Dragon Lord Treatment

by Nagiman

First published

Spike is in the Dragon Lands looking for Ember when he stumbles upon another dragon who gives him quite the surprise.

Being a Dragon Lord usually comes with a scepter and the ability to command every other dragon, nothing that wouldn't entice others. For one dragon though, he believes that the Dragon Lord deserves a bit more extra for ascending the throne. From rumors, he had learned of one of the shortest-lived Dragon Lords, Spike, Scribe was disappointed that he couldn't have given a more perfect gift to him. He accepted that he may never meet said dragon lord, until today. Scribe Scales becomes one lucky dragon to stumble across the previous Dragon Lord before Ember.

Contains - M/M, Analingus, Blowjob, Anal, Facial, and First Times

Written for my friend Scribe Scales with his OC, Scribe Scales. Featured 09/30/2023

Meeting The Shortest Dragon Lord

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The smell of smoke and sulfur clung to the air with sounds of boiling magma popping as it heated the surrounding area. Heated stones from the underground lava pools kept the ground at a perfect temperature for the dragon folk of the Dragon Lands. Even the wind was warm with all the heat provided by the active volcanic region that made up the entire land. It was a dream for nearly all the dragons as it meant most visitors would either be forced out by the heat or would stay away from the land in general. It was especially focused on the grand lava pool that acted as a gathering place for the younger drakes to meet.

For one dragon in particular though, it was a place to avoid as being slightly different from the others painted a target for most harassment at him. A yellow-scaled, silver-horned dragon named Scribe Scales preferred to have his time alone in a smaller pool of lava away from the others. His deep sapphire blue eyes barely peeked out of the pool he was currently wading in to relax, with bubbles forming where his nostrils sat just below the lava surface. His time in the pool was spent not only relaxing but having some time to think about what he wanted to do next for his little hoard of treasures. His was unique in not only did it have some pieces of gold and gems but also had odd items that he had acquired over time, like a typewriter, a set of paints, and even some books. Those items were what made him more of a target for the other dragons as it was strange and out of place for one of the strongest creatures in the world to do something so weak-looking.

As he sat in the pool listening to the popping sound of the bubbles he made, a different noise caught his attention, putting him on alert. Looking around, he noticed another dragon walking around toward his way. Not knowing who it was exactly, he lowered his head a bit more so that only his eyes were peeking out of the red-hot liquid. Staring toward the other dragon he took notice of the purple and green standing out against the browns and reds, making them easier to track compared to some of the other dragons. His heart raced as he didn't want his relaxation interrupted by someone who was going to poke fun at him or even rough him up a bit. Looking at the figure, he noticed that they were moving around slowly, looking around for something or someone by how much they stopped and got up on rocks to see what was going on. As the figure got closer, he noticed that the dragon that was walking around was a bit smaller than him with tiny wings on his back, making it obvious that he had only recently gotten them.

"Man, I wonder where Ember is. She said she'd be here somewhere but I just don't know where." The voice of the purple dragon with green spikes had a soft tone to it as he walked by the pool of lava, unaware of Scribe hiding within.

Now with a closer look at the dragon, Scribe could tell that he wasn't a normal drake of the Dragon Lands; he was lost and didn't know where he was. Feeling a bit more safe with the prospect of this drake, he felt a bit of a need to maybe help him find what he was looking for. Carefully pulling himself up from under the lava, he held to the edge of the pool, just in case he needed to duck back under if the other dragon attacked. "Hey..." he nervously said in a soft tone, trying to get the purple dragon's attention to no avail. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath and focused himself to try again with a louder tone. "Hey, you!" This time his voice was louder and was picked up a bit better even though it wasn't a full-on shout; so much others could hear in the echo.

"Huh?" the purple dragon said, as he looked around in front of him before turning around in confusion. "Gah!" he shouted, as he stumbled backward landing on his tail. Shock filled the green eyes of the drake as he noticed the silver horns and blue eyes looking at him finally. "Geez... you should warn a guy. You nearly scared me to death." He could feel his heart pump with adrenaline as he sat on the ground holding his chest.

"I'm sorry," Scribe said as he lowered his head back into the pool a bit. "Didn't mean to scare you. You look a little lost is all." He was fiddling with his fingers under the lava, as he felt a bit ashamed in frightening the smaller dragon.

Picking himself off the ground and dusting himself off, he approached the pool of lava with his hand held out. "Don't worry too much about it. I wasn't paying attention walking by. I'm still not used to the whole lava thing. I'm Spike, Who are you?"

Reaching out with a single claw, Scribe shook the dragon's hand in return. "I'm Scribe Scales, though most call me, loser or weirdo." Pulling back his claw, Scribe pulled his head just a bit more out of the magma to engage with this Spike fellow. His mind wasn't connecting the dots just yet.

"Well, whoever is doing that isn't very nice. Maybe you could speak with Ember about it. She could make them nicer about things." Spike crossed his tiny arms with a big smug grin on his face. "She's one of the best dragons around. Though I can't seem to find her. I was supposed to meet up with her." Spike lost his smug face and had it fade into a more modest look of slight embarrassment as he scratched the back of his head.

