Method Acting

by Non Uberis

First published

Chrysalis's reformation has necessitated her to take on a rather unflattering position. Fortunately, Luna is there to keep her in line and assist her in this process. They may discover that there are unexpected roadblocks for both of them.

Chrysalis, former queen, is in a precarious predicament. She cannot be allowed to freely prey upon creatures for love, but she adamantly refuses to engage in friendships as well. Clearly the only recourse is to acquire it through sex. Still, even that isn't as simple as she'd like, as her instincts continue to make it difficult for her to integrate into society.

So Luna suggests that they practice together, so that Chrysalis can be more prepared for these engagements. It turns out, however, that playing this role is more important to Chrysalis than she realized, as much as it is utterly abhorrent to her.

= = = = =

Contains the following: hyper (breasts, ass, lips), bimbofication, mental alteration, sex (female on female), oral play, and mildly depressing themes.

Cover art by Mr.Pink and Blues64. (DB ID 3084521)

Featured 4/25/23.

The Art of Performance

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Luna tapped her pen against the desk counter and dully said, “Alright, let us take it from the top.”

There came an indignant growl from the other side of the desk.

“Goodness, is there a rabid animal in here?” the alicorn proclaimed with mock surprise and dripping sarcasm, her gaze retaining its intense scrutiny, “I had better get a muzzle for them, would not want them running loose.”

Chrysalis made a show of baring her sharp fangs but otherwise made no further sounds, crossing her arms over her chest and proceeding to sulk, one of the few acts of defiance that were still open to her.

There was a low hum of thoughtful discontent in Luna’s throat before she announced, reading off of the papers in front of her, “I am of the understanding that you were engaged in your typical allotted procedures when you got into an altercation with a gryphon, in which you proceeded to—”

“I did exactly what you told me I could do, Miss Moonbutt,” Chrysalis interjected, leaning forward and tapping her finger forcefully on the desk for emphasis. “You told me that it was fully within my right to stand up for myself in the event of undesired advances.”

“Verbally, we would have hoped, not physically, and certainly not to the extent of grievous bodily harm,” Luna said, unflinchingly meeting the changeling’s assertions. “Surely it could not have been so difficult for you. Your fondness for using your mouth is well-known.” And the corners of her mouth curled upwards, just slightly, just for a moment, into a smirk.

“Must you always be like this?” Chrysalis asked, squinting, glaring, wishing for all the world that she had venom which could be transmitted through eyesight. The thought elicited a faint pang of magical feedback, not unlike a jolt of electricity, from the iron band that was clamped around her horn, detecting her violent intent. She gritted her teeth, not so much from the pain as much as knowing that Luna no doubt noticed it, even though she made no active indication that she had done so. That calm indifference didn’t necessarily make it better.

She glared across the desk at Luna, her warden—ponies insisted on referring to her as a “parole officer”, but the former queen was not willing to accept that flimsy substitution. The alicorn had come out of retirement to take this position, likely because she believed that only she was suitable for this role. There was a time when Chrysalis might have been grateful for this, however slightly, as Luna was one of the ponies she least resented—not so much because she didn’t bear fierce animosity toward her on principle as it was that she viewed her as being less superficial, less of a namby-pamby friendship-obsessed pushover than Celestia, Cadence, or especially Twilight Sparkle. It also might have helped somewhat that Luna had once been Nightmare Moon, a legend among the dark and wicked denizens of Equestria, leading Chrysalis to hope that there might have been some lingering sense of sympathy. Having to maintain this close relationship with the night alicorn, however, had driven up the infuriating factor by a considerable degree.

“Well, Chrysalis,” Luna said plainly, “you were the one who agreed to this arrangement in lieu of any more traditional means of integrating into society, so I would say that you have rightfully invited innuendo upon yourself. It was your decision to accept penises sliding into your vagina rather than make friends.”

Chrysalis groaned, placing her palms over her face. She hated when the mare laid things out like that. She also hated the emptiness which she felt within herself, which was the real thing preventing her from getting any angrier than she already was, more than any threat of consequence. She was hungry, and the hunger would only continue to gnaw at her until she managed to find relief for it.

“Suffice to say, you will not be earning yourself any points by assaulting citizens of Equestria,” she then said while scribbling something on one of the papers.

“But it’s okay if one of your precious citizens cops a feel after I tell them to buzz off?” The changeling sneered back, grabbing at her own chest, cupping the mound in her chitinous claws.

“No, it is not,” Luna responded. Her azure eyes flicked up toward her momentarily, unamused, before looking back to one of the pages. “It is still somewhat of an overreaction, however, to immediately follow this up with smothering them with your mammaries until they fall unconscious.”

Chrysalis scoffed. “If it weren’t for this damned ring knocking me unconscious, I wouldn’t have fallen on her. It’s not my fault the stupid bird wasn’t strong enough to lift me.”

“No, but it was your fault that your tits were so fat that it was too much for her to lift.”

There was a surge of motion as Chrysalis rose from her seat, so forcefully that her chair toppled over. Her palms slammed onto the desk as she leaned forward over it, far enough that her and the alicorn’s horns were nearly touching, spires of polished blue and crooked black. Discomfort bloomed through her skull and spine, a dull thrum drilling through her focus, as she snarled. “Do you want me to be able to do this or not?!” she bellowed in the mare’s face.

