Empty Nest

by Some Leech

First published

With her children grown and the passionate fires of her marriage dwindling, Velvet sets her sights on somepony who may be able to spice up her life...

Twilight Velvet can't really complain about her life; she has two wonderful children, a caring husband, and a home to call her own - alas, though she's getting older, she still has desires. There's only one pony in Canterlot who may be able to help her fill her need, the very same one who mentored Twilight - Princess Celestia...

Kinks Include: Female on Futa, Futa on Female, Size Difference, Immense Endowments, Implied Impregnation, Domination, Submission, Oral, Vaginal, Rough Sex, Rougher Sex, Cheating, Voluntary Mind-Break, and Plenty of Depravity

Artwork by Hikerumin

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Knock Knock Knock

Rinsing and placing a cleaned plate on the drying rack beside the kitchen sink, Velvet glanced over her shoulder towards the entryway. “Just a minute!”

As she dried her hands and brushed herself off, a sigh escaped her. With Night Light at work, and because Twilight and Shining had moved out some time ago, she, like most days, had the house all to her lonesome. While she’d considered taking a part-time job, something to wile away her time, she actually enjoyed being a homemaker - well, up until recently.

Since her children had grown up and gone off to live their lives, she’d felt incomplete - like she was missing something. She thought her listlessness was simply boredom at first, and maybe a bit of empty nest syndrome, yet it had persisted for well over a year. A part of her realized she was being silly, that an older mare like herself had every right to relax and enjoy her relatively stress-free lifestyle - nevertheless, she wanted some excitement.

“Be right there!” she called, briskly trotting away from the foyer and into the first floor bathroom.

Inspecting herself in the mirror, she hastily brushed her hair and made herself relatively presentable. Unless the mailmare had a package or a neighbor had popped by to say hello, there was only one pony who she was even remotely expecting. She turned and hurried back to the front of the home after a scant few seconds, not wanting to be rude to whomever had come to pay her a visit.

Throwing the door open to greet her guest, she froze. Standing a full head and shoulders taller than herself, all but literally larger than life, loomed none other than Princess Celestia. Her heart skipped a beat, her mouth went dry, and she peered up at the colossal alicorn’s face as her mind began to race. Subconsciously inching back, she was reminded of just how incredible the diarch truly was.

Taller than even the largest stallion, and with a physique that could only be described as amazonian, the Princess was a titan of legendary proportions - nevertheless, her powerful build and imposing size was contrasted by her beauty and grace. It was said that alicorns held the physical strength of earth ponies, the arcane might of unicorns, and the speed of pegasi, and Celestia exemplified that myth. With her bejeweled tiara, snow-white gown traced with gold, and her high heels, she was nothing short of gorgeous.

It wasn’t until her visitor smiled and met her gaze that Velvet finally snapped back to her senses. “P…Princess Celestia,” she sputtered, giving a small bow, “it’s pleasant to see you.”

“And you, Velvet,” Celestia demurely returned, dipping her head. “I trust you’ve been well?”

Velvet straightened up and nodded. “Quite well. I’ve been - oh shoot,” she cursed, stepping aside and baying her regal guest to enter. “By all means, do come in.”

Having to stoop forward to clear the doorway, the Princess stepped inside and coolly surveyed the foyer. “It’s been so long since I last visited. I see you and Night Light repainted.”

“Almost two years ago, yes,” she affirmed, closing and locking the door behind the alicorn. “Would you like something to drink or snack on?”

“Always the gracious host,” Celestia lightly chuckled, resting a hand on her shoulder. “If it’s not a bother, I’d love some tea.”

Suppressing a shiver, Velvet turned while pointing to the living room. “I’ll get you a cup straight away. If I remember correctly, you like your tea with milk and two sugars?”

The Princess’ eyes widened ever so slightly, and her smile broadened. “Quite the memory!”

Feeling her cheeks darken, she gave yet another small bow. “Thank you, Princess. Go ahead and make yourself comfortable. I’ll join you in just a moment.”

