Spitfire's Everfree Tentacle Misadventure

by errant

First published

While conducting Search and Rescue in the Everfree, Spitfire has an unfortunate encounter with a tentacle monster.

While helping with Search and Rescue Operations for a group of ponies missing in the Everfree, Spitfire has a rather unfortunate encounter with one of the monsters of the dreaded forest: a tentacle beast that preys on mares!

Kinks/TWs: Bondage, Tentacle Sex, Nonconsensual Sex, Mindbreak, Bad End

More fantasy fuel clopfic.

Isn't One Chapter Enough?

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Spitfire kept her eyes locked on the ground as she flew in slow, methodical circles above the Everfree Forest. Not for the first time, she cursed the ponies who had gone and gotten themselves lost under her breath. It wasn't bad enough that a group of amateur outdoorsponies had decided to go out "exploring," they had to do it in the monster-infested wild zone that was the Everfree. Its dense overgrowth allowed only brief glimpses of the ground, making matters even worse. If not for her keen senses, she wouldn't have any hope of even catching a trace of them. With every hour, that hope was slowly fading. The forest was home to vicious monsters, including hydras, manticores, and timberwolves. Even the plant life could be aggressively deadly! The odds were poor for a bunch of untrained amateurs potentially lost within the dark places of the wooded hell.

Suddenly, just barely within earshot, she heard the muffled shouts of pain and fear followed by the sound of hooves scrambling away from whatever predator had startled them. She knew that sounds like that didn't come from just any creature. But there were no other sounds after that, so either their screams couldn’t reach her again or something else had happened to them.

Wasting no time, she swooped down to investigate further. Her sharp eyes picked up the rustle of something moving in the bushes. Throwing caution to the wind, knowing that seconds may be the difference between life and death for some unfortunate pony, she shoved her way through the closely-twined branches and flora of the tree canopy. Once clear of the vegetation, she spread her wings wide and pulled herself into a low hover. The forest floor was covered in thick moss and ferns. A few moments of careful examination revealed nothing but dead leaves. She frowned - it didn't seem too likely that a panicking pony could have gotten too far away, but she certainly heard and saw nopony now. "Can anypony hear me?!" she called out in the surrounding trees. "If you need help, try to make a noise so I can find you!" Nothing stirred except the faint crackling of dry branches in the breeze. Spitfire sighed. "Ugh. Fine." She started forward at a trot, carefully picking her path around the many pitfalls along the forest floor.

Suddenly, there came a rustle of violent movement from behind her. With instincts honed by Wonderbolt training her powerful wings flared and she erupted off the ground, already moving into an evasive maneuver. As fast as she was, however, she wasn't fast enough. Something wet and slimy lashed itself around her rear right hoof, tugging her back to the ground. She landed heavily on her side, already rolling and trying to rise back to a standing position.

"Aaaahh!" she cried out in terror, feeling the sudden, sickening sensation of a long, thin tentacle wrapping around her neck and squeezing tight. It felt like her airway was being crushed. "Nnnngh!"

Her body convulsed with spasms as she fought to draw breath, the pressure from the tentacled thing forcing tears from her eyes. Panic gripped her as she tried to force her limbs to move faster. She couldn't breathe! And then... she felt a small bit of relief. It loosened its grip slightly, allowing her to suck in a desperate lungful of air. Still, she couldn't get enough. The tentacles continued to constrict, threatening to crush the life from her. Then suddenly, she felt a strange sensation as something hot and sticky poured onto her back. In a flash of insight, she realized what it was. "No, no, NO!" She struggled desperately, flailing her legs wildly in an attempt to shake it free.

The tentacled creature seemed to understand what it was doing. It tightened its grasp around her neck once more. "Gahhhh! NNNNOOOOOOO!" she screamed, struggling madly as the world around her slowly faded to black. Finally, unable to take it anymore, she blacked out.

When she woke, she found herself lying in a clearing. As far as she could see through bleary eyes, she was alone. Grunting, she tried to force herself to her hooves, only for the motion to fail to get her off the ground.

She looked down to see more tentacles protruding seemingly from beneath the soil, a half dozen or so slimy appendages that wrapped around her limbs and barrel, holding her tightly in place. Grunting, she tensed her muscles against their grasp as hard as she could, desperately trying to leverage her strength against them until exhaustion forced her to slump, defeated and panting. The effort was utterly futile, and rather like trying to bend steel with her hooves. The tentacles simply held firm, refusing to let go.

