Attracted to Horses in Another World

by EroPony1000

First published

A human girl finds herself in a land of ponies, and gets really turned on.

A girl stumbles into Equestria through a portal and ends up stranded in the midst of the royal court. She can’t remember her name, but she is learning a lot about herself. For example: she is apparently quite the equine enthusiast, and also a bit of a perv.

Note: More chapters to come!

Security Breach

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Tumbling out of a portal came a girl with short blonde hair and a clean white dress. She ended up on her back with her legs over her head, her skirt shrouding her head and arms so that she looked a bit like a wilted flower.

Only her bottom half was visible above the petals, clothed in white panties and a solitary sandal, the other one tumbling after her to arrive just before the portal disappeared.

She had been deposited right in front of the princess, who stepped forward and used her magic to pick the girl up and set her to rights, even returning her errant shoe.

The girl's blue eyes were wide with fear and astonishment. "Thank you." she said softly, hesitant to look away from the princess as if she would simply disappear the moment she did.

"Are you real?" asked the girl, the question sounding silly in her ears.

The princess laughed. "As real as you."

The girl smiled shyly, then looked around. On either side of her were smaller ponies, beautifully dressed in golden armor.

The girl realized that all these guards must have seen her tumble into their world like a klutz. She turned red and began idly brushing off her dress, as though she could brush the memory of her ungracefulness–and her panties–from the minds of her observers.

Why do I care if a horse sees my underwear?

It was the princess's turn to ask a question. "Who are you?" she said, her smile gone. "Answer carefully, and be aware that you have arrived quite suddenly and without warning, right in the middle of my inspection of the sun guard."

The girl was a little turned on by the princess's commanding tone. She also noted how her embarrassment over her accidental exhibition earlier seemed to help that feeling along.

"I'm... My name is..." the girl began.

My name... What is my name?

It felt like it was on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn't quite get it out.

"I can't... remember." she said at last, a little shaken up.

The princess sighed, then smiled again. It was a warm smile, knowing and comforting.

"What should I do now?" asked the girl.

"You shall allow me to introduce myself." the princess replied. "I am Princess Celestia, Spirit of the Sun and Stars and Heir to Old Equestria.

Celestia tucked one hoof and bowed, inspiring the girl to perform a simple curtsey on instinct, which seemed to please the princess.

"Why don't you walk with me on my inspection? You shall be my guest, and afterward we may try to sort out the circumstances of your arrival, and the state of your memory."

The girl had no inclination to refuse, and took her place by Celestia's side.

"Very good." declared the princess, and the inspection resumed.

As they walked, the girl became fascinated by the flowing mane of many colors that enswathed the princess's head, battened down by her golden tiara. She also noted just how much bigger the princess was than any of the other ponies.

The uniforms of the guard were prim and proper, their posture excellent. The sun was especially hot that day, its intensity reflecting the scrutinizing gaze of its mistress, yet still they endured.

"What do you think?" asked the princess, assumedly in reference to the guards' impeccable demeanor.

"Impressive." replied the girl, though she was speaking about something else which had grabbed her attention.

The girl had noticed that the guards-ponies' junk was hanging rather low in the heat, and some even had erections as they beheld their glorious princess.

The sight made the girl giggle, and though a few of them blushed at her laughter they never flinched, standing as stiff as their members.

That really is impressive.

The two of them reached the end of the promenade, where a balcony overlooked the district below. There were rooftops and chimneys, suggesting a residential area.

Beyond that, a long way in the distance, the clouds briefly parted and the girl thought she caught a glimpse of marble structures in their midst.

"What a view!" said the girl, just before a gust of wind lifted her dress up above her bellybutton as a patrol of pegasus guards came swooping by over the rooftops.

"It is indeed." joked the princess, meeting the girl's gaze while she used the heels of her hands to try and clamp her errant skirt to her thighs.

The girl was so flustered that the bob of her hair rose as though charged with static electricity. When the princess gave her a wink she had to look away, her shoulders stiff, still holding the hem of her skirt like a vice.

"With that, my inspection has come to an end." said the princess. "Let us return to the palace. My sister will soon arrive to perform her inspection of the moon-guard."

The girl wondered what the princess's sister was like. Would she be dark as the night sky, or pale as the moonlight?

They travelled back the way they had come, toward the grand spires of the castle, and entered into a great hall hung with banners. Celestia took the girl down a branching corridor and up some spiraling stairs, then showed her to her quarters.

"This room once belonged to my apprentice. You may stay here as long as you need, or at least until you wear out your welcome."

The girl looked at the princess in surprise only to see her wink playfully once more.

This horse is an enigma.

The girl blushed as she watched the princess walk away, her powerful flanks driving her meaty ass to bounce like a Trait Breton's.

So I can recall horse breeds...

"We dine at dusk. Some-pony will fetch you." said the princess over her shoulder.

The girl did not know how long until then, only that she was hungry.

The girl flopped on the bed and suddenly felt sleepy.

I think I like it here.


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"What are you–" said the girl, stepping through the door. Inside, she found a sun-guard with his nose in a dresser drawer. "–doing?"

The pony started, bumping his snout on the dresser as he tried to withdraw, scattering delicates about the floor.

"N-nothing! I mean..."

The girl shut the door behind her, and when she did a delicate light came into being above the bed, illuminating the room.

"Wait, you're that human the princess has taken in." said the guard, rubbing his snout.

Is that what I am?

The princess had told her about humans and the world beyond the mirror. Apparently, every pony, princesses included, had a human counterpart there.

But where is my pony counterpart?

"Please, don't tell the the princess." said the guard, blushing and covering his eyes with his hooves.

He was sitting on his rump, his nutsack resting on the floor between his legs like a leather sack. His cock jutted upward from it, half-erect and leaning slightly forward.

"So... this is Princess Luna's bedroom?" asked the girl, moving to pick up one of the liberated garments. She held it up to the light and saw that it was made of black lace.

Is this Lingerie?

"I didn't realize ponies wore underwear." she said, delighted.

She rubbed the delicate article against her cheek, closing her eyes and savoring the freshly-laundered scent.

The guard watched with fascination, the sight giving his chub a growth spurt.

When she was finished, she lifted her skirt and tucked the thong in the waistband of her panties for safe-keeping.

Before the guard could say anything, she interrupts him with a question.

"Are you not worried the princess will find you here?"

"Princess Luna watches over the palace while Celestia sleeps. She won't return to her quarters until morning." he replied.

"In that case, you look like you could use some help with that." she said, pointing toward his leaning tower of cock.

"I’m ashamed you have to see me this way, but there is nothing to be done, unless you can cure infatuation."

The girl smiled, and the pony was surprised by the way the sight of her pink lips made him feel.

"No, but I can relieve some of the symptoms."

She grabbed a striped sock from the floor and examined it.

The Princess of the Night has quite the private collection. When does she get the chance to wear it?

She sat on the end of the bed, and gestured for him to sit next to her, which he did. His weight made him sink into the mattress, even without his armor, reminding the girl of the enormity of ponies.

She slipped the massive stocking over his enormous cock, tugging it all the way down to his balls.

He gasped, the sensation of the delicate fabric sliding down his shaft and the pressure from her fingers (though he did not know that word; what came to mind was more like 'claws,') unexpectedly intense.

She cozied up next to him and slipped her hand beneath his balls, cradling them as she began to stroke.

He didn't last long, erupting into the stocking with such volume that it began to seep through the fabric.

The girl pulled the stocking off and the pony suppressed a yelp as it scraped the hyper-sensitive tissue of his post-ejaculatory penis.

She let him be a moment, the reverberations of his release still flooding his body, making his cock twitch as his breathing began to steady.

"Does this sort of thing happen a lot?" asked the girl.

"It is not unheard of for a guard to have a crush on his princess," began the guard between shivering breaths, "but I am a unique case, for it is her sister that I pine for: the princess of the night."

The girl tilted her head, trying to make sense of what the pony was saying.

"I am a sun guard, and as such it feels as though I am betraying my princess not just by fantasizing about her younger sister, but by lusting after any-pony but her radiance."

The girl thought for a moment, idly playing with his cock and fondling her own breast with her other hand.

"I don't think the princess would hold a grudge just because you are attracted to someone other than her. I do, however, think she would be upset that you snuck into her sister's room and sullied one of her socks."

He had been looking into the girl's painfully blue eyes, which seemed to hold him in a sort of trance, but turned red and looked away as the realization of what had just happened settled upon him.

"Perhaps you ought to find a mare that can satisfy you. I don’t imagine that you can carry on like this for long." said the girl.

He didn't respond immediately. The thought had crossed his mind, but he had never stopped to dwell on it. He didn't know many mares outside the guard, and it was difficult for him to look at his fellows that way. They were not supposed to have their own identities, they were supposed to represent the breadth and power of the princess's will.

"I'll help you clean up." said the girl, slipping off of the bed. She collected the clothing with ease and returned it to the drawer, except for the thong and the used sock, which she stuffed into her cleavage.

I will have to take a bath after I return to my room.

"I hope you find what you are looking for." the girl said, and left the sun guard in the bedroom with his thoughts, padding carefully down the hallway toward her own room.

The sun guard thought about what the girl had said, about finding someone to satisfy him. She had shown him so much kindness, though they had only just met. When he finally returned to his post, all he could think about were the girl's pink lips and startlingly blue eyes.

After Dark

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Princess Celestia had spent the afternoon helping the girl pick out some reading material that she thought might be useful in the event that her stay in Equestria dragged on. At first she didn't recognize the symbols, but after staring at the page for awhile they seemed to rearrange themselves into more familiar shapes.

The Princess wasn’t surprised, reminding the girl that when traveling between worlds sometimes one adapts to their environment in peculiar ways.

Perhaps I have a pony counterpart after all.

Back in her room, the girl set her books on the nightstand and laid on the bed atop the covers to stare up at the ceiling. She had been a guest at the castle for nearly a week, yet she felt hardly any closer to figuring out who she is.

Or who I used to be.

She tried searching the magic recognition guide for anything involving humans but came up short. Frustrated, she replaced the book on the table and sighed, idly rubbing the her hands and feet on the luxurious surface of the bedcover.

She thought back on the other night, and the sun-guard whose name she wished she had asked, as well as the garments she made off with. The sock was filthy and she had contemplated destroying it in the fireplace, but instead tossed it into the enchanted laundry-basket with her clothes when she took a shower, only to find that everything she threw it there had vanished.

The girl wandered her room in a towel until she decided to check the wardrobe and was shocked to see everything from the basket inside, clean as could be.

She kept Princess Luna's panties in the drawer beside her bed. Thinking about them made her want to see them again, so she took them out and held them in front of her face.

Such delicate things for a horse to be wearing.

She reached down and started pressing on her clit through her panties, rubbing the pony-lingerie between her fingers. She pulled her panties aside and, using the princess's thong began to stir up her pussy, slipping it inside along with her fingers. Turning her thighs inward, she arched her back and stuffed the skimpy thing all the way inside...

Then she heard the tapping of hooves on stone and a brief knock that reminded the girl that she had neglected to close the door to her room, for it swung open.

In a panic the girl slipped her panties back over her vulva and flattened down her skirt, a little annoyed at first. Then she saw something that she liked, and her irritation faded. Stepping into the room was something she hadn't seen before.

"Oops! S-sorry to bother you, miss. The door was open and when I knocked... Well, anyway, I am here on behalf of Her Gloominess Princess Luna to collect you for a royal banquet. She has been curious about you and demands– I mean, desires to meet you face-to-face."

The creature speaking was more pony than not, but also a little like a bat.

Is this what the moon-guards look like? I love it!

The girl's nerves were tingling and, in her excitement, she leapt from the bed to greet the bat-pony, remembering too late the article still inside her.

"Oh! Such enthusiasm. The princess will be pleased!" said the bat-pony, brightening. "We must't keep her waiting."

The moon-guard turned her head to the hallway and let out a silent cry, and before the girl even had a chance to put on her sandals a puff of dark smoke surrounded her. When it cleared, she was in the dining hall facing a pony as large as Celestia, but darkly colored and with a mane of distant stars.

Short-range teleportation. Like in the guide.

For a brief moment the girl was afraid the princess had summoned her to enact retribution for stealing her undergarments, but her fears will quickly dispelled.

"Welcome! I am Luna, Spirit of the Moon and Warden of the Gentle Night!"

Why is she so loud?

As if sensing her volume was overmuch, the princess cleared her throat and continued more softly.

"Please, have a seat. There is no need to be nervous, I did not bring you here to interrogate you."

The girl did as she was told, wondering if the princess really did just want to meet her. It all seemed a bit... ostentatious. Perhaps that was just her personality. The irony of the juxtaposition between the images of Luna and the 'Gentle Night' was not lost on the girl.

