Sunny with Six Sins

by Halloween Spirit

First published

We all know how the fall formal ends Sunset gets blasted by a chromatic laser and gets turned back from her demonic looking self.

This idea came to my head after reading two Stories from a use LucidDreamer. Where Sunset's demonic look is less due to her being evil or corrupted and more something that is natural for her. However due to a fear of any further rejection after the events of the fall formal she keeps this knowledge to herself till she meets some old friends from years back. Can these six help her get her pride back?

Rating of Teen due to profanity and Narcotics are more mentioned in past tenes for one of the characters.

Chapter 1 The Fall of Pride.

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She lay in that crater in front of Canterlot High wondering how it had all gone so wrong? The element of Magic wasn't supposed to reveal that half of her what she really was. Just supposed to be a little power boost to put Rainbow Dash down for her goading. Instead she'd felt the element of Magic forcefully rip away her human form. "Should I just stay down here," Sunset thought as she lay in the crater before starting to crawl her way up and out. She could see her hands were a normal skin tone to them since she lost Magic so there was at least hope they would just mistake her transformation as something related to the element of Harmony rather than more to do with herself.

"Magic isn't just about power Sunset Shimmer. It's also about the friends that you have with you something you have much to learn about," Twilight said as Sunset reached the lip of the crater.

"But how was I am supposed to," Sunset said before she saw hand out stretched to her.

"All you need is to reach out to start," Twilight said with a encouraging smile.

Sunset took the hand of the Princess of Friendship getting up on unsteady legs feeling like she could fall down again if someone sneezed in her direction.

"Besides I think I know some people who might be willing to give you a chance to learn," Twilight said as she looked over at her counter parts of her friends.

"Wait hold up you mean you want us to make nice with her," Rainbow Dash said indignation evident in her voice as she got jabbed in the ribs by AJ.

"Don't cha worry none sugarcube will keep an eye on her and help her out," AJ cut in ignoring the sidelong look Rainbow Dash was giving her for getting jabbed in the ribs by the farm girl's elbow. Most of the Maine 5 seem to at least on the surface share AJ sentiments on helping Sunset out as far as Twilight could tell.

"Thanks girls this means a lot really," she said to her friends.


Due to the damages to the school most of the party for the Fall Formal was moved outside. Sunset every once in a while glancing over remorseful before Vice Principal Luna gave her a look that got her back to helping Snips and Snails with the cleaning up. Not that she begrudged any of the looks she got that night after all she had done over the years she had it coming really.

Eventually everyone started to head home and Sunset caught sight of Twilight saying goodbye to the girls before walking through the portal that lead back to Equestra. "Well there goes my chance to leave," Sunset thought as the portal in the statue closed down blocking access between the two realities. She was about to turn around and walk off when she heard someone speak behind her.

"Is everything alright Sunset," It would be a long time before she forgot that voice.

"No Princ- Principal Celestia I'm fine just was going to walk home," Sunset said almost slipping up and call her Princess rather than Principle.

"Why don't I give you a ride it's supposed to get pretty chilly out tonight," Principal Celestia said always being the good Samaritan.

"It's fine really, but thanks all the same," Sunset said as she weaved around her Principal to start the trek home.

"If you're sure Sunset," Celestia said watching the girl stumble off down the sidewalk. As Sunset's figure got smaller Celestia couldn't help but feel a nagging feeling at the back of her mind. Like something was urging her to try to offer help again for the girl. It just didn't feel right to leave her alone after what happened to her.


Sunset eventually made back to her shack she'd been living in since coming to this reality it wasn't much just three walls and a tarp to keep the wind and weather out along with a sleeping bag she had snagged in her first trip to a store. She could still remember that day she had gone into the store alone confused and colder than she had ever felt. She had gone to the camping supplies section and saw the sleeping bags. She had tried to sneak out with one stuffed in her backpack but it had quickly turned into her having to out run an irate store staff member when they asked her to empty out her backpack. "Home sweet home," Sunset thought bitterly as she fell into an uneasy sleep.


The train pulled up to the station letting it's few passengers out into the late Autumn air. One being a sixteen year old he was in a simple white shirt and jeans with a almost completely buzz cut haircut. The teen looked about the station and the town around it. "Good to be home finally. Wonder how Pride has been holding up after all these years," the teen said to himself as he put on a pair of headphones started to jog away from the station. As he was jogging he saw his school and well more importantly the crater and hole in the wall. "Damn what happened while I was gone everything go to hell in a hand basket," he thought seeing the damage. Eventually reaching home he knocked hand wrapping a beat on the wood door no answer came from the dark house.

