Life is Fleeting

by headless_rainbow

First published

(Equestria Girls) Rainbow and friends get high and decide Fleetfoot needs to die for not putting out. Rape, homophobia, murder, and necrophilia ensue.

(Equestria girls, human) Rainbow, Soarin, Spitfire, and Thunderlane invite Fleetfoot over to help them celebrate after a soccer victory. When they find out she didn't actually come to put out and is also a lesbian, they decide to turn her into a very fuckable corpse. After they are done raping, killing, and raping again, they send the corpse to Applejack's to be ran through a wood chipper. Applejack and family has another go at the body before doing so.

This is fiction and the characters are idiots. They opinions aren't meant to be good, don't try this at home, etc. See my subscribestar, fan club, Discord server, or commission info..


All chapters: blood, gore, homophobia, lesbian, orgy, rape, straight,  threesome, vaginal

1 (Living): beating, drugs, virginity

2 (Dying): anal, asphyxiation, blowjob, choking, creampie, cunnilingus, double penetration, face sitting, snuff, suffocation

3 (Dead): anal, bestiality, blowjob, decapitation, double penetration, face sitting, incest, neck fucking, necrophilia, reverse blowjob, scissoring, urine

Characters: Fleetfoot, Rainbow Dash, Soarin, Spitfire, Thunderlane, Applejack, Big Macintosh, Uncle Orange, Braeburn, random horse named Charlie, wood-chipper-chan

1. Living

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After the Wonderbolts soccer team beat the Shadowbolts, they were all feeling a bit high, so the most popular teammates decided to go back to Rainbow’s house for a bit of fun to celebrate. The regulars were here: Rainbow, Soarin, Spitfire, and Thunderlane. Fleetfoot was also invited, despite her being fairly new as a player and honestly not as good as them. She was hoping to fit in more with the rest of them, so she’d even agreed to bring over some of her personal porn collection to show off, personal as in she herself being in the videos.

So now the five of them sat on Rainbow’s brightly colored bed, looking at the computer on her desk across the room where the videos were playing. They were all still in their soccer uniforms, only having taken off their shoes at the door.

Rainbow sat next to Soarin, which wasn’t unusual since they were dating. Maybe that meant it also wasn’t unusual that each of them had a hand in the front of the other’s soccer shorts, though Fleetfoot sure wished they’d cut it out. There was no shame present there, and one could easily see that behind the cloth, Soarin’s fingers were digging into Rainbow and she was stroking him off, a bit of his erection visible above the top of his shorts. Each of them had a bear in their free hand.

Similarly, Spitfire sat in Thunderlande’s lap, Thunderlane reaching around with one hand to reach under her uniform shirt and grope her. His free hand, as well as one of Spitfire’s, also had a drink. Spitfire leaned forward briefly, holding a piece of paper with some white powder on it. She snorted a line of it, and rolled her eyes back as she put it down and relaxed. While Fleetfoot couldn’t really tell them not to get lewd while watching porn of her, she definitely wished she’d known about the hard drugs before coming over.

Fleetfoot sat by herself on the very end of the bed, profoundly uncomfortable, not having taken a drink when it was offered. Also, unlike the others, her eyes weren’t wide and crazy with the effect of the drugs the others were taking. If she’d known exactly what would go on, she would have never accepted the invite..

On the computer screen was a personally made video of Fleetfoot going down on Lyra while she ate out BonBon and BonBon licked Fleetfoot, a big cunnilingus circle. It wasn’t as good as top notch porn with the stationary camera and all, but at least the sounds of their wet licking was hot. Fleetfoot wished she wasn’t distracted by her friends too much to enjoy it.

“Didn’t realize you’d gotten with those two,” Thunderlane chuckled. “You’re a bit of a pussy magnet huh.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Rainbow rolled her eyes. “I just wish she’d brought something with a bit more dick in it.”

“Yeah,” Spitfire chuckled as she turned to nuzzle Thunderlane. “The first two were okay, but this is the third gay one you brought.”

“And it’s you with those dead girls too,” Soarin said, alarmingly casual with saying it that way.

“W-we don’t know they’re dead,” Fleetfoot felt herself go cold, as she’d been trying not to think about it. It’d slipped her mind when she chose this video. “They’re just missing.”

“I’m completely sure they’re dead,” Rainbow said, though it was hard to say why she was so certain.

“You got anything other than pussy vids, Fleetfoot?” Soarin asked, moving a hand to shush Rainbow.

“I thought that’s what you wanted,” Fleetfoot said, arms crossed, trying to hide her discomfort. “Why else would you ask me to bring personal porn? Did you think a lesbian would have anything but lesbian porn?”

“I didn’t know you were a dyke,” Thunderlane said. “Honestly, I was hoping to get you high and get in your pants tonight. That’s the only reason I agreed to let you in on it, but you won’t even get drunk with us.”

What a thing to say while his girlfriend sat in his lap, but Spitfire didn’t seem fazed by it.

“Dude, we’re not even old enough to be drinking,” Fleetfoot said. “Much less the cocaine. How much did you pay for all this shit?”

“I can’t believe she’s a fucking lesbo,” Soarin said, ignoring all else she said.

“Um, Pinkie fucking ate me out in front of all of you in the locker room after the game,” Fleetfoot groaned. “And spent the whole time yammering about how delicious my ‘girl sweat’ was. How did you not know I was gay?”

“Whatever,” grunted Rainbow. “That doesn’t mean anything; Pinkie fucks anything that moves and some things that don’t. Besides, it’s fine if you wanna go for pussy, just take some dick too! God damnit, I wouldn’t have invited you if I’d known this.”

“What the fuck, Dash?” Fleetfoot started to get angry. “What’s with all of your attitudes? You’re all friends with several lesbian couples. Hell, you probably bought those drugs from Vinyl.”

“Yeah,”snorted Thunderlane, “Octavia was making out with her and fucking her with a cello bow as Vinyl handed us the drugs, it was hilarious.”

“So what’s the problem?” Fleetfoot was severely tempted to leave at this point, but it was hard when she’d been driven there in Rainbow’s car without telling anyone no less.

“We could always make our own straight porn,” chuckled Spitfire. “We all got cell phones with cameras, right?”

“Don’t you fucking dare,” Fleetfoot groaned. “The last thing I want to see is nasty cocks getting whipped out. You guys groping each other is bad enough… ugh.” She’d never been more certain about her own gayness, the other couples making out having left her sick to her stomach.

“Maybe you just haven’t had the right dick in you,” smirked Thunderlane.

“I haven’t ever had a dick in me, and never will thank you very much,” Fleetfoot shook her head and stood up, walking up to the computer and stopping the video just as herself on screen was orgasming. “Whatever dudes. I’ll take my videos and one of you can take me home, or if you’re too high I’ll just go sleep in your guest room until the morning. Then you breeders can make babies to your heart’s content.”

But Fleetfoot leaving isn’t what happened. Spitfire stood up, walking up behind Fleetfoot and grabbing her arms. Spitfire pulled Fleetfoot’s arms behind her and dragged her back towards the bed. It took a moment before Fleetfoot even processed that one of her best friends had restrained her.

“What the fuck, Spitfire?!” Fleetfoot growled. “Let me go!”

“You wanted to get in her pants, right, sweets?” Spitfire said to Thunderlane. “Well here’s your chance, boy! You heard her, she’s never had a real cock in there.”

“That’s what I’m talking about!” grinned Thunderlane. “Hold the dyke down, time to show her what her holes are for!”

Fleetfoot struggled, looking over towards Rainbow Dash. Surely Rainbow would stop them, right?

“I’ll get it on video!” Rainbow said as she pulled her hand free of Soarin’s pants and pulled out her cell phone. “You can fuck her too if you want, Soarin.”

“Fucking yeah I’m fucking her too,” grinned Soarin, pulling his own hand free and standing up. “You called her pussy, Thunder? I’ll break in her asshole.”

“Fucking hell!” Fleetfoot struggled as Spitfire dragged her back to the bed. “You gotta be shitting me! You’re not just going to let your boyfriends rape me are you?”

“Rape and sharing doesn’t count as cheating, moron,” Rainbow chuckled, bringing her cell phone up and turning on the video. “Say cheese, Dykefoot!”

Seriously? Fleetfoot couldn’t believe what was happening. What should she do? She had just joined the team, and these people had practically been her heroes at the time, but here they were drugged off their ass about to commit correctional rape on her. Her eyes darted around, trying to think of something to do, anything, but she was stuck.

“Guys, stop fucking around!” Fleetfoot’s expression changed slowly from anger to fear, feeling cold despite being pressed against Spitfire’s warm body, but all she could do was beg. Rainbow’s house was far enough away from neighbors that screaming wouldn’t do any good.

“Oh we’ll be fucking around all right,” Thunderlane grinned as he unlatched his shorts. “I’m going to make sure you love cock by the time you leave here.”

One could already see his bulge through his pants, and when he tugged down his shorts and underwear in one go, his throbbing shaft flopped out for all to see. Rainbow got on her knees in front of him, briefly running her tongue from base to tip, slurping on the tip several times. Rainbow made sure to get it on the video as she did, then winked at the camera with a grin on her face.

Spitfire didn’t seem to mind Rainbow giving her boyfriend’s dick a slurp. She was more interested in holding Fleetfoot. She sat back on the bed, easily strong enough to hold the smaller girl’s arms behind her back as she forced her to sit on the bed as well.

“Fucking sick!” Fleetfoot said, face full of disgust as her eyes locked onto Thunderlane’s goods. She looked back at Spitfire. “Spitfire… come on… we’re friends… please don’t do this.” She turned to Rainbow. “Come on, girl. You’re not really going to help some guys rape another girl are you? Rainbow come on! Put yourself in my position!”