"I know she's a great Dragon Lord. The last place I heard she was going to be was overseeing the Hatchery preparations for the clutch season soon." Pulling his arm out, he pointed in the direction of the hatchery that was a bit away from his little hidden pool. "I don't normally bother her with things as she's busy enough with more important matters. Besides, it's not so bad being alone."

Spike looked down at Scribe with a bit of confusion about why anyone would be okay feeling alone. Shaking his head, he got down on his knees and leaned over the pool. "Well where I come from, no one is alone. You can have all the friends you want and there's nothing wrong with it at all. My friends are always helping me, and the pony who raised me has taught me so much about what friends can do. I'd say we're friends since you've helped me at least pinpoint where to find Ember."

The words rang in the yellow dragon's head, of being a friend with at least one other dragon. "Well, I do have one other friend, but she's not here right now either. She went away for a bit, but I know she'll be back again soon." Scribe could feel his heart flutter as his thoughts focused on his orange dragoness friend Smolder who had gone to another land at the behest of Dragon Lord Ember.

"Well, that's good then. Anyways, I should get going Scribe, I want to show Ember my new wings and see how things have been going." Spike pulled himself to his feet. Turning around he started to make haste with his stubby legs in a jog. His claw extended out and waved goodbye to the yellow dragon.

Scribe couldn't even get out his goodbye to the purple dragon before he had taken off. Without much more worry, he sunk back into his lava pool, relaxing once again as he just made a new friend just for being nice. As he started to slump into the pool, his mind thought about how nice Spike was until it finally clicked and his eyes shot wide open. Spike was the name of the previous Dragon Lord who passed his power down to Ember. He was the one he never got to give his gift to for becoming Dragon Lord. Rushing out of the lava, he jumped into the air and spread his wings, taking flight to speed toward Spike. It didn't take very long to catch up to the dragon who was running on foot, as he swooped down just beside him and took to jogging on foot. "Spike, hold up a second, I want to ask you something."

Putting his feet to the ground and slipping on the smooth stone for a little bit, Spike ground to a halt, with Scribe slipping just a tad bit more past him, blocking his path. "What do you need Scribe? I'm always willing to help a friend."

With claws against his knees, Scribe panted as if he never rushed so hard in his life. The shaking of his knees clattered against each other as he struggled to keep himself upright from the burst of speed. "Ho-hold on j-just a sec-second..." he panted out as he struggled with taking in all the air around him. Spike took him by his hand and guided him to a rock to take a seat on before taking a seat next to his new friend. "Thanks. A thought came to me after you left. I just want to confirm something. Were you the dragon who helped Ember be the Dragon Lord?" He looked deep into the emerald eyes of the purple dragon, waiting for his answer.

"Well, she doesn't like me talking about it as it's embarrassing that she learned what a friend is that day but if you promise not to tell her. The answer is yes, I was the one that helped her get the Bloodstone Scepter so she could be Dragon Lord." Spike swung his stubby legs in the air, as he blushed a bit, his head turning away from Scribe's for a bit.

Scribe sprung from his seat and danced in place a bit, excited that he was right. He finally found the shortest Dragon Lord, both metaphorically and literally. "Yes, I thought so! I can't believe I finally found you! I thought it was just a bit of a myth or rumor from some of the other dragons. I can't believe that you're here in the scale." He pranced around in circles as he celebrated his achievement.

Spike raised a single brow, wondering what was so special about him being the previous Dragon Lord who wasn't fully acknowledged by Dragon Lord Torch. Shrugging his shoulders, he just accepted that Scribe was a little bit odd but there wasn't anything wrong with it at all. "If that's all, then I should get going again." He placed his hands against the stone to push up and stand on his feet once again but was stopped by a claw against his chest.

"Wait, hold on just a bit longer, please?" Scribe's eyes were wide and begging with an overflowing happiness ready to burst from behind them. "I wanted to give a big gift to whoever became Dragon Lord and to those who followed after. When I learned Ember was Dragon Lord I gave her that gift but then I heard about you through whispers and it felt wrong not having given you that same gift."

"Well, you don't need to give me anything at all. It wasn't that big of a deal." Spike rubbed his head, feeling a bit nervous that he was being showered with a gift that he didn't need to accept. Especially since he learned that when his greed took hold it would change him for the worst.

Scribe shook his head, as he got down on his knee and bowed to what he was considering royalty. "No, you deserve to have this gift, Dragon Lord Spike. Please let me give it to you."

Now Spike felt a bit more strange as he'd never had another dragon bow before him, only the crystal ponies whom he saved from Sombra had done so out of respect for him. "I guess. Will it take long for you to go grab it?"

"Not at all. It's already here. Could you please stand on the rock and turn around." Scribe felt a hot sensation ride through his face as red started to form. It was now that he could finally please the missed Dragon Lord with his gift.

Standing up, Spike turned around on the rock he was using for a seat and looked away from Scribe. Feeling a bit nervous that he was going to be pushed or hit with something, he became a bit cautious. "Alright Scribe, I'm not looking. What next?"

