Suspicious Strolls, Ft. Friends

by Septia

First published

Rarity and Applejack go on vore-centric strolls and dispose of the remains for a prank, vore, scat, disposal, fatal.

(Kink information and guide available in the full description.)

This is your warning~.

Available for writing Commissions.

(If the story has any issues, such as repeating the last page, do let me know, it should subside after a few days if it even is a problem, but I have noticed it happening more lately. If nothing else I will provide you with a link.)

Rarity parakes in some peculiar indulgences when out in dark summer nights, but what will Applejack say when confronting her about the latest missing pony?

I wrote this story as a commission for anonymous.

Proofreader for this story was Dendollae many thanks to them.

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With your support, stories can keep coming, and behind the scenes look into the writing process.

(Character Quote: "Oh yes, I am certain I heard her say she would take the earlier train home, you must have simply missed her, dear." -Rarity )

(Quick guide:

Evening stroll, Rarity meeting a friend, all goes dark, oral vore, female pred, same size, bloated neck.

After 1st: Post-vore, light teasing, discussion with friend, suspicious activity, found out.

After 2nd: Strolling in search for another meal, oral vore, soft vore, female prey and female preds, multiple prey, multiple pred, swollen guts.

After 3rd: A night of implied digestion. And a solution for the morning.

After 4th: Disposal, post-vore scat, playing aprank, huge dump, massive muck dumps.

After 5th: :Epilogue, a prank succeeded, scat burial. )

I do not claim ownership of many of the characters in this story.


Cent: Short term for centimetre.
Deci: Short term for decimetre.
Chronicle: A series of stories connected but not sequential. Ongoing stories without regular updates.
Rapacitor: A predator who eats for the sake of greed and gluttony.)

New uploads every Friday.
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[Story preview:

“What makes you think that, dear Applejack?”
“Well, I've been round the town all morn, without a trace,” she said and then turned her gaze towards the corner of the boutique, “and can't say I've seen ya ever use a bag in such ah how would you call it, 'grizzly' shade ah Green?” Applejack gestured towards the luggage haphazardly hidden behind racks of cloth.

Continued in the story above.]

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[Disposal] Suspicious Strolls, Ft. Friends

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Suspicious Strolls, Ft. Friends

Written by Septia.

The velvet hues of spring dusk choked the streets of Ponyville. Windows were barred, an empty wind caressing the thatched rooftops, and nearby was a whisper inhabiting the desolate plains between buildings. -Bbrrrhhrwwlgh- A gurgle, smothered in the depths of a mare's abdomen – a cry to be satiated – chimed from a lonesome mare stalking the streets.

“Gracious,” Rarity mumbled to herself and sighed, “Suppose I shan't be one to ask for overmuch. There are not many out at this time of hour, nor ones that would be… suitable,” casting herself back to memories past. A droplet of drool formed at the edge of her lip. It was quickly dispatched. “Perhaps I should revisit the Manehattan boutique, far more locals and visitors alike there which would make for suitable…” she trailed off as a shadow shifted ahead, crust about crossing town hall, “…candidates.”

“Why, if it isn't Whittlesome.”

Whittlesome looked up, losing balance of her luggage for a moment before Rarity appeared round the fountain.

“Oh, Rarity,” she responded and set down her lime green bag, “Fancy seeing you out here at this hour.”

“As to you,” Rarity responded as she strutted up to the pegasi mare, “what is the occasion?”

“Just coming back from Sweet Apple Achres, Applejack's mighty hospitable. But I'd rather be in town as to not miss my train tomorrow.”

Rarity covered her mouth. “Oh my, you are on your way back to Appeloosa, already?”

“Sure am, already been a few wee… haaawwnf weeks,” Whittlesome yawned mid sentence, brushing the tiredness out of her eyes. “But let me extend your question back, how come you're out here, in the midst of Luna's night?”

Rarity's gaze darted back up to Whittlesome's face with a smile. “Inspiration, darling. You must admit that there are thin sights at night you simply never see in the day,” Rarity said, gazing up towards the stars.