There was another twinge across Luna’s features, this one far less mirthful. Bitter. Annoyed. Eyes flashing with icy fire. “My goodness, am I bearing witness to Queen Chrysalis herself…begging for mercy?” She stood as well to meet her, their faces inches away from each other. “That’s funny. I wonder, how often did you offer such lenience to your own prisoners?”

Chrysalis flinched away, as if struck, her eyes wide with shock for but a moment before hate reasserted its dominance. Not for the first time, she was ready to throw herself headlong into a maelstrom of violence, not caring if it meant going back to the statuary garden. Alas, the pain was getting to her, like a vice pinching around her temple, yet that was almost secondary in the presence of her overwhelming shame. She may have hated ponies, but that couldn’t compare to the disdain she harbored for herself, brought low by a failure that was all her own.

The crackling of her inhibitor ring gradually diminished. Chrysalis held her position over the desk, albeit with her posture going slack, slumping downward, barely keeping her shoulders steady. The membranous turquoise strands that comprised her mane hung low around her face like a curtain to cover her expression. She didn’t want Luna to see her like this, but she didn’t want to see herself like this even more.

There came a labored sigh. “Perhaps,” Luna said while the sound of her hoofsteps came pacing around the side of her desk, “we should put aside the legal proceedings for the time being and focus on more constructive feedback.”

Reluctantly, Chrysalis stood to meet her, and indeed the two of them stood nearly eye to eye with each other. Another thing that the changeling wasn’t very fond of: being around creatures who didn’t have to look up to her. At least the night alicorn wasn’t as tall as her sister. Even without the rigorous expectations of royal status placed upon her, Luna carried herself with the utmost of prim and proper regality, her posture straight, her gait smooth, her features carefully preened to perfection. Her choice of dress was most different from her days of bring a princess, her current uniform consisting of a more formal business ensemble, a buttoned shirt and slacks that conformed neatly to her curvaceous physique (Chrysalis didn’t much appreciate being around creatures who matched her in the proportions of her hips and chest either).

She exuded the kind of energy which Chrysalis wished to give off even a fraction of, but it was difficult for her to muster that confidence in herself when she was in such a condition as this, burdened with the knowledge that she was still a prisoner and garbed in the hideous rags that ponies called clothes.

“Let us engage in a little activity,” Luna mused while rubbing her chin, “you may think of it as…role play.”

“What?” Chrysalis asked flatly.

“You know, playing pretend, acting out a situation, pretending you are something you’re not. I would have thought that you changelings were masters of that.” She raised an eyebrow and smirked. Chrysalis frowned back. “In your case, though, you will be playing yourself, so you won’t have much to worry about. I, on the other hand, shall be playing the role of somepony propositioning you for sex.”

“…What?” Chrysalis asked again, even more emphatically, and she felt a loud thump of her heart beating in her chest.

“What what?” Luna shot back with a quizzical stare. “Is that not the whole point?”

“I…yes, but…” Her astonishment wasn’t helping her much. Chrysalis’s immediate reaction to a situation which she didn’t know how to handle was to go straight into fight or flight.

“Are you concerned, perhaps, about how I might perform?” And then Luna snorted and looked back at her in a way that she had never seen before, sly and mischievous and seductive and hungry. Her tongue slipped out to lick at her lips while she batted her eyelashes and made a low growl in her throat. “I can assure you, Chrysalis, that I am most reciprocative when pleasured. Just think of the incentive—if this goes over well enough for you then you shall receive some of that precious love which you so desire.”

Chrysalis swore to herself while fighting to maintain a grimace. She didn’t feel like she could pass up the opportunity to feast if it was going to be offered so readily. The days of being able to feed upon love with as much wanton cruelty as she saw fit were a thing of the past for as long as she remained under the thumb of the Equestrian crown. Nor, however, was she willing to fall in line with the changelings who had betrayed her, Thorax and all the others, to become a pastel bug like them; Chrysalis refused to accept others into her life, to partake in that communal revelry.

But it was the former princess Luna who had suggested an alternative: if she didn’t want to have friends, then she could partake of love in its most carnal form, by engaging in sexual acts with other creatures. Chrysalis—and all the other ponies who had been present for this deliberation—had balked at the idea, but it became apparent that there weren’t going to be any other options if she insisted on being so aggressively antisocial. Lust, at least, was far headier than what she would typically consume, in theory meaning that she would be able to stand long stretches of time between feedings in order to keep herself sustained. Ultimately, she turned out to be more willing to swallow her pride for the sake of sexual favors than she was to admit that she was wrong about friendship. At least, in a relationship like that, she could still exert herself with some form of dominance like she was used to.

Chrysalis had doubts that she would be able to pull that off with Luna. The alicorn was the one who held all the cards right now. It seemed too much like this could be a trap.

Yet it was her hunger that betrayed her once more—she was simply too desperate.

Eventually, she made a grunt of noncommittal acquiescence that was barely audible as “Fine.”

“Splendid,” Luna replied, smiling amicably. “Now then, how about you get dressed for your role?”

“Dressed for…?” A moment later it occurred to Chrysalis what this implied and her ears folded back as she grimaced. “Come on, do I have to? If this is role play then we can just pretend what we’re wearing. We can just imagine we’re naked if you want.”

“Perhaps, but I would say that it’s best to channel one’s character in whatever way possible,” Luna replied with a haughty upturn of her nose, just slightly.

Chrysalis didn’t have the energy to argue, so she groaned and muttered, “Fine, but I’m going to have to—”

Luna’s horn lit up and there was a flash of light, and then there was a flashy ensemble of clothes floating in the air between them.