The feast laid out before her was magnificent, comprised of marbled cheeses and vintage wine, with pies and cobblers too. The girl sampled these and enjoyed them, though all of the time she was uncomfortably aware that the underwear of the princess sitting across from her was still stuffed inside her pussy.

Thankfully, Luna did most of the talking.

She seems lonely.

For her part, the girl listened with genuine interest, even asking a few questions to show that she was invested in the conversation. After an indeterminate amount of time had passed one of the moon-guards whispered something in the princess's ear.

"Oh my! Has it been that long already?" said Luna, raising her silver-shod hoof to her mouth in surprise.

"I'm terribly sorry to have kept you for so long, you must be exhausted." she said, looking at the girl who, at that moment, let out an unexpected yawn.

"Aw, you’re so cute!” said the princess.

Being called 'cute' made the girl blush, and though she was sleepy managed to resist the urge to reach between her legs.

"Sweet dreams!" said Luna, and suddenly the dark smoke returned.

A moment later the girl was in her room again. She shut the door, then stumbled toward the bed mid-yawn, pulled back the covers and settled in. She rubbed herself a little, but quickly fell asleep with Luna's underwear still tucked inside her and dreamed of the moon.


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Having been told by Celestia that she would be meeting a seamstress to have her measurements taken, the girl reported to a breezy chamber in the Northern bastion where a unicorn waited, her purple mane and diamond markings giving her a dazzling-yet-sophisticated air. The unicorn introduced herself as Rarity, and despite the almost arrogant ring to it the name seemed rather fitting.

"My! You really are unusual, aren't you? Not to worry my dear, I am a professional. Just let me get my tape and we can begin."

Using what the girl recognized as 'levitation magic' Rarity drew out a length of ribbon marked at consistent intervals from her bag and pulled it through the air.

"Now, if you wouldn't mind... I realize this is usually a bit more awkward for humans than ponies, but I need you to remove your clothes."

The girl stiffened. She had expected no different, but hearing the words made her nervous all the same. She slipped the straps of her dress over her shoulders and let it fall to the floor, then unclasped her bra and let that fall too, exhaling as her breasts settled, the slight relief overshadowed by that uncharacteristic embarrassment she seemed to get whenever others looked at her body.

Why am I like this?

"My goodness, you're so flustered it's making me blush!" said Rarity. Then there was a brief pause, after which the unicorn's voice fell to just above a whisper. "You really are quite lovely, you know."

Rarity had lowered her head, her mane hanging down over one eye in a manner that would have reminded her of Fluttershy had she seen it herself.

"I'm not usually the bashful type, but..." she smiled shyly, then took a deep breath and regained her composure. "Forgive me, that was rather un-professional. How about we move on, hmm?"

The girl's face was burning, her frozen expression conveying something between a nervous smile and a nervous breakdown.

She had found the pony's cute little display endearing and decided she liked her already, which only made it harder to be completely naked under her gaze.

The floating tape wrapped loosely around her bust, laid carefully and with uncomfortable attention over her rigid nipples. The tape slipped slightly to one side, striking her nerves as it was drawn across her nipples like a whetstone honing a blade.

Afterward, the tape slid down and tightened around her torso, just beneath her bust.

Rarity scribbled something in her notebook before moving it down to the girl's waist and tightening it again.

After that she measured the highest point of the girl's hips, and then the widest, wrapping the tape around the swell of her buttocks.

She also measured the girl's height, the length of her limbs and various other rather specific measurements.

"Let me see... How many hands is that?" muttered Rarity to herself.

Right, horses are measured in hands...

How that system came to be present in a land where decidedly few creatures actually had hands seemed a rather fitting mystery.

"Well, I think that about does it." said Rarity at last. "Now, the princess has requested that I make for you a few specialized outfits. One is a dress, of the kind you could wear to a gala. The Gala, I imagine, since that will be coming up fairly soon."

The girl had heard about the so-called 'Grand Galloping Gala,’ but not about what to expect. She wasn't even sure she knew what a gala was.

"Next, she wanted something that could be worn in the water. Not a common thing in Equestria, though each of the princesses has come to me requesting something of the sort. I have a few pieces for reference as well as a few magazines Princess Twilight managed to bring back from the human world."

Princess Twilight? She was Celestia's apprentice before me...

"As for the shoes, we ponies tend to rely upon a farrier." Rarity lifted her hoof to show a gleaming horseshoe on the bottom.

"However, I may be able to come up with something based on what you have with you." Rarity examined one of the girl’s sandals for a moment before making some quick sketches, which she kept to herself.

"Those same magazines have a few examples of human shoes, but I may need to have you try a few things between now and my next scheduled visit."

The girl nodded her head, silently wondering if she could put her clothes back on soon.

"Lastly, your undergarments won't be much of an issue. I've had the privilege of working on similar items in the past, all based on the same general idea which has made its way here from the human world. Fashion travels fast, and I make it my business to stay ahead of the trends."

The girl thought back on Luna's lingerie collection and figured that this pony, more likely than not, had something to do with it.

She wanted to ask Rarity about Princess Twilight's connection to the human world, but struggled with the idea of having a conversation with her until she was dressed again.

Ultimately, after discussing materials and preferences it wasn't until they were finished that Rarity realized how uncomfortable the girl must have been.

"Oh darling, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to leave you standing there like that. I get so wrapped up in the details of my work it's like everything else just falls away."

By then the girl was exhausted, but she was also happy. She bid the seamstress farewell and returned to her room, curious as to what the princess had in store for her. She was told she could expect the new outfits in a couple of weeks, when there would be a final fitting. She was actually quite excited to see what the unicorn would do, and though it made her nervous she was looking forward to seeing her again. Perhaps she would have the courage to ask her about Princess Twilight.

In the Meanwhile

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The girl lay in bed, the gentle morning breeze carrying soft floral scents from the palace gardens through the window. She had been catching up on her studying, hoping to learn something before the Grand Galloping Gala, where she would have the opportunity to speak with Princess Twilight. She just needed to figure out what she was going to ask.

While reading about the creatures beyond the borders of Equestria, the girl finally came across something; something familiar.

The image that tugged at her mind was of a 'sea-pony' from a place appropriately called Seaquestria. Apparently a sea-pony was not one of the three types of pony, but some sort of mutated hippogriff that lived underwater, but that was beside the point. The important thing was that, after all this time, the girl had finally found a clue to her past.

It was a small clue, and lacked context, but it was more than she had before. It also gave her some direction, providing her with a thread to pull. She said as much to the princess, who was pleased to learn of this development and furnished the girl with what was available in the palace library pertaining to Seaquestria and the Hippogriffs, which was disappointingly little. There were also confusingly similar creatures to the sea-ponies called 'mer-mares,' and a mention of something called a 'Siren' as well, all of which seemed to be some kind of aquatic horse.


The word appeared in her mind as if from nowhere, but felt proper, like a puzzle-piece sliding into place, though the entirety of the image was still scattered and unintelligible.

What does any of this have to do with me?

To answer that question, she figured she would need to explore the connection between the sea-ponies and her arrival in Equestria, if there was one.

She harbored the fear that this memory had nothing to do with her present circumstance, but without the ability to recall them at will, she had only her feelings to guide her to her memories.

With the Gala coming up, it was unlikely that she would be able to visit Seaquestria herself. Besides, she had no idea where it was or how she would even survive beneath the waves.

At least that swimsuit will come in handy.

The girl got up and made her way to her wardrobe, remembering that Rarity had completed the swimsuit commissioned by the princess, for which the girl had recently attended a fitting where final adjustments were made.

It was a scanty thing; a bikini in two pieces made from a water-resistant material that was as smooth as silk. Rarity had gone for quality over quantity with the garment, the rare material sparse but incredibly sturdy.

The princess herself actually dropped by during the fitting, and the girl was horrified by her gaze despite Celestia's approval.

At least she got to see the princess squirm when Rarity insisted that she try on a bikini-bottom she had made for ponies, having her lift her tail so she could inspect how the triangle of material rested over her ass and pussy. She even asked the opinion of the girl, having her examine it up close, which made Celestia blush.

Even though it made her uncomfortable, the girl liked the swimsuit and appreciated the effort Rarity put into everything she did, and found herself wanting to be the pony's friend. By the time the gala dresses (as Rarity had made new ones for all the princesses,) were finished and the final adjustments were made the two had grown quite familiar, though the girl still couldn't shake the self-consciousness she experienced when dressed down.

The girl’s own dress was fabulous, with silvery sequins and a slit skirt. It even came with a pair of heels that Rarity had painstakingly recreated from her magazines. She also got new, bespoke bra that was beyond magical. It was made with genuine care, just for her, and fit better than anything she could remember, which wasn’t much but even still she absolutely loved it, even asking Rarity to tailor the one she already had.

The girl decided to try on the dress and admire her appearance in the mirror, only for there to be a knock at the door while she did, but she was feeling confident enough to answer it.

On the other side was the sun-guard from before. It had been awhile since she had seen him, but she had no trouble recognizing him.

His eyes went wide when he saw her, scanning her up and down. "M-Miss umm.... Sorry, I didn't catch your name."

Neither did I.

"That's ok." she said, hoping she didn't sound rude. "I didn't catch yours either."

The pony straightened up. "Of course. I am Gaius Helios." he said proudly, then his posture loosened. "But most just call me 'Guy.'

Guy and ‘the girl,’ huh?

Perhaps it was time she got herself a name, even if it wasn't her given one.

"Ok, Gaius." she said, which seemed to make him happy. "What would you call me?"

He seemed confused. "You mean, guess your name?"

"That's the best I can do myself." she admitted.

"Oh, of course! Your memory... I’m such a fool. Forgive me, please. I wasn't trying to be rude, I—"

She raised her hand to cut him off. "That's okay! Don't worry about it. I should have been straight with you, I just haven't really given it much thought with everything else going on..."

The girl wasn't sure why she was opening up to Gaius. Maybe the dress gave her confidence, or perhaps having seen him so vulnerable before made him feel more familiar.

"Goldilocks." he said suddenly.

"...huh?" The girl withdrew from her musings and tilted her head.

"What I'd call you.” said Gaius shyly. “It was the first thing that came to mind."

The girl thought for a moment in silence.

Goldilocks, like the human girl in the fairy tale with the talking bears.

"I like it."

Morning Meditation

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The night of the Gala was nearly upon them, and Canterlot Castle was buzzing with excitement.

Celestia had been up all night making plans with her nocturnal sister, who in turn had been awake since the previous dawn.

The Sun Princess was enjoying a cup of coffee with two sugar-cubes. She had a lot on her mind, so she took her cup with her and stood on the balcony that connected her room and her sister's, looking out over the city below and the varied landscape beyond.

She kept the sun low, wanting to preserve the morning and hoping no-pony would notice.

Twilight will notice.

The princess's old apprentice had an eye for detail, which used to blind her to the bigger picture. Now she was a princess in her own right, living in her own castle situated in the bucolic little village of Ponyville.

Twilight apparently allowed the mayor to carry out the legislative duties, which was probably wise. After all, she was busy championing the cause of friendship with her loyal companions.

Celestia thought back to when Twilight first met her friends all those years ago; friends that ultimately wielded the Elements of Harmony and brought her own sister back from the abyss. She was ever grateful to them for that.

She decided to check in on Luna, who was sound asleep in her bed. When she was particularly exhausted, Luna sometimes reverted to her smaller, lighter form from when she had just been set free of the Nightmare.

Such was the case just then, as she lay in a confusion of limbs amongst scattered pillows and sheets. Though she didn't talk about it often, Celestia knew that her sister often slept fitfully, her dreams plagued by the memories of Nightmare Moon.

Yet as Celestia looked on, the younger princess appeared peaceful.

Celestia had regrets about the way she treated Luna when they were growing up, and felt as though she had a hoof in driving her sister to her dark fate. Yet after the nightmare had been banished, Luna held no grudge, and Celestia loved her for that.

Her little sister looked so cute in her diminutive form that Celestia could hardly stand to be near her. With her coffee finished, she stepped back outside and lifted the sun, letting the day begin in earnest.

Most of the preparations for the Gala would be carried out by an army of eager pages. The invitations she had already sent herself. Luna would be in charge of greeting the guests, and Twilight would probably find a way to insert herself into an administrative role, despite technically being a guest herself.

She walked past the room in which her new apprentice was staying, noticing that the door was shut, which usually mean she was in. It was uncommon—perhaps unheard of—for a human to be in attendance at the Gala, and Celestia had no intention of letting curious guests pester the poor girl. Instead, she hoped to show her around the festivities herself, then retreat into the garden for the remainder of the evening.

Not wanting to catch the girl unaware, Celestia carried on, reviewing the list attending guests in her head. The delegates from Saddle Arabia, siblings Haakim and Amira, would be attending for the first time, which was as exciting as it was important. The Duke and Dutchess of Maretonia would also be there, representing Equestria’s newest territory.