She didn’t wait for a reply, turning and scampering off to the kitchen. A part of her was surprised that the Princess had actually shown up out of the blue and without any advanced notice, but she was fortunate enough to have accounted for such a possibility. As she poured two mugs of tea, she did everything in her power to calm her nerves. Just because Celestia was in her home didn’t mean anything extraordinary would happen.

“Here we are!” she announced sauntering into the den with a steaming beverage in each hand.

Reaching out and taking one of the proffered cups, Celestia nodded her thanks. “I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised to get a letter from you, Velvet. It goes without saying but you could have come to see me in person.”

“I appreciate the thought, but I know you’re a busy mare,” she chuckled and dismissively waved a hand. Motioning over at her recliner, she eased herself down onto the sofa and helped herself to a sip of tea before continuing. “I was cleaning up Twilight’s old room and found a few things that you may be interested in.”

The Princess peaked a brow as she seated herself. “Oh?”

Mmmhmm,” Velvet hummed. Igniting her horn, she levitated a binder from under the coffee table and levitated it over to her guest. “They appear to be old notes and research that Twilight did while under your care, but I thought you may find them interesting - I know I did.”

Plucking the album from the air, Celestia coolly opened and started thumbing through the documents. “Considering Twilight wasn’t as captivated by some of the less bombastic history lessons of Equestria than she was of Star Swirl the Bearded and the Pillars of Harmony, I can’t say I’m surprised that she forgot these,” she noted with a grin. “You mentioned something in here caught your eye?”

“Several somethings in fact!” Velvet chirped. “I never knew that - horse apples,” she groused while glancing up at a clock hanging on the wall. “Would you give me one moment? I have to take the laundry out.”

Celestia tittered and dismissively waved a hand at her. “Take as much time as you need.”

As she walked away, out of the den and down the hallway leading to her bedroom, a smirk split Velvet’s muzzle. It would have been nice if Celestia had responded to her letter and told her when she was planning to make an appearance, but that hardly mattered at this point. Now that the Princess was in her home and the two had some time to themselves, she could enact the next phase of her little scheme.

Seeing herself into her room, she quickly stripped out of her clothes and threw them into the corner. Ordinarily speaking, if she was entertaining an alicorn, she would put on something a bit more impressive than a mere blouse and house dress - that being said, the entertaining she was planning on doing was anything but ordinary. Opening and walking into her closet, she peered up at a very particular outfit.

It was only by a stroke of good luck that her newest attire had arrived two days prior. She had no doubt that the Element of Generosity presumed the ensemble was for Night Light, considering just how titillating it was, though that was anything but the case. Utilizing her magic and her hands, she simultaneously donned her bra and its accompanying corset.

The good news was that she was able to get dressed within only a few minutes - the bad news was that her garments weren’t the only element of her impending presentation. Stepping out of her closet and to her vanity, she eyed her small collection of makeup. Leaning forward and plucking a tube of lipstick between her finger and thumb, she pursed her lips and made herself up.

It would have been difficult to say how long it took her to get ready, although she prepared herself in record time. Standing tall and placing one hand on her hip, she examined herself. The deep violet of her leggings, crotchless panties, peek-a-boo bra, corset, and garter belt clashed wondrously with the gray of her coat and complemented the orchid of her mane, while her cosmetics accentuated her feminine features and plump, full lips. A part of her felt bad that Night Light hadn’t seen her done up so provocatively since shortly after Twilight had been born - then again, she hadn’t gone to all this trouble for him.

“Just one second,” she shouted, turning and peeking at her backside.

There was no way for her to know how the alicorn was going to react to seeing her strutting out in something so sinful, but her instincts and her self-confidence were enough to spur her onward. She may not have been a lithe little mare like she used to be, but motherhood had been very, very kind to her. Her bountiful bust, foal-bearing hips, plump thighs, and pillowy tush rarely failed to garner attention when she was out and about, so it was only logical that Celestia would take an interest in her - she hoped.