The changeling’s brow knit together. “You could at least ask before you go rooting through what meager possessions I’m allowed to have.”

“Time is a precious resource, my dear Chrysalis,” she replied glibly before shoving the clothes into her hands. “Now I would suggest that you consider making the most out of the time you have instead of finding things to whinge about.” And then she dutifully turned away. This confused Chrysalis, who couldn’t have imagined the idea of willingly showing one’s back to someone else (the thought of making a lunge with her jagged horn popped up in her mind, but she dismissed it before the inhibitor’s sensors could even react, as she knew that Luna was too much of a seasoned mage and warrior for her to have much chance). She also didn’t understand what the purpose of offering some shred of privacy could be when they would soon presumably be baring all to each other.

“Whatever,” she grumbled to herself as she began shirking off her ratty clothes and replacing them with the getup that was effectively her work uniform. She detested it, but it was what had been allotted to her, with the promise that it had been tailored with titillation in mind. She was still convinced that the garish pink and magenta colors had been chosen to make her look weak. The top fit snugly around her chest, cupping her pert breasts with the bare minimum effort, leaving exposed a window of cleavage and all of her midriff. The skirt was only barely long enough to cover the swells of her buttocks, while settling low enough on her hips that the straps of her underwear were visible. She hated most of all that it had been insisted upon that she wear long-sleeved gloves and leggings as well, even if it meant covering more surface area; she was certain that it was because they thought the holes along her limbs—her scars, her pride—would be too unappetizing to her clientele.

“Alright,” Chrysalis said through a sigh, placing her hands on her hips as she faced Luna, “let’s get this over with.”

And then Luna turned around and revealed another expression that Chrysalis had never seen from her before. It was a congenial smile, eyes full of a kind of wonder that one could only display on their first encounter with something—a virginal awe. It was almost alarming. And she spoke, “Good morrow, fair maiden of the night. It is most pleasurable to meet thee.” She bowed low while sweeping out one arm.

“L-Luna, what’re you—?” But when Chrysalis held out an arm, as if to keep her at bay, Luna responded by taking her by the wrist and placing a kiss on the back of her hand.

“Thou art truly most ravishing in this twilit hour,” Luna crooned, continuing to maintain her delicate yet firm grip on the changeling while rising. She smiled dreamily from beneath the starry curtain of her mane. “Wouldst thou extend to me the kindness of an invitation to thine boudoir, wherein we might—”

“Luna,” Chrysalis interjected, shaking herself free, “what are you doing?”

There was only a slight twinge in Luna’s manufactured expression as she replied, “I am offering you my praises, as is customary before any nightly tryst.”

“From a few hundred years ago, maybe.” Chrysalis rubbed at her forehead. “Ponies are way more forward than that these days.”

“Your criticism is duly noted and shall be summarily ignored,” Luna said plainly, “you may do things your way and I shall do them in mine.” And then she segued back into her assumed role. “Thou hast best keep up the pace, Lady Chrysalis, otherwise thou may not receive as much cunnilingus as thou hope.”

Chrysalis bit her lip, holding down a number of indignant responses, annoyed at the alicorn’s presumptuousness. Yet at the same time, there was a lingering sense of lament within her, disappointed that she had performed poorly.

“Alright, fine…” She took in a deep breath, simultaneously relaxing and steeling herself. She readjusted her posture, hooves spread apart, hips cocked to one side. Her tail flicked and she tossed her mane so that it laid in a manner that she deemed sufficiently enticing.

Changelings like her had a confusing relationship with the act of seduction. She was well-versed in how to perform it, how to coerce ponies to do what she wanted, but she usually did so with the luxury of her magic, allowing her to directly assert control over another creature’s mind. She also would typically be doing so while in the guise of someone else, approaching a pony as their significant other or someone else close to them. Before this, attempting to seduce someone as Queen Chrysalis was something of a rarity. She was all too used to wearing masks. To playing roles.

Ironic, she had to suppose, that she was now having to play the role of herself.

“H…hey there,” she murmured in a sultry drawl. She made no attempt to hide her fangs in the way she smiled. “Aren’t you quite the chivalrous gentlemare? I w-would…love to bring you back to my chambers so we could…consummate our chance meeting.” She was used to being so much more forward than this, but Luna had already caught her on the backstep, setting herself up as the leader in this dance. Her heart continued to pound in her chest.

“Most splendid, my darling,” Luna said with a tittering laugh while once more taking Chrysalis’s hand in her own, clasping their fingers together. It made Chrysalis want to leap away once again, her wings buzzing autonomously. Even the horniest ponies she’d happened upon were never quite so willing to be this intimate, always keeping her at arm’s reach until it was time for the juicy stuff. “If it doth please thee, then, let us away to thine private chambers, wherein we might partake of each other’s company at our leisure. Do lead the way.”

Chrysalis stared back at Luna’s expectant expression and struggled to maintain her seductive tone amid her confusion. “Y-yes, of course.”

She hesitated for a moment before she proceeded to lead Luna in a circle around the office, which now seemed smaller than she was used to thinking of it, cramped with shelves and drawers all around the perimeter, and then they came back to the front of the desk.

“Here we are…!” she announced halfheartedly, spreading her arms.

“Oh, how very lovely,” Luna announced in marvel, gazing all about them, “I do adore what thou hast done with the decorations. And what a lovely bed!” She leaned against the desk which she’d been writing upon a few minutes ago. “I doth hope that thou shalt not be too put-off by the creaking of bedsprings.”

