Bad Seed on the Beach

by dirty little secret

First published

Babs Seed gets blackmailed into doing terrible things with Snips, while Snails films it.

In the Equestria Girls universe, Babs Seed didn't fall in with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon as her bullies of choice. Instead, she ended up with Snips and Snails when she went to a beach trip along with a lot of Canterlot High seniors on spring break.

But that ends up going even worse for her when they use video evidence of all the 'pranks' they pulled together in order to coerce her into doing debauched things with Snails on camera, with Snips filming it all.

All characters are 18 or older.
Contains: non-con, maledom, swimsuits, groping, involuntary public exposure, huge cock, tiny cock, blowjob, vaginal, unwilling orgasm, anal, anal creampie, petty theft, destruction of property, threats of prison.
Cover image based on 2596205 by uotapo.
This was written for The Great Derpsby as a part of Summer Sin 2023 story exchange!

Bad Seed Seeded

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What have they got way back here? Babs wondered as she followed Snips and Snails away from the beach. Everybody else from their school was still on the beach itself, so why were these boys leading her up into the dunes? It had to be something they’d set up previously, getting some supplies for a really big, spectacular prank! Why else would they be leaving everybody else behind?

She’d been really worried that these Canterlot High seniors would bully her just like everybody back home did, but thanks to her quick thinking, that hadn’t happened. Even though she’d ridden here with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo – all in Scootaloo’s new car – she’d quickly changed sides when she saw Snips and Snails picking on those three. Unlike back home, here she’d join the winning side for sure. And that meant siding with these two boys. Even if they were kind of jerks, at least now they were being jerks to other people with her instead of being jerks to her! It was working perfectly! She couldn’t wait to see what stunt these boys had in mind next ... it felt so good to be on the bullies’ side for once!

Snips chuckled a little to himself as he led Snails and the new girl, Babs, up to the secret spot he knew about just off the beach. Oh yeah! Finally gonna make it with a girl! He rubbed his hands together, hoping this place would be just like he remembered it from a trip to the beach a few years ago.

Snails, right behind him, giggled in that slow way he always did. “Heh heh heh... She’s gonna get porked innin she?”

“Shut up, Snails!” Snips growled back, hoping Babs hadn’t heard that. I swear, if Snails finds some way to screw this up for me just when it’s about to finally happen...

Babs stopped when she saw where they were going. This long, twisting, barely-there path through the dunes led to ... an old splintery, rusty picnic table? There was nothing here! She scratched her head under the baseball cap she’d worn to keep away the sun. This little spot had obviously been part of a public park or something at some point, but it looked like nobody had used it for years. And there was absolutely nothing here that could be used for any kind of prank.

Seeing Snips lean against the table and Snails clumsily follow his lead, Babs approached a little closer. “What the hay did you guys drag e all the way over here for?”

Oh yeah! Snips felt himself already starting to get a bit of a stiffy in his swim trunks. This new girl the crusaders had brought over from another school was cute. Not wearing the most revealing swimsuit or anything – not by a long shot, basically just shorts and a tight tank top – but he could still check out her firm-looking thighs, solid and really nicely curved belly, and the vague shape of her pretty substantial titties. What a total score! Not the supermodel looks he often fantasized about, but she’d do. She’d do real nice!

“Come on!” The girl said, looking around. “There’s nobody here. What? Is it break time or somethin’?”

Snips grinned. “Break time for us, but not for you. Since we’ve done ya such a big favor letting you hang out with us, now you’re gonna do us a favor or two.”

Babs backed away a little, appalled. Is he sayin’ what I think he’s sayin’?

“You’re gonna do his dick a favor!” Snails said, confirming it ... and then laughed another of his long, dumb, annoying-sounding laughs.

“Woah woah woah!” Babs waved her arms in front of herself. “You guys must be outta your minds! I’m not that kinda girl!” The nerve of even asking for something like that ... she was starting to regret her choice in friends now!

She was falling right into Snips’s trap! Score! Now to spring the trap. “Snails,” he said smugly, “show her the videos!”