Scribe stood up behind Spike and measured his head level with Spike on the seat. It was just about perfect to be in line with him so he could deliver the oral pleasure he wanted to give. "Could you bend over and touch your toes? I know it sounds strange but it would be the perfect angle for me to reach." He watched as Spike shrugged once again, and bent over, his tail lifting in the air, revealing the fleshy pink hole just at the base of it, with a small purple sack for his testicles. Licking his lips, he prepared himself, as he had only given cunnilingus to Ember, so analingus was going to be a bit different. Approaching Spike, he grabbed his butt and pulled the cheeks apart enough to stick his snout in. It smelled of candy and sweets with just a hint of sweat that had built up on the dragon, giving Scribe a new smell that he had never experienced before. Sticking out his tongue he pressed it against the tiny hole and swiped upward, getting a sweet taste to go with the smell.

"Whoa, what are you doing back there?" Spike started to lift himself after he felt the tongue lap at his tail-hole. He looked back and saw that Scribe was wedged under his tail and between his butt. "Scribe what are you doing? It's weird that you're licking there." He could feel the thin tongue rubbed against his taint more, as it spread the saliva around. A small moan escaped his mouth as he tried to figure out fully what Scribe was thinking.

Pulling his tongue back in, Scribe savored the sweet candy taste of Spike's butthole for a few more moments before responding to the Dragon Lord. "I'm giving the Dragon Lord the pleasure he deserves. Just relax and trust me." He returned to licking away at the hole. Saliva painted the pink pucker as Scribe indulged in the taste of Spike's ass more. Whirling his tongue around the fleshy ring, as if trying to remove a layer of icing from a cake, Scribe worked hard to take in every inch of the taint before wanting to see what the inside was like. Pushing against the fleshy ring, his tongue broke through and was quickly clamped down on by the anal ring which prevented him from going much deeper but still deep enough to lick away at the warm insides of Spike's colon. It was even sweeter inside as he swirled his tongue around the walls, with a certain area making the Dragon Lord moan loudly and delight Scribe's ears with the sound. Even Ember didn't make a noise like that when he licked her pussy clean of his cum.

"Scribe, that feels so weird, but don't stop, it's pretty good." Spike pulled at his cheeks, letting Scribe drop his claws from his ass. They had then moved to his little balls and started to play with them gently between the sharp tips. He couldn't help it. He never had sex with another before, let alone another male. It was strange of a concept, but it was a pleasing one as he felt an erection grow from his slit; having his ribbed dick poke through the hole and grow to full length. It measured at about eight inches, was ribbed from tip to base, and had little tiny flesh spikes that went around each rib. The feeling of Scribe's tongue combined with his claws made it clear that this dragon was going to give him something more special than some gemstone or even Rarity herself.

Curling his tongue into a corkscrew shape, Scribe started to pump the organ around in the shape which hit more places of Spike's ass at once than just lapping around in circles, which caused the young dragon to nearly fall over with how intense the feeling was. Catching Spike quickly, Scribe pulled his tongue out of the tight butt and made sure that the dragon was okay. "Spike, are you good? You almost fell over!"

Spike's tongue was hanging out with his eyes nearly rolled back in his head. He was in a state of bliss from the analingus that he had been given by Scribe. Simply just nodding his head, he was moved to a sitting position by his friend; letting him get off his feet to prevent falling. His dick was on display for Scribe to see the shape and length of it. The yellow dragon stood up with a look of wonder on his face. He took the purple dragon's pecker in one hand and pressed his bumpy six-inch shaft against Spike's, comparing the looks and sizes.

A little surprised that the smaller dragon was bigger than him and had a different penis than his got him wondering if maybe different colored drakes could have different genitals overall or maybe it was an effect of being the Dragon Lord, even for a short time. Still, Scribe wasn't going to complain about Spike being bigger than him, it was going to be his pleasure more than anything to please him. "Alright, well, it seems you're good to go for the rest of it at this point. So you can sit there and I'll make sure you have some of the best feelings of your life." He crouched down on his knees, placing himself between Spike's legs with the dick just sitting against his nose, his eyes focused on the pink meat that throbbed in front of him. A small thin line of pre-cum had leaked out the tip and ran down onto his snout. Not wanting to leave Spike waiting for long, he stuck out his tongue and took a lick from base to tip of the sweet succulent shaft.

"I didn't think having a tongue against my penis would feel so good as well. Is this some sort of dragon thing?" Spike watched as Scribe had given his dick a few good licks.

"Not sure if others do it this way, but it seemed like something fun to do at one point, and turned out fine." Shrugging his shoulders, he returned to pleasing Spike. His tongue wrapped around the rod and used one hand to fondle the green orbs once again, while his other free hand stroked at his cock. Doing the same motion as he did in Spike's tail-hole, he proceeded to give the cock a nice massage with his tongue, stroking as if he were doing it with his hand. The taste wasn't as sweet as Spike's anus, but it still had a tingle of it from the pre-cum that leaked as he worked the meat. Moans from Spike pleased Scribe's ears as they brought him joy to please the one he missed. The texture of Spike's cock gave a nice massage in return as the small spikes folded when the tongue rolled over them and tickled as they sprung back up when it left.