Chrysalis was starting to wonder if the alicorn had fully taken leave of her senses.

“No need for dawdling, my nubile nymph.” She then felt a tug around her, the tingling pull of magic yanking her forward, and she nearly tumbled face first over Luna, now sitting perched upon the edge of the countertop. Their faces were so close together again, their breath intermingling, but now with their bosoms mashed into each other. “Please, let us partake of each other with the greatest of passions,” Luna whispered while gradually leaning closer, and her fingers found their way to Chrysalis’s cheek, caressing her with the daintiness of feathers.

The changeling had never known even a fraction of this tenderness before. She was not accustomed to being handled in this manner. She was used to snatching up ponies who agreed to her terms and railing them into submission without a second thought. They weren’t supposed to offer up their affection like this.

Yet it felt so good. So good that she was hardly even conscious of herself as she leaned in to meet Luna and press their muzzles together. They kissed, their lips and tongues playing over each other. She pulled the mare closer into herself, and she reciprocated by wrapping her legs around her hips. Their conjoined flesh was malleable and soft and warm; Chrysalis found her hands grabbing onto something fleshy through a layer of fabric and realized that it was Luna’s thighs. Her own hands were feeling at the smooth skin around the bases of her wings, massaging the musculature beneath the surface.

The beating of her heart was pounding in her ears.

Chrysalis pulled away, gasping for breath, but Luna’s grasp kept her from retreating far. “Nuh…n-no, stop,” she muttered.

“Why come, my dear?” Luna murmured back, maintaining her hold with one hand while the other reached to brush against her cheek, combing aside the turquoise locks. “Thou hast performed most delightfully thus far.”

Her confused state might have been the only thing keeping her from getting angry at the mare’s continued insistence on maintaining this character. She looked down at herself, at the two of them. Their groins were pressed together—not that it was so easy for her to tell with her breasts in the way—and she couldn’t be entirely certain how much of the quivering spasms she felt came from herself and how much was from Luna. She felt the grip upon her, a form of contact that was equal parts support and sexual gratification. “This…isn’t right,” she said quietly, “I’m…this…” She felt herself now, circling from her abdomen down over her waist and then up to her breast; the heavy globe strained the breadth of her palm and fingers.

“Thou art most delectable, Chrysalis,” Luna offered, and she met Chrysalis’s hold by placing her own hand on the other side of her chest. She only squeezed gently, a soft kneading motion. “Thou need not be concerned with thine performance thus far.”

“No!” She shouted, and Luna’s composure only showed a minute crack for an instant. “This body, it…it isn’t good enough!” Now she squeezed tightly, as if her breast were a stress ball, fingers pressing deeply, painfully, into the dark flesh. “I can’t perform like…this!”

She couldn’t have said why it was that she was fixating on this aspect so much. As much as shapeshifting was a natural part of Chrysalis’s existence, she never would have thought that her original form was lacking in any capacity. She was already beautiful by the standards of ponies (at least, for those who didn’t mind a bug-equine covered with holes and obviously evil) so clearly she should have performed more than adequately in any field that required flaunting charisma.

Perhaps she was still incensed with the idea of this task that she had been set upon, to perform as well as she could, to fulfill her role.

Perhaps it was because she had already failed with so many of her past endeavors, she was simply left with no other recourse than to try something completely different.

With a cool gaze, Luna regarded Chrysalis, contemplative and compassionate. “What doth thou propose be done about this dilemma, then?” she asked calmly.

“We…I could…” Chrysalis wracked her brain, which felt like it was in the process of overheating and melting to slag, yet the answer seemed to leap at her out of the blue. “I could change myself to…to a form that was more desirable…more appealing, but I—” She scowled, baring her teeth, and even though she was looking down at Luna she wasn’t feeling direct animosity toward her specifically. “This damn ring…!” Her eyes screwed up in their sockets so she could look toward her horn and the metal band that was on it. “I can’t do any transformations while this is on me!”

“Oh, is that all?” Luna chuckled, amused.

And before Chrysalis could snap back at her, Luna put her hand on the ring, undid the clasp, and pulled it off.

A sense of untold relief washed over her, a freedom that was entirely non-physical, as the magical conduits which had been sealed off for so long were allowed to run freely. It was sufficient to cause Chrysalis to entirely lose focus, her pupils dilating and her jaw hanging agape in a breathless gasp. Her mind raced at the thought of the possibilities which were open to her. She tingled with excitement at the sensation of the power which had been denied her for so long.

All while she had an alicorn lying prone beneath her, a pony who had caused her so much grief and misery. A pony over whom she could fantasize to her heart’s content all the ways in which she could lay waste to her, with her magic, her claws, her hooves, her fangs, her horn, whatever would suit her black heart’s desire. And there was no punishment for it now, no jolt through her skull to disrupt her psyche. She could envision as much spilt blood as she wanted.

The changeling threw her head back and laughed, yet it was not with the haughty intensity of an evil queen which she was so known for. It was a pure, joyful, giddy laugh, content merely with being thrilled and satisfied.

“Well, my dear?” Luna’s touch, caressing her chin, brought her out of her reverie. The pony didn’t show the slightest hint of concern for what she had done, even though Chrysalis had been led to believe that there would be dire consequences if she ever managed to get the inhibitor ring off. “Dost thou not hath something thou wish to show?”

This was it. This was the opening that Chrysalis had been hoping for. This was when she would exact her revenge.

