Just a Quick Shower

by Blueninetails

First published

While taking a shower, Yona asks Sandbar to help wash her back.

With only a couple of days till Summer, and the end of their first year of graduate-level studies at the School of Friendship, Yona asks Sandbar if he could help wash her back in the shower. They've been together for a couple of years now, and Yona has asked him to do this for her a couple times before in the past, so what harm could come this time around.

This was written for Freglz as a part of the Summer Sin 2023 story exchange.

Contains: Public Sex (specifically in the communal shower), Impregnation, a bit of getting caught, and probably a bad attempt to do a shower scene.

Chapter 1

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"I'm back!" Ocellus announced as she entered the common area of the dorms she shared with her friends.

"About time," Smolder stated with a sigh of relief, "I was starting to wonder if you- Wait, this isn't the right potion," she added before picking up one of the potion vials that Ocellus brought out from her saddlebag.

"Zecora ran out of the usual contraceptive potion," Ocellus explained.

"So what in sulfur is this?"

"Her next best thing, a potion that temporarily alleviates symptoms of heat. It will have to do until Zecora can get more fennel seeds for the contraceptive potion."

"Well, it's better than nothing," Silverstream stated as she picked up a potion vial, "We do have a couple more days till we finish our first year of graduate studies, and then we can worry about our Summer heats."

"You mean, 'we' have to worry about our Summer heat," Smolder pointed out, "You're the only girl in our group who doesn't go into heat till almost mid-Summer."

"Isn't friend Smolder also different?" Yona asked, genuinely curious, "Yak heard somewhere that dragons can make eggs any time of the year."

"Really? Dragons are fertile the entire year?" Silverstream asked in a surprised tone.

"Eh...kinda," Smolder responded, her tone suggesting she would have preferred to not talk about it, "Yeah, technically dragons can do that, but we still have times of the year where instincts drive us to just grab the nearest potential partner and fuck till both parties are barely able to move."

"You mean you just mate with the nearest suitable partner?" Ocellus raised a brow.

"What can I say?" Smolder asked with a shrug as she popped the cork off the potion vial she had been holding, "Sometimes dragon mating can get a little crazy," She added before drinking the contents of the vial in one gulp.

The other three looked at each other, then Yona spoke up again, "Dragon mating sounds rough. Yaks can be rough too when yak wants to be, but at least it is with partner we know."

"Don't take it the wrong way. Dragons will go after a partner we trust first, but given how most dragons are reclusive by nature, sometimes the nearest available partner is your best choice."

"Yona still unsure how to feel about that, but she understand. Everycreature different, and understanding that makes friends better friends," She remarked, repeating one of the core lessons taught at the school.

"I'm not sure if Princess Twilight meant it to be used in that context when she came up with that lesson," Ocellus remarked with a smirk.

Smolder laughed, "Probably not, but it's not like she could predict we'd be talking about this kind of stuff."

"In any case, I finished the task you asked and brought back a potion from Zecora for each of us, granted it isn't the one we expected. I have a final exam tomorrow, then I'm helping Professor Fluttershy administer a test for her class afterwards, so I'm going to the library to study," Ocellus stated as she turned to leave.

The others bade her 'bye' as she left, before they looked back at each other.

"Does friends think potion will be okay? It is not contraceptive potion," Yona voiced after a moment.

"It's really only a temporary fix. I'm sure we'll probably get the right one before we go on vacation," Smolder replied while she twirled her empty vial between her claws, "Though I guess that's up to you and Silverstream to figure out. I mean you two are dating Sandbar and Gallus respectively, so I guess it's up to you both."

"Dragon implying that friends not able to be patient?"

"Nah, just saying it isn't like Ocellus or myself have to worry about that as much since we don't have any guys that we can do the deed with. At least not anywhere close by anyway," She then threw the empty vial into the fireplace, which wasn't in use, where it shattered, "Anyway, it's just a couple of days, this potion should be fine till then. Besides, we still have a couple more days of worrying about classes and exams, that should be more enough of a mood-killer in my opinion."

