Misty's Crinkly Rave

by SuperPinkBrony12

First published

(A sequel to "Pipp's Padded Livestream". Warning!: Contains diapers, diaper usage and AB/DL themes, reader discretion is strongly recommended!) Misty learns of Pipp and Izzy's secret, and joins them in ageplaying together in Bridlewood.

(WARNING!: Make no mistake about it, this IS a padded pony fic! And as such, it WILL contain content that some viewers may (and probably will) find disturbing. If such material is at ALL outside your comfort zone, then please click elsewhere and do not, I repeat, DO NOT READ! You have been warned! Rated Mature for fetish material, though content should be mostly PG-13.

It is highly recommended you check out both Pipp's Padded Livestream and Izzy's "Little" Secret first to better understand this fic. Partially inspired by and based on Something to Rave About by Wandering Pigeon, and its unofficial sequels. Also partially based on a request by SpeedyTheCheetah.)

Misty has learned of a secret shared between Izzy and Pipp, a secret that most ponies would go to great lengths to keep hidden. And that secret is that both are ageplayers, also known as adult foals, which means they like to dress up like and act like big foals.

Eventually, Misty is forced to disclose to her friends the knowledge of their secret. To her great surprise, they offer her the chance to join them. And Misty decides to accept the offer, curious to see what it's like to relive your foalhood and be cared for by somepony else.

Wanting to make Misty's first time extra special, Izzy and Pipp settle on the idea of visiting a special club in Bridlewood that is just for adult foals like them. Together, the three friends will be in for a night to remember, and they might just draw closer together as a result.

A Night to Rave About

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Izzy and Pipp had quickly taken notice of an unusual change in behavior around their new friend Misty. Whenever she was near them she seemed to become sheepish and withdrawn, far more than she ever was with Sunny, Hitch or even Zipp, even when she would've had good reason to be hesitant around them.

Naturally, after some consideration, the two friends decided it best to approach Misty in secret. They hoped it would yield vital information about her apparent awkwardness around them.

So it was that, one day by chance, they put their plan into action while the rest of their friends were off doing other things.

Pipp, being the far more outgoing and social of the two, took the lead in questioning Misty. "So, Misty, is there something you wanna talk about with us? Something you'd rather not talk about with our other friends?"

Right on cue, Misty stepped back and began to stutter. "W-why? W-what makes you say that? Y-you must be imagining things. It... it's nothing, I swear."

"Come on, you can tell us," Izzy insisted with a smile. "We're friends now. Whatever it is, you can tell us. Pipp and I know a thing or two about keeping secrets." She delivered that last line with a knowing wink that Pipp returned.

A raging blush started to form on Misty's cheeks. "It's just... well..." She struggled to think of what she wanted to say and how to say it. What she had seen was something that had refused to leave her alone.

"You okay, Misty?" Pipp asked with concern as she noticed the unicorn's struggle. "Izzy and I are sorry if we're putting pressure on you. If it makes you feel better, you don't have to tell us if you'd rather just keep it to yourself."

But Misty swallowed hard, took a deep breath, and spat out. "I know the truth about you and Izzy, Pipp! About what you like to do in private! I... I didn't mean to find out! It was just... Opaline told me to get close to you ponies, and so I did. And... well..." She trailed off, unable to bring herself to say anything further. She was fully prepared for her new friends to yell and berate her for having the nerve to spy on them, even if it had been under Opaline's orders. What had the unicorn been thinking confessing to all of this?

But much to Misty's surprise, Izzy and Pipp didn't seem to be angry or upset, judging by the expressions on their faces. They looked almost... relieved, you might say. That was odd.

Pipp seemed to be struggling to control her giggles. "My hoofness, Izzy, we've been caught!"

Izzy playfully swished her tail. "Well, I guess it was bound to happen with one of our friends sooner or later. I mean after all, we were doing an ageplay livestream."

Misty gulped. "That wasn't how I found out."

At that, a raging blush formed on both Izzy and Pipp's cheeks as Pipp took the liberty of asking the question. "How much did you see, exactly?"