But, without even realizing it, this Chrysalis was not the same Chrysalis who had spent years brooding with hate for ponies. This Chrysalis was still, for the time being, fixated upon one specific goal, and it was the most important goal for her to accomplish. Anything else would have to wait. It might be fun, at least, to be able to boast to Celestia that she had banged her sister before making her escape from Canterlot. Maybe she had been right after all in thinking that Luna would harbor pity for her after all this time.

“Yes, as a matter of fact, I do,” she replied with a toothy grin. She spoke with that same heady sultriness, but now with just a little more certainty in her tone. She felt more like the person she was comfortable with, no longer tied down. It hardly took more than a thought to channel the power which she was familiar with, green light and flame dancing around her horn and then across her form.

Normally, changing shape would only require imagining the form she desired, but in this case she was aiming for something a tad more abstract. She was not looking to become a specific creature as much as a kind of shape that would suit her purposes. She needed to be appealing. She needed to be sexy—overwhelmingly so. Again she grasped at her chest, cupping the pliant flesh, and she thought of what she knew about ponies and their frivolous ways. There was no doubt that she was already attractive by their standards. That meant the only logical approach was to turn the dial even higher.

So Chrysalis pumped magic through herself, and she gave a harsh cry of arousal as her breasts swelled. The dark flesh overflowed the breadth of her hand in seconds and showed no signs of stopping, globes surpassing the size of her skull.

“O-Oh.” Luna watched in astonishment as this event unfolded, as the black mounds filled the span of Chrysalis’s arms and began to take up more and more of the space between them. Their shape deformed as they were squeezed inward by the confines of the changeling’s top, cloth digging into the skin and forming divots pinched inward, leaving the flesh to bulge out around the edges of the straps. She bit her lip as a blush rose in her cheeks. “Perhaps…thou wouldst appreciate if I were to…” She held out her hand to meet the expanding wave of meat and touched the straining shirt, and through it she channeled a spell of her own, and when it was over the cloth was stretching to continue accommodating the new proportions of its wearer. Not that Chrysalis especially took notice of this amidst her bliss, even as the alicorn continued to grope at her, placing her fingers directly over where the nipple was hidden beneath the fabric.

Chrysalis couldn’t spare much thought elsewhere when she was already deep in her trance. She wasn’t done with her chest, yet she knew that there would need to be more than just this; ponies would require the complete package. She worked her arcane power down deeper, probing through herself, and settled within a lower focal point. Her hips spasmed and bucked backward, her back arching (unconsciously dragging her ballooning bosom over Luna’s face in the process, not that she minded) and her rump billowed out behind her. The enchantment on her clothes had already spread to her skirt, though its efforts to keep the ponderous glutes concealed as they approached the size of medicine balls were futile, hem hiking up higher and higher. Luna’s legs were still perched upon her hips as they flared outward, making it all the more difficult to stay in place, yet she tried her damnedest to maintain that position, clenching calves and thighs around the swelling columns of fat.

The desk creaked as Chrysalis leaned forward and pressed her weight upon it, the extent of her skin nearly spreading all the way across it from one side to the other. The chair which she’d been sitting upon before would have been buried, if not crushed beneath her doorway-filling buttocks. When she mustered enough focus to process her sense of sight, she could barely see Luna, buried underneath her mountainous mammaries, only the head and shoulders and extended wings escaping, her mane splayed all about her. Her visage betrayed a sense of lackadaisical bliss, awash in her own pleasure.

It would have been all too easy to finish the job, to smother the life out of her, to grind her to paste beneath her bulk.

Yet as the two gazed into each other’s eyes, gleaming with carnal hunger, Chrysalis could only think about how much ponies—most creatures, really, even changelings—loved things that were big and round and soft, to grasp them, to squeeze them, to be covered by them.

She was still channeling her magic when she began to descend, bringing their muzzles close again. In the time it took to close the gap, her lips twitched and plumped up, rapidly spreading outward to obscure the structure of her muzzle with lime green mounds. This time when they kissed, Luna’s snout was thoroughly engulfed by the soft glossy mass, yet that didn’t stop her from leaning in all the same, letting herself be smeared in the emerald paint. Her arms wrestled from beneath the changeling’s all-encompassing breasts to find something to latch onto, to hold her, to tighten their embrace, and Chrysalis did the same, seizing the mare who was now so much smaller than her. Luna’s legs spread wide and their loins mashed together once more, and she could feel the moistness shared between them, eagerly drooling in anticipation.

She couldn’t wait.

She couldn’t wait to tear the mare’s blouse open.

She couldn’t wait to place her hands upon her supple flesh.

She couldn’t wait to taste her juices.

She couldn’t wait to sink her claws in and—

All at once Chrysalis yanked herself apart and stomped away.

Luna was left stunned and in shock for several seconds, gasping and heaving on top of the counter amid scattered papers. When she managed to get into an upright posture again, she saw Chrysalis standing in the corner, slumped forward with one hand propped against the wall for support. She couldn’t do this without her breast and thigh pressing into the wall at the same time. Seeing her like this did a lot more to put her newfound enormity into perspective. She was nearly as broad as she was tall, front to back and side to side, breasts and buttocks about comparable to each other in girth, each huge black globe the size of a weather balloon.

“What…what is wrong?” the mare asked, unable to keep up with the impression anymore.

“I can’t,” Chrysalis muttered, shaking her head. When she turned back to look her way, her swollen lips made it difficult to parse her expression, but the lament in her gaze was plain to see. “I just…can’t do this.”