Spike dug one of his claws into the rock he sat on to get a strong grip as he felt like he would fall over from the amount of pleasure coursing through his body. His other claw gently stroked Scribe's head, petting him as if he were a small animal. "Sweet Celestia, I can't believe how good this is. Don't stop doing what you're doing." He moaned as he felt the yellow dragon stick his smallest claw into his tail hole and wiggle it around while the rest of that claw kept rolling his nuts around.

Opening wide, Scribe stuck Spike's cock into his mouth and started to suck on the pecker. Bobbing his head up and down with a smooth motion, going at a moderate pace. His saliva dripped down from the tip to the base, coating it in a thick amount of slick fluid. Some leaked out onto Spike's balls, acting as a slight lubricant to massage into the small orbs. He could feel the throbbing and twitching coming from Spike as he kept up his pace. It wasn't a sensation that he was unfamiliar with after having orgasmed his fair share of times before. Popping off the cock, he licked away at the tip for a few seconds before giving Spike's sack a bit of attention with his tongue as well. Slurping one of his nuts into his mouth while he stroked at the dick with his claw. The taste of the Dragon Lord's family jewels was bland, but the feeling of the gems rolling around off his tongue was something different that he wasn't able to experience with Ember's pussy, which made it all the more exciting for him to do this.

"Aaahh, Scribe, you really know how to make someone happy." Spike's grip on the stone started to scratch deep into the rock face. He could feel his nuts twitch and cock throb, while his muscles tensed and heart fluttered. A new feeling that he had never felt before was starting to take over as his vision slowly became blurred.

Spike's compliment made Scribe feel giddy inside, as it gave him such pride in pleasing the previous Dragon Lord. Moving back from Spike's nuts to his cock, Scribe took it fully in, deepthroating the shaft. His gag reflex tried to kick in, but he fought against it until he adjusted to the penis being deep in his throat. Soon he was bobbing quicker than before, as he could feel the throbbing get faster, which clued him in that Spike was ready to blow his load. Spike's hand rested on his head with a bit of pressure as he could only guess that the Dragon Lord was having trouble with his balance. Letting go of Spike's jewels, Scribe stuck his middle claw deep up the tight anus and stroked around the prostate, sending even more pleasure through the young drake. As he pulled himself up to get a small breath, Spike started trembling.

"Scribe, something's happening. I don't know what's going on!" He shouted just before his orgasm hit, sending waves of euphoria through his tiny body and overwhelming him with a feeling of pure bliss. As he leaned back, his dick sent waves of pent-up jizz flying over Scribe's head and into his maw. Filling the yellow dragon's mouth with a sweet-tasting sticky white fluid. Strands landed on his friend's face, making him close an eye as it started to drip down, while more landed higher up on his forehead. A good amount had directly filled the warm mouth with his semen as he continued to moan out in pleasure. Spike had never felt something so good before, it was intense yet so fulfilling.

Scribe had done his best to catch as much of Spike's cum as he could. The taste was sugary sweet, just like Spike's ass had been. It was certainly different from how his own tasted when he tried it. The rain of Spike's sticky semen had come to an end, leaving him with a healthy white coating on his face and pooling in his mouth. Swallowing what was sitting in his maw, he used his tongue to lick clean the rest that had coated him, gathering it in another pool in his mouth. Opening wide, he tapped on Spike's knee, getting the young drake's attention. "Watch this Spike," he gurgled out through the cum filling his mouth. As soon as the green eyes looked down at him, he swallowed down the second half of the load without closing his mouth. "That was very sweet tasting. What did you eat to make it taste like that?"

Spike was still in a daze as he tried to think of an answer to Scribe's question, but wasn't even sure what had happened himself. "I don't know. What happened? What was that stuff that came out of my penis?" He scratched the back of his head as he took in the bliss.

"Wait, you mean you haven't had an orgasm before?" Scribe crawled up next to Spike, his dick throbbing as he begged for a bit of release after having been stroked for so long.

"No, I haven't done anything like that. When you put your tongue in my butt it felt really good, then when you did it to my penis it was even better. Twilight always told me that it shouldn't be played with as it was for reproduction and expelling waste." Spike blushed a bit as he had done something behind Twilight's back after being told not to, even though it did feel really good.

Scribe's eyes bulged at the thought of never having had an orgasm before and being told not to play with himself. It was strange having a dragon that was told what to do sitting next to him. Being from somewhere other than the Dragon Lands was certainly an interesting lifestyle as it made things taste much better too when it came to sex things. "Well, we don't have others tell us what to do out here except the Dragon Lord, so why not indulge in our dragon heritage while you're here, even just for a bit longer? I mean, you seemed to enjoy cumming so much already, why not try it again?"

Tapping a claw against his chin, Spike sat and thought about it. The feeling was so good, it was intense and pleasurable, and it wasn't like Twilight would find out about it either. "I guess I could try some more things. Though I shouldn't take too long. I really should find Ember."

Wrapping a claw around Spike's shoulder, Scribe gave him a small shake. "That's fine, we won't be all day. Though if you enjoyed me giving you a blowjob, then you'll probably enjoy giving me anal." He rubbed Spike's head as he felt his body yearn to feel the Dragon Lord's cock up his ass.