Swallowing hard again, Misty confessed. "Enough to where I started feeling jealous. I never really had a foalhood. My earliest memories are from when I was taken in by Opaline, everything before then is a blur. And Opaline didn't exactly wait for me to grow up. I had to give up my foalhood almost from the day she took me in. I..." She struggled to control her emotions that had long been bottled up inside of her. "I never really thought about it until now, but seeing what you two did... it made me wish I could be a part of it, even just for a little while."

"You mean, like another livestream?" The pastel pink pegasus proposed. "I was just thinking of doing one since the last one with Izzy went so well."

But Misty shook her head from side to side. "I'm not comfortable doing that. I don't know if I'll even like the diapers and... all the other stuff."

"You'll never know until you try," Pipp pointed out. "If you're worried about ponies seeing you, don't be. I always make sure the streams are age restricted. You have to know the code to be able to access them. Besides, it's for charity. And it's not like you'll be the only one in padding, Izzy and I will be there to help guide you through it."

Izzy, however, began to bounce up and down with excitement as an idea seemed to come to her. "Ooh, I know! We gotta do something extra special for your first time, Misty! And I know just the thing," She paused to gather her thoughts, taking a deep breath, and then explaining. "I just learned of this super secret club in Bridlewood from Alphabittle. He says it's a perfect hub for big foals like Pipp and I. And considering I still get all my foal supplies from Alphabittle, I'd say he knows what he's talking about."

"Well, I'm all for trying new things," Pipp declared with a bright smile. "I'd have to clear things up with Rocky and Jazz first, but I'm sure they'd be okay with me taking a night off." She delivered the last part of that line with a knowing wink.

"So, how about it, Misty?" Izzy asked as she locked eyes with her fellow unicorn. "Feel like joining Pipp and I for a night of crinkly fun in Bridlewood?"

Misty hesitated for but a moment before deciding. "Well... I guess it can't hurt to try. It did look like fun when I saw you two do it in the Brighthouse," But then an awful thought struck her. "But what about our friends? Aren't they gonna get suspicious if we're not at the Brighthouse whenever we decide to go to Bridlewood?"

At that, the pastel pink coated unicorn declared with a swish of her tail. "Who says we're gonna tell them? I'll just leave them a note. I go back to Bridlewood all the time for crafting supplies, they won't suspect a thing."

And Pipp was quick to add her sentiments. "I have ways of covering for myself. Besides, if this club is a secret like Izzy and Alphabittle say it is, I don't think we'll have anything to worry about regarding getting caught," Then she declared. "I'll see about arranging things with Rocky and Jazz so I can have the night off by the end of the week."

"Great! That gives me time to let Alphabittle know we're coming!" Izzy excitedly proclaimed! "Oh, we're gonna have so much fun together!"

And so it was soon arranged.

A few days later, Izzy, Pipp, and of course Misty were all heading for Bridlewood for what promised to be a night to remmeber. A chance for two of the friends to once more embrace their inner ageplayer, and for the other to have a chance to see what it was like to relive one's foalhood.

As Izzy was the one most familiar with Bridlewood, she was the one who took the liberty of leading her fellow mares through the enchanted forest. She had only Alphabittle's directions to go on, but that didn't seem to worry her.

The walk to the club's entrance (wherever it may be) did little to settle the nerves of Misty, or tamp down the enthusiasm of Pipp.

At last, the three mares approached the front door of the familiar gathering place that was the Crystal Tea Room.

Pipp blinked her spring green eyes. "Why would we come here, Izzy? Are you sure we're in the right place?"

Izzy shrugged her hooves, looking down at a piece of paper held clumsily in her magic (she was still getting used to using it despite how long it had been since magic had returned). "Alphabittle's directions clearly say to come here. Guess maybe he wants us to ask him directly about the club or something. Wherever it is, it must be somewhere even I haven't found yet." And she trotted forward with determination.

Pipp and Misty followed, Misty more reluctantly than Pipp. Part of the unicorn wanted to turn around and run away, to forget all about this. But she couldn't do that, not after her friends had gone to such lengths to let her partake in their secret. It was the least she could do to pay them back after she had kept quiet about their secret for so long (not that she would've expected Opaline to care about such things. Sunny, Hitch, and Zipp were another story).

