No one will dom me! Except mommy.

by DeltaXeno1138

First published

Pharynx can’t find a mare to satisfy his kink. So he goes to its originator for some advice. He gets more than he expected.

Pharynx thought coexisting would be difficult. In reality, it was hatchling’s play compared to finding a pony mare that was open to fulfilling his favorite kind of sex. The kind where she was in charge, and she made sure he knew that.

What can he do? Complain that their former enemies won’t treat him harshly? In bed, no less? Yes, that would go over well. NOT.

Perhaps if he could just experience it one more time, he could give it up for good. One last, big hurrah. But his social skills sans sex are passable as it is. Convincing a mare is going to be a long shot.

There may be only one option: ask the one who sparked his kink for advice on how to encourage someone to at least try. Or even just spot someone who may be more open to it. He’ll take anything! Anything at all!

And his mother may just give it to him.

My entry for the Incest is Wincest’s Mother’s Day 2023 Contest.

Contains: MotherxSon incest, femdom, hornjob, horngasm, oral, creampie, Pharynx being someone who says NOT. First time dom writing, so probably not the best.

I won first place! I’m as surprised as you

Is being pinned down and commanded too much to ask for?!

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“So…that was fun” a pegasus mare named Wind Swept said cutely, ducking her head and tucking a stray lock of her mane behind her ear as she stood in front of Pharynx’s open door.

“Yeah. It was” said changed-ling replied with a small smile and a casual demeanor, leaning on the doorframe.

“Maybe we could do it again sometime” she continued, now sporting a light blush. She looked up when he didn’t answer for a moment.


“Yeah. You have my number, if you want to.” That only got a nod. She was starting to feel a bit awkward now. Well, more so than she already was. “I uh…I’ll get going.”

“You sure you don’t want me to call you a Hoofer?”

“Oh! No, no, that’s fine. I’ve been meaning to get a nice flight in, anyway” she said with a ruffle of her wings. “But thanks for offering. Um, actually, before I go. I just wanted to say sorry-“

“There’s nothing to be sorry about” Pharynx cut her off with a caring tone. “I understand. It’s not something you’re into. I can’t be mad about it. You wouldn’t get mad at me if our positions were flipped. Right?”

“No! Of course not!” she replied earnestly.

“Then there’s no issue. In fact…why don’t we meet up again next weekend?” Pharynx suggested as he closed the distance between them, looking down at her with his best smoldering face.

“R-Really?” she asked timidly with wide eyes and much more prominent blush.

“Yeah. We did still have fun, right?” he decided to sweeten the offer by giving her a tender, lingering kiss on the lips.

“Y-Yeah! Okay! Sure! See you next week, Pharynx!” the mare said giddily as she turned and sprinted briefly before taking to the air.

Pharynx maintained his small smile as he watched her fly away. Then he stepped back inside, closed the door, leaned his back on it, and his smile fell.

“Ugggggggh” he groaned in annoyance. “These damn ponies and their kind and gentle nature. Ten. Ten mares! Not one of them had a dominant bone in their body. Yeah, they were still fun, but it could be better!”

Pharynx had found himself plagued by this desire since even before his brother convinced the hive to change their ways. He had sought to quench this thirst with any willing sister. Or any brother, who wasn’t Thorax, who was willing to be a sister for a bit.

They all paled in comparison to the original, but at least they actually went for it and put in the effort. He would trade all twelve instances of regular sex with these pony mares for even one instance with one of his siblings again. But not Thorax.

“Although, he is our leader now. Maybe it would come easily-“ Pharynx shook his head free of that thought. “Fuck! I’m so hung up on this I’m considering Thorax!”

Pharynx had fucked plenty of his other siblings, as changelings were and mostly still were want to do, but even the thought of doing it with Thorax just didn’t feel right. The others may have been just as much his brothers and sisters biologically, but Thorax was his little brother. Hi brother brother. It wasn’t in the cards, emotionally.

He could of course approach one of his other siblings again, but they had all gone soft since becoming changed-lings. Well, softer in his perspective. The Queen didn’t make him head of the patrols for nothing. Even if they indulged him, they probably wouldn’t put as much effort into it as they did before, with their new, kinder attitudes.

“Queen Mother, damn it!” he cursed as he lightly banged his head against the door. “I could start forcefully reading mare’s minds to see which ones would dom me. And I can’t do that without mind controlling them or else it’ll leave them with a headache. That’s a good plan.

“Not!” Perhaps if he still lived at the hive, and not in a modest house in a pony town. He could even say he just had a relapse, and the others would surely be happy to attend to the affected mare. But even then, there’d be enough chance she’d talk, and all the hard work of bettering the changeling image to the ponies would take a steep dive.

“Unless I find a mare even willing to try it out, it’s hopeless. And I’ve gotta wait till after my second date with Wind Swept to look for another one. Assuming we don’t set up a third. Great, I’m going soft now. Worried about her feelings and shit.”

There was only only one individual who had a guarantee of helping him satisfying this need. Maybe even enough to make him quit. Or at least hold him over until he could hopefully find a pony mare who could. But they definitely weren’t an option.

“Hey, pony rulers. Is it okay if we released her for a bit so she can help me figure out how to get laid in a very specific way? Of course it is, Pharynx! It’s not like she’s one of our most dangerous enemies and your mom so we’d find that conversation extra weird. Go right ahead! We’ll release her so she can help you find someone to pin you down and command you while riding your dick. Not!

“The only way they might let me talk to her out of stone form would be-“ He cut himself off as he started to think about it. “Wait. Maybe…It’s not like she’d be the first. And she already refused before, so it wouldn’t be a shock if she did again. But they’d wanna make sure she wasn’t dangerous when released. Like if- Yeah. Yeah, that could just work!”

Pharynx practically leapt away from the door, his mind racing with excitement at the plan he had quickly concocted. He started getting ready before he pulled out his phone and started writing a text to send to the Princesses, Shining Armor, and his brother. He was already outside, locking the door and flying off for Canterlot before he hit send.

Your majesties. I was doing some thinking and came to a decision. I’m hoping I can be granted your permission to carry it out.

It concerns my and Thorax’s mother. I want to have a discussion with her.

Chryssi doms best

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Pharynx stared up at the three figure statue, focusing on one in particular. The one with the hourglass figure, double D breasts, and wide hips for laying large eggs, frozen in a leap towards her enemies with a trademark hissing face. The dethroned Queen Chrysalis herself.

Imprisoned alongside the magic juicer and the child.

Luckily, she was going to be the only one freed from her stone form, thanks to the inhibitor ring Pharynx held in his hand. They were fairly simple to make, but the rulers weren’t taking any chances. So they custom made a super powerful one with a destoning effect. All he had to do was put it on her horn, and they would soon get to talking.

Another stroke of luck is that Pharynx was granted total privacy as he requested, in one of the many spare bedrooms in Canterlot Castle. With every possible exit becoming locked once she was freed. Another addition to the ring. Technically he’d be trapped as well, but he would just need to remove the ring to undo it.