Snails took out his phone and held it up toward Babs. “I found this video on the internet! It’s a really cute kitty that gets scared of a—”

“No!” Snips shouted. “Not that. Show her the videos we saved of her doing bad stuff!

“Oh! Oh right!” It took Snails a few moments of scrolling through his phone, but he apparently found them.

This time, when Snips held up the phone and started playing videos, all Babs could think was, Oh crud...

There she was, on the tiny screen, sneaking up behind a patron at the beach-side bar, tapping his right shoulder, then dipping around to his left to steal his drink. Then the video cut to her drinking it while high-fiving Snips and Snails.

Snips huffed. “That’s underage drinking: six months probation and a fine of five hundred bucks. And misdemeanor theft: up to 3 months of prison time!”

“You guys told me to do that! You said you do it all the time!”

Another video started. Both Snips and Babs sneaking up behind Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Oh crap... The other two girls shrieked as Babs pulled down Scootaloo’s tight swim trunks and revealed the girl’s bare shaven pussy to everybody on the beach ... as Snips yanked the string tying Sweetie Belles bikini top together and ran off with it ... both of them running off and laughing at the embarrassed girls they left behind.

“Second degree sexual assault: two years of prison time!”

“Hey!” Babs yelled back at Snails. “You did that too!” But she already knew it was a losing battle, because she knew what video they’d be showing next.

And there it was. Apple Bloom chasing the three of them in order to get revenge for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo’s exposure. Babs suddenly turning and hugging Apple Bloom. Kissing Apple Bloom. Reaching her hand down the front of Apple Bloom’s jean shorts and fingering her right in front of everybody. Apple Bloom unexpectedly melting into it, moaning ... and then left confused in the dust as Babs ran away again...

Snails laughed. “Isn’t she like, your cousin?”

Snips ignored him, still focused entirely on Babs Seed. “First degree sexual assault: six years of prison, and you have to register as a sex offender.”

“That ... that doesn’t count! She ended up liking it!” Even to herself, that sounded like a weak excuse.

“Tell it to the judge!” Snips said with a sneer.

Babs’s fists clenched, and she could feel her face heating up. “So that’s it, then? You two ... you’re ... you’re blackmailing me?”

“Technically,” Snails said in his usual slow, dumb-sounding voice, “since we’re threatening to turn you in to the cops, it’s extortion, not blackmail.”

“Shut up, Snails!” Snips snipped. He turned back toward Babs. “You’re gonna go to prison for a long time!” He snickered. “Unless you do what I say...”

Snails snickered as well. “Just like my dad! Me and my mom visit him sometimes, though, so it’s not so bad. He says you can make pretty good booze in the toilet if you know how, and he got some really cool tattoos from all the friends he made.”

“Shut up, Snails!”

Babs’s eyes were burning, but she would not allow herself to cry. Not in front of these two. After being bullied so much back home, she was very good at not crying in front of the bullies. But it still stung. And stung hard. Those videos are supposed to be for making fun of everybody else! Not for me! These guys are supposed to be cool! Being part of the bully crew is supposed to protect her from being bullied ... but now it’s worse than ever!

Snips pushed himself away from the old picnic table and came toward her. “But don’t worry. We’ll delete it all ... if you help us make a better video instead!”

She grimaced, but what choice did she have? “Uh... What kinda video?”

“Well, for starters”— Snips’s grin grew big and lecherous —“you gotta let me touch.”

“Oh heck no!” Babs backed away from them even more.

Snips shrugged. “Oh well. I guess we’ll just have to turn those videos over to the cops...”

Oh crap, oh crap! She couldn’t let that happen! But she couldn’t just let these creeps do whatever they wanted with her, either! It was a crappy situation, but maybe as long as she put some limits on it... “Fine,” she snapped at Snips. “But only for like a minute, and you can only touch what you can see, alright? NO funny business! I’m not that kinda gal!” her bathing suit was pretty conservative, more like a short tank top and shorts ... so it shouldn't be too bad, as long as she could keep things kind of under control... Hopefully these perves’ll be satisfied with that.