The trio chatted for a moment longer about what they were doing for their last couple of days till Summer break, before going their separate ways. Smolder left to walk around town, Silverstream decided to see if she could find Gallus and hang around him, while Yona went out to Whitetail Woods to practice some smashing exercises to keep her mind busy.

The area was rarely visited, especially this close to Summer, which made it perfect for Yona to practice smashing things, particularly logs and tree stumps, without much interference. It also had the added benefit of being relatively safer than going to Everfree Forest. Most ponies probably wouldn't even care if she smashed a few trees in Everfree, but Yona knew that a few dangerous species of creatures call Everfree home, and she would prefer not having to deal with them.

After Yona finished up, she returned back to the school and decided to take a quick shower. As she gathered up what she needed to wash off, she took a moment to look at the bottle of shampoo she had been using and chuckled. Having lived in Equestria for some time now as she attended Twilight's School of Friendship, she had adapted to doing some things 'not in the Yak way', and her choice of shampoo was one of them.

As she made her way to the shower area, Yona picked one of the empty stalls and walked in. The shower area was pretty much communal, and while it was divided into the guys' and girls' side, the separating wall was just a large curtain that cut the room in half. The idea was to allow them to have conversations if they showered at the same time, and chat about their day with one another. Besides, it wasn't like you couldn't accidentally see another creature's privates since most normally don't wear clothes that cover that much, but it was still considered rude and inappropriate to do so on purpose.

As she started rinsing herself off, she heard the door open and someone else come in.

"Hello? Is someone in here right now?"

Though Yona couldn't see him due to the wall that made sure you couldn't just look in on anyone showering from either side from the doorway, she easily recognized that voice to be Sandbar.

"Yona in shower," She responded back.

"Oh, I haven't seen you all day," He responded back as she heard him trot into the guys' side of the shower area.

"Been busy day. Lots of classwork to do before Summer Break, then Yona smash logs in woods."

Sandbar made a sound stating he agreed.

"What about Sandbar? What pony do today?"

"Pretty much the same thing, eh...minus the smashing logs part."

Yona chuckled, "Would pony mind helping Yona with shower?"

There was a sound like Sandbar had almost tripped on something, "Uh...are you sure? I mean there's a reason why we have a girls' and guys' side of this shower room."

"Not like big curtain ever stopped friends before."

"I'm not Gallus or Smolder, Yona. I don't just trot into the other side without a care."

"Yona know pony is not griffin or dragon friend. Yona just asking because Sandbar already help Yona before, and know what Yona look like back there."

There was a moment of silence as Yona carefully listened to any sound that could come from the other side that would indicate Sandbar's response. Eventually, she heard the clopping of Sandbar's hooves on the tiled floor before hearing the curtain being pulled up as he trotted into the girls' side of the showers.

Looking over at him, it didn't look like Sandbar didn't get a chance to even start his shower as his coat was still dry, though he was carrying a bottle of his own shampoo of choice in his mouth. There was a dividing wall between each shower stall, but they only went up high enough to cover an adult pony's body from the neck down.

He looked at her with a blush on his face.

"Why Sandbar nervous? Not first time pony has seen Yona in shower," She remarked with a grin as she lathered up her shampoo and scrubbed the hair on her head.

"I know, but I still get nervous about being caught on this side of the shower room," Sandbar stated as soon as he put down the bottle he was holding.

"Yak and pony only ones here right now, and like Yona said, not really problem when it not stop friends from doing the same before."

Sandbar merely sighed, but couldn't help but smile as he entered the shower stall that Yona was using. She gave him the bottle of shampoo and sat down in the shower, while Sandbar applied a decent amount to her back before gently lathering the shampoo into her coat and washing her back.

"For the record, I don't think I've ever seen Ocellus go to the guys' side," Sandbar stated.

"Friend Ocellus have no reason to go to guys' side. Yak's point still right though," Yona returned, agreeing that Ocellus hasn't tried going to the wrong side, but that it was only Ocellus who hasn't done that yet.

"Yeah, point still right," He agreed as he continued to wash Yona's back.