Each year more and more guests of honor attended the Gala, for which she had Twilight to thank, except in the case of the girl.


That was the name the girl had decided on in the interim. It seemed a fitting name, given the color of her hair. Still, Celestia intended to discover her true name, along with the rest of her memories. She had a feeling that her arrival was no accident, and there was something important locked away in her head.

When Celestia was young, her teacher once showed her a gallery of mirrors, each connecting Equestria to another world.

Yet this girl did not come through a mirror; at least, not directly. The portal she came through suggested powerful magic; far more powerful than a short-range teleport, but not quite powerful enough to travel between worlds.

She thought it wise to consult Twilight regarding the matter, and was keen to introduce her to the girl besides. After all, there was no-pony by now that knew as much as she about friendship or magic, and the girl desperately needed both.

Celestia passed the bastion where she was fitted for her dress, along with the girl. It was practically tradition to wear a Carousel Boutique original to the Gala, and exposing the girl to one of the Elements of Harmony was sure to do some good. From what she could tell during the fitting, Rarity and Goldilocks were already fast on their way to becoming good friends.

Luna seemed to enjoy her company as well, having told Celestia about the banquet she held for the girl and the fantastic conversation they shared. Celestia was certain that Luna did most of the talking, but she was grateful to the girl for humoring her dear sister.

She had a good heart, and there was something else besides. The girl had a presence, one that seemed to command a certain authority. Her eyes were touched by wisdom, which still shone despite her missing memories. Now and then she spoke with almost regal articulation, and though somewhat concupiscent her eagerness was tempered with an incredible bashfulness that was both courtly and endearing.

At last Celestia arrived in the great hall, where the task of overseeing the pages occupied her until the evening. She settled into the rhythm of work, and throughout it all her mind drifted and touched on many things, but it always found its way back to the girl. There was still so much she didn’t know, but there was something very important about her.

Of that she was absolutely certain.

The Gala, Part One

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The light in the great hall was warm, cast over stone among banners that trapped heat, so that even such a large room was braced against the chill of night.

Goldie was surprised to see that Princess Twilight was quite a bit smaller than the two sisters. The young princess felt more approachable, and the fact that she also shared the same mentor gave the two of them something in common right off the bat.

It would not be long before the guests would be arriving, but for the time being they had the hall to themselves. Of course, Twilight had many questions, and Celestia had to remind her to answer rather than ask.

"Sorry, I know you're missing your memory. I'll try to help as best I can." said a chastened Twilight.

Her sudden sheepishness was endearing, and Goldie decided that she liked her already.

While Luna took her position on the throne, the girl asked about the magic-mirror and about the human world, the former having been moved from Canterlot to Twilight's own castle before Goldie arrived.

She learned about Sunset Shimmer, the fallen apprentice, and her tale of redemption. She learned of the other versions of Twilight's friends, and the magic journal.

In every case, however, when traveling from one world to the other there was a physical transformation. No human remained human when traveling to Equestria from the human world.

"Perhaps it would behoove you to meet miss Shimmer." suggested Celestia, and Twilight agreed.

"I'm curious to see what happens to you when stepping through the portal." added Twilight.

Then the clock tolled, loud enough for all to here, for the hour had grown late.

"There will be time for that after the gala." said Celestia, and a moment later the first of the guests burst through the doors, massive crowd kept from swarming by a pair of Moon Guards.

Luna was in charge of greeting the guests, and Twilight settled by her side to help her remember the names of the nobles.

The girl caught a glimpse of something unusual before she ducked out: a taller figure rising above the crowd, obscured by a hooded cloak.

Celestia used a wing to guide the girl to the side door, and suddenly they were outside, surrounded by lights and music. The princess led the girl to the courtyard where a veritable smorgasbord of confectionaries was laid out on lengthy tables beneath canopies strung with colorful bunting.

The princess gave Goldilocks first pick, and after sampling a couple of treats she selected a slice of vanilla cake with chocolate buttercream, finding the texture to be just right.

By the time she had finished her piece, Celestia had already sampled nearly everything. Goldilocks caught her eye as she was wiping frosting from her mouth. The princess blushed, then gave Goldie a wink that made her giggle.

It pleased Goldie to see that the princess had a weakness for desserts. Sometimes she found that her mentor could be a little intimidating. To move the sun itself suggested great power, and one only had to look upon her mane to see that she was brimming with magic.

And there was something else, something lurking beneath the surface of her fractured mind.

Despite all that, however, Celestia had chosen to stay by her side on the night of the Gala, evidently predicting that the girl might find it all a bit overwhelming.

Celestia's intimidating presence also conveniently served to keep the overly-curious away, though Goldie still caught them staring from time to time as the courtyard began to fill with guests.

"Let us go to the garden. It is getting a little crowded." said the princess, leading the girl away from the masses to a secluded gazebo where they could watch the festivities from afar.

Goldie was glad for that, taking a seat on the curved stone bench. Celestia sat beside her, the pony's length filling up much of the seat, lounging as she was with her front legs crossed, hooves dangling off the edge of the seat, her hind-quarters sideways while her chest and neck remained upright.

The girl could feel her warmth, and surprised Celestia by leaning her head into the princess's shoulder, surrounded by her mane's shimmering aurora of color.

Both the Sun and the Moon Guard had contributed personnel to the Gala Security Taskforce, and Goldie was pleased to see none other than Guy Helios patrolling the perimeter of the courtyard.

With the princess's approval, she waved him over from the throngs of guests still spilling out from the Great Hall.

Standing in the presence of both his mistress Celestia and her human apprentice–the same apprentice that jerked him off in Luna’s bedroom–made him nervous. When they both giggled he nearly fainted. It was all he could do to bend a hoof and lower his head.

Behind him, something moved like a passing shadow, and Goldie might have thought it nothing more than a trick of the light, if it didn't trigger a feeling of dread half-buried in her memory.

The feeling passed when the Sun Guard rose at Celestia's bidding, meeting the girl's eyes.

"How may I be of service?" he asked them both.

Celestia gazed sideways at the girl and smirked, eyes half-lidded, making her blush.

"Would you like to take a walk with me?" asked the girl after a moment of internal debate.

"Of course! I would love– I would be honored."

Goldie liked the way his eyes lit up, and how she felt somehow lighter at the thought of them spending time together, just the two of them.

She was afraid she would insult the princess by leaving, but when she looked over she saw that Celestia was smiling. A nod of approval gave her all she needed. With Gaius by her side made her way toward the garden balcony where the fireworks from Cloudsdale challenged the stars themselves with their brilliance.

Yet a feeling of unease accompanied her, radiating from within the shadows.

The Gala, Part Two

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Goldilocks rested her arms on the railing, looking out over the city just as she had the day she arrived. In the distance, the romanesque city in the clouds was awash with color, the fireworks painting the white cloud and marble with their light.

Gaius was impressed, as it was rare for him to be awake after dark. He had never seen fireworks before, and was a little wary at first, which Goldie thought was cute.

Guy was no Alicorn, but still a little larger than Princess Twilight. Standing next to him made Goldie feel small, and she wondered how her presence made him feel.

She decided to test it by rubbing up against him, her tiny bare shoulder against his muscular one. His coat was soft, and she couldn't resist placing her other hand on his chest. His dress-uniform was unarmored, consisting only of a white cap with the image of the sun on the front.

He didn't budge but didn't protest either, and she could feel his muscles tense, then slowly relax. She stole a peek behind her and saw his cock hanging low. As if responding to her gaze it began to expand more rapidly, reminding Goldie of air filling a long balloon, like the kind used for making balloon animals.

She knelt down and cupped his nuts in one hand, the light touch of her delicate fingers sending faint shivers through him. Goldie liked the way his balls felt in her hand, lifting them and letting them down as though weighing a purse of coin.

"Goldie, what if some-pony sees?" said Gaius, shakily.

The thought certainly was exciting. At least, it was for her, and Guy's embarrassment only made it more so.

Still holding his balls, she slid her other hand along underneath his penis, feeling its heft and applying more strength as she went along, raising it so that it was parallel to the ground.

She grasped it, unable to wrap her fingers all the way around, and slid her hand back and forth along its length, twisting her grip like a wrench on the flesh behind the flared tip, and feeling the bulge of his preputial-ring on each pass.

Gaius flicked his tail, his back leg twitching. He was sure they were being watched, but there was no-pony around that he could see.

Goldie stood up and walked back to the railing, leaving him hanging. At first, he thought that it was over and he would have to spend the rest of the night aching and wondering, but then the girl removed her heels and dropped her panties down to her knees, stepping out with one leg and bending the other behind her as she slipped them off, then dropped them to the side.

She let her dress fall and stepped out of it, setting it aside as well as her shoes. She then returned to the railing, hooking her breasts over it and standing on her toes, spreading her ass.

Gaius nearly lost his breath watching her, never expecting to receive such a show, especially from a human.

She remained there, waiting for him to accept the invitation, which he did at last, stepping up behind her. She could feel his hot breath on her back, then noticed his hooves on the railing beside her hands.

She gripped the guard rail tightly, her breasts weighing her down over the edge of the balcony.

He rested his enormous cock on her back, then started to push and pull it up and down, dragging it between her shoulder-blades while his massive, laden balls slapped against her ass.

He pressed the flared tip of his cock against her anus and stopped, noticing that the the tip was far wider than the entrance. He took a step back, deciding to place it between her thighs instead.

She gasped as it tickled her belly, sliding up to her chin, the tip occasionally prodding the undersides of her breasts as he pumped.

Her pussy wet the top of his cock as it sawed at her legs, the flesh of her vulva stretched and tugged, his member scraping her clit as though trying to sand it down.

Her heart raced, the city below seeming to get further away, yet the fear of falling somehow invigorated her.

Before he reached the point of no return he stepped back, pressing his cock against her yearning pussy.

Goldie waited patiently, but her mind was restless.

C'mon, go for it.

As though detecting her thoughts he finally made the attempt, struggling at first to shove it in. He grunted with effort and she moaned as her impossibly-tight lips were pried apart. She yipped when at last his cock popped inside.

Only the head was in at first, but with each subsequent thrust he managed to jam a little more, pushing her insides out of the way in order to accommodate him. It was a bit like driving a stake, but he was persistent, carving a rut inside her for his dick.

Eventually her ass was high in the air and she had to reverse her grip on the railing to keep from falling as he did his best to fuck her off the edge, shoving the flat head of his horse-cock against the entrance to her womb while her tits dangled above the rooftops of the common district.

Behind them the party carried on, and a certain shadow had halted its pursuit to watch the curious, slightly horrific display.

Goldie had cum twice by the time Gaius finally did. In shivering pulses he flooded Goldie's womb, his thick semen delivered directly inside, each spurt like a cannon shot. So massive was his payload and so tight the fit that her belly swelled to accommodate.

She was stretched over his penis like a warm sock, and had to reverse her grip again as he tried to pull out. It was like popping a cork, semen spilling out like foaming champaign, the fireworks punctuating their finale.

The Gala, Part Three

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Goldie slumped against the railing, her aching body numbed by orgasm, pumping a river of cum from her pussy onto the stone tile.


Above everything else was a sense of satisfaction, and just below that: relief. She would probably be feeling the pain in the morning, but if nothing else she learned that her body was surprisingly durable.

Gaius fell back on his ass, breathing heavily. His focus had taken a back seat to a peculiar glow that drove thought from his mind. His cock still twitched now and then, leaking semen, and somewhere behind the glow he wondered how he was going to clean up the mess.

He was also worried about Goldilocks, but could see that she was already starting to stand. Gaius admired Goldie a great deal, valued her. No-pony had ever made him feel so good. Before that night, he didn't even think it was possible to have sex with a human girl, though he had dreamt about it since their first meeting. There was something about her, some quality she possessed that made her impossible to get out of his head.

Goldie filled her lungs with night-time air, arching her back and pressing up against the railing. She could feel Gaius' warmth draining out of her.

She picked up her dress and panties and tossed them further away to spare them from the growing puddle of cum, feeling it on the bottoms of her feet and between her toes.

There's so much...

It was peaceful for a moment, until the presence in the shadows decided to make itself known.

It stepped forward, throwing back the hooded cloak, which clung to her neck by the clasp, and would have marched straight up to Goldilocks if not for the cum-puddle.

"What the...?" uttered the would-be assailant, causing Gaius and Goldie to turn toward her.

She was a human, with dark-blue skin and baleful eyes. Her hair was black as a starless night, and on on her arms were bracelets and charms, each of them unique and seething with power. Around her neck she wore a number of amulets on chains of gold and silver.

Her shapely body was partially covered in bandages, wound tightly and fraying a bit along the edges.