Whittlesome followed the unicorn's vision, up above where a shawl of stars sprawled across a velvet sky. Together with the moon casting a cool glow over the town. “There's really something to that. You know, back in Appeloosa, when the moon's hanging just right between the-”

A blur of bright green filled Whittlesome's vision -Thhwddnk- as a weight akin to that of her luggage whacked across her head. In the few moments she remained lucid, the mare could hear a whisper.

“It appears I am not the only one seeing stars.”

“Mnnngghhmp. Ooommppghgllsh.”

Whittlesome blinked. Vision hazy.


There was a ripple of moisture around her. She felt her right hoof grow overcome with moisture, as a squeal of polished beef crept up her side. Strange. She grew used to the sensation rather quickly; the humidity was in line with the rest of her body. Aside from… -Csshhrrrlp- her left hoof. She peeked over, seeing her turquoise coat enveloped by a tide of pearl white fur.


Another shuddering sound… as she watched Rarity's lips winding over her hoof, and settling pursed to her throat.

“W-what?” The situation came rushing to the mare. The tepid humidity, the tight embrace… the undulations of muscles plastered to her frame. The mare's body hung suspended down Rarity's neck; a pear bottomed dome of bulging skin sloping down to join with Rarity's barrel. She stared down with her head still perched outside of the unicorn's maw, staring at the oblong protrusions of her hooves crammed against the sides of the ballooning gullet, pinned against her frame under the diligent crawling and contractions of sinew “Mmfnf…” Rarity wheezed out around her lip's grasp of Whittlesome.


This caught her attention. Eyes shoot open. Whittlesome shifted forwards. -Gbbrhglsl- The gullet jostling around her motions, heaving forwards. But Rarity caught her, halting the forward bounce with her hoof weighing down on Whittlesome's head. A wave of skin rippled across her congested neck and the mare ensnared within.

“Mfmf mmfm,” Rarity mumbled. A crinkle of her lips prickling at Whittlesome's ears as the white lips swept upwards, sprawling over her chin and sweeping by her ears in to mute her hearing in a wall of flesh as Rarity's maw sealed over her -Frshhssllslppf-. Rarity's lips met her hoof, shutting it right out to Whittlesome. Her cheeks swollen around the frame of the mare's head. The sophisticated tailor tilting her head back… … -Ghhhoommpppggwnk--Gnnommmpgh-. The gulp rumbled through the unicorn's body. Her cheeks deflating as the bulge of Whittlesome joined the doming gullet. -Oogmmpgh- Another swallow sending the silhouette on its way down, steamrolling the white mare's neck smooth and flat as the lump ferried down in a gracious arch. Ferried down the sluice of Rarity's neck. The cocoon of Rarity's throat throbbing around Whittlesome as she descended, jammed down to the tune of diving a barrel of yogurt. The bulk of her meal siphoned into her belly, engorging round and flat beneath her, distending to compress and hug around her legs. The mare that had stood before her mere moments ago.

-Shhgbbglllghsh- Reduced to a bloat cradled by Rarity's stomach -Shbglgpths-. The jostle and gurgle of the mare's stomach settling into place with its newly awoken occupant surging through Rarity's frame, a jolt through her spine as the compression clenched her hooves together to compress the mare in her gut. “Mmmm, ooo darling, forgive me for this,” she mused and massaged into her gut, before a gurgle roused up her neck -Bhuoooaaaarrrrrlp- and vented past her lips in a resounding belch.

“Haa, as said I,” -Huualp-, she covered her mouth again, “beg your pardon.”

Whittelsome panted frantically. The burps had acchordioned the surrounding gut, squeezing into her frame and dousing her in fluids creeping up on her like a wet suit. “Y-you e-expect me to f-forgive you f-for eating me?” she wheezed out.

“Hmm? Oh goodness no, I was apologizing for my quite unladylike exchange of vapors, I try to hold them back, but the bigger the meal the more vapours get displaced. I will take this opportunity to issue a pre-emptive apology on your behalf for the havoc you'll raise once through my… gutters,” Rarity said with a brush of her hoof across the belly lounging down from her frame to brush against the grass.