"Probably all asleep at this hour, let's see if I still remember were dad kept the spare key," he said reaching the top of the door frame and feeling for the key.

"There it is," he said before unlocking the door and walking into the house.

He jumped as the lights to the living room came on and shouts came from those gathered in the room. "Welcome home Cane Suga!" Cane smiled seeing his family as the clapped him on the back and welcomed him into the house. "Had me worried you all had gone to bed without welcoming me back," Cane said a smile still on his face.

"Nonsense why'd we not welcome our son back after his return from military school," Cane's father said clapping a hand firmly on his shoulder.

"Chevron dear why don't we let him get his bags off so he can settle down besides he likely tired from the long ride home," Cane's mother said to his father. Lifting his hand from his son's shoulder Chevron let Cane set his bags down and settle onto the couch. "Believe me mom I'm fine not about to fall over exhausted just yet," Cane said to his mother's words.

They talked well into the night all three catching up on things before Cane eventually called it a night and bid his parents good night settling down for the night.

Chapter 2 A hand from a Bliss

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Chapter 2 A hand from a Bliss

Sunset woke up her vision obstructed by well at first she thought was the interior of her leather jacket then she looked down at her arms and saw the red skin tone. "It must of really been cold last night," she thought as she pulled herself out of the sleeping bag. As she did her leathery wings unfurled and stretched. She'd had this happen before indeed come winter it was common place that she'd wake up in her real form. The demonic form having a resistance to the cold due to its own natural heating.

Sunset opened her phone to check the time it was about 7 o'clock she'd have leave soon if she didn't want to be late. "But would it even be worth it?" the thought rang in her head halting any ideas of going back to Canterlot High. Sure she'd maybe have Twilight's friends looking after her but how much would that really be true. After all the things she had pulled throughout her rain of terror as Queen Bee of the school. "Best to just pull it off quick like a bandage." Sunset thought as she made up her mind to go.


He sat in his room taking it all in bottles littered the floor a lighter and a pack of cigarettes sat on the nightstand with not far a syringe laying around. Then, he blinked and everything but the lighter and cigarettes vanished from view. "Good morning haha wake your motherfuckin asses up," he hit the alarm silencing the alarm. "Chemical Bliss come on we got to get ready for school," the voice of Chemical Bliss's sister called.

"Yeah, I'll be down in a second," Chem called back. He got out of bed pulled off the long sleeve shirt revealing the track marks going up and down his forearm. Chemical looked at the needle marks before shaking his head. "No need dwelling on it Sloth your clean now mostly," he mumbled before his eyes went to the cigarettes he had kept his promise to Pride and got clean but well even somethings he couldn't give up. He still needed some creature comforts. Pulling on a new shirt and a hoodie he got dressed the rest of the way before heading down stairs.

"Morning sleepy," Chem's sister said seeing her younger brother.
"Morning to you too," Chem said a eyebrow rising as he looked to his older sister. "You know it's supposed to be cold this morning and your wearing a skirt and sleeveless top," Chem said to her.

"So what not like it'll bother either of us Chem," she said in reply.
"Just looking out for you Passion," Chem said to his sister.

Passion laughed before she spoke, "Who's the older sibling here Chem but it's sweet that you care little brother." The two finished up and got into Passion's car before driving off for school.

"You know they'll be trying to basically lynch mob Sunset socially speaking right," Chemical said as Passion drove.
"It'll be Pride's own fault for anything that comes her way Chem," Passion Fruit said her voice a little cold. "Sis come on she's not that bad after all she talked me into kicking most of my bad habits. She's still good people just got a little confused is all after Cane left," Chemical said trying to defend both his and Passion's old friend. Passion didn't say anything in response before sighing. "Fine, but only because she helped you am I giving her this second chance for old times sake," Passion Fruit said before pulling into the school parking lot.


It was about as bad as Sunset expected as she saw all the glares side eyes and words of discuss and or half mumbled insults. It wasn't the best thing to on the receiving end of but it could be worse. After all she could very well get jumped by the other trouble makers in the school once they got wind that Sunset was effectively persona non grata to the rest of the student body. It also could have gone very poorly if she hadn't reverted to her "normal" self before she had left for school. It likely would have started a panic to see Sunset all demonic again after the Formal.