"I finally found you, princess." said the warlock in a voice both overly-loud and stunningly familiar.

"Luna?" asked Goldilocks, grabbing Gaius's tail to cover herself.

The figure grinned, her white teeth brilliant in the moonlight. She raised her arms, moonlight glinting off the bracelets until a great shadow came over the moon and plunged them all into a dull and unnatural dark.

"Who are you? How did you do that?" asked Gaius, bracing himself for a fight.

The strange warlock made an expression feigning offense, illuminated by the amulets around her neck.

"Don't you recognize the princess of the night?" she said in Luna's voice.

"You're not Luna." said Goldilocks, her eyes narrowing.

At least, not anymore.

Suddenly the air around them stirred and the shadow was ripped away, the moon swiftly rising to its zenith.

"But I am." came the voice of the true princess, echoing off the stone. She alighted on wings of night, wreathed in renewed moonlight, placing herself between Goldie and the warlock.

The guards that weren't busy keeping the peace among the guests formed a perimeter around the confrontation, and Goldie thought she might die of embarrassment.

At least it's dark.

The warlock became angry, as was evident in her voice.

"You... you don't know who you are. You don't know who she is!"

"What I'd like to know is who you are." said Luna.

The warlock stood up straight, looking the princess in the eye.

"I am the face in the mirror." she began. "I was the the light in the night sky, but no longer, for my light was not my own, and she took it back."

The warlock was shouting now, anger spiking her words.

Now I see what I truly am: merely the shadow cast by her light."

Luna shook her head. "I've made my peace with my sister, though it took a great deal to banish the curse that jealousy had cast." She stamped her hoof to emphasize what she said next. "The nightmare is gone, yet I remain!"

Her words gave the warlock pause. It was only second or two, but Goldie noticed, and she thought Luna may have noticed as well.

The warlock grabbed one of the amulets she was wearing and held it up, red light escaping between her fingers. Shadows gathered around her, taking the shapes of creatures from the Everfree.

Gaius took a step back as a timber-wolf, cockatrice and a manticore apparently made of liquid dark loomed before him.

Then, as quick as they had come, they were gone; torn apart by the blinding rays of the rising sun.

"That's quite enough." said Celestia, approaching from the East, the dawn breaking behind her. She strode along the path, shadows evaporating as the harsh daylight brought everything clear into view.

Goldilocks was glad to see her mentor, but not particularly thrilled to be seen by her.

She regretted not taking the opportunity to slip into her dress while it was dark, and clung to Gaius in desperation.

At least most of the guards had their gazes fixed on the warlock. They simply awaited their princess's command, prepared to subdue the intruder with hoof and horn if need be.

As the circle of guards closed in, the warlock reached behind herself, into the darkness beneath her cloak, and withdrew an amber talisman resembling a petrified eye, mounted on a rod.

She grasped the rod with both hands and held it to the sun, diffusing its rays. Where each touched the ground another warlock appeared, rising to its feet and taking off in a different direction.

The guards clashed with the duplicates, dispelling the mirages one by one, but by the time they were dispersed the warlock was nowhere to be found.

The Warlock

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Selene didn't expect Celestia to intervene. The sun-warrior that she knew would never have attended the gala in person.

The Talisman of Mirage allowed her to escape into the hedge maze, but she was far from safe. It wouldn't take long for the illusions to be dispelled, and there weren't many other places she could have gone in broad daylight. Fortunately for her the enchantment on the maze made it inscrutable from above.

If it was anything like the maze in her world–and it seemed to be–she need only find the fountain to make her escape. She ran barefoot on the cobbles, down leafy-green corridors as fast as she was able. In her mind's eye she saw the guards closing in with each dead end. Frustration mounted inside, and not just because of the maze.

The warlock was angry with herself.

The exiled princess didn't seem to remember why she was here, which was good. However, the warlock feared that showing up and failing to finish off her quarry may have not only been a shameful failure, but aided in jogging the princess's memory.

She underestimated her opponents, and could only hope to escape capture and find a way to redeem herself. If not...

Her shadow magic would be next to useless in the sunlight, which was by design. As such she had amassed a collection of other tools she could rely on.

The Talisman, for example.

Selene's thoughts were interrupted when the maze turned against her, as was inevitable. Passages vanished between overreaching shrubbery and walls of bramble wove themselves right before her eyes, but each of these obstacles she overcame with relative ease. Her slender form slipped easily between the cracks and, using her cloak to shield her, she crashed through the thorns, hardly slowing down.

She broke through one final barrier and emerged at last into the clearing where the fountain depicting the sun-warrior's victory over her sister should have been, but instead she saw something unbelievable: a statue depicting the princess of the moon.

Selene was dumbstruck.

The likeness of the pony princess was beautifully, reverently carved in stone, and not being crushed under-hoof either, but rampant and glorious. Ivy had grown over the statue in places, but the water that flowed from its mouth looked clean and pure.

Part of her was angry, even jealous of that pony, while another part pitied her. When the time came, there was no way this statue, or any other like it would remain standing.

She circled the fountain, testing the stones along the rim until she found the one that was loose and pulled on it, then stepped back as the stone beneath her feet began to shift, parting to reveal a passageway beneath the fountain.

With no time to lose she descended into the lightless tunnel, feeling the reservoir of darkness within her replenish once the harsh rays of the sun were left behind. At the bottom of the steps she felt around on the wall, finding another loose stone and pushing it in, causing the passageway to seal up again without a trace.

She carried on in the dark, counting the steps, only to stumble into a wall when she came to the first turn.

Of course, this passage way was made for ponies.

She made an effort to move slower, coming now and again to sets of stairs leading downward. The descent was gradual, but it gave her time to think.

There was something the moon-bitch said that bothered her; something about shedding the curse of jealousy.

'The nightmare is gone, yet I remain!'

Apparently in this world it was the younger sister who was cursed, but somehow Celestia must have freed her. The question was: How?

As far as she knew, there was no way to end the curse. She had tried once, and failed miserably. As punishment, she was hollowed out and filled with darkness, a vessel for the last traces of her precious night and a weapon to be wielded against the enemies of day.

Am I really that much weaker than she?

Just when she was beginning to doubt that the passage had an end she came up against it. She groped around until she found a button, pressing it and stepping back as the wall slid open, the daylight pouring in and once more threatening to rob her of her magic.

The passage led out to a zig-zagging path set into the cliff beneath the high wall. A harsh wind blew, setting her cloak to billow behind her as she struck out along the path, avoiding the edge as much as possible.

Though the path was wide enough for a pony, Selene didn't have the luxurious wings of an alicorn or pegasus. Her fear of falling made progress slow, and the combination of sunlight and wind made it difficult to think, yet in time her mind began to wander anyway.

She thought about what it was like growing up with her sister. Astra was always better than Selene when it came to magic, and was quick to remind her of that fact.

After their teacher disappeared, her teasing turned cruel. She became frustrated by Selene's lack of interest in magical studies, which was in part due to her sister's attitude.

Magic never came as easily to Selene as it did her sister, but instead of encouraging her she berated her, looking down on her and telling her she wasn't good enough.

She was right.

Where the path met the ground Selene was intercepted by an unfamiliar alicorn.

"Who are you?" asked the warlock.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship and Spirit of the Dusk and Dawn." the pony said with a grin. Sparks danced along her horn, and Selene realized she would soon be captured.

Forgive me, dear sister.

Selene grabbed one of her amulets, this one housing a broken stone fragment, and held it tight. She closed her eyes, uttered the word 'forget' under her breath, and then collapsed.


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Goldilocks lay in bed atop the covers wearing nothing but her panties, her hair still wet from the shower. Her mind was running wild with images from the gala, which was brought to an early end after Princess Twilight apprehended the assailant. The civilians were ushered out, the guards placed on alert, and the palace was locked down for the remainder of the night.

With Gaius's help Goldie managed to fetch her clothes and make it to her room while (hopefully) avoiding any wandering eyes. They parted ways at the door, with him returning to the barracks and her retreating to the shower, grateful for the magic that laundered her clothes.

She relaxed a little in the shower, the last of the semen draining from her body. It was amazing how much Gaius had come, and she wondered just how much more he could have injected into her if they had kept going at it,

Stepping out of the shower, she did her best to dry her hair but was overcome by a sudden wave of exhaustion. She only managed to fetch her panties from the wardrobe and slip them on before collapsing topless on the bed.

It had been a little over an hour since then, and Goldie still couldn't seem to fall asleep, nor could she seem to settle on a feeling. She felt warm when she thought of her and Gaius on the balcony, and shivered when she thought of the false Luna and her shadow-magic. She recalled what the warlock had said to her back there, and what she had called her.

'I finally found you, princess.'

The last word, 'princess,' resonated with something in her mind. Another key, perhaps, and another lock undone, but the chains holding back her memory, though slackened, still remained. She tried to piece together what she had learned so far, and was disappointed by how little there was, and how random it all seemed.

Mermares, the human warlock, and being called a princess... Try as she might, she couldn't seem to draw any meaningful connections between them. She tried to expand her sphere of consideration to include shadows, monsters, and magical artifacts, but whenever she thought she might be on to something it seemed to slip away.

Her tired mind started to wander and she realized that some-pony was going to have to clean up the mess she and Gaius made on the balcony, which made her giggle. Her body was beginning to ache, but even so she placed her hand on her belly and imagined Gaius's huge horse-cock inside her again. She was apparently quite durable, though she knew come morning she would be really feeling it.

The gentle breeze through the window stirred the curtains, and there was a sense of timelessness, as though the day would only come if she were to allow it by falling asleep.

Of course, day had broken for a while during the Gala, though very briefly, with the sun withdrawing into the East not long after in order to restore the night. Such power Celestia wielded! To turn back the sunrise; slay the night whatever the hour.

Yet she also respected a certain order. The day had its place, and so did the night. Neither of them would be permitted to last forever, yet they would each be renewed in their own time.

What Celestia had done earlier, she did to stop the warlock, and to protect Goldie, Gaius, and her sister, Luna. When she was done, she set things right again, restoring her sister’s beautiful night.

Even when Luna fell to the nightmare curse and was sealed away in the moon, Celestia maintained the balance of night and day herself until her sister was ready to reclaim her place by her side.

Goldie admired the sun princess, and was glad to be her student. Though her memory was a mystery she felt that it was worth it for the opportunity to stay in the palace and make so many friends.

She regretted that Rarity had not seen her in the dress she made for her at the gala. The night had barely begun before it was interrupted.

She hoped to speak some more with Princess Twilight in the morning. She was curious how she was able to capture the warlock, and wondered where she was being kept. Maybe the warlock would provide the remaining keys to her memory, if she could be convinced to talk.

Perhaps she was being interrogated right then, and an unexpected twinge of sympathy struck her. She didn't know why, but she pitied the other human. There was something about her that seemed lonely and sad.

She knows me, too. The me I used to be.

The warlock was the first human Goldie had encountered in Equestria, as far as she could remember, and was apparently a counter-part to Princess Luna. This made Goldie wonder once again if she had a pony counter-part of her own; though if she did not one of the three princesses knew where to find her, or if she was really out there somewhere in Equestria, or the lands beyond.

Like Seaquestria, perhaps.

The realm of the sea-ponies was beyond the scope of the sister's gaze, and was the only place Goldie knew about that had a connection to a fragment of her memory. If she really did have a pony (or sea-pony) counter-part, perhaps she would find her there.

Goldie's thoughts kept her awake a little longer, but eventually they began to lose their shape and her body began to relax. Her thoughts and feelings began to blur together, her exhaustion finally winning out. Fuzzy images of winged unicorns and ocean waves filled her head and at last she finally slipped into a dream.

While she slept, she saw images of boiling water and a vast, thirsty desert. She saw flashes of gold and steel, a frightening woman with a fearsome grin, and she saw herself reflected in many fractured mirrors.

Hypogean Gaol

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With the prisoner draped over her back, Princess Twilight took flight and made her way to the castle.

Beneath the throne there was a staircase that ended in a brick wall. She tested the wall with her hoof, which went through the surface, disturbing it like water.

Closing her eyes, she stepped through and emerged in a massive space. Around her loomed enormous, empty cages made to hold things much larger than humans or ponies, having long been starved for prisoners.

The other princesses met her there once things had settled, and they discussed the prisoner's fate while she slumped against the stone wall of one of the cages, her wrists bound above her head.

The prisoner had remained unconscious ever since Twilight saw her collapse, and had been stripped of her cloak and artifacts since then, all of which were neatly laid out on a table nearby.

As for the bandages, a nurse had seen to their examination, discovering that they hid the scars of terrible burns. She even attempted to mend them, only to discover that they were resistant to magical healing, having been inflicted by a far more powerful magic than their healers had at their disposal.

