Big House, Lonely Mare

by DrySpell

First published

Recently, Rainbow Dash has been spending a lot of time in Cloudsdale thanks to her work as a Wonderbolt. To dodge some embarassing trips home, she often stops by Mrs. Shy's house. She's had a problem for a while. Unknowingly, Dash has the answer.

With her children both out of the house and her husband on frequent trips, Posey Shy is often alone in her home. She's more than thankful for the peace and quiet, but there's always been a little persistent problem that's bugged her over the years. Even in her older age, her libido never waned. From three to thirteen inches, nothing she can find is enough to fully satisfy her for long.

Lately, Rainbow Dash has eased the old mare's loneliness with her frequent visits. With that problem out of the way, Posey wonders if the relatively youthful Wonderbolt could solve another little problem of hers as well.

Art by PyroPK (3118413)

Contains: Are you aware that Posey Shy only has 38 tagged stories on this site? That is nuts to me considering Fluttershy is the 9th highest on the site, just recently breaking 10k. Posey is just milf Fluttershy, people! OPEN YOUR EYES TO THE TRUTH!

Actually Contains: Futas, MILFs, and fucking your best friend's mom

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Posey's Not So Shy

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Nobody expected someone as rambunctious as Rainbow Dash to take retirement so well. Then again, what she called "retirement" was a far cry from an average mare's.

Part of it had to do with the fact that she kept up her Wonderbolt duties. It had been her childhood dream, after all. It would take an act of God to pull her from the skies. The excited mare had exclaimed so herself. And so, even as she got older and moved up the ranks, she kept on flying with the best of them.

Of course, this meant that she spent plenty of time in her hometown. Cloudsdale was great for someone as laid back as Dash was. It had plenty of places to fly and nap, her two favorite pastimes, even in her older age. It was also just a short flight away from Ponyville and Canterlot. Meeting her friends was trivial for the fastest pony alive.

Still, being in Cloudsdale all the time meant that her parents were expecting her to visit often. There were only so many times a mare could see embarrassing photos of herself all over the walls. Thankfully, just a short flight away, there was a good excuse to get out of such awkward visits.

“Rainbow, dear… is something troubling you?” Dash left her thoughts and opened her eyes. A bit away from her sat a mare with a worried expression behind a pair of big, blue eyeglasses. In her hands was a cup full of steaming tea she served to them both. Dash put on a friendly smile.

“Nope! Just thinking about random stuff.” Dash took a sip of her cooling drink, then sat it down on the table in front of her. “No need to worry about me, Mrs. Shy!” The older mare’s expression quickly changed to one of relief, putting both at ease. She also took a sip of her drink before sighing.

“You can call me Posey, honey. ‘Mrs. Shy’ just makes me feel so ancient.” Her smile was light and delicate, like a mare half her age. In fact, her entire body didn’t reflect her age much at all. Other than a few lines along her face, she didn’t look a day over 30. “Speaking of Shy… how is my daughter doing? She rarely finds the time to visit these days.”

‘Oh, she’s fine. I just saw her the other day.” The irony of the situation wasn’t lost on Dash. It seemed like every parent wanted to see their children more. She closed her eyes and made a mental note to swing by her parent’s place after this. “If I get the chance, I’ll tell her you miss her.”

“Oh, it’s nothing that serious,” said Posey with a quick wave. “I know how busy she can get these days. I wouldn’t want to be a bother.” She looked down at her tea and took another sip. “But… I am a bit anxious about something.”

“What’s that?” asked Dash, an eyebrow raised. Posey looked down at her tea in silence, brooding for a couple of moments. Once she was ready to speak, she looked up.

“To be frank, I worry about her sex life.” Dash nearly choked on the tea she was about to drink. Once she stabilized herself, she looked at Posey, wondering if she’d heard her right. “She has her own circumstances, so I hope she's doing well. The only mare I know she's slept with isn't exactly... right for her.”

“O-Oh...” Dash went for the drink she missed earlier. In all her time with Posey, she’d never been so direct about something so crass. Talking about sex so openly seemed wrong somehow. Besides, she purposely kept her nose out of her friend's sex life. “She’ll be fine. She’s um… very pure.”

“Well, what about you, dear?” asked Posey. “Surely you’ve seen your fair share of action beneath the covers.”

“Haha… who knows?” Dash averted her eyes. She'd never had to navigate such a difficult conversation before. It's not like she could get much experience talking with her best friend’s mom about how much she liked to fuck. She went to take another sip of her drink to fill the awkward silence but found the cup empty. Instead, she idly tapped her thigh. “S-So about this weather—”

“Oh, no need to be so modest,” said Posey with a lighthearted chuckle. “Someone as nice and beautiful as you has probably brought plenty of ponies to their knees.” She put a hand on her cheek. “You’re so energetic, too. I bet you could go on for hours—”

The sharp sound of a bell rang through the house. The timing was so perfect that Dash thought she might’ve imagined it. But, by the excited look on Posey’s face, it was real. She got up from her seat and headed to the door. While her back was turned, Dash took a deep breath to reset her mental state. Posey returned only a few moments later holding a long box.