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary inside the teahouse, everything was as it was the last time Izzy and Pipp had visited. And for Misty, she didn't know what to look for since she had never set hoof in the building before.

Alphabittle, as he usually was, was behind the counter up at the bar. He was wiping down the counter top with a rag, while on a shelf behind him reseted his assortment of trinkets he'd won from his various games (not to mention his trusty puzzle cube). The stallion either didn't notice or didn't acknowledge the only patrons who had entered the teahouse. That is, until Izzy trotted up to the bar and locked eyes with him. "There something I can help you with, Izzy?" He asked in a friendly tone of voice.

Izzy looked around, taking notice of how the teahouse seemed to be deserted. Even so, she still leaned in close and whispered. "Do you know where my friends and I can find that little 'club' you told me about? You know the one."

Alphabittle's response took Pipp and Misty by surprise. He put down his rag and got up from the bar. Then he flashed a knowing smile at the three mares. "Ah, I was wondering when you would come," He trotted over to them and motioned a hoof towards a back wall. "If you'll kindly follow me, ladies."

Izzy, Pipp, and Misty followed the stallion towards the back wall. Much to their surprise, they saw him pass right through it as if it didn't actually exist! "Just a little 'illusion' to make sure the club stays hidden. It was actually the easiest thing to set up. Now come on, don't be shy, ladies. Everything's waiting for you."

The three mares trotted through the fake wall one by one, and once on the other side they could see some stairs that led down a dimly lit corridor. They proceeded to follow Alphabittle down the stairs as his horn illuminated their way. At the bottom of the stairs was an ordinary looking door that appeared to have a sliding peephole cut into it. Alphabittle took the liberty of opening the door, once again making use of his magic. "Welcome to the Crystal Padded Playplace, ladies!" He happily and proudly declared!

The sights that greeted the eyes of Izzy, Pipp, and Misty were incredible! It was a lot to take in all at once! Yet take it in they did, even though they had to blink and rub their eyes just to be sure they weren't seeing things.

On the other side of the door was a truly massive room lit up with lantern lights. Towards the back of the room was the dj stand which had huge subwoofers placed to either side of it, and surrounding it were a set of guard rails that turned the whole thing into a giant crib. The dance floor was made up of soft foam in alternating hues of baby blue and pink, and it was possible to see a few unicorns in nothing but thick, white diapers currently dancing on it.

Off to the left hoof side of the dance floor was a bar only accessible by climbing over guard rails on either side of it. And at the bar, in place of seats, were highchairs sized up to fit fully grown ponies.

Meanwhile, off to the right hoof side of the dance floor, were two separate rooms with doors that had ponies waiting outside them.

Izzy let out a gasp when she saw who was at the dj stand, playing the music that was being pumped and played through every inch of the club! "No way! Is that Onyx?!" She asked upon seeing a familiar beret upon the djing unicorn (who also happened to be wearing a diaper, albeit just a plain white one).

Alphabittle couldn't help but smirk. "Yes, that's her, alright. And of course, we also have Dapple. Right now, I've got her working the changing stations. That leaves me free to run the bar," Then he admitted while massaging the back of his neck with a hoof. "I know it's a lot to run a club with only three ponies and no bouncer, but it's the best I could do on short notice. Bridlewood's new to the whole clubbing scene. Just getting all the equipment and supplies set up involved having things shipped over from Maretime Bay and Zephyr Heights. I'm hoping we can eventually recruit a few more ponies to help this place run more smoothly."

"Well, I bet if I did one of my charity ageplay streams here, word of this club would spread like wildfire!" Pipp excitedly exclaimed! "Trust me, when ponies know a princess has put her stamp of approval on something, they come flocking by the hundreds," But then she coughed into a hoof. "But I'm just here with Izzy and Misty tonight. This is one of the rare occasions where I let my adult foal self be seen without a livestream. At least I know my usual Pippsqueaks won't find out about this."