Still, the nurse did give her fresh bandages, and cleaned any cuts and scrapes she found. "I wish there was more I could do." she said with a sigh, then packed up her equipment and left.

"What do you make of all this, Twilight?" asked Luna, trying to keep the volume of her voice in check.

Twilight shook her head. "I have a few ideas, but nothing concrete." She used her magic to pick up the medallion with the broken stone fragment and held it up before them.

"She was clutching this when she collapsed, after uttering something to herself; perhaps an incantation."

"Did she put herself into some sort of magical slumber?" asked Luna, looking at the sleeping form of her human doppelgänger.

"I don't think so." said Twilight. "What I mean is that I think she simply passed out after using it. We will have to wait until she awakens to learn what effect it had." said Twilight, placing the amulet back on the table.

"You already have some idea of what that is, though, don't you?" said Celestia, her gaze fixed on the prisoner's bandages.

Luna looked at Celestia, then at Twilight. "You do? How can that be?" she asked.

"I'd have to check with Sunset to confirm it, but I believe that the stone fragment embedded in the amulet I showed you is a piece of the Memory Stone." said Twilight.

"The one that Old Clover stole from the Sorceress?" asked Luna, intrigued.

"The same. It was destroyed during the incident with Wallflower, but somehow one of the pieces must have been recovered and fashioned into this amulet."

"So it still works?" asked Luna.

"Not exactly. The memories were released when the stone was destroyed, so I don't think that the amulet traps memories. My guess is that whatever properties that the stone possessed which made memory theft possible were harnessed and modified by a skilled artificer.

"The weakened fragment would have no effect if one attempted to use it to produce the whole stone's function, but by creating a device to harness what little was left they were able to produce a lesser, alternate effect."

"Instead of stealing memories, the medallion seals them." said Celestia, thinking about Goldie.

"Yes! At least, that is my educated guess." said Twilight.

Luna looked puzzled. "So... what do we do with her if she lost her memory? We can't interrogate her if she doesn't know the answers to our questions."

"First we need to see if I was right, then we can decide what to do with her." said Twilight, sounding a little less than certain.

After a brief pause, Luna spoke up again. “Is this really another version of me?" she asked.

"Or another version of Principal Luna." said Twilight, thinking out loud. "Though I suppose all of you could just be different versions of each-other."

"Was I like this when I was under the curse?" asked Luna.

"She is not cursed." interjected Celestia. “I don’t think she ever was.”

Twilight and Luna both looked confused.

"But she knew about the nightmare, and even summoned shadow beasts." said Luna. "If she is not cursed, then what is it?"

Celestia didn’t respond,

“Princess? Is something wrong?” asked Twilight, sounding like the unicorn apprentice Celestia had taken on all those years ago.

Celestia tensed, her gaze still fixed on the bandaged form of the prisoner. She imagined her own sister in her place, then Twilight, and even Goldie. She could no longer bear it. She turned away, walking swiftly down the corridor, away from the others; away from what might have been.

"Where are you going?" asked Twilight in surprise.

There was no answer, and a moment later Celestia had passed through the illusory wall and disappeared.

"I'll go after her." said Luna. "You stay with the prisoner. Memory or not, it wouldn't do for her to awaken alone in this place."

Twilight acquiesced, and Luna followed after her elder sister, leaving the young princess alone with the prisoner once again.

She passed the time considering various possibilities. It would be nice to finally get some answers, if for Goldie's sake and nothing else, but that seemed unlikely. Twilight had been wrong before, but Goldie's memory loss and the prisoner's evident rivalry with her aligned with Twilight's suspicions.

However, the loss of her memory–though inconvenient–could present an opportunity for the prisoner. The scars of the past could make one hopeless and mistrustful, but perhaps if she were to experience friendship without such inhibitions, then even should she regain her memory she would have new experiences to draw upon that may allow her to take back mastery of her own destiny.

If it came to that, though, she would have to choose for herself what kind of person she intended be.

What If…?

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"Sister, wait!" cried Luna, chasing after Celestia. The elder sister did not try to flee, she merely walked slowly across the great hall, her head low and wings dragging on the floor.

When Luna caught up she settled in beside her sister, matching her pace. "What is wrong, sister? Let me help."

The princess of the day shook her head. "I am afraid, Luna, of something our teacher tried to hide from us." she said.

"Starswirl? I'm sure he hid many things. What is it that you have found which worries you so?" Luna nudged her sister's wing until she withdrew them. It would not do to allow her to sully them so.

They were ever so pretty.

The two of them came to the end of the hall. The doors were shut, but Celestia opened them with a word. Beneath them, the stairs descended to the courtyard below where guests had waited the day before as the sun set and the gala neared.

They stopped before descending, Celestia gazing out at the clouds. She closed her eyes and drew out the sun, just enough the paint them with golden lining, her radiant mane rippling.

Luna loved to watch her sister's magic. Celestia was always better at controlling it than she was. A part of her might have been jealous once, but now she held only admiration in its place.

The princess of the night was about to pull the moon from the sky, but Celestia stopped her.

"Let us share the sky for now, sister. It seems only fitting." she said.

Princess Luna was surprised, but smiled and nodded. The two of them sat at the top of the stairs in the morning chill and had their conversation.

"Do you remember the hall of mirrors at the old castle?" asked Celestia.

Luna nodded. "I do. Starswirl was teaching you to scout other worlds found beyond their glass."

Celestia also remembered being reprimanded for making a mean comment to her sister and felt both ashamed and grateful for Starswirl's guidance. She was quite arrogant when she was young, and wondered what might have happened if that arrogance had gone unchecked.

"Once, when I should have been sleeping, I came to the hall to do some exploring on my own." she said.

"My, my, sister. You? A rule-breaker?" teased Luna.

Celestia blushed and nudged her sister's shoulder with her hoof, grinning.

"Anyway..." she continued. "I noticed that once of the mirrors was missing."

Luna raised a brow, intrigued.

"Not only that, but I found broken glass where it should have been." said Celestia. "After that I fled upon hearing hoof-steps, catching a glimpse of our teacher returning to the hall with a broom."

"You think Starswirl smashed the mirror?" asked Luna, shocked.

"I wasn't sure what to think then." said Celestia, "I waited until the next day, then stole a glance at his journal. There was nothing in there about that night, or the day that preceded it."

"Nothing at all?" asked Luna. Their teacher kept notes on everything. It was almost habitual.

"I thought it strange too, then realized that the entry had been torn out." said Celestia.

"Do you think he kept the page?" asked Luna

Celestia shook her head again. "I don't know. He was willing to destroy that portal, wherever it might have led, and say nothing about it. At least, not directly. Perhaps he wanted its entire existence erased from–" She paused, realizing the gravity of what she nearly said. "–memory."

The sisters' minds raced with all sorts of wild scenarios. Questions beginning with 'what if...?' dominated their minds.

"Are some things better off forgotten?" asked Celestia after awhile.

Luna gave it some thought. "I can't say. Sometimes I wish I could forget about being Nightmare Moon, but if I did I might make the same mistakes that brought me down that path in the first place."

There was wisdom in that. How could one learn from their mistakes if they forgot they ever made them?

"There is still more to the story." said Celestia, and Luna nodded her head, ready to listen.

"I checked the next page and found impressions from his quill strokes. Whatever he had written on that page he wrote quickly." said Celestia. "The strokes were too inconsistent to decipher the entry, and what I did find I did not understand. That is, until the curse took you."

"Was it about the nightmare? About what would happen to me?" asked Luna.

"Yes, and no. I saw the word 'nightmare' and 'curse' appear a few times, but your name never came up." Tears began to well up in Celestia's eyes. She looked at her sister, and saw her own eyes widen in understanding.

"But yours did." said Luna.

Celestia nodded. "Several times. I took comfort in knowing the mirror was smashed. Then this human version of you turns up, her body scarred and burned, aware of the nightmare yet not herself cursed."

Luna wrapped her wings around her elder sister, pulling her into a hug and letting her cry on her shoulder. "You didn't give her those scars." she said softly.

"But what if some version of me did?" Celestia countered.

"Her sins are not yours." Luna declared, her confidence bringing Celestia unexpected comfort. "You have faced the nightmare before, multiple times, and never did you become its prey.

"After all that you have done for me, for Twilight and Cadence, Goldilocks and the others, do not doubt yourself. We will find what is hidden, and we will overcome it together."

Celestia's let her heart be lifted by Luna voice. She always was good at giving speeches. It was the small talk she struggled with.

Looking up at her little sister whose gaze was cast heroically upon the horizon, Celestia gave her a peck on the cheek. A blush crept upon the princess of the night, but she remained stoically still as her big sis snuggled up against her.

"Thank you." whispered Celestia.

Show and Tell, Part One

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Goldie awoke to sunshine on her face, and smiled. She rolled out of bed and examined herself in the bathroom, combing the tangles out of her hair and brushing her teeth.

She put on her sandals and opened the door to leave, only to find Twilight on the other side, about to knock.

"Oh! Um, sorry to bother you..." said the pony princess. "I know you're prolly exhausted from last night."

Twilight seemed nervous, and it didn't take long for Goldie to figure out why: standing behind the alicorn, her face downcast, was the warlock.

Twilight relayed to Goldie what had happened after the warlock ran off, as well as her hypothesis regarding the Memory Stone. All the while the warlock said nothing.

"Anyway, her name is Selene and I was hoping you could show her around."

The name was familiar, and Goldie felt another lock come undone, this time dislodging a sensory memory of the ocean breeze along with it.

It seems my past is tied to the sea.

There would be time to pursue that later, though. For now the bandaged girl needed supervision, and evidently Goldie was the one for the job.

"I realize this is a lot to ask." said Twilight. "You can refuse of you would like."

Goldie looked at the other girl: another human that–like her–had their memories sealed away. Even if Selene did do this to herself, she couldn't remember why she did it, or even that she did it at all; and treating her like she did would probably seem an injustice to her.

Or she could be playing us for fools.

It certainly seemed possible, but for some reason she wanted to give the girl the benefit of the doubt.

What might I be accused of that I don't remember doing?

"I'll do it." said Goldie. She was surprised to see Selene brighten up, just a bit.

"Great!" said Twilight, sounding relieved. "I will leave her in your care for now. In the meantime I'll carry on with my research into the magical artifacts we... uh... confiscated."

Twilight turned to leave, then said something over her shoulder that she had probably said hundreds of times over the years. "If you need me, I'll be in the library."


Goldie thought it would be a good idea to introduce Selene to Gaius. Of course, part of it was simply that she wanted to see him again, but keeping him updated on the situation seemed prudent. After all, he had been there during the confrontation, and deserved to know what happened.

They found him in the yard beside the barracks, having a long piss. When he caught sight of Goldie approaching he tensed up, his urine stream shrinking briefly but never stopping. Once the floodgates were open Goldie wondered if it was even possible to stop, and after nearly a minute had passed while awkwardly watching she began to wonder if it ever would stop.

"You know, you could have waited around the corner." said Gaius, blushing as he squeezed the last few bursts from his bladder into the grass.

For some reason the thought hadn't crossed Goldie's mind. The sight was so mesmerizing that she didn't realize how rude it was to just stare like that.

"Sorry." she said, embarrassed. "I don't know what came over me."

"It's fine." said Gaius with a laugh. He turned to face the two of them after shaking off his cock, then tensed up again when he saw Selene.

"Woah, easy." said Goldie, putting her arm in front of the new girl. "This is Selene. She's harmless; her memory has been sealed away, just like mine." said Goldie quickly.

Selene appeared uncomfortable. She inched partway behind Goldilocks and didn't say a word, her eyes darting from the ground to Gaius's cock, then back at the ground.

After a few moments in her presence Gaius relaxed, convinced the girl wasn't a threat. He was mostly worried about Goldie, but seeing how the stranger looked to her for comfort there didn't seem to be a problem. Besides, if Goldie was willing to let bygones be bygones for the time being, he would too.

"Okay. So what now?" asked Gaius.

It was a fair question. It seemed likely that Selene had used the amulet on Goldie before using it on herself, but it still wasn't apparent why or where she came from.

Goldie explained as much to Gaius, who listened intently, then turned his gaze to address Selene.

"So, you don't remember anything?" he asked.

Selene thought for a moment, then spoke up. "Certain things feel familiar. Like the amulet Goldie was talking about, but... I don't know why."

Gaius was wise enough not to ask about the confrontation, as Goldie had hoped. Even if she couldn't remember, it wouldn't do to remind her that she and Goldie were adversaries before. At least, not just yet.

"Those bandages... Are you injured?" asked Gaius.

"They cover my scars." said Selene, rubbing her shoulder nervously. "I don't know how I got them, but they don't hurt. I think I've had them for a long time."