Snips licked his lips a little as he approached closer to her. Wow, a real live girl! And I get to touch her! He had just enough presence of mind to glance around and make sure nobody was watching from over the dunes or behind the waving grasses. Except Snails, of course, who was chuckling to himself and filming it with his phone. Whatever Snails didn’t count. And Snips knew for sure he’d want a copy of this video after it was all over.

When he finally got within reach, he realized he wasn’t sure where to start. All the places he really really wanted to touch were, of course, covered by her bathing suit.

She squinted at him. “What’s the matter?”

Screw that! He wasn’t about to chicken out, not now! Impulsively, he reached out and grabbed her ... shoulders? Babs looked at him weird for doing that, but hey, at least it was something! He was really touching a real live girl! And even though shoulders weren’t especially sexy or anything, she did feel nice. Her orange skin was smooth and soft. It felt much nicer to touch than his own. Slowly, he started sliding his hands down her arms.

Babs rolled her eyes, but she didn’t protest as he went lower. That was good.

He followed her arms all the way down to her hands. It was tempting to try and touch her shorts-like bathing suit down there, but he wasn’t supposed to do that, was he? Instead, he skipped just past it. He needed to squat down in front of her, but once he did, he was able to run his hands all up and down her legs. Huh... A little prickly. She’d shaved her legs, but apparently not very recently. It made him wonder if she shaved anything else...

Enjoying every moment, every touch of her soft smooth legs, he worked his way back up, especially enjoying the slight plushness of her thighs. And even though she squirmed a little when he got up to her inner thighs, she didn’t say anything ... probably because he was being good and stopping at the bottom hem of her bathing suit’s legs. That was still pretty high, though – the shorts were really short. It was already more of a girl’s body than he’d ever touched before, by far!

“You done yet?” Babs asked with a huff.

Done? He was just getting started! He wasn’t about to let an opportunity like this get away! What if I never get to touch a girl like this again? I gotta touch everything I can! Skipping her bathing suit again, he went up to her midriff, reaching around behind her to rub the small of her back.

Snails laughed, moving closer with the camera. “Ooh! That’s making her blush! Do it more!”

Biting his lip a little, Snips did do it more. Not because Snails said so, though. Most of the things Snails said were pretty dumb anyway. Because it felt nice. He could feel the firm muscles of her back, the cute crease running up the middle, the little divots above either side of her butt. And her skin back there felt even smoother and more perfect than anywhere else! Somehow, the broad flatness of her lower back was just fascinating to him. He’d never paid much attention to that area before, being more interested in the obvious places, but that little spot where the crease of her spine ended and the crease of her butt hadn’t started yet ... oh wow...

Oh dang it! He was getting a boner! Why did swim trunks have to be so uncomfortable.?

Babs was seething on the inside, though she forced herself to stand still, mostly. Ugh! So creepy! Why was he rubbing her lower back so much? And did Snails have to film this?

When Snips worked his way around to the front of her, she involuntarily clenched, as if trying to draw her tummy away from him. But that sucked in her very slight pudge and seemed to make him even more enamored with her, rimming his finger around her belly button, tracing the line of her abs, running along just above her waistband. It made her skin tingle in a really wrong way... She knew she didn’t have a supermodel-flat belly, so why was he so enamored with touching her there?

He drew even closer. Oh crap! He’s not going to kiss my belly or anything, is he?

No, he wasn’t trying to kiss her belly, He was trying to do something worse. His hands reached around her once again, and this time went straight down over her swimsuit and grabbed two big handfuls of her butt!

“Hey!” she yelled, trying to push him away. “That’s covered! You can’t touch there!”

“You said I could touch whatever I can see, and I can see this!” He squeezed even harder, making her gasp a little. Dang it! She knew what that tingling feeling deep down inside her meant. Stupid body, stop liking this! Her body, of course, didn’t listen. She hoped she wasn’t getting wet. At least not wet enough to show through the swimsuit...

