Keep It In The Family

by DrySpell

First published

Being immortal has granted Frosty Heart many opportunities to fall in love. Unfortunately, his first love is someone he can never be with. Not in a million years...

Frosty Heart has been alive for over a century. He's seen generations of people come and go, including his own father. Living as immortal nobility can get quite lonely. But, as someone who's never even fallen in love, Frosty had never felt companionship to truly feel what it's like without it.

That was until recently. When certain dreams started to assail him. They've shown him scenes of love and passion that have roused his heart and gotten him to fall in love. The only issue is who he's fallen in love with.

Commissioned by BigBeanPole
Contains: Genderbent Flurry Heart, Impregnation, and enough family fuckin' to make Freud blush (Incest)
Image is 3088738

Thicker Than Water

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The warmth of the sun across his skin was often what woke Frosty from his sleep. The nights in the Crystal Castle were chilly. The young prince came to associate the heat with the coming of a new day.

As he opened his eyes, beams of light ran along his face, just beneath his eyes. They spilled in from the cracks in his curtains hanging from the window to his right. He leaned forward enough to let his blanket slide down his shoulders and into his lap.

After a stretch and a yawn, he came to his senses. His upper body was bare, revealing his long, slender upper body. An odd sight, considering the Prince rarely went to bed in the nude. Yet, after another yawn, he’d already forgotten about it. He put his hands at his sides, then closed his eyes again. He’d gotten up quite early, so there wouldn’t be any harm in resting his eyes for a bit longer.

His right hand found the comfort of his bed quite easily. The other had a bit of an issue on its way down. It pressed into an uneven surface, one Frosty didn’t recognize. It felt curved and firm, but still quite soft. He peeked through semi-open eyelids at the thing beneath his covers. The faint strands of multicolored pink, purple, and blonde hair were enough to make his eyes widen.

“Hmmm…” The figure beneath the covers shifted and turned until Frosty could make out a face. He barely had time to pull away before her eyes opened. She yawned, then sat up in bed as Frosty had. “So, it’s morning already? I slept quite well.”

“M-Mom?” His voice was meek. It matched his dainty appearance. “This isn’t… what are you doing here?” Cadance looked to her side lazily, meeting her son’s bewildered gaze. She looked down at his bare chest, then noticed her own. Her breasts spread to either side of her body. They rose and fell with each breath. She returned her attention to him with her eyes narrowed and a sneaky smirk on her lips.

“You already forgot?” She giggled. The sound sent a harsh chill up Frosty’s spine. “I don’t blame you. Last night was a bit of a blur.”

“Last night?” he asked, finally looking away from his mother’s figure. With a hand over his face in a poor attempt to hide his embarrassment, he continued. “Nothing happened… right?”

Instead of answering the question, she giggled again. She pressed a hand into his shoulder, then moved in a quick, purposeful motion that betrayed her age. Before Frosty could even react, she was in front of him. Her hands lay on both of his shoulders and her knees rested on either side of his hips. He looked up at her eyes, finding the same passionate gaze from before. This was no way for a parent to look at their child.

“So you really don’t remember?” She pushed into him, persuading him to lay back down. Her breasts squished against his chest, their heat enough to make him sweat. Despite that, he never looked away. If he took his eyes off of her for even a moment, she might do something she couldn’t take back. “You were so eager before, though. So full of energy… When you held me close, it warmed me up.” She hummed. “You know how cold nights can be.”

“Mom, I…” Cadance pressed her forehead to his. She was so unbelievably pretty. Beautiful gemstones for eyes. A dainty little nose. Small, perfectly kissable lips. This was no way for a child to look at their parent. “Mom…”

Frosty’s vision slowly darkened. He was closing his eyes. The heat from her body pressing down on him lingered on his skin. Her subtle breath against his lips and her small hums all felt so real. Yet, with a mighty thump against the back of his head, he opened his eyes once again.

Instead of waking up in peace as he had before, Frosty found himself on his back against the wooden floors. He grunted as he rolled through and landed on his knees. The sheets wrapped around his body as he twisted and turned in his sleep. He let out a deep breath, then started to bring himself back to the actual world.

The first issue was the sheets. They held him hostage with complex twists and knots. He couldn’t even put them back onto his bed after he escaped. After escaping, he got to his feet and pulled the soiled sheet with him. The stain aggravated him, but he couldn’t say he didn’t see this coming. The wet dreams that tormented him had claimed no less than three sheets this week. If he didn’t do something about it soon, someone was bound to notice.

The next issue, related to the previous one, was his pants. Thankfully, when he actually woke up, he wasn't naked. His pajamas were soft and comfortable, perfect for falling asleep in. He pulled the hem of the pants out, giving his raging erection a bit of room to breathe. The sticky mess was still leaking from the tip. Without a word, he peeled them from his bottoms, then grasped a nearby towel in his magic. As he slipped out of his used garments, he pondered the third and most pressing issue.

Only a moment had passed before a knock at the door grabbed his attention. He sighed.

“Come back later,” he called. He looked over to the clock on the desk next to his bed. The Crystal Castle servants prided themselves on their punctuality. “In fact, I don’t need any help this morning. You’re dismissed.”

“Well, unfortunately, you can’t dismiss me.” The voice on the other side of the door turned his blood to ice. It would be difficult to explain his half-naked appearance to a servant. It’d be impossible to explain it to her. “I’m coming in!” He thought fast as if his life was on the line. His horn burned hot as he disappeared with a small pop and a crackle of magic.

The door opened with a creak followed by small footsteps. Darkness surrounded Frosty, as he planned when he aimed for the closet near the other end of the room. The visitor at the door walked in and looked around, a curious hum escaping her mouth.

“Frosty? Are you here?” Her words stung his ears. A heavy feeling of guilt crept into his heart after hearing her voice. He sighed quietly. “Oh? What’s this pile of sheets over here? Are you hiding underneath them?”

“I’m here!” Frosty burst through the doors of his closet and pulled a yelp from Cadance. She spun around on her heel to face her son, then looked down at his legs. Her expression was a mix of confusion and curiosity. She looked up with a nervous laugh.

“Is that… the dinosaur onesie I got you all those years ago as a joke?” Cadance chuckled. “I thought you burned it!”

“Me too…” Frosty had barely managed to find something to replace his pajama pants with. Though he wasn’t exactly excited to be dressed as Daniel the Dino. “Anyway, what did you come in here for?”

“Nothing in particular.” She approached him, clearly eyeing his outfit. She stopped a short distance away, then spread her arms wide. “Wanted to check on you. I haven’t seen you before work in a few weeks now.” She waved her arms and looked up at him expectantly. He stepped into her and wrapped her in a hug, just as she wanted. The guilt of his delusions continued to stack on his shoulders. Her warmth now was nothing like the dream.

“It has been a while.” He pulled away and she did the same.