While Sandbar was hesitant, the idea they might get in trouble was his only reason to be hesitant. Helping Yona lather and wash her back was one of his favorite ways to bond with her. They've been together since the Amity Ball years ago and they've done many things with and for each other since then, but it was always the small things that seemingly felt more fulfilling. Mostly things that felt mundane, like him helping her search for something like her textbooks, or Yona giving him his scarf on cold days if he forgets to wear it, or helping Yona wash parts of her back she couldn't reach. Though, he did have to admit, sitting in the shower with her to wash her back did feel more 'intimate' rather than 'mundane'.

Yona could say the same, though she enjoyed having Sandbar help wash her back for several reasons. The main one was because it helped her feel close to him, and another big reason was that Sandbar seemed pretty good at helping her relax when he does. As he rubbed and cleaned her back, he would also rub spots that seemed sore or tense and gently massage the area, especially after Yona had spent an hour or more smashing stuff.

"Mm...Sandbar always find sore spot."

"Years of practice," he remarked, "Maybe I should consider becoming a massage therapist. The local spa is always looking for new help, especially with the boost to the town's population."

"Yona would prefer if pony massage Yona only," she stated, turning her head to look at him from the corner of her eye.

"Don't worry, I was only kidding. I'm use to massaging you because I've helped you wash your back so many times before, and I'm only really comfortable doing this for you since we've been together for so long," he responded as he looked at her with a smile on his face.

Yona smiled back, "Yona happy to be with Sandbar too. Now keep up work."

Sandbar nodded back and continued to wash her back.

The pair stayed like that for some time, long enough that at some point the water from the shower had completely washed away all the shampoo from Yona's back and Sandbar was just massaging Yona's back. Neither minded it though, as they were still alone in the shower and both enjoyed the closeness.

Sandbar had already managed to work out the spots on most of Yona's back and shoulders, so his hooves were mostly on her lower back now. Occasionally, Yona could feel his hooves on her waist and her thighs, which like most times before she could never quite tell if Sandbar did this on purpose or accidentally since her coat did do a good job covering her body. Whether he was doing so on purpose or not, it did still help relax her if he found a sore spot on her thighs, problem was of course that the close contact and his hooves on her body caused another area of her to become achy, and she shifted a bit.

There was also a noticeable smell in the air now that mixed with the vapor from the shower. It wasn't exactly clear to either one at the moment, but it seemed to have the affect of getting both hot and bothered.

"Yak probably should have taken potion," she thought to herself, now that she was starting to get a little warm under her tail, "Sandbar good at helping Yona in shower, but frequently ends in bedroom. Start of heat not helping. Should have drank potion."

"Yona? Hey, Yona?" She heard Sandbar saying.


"I was trying to ask you something, but you weren't responding. Is something wrong?"

Yona shook her head, "No, nothing wrong. What Sandbar asking?"

"I was asking what were your Summer plans? I know we were all sticking together for the Summer and hanging out, but did you want to do something specific?" He asked, "I know Silverstream was asking if we could all go to Canterlot and take in the sights."

"No, Yona had no plans than just stay with friends. Just have fun visiting places, maybe watch friend Smolder get made at friend Gallus at video game again, and go on dates with Sandbar."

"I think that last part might be a given," he stated with a smile on his face as he continued massaging Yona's lower back.

"Good, cause yak would be angry if pony forgets," she remarked in a proud tone.

"Come on, when have I ever forgotten to plan time to spend with you?" Sandbar then leaned forward and rested his chin against her back.

Yona shifted a bit as she felt him lay against her back, "Pony never forgets, but maybe where hooves are touching."

"I don't know what you mean, Yona," he remarked, feigning ignorance, "I'm just making sure I got your lower back cleaned off."

"Sandbar no idiot. Pony know where hooves are touching occasionally."

Sandbar merely shrugged, which immediately got Yona to give a huff and flick her tail against her underside. He then chuckled and leaned forward to rest his chin against her back.

"Sandbar keep touching there and yak might smash pony," she remarked with a smirk, though her tone was non-threatening.

"Considering how it usually goes after I help you in the shower, I almost expect that to happen."

