On Your Own

by TheKing2001

First published

Sunset Shimmer confronts the Dazzlings on her own in a bold move that ends poorly till a blue haired girl comes to her rescue.

When Sunset confronts the Dazzlings on her own, she gets bullied by the three girls. Depressed and alone, she debates internally if the Rainbooms and Twilight truly are her friends until a certain blue haired girl comes to her rescue.

Chapter One

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“You girls go find a place to practice. I’ll keep an eye on things around here,” I said as the Rainbooms and Twilight nodded before disappearing out of sight.

I sighed and leaned back against the wall as I heard laughter approaching. I glanced over at the Dazzlings, pushing myself off the wall.

“You’re never going to get away with this.”

“Why? Because you didn’t?” Adagio asked with a smug grin as I flinched. “Oh we know all about you Sunset Shimmer. Turns you out got quite the reputation at Canterlot High.”

“I’ve changed! I’m in a much better place!” I shot back and glared at the three.

“Waiting in the wings while your friends have all the fun?” The purple one mocked with a smirk.

“Oh yes you girls are so tight,” Adagio commented as she and the other two circled me. “And yet, they didn’t ask you to join the band.”

“Probably afraid no one would want to see them play if she was in the group.”

“Too bad!” Sonata shouted as she jumped in my face as I glared at them. “So sad!”

“If it’s any consolation at all, no one will even remember you by the time we’re done,” Adagio smirked as she and Sonata hipchecked me. The three girls pushed open the double doors behind me and disappeared as I rubbed my arm looking down.

They were right. Everything they said was what I had been thinking. I originally had planned on doing a solo act but well, everyone hates me. The only ones who are somewhat friendly is Lyra, Bon Bon and Derpy.

Maybe I shouldn’t even be here. I should just sneak back through the portal since it’s open and just go back home. But that would mean I’d have to face her. Princess Celestia.

And I really don’t think I’m ready for that. She would probably banish me to Tartarus. But if she wanted me in Tartarus, she would have ordered Twilight to bring me back, right?

I groaned as I slumped against the wall, holding my head in my hands as loud music came from down the hall. A girl with two tone blue hair and headphones on walked down the hall as I examined her white jacket and shirt before looking down.

She paused in front of me and kept bobbing her head to her way too loud music before shrugging and sitting next to me. I gave her an incredulous look as she tilted her head before slipping her headphones around her neck.

“What’s up?” She asked and my jaw dropped even further. “Uh okay. Weird dude.”

“Sorry it’s just you’re sitting with me and talking to me.” The only people who did so were Rainbow and the others.

“Yeah?” The girl raised an eyebrow. “Figured that out on your own, did you?”

I bit back a harsh comment at that. New me, no rude insults or snippy comebacks.

“Yeah. Uhm who are you exactly?” I asked curiously as the girl smirked.

“Names Vinyl. Vinyl Scratch.”

I snapped my fingers and nodded. I had vandalized her dj booth freshman year and blamed it on Lyra. Weird how Lyra was semi friendly, even after I admitted to it.

“So uh what exactly are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be competing in the showcase?” I asked curiously and wiped my eyes. Now that I thought about it, I hadn’t seen her enter the competition or fighting amongst the crowds of students.

“Not really my scene, ya feel me?” Vinyl asked with a smirk. “I prefer to play my music to make people happy, not to compete or win a prize.”

“So wait,” I said and waved my hands. “You’re not under their spell?”

“Is that what it is?” Vinyl asked as I nodded with a shrug. “Yeah, nope no spell mind control for me.”

“But how? You were there in the lunchroom with us when they started this whole thing!”

“Never take off my headphones.”

That would make sense I guess.

“It sucks,” Vinyl sighed and dropped her head. “Octavia, Lyra and Bon are under their spell. Even Derpy is and she’s the nicest girl in Canterlot High. Other than Fluttershy of course. It’s difficult seeing my friends like this.”

“I bet,” I kicked the ground with my boot. “I don’t really have any friends.”

“Because the Rainbooms treat you like shit?”

“How did you know?” I asked nervously with a bit of surprise to my tone.

“I see how they treat you. I see how they all treat you, the whole school. It’s fucked up and I don’t really approve. With their no offense comments when they damn well mean offense. You really need to stand up for yourself.”

“No I shouldn’t. I deserve this,” I said and waved a hand around us. “But it doesn’t make it feel better. Especially when everything they say is what I’m thinking.”

“Whaddaya mean?” Vinyl asked as she procured some gummy worms out of her pocket and offered me one. I shrugged and accepted it, tossing it into my mouth and ignored the fact that I could be poisoned.

“Ah just something the Dazzlings said to me before you came around the corner.”

I quickly filled her in and she nodded with a frown.