“Did you have a nightmare or something?” Frosty tried his hardest to keep the fear from appearing on his face. His mother’s intuition was eerie at times. She turned to the bed, then continued. “The sheets looked like they were… oh?”

“No, it was just a bit of an accident when I woke up.” The closet doors quietly closed behind them. Frosty had kept his mother from noticing the faint glow of his horn as he slid the sheets across the floor. “Anyway, I’m doing fine. There’s no need to worry about me.” Cadance smiled, then narrowed her eyes. A devious look that made Frosty shiver.

“Yes, I know. You’re all grown up now, aren’t you?” She patted his shoulder twice then turned away. She walked to the door, then looked back. “I love you.” The words hit him like a truck. His heart sank into his gut underneath the weight of the guilt. He did his best to swallow it down and gave her his best smile.

“I love you, too.” Satisfied, Cadance turned back and walked out of the room. Frosty was alone again, with only the quiet of the early morning keeping him company.

He simmered in silence for quite a long while. Getting his thoughts and emotions in order was bound to take time, after all. He trekked over to the edge of his bed and then sat down. With his head hung, he took a deep breath, and then another.

“These dreams have to go…” He pinched his brow, then leaned until he was laying on his back. “Apollo. Apollo will know what to do.” He removed his hands from his face, then led them down to his crotch. Despite his shame, his body would always tell him what he wanted. No matter how much it aggravated or disturbed him. “I’ll tell him. Right after I get rid of this…”

“It’s been quite a while since you’ve come to me with a question about magic, Prince.” The man closed the book in his lap, then looked up past his thick glasses. “How can I help you?”

Frosty sighed, then sat in the chair across from the bespectacled man. It was one of the only two in the room and was very rarely used. Frosty didn’t make it a habit to come to his Crystaller on official business. Once he’d gotten comfortable, he cleared his throat, then stated his request.

“What do you know about dream magic, Apollo?” asked Frosty. “Specifically magic designed to get rid of dreams, if that even exists.” Apollo hummed, then rose from his chair.

“Dream magic…” he repeated. The books on the desk around him steadily rose into the air and trailed behind him as he walked. He pressed a hand to the massive bookshelves lining the room's back wall. Books flew past him and into their proper places. “That depends. What do you need this magic for?”

“I’ve been having intrusive dreams, and they’ve been disturbing my sleep.” His response was calm and measured. He’d rehearsed how he’d explain it to Apollo many times in his head. “I think that if I somehow get rid of them, I’ll be—”

“A nightmare?” Apollo’s demeanor changed. The lax laid-back air around him tightened in a heartbeat. The orange, red, and yellow locks of his hair flared up. They were almost as fiery as his deep red eyes. “What exactly has been happening in these nightmares?”

“No, not nightmares.” Frosty put his hands up. “It’s a… nice dream, but it’s distracting. It’s wrong.” Frosty was never the most convincing guy around. His words seemed to reach Apollo, but he didn’t quite take all the edge off. His hair returned to normal, and his previous attitude returned.

“I don’t think such magic exists. If it does, I was never taught or had reason to research it.” He finished placing the final book on the shelf, then turned back to Frosty. “You’ve been advised by many Grand Wizards over the decades, right? Wouldn’t you know more than me?”

Frosty hummed as he racked his brain. Apollo was right. He’d been in courses with the greatest magicians the kingdom had to offer. It had been almost 100 years since Grand Wizard Sunburst advised him. Even then, he’d never heard of dream magic. If his grandson couldn’t think of anything, maybe it really didn’t exist.

“What I can tell you is that dreams tend to represent subconscious thoughts or desires.” Apollo took a seat behind his desk once again. “This is especially true for Alicorns. Your dreams can be prophetic, as Princess Celestia has shown us." His cautious attitude from earlier began to make sense. He cleared his throat, then continued. "If this dream is so pleasant, there should be no problem, yes? It must mean that you’re dreaming of something you really want—”

“No, no, it isn’t that simple!” snapped Frosty. He closed his eyes tight, then sighed to calm his nerves again. Apollo hummed.

“Your face is turning red,” he pointed out. “Is this… about love?” Frosty’s eyes shot open, and he met Apollo’s gaze. No matter how much he wanted to hide his expression, it was clear that Apollo had him figured out. He chuckled, then crossed his arms over his table. “You don’t often talk about your romantic pursuits, so this is quite the surprise.”

“That’s not…” he trailed off. Apollo hummed in delight.

“Who is it?” Frosty’s heart skipped a beat before he continued. “A Crystal Castle servant, perhaps? I’m not sure what other chance you’d have to interact with potential love interests.” Frosty silently blessed the road Apollo paved for him. He quickly collected his thoughts and pivoted his thinking.

“So you get why I can’t be having these dreams about her?” he asked. “She’s my… servant. There’s no way I can be with her seriously. But, if I keep on having these dreams, I could make a mistake I can't take back and ruin our relationship forever.” His words rolled around in Apollo’s head.

“If you’ve been having dreams about this woman, I can only guess how infatuated you are with her.” Frosty flinched but said nothing. “As a married man, I get that feeling often. My only advice is that you take your relationship a bit more seriously.” Frosty let out a long breath.

“I already told you, it’s not that simple,” he repeated. “We just can’t be together. No matter what.”

“I don’t think that’s true,” said Apollo with a pleasant hum. “If you really love this woman, I’m sure I could convince your mother to—”

With a strength that betrayed his body, he shot up from his seat and slammed his palms against the table. The wood creaked with his impact. Books and papers on top of it shook and shifted. Apollo’s calm gaze was overtaken by shock. Frosty realized his outburst and pulled away from the desk. He took a deep breath, then another.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized. He looked down at the desk, then readjusted the things on top until they returned to their original state. “I… appreciate your advice, but I think I’ll find a way to handle this myself.” He raised his eyes to meet Apollo’s, then narrowed them. “Please don’t mention even a word of this to my mother. Please.” The silence between them was thick enough to choke on. Apollo blinked, then cleared his throat.

“Of course. I’ll keep this conversation to myself.” Frosty turned away from the desk, then headed for the door. Apollo watched him as he opened it.

“Thanks for your time.”

“Anytime,” responded Apollo. “This is what a Crystaller is for, after all.” With a final look behind him, he closed the door with a small click. On the other side, he rested his head on the cool wood and closed his eyes.

“Infatuated…” he repeated. “That's not it. I’m just in a weird period right now.” He pushed away from the door, then headed back to his room. With no magic to help him, taking his mind off of things with a recreational activity was his best bet. “I’ll… I’ll figure something out.”

Meditation had been a part of the Prince’s days since he was young enough to learn magic. It calmed his raging magic as a young boy and relaxed his body as an adult. More importantly, it gave him a moment to collect his thoughts in silence. Specifically without him falling asleep.

Despite this, his mother was still all that was on his mind.