"Oh, great," she moaned, looking up at the sky in despair. "Now what?"

Swiftly enough, she got her answer - albeit one that she swiftly regretted. With a sudden jolt, the tentacles hoisted her into the air until her bound hooves dangled several feet off the ground. "H-hey, what gives?" she demanded in surprise, but received no answer in words. Instead, from below she witnessed several more tentacles erupt out of the ground with lightning swiftness. With unerring precision, one jammed its way into her helpless marehood. Spitfire shrieked at the sudden violation, a raspy sound that echoed off the trees around her. Taking advantage of the situation, another appendage wrapped itself lightly around her neck before plunging into her open maw, still open in the rictus of her scream.

This time she was able to react, bucking and thrashing about. Her attackers did not relent, however. She managed to sink her teeth into the tentacle that had invaded her mouth but it made barely a dent in its spongy substance. The others simply tightened their grips on her.

"HHLPH MMH!" she wailed, her words absorbed by the tentacle lodged in her mouth and thrashing in vain.

Still, the tentacles refused to release her.

To her horror, she could feel the one in her mouth wriggling and writhing and slowly inching its way forward. Eyes widening, she desperately renewed her efforts to bite into it harder in the hope of either stopping it or, even better, severing it. Those hopes proved in vain, however, as it pushed its way ever further into the back of her mouth and began making its way down her throat. Inch by terrible inch it wormed its way down, leaving a coating of slick, slimy lubrication in its wake that only helped it along.

At first, she didn't know if it had reached the bottom of her stomach, but a few seconds later, the unmistakable sensation of its presence there gave her all the confirmation she needed.

“Ahhh, g-g-ggrrrgh..." she choked out in pain and humiliation, the tentacle finally reaching the bottom of her gullet and lodging deep within. The feeling of it filling up her esophagus caused the worst burning she had ever experienced, and it only grew worse as it continued to stretch wider. She writhed and kicked and squirmed in the air, her struggles completely ineffective.

That was only part of her torment, however. Below, the tentacle still lodged in her marehood was hardly idle. Slowly it worked its way deeper inside, each thrust of its slimy, rubbery length causing her to gasp for breath. The sensations were horrible beyond belief. She'd never even considered that a pony could possibly be violated like this, yet here she was. Her entire body trembled uncontrollably as she felt her insides being stretched and twisted, the foreign object invading her orifice. She felt it pushing its way into her womb, and then, without warning, heat exploded inside her. She writhed and thrashed anew as she felt her ravaged marehood being pumped full of some unknown substance originating from the tentacle.

"Nnnggh, aaagh!"

It was too much for her to bear. She couldn't stop herself from screaming at the top of her lungs. The sound echoed across the forest, and even she could tell that her cries were nearly inequine. A few moments later, her voice trailed off as the tentacle buried in her cunt slowly withdrew, leaving a coating of its emissions over every inch of her inner walls.

Even as the tentacle slithered out, there was no true mercy for her fuckhole. Her sensitive insides began to tingle with little electric sparks of pleasure that flared to life gradually, mounting into a rising crescendo of horniness that soon had her leaking with anticipation. The fluid, she realized, must have aphrodisiac properties.

"Aaagghh," she wheezed in pain and pleasure, her throat now sore and raw. The one in her mouth remained in place, however, and slowly began to move back and forth, pumping its own goop into her stomach. She realized that her body was reacting to the stimulation, her legs twitching in involuntary spasms. "Gahhhhh, gahhhh... aaahh... aaaahh!"

The tentacle in her mouth suddenly stopped moving, instead retracting its length until the tip was pressed against the back of her throat. It stayed that way, pulsating rhythmically, slowly forcing more of its goo down her throat. "Mmf," Spitfire gasped reflexively, swallowing eagerly as the stuff poured past her tongue into her belly. It didn't taste good by any means, but there was something undeniably erotic about it that left her weak in the knees with desire. Her body was already responding to its invasion by producing juices that coated her lips and chin, and she knew she was going to have a wet spot on her backside shortly.

Then suddenly the tentacle in her throat began to move again. "A-AHHHH!" Spitfire cried out in alarm, trying to pull away from it but unable to do so.

The tentacle in her mouth moved in concert with the one in her pussy, pumping steadily into it. Her eyes went wide as she felt it enter her, stretching her tight little hole open with a single, hard push.