“I would have watched you play. Screw them for not inviting you but allowing Twilight in. That’s bullshit and bullying. Can you even play an instrument?”

“Guitar. When I first came here, fingers were a weird thing to use. I worked hard, bought my first guitar and practiced that way. Plus video games.”

“I knew about the video game thing. I watched your livestreams,” Vinyl admitted as she rubbed the back of her head. “Until I realized you were a bully and I quit watching for the obvious reasons. I started up recently though. You made me mod in your streams.”

A moment of silence passed as I processed what she said before I grinned widely.


“That’s me,” Vinyl smirked with a smile. “Surprised you didn’t put two and two together. It’s nice to finally talk face to face instead of through a screen.”

“You should have said something sooner!” I exclaimed and threw my arms around her before blushing. “Uhm are hugs okay?”

“Just this once,” Vinyl chuckled as she hugged me. “I’m not big on touching.”

“Sorry,” I muttered as we released each other. “Why exactly are you being nice to me? Shouldn’t you hate me? The rest do. Even the princess does.”

“Sure you made a mistake but it’s in the past. I believe life is too short to be constantly focusing on the past actions of a person. So what? You tried to enslave a school after running from pony land. Could be worse. You could have killed someone but didn’t. And besides, I can see you’re trying to change.”

“Thank you Vinyl,” I whispered and felt my eyes start to get wet.

“No problem. Now are you going to sit on your ass doing nothing and proving them all right or are you gonna get up and prove them wrong? Show them who the real Sunset Shimmer is, girl! The red headed bad ass!” Vinyl exclaimed with a grin before putting her sunglasses in her pocket and I gawked at her bright red eyes and extended hand. “You aren’t on your own after all.”

I didn’t even hesitate to accept her hand.

Chapter II

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“What was that?” Rainbow demanded angrily as I flinched.

“Y-you were showing them your magic! I had to do something!” I shouted and hugged myself.

“Unplug her amp? Give us an opportunity to handle the situation?” Rarity snapped as Spike raised an eyebrow. Looked weird on a dog.

“I just wanted to help,” I muttered.

“Yeah well you didn’t!” Rainbow shot back and I shivered.


We all jumped at the angry voice and spun around as Vinyl climbed up the stairs.

“This is not her fault!” Vinyl growled and pressed a hand against Rainbows chest. “This is all on you being your typical show off self. Maybe you should take a step back and look at yourself before you come after her.”

“I didn’t know you could speak,” Rainbow muttered in awe as I watched.

“Seriously? That’s what you say right now?” Vinyl scoffed as she folded her arms. “You’re unbelievable.”

“You’re unbelievable!” Rainbow exclaimed and glared. “We’re trying to save the school here.”

“Trying to save the school or trying to save yourself?” Vinyl asked as Rainbow flinched. “Some friends you are. You bully Sunset, treat her like shit, don’t do anything when the classmates we have harass or hurt her, make some snarky comment and say no offense. You don’t give a single damn about her.”

Rainbow opened her mouth to speak before someone else did it for her.

“Some performance Raingoons,” Trixie mocked as we all rolled our eyes. “I especially like the part were Sunset Shimmer, in a fit of jealous rage, knocks out Rainbow Dash mid guitar solo!”

“It wasn’t a fit of jealous rage!” I screamed and pushed Trixie over as the others excluding Vinyl rubbed their backs.

“If you say so,” Trixie smirked as she pushed me off and flipped her hair. “Well, looks like the principals are coming. Pretty sure it wasn’t that hard to decide.”

“This is our last opportunity to perform and I had the most gorgeous outfit!” Rarity whined as I rolled my eyes.

“Because that’s the real tragedy here Rarity. Ya don’t get to play dress up!”

“That is not what I meant and you know it!”

Vinyl put her headphones on and ducked behind the curtains as the Dazzlings sang, stroking the principals back as their eyes flashed green.

“The band going on to the next part of the battle of the bands is the Rainbooms!” Principal Celestia announced as Trixie gasped angrily.

“What!?” Trixie exclaimed and glared at us. “This isn’t over Rainbooms!” She threw down something and a cloud of smoke made us all cough as Trixie disappeared.

“She’s gone!” Pinkie gasped and sighed. “There she is!” Trixie groaned and took off running from behind her hiding spit.

“We’re really looking forward to the next part of the competition Rainbooms,” Adagio smirked as she placed her hands on her hips.

“Yeah well not as much as we are!” Rainbow shouted as everyone started booing us out of the gym.

Well, this fucking blows.

I yawned and laid on my back as I stared at the ceiling of the stage. Rainbow rammed into the door for the nineteenth time at least and groaned, rubbing her shoulder.