Snips couldn’t believe his luck! Here he was, touching Babs’s but through her swimsuit ... and she wasn’t stopping him! He was hard as a rock now, squeezing and squishing her little ass. And it was really cute! The swimsuit did a pretty good job of hiding it, but now that he could feel it, he knew – Babs had some lovely little round cheeks down there, toned but still soft and squeezable. I could do this all day! Unless...

Wait... If she was letting him get away with this what else might he be able to do? Maybe he could even touch ... real live titties? He had to try!

Quickly, he stood back up. Boldly, he reached out and grabbed Babs’s boobs through her swimsuit top. She flinched, but didn’t move to stop him. Is my ‘but I can see it’ loophole really working? He squeezed happily ... but boobs apparently didn’t feel like he’d always thought boobs would feel like. He couldn’t feel her nipples at all, and there was this weird stiffer layer right at the surface of... Wait! It moved when he rubbed it around. Her swimsuit had some kind of thick padded layer in it! Is she trying to make her boobs look bigger than they are?

“Hey!” he said. “These boobs aren’t real! You padded your bra!”

“Ooooh!” Snails laughed and zoomed in for the juicy details.

“The heck are you talkin’ about?” Babs tried to push his hands away, but they just kept coming back. “I’m not tryin’ to make ‘em look bigger or nothin’! It’s just got a layer in there to, ya know...”

“To what?” Snips asked, suspiciously.

She could feel her cheeks burning hard, and it wasn’t because she’d gotten too much sun today. “To keep my nips from poking through, you dumb perv! Like, all swimsuits have that! Right?”

Her ‘nips’... Snips’s eyes went wide at the thought, and his hands moved all on their own, snatching up the lower edge of her swimsuit top and yanking it upward.

And there they were! Real live titties! Not as big as he’d thought – the padding still added a little size – but not small, either. It wasn’t like the padding added a lot. And there were those ‘nips’ of hers, poking out very proudly, bright pink against her orange skin and practically hypnotizing him.

Nice!” Snails said with a chuckle, moving in for an extreme closeup.

Babs tried to yank her top back down into place, but Snips was still holding it firmly. “Quit it!” she shouted at him. “You’re not supposed to do that!”

“Well, uh, I could see your swimsuit, so I could touch it. So I could move it. And now that I moved it, I can see...” Without finishing that, he lowered his hands and touched her chest directly.

Babs’s whole body tensed. Her legs pressed together. Darn it! Why does getting squeezed there have to feel so good? She could feel her body responding to it, and no matter how much she wanted this to stop, she knew that somewhere deep inside of her was a part that wanted it to keep going. She looked up into Snips’s creepy face ... and saw Snails in the background.

He was jerking himself! With his little dick out and everything! One hand on his phone, the other hand on his dick!

“Ew! Gross!” she shouted. “Put that tiny thing away!”

Snips turned, his attention momentarily distracted, despite finally getting his hands still on real boobs. And he saw what Snails was doing. He laughed a little, then went back to squeezing titties. “Don’t mind him. He just wants to jerk off while we do it.”

Babs glared at him through narrowed eyes. “Whaddya mean, ‘while we do it’?”

Snips took one last moment to really appreciate Babs’s tits. Not huge, sure, but they were enough to fill up his hands nicely. And he’d never felt anything quite like it, even better than he’d imagined! Such a soft springiness to them, and yet, there was a squishy resistance too, if he squeezed too hard. And her nipples poking so firmly against his palms! He just adored every last little curve and facet of them – he could play with these all day!

But if I’ve got her completely under control, then it’d be dumb to stop at just this...

Giving her tits one last squeeze, he let her go. She quickly pulled her top back into place, glaring at him as she adjusted it around her boobs. Oh, but Snips wasn’t done with her yet! “Time for you to get down on your knees,” he said, grinning wide.

Babs’s heart just about stopped. Tell me he didn’t just say that! “No!” she said affirmatively. “No way! What the heck? I ain’t doin’ that!”

It didn’t have the effect she was hoping for. Snips just shrugged. “Well then, I guess we’ve got some videos to send to the cops...”