He’d have to put it on her first, of course. He looked down at the ring, then back at his mother, and took a deep breath. “Okay. Here we go.”

He levitated the ring up and slipped it onto her horn. It shrunk enough to fit firmly, preventing it from being flung or flicked off. And then it started taking effect, the stone encasing Chrysalis crumbled away upwards, gradually exposing her body.

“Rragh!” she snarled as she suddenly lunged forward with her horn charged, as if her leap had been frozen in time and finally been allowed to continue. Pharynx quickly jumped out of her way. “Fools! Do you think I’ll allow you to stop me?! No one can stop me permanently! I’m Queen Fucking Chrysalis! And I will-!”

“Hello, mother.”

“Pharynx?!” Chrysalis exclaimed as she turned around after a beat of confused silence. “Ugh, and still wearing that disgusting, traitorous form. I can only assume they gave me the death sentence and you requested to take the killing blow personally. Well, I won’t die without a fight!”

“Mother! It’s been eighty four years.”


The former queen could only rear back and stare at her so called son in shock, her magic disappearing from her horn.

“Wh- What?”

“Not!” Pharynx exclaimed before falling on the ground, laughing hysterically. “It’s, ha ha, it’s only been like less than a year!”

“Oh for the love of the Queen Mother, you’re still doing ‘not’?! And fuck you!”

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist” Pharynx apologized as he got back up.

And you’re being polite. Just get my execution over with or stone me again” she said in annoyance, crossing her arms under her voluptuous breasts.

“I’m not executing you, mother. But you probably are going back in the stone after.”

“After what?”

“After we have a talk.”





“A talk?” Chrysalis asked as she looked at Pharynx like he’d shape shifted into a pink polka dotted anteater. “ About what? Wait, let me guess. Another attempt to get me to see the error of my ways and become a good guy.”

“I told the princesses, Prince Armor, and Thorax that would be part of it, but no. Not that they exactly showed much belief in it, so they won’t be surprised by a lack of progress. It’s something…personal.”

“Personal. Well, personally…Ah ha!” she exclaimed as she charged up her horn, magically gripped Pharynx, and pushed as hard as she could. “You were a fool to let me have full use of…” she trailed off when she realized he’d barely moved an inch. “My magic?”

Pharynx very easily moved his arm up and pointed to his horn before pointing at hers. She shifted her eyes upward, struggling for a moment before she finally saw what he was pointing at. “You put an inhibitor ring on me?!”

“What was that about me being a fool?”

“But they supress magic entirely! How can I still use mine, even if it’s clearly not to full power?”

“Custom made by the aforementioned rulers. You can still use your magic to move things, but not to cause anyone any bodily harm. No mind control. And your shapeshifting has also been limited to size changes. The maximum is your regular size, and the minimum is filly size. Go ahead and try.”

Chrysalis released her useless hold on Pharynx and attempted to shapeshift, the usual ring of green, fire-like magic traveling up her body. She remained unchanged. She did it again and remained filly size rather than ant size as she had intended. “I hate you.”

“Hey, I only asked for an inhibitor ring. The princesses came up with the extra stuff. Mainly Cadance and Shining Armor” Pharynx said as he raised his hands defensively. He also suppressed a chuckle at hearing his mother’s normal voice come out of her smaller self.

“Of course. Wait. Why can I reach it?” she asked suspiciously after changing back to normal size.

“Because it’s also the only thing keeping you from turning back into stone.”

“Also of course.”

“And every possible exit is magically locked while it’s on, so don’t even bother with the window or door.

“So. Our personal talk?”

“Do I look like a therapist to you?” she replied with a deadpan expression.

“I don’t think a therapist is the best suited for this kind of talk. They’d probably have a field day with my reason for wanting to have it.”

“And what exactly is it?” Chrysalis asked, starting to become more annoyed.

Pharynx took a deep breath and looked his mother straight in the eye. “I can’t find a mare to dom me.”





“BWAH HA HA HA HAAA!” Chrysalis erupted in laughter, clutching her sides. “So THAT’S what this is about?! All your siblings have gone soft, and the ponies are no better, so you came to dear old mommy for one last romp! Awwww, Phary. I didn’t think you missed me that much. HA HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!”

“It’s not like that!” Pharynx exclaimed sternly with some mild annoyance. “I just want some advice!”

“Advice? Sure! Clean my statue off afterward so they don’t ask questions! Ah ha ha ha haaaa! No wonder you had me moved to this nice room! To set the mood!” she exclaimed as she leaned on the edge of the bed before sitting on it.

“I will take that ring off right now if you don’t stop” he warned with narrowed eyes and a charged horn.

Chrysalis covered her mouth to muffle her laughs and started taking breaths in between them. They gradually died down and she removed her hand before clearing her throat. “Okay. snort I’m done. Ahem. Pray tell, what kind of advice do you want?” she asked as she leaned back on her hands and put one leg over the other. She was tickled enough that she decided to humor him.

“Well, to start, how to find a mare who would be into domming me.”

“Seriously? Just mind control one into doing it.”

“We don’t do that anymore, mother. We’ve learned the value of consent.” That earned him a groan of disgust and an eye roll. “And even if I was willing to, I don’t want to risk undoing all the hard work Thorax has done to better our image.”

Destroy our image, you mean.”

“So how could I find one without forcibly reading their mind?” he asked, ignoring her remark.

“To think I made you head of the patrols” Chrysalis said with a disapproving shake of her head. “Has playing nice seriously inhibited your ability to sense the feelings of your prey? Sorry, your friends?” she asked mockingly.

“Not as far as I can tell. I may not have found any mares to dom me, but I have found mares open to laying with me. Multiple, in fact.”

“If you’ve found mares willing to fuck you, then you should be able to find any willing to dom you. If you haven’t thus far, then you just need to expand your search. Find one that has an air of authority to go with their interest in you.”

“Are you sure?”

“I taught you everything I know about hunting for prey. You should be able to do it with half the experience. Is that all then? Time to go statue again? Could I at least have a meal before I go?”

“Just one more thing.”

“Ugh. What?”

“How could I…encourage a mare who’s hesitant to try it?”

“The answer is one you’ve already said no to.”

“You must have some kind of seduction technique.”

“Yes, taking on the form of their beloved. I wasn’t exactly trying to court any of my prey. I just took the form they were already attracted to. They pretty much did the rest. And if I felt like doing something they weren’t accustomed to, I had perfectly capable magic to make them do it. I wasn’t gonna go through the hassle of convincing them. I’m a Queen! I don’t convince others, let alone my food. They try to convince me.

“And believe me, I had plenty of experience with stallions trying to convince me of things they wanted. Left those assholes with quite the headaches.”

“Those kettles were rather black, eh pot?” Pharynx was answered with a middle finger. “So the only advice you can give me, that isn’t just resorting to our old ways, is to keep looking?”

“Seems that way.”