“I’ve already been in your position,” smirked Rainbow. “Me and Spitfire swap all the time. Trust me, taking two cocks at once is awesome, you’ll love it.”

“You know what I fucking mean!” shouted Fleetfoot so loudly that her voice cracked and she gagged several times.

Thunderlane took off his shirt and socks, leaving his body fully exposed. All the athletes had hot builds, but he had a nicely sized dick in addition. It wasn’t porno sized, but definitely longer than the average high school senior.

Soarin wasn’t bad looking either, his thick blue dick flopping out as he ditched his pants as well, quickly following with the rest of his clothes. Rainbow got on her knees again to give him a slurp as well, again making sure to get it on camera.

“Fuck this is making my pussy so wet,” Rainbow grunted. “I envy you feeling her struggle already, Spitfire.”

“Oh I am drenched feeling this slut writhe,” confirmed Spitfire.

“Come on guys, please,” Fleetfoot continued to beg, tears rolling down her face now. “Don’t do this… just let me go now and I swear I won’t say anything!”

“You won’t say shit to anyone anyway,” Rainbow laughed, turning the camera to Fleetfoot. “Not unless you want the whole Internet to see you lose your cock-virginity. Or maybe you wanna go missing like those other dykes.”

“Don’t even joke like that!” Fleetfoot screeched as the males came towards her, kicking and flailing her legs desperately, unafraid to aim for some dick shots at this point, but not landing any as they stayed out of reach.

“Fucking hell,” Thunderlane growled. “Looks like she’s going to be a bitch about it. We’re trying to be nice, you dumb carpet muncher.”

“It’s not like you’re getting out of this,” Soarin chuckled. “Just spread ‘em and take a few dicks. How do you know you won’t like it?”

“God damnit,” Spitfire sounded frustrated. “Rainbow? Get this insufferable cunt to stop kicking.”

“Got it,” Rainbow said.

Without hesitation, Rainbow switched the camera to her left hand and drew back her right fist. Fleetfoot was kicking for the guys, and didn’t expect Rainbow to step up to her and land her best soccer kick right between Fleetfoot’s legs. Fleetfoot cried out in surprise as Rainbow cunt-punted her hard enough that her toes might have briefly penetrated through Fleetfoot’s shorts.

Fleetfoot went limp for a moment from the first kick, and Soarin and Thunderlane moved closer instead. Thunderlane balled up a fist and slammed it into Fleetfoot’s gut, knocking the wind out of her. Rainbow stepped back to concentrate on filming, as both Soarin and Thunderlane laid into Fleetfoot, punching her repeatedly.

As their fists repeatedly slammed into her face, breasts, and gut, Fleetfoot could only grunt as the wind was knocked out of her again and again. It was as surreal as it was agonizing, especially with their hard dicks flapping up and down as they punched. It’d be humorous in another context. After softening her with punches until their fists bled, they took terms kicking her in the crotch as Rainbow had, sending shocks through her body as they bruised her goods.

“Damn dudes!” Spitfire looked wide-eyed at the violence, leaning forward to push Fleetfoot into the strikes. “You keep beatin’ this bitch like that and I’ll cum just from holding her!”

“I’ll stop! I’ll stop!” Fleetfoot managed to screech between strikes. “No more, please no more!” She gagged as another strike smacked her pussy, vision too blurred to even see who’s ‘turn’ it was to kick her.

They got in another half-dozen punches before they stopped. Fleetfoot spat blood as she gagged, flinching for a few more moments before realizing they were done. She had bruises all over her face, blood drooling from her obviously broken nose and gagging up blood. Both eyes were black, one nearly swollen shut. The rest of her body wasn’t faring better, though her clothing hid most of the damage for now. Her whole body ached, even the parts that hadn’t been struck, like her whole nervous system was rebelling at the sudden damage.

As Fleetfoot was undressed, the injuries became more visible. Rainbow pulled off her shorts, licking her lips as she pulled them down to her ankles. Fleetfoot’s legs stayed limp, afraid to even move them for fear they’d mistake it for resistance and hurt her again. Soarin didn’t bother to take off Fleetfoot’s uniform shirt properly, instead ripping it up the middle to expose her chest. He yanked on her bra until the clasp on the back broke and it came free, groping at her small breasts, which were perfectly hand-sized. Thunderlane did the same with her panties, yanking them until the cloth tore, tossing them onto the floor and then kneeing her bare cunt one more time for good measure.

The rest of Fleetfoot’s body was as bad as her face. She was covered in bruises all over her breasts, chests, and belly. She cringed as her breasts were groped; just being touched was painful now. Even her pussy was surrounded with wicked black bruises. There was no way she’d feel pleasure getting fucked now, even if she were straight and horny.

“Oh, gods this has to be a nightmare!” Fleetfoot began to sob, her tears stinging at her swollen eyes. She felt dizzy, and almost wished that she’d pass out so she didn’t have to be aware during her defilement.

“It’ll be the best dream you’ve ever had once you got a cunt full of this!” Thunderlane got on his knees in front of her, pulling her hips to the edge of the bed into optimal raping position.

Fleetfoot pressed her legs together tightly at first. Soarin raised his fist at Fleetfoot though, and with a cry of fear she spread them wide. Thunderlane pulled himself between her legs and let his dick flop against her belly. He ran his hands up and down her bruised body, making her groan as he intentionally pressed in on the bruises. There was no way this was about getting her to ‘enjoy’ dick. They wanted her to suffer.

“You’re pretty smooth,” Thunderlane grinned. “You shave for all your muff munching buddies? Slut.”

“T-thunderlane,” Fleetfoot stammered. “Please dude, just think, don’t rape me, please. You’ll regret this when you’re not high anymore, you know you will.”

Thunderlane seemed to delight in her fear, letting his tip sit snugly against her lower lips to enjoy her fearful anticipation. Her body shivered violently as he ran his hands up and down. When Fleetfoot gagged up more blood onto her own chest, it only got smeared over her smooth body by his hands. She tried not to look down at her broken body or the throbbing shaft about to defile her.

“Guys I’m hurt,” Fleetfoot begged. “Seriously, I think I got internal bleeding or something. I need to go to the hospital.”

“No talking your way out of this,” said Spitfire, nipping at Fleetfoot’s ear as she slid behind her again.

“Hey, Dash, get a close up of the moment this carpet muncher takes a real dick for the first time!” Thunderlane ignored Fleetfoot’s pleas.

“Got it!” Rainbow zoomed in the camera, a grin on her face. “Too bad we can’t get her face and pussy both as she takes it.”

“I got it,” Soarin pulled out his phone, turning it on and zooming in his camera on Fleetfoot’s face.

Fleetfoot desperately searched her mind for something she could say that could stop her crazed friends from what they were doing. Didn’t they care that Fleetfoot was hurt? She felt dizzy and sick, and feared they were so out of it from the drugs that they might accidentally kill her.

“Dudes come on,” Fleetfoot’s face was wide-eyed with terror. “At least get a condom!”

“Don’t you take birth control?” asked Soarin.

“I’m a lesbian, so no, I don’t,” growled Fleetfoot in frustration. “Come on, guys! You’re doing this cause you’re high, you’ll regret this later guys!”

“Not our problem that you’re a dumb shit,” Spitfire scoffed. “Rape is a thing, you know, you should take it no matter what or you’re just asking for it.”

“Hope you’re ready to be a single teenage mom, Dykefoot,” Thunderlane’s grin widened. “Cause you won’t get a cent out of me!”

“This isn’t my fault!” Fleetfoot’s voice cracked as she tried to scream but gagged shortly after. She couldn’t believe they were trying to turn this around on her.

“The fuck it isn’t your fault,” Thunderlane looked angry, grabbing Fleetfoot by the throat and squeezing. “You show up with only dyke porn, then you refuse to drink or get high with us, then you have the nerve to expect none of us to fuck you just cause you don’t like dicks?”

“You knew when you came here that you’d end up getting raped,” Rainbow scoffed. “This is what you wanted!”

Fleetfoot panicked when Thunderlane cut her air off, but couldn’t do anything about it but writhe, Spitfire holding her arms behind her still. Thunderlane responded by gripping her harder, his fingers digging into Fleetfoot’s neck enough to bruise the flesh further. Was he actually going to…?

“Dude, careful, don’t actually kill her now,” Soarin finally disapproved, though only a bit. “I want her to be warm when I pop that ass cherry.”

“You say another word of complaint,” Thunderlane leaned forward and spoke to Fleetfoot, face inches from her own as his spittle landed on her. “And Soarin WILL be fucking a corpse. GOT IT?”

“Seriously, stop being such a baby about it, lesbo,” Rainbow rolled her eyes as she kept filming.

Fleetfoot’s eyes widened, or at least the one that wasn’t swollen completely shut. She took a moment to determine if he was serious, then decided he definitely was. She nodded quietly. Her whole body was quivering now, terrified to resist or even move, completely tensed in the knowledge of what was coming.

“F-fine,” Fleetfoot stammered. “Get it over with.”

“Apologize!” Thunderlane demanded.

“F-for what?” Fleetfoot looked confused, then flinched when Thunderlane moved his hand back toward her throat. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t, I just asked for what!”

“For being a dumb little cunt-fiend,” snarled Soarin, looking like he might start to wail on her with his fists again too. “And for waggling that ass at us all night and then pretending not to want it just to be a fucking cock-tease! Admit you fucking want cock! Then BEG for it!”