Seeing herself out after slipping into a pair of stiletto heels, she sashayed down the hallway and into the living room without hesitation. The Princess was idly browsing Twilight’s old notebook, as fortunate would have it, allowing her time to strike a little pose. Cocking her hips and clutching one bosom in each hand, she cleared her throat to draw her guest’s attention over to herself.

“I didn’t know that…” Celestia fell silent as she looked over at her.

“Didn’t know what?” Velvet cooed, tweaking and gently pulling on her exposed nipples.

Though the Princess remained silent, likely at a loss from finding herself suddenly facing such an erotic sight, her body betrayed her. Between her legs and beneath her dress, a behemoth stirred and rose from its slumber. While it could be difficult to tell when a mare, regardless of their species, was aroused, alicorns were the exception.

Velvet still didn’t fully understand it, but the ascension into an alicorn had a multitude of effects on a mare. The living demigods gained unfathomable power, their height increased gradually with age, and they held both wings and a horn - still, there was something they acquired that was the worst kept secret in all of Equestrian history. Similarly to how Princesses had traits of all ponykind, they were also gifted with new equipment.

Watching a tent form from her visitor’s dress, Velvet felt her marehood seize upon itself. It was no mystery that the Princess had one of, if not the biggest stallionhoods in all the empire, and she’d been dying to get a good, long look at what her guest was hiding. She felt certain that the alicorn tried to conceal her package while she was out and about, likely stuffing it into a pair of reinforced panties so as not to make a spectacle of herself, but those attempts were pitiful at best.

“You have no idea how happy I was when I stumbled upon that old little law,” she purred, sashaying over to her guest.

“I - Ahem -” Celestia coughed in her hand, only then composing herself. “And what law would that be?”

Nodding down at the binder, Velvet snickered. “I marked the page, but I think I can recite it from memory. ‘Any mare who so chooses may surrender herself to a Princess at any time and, if wed, shatter their bonds of holy matrimony’.”

The Princess’ eyes widened and the colossal swell rising from her loins twitched. “It’s been a long, long time since anyone has approached me about that.”

“Unless you’ve been hiding a harem of mares somewhere in that castle of yours, I kind of figured,” she snickered, running a hand down her abdomen and to her crotch.

Watching her lean back and nonchalantly start rubbing herself, Celestia snorted. “Velvet, with all due respect, I don’t think you grasp what that proclamation entails. The mares who have given themselves to me in the past don’t end up as lovers or concubines. Each and every one of my playthings, without fail, becomes a broken, sex-crazed pet of sorts.”

Velvet should have given the admission some thoughts and reconsidered what she was doing, yet the notion of being a broken, cum-drunk set of holes for the biggest, most glorious mare on the face of the planet did nothing but fan the flames of her lust. Night Light had always treated her well, ensuring she and their children were cared for, yet he’d never once satisfied her amorous needs - sure, he could get her off and make her feel good, although his endowment, much like his raw passion, was and always had been lacking. Leaning back ever so slightly, she broadened and spread the darkened lips of her marehood for her visitor.

“If you’re trying to convince me not to have you take me, you’re doing a very bad job,” she mused, plunging two fingers into herself. “My children are grown, my husband would be happy to see you claim me, and I’ve never wanted anything more in my entire life.”

Celestia stood and rose to her full, incredible height. Her normally cheerful expression had faded, replaced by a stony, unreadable look, yet the imprint of her hardening stallionhood made her excitement all too clear. Folding her arms beneath her mountainous bosoms, she squinted down at her would-be plaything.

“If you do this, you should be aware of a few things,” she began, eyeing the mare’s cleavage. “First and foremost, while I may allow you to see your husband, nobody, save for myself, will ever lay an amorous finger on you again - secondly and more prudently, I will breed you.”

Trembling at the thought of being knocked up by such a divine creature, Velvet gnawed her lip. “I’m not sure how fertile I am anymore, but -”

“Hardly a concern,” the Princess interrupted. “Even if you’re not as fertile as you used to be, my magic can ensure you bear me as many heirs as I so choose.”