“Oh, a package?” asked Dash, desperate to switch topics. Anything would be better than what they came from. “What did you order?” Posey paused, then looked up at Dash with an odd expression. She seemed cautious like she was thinking of exactly what to say.

“Just some clothes,” she answered. Her long pause made Dash curious, but she decided to keep quiet. “Honestly, I'm not very confident in them. It's not something an old mare like me should be wearing. A much younger mare like yourself might enjoy it.”

“Oh, c'mon. You're not that old,” said Dash with a wide grin. Posey’s eyes went wide and the faint tinge of red flashed across her cheeks. Shuffling in place for a bit, she held the package close to her chest.

“Rainbow, dear… could you do me a favor?” Once Dash showed interest with a raised eyebrow, Posey continued. “Could you give me your thoughts on this outfit? I trust your sense.”

“Oh, that?” asked Dash. She nodded, then crossed her arms behind her head, lounging on the couch. “I don’t mind. Not like I’ve got much to do today, anyway.” Dash couldn’t help but notice the excitement behind Posey’s eyes. Like her daughter, she made a cute sound of delight before turning on her heel and heading deeper into the house. Dash watched her go, still more than a bit curious about where this whole thing was going.

But for now, she’d have to wait. And she did.

As the minutes ticked down without so much as a peep from Posey, Dash began to get a bit worried. She stayed idle for some time, but with each passing moment, her curiosity mounted. Just as she was about to stand up and head to the back, she heard the creak of the floorboards from behind the corner.

“Dashie, dear?” called Posey. The footsteps stopped just before the corner. “Are you ready?” Dash chuckled.

“Ready as I’ll ever be!” Dash guessed that it must’ve been a hell of an outfit if she needed to prepare for it. With her expectations climbing higher, she continued. “I’m sure that whatever you bought looks great on you.”

Behind the corner, Posey took a long, deep breath. With a confidence unlike her, she strutted forward and out into Dash’s line of sight. She approached Dash on the couch like a runway model, stopping just outside of arm's reach.

“So?” she asked with a playful smile. “What do you think?”

Tits.” That was Dash's first thought. Of course, that’s not what she said. What came out instead was a groan of mixed confusion and arousal.

In front of her was her best friend’s mother. All her life she’d seen her as a quiet, reserved, mature mare who enjoyed tea and gardening. If the conversation from earlier had shaken that belief, the figure in front of her shattered it.

The reason Dash thought of tits is because Posey’s were all out. Cradled in something she hesitated to call a bra, her breasts sat in high-quality black lace. Her thick nipples and pink areola popped out of generous cutouts like bright red targets.

Dash had never noticed it before, but they were hefty. Each one was the size of a watermelon, maybe larger. She could tell the fabric was holding on for dear life trying to keep those puppies up. The bra must have been custom-made.

But even that wasn’t the most egregious part of her attire. Posey was a bit on the pudgy side, but it all went to the right places. Her thighs and butt were wide and jiggled with her steps. The second part of her lingerie covered her bottom half. A garter belt connected to long black stockings. Yet, just like her bra, she was missing something to cover her important bits. Dash was free to gaze at her neatly shaven pussy poking just outside of the fabric.

Speaking of fabric, a disturbing sensation began to rise from Dash’s lower stomach. She quickly averted her eyes from Posey’s figure, but that did little to slow it down. Underneath her jeans, her cock sprouted from her sheath like a snake from a cave.

“Rainbow?” Dash sensed her worry, though she wasn’t looking at her face. The contrast of her motherly concern and her slutty attire gave Dash whiplash. “Oh my… I guess this really isn’t good for me.”

“No, no, i-it’s nice?” Dash continued to keep her eyes on everything but Posey. She covered her face with her palm and continued. “It’s just a bit… extreme, I guess is how I’d put it.” Finally mustered enough courage, she looked up at Posey, focusing only on her face. “I’m sure Mr. Shy would love it!”

Posey’s eyes went wide and she blinked a few times. She frowned, then tapped her cheek in thought.

“Ah... I suppose I haven’t been as direct as I should have been.” Confusion struck Dash again. Like before, she didn’t have to wait long for a surprising answer. “Dash… this isn’t for my husband.”

With two careful steps, Posey stood above the seated mare. A single, practiced motion brought her to her knees right in front of Dash. The erection she tried her hardest to suppress had already gotten out of control. As Posey put her soft hand over the bulge in Dash’s pants, it reacted with a violent throb. Even in her pants, she could feel the warm goo begin to drip out.