“And that’s something I was going to do anyway. Fantastic. This turned out to be a huge waste of time” Pharynx said disappointedly as he slumped on the edge of the bed besides his mother, hunched over.

Chrysalis stared at her son for a moment, watching him stew in his failure. She turned her head back to look at the bed, flexing her hand to feel how soft it was. Then she turned back to look at the stone forms of her allies, and the space she would soon be occupying again.

“It doesn’t have to be.”


“It doesn’t have to be a waste of time.”

“What do you mean?” he asked as he looked at her.

“Well, you want to find a mare who will dom you. Do you really need to look any further than the room you’re currently in?” she asked with a slight tilt of her head.

“I told you this was just about getting your advice.”

“And you got very little. I’m offering you something else. Something more. And it wouldn’t be the first time.”

“I remember. It’s the whole reason I’m in this mess” he replied in mild annoyance. “You left me with a taste for it.”

“And here you have a chance to taste it again.” She scooted a bit closer to him.

“I’m supposed to believe you’re willing to have sex with your traitorous son when you’re going to be encased in stone again so soon?”

“That’s precisely why I’m willing to. Or at least partly so. I have no idea if I’ll ever be set free again. This might be the closest thing to a last meal I’ll get. Why not indulge?”

Pharynx continued looking at his mother questioningly, but now his eyes were also wandering along her body, and very familiar feelings and memories began to cause a stir in his loins. “Partly. What other reason do you have?”

“I can’t believe I’m sharing this with you, but I haven’t had a good lay since I was dethroned.”

“So you and Tirek never…?” Pharynx trailed off as he used his index fingers to point at his mother and the trapped centaur.

“I said a good lay. He was all rough and fast. He didn’t exactly get a lot of proper relief or experience while trapped in Tartarus. At least…I hope not” she said as she looked at Cozy’s statue worriedly. I can still see her spying on us. She shook her head of the thought and turned back to Pharynx. “Well?”

“…” Pharynx continued to stare at her unsurely. “How do I know this isn’t some ploy to ensnare me to get me to let you out occasionally, possibly helping you to eventually escape?”

“There’s the brain that got you your position” Chrysalis remarked as she scooted even closer, mere inches away from making contact. “It’s a very likely possibility. But I’ve also learned the error of underestimating my enemies. Multiple times. It could very easily fail or backfire if discovered, so maybe I won’t take the risk.”

Suddenly, Chrysalis lunged at her son, grabbing his wrists and pulling them up as she pushed him onto the bed. She pinned his arms above his head as she straddled him. Pharynx was left in wide eyed surprise, though he could easily escape this.

“But I think the better question is…” she continued as she leaned down, bringing their faces closer and closer. “Are you going to risk it? Hm? Are you going to risk it just to have one more night with your original dommy mommy?” She leaned down further, putting her mouth right next to his ear so she could whisper in it. “Are you? Soldier?”


“Please speak loud and clearly, soldier” she instructed with her gentle, seductive tone. “I can’t imagine you didn’t soundproof the room.”

“I did. And yes. I will risk it. My queen.”

“Good” she replied, her tone immediately changing to stern as she got off of him and retook her seat beside him. “Then stand up in front of me. We need to make a change first.”

“Yes, my queen” Pharynx said with no hesitation. Shit. I didn’t think she could still affect me like this. “What change do you desire?”

“Return to your original form. Your new one disgusts me, and I will surely not be laying with you while you wear it.”

Pharynx nodded and hesitated for a moment before changing back into his old self.

“Now there’s the soldier I remember” Chrysalis said with a smile as she stood up and approached him. “The one who was my favorite to command in the bedroom.” She suddenly shot her hand out and cupped his groin through his pants. She could feel his dick grow even more at her touch. “I see he remembers me. Let me see how much he missed me.

Strip. By hand” she commanded as she released his groin and took a few steps back.

“Yes, my queen.” If Chrysalis had a stopwatch, she would’ve seen he’d gotten naked for her in record time. It was like his clothes had been on fire.

“Very good” she said as she eyed him up and down, focusing particularly on his abs and erection. “I could tell you kept your figure even in that disgusting new form. I still very much approve” she said before licking her lips.

“Thank you, my queen” Pharynx responded with a light blush.

“Now hug the wall” she said suddenly as she put a hand on his chest and pushed him to the wall. “And while I enjoy my appetizer, you don’t make a sound besides pants and grunts, you keep your hands to yourself, and you refrain from moving your hips. Am I understood, soldier?”

“Yes, my queen” Pharynx said, his eyes blinking rapidly for a second.

“Good. Because, I’m famished.” Chryslis suddenly dropped down to her knees and wasted no time. She wrapped her hand around his base to angle it upward while simultaneously using her long, serpentine tongue to lick up his length. When she reached the tip, she opened her mouth and descended on him, taking his entire length in her mouth and down her throat.

She waited maybe a second before she started moving her head back and forth, audibly sucking him off with gusto right away. “Mmsslrp mmsslrp mmsslrp.”

“Rrmf!” Pharynx grunted, clenching his mouth shut to keep from saying anything. Holy shit! It’s as good as I remember. Maybe her time with Tirek kept her from getting rusty. Oh shit, the tongue coil! Pharynx dug his fingers into the wall as Chrysalis coiled her tongue around his cock as she fellated him.

She removed her mouth, before sliding her tongue off him after an amount of time he could only determine as too soon. But that wasn’t for him to say. “Ahhh. You still have that exquisite taste of a soldier. And multiple hints of mare. So you weren’t lying about finding some to lay with you. Lucky them. But you’re mine, at the moment.” And she returned to exactly what she had been doing, with no sign of slowing down.

Pharynx grit his teeth and clenched his eyes shut as he laid his head on the wall, his fingers starting to make cracks in it. He could hear his own heartbeat. He might have to put himself in a magic hold to keep his hips from moving. It’s like her mouth is begging me to start humping! But I can’t disobey her! Must keep still!

Then, as if reading his mind in spite of the ring keeping from her doing so, she granted him reprieve from her mouth. She removed herself the same as last time, but much slower. Especially with her tongue. “Ahhhhhh lalalala lahhh” she moaned as she slid it off in a spiral motion.

Pharynx audibly shuddered before starting to take deep breaths, and allowing his body to slump from the rigid pose of attention he had taken. He also pulled his fingertips from the small dents in the wall he’d made. “You-“

“You will not speak, unless spoken to, soldier” Chryalis instantly cut him off before standing up to face him. “Is that clear?”

“Y-Yes, my queen” Pharynx stammered a bit.

“What were you going to say?”

“Just that you haven’t lost your touch, my queen.”

“One of the few good things to come from my romps with Tirek. Now, get on the bed.” She didn’t wait for him to obey, rather she put her hands on his shoulders and directed him, shoving him onto it face up. “Hssss” she hissed as she slowly climbed onto him, looking at him with glowing eyes and predatory smile.