“Chrysalis, you…there is nothing to worry about, you have always been capable of this,” Luna said while tottering to her hooves and warily stepping forward. There was no hard edge of authority to her tone anymore, no scolding tone. It was the tone of Equestria’s other princesses, gentle and kind of so easy to forgive. That elicited a twinge of aggravation by itself. “We do not have to…to play around anymore, we can simply get on with the act and…and then—”

Chrysalis yelled, not any identifiable words, just a noise of raw anguish and anger bellowing up from within, tinged by the lingering pangs of sexual stimulation. “It’s still not good enough!” she shouted, and her glossy lips parted enough to show the gleaming white slivers of her bared teeth. “I still can’t allow myself to stay like this!”

Luna came to stand beside her but didn’t say anything and didn’t make any attempt to touch her. Chrysalis shuddered and trembled, quakes wracking through her, which had the effect of making her jiggle tremulously. She clenched her jaw and wrung her overtaxed top in her hands. When she looked down at herself, everything was black bosom, with a veneer of green rising up beyond the end of her muzzle. It was phenomenally enticing, and yet the thought of that reaction only served to instill a deep sense of regret and frustration.

“I can’t…stop…feeling the way that…that I’m used to,” she whispered through clenched teeth. It was an ordeal just to minimize the wobbling motions of her lips as they smacked against each other. She looked toward Luna, and she felt an unchecked surge of violent intent well up from within, boiling through her blood. “No matter what I do, I can’t stop hating.”

“Chrysalis, nopony ever said this had to be an overnight change.” Now Luna reached for her, hand pausing momentarily while passing above the expanse of cleavage, and held her gently by the wrist. “If it takes you time to overcome this, then so be it, there is truly no rush. We can work on this, together.”

Chrysalis looked down at herself. She looked at the pony’s hand, blue fur with slender digits. She looked at her own hand, the pink glove leaving the fingers uncovered, revealing the savage pointed claws which extended from the knuckles. “No…this isn’t just some hurdle to get over,” she said even more quietly, “no matter what role I am playing, I will always be Queen Chrysalis, and Queen Chrysalis will never be content with being a street whore subjugated by ponies.”

Luna flinched, grimacing, not liking that phrasing but not exactly able to deny it either.

Ultimately all Chrysalis could do was consider herself. The weight and bulk of her present form brought a sense of cumbersomeness that was strangely pleasing. Even just while standing still, there was stimulation steadily building within her loins. It may have been difficult to tell, though, as the lust and the wrath were nearly identical to each other, equal in the way that they ignited her. “This just isn’t a world for Queen Chrysalis anymore,” she said, bitterly resigned, “so be it. I can just…stop.”


Luna tried to come closer but she shrank away. Chrysalis held her hands up to her face, brushing away her mane and finally settling with her fingertips set upon her forehead. Her eyes were watery and shimmering when she looked back. This image seared into the alicorn’s mind.


Her jagged horn flashed with an intense emerald light which then lit up within Chrysalis’s eyes, glowing and burning from within. A convulsion wracked through her and she slumped limply to the side—she might have fallen over if she weren’t already propped up in the corner by her assets keeping her wedged in place. Luna rushed to her, to hold her arms around her for support, even if it meant pressing into her cushy bulk, even as she was taken aback by the sheer weight of the changeling and momentarily faltered. The sickly light in her eyes blazed and dimmed and then finally faded, leaving her expression glassy and lifeless, her body still, and Luna feared for the worst.

Then Chrysalis blinked and looked toward her, and she smiled. “Oh, hello, Miss Luna,” she purred, “getting a little handsy today, are we?”

Luna let go and backed away abruptly. Chrysalis was able to steady herself on her own, standing up straight. She gave a good-natured smile as she turned toward her—looking at her head-on like this, the view was mostly breasts from the chest down, arms hidden behind the pert globes, hips and thighs jutting out toward the sides beneath.

“Chrysalis, what…what did you do to yourself?” the mare asked breathlessly.

“Hmm?” She tilted her head and absently scratched her cheek, and then she giggled. “I dunno what you mean, Miss Luna. I guess my memory is a bit foggy though, I just can’t seem to remember what we were doing, sorry.” She stretched her arms out over her head, extending one leg then the other, cocking her hips to each side. She bounced on her toes, and so much flesh bounced up at the same time, barely contained within her scant clothes.

Luna’s efforts to remain concerned were being beaten back by the stimulation which she felt mounting within, the unavoidable carnal yearning.

“Well, maybe I just need to loosen up, I’m sure that will refresh my memory,” Chrysalis crooned, licking at her glossy lips. She walked forward with a steady strut, swaying about, so naturally that it was as if she had been this way all her life. Luna didn’t realize that she had been backing away until she felt the hard edge of the desk against her bottom, and at that point it was too late to avoid the bosom that came to pin her in place, totally smothering her in pliant flesh. The tingling fire in her loins was creeping up through her.

“It…it could not hurt to give it a try,” Luna agreed with a sheepish grin on her muzzle.

Chrysalis smiled and chuckled. “I knew you’d understand.”

And then they were upon each other. Luna had to fight with her own fortitude to keep herself steady, standing like a rock in stormy waters as Chrysalis enveloped her. Cavernous cleavage surrounded the alicorn, keeping her from escaping, and the changeling leaned in to press their lips together. This time the swollen green mounds moved so much more expertly, smearing all over her muzzle, and several times she felt her lungs crying for relief, yet she couldn’t bring herself to come up from the moist embrace. They gripped tightly to each other, and Luna only briefly felt self-conscious at how much slighter she was, lament for how much less satisfying it must be to her partner—surely Chrysalis would also like to be able to grab somepony’s fat tits and ass while making out with them. This must have been what she had felt before all of this began.