"Nnngh... aaaahh... aaaaah... aaaaaaaaah..." she moaned in agony and ecstasy, the sensation of having her cervix penetrated by a long, slimy tentacle almost too much to bear. Even with her eyes squeezed shut and tears running freely down her face, she couldn't help but feel every bit of it. The thing had an obscenely large bulb at the end - bigger than her entire hoof! - and she could feel that it had a series of ridges along its length, presumably designed to maximize pleasure. She felt it working its way deeper into her, and she could already tell that the one in her throat was also getting longer as it pushed farther into her stomach.

As the tentacle in her throat continued to pump, the other started to withdraw, until she could only its tip was left inside her. Then she felt something press against her clit. She felt the tentacles that held her in place begin to tighten slightly. With an instinctive reaction, Spitfire bucked against them, only for them to grip tighter still. Suddenly they tightened so hard that her muscles began to strain against their grip. She felt her legs kick as she tried to get free, but it made no difference - the tentacles simply pulled her further into the air.

"Nnnnhh," she moaned helplessly, her mind spinning. "Nn-NNNNNNNNN!"

The tentacle in her mouth plunged deeper into her throat, the sensation of it filling her mouth and throat with its viscous discharge driving her wild. It wasn't just that - the sensation of it pushing deeper into her was almost more than she could stand. It filled her up, the slippery, sticky substance spreading through her mouth like a liquid, coating her teeth and tongue and making her gag. It was all she could do to keep her mouth open so she could swallow.

The tentacled creature that was fucking her cunt withdrew its length a bit further and pushed in a second, thicker tentacle. It was a lot thicker than the first, and its rubbery texture pushed against her inner walls. The feeling of it stretching her open made her groan with lust, her head lolling from side to side as her hips bucked against the tentacles that held them. The tentacle in her throat continued to pump goop into her stomach while the tentacle in her pussy pumped its own load into her tight marehood.

"Mmmph!" she moaned, feeling her insides tingle with the same electrical pulses of pleasure as before, only intensifying.

"Ooh... nngggghhh," she moaned in pain as the appendage in her mouth forced itself deep within, the rubbery tentacle filling up her mouth and throat with gooey, slippery flesh. With no choice but to obey, she swallowed the goo eagerly, finding herself eager for more of it.

The tentacles continued to fuck her, rougher and more demanding than any stallion. Vaguely, she realized that her resistance had melted away to be replaced by eager horniness, her higher thought processes eroded by the onslaught. Edged on by the stimulating effects of the tentacle's juices filling her insides and the endless sensations of being ravaged like a plaything, she knew with absolute certainty that she was going to cum harder than she'd ever cum before.

Her orgasm hit her with the force of a lightning strike. She screamed wordlessly as wave after wave of intense, body-shaking pleasure crashed over her, her voice muffled by the tentacle in her mouth. She was writhing and thrashing, her legs kicking in the air as she came. She could feel her insides pulsing, and her marehood was leaking of its own secretions that mingled with the tentacle’s, the two substances mixing together into a thick, gooey paste that was pumped deep into her womb with each thrust. She could even feel it dripping from her folds and trickling down her legs.

The tentacle in her throat continued to work its way deeper, its rubbery length slowly pushing down her throat until it was lodged at the very bottom. The sensation of it filling up her esophagus was unlike anything she had ever experienced. She felt herself being filled up to overflowing, her body shaking and quivering from the sensation of it invading every orifice, and it only made things worse for her.

"Nnnngh..." Spitfire gasped, feeling something warm and wet drip down onto her belly and legs. The tentacle in her throat had been pumping its own fluid into her for a while now, and she felt her belly and lower stomach being coated in a thin layer of it. The goop in her mouth and throat dribbled down her chin as she struggled to breathe, the tentacles that were holding her firmly in place tightening even further as she squirmed and writhed.

Even as she came down from the razor's edge of her release, the tentacles continued fucking her without so much as slowing down.

"Aagh... Aaaah..."

They were relentless. They didn't care about her, or her pleasure. She couldn't even look away from what they were doing to her - there was no way to escape, not now, not as long as her legs remained trapped in the air. Even as she watched them, they weren't slowing down . . . and she wasn't sure she wanted them to.