Why is it so hot to feel like her prey? He wondered to himself. His eyebrows shot up when he felt something around his wrists. He was so distracted by her eyes he didn’t notice her horn charge up. Her magic formed into rings around his wrists before lifting his arms above his head. His wrists were joined, and he was certain if she had full control, the magic restraints would be tighter. He’d also likely be unable to move his arms, not that he was hurrying to do so now.

“Now…let’s see if you haven’t lost your touch” Chrysalis said as she crawled up further than he was expecting. Until her crotch was hovering mere inches from his nose. “Surely you kept your skills sharp with at least a few of those other mares.”

“All of them, my queen.”

“Hm. Perhaps generosity isn’t so bad.”

“If I may, my queen. Your pants are still on.”

“I am aware, soldier. You will take them off for me. You can handle that, can’t you?”

“Of course, my queen” he replied with a nod as he charged his horn.

“No ripping or tearing. I don’t intend to return to my statue form with ruined pants or Hive in the Sky forbid bottomless.”

“As you wish, my queen” he replied as he started to pull down her zipper.

“One last thing” she said, making him pause. “While I enjoy being called queen, it’s lost a lot of its luster since my dethronement and defeat. For now, we will both address me as…mommy.” Pharynx blinked in surprise at that. It was new. “That won’t be a problem, will it?”

“Not at all…” he hesitated a moment. “Mommy.”

Good. Continue removing mommy’s pants, soldier” Chrysalis said in a tone that was still commanding but less intense.

Pharynx drew her zipper down and undid the button. He started shifting the sides down back and forth, exposing the skin of her wide hips. He couldn’t help but admire them, along with her legs as they were exposed. He was quietly thankful that she stretched them out to make the removal of her pants easier.

Now Pharynx was staring at her panties, which he was surprised to see were completely dry. There wasn’t even any scent coming off them. She usually has at least a small spot. And some hint of her pheromones. Even when not in the bedroom. She got off on giving commands in general.

“Now mommy’s panties, soldier” she said with a hint of disapproval. She had wanted him to do that without being told to.

“Yes, mommy” he said as he started sliding them off, his heart starting to beat faster in anticipation. Soon he saw the reason for the lack of spot and scent. She had closed herself off, something changelings were capable of doing. Only a thin line was visible, as if drawn onto a doll. And then the line slowly started to open.

“Tirek barely returned the favor, and even when he did, it was mediocre at best” Chrysalis explained as she leaned back to sit herself on Pharynx’s chest. She reached down and gripped his horn, pulling his head up to better look at her. Her slowly opening pussy was less than inch from his nose. “So, you will take your time with me. You will not dive right in. You will prod, and lick, and kiss, and nibble. And when you do enter, you will start slow, you will explore every inch, you will tease my G spot. And then…I’ll tell you how to continue.

“Do I make myself clear, soldier?”

Pharynx blinked up at her, staring in awe of his former ruler, who was managing to still come off as someone who should be in charge. In charge of everything, but especially him. And she was technically in charge of him at the moment. He could almost forget the technically.

Yes, mommy.

“Hm. It actually feels odd to still call you soldier when I’m not having you call me queen anymore. Perhaps it’s better if I called you…son.”

Now that is all kinds of new.

“Go ahead, son. Get started on me” she said as she let go of his horn, though his head remained where she’d held it.

Pharynx looked down at her pussy as it was finally, fully uncovered. And he was hit with a small wave of her pheromones, making him blink in surprise. His mouth was already starting to water. Even before he saw her liquid arousal start to come out of her. It smells…even better than I remember.

He leaned up slightly and started planting light kisses on her inner thigh. He trailed them upward, leading to her pussy. But instead of going right to it, he switched to the other thigh, and did the same. After delivering those kisses, he started kissing around her pussy, making sure to avoid her clitoris, no matter how much it called to him.

“Decent start, son” Chrysalis commented as she leaned back on her hands while still looking down at him. “Continue as you are.”

After another moment around her pussy, Pharynx went back to one of her thighs, this time opening his mouth to put some suction and licking into his kisses. He suckled and licked at her skin, before releasing with a pop, and continuing to lick the spot. Then he gave it a light nibble.

“Ooh, no one’s ever done that before. Mommy approves” Chrysalis said as she closed her legs a bit, making easier for him. “So keep doing it” she said sternly.

Yes, mommy” Pharynx replied huskily before he continued, putting a bit more into all three of his actions.

ah” Chryslis lightly gasped with every pop and nibble. “Mm, that’s pretty good, son. I wish you had done this with the previous times. But I think it has served it’s purpose. Now lick mommy’s pussy for a bit. And then stick your tongue in, and remember what I told you.”

“Yes, mommy.” Pharynx looked directly at his mother’s pussy which was considerably more wet. Any longer and she’d start dripping on his chest. He stuck his tongue out and gave her a slow upward lick. His eyes opened as wide as they could. She even tastes better than I remember!

“I recognize that look. Slow, son. Or we stop this” she warned.

“Yes, mommy!” he replied urgently.

“While you’re at it, go ahead and grab my ass” she said as she dissipated the magic around his wrists. “Appreciate it like you have before.”

“…That’s not fair if you want me to go slow, mommy.”

“Did I say I was gonna be fair?” she asked while looking down at him crossly. “Now shut up, grab my ass, and start slowly licking me, son” she commanded as she grabbed his horn again.

“…Yes, mommy” Pharynx replied after taking a moment to recover from the intimidation. I didn’t think she could still do that to me. He slipped his arms under legs and raised them to take hold of her sizable ass. An ass that could lure in prey without her even needing to change into their beloved. He took a second to lightly squeeze and knead her cheeks. They were still firm and cushiony, memories of their feel on his dick resurfacing. He almost wished she was sitting directly on his face, reverse cowgirl style. But then he’d be deprived the view of her pussy.

He stuck out his tongue once more and gave her another slow lick, followed by another, and another, lapping up nd swallowing her arousal bit by bit. Each time made it harder and harder to not just ravish her.

Mmmm, that’s a good boy” Chryslis said as she started to move her hand up and down on Pharynx’s horn. She covered less than an inch, but it still had the desired effect. Pharynx’s eyelids started to twitch as his eyes slowly started rolling back. This thankfully did nothing to impede his licking. In fact, his licks became a bit firmer, and more drawn out.

And Chrysalis didn’t mind.

“Stick your tongue in me now. And continue to be slow” she said as she slightly shifted her hips back and forth to wave her pussy at him enticingly.

“Yes, mommy” he said before he gave her a lick with enough pressure to push into her. Just the tip of his tongue had actually gone in, licking the inner side of her lips from bottom to top. When he brought it back down, he pushed further in with the next lick, putting in half, licking her inner walls. With the third, he had as much of his tongue inside of her as he could get, without shapeshifting it to be longer. She hadn’t told him to do that, after all.

“Ahhh. Make your tongue a bit longer. I want it to touch my cervix. And a bit thicker to better press into the sides.”

Until now.