“I’d…I’d be honored, my Princess,” she stammered, genuinely overjoyed.

Trotting around her, Celestia appraised her as though she were a piece of produce in a market. “Also to note, you’ll no longer refer to me as Princess or Celestia. If I’m to be your stud, you’ll refer to me as Master.”

The sudden shift in alicorn’s demeanor was positively electrifying. It came as no shock that a dickmare of Celestia’s caliber would be domineering to some degree, yet the imperious, no-nonsense way the Princess spoke to her made her mouth water. Holding a hand to her chest, she solemnly nodded.

“Of course, Mistress,” she murmured.

“I’m not your Mistress yet,” Celestia tutted, reaching back and unfastening her dress. Allowing the garment to fall around her knees, exposing her free breasts and an absurdly huge bulge in her struggling panties, she patted her crotch. “Anyone who wishes to serve me has to prove their devotion.”

Velvet’s knees buckled, she drooled from both ends, and her marehood winked in anticipation. She’d hoped the Princess would indulge her curiosity, giving her a pity lay if nothing else, but this - this was leagues beyond even her wildest dreams. Slowly lowering herself and getting to her knees, she clasped her hands together while eyeing the alicorn’s groin.

“Mistress, allow this humble mare to serve and devote her body to you,” she reverently whispered.

Good,” Celestia chuckled. “I should hope your mouth is good for more than just talk, you adulterous whore…”

With her eyes drifting down ward, past the alicorn’s bust and abs, Velvet swallowed hard. While she was overjoyed with how quickly things were going, she wasn’t about to celebrate - not yet anyway. Hooking her fingers over the waistband of the Princess’ panties, she delicately pulled her guest’s underwear downward.

She’d prepared herself to face what was surely a godly stallionhood, yet she was unprepared for what Celestia had concealed. As inch after incredibly thick inch of cock appeared, a maelstrom of emotions clashed within her. On one hand she was elated, awestruck and giddy at the sight of something of such a magnificent tool - on the other, her rationality warned her that she may have bitten off more than she could chew. Releasing the undergarment and letting it drift to the floor, she basked in the Princess’ splendor.

Celestia’s member was a behemoth, so heavy and huge that it hung nearly to the alicorn’s knees, and her gargantuan, cum-laden balls were a sight to behold. Covered in pink flesh and streaked with veins, the monstrous stallionhood was almost bestial, a savage tool that lay juxtaposed to the ruler’s typically loving behavior. She reached out with a trembling hand, somewhat reluctant to actually touch such a magnificent tool, and pressed her palm to its shaft.

S…sweet Celestia,” she reflexively grasped, only then realizing that the Princess was fully hard.

Laughing and shaking her head, Celestia stepped closer and closed the small gap between them. “Yes?”

“S…sorry,” she muttered, glancing up at the alicorn’s face. “You’re just so…so…”

“Glorious? Resplendent? Amazing?” the Princess mused. “As amused as I am with your adulation, I’d prefer you adore me in a more physical way.”

Velvet nodded, shuffled back, and gradually lifted the dickmare’s shaft up to her face. Had she any choice in the matter, she would have taken her time with her guest, exploring the titan’s body and drinking in every wondrous thing about the towering she-stud - alas, her desires weren’t a priority. Lowering one hand to her groin, she rubbed her aching marehood while making out with the bloated, fist-sized cock-head before her.

A heady, overpowering musk filled her sinuses with every breath she took, the taste of sweat and unwashed flesh bathed her palate, and the view of the alicorn peering down at her was the definition of awe-inspiring - so much so that she had to hold herself back. She wanted to recklessly fellate herself on the demigod, amateurishly slobbering on the immense dick like a horny teenager, but she fought off the temptation. If there was one thing that age had gifted her, aside from her curvaceous body, it was the knowledge of how to properly treat a stud.

Mmmmm,” Celestia approvingly hummed, running her fingers through her hair. “I must admit, I’m pleasantly surprised that this was what you summoned me for. If you’d been more direct, I would have shown up sooner.”