Fleetfoot couldn’t believe this was happening. These were all people she respected and trusted, and they were acting like this. She was actually getting gang-raped on video by all her best friends.

“I’m a dumb dyke I admit!” Fleetfoot said. “I’m sorry I apologize please don’t hurt me you’re right I wanted your cocks all along!” He words ran together in a stream, afraid a delay in getting them out would result in him hurting her more. “Please, I want your nasty dicks in all my holes!”

“Now see?” Thunderlane grinned. “That wasn’t so hard, slut. You could have avoided getting the shit beat out of you had you been honest.”

“I can’t believe I was friends with this stupid cunt,” Rainbow growled. “I was kinda hoping she’d keep resisting and die like the whiny bitch she is.”

“You can probably let the cunt go now that she admits it,” Soarin told Spitfire.

“Nah, I like feeling her squirm,” Spitfire groaned. “Goddess I’m so fucking wet right now.” She leaned her face over Fleetfoot’s shoulder, running her tongue up the side of her face to lick the tears flowing from her swollen eye, then wormed her tongue around to lick the clenched eye directly.

Thunderlane pushed himself forward, tip forcing apart Fleetfoot’s labia, groaning as he felt her warm lips slide over his shaft. Fleetfoot tensed, grunting in pain as he entered her for the first time. It was clear she’d never been penetrated by anything before, not even a dildo, and now she was getting her unaroused cunt rammed balls deep on the first thrust. It stung even more than she thought it would, the bruised flesh throbbing almost like a toothache in her vagina, and it was clear she’d get no pleasure from this.

Giving her no time to adjust, Thunderlane rammed his hips as hard as he could. The unaroused tunnel was shallower than it’d be moist, so he slammed against Fleetfoot’s cervix with each painful thrust. Fleetfoot’s whole body twitched every time his belly smacked against hers, desperately wanting to close her legs but forcing herself to keep them open despite the ocean of agony she was sinking into.

“Fuckin’ hot…” Rainbow groaned, sliding off her own clothes as she watched. When she removed her panties, one could see how wet she was, the damp cloth sticking slightly to her skin as her panties were pulled down.

Spitfire too released Fleetfoot just long enough to worm out of her clothing. Fleetfoot kept her arms behind her, terrified to do otherwise, and then Spitfire took hold of them again. She now felt Spitfire’s bare body against her own, larger breasts smushed against her back and nipples erect. Spitfire grinded her hips, leaving a wet smudge against one of Fleetfoot’s ass cheeks.

“I really wanna be disgusted at myself for this,” said Spitfire, licking her lips. That seemed unlikely. “But fuck yes, this is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Nothing wrong with enjoying a dumb slut’s humiliation,” Rainbow responded. “And it’s only the second hottest I’ve seen, but it might get better. I’m still hoping she tries to resist again so we can watch her die.”

Fleetfoot coughed, her unswollen eye looking downward, seeing her virgin blood smeared over the shaft that had her pussy well-stretched around its girth. She couldn’t take her eyes off it for a moment, like looking at a car crash, and her bruised flesh ensured that it felt more like he was fucking a stab wound than her pussy.

“Fucking tight,” Thunderlane groaned. “Dry as shit though.” He put his hand around Fleetfoot’s throat, “You like it, bitch? Are you still a cock-hater?”

Fleetfoot shrieked when his hand moved around her throat, expecting him to squeeze again. She stammered quickly when he didn’t, “N-no! I love your cock! I want to be your cum bucket!” She barely got out the next words through her sobs, “Thunderlane come on, I’m cooperating, please don’t hurt me any more, come on…”

“The fuck you’re cooperating!” Thunderlane growled. “Prove you like cock by getting wet! I want to feel cunt honey rolling down my balls, got it?”

“You will!” Fleetfoot screamed, closing her good eye and pausing to hold in a hurl again. She wasn’t sure how to make herself get wet; she tried to concentrate on it, but of course it didn’t work that way. The stabbing pain shooting through her body made it an impossible effort.

“That’s it,” Thunderlane groaned. “Getting a bit damp down there. It’s worth being a bit dry though. Goddess, I can’t believe how hot it feels to rape a cunt that hates cock.”

“Nothing better,” Soarin said as if he had experience. “Just the power trip alone makes it so much hotter.”

No doubt Fleetfoot’s body was dampening as a defensive action; she couldn’t have felt arousal no matter what they or she did right now. It was likely if she lived she’d have trouble enjoying sex with anyone ever again in fact. She sank into a pit of despair and humiliation as her whole body blushed, not that they could tell beneath the black and blue bruising.

“I-it’s not rape, I love all cock!” Fleetfoot said before gagging up another mouthful of blood, drooling down her chin. Every word out of her mouth made her sicker, but what else could she do? This was literally a matter of life and death.

“Good answer, slut,” Thunderlane grinned. “Ah yeah, here it cums. Your dumb cock-teasing pussy is about to be used for what it’s for. You ready to get knocked up, bitch?”

“Y-yes please, put a baby in me,” Fleetfoot sobbed. “Just please don’t hurt me, I’m cooperating.”

“Oh, fuck yes, so fucking hot,” Spitfire moaned. Her eyes rolled back as she had an orgasm herself from all of Fleetfoot’s writhing against her, drenching Fleetfoot’s behind in moisture. She shivered and began lapping up Fleetfoot’s tears again.

“Heh, freshly minted cock slut there,” Rainbow laughed, holding the camera with one hand as she fingered herself with the other. “She’ll be begging to come to our private orgies in the future, I’ll bet.”

“Maybe we should invite a few more guys if she does,” Spitfire smirked. “We might need to to satisfy this cum slut.”

Thunderlane gritted his teeth, grabbing hold of Fleetfoot’s battered breasts and squeezing, each fitting snugly into his hand. He twisted them as hard as he could, and gave several more violent thrusts into the unwilling pussy. He groaned as he painted her insides white, continuing to thrust as if to pack in his young fertile seed.

After taking a moment to relax, Thunderlane took Fleetfoot by the neck again. Fleetfoot was too broken to even cry out by this point.

“You’re not going to get it scraped out are you?” Thunderlane demanded. “Because if you are, I have no reason to leave you alive!”

“I’ll have it I swear!” Fleetfoot begged. “Please don’t kill me, don’t kill me I’ll have it I swear!” She had no intention of doing so, but that was something to tell him when he wasn’t high, preferably as he was led away by police.

“Dude!” Soarin complained again. “I said not to make her a corpse before I break her ass in!”

Were they seriously considering actually killing Fleetfoot? No, surely not. It was just threats to scare her.

Soarin handed his phone to Thunderlane for continued filming and pulled his friend back from Fleetfoot. Thunder’s cock pulled free of her with a lewd slurp, though not nearly as lewd as the wet suction of Fleetfoot’s rape a minute earlier.

“I’m tired of holdin’ this dumb slut,” Spitfire said, releasing Fleetfoot’s arms. “Don’t make me regret it or I’ll break your fucking arms.”

As Soarin moved close though, one of Fleetfoot’s hands moved instinctively to his chest without her even realizing it at first. She definitely realized it though when Soarin grabbed her hand and bent her fingers back.

“Oh goddess I’m sorry I was just holding you!” Fleetfoot panicked.

“Bullshit!” Soarin said. “You tried to push me away! Looks like you’re not completely cured of being a lezbo yet, you muff diving little shit!”

2. Dying

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Fleetfoot didn’t think he’d do more than pull her fingers back, but shrieked in shock as her fingers broke with a loud sickening crack. Soarin bent back her four fingers all the way until the backs of them touched the top of her hand. Several were barely hanging on with a bit of flesh by the time he let them go, and another source of agonizing torment joined the chorus of it throughout Fleetfoot’s body.

Fleetfoot shrieked and reached for the hand with her other, wanting to pull the fingers back into place as much as she could. Spitfire grabbed that arm and twisted it around instead. Fleetfoot’s scream reached a new octave as her elbow snapped, and Spitfire twisted the wound even after breaking it, leaving it swollen and bleeding, shards of broken bone poking free of the grotesquely damaged flesh.

An expression of wide-eyed shock on what was left of her face, Fleetfoot looked at her hand and arm. It had an impossible surreality once again, like it must have been a nightmare. Yet it felt all too real to be that. It obviously wasn’t enough to cooperate if even one accidental movement could make them do this to her. Her blood went ice cold as she realized that she was most likely going to die here and there was nothing she could do.

“Please help me!” Fleetfoot screeched at the top of her lungs. “I’m being raped and they’re gonna kill me, please I don’t want to die!” The chance of anyone hearing her was beyond slim, but there was no way that she could stop herself.

The others looked around as if they thought someone else might have arrived when she started screaming like that, but they were still alone in Rainbow’s house. Fleetfoot’s racket was just babbling from a broken rape victim.

Thunderlane punched Fleetfoot in the face again to shut her up and she quieted down to sobs. She realized her mistake and was terrified that they would break something else now. Even though they didn’t immediately, she felt herself sink into utter despair. It was pointless to do or not do anything, they were too irrational to be reasoned with. This was how she would die, and no one else even knew she had come here, so they might well get away with it.

Thinking back to before, Fleetfoot remembered how familiar and certain Rainbow and Soarin had been about Lyra and BonBon being dead, and she had to wonder if they had done this before. Especially after one of them said this was only the second hottest thing they’d seen. Oh gods her friends weren’t just crazy, they were actual serial killers.

“Stop bitching!” Spitfire said. “It’s not like you need your arms to play soccer.”

“Not that she’s very good at it to begin with,” laughed Spitfire.