The firey magic travelled up his body, changing his tongue to do what his mother wanted. He felt her shiver even in the split second before it grew, when his firey magic had made contact with her. A tingle any changeling could experience when making contact with another when they shapeshifted. And when aroused, even better.

“Much better. Now lick up and down, a little faster.”

Pharynx obeyed, closing his eyes while licking her snug walls up and down, making sure he got her cervix every time. More of her arousal seeped out of her. He caught it with his tongue, letting it trail down what little wasn’t inside her down into his throat to swallow.

Ooh. That’s it, son. That’s how mommy wants you licking her pussy. At the moment” Chrysalis moaned as she sat up, raising her free arm to put her hand behind her head.

Pharynx became disappointed for a moment when he felt her hand leave his horn, until he felt the sensation of magic surrounding it and continuing to stroke it. He opened his eyes to see she had put both hands behind her head while her horn was ignited. Remembering her command to appreciate her ass, he started stroking and massaging it again with more oomph, making her start to rock back and forth top of him. She either didn’t notice it was his doing or didn’t care.

“Mmmm” she hummed approvingly as she closed her eyes and leaned her head back a bit. “No one’s licked me this deeply in a while. Do a circular motion, now. Clockwise.” She sounded less firm, though only a bit. She was enjoying this more and more.

Pharynx changed his licking to a clockwise motion, still making sure to get her cervix with each lick. He also made sure each lick was in tandem with his shifting of her hips. He was rewarded with a new reaction.

Ah hah. Ah hah. Ah” Chrysalis released short gasps with each lick. “Mm, very good. Now counterclockwise.”

Pharynx obeyed, doing it the same way as he was with clockwise, but this time he put a bit more pressure into the licks. She still didn’t seem to notice or care about his independent action, nor did she mind. Her gasps were now more like moans. And her magical stroking matched the speed of his tongue. “Ah. Ah. Ah ha. Ah. Very good. Mm. Now, back to up and down. But go faster. And start playing with mommy’s clit” she said with some restored firmness.

Not wanting to take his hands off her ass, Pharynx ignited his own horn to start gently rubbing his mother’s clit with his magic. Then he started licking as instructed.

Ooh hoo, that’s it, son” she moaned approvingly. Her hips started rocking harder and in tandem with the licks, without the need of Pharynx’s help. “Mm, yes. Lick me faster. And harder.”

Pharynx obeyed, which made her rub his horn faster and harder too. If his mind wasn’t in a pleasurable haze before, it certainly was now. And it had been building she started rubbing.

“Faster. Faster!” she commanded a bit loudly, almost pleadingly, as she leaned her head back. “Faster on my clit, as well! Ah ha! Ooh, you’re really enjoying my ass. Give it a smack.”


“Ah! Ooh, that was just right! Tirek was nearly punching me, the magically roided jackass. But you know how to smack an ass properly. So do it again. Ah! Again! Mm! Oh that’s it. I can’t wait anymore. I grant you permission to eat me out with as much or little control as you desire.”

Pharynx’s eyes snapped open in surprise, pausing his licking. For a couple of seconds.

Pharynx raised both his hands from his mother’s ass, then brought them back down in a double smack, and pulled her forward. His neck could finally get some rest, as he managed to pull her into sitting directly on his face. And then he took full advantage of the freedom he’d just been granted. He shapeshifted to make his tongue a bit thicker before putting it into a rapid clockwise spin within his mother’s pussy.

“AH HA! Oh fuck!” Chrysalis exclaimed, her whole body lurching in reaction to the drilling tongue. “I should’ve let you eat me out like this earlier! Ah ha ha! Ah ha ha!” she exclaimed, her whole body shuddering forward before pulling back to do so again. “Yes! Yes, son! Eat mommy’s pussy!”

Pharynx decided to obey her even further, and started opening and closing his mouth on her pussy, without clamping down on his tongue. His upper lip brushed her clit while he was still magically rubbing it, which he started to do faster. Then he started wriggling his tongue in and out of her.

“Oh son! You’re doing so much! I’m glad you remembered your lessons! I’m so close! You’re going to make mommy cum! Mommy’s gonna cum in your mouth! And you’re going to drink it all! Like a good bo- Ah. Ah. AH! AH! AH HA! AHHHHH FUCK!” Chrysalis cried as her orgasm hit her. She leaned back, her back arching, as her body convulsed with each wave of pleasure. This caused her magic to tighten on Pharynx’s horn and spin in a spiraling motion.

The combination of his mother’s heavenly tasting juices gushing into his mouth and her magic practically assaulting his horn was too much for Pharynx to handle. But he didn’t dare cum yet, no matter how painfully hard his unattended, throbbing dick had gotten. Thankfully, he’d learned to channel pent up energy elsewhere.

“Grr! Grr! Mmf!” he grunted as he shot bursts of cum-like magic out of his horn. Something that didn’t go unnoticed by his mother.

In the last throws of her orgasm, Chryslis caught sight of her son’s horn cum, which made her eyes widen. She opened her mouth wide and pulled the bursts in before they could land, as if feeding off love. It was the next best thing. And since they were the product of an orgasm, it had the added effect of increasing the power of her last throws, making her convulse again. It was like cumming twice in a row.

Chryslis felt her power increasing, and after a moment of enjoying the enhanced waves, she quickly channeled the energy to her horn. Unfortunately, it stopped right at the ring. Damn. Worth a shot. Oh shit! She realized she was leaning back too much and quickly shot her arms back to catch herself.

“Hah. Hah. Very…good…son” she said between breaths. “Mmm, you could probably lap up what’s left a lot better if you pulled your tongue out. Slowly” she added firmly. “Mmmmm hm hm hrrrrm” she moaned and purred from his removal and his lapping. “We’re not done, of course. But mommy needs a moment before we continue. And you will wait. Occupy yourself with cleaning me up.”

“Yes, mommy” Pharynx replied before he resumed licking up every straggling drop he could find. He threw in a few kisses for good measure. They seemed to pay off, eliciting light hums.

“I think you’ve got it all. Now, my legs need some respite from the way I was sitting on you, and from kneeling on them to suck you off. And it occurs to me, that besides your tongue and hands, you haven’t put in much work. So…” Chrysalis trailed off before getting off Pharynx’s face, climbing further up the bed, and laying down on her back. “Get up. On your knees. And turn around

Pharynx did as he was told, now facing his mother, who was looking at him with lidded eye and a devilish smile. She raised a hand and curled a finger at him. He shuffled forward on his knees as if in a trance. She parted her legs, and he was even more entranced than before as he saw it winking at him. The horngasm and her sweet nectar were largely responsible.


He did, now kneeling between her legs.

“Come down here” she said while curling her finger again. He lowered himself down, putting his hands on either side of her. They were now face to face. She placed her hands on his waist. “Since I’m going to be resting my legs, you will be on top for this, but I of course am still in charge. Now, line yourself up.

Pharynx looked down and magically positioned his throbbing, twitching erection directly at her winking pussy.