With her ears perking up, Velvet withdrew. “R…really?”

Really,” the alicorn affirmed. “Believe it or not, I’ve had my eye on you ever since I began mentoring Twilight. I could have - would have made a move on you many, many years ago, if you hadn’t been married.”

“I…I…” she stuttered, taken aback by the admission. “I’m honored, Mistress.”

Bringing her fingers behind her head, Celestia pulled her closer. “We can discuss it later - for now, get to work.”

She didn’t hesitate, opening her maw as widely as she could while extending her tongue and closing her eyes. If the Princess wanted a blowjob - by all the stars in the night sky, she was going to get a blowjob. Rubbing her clit and stroking the base of the dickmare’s length, she wrapped her lips around the blunt tip of stallionhood.

Though she may not have given any sign of it, bobbing her head and using her tongue to lavish the underside of Celestia’s shaft, the war between her anxiety and arousal grew increasingly pitched. She wanted nothing more than to please the goddess, offering her body in any imaginable way, but she questioned her ability to do it. The largest stallion she’d ever sucked off, a hulking buckball player from when she’d been in college, had nothing on Celestia’s member.

Pushing her reservations to the back of her mind, she forced her head forward until the Princess’ member bumped against the back of her throat. Heaven help her - looking down the cannon-like length that was the alicorn’s stallionhood, she noticed that she’d only been able to fit a fraction of the she-stud’s shaft into her muzzle. Quickly abandoning her efforts to get herself off, she cradled the dickmare’s balls with one hand while continuing to massage her lover’s tool with the other.

“Worried it won’t fit?” Celestia quipped, drawing her attention upward. “Don’t worry, I have a knack for these sorts of problems…”

Moments from backing away and asking how in the world the Princess could help with the logistical issue of fellating something as big as her arm, Velvet felt the alicorn’s grasp on her skull tighten. She gagged and her eyes shot wide as the titan simultaneously pulled her forward and bucked her hips. In the blink of an eye, faster than should have been possible, she found her nose pressed against the giantess groin.

Suddenly unable to breath, she instinctively pawed at her neck and felt the imprint of Celestia’s cock bulging out her throat. Her jaw was strained more than it ever had been in her entire life, her heart beat wildly, her lungs fruitlessly heaved, and a trail of nectar crept down her inner leg - in spite of all that, or possibly because of it, she didn’t attempt to push the Princess away. This was what she’d asked for, the agreement she was willing to sacrifice her home life for, and she wasn’t about to back down now.

Go ahead and play with yourself,” Celestia sighed, rolling her hips back and freeing a portion of her shaft. “If you cum before blacking out, I may actually rut you…”

Velvet had never once masturbated harder and faster. Twisting a nipple with one hand, she crammed four digits of the other into her slavering cunt. To Tartarus with it - it’d been ages since she’d been brazen enough to fist herself, but it was the only thing she could think of to loosen herself up for what would hopefully be the fucking of a lifetime.

Even if she’d been able to ask Celestia why she’d been asked to give head seconds before getting her snout screwed, she wouldn’t have bothered. As ropes of saliva dripped and swayed from her chin, painting her chest and falling to the floor beneath her, her face was used like a flimsy sex-toy. She would have been worried, keenly aware of her burning lungs and the fact that she was completely starved of air, were it not for one thing - she’d never been more turned on before.

Unlike every other lover she’d ever had,the Princess didn’t give her the slightest shred of concern. She’d thought Celestia’s claim about her playthings had been a bluff, a little lie to see if she was being serious about her offer, but she’d been wrong - so terribly, wondrously wrong. Unabashedly stretching her marehood open, reveling in the staggeringly brutal treatment she was receiving, she kept her tear-streaked eyes on the alicorn’s face.

Celestia smiled down at her all the while, looking past her heaving breasts while she rhythmically plunged her length in and out of her gullet. It may have been her imagination, but she swore she could feel the immense stallionhood reaching all the way into her stomach - something that would have been impossible for anyone other than the enormous she-stud to accomplish. Squeezing her throat and effectively choking herself, she marveled at the sensation of something so massive filling her airway.