"Morning Sunny," cheerful voice cut through the droning murmur of dissenting voices snapping Sunset from herself.
"Uh morning Pinkie," Sunset said not knowing what else to say to the hyperactive pinkette.
"Hold on," Pinkie said before turning around to look at the rest of the students in the hall. "Buzz off," she said her voice lost any of the friendliness and sound monotone save for a bit of heat to it that reminded her of a friend she used to know. He was always a time bomb with his temper. "And then he left." The poisonous thought intruded into Sunsets mind. Just as quickly as it came the change was gone like a emotional whiplash as Pinkie was back to her normal self.

"Sunny before I forget would you like to eat with me and the girls come lunchtime it would be super dupers if you did," Pinkie said a beaming smile on her face. Sunset was still trying to process the 180 the girl had taken before she found her voice again. "Sure Pinkiepie I guess that could be nice," Sunset said before the hyper girl went down the hall heading for class.

Sunset was about to do the same when a hand spun her around roughly and she was face to face with Rex and his two buddies the Diamond Dogs. "Hey Shimmer you know what this is about to be, karma's a bitch," Rex said before a voice cut through. "I wouldn't do that if I were you buddy," the person said. Sunset took a moment to get a look at them and we'll she felt like it couldn't be really there not to far stood Chemical Bliss. "Oh yeah and why's that junkie," Rex said before the sound of heels were heard around the corner. Rex had just enough time to let go of Sunset before Vice Principal Luna rounded the corner. "Off to class students," she said in a tone the brooked no arguments.

Chemical quickly got between Sunset and the DDs as they both shared a the first class together. "Long time no see Pride," Chemical said trying to break the awkward silence between them. "Why'd you help back there," Sunset said looking at Chem.
"What and let Rex and his goons rip you a new one before VP Luna showed up nah anit happening," Chem retorted. "Besides figured after what happened last night you could use an old friend to come back and give some support," Chemical said shrugging off the response. "Are you high right now Sloth," Sunset said looking at Chem trying to see if he was indeed under the influence.
"Hell no Pride I am not unless you count nicotine," Chemical said to his old friend. "You sure because we didn't leave in the most curdle of ways," Sunset said. "We all said somethings we shouldn't have water under the bridge," Chemical said before taking a seat at his desk. Sunset nodded before heading for her desk and the bell rang to start the class.

Chapter 3 Greed of family.

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Chapter 3 Greed of family

Grape Vine or Vinny as he was known sat across from his cousin Jacqueline. Vinny could see something was bothering his cousin and he wasn't sure what but he'd help her if he could. It was something his father had impressed on him the moment he could understand words family was the most important thing and you helped and protected those that are family.

"Hey Jackie what's the matta you look like something is wrong. It's not those two jokers from Manehattan again trying to weasel Grandma Smith out of the farm again, because if it is I could ask my cousin Tony to make them rethink it," Vinny said finally breaking the silence between the two.

"Hmm, no no it's not them again those to varmints skipped town after talking with your dad Uncle Vineyard. Thanks for that by the way," Jackie said as she brought back from her mood.

"Fuggedaboutit your family all you Apples and my dad doesn't leave family in the wind. Now what's troubling you," Vinny said smiling at his cousin.

"Sunset," Jackie said and the smile on Vinny's face contorted into a frown.

"Oh yeah and what's that bitch done to you now," Vinny said hearing about his old friend. The two had been friends before alongside Chem and his sister however the friendship didn't survive after one of the group had moved away. Sunset had seen it as a breaking of trust and she'd well lashed out at the five of them. He'd of forgiven Pride for it till she went after Jacqueline and her friends he could careless about the whole school.

"Nothing just you think she's really turned around after well last night," Jackie said wanting a second opinion on the matter.

"Jackie if you asked me this a week ago I would say I wouldn't tell that girl she was on fire if she was burning," Vinny said not that it even effect Pride she was fire proof. "Still wouldn't either not till I see for my own eyes that she's actually sorry for the shit she did to you," he said giving his two cents on the matter. Just then the bell rang letting the two know the free period was up.
"See you around Jackie," Vinny said as she left for lunch.


Sunset and Chem walked the hall leading to the cafeteria with Chem running interference for most of the dirty looks Sunset was getting. When the two walked into the cafeteria a loud cheerful voice called out to Sunset. "Sunny over here," yelled a pink haired girl. The shout got everyone's attention and soon the whole cafeteria was looking between Sunset and Pinkie pie. "Gee thanks Pinkie," Sunset thought as she made her way over Chemical Bliss giving a quizzical look between his friend and the party happy teen.