Alphabittle gave a knowing wink. "The whole point of this club is to be underground. You have nothing to worry about," Then he eyed the one mare who had yet to speak up since entering the club. He assumed this must be the "Misty" Izzy and Pipp were referring to. And as he eyed her, he thought there was something vaguely familiar about her. "Hey, don't I know you from somewhere?" He questioned. "I feel like I've seen you before."

Misty stuttered. "I... I don't know. I... I n-never really knew anypony before I met Izzy. T-there's... a lot about my past that I don't really remember."

Fortunately, Alphabittle seemed to come to a satisfactory conclusion after a minute of contemplation. "Oh, I remember now. I think you were that pony I saw with Izzy and her friends at the Maresquerade Ball a while back."

"Oh... right," Misty commented and blushed. "Sorry, I'm still new to the whole friendship thing. And everything else, really. I've never actually done this... ageplaying stuff before."

Izzy trotted over and wrapped a hoof around her fellow unicorn. "Well don't worry, Misty. Pipp and I will show you the ropes. Just do what we do, and we're sure to have an awesome playdate! Ooh, just thinking about it has me feeling all nice and sparkly!"

"Well, I think that's enough chit chat," Pipp spoke up. "We should get padded up. That's what we're here for, after all."

Alphabittle laughed a bit. "Ah yes. Here I am talking when I should be tending to customers at the bar," He trotted away, though not without saying. "I was just about to go get diapered myself, actually. Changing stations are just off to the right of the dance floor."

A short time later, Izzy, Pipp, and Misty all got diapered in the changing room for mares. Izzy happily went first, delighted by the wide range of options afforded to her: Including top designer brands from Maretime Bay and Zephyr Heights. She quickly settled on a sky blue diaper with little clouds printed all over it to serve as wetness indicators, and happily let it be taped around her rump.

Pipp chose a hot pink diaper clearly inspired by herself, it was princess themed and had gold trim around the tapes and landings. It was also a touch bulkier and thicker than most, not that the pegasus princess minded.

As for Misty, she wasn't really sure what kind of diaper to wear for her first experience. So she opted to have one chosen for her, in the form of something a bit more low key: It was a crystal blue diaper, but otherwise there was nothing at all special about it. Still, it matched her coat nicely. And when she trotted about in it, she delighted in how it compressed and crinkled. Plus, it was so soft. Almost like having a pillow tied around your rump. She couldn't help but poke at it with a hoof, making it compress and crinkle even more. Walking, however, was a touch difficult at first. "Izzy and Pipp make it look so easy." She thought to herself, as she stumbled and tumbled face first upon exiting the changing room.

Fortunately, Izzy and Pipp were quick to help their friend and fellow adult foal to her hooves. "Don't worry, I did that too the first couple of times I tried on diapers," Pipp reassured Misty. "It takes a little getting used to, but soon you'll be waddling around like a pro."

"And the best part is, you don't have to worry about finding a bathroom!" Izzy chimed in, and then began to bounce away. "Now come on, fillies! Let's hit the dance floor and show 'em what we got! We're here to have a good time, are we not?!"

Pipp and Misty followed Izzy onto the dance floor, content to let her take the lead for now. She was clearly in her element here.

Dancing in diapers was not as easy as it might have looked. Izzy quickly gave up on trying to time her movements to the beat of the music, and Pipp did the same after a bit of hesitation given her talent for music. Misty, deciding it best to emulate what her friends were doing, started swaying and bouncing on her padded posture, still able to hear the chorus of chrinkles even over the sound of loud music.

Surprisingly, as seconds became minutes, Misty found herself growing more and more comfortable in her new state. She couldn't really explain what it was, something just made her feel carefree and young at heart, as if she were an actual foal. She started bouncing, swaying, and shaking all about. She was having the time of her life, enjoying every movement she made and how her padded rump crinkled audibly (at least in her ears) regardless of what she did. No wonder Izzy and Pipp liked to do this, it was so liberating. All those worries, all those troubles, they were far away and couldn't bother her at all.

Naturally, all that dancing under the lights made the three foaling out friends work up quite a thirst. They weren't sure how much time had passed since they'd gotten diapered and started dancing, but enough time had passed to where a drink was starting to sound really good right about now.