“It’s quite lonely up here, you know. Breezy is always out on one of his business trips, so it's hard for a mare to get a little relief.” Dash watched in awe as Posey worked her quick fingers to unfasten her jeans and pull down the zipper. Before she could blink, she was nearly through pulling her boxers off. “The toys kept me at bay, but they’ve got nothing on the real deal…”

Finally, she pulled Dash’s dick free from its constraints. It flopped out at half chub, as thick and long as Posey’s forearm. From the way it twitched, it still had a bit more to grow. Without a moment’s hesitation, she lifted the hefty log up in her hands and opened her mouth.

“Wait a sec! W-Woah…” Dash had never seen someone disregard their gag reflex so easily. She devoured Dash with little effort, hilting her cock against her soft lips. The tip of her cock had to be dangling near the end of her esophagus at this point. Her tongue flicked back and forth along her shaft with such speed, it felt like there were two of them. She slurped the shaft like a thick popsicle, relishing in the salty precum spewing from the tip. “H-Hold on! Posey!”

She looked up at Dash, then pulled back just as quickly as she went in. The entire shaft was covered with slick, sticky saliva dripping onto the wood floor. A jet of precum gushed from her tip, staining her glasses with the sticky, clear liquid.

“Hm?” she hummed, cheeks a new shade of rosy pink. She looked like she’d taken a nice sip of some fine wine. Even as she rested, her fingers crept back inside of her boxers and hauled her thick balls out to play. She caressed one in each hand, enjoying each of the contractions her massage brought out of them. “Sorry, dear. I got a bit carried away. The smell... the taste... Hmm...”

“L-Look, I’m really flattered but this isn’t gonna work,” said Dash with a firm glare. Even as she talked, Posey was working. Her red lipstick left dark stains on her shaft as she kissed it up and down. Though her lower head was loving the care, Rainbow didn’t budge. “There’s no way I can fuck my best friend’s mom. That’s like... the number one violation of the bro code!”

“Oh, Goodness. I didn’t know it was anything so grand. But…” Dash knew that tone as soon as she started. It took a grip on her heart and wouldn’t let go until it got what she wanted. Fluttershy would use this all the time. For things less sexual, of course. Now Dash knew where Fluttershy had gotten it from. With a subtle look up that would steal any mare’s heart, Dash could feel her control of the situation slipping. “It’s been such a long while since I’ve had some real company. Can't you can grant an old mare’s wish just this once?”

“Fluttershy would kill me if she found out,” said Dash. Her last Hail Mary attempt at reasoning with her seemed to do the trick. She stopped for a few moments, giving Dash some relief. But as she let her guard down, Posey dove in, aiming for her balls. She used her tongue to scoop one up and took it into her mouth. Dash twitched as another jet of precum shot out of her and onto the floor. “Oh, fuck. That’s not fair…”

Despite her objections, Dash found her hand on Posey’s head. She suckled her sack like a lollipop for a bit longer before retreating back to the tip. The two met gazes and Dash finally conceded. She circled her head with her tongue before diving back in like she did before. Even after preparing herself, Dash tensed up right from the start.

And Posey intended to keep her on her toes. Without much input from Dash at all, she began bobbing up and down her shaft wildly. The loud sounds of sucking and slurping filled the peaceful house. It was almost every second that Posey’s muzzle brushed up against Dash’s lower stomach. Her glasses slipped further down her muzzle, quickly becoming displaced and crooked. Even for the fastest mare alive, her speed was something to envy.

“G-Geez, Posey…” Dash instinctively grabbed a headful of hair. Below, she hummed with delight, never stopping for a moment. “It's rich coming from me but… hmph… it’s not a race you know?”

Despite Dash’s words, Posey kept up the pace without pause. Her technique was no slouch either. Every time she pulled back, her tongue would lick her head clean before plunging back in. Whenever her cock reached the deepest point in her throat, she would squeeze down as much as possible. The grip on her dick was immaculate. Not to mention just how wet and warm it felt inside.

“That’s it… right there.” Dash leaned her head back and let out a long sigh. Any trace of Posey’s elegant or reserved nature had gone out of the window. Saliva, tears, and precum had made a mess of her face. Dash grinned and squeezed Posey a little more. “You look so damn sexy right now.” Again, Posey reacted favorably, deciding to introduce her hands to the mix.

She pumped at the base of her cock, egging her on with short, powerful tugs. It felt like she was coaxing her balls into sending up a mighty thick load. The way Dash squeezed and twitched proved it was working. With a tight squeeze and a sharp dive, Posey stuffed as much of Dash's meat inside her as possible. Her reward was a volley of cum springing out from the tip, rushing down Posey’s throat.

Dash grunted and leaned forward, letting the cum spurt out with reckless abandon. It was much too tight at the bottom of Posey’s throat, so the cum quickly bubbled back up to her mouth. Before long, a thick jet spilled from her mouth, followed by another. Lines of spunk rolled down her chin and dripped onto her breasts, staining the lingerie.

Once the last beads of her seed dribbled out of her, Dash pushed Posey away from her, giving her enough air to breathe. With deep, heavy breaths, Posey pulled the messy, thrumming shaft from her throat. It flopped onto her muzzle, almost steaming with fresh hot spunk.