Dang it! Dang it! Dang it! Why do they have to be so ... so ... ugh! There had to be a way out of this, there just had to! Babs couldn’t lose her virginity like this, with them. But what could she do? They had her over a barrel with this stupid blackmail – no, extortion – thing. Well, maybe if it was just a blowjob... That didn’t really count as losing virginity, did it? She knew from talking to her friends – or, well, listening to her bullies back at her home school – that a lot of girls didn’t consider mouth stuff to be virginity-losing material...

“Hey Snails,” Snips said, “looks like she’s not gonna do it. Better get dialing...”

Snails did no such thing. He just kept recording and jerking off his gross tiny dick. Still, though, Babs already knew these creeps well enough to know that they were weirdly obsessed with following through on every dumb idea, so they surely would sooner or later. Why oh why had she thought she’d be better off with them? Being bullied was better than this!

Dang it! She already knew she was going to regret the heck out of this, but what choice did she have? Hating herself for doing it, she got down on her knees in the sand. Best to just get this over with quick and then pretend that it never happened. Maybe she could block out the memory or something. Hopefully he’d pop off real quick and then he’d be satisfied and leave her alone...

Snips untied the front of his trunks and pulled them down ... and out sprang the biggest goddamn meat pole Babs had ever seen. Or heard of. Or imagined.

“Holy moley!” Her jaw dropped. “What the heck, Snips? Why’s it so huge? You part horse or somethin’?”

He wiggled his hips side to side, making the giant thing wag back and forth in front of her face. “Heh! Momma always said I was a gifted child!” He reached down and took her ball cap off, tossing it in the sand before putting his hand on the back of her head. “Now how about you get started...”

Get started? How? Babs still just stared at the enormous thing blankly. How had that giant veiny green thing even fit in his swim trunks to begin with? And just how the heck was it supposed to fit in her mouth? No way this was going to work! It was as big around as her forearm, and just about as long!

Snips didn’t seem to have much patience – he pushed on the back of her head, drawing her in closer, pressing his big fat drooling tip against her tightly closed lips.

Suddenly, Babs realized that if she didn’t want to choke to death on this obscene cock right here on this beach, she’d have to take matters into her own hands, and fast! And she did, literally. She grabbed the thing with both hands. Neither of her hands could wrap all the way around it, and both of her hands together didn’t even come close to covering his whole length ... but touching him like that did make him moan a little and he let up on the pressure on her head. Alright, alright ... he was pretty sensitive, huh? Well since that thing would never fit in her mouth, she’d just lick the outside, and hopefully that would make him bust nice and quick...

His heart beating a mile a minute and his hands trembling like crazy, Snips stared down at the cute girl licking and stroking his dick. She was ... she was really, truly doing it! Even right there in front of his eyes, even feeling her do it, he still couldn’t quite believe this was really happening. This only happened to guys in pornos. It only happened to hot, popular guys at parties that he didn’t get invited to. It didn’t happen to guys like him! And yet, there she was, her orange hands and pink tongue sliding up and down his green cock... She looked up at him for a moment, blushed, and then looked away ... but kept on licking.

And holy cow! He’d never thought it would feel so much different just because somebody else was doing it! Yeah, the tongue was a really nice extra bonus, but she was mostly just using her hands, the same thing he did. But it felt so different! Every little touch sent tingles up through his whole body!

He wanted more! He wanted it deep in her throat, just like the pornos! If this felt good, just imagine how it would feel when she... Oh! And there it was, his chance! She’d licked all the way up to his dripping tip, and now she was kind of kissing his tip with her tongue out. If he only pushed a little...

Okay, honestly, Babs had to admit that she was getting a little into it. As long as she just focused on the huge cock, ignoring the curly orange bush at the base and especially ignoring who it was attached to. She’d experimented with a little hand stuff now and then, though since she was anything but a popular girl at her school, she’d never had a real boyfriend. And she’d had her fare share of fantasies. Yeah, even fantasies involving huge cocks. She’d never even dreamed of one this big, though. Just feeling those veins rippling under her hands, tasting the warmth from it ... if she closed her eyes and imagined it belonged to one of those dreamy guys on her school’s soccer team... The ones with the abs... She ran her tongue along it more and more enthusiastically, stroking harder, even slid all the way up and kissed the drooling tip, tasting musky pre-cum that didn’t even bother her as long as she imagined it was—

Snips’s hand on the back of her head suddenly grew insistent, pushing her down on his tip. Her lips stretched wide as it forced its way in, barely even fitting in her mouth. But he didn’t stop there! He kept pushing and pushing, all the way to her throat, and then...