Pipp was the one to make the proposal this time. "I don't know about you fillies, but I for one am super thirsty!" She licked her lips. "I could really go for a nice cold bottle of milk right about now. How about you girls?"

"Ooh, a bottle of milk does sound good!" Izzy excitedly exclaimed! "And while we're at it, let's get some num-nums. I'm starving! Anything sounds tasty!"

"But... we're foals now," Misty commented with concern, looking down at herself. "We can't exactly feed ourselves or give ourselves bottles."

At that both Izzy and Pipp began to laugh, as Izzy explained. "Well, that's what ponies like Alphabittle are for. Looks like he'll finally get to be my caretaker in a sense. It'll be just like old times."

"Then it's decided," Pipp proclaimed as she began to waddle away. "Let's go up to the bar and see what's on the menu," And she then put her hooves to her face, exclaiming! "Oh my hoofness! I can't believe I'm actually going to sit in an actual highchair! Oh, it's been a dream of mine since I can remember!"

"That's funny, because that's been my dream too!" Izzy nodded in agreement, and motioned to Misty. "Come on, Misty! You're gonna get to experience something truly incredible. It's every adult foal's dream come true!"

And so Misty followed her fellow padded ponies over to the bar. She was still struggling to get used to how much the diaper pushed her legs apart, but the unicorn felt she at least wasn't getting any worse at moving about with it. Even so, when she stumbled and fell face first to the floor again, she couldn't stop the raging blush that formed on her cheeks. "How do Izzy and Pipp do this so easily?" She thought to herself. Was it really just a matter of experience?

At last, after what felt like forever in Misty's mind, she reached the bar. She was relieved that Izzy and Pipp had decided to wait for her just on the other side of the guard rails, and was even more grateful for their assistance in climbing over said rails. Then, she followed her friends until they found three unoccupied highchairs. One by one, the pampered mares climbed into the highchairs, before the bars of said highchairs were magically latched shut to hold them in place.

"Wow! This is amazing!" Izzy exclaimed as she leaned back in her highchair. "You can practically feel your rump sink into your diaper."

Pipp quickly tried out the sensation for herself, and was delighted by what she felt. "Whoa! You're right, Izzy. Oh, I think I might have to start coming here more often. Experiences like these make being an adult foal so worthwhile."

Misty, however, shifted her weight about as she squirmed in her highchair. It was hard to get comfortable when she wasn't used to how restrictive everything felt. "Does it have to be so tight?" She couldn't help but complain.

"Well of course it does," The familiar voice of Alphabittle declared as he came strolling over, the multi-colored diaper on his rump contrasting noticeably against his gleaming gray coat. "Can't risk foals falling out and hurting themselves. We wouldn't want that, now would we?"

"Hi, Alphabittle!" Izzy greeted with a wave of her hoof. "This club rocks!"

Alphabittle grinned. "Of course it does, Izzy. After all the experience I had being part of your secret, I figured it was the least I could do. Besides, as you can clearly see, you're not the only pony who has a desire to relive their foalhood."

"How did you ever manage to get all of this set up so quickly?" Pipp pondered in amazement.

The stallion chuckled. "I have my ways. Although none of this would even be possible if you ponies hadn't helped bring magic back to Equestria and brought the three tribes together again," Then he cleared his throat and inquired. "So, what would you little fillies like to drink? What can I get for you?"

"We'll take three bottles of milk, please," Izzy declared. "After all that dancing we did, you'd better believe we worked up one heck of a thirst."

"And while you're at it," Pipp added. "We were thinking of getting something to eat. Got anything special you'd recommend?"

Alphabittle's smile grew brighter. "Well, it's your lucky night, fillies. I just so happen to have a freshly baked apple pie."

"Great! We'll take it!" Izzy insisted as she then tossed some bits onto the counter.

Pipp couldn't help but tease. "Were you keeping those stuffed in your diaper, Izzy?"

"Nope! I thought about it, but I didn't wanna risk forgetting about the coins and having something happen to them," The pastel pink coated unicorn declared. "Besides, sitting on them would've been super uncomfortable. That's why I put them in my mane instead."