Six Weeks Later

Time had long since ceased to have any meaning for Spitfire. All that mattered was the constant, unrelenting assault of the tentacles that had claimed her as their own. Deep below the ground, in a dank cavern of writhing flesh and viscous slime, the mare had found her new home. She was one with them now, and they with her. Every second since she had first encountered them, they had been inside her. Pleasuring . . . pleasing . . . toying . . . touching . . . squeezing . . . stroking . . . pumping . . .

And yet, she felt no pain. No sense of violation. It felt natural - a part of who she was. She felt no guilt, no shame, no remorse - none of those emotions she had felt before. Instead, she felt only desire. Only lust. Lust that her keepers were only too eager to relieve, over and over again. Under their ministrations, she existed in a constant state alternating between desperate arousal and blessed relief as she orgasmed. Only periods of sleep broke the cycle.

When she awoke, she would be greeted by more of her captors' probing appendages, more of their slippery tentacles that teased her sensitive sex as she lay helpless on her back. They pressed against her thighs and ass, waiting eagerly as she accepted them inside her. Her cunt and ass, thoroughly broken in by now, would then take a pounding that would make her beg for more. More and more and more, until she could barely stand the pleasure any longer, until it became too much - too overwhelming. And finally, when it was too much, she would climax, her cunt twitching as she bucked under the powerful muscle contractions brought on by her bliss. And then, when the immediate wave of relief of pleasure had passed, they would take her again.

Spitfire was certain that she could never again experience such bliss as she did under the tentacle's control. It was a bliss she had never before imagined. Now that it had come to her, she knew that she couldn't possibly live without it. She needed it, both as a source of pleasure and as her purpose. She knew it with every fiber of her being, and she could think of nothing else but how good it felt. How good it felt to be used like this, to be treated like an animal by these creatures, and to love every second of it. Distantly, she thought she recalled another life. But it was so faded, and so hard to think when her every waking second was spent in indescribable pleasure.

She couldn't remember the last time she'd had a moment to herself. The only time she wasn't being fucked was when she was sleeping - and she rarely got more than a few hours of that. But even then, she wasn't truly alone. The tentacles kept vigil, holding her close and keeping her stuffed full so that she never had to feel separated again. On some level, she realized that she was dependent on them. She hadn't eaten or drank in what seemed like an eternity here. Despite that, though, she felt no ill effects whatsoever. The tentacles' goo, pumped down her throat and into her stomach so often, must be providing her with all the sustenance and fluids she needed.

The tentacles themselves were constantly changing, growing longer and thicker and softer as her body grew accustomed to them. Some days they'd fuck her with long, fat tentacle-cocks; other times they'd use small, delicate, slimy ones that slipped easily into her tight holes. Sometimes they'd use a combination of the two to give her the best of both worlds. Sometimes she screamed her way through orgasms brought on by thin tendrils playing with her achingly sensitive clit and nipples. Most of the time, though, they stuck to using just one kind of tentacle to fuck her.

All she knew was that she loved them for it. For treating her so well, so tenderly, and for giving her so much pleasure. The tentacles gave her everything she wanted. There was no need for anything else, no need to worry about anything ever again. She was happy here in their clutches.

"Nnnngggghhhh..." Spitfire groaned as another orgasm swept through her. She knew she was cumming again, and she didn't fight it. She welcomed it, her body trembling as waves of pleasure washed over her once again. She felt something hard press against her belly and realized that she could feel its rubbery length sliding up and down along her slit, the goop coating it slick enough that she couldn’t tell where its tip ended and her pussy began.

She shivered with excitement as a tentacle slid up the front of her body and over her chest, pressing against her nipple. It twisted, teasing her as it pulled away and returned again with a renewed intensity, tugging at her hardened nub with its rubbery appendage before withdrawing with a wet pop. She moaned as it retreated again, but it was already returning.

The tentacle in her mouth continued pumping goop down her throat, and she swallowed it eagerly. She could feel the tentacle in her mouth throbbing as the thick liquid filled her belly, and she her body spasmed as her orgasm intensified. The tentacle in her mouth continued pumping its emissions into her as she came. She shook from the pleasure of it, and she could feel herself being filled with more of their delicious juices as she came.

It wouldn't be long now. The tentacle in her mouth had been pumping its own goo into her for quite some time now, and she was intimately aware of it building up. She felt the thick, rubbery length slide down her throat and into her stomach, and she felt her insides churn as it continued to pump into her. Her insides were full, and her marehood was being pumped full of its own secretions as the tentacles continued to thrust into her.