"Well at least Pinkie doesn't hate your guts," Chem said as they walked up to the table. Most of the girls were there sitting Pinkie was the only one who looked genuinely happy to see Sunset while Rarity smile was politely fake Fluttershy was hiding behind her hair and Jackie was not keeping any eye contact with Sunset.
"So this your new cronie Shimmer," a rough voice said as Rainbow Dash let herself be known. She was glaring daggers at Sunset and the general feel of the group seemed to catch up with Pinkie as her hair went straight instead of the mess of curls. "I an't no one's cronie Crash just making sure a friend is doing alright after she got hit with a laser last night. So Jackie how's Greed doing still working with his old man," Chem said looking at Dash then switching over to AJ.

Jackie looked confused at the choice of words. "What's ya mean by Greed I don't know anyone named that,"Jackie said to Chemical Bliss. "Ah right you know him as Grape Vine sorry Greed was his nickname back when we were friends still are for the most part," Chem said as it made sense that Greed likely didn't share his nickname with family.

"Hey, were not done talking," Dash cut in. "No we are Dash if you're just gonna antagonize then we got nothing to say till things cool down," Chem said not really wanting to trade verbal shivs with the chromatic haired athlete. "Whatever," Dash said going down to the far side of the table near Jackie.

"I-I didn't know you knew cousin Vinny," Jackie said trying to process the situation that had happened. "Yeah Greed,Pride, my sister ,and I all go way back along with Cane sugar and Envy," Chem said at the mention of Cane sugar Sunset hands clenched. "Umm, what happened you don't have to say if you don't want to," Fluttershy said surprising Sunset and Chem "Can we not talk about Wrath," Sunset said in a mumbled tone. Chemical gave an apologetic look to her. "Right sorry Pride," Chem said. He guessed it was still a sore wound for Sunset as well she had seen Cane as an older brother figure and Cane had certainly dotted over the younger teen like an protective older brother.

Sunset flet a finger tap her shoulder lightly turning towards the person she saw Passion Fruit standing behind her. "Hey," she said stiffly. "This seat taken," she then said squeezing between Chem and Rarity. Rarity gave a indignant yelp at being pushed further down the bench but didn't say more although she did level a side eye at Passion. The rest of lunch passed pretty quick after that the group mostly idle chatting. Pinkie slowly seem to get her old chipper self back as this happened. Soon the bell rang and the lunch period was over. As Sunset got up and walked out she bumped into to what felt like a brick wall. "Woah easy there," a eeriely familiar voice. Sunset looked up from the hand and felt like she was seeing things. "Pride," Cane said surprised at seeing it was Sunset he had bumped into.

Chapter 4 Wrathfu meeting.

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Chapter 4 Wrathful meeting.

Sunset knew she was a creature of pride but, in this moment she felt more like one of Wraths people than of Pride. Fire burned through her and her eyes glared at the cause of her belli. "Cane long time no see and, finally back I see," sunset her voice tainted with venom.

"Really Pride," Cane sugar said before she interrupted him. "No Cane it's Sunset. Friends call me Pride you lost that when you left," Sunset said. From where they stood Chemical Passion and Cane could see Sunsets eyes change the sclera blacking as her cyan irises took on a luminous quality to them. "Damnit Pride would listen I left for both our sakes. You and I both know I was a time bomb before," Cane said his voice taking a cold tone. He then leaned in towards Sunset. "I'd calm down your eyes are showing by the way," Cane sugar said hoping it would get his former irate friend to see reason.

The changes reversed as angry was over taken by slight panic. Cane even noticed how Sunset seemed to fall into herself. That wasn't right Pride got angry sure but never panicked. It sent red flags up in his mind and had he been rasher he'd of demand what was wrong. "Look we all are clearly not ready to hash it out here so Pride let's just go yeah," Chem said an arm around Sunset and shepherding her out of the cafeteria.

"Sorry about Pride Wrath talk to you later yeah," Passion said to Cane.
"Yeah, sure see you around Lust. What happened to Pride never seen her like that just because of here eyes," Cane said hoping for an answer. Passion shook her head. "Not here I'll explain at the dinner we use to hangout at okay," Passion Fruit said before following after her younger brother and Sunset.