"What's anal?" Spike looked at Scribe with a confused look on his face.

"It's where you put your dick up my tail-hole and keep humping until you cum inside it. It's pretty fun, almost like when you have vaginal with a dragoness. What I did to your butt with my tongue was analingus, but straight-up anal is much better. Though you'll want to do that as well to make sure my hole is all lubed up." Scribe hopped off the rock and placed his hands against it, bending himself over and lifting his tail to show off his small tight anus for Spike. "So are you up for it, Dragon Lord Spike?" He swayed his hips slowly for a little bit to tease the drake.

He looked at his new friend and took in the idea that he could do that thing again. Spike nodded in agreement to Scribe as he pulled himself off the stone. "Sure, let's try this anal thing. It sounds like fun." Getting behind the yellow dragon, he looked up and noticed that he wasn't going to be able to reach directly at Scribe's butthole. "Um... Scribe, I can't reach your butt. Could you get a bit lower?"

Scribe turned his head and looked to see that Spike was just up to his thighs, making it hard for the purple dragon to lick at his taint. "Ya, sure. Just give me a second." He wiggled himself down the rocks until he was on his knees and still stretched out. He was a bit lower than Spike now, but it would allow him to have his tail-hole a good licking before he could feel the Dragon Lord's dick deep inside it. Hoisting his butt up a bit and lifting his tail, Scribe presented himself to Spike a bit more properly for him. "Is that better Dragon Lord?"

Spike was now eye level with the dragon's tight pucker, getting a full view of the darker ring that tightened together. "Ya, I can get to it now. So it's like this right?" His tongue stuck out and pressed against the hole, hitting the purple dragon with a taste of gems and coal. It was spicy and strong, with a rough texture as he glided his tongue across the ring. To the smaller drake, it was an odd taste compared to the sweets that he was used to back in Ponyville, but his friend just did it to him so it seemed only right to keep going on.

"Oh wow, that's pretty good for your first time. Keep going, get it nice and wet so you can put your dick in it. Just don't try and be exact with how I did it; try stuff for yourself." Scribe's claws raked against the ground as he felt the tongue swirling around the exterior of his tail-hole. The wet organ moisturized his butt with the best effort Spike could muster. It was wonderful having the Dragon Lord lick his anus and made him all the more excited for when he'd put his cock in there and show him how the shortest Dragon Lord would mate.

Wondering what he should do for the first time, Spike decided that he'd not just lick at Scribe's taint, but his balls as well. Extending his tongue down, he lapped at the light yellow orbs that dangled between the other dragon's legs. They had a better taste to them than his anus, as they had a salty flavor as his tongue flicked over them before returning to Scribe's anus. Spike repeated his actions, each time drawing a moan from the yellow drake. His claws caressed his friend's butt cheeks, feeling the soft muscles and smooth scales as he rubbed them and pulled them apart as his face got closer to Scribe's tail hole. The taste from that hole had become a bit more palatable the more he licked at it, making it even more wet with the amount of saliva he plastered against it. Taking a note from Scribe, he went in for the penetration of the hole and wiggled his tongue inside, getting the inner wall lubed up as well.

Scribe's mind felt so relaxed as the Dragon Lord gave his anus a proper teasing and prep work for what was to come. The rubbing of his ass and teasing of his nuts was comforting and surprising as Spike was showing some skill from only having had the blowjob and introduction to analingus. As the tongue wiggled around in his asshole, he looked back and saw Spike's erection throbbing between his legs with a string of pre-cum dripping out of it. "Ah- Spike, I think that's good enough. I should be good to take your dick now."

With a wet slurp, Spike pulled his tongue out of Scribe's butt. Wiping away the saliva that was dripping out of his mouth from his licking of the hole. "If you say so, Scribe. So how do I do this? Do I just put it in?" He looked down at Scribe's face with a bit of confusion and wondered how anal worked.

"So, for proper anal, you push your dick against my tail hole until you get it in. Then keep going until you can't anymore and when you can't, you pull it back out, but leave a small bit in, then push it back in again. Repeat until you cum inside of my butt. You can also do other things like give it a spank as well." Scribe smiled at him as he watched Spike nod his head as he took in the information.

"I think I get it. I'll give it a go then." Spike walked behind Scribe, looking down at his throbbing cock and up to the hole he just spent minutes licking away at and seeing that he was certainly going to struggle to do what he was just told to do. Remembering he had just gotten his wings, he spread them wide and flapped them a bit to bring himself up to a proper height with Scribe's tail hole. "Sorry Scribe, I'm just a bit short still. I'll have to hold onto you to get it in." He apologized to his friend before stopping his wings and putting his weight on him. Even though he was still small, he didn't want to hurt Scribe if he couldn't take his weight. Now hanging from the drake's rear, he took hold of his penis and lined it up with Scribe's tail hole as best as he could. "Alright, here goes nothing," he said as he pushed against the hole, feeling the warmth coming from it as he worked his way in.