“She’s never going to have the opportunity to play soccer again!” said Thunderlane. “I mean, I can’t believe this cunt-licker lied to me! She said she was into it! Bitch!”

“Dude, brutal!” laughed Rainbow, making sure to get shots of the broken bones before focusing on Fleetfoot’s cum dripping pussy, fluid drooling down to her asshole that was about to be invaded.

“Are we really going to kill her?” Spitfire asked, chuckling. “Not that I’m not all for it. After hearing what you two did to Lyra and BonBon I’ve been hoping to get to do the same to someone.” She confirmed what Fleetfoot had feared.

“Don’t see how we can’t now,” said Thunderlane. “There’s no way she isn’t going to tell on us.”

“Rainbow, you picked Fleetfoot up, right?” asked Spitfire. “Anyone see you?”

“Nah,” said Rainbow. “She went out without her parents permission so they have no idea where she is.”

“Fucking jackpot,” grinned Thunderlane. “Yeah, let’s murder this slut. Was Lyra and BonBon this sexy?”

“We just choked them out,” Soarin said. “Not cool beating or breaking, I think this bitch might actually be more fun.”

Fleetfoot’s eyes widened more the more they talked. She couldn’t believe she was hearing her heroes discuss her murder, but there was nothing she could do. Even if she had somewhere to run, she was too weak to do so.

“What about the corpse though?” Spitfire asked.

“Well I want to break in her ass while she’s alive,” said Soarin as he pushed Fleetfoot’s legs apart where she lay broken on the bed. “But I want to fuck her after she’s dead at least once too, like let her sit for a bit and fuck her corpse after it’s all cold and clammy. We disposed of the other lesbos before we could really do much with the corpses.”

“Now that you say it like that…” pondered Thunderlane. “Hey I’m all for it, yeah I’ll ram my dick in this slut’s cadaver.”

“Was actually hoping to try licking her pussy while I grind on her stupid dead face too,” Rainbow added. “Not every day you get the chance to try necrophilia.”

“That’s all a given, but that’s not what I mean, dumbasses,” said Spitfire. “I mean how do we get rid of the dead body after we’re done fucking it?”

“A-are you fucking serious?” Fleetfoot looked on in shock. “Guys… I really didn’t mean to push you away, I swear. I’m still into it even now, seriously!”

“Shut the fuck up, Fleetfoot,” said Spitfire. “Dumb fuck, of course we’re serious.”

“Applejack helped last time,” said Rainbow, even as she continued to film Soarin crawling up atop Fleetfoot. “She has a wood chipper; all we have to do is tell her we killed Fleetfoot for being a dyke and she’ll be all for it.”

“She’d be okay with us chopping up a corpse we killed?” Spitfire asked.

“If we tell her we killed her for being gay yeah,” said Rainbow. “Applejack’s family is super religious, they’re members of the Church of the Inoffensively Vague Religion or something like that. I’ll try and panic and say we went overboard when trying to correct her, which is true enough. Like I said, she chopped up Lyra and BonBon and no one ever found out, so it should be okay.”

“Yeah she’s super okay with it,” Soarin confirmed. “Her big brother literally fucked their corpses as they were being fed into the chipper.”

“Cool, then it’s settled,” Spitfire said. “Hey Thunder, get over here and fuck me while I watch.”

“S-settled?” Fleetfoot stammered. “Come on, you’re not thinking right! At least wait until the crap you took wears off to think about it!”

“Won’t be as fun if we’re not high, stupid,” Rainbow said.

“Stop being a bitch about it,” Spitfire rolled her eyes. “You are going to DIE. There’s nothing you can do about it, so just let it happen and enjoy it as much as you can.”

Fleetfoot still couldn’t believe what she was hearing. All she could do is stare in abject terror, she couldn’t even properly react anymore. Her whole body felt cold and numb, though she only wished that helped at all with the pain. She lay there limply, knowing now that each moment of this torment was bringing her closer to oblivion. She’d be gone and no one would ever even find her completely desecrated body. She couldn’t even feel enough emotion in this pit of despair to be angry that they’d get away with it.

Soarin groaned as he pushed his cock to Fleetfoot’s already well-raped pussy, Thunderlane’s cum drooling out as he pushed inside. He kept his chest high so Rainbow could get a good shot of penetration as he dipped in a few times to get lubricated for her other hole.

Fleetfoot tensed as she felt his tip then move to her asshole, clenching her teeth and ready for another source of torment. Soarin grinned and forced himself forward. A virgin ass with very little lube was quite another story from a virgin pussy, and it took him a good bit of time to get fully engorged.

Soarin seemed to get off on just the effort though as Fleetfoot quietly sobbed beneath him. When he finally forced his dick all the way into her, he groaned and worked into a violent thrusting. Fleetfoot cried out, the pain more than she expected. It felt like every new source exponentially built on what she was already experiencing, and she couldn’t imagine even Hell being worse.

Fleetfoot’s asshole was bleeding noticeably within a few strokes, and soon blood was drooling down her ass cheeks and onto the bed. It was likely not all from tearing at her anus, but also from her massive internal bleeding thanks to her beating. She started to realize that even if they let her go this minute, she’d probably die anyway.

“Damn that clench,” moaned Soarin. “You’re convulsing inside, you slut. Damn, bet she’s going to clench like crazy when she’s dying. I want to be fucking her pussy as she dies.”

“Fine with me,” said Thunderlane. “I want to be fucking that ass while the bitch is dying, so works out fine.”

Spitfire continued to watch on all fours, right next to Fleetfoot on the bed. Thunderlane pulled up behind her, entering her from behind. He grasped her hips and went to down on Spitfire’s cunt, leaning forward to watch Fleetfoot’s second rape as well. As she rolled her hips back against Thunderlane, Spitfire pulled out her own camera and started videoing as well.

“S-Soarin,” Fleetfoot stammered, her sobbing picking up again. “Come on, dude. We’ve been friends since elementary school, you don’t really want to kill me do you?”

“Fuck yeah I do,” Soarin groaned.

“Dude come on,” Fleetfoot said. “I’m begging you, man. Listen, I will be your fuck slave from now until forever if you keep them from killing me. I won’t tell ANYONE about this, I’ll just claim some dudes attacked me in an alley and give false descriptions. Or I’ll describe some guys you don’t like to get them in trouble!”

“Why would he want a fuck slave like you?” laughed Thunderlane. “The way you’ve treated us tonight, you don’t deserve to leave here alive. This is what all cock-teasing dykes deserve.”

“Guys please I don’t want to die!” Fleetfoot screeched in frustration. “You can keep me fucking captive to make sure I can never tell, just please don’t kill me!”

“Aw yeah that’s the good shit,” Spitfire moaned in orgasmic bliss. Her body shivered as she creamed herself hard already. Fleetfoot could see the juice splatter out from the tight penetration between Spitfire’s pussy and Thunderlane’s cock.

“D-did you just orgasm to me begging for my life?” Fleetfoot asked in disbelief.

“Hell yeah I did,” moaned Spitfire.

“Fuck,” Fleetfoot stared at the ceiling. “This is really happening… I’m really going to die… How the fuck did this happen…”

“You being a bitch is how it happened,” Soarin grunted as he rammed harder, the sound of their bodies smacking and the suction of him pushing in and yanking from her bleeding ass growing louder. “We gave you plenty of chances to stop.”

“I guess you loved pussy more than life,” Thunderlane smirked, rolling his eyes back as Spitfire’s tunnel spasmed around him. “Fine by me!”

“Well in that case, I feel left out,” Rainbow said.

Rainbow continued to film from the new angle, but moved onto the bed to sit atop Fleetfoot’s face. She lowered her hips and rubbed her drooling snatch on Fleetfoot’s broken nose, making her body spasm.

“Eat it, bitch,” Rainbow demanded. “Hey, turn her bottom up a bit so I get a good view of penetration from here.” She grinned as Soarin did just that. “Damn that’s a bloody hole. I hope it hurts as much as it looks like it does.”

“Why should I?” asked Fleetfoot. “You’re going to fucking kill me no matter what I do!”

“Yeah but the question is,” chuckled Rainbow. “Will we kill you slow or fast? Painful or more painful? I hear burning to death is the worst way to die, you know. Want to try it out and let us know?”

Fleetfoot stammered but couldn’t answer. She just stared up at the pussy of her tormentor. She could barely think at this point.

“Come on you disgusting dyke,” Rainbow demanded. “Do what you do best, you better use your fingers too.”

Fleetfoot was certain that Rainbow wasn’t joking with the threat, so complied the best she could, reaching her tongue out to lap at Rainbow’s slit. Fleetfoot tried to lift her arm broken at the elbow, but could only twitch the base as the lower arm twitched about. Instead she took the hand on her broken arm in her hand with the broken fingers, crying out as she forced the first arm to move. She held her good hand with her bad hand between her thumb and hand so it could reach Rainbow. She could barely move the fingers on her good hand, but managed to rub around Rainbow’s labia and against her clit as she ate her out.

“That’s it,” Rainbow groaned. “Goddess damn, why does this feel so good? Fucking power trip, raping someone you’re about to murder.”

Fleetfoot felt Rainbow’s cunt spasm in orgasmic bliss as she came all over her face. She had to swallow quickly to keep from drowning in the profuse juice as it stung at her bruised and battered face. She weakly lapped at the pussy to make it as good as she could, hoping to sate her psychotic friend for as long as she could manage.

“How about bucking those hips against me,” Soarin demanded. “I may as well be fucking a corpse already.”

