Royal Selfie

by DarkShadowSpark

First published

Lock how close they´re getting! Let´s have friends (over) for dinner!

Having offered her friends to bring the elements of harmony closer together within her and them agreeing, Twilight now relives and rethinks the aftermath and varying reactions of her friends. All while working them down to enhance her royal frame.:raritywink:

Content warning: Mostly-willing fatal vore with detailed digestion, resulting in sentient fat.

Please know: Colored text segments were not written by me and were taken from a voiceover and animation of the same picture that serves as the cover art as a direct reference to it. The picture was made by: dddddd2 and the animation with the refered text by: firehooves. Credit for the text goes to the animator not me!

Derpi-ID: 1869678 [explicit]

Picture Perfect Pretty Pink Perfectly Penetrable Purple Princess Pony Pussy

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Royal Selfie

Written, translated and edited by me: DarkShadowSpark

The day certainly couldn't be any better for Twilight than it was at the moment, that much was clear to the lavender alicorn.

Twilight could feel her frog pressing into warm, melting pony flesh under her skin as she forced her hoof deeper into her gigantic distended soft stomach. It gave off a loud round of grumbling sounds as her hoof worked itself deeper into the massive amount of pudge she currently had. She would need a few more minutes until her belly had returned to its concave shape towards her hips like any alicorn had.

A sudden shift in her belly let her unleash a wet burp peppered with spittle-acid-soaked yellow feathers. A long low moan escaped her muzzle next as whatever had just collapsed inside of her stomach gave her intense satisfaction. Another deep groan sounded from it as the alicorn on top shifted around to get into a more comfortable position.

Twilight herself was currently lying on top of her grumbling belly bed above the sheets of her luxury bed, her hooves not even touching the ground anymore as her stomach was just too widely stretched beneath her. Her tongue was lolling wide from her mouth in carnal pleasure from working digestion of heavy dead horse meat in her belly and her breath came in steamy short breaths from her snout from the lust it brought her.

Her big swollen marehood between her thighs wasn't any better and twitched hot, wide and wild between her ass cheeks as it forced ever more of its wetness out spreading it in the fur of her behind and along her inner hips while soon it began to drip onto her fat belly as well.

Fueled by intense pleasure and satisfaction Twilight began to hump her hips forward and therefore grind her stomach against the soft sheets of her bed. With each hump her belly shrank somewhat as the soft parts were more quickly melted than the more sturdy bones triggered by her bellyhumping. Soon her belly began to show off various bones, ribs and skulls pressing out from within, but the young alicorn was obvious to it as Twilight was far to caught up deep in pleasure.

Twilight did only stop humping her hips and belly well past the point by which visible bony imprints still poked out through her stomach wall. Now the alicorn's belly was just a large smooth spherical mass underneath Twilight.

With another lustful energetic thrust of her hoof down and inside, accompanied by another low moan of pleasure, Twilight felt fur and flesh beneath snap and damaged bones crack as alicorn-magic further ate through the devoured corpses of her subjects, dissolving them into its individual base components in her bloated middle to absorb.

But it wasn't just any subjects or normal ponies, but the last two of her five best friends and Starlight that found themselves in the highly corrosive digestive depths of one lavender alicorn. The same mare´s who willingly gave their flesh and life so that she, as their princess, could devour and digest them and turn their bodies into a nutritious mush to be assimilated into her body as royal pudge.

Well, half willingly at least, for she admittedly had explained in detail her plan to unite all elements of harmony in one pony, i.e. her alicorn body in that case and her friends had all agreed to becoming one with her. How exactly she intended to do it, however, she had not told, but shown minutes later.

In less than sixty seconds it had been all over and she remained the only mare left in the room as that puffy pink tail vanished behind her lips with a final slurping sound. A last swallow finalized it all and distended her heavy swollen belly even more from its usual flat form. It now contained after all three fully grown mares of melting weight, two of them her best friends and one her former student.

It was the second time she had done exactly that and it probably wasn't very hard to guess who the first three meals vanishing into her wide maw down to their very last trip had been earlier this week.

Using her magic Twilight grabbed her phone, unlocked it and inspected the naughty picture she had taken and posted earlier from her wide backside and massively round belly. She also re-read the little chat she had made with the three devoured mares in her stomach before the acid-like magic of her stomach had shown them its true effectiveness.

“Selfie with friends!! I love them so much, they never fail to make me feel better when I´m down, or hungry. <3”

“Ps. currently looking for more new friends”

“Ohhh, we are so close together, and we make you so huge!! <3 <3
By the way how long are we going to stay here? I´m starting to feel a tiny little tingling all over my body now, hehehe.”

“What the heck, Twilght!? So that´s why we haven´t seen Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash recently??
Let us out this instant you fatass, we´re not food!! I know you can hear us stop ignoring us!”