Alphabittle happily scooped up the bits with his massive hooves. "Thanks, Izzy. I'll get those bottles of milk ready for you all lickity-split." He trotted away, only to return a short time later with three baby bottles full of milk held aloft in the glow of his horn. Gently and gingerly, he floated them over to each patron one by one.

Misty watched as both Izzy and Pipp quickly grasped the rubber nipple of their baby bottles with their hooves, and placed the nipples into their mouths. They seemed to have no trouble drinking down the milk. Hesitantly, she tried to do the same. It seemed to be more difficult for her to get the bottle into the proper position, but eventually she was able to wrap the rubber nipple around her mouth and start suckling away.

A rich, creamy, refreshing taste greeted the unicorn's parched throat. And she shut her eyes as she slowly but surely drained the bottle of its contents drop by drop. She even leaned back in her highchair, almost by instinct.

Yet as she was drinking down the milk, Misty felt the peace and tranquility of the bar suddenly be interrupted by a faint hissing sound. Opening her eyes, she looked to Izzy and Pipp, and could see dark patches forming on the seat of the diapers, said patches growing with each passing second. Yet neither seemed the least bit concerned about the fact that they were wetting themselves.

Then, Misty became alarmed as she felt a warm sensation spreading across her own diaper! Looking down at herself, she could see that her floodgates had begun to open, almost as if by instinct. So distracted had she been with drinking the bottle, and with Izzy and Pipp flooding their diapers. At least her diaper was good about absorbing every last drop, even as it swelled up a bit. At last, the warm sensation began to fade as Misty's stream died down.

Izzy and Pipp, unconcerned about what they had just done, leaned further back in their highchairs and let out audible belches. And yet, surprisingly, their bottles were still half full. They'd somehow managed to restrain themselves from drinking every drop of that cold, creamy milk.

"Ah, much better." Izzy dreamily sighed.

Pipp, meanwhile, patted her own diaper. "Really gotta admire how absorbent these brands are. It feels like they can hold a lot more."

Alphabittle grinned. "I take it that means you won't be going off to get changed anytime soon, fillies?"

"Nah!" Izzy said as she playfully stuck out her tongue. "Why waste a perfectly good diaper on a little wetting? I made sure to tell Dapple to put as much foal powder on me as possible without any spilling out."

"Same here," Pipp chimed in. "I'm not worried about getting a rash. I think I'll hold off on the change for a while," Looking across to Misty, she asked her friend. "How about you, Misty? You good?"

Misty froze in uncertainty. She hadn't had much time to process her feelings about peeing in her diaper just like a foal. It had come on so suddenly. But Izzy and Pipp were treating the whole thing like it was perfectly natural.

Izzy leaned across to eye her fellow unicorn, whispering softly to her. "The first time's always the hardest, isn't it? I know it was for me. It definitely felt different."

"W-well..." Misty struggled to put her feelings into words. "I mean... it wasn't... bad, I guess," She then looked at her own bottle. "And I still have at least half a bottle to finish, not to mention a nice apple pie to eat. So if you and Pipp aren't going to get changed yet, I don't think I'll get changed either."

"Speaking of apple pie," Alphabittle spoke up as he cleared his throat, levitating over some colorful bibs that he tied around his charges' necks. "Don't want you fillies making too much of a mess now," And then once he had the bibs tied on tightly, he brought forth a pie tin containing a rather massive looking apple pie. "Here you are. Bon apetite!"

Misty found herself unable to keep from licking her lips when she eyed the apple pie in all its glory. It was so delicious looking. She wanted nothing more than to reach out with her hooves, grab it, and shove as much of it as she could that would fit into her mouth!

But the unicorn hesitated to do so, especially since she saw neither of her friends seemed willing to do the same. It was then that it dawned on her. "I'm a foal now. Foals can't feed themselves," She thought, and giggled to herself at the obvious realization. "Silly me. I gotta wait for Alphabittle to cut it up first."