Fleetfoot was too broken not to comply again, pushing her hips up, and even worked into the rolling motion of her hips and Soarin’s. Her movements were a bit jagged, still twitching with pain, her body now in complete torment, and it wasn’t ever getting better until they finally killed her. She realized that she’d slowly started to look forward to fading out now. Maybe if she got them off quickly they’d get this over with.

“If she does good enough for a painless death,” said Spitfire, as if that was still even a possibility. “We should suffocate her in mine or Dash’s pussy. That’d be a nice ironic death for a fucking dyke.”

Fleetfoot just stared blankly as she ate out Rainbow and rolled her hips up against Soarin’s ass-fucking. She was broken in both mind and body, having completely given in to her terrible fate at the hands of her own friends, or former friends at least.

“Whose cunt you want to suffocate in, slut?” Soarin asked.

“I don’t care,” Fleetfoot said weakly as Rainbow lifted herself long enough for their victim to answer. “Flip a fucking coin.”

“Fucking slut,” Thunderlane growled. “She doesn’t even care whose pussy she eats.”

“I’ll do it,” Spitfire said. “Dash is already getting to ride her face. How about Soarin cum in me after Thunderlane so that she can choke on your cum as she dies.”

“Eh, okay I guess,” said Rainbow. “I get to ride her face and lick her dead cunt once she’s a corpse though.”

“Fair enough,” said Spitfire. “We’ll leave her corpse to cool overnight and fuck it in the morning for the full necro effect.”

“Fucking yeah,” Thunderlane either agreed or was just signaling that he was packing a load into Spitfire. Spitfire pressed her hips back and moaned as he pumped his second load of the night into his girlfriend. He grinned at Spitfire. “You just want an excuse to get fucked again by Soarin, slut.”

“Yeah, what about it?” winked Spitfire.

“I’ll pack any hole in here,” Soarin groaned. “I am so pumped… fuck!”

Soarin creamed shortly after Thunderlane had, continuing to ram Fleetfoot’s ass through his entire orgasm. He pulled free of her bloody rear and moved up onto the bed, straddling her about the chest and letting his dick fall against her chin.

“Clean it, whore,” Soarin said.

As Rainbow moved up off Fleetfoot’s face, the broken girl looked at Soarin’s cock with glazed eyes. She didn’t even have the presence of mind to feel any sicker. She just grasped it in the fingers of her good hand, though she could barely move them, that whole section of her arm blue and red as if not getting oxygen due to the break at her elbow. Fleetfoot grasped it the best she could, then slurped at the tip, nursing and lapping her own blood and feces from the still-throbbing shaft.

“Bet you wish you weren’t such a cock-tease all night now, dumb slut,” Spitfire said as she reached over to Fleetfoot, pushing a forefinger into her pussy and middle finger into her ass to feel around. She pulled them out, licking them clean of cum and blood. “If you’d taken some dicks without bitching about it like a normal girl, you wouldn’t be about to die.”

“I’ll fuck her throat,” Soarin pushed Thunderlane aside. “Put a load in your whore girlfriend so she’ll have a nice mix for this bitch to choke on.

Thunder’s shaft slipped out of her mouth, but Fleetfoot kept her mouth open as Thunder’s replaced it, the male straddling her chest. He reached down to grope at her breasts, squeezing and twisting them as hard as he could, then moved his hands to her head. Holding her at an uncomfortable angle, he pushed his shaft deeper into her throat than Thunderlane had.

Fleetfoot gagged on the shaft as it was forced down into her throat. She tried to swallow against it like a good slut to get him off fast, but it was impossible to do with her first ever fellatio. She could only convulse her throat around him, which he definitely didn’t seem to mind as he rolled his eyes back and dug his fingers into her scalp.

Her stomach was already in knots, and Fleetfoot couldn’t help but vomit even if it might make things worse for her. Getting it out was another thing though, and she found herself in a cycle of retching up the bloody contents of her stomach and getting it stuffed back down into her esophagus by her rapist. His dick was coated with reddish vomit as he continued to pound her head.

Meanwhile she saw Spitfire sitting in Thunderlane’s lap, sliding her already drooling pussy down over his shaft. It was a disgusting sight to Fleetfoot, but it wasn’t like she could vomit more than she already was. Her breasts bounced freely up and down as she moved on his shaft, which was at least a bit more pleasant to look at.

“Hurry up and cum in me,” Spitfire demanded. “I don’t want to wait to drown this slut in cum.”

“Fuck yeah,” Thunderlane groaned as he rammed his hips up to bounce her. “Bout to be one less fucking dyke in the world.”

Fleetfoot was sure it would be taking longer for them to get off now, but she lost track of time so wasn’t sure how long it was taking. All she knew is that she could barely breathe, him only pulling back every now and then for her to get a breath so she wouldn’t die yet. She tried to hold her breath when he did, wanting to go earlier, but forcing herself to hold it when her body was screaming for air wasn’t something she had the willpower to do even on a good day.

“Drink it slut!” Thunderlane finally growled as she felt his cock pulse in her burning throat. She continued to convulse her throat over him as he shoved his load deep inside of her. Dominating his victim must have made his stamina unstoppable, or perhaps it was the drugs, but he seemed to drench her with just as much cum as he’d pushed into her asshole before.

“Time to die slut,” Spitfire was crawling over to straddle her head before Thunderland had barely withdrawn his shaft. Fleetfoot looked weakly up at Spitfire’s clenched pussy, allowing her arms to fall limply at her side.

This was it. She would be murdered in cold blood and her corpse desecrated tomorrow morning. Then she’d probably get fucked again by Applejack’s brother as she got chopped up. But at this point, she welcomed death no matter what was going to happen to her body.

Soarin turned her onto her side on the bed, snuggling up behind her as she felt his erection throb against her bleeding asshole. She raised her upper leg obediently, feeling him stroke his arm against it as he pulled it up into the air.

“Honestly I would have found a reason to kill her no matter how willing she was,” Soarin admitted. “As soon as I found out she was a lesbo, I’ve wanted to do a repeat of what we did to those other dykes.” He licked at the back of Fleetfoot’s neck before adding to her. “You’re gonna get the death you so grossly deserve.”

Thunderlane moved against her front, his slightly softer shaft quickly firming up when feeling the warmth of her gaping pussy. He slid one hand to her leg as well, dragging his fingernails against it as his other moved to grope at her bruised breasts.

“Glad you did,” Thunderlane added. “I’ve wanted to do it at all after seeing those videos of you and them. Too bad Fleetfoot isn’t loved enough for us to kill her in front of a girlfriend.” He leaned forward and said to Fleetfoot almost gently. “I can’t wait to feel your deathgasm on my dick you rug muncher.”

“She’ll get plenty of love,” Rainbow chuckled, making sure to catch everything she could on camera. No doubt this would be the porn that would warm them up at their next get together. “She’ll get more dick as a corpse than most dykes ever get.”

“C-can the guys choke me out too while she’s riding me?” Fleetfoot managed to get out as she faced upwards. Suffocating on pussy seemed difficult or impossible without some extra effort, and she didn’t want to risk surviving torment until morning.

“Beg for it,” Soarin groaned, pushing his shaft into her asshole and reaching his free hand around to tickle at the front of her throat. He pushed deep, more of her blood coating his shaft and drooling down his ballsack into a puddle on the bed.

“Yeah beg for what you deserve, slut,” Thunderlane agreed, moving his hand to grasp her throat beneath Soarin’s, moving the hand that had held her let to twist at one of her breasts instead. He pushed into her pussy, which easily slurped him inside now, getting just as much blood on his dick in the process. She was broken inside and out in every way.

“Fuck,” Spitfire groaned as she lowered her hips slightly, but gave Fleetfoot room to speak first. All of them wanted to hear the lesbian beg for death. They wanted to know they’d truly broken a girl that much.

“Please kill me,” Fleetfoot gagged out the words, trying to lift her head to lap once at Spitfire’s clenched pussy, tasting the hint of sperm. “I deserve it for being a cock-tease, for being a bitch just cause you wanted to rape me, this is what all lesbians deserve… just promise you’ll defile my corpse nice and hard before I’m chopped into mulch.”

“Now that is some sexy ass last words,” Rainbow groaned, fingering herself with her free hand as she videoed them.

“I’ll make sure they are her last,” said Spitfire as she lowered her hips down, clasping her pussy over Fleetfoot’s mouth and shivering when Fleetfoot immediately licked her deeply. Spitfire relaxed her pussy, allowing Soarin and Thunderlane’s sperm milkshake to ooze out into her mouth.

The two males squeezed her throat as they began to thrust, cutting off her air completely, making it impossible for her to swallow the load of spunk that was gathering in her mouth. She didn’t care, she just let it puddle there, helping to cut off her breath. It was finally time for the sweet release from this nightmare.

Fleetfoot’s hips were pumped back and forth in a rabid game of pelvis ping pong, each guy seeming to compete for who could ram his hips the hardest and then shoving her against the other’s dick. Soarin released her leg to reach around her to squeeze the other breast that Thunder wasn’t already twisting, doing the same to it. The pain washed over her, melting into her, but was insignificant again what she already felt, not to mention the psychological torment.

The only small blessing was that her tormentors ceased their incessant conversations for a moment, replaced by grunts and moans as they worked to fully savor their victim. She felt her face go even bluer as her oxygen was cut off completely, still allowing the mess to puddle in her throat as she kept her mouth open. She could barely work her tongue, but moved to twirl it around Spitfire’s clit while she still could. She wasn’t even sure why she worked to pleasure them at this point now that it wouldn’t speed things up, she was just that broken.