Her blouse buttons had come undone over her front, leaving her stomach and chest exposed. Chrysalis was leaning over Luna, kissing around her neck and collar and sternum, with an occasional hard bite of her teeth pinching at her skin, while she undid the clasps on her bra. No sooner had the cups fallen away than had the changeling lunged in, as if drawn by magnetism, to instead place her mouth upon one of the dark blue nipples. Luna yowled and cried as the supple lips and flexile tongue played at the tender surface, and she scarcely even noticed when Chrysalis supplemented this by grasping at the other breast with her hand—mindful even in this intense moment of the sharpness of her fingers—and kneaded the pert mound. She was almost clamping and clinging onto the changeling more than she was lying against the desk, squeezing in a death-grip around her back and hips. Blearily, as Chrysalis switched from one teat to the other, Luna saw the tip of her horn bobbing before her, and she stuck out her tongue to lap against its rough surface, and she was met with a jolt of magic that had a distinct sour taste, eliciting another groan to rise up from her depths.

Chrysalis crooned with laughter. “Oh, Miss Luna, I am so thankful that you appreciate my care this much,” she intoned mirthfully before dragging her own tongue up between the mare’s breasts.

Luna could only moan, any pretense regarding their present circumstances long forgotten in their heat.

“I shouldn’t keep you waiting too much longer, should I?” Chrysalis giggled with a hint of mischievousness while she undid the button and zipper on her pants. She pulled down them and then the lacy black panties underneath, and she savored the view of the slit between Luna’s legs, already moist and eagerly awaiting her descent. Her jaws stretched wide, like a predator about to feast upon its prey, the framing of her glossy lips unable to wholly detract from the view of her glistening teeth as her long, thin tongue came furling out.

Like a viper she struck her target, and Luna shrieked with orgasmic glee. The alicorn went rigid, her thighs squeezing around either side of Chrysalis’s head, locking her in place—not that she was anywhere close to being done regardless. Her lips just about completely covered the mare’s groin, creating a seal of suction as she placed her mouth upon the quivering opening, and her tongue worked its way around the edges, lapping at her sensitive flesh, brushing across the clitoris repeatedly, before plunging into the inner walls. Luna squirmed and writhed upon the table like a fish out of water, gasping for breath in a similar manner too, fresh pangs of electrifying stimulation wracking through her every time the changeling pushed into her, or her hands clenched at her rump. She was putty in Chrysalis’s hands, a gibbering mass of fur and feathers, nowhere near the princess she had once been, just as she was so far from the queen she used to be, except that thought didn’t occur to her, that life so distant from her that it was as if it had never existed.

And then Chrysalis’s tongue found the spot where Luna’s sensitivity was at its highest. The mare was already so deep in her throes of passion that she couldn’t even scream anymore. There was only a hoarse squeak in her throat as her eyes bugged out of her skull and her loins gushed their sweet juices. Chrysalis eagerly slurped up every drop, the force of suction tugging on her groin and serving to magnify the pressure all the more. All the while, the changeling crooned to herself while groping at her own flesh, providing much-needed stimulation amidst the haze of lust that was clouding her senses. She savored Luna’s sweet taste, but more than that she savored the raw ambient energy that exuded from her, the force of her lust, her love, an intangible nectar that filled her with vitality and power. The Chrysalis of a few minutes ago might have marveled at the potency of this love, a sort which she had never experienced before in any of her sexual dealings with other creatures, but the current Chrysalis didn’t think that, because she always made sure to satisfy whoever was with her.

When they finally separated, ending their lewd kiss, it was with a wet pop as Chrysalis’s mouth ceased contact. She lapped up the few droplets of cum left on her lips and then rose to hover over the desk once more. She leaned forward and positioned herself just so that her breasts laid over Luna’s prone body, not so much that they uncomfortably weighed upon her. She smiled as she looked down along the valley of cleavage which projected in front of her, at the face of the alicorn, lolling limply back over the other end of the desk, and she languidly shook her hips and tail from side to side. “Well, Miss Luna, how do you feel?” she asked with a teasing lilt.

Luna could only groan in response as she gradually recollected herself. For all the bravado she had put on earlier, the truth was that her sex life had been rather stifled during the time she had been a princess, and even since her abdication she had yet to settle down with many partners for a night of passion. And she couldn’t even remember the last time she’d experienced sex that mind-numbingly indulgent—not since before her banishment, certainly. Chrysalis really did know her stuff. Or, at least, this Chrysalis did.

That thought lanced through her mind and prompted a pained wince, sobering her from her stupor.

“Hmm?” Chrysalis’s demeanor shifted and she regarded Luna with a hint of genuine concern. “Is something the matter?”

“N…no, it…everything is fine,” Luna insisted as she grunted and rose to a sitting position. She tried not to think about how she must have looked, half-undressed and laid out on the desk where she was supposed to complete her work, patches of green lipstick across her muzzle and her own makeup starting to run, all of that was disaster enough. She didn’t feel as sore as she would have expected, though; if anything, there was a sensation of vigor welling up within her, newfound strength to replace what had been lost. Perhaps this was a side effect of the love that had been drawn out of her.