Chem kept his arm around Sunset till she tried to get out from under the half hug. "You okay Pride," Chemical said looking Sunset dead in the eyes. "No, I almost went all fire and brimstone for the second time in front of nearly everyone in school," she said in a stage whisper. "They almost found out that it wasn't some stupid magic tiara that I became that Chemical," Sunset said. "Hey Pride, Sunset look here yeah it's fine no one saw and Wra-Cane saved your ass back there," Chem said his acid green eyes looking at Sunset.

Sunset took a deep breath nodding her head before she saw Passion come walking over. "She going to be okay," Passion asked looking between the two friends. "No biggie Sis she's cool for the most part," Chem said as the PA system turned on.
Sunset Shimmer to the Principles office. Sunset Shimmer to the Principles office.
"What I'd do now," Sunset mumbled to herself before waving bye to Chem and Passion however the two siblings kept a pace behind their shared friend just in case. The door leading into the offices opened and The three caught sight of Vice Principal Luna. "Go on in Sunset and you two need to run off to class next period is almost done with," she said giving out some slips of paper with her signature on it. "That should excuse your tardiness Mr. Bliss Ms.Fruit," Luna then said.


Sunset walked into Celestias' office feeling a bit of uncertainty from what she knew she was still doing detentions after school and she hadn't done anything else to warrant a visit to the Principles office so then why was she now sitting here on the other side of the desk. Celestia looked like she always did immaculate and kind but there was a glimmer of something in her eyes that Sunset couldn't pinpoint. "You wanted to see me Principal Celestia," Sunset said finding her voice.

"Yes Sunset you see after last night's events Luna and I did some digging and well we've found some discrepancy in your paperwork," Celestia said making Sunset's heart plummet into her boots.

"I um I didn't know that," Sunset said the nervous tone easy to hear in her voice.

"Yes it puts down in your address as an condemned apartment complex and the number is from a separate location home to someone who has never heard of a Sunset Shimmer," Celestia said her tone wasn't accusing more worried or was it disappointed Sunset wouldn't be surprised if it was the former instead of the latter. After all her past deeds had caused another Celestia to be disappointed in her so why not add another to the list. "Sunset I want you to be truthful with me do you have a place to stay a home," Celestia said to her and Sunset could see the worry in her Principal's eyes.

Sunset looked to her boots. "In a manner of speaking yes I have a home," she said thinking about her shack that she had been living in since passing through the mirror. "Then why the discrepancy in your paperwork," Celestia said. "You know why, I'm sure the princess told you everything about how I'm not from here," Sunset said snapping before she shrank back into herself. "Yes but I wanted for you to say it not just hear it from a second hand source," Celestia said. Sunset sighed before she spoke "it's a shack hoover ville style not far from school." Sunset relented the heat gone from her tone and her eyes lowered in defeat.

"I see how long," Celestia said her tone odd to Sunset. "Three four years I don't time passes different here from the other side of the mirror," Sunset said looking up to Celestia. "I see well that just leaves us with a few options," Celestia said "We either find you a legal guardian and home," Celestia said. "I'm doing fine on my own," Sunset shot back. "But you shouldn't have to your a sixteen year old girl Sunset you should be worrying about homework and boys or something not weather or not your roof is going to crash in on you," Celestia countered.

"Why do you care now. No one seemed to care before so why do all of you give a shit about me now," she seethed. "Ms.Shimmer, Sunset we just want what's best for you and your health and frankly being in a as you put it hooverville shack is hardly for the best," Celestia said trying to be reasonable with the teen. "Then I'll bunk with Chem him and his Sister are friends," Sunset said looking for away around this. "Yes Passion Fruit is Chemical Bliss's legal guardian however I don't believe she'll be able to financially support both you Chemical and yourself," Celestia said. "Again why do you care you never gave a damn before Prince- Principal Celestia," Sunset said she could feel that fire from the cafeteria and Cane returning and quickly set about shutting it down.

"Because I should have known something was wrong from how you use to act before your change both of them," Celestia said that surprised Sunset Celestia never admitted to being wrong to having missed something but, then this wasn't that Celestia was it. "Then where do I go," she said her voice sounding hollow. Celestia seem to take a breath before speaking. "With me at least let me try to make up for past mistakes in not seeing you needed help," Celestia said and for a second Sunset almost thought it was another one speaking. Sunset sighed before looking back up. "Can I get my stuff before I guess move in with you," Sunset said slumping in the chair. Celestia nodded her head.