“uhhh…you should watch your diet, Twilight. Ponies are making you a little to…healthy…
Also, if you don´t mind, I really want to get out of here…”

“S-shush! I can´t help it, you girls are too delicious! What´s not to like to become my pudge anyway? You get to hang on my royal butt forever~”

“I hope you get a heart attack, Twilight!”

“So food or not I hope I tasted delicious!”

“uhhhm I guess if that is what you want…I suppose it is all right for me to stay in your stomach. I will be here…all food!”

“Now settle in just like a good meal. I will do my best to turn you into healthy nutrients. Think of my big squishy belly as your new home - at least until you become flank fat.”

With those words Twilight had shut off her phone earlier and simply relaxed. Her stomach and especially its high-efficient magic would do the rest for her in tending to the bodies of her devoured friends without her needing to lift a hoof.

But while relaxing Twilight had let out a comforting sigh as she had begun to hump the new great bulge on her body. Although a large bulge compared to the rest of her body, the bulge still moved around, legs and face imprints popping up constantly. The shoots from within muffled by the skin and fur of her belly. The usually narrow slit of her pussy now jutting far out from between her ass cheeks as a result of her heat and lust, squelching with soggy hot ripples and showing of her big clit at the bottom of her marehood.

Twilight once again thought through everything and how her friends had reacted. It had been a bit unfair and rash of her yes, but they had all agreed with clear consciousness to become one with her. It had to be enough.

But especially the last sentence of Starlight hadn't been very nice and still rested heavily on her heart in return for this little trust. One simply doesn't wish such a thing on one's friend, no matter what the circumstances. Starlight really should calm down and allow Twilight to digest her in peace. There's no point in complaining. There's probably no better fate than becoming permanent fat on her royal flank that she could show off to her subjects!

Pinkie had the right idea! She ought to have a good time in there while she still had the chance! Oh well, Twilight pondered, in the meantime it all didn't matter anyway.

While her stomach had continued to struggle and move wildly, hooves and faces constantly pressing against the stomach her acid-like magic flooding her stomach had begun to burn. Twilight subsequently had rubbed her great bulge before letting out a massive belch, a stream of spit and dislocated feathers and hair spraying from her mouth as her stomach made quick work of her meals.

Being an alicorn and having more godly magic in her system than she could ever use, had sped up her digestive system to burn through anything not made of anything resembling gems within minutes. Her bulge was already starting to stop moving after less than a minute and the gurgles got louder as the alicorn mare had rolled around on her bed into a more comfortable position.

Back to the present, Twilight now further stroked and kneaded against her belly with all four hooves while the alicorn mare made delighted moans of pleasure as her body continued to tend to the mass of dead horse meat inside. Her thoughts however were still back focused on the past events and sensations they gave her.

With a series of churning crunches her stomach had, soon after Twilight had discarded her phone, begun to turn three ponies into one. The walls of her domineering muscle pushing down and finding only the resistance of her friends bones compounded them in snaps and pops as they were broken like twigs. With the soft crunch of eroding and breaking bones soon came the hiss of melting equine flesh as the magic was drained from them. In a few short minutes the three ponies could not be distinguished from each other, their batter of meaty broth inevitably pressed and mixed so thoroughly by her alicorn stomach that even their own mother couldn't tell them apart.

Over the growls and swilling of the overburdened stomach's massage, little could be discerned of the three ponies' former lithe figures over the gristle and viscera that their bodies had been reduced to. The three mares had been turned inside out and ground up by her unrelenting stomach, as they were turned into a thick soup of their various melting body parts, that was now beginning to drain into Twilight's intestines, where it the three-ingredient meatloaf would be sapped of value by Twilight's alicorn magic.

Individual features such as the digestion-eaten lower portion of a pink leg, half of an almost featherless wing and its yellow flank equally as torn apart, as well as the shattered remains of a unicorn skull were still peaking out of the melting broth inside her stomach. Yet they were slowly dissolving and crumbling into nothingness too by the acid care of her alicorn magic.

Her body would subsequently absorb the majority of them as more flank fat on her hips. Not even her friends' skeletons would survive her digestion in the end, as her magical metabolism reduced even them completely to her alicorn magic.

That intense sensation just now reminded her of the last time she had felt layer after layer of Rarity's body melting away inside her while her stomach increasingly consumed the white unicorn. Rarity's digested flesh had cascaded down to her hips and perfectly moulded itself to the contours of her marehood, steadily engorging it. Her former friend was now not only regal, but couldn't have been more ladylike now that her flesh had been recycled fully onto Twilight's femininity. Even now, Rarity was still fully aware of herself, as were Applejack and Rainbow Dash, who graced her left and right flanks respectively. Her friends' souls may have been deeply intertwined with her own, but the parts their bodies had morphed into were still palpable to them all.

*End of Story*