Posey looked up at Dash. If she took a sip of wine before, she was full-on drunk now. With glazed eyes, the parts of her face that weren't covered in white splooge were as red as her hair. She swallowed hard, then opened her mouth wide. The massive load was all but gone in one fell swoop. After taking a deep breath, she spent no time waiting to start kissing the shaft again.

Man, Dash wanted to fuck the shit out of her.

But that wouldn’t be right. A blowjob is one thing. Rearranging her guts was something completely different.

While Dash was resolving herself in silence, Posey shakily got to her feet. She fixed her glasses, wiped the mess away from her mouth, and slowly licked it from her fingers. Even after sucking her soul out of Dash’s body, her smile was still as gentle and genuine as ever.


“Oh? Are you okay?” Dash snapped out of her brooding mood and turned her head up. Posey’s worried expression was waiting for her. She quickly switched her frown to a smile.

“N-No need to worry about me!” Dash quickly shot up to her feet, realizing how much of a mess she’d made down below. Cum had dribbled down her pants and her balls, leaving everything stained. She groaned, then pulled at the hem of her pants. “Ugh… this sucks.”

“Oh no... Sorry, sweetie, that's my fault.” With a sigh, Posey put a hand on her cheek. “If I had just held everything in, this wouldn’t have been a problem.”

“It’s not your fault! I blew way too much there,” exclaimed Dash. Posey’s expression became complicated to read. She was smiling, but it looked more devious than friendly.

“It looks like we both need to clean up.” Posey turned around, giving Dash a full view of her backside. “The tub is big enough for two… care to join me?”

Even Dash knew that accepting that offer was a really bad idea. Then again... she had plenty of self-control. And it’s not like she could leave out in broad daylight with jizz all over her clothes. A shower would do her well...

After a sharp deep breath and a light smack on her face, Dash finally found her resolve.

“Alright… but only a quick shower!” Posey’s eyes lit up like jewels. She and her daughter were so alike. Feeling a little bit defeated, Dash followed behind Posey as she walked deeper into the house.

Even though it was a short walk down a straight hallway, Dash felt like it was an eternity. She’d gotten a good look at Posey’s ass before, but seeing her walk was a different beast. Posey’s was nice and bouncy, looking as soft as marshmallows. Her desire to just reach out and grab a handful couldn't be more obvious considering she was exposed.

They reached the bathroom shortly after. Like Posey said, the room was large enough for several pegasi to move around. Across from the back wall, was a sparkling clean white tub attached to a faucet and showerhead. To the left was the sink and a large mirror. To the right, the toilet. A standard bathroom you could find anywhere.

“Now... let’s get you out of those clothes.” Before Dash could return her focus to Posey, she was already pressed up against her. Her quick fingers returned, almost removing Dash’s clothes before she had a chance to make a peep. Dash pulled through, revealing her tank top underneath. Posey’s hands gilded over her stomach, rubbing the ridges of her well-defined abs. “My… you’ve kept yourself in shape, I see.”

“Yup!” replied Dash with beaming pride. She raised her arm and flexed, her bicep flaring up. Judging by Posey’s impressed hum, it had the intended effect. “We Wonderbolts gotta keep in good shape.”

“I envy you…” With her free hand, Posey grabbed hold of her doughy belly and squeezed. It reacted as she expected. “Maybe I should have kept away from those treats. I wouldn’t be as flabby if I were.”

“Nah, I wouldn’t call you flabby. You’re fine,” said Dash with a confident smile. Despite this, Posey didn’t seem convinced. With a speed unlike a mare her age, she spun on her heel and pressed herself against Dash’s body. Her tail eagerly brushed against Dash’s stomach and chest. Taking advantage of Dash’s confusion, she led her hands to her breasts. Posey peeked back with a sultry glare.

“Aren't you just saying that?” Posey placed her hands over Dash’s, egging them to press deeper. Even over her bra, Dash could tell just how pillowy soft Posey’s breasts were. As subtle as she could, Posey pulled Dash to the exposed parts, letting her rough fingers rub her big areola. Dash poked her nipples with her index, pulling a soft moan out of the older mare. “W-Well? What do you think?”

“They’re nice…” Dash circled the soft nubs watching them twitch and dance in time with Posey’s breaths. Posey chuckled once Dash made her pleasure known down by her ass. She ground against her, succeeding in riling her up even further. That self-control of hers would need to come in clutch pretty soon. “Posey…”

“What’s the matter?” she asked innocently. “This isn’t sex, is it?” She led her hands further down, to the front clasp of her bra. “Help me out of this?”

“Hmm…” Dash idled for a bit, then obliged. It was a simple mechanism and was easy enough to peel away from her chest. Once the large, warm lace hit the ground, Dash wasted no time getting two big handfuls of her boobs. Posey yelped in surprise but began purring as Dash kneaded her into submission. Just as she expected, her fingers sunk into them like putty, and jiggled when she let go.