“Give it up Dash. Ya’ve been at it for hours. It ain’t openin.”

We had been trapped down here by shocker, Trixie and her little gang of miscreants. And she couldn’t even pull the lever herself. She had Fuchsia Blush do it. I only knew her and Lavender Laces names because I broke up the trio in freshman year.

“I don’t know what went wrong. How could I fail like this?” Twilight muttered to herself as she hugged her legs. I almost felt a pang of sympathy for her. Almost. “Maybe it doesn’t matter that we’re trapped down here. The counterspell probably wouldn’t have worked anyway.”

“Of course it woulda! Provided a certain band member didn’t hog the spotlight the whole time we were tryin to play it!” Applejack shouted and glared at Rainbow as I sighed.

“Hey if you want to tell Twilight she’s getting a bit too caught up trying to be the new leader of the band, you don’t have to be all cryptic about it.”

“Do you hear yourself when you speak?” I muttered under my breath and rolled my eyes.

“She was talking about you Rainbow Dash!”

“Me?” Rainbow asked incredulously. “I’m just trying to make sure my band rocks as hard as it needs to!”

“Our band!”

“It mighta been your idea to start a band but it ain’t just your band!” Applejack grumbled and pressed a finger against Rainbows chest.

“I write all the songs!”

“I write songs! You just never let us play them!” Fluttershy shouted and glared at the rainbow haired girl. Now this should get interesting, the shy girl starting to get mad? If Discord wasn’t trapped in stone back home, he’d be having a field day with this.

“I wish I never asked you to be in my band!”

“I wish I never agreed to be in it!”

“Me neither!” Fluttershy and Applejack said in unison.

“Hey!” Pinkie shouted as I jumped slightly. She had a weird ability of appearing out of nowhere. “You remember fun? It’s the opposite of being in the Rainbooms!”

I raised an eyebrow as they continued arguing and a weird green smoke started trailing out of them and up through the ceiling. I glanced back at Twilight who was rocking herself back and forth.

I rolled my eyes as I pushed my self up. Typical of the Equestrian Princesses. They have an uncanny ability of being utterly useless at the worst times.

“Stop! You have to stop!” I exclaimed as they all looked at me. “This is what they’re after. The magic inside you.”

“But how? It’s the magic of friendship!”

“Seriously?” I scoffed and raised an eyebrow. “This whole time you’ve been letting little things get in the way. I didn’t say anything because it wasn’t my place but well my first true friend gave me a verbal beating I needed.”

“I can’t believe all this tension was happening right under my nose this whole time and I didn’t see it,” Twilight admitted as she stood next to me.

“Maybe we aren’t supposed to have all the answers all the time,” I smirked faintly and shrugged. “Celestia knows I don’t.”

“So what now?” Fluttershy asked quietly as they looked at me.

“Don’t look at me. I’m just the she demon,” I grumbled and stepped back. Fluttershy opened her mouth and closed as Rainbow sighed.

“We play the counterspell, free the others and make it up to Sunset. Somehow.”

“We’re getting the band back together?” Pinkie asked excitedly as she started vibrating on the floor.

“We’re getting our band back together,” Rainbow corrected with a smug grin.

“Woohoo!” Pinkie screamed and started bouncing off the walls literally as I ducked to avoid catching a pink body to the face.

“And I know just the song,” Rainbow announced as we gave her unamused looks. “Fluttershy here has written a really good one.”

“We’re about to save the world. Personally ah think we should do it in style,” Applejack smirked and nodded at Rarity. “Rarity?”

“I thought you’d never ask!”

“Lets get out of here first, then change!” Rainbow announced and we all pressed our shoulders against the door till it opened and we all fell backwards.

“There you guys are. Had to find someone who wasn’t under their spell,” Spike said as he waved a paw. Vinyl stepped forward and waved as we grinned at each other.

“Why isn’t she under the spell?” Twilight asked curiously. “She was being friendly to Sunset earlier. I should have seen something was different.”

“Never takes off her headphones.”

“Vinyl thank the stars!” I exclaimed as I froze with my arms extended. “Right, hugs aren’t a thing you like.”

“I think this would be considered an exception,” Vinyl snickered as she hugged me. “Now come on, you have an ass kicking to give.”

I gave a nod as I followed her out. It felt nice to have an actual friend.

Chapter III

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I shuddered slightly as I stepped out in the cold and shoved my hands in my coat pockets.

“What now?” Fluttershy asked and I looked to Twilight.

“You girls go find a place to set up and I’ll be back,” Vinyl answered and pointed to a small mound in hearing distance of the school. “They should be able to hear you up there.”

“Okay,” Rainbow gave a thumbs as I inhaled and started running with them, only stopping to pick up Spike.