Alphabittle seemed to take his sweet time cutting the huge pie into smaller slices, and placing each slice onto a paper plate without a fork or any sort of silverware. Only once he had brought the places close to the edge of the bar did he allow himself to step back. "Go ahead, my foals," He seemed to coo. "Dig in!"

"You don't have to tell me twice!" Izzy excitedly exclaimed! She greedily grabbed a paper plate, and shoved the entire pie slice into her mouth without further fanfare! She didn't seem to care about the lack of table manners she was displaying as a result.

Pipp followed suit, though not before motioning to Misty. "Go ahead, help yourself. It's all part of the experience. After all, what do you think the bib's for?"

So Misty reluctantly emulated her fellow padded ponies, taking the entire apple pie slice into her hooves and stuffing it into her mouth as fast as she could! Flakes and crumbs seemed to fly everywhere, and Misty was certain her cheeks were fast becoming stained. Yet she didn't care at all: The more she ate, the less she cared about anything other than eating as messily as possible. She knew there would be somepony on hoof to get her cleaned up afterward.

Misty, Izzy, and Pipp ate slice after slice until they had lost count of how many slices of pie they'd enjoyed. Eventually, however, they could eat no more, they were stuffed to the gills.

"My hoofness, little ones!" Alphabittle playfully exclaimed and exaggerated as he retrieved a wet rag, and levitated it over each adult foal's face until it was wiped clean of crumbs, flakes, and stains. "Thank hoofness for the bibs. Can you imagine how much of a mess you would've made without them?"

Izzy playfully played it off. "Aw come on, Alphabittle. We couldn't help it. Really. The pie was that good. Right, girls?" And she delighted in the confirming nods she got from Pipp and Misty.

Misty leaned back anew in her highchair and burped. "Oh, that was so delicious!" She exclaimed as she patted her stomach. "I think I'm gonna need to sit for a moment. Between the bottle and the pie, I don't think I've ever felt as full as I do now."

"Well, feel free to join us back on the dance floor as soon as you're ready," Pipp declared as she wiggled out of her highchair once the bars on all the highchairs were unlatched. "Come on, Izzy. The night's still young. Let's try to get a few more dances in before we have to get changed."

"Yeah, don't wanna get a diaper rash. That would not be fun." Izzy playfully replied with a swish of her tail, and then she and Pipp waddled away together.

Misty was alone with Alphabittle, eyeing him nervously as something nagged at the back of her mind. "I feel like I know him somehow. Like there's some sort of connection between us," She thought to herself. "But how can that be?" Try as she might to rack her brain, the padded unicorn mare couldn't find an answer. And so, desperate to take her mind off such thoughts, she got out of her highchair and clumsily waddled away to rejoin her friends on the dance floor.

Misty soon lost herself in her new adult foal mindset, just relaxing and not having a care in the world as she bounced, shimmed, and swayed alongside her fellow padded ponies. It was almost like dancing at the Maresquerade Ball, and she giggled at the image that came into her mind: That of the ball, but with everypony there wearing diapers instead of masks.

So lost in such thoughts was the unicorn mare with a beautiful blue coat that she almost didn't realize when her body began to send signals indicating the need to relieve itself. When the signals became so strong they could not be ignored, Misty froze right on the spot, clutching her stomach with a hoof.

Izzy and Pipp quickly noticed their friend's distress, and had a pretty good idea of what was causing it. "You have to make stinkies, don't you, Misty?" Izzy questioned in a sympathetic tone of voice.

At that the distressed unicorn began to blush bright red all over again. "It doesn't look like they have bathrooms in here, do they?"

"Probably not. Everypony here wears their potty," Pipp pointed out. "And Izzy and I have done it before," She seemed to briefly frown and grimace as she added. "Some parts of it are not very desirable. But it never feels good to hold it in, it's always better if you just let it out."

"If it helps," Izzy proposed. "Pipp and I could do it with you."

"R-really? I... wouldn't want you to do... that if you didn't have to." Misty stuttered as her blush deepened.

But the two experienced adult foals shook their heads in unison as the padded pastel pink pegasus princess promptly proclaimed. "We actually kind of do. That's why we were holding off on getting changed earlier, we were trying to wait until we had to go number two."