Dash had realized she was right. This wasn’t technically sex, so it should be alright. As long as didn't go further, there would be no crisis. Besides... with udders this massive, it would be a crime to not at least cop a feel.

“Ah… You’re so rough…” She leaned into Dash as she played around with her. Her bare tits were as soft as silk and spongy to boot. If she squeezed hard enough, she might have lost her hand in them. "G-Go on, sweetie. Enjoy yourself..."

On one side, she focused on her nipple, pinching, pulling, and caressing it as much as it would let her. With them being the size of strawberries, she had plenty to play with. Stretching her boobs out just to watch them jiggle back into place was addicting.

Her other hand was taking in the sheer size and weight of her bust. She squished and kneaded it like a fine dough, making sure not to miss a single spot. Weighing it in her palm, it was like hoisting a filled water balloon. And just like a balloon, the mass spilled over her fingers.

While she was playing up front, she leaned down and planted quick smooches on Posey’s neck and shoulder. Dash had been with many mares before now. She guessed that treating Posey like a queen would be the way to go. Considering how much she seemed to be enjoying it, she knew she’d made the right call.

After plenty of foreplay, her dick was finally ready to return to the mix. Slipping right between her big, soft thighs seemed perfect. It was so neat and snug, it was almost like it was meant to be there. Posey pinched down on it, giving her a nice tight squeeze. After only a few pumps, Posey’s sopping wet pussy left is slick with her juices.

Dash was so glad that this wasn't sex.

“M-My,” hummed Posey. She let out a long sigh before she continued. Reaching down, she grabbed hold of Dash’s cock from the tip. She peeked back and looked into Dash’s eyes. Her overwhelming passion was more than clear from just a glance. “I want you inside me…”

“Nope. No can do,” Dash responded simply. “Bro code and all that.”

“I don’t think Fluttershy would mind,” she moaned.

“I do think she would mind, though.” Posey huffed in disappointment. It wasn’t like Dash wanted to stop here either. If she could, she’d bend her over and fuck until the sun fell in the sky. But for her, there were just certain things you don't do.

“Why don’t we just ask her?” asked Posey. The question confused Dash until she realized what she had in her hand. While she was busy tending to Posey’s body, she slipped her hands into Dash’s pocket and pulled out her cell phone. She’d already navigated through it and hovered over the call button for Fluttershy. Even if she stopped her now, she wasn’t sure she could stop the call from going through.

The phone rang a few times before the call connected. There was a little silence followed by a small, cute yawn. Dash froze in her tracks as Posey lifted the phone up and back, handing it over to her.

“Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy’s voice came through just as she took it from Posey. “What nice timing. I was just waking up from a wonderful nap.”

“Hey, Shy!” Dash tried to sound as natural as possible, but she could tell she was a bit nervous. It didn’t help that Posey had begun to work on her own, shoving her ass backward and into her hips. Squeezed between her wet pussy and two soft thighs, Dash wouldn't last very long. “S-So, I wanted to run a quick hypothetical by you real quick.”

“Oh. Okay?” Dash tried to use her free hand to pause Posey’s movement, but it simply wouldn’t work, no matter what angle she tried. Instead, she rested her hand on Posey’s belly while she worked.

“If you had a really good friend, right? L-Like a really really good friend. You've been through it all together and saved the world a couple of times. Y'know, nothing too crazy." Posey looked back with a pout. She chuckled a bit before swallowing hard. "So if someone like that were to um... sleep with your mom. Would you be okay with that?"

“Oh..." murmured Fluttershy. "Are you asking for my permission to...?”

“No, no! Of course not!” She had no response to such a straightforward question. The best she could hope for was denial. “I’d never do that to you!”

“Well... I thought you already did?” Fluttershy hummed like she’d just asked the most natural question in the world. “You've been visiting mom for a while now. I just thought that... you know.”

“Oh.” Without even trying to hide her bewilderment, she looked down at Posey. "So if that friend was about to do it right now, then...? Fluttershy chuckled on the other end of the phone.

“I appreciate calling me to let me know, but... you didn't need to.” There was a small creak of a bed followed by another short yawn. “Go ahead. Mom would like it too. She has… a lot of big dildos in her closet.”

“Uh, yeah.” Dash’s free hand pinched Posey’s nipple again, and she let out a small moan. “Sorry, Shy, um… something just came up, so I’ll call you later.”

“Mhm,” she murmured. “Have fun.” Dash pulled the phone from her head and quickly hung up the call. After leaving it on the side of the sink, Posey and Dash met gazes once again.

“Now that we’ve worked up a sweat... let's use the shower.” Posey spread her legs enough to detach herself from Dash’s erection. Her thighs were slick and sticky with her arousal dripping down them. She reached into the bathtub and turned on the faucet, then the shower soon after. Next, she turned back to Dash, sitting on the edge of the tub. Raising her legs up slightly, she beckoned Dash closer. “Could you be a dear and help me out of these?”