Though not on purpose, her hips seemed to get into the motions with theirs, rolling between them with increasingly rapid motions as they plowed her from both sides. Her body was in such agony by this point that she barely even felt the penetration, everything just blended together within her mind. Even time seemed a blur as she otherwise lay there limply, simply waiting to die.

As her life slowly began to fade, her vision began to blur. She was too weak to even close her eyes though, feeling juice splash onto them and sting as it rolled across her eyeball. Her tongue went limp as her body burned from lack of oxygen, but Spitfire didn’t seem to mind, pressing her hips down more firmly as she arched her back at the sensation of dominating another woman in the most complete way possible.

Her hip movements became spastic as well, not that they were even necessary at this point with Thunderlane and Soarin doing all the work for her. They only seemed more eager when her movements suffered, knowing that the suffocating bitch was approaching death. Her pussy and asshole both still convulsed around the invaders, trying to force them out but only serving to massage them.

A sense of sweet relief washed over her as her body grew numb and the dizziness reached the point of fading off. She relaxed her body, just letting herself be used as she waited for the rescue that only death could give her now. As she faded, she felt Spitfire’s pussy convulse in climax, splashing more fluid in her mouth, which was already full from her inability to swallow, and even puddling more in her wide open eyes. The bliss of her former friend at her death was the last thing she was ever aware of.

“Fucking clench!” Soarin groaned out as her asshole gave one finally squeeze around his shaft, and he was blowing his thick load into her before the ass went limp. Somehow he managed to expel more cum than his previous climax, but he could never tire of this feeling. Despite his insults, he knew she was innocent, and that made it all the hotter for him, using up a pure girl’s life in an agonizing way just to get himself off hard.

“Damn, you weren’t kidding, this is amazing!” Thunderlane agreed. He pumped his own orgasm into her as her pussy relaxed and her urine washed over his dick and the sheets beneath them. He groaned as he felt her fluttering heart beat to a stop beneath her abused breast, and kept pumping his load into her limp pussy until he was too exhausted to do more.

“That was impossibly hot, just like last time,” Rainbow laughed. “I’d suggest we do Vinyl and her whore girlfriend if she didn’t provide us with our drugs.”

“We could still get away with doing her girlfriend probably,” said Spitfire as she slowly lifted her hips, admiring the wide-eyed look of terror frozen on Fleetfoot’s now very dead face. “Then we’d get to smugly know we were responsible for that every time we went and bought from her.”

“We’ll see,” Soarin panted. “For now… let’s leave this dyke to rot while we get some rest. She’ll be nice and cold by morning.”

3. Dead

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They all piled into Rainbow’s bed together that night. Fleetfoot’s corpse was in the middle, with Rainbow and Soarin on one side and Thunderlane and Spitfire on the other. Rainbow was the first to wake up.

Her head was pounding something fierce, and at first she didn’t quite remember all they’d done last night. She felt Soarin behind her, spooning her warmly. Even though he was sound asleep, he had his shaft embedded inside Rainbow’s ass as if he’d had a go at her in the middle of the night. That was fine, it wasn’t the worst person she’d woke up to having cum in her after a party.

On the other side she felt an ice cold body, and as the events began to return to her, her eyes widened just a bit. She looked over, staring into the horrified expression frozen on Fleetfoot’s dead face. Now that she wasn’t high, she could think a bit more logically about it, but it didn’t scare her or anything. After all, this wasn’t even the first dyke she’d participated in killing. Rather, she felt her pussy churn a bit with desire, already dribbling down one thigh.

However, unlike before, they’d let the body sit for a bit before making more use of it. She moved over, sliding her tongue against the chilly cheek, leaving a trail of saliva as she lapped up over Fleetfoot’s wide opened eye, pausing to roll the eye back and forth a few times with her tongue. Her flesh was sticky, thick fluid having dried off of it during the night but leaving plenty of residue. It was surreal and as hot as the corpse was cold.

One thing she definitely remembered is what she wanted to eat out that cold dead pussy while grinding on her face again. Not bothering to wake the others, Rainbow slid the blanket down off of them before sitting up, getting a nice look at Fleetfoot. She took a moment to tear what was left of her top off, the body barely giving as the limbs had stiffened into place.

Rainbow moved up to straddle Fleetfoot’s head, her pussy already dripping fluid onto the stiff face beneath her, splattering over her cheeks and wide-opened eyes. She leaned down, taking a look at Fleetfoot’s still slightly gaping pussy, then took a deep breath of her scent. She couldn’t claim that the cadaver smelled good as she’d started to slowly rot, but even that was an intense turn on.

“One less stupid dyke in the world,” Rainbow purred to herself, running her tongue along one edge of Fleetfoot’s labia and down the other. She bit down on one lip, tugging the cold stiff flesh back before letting it pop back into place. At the same time, she lowered her own hips down, shivering at the cold head between her legs as she started to slide her pussy against Fleetfoot’s face.

“Already going?” Spitfire moaned as she woke up, laying on the other side of Fleetfoot from where Rainbow had been. She reached over, curiously tugging an arm to feel how stiff she was, then sliding a hand to her frigid breasts, flesh still discolored from the bruising she got while alive. “Fucking ice cold, I still can’t believe I actually offed a bitch.”

“Wait until you hear people talk about her missing,” Rainbow chuckled. “You’ll get wet every time someone mentions her.” She moved to lap deep at Fleetfoot’s cadaver cunt, spreading her nether lips out and pushing her tongue deep inside to lap the sticky fluid still drying out inside. She slurped loudly, taking in the taste of drying cum, piss, and coagulating blood. Rainbow’s hips grinded more firmly, body shivering both from the chill and arousal from playing with a corpse she helped create.

“And to think,” Spitfire smirked. “This stupid bitch thought we’d ‘regret’ it once we weren’t high anymore.” She ran her hands over Fleetfoot’s soft sticky flesh, up and down from her hips to her breasts, then squeezed and twisted her breasts to feel how the spongy flesh gave, the less flexible skin now providing more resistance to her movements. “She taste good?”

“She tastes awful,” Rainbow said, but continued lapping between words. “But it’s hot enough to make up for it.”

“Damn this is fucked up, I love it,” Spitfire chuckled, sitting up and moving down over Fleetfoot’s body. Even as Rainbow continued to lap her, Spitfire intertwined her own flexible legs with Fleetfoot’s stiff limbs and scissored their legs together. “Let me add some flavor.” She pushed her own drooling slit closer, rubbing against the slit and providing new dampness.

“So this is the third dead dyke I’ve been involved with, guess that makes me a serial killer.” Rainbow moved her tongue back and forth from the dead to the living cunt now, dipping into one and then the other to exchange the fluids as Spitfire grinded her pussy against Fleetfoot’s. Her hips twitched, so hyped about her own wicked deeds that she creamed over the dead face quickly. Her whole body convulsed as she splattered her juice all over Fleetfoot’s face, pussy juice puddling against her empty eyes as more drooled into her gaping mouth.

“I guess you are,” Spitfire laughed. “Maybe we can up our kill count if we’re careful. Grab a few faggots too perhaps… fuck this is good.” She rolled her hips more quickly, Fleetfoot’s body shifting up and down on the bed, the stiff legs wobbling as they were lifted up with each thrusting movement. The corpse’s pussy and thighs slowly began to glisten again as it grew wetter, fluid drooling down both Spitfire and Fleetfoot’s ass cheeks.

“I don’t even care if they’re gay, I just wanna kill someone else,” Rainbow admitted. “Someone innocent like Fluttershy, or super happy like Pinkie Pie. I bet the happier they are the harder they break down.” She continued to grind her hips on Fleetfoot’s face, pushing her tongue between the two pussies to wriggle it back and forth, feeling the amazing mixture of warm and cool flesh.

“Not gonna kill me are you?” Spitfire laughed. She clenched her teeth as she started to come up upon her own orgasm, her hips becoming erratic, flicking her pussy lips against the much stiffer ones of their victim. She groaned and creamed hard, gushing over the dead pussy and ass, giving them a load of fresh lubrication for when the guys started their fun.

“Not my cohort,” said Rainbow, but then added. “Though if we ever think we’re about to get caught… tell you what… we’ll snuff the guys and then flip a coin to see which of us snuffs the other one.” She cupped her mouth over the two pussies, slurping up the fresh mixture before finally sitting up.

“Deal,” Spitfire panted without hesitation, slowly coming down from her orgasm. She moved to push her fingers into Fleetfoot’s pussy, slathering her juice about to lubricate the drying hole, then pushed her fingers into her asshole to do the same.

It was a good thing too, because Soarin and Thunderlane were rousing from their sleep as well.

“Come on, dudes,” Rainbow told them. “We got the dead carpet muncher ready for you.”

“Yeah I’m ready to pop open a cold one,” Thunderlane looked over at the stiffened cadaver. “I’m calling pussy this go.”

“Sure I’ll take that frigid ass,” Soarin agreed without much fuss.

Thunderlane was eager to bone his first proper corpse, almost bouncing across the bed to get to Fleetfoot. He grabbed her torso, moaning at how chilly she was before forcing through her rigor mortis to stretch her legs wide apart. Soarin moved to help, and together they managed to bend her legs into a better squatting position.

She was pulled to sit on her knees on the bed, now pinned between Thunderlane in front and Soarin behind. Her arms were unbending to her sides, and her body was clammy with a mix of yesterday’s drying and today’s fresh fluids. They ran their hands curiously over the dead lesbian, marveling at how unnaturally sexy she felt between them.