“W-wahta, but I don't understand -you ate me?”

“And darling, you were simply, mmm,” Rarity quenched another belch, letting her cheek’s bloat to slowly deflate in a soft huff, “scrumptious. Really did hit the spot. Do hope you will enjoy your stay, I'll ensure your digestion will be smooth and amicable. Though I can not guarantee it to be quick.” Rarity sewed up the handle to Whittlesome's luggage and shuffled off from behind the fountain. “But really now, did you really have to get such a grissly green bag?”

-Ghbrrllg- The stomach rattled and gurgled around the mare, oscillating in rhythm with the mare's steps, bumping and recoiling as the weight dangled free from the gut. “Wh-what are y-you going to do with 'me?” Whittlesome pleaded.

“Oh, if you do not mind,” Rarity began and gave her belly a swat, sending the vibrations back through her frame and all the way out to her tail, “mm, I prefer to refrain from such crass topics,” she mused. Under the light of the stars, now only a single mare made her way home.

Rarity's gut crumpled together. The contractions growing tauter through the night. As the lumps and bulges sailing across the gut compressed and lost definition, the accompanying sounds became less that of wrapped up meat, and more that of churning butter and whey… -Cshhtlgpghs- There: her abdomen remained quite solid, though the weight gradually delegated to a compact lump. Her breath expanding and contracting in sways of the breathing gut contracting in further with each squelch and knead. The groans thick. Come morning, the groans sounded thick and sludgy, more and more. And whilst the stomach growled and receded, Rarity's flanks bolstered, siphoning the valuable fatty tissue? from the mare to endow her own assets; the most catching sign that remained of the Pegasus Whittlesome…

~ 1 ~

“Mmhmmm, mmhmhm,” Rarity mused to herself, pouring over patterns and schematics well past lunchtime, measuring a fabric of alpaca velvet to the precise dimensions. -Ppwrrtft- A faint flutter of flatulence tickled her hind on the way out, laced with the sharp aroma of a creamy lemon tart… and just a hint of jerky.

“Beg, your, pardon,” Rarity mused to herself.

“Heya Rarity,” Applejack made herself known well before even the doorbell to the boutique could ring.

Rarity was caught off guard and peeked back to her guest.

“Well, if it isn't the mare of the orchard herself. Here to chat, or did your sister scratch her adventuring gear again?”

“Uh, there's nothing like that. Mostly here tah ask 'bout ya day.”

“Has been?” Rarity asked, peeking at the time. “Oh my, afternoon already? And I’ve barely had a break for lunch. You could certainly call it a productive day. But prey tell, how has your day been, Applejack?”

“Oh, it's been a bit of a ruckus, I'll tell ya,” Applejack said and sauntered onwards. Her eyes landing back on Rarity's rump. The cerulean gems noticeably sprawled wider across the buffed posterior, filled out with a globed voluptuousness jiggling on her hind. “Still in high planting season, so there's ‘lotta plant care tah handle. But haven't gotten far today,” she said and sighed, “Cuz I've been out looking for Whittlesome since this mornin'.”

Rarity put down her velvet.

“Would you give me a reminder? I can't recall that name.”

“The pegasi from Appeloosa? You remember her from the gathering, she's been visiting fer the past two weeks.”

“Ah, that did jog my memory, I'm sure she's already on her way home by now. Train for Appleoosa would have to leave near a reasonable time to arrive, isn't that true?”

“See that's just the thing,” Applejack said and rummaged through her saddlebag, “’but be a bit of a hassle getting on the train without her ticket.” Applejack produced a return ticket to Appeloosa. Rarity saw it from the corner of her eye, and said nothing.

“You haven't eeu…,” Applejack begun, treading up to the unicorn, “Seen her around, have ya?”

“What makes you think that, dear Applejack?”

“Well, I've been round the town all morn, without a trace,” she said and then turned her gaze towards the corner of the boutique, “and can't say I've seen ya ever use a bag in such ah… how would you call it, 'grizzly' shade ah Green?” Applejack gestured towards the luggage haphazardly hidden behind racks of cloth.