It wasn't long before Gaius had to return to his patrol. The palace was still on lockdown, which seemed strange considering that the reason for the lockdown was roaming the halls. Still, it seemed irresponsible to assume that the warlock had been working alone. Whatever allies she may have had could still be out there, somewhere.

Goldie and Selene bid farewell to Gaius and the barracks. By then the sun was high and Goldie could tell that Selene was becoming anxious.

"What's wrong?" she asked. "I mean, besides losing your memory."

Selene shielded her eyes and pointed to the sun. "I think I just need to find some shade." she said.

The two of them ducked in to the nearest building, which Goldie had never visited before. Inside, she could hardly believe such a place had gone unnoticed.

“Well, I think we found our next activity.”

Show and Tell, Part Two

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Inside, there was what appeared to be a running track that went around the perimeter of the building. In the center, surrounded by marble columns, was a pool stirred by a rippling fountain that spat water from a cluster of rocks at the far end. Steam rose from the water, which was illuminated by a hanging brazier and the natural light through the small windows set high into the walls.

"Hello? Is any-pony in here?" called Goldie, but the only response was a faint echo.

She looked over her shoulder at Selene and shrugged, then lead the way across the track to the water's edge. She could feel the heat rising from the water, breathing deep of the vapor, and when she did it was as though a pulse shook her brain and she felt her body relax.

This is no ordinary water.

Eager to submerge herself in the unusual bath Goldie removed her sandals and tested the water with her toes, pleased by the temperature. She hastily lifted her dress over her head and started to remove her underwear, only remembering she had company as she was pulling her panties off her leg, after which she was completely naked.

Goldie stood there frozen for a moment, then slowly looked over at Selene who's gaze was politely averted, though she was clearly uncomfortable. "Sorry." said Goldie, then sat down on the edge of the water, dangling her legs over the side. The pool was shallow and when she found the bottom she let herself slip in.

The water felt so good she almost forgot she was naked, for a moment anyway. The warmth wrapped around her calves and thighs, the heat soothing the muscles and tickling her skin. There was something else as well, an almost electric sensation that was so faint as to be almost imperceptible, yet for that very reason it was difficult to ignore.

After wading out to the center of the pool, where the water reached up to her chest, Goldie turned to see the warlock standing at the water's edge, uncertain whether to follow her in.

"It's ok! Come in, the water feels great!" said Goldie, and by the time the echo had faded Selene had begun to unravel her bandages, revealing to Goldie the eerie scars that wrapped around her body like glossy tattoos.

Whatever flame had touched her left its mark on her left thigh, upper arms and the left side of her torso, the scars branching and twisting. There were no large patches of damaged flesh, but rather a pattern like tongues of flame, coiling around her limbs and climbing her left breast from beneath her arm, reaching for her nipple but not quite making it.

There was a strange beauty to her, born of a contrast between her soft, dark-blue flesh and the savage wounds the would not heal.

She was quieter than Goldie would have expected, but standing there at the edge of the bath she had the same severity that Luna did. Her blue hair tumbled down her back and her eyes were ringed with voluminous lashes. Her perky breasts sported dark nipples and when she had finished removing her bandages she looked like a statue of some warrior goddess.

When she saw Goldie looking she couldn't decide whether to try and hide her privates or her scars. Goldie realized she was being rude and decided to offer Selene the same curtesy that she had shown her and averted her eyes, though it was difficult. She wanted to look at Selene, to see every inch of her interesting body.

More than that, she wanted to touch it; to slide her hands over it and feel the differing textures. She wanted to press her nipples like buttons, and plunge her fingers between her thighs...

Woah, slow down.

Just a day before the two of them were adversaries. They weren't even really friends... yet.

Goldie made her way to the other side and settled down, resting her elbows on the edge and catching a glimpse of Selene as she slipped into the water.

The warlock waded in toward the center, sighing loudly. The scars on her body reacted somehow to the water. Though they didn't usually hurt, a sensation rivaling relief coursed through the patterns of flame-touched flesh, like the feeling one gets when a tear finds its way into a dry eye: Almost pain, but somehow... good.

Selene enjoyed herself a little, floating on her back and letting out a long, low moan, her wet blue breasts floating above the water's surface like the backs of a pair of aquatic mammals come up for air.

She spread her arms and legs, then pulled them close to propel herself backward through the water. She came up next to Goldie, and Goldie put out her hand to prevent her from bumping into the side of the pool with her head.

Gratefully, Selene righted herself and sat down beside Goldie, thanking her for her gentle intervention.

"How is it that you remember your name?" asked Goldie suddenly, not really expecting an answer.

"I don't... or I didn't. The small princess—Twilight something—she found the name engraved on an item I had with me, though I don't recall exactly what it was.

"Apparently, I had a lot of trinkets with me, if only I could recall their significance."

Selene drew her wet hair behind her ear and blushed, and Goldie felt her heart beat a little faster.

There was a certain barrier between them before. Goldie still remembered the warlock as she had been, even though she herself had forgotten.

For Selene, Goldie was a stranger showing her around a strange place where her oldest memory is that of a prisoner.

Now they had seen each other naked, spoken to one another and have been able to relax in each other's company.

There were still other places to show her, though, and before long the two of them would have to leave the bath behind.

Show and Tell, Part Three

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Before Goldie and Selene had the chance to get out of the water the thundering of hooves rattled through the chamber as the recently awakened moon-guard charged in to make use of the track, warming up before their watch.

Goldilocks dropped low in the water so that only her head and shoulders were above the surface. Obscured by the steam, she looked on at the unusual ponies, many of which had bat-like wings in addition to their strange, cat-like eyes.

All those muscular stallions running and sweating, heavy balls slapping against their rippling backsides, cocks tucked in their sheaths.

A few were mares, and a couple of them had teats like low-hanging udders that shivered and shook as they trotted, swinging like bags of milk when they galloped.

Selene moved in beside Goldie, looking at the bat-ponies with interest. Soon, though, the stirring of the air thinned out the steam and it became known to the ponies that the girls were in the bath.

Now and then a few of the runners would glance at the girls in the pool, always with confusion and sometimes a blush. At least one guards-pony seemed to be getting an erection, which made him slow down a bit and eventually stop running altogether.

"What are you two doing here? The moon-guards have this place reserved for the afternoon." He tried to sound stern, but his voice was a little shaky. When he saw the girls staring at his junk he closed his front legs together, trying to hide it from view.

"What's your name?" asked Goldie, covering her breasts with her arm. She was embarrassed, but her arousal gave her the courage to flirt anyway.

"Oskar. Oskar Eberhard." he said, raising his head proudly.

"More like ever-hard." teased a mare as she trotted past, slapping Oskar on the ass with her wing.

Goldie snickered as a blush erupted across his face. It somehow made her feel a little less nervous knowing she wasn't the only one feeling flustered.

"Well, Oskar, why don’t we make the others jealous?”

Oskar stiffened, the sultry expression on Goldie's face catching him off-guard as much as the words coming from her mouth.

Selene was surprised when the large pony acquiesced. He sat on the edge of the pool, bracing himself from behind with his fore-hooves and letting his back ones hang in the water.

It seemed an awkward position for a horse, but he appeared comfortable enough. His massive balls hung just over the lip and as the girls approached his cock grew into a leaning tower, which seemed to alarm the warlock.

Her eyes were glued to the cum-cannon deploying itself before her. It seemed like it was taking aim, preparing to fire.

"Woah, it's okay! It's supposed to do that." said Goldie, putting her hand on the warlock's shoulder. Her warm, gentle touch snapped Selene out of her thousand-yard stare.

"Honestly, I'm a little nervous myself." said the guard, his expression uncomfortable. "I've never even seen a human before. You're... breathtaking. Both of you." The moon-guard blushed and his cock bounced a smidge, fresh blood rushing into it.

"See? It's not so scary." Goldie waded up to the guards-pony's vulnerable genitalia. She pressed her neck against the flat tip of his penis, having to fully extend her arms to reach his mammoth nuts, cupping them with both her hands. She locked eyes with him, the terrifying intensity of her blue irises sending shivers down his spine, even as her fingers blissfully worked his balls.

She kissed the tip of his cock, flitting her tongue against the hole a few times, tasting his salty pre-cum.

Feeling her pretty lips against the soft flesh of his glans was sublime, and when the tip of her tongue darted in and out of his urethra he wanted to cry.

Then she pulled away, letting his balls fall and leaving his loaded cock primed but unfired.

"W-why? I'm so close..." whined the stallion.

Goldie whispered something to Selene, then submerged herself, rising up beneath the stallion's balls and letting them rest on her head.

Selene stood and approached the cock, holding it in her tiny hands and feeling the texture of the skin as well as the sheer weight of it. Her exploratory touch was like that of a feather, stimulating the nerves in a tickling, painfully delicate manner.

"Ah! Wait, it would probably be best if I didn't cum in the water." said Oskar, his body tensing as Goldie grabbed his balls from either side, still wearing them like a hat.

"What should I do?" asked Selene, pulling her hands away.

Goldie locked eyes with the warlock and opened her mouth, gesturing by putting her fingers inside and stroking the length of her arm with her other hand.

The warlock seemed to understand, positioning herself in front of Oskar’s cock and opening as wide as she could. Even still, she scraped the edge of the glans with her teeth, but managed to fit the entire head in her mouth.

That was the last straw, and Goldie felt Oskar's nuts tighten as he exploded into the warlock's mouth.

Somehow Selene kept her lips sealed around his cock as he pumped shot after shot of creamy horse cum inside of her, each blast hitting the back of her throat and making her gag. Even still, she swallowed as much as she could before her cheeks filled up and cum began to leak out her nose.

Goldie moved underneath to catch any dripping semen in her hands and mouth, enjoying the view of Selene's body from below.

Selene choked down what she could, feeling the warmth in her stomach. When she released the cock she gasped for air, but managed to keep from falling over.

After a few moments of heavy breathing by Oskar and Selene, the three of them rinsed off in the showers while the rest of the moon-guard used the pool.

By the time they were finished, the evening had come.

Show and Tell, Part Four

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The girls left the bathhouse to a chorus of whistles and laughter, the latter mostly directed at poor Oskar by his playful comrades. It was much the same when they were showering, and Goldie surprised both Oskar and Selene by hiding behind them. It seemed bizarre that someone so brazen could also be so bashful.

As they walked in the warm light of the early evening, their hair still drying in the gentle breeze, Goldie and Selene felt a little wound up. It was fun helping Oskar, and Goldie was impressed with how Selene was able to take all that cum; yet, for all that, neither of the two girls were able to get any real release of their own.

Their bodies were hot and though the air was cooling, it was like their bellies were furnaces full of hot coals. Goldie wouldn't have been surprised if her pussy started giving off steam.

The girls followed the path to the edge of the terrace overlooking the fountain where guests and petitioners gather to await entry into the palace, then turned and walked beneath the grand staircase leading from the lower courtyard to the great hall.

There was a way into the great hall on the far side, and Goldie figured she would show Selene around the interior and maybe stop by the kitchen for a bite to eat before reporting back to Twilight.

"Um... Goldie?" Selene said suddenly, stopping in the shadow beneath the staircase.

Goldilocks halted mid-stride and turned about to face the warlock.

"What it is?" said Goldie, examining the warlock's expression and noticing her eyes dart to the side.

Selene's cloak had fallen off one of her shoulders and she was rubbing her upper arm. The warlock's thighs were turned inward, and when her own desire flared at the sight of the poor girl Goldilocks understood.

Stepping up to Selene, Goldie slipped the cloak off the other shoulder and let it fall to the ground, exposing her bandaged body there under the stairs.

"We need to get you some clothes of your own." said Goldie with a smile.

Placing one hand on the warlock's shoulder, she cupped her breast with the other. It fit nicely in Goldie's hand, and though smaller than her own it was somehow both supple and firm.

The experience was different from when she touched her own breasts, and though it was someone else being stimulated it still brought her satisfaction.

Goldie slid her hand down and found the warlock's clitoris. She used her nail to flick it, causing Selene to tense up.

Goldie took the warlock's hand and placed the palm against her own pubic mound. She was surprised to find how cold Selene's touch was, but not displeased. Besides, Goldie's own heat quickly overcame the chill and brought warmth to the warlock's hand.

Goldie kissed the scar on Selene's neck and breathed on her skin. She moved up from there, tickling the warlock's ear with her tongue.

Selene giggled, and at the same time Goldie pinched her clitoris, causing the warlock to shift and inadvertently pull away from Goldie's grip, stimulating her clit in a way that turned her laughter into a goofy moan that ended up making Goldie laugh too.

Goldilocks put both her hands on Selene's shoulders, gently pushing down until she was halfway to kneeling, then hiked up her dress and straddled Selene's outstretched thigh and brought her own hips down, grinding her plump pussy against Selene's leg, fluid soaking through Goldilocks' panties and smearing the warlock's thigh.