"So pony admits he likes touching Yona's butt!" She shouted.

"Jeez! You didn't have to shout that," Sandbar stated as he straightened up and looked at her, "I'm not going to admit if I like touching your flank or not, but we've been together for a long time and I like doing things that let's us get closer to one another; and, before you ask, yes, that also includes me touching your flank."

Yona then turned to face Sandbar, "Yona glad Sandbar feels that way, because Yona likes getting closer too," she stated before pulling him into a crushing hug.

It took a moment for Sandbar to return her hug as he tapped Yona's foreleg to indicate for her to lighten her hug so he could still breathe.

"So pony hope for smash after shower?" She asked before pulling away from him.

"We don't have to if you don't want to, Yona. I'm fine if you just want to get your shower done and go to bed."

"So pony okay if Yona does want to smash?"

Sandbar smirked as he rolled his eyes, this was turning out like usual after a shower, "Yes, if you want to smash, I'm okay with that."

"Good. Now get pony thing ready," she declared before turning around.

"Wait, you mean here in the shower?!"

She grunted in confirmation and presented herself to him.

"What if someone walks in?"

"Just duck behind wall. Also, friends only ones who maybe walk in, and friends already know pony and yak smash."

"Shouldn't we do foreplay first?"

"Sandbar been rubbing yaks back and legs for many minutes, and Yona know pony is at least half-ready from hug. Now will pony take, or will Yona need to take prize herself?"

Sandbar didn't argue any further and ran his hoof over his cock as he stared at Yona's cunt. It was at that point, he picked up that faint smell again, and that quickly got him hard and fully ready.

Rearing up on his hind legs, and grabbing onto Yona's behind for support, he lined himself up with her needy cunt and tentatively pushed forward, letting himself penetrate her.

Yona let out a grunt followed by a moan as she felt him enter her snatch. She didn't wait and pushed back against him a bit, forcing him fully get himself in her as soon as possible.

"A bit...more eager today," he grunted out.

"Pony have problem with Yona wanting sex?" She asked, knowing what the answer would be.

"No, but if you're that eager, mind if I'm a bit rough this time around?"

Yona shook her head, "Be rough, yak tough enough to take it."

Sandbar drew back, nearly pulling out, before slamming back in as hard as he could, earning another grunt out of Yona, then repeat. After a bit of time, Sandbar even grabbed a hold of Yona's tail in a hoof as he used the other to hold her leg up as he continued to thrust in and out of her.

Yona for the most part just let Sandbar do as he pleased, even if it did hurt her a little when he grabbed and held onto her tail for leverage, and she was also pleasantly surprised when Sandbar grabbed her leg and was able to pull it up. She hadn't expected him to do that, but she wasn't complaining about Sandbar showing a bit of strength.

The scent from earlier that intermingled with the vapor in the air was even prominent now, and more than likely was a dead giveaway what the pair were doing in the shower. It also seemed to drive the pair even more into pleasure, and fogged their minds in a cloud of lust.

At some point, Yona could tell that Sandbar was getting close as his thrusting started to feel more frequent and erratic.

"Pony close?"

"Y-yeah..." He grunted.

"Yak too."

"Want it in...or out?"

Yona almost wanted to respond with 'in', but a part of her mind that reminded her that she hadn't taken any contraceptive potion managed to win out and she responded with, "Out, not good day for in."

Sandbar nodded and thrusted a few more times roughly, and was about to pull out and blow his load either on the floor of the shower or along Yona's undercarriage, until he and Yona heard a sound they hadn't expected to hear, someone on the guys' side drop something onto the tiled floor.

The sound caused Yona to quickly raise her head, which got her horn to bump the tiled wall in front of her, and her to fall backwards right onto Sandbar.

Sandbar let out a loud groan as Yona effectively fell backwards and pinned him underneath her weight against the floor, and as he wasn't able to fully pull out, he was pushed back in as deep as possible and came into her.