Taking a slightly more relaxed pace, Celestia inched back. “That lipstick of yours looks quite nice on my dick ~ doesn’t it?”

Glk!” Velvet croaked around the pistoning shaft, seeing the streaks of purple against the Princess’ pink flash.

Celestia slowed, halting as quickly as she’d begun, and expectantly placed her hands on her hips. “Fuck your face on me.”

Only hesitating for the briefest moment, Velvet did as she asked. It was one thing to have someone screw her muzzle, but it was quite another to do all the work herself. Throwing her head forward and back, repeatedly forcing the thick medial ring of the alicorn’s stallionhood past her lips, she gave everything she could to obey the demand. Her own comfort, her marriage, even her ability to remain conscious - none of it mattered in the face of fulfilling her true purpose.

She ignored the familiar hum of magic cutting through the air, figuring that Celestia was up to something but paying it no mind, until bolts of pleasure wracked her. For some reason, though she couldn’t say why, the Princess started sorcerously toying with her nipples and clit. The stimulation felt great - amazing even, yet it made accomplishing her task a herculean endeavor.

Someone’s getting close,” Celestia chuckled. “Just imagine how incredible it will be when I pump a foal into you. My flare against your cum-starved womb, the pints of thick, creamy cum surging into your foal-factory, the knowledge that your dear husband will never, ever be able to -”

The dirty talk, paired with having her tits and marehood played with, was the final nail in her lecherous coffin. Her back arched and spasmed, a torrent of climactic nectar gushed from her depths, and her eyes rolled wildly to the back of her head, as she came with devastating force. She’d realized she was steadily reaching her limit, sensing the telltale signs of an impending orgasm coming on, but the onset of bliss still took her off guard.

“Such a slut,” Celestia tutted, picking up where she’d left off. “I bet you want that - Mmmph - husband of yours to see how much of a whore you really are.”

The biting words were the icing on the cake, rocking Velvet with a second, slightly less potent climax while the alicorn set to rutting her face. Reeling from an unimaginable tide of ecstasy, she weaved in and out of consciousness. Even though she hadn’t been bred yet, cumming from having her throat swabbed by the Princess - her Princess, was enough to warm the depths of her heart.

She’d been bedded by a number of stallions over the years, all save for Night Light in her youth, yet Celestia was different from them all in a number of ways. Not only was the dickmare larger in every conceivable way than her past lovers, but the sheer vehemence of the she-stud was what truly set her apart. Her prior flings had all given her some regard, taking their time with foreplay and ensuring she had as much fun as they did, whereas the Princess used her in the purest sense of the word.

Grunting and snorting, Celestia set her jaw and tightly gripped her head in both hands. Her arms went slack, falling impotently to her sides, while her vision darkened and began to tunnel. At the rate things were going, it wouldn’t be a matter of if she passed out, but when - nevertheless, she was filled with nothing but glee. Were she to pass into the great beyond while choking on the biggest, most phenomenal stallionhood in the world, she’d have no regrets.

She couldn’t say how long the Princess lasted, feeling as though the titan’s screwing stretched into a small eternity, yet the sensation of the colossal cock in her throat pulsing and the alicorn’s breakneck thrusting somehow tore her from her blissful stupor. Blinking away tears and looking upward, she saw the crazed look in Celestia’s eyes. Though she couldn’t see it, she sensed her lover’s length flaring and locking itself in her gut.

Celestia wrenched her forward and hilted her face, snarling like a beast possessed while she came. Each throb of the dickmare’s length sent a deluge of rich, thick seed coursing down her throat and directly into her. Her stomach gurgled as it expanded outward to hang heavily above her sopping wet nethers, barely able to contain the incalculable volume of seed.