Scribe relaxed as best as he could to let Spike into his butthole. The little spines tickled his ring as it slowly worked its way in. Spike's cock wasn't super big on the girth scale, but the textures and length made up for it in other ways as it got further in. The ridges and spines pulled and tugged on the inner walls of Scribe's colon, giving them a nice massage as they moved. His prostate could feel them push against it, sending more pleasurable waves through him, causing him to shudder in delight as Spike reached the end and rested against his butt. "Spike, y-you feel s-so g-good in there. Fuck I didn't t-think it would b-be t-this good." He was losing his mind with just having it in his butt, without the drake even humping at the moment.

On the other side of things, Spike was surprised at how warm and tight the hole was against his dick. It was a strange feeling to have his shaft engulfed in something so tight and warm. Whatever Twilight had told him about those parts was now being thrown out the door as it felt so right to do this over listening to her. His friend's tail hole was just too much fun in having his dick in, considering it was for something else, and he was going to enjoy his first time having anal with Scribe. "I'm gonna start moving now, Scribe. So just let me know if I'm doing it wrong." Pulling his hips back, he could feel new sensations as his spines now tugged a different way, eliciting more moans from the yellow dragon, along with a clamping from the ass on his dick trying to keep him in. As he reached the end, just the tip of his dick rested in the tail hole before he pushed it slowly back in, not sure if he should do it harder or faster. Even with the slow speed with the first few thrusts, he enjoyed it just as much as his first penetration.

"Yes, that's it, just take your time. F-fuck that f-feels s-so good. Show me h-how you b-breed Dragon Lord Spike." Scribe's claws scraped against the stone, peeling a thin layer of the rock up as he felt Spike go for another hump in his tail hole. Gritting his teeth, flickering his eyes, and moaning through the whole thing, Scribe was elated by Spike's skill in catching on. The tugging on his tail and the weight on his rear just made it all the better as he felt everything that the purple dragon could give. Even the little balls tapping just outside of his taint was a nice feeling to have with the slow motions. Soon enough, though, he could feel Spike start to get a bit bolder as the speed increased little by little. Spike had started to move a bit faster, making the tingling in Scribe's rear turn into a tickle as the length started to bump into his prostate.

Using the tail for leverage, Spike got a bit more ambitious as he changed his angle of approach, which allowed him to thrust a bit harder with his increased speed. The tip of his dick scraped along the rimmed inner walls of the yellow dragon, sending waves of pleasure not only through Scribe but through himself as well. With each thrust, he tugged on the tail hole, making sure to give it his all. Knowing that he might not get to do this again, he wanted to make sure to get the most out of his first time doing anal with his new friend. The intense feeling of Scribe's butt clenching down on his throbbing cock made him moan out loud. His mind wondered if this was something that Rarity would ever do with him as he kept up his movement. "S-Scribe, it feels so good. Oh Celestia, your t-tail hole. I don't k-know how l-long I can last." Spike's eyes slowly blurred, turning his eyes back in their sockets as his legs could feel a burn through the muscles. The drake was getting closer with every thrust he pumped into Scribe's rump.

"Keep going, Spike. Don't stop doing what you're doing!" Scribe yelled as he felt his prostate get pounded by the harder thrusts. The claws wrapped around his tail were digging in just a bit to cause some slight discomfort, but not enough to hurt him. That discomfort mixed with the pleasure created a more euphoric feeling that coursed through Scribe as if it were a drug, edging him closer to a place of pure bliss. At this point, Scribe could barely keep his tongue in his mouth as it slithered out, letting it drool along his lips and on the stone ground. The stone had scratch marks deep in it where his claws had coiled together. His legs shivered as pain started to climb through his knees with each thrust pushing him against the rocks. He could feel the throbbing of Spike's cock in his ass when it reached his exit, which made him want to feel the Dragon Lord's jizz in his ass so much more.

The sound of the two drakes having sex sounded in the air as the pre-cum started to make a wet slurping sound along with Spike's hips hitting against Scribe's butt cheeks. Panting and moans came from the two as they did the deed out where any eyes could see them. The smell of sulfur wafted through the air as lava flowed past an open vent nearby, covering up the scent of their sex. Clenching hard, Spike gave the hardest thrusts he had ever given, making his balls slap against Scribe's perineum. He could feel his body ready to give out as he tried to hold on as best as he could for his friend, but his efforts were in vain. Soon he could feel his balls aching and twitching, ready to unload all they had in them. "Scribe I can't... I'm cumming!" Spike screamed as he felt his body seize and send a big load of semen right into the other dragon's ass.

A rush of sticky warm fluid filled in Scribe's butt, giving him sweet relief from Spike's anal assault. It was soothing, yet pleasurable as it melted against his tail-hole walls. The small throbs of Spike's dick sending out more of the gooey stuff tickled him further as he lay against the stone in an orgasmic state even though his dick yearned for release as well. "Oh, Dragon Lord. Your cum feels so good in my butt," he moaned out with his face against the ground. At that moment, Scribe knew that his gift was being well received and enjoyed. Spike had shown him what the Dragon Lord could do, even at such a small stature in height, as he certainly made it up with how well he caught on.