Yona let out a sound that was sounded half-way between a moan and a bellow as she felt him flare and shoot off spurt after spurt of jizz into the deepest parts of her tunnel, causing her clamp down on Sandbars dick and climax shortly after him. Once Sandbar was done, and his dick started to soften, the two looked at each other briefly, panting, before looking towards the large curtain that divided the shower room.

After a few seconds of silence, they heard Gallus's voice say, "Are you okay, Yona? I've never heard you bellow before."

Yona tried calming herself a bit before replying back, "Yona fine. Just hit horn on wall."

"Alright, if you're sure. Uh, hey, you wouldn't happen to have seen Sandbar would you? I thought he was going to take a shower."

Yona hesitated for a moment before responding, "No, yak not see Sandbar."

"Okay, if you say so," Gallus responded, "I'm almost done, just give me a moment."

"When did Gallus walk in?" Sandbar asked in a panic, they hadn't heard anyone walk in at all.

"Yak not know!"

Suddenly there was a sound at the door.

"Yo, anyone in here...? Sandbar...?" They heard Gallus ring out from the doorway.

Yona and Sandbar looked at each other again upon hearing his voice.

"Hello...? Anycreature in here?"

"Yona here," she responded.

"Oh, hey, Yona," he greeted her as he came into view, looking in from near the doorway, not being able to see Sandbar due to the dividing wall between the stalls, "Did you see Sandbar in here? He said he was going to take a quick shower and head to bed, but he's not in our shared room right now."

"No, yak not see Sandbar. Maybe pony...go outside for a while."

"It's getting late, why would he go outside? Ugh, whatever, if you see him, tell him I wanted to ask if I can borrow his notes for Professor Fluttershy's test tomorrow," and with that, he turned to leave and was out the door.

With Gallus now gone, Sandbar and Yona looked back at the curtain.

"Okay, who there? Answer truth or yak will smash fake friend to pieces," Yona threatened.

"It's just me." They heard the voice respond back in a panic, the voice sounding much lighter than before.

"Friend Ocellus?"

"Yeah, sorry about lying. Also, how long do you plan to sit on Sandbar?"

Yona quickly got off of Sandbar and helped him back onto his hooves with a groan.

"You could tell I was here?" Sandbar asked

"Hard not to considering what I heard you two doing. Also, I can sense your emotions."

"How long have you been there?"

"Not long. I came in a few minutes ago when you were still washing Yona's back," She explained, "Sounded like you two were having a tender moment, so I didn't want to bother you. I just wanted to take a quick shower before going to bed."

"If changeling friend has been around that long, it was not quick shower," Yona remarked.

"Also, why did you fake being Gallus?" Sandbar asked.

"Because I'm on the guys' side of the showers! I didn't want to get caught on the wrong side, and Gallus and yourself are the only two guys that would be using the shower room at this time," Ocellus explained, "Also, yeah, I know it doesn't count as a 'quick shower' if I've been here that entire time. I...got distracted," she added, Sandbar and Yona hearing the embarrassment in her voice.

There was a moment of silence as the trio didn't say anything, the only sound that could be heard being the water as the shower in Yona and Sandbar's stall was still going.

"I...uh...won't say anything, as long as you don't tell the others you caught me on the guys' side. Is that okay?" Ocellus asked.

"S-sure," Sandbar responded.

"Yona agree not to speak of it," Yona agreed.

"Good," there was then a pause, "I'll...uh, see you two later," and with that, they heard Ocellus quickly buzz over the door and just quickly leave the room.

Sandbar and Yona remained there a while longer, just looking at each other, and to also quickly rinse the mess from their activities off of each other.

"Yona, early before we heard Ocellus on the other side, you said it wasn't a good day for in," Sandbar started, which got Yona to go wide-eyed and freeze, "Didn't you girls get contraceptive potions from Zecora today? I heard Silverstream say something about that earlier."

"Uh, no, zebra run out of ingredients for potion. Friend Ocellus return with other potion to stop heat symptoms."

"Wait, you were in early heat?" Sandbar asked with a worried look on his face as he looked towards Yona, "And, I just finished in you."

Yona gave a nervous look also before saying, "Yona might need to talk to doctor later."