Rarity said nothing.

“Top that off, ya look like ya packed on a few, since last,” Applejack accused, with her hoof reaching back to caress the globe of Rarity's hind, feeling it bunch up and jiggle in her stroke. “Can't help but wonderin' if… these things ah connected…”

“Darling I have no idea wh-.”

“You gobbled her up, didn't ya?”

“Aauahg, oh fine, I did,” Rarity said throwing her hooves in the air, “you found me out, that what you want to hear?”

“Hah,” Applejack chuckled and bopped Rarity's cheeks, “Knew I'd recognize that rascal, even as a fancy mare's flank fat.” Applejack said, taking a few steps back. “Gotta say she looks good on ya.”

Rarity let out a sigh. “Oh, doesn't she just?” She said cupping her cheeks and bouncing them in her hoof, jiggling like gelatin.

“And what about her taste?”

“You want me to spill the details?”

“Bet it's easier than spilling her back out.”

Rarity snickered. “Oh you'd be surprised, it was far smoother than going down, that is for certain.”

“Really? Ah always suspected she'd have pretty dense bones fer a pegasi.” Rarity smiled.

“I was right, weren't I?” Applejack chuckled.

“Oh, darling, she made me sore without harming a seem, but you'll have to take my word unless you wanna go confirm it for yourself.”

“Don't you tempt me,” Applejack said with a chuckle “And here ah was gonna invite ya over fer a break and some grub. But hardly imagine you'd be hungry after that.”

“Afraid so, but I could share a treat, and in a couple of days I am certain I would be rearing to indulge again.”

“Really now?” Applejack hummed out, “ya know, Spring's the second hardest season after harvest.”


“Sure be a time when a working mare could do with a tad more fuel in the tank.”

The two mares shared a smirk.

“Ooh, what have we here?” Rarity said holding up Whittlesome's train ticket, “It appears you got yourself an invitation to a moonlit bouffer.”

“Hah, well, Whittlesome sure ain't gonna have any use for it.”

“Au contraire,” Rarity said, swaying her rump, “She'd be right there with us.”

~ 2 ~

-Pwwwrrft- Rarity shuddered and shifted her cheeks back together after the slim gust of gutter breath filtered through her rear. “Do excuse Whittlesome.”

“Phew, didn't think she'd have such a foul mouth,” Applejack joked.

Ponyville laid cloaked under the same violet haze as just a few nights ago, an evening without commotion for the pair of mares to stroll through undisturbed.

“So, how often do ya…”

“Treat myself?” Rarity asked “Seldom, and it isn't every night I spot someone, suitable. I did say we might not have much luck, did I not?”

-Ghhrrbbrsl- Applejack's gut rustled. “Eehm, ye, right ah remember that.”

Rarity shook her head with a roll of her eyes. Least it was quite a peaceful evening for a stroll… and it appeared… they weren't alone in thinking that. Further down the square, a pair of earth ponies wandered. One of which, – an auburn mare with black mane – waved as she spotted them. Rarity and Applejack exchanged a glance as they approached.

“Well, fancy seeing you here,” the yellow mare said.

“You out here seeing the stars?” The auburn continued.


“We certainly are.” Rarity and Applejack said in unison, then exchanged another look. Rarity laughed it off. “At least I am, it is actually for…,” she said, looking both ways, “a secret project.”

“Ooo? What?” The mares asked.

Rarity leaned in. They followed suit. “I am working on a new dress for Twilight.”


“Give us the deets.” They asked.

“Oh, come now, it would spoil it if I said too much, but… I am also working on a special new line of accessories, which you could help me with.”

“We'd be happy to help, right Rundown?” the yellow mare asked.

“I dunno, Solar Sight, how could we help?”

“You see,” Rarity said, “it is to be inspired by… the inside of an Equestrian stomach lining,” she beamed.

The two mares were confused for a moment. But in the next, Rundown had a lasso tying her hooves to her abdomen and a gag in her muzzle.

Solar Sight was left with sparce more time before Rarity pinned her down, tying a scrap rag around her muzzle.