It seemed for a moment like Chrysalis might not be convinced, but then she grinned anyway. “That’s good to hear,” she said, chuckling, “I do hope that it was good for you.” She reached to hold Luna by the shoulders, keeping her steady while she leaned in for a hug, nuzzling against her before finally giving her a kiss on the cheek. It was a relatively chaste gesture, given the circumstances and the quantity of breast meat between them.

“It…it was quite pleasurable, Chrysalis,” Luna replied with a warm smile.

“Wonderful!” The changeling’s wings buzzed delightedly as she squeezed tighter. Then the salacious tone crept back in as she continued, “I hope you’re prepared, then, to be on the giving end next.”

Luna’s eyes widened, and in her mind’s eye she beheld all that might soon follow. Sinking into the changeling’s exorbitant physique. Getting buried between her thighs. Drowning in the taste of her flesh. “…O-oh,” she blurted out, “I…um…y-yes, indeed, of course.”

Chrysalis purred delightedly, the thumping of her heart able to be felt through the vast bulk of her body, ripples felt across a vast ocean. “I can’t wait,” she whispered, then licked at the mare’s face. Luna thought she smelt the scent of her own juices mixed in with the changeling’s hot breath. She had to fight not to squirm with yet further arousal.

“Nor can I…but, ah, would you mind…waiting…just a few moments more?” Luna smiled sheepishly, nervously. “I just…need some time to…breathe.”

Again, concern lingered on Chrysalis briefly as she pouted, but she quickly bounced back to eagerness. “Very well, if you say so,” she cooed, and she gently placed her palm against the side of the alicorn’s head, combing fingers through her cloudy ethereal mane. “I didn’t take you for such a lightweight, Miss Luna, but we can work at your pace.”

Luna frowned, heat blooming in her cheeks, but that only prompted Chrysalis to laugh again before she finally disengaged. While she turned away, her hand slipped behind the cloth of her top, having to squeeze against the mass of her breast in order to reach her nipple. The enormity of her bosom could be discerned even from behind, jutting out far to either side from her torso, sloping away behind the hills of her ass.

But all Luna really saw was that image of Chrysalis with a look of grim resignation etched across her face. She knew that it just wasn’t right, no matter how she looked at it, no matter how intensely hot this version of the former queen might have been. Even if she was more pleasant like this, it wasn’t the same person she had been. It wasn’t the same person Luna had been enticed by.

Nopony, not even her sister, had known that the real reason Luna wanted to take charge in this particular reformation effort had been because she had a sense of admiration for Chrysalis. She wanted to believe more than anything that this changeling could overcome her poisonous personality and become, at the very least, someone who could peacefully exist in society. It might have been a misbegotten, futile effort, given how many chances for forgiveness had already been passed up, but Luna knew that nothing would be accomplished if nopony even tried. She had personal experience with being a monster.

Turning Chrysalis into a bimbo wasn’t going to solve the problem, it was merely putting it off for later.

Yet Luna found herself unable to rationalize the idea that she ought to reverse this transformation and pursue a more constructive avenue. The sad reality was that this was the most progress they had been able to make, and now she was tired and drained and empty and horny. A part of Luna had thought that they might approach this direction sooner or later, that Chrysalis would make herself into a form more sexually tantalizing so as to improve her performance. She hadn’t anticipated that she would resort to mental changes as well.

It was just another regret to add to the pile, a pile which had done little to shrink in the time since Luna’s own reformation. Perhaps she was even more akin to Chrysalis than she had first estimated. No matter how much time passed, she still struggled to feel like she belonged in this time, this world.

A heavy, shuddering sigh escaped her as she glanced down at herself, her body that was so pleasingly curvaceous but could still be so much more.

“You ready yet?” Chrysalis called to her.

“…Just a moment,” Luna replied while she looked up at her horn. Silvery moonlight began to charge around the spire. She muttered to herself, “When in Roam…”

Misty dreamstuff coalesced around her. There was a surge within her form, pressure building, a dam ready to burst. She felt heavy, burgeoning, mass too great for her body to contain. She opened her mouth to exhale and the flame of her loins licked up through her throat.

Then her vision went white with a snap.

Chrysalis’s ear flicked. “Hmm?” She sensed a number of things all at once. Tearing cloth, the sound of clothes ripping, and wood creaking. A pulse of powerful arcane energy that felt strangely familiar for reasons she couldn’t identify. The powerful stench of a yearning mare. Then Luna groaned, the sound echoing in the closed office, and Chrysalis turned back to face her.

“Oh, Chryssi,” Luna said in a long, needy sigh, her plump blue lips then closing so she could grind them together in a contented hum. The desk gave a final, relieved creak as she sidled off of it, her beanbag buttocks wobbling in the process. She had one hand grasping at one of her massive mammaries, desperately trying to find purchase on the smooth surface, while the other was furiously prying at her groin.

“Miss Luna, you look like you’re ready to go at it,” Chrysalis quipped with a smirk, not the slightest bit concerned for how the alicorn had inexplicably turned into a mirror reflection of her physique. All that really mattered was the heat which she felt in her own loins, intensifying all over again in anticipation of what was to come.

“Oh, you have no idea,” Luna growled hungrily back while stumbling and jiggling forward, her loins drooling.

They came together in a meteoric collision of breasts, forcing the combined mass to mash between them until they were close enough that their fat lips could kiss at each other, smacking and popping. They kissed, they groped, they laughed, they wailed, they fucked, blue and black flesh intermingling, locked around each other so tightly that they were as one.

Neither would have to think anymore, neither would have to worry about their place in the world, all that mattered was sex and love, and that was all they could hope for.