Depths of Flurry

by That One Strange Fellow

First published

Flurry is frustrated and fed-up. Her mother and father take some quality time to spend with her. And by 'quality time,' they mean satisfying her insatiable urges.

A princess has needs, and as her loving parents, both take it upon themselves to help Flurry Heart through her most recent heat.

This can't possibly go wrong, right?

Second place winner for the 2023 Mother's Day Contest in the Incest is Wincest group (NSFW group).

Contents: Aged-up adult Flurry Heart, Incest (duh), FxF, FxM, squirting, two deep, unprotected creampies, surprisingly, no kisses or hoof-holding

Cover art: 1620187 (NSFW)

Rumor has it this got featured on 23-05-06~07. Don't ask me how.


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Head back, waist squirming and hooves trying to keep things interesting. How long would this take? It normally never took this long, let alone being this hard to produce the sensation. Her back arced in a vain attempt at forcing it deeper, a groan escaping her mouth before she threw up her hooves. It was hopeless.

Her eyes reopened to stare down at where the ‘Prodigious Princely Pulsing Poker’ sank inside her baby-maker. If the damn vibration feature of it hadn’t broken, maybe things wouldn’t have taken this long. It did give an incentive to find her pitch black identity-hiding cloak to make a run for the ‘Plug and Play’ store in the city. She still wanted to grab the auto-bucker machine, although where she would put it without it being found, she didn’t know. And if her mother knew what she was up to, she’d never hear the end.

Flurry put her hooves back on the base of the toy, pulling it out and shoving it back inside, a hoof disconnecting to rub her perky teats while the other did its business. She could imagine all the other times she used the toy, trembling under its pussy-rocking power that gave her a hundred squirts. But alas, today it wasn’t available.

She gave another hard thrust inside, pulling it back and sending another, a leg of hers extending to give it an even greater incentive. The worst part was she didn’t have the special formula for it either that quenched her heat, so it’s not like getting it to do its ‘orgasm’ in her would have any effect, even if it wasn’t broken. Gosh, what did they do back in the old days before the hormonal formula? Surely they didn’t have sex with wild disregard for–

“Hey, Flurry!” The door shoved open, her hooves tightening up to shove the toy deep inside her with a squeak, her entire body rolling off the edge of the bed onto the floor. Toward the door... “Woah! A-Are you... Uhhhh...”

“GET OUT, DAD!” She flipped over and tried covering herself with her hind-legs to face her hard-flushed father, the stallion simply staring at her body, and more accurately, where her legs now failed to cover with the blue base stuck from her marehood. “OUT! GET OUT!”

“Alright, alright!” He turned and bolted from the room, slamming the door shut. Her hoof went between her legs and pulled free her dildo of choice, tossing it onto the bed before she crawled up to lie down, pouting at it. Her fluids coated the damn thing and a decent wet spot on the bed, yet it didn’t feel the same. Maybe keeping the toy on its highest setting while it rumbled her all night into a continuous high wasn’t her best idea.

She grabbed the faux schlong and reopened her legs, sliding it back inside. At the very least, she’ll try until dinner. After that...

Wait, did it just... Her eyes went to the toy as it expanded inside her, pushing a gust of air up her cooch. “Oh, come on!” Her groan filled the air as she slammed her head back onto her down pillows.

Of course! It was only the bucking vibrator that was broken!

The stroke of her pen filled out the last of her signature, the golden glow of her horn picking up the magnifying glass to hold before her. She squinted at the enlarged horn-writing that was to be her authority. While her coronation was still a few years off whenever they found an adequate position for her to hold in the Equestrian government, she was due to take on more administrative responsibilities completed by her parents and a perfect signature was expected of her.

One line out of place, her muzzle scrunching up alongside the paper, the latter being tossed into the overflowing paper-waste basket next to her desk. Why can’t she get this one thing right? How could it be so hard to write two words? ‘Flurry,’ and ‘Heart.’ That’s all it was, but noooo!

She pushed herself back from the desk, chair skidding along the floor as she took in deep breaths. Ponies were looking to her to carry on her parents’ legacy. She had to maintain the perfect picture of regality, a pony young fillies and colts would look up to and stare in awe. To be an icon of Equestria on a global stage.

And she couldn’t even perfect her own signature.