Thunderland kissed Fleetfoot deeply, pushing his tongue in her mouth to slide her sticky tongue around her drying gums, finding it mostly stiff as well. He stared into her empty eyes, savoring that last look of shock on her face before pressing his shaft between her cold lips below. He pushed into her pussy, finding the previously soft flesh far more unyielding than before, but his cock throbbed heavily all the same.

Soarin had a bit more trouble getting into her ass, but was determined as he forced his rod deep. He didn’t care how much it chafed, savoring the sting as a reminder of his delicious sin. Since the body didn’t bounce back and forth very well, they both pushed in at the same time, filling her from both ends with their warm cocks.

Turned on by the wet slurp of their shafts in the barely moist holes, Spitfire came close again to rub her crotch against one of Fleetfoot’s cheeks. Rainbow did the same from the other side, and they pinned the still head between their pussies to grind on it in time with one another. Spitfire held her phone to record the action, though Rainbow used her phone to call Applejack, casually speaking to her as they continued to defile the corpse together.

“Oh hey Applejack,” Rainbow told her. “Yeah we invited Fleetfoot over and… long story short we found out she was a dyke and gave her what she deserved, now she has need of your wood chipper same as those other lesbos did….. yeah if you have guests, she’s whole enough that they could use her too… okay we’re banging her body one last time then I’ll bring her over and leave her filthy corpse in that same barn.”

Thunderlane moved his face from one side to the other to give Spitfire’s and Rainbow’s cunts a slurp, then went back to kissing Fleetfoot, coating her stiff tongue in the juices from the other two ladies. As he pumped into her rotting pussy with lewd squelching noises, he gripped her breasts tightly, digging his nails in and feeling out the firm flesh gave less than before. He gasped and sped up his motions. “Fuck, drilling a dead girl is so much hotter than it should be.”

Soarin nuzzled at Rainbow and Spitfire’s clits too, then slid his own hands down the frigid body to grasp her hips. Since she wasn’t up for moving them herself, he pushed them back and forth to approximate rolling her hips. It let them bounce her pelvis back and forth a bit more like they did when she was alive, and his own thrusting into her asshole increased as Thunderlane’s did. “Bet this bitch regretted cock teasing us as she died, my only regret is that she didn’t suffer even more.”

Spitfire and Rainbow continued to grind her head back and forth, reaching over to embrace one another and smashing their pliable breasts together between them. They grasped one another’s bottom, pulling close to warm the head between them, then engaged in a long kiss, playing their tongues together as they waited for the guys to plow their cum into their victim one last time.

It wasn’t long before they got what they were waiting for. Thunderland groaned first, pumping a load of seed to warm the chilly asshole, spraying his load into the stiffening flesh within. His body shuddered more intensely than any of his orgasms the day before, overcome with the lewdness and power trip of defiling the body of a dyke he’d help put down himself.

Her cold ovaries got a small shot of warmth too as Soarin blasted into her front, also pumping a huge load despite her loosened corpse cunt around his shaft. He moaned into the kiss with Fleetfoot, staring into her glazed eyes and shaking violently as he unloaded. His hips finally slowed to a stop, pressing his shaft fully indo her completely defiled nethers.

“Amazing,” Thunderlane groaned. “I can’t imagine anything better.”

“Fuck yeah,” Soarin panted over her shoulder then licked the side of her stiff face again.

“Yeah well,” grunted Rainbow. “We’ve had enough fun. Time to get her worthless corpse over for disposal now.”


The Apple siblings were glad to take care of things, just as they had before. Applejack and her brother Big Macintosh had no love for the gays, so didn’t mind helping cover for their homo-murdering friends when needed in hopes they’d be repeat offenders. Not to mention, they’d had a load of fun when Bonbon and Lyra’s corpses were disposed of previously.

Today they had visitors in addition to themselves though. Their cousin Braeburn and uncle Orange were both in town and had stopped by. The plan had been to have all three of the guys go to town on Applejack at once, but plans had changed when Applejack got the phone call from Rainbow Dash about Fleetfoot. They’d decided to save their horniness to give some affection to the dead lesbo that would grace the inside of their wood chipper later that night.

Not wanting to risk getting gangfucked to death by hicks herself, Rainbow left the body at the usual barn next to the chipper, and that’s where they found her. Fleetfoot was laid out on a bale of hay, on her back with arms at her sides, legs held stiffly upwards as if she’d been in a kneeling position last she was used. Though her body was cold and had clearly been rotting overnight, her face was moist and both her lower holes were drooling with fresh activity.

“Whoa,” Braeburn said as he looked over the blackened and bruised body. “They didn’t show her any mercy from the looks of it.”

“Yeah they said they beat her good,” Applejack grinned as she headed over and looked her over. “Serves the dirty lesbo right, unnatural bitch.”

“Wow we… really gonna do this?” Orange was the most reluctant, but wasn’t saying no either. Not to mention, he’d shuffled off his clothes on his way into the barn just like the rest of them.

“Eyup,” Big Mac nodded, slowly stroking his massive shaft, which put the other two males to shame.

“Well go ahead and have a go at her, boys,” Applejack encouraged. “Ah won’t get jealous, though ah hope you all have enough left fer me when yer done.”

Big Mac was the first to hop onto the large hay bale alongside Fleetfoot. He lay on her back next to her and rolled the body over onto him. Fleetfoot’s form kept her current position perfectly, knees against the bale beneath them as she was laid against Mac’s wide chest. He shivered at the coldness of her flesh, but it only made his shaft throb to full hardness as she lay atop him.

“They really put this bitch to good use,” Orange said as he crawled up onto the hay bale behind her, letting his shaft flop out upon the icy ass and feeling the last loads that defiled her glazed over her behind. He ran his hands up her back, dragging his nails against her skin and feeling around to squeeze her breasts, pressing them back and forth to feel how inelastic the dead flesh had become.

“That’s good,” Braeburn said, climbing up onto the other side of the bale. “If she was a dyke, she sure never put herself to good use.” He moved a hand to gently stroke her face, admiring the terrified expression on her bruised image and then pulling her head back to push his cock tip against her mouth. It fell open easily as he pushed to the back and into her throat, her neck swelling slightly with his girth as he penetrated her.

Mac and Orange pushed into her from either side at the same time, the moist cold penetration slurping loudly as her corpse was desecrated once again. Her impliable insides magnified the pressure of their shafts inside her, allowing the two males to feel the shape of one another’s shafts as they pushed in together and began thrusting violently into the cadaver.

“Fuck that’s hot,” Applejack groaned, standing nearby and fingering herself enthusiastically with one hand as her other squeezed at one of her breasts. “Was only me and Mac here when the other two lesbos arrived, so their corpses didn’t get used good and proper like this one will be.”

“What you do to em after they’re chopped up?” Braeburn asked curiously between grunts. He felt his hand over Fleetfoot’s throat with one hand as he braced her head with the other, feeling the shape of his shaft inside her as he began thrusting harder. His balls smacked against her blackened eyes with each plap as her deep-fucked the limp throat.

“Mix em in with the pig slop,” Applejack said, fingering herself harder though it didn’t make near the noise that the gooey corpse did. “Ah figure gettin turned into pig shit is a nice deserving fate for these sluts’ corpses.”

Mac and Orange alternated between pushing in together and bouncing Fleetfoot’s hips back and forth between them, railing both her holes with all their effort. The body was getting slimy, and not just around her holes, with her skin starting to feel loose like it might start coming off as they rubbed their hands eagerly over the dead flesh. Still, the only thing they regretted about the disgusting act was that they weren’t the ones that got to murder this bitch.

“I wonder if this slut’s family will miss her,” Orange mused as he continued to pound.

“Not if they knew what she was,” Applejack laughed.

The pounding went on for several more long minutes, the stiffened corpse bounced around between the three warm males as she was used in all orifices. It wasn’t long before Mac started them off, groaning as he pushed up hard and shot thick strands of cum into her womb, mixing with the sticky mess that had been deposited there before. Orange was next, blowing his wad into her equally grotesque ass, before Braeburn groaned and emptied his load down her throat.

“Phew, that was amazing,” Orange groaned.

“Eyup,” Mac agreed.

“You said it…” Braeburn said as he withdrew his shaft, then looked down at her head thoughtfully. “Hey ah got an idea. Applejack you got a saw in here?”

“A saw? Sure do,” Applejack reached over to grab a hacksaw in the hand that wasn’t knuckle deep into her own pussy, tossing it over to Braeburn. “Actually, if we’re gettin’ creative, ah got an idea of my own. Her pussy is probably getting loose by now, but I know what would still be a tight fit.”

“Watch this,” Braeburn laughed. As Mac and Orange withdrew and let the corpse flop onto the bale drooling from all holes, Braeburn put the saw to her neck and grinded it back and forth, cutting through her neck starting with the front, watching the flesh peal apart as bits of coagulated blood oozed out onto the hay bale beneath her.

While he did so, Applejack went to the back of the barn, still fingering herself the whole way, and returned a few minutes later with a large brown stallion of all things. Usually the only reason she brought him to this barn was the screw around, which he definitely realized because his thick shaft was growing heavy beneath him as it flowed out of his sheath.

“Cuttin’ her head off huh?” Applejack said. “Well have fun with that, but when you’re done somebody help me hold the body steady for Charlie here to bone.”

“Ah got it,” Braeburn said, just snapping through her spine as Applejack returned with the horse. He dropped the saw and wrenched Fleetfoot’s head the rest of the way off, then rubbed his semi-hard shaft against the severed neck, growing steadily harder as he felt the icy gore and pushed his tip against her throat from the neck end. “Time fer a reverse blowjob, slut.”