“And now…” she trailed off before moving her mouth to his ear. She whispered, “Fuck your mommy.

Pharynx wasted no time, immediately driving his hips forward to bury his cock in his mother. “Ah! Ah ha!” he gasped as he was suddenly overcome by the familiar, soft, warm, and wet feeling of Chrysalis’s pussy. It had been so long since he’d been inside her like this, yet it felt like he’d never left. She conformed to him perfectly, which all changelings could, but a queen felt…extra right. He had to clench his body to keep from cumming right there. “Sweet…Queen…Mother!”

“Ooh!” Chrysalis exclaimed when her son rammed all the way into her, her hands spreading out on his waist in surprise. “Ooh hoo! Oh, son. I forgot how much I liked your dick in particular. Even without you making it bigger or thicker. That’s why it was my favorite” she said as she rotated her hips a bit, enjoying Pharynx’s presence.

“It…It was your…favorite?” he asked while taking breaths to bring himself down. With little success.

“It was and in fact still is, son. Mommy’s favorite big…boy” she said in a low voice as she put a hand on his cheek. It surprised him, never receiving affection like that from her ever before. And she wasn’t done surprising him. She closed the distance and gave him a passionate kiss.

Pharynx’s eyes were as wide as plates, not just from the kiss, though that was most of it, but also because he could taste love coming from her mouth. He instinctually sucked it up, and was able to tell that it was love for his dick, specifically. He was almost sad it wasn’t for him in general. Almost.

Much more importantly, that love joined his horngasm and her nectar, tripling his drive. His hips started to move quickly, now fucking his mother as she had said to. She was the one to break the kiss as he did this.

“Mm! Ooh, good. I was afraid you were distracted for a moment. Ah, that’s it, son. Fuck me just like that. It’s a good starting point” she added with narrowed eyes and a smirk.

Yes, mommy” Pharynx moaned as he continued pumping in and out of her. His hips made contact with each thrust, making a light slapping sound. The feeling was nostalgically euphoric, bringing back memories of how she would ride him with very little mercy, claiming his dick as hers first and foremost. And with her pussy, that was very easily done.

A few times she even deliberately called him to her quarters while he was in the middle of fucking one of his siblings. Nowadays he felt guilty about how excited he was when she did, leaving his sibling with blue labes or balls.

No such guilt affected him at the moment.

“Mmf, mmf, grr, hah” Pharyx groaned and gasped, making sure not to speak unless he was spoken to.

“Mommy gives you permission to moan. Mm, don’t hold it back. I know you’re struggling not to, dealing with my pussy. In fact, I also give you permiss- no. I demand that you speak. Mommy wants to hear what you would have to say.”

“Oh mommy!” Pharynx exclaimed. “Your pussy feels so good! Even better than during your rule!”

“Really? Mm!” Chrysalis asked with great interest before clenching during one of his thrusts. “Say more, son.

“It’s the warmest, softest, and wettest it’s ever felt. I slide in so easily but it still feels snug, like a welcoming hug. And it conforms to me every time, like a perfect fit” Pharynx described, not once slowing down his thrusting.

“Perfect. I like the sound of that. Then tell me, even after your nights with those pony mares, is mine the best?”

“Yes!” he replied without hesitation.

“Yes, what, son?” she asked with narrowed eyes and a cross tone.

“Yes, it’s the best!”

What is?

“Your pussy!”

“I guess I’m not asking clearly enough, so I’m not gonna ask anymore” she replied with a hint of anger before moving one of her hands from his waist to the back of his head and gripping it tightly. “Tell me my pussy is perfect, and that it is the best you’ve ever had” she seethed.

“Your pussy is perfect! It’s the best I’ve ever had!”


“Your pussy is perfect and it’s the best I’ve ever had!”

Straight up” she said suddenly as she pushed on his chest, making him stand up, or rather kneel, straight. “Grab my hips. Fuck me harder. And say it again!

Pharynx shot his hands out, grabbed her hips, and started pulling her to him while also putting more force into his thrusts. “Ah! Yes, mommy! Your pussy is perfect! It’s the best I’ve ever had!”

“Mmf! Again!”

He obeyed.

“Ah! Ah! Again! Harder!” she commanded as she removed her hands from his waist and braced herself on the headboard. She also used her magic to grab his ass firmly and started pulling herself. “Harder! Faster! Fuck me! Fuck your mommy! Ah ha!”

Pharynx was slamming into her so hard the headboard was starting to hit the wall. Were the room not soundproofed, anyone outside could’ve heard the banging on the wall and the smacking of flesh on flesh. “Oh fuck! Oh mommy! I’m going as hard as I can!”

“If that’s as hard as you can go, MM, then it’s a good thing my legs are rested.”

“What do you me-? Whoa!” Pharynx exclaimed as his mother suddenly lunged up to hug him, so she could use her magic and her wings to quickly raise both of them into the air and switch their positions. Now she was on her knees, and she released Pharynx, making him fall onto the bed, right before she quickly reached down to grab his wrists. She pulled them up and pinned his arms above his head as she looked down at with glowing eyes and a toothy, fang bearing smile.

“Now, son, you are going to lay there. And mommy’s gonna fuck YOU. RRM!” Chryslis moaned and growled before starting to piston herself on his dick. “And while you’re down there, I think I’ll treat you to a little snack.”

Her magic enveloped her shirt, that had surprisingly stayed on the entire time. She raised her hands from his wrists only a moment to rapidly remove her shirt, along with the heavy duty bra she had adorned so her armor could fit better. She sighed in relief as her double D breasts were finally freed, her nipples practically as hard as his dick was. And in need of attention, also like his dick was.

“Ah, I kept my girls confined for too long. So you better enjoy by treating them right, son” she said threateningly.

“Yes, mommy!” Pharynx replied quickly before jutting his head up to capture one of her nipples in his mouth, suckling it enthusiastically. “Mm! Mm! Mm!”

He had opened his mouth wide to get more than just the nipple, giving him more to suck, and lick. He sucked and licked at her nipple like she was breastfeeding. With his arms trapped, he ignited his horn and enveloped her other breast with his magic to fondle it. He magically circled her nipple and pinched it lightly.

Ooh, now that’s some good treatment” Chrysalis said, slamming down on him and pausing for a moment to gyrations her hips. “Switch between them.

Pharynx gave the nipple his mouth was on one last hard suck before releasing it with a pop and tickling it with his tongue. “Yes, mommy” he moaned as he switched his mouth to the other and his magic to the first.

Mmmm, good boy” Chrysalis moaned with a low timber, almost a growl, before she resumed fucking him. “Rrm! Rrm! Rrm!” she grunted as she increased her force and speed. “This is exactly what you wanted, isn’t it? A mom who knows how to dom. And dom well.”

“I would’ve taken anyone who could dom well” Pharynx replied before immediately going back to sucking.

“But a mom would’ve especially been the best, right?”


“But you couldn’t find anyone. And even if you did, it wouldn’t have been good enough. Mm! Because no one’s a better dommy,” she leaned down to utter in his ear. “…than your mommy. Are they?”