"Mmmmmmmmmm~!" Spitfire moaned, shuddering as the tentacles continued to pleasure her. "Ohhh . . . aah! Ahhhhhh! Aaaaaaah!"

She felt herself coming down from her peak, but not for long. Another orgasm was already rushing towards her, and this one would be the most intense in a while . . . at least, she hoped that's what it was going to be. Her mind was too overwhelmed by lust and desire to think straight. All that mattered was the sensation of those tentacles inside her, filling her up until she couldn't breathe, stretching her out until she was completely impaled on them, and stroking and fucking her. She felt the tentacle in her mouth throb in response to her lustful thoughts, and she felt her body quivering from the sensations of the tentacle in her cunt pumping its own hot, tingly load into her, and she knew that she was seconds away from another orgasm.

"Ahh... aaaah... aaaah... aaaaah... AH... AAAAHHHH... AAAH... AH... AAAAAAAHHHH... AAHHHH... AAAAAAHH... AAAAAAAAAAAA... aah... AH... AAAAHH... AAAH... AAAAAAHHHHH... AAAAAAAAAA..."

Spitfire climaxed, her entire body convulsing as she screamed her way to an overwhelming orgasm. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she came, her whole body shuddering as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her. She felt the tentacles continue fucking her even as her body shook with release, and she knew that she would have several more orgasms like this before they were done.

Spitfire felt the tentacles inside her contract, and she could hear the sounds of them pumping their own fluids into her, the squishing of them rubbing against her insides and making her twitch in anticipation. It wasn't much longer before she felt the tentacle in her cunt begin to swell even larger than before, until it was as large as she had ever felt it. It stretched her wide open, almost too big to take in. She felt the tentacle pulsating with her every heartbeat, and its rubbery length twitching within her. She could feel it ravaging her with every stroke.

She could also feel her muscles spasming in response to it, feeling her insides being stretched to their limit around it, but somehow she managed to take it in anyway. It took a while, but eventually the tentacle began to move again, pushing deeper into her. It pushed in until it had lodged itself deep inside her cunt, and then it withdrew again. It repeated the motion over and over again, each time taking a little bit more of her in with each thrust.

Soon, there was no more room. The tentacle was so thick and so long that it was able to fit right down to the bottom of her pussy - so far down that its rubbery end bumped against her cervix. And when it finally reached that point, when it had fully engulfed her, her muscles tensed as if they had never been able to stretch any further before. They clenched tight and squeezed and contracted, milking that tentacle for everything it had, and then some. The tentacle began moving faster and harder as Spitfire's pussy milked it dry. The shaft rubbed against her clit, sending shockwaves of pleasure shooting through her body, but still, she registered almost nothing but the tentacle's rubbery thickness, which was now pressing against her womb and filling her up completely.

"Nnnggggghhhhhh..." Spitfire moaned as another orgasm ripped through her. She felt her body trembling, her marehood twitching as she came again. But it wasn't over yet. The tentacles kept fucking her even as she came. They kept pounding that huge, rubbery shaft into her, and they kept squeezing that soft, gooey ball of flesh deep inside her, and they kept pumping more of their goo down her throat, all the way to the very bottom of her stomach.


Her orgasm continued on and on, and it grew stronger and stronger. The tentacles kept fucking her relentlessly, and she kept cumming and cumming and cumming. She came so many times that she lost count. She felt herself being fucked so hard that she wondered how much more of it she would be able to take before she broke.

But she didn't break. She just kept cumming. She felt herself shaking uncontrollably beneath the constant stimulation, and her lungs burned while her chest heaved in a desperate attempt to suck in enough air to keep up with the strain her body was under.

Eventually, however, it ended. As if sensing that she was at her absolute limit, the tendrils filling her holes stilled and came to rest - still inside her, but unmoving. Spitfire continued to twitch and spasm in the vice-grip of her climaxes until she too was spent and, gasping, fell still as well. As her breathing calmed, she felt her eyelids beginning to droop as if buried under an avalanche of exhaustion. She heard her own moans start to grow faint and weak, and soon she was barely audible at all as she lay there, unable to make a sound or even lift her head.

Slowly, blackness began to claim her as she slipped into sleep. As awareness faded, her last thought was that she would awaken in this same place, with her holes still stuffed full, just waiting to be used again. That thought was comforting, like snuggling under a warm blanket, and she slipped off into slumber.