Without a word, Dash obliged. She bent down and examined the garter belt once again. The straps sunk into her thighs, holding her tight. The mechanism was undone with a simple clasp, and Dash moved onto the stockings. Slipping a finger past, she peeled them off of her, revealing the silky smooth skin underneath. She ran her fingers down her thighs as she worked on the other side, eventually getting her fully naked. It wasn’t too shocking to her now, but something about seeing the mare in full nude was enticing.

Posey checked the water temperature as Dash finally slipped out of her pants and boxers. Her shirt was the last to go, revealing the six-pack abdomen Posey mentioned earlier. She even reached out and ran her hand down them again before getting to her feet.

Stepping into the tub and under the stream of water, the curls and bobs of her hair became undone with ease. Water rushed down her face, breasts, stomach, and legs, washing away the mess from before. With her hair down and wet, she turned to Dash with a seductive peer. A wave of her hand was all she needed to egg Dash to join her.

She stepped in behind Posey, feeling the warm dots of water splashing off of her. Like before, her tail flicked with excitement as Dash took a place behind her. With one hand, she grabbed it at the base, tugging on it to keep it nice and still. With the other, she spread her bountiful ass wide, revealing exactly what she had to work with.

“Damn, you're gushing. You must want this bad, huh?” Instead of a word, she purred in agreement. As Dash stepped in, Posey leaned forward, pressing her hands on the tiles of the bathroom wall. The warmth of Posey’s pussy soothed Dash as she pressed her flared tip to it. She gripped her tail tight and pulled her in, much to Posey’s surprise. She slipped off course a few times but jammed it into place before long.

“Oh goodness…” Posey breath was shaky. With a battering ram like Dash's knocking at her front door, it was obvious why. “Go on, honey. Put it in…”

Needing no more instruction, Dash moved her hips forward and broke through in a single motion. With a half gasp, half yelp, the girth of her shaft began to spread her wide open. Slick from Posey’s arousal, she pushed through with a stern grunt. Like a thick wool blanket in the winter, warmth swaddled her cock in a tight embrace. A thick squelch marked the end of her pussy, along with a long, deep breath.

“W-Wow…” said Posey. Her voice was high and flighty. Despite the hot water pouring down her back, she was shivering. “Oh m-my… you’re so much b-bigger than my toys.” Dash hummed, then pulled back a bit. A short pullback preceded a sharp jab forward with another yelp. “Goodness me…”

“I'm surprised it all fit.” Dash chuckled, then continued with another small pump. Posey’s reaction was much more tempered this time. “Most other mares need to take it in parts.”

“O-Oh, the size is fine. When you get to be my age, those small little things c-can't please me.” Dash began to move at a steady speed. Posey seemed convinced that she could take it, but Dash was still skeptical. She didn’t want to tear the poor old mare apart. Each time she bumped against her back, Posey would give her a nice squeeze right on her tip. Like a little smooch in farewell. Pulling back always felt like a struggle. “But nothing has ever felt this… hmm… spry…!”

Dash knew exactly what she meant. Dildos could give you the length, but nothing could replace the throb of a dick inside of her. Letting her tail go, Dash used her now free hand to thumb at her ass. With ease, she broke past, wiggling inside of it before speeding up. Her balls swung with the new force, smacking against her thighs with hearty slaps.

As Posey absorbed more force, her body began to wobble. Her big ass rippled like still water disturbed by a pebble. Her tits rebounded off the tile wall in front of her with a small wet squish with each thrust.

“Fuck… you’re so sexy.” Dash instinctively reached up with her hand and brought it down on Posey's cheek. She shrieked in surprise and squeezed down hard on Dash's barreling cock. Dash felt a little guilty at first, but the look Posey gave her afterward was anything but angry.

"H-How wild." she moaned. Putting her hand on the opposite cheek, she gave herself a little spank. "Come, dear. S-Show me how wild you can be!"

Immediately, Dash sped up her thrusts, ramming through the mare from tip to base like a hammer. With the flat of her palm, she delivered another hearty strike to her ass, watching the ripples fade in time.

“Oh fuck...” grunted Dash. Her balls were clenching up. They were ready to dump everything at a moment's notice. Dash grabbed hold of Posey's wide, childbearing hips and gripped. "G-Get ready, Posey! You're gonna be leaking for days!"

Hah... hah!” Posey’s breath was hard and ragged. Reaching up, Dash slipped her finger into her mouth, pulling it open.

“Tell me how much you want it,” goaded Dash. She nibbled on Posey’s ear with her lips, pulling it to coax a response out of her. “Come on, say it.”

“Oh... Gods, yes…” Despite asking for it, Dash was still surprised to hear the words come out of Posey’s mouth. She peeked behind her, meeting Dash’s animalistic gaze. “I… I want it now!”

Happy to oblige, Dash thrust forward with more vigor than before. With a loud, moist squish, her balls hauled upward, churning thick globs of cum up and out of her shaft. Posey’s little pussy had little chance against such a wave, bursting out after only a few pumps of the warm seed.