“Shhs, shush now, you did say you wanted to help us, right?” she said with a smile that twitched into the wicked, binding the mare with Applejack's help before hauling their catch off in the shelter of the wooded tuckaways between buildings.

“Are you sure you want Rundown?”

“Ya sayin' that as if there’s something wrong with her?”

“Oh certainly not, but I'd be more inclined to pick Solar Sight.”

“Then why the hay are we arguing?” Applejack pointed out, peeking down at the gagged and box tied mares on the ground.

“Fair enough,” Rarity relented and shuffled over to Solar, the mare squeaking and shaking under her binds as Rarity loomed above. “Alright my darling morsel, be sure to get a good look down there, I want a thorough review of your experience,” Rarity said as she parted her maw, lips unhinged to a deep oval gape as she craned over the squirming mare's head. Droplets of saliva trickling onto their fur as Rarity threaded her head through her gape. A slather of slick balm vibrating out between her lips as the maw enveloped the mare's cranium, cheeks squelching as they bloated out with their muzzle.

“Mmmf, Dwllishous…” Rarity mouthed as she bent down to wrap her lips over their meal's shoulders, shifting backward once she had a firm grip to arch her neck up. -Glglhmp- a hefty swallow sending the mare well on their way down her gullet.

Meanwhile Applejack was bending deep in line with the ground, shuffling up over Rundown's hooves, her serpentine gape scooping up the flicking hooves and ferrying them to engorge her neck under the influence of fresh mare meat. “Mmf mfph, awwhm yeah,” Applejack mumbled as she near suckled on the mare's plump hindquarters down her gob. An assonance orchestra of swallows and gulps played between the mares as they indulged in their morsels. -Gllbmp- -Oompgh- A noise that was drowned in the dense silence and muffling hum of night between wind, creaks, and the buzz of critters. The mare's pleads barely a presence compared to the choking clenches of the mare's necks billowing out and convulsing as they hauled down the broad figured mares down their esophagi.

“Mmfm mfsoh,” Rarity moaned as she cupped and squeezed Solar Sight's rump in her grasp, trawling them forwards with her mouth wide agape, to stuff them down her face, till she felt her lips slathering onto their cheeks. “Mmm, these will fill out my flank nicely” she thought as she massaged the sunbeam cutiemark, gradually fed past her warped lips in the tug of each knead.

Applejack shuffled up towards the nearby building with Rundown, once the farm pony's lips caressed past their barrel their head bumped against the stone foundation.

“Fmmfap” They grunted.

“Ashoorey, jusha abit ah tenderisin',” Applejack mumbled whilst her neck contracted over the oblong lump, tongue slathering the stretch ahead of them to sink past her lips, gnawing intermittently to savour their tied hog of a morsel, as the humid embrace swathed up towards Rundown's neck.

Rarity leaned back to the house, a silhouette of Solar Sight protruding along her frame as she fiddled with the binds on their legs. Undoing them while the mare's knees laid firmly in her maw. But as soon as they came loose the hooves flailed and kicked, a ruckus rumbling out from her stomach. Rarity merely chuckled around the hooves, brushing down the pale yellowed fur and cocking her head back -Gllmgph- a solid swallow let the hooves sink past her lips, another sealed them behind her lips, and a third… -Gllgmphph- sent the sprawling bulges to bundle up towards her fluffy, swollen abdomen.

“Mfm gmpgh,” Applejack mumbled as she slobbered over the muzzle.

“Mfphwheale,” Rundown wheezed under her gape. But the damp rosy carpet clasped over their face, tugging them back with a creak of a greased-up lamb chop, receding back into Applejack's throat.

Rarity came up, planting a hoof on the mare's face, and… -Tpsplth- gave her friend's meal just a gentle assisting nudge.

-Ghlrlpmp- Applejack's lips sealed around Rarity's hoof, and the bulge carrying the imprint of Rundown's muzzle scrunched down her throat. Deflating down her neck to -Gbbogm- bolster the weighty, oblong bulge Applejack sported between her legs.