Moments passed as Spike's balls drained of everything, leaving the purple drake with no energy left to hold on. He slipped from Scribe's rear and landed on his back, with wings spread wide. He panted as he lay on the ground, his dick covered with a coating of cum that was held by a string up to the winking hole he had just filled with his jizz. His eyes flickered in and out, as his vision attempted to return to normal. The warm air of the Dragon Lands was giving him comfortable sensations as a small rumble sent an eruption of lava into the air in the distance, sending the heat against his scales. His chest heaved as he rested a claw against it, feeling his heart thumping like a drum. "S-scribe... t-that was... i-incredible. I've n-never f-felt that alive b-before." His tongue flopped out as he panted harder, trying to catch his breath about him.

The yellow dragon lay in his position, with cum starting to ooze toward the exit of his tail hole. "Y-you're w-welcome D-Dragon Lord Spike." He panted out as he uncurled his claws, giving them a small stretch to get feeling back in them from ripping up the stone. Moving his legs just a bit, he flopped to the ground and rolled onto his back. His dick standing at full attention, the little smooth bumps on it coated in pre-cum from his tip. It twitched as the throb sent signals through Scribe. It ached and screamed for release that the dragon had left unattended from his butt fucking. The strength to move had been taken from him as he lay there looking at the sky. A smile on his face as he looked at clouds of smoke moving on. "I'm glad you enjoyed your gift, Spike. I don't have any more strength to get up or even finish myself off."

Spike raised his head and looked at his friend, noticing the erect dick in the air and its twitching. His green eyes locked on with the pink pecker for a few moments as thoughts went through his head of what Scribe meant by finishing himself off. When he clued in that Scribe hadn't cum, he pushed himself up to stand on his shaky legs and waddled himself over to his friend. Climbing over the body of his friend and coming into Scribe's vision just above him. "Don't worry, Scribe. Since you let me have my first time giving anal, I think it's fair that you can finish inside my tail hole as well. As Twilight says, "Friends share everything"." He looked back at the dick, before lifting his tail and stepping backward. Slowly lowering himself, he took hold of the shaft with his hand and guided his butt down, so the tip pressed against his hole. It felt strange having something poke against it. Then he pressed against it a bit harder until it pierced the ring of muscle and entered into his hole. The feeling of it penetrating compared to the tongue was night and day. It was more filling and was much stronger as it pushed against his taint.

Scribe's face started to turn red, as he covered his eyes with his claws. His gift was now returning the favor to him, and it felt great, but he was shocked and embarrassed that he was getting it in return. "Oh Spike, you don't have to do that. Really, I could have dealt with it later." His legs failed to even register that he wanted to run away with how tired they were from being pushed against the stone. The feeling of the tight and small tail hole of Spike's sent his body quivering with every inch that his dick went into it. The wings on his back spread out as his body went into automatic mode as he lay on the ground and let Spike do his thing.

As Spike hit his butt against Scribe's hips, he let out a moan as the feeling of being filled with dick was overwhelming. It wasn't something he expected to be this good, even with how much Scribe seemed to enjoy it. Now it was his turn to enjoy the same feeling as his friend. Sitting for a little bit, he took in the sensations from the bumps and the throbbing of the dick against his prostate and colon. Once he had adjusted to the shaft being in his tail hole, he started to pull himself up, feeling the tip drag along his walls as he rose, and then the tip sitting just at the edge of his anus before he lowered himself back down. His legs strained in lifting him and rejoiced when he lowered down as they still were weak from his previous orgasm, but his determination to get his friend off was set in his mind. "This feels so good. I think I prefer this instead of giving anal. I hope this is an okay speed for you, I don't think my legs can go any faster for a little bit."

"It's fine. I didn't expect to have you take it from me, but it's nice to have this done by the great Dragon Lord Spike." Pulling a claw away from his face, Scribe smiled shyly up at the purple dragon as he felt Spike's butt press against his hips once again. Once Spike had sat on him again, he felt his hips wiggle around before lifting back up again. A few more lifts of that rear were starting to give Scribe more confidence in following through with Spike's will. He reached out with his claws and placed them on Spike's thighs, giving them a gentle, but firm hold as he helped lift the dragon.

The extra leverage from Scribe helped Spike out much more than expected as he was able to stand much easier before lowering himself again. This helped with picking up the pace a bit more as well. The increased speed was much different than the slow, steady pace he was going as it made the stretching of his ass feel more even and spread out with the bumps giving a little extra push against his colon. Spike's tongue flopped out of his mouth as he panted with each pump of the pecker into his plump rump. Time was starting to become a blur as he rode Scribe, with each drop of his legs becoming faster. Sounds of the scales slapping together sounded out, along with moans from the pair of dragons as they continued their sexual adventure.

Looking up at the Dragon Lord, Scribe smiled sweetly as he enjoyed watching the faces Spike was making. The amount of pleasure that he was getting from it was bringing him closer to the edge. Spike's tail-hole was just as tight as Ember's pussy, he figured, but it certainly wasn't better or worse; it was just perfect either way. As the purple dragon rode him more, he noticed that Spike had become erect once again. Moving one claw off his thigh, he took hold of the shaft and started to stroke it quickly, giving a clawjob as he fucked the cute, tight ass. "Come on Spike, you can do it. Just a bit more and I'm done." Scribe started to moan as the speed was picked up and the ride became wild with him no longer helping Spike stand back up.