Snips moaned deeply as he felt his cock enter such wet warmth for the very first time ... but unfortunately, it didn’t last long.

Babs yanked herself back off of him, overpowering his hand. She coughed and gagged, spitting into the sand. “You’re too freakin’ big for that! Knock it off!”

“Well, if you can’t do that, then you’re gonna have to do something else...” Snips was already envisioning all kinds of other things she might do...

“Heh! Heh! Heh!” Snails laughed in his own special way. “Hey Snips, you should bend her over the picnic table and bang her!”

WHAT?” Babs screamed.

“Great idea, Snails!” Snips reached down and grabbed her.

Struggle as she might, Babs soon found herself lifted up and pushed down over the picnic table, face into the rough, sandy wood. She probably woulda been able to fight off Snips, but Snails had helped too, finally taking his hand off of his tiny dick just long enough to help hold her down.

Her swimsuit shorts were pulled down, exposing her bare ass. She didn’t even know who’d pulled them, only that the went down. “Hey!” she yelled, “I didn’t agree to this!”

Snips’s swim trunks flopped onto the table in front of her. How had he gotten them off while holding her down? Had Snails taken them off for him? Gross! Even grosser, she soon felt Snips’s warm tip prodding against her bare pussy lips. She really regretted shaving them now. She’d thought maybe she’d meet a nice guy on this beach trip and she’d finally find the right moment to play around ... but she hadn’t wanted it to happen like this! But then why am I so darned wet? She struggled ... or was she pressing her butt up against him? His tip was slipping slightly inside her because she pushed away from the table!

A little moan escaped her lips. She couldn't help it.

“There, see. I knew you wanted it!” Snips pushed forward a little, and his cock properly entered her. Still just a little bit of the tip, but he was really, truly inside her now, beginning to stretch her from the inside...

That’s it, she thought, that’s my virginity, gone. To freakin’ Snips... It seemed like such a waste ... and yet, when he pushed a little further inside, she couldn’t help but press her butt back against him, helping him go even deeper into her wet and needy pussy. Dang it! This wasn’t like when she’d experimented with a dildo. Why did it feel so much better? It was bigger, sure, but also warm, and throbbing, and... “Oh! Oh freakin’ fuck!

Snips grinned hugely as he heard Babs cursing. And that’s only half my dick ... just wait until she feels the rest! Impatient to feel the full benefit of really truly having sex, he pushed forward even more, straining her and burying even more of his twitching green cock between her already-strained pussy lips.

Just the sight of it down there, his cock disappearing between her ass cheeks, with a thin band of pink around where her pussy was desperately stretched around his girth. Seeing this was better than watching a porno ... and that wasn’t even considering feeling it too! Such intense pressure and warmth all around his cock. He could feel every breath and every twitch of her body.

“Heh heh. Hey Snips, how’s it feel to not be a virgin anymore?” Snails said, holding the camera up to Snips’s face.

“Shut up, Snails! I’m ... I’m not a virgin! I’ve been with lots of girls!”

“You have?” Snails’s eyes went wide. “Aw! How come you never told me about ‘em? Or even shared any of ‘em?”

“Shut up, Snails!”

Snips grit his teeth and started thrusting hard inside Babs to distract himself from the burning in his cheeks and the clenching in his chest. Darn it, Snails! Don’t make me look like a dweeb in front of the girl!

Thankfully, it not only distracted himself, but distracted Snails too, who went in for a closeup shot.

The sudden intensity was more than Babs could handle. She squealed, unable to stop herself. He’s so goddamn big! She felt filled and stretched like never before, as if her organs were rearranging just to make room for that monster inside her, molding herself around it. And now that he was moving fast, those veins of his rippled over her inner walls, sending fireworks all over her belly and beyond. Every part of her felt like limp putty ... except for her pussy, which clenched down harder and harder, quickly building toward...

“Aaah! Freakin’ damn it!” she shouted angrily as she came. Her body slammed against the hard, splintery wood of the table, as much in rage as in the throes of squeezing down on that crazy huge cock inside her.

I did it! Snips thought. I really did it! I made a girl cum! The swell of pride in his chest felt almost as good as the swell of his cock with her body squeezing and pulsing around it.

He ran his hands up and down her body, squeezing her butt, reaching under her top to grab her boobs again... Wow ... just wow! Now this was the life! Again and again, even as she went through the shaking aftershocks of her orgasm, he pushed his cock as far inside her as he could go. Not quite all the way – there was still some left over on the outside that just wouldn't fit in her – but he really liked the way it made her squirm when his tip rammed against her deep inside where he couldn’t go any further.

She just felt so good ... so good he realized he was about to...

“Mmm!” he moaned. “Snails! Get the closeup! I’m gonna fill up her puss!”

Even though her head was still swimming from her first ever time cumming with someone else, that still managed to get through to her. Oh crap! What’m I gonna do? I can’t let him get me pregnant!

Snips was momentarily distracted, reaching behind himself to swat at Snails. “No! Not from back there! Nobody wants to see the gooch shot!”

Aha! The idea struck her like lightning. It’s gonna suck, especially with how big he is, but it won’t such as much as getting knocked up!

As Snails came back around to film his closeup from the top and Snips got back to business, Babs looked over her shoulder at him, trying her best to look desperate ... well, trying to look a different kind of desperate. “Put it in my butt! Please! I want your cum in my ass!”

Snails laughed in his slow, dumb way. “She’s such a dirty slut!” He started jerking himself off even faster, his hand moving like a blur over his little cock.

And crap, he was right. Why do I sound like such a whore? It made her feel all twisted up inside ... even more twisted up and bruised than she was because of the oversized cock battering away at her deep in there.

It seemed to work, though. Snips pulled out of her pussy, and she suddenly felt the heat of his tip against her butthole.

Oh crap, this was a bad idea...

Oh wow, this was a great idea! Snips licked his lips as he slowly pressed his tip against Babs’s pucker, feeling her start to open up around him. It wasn’t easy to keep from busting right there – he was already so close – but he held himself back because he really wanted to find out what anal felt like. He was so glad she’d thought of it before he came. He would have really regretted missing the opportunity if she hadn’t said something! All the best pornos did it, so it had to be good, right?

Well, it was pretty good! Felt a little weird as his shaft started sliding through, but she was incredibly tight there, especially right around the entrance ... and so soft and warm inside! His eyes rolled into the back of his head a little as he pushed more of himself inside.

Oh crap! Oh crap! Oh crap! Babs would have been screaming ... if she could even breathe! This hurt! He’s too freakin’ big! Even lubed up from her traitorously wet pussy, it was still way too much for her virgin asshole. Her body trembled and clenched, which made it even worse! And he just kept going!

This really IS the best thing ever! Snips was finally able to get his entire length all the way inside her, all the way down to the base! And she was so snug around the base of his cock, as if she was squeezing him and begging for his cum! She’d get what she was begging for, alright! He was so close! He only managed a few weak thrusts before he couldn’t take it anymore – he slammed his cock in as deep as it would go and leaned tightly over her body, groaning as he busted deep inside her.

She could feel it! Not just him throbbing in her ass – she could feel the actual cum surging up inside her. She could feel it flooding her ass. Well, at least it wasn’t flooding her pussy. At least she wouldn’t get pregnant...

To add insult to anal injury, though, Snails finished at just the same moment. His little cock squirted a shocking amount of cum toward her. A lot of it landed on the picnic table, but she could feel the warm splats as some of it hit her back and her exposed butt. So gross!