“Feel the wave of sound as it crashes down,” the three Sirens sang as I nervously watched with the others.

“How exactly do we get heard over them up here?” Rainbow asked and I gave a startled look when I realized they were all looking at me.

“Why are you all looking at me?” I asked cautiously as Rainbow scoffed.

“Vinyl is your friend. You would know best,” Rainbow answered as a car horn came behind us and we all looked back to see a white car with Vinyl smirking slightly as she pressed a button and the car pretty much transformed into a mobile dj booth. “Alright!”

“That’s actually pretty sick,” I admitted as I stepped back to keep Spike at a safeish distance.

“You can’t turn away, we’ll make you wanna stay,” the Sirens continued as they each glowed red. “We will be adored, tell us that you want us. We won’t be ignored. It’s time for our reward. Now you need us. Come and heed us. Nothing can stop us now!”

“I’ve got the music in me, don’t need to hear a crowd cheering out my name. I didn’t come here seeking infamy or fame. The one and only thing that I am here to bring is music, is the music, is the music in my soul,” I listened to the others sing as I leaned against Vinyls car. I will admit, they always sounded decent. “Gonna break out set myself free, yeah. Let it all go Just let it be, yeah. Find the music in your heart. Let the music make you start. To set yourself apart.”

I watched Adagio say something to the other two as they glared up at us and I gulped slightly.

“What we have in store. All we want and more. We will break on through. Now it’s time to finish you!”

I stared in fear at the three shark looking things as I gripped Spike tighter and even Vinyl looked afraid.

I stepped back again as Twilight and the others fell as Spike growled.

“Sunset, we need you!” Twilight shouted and I gave a startled.

“Why me?” I asked uncertaintly. “I don’t know anything about that!”

“Just shut up and go do something,” Rainbow snapped as Vinyl nodded. “Please?”

I inhaled and nodded as I stepped forward and picked up the microphone that had rolled against my boot, dropping my jacket as Vinyl gave a thumbs up.

“You’re never gonna bring me down. You’re never gonna break this part of me. My friends are here to bring me ‘round. Not singing just for popularity,” I sung and helped Twilight up.

“We’re here to let you know that we won’t let it go. Our music is a bomb and it’s about to blow. And you can try to fight but we have got the light of friendship on our side,” Twilight chimed in as I levitated in the air and glowed a bright red as the others smiled up at me and covered their eyes as the hill was painted in a red glow. My hair grew longer as I gave a smug grin and placed a hand on my hip.

“Got the music in our hearts we’re here to blow this thing apart. And together we will never be afraid of the dark. Here to sing our song out loud. Get you dancing with the crowd as the music of our friendship survives. Got the music in our hearts. We’re here to blow this thing apart and together we will never be afraid of the dark. Here to sing our song out loud, get you dancing with the crowd. As the music of our friendship survives.”

I watched in stunned silence as a giant looking Celestia shattered the sirens gems.

“Hey Sunset!” Rainbow called out as I turned around to see her and Scootaloo running up to me. It had been about three months since the battle of the bands and I’d been pretty much widely accepted into the school.

Rainbow even asked me to join their band surprisingly as a guitarist.

“Hey what’s up?” I asked as I fist bumped the two.

“Nothing really. Just headed out to play some soccer,” Scootaloo answered as she bounced the ball up and down. “Wanna join us again? You can be goalie.”

“I’d love to but Applejack and Fluttershy are helping me move out of my abandoned little shack I reside in,” I answered as they both looked away. “Thanks for the offer though.”

“Still a bit miffed you never asked us for help in the first place. We would have helped you,” Rainbow snorted as she and Scootaloo seemed to have an silent conversation based on eyes.

“Let’s go,” Scootaloo shrugged. “Where’s your shack at?”

“Third and Forth Avenue, why?”

“We’re gonna help you move duh. Soccer can always be played later,” Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “I’ll text Sweetie and Bloom if they aren’t there already.”

“Really?” I asked in surprise. I knew how important soccer was to the two and I didn’t wanna steal them away from practicing.

“Yeah really,” Rainbow chuckled as she wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “You’re smart but right now, you’re acting like an idiot. Bring back egg head Sunset.”

“I’m no egghead!” I snapped in mock anger and shoved her arm off playfully. “At least I pass my tests. I’ll tackle you if you call me that again.”

“She got you there,” Scootaloo grinned wickedly at Rainbow.

“Don’t side against me,” Rainbow grumbled and grinned. “Gotta catch me first though!”

Rainbow took off running out the doors and with a faint smile, I chased after her as I waved at Vinyl and Octavia walking to their car.

The two waved back eagerly and laughed as I chased Rainbow around the yard as Rainbow easily outran me after a few minutes.

I’m gonna be faster than her one day damn it.