“Mm mm!”

“Use your words, son.”

Pharynx released her tit from his mouth, this time swirling the nipple with his tongue. “No! No one will be better than you, mommy!”

Say it again.

“No one will ever be better!”

Again” she growled as she felt him start to jerk his hips. He couldn’t help it. He was getting close.

“No one will be better!”

“Tell me what I am!”

“You’re the best, mommy!”

You’re damn right, I am” she growled with a big, toothy smile. “And the best can take it all. So there’s one last thing I need you to do for me, son.”

“What, mommy?”

Give me all of it” she growled before shapeshifting her whole body to be just a bit smaller, slamming down all the way to his hips, and clenching down on his cock. “MM!”

“Ah, ah, ah! Grrrrrr AH! AH! Fuck!” Pharynx grunted as he came, his hips jerking up as much as they could under her weight, shooting rope after rope of his cum up into his mother’s pussy. “Yes, mommy! It’s all yours!”

“Ah! Ah! Ah ha!” Chrysalis exclaimed as her son’s reply and the splashing of his cum inside of her set off her second orgasm. Her minor shrinking also made him stretch her a bit, adding to the pleasure. “Yes! Yes! Give it to me, son! Mommy wants all of it! Every drop! Ah!”

Chrysalis allowed herself to collapse on top of her son as the both of them came down from their orgasms, panting deeply. “Ah. To be…filled with cum…and…feel satisfied…at the same time. How I missed it.”

“That…was…amazing” Pharynx said between breaths.

“Of course it was.”

“Thank you.”

“It was mostly for myse-“ her final word died when Pharynx cupped her chin and turned her head so she’d face him.

“I mean it. Thank you. Mommy” he said before giving her a gentle kiss.

Now it was Chrysalis’s turn to be surprised. Not just from the affectionate gesture of appreciation, but also from the love she was feeling flow into her mouth. Without her having to pull it in herself. She had never experience it before, having love shared with her. It seemed to flow much more easily. And that wasn’t all.

Despite the satisfaction of claiming love from prey, this shared love…tasted better!

Chrysalis’s eyes slowly closed and she embraced the kiss, without greedily pulling on the love. She just let it keep flowing. She actually found herself moving forward when Pharynx broke the kiss. Her eyes fluttered open, and though she saw her son in his original form smiling at her, all she saw was his changedling face. And for the first time, it didn’t disgust her.

“Um…you’re welcome.”

Pharynx’s smile grew a small bit before his eyes slowly closed and nuzzled his mother, all the energy he used making him drift to sleep.

Is…Is he cuddling me? And I’m liking it?!

Chrysalis’s eyes blinked in utter confusion, and from the drowsiness she was now starting to feel. Her eye shifted to her snoozing son for a moment before she tentatively nuzzled him back and settled into a comfortable cuddle, slowly dozing off.

Well…things are going to be interesting when we wake up.

Not so fruitless

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Chrysalis groaned as she stirred from her slumber, the faint sound of a slow beat in her ear. She remembered hearing it as she dozed off, though a bit faster and stronger. It was pleasant. Her eyes slowly opened to behold who the beat was coming from.

“Morning, sleepy head” Pharynx said, resting his head on his joined hands.

“Gah!” she exclaimed as lunged back and off of her son’s chest, clutching the blanket to her chest. Hearing his voice come out of his changedling form while they were in the position they were was startling. Though surprisingly not as disgusting as before. “Pharynx?! What are you-?! Oh. Right.”

“She remembers. The effects of old age haven’t started to set in quite yet” Pharynx casually quipped.

“Fuck you very much, son” she replied. She looked down to her hand clutching the blanket and furrowed her brows. Since when do I do that? she asked herself before letting the blanket go, exposing her breasts without care.

“Well, you already did. And it was…fun” he said as he sat himself up.

Of course, it was. I was involved, is what she wanted to say, but for some reason it didn’t come out of her immediately. Instead she just stared back at him for a beat, and cracked a small smile before replying. “It was, wasn’t it? Like old times.”

“Honestly, I think it topped old times. It almost makes me wish this wasn’t the last time.”

“Why does it have to be?” she asked. This time it was immediate, much to both their surprise. “Why not come again, so we can both cum again?

“You can’t be serious. The royals will get suspicious. Why keep visiting if there’s no progress in turning you?”

“Who says there won’t be?”

“Wait…you’re not implying…

“Of course not” she replied with an eye roll. “Well…maybe a bit. I’ve learned by now that I have a snowball’s chance in a volcano of defeating these blasted ponies and reclaiming my position. But I’m not eager to resign myself to my stone imprisonment, or any for that matter. So I think I’ll play nice if it means I get to be free.”

“Forgive me, mother, but I’m not so sure they’d allow that.”

“I think they might with their high and mighty compassion. And perhaps if I had a proper chaperon of sorts” she said with a raise of her eyebrows.


“No, your usurping brother who I may never forgive” she said with an deadpan expression. “Yes, you! Visit me enough times and eventually tell them I’ve made enough progress that you could keep an eye on me yourself. In your own home.

“Hold on. You want to live with me?!”

“Not especially, no. But I have to live somewhere while on probation, and living under your supervision will probably have the best chance of having much fewer guards on my ass in the not fun way. And you’ll get to have your dommy mommy at home” she added with a wiggle of her eyebrows. “I get my freedom, and you have your specific thirst quenched. It’s a win win.”

Pharynx looked down in thought for a moment. “I’m still not really buying you’d accept what you described as freedom, even playing nice long enough earning you the ability to roam without being surveyed, which I’m not sure will ever be a hundred percent allowed. How can I trust this isn’t some long term scheme?”

Chrysalis didn’t answer right away. First, she turned to look at the still statued forms of her accomplices that had luckily been placed where her and Pharynx wouldn’t get distracted by them during their fun. She turned back to Pharynx who was looking at her questioningly. “What I’m about to tell you never leaves this room.

“Your little prank…it affected me” she said while her eyes were directed downward. She didn’t feel comfortable looking directly at him. “More than I could’ve expected. My mind just started going haywire with what it meant for me when you said not. Asshole. And while it made me angry, I was actually relieved it wasn’t true. And now…

“I’m afraid. Afraid of going back to it and either never coming out without even being aware, or coming out to discover a large amount of time has passed with the world completely different. I don’t want to go back to it” she explained as she looked at the statues again.

Pharynx blinked it surprise. Seeing his mother, Queen Chrysalis, like this, vulnerable, confessing a fear, and a major one at that. He felt…sad. “Mother-“

“Can you promise me I won’t go back to it?” she asked, looking back at him.


“I know I’m going to right before you leave this room, but can you promise me you’ll at least try to negotiate my release? And soon? I don’t care if I’m given another form of imprisonment, so long as I’m conscious and not frozen. I’m not sure which would be worse, being conscious and knowing everything continues while I’m stuck, or being unconscious and some day discovering it has.”