"Yes...! Yes...!" Posey hummed as the jizz bubbled up inside her. The heat of the shower had nothing on the hefty puddles dripping out of her. "Oh, you s-stud! B-Breed me." Dash huffed with effort as she finally came down from her outburst. The cum that spurt from Posey's tight pussy splashed her legs and balls.

Finally buckling under the pressure, Posey’s legs gave out. Dash's strong grip was the only thing keeping her up. With a few more pumps, stuffing cum as deep as possible, she lowered her into the tub and let her rest on the floor. Standing up straight, the running water washed down the front of her body, wiping away the sweat and goo.

“W-Wow…” Posey lay slumped at Dash’s feet, breathing like she’d run a marathon. Semen seeped from her cunt like a nectar, pooling underneath her. Slowly, her twisted expression of pleasure returned to one of elegance. If she ignored everything else about her appearance, it was almost normal. After clearing her throat, she looked up at Dash with a kind smile. “That was… excellent, dear.”

“It was pretty awesome, yeah.” Dash narrowed her eyes at Posey, who looked back cautiously. She smirked, then reached down to help her up. “But.... we’re not done yet, are we?”

“Oh?” Posey took Dash’s hand and slowly got to her feet. Then, Like a viper, Dash snaked her arms underneath Posey’s thighs. She easily lifted her up and pinned her to the wall. Now, with her legs spread wide open, she hung in Dash's grip. “O-Oh my…”

“I want a taste of this.” Using her fingers, she spread Posey's other hole wide open. It tried to wink close, but Dash's strength wouldn't allow it. " You’ve been waving this ass in front of me for too long. And if my eyes serve me..."

Dash reached to the side, holding Posey with ease in one arm. She grabbed a large bottle someone might mistake for shampoo or something similar. But, a closer look at its label revealed its true purpose.

“You know, I don’t think many mares keep their lube out on full display like this.” Popping the top with one hand, she aimed it down at her cock. The cool, slippery liquid easily coated her already slick shaft. Well, nothing wrong with a little extra precaution. "If this is out on display... you must really like playing with yourself, huh?"

Dash put the bottle back and returned her hand to her ass. She lined her lubed-up tip right up against her slightly gaped asshole.

"Oh, d-dear..." murmured Posey. Dash, plunging in with one slick thrust. With her grunt and Posey’s flighty, excited moan, she chuckled. “Hmm... so thick... ”

“Every part of you is lewd, huh?" As Dash hilted her cock, she noticed a sizable bulge poking out from Posey’s belly. She pulled back and watched it disappear before thrusting in again. She was already dripping excess lube and precum onto the tub floor. “You're way less tight than normal. How often do you do butt stuff?” Posey’s face blushed red. It was interesting that this was more embarrassing to her than everything before it. She averted her eyes and murmured her response.

“Once or twice…” Dash pulled back and dove deep again, much to Posey’s delight. The force knocked her glasses crooked and her eyes rolled back. Dash plucked them off of her face, placing them on the side with the rest of the bath items.

“No need to lie,” said Dash. She moaned as Dash started her steady pace. “No mare’s taking dick like this without some real training.”

She leaned in and planted long, sloppy kisses on Posey’s upper chest and neck. The slippery hold her ass had on Dash put more pressure on Posey than before. The cum stuffed into her finally bubbled up to the surface as her cock squeezed her pussy tight.

“A… A few times,” she responded. “That’s my… t-third bottle this week.” Dash’s eyes widened and she looked over at the bottle.

“Damn, what a sex drive. I thought it went away when you got older.” She chuckled, then focused on Posey’s flustered expression. “I'll do my best to live up to your expectations.”

"Oh, sweetie," she moaned. "You already have..." Dash smirked, then began to lean into Posey. Without her glasses, she could barely guess what Dash was up to next. That's why, when their muzzles met, she was completely blindsided.

Even Dash's kiss was wild. Quickly, she entered Posey’s mouth traveling around it like a hound. Though she was frantic with her exploring, she took time to savor her subtle vanilla taste. Posey hummed, squeezing Dash tighter with each flick of her tongue.

While she was battling up top, her assault down below was just picking up. Despite her experience, she was still extremely tight. Pulling out was much more of an ordeal this time. Dash pushed her belly into her to get those extra inches in. This way, she could feel every pump as the bulge popped up.

Every time Dash pulled away, she would pound Posey’s ass before returning up top to lock tongues again. Posey moaned against Dash’s powerful lips, getting a quick breath in where she could. Finally pulling away for more than a few seconds, Dash looked over Posey, like a beast eyeing a meal. She licked her lips, a lion-like grin appearing on her face.

“I wanna make a fucking mess of you,” she grunted. “If you were single, I’d make you mine in a heartbeat.”