“That’s fuckin’ hilarious,” laughed Applejack. She moved to grasp Fleetfoot by her hardened legs, dragging her to the edge of the hay bale. She looked back at Charlie, winking at him and smacking Fleetfoot’s moist belly to signal to the horse that this was what they wanted him to mount. “Hope he doesn’t mind it being a corpse… ah don’t suppose he should, he’s never said no to putting his dick in anything before.”

Charlie apparently didn’t, huffing and moving over towards the body. He took only a moment to consider, sniffing at the remains, then moving to mount up upon the halebay where she lay, pushing his blunt cock tip against her posterior as he clumsily tried to insert himself.

“Help me hold the bitch,” Applejack said, reaching beneath Charlie and holding one arm tightly around Fleetfoot’s body as the horse covered her. Holding her tightly, she moved her other hand to grasp at Charlie’s thick cock, helping him aim and pressing it against Fleetfoot’s loose corpse cunt.

Orange helped her at least, a little selfishly. He grasped Fleetfoot around the shoulders, but also pulled the top of her body to the side a bit, standing next to the hale bale himself and pushing his own tip to the severed neck of her torso. He groaned as he pushed his dick directly into her esophagus, slightly tighter than her well-used ass had been, and sank in balls deep.

Braeburn was far too busy with Fleetfoot’s head to assist. He pushed his shaft up through her neck, tip pushing out of her throat from the wrong direction. He felt himself slide off the barely moist roof of her mouth before slipping out between her lips. He reached one hand around, pushing her mouth closed as he started to thrust, feeling her tongue slide against him with each stroke.

Mac meanwhile made no excuse or attempt to help. He opted to walk up behind Applejack and let his own solid cock flop out against his sister’s behind. She looked back, annoyed at first, but then licked her lips at the sight of his shaft, wet with the blood and rotting slime from inside Fleetfoot’s pussy. She spread her legs to make way for him, groaning as he pushed his tip inside her and sank balls deep into her pussy until his belly smacked against her behind.

Charlie could care less about all that, concentrating on getting his thick dick into the tight hole regardless of how cold it was. Even the limp pussy stretched wide, the stiffened labia tearing slightly as he forced his way in. Her gut swelled massively when he finally popped inside, the swell sliding down her body. While they could never let him fuck a living person balls deep, this was different, and her grunted happily as he was able to push in right through her cervix and deep into her womb. Her body bloated grotesquely as Applejack and Orange held it steady for the horse to lustfully impale.

Braeburn came close to watch the action, holding Fleetfoot’s head in both hands as he pushed her jaw closed and his cock tip out her mouth, flicking her stiff lips against his tip with each stroke. Applejack leaned over, slurping at the tip as it exited Fleetfoot’s mouth, making an exception to kissing a girl if it meant getting a load of her cousin’s spunk in the process.

The contrast between Fleetfoot’s sticky dead flesh and the warmth of his cousin’s mouth was too much for Braeburn and sent him over the edge. His cum shot directly through the corpse and into Applejack’s mouth, the woman slurping loudly to take in every last bit of cum that she could. She twirled her tongue around his shaft, then dipped it into Fleetfoot’s mouth to lap up any cum that had splattered into there, including the cold rotting cum of her previous assailants, taking it all in.

Mac watched his sister make out with the corpse head and suck down their cousin’s cum and groaned at the sight. He then looked over at Fleetfoot’s headless corpse getting absolutely impaled, and couldn’t hold himself in any longer either. Applejack soon felt the familiar warmth of her brother’s sperm coating the inside of her pussy, rolling her hips back to milk every last drop of spunk from his throbbing manhood as she gripped Fleetfoot’s body steady for their animal friend.

“This is so fucking sick!” Orange at least recognized that, but the fact only made him go over the edge as well. He sprayed his second load into the severed neck and pumped it into the murdered corpse, coating her all the way down to her stomach with his warm slime, quickly cooling as it came into contact with her icy interior.

“Less sick than the things this slut did!” Applejack groaned.

Charlie slammed his hips deep, exploding last of all, but his orgasm was copious indeed. Fleetfoot’s body bloated like a rotted balloon, sloshing with her movements as her womb filled full of horse cum. It stretched to capacity, bursting within her like an overfilled water balloon, and flowing back around the horse’s shaft. As her insides came apart, a bit even made it out of her throat to wash over Orange’s shaft.

“That’s it, time to grind this bitch down,” Applejack groaned as she kept hold of the body for Charlie to rip his sated cock free. Her corpse had a huge cavity in it now, gaping wide and useless, but she wouldn’t need to use that rotten pussy anymore.

“Phew,” Braeburn said. “First… great sex like this always makes me need to take a piss.” He took Fleetfoot’s head, pushing the neck end against the overstretched pussy. He shoved it hard several times, pushing her own head inside her until only her terrified swollen face could be seen facing out from it. The pressure caused her pelvis to creak before it gave in completely and split down the middle, her legs splaying out further than before.

As Braeburn stood back over Fleetfoot, the others moved around around her as well. Mac and Orange both whipped their dicks forward, relaxing to join their own streams of urine with Braeburn’s. Even Applejack turned her bottom around, spreading her legs as Mac’s cum oozed from her and she started to piss on the corpse.

Fleetfoot’s remains were drenched in yet another fluid as the urine washed over her. It left her still form glistening in the dim light of the barn, pools of yellow puddling in her wide open eye and gaping mouth, drenching her to once more give the defiled corpse what she’d so grossly deserved. The corpse was too messed up to even be much use as a fuck toy now, so was only good as a toilet.

After they all relieved themselves on the dead dyke, Charlie was left to relax and gnaw some hay as Mac picked up Fleetfoot’s corpse under one arm. He left the soaked cranium in her pussy, heading towards the wood chipper at the other end of the barn. He was eager to grind down the body in their industrial strength wood chipper that they kept just for getting rid of unfortunate things they didn’t want to leave lying around the house.

“Come on boys,” Applejack said, smacking Orange and Braeburn’s cock in passing as she strutted towards the machine herself. “Ah wanna be under the outtake when she goes through it to get her splattered all over me. Did the same with Lyra and Bonbon… but didn’t have anyone to fuck me while it happened at the time. You two wanna change that, feel free.”

Her cousin and uncle were all over it, following the strutting farmgirl towards the pile of chips where the shattered body would be spraying down once it was done. Applejack knelt there in the middle as Orange moved up behind her and Braeburn in front. Braeburn kissed her deeply as Orange reached around to massage his niece’s firm but pliable breasts.

Applejack writhed between the two, rotating her hips smoothly between them as Braeburn pushed into her already-squishy pussy. Orange pushed into her tight asshole at the same time, having only Fleetfoot’s blood to provide minimal lubricant between them. They pumped their hips back and forth, playing a nice incestuous game of pelvis pingpong with the slut between them. They all three looked up at the outlet, eager for lesbian chunks to rain down on them.

Mac was slightly disappointed that her cunt was overstretched and stuffed so he wouldn’t be able to fuck that on her way into the wood chipper, but she still had one hole in the rear at least. After turning the chipper on, he propped her severed neck end against the intake and balanced her stiff body to press his shaft tip against her asshole. With the head stuffed up her pussy, it’d tightened the other entry and allowed him to get a nice moist grip as one more cock forced its way into the deserving cadaver.

He pumped violently into the asshole, using the juice from his sister’s pussy as lubrication as he fucked her. At the same time, he started to feed her upper half into the chipper. It hacked away starting with her neck stump, slicing through flesh and bone with industrial efficiency. As her shoulders were destroyed and her arms came loose, they were sucked in faster to grind away.

Mac pushed her in another inch with each thrust of his cock, the act of completely annihilating their victim driving him rapidly towards another orgasm. Groaning excitedly, he smacked his balls against her dead face with each plunge into her asshole, and was almost too enthused to stop in time. He pulled back slightly, only barely avoiding getting his cock lopped off when the blades came to her midsection.

Cumming hard, he let his spunk splattered out of her torso from the other end, raining down onto the blades before he finally pulled the rest of her off of his shaft and pushed it into the spinning blades. It was chopped into delicious necrotic mulch, primed to be fed to their pigs and turned into shit, a fitting end for a filthy dyke bitch.

Applejack moaned as the bits of flesh began to rain down onto her, opening her mouth as she looked up and let it fill with strips of mulched gore. She arched her back as her cousin and uncle rubbed more over her body, painting her body in blood and bits of bone and flesh. It was far too much to handle, and she creamed harder than she’d ever gone before, both holes convulsing over their shafts in her excitement as she squealed in utter bliss at the lewd act.

Before it had finished raining down, Mac moved over as well, offering his dick to her mouth. She slurped it down without hesitation, lapping off the slime from Fleetfoot’s ass and spreading the goop from her mouth onto him while swallowing bits of flesh into her stomach. The four proud corpse-fuckers writhed together as their bodies undulated against one another, letting the rest of the lesbo bits rain down over them.

They took their time, rubbing the stripes of flesh all over each other and slamming their grotesque bodies together before the males finally began to deposit their sick loads into the farmgirl. She swallowed down Mac’s seed to mix with the swirling gore that she’d deposited into her belly, while shaking her hips back and forth while her cousin and uncle rammed thick strands of fuck juice into her from either side.

“Fucking hot,” Applejack said after gargling one last mouthful of cum and gore to swallow it down. “This has to be the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever done.”

After resting in the pile of gore, the four separated from one another to clean themselves off. Gathering as much of the slop as they could for the pigs, they then went back to the house to enjoy the rest of their day in incestuous bliss as they’d planned to before they were interrupted by corpse bliss.

Life was good.