The mares looked at each other for a moment. Before Applejack spat out Rarity's hooves. “You were tempted,” she mused.

“Ah wasn't, much,” Applejack mused. -Bhuuraaaaualp- then unleashed a hefty belch, tearing vines of saliva past her teeth.

“Ah, shhhhh, excuse you,” Rarity said and patted her tummy. -Uurlp-.

“Ya can't help em back either, these ‘lil ponies are too darn fillin'.”

“They certainly are~.”

“Keep that squirming coming;” Applejack said, rubbing her hoof in circles over her gut, “Ain't like y'all will come out looking much different than you were, with that kind of brown coat ye got’s a shoo-in fer making butt fudge.”

Rarity snickered. “I say, you are one to talk, yo' will sport a mouth as foul as these pretties will become,” She jested and ushered Applejack onwards. Still best to take precautions and let their meals… settle in back home.

~ 3 ~

Dawn came to shine in on the two mares, slumped over one another in Rarity’s bed, stomachs plush and smushed against one another. At the evening it would have left a good amount of distance between them, but come morning they were brought close to one another, bellies flattened and chunky.

Rarity rubbed the tire out of her eyes and yawned. “Mmmmf… hoo… Already eager to make your egress, are you not?” she asked her gut and heaved it up in her hoof, dropping it with a wobble, shuddering at the pressure in her rear.

Applejack smacked her lips, peeking out of the window. “Be too much fer a toilet, right?”

“Yes, we will have to prepare a ditch…” Rarity said with a sigh.

To this Applejack smirked and pointed out the window. “Ah may got a better idea.”

Rarity followed their gesture, seeing Trixie just walking out off her wagon.

~ 4 ~

-Pfpprrwrpwth- A flutter of fumes vacated Rarity's spread cheeks, filtered through and compressed by the clog winding its way towards her pucker. -Crlrlpshg- As the mound of rich umber crept forth it, was heralded by the crinkle and patter of slow-frying lard. The rustle culminating as the load bunched up against the mare's pinching sphincter. “Mmf, just. A little, further…” Rarity huffed as her hind peeled back over the expanse of brown, unleashing its pressure as the mound came creaking out. -Chrlrpsth- The loaf of thick mare muck curled out through the mare's hind, spreading her cheeks each in a crescent around its girth as the hoof wide bale of bowel fudge wallowed out through the unicorn's hind. Furrows and fractures along the surface of the mound stretching and swelling as the mound was unleashed into the open air, a creak of oil winding through as the loaf tore under its own weight, a meaty slab of steaming clay toppled free and landed in Trixie's hammock. The tensed fabric dipping under and conforming to the crescent of the chunk curled in to its center, seeping a dingy membrane that bled into the cloth to imprint the stench of her refuse. Rarity grunted and flicked her tail up as he let the muck shuffle out of the hold of her brim. “Mmfmfsp phaa, that is it, just an easy. Fmms trip through the backdoor…” she grunted as one loaf wedge her hind wider, stretching straight out of her cheeks like a gnarled branch. Just under the crackled surface one could make out patches of tarnished ivory, the outline bumps of a tibia and fibula bone proving stability to the mound, with the vertebra budging her pucker as it wedged through, partially embedded in the hefty mound that gradually dipped down… -Shsltpth- The dune slapped into the growing pile below, clapping with a doughy texture, sinking and melding together with the muck of flank fudge below like butter. “Mmm phoo, oooh cannot believe I am saying this mmgs, but this might be my favourite part, somewhat about how mfmfspg,” She huffed out as another clog dropped and slopped into the hammock, tethering to the wall and rippling like guitar stings as the kilos of waste propped up in a staggered stack. “How it flexes the hind, with that smooth, caramel texture… mfms is it not marvellous how much one single pony can make?”

“Mfmwmogsh phaa, gotta agree there,” Applejack said, flexing their rear as it stocked up with sludge, “I'm getting a real workout here mahself,” she admitted and gritted her teeth with a strained, but satisfied moan.