“I’ll try” Pharynx replied, leaning forward and putting a hand on her knee. “I promise I’ll try, mother.”

Chrysalis looked down at his hand and briefly considered putting her own atop it. She didn’t, but still chastised herself for even considering it. Ugh. How the mighty have fallen. “Thank you, son” Fallen far.

“I’ll make sure to repay you once I’m free” she added with a sultry look, hoping to alleviate the emotions she had just caused. “Even more so when we’re living together.”

“I look forward to it.”

After getting cleaned up and dressed, Chrysalis mentally prepared herself for becoming stone again and climbed onto her position on the pedestal.

“Are you ready?” Pharynx asked.

“As much as I can be. But, before you take off the ring, can I ask for a small favor?l

“Depends on what it is.”

“Um…” she was appalled by herself again as she felt her cheeks warm up. “Could you…share some of your love with me again? Through a kiss?”

“Really?” he asked in light surprise.

“Yes. It…tasted good” she said with a bashful smile. She was once more surprised when he placed a hand on her cheek like before and gave her a tender kiss while sharing his magic. She embraced it much quicker. “Ahem. Thank you.”

“No problem. Wanna get back into position?”

“Actually, I wanna do something a little different.” She positioned herself and got a chuckle out of Pharynx.

“Maybe it’s not so weird I like doing ‘Not’.”

“Shut up and take it off already. Oh! Wait! One last thing!” She gestured for him to come closer then whispered something in his ear.

“Really?” he asked in much more surprise.

“Go see for yourself if you don’t believe me. Okay. Now, you can take it off” she said as she resumed her position. “I’ll see you later, son.”

“See you later, mom.” Pharynx magically removed the inhibitor ring, and Chrysalis was quickly encased in stone again in her new pose. That being standing up, having both her middle fingers raised, and wearing the same hissing snarl she was when originally imprisoned. “Hopefully not too much later.”

With the replaced ring unlocking every possible exit, Pharynx opened the door and exited the room. The rulers teleported in front of him seconds later. They asked him how it went, and he said about as well as they expected, leaving them unsurprised. Until he told them how Chryslis might be more willing to play nice if allowed more freedom.

Though hesitant, they all agreed to meet up again soon to discuss it.

Pharynx returned home and reconfirmed his second date night with Wind Swept. They came back to his house after a light dinner and started getting handsy and kissy with each other.

“Hey. I um…kinda have a surprise for you” Wind Swept said as they approached his bed.

“Really? What is it?”

“So, you know how I wasn’t really into domming you last week?”


“Well…” Wind trailed off before suddenly shoving him onto the bed and climbing on top of him, pinning his arms by the wrist. “I decided to check out certain types of sites to look more into it. And…I kinda liked what I saw.”

“Oh. Really?” Pharynx replied, pleasantly surprised.

“Mm hm. And I’d like to give it a shot. I wanna try and be your dommy mommy. Like the sound of that?

“Yes, mommy.”

“Good. Then kiss me hard and with that long tongue of yours.” She didn’t wait for him, smashing her lips on his and shoving her tongue in his mouth.

Some time later, both of them laid beside each other, panting. They agreed it was even better than the last time they had sex. Pharynx refrained from telling her it wasn’t the best he’d ever been dommed. Thankfully she surmised that herself from her own performance. And luckily, she was eager to practice some more.

Just a few weeks later, Chrysalis got her wish and was freed, with guard supervision of course. She was allowed some more private time with Pharynx for her supposed softening to the pony way. And they took full opportunity, though not just for the amazing sex.

Chrysalis could tell Pharynx was more chipper, and after a few simple questions, quickly surmised that he found a marefreind who was domming him. She purposefully gushed in such a stereotypical mom way and reveled in his embarrassed blushing, he was almost certain she enjoyed it as much as the sex they had.

She was very surprised to hear that this Wind Swept had actually floated the idea of inviting a third party for a night. And when told that she’d been improving in her dommy mommy practice, an idea formed in her mind. “Has your marefriend by any chance voiced an interest in red headed mares?”

Some months later, Wind was now living with Pharynx, and they’d had a more than healthy sex life. One with plenty of domming sessions, greatly improving Wind’s performance. But not quite to Chrysalis’s level. But that was perhaps about to change.

“Hey, Wind?” Pharynx asked, breaking from the gentle kissing that was the first step towards greater fun.

“Yeah, babe?”

“This may be a little awkward, but the princesses have entrusted me with giving some pony a place to stay for a while until they can get one of their own. It would probably be for months, maybe even a year.”

“A special assignment from the princesses?! Babe, that’s great! Of course they can stay with us!”

“Wait, really?” he asked with genuine surprise.

“Tell my coltfriend to refuse a royal assignment? Yeah, I’d do that. Not!”

“Wow. I can’t believe how much I’ve rubbed off on you” he chuckled. “But you probably shouldn’t rush to that decision. I think it’s important you know that it’s a mare. A single mare. Who um…has shown some attraction to me.”

Really, now?” Wind asked, interested, which Pharynx had hoped for.

“Yeah. And, admittedly…she’s not bad to look at” he said while ducking and turning his head slightly.

“Oh, naughty boy” Wind playfully chastised him. “Sneaking glances at another mare, huh? Well, I may need to have a look myself, to see if it’s justified. Who knows? Maybe she could be the…third party I’ve suggested.”

“Well, it’s interesting you say that. We’ve had some conversations, a few personal ones, and relationships and kinks came up. Turns out she’s a regular dommy mommy. She said she could offer some pointers for me to pass along to you.”

“No way! Let me hear them!”

“Well, I didn’t get them.”

“What? Why not?!”

“I wanted to see how you responded to all this first. And now that you have, in a much more positive way than I thought…” Pharynx trailed off as he started to lead her to the bedroom, which made her slightly confused. He turned the knob and gave the door a gentle push as he said “I think it’d be better if you heard them from the source.”

Wind’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she saw lying on their bed a curvaceous, well endowed, mint green unicorn mare with a long orange mane, dressed in black lingerie. The room lights were out, substituted by numerous candles.

“Hi. Wind Swept, right? I’m Crackle Cosette. I’m gonna be your tenant for a bit. And I hear you could use some pointers on domming your love bug.”

“Uh…yeah. I could” Wind replied after a moment, having been completely entranced by Crackle. Not just by her figure and attire, but by her vibrant green eyes. The lighting was perfect, it almost made it seem like her eye were glowing.

“Then I think we should make this official with a little…get together, so to speak. So…both of you come here” she said with a tone authority as she curled her finger at them. “Your new dommy mommy has some things to teach you. First hand.”

Wind shuddered with excitement as her wings sprung out to full span, already starting to feel herself get wet. “O-Okay, mommy.” A light bulb went off in her head. She turned to Pharynx. “Well, you heard her. Shut the door, and come on. Mommy wants us.”

Pharynx smiled casually before stepping in and closing the door. “Yes, mommy.”