Selene was mesmerized by Goldie's face, the blonde girl's mouth hanging open. She felt the warmth on her thigh and reveled in the apparent pleasure she was giving to Goldie, which made her feel a little less... small compared to her.

Goldie had so far been very kind to Selene, but her aggressive personality had admittedly intimidated the warlock. Having the blonde girl use Selene's body to pleasure herself seemed to help break down that barrier a little by making her face her fear... and fuck it.

Selene tucked her fingers in her own pussy and pulled outward toward her navel, scratching her insides while Goldie humped her leg.

Suddenly it was like a gear changed in their heads and the two girls soared high on each other, and in that moment Goldie kissed the warlock, then the two came down together.

Goldie slipped off Selene's knee, liquid dripping from between her thighs. She let out a shuddering moan and struggled on wobbly legs. Selene squirted around her fingers and pulled them out like a plug, more liquid falling out after.

Goldie helped Selene wrap herself back up in her cloak and the two of them ran off giggling before any guards could show up.


"Hey you two! How did it go?" asked Twilight as the girls entered the library.

"I think it went pretty well." said Goldie. She and Selene looked at one another, blushed, then looked away again.

"Well, that's good to hear." said Twilight, apparently oblivious.

"I actually have something to ask you, Goldie. Would you be willing to accompany me to my castle for a few days? I need to confirm some things with a friend of mine and was thinking it might be a good opportunity for you to meet her."

Goldie remembered their talk about Sunset Shimmer and the Human World.

"Sure, Twilight. I would love to."

Twilight seemed to like that. "Great! I asked Gaius to accompany us as our escort. I hope you don't mind."

Goldie did not mind.

"What about Selene?" she asked.

"Well, I was thinking Selene could stay in your room while you are away. Princess Luna was hoping to spend some time getting to know her."

That wasn't exactly surprising, and Selene seemed to be on board.

That night, the two of them slept in the same bed, and in the morning Goldie packed her clothes and went with Gaius to meet Twilight at the train station.

Eos and Astraea

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"What are those?" asked Astraea as she peered over the Starboard side at a group of colorful shapes keeping pace with the vessel.

"There are some on this side too!" cried her brother Eos, watching as one breached the surface.

It was a girl, bare-breasted and with the tail and vibrant scales of a fish where her legs ought to have been. She swam on her back, slapping the water with her tail-fin. She waved at Eos with one hand, brushing her wet hair from her face with the other.

"Mermaids!" said Eos excitedly, turning to look at his sister across the deck just as she did the same. The twins' eyes met, their gazes charged with excitement. They had come at last to Queen Novo's secret domain.

With the merfolk guiding them it wasn't long before they reached the queen's marina: a scattering of rocky spires in the middle of otherwise open waters.

The sails were furled and the anchor was dropped, and once they were moored to one of the spires the mermaid seen by Eos suggested they prepare to receive a delegation from the queen before disappearing beneath the surface along with the others.

A few moments passed in suspense, then Princess Skystar climbed aboard in human form after a pair of guards, carrying with her the Pearl of Transformation. The crew all turned their attention to her naked form, her brilliant blue hair so long it reached her ankles; her wet, creamy skin sparkling in the infinite sunlight.

"You have come a long way to find us. The sun is no gentler to the sea, yet the depths diffuse the harsh rays." The princess's words were eloquent, but her body language suggested suppressed excitement. "By my mother's grace you will see night again in the ocean depths." She held the pearl aloft and addressed the sailors. "Step forward, you who would lead the others."

Eos and Astraea stepped forward together, the twins of dawn and dusk having suffered greatly in the absence of either.

"Excellent! Strip down, and ready yourselves."

The twins turned red, glancing at one another, and then awkwardly away.

"Both of us?" asked Eos, eyes cast upon the distant horizon, lamenting his synchronicity with his sister.

The princess raised an eyebrow and cocked her head, as if his question made no sense.

"It's ok." said Astraea, placing her hand on her brother's shoulder. Her touch was calming, bolstering even. The two of them undressed, tossing aside their ragged clothes and standing naked before the princess, her guards and the crew.

"Wow! You two look totally amazing." blurted the princess, to the surprise of everyone except the guards that preceded her. Apparently, they were familiar with this other side of the princess, which Astraea imagined they all would be getting to know once the pageantry was over.

"Oops. Ahem." The princess gathered her composure and carried on, the guards ushering the naked siblings to the side of the boat. "When I give the word, leap into the water. With the power of this pearl you shall become one with the sea, as my mother did before and so many have done after."

The twins held hands, bending their knees slightly. Eos couldn't help but be aware of his junk dangling between his legs, hoping his sister didn't find it as distracting as he did.

Astraea was more concerned about her own body, painfully aware of the shelf of her bust and the untrimmed bush of purple hair down below.

"One last thing: exhale before you hit the water. It makes the next part much easier." said Skystar.

Before either of the twins could ask for an explanation, Skystar gave the word and the twins jumped over the side.

As they fell, their curled legs were engulfed in a pearlescent radiance, and when that radiance faded there were scales and fins where their skin and feet had been.

The two barely had time to be astonished before they hit the water like a couple of stones. They did, however, expel their breath as instructed.

Though a few meters below the surface their respiration instinctively kicked in, but instead of drowning as their lungs filled with water they felt relief flood in from their necks. Eos reached up and touched his own, finding faint ridges that could only have been gills.

The two did not seem to be buoyant anymore, and, realizing that the crew would be waiting for them, they swam up and emerged triumphantly, gasping for air; the alternation between methods of oxygenation a bit disorienting.

Nevertheless, they waved happily at the crew watching anxiously from the deck, and were soon joined by them in the water, followed by the princess and her retainers. When they were all assembled, the princess led them into the depths while workers from below rose to scuttle the ship, for secrecy was survival.

As they swam deeper the deathly sunlight began to fade at last, and the relief from darkness also came with the desire to sleep. There was a calm beneath the waves, even when the bioluminescent coral of the aquatic domain came into view, and thereafter the shadowed structure of Queen Novo's palace.

Princess Skystar was a fast swimmer, and even the guards had difficulty keeping up with her.

Eos and Astraea were still getting the hang of their fins, but fared better than the rest of the exiles. Still, it mattered little as the queen did not reveal herself until the last guest had arrived in the great hall.

Skystar took her place floating by her side, and their beauty was somehow compounded by the contrast between them.

The princess was cute and bubbly, full of youthful energy, while the queen was stern and more womanly, with larger breasts and an aloof air about her.

"Well well. More seekers of refuge from the burning skies, I presume." said the queen, a bored expression on her face.

"What am I to do with you?" she asked.

The Moon in the Morning

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Selene awoke from a nightmare that she couldn't recall. She had slept in and missed Goldie's departure. Not really wanting to remain in the room alone, she put on her cloak and was about to leave when Luna's voice came through the door, loud and clear.

"Selene, are you awake? May I come in?"

The warlock opened the door and stepped aside to allow the pony princess in. The room looked rather small with Luna in it, and Selene was reminded how big the pony princesses were. Even Oskar and Gaius fell short of Luna, and her sister Celestia was even bigger.

Not that she had spent much time with the Princess of the Sun. She imagined that would change in due time, but at that moment all she really wanted was to see Goldilocks again.

That would have to wait, however, as Goldie was away trying to unravel the mystery of the both of them being here.

"I see you are still wearing your cloak. I hope you don't mind, but I made you an appointment with the seamstress to get some clothes made, at Goldie's request." said Luna.

She did not mind. Goldie had mentioned something about getting Selene some proper clothes. The idea excited her. While not quite as bashful as Goldilocks, Selene was starting to feel uncomfortable wearing nothing but bandages and a cloak. The bandages didn't even cover her... parts.

"When can I see her?" asked Selene, her voice betraying a hint of excitement.

Luna smiled. "So you're interested, I take it?"

"Very much so." replied Selene. Her eyes were focused, her expression serious.

It made Luna want to laugh, but she didn't want the girl to take it the wrong way. Still, she couldn't suppress a little titter that affected the first part of what she said next.

"Glad to hear it." she began. "She will be here on the morrow. Until then, I was hoping we might spend some time getting to know one another."

Selene thought that sounded like a fine idea, and she was in a good mood. She was also hungry.

"How should we start?" asked Selene.

"Why not join me for some coffee. I am off-duty until nightfall. We can enjoy the morning and talk."

With her cloak wrapped around her Selene held the door for Luna, the two of them stepping out into the hall.

"I've been meaning to ask. What is that on your leg?" asked Selene while closing the door behind them.

Luna brought her hind leg forward and examined it, noticing that she had forgotten to remove one of the socks she had worn during the night she spent tending to her sister.

"Huh. I forgot I was wearing that." said Luna, blushing. She pulled it off with her mouth, an action that made Selene blush too, then used her magic to fold it up and tuck it away in her nebulous mane.

"Shall we?" she said, and the two of them made their way to the kitchen.

The cook was a quiet, serious unicorn, her mane tied up in a neat bun. Selene waited while she conversed with Luna, and a few moments later two cups of warm liquid—both without handles—appeared on the counter.

Luna offered Selene her cup first, from which she took a tentative sip. "It's good!" she exclaimed, then took another swallow. It was smooth, and not too hot either.

"I'm glad you like it. Medium roast, with a splash of mare's milk: my personal favorite."

Selene wondered privately where the mare's milk came from, but thought it impolite to ask.

When they both had their cups they went out to the balcony to feel the crisp morning air and look upon the city below, where the common ponies had already begun their daily labors.

"I must admit there is something glorious about my sister's cherished daylight." said Luna.

Selene winced at the word 'daylight,' and a peculiar dread washed over her, only to be swept away as quickly as it had come.

"Is something the matter?" asked Luna, looking at Selene.

The warlock shook her head, not wanting to bother the princess with something as trivial as a fleeting feeling.

She took another sip of her coffee and wondered at the cool breeze beneath her cloak and how the chill drew her attention back to the warm cup, which she held in both hands. It picked out the warm sensations, like the gentle sunlight on her face or the warm porcelain in her palms, making them more distinct and memorable.

It was strangely fulfilling to stand in the sun without fear. The soft light was unlike any she had known in a long time, but just how long she could not recall. Even still, she was happy enjoying the invigorating moment with its contrasts and mild pleasures.

When their coffee was finished they returned the cups to the kitchen, and Luna had the cook prepare a bowl of porridge, which was Goldie's favorite.

"I apologize for the lack of human cuisine." said Luna. "It seems our cultures share a love of sweets, but from where we draw sustenance seems to differ somewhat. Oats, however, are apparently universal; a convenience we have taken advantage of lately."

Selene appreciated Luna's concern for her wellbeing. She did not expect the princess to be so warm. Not that she expected her to be cold, exactly...

Perhaps she was projecting a bit of how she saw herself onto the princess. She felt a certain kinship with her, and the pony had a certain beauty that she envied, though not maliciously.

Still, in spite of everything Selene felt like there was something she needed to be doing. She wasn't used to leisure, or remaining long in one place. If she had a purpose, though, it was probably locked away in her memories.

And what if I don't like it?

She supposed she would just have to wait and see, or perhaps even find a new purpose…

The First Exodus

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The Archon stood upon the beach and stared at the horizon on the water. She knew they were out there, hiding beneath the waves. With the sun-furies at her side, snarling and stamping their feet, an overabundance of solar power leaking from their eyes and mouths, she was ready to finally put the traitors to the sword once and for all.

With solemn reverence she gripped the Amulet of Aurora around her neck and held it aloft. She closed her eyes and felt the ocean spray, hearing the rumbling of water as the tide was driven back by burgeoning winds. Her cloak rippled, the sand on the beach began to stir. So powerful was the storm she conjured that the sun was briefly blotted out by clouds, causing the furies to hiss in displeasure.

Forgive me, sister. This transgression is only a temporary one, but necessary.

Onward they marched, treading upon the ocean floor, stranded fish scattered about, flopping and slapping the ground with their tails. The stench was nauseating, and the sand was wet and flecked with rocks that made the march toward the retreating tide unpleasant at best and outright treacherous at worst. Barriers of coral redirected them now and then, but they would not stop. They were closing in.

On the other side of the wall of water Queen Novo, understanding that the furies would reach her sanctuary before long, gathered her people in the great hall, Eos and Astraea included.

"The hollow hound has found us, and not even the sea can withstand her any longer." she said to her people, Princess Skystar at her side.

The twins looked at one another, their expressions both mirrors of the other's horror.

"We still have one last hope. My daughter and I will show you the way, and you must follow without hesitation." said the queen.

The princess looked shocked. "Mother! You mean we're leaving? This is our home—"

Queen Novo silenced her daughter with a look more serious and dire than the princess had ever seen upon her mother's face.