She winced as the Princess rolled her hips back and abruptly unsheathed her still-pulsing length. Though she was filled with what had to be several pints of foal-batter, the final gouts of the alicorn’s cum were enough to glaze her like a donut. Her smeared makeup ran white with jizz, everything from her waist upward was coated spunk, and she was blinded by her lover’s output while she was unceremoniously painted by the snarling giantess.

A…adequate,” Celestia huffed, breathing heavily and wringing the final drops of her essence from her stallionhood.

Velvet went to reply, attempting to thank the Princess for such an honor, but all she could manage was to weakly cough and clear her raw throat. It was uncomfortable to breathe, and she was still lightheaded from the lack of air, but that wasn’t enough to detract from her spirits. There weren’t many, if any who could say that’d been marked by the Princess in the last century, not that she was aware of, so she was simultaneously humbled and blessed for such a divine gift.

Languidly stroking her dick, Celestia stepped away and motioned with one hand. “Stand up, sow.”

Y…yes - Cough - M…Mistress,” Velvet wheezed.

Her Mistress had demanded she stand, so she stood - it was as simple as that. Forcing her body to comply, she shakily pushed herself up and got to her feet. Doing something as straightforward as getting up from the floor was a trial, taking far more effort than it should have, yet the promise of what may come was all the motivation she needed. Steadying herself on the coffee table, having nearly fallen after rising, she exhaustedly looked to her lover’s face.

Studying her for a moment, Celestia snorted. “Well?”

Well?” she parroted, unsure of what to say or do.

“If you want this,” the Princess intoned, wagging her cock and sending droplets of cum spattering over the coffee table, “present yourself.”

Velvet was tempted to shamble to her bedroom to lay down, yearning to be fucked missionary, yet she faltered. Being screwed on her back was a privilege of true paramours, denoting an emotional connection that she hadn’t earned from the she-stud. One of the final degrading words the Princess had spoken rang in her ears and gave her an idea.

Stumbling over to the sofa, she fell forward and supported herself on the arm of the couch. Since Celestia had called her and likely viewed her as little more than a sow, a lowly trio of holes to be abused, it only made sense that she present herself as one. Bracing her legs and flicking her tail to the side, leaving her tush and marehood fully exposed, she peeked over her shoulder.

“Had I known this is what you were longing for, I would have abstained for a several days to give you an exceptionally virile dose of my essence,” Celestia coolly remarked, trotting up and sawing her length into the cleft of her ass, “but I suppose it can’t be helped. On the remarkably slim chance that you’re not carrying my foal by the end of the night, you most certainly will before the week is through.”

To Velvet’s shock, instead of diving in and railing her into oblivion, the Princess draped herself over her back and massaged her abdomen. She wasn’t sure what was happening at first, thrown off by the tender touch, but then she heard it - the subtle sound of sorcery at work. A warmth blossomed in her depths, radiating through her being and setting her nerves alight.

Don’t mind me,” the she-stud purred in her ear, “I’m just inducing an ovulation or two - maybe three…”

The act of having arcane life breathed into her, having her ovaries sent into overdrive, sent Velvet over the edge and sundered her already floundering composure. She’d had no desire to have more foals after Shining and Twilight, considering her years of nursing and tending to foals long past through, yet the notion of being kept in Celestia’s chamber, gravid and with even larger, leaking teats, was compelling to a fault. Needily pushing back, she ground her tush against the dickmare’s groin.

P…please,” she whimpered, “give me your foal, Mistress…”

Snickering to herself, Celestia backed away just enough to kiss the tip of her length to her entrance. “As you wish, pet.”

With that final word, the Princess plunged into her. Though the penetration was every bit as intense as she presumed it’d be, exceeding her limits and effectively resizing her depths to suit their new purpose, she instantly came. Her howl shook the foundation of the home, undoubtedly waking the neighbors and being heard by anyone outside, while marish juices seeped from around the monstrous log of alicorn flesh.

Celestia giggled and steadied herself as she started to move. Each thrust was slow and deliberate, almost like she knew she was resizing her newest conquest to suit her needs, yet the gentleness of her motions lay juxtaposed against her savage endowment. While she may have been taking her time, having something so massive filling her was mind-boggling.