He bit his lip. The calm circulation of his magic through his body shook a bit. With a deep breath and a shake of his head, it was back to normal. He opened his eyes, then looked up at the blank ceiling. It reminded him that keeping his mind clear was key. Of course, knowing something and being able to follow it are two different things.

“Infatuation…” The word had bounced around his head for a few days. Intense love. Strong enough to have a grip on his thoughts and actions. Apollo knew he’d been so in love with someone that he couldn’t think straight when the thought of them crossed his mind. If only he knew that “someone” was Cadance. His advice may not have been so straightforward then. Yet he couldn’t help but take that advice into account. “Hmmph. This is useless.”

Frosty slowly got to his feet from his cross-legged position. The sounds of running water and burning incense had kept him calm for a while, but it was losing its effects. He put his hands on his hips and stretched with a groan. The feeling in his legs returned as he walked along the carpet and up to the door of his private meditation room.

He reached for the door and opened it enough to let a faint breeze through. In that small moment, a burst of magic shot through it that took Frosty off guard. He stumbled back and almost fell as the magic whizzed past him. He quickly got his bearings, then focused on the buzzing magic hovering in the middle of the room.

“Hmm…” It was a crystal flower, a spell Frosty knew well. It was useful to send messages over short distances. Apollo often sent them whenever he needed help with an experiment he was performing. Frosty reached out and grabbed it in his hand. The warping crystals cracked and then shattered open, revealing the message underneath.

“Hi, baby! How are you?” The voice caught him off guard. Once again, his mother took over his mind. “When you get this, can you come over to the baths? I need your help with something. See you soon!” The message came to an abrupt end, leaving the room in near silence once again. Frosty gripped his hand tight where the flower once was.

He opened the door he left ajar before a bit wider, then slipped through. He spread his wings and slowly took off for the other side of the castle. All the while he was silent, trying to find appropriate answers to the questions that came to mind. Why did she need him in the bath? What help could he provide her?

Soon he found himself in front of a large door almost twice as tall as him. Frosty could feel the heat behind it by pressing his hand to it. He pushed it in, letting out a cloud of steam that brushed across his face. After entering, he realized that there was much more steam than before. Enough to cloud his vision. The subtle sound of splashing and shifting water came from a bit further in. Frosty swallowed hard, then opened his mouth.

“Mom?” he called. The sounds of water came to a slow stop. “Um… it’s Frosty. You said you needed help?”

“Oh! You’re here.” Cadance’s voice echoed along the bath’s walls. Like magic, the steam in front of him started to dissipate. A figure formed through the gray clouds. “I didn’t expect you to show up so soon.”

Cadance had come into view. She was leaning against the tile floor with only a small part of her body visible. Her chest was pressed into a towel, somewhat covered by her arms crossed in front of them. Her hair was straight from the water, unlike its normal bouncy curls. After parsing all of that from a few quick glances, he found her face and her happy smile.

“What’s wrong?” asked Frosty, doing everything he could to keep his eyes on hers. “You did need help, right?” Cadance raised her arm, unknowingly giving him a peak down her front. If he concentrated he could have seen her nipples.

“I forgot my shampoo in the other room back there.” Frosty took his eyes off her and followed her finger. She pointed to the area he just left. A room where people kept their clothes and other things to retrieve later. “I barely can’t see it, and the water feels so good. Could you go grab it for me?” Frosty turned back to Cadance.

“That’s it?” She nodded.

“Yep.” Her smile hadn’t waned in the slightest. Even in the face of her son’s frown.

“Couldn’t you have gotten a servant to do this?” Despite his complaint, he turned and made his way to the prep room. The shampoo was easy enough to spot. It was among a few other bottles on a rack along the wall. This was where they kept most of their toiletries relating to bathing.

“I thought most of them would be busy,” she answered. “Besides, most of them are men. I couldn’t ask them to do this.”

“I’m a man, too.”

“It’s okay if it’s you, honey.” Frosty gripped the shampoo bottle. “It’s not like my body is anything new to you.” He opened his mouth to respond, but let the fiery words die in his throat. He had no right to get mad at her. As far as she knew, he was just her son. She didn’t know how much she was tempting him. He wasn’t meant to be tempted. With a sigh, he turned back.

But as he returned, the scene in front of him had changed. Cadance had stood up and turned around. In one hand she ran a loofa lathered with soap across her body. She was slow and meticulous, eagerly removing any dirt from her body. She was also oblivious to her son’s presence.

His body began to heat up. His dream from before didn’t do his mother justice. She moved subtly, but her breasts were still large enough to see from behind. Her waist wasn’t as thin as he believed. She had quite a bit of meat along her stomach, hips, and thighs. Her tail swayed back and forth, unknowingly giving him small peeks at her large, round ass. She hummed as her loofa trailed her body, lathering it in soapy white. Frosty closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

“Not again…” he murmured. He placed a hand over his crotch and took another deep breath. He needed to calm down immediately. “M-Mom? Here’s your shampoo.” She looked over her shoulder.

“Thanks, Frosty!” She pat the towel she laid out behind her. “Just leave it here. I’ll get it when I need it.” Following her orders, he lifted the bottle with his magic. Once he placed it, she smiled at him. “You know, the water’s still warm. Want to join—”

“No,” he said frankly. He turned toward the exit. “Stop treating me like a child.” Behind him, he heard her chuckle.

“Sorry, I can’t help it.” He flinched, then bit his lip. He needed to keep any of his thoughts from leaking out. “No matter how old you get, you’ll always be my baby boy.” Without a word, he left Cadance’s side and made his way to the door.

Yet, as if the room itself had a grip on him, Frosty stopped once more as something took his attention. Near his foot were pieces of clothing he couldn't ignore. He somehow hadn’t noticed them before when he entered, nor when he retrieved the bottle. Enchanted by the first piece to catch his eye, he reached down for it, then picked it up.

A pair of panties. Fancy black lace. Still warm. Frosty looked over his shoulder, but couldn’t find Cadance. She’d disappeared further into the steam. He returned his focus to the panties, then gripped them in his hands. He’d popped a full-blown erection. No amount of coaxing words and calm thinking was going to help him now. He gave it a squeeze before stuffing it into his pocket. Once more, he looked over his shoulder to make sure he wasn’t seen. Once he confirmed that he was all alone, he fled the scene, a healthy, yet shameful red blush across his features.

A mighty thump and a wave of dread marked the beginning of Cadance’s afternoon duties. One would think running a kingdom for over a century would make the daily proceedings easy. That’s what Cadance thought would happen, eventually.

Unfortunately, there was always something new to deal with. In all her years at the top, she’d never quite gotten used to the endless amounts of paperwork that came across her desk. Her assistants were definitely helpful, but she couldn’t leave everything to them. She was a leader and had accepted the responsibilities that came with that title.

So for now, she was stuck with her mountain of work. But despite her apprehension, she was glad to do it. The fruits of her labor, Frosty's happiness, was all she needed to go through as many hoops as she needed to.