"The yellow queen's bitch has given us no choice." the queen said, turning from her daughter back to the audience. "If we stay here we shall be stranded, and the furies will have us. Many of you here have seen firsthand what happens to those that stand in their way."

Most of the merfolk looked to those beside them, recalling the events that had led them to abandon the surface.

"The hollow bitch has found a way to use the weather against us. She turns the very tide to reach us, and her slavering servants march beside her. If we are to escape, we must go now."

Without much ado, she led her charges further from the shore. It was a solemn procession into the dark of the deep sea.

On the edge of a vast abyss, the merfolk gathered before a pair of ancient copper pillars, green with age and algae. Between them a somber glow was suspended, growing as the merfolk approached, as though sensing their proximity. Like a shimmering veil, the portal between worlds loomed before them.

The storm had begun to stir the surface above, and schools of fish and aquatic mammals fled to deeper waters, soaring overhead like birds.

Meanwhile, the power of the amulet was folding the sea in on itself, but the strain was building and the sun-furies were becoming anxious of the ever-rising wall of tide before them.

The archon quickened her pace, adding her frustration to the power of the amulet. Bolts of lightning dropped from the clouds and struck greedily at the newly vulnerable coral and forests of suffocated kelp, turning the sand to glass. The ferocity of the smiting invigorated the furies, spurring them to the furthest edge of their madness. Not even the archon wanted to discover what lay beyond.

At the gate, Queen Novo commanded her daughter to lead her charges through, waiting until the last of them were gone before leaving herself.

As she left that world, she could feel the warping of the water and see the blurred shapes of the pursuers marching inexorably, illuminated by the lightning that fell all around them.

On the other side the queen was received by her daughter and her charges. The waters were calm there, but they did not linger, making their way to shore immediately. There was little they could do about the gate except to get as far away from it as possible before the Archon breached it.

It has been a long time since I have walked on land.

The queen knew she would have to use the pearl to reverse the transformation she had undergone all those years ago. Only on land would they find what they needed. There would be no more running. It was time to make a stand, and for that she would need help.

By the time the sea had retreated from the portal the merfolk were already on their way to the other shore. The archon was frustrated, but determined to follow them through. She just needed time to come up with a way to bring her furies along without dousing them in the process.

She used a combination of amulets to create an air bubble around her and her cohort, allowing the massive wall of water she had built up to fall down all around them. The water, tumbling atop itself as it came crashing down was an apocalyptic sight, and created a tsunami that would later come to devastate the shore.

Yet the bubble held, and with great care and difficulty she was able to maintain it and guide her force through to the other side, where they were surrounded by darkness.

The Archon felt a familiar presence in the sky, far above, and was almost overwhelmed with nostalgia. The feeling faded quickly, however. The presence was not hers to command, not here. She looked around at her uncertain furies, then led them ashore.

Express Train to Ponyville

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Goldie and Twilight sat across from one another in the dining car of the Friendship Express. Goldie sipped at a coffee that was on the verge of being too sweet, while Twilight enjoyed some contrastingly bitter dandelion-root tea.

"You know," began Twilight when she decided that the silence had gone on too long. "Herbal tea isn't really tea at all, since it isn't made with the Camellia Sinensis plant."

Goldilocks had no idea what that was, but she nodded politely and said: "That's interesting." It seemed to please Twilight, and that was enough.

Shortly after that their entrées arrived, delivered to them by a cute pony in a waitress uniform, and any awkwardness was forestalled for the moment.

Goldie was fascinated by the difference in their dishes. While Goldilocks had a plate of french-toast with sugar and syrup, Twilight was content with a daisy and daffodil sandwich.

Shoving some flowers between two slices of bread didn't seem like it would be appetizing, yet watching Twilight take delicate bites with sips of 'tea' in between threatened to bring back a memory.

It didn't come, unfortunately, yet she felt as though she had eaten something similar before; she just couldn't quite remember what it was and where it happened.

"Is there something on my face?" asked Twilight shyly, looking up from her teacup as she set it down, using her magic.

Goldie shook her head, feeling a warmth in her chest, and a thought unbidden leaped into her mind.

This princess is cute.

Celestia had told her that Twilight was her former apprentice, and became an alicorn once she was ready to come into her own after having learned the lessons of friendship and having wielded the Elements of Harmony. Goldie still wasn't certain what the Elements of Harmony actually were, but she would likely have time to question Twilight about them at some point during their trip.

When this is all over, will I become an alicorn too?

The thought made her giggle, which made Twilight blush.

"Oh, sorry! I wasn't laughing at you. I just thought of something funny, is all." said Goldie, her own complexion reddening as she frantically tried to save face.

The two awkwardly finished their meals in relative silence, after which Twilight summoned the nerve and offered to show Goldilocks to the observation carriage.

"We should be able to see Ponyville pretty soon." she explained excitedly as she led Goldie along the length of the train, then up the stairs toward the glass dome of the observation car.

Goldilocks was amazed by the sight of Canterlot precariously perched upon the mountainside behind them, and further along she caught a glimpse of Cloudsdale in the sky, emerging from behind a cloud.

At last, as the train crested a hill the crystalline spires of Twilight's own Castle of Friendship appeared, surrounded by the bucolic little settlement of Ponyville, which had been granted to Twilight as a condition of her coronation.

Twilight enjoyed watching Goldie's reactions to the landmarks of her homeland. There was something charming about the girl, and it wasn't just the novelty of her humanity. There was mystery and familiarity all at once, and the sense of something both innocent and wise.

When Goldilocks spoke it snapped Twilight out of deep thought and she was embarrassed to have to ask Goldie to repeat herself.

"I was just curious... Sunset was Celestia's apprentice before you, yes?"

"That's right." said Twilight, nodding her head a little too vigorously and having to fix her crown, which made Goldie smile.

"What happened to her?"

It was a fair question, the answer to which was a little complicated. Sunset had not always been a human. In fact, she started out as an ordinary unicorn, but was seduced by a vision she saw in the mirror and fled to the human world, only to become trapped on the other side.

Some of this Goldie probably already knew, but Twilight wasn't sure how much.

"Sunset left Equestria to follow a different path, which led her to stealing my crown." said Twilight. "Having never known friendship, the crown only amplified her ambition, but she was defeated when the humans of that world wielded the powers of harmony and took back the crown.

"Having nothing left, the only path forward she had ever known vanishing in the face of something new, she worked hard to redeem herself and with a little kindness has now become one of my staunchest allies." Twilight smiled in remembrance, and Goldilocks wondered if maybe this story would be of some use to Selene.

Goldie had a lot of questions, but they would have to wait as the train began to slow, preparing to pull into Ponyville Station.

Pinkie gasped, levitating slightly off the platform, then falling back down when her expression neutralized, as though nothing had happened. Not even the other ponies seemed to notice, so Goldilocks decided to treat it as something ordinary, as they evidently did.

Applejack swept her hat and bowed politely, which made Goldie giggle and prompted a curtsy in response.

"Nice to meet ya. I'm Applejack, and this here's Pinkamena, but we all just call her Pinkie Pie."

"It's good to see ya, Twilight. Sorry not every-pony could make it. Rainbow's in Cloudsdale and Rarity's in Canterlot, though I s'pose ya already knew that." said AJ.

Goldie was following along as best she could, but was distracted by Pinkie's intense gaze. It made her feel naked, which was making her nervous.

"Now that ya are here, there's actually something we could use yer help with." said Applejack. She seemed embarrassed to have to ask, but Goldie was sure Twilight would understand.

"Of course. What's the problem?" said Twilight, affirming Goldie's assessment of her character.

Pinkie Pie suddenly quit staring to chime in. "It's an Ursa! Down by Fluttershy's place. It's acting really weird."

"An Ursa? Like a bear?" asked Goldie, something tugging at her memory.

"It's like a living constellation, and very dangerous." explained Twilight.

A Minor Problem

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It was growing dark as the group approached Fluttershy's camp on the edge of the Everfree. Goldie noticed that the sky near the forest was a peculiar patchwork of empty purple dusk, veiled in clouds, cobbled together with stretches of star-sown sky that reminded her of Luna's mane.

Upon seeing the stellar creature sitting in the field before a wall of trees, as though a patch from the sky above had come down below, Goldilocks felt a memory rise toward the surface, but when it did not break through a horrid feeling of emptiness suddenly came over her.

She swallowed the feeling and tried to move past it, looking around for something to take her mind away. She found it in Fluttershy's uncannily large teats, which hung from her crotch nearly all the way to the ground, as though over-laden with milk. The pegasus was standing away from the fire, watching the bear gaze upward while the wind stirred her mane, which looked like floral icing.

"Fluttershy!" called Twilight, a moment before the princess noticed what Goldie had seen and came to an abrupt stop, alarmed by her friend's bloated boobies.

"Oh, hi Twilight!" said Fluttershy, turning to greet the princess. When she caught sight of Goldilocks however, she lowered her head so that her hair fell over one of her eyes. She looked up at the human stranger, and thanks to her years as Twilight's friend and the Element of Kindness she was able to greet Goldie without mumbling or clamming up.

"Hello, human. My name is Fluttershy." she managed.

Goldilocks felt a warmth coming from the pony, who seemed both darling and matronly.

Fluttershy noticed every-pony staring and decided to clear things up. She began by explaining, for Goldie's benefit, that she was a caretaker to animals and often worked with the druid Zecora to tend to the Everfree Forest.

In order to nurse a juvenile manticore she had found abandoned in the hollow of a tree, Fluttershy had gone to Zecora for a galactagogue so that she could breastfeed the creature. The kindly zebra brewed her a Witch's Milk potion, and the massive, swollen tits were the lingering result, which had yet to wear off even though the manticore had been released into the Everfree with a clean bill of health.

"I like them." said Pinkie unbidden. "They're like balloons!"

Applejack, while horrified, tried to ignore Pinkie and move the conversation forward. "Okay, but what exactly is the issue with the ursa, though?"

"I've been observing him for a few hours, but he hasn't done much of anything. He's just been sitting there, paws in his lap." said Fluttershy. "I was wary of approaching him, but now that you're here, Twilight, I'd like to ask him what's wrong, if that's okay."

It was, and the party cautiously approached the wistful bear, yet were still taken by surprise when the ursa suddenly spoke.

"You may call me Umi, if it pleases you." said the ursa, nodding in respect to Twilight's crown.

When no-pony said a word, the bear continued.

"You must be wondering why I am here." said Umi. "To my shame I struggle to express my need. My words were given to me with magic, you see, and it is by magic's laws I speak."

"What does that mean?" asked Goldie, turning to Twilight along with the others.

"It means he speaks in riddles, or rhymes or something like that." she said, trying not to let down the hopeful faces without jumping to conclusions. "I'm not too sure on the specifics, but basically we will need to decipher the true meaning behind his words."

"Within me burns a surrogate light, daughter to the very stars." the bear explained. "This light yearns to be released, yet I am naive and in need of help setting it free."

The bear shifted his paws, which had been resting before him, and immediately everyone became aware of his massive erection, his unsheathed cock a strange swirl of solid purple and pink, quite unlike his etherial coat. Long and fat, it jutted out from his heavy balls and, like everything about the ursa, was of impressive size.

"Oh my! You poor thing. Let me help you!" Fluttershy said, walking up to the ursa. "Now, sit back if you would."

Fluttershy lifted herself into the air with her wings, her udders dangling like ballast-bags on a hot air balloon. She turned about to face her dumbfounded friends and pressed her anus against the odd, sloped tip of the Ursa's boned penis. She sank slowly downward, her belly clearly expanding with every inch of bear-cock that entered her.

The ursa moaned, as though in pain, but started to thrust his hips. With each bounce upon his balls Fluttershy's milkers were tossed into the air, slamming back down the moment after her ass collides each time with the ursa's scrotum, projecting violent streams of milk. Amazingly, with every ejection they began to shrink, the lingering effects of the potion finally coming undone.

"Look!" she shouted, her speech broken up by the harsh repetitions. "My udders! I mean my—Ooh! The milk, it's—Ahh! It's finally–!"

At that moment the ursa let out a roar, his balls cinching up, his prostate forcing what must have been gallons of cum through his weird-looking cock, straight into Fluttershy.

She stood with her hind hooves on his nuts, her head thrown back and her wings spread wide. Her body expanded slightly, and the sheer volume and pressure of semen being released inside her caused her to rise, her legs dangling freely as she was pushed upwards.

Then, after apparently traveling through her entire body, a geyser of semen erupted from Fluttershy's throat after first filling her cheeks, ultimately bursting forth from her nose and mouth as though she had heard something funny while drinking milk.

Goldie leaped back, and Twilight shielded her with her wing; an action she regretted when she had to preen bear semen out of her feathers later.