Her hindquarters were clogged up and billowing out a deluge of auburn filth. Bones riddled the grimy texture of doughy filth heaving out of Applejack's parted hind. Ribs and shattered femurs extruded from the mire of gunk as it slough out, spreading and plying her mud chute wide around the shattered lumps of skeletal tissue. The pile beneath her was a fat and healthy serving of steaming, bowel boiled manure, slathering on top of itself and piling like frosting to congeal only as it sloughed out wider across the wagon's carpet. The only wrench in her wheelworks was a whole pelvis -Shshtph- jammed up her hind, muck piling out through the hollows as Applejack strained herself, steadied on the ground and concaving her gut inwards. The clog dislodged with a whole bale of compact fertilizer arching straight out of her hind and -Cllptthaht- smacking into the mountain of manure below. “Mmgns, told ya there wouldn't mmf be much different,” Applejack huffed out as her rear dislodged a clog of rich, fissure slathered muck to join the heap below, “if anything, this might be a bit of an improvement, certainly got a bit of a blubber ta dump you outta.” Applejack huffed and swayed her cheeks, the padded hind jostling with new mirth at the added layers of pudge puffing out its curves from the bulk of Rundown's lard packing out her plot. “’An all the juice I've got form breaking ya down, gotta translate to a couple thousand apples harvested, not bad a legacy, huh?” she mused and arched her neck back as her hind squealed open around Rundown's cranium, freed form a loaf of muck pinching off before it with grime clogging its eye sockets, its trip in the open air brief as it slammed down into Applejack's stack and was smothered by lumps of grime acchordioning in from the pressure above it, entombed in the gunk sprinkled with black mane strands sprouting through the cracks in its texture.

-sppft- A thin flutter of vapors smelted the edges of Rarity's congestion, her pucker clamping and squealing down to polish the fudge to a glistening sheen of bowel glaze. The stack sloughing down in the growing heap weighing the hammock deeper and deeper, a real crater forming in the fabric around the condensed weight of an entire pony. Among the smudged lines one could see the seams of the gut chocolate, trailing together and merging with the canyons of cracks. The pattern formed a labyrinth of tessellation along the glistening, buffered booty balm. The pattern grew all the more intricate as more droves dunes decanted out of Rarity's hind to join the conglomeration of clay: the strings of the hammock tensing as the matted heap weighed it ever closer to the ground…

Applejack's onslaught of chubby dung oozed with a petrichor vitriol – both the scent of strolling through an orchard under summer, whilst getting your snout jammed in the dirt. The utter deluge of fertilizer worming and weighing its way through her brim, clumps of partway molten bone and cartilage cluttering her mound as the towering pillar of grime descended into the thigh high pile, sloughing up towards the wall of the wagon. “Mumps phaa, definitely something to that, dunno how good they'd really be as ponies,” Applejack said as she pinched off a thick mound with a crinckle of burrowing through molten cheese -Chrlrpltah- “but they sure as a’ Appeloosa rooster got a rise out of me this morning,” she said and swayed her cheeks, sighing as she unloaded the tail end of the mire, dropping a few near dainty horse apples to slobber into the pile.

“Mfmfs,” Rarity grunted and spread her cheeks for a juicy, doughy clog -Slslpth- slobbering out of her hind and smacking into the pile below, a puff of matt, bleached yellow fur garnishing the flank fudge like a sprinkles. “Phew… pha… I only got about half of that, but mfms, I can't hep but agree.”

“And now ya know what I feel like,” Applejack mused. The mares sharing a chuckle as they thrash the wagon into a freshly brewed marshland. Of satisfaction and belly fried friends.

~ 5 ~

“Haa.. The Great and Powerful Trixie, sure could use a midday snooze,” Trixe mumbled to herself as she opened the wagon. Met with a wall of stench that had her staggering. But through it she could see a heap of fertilizer in her hammock, just about to topple… -Crrlplsptht- the tip of the mountain sloughed over, easing the weight and the tensed rubber enforced ropes sprung together, turning Trixie's hammock into a trebuchet. Trixie screamed as the kilos of mare marinaded fudge lobbed towards her, it was promptly muffled.