissing them.

The campers split up with the boys going to their cabin, and the girls to theirs. Spike and the rest of the male students entered their cabin and looked around the rustic interior and two rows of bunk beds set up.

“Well, this sure feels homey.” Drakon said.

Spike nodded, as the boys started taking beds and calling out which bunk they wanted with some even fighting the other for the top ones.

“Here, Spike, you can have top bunk.” Thorax offered.

“Thanks, Thorax, but you don't have to.” Spike humbly denied.

“I insist. You deserve it.”

“I don't know about that, but if you insist.” Spike said, as he put his stuff on one of the top bunks as Thorax took the bunk below him.

“Oh, this is going to be fun,” Button said, as he took a bottom bunk of another bed, “We can stay up late, play card games, talk about girls. And I even smuggled in some sweets.” he told his two pals.

“Sounds good to me.” Spike smiled, as he and the rest of the boys after getting their luggage settled into their cabin left it and headed for the docks along with the girls.

As they joined, Fluttershy looked around and marveled, “It is lovely out here. The fresh air, the cool breeze, the birds that land on your finger." she said, as a bird landed on her finger.

"I think that only happens to you." Rainbow noted.

“She's got ya there.” Scootaloo admitted.

When the campers arrived at the dock they saw the counselors and the chaperones were waiting for them, where Gloriosa began going over safety rules about the lake.

“Lake activities are available every day until sunset, so if you want to canoe, sail, windsurf, fish, or swim, just let me know.”

“And don't worry, I am a trained lifeguard as well,” Timber boasted, “So I am prepared in both first aid and CPR.” he flirted more.

“Oh, make him stop!” Drakon groaned.

Spike and the girls walked to the edge of the dock and looked down into the water, before Fluttershy dropped some bread crumbs for the ducks swimming around.

“Aren't they just the cutest?” she cooed.

“Careful or they might come back for more.” Twilight warned her.

And so the counselors continued to go over camp rules and regulations while motioning to the schedule board by the mess hall for the campers to see what activities took place during what time and for how long.

As it started getting late, Principal Celestia announced to everyone, “Alright now, it's gonna be getting dark soon.”

“Everyone, get cleaned up, and we'll gather by the fire pit at eight to share s'mores and scary stories!" Gloriosa added with excitement.

"S'mores!" Pinkie cheered, as she held all the ingredients for s'mores in her arms.

So the campers all left to get washed up at the camps shower houses. Inside the boys shower house, Spike and the rest of the guys were getting ready to shower off with the boys giving Spike looks of awe as he stood without a shirt.

'Jeez, even when not in the locker room at school they still look at me like that.' Spike thought to himself.

“Everyone looks at you that way now.” Drakon reminded him.

Spike just went to one of the shower stalls to wash up as Button spoke to Thorax, “Think he'll ever share his secret with us?”

“Doubtful.” Thorax replied.

Meanwhile in the girls shower room, the girls started getting ready to shower, but before any of them could remove their undergarments, Rainbow got mischievous and came up behind Applejack groping her rack.


“Rainbow Dash!” Applejack shouted.

“Mm, apple farming really does your body good!” Rainbow teased as she fondled her country friend.

“Get off of me!” Applejack struggled to get Rainbow Dash to let go, but she kept a grip on Applejack's chest.

Pinkie watched before smiling, “That looks fun.” she started doing it to Fluttershy.

“Pinkie Pie!” Fluttershy cried in protest.

“Mm, definitely soft ones, Fluttershy!” she teased.

As Rainbow and Pinkie teased Applejack and Fluttershy the other girls watched, “Well, this is awkward.” Twilight said.

“Better them than me.” Sunset replied having already dealt with this on their pool date.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo looked down at their own chests and while they were quite developed they still weren't in the same class as their sisters and their friends. Rarity seeing their dismal looks spoke up.

“Oh, come now, girls. Don't pout. After all I'm sure you still have a bit more growing to do. Besides you shouldn't sell yourselves short. You three are very developed young ladies.”

“Really?” Sweetie Belle asked hopefully.

“Of course.” she confirmed.

“Thanks, Rarity.” Sweetie Belle said, as she and her friends felt better knowing they didn't have to feel so inferior compared to them.

And so after finally getting Rainbow and Pinkie off Applejack and Fluttershy, the girls were finally able to get their showers in, before drying off and headed back to join the others.

As nighttime arrived, the campers were seated around the camp bonfire with the counselors and chaperones. Some were still enjoying some s'mores as Rarity was in the middle of telling a scary story.

"And that's when she looked down and realized she was wearing purple socks with a burgundy dress!" she screamed in a panic, but noticed nobody else was scared, "Purple and burgundy, darlings! The same color family!" she screamed again, only to see no one was getting it.

"Uh... that was a terrifying story." Applejack told Rainbow.

"Yeah, I'm terrified she'll try to tell it again." Rainbow laughed.

Rarity sighed, as she sat down, with Sweetie Belle comforting her, “It was a good story either way, sis.”

Vice Principal Luna cleared her throat, "Anyone else have a spooky story?"

Spike started remembering a spooky story his parents used to tell him on Halloween, and decided to share it with his classmates and everyone, “Actually, I might have one to share.”

“Really, Spike?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, if no one minds that is.”

“Not at all.” Luna answered.

“Well, Mr. Obsidian, the floor is yours.” Celestia said, as everyone listened in, as Spike got ready to tell the story.