Her stomach growled as she sat brooding, eyes moving to the clock on the wall above her, squinting, hoping to make out what it said. Ugh, she needs to see an optometrist too, to add insult to her self-inflicted salty wounds. What royal wears glasses? Not even Auntie Twilight wears glasses, and she’s always head-deep in books!

The second growl sent one from her throat, hooves clopping down to the ground and going for the door, exiting out into the darkened hallways of the Crystal Spire. Her home for her entire life, barely having changed a bit since she was running through the halls as a filly. Still the same bluish crystal pillars and white stone walls lined by black stones at the bottom. Almost the same guards who watched her grow up from a whiny brat into a true princess, including at least one who’s been in the Crystal Guard since its inception.

A night guard nodded to her as she passed, trying to unwind after her evening studies. While her horn was perfectly happy with writing for hours on end, her legs... less so. Aches spread through the muscles, ticking to make her walk even more stilted. Her chest had a dull pain that spread back along her spine, ending in a knot in her back that never seemed to go away, no matter how she slept.

Another thing to add to her list of to-do’s. The princess let out a sigh as she pushed into the kitchen, heading for the fridge to open. Leftovers. Satisfactory. She floated out the glass container and kicked the door shut behind her, taking it to the counter while her magic levitated a fork from the drawer. Her first stab at the seasoned pasta grabbed three of the noodles, nostrils taking in the cool yet delectable scent of the spices applied.

As she stuffed it into her mouth, a light knock came from the door, her breath inhaling the pasta to send her into a coughing fit. “Sorry! Didn’t mean to startle you!”

Flurry grabbed onto the counter, hacking away as her mother trotted over to rub her back, letting her cough out the noodle back into the dish it came from, taking the moment to catch up on her breathing while her mom failed to soothe her. “Are you okay, sweetie?”

“F-Fine! I’m fine!” She forced through her gritted teeth, letting out another series of hacking coughs that got the pasta stuck in her esophagus to dislodge and push back from her mouth into the dish. Flurry took her time taking deep breaths, letting herself get back into some semblance of ‘fine.’

“Are you sure you’re alright?” Her mom walked around to the other side, her tail brushing against her daughter’s as she stared at her meal as if it told her to buck off. “Your father and I didn’t see you after dinner. Were you busy with your studies?”

“Yes! I’m fine, okay! Studying! That’s all I was doing!”

Cadance stayed quiet for a few moments, eyes glazing along her pissed filly’s face. “Flurs?”


“Do you need help? You seem more frustrated than normal.” She brushed her hoof along her daughter’s foreleg, staring down at it as it gripped harder onto the counter.

“Y-You can’t help me, mom.” Flurry said under her breath.

Cadance moved her eyes along the young mare’s body, reaching where the dock of her tail was flagged. “Are you sure I can’t?”

“No, you can’t!”

She trailed back to Flurry’s face, the anger fading into something else. Resigned acceptance, perhaps? “Would you like me to?”

That caused the emotions to shift, her filly flicking her eyes back at her. “W-What?”

“Sweetie, it’s painfully obvious you’re in the middle of your heat.” A smile formed on her face. “Did you even smell yourself before you left for dinner? Or here? Have you even showered?”

“I-I’m fine! I can deal with it on my own!” She levitated the fork to stab into the pasta, bringing to her mouth to take the first bite and hopefully end this screwy conversation.

“I’m the Princess of Love, dear.” Cadance brushed her hoof through Flurry’s mane, shifting it down her neck before walking the rest of the way, caressing her daughter’s flank. She got down on her knees, horn lifting the tail to the side as the mare squeaked.

“M-Mom! W-What are you doing?!”

“Do you need help? For tonight, I can help you. Just tonight. Say the word, and you’ll see why I got my title.”

Flurry’s mouth hung open as she considered it, shoving the fork back into her meal and pushing it forward, leaning down against the cool counter. “O-Okay...”

Cadance’s snout went to beneath the dock, taking a sniff before moving south, tongue extending to flick the teats and draw a gasp from the mare. They were perky; the scent suggesting imminent ovulation. She gave another lick over the nipples as her daughter shuddered against the counter. Possibly light production of milk, too. Preparing to be impregnated, and very fertile at that. A hum escaped her throat as she went to the marehood, tongue starting on the winking jewel to draw a moan from her filly, working its way inside.