She tapped the top of her desk with her pen, then sighed. Normally, just the thought of Frosty was enough to get her into gear, but it hadn’t been very effective as of late. Something was bothering him. She wasn’t how she could tell, but she could feel it. There wasn’t a single time they’d met in the past week that he didn’t wear a strained expression.

To her left, near the edge of her desk, sat a picture frame. She took it from its place and brought it up to her face.

“Hmm…” In the photo were three people. Cadance was on the left, with Shining Armor at her side. On the far end was a face she’d almost forgotten. Frosty Heart, with a smile as wide as his face. Even in a picture, that smile was infectious. Though it made her perk up, it also spawned a small bit of sadness in her chest. “I hope I can see your smile again…”

Her train of thought was interrupted by a small knock at the door. She replaced the picture, then cleared her throat.

“Come in.” The door creaked as it cracked open. A figure stepped in, and Cadance’s eyes went wide. “Oh, Frosty!”

“Hey, Mom…” His meek greeting didn’t put Cadance off. Even as a boy, he was prone to being quite quiet and gentle. “I’m just here to deliver this…” In his magic, he handed her a thin sheet of paper. She took it with her own levitation spell and brought it to her face.

“Leave of absence, hm?” read Cadance. She scanned the document for a bit before reaching the reason. Her eyes widened. “Oh. His wife is in labor?” She placed the sheet down on the table, then lifted the stamp next to it. With a firm press, the official mark of the Crystal Castle was imprinted on the paper. She lifted it up again, handing it back to Frosty. “Tell him that he can take as much time as he needs. Oh, and congratulations, of course.”

“Thanks, Mom.” He took the paper in his hands, then looked it over. Once he’d had his fill, he looked up at his mother. Again, that look adorned his face. He broke his eye contact before speaking up again. “Mom… are you okay?” The question took her off guard.

“What do you mean?” He pointed to his face.

“You’ve got bags under your eyes,” he said. Cadance instinctively reached up and touched her eyes. She closed them, immediately realizing how tired she’d become. After opening them back up, she spotted Frosty’s look of worry. In response, she smiled.

“No need to worry about me, Frosty.” She tapped her pen against the desk again. “Work is piling up, but it’s nothing I can’t deal with. After I’m done, I can get all the sleep I need.” Despite her demeanor, she could tell that Frosty didn’t believe her.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Cadance’s eyes went wide. Contemplating his question, she hummed in thought.

“Yep,” she answered simply. She raised her hand and beckoned for him to come closer. Though he was clearly confused, he followed his mother’s instructions. He stepped forward once, then again. Soon he realized that she wanted him to walk around the table to her. Once he was standing just in front of her sitting figure, she lashed out like a snake. He let out a yelp of surprise as her arms wrapped around his body and pulled him close.

“W-What are you doing?” he cried. Cadance hugged him tighter. He leaned down enough to make the hold more comfortable.

“Recharging myself,” she answered with a chuckle. “I am the Princess of Love, after all. How else would I get my fix?”

“Does this… even work?”

“It did before,” she answered, her tone becoming more somber. “When your father did it.”

The sentence killed the conversation between them. Cadance’s heart ached whenever he came up in conversation, all these years later. Some days she wished that he had been turned into an Alicorn, just as she had so that they could still be together. But other times, when she got a good look at Frosty, she realized he left behind a beautiful legacy.

She pulled back from him, noticing the dark expression on his face. If it hurt her, she could only imagine what the thought of Shining Armor did to him. She pat him on the head, then let her hand run to his cheek.

“You look more and more like him every time I see you, you know?” she asked. Frosty met her eyes. “Even all these years later.”

“That’s not true,” he mumbled. “Dad was big, muscular, confident… How am I ever supposed to match up to him with these noodle arms?” Cadance chuckled, then rubbed his shoulder.

“You may have gotten your looks from me, but that’s not all you are, you know?” She moved her hand to his chest, over his heart. She could feel it beating quicker and quicker. “Your heart is bigger than anyone I’ve ever known.” Frosty hummed but didn’t have a response.

The two sat in silence for a bit longer. Cadance took her hand from his chest, and he looked down at her. They looked into each other's eyes for some time without words. Frosty looked like he wanted to say something, but he couldn’t find the words. She felt him give up with a sigh, then look away in shame.

“Dinner should be ready soon.” The words were enough to turn Frosty back to normal. He nodded his understanding as she continued. “Want to join me after I get all this work done?” Frosty considered the question with a hum and answered with a small, silent nod. With a tired, but satisfied smile, Cadance pulled him close for another hug. This time he was less resistant.

She pulled away from him just enough to talk into his ear. Though instead of doing that, she leaned in and planted a small kiss against his cheek. It was a small, meaningless gesture that Cadance hadn’t even thought twice about. But Frosty was different. He pressed his hands into her stomach and shoved them apart.

“F-Frosty!?” She placed a hand on her stomach, where she’d been shoved. She nearly fell out of her seat. “What’s…”

There was something completely alien to Cadance behind Frosty’s eyes. Hunger, or some other animalistic feeling burned behind them. He was sweating and breathing heavily like he’d just run a mile. His face was red and his knuckles were hot white. She opened her mouth to continue her question but caught a glimpse of his lower half.

He was… noticeably excited.

As quickly as she noticed, Frosty covered himself with his hands. She looked back to his face only to see the beginning of his tears fall. The earlier emotion had been stripped away, replaced with shame and embarrassment. Again, before she could speak, Frosty’s wings spread open and he took off with a strong gust of wind. Papers scattered along her desk and the floor as he zipped out of the door as quickly as he’d entered.

Cadance sat in her chair, looking at the open door in silence. The only thing reminding her that time was passing was the small tick of the clock along her wall. She closed her eyes, then placed her hand over them. Everything had happened so fast, she had no chance to absorb anything before the next came around.

“Frosty…” she murmured. She opened her eyes, then looked toward the frame she held earlier. There, he was a boy, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. The person she saw just now was something else. A man… or more like an animal. She pressed her finger to his face, then took a deep breath.

Her thoughts were wrested from her again by a loud slam and the crackle of magic. She turned around, finding a large window that she’d left cracked open. She got out of her seat, then opened it further. Faintly, she could hear the buzz of conversation somewhere outside. She was sure she was simply persuaded by her own desires to speak with him, but she felt as if the voice was Frosty’s.

She stepped up to the window sill, then slipped out into the chilly night air. Through the flapping of her wings, she followed the buzzing. A few rooms down from hers was another open window. Most of the others in the castle were closed now, to keep the cold out. She got closer and the buzzing turned into full sentences.

“—fucked! I’m a moron! How could I do that?” Cadance landed on the windowsill next to the one that was open. Quickly flapping her wings to get into position, she peeked through the curtains. “She knows… fucking hell, there’s no way she doesn’t… damnit!”

Behind the curtain was Frosty, quickly pacing around his room. On the other side of the room was a large grid of magic covering the door. Defense magic used to reinforce great walls against siege. No ordinary pony was getting through that. She turned back to Frosty, who took a seat on his bed. In his hand, he gripped something tight. He looked down at it, then bit his lip.

“It’s not my fault… it’s not…” He brought it closer to his face but was apprehensive. Eventually, he went all the way, pressing it to his nose. He took a long breath in, then slowly exhaled. With magic, he slipped out of his bottoms, finally leaving himself bare. Cadance watched in silence as Frosty went from half-chub to full readiness. With his free hand, he grabbed the base of his cock, then stroked it. “This is all Mom’s fault. Mom…”

He pulled his hand down and finally gave Cadance a good angle on it. Her eyes widened as she spotted the pair of black lace panties she’d lost a few days ago. He looked down at them, then upped the intensity of his stroking. What were once small pumps became long, violent jerks. Every now and then, he’d pull hard enough to let his balls swing up past his thighs. Cadance swallowed hard as she watched on.

He grunted with each jerk like he was angry at it. He sped up, clearing his entire length and back twice in just one second. He hunched forward, his body twitching and shaking as he got closer.

“M-Mom… Cadance!” With a low moan, he popped like a soda bottle, a long fountain of cum shooting into the air. The mess splat against the floor just as the second volley left him. He brought the panties up to his tip, delivering a nice, hot, white load against its dark fabric.

He leaned back, letting what little was left in his shaft dribble out. In front of him were long ropes of cum all along the floor and the nearest wall. Cadance swallowed again, then pulled away from the window. She let her head rest against the cool crystals on the building, then looked up to the pale moon.

She was sure that the push from earlier must have still been affecting her. Either that or… there was another reason for her lower stomach to be aching. She rubbed the slow, throbbing feeling just beneath her belly button. then took off into the night again. With her other hand, she rubbed her cheek, then sighed.

“You’re definitely not a boy anymore…”

“Erm, Prince? Your dinner is here.”

The voice came with a small rapping at his door. The noise was enough to stir Frosty from his position underneath his covers, but he didn’t move or respond. It had been like this for both his breakfast and lunch preparations for the day. The servant was sure to catch on that he didn’t want any visitors.

“It will be here,” said the servant. There was a small clattering sound on the other side of the door as they put the tray down on a service cart. Without a word, they walked away. Frosty listened as their footsteps got quieter until silence returned to his room. He shifted under the covers again but still didn’t make a move to leave the bed.

How could he? He was pressed underneath an unimaginable feeling that transcended his heart. It burst out of him, blanketed him, and pinned him down. Even moving a muscle took unimaginable strain. He was trapped underneath the familiar, yet suffocating grip of guilt and shame.

He opened his eyes and looked up at the clear ceiling. He preferred to stare at nothing than spend another moment having his eyes closed. Images he did not want to see lurked behind his eyelids. The events of last night, his mother’s hug, her gentle kiss. The shock behind her eyes when she noticed how her own son had reacted…

Frosty sighed, then turned on his side to stare out of the window. He hadn’t seen Cadance since their interaction last night. This was due in no small part to his self-imposed isolation. If he had just kept his composure then, they could have kept the status quo. His feelings would stay hidden and there’d be no reason for the pain in his throbbing chest.

His thoughts stopped with the sharp sound of a knock at his door. He looked back, wondering if he’d misheard it. But sure enough, it came again. Any servant would know to make their business clear after one or two knocks, though. While in thought, another knock came, a bit more forceful than the last.

“Who is it?” he called. No answer. Instead, they knocked again. He frowned. “I’ll get my food in a moment. You are dismissed.” His tone was firm and definitely loud enough to be heard from the other side of the door. Yet, there was another knock, quieter this time. Frosty bit his lip, then struggled against himself to slip out of bed. He stumbled, having not been on his feet for a while, then made his way over to the door. He unlocked the door, gripped the doorknob, then pulled it open enough to look through. “Didn’t you hear me? I…”

“Hello, Frosty.” With her hand only a few inches from the door, Cadance stood in front of him. His blood turned to ice, and his body froze in place. He looked down, trying to avoid her gaze and facing an entirely new problem. “Can I come in?” Frosty’s eyes snapped back up to hers. He opened his mouth, but her expression killed any attempt he made at refusal. She wore a small smile, but there was a sadness behind her eyes that Frosty dreaded to look at even a moment longer. He stepped back, pulling the door open wider as he did.

As Cadance came in, Frosty found his eyes drifting to her attire once again. A bathrobe that left very little to the imagination. Its bottom barely covered the full curve of her butt. From the front, if he focused just a little bit, he was sure he could see right down the front. As he closed the door, he pressed his head against the door. The cool wood did little to ease him, but it was better than nothing.

“You still have this picture, huh?” Cadance’s question pulled Frosty from his own thoughts. He turned to see her hovering around his desk where random papers and documents were spread out. In her hand was a small ornate frame. She chuckled. “This was when Shining thought he would take you fishing, despite not knowing how himself.”

“It was a nice weekend. Even with the fishing mishaps.”

“Yes.” She pressed her finger to the glass. “I have a picture of my own like this, you know? For memories…”

“Hmm.” Frosty knew how his mother got when Shining was brought up. It felt wrong to see her upset.

“It’s been 115 years since he’s been gone.” Frosty looked down, unable to bear his mother’s expression any longer. “And even in all that time… I never thought I’d ever let go of him. I never thought I’d… find a man I’d love as much as him.” Frosty heard her small footsteps get louder as she approached. He tensed as she stopped only a few feet from him. “Frosty… when you look at me, what do you see?” He looked up at her expression, surprisingly finding a smile.

“What do you mean?” Cadance shook her head.

“Just answer,” she nudged. “The first thing that comes to mind.” Frosty hummed.

“My... mother?” he answered. Cadance said nothing, prompting him to continue with her expression. “Um… the Princess of the Crystal Kingdom?” She took another step, this time easily within arms reach. She reached up to his shoulders, placing a hand on each one.

She had to stand on her tiptoes a bit to reach him. Her lips pressed into his, only for a breath’s length. Frosty blinked. This was no dream. The softness of her lips, the warmth of her body against his. He could never emulate that with some covers and a pillow. Once he ruled this out as being another long, elaborate dream, his heart started to thump quicker. His mother was really in his room. She was really dressed like that. She really kissed him.

“How about as a woman?” Her words brushed against his lips. He was tempted to lean in and close the distance himself. “Maybe this is the kind of kiss you were expecting last night?”

“Mom, I—” Again, Cadance took the initiative. She slipped her tongue in smoothly, quickly taking over his mouth. She moved about it with confidence, sending large shocks down Frosty’s back. She pressed into his body, pressing it between her chest and the door. She only pulled away enough to get a bit of air before indulging in him again. His hands, which had no direction until now, found their place on her hips and along her back. One traveled down, following the curve of her ass until he got a handful of it. She pulled away from him for another breath, but he managed to get a few words in. “Mom. Wait, wait… why are you doing this?” Cadance hummed.

“I know that you haven’t had much contact with women since you’ve been locked up in the castle,” she explained. “I feel responsible for growing your lust without giving you a way to release it.” She backed away from his grasp, tugging on his arm as she did. She was leading him to the bed, a thought that made Frosty gulp. “And, well… It has been a while for me, too.”

They reached the bed in only a few steps. She guided him to sit while she stood just in front of him. At the height he was at now, he could see her breasts directly in front of him. Looking closely, he could even see her nipples poking out from the fabric. She reached for his hand, bringing it up to one of the straps of her bathrobe. Following her guidance, he tugged on it lightly, unraveling it and opening it down the middle. The inner curves of her breasts caught his eyes, but the soft round mound of her pussy gripped his chest tighter.

The sight didn’t last for too long. She slowly bent down until she was on her knees in front of his pants. He watched her fingers slip past the hem of his pants and tug them off. As they crept down his shaft, the pressure built. Once they reached the tip, it popped up like a rocket ready to fire. Cadance tiptoed along its length with her fingers, then wrapped it in her grip. Frosty let out a small breath as she did. Her touch was much softer and gentler than he ever was. She tugged his length with a few quick strokes, then leaned in further.

If her hands were soft, her lips were like heaven. Pillowy soft and delicate, like an angel’s kiss. She pecked his balls with deep kisses, enjoying him twitch and sputter. Frosty heard her hum in delight as she worked. She definitely knew exactly what she was doing. She pressed the flat of her tongue against one, then licked it like a cat. She covered them both in thin lines of saliva before opening her mouth wide.

“Wha—” Frosty let out a gasp as one of his balls was completely engulfed. Resting in her small, wet mouth, she sucked it like a lollipop. All the while, she began to stroke his length to a slow rhythm. Once she’d gotten her fill of his balls, she pulled back, releasing him with a wet pop. She looked up at his bewildered expression with a smirk.

“Better than doing it alone, right?” she asked. He looked away.

“Way better…” Satisfaction painted Cadance’s features. Focusing on his dick again, she poked his shaft with her tongue. Next, she licked him from bottom to top in one smooth motion. She licked her lips, then started to work on his tip. Starting from the bottom, she delivered quick licks to the curve between the shaft and the head. She worked her way up the dome, then planted a kiss on the top. A string of precum followed her lips as she pulled away. She pulled the hair from her face with her off-hand, then gobbled him up in a single fluid motion. “W-Woah, wow, haha…”

“Hmm…” Cadance hummed. She shook her head a bit, rubbing her nose against his lower stomach, before pulling back just as fast as she went in. After watching her lick her lips again, Frosty couldn’t help but get a bit harder. “How was that?”

“Amazing,” he responded breathlessly. She chuckled.

“I won’t spare any expenses for my baby.” She hummed again. “Well, my little man, now.” She reached down for his balls, cupping them both in one hand as she dove down again. Her mouth was a tight, humid box of pillowy pleasure. It was almost as soft as her hands caressing his balls down below.

She bobbed her head up and down at varying speeds. At first, quick, fast-paced pumps. Eventually, they gave way to slower, more measured bobs. Her tongue brushed his shaft, bouncing it around her mouth to rub against her cheeks and the roof of her mouth. A three-pronged attack like Cadance’s was more than enough to make the pressure begin to build.

But just as it did, Cadance stopped. She pulled back, letting him slip out of her mouth. Her hands left him entirely. Confused, Frosty returned from cloud nine and looked down at his mother.

“It’s getting a little hot,” she murmured. Her bathrobe slipped off of her shoulders, finally baring her upper body for Frost to see. She leaned up enough to let her breasts clear his legs, then pressed them down right on top of his shaft. After a bit of movement, his cock popped up right between her tits. She pressed them together, bathing him in a warm softness like a fuzzy blanket in the winter. “You’re lucky mommy’s on the bigger side so I can do this for you.”

She squeezed her breasts tight, then rubbed him up and down as she’d done with her hand. This sensation was unlike anything before it. A moving hotbox, softer than anything he could have ever imagined was enveloping his cock. She threatened to swallow it whole. Drool began to drip from his mouth from his moaning. Cadance hummed in delight, then sped up to match her pace from before. Quick, ferocious pumps sent sharp pleasureful waves up his spine.

“M-Mom, I’m… hmmph.” Frosty put his hand on her head, pulling her closer. She leaned in as he requested, and started licking his head once again. Even in the constrained space, Frosty’s dick twitched in the face of her overwhelming offense. Frosty let out a low grunt. “Mom, it’s… I’m cumming…”

“I know,” she answered simply. She pulled back and looked up at his pleasure-struck face and smirked. She quickened her pumps even more, egging him to blow quicker with each one. “Let it all out…” Cadance opened her mouth wide, letting her tongue press against his head. She aimed his tip at her mouth and watched as he shook as the orgasm hit.

Just as he had before, a thick string of cum sprung out of him like a leak. His twitching threw him off course, allowing the second one to line her face with sticky white. She chuckled, then quickly wrapped her lips around him. The next few pumps of cum pooled right on her tongue, a hot steamy load slowly dripping down her throat.

After getting her fill, she pulled away and swallowed everything down. She wiped away the mess with her forearm, then licked what she could away with it. Frosty watched on in shock as she licked down the last of his load and flashed him a smile as white as his cum.

“So…? How was it?” Cadance got to her feet, her bathrobe barely hanging onto her body by the arms. Her breasts flopped out as full and bouncy as he’d imagined them. But there was nothing to prepare him for the feeling. “Your first blowjob, I mean.”

“It was great, but…” Frosty pulled himself away from her body to look at his own. Despite the amazing service, his “little soldier” was still at full attention. He looked back at her with a shade of embarrassment across his cheeks. Cadance chuckled, then moved closer once again.

“Maybe this will be enough to calm you down this time?” She straightened her arms, finally letting the bathrobe drop in a heap to the floor. In one step, she was already hovering over him. Her knees went to either side of his hips on the bed. Her pussy hovered mere inches from his tip. Her hands went to his shoulders. Her eyes were filled with a horny passion he knew well.

“Are we really doing this?” he asked. He couldn’t peel his eyes away from her lower half. She was clean shaven and everything looked so perfect. It was rounded, petite, and puffy. Clear liquid dribbled from it and followed the curve of her leg. Cadance squeezed his shoulders to get his attention back.

“Are you really satisfied with what we’ve done?” she asked. Her face turned into a pout, enough to melt any man’s heart in an instant. Frosty hummed. “We’ve already gone this far. What’s one more taboo?” He glanced to the side, but Cadance wouldn’t let him escape. She reached for his cheeks, cupping them in her hands. She brought her lips to his with a small kiss, then stared him directly in the eyes as she spoke. “Do you want Mommy to take your virginity or not?” Frosty shuddered at her words. Still, his body wouldn’t let him stall for much longer.

“I… do,” he murmured, bringing a smile to Cadance’s face. She pulled back, then lifted her hips until they hovered just above his tip. He could feel the warmth coming off of her body stronger than ever before.

“Good.” She lowered herself until he poked her lips. They were just as heavenly soft as he thought they’d be. His tip squished against them, puffing them out even more than they already were. “Now, mommy’s not using any protection, so we’ll have to be careful, okay?”

Unfortunately, the words wouldn’t be able to reach Frosty’s racing mind. Absorbed in his first taste of pussy, he reached for her hips and gripped them tight. The grasp was enough to even make Cadance yelp in surprise. He pulled her down and thrust his hips upward. In one push, he slipped in and crammed half of his length inside of her. Cadance let out a low, droning moan, then tensed up.

A wave of pleasure washed over Frosty’s entire body. Cadance was so incredibly hot, enough to melt him like butter. Like her mouth, it was so wet and slick in here, he was sure he could be pushed out at any moment. It was so tight that going forward seemed more like he was ramming his cock into a brick wall. Still, he persisted.

“F-Frosty… hah.” Cadance’s hands fell to his shoulders again, and she squeezed them tight. It was the only time Frosty could remember seeing his mother so flustered. “Don’t be so rough… you’re big, so you have to p-pace yourself, honey.”

“S-Sorry,” he said, lowering his hips. He slid out a bit, but Cadance pushed herself down to make up the difference. Once they were both comfortable on the bed again, she wiggled her hips, impaling herself on him bit by bit. Only once she hit the base did Frosty dare to take a deep breath and collect his bearings. “This is incredible. I can’t believe I’m actually… inside you.”

“Hmm…” Cadance hummed. “Congratulations, Frosty.” She pulled her hips up, nearly letting his cock escape her before shoving herself back down. “Gosh… I could get used to this…” Frost watched her heave her ass once again, then bring it sliding down with a moan. He silently decided to let her experience dictate the experience.

Cadance moved slowly at first. Though this was Frosty’s one and only first time, Cadance also seemed to be having a bit of trouble with his cock. She paused often to catch her breath before piercing herself again. Each inch spread her walls like they hadn’t been in decades. Of course, she’d want to take her time.

Though he was just as breathless, Frosty focused his attention elsewhere. In front of him were the breasts that had eluded him for weeks now. Be it in his dreams or that one time in the bath, he was finally allowed to look at them. He reached up, cupping her left tit in his hands. Her pink nipple and large areola called to him. Without even a moment of hesitation, he leaned forward and poked her with his tongue.

He flicked her nipple like a light switch, watching it twitch and dance under him. Next, he moved onto her areola, licking at the sweat rolling down her body from her workout. And once he couldn’t take it anymore, he moved on to the main course. Taking her entire nipple in his mouth, he suckled her, as if he was trying to get something out of her. He closed his eyes, indulging in her soft, perky nipple like candy. His other hand moved to her opposite breast, grasping its soft, yet weighty frame.

Below, Cadance had finally figured out a rhythm that she wanted to follow. But after he got a taste of her boobs, Frosty moved without thinking. Quickly, he pushed his hips up. Two random pumps were all he needed to make Cadance cry out in surprise. He opened his eyes and looked up at Cadance, whose face had changed. She was much more dazed, with a glossy look in her eyes. Her face was almost completely red.

“N-No,” she mumbled. “D-Don’t stop. Keep going~” Her floaty words were all Frosty needed to take the lead.

Still not entirely sure of himself, he just did what came naturally to him. He thrust into her with vigor, his thighs slapping against her ass and ringing out in the room. She squeezed him with each thrust. He sped up again, ramming into the deepest parts of her pussy twice each second. With the sucking, squelching, and moaning filling the room, Frosty lost himself. His skin tingled and his body heat rose.

He pulled away from her breast with a loud smack sound. Leaning forward until he could feel his feet touch the floor, he hoisted his mother into the air as he stood. She was confused until she found herself laying on her back, looking up at Frosty’s body. He backed up enough to let his cock slip out of her, a thin stream of her cum following suit.

“W-What’s wrong?” asked Cadance. Frosty was never the best at gauging the emotions of others like his mother was, but hers seemed so obvious. A flushed face, quivering from just a slight touch, steam practically coming off of her. She was close. Frosty’s horn lit up, and he slipped out of his clothes. After he was comfortable in the nude, he returned to his mother’s side.

“M-Mom, I… I’ve been waiting for this for so long…” He pressed his tip to her pussy again, a small whimper escaping them both. “I still think I’m dreaming. T-Thank you.” Cadance’s eyes went wide, then she giggled.

“Don’t thank me, baby. I’m getting as much out of this as you are.” She brought a hand down to her pussy lips, spreading them to make way for Frosty. “Just fuck me… Give it all to Mommy!” Her request was enough to make him shiver. Still, he followed her orders.

With much more freedom of motion, he was allowed to control his thrusts much better this way. He hoisted Cadance’s legs up until her feet rested on his shoulders. Holding her by the ankles gave him the perfect thing to hold onto as he fucked her.

He looked down at Cadance again. Her face was warped with a pleasure-twisted smile. He bit down hard on his lip at the sight. It felt so special to him. Her body shook and begged for the next hit of his cock. Her gentle and soothing voice was replaced with flighty moans and deep grunts. Nothing about her appearance told him that this was his mother any longer. Still, his body knew. His heart knew most of all. It thumped against his chest to the rhythm of his thrusts. His entire body was working to make sure that Frosty gave Cadance the dicking of her life.

“Mom…” moaned Frosty. He leaned down, between her legs, and put his hand on either side of her head. His pumping speed went up again, much to Cadance’s pleasure.

“Frosty…” Cadance raised her hips. Frosty folded her over herself, pressing her down in a deep pose. Every inch of his cock traveled through her pussy with each plunge. His balls slapped against her ass and she splashed her cum all along them both. Frosty looked up, his body burning up. He opened his mouth, letting out croaks rather than words.

“C-Cadance!” he moaned. “It’s… I’m—!” Cadance’s eyes widened, and she put up her hand.

“F-Frosty, wait!” she cried weakly. Despite her words he plowed forward like an engine. The slapping drowned out her words. “Y-You’re not wearing a condom! You have to—”

Her hand barely touched his stomach before he broke. Like a bloated pipe, cum shot out from him with enough force to knock the breath out of him. With a mighty cry and Cadance’s heavy breathing, he started filling her up. A cumshot unlike any other he’d ever experienced.

His cum pooled inside of her, coating his shaft in his own sticky white seed. When the last of his burst dribbled out of him, he came crashing down from his high. Every muscle in his body ached from the strain. Sweat dripped down him and off of his forehead. His lungs clawed for air like he’d been trapped underwater.

But despite his physical condition being a mess, his mind was much worse. Finally thinking rationally, he’d come to a striking realization about his actions. One stark enough to drain every speck of color from his face.

“Oh fuck,” he murmured, putting a hand on his forehead. “Oh, fuck! No, no, no.” He looked down at Cadance. “M-Mom, I’m sorry! I was supposed to pull out! Shit, this isn’t good. There’s a pill for this, right? O-Or magic, or… something! I—”

Cadance’s hand shot upward, behind Frosty, and latched onto his neck. She pulled him down, viciously locking lips with him like before. Her tongue slipped through, attacking him like a mad woman. He could only hum and moan as her legs slowly crossed behind his back, bringing him closer.

While Frosty was confused and panicked, Cadance felt a different emotion. It had been so long since she’d felt anything like it. An army of soldiers, marching past her womb. Like a million daggers penetrating her deepest, darkest place all at once. She felt each one break free, and find their target. At first, only a few latched on, poking and prodding her egg with unmatched tenacity. But soon, more and more joined. A war to see who would be first broke out. Her little egg stood no chance against the onslaught she’d accepted inside of her. Finally… Finally, one broke through her ironclad defenses. It slipped through and went on to do what the others could only dream of.

Cadance pulled away from the kiss, looking up into her son’s frightened face. Her mind was a mess. The only thing she could think to say is what came out of her mouth.

“Frosty…” She brought her hand to his cheek, then smiled. “You’re a daddy, now.”

“W-What…?” He shook his head. “It’s not too late! We can still do something?” Cadance shook her head just as he had.

“No. It is too late,” she said. “But it's okay. Everything is okay.”

“How?” Cadance smiled. She began to think straight again.

“Take me…” she mumbled, another blush flashing across her face. “Take me as your new bride.” Frosty’s eyes widened, and his jaw nearly hit the floor.

“I... I can't." He shook his head. "You’re... my mom.”

“You had no problem knocking that mom up,” she responded. He looked away, embarrassed. She sighed, then pouted. “Do you not want to be with me? As… a woman?” An unfair question. She knew what that look did to him. Still, he had to answer.

“I… I do.” Again, Cadance reached up for a surprise kiss. This time, Frosty leaned into it, indulging just as much as she was. After pulling apart, she chuckled.

“It didn’t work, did it?” she asked. He was confused until she reached down her stomach. “You’re still hard. I can feel you twitching.”

“N-No, it did! It's just you're so...” His sentence trailed away. Cadance chuckled again, then pressed her hand to his chest. She could feel his heartbeat drum against his chest in excitement. It even managed to make her a little giddy.

“Sorry, baby,” she called, laying down on her back once again. “But… maybe we could fix it if we go one more time?” Frosty hummed, then looked away.

“You’re back to calling me ‘baby’.” Cadance chuckled.

“I told you before, didn’t I?” With her free hand, she caressed his cheek. The sense of warmth beneath her fingers soothed Frosty’s mind. The crazy events of the evening seemed to melt away into nothing just from his mother’s touch. “No matter what happens, you’ll always be my baby boy.” She pat him on the cheek. “Now come fill up mommy’s pussy one more time.”

Frosty wasn’t sure what happened. Maybe it was the vulgarity of the request coming from someone as proper as Cadance. Or maybe because it was such a drastic change in tone from their previous conversation. Maybe it was nothing at all. But when he flashed a wide smile from ear to ear, he knew he'd pleased Cadence enough to bring a smile to her face too.

“Okay,” he said, with a chuckle. “I will.”

As it had for many days now, the warmth of the morning sun spilling through his curtain was enough to wake the Prince. He opened his eyes to beams of light just below his eyes. He leaned forward and the blanket over his chest slid down his shoulders and into his lap.

After a brisk stretch and a yawn, he had more or less come to his senses. At least, as much as he would before a cup of coffee. The light from before beamed over his shoulder and down his bare back. He’d gotten quite used to the feeling of sleeping in the nude.

As he started to leave his bed, he realized something was off. In his way was an uneven surface. Something underneath his covers. A few months ago, he would have questioned if he’d woken up to reality, or found himself in the grip of a dream. Now, he knew exactly why he saw faint strands of multicolored hair.

“Hmmm…” A hum from beneath the covers. The intruder sat up and revealed her own bare chest. With a cute yawn, she blinked a few times to get her bearings. Once she had, she turned toward Frosty. “Morning, baby.”

“Why are you here, Mom?” His tone gave away that he wasn’t upset. Simply confused. “I thought we were supposed to be keeping this a secret. What if a servant comes in and sees you?” Cadance frowned, then poked Frosty in the chest.

“I thought you were supposed to be in my bed when I got back from my meeting,” she said. “I wanted to recharge with you before bed, but you weren't there.” Frosty pursed his lips, a bit of guilt stirring up in his chest.

“Someone could have seen me there, too,” he said meekly. “But… I’m sorry. I should have stayed.” Cadance’s unhappiness only lasted for a few moments before she dropped it. She chuckled, then scoot closer to him.

“You’re so cautious, baby,” she said, reaching for his hand. “So… have you thought about how we’re going to hide this?” She lifted his hand, placing it on her stomach. “It’s not exactly something I can just sweep under the rug, you know?”

“I… I know.” Cadance had already developed a quite noticeable baby bump since their first time. So far, she’d played it off as overeating, but the more astute servants could already tell that wasn’t the case. Frosty rubbed his hand along her stomach, rounding the curve and smiling. There was a baby in there. His baby. “I’ll think of something.”

“Apollo already knows.” Frosty’s eyes went wide.

“Y-You told him?” Cadance shook her head.

“That boy isn’t stupid, you know?” She placed her hand over his. “He already knew you were having lustful dreams about someone. A few months later, the princess who hasn’t been with anyone for decades starts to round out. He was bound to put two and two together.” Frosty hummed, then looked away. “Maybe we should just come out with it.”

“Everyone would be against it…” Cadance squeezed his hand.

“I don’t care about everyone. I care about you.” She smirked, then pulled the covers down a bit further. Beyond her belly, she was also wearing nothing. Just the sight was enough to rouse something in his chest. And more importantly, his nonexistent pants. “Speaking of you… how about you pay your dues for last night? I think we have a bit of time before the day starts.” He looked down at her stomach, rubbing it again.

“A quickie,” he said, lifting the covers to reveal his own bareness. “If you miss morning court again, they’ll know to check my room.” Cadance chuckled.

“You say that, but let’s see if you can control yourself, ‘daddy’.” One of the words sure to get him going. He pulled the covers over them both, barely masking their actions. Frosty leaned down and pecked her belly button, then leaned up to her face.

“Mom. Um… Cadance,” he called. He wrapped his arm around her back and brought her close. The two shared a kiss, something that often marked the beginning of one of their wild sessions. Once Frosty pulled away, he continued. “I love you.” She smiled, then touched his cheek.

“I love you too, baby.”