Many years ago three teenagers heard of a local legend about the Abandoned Crain Hospital. Legend has it, the doctors there were doing dangerous surgeries on their patients. Dangerous and illegal surgeries.

Some of the campers looked invested by Spike's story while some already showing signs of fright, as he continued.

So they decided to be daring and went to investigate it one night. When they arrived the entire building looked rotting and old, left to die like the patients that died inside its very walls. When they got in they saw the interior was just as gruesome as the exterior, dust all around, grime and mildew, and other foul stenches hung in the air.

“Oh heavens.” Rarity gasped feeling nauseous.

So they decided to scope around the building regardless of its condition. They wandered the dark dreary smelly hallways passing room after room each once used to help patients, or so they claimed they were doing for them. As they looked inside one room hoping to find something of value, they heard the sounds of feet rushing buy. Quickly they ran out of the room and looked around! But there was no sign of life in the halls. At least none they could see.

Fluttershy was shaking as she was holding onto Pinkie Pie for comfort, while Applejack and Rainbow Dash were putting on their brave faces not wanting to show each other or their classmates the story was putting them on edge.

So they pressed on checking out floor after floor seeing they were all in the same condition as the ones they checked before. But then they decided to start checking the lower floors. They went down further before reaching it's basement.

“Not the basement!” Pinkie cried.

When they finally reached the basement they went down and saw loads of body bags with some of them torn open to reveal some of the bodies had been half eaten. Some of the teens wanted to leave, but one decided to be more daring and approached one of the wrapped up bodies and nudged it with his foot. When nothing happened he was about to join the others only for an arm to grab his foot! They screamed as he got out of the grip and ran back to his friends. They watched in horror as the person in the body bag tried to get out, and one of them deciding to be the helpful one ran to the body and opened the bag covering the head revealing the person underneath. When he stopped struggling he tried breathing only to have difficulty while motioning downward. The teen further opened the bag to reveal the bag person's entire chest was ripped open exposing their organs much to the teens horror. When the person tried to speak to the teens he ended up succumbing to death.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were huddling together while trying not to panic.

The teens were ready to get out of there, but before they could go back up the stairs, they saw something or someone standing at the top! Terrified they couldn't get out and there was no other escape. They helplessly watched the figure make its way down the stairs to reveal it was one of the patients whose body was stitched up all over for having consumed the innards of who knows how many of the bodies in the basement just to survive. He made his way down the steps as the teens scrambled to find a way to get out or defend themselves. But it was too late, the experiment made it to the last step and gazed upon the teens with his dead hungry eyes. The teens tried to make one chance to maneuver around him to get to the stairs, but before they could more of the bagged bodies sprung to life and grabbed their feet out of panic! And that's when the experiment lunged at them, as their screams echoed through the hospital!

Suddenly the fire cracked unexpectedly making the campers scream in terror with some falling off their log seats. Even Spike was startled by it, but watched as his classmates panicked, before their screaming subsided.

“Well, that certainly was thrilling.” Luna said, as she and Celestia were catching their breaths.

“I got to hand it you, Spike. That was so scary I didn't mind screaming.” Rainbow admitted.

“I might actually not be able to sleep tonight.” Fluttershy said scared.

Gloriosa laughed, “Well, Spike, you sure put everyone here in a frightening good mood. Congratulations!”

“Thanks, Gloriosa.” Spike smiled.

“You actually have my own planned story beat.” Timber added.

“Well, I think we can call it a night, don't you?” Celestia asked the sibs.

“Quite right, Principal Celestia,” Gloriosa agreed, “Everyone it's time to head back to your cabins and get a good night sleep.”

“Because tomorrow the real camp fun begins!” Timber declared as the campers got excited before heading off, while Spike and his girls stuck around the bonfire.

“Well, Spike, you truly sent shivers down our spines.” Rarity said with a shudder.

“How'd you come up with a story like that?” Twilight wondered, as did them all.

“It was a little something my parents used to tell me during Halloween time. As a means of prepping me in case I was scared. And though I used to be scared of it, in the end I found it to be a thrilling story.”

“And I thought I had scary stories to tell over my lifetime.” Drakon said.

“Well, you can tell us some other time,” Applejack replied, “I'm bushed.”

“Me too.” Apple Bloom stretched.

“So let's head back.” Sunset suggested.

“Yeah.” Spike agreed.

“Hold on, Spike,” Pinkie stopped him, “For telling such a thrilling scary story. It is my pleasure to award you the last s'more of the evening.” she presented Spike with a s'more.

“Really? For me?” Spike asked.

“You deserve it.”

“Thanks, Pinkie.” Spike took the s'more and ate it, “So good.” Pinkie smiled.

“Come on, everyone, let's head back.” Twilight said, as they left the bonfire as it burned out.

As they were reaching the cabins, they were about to split up before Twilight spoke to Spike, “Goodnight, Spike.” she kissed him.

“Sweet dreams, darling.” Rarity kissed him.

“We'll see ya in the morning, sugarcube.” Applejack kissed him.

Each of the other girls gave Spike a goodnight kiss leaving him smiling happily, “Goodnight, girls.” he bid them goodnight, before he headed for the boys cabin.

As he stood outside the cabin he looked out at the camp smiling, “I'm really gonna enjoy it here,” he heard a squawk and looked up seeing his familiar perching atop the cabin, “Goodnight, Peewee.” he went into the cabin leaving Peewee to himself where he too would turn in for the night.