"Okay, so we'll do it on the count of three if everypony's ready," Izzy declared. And upon receiving confirming nods from both of her friends, she instructed. "One, two, three." And on three, the padded mares began to push.

For Misty, it seemed like it took forever to get her body to stop fighting her. She pushed, and pushed, and pushed some more. But her years of potty training made it incredibly difficult to let go when she wasn't using a toilet. At last, however, she felt her tail hike up as she finally felt something move inside of her. In a matter of seconds, it was all over. Her stomach was empty now, but her diaper felt nice and full. And of course, a familiar stench began to tickle her nostrils.

"There, all done," Izzy said at last, and turned to Misty. "Ready to go get changed, now?"

Misty nodded quite slowly. "Oh yes, definitely. No wonder foals cry when they do this."

Few things ever felt better to Misty than a freshly powdered diaper after she'd been wiped clean and changed out of her old, dirty diaper by Dapple. Dapple seemed to not be bothered in the slightest by the task delegated to her, and she carried out the change with practiced precision.

The rest of the night passed in very much the same experiences for Misty: Alternating between dancing with her friends, having drinks from baby bottles at the bar, and occasionally being changed at the changing stations by Dapple. And as the night progressed, she slowly but surely grew more comfortable about her padding and about being an adult foal. She started to feel like she was not just glimpsing into that world, but was fully becoming a part of it.

It was so much fun that the three padded friends almost didn't want their experience at the club to end. But alas, all good things must come to an end eventually. Sooner than they would've liked, the last song was played. Afterward, everypony lined up for one last change (including Alphabittle and Onyx, both of whom's diapers looked as if they'd gone quite a long time without being changed despite their obvious signs of usage). And then it was time for everypony to leave, shedding their padded undergarments in the process.

"So, how was it, Misty?" Pipp asked afterward. "Did you enjoy foaling out with Izzy and I?"

Misty nodded quite affirmatively. "I think I did. I can see why you and Izzy like to do it. It just feels relaxing for lack of a better word. Like all your troubles just disappear, even if only for a little while."

Pipp smiled. "I'm glad you think so, Misty, because Izzy and I had the time of our lives here! It's incredible to think that there are so many other ponies out there just like us, big foals wanting to relieve their foalhood together."

Misty nodded once again. "Yeah. Really gotta give hoof it to Izzy, and to Alphabittle. They really know their stuff when it comes to adult foals."

The pegasus princess then proposed. "So, would you be interested in joining Izzy and I for our next charity livestream? I think we could easily smash the fundraising record if all three of us are in the stream together."

The unicorn with a beautiful blue coat flashed a warm smile at her pegasus friend. "Sure, why not? An ageplaying livestream sounds like it would be a blast."

Meanwhile, Izzy had lingered a little longer in the club in order to have a one on one talk with Alphabittle. There was something she really wanted to let the stallion know. "Thanks for putting this all together, Alphabittle," She told him in no uncertain terms. "I'll definitely be coming back to the club as often as I can, and I think you can count on Pipp and Misty being regulars too."

Alphabittle just smiled and laughed. "Well, what did I tell you all that time ago, Izzy? You had nothing to fear from sharing this part of yourself with your friends. And look how many of them already accept you as an adult foal. I'll bet even Zipp and Hitch would accept you as such if you ever disclosed your secret to them."

Izzy put a hoof to her chin. "I'll think about it. I'd at least have to see what Sunny thinks, she might know how best to get Hitch onboard. I'm sure Pipp could convince Zipp. And Misty... well, she's already hooked on this experience." And with those thoughts in mind, she trotted away to catch up to her friends.

As Alphabittle watched Izzy trot away, he started thinking to himself. Not about Izzy, but about Misty. "Why does that name feel so familiar to me?" He thought in silence as he made sure to lock the entrance to the club tightly behind, and then trotted up the stairs back to the Crystal Tea Room. Suddenly, it dawned on him! A memory he'd long forgotten about came flooding back to him in an instant! "No, it couldn't be!" He thought aloud. Then he began to ponder. "Could it be? Could it really be her?" If so, no wonder caring for her had felt so familiar.