“N-Nonsense,” she said breathlessly. Dash upped the power, making the sway of her balls slap hard against her soft, squishy ass. Posey’s excited whines gave her some positive reinforcement. “You’re just flattering an old mare…”

“No way…” Again, Dash went in for a deep kiss. The sensation was intoxicating. “I’d never leave you alone. This big, dumpy ass would be sore from how much I'd fuck it.” Dash’s eyes widened, and she smirked in response. “You tightened up pretty hard there. You liked that?”

“I’d love that.” Her honesty was rewarded with a new vigorous pounding from Dash. She whimpered under the assault, curling her toes in response. Her moan was cut short by another tongue lashing from Dash. The throbbing and twitching of her cock inside her was more than enough warning for the old mare.

“Fuck… I can’t…!” With a final burst of endurance, she pistoned her ass like a machine. The soft doughy texture of Posey’s ass cushioned every deep blow to her ass.

“Dear…” Her voice was alluring, like the whispers of a master seductress. Her soft eyes, gentle lips, and kind expression dug deep into Dash’s chest and gripped her heart. “Make me yours. Please.”

Hmph!” Her final load was bigger and much hotter than the others. Her balls squeezed themselves as tight as possible to dump thick ropes of jizz inside her. Dash could almost hear the pumping as the seed traveled up her shaft. She clutched her soft skin tight, holding her close to keep everything inside.

For the first time, Posey took the initiative and stole Dash's lips. With a similar ferocity, she battled Dash's tongue again, eager to come out on top. She threw herself into Dash, hugging her tight and keeping her close.

Like before, Dash let Posey fall to her feet, then to the floor. Below her was a pool of seed leaking from both of her well-used holes. Above, the last lines of cum drooled from Dash’s cock, splattering against her stomach and chest. The water from the shower was still coming down behind her, but Dash had a better idea. Reaching down, she cupped Posey’s head and pulled her close.

“Can you clean me up?” Posey looked up with a soft glance, then down at the task in front of her. A mix of cum and her own arousal, she began licking the shaft like a small cat drinking milk. The vision of her best friend’s mother lapping up the cum she plugged her with was definitely something.

She let the water wash over her face, wiping the sweat away from it. The fatigue was setting in, but she could definitely still go. Looking back down, Posey’s eagerness to lick and kiss her twitching cock boded well for another round or two. Dash gently squeezed her head and pulled her in

“Hmm… That’s real nice...” Posey hummed in delight and Dash smirked. “We’re not done yet. We’ll clean up, then… I think I’d like to see the bedroom. Your pussy could use another turning out, right?” Posey pulled back with a wet kiss on a newly cleaned spot of Dash’s shaft. Again, her kind, elegant smile returned, despite her position.

“I look forward to it, dear.” She chuckled, then narrowed her eyes. Cupping her balls in one hand, she grinned. “Don’t worry. I can hold a lot more than this…”

After a few soft beeps of the dial tone, Fluttershy lowered her phone down to her lap. With a relaxed sigh, she leaned back and rested against her bed frame. The lingering effects of her nap left her eyelids heavy and her head hazy. Gently closing her eyes, she wondered if she should drift back to sleep.

“Getting some more shuteye?” Fluttershy’s eye twitched as the mare spoke. Opening them once again, she looked down at the speaker. “That’s fine of course. Don’t mind me!”

“Oh, that’s alright. I’ve had enough sleep for now.” Fluttershy's smile was kind and endearing. She reached down and placed her hand on the head of Windy Whistles, caressing it like a child’s. “Um… are we doing something wrong?”

“Whatever do you mean?” Fluttershy averted her eyes.


Despite her words, she pulled Windy in closer. She was happy to oblige, of course. She was already working on the throbbing cock somewhat hidden under the sheets.

Windy’s tongue work was magical. After a short phone call, Fluttershy could already feel herself getting close. Of course, Windy expected this. She never strayed too far from her twitching cockhead in case she missed it. Fluttershy had no doubt she'd be quick to take the load, though. She'd already taken two thick ones down below, dripping onto the sheets of the bed. “Dash might not like that we’re doing this… I mean, she wasn’t even having sex with Mom like I thought.”

“I can’t believe she didn’t take initiative!” scolded Windy. “Posey is such a wonderful mare! And you two have such wonderful cocks..." Windy seemingly lost herself as she stared at Fluttershy's shaft. She shook her head, then continued "It’d be a shame to keep them from the ones you love. I’m disappointed in her!” She pulled back and licked her lips clean. “But all’s well that ends well! If she wasn’t sleeping with Posey before, she is now.”

“I suppose so.” Windy chuckled, then grasped her twitch balls with her hand, firmly massaging them. Coaxing her orgasm closer was another one of Windy's many skills. “O-Oh my…”

“Now that you’ve had your nap… should we get back to it?” Fluttershy looked down at Windy, meeting her intense, sultry gaze. Windy had asked her a question, but it felt more like a command. She pulled her cock close to her cheek, using her soft silky skin to bring Fluttershy right to the edge. “Be a good girl and give me all that cum, okay?” Fluttershy hummed in surrender.

Silently, she hoped that Dash was having just as much fun as she was.