"S-sure thing Scribe. Ah... I can do it. D-don't stop rubbing it. I can feel it cumming again." Spike bounced as fast as he could, no longer going for big drops and more for short ones. Wiggling his butt against Scribe's hips and getting the cock pushed all around in his tight tunnel. The quick motion on his throbbing erection was blowing his mind and sending sparks through it as it overloaded into a euphoric explosion of lust. It didn't take much more for him to finally collapse and just sit right on Scribe's dick, as he felt the gooey, warm load of his friend start to fill in his tail hole. It was simply pure bliss as it squirted deep into his ass, spraying the sticky semen all over his insides that made him scream in delight and start spraying one last load over Scribe.

White rained down on Scribe's face and chest, as Spike came for the third time. It sprinkled on his forehead and face before a large portion of it landed around his neck and shoulder area with a few more dots landing on his stomach. Scribe ignored the fact that Spike was cumming once again as he moaned out and blew his load right up the tail hole of the Dragon Lord. His claws gripped onto Spike's thighs, holding the purple dragon in place as he humped away as he came inside. His nuts pulsed as they pushed out every last bit of cum from them as if he was impregnating a dragoness. As Scribe's orgasm rode on, Spike's died out with the dragon collapsing on his chest and into the puddle of cum he had made, while Scribe's dick popped out and squirted more of the jizz on the purple butt.

The two were soon tired out, with heavy eyes, their tongues hanging out of their mouths, and wings spread wide. Dicks were now flaccid from the amount of energy spent, and chests heaving from all the screaming and moaning they had just done over the day. Together they lay lumped on the ground without a word as they were so lax. Scribe planted a kiss on Spike's cheek before their eyes had closed and sleep had taken over for a bit, only to awaken fifteen minutes later in a bit of a startled panic.

Spike lifted himself off Scribe, with a little bit of panic as he saw the sun slowly moving down to make way for the evening to set in. "Oh geez, the day's almost gone. I still haven't found Ember either. Like, this was really fun and all, but I can't stay any longer now Scribe."

Pulling himself to a sitting position, he took Spike's arm in his grasp to hold him from running off. "Hold on there Spike. You don't want to be running around like that. Let me get you cleaned up." His tongue came out and he started to lick off the cum that had gotten on Spike's face and around his slit, making it look clean as possible. He even turned around the dragon and licked the bit of cum that was dripping from his tail hole. Soon Scribe had a mouthful of both their cum and swirled it around in his maw before giving it a swallow. "There, nice and clean for Ember."

Rubbing the back of his head, Spike gave a quick smile. "Thanks, Scribe. I know it was a gift, but maybe next time I'm back, we could do it again?"

"Well if you insist on it. I don't mind doing that again with you, Dragon Lord Spike." Scribe stood up and gave Spike's claw a shake on it. "When you're back, my cave is over that way." He pointed toward the sun setting, to where a few tall rocks stood up and a small hole could be seen between them. "I did enjoy giving you your gift as well. As for Ember, I don't think she'll have gotten around too much elsewhere."

"You're right on that one," a female voice said from above.

The two drakes looked up to see the form of Ember, the Dragon Lord hovering above and descending to meet them on ground level. Her red blazing eyes looked them over and saw how Scribe was covered with a white sticky substance. Her blue scales shimmered in the light of the sun as she crossed her arms and put on her usual scowl.

"Ember! Look, I got my wings now!" Spike said in excitement as he turned around and spread his wings out for his friend to see.

"Not bad, squirt. Though by the looks of Scribe Scales here, you got a bit more than that too." She pushed her finger against the yellow dragon's shoulder with a glare in her eyes. "Hopefully he wasn't too rough with you or else I may have to throw him on duty with some of the other dragons."

Spike shook his head. "No, he was quite gentle and even taught him some things too. It was quite a surprise. I'm sorry I'm so late in finding you. I wanted to see you sooner." Spike rubbed his fingers together.

Scribe backed up a bit away from Ember to make sure she didn't just grab him and turn him into a scratching post for doing what he did with Spike, even though it was a mutual agreement between them.

"Don't worry about it. I found you after the first bit of screaming that sounded familiar." Ember turned away, her face flushing red a bit after having watched the pair have sex together from a distance. Her pussy had a bit of fluid dripping from it which ran down her leg. "Now then, let's head back to my roost so we can have a little meeting." She spread her wings out and turned to look at Scribe. "As for you, I'll be back later for you." She gave him a sly wink before taking to the air.

"Bye Scribe. I hope to see you again soon. It was real fun doing that anal stuff with you." Spike waved before spreading his wings and taking off behind Ember as well.

Scribe wiped his brow with his arm and let out a sigh. It had been a fun time with Spike and his body was a bit worn down from having to get so low for him, but it wasn't all that bad. Taking a few steps toward the lava pool that he had been in prior his mind started to go through Ember's words. Realization hit him when he figured out that they had been watched by the Dragon Lord, having gay sex, and that she was going to be back for him. His face turned bright red as he walked faster to the lava pool to clean up and relax before Ember returned, as she wasn't going to let him have a moment of rest when she did come for him.