Locking her arms and gazing past her swinging breasts, Velvet watched as the Princess’ balls swung and smacked against her clit. Her fist - goodness, even the act of birthing her children paled in comparison to Celestia’s gargantuan stallionhood rearranging her interior, although the rapture coursing through her eclipsed any discomfort by an order of magnitude. With her cum-filled gut sloshing under her, she spied the imprint of the titan’s length in her belly.

It was easy to see why any mare who was subjected to such treatment could lose her mind. Had she not been older and relatively experienced with sexual affairs, not to mention having brought two foals into the world, she felt virginal again. Hanging her head and relishing every second of the heavenly sensations threatening to consume her, she closed her eyes.

Nnnph nnnph aaaahn mnnf…”

She grunted and moaned with every buck of Celestia’s hips, incapable of silencing herself. Under the best of circumstances, like when she was particularly turned on and in heat, it would take her several minutes to rebound from a climax, yet she was hit with another orgasm before the first had fully subsided. Collapsing onto her breasts, bent over the sofa like a common whore, she was held up by the Princess’ hands on her hips and the behemoth stallionhood impaling her.

Celestia didn’t slow - if anything, she increased the speed and force of her plowing when she went limp. Regardless of how things played out, irrespective of whether the she-stud would drag her back to the castle and keep her as a personal breeder and cum dumpster, there was no going back. Now that she’d tasted of the divine, experiencing what true carnal bliss was, being with even the biggest, most well-hung stallion wouldn’t satisfy her.

Each climax she endured robbed her of her sanity, chipping away at who and what she was while instilling her with an insatiable need to satisfy the Princess. Her husband, her children, the life she had - she’d give them all up to be with Celestia. She could live out her days being perpetually knocked up, producing heir after heir for the she-stud, and she’d be thankful for it.

On and on Celestia went, driving her to and past the brink of madness while sating her lust. She thought she understood what happiness was, how gratifying sex could be, but she’d been deluded and ignorant. The Princess was beyond what any mortal could ever be, standing as a paragon of virility, and she had every right to claim anyone she so chose.

Time itself seemed to distort and lose all meaning while her mind went blank. Her orgasms bled into one another, all strength left her, and her shrill wails of pleasure shifted into dull groans and incoherent grunts - nevertheless, as soon as she sensed Celestia beginning to flare, she was given some semblance of clarity. At long last, the time had come for her to be anointed.

Fiercely holding her by the hips, the Princess bellowed and hilted her. Sinking into and locking itself into her defenseless womb, Celestia’s stallionhood unleashed an absolute tsunami of seed. The influx of seething cum undid her on a fundamental level, impregnating her on the spot and evoking a climax that she could only describe as apocalyptic.

She could all but see the millions upon millions of sperm questing for her eggs, each the harbinger of an heir yet to be born. Her mouth hung open in a breathless scream, tears of joy streamed down her face, and her cervix clamped down around the throbbing shaft baptizing her interior with alicorn essence as her body acted of its own volition. Pleasure - pure, unadulterated, primal pleasure overtook her and brought her to the verge of oblivion.

By the time Celestia ground to a halt, panting and looming over her, the mare that was Twilight Velvet was gone. She was a sow, a slut, a cock-warmer - anything her lover wished her to be. With her face resting in a pool of her saliva, heaving air into her chest, she unsteadily reached back to caress her abdomen.

While it was already distended from the cum in her stomach, her belly had grown considerably. She couldn’t get a good look at herself from where she lay - even then, doing so properly would require a mirror, but she could tell that she could pass for a mare expecting a set of twins or even triplets. A silly, drunken grin crept across her muzzle when Celestia pecked her cheek.

“Would you like to leave a note for Night Light or would you rather call him to the castle to see what’s become of you?” Celestia softly asked.

Cashtle,” she slurred, realizing that there was only one true way her husband would accept her decision.

With a wolfish smile on her face, Celestia sent power into her horn. “Good…