As Snips finally pulled out, though, Snails didn’t neglect his camera duties. He instantly came in for a closeup of her gaping, cum-leaking asshole. She could tell it was gaping because she felt cool breeze where she’d never felt such a thing before. She could tell it was leaking cum because she could feel it draining past her pussy and down her leg. Hopefully none of it was getting in her pussy!

Slowly, she rose back up. Damn my ass hurts! This was going to be sore for a long time, she could tell!

On the plus side, though... Snips had stumbled off to the side, breathless and tired. Snails was distracted by something on his phone... This was her chance!

Quickly, she reached out and snatched the phone out of Snails’s hand.

“Hey!” he said, “That’s mine. You gotta give it back!” Yet, he made no actual move to grab it back. He seemed to think just saying that was enough.

“Not before I delete those videos,” she told him. “Especially this one!” Before her opportunity could be snatched away, she put her full attention to the phone. Now ... how to stop recording and get into the gallery to delete...? Wait! What the heck! Her mouth dropped open in shock. “You ... you were live-streaming this?”

Snails just laughed in his dumb way. Snips still seemed too out of it to care.

Crud! It was already out there, on the internet. There was no way she could delete it now! But what was this...? What? 38,000 views? New $50 donation? $7,000 in total donations so far! It took her breath away. “Seven ... thousand?”

He chuckled again. “Yeah, on my private ponygram I mostly just post upskirt pics and videos from the girl’s locker room. I never got seven grand in one video before!”

That ... that’s more money than I made in my whole summer job so far this year! And it only took half an hour or so... Her mind was going fast now. The dull ache from between her legs was almost forgotten. Yeah. Okay. She was not going to pass this up! “Hey boys!” she said cutely, turning the camera back toward herself. “If you thought that was good, you should see my private ponygram account, just about to launch! Bad underscore Seed zero five! Forget these losers – you should see what I’ve got!’

With that, she shut the live-stream off. Sure, she didn’t actually have a private ponygram account ... yet. But she could easily whip something up real quick and start making real money, not like her dumb summer job!

She pulled her swimsuit bottoms back into place ... only to feel them rubbing against the dick slime Snips had left all over her. Dang it! Why’d he have to cum so much? It’s gonna leave stains!

“Can I have my phone back now?” Snails said.

No way was she going to give them any possible chance of sending those videos to the cops, not after what she’d done to stop it! Snatching Snips’s swim trunks off of the picnic table with her other hand, she ran, darting away back toward the beach.

Snips had just finally caught his breath and stopped being quite so dizzy and light-headed ... when he saw Babs run off with the phone and his swim trunks. The only thing that crossed his mind was I’ve got to catch her! He chased after her, as fast as he could!

Not fast enough, though. She was actually a lot more athletic than him... And as he chased her out into the open beach again and saw all the people around the beach ... he suddenly became very aware of how his cock and balls were flopping free in the breeze as he ran. Oh crap! For a moment, he froze. This was just like every bad dream ever! But, thankfully, nobody seemed to have really noticed him yet?

Quickly, he slunk back toward the picnic table, back toward relative privacy ... where he found Snails still standing there with his dick in his hand, staring at where Babs had run off.

“Ugh! Snails!

Now that the two boys were left far behind, Babs slowed down and plodded her way aimlessly down the beach. Disillusioned. Friendless. Sticky. She looked at Snails’s phone again. It had gone into sleep mode as she ran. She pushed the button ... and yep, it required a passcode. She wouldn’t be able to log into it and delete those videos unless she got Snails to unlock it for her ... and she was not about to put herself in that kind of position again.

Well, next best thing... Winding back hard, she faced the beach and chucked the phone as far as she could manage into the waves. It plunked in with a satisfying little splash. There, now nobody can get the videos ... probably.

Snips’s swim trunks were still in her other hand. She went back up the beach near one of the entrances and found a trash barrel to drop them in. Screw him. Serves him right for what he did. He could just deal with trying to get home naked ... though, now that she thought about it, he’d probably just get Snails to steal a beach towel or something for him. Oh well.

Throwing away their junk had felt good ... but they definitely needed way more punishment than just that. She’d have to come up with something really good in order to get back at them...