It started shallow, going from clit to upper vulva before returning to the red candy, pushing along it deeper inside. The muscles fought against her, but her strength overcame them with a puff of air from Flurry’s lungs.

Back to the bottom, lick in and deeper, the walls pushing back before she finished. Her daughter tasted much like herself, on the sweeter side compared to most mares. The next insertion she pushed as deep as possible, letting her tongue sit as her filly panted, holding for five seconds before drawing back out and beginning again.

Shallow. Deeper. Even deeper. As deep as possible. Her own heart pounded, eyes glazing over as her lips curled up and tongue did as it was so well adapted to do. Her daughter didn’t know what to do anymore, letting a squeak for the shallower ones and moans for the later ones, legs trembling.

For her next, she shoved her snout into her filly’s snatch, shoving her tongue deeper to travel the curves. Every time she hit a pressure point, a gasp escaped Flurry’s mouth, the walls writhing against the patient assault wearing them down.

She gave no inch of ground as she pushed as deep as possible, pulling back a moment to take a breath in of the damp marehood. It dripped onto the floor and down her face, but this was only the beginning.

She dove back in, this time tilting her head to shove her tongue to the very end, tickling the cervix of her filly and drawing out a moan to smother the air before Cadance pulled back, taking another deep breath before plunging into the depths, tonguing every spot that gave her daughter pleasure. The panting turned to borderline hyperventilation, a hoof of hers raising to fondle the nipples on her filly.

She could sense the pressure building from within, the walls getting sporadic and fluids almost drowning her out. Her tongue lapped up whatever it could, taking as many detours as possible to send Flurry to the brink. On her next pull-back, she positioned her lips over the winking clit that never stopped since she entered, giving a good suck before shoving back in, hitting point after point from the top, to the side, to the sensitive under flesh.

The walls constricted as she sent her filly over, Cadance pulling back to breathe a moment before shoving her tongue inside, hoof going wild at the teats. An ear-piercing shriek escaped from Flurry’s mouth, followed by a cataclysmic release of marecum into her mother’s waiting mouth.

She pushed for every gush of that sweet and salty mixture, taking in the release of a blissful orgasm with her whole being. It always seemed one burst was accompanied by another, and another two after that, dripping down her chin and neck to pool on the tiled floor below.

As it settled, she pulled back, took a breath, and plunged right back into a squeal pushing out of the mare as her massaging walls were once more met with a tongue stronger than any other. She took the reverse circuit over her pressure points to send her into another quaking release, Flurry’s moans filling the air to get cut off by her own heaving breaths. Liquid burst out around the snout lodged in her, soaking from Cadance’s chin to her trembling foreleg propping her up, and filling her nostrils with her daughter's scent for the rest of the night

On the final pull back, she did her licks in reverse. Deepest points, shallower, even shallower, then the surface, finishing with a kiss to the pulsing clit. Cadance pulled back with her mind in a daze, Flurry’s entire body still trembling from the second orgasm, her breaths labored and legs all shaking.

It brought a goofy smile to her face to see her daughter so pleased, the great twitching grin on the young mare enough to give her that burst of satisfaction she craved from a lover. Flurry’s eyes fluttered another few solid seconds before looking up to see the soaked mare grinning back at her with her fluids dripping from her face.

“W-When the BUCK d-did you learn to d-do that?!”

“Let’s just say your dad doesn’t know everything about my princess training.” She grabbed her daughter’s rear to pull her from the counter and onto her rump. “Lay down and hold out your horn. It’s my turn.”

She nodded with haste before following the orders, Cadance standing from the puddle she made beneath her aching marehood, shuffling in front and lowering her front half. Her rear descended slowly, the horn of her daughter pushing past her lips to slide inside. “T-This is going to be fast a-and intense, sweetie.”

Her rear hilted the horn, giving a first solid hump from base to tip before pushing back. Oh, how long had it been since she did this with Shining? The next hump started up her daughter’s heavy panting again. Cadance repositioned on her knees to go faster. She wouldn’t get her release until her daughter blacked out, and she knew how to do it.

Every hump was another to excite the horn, the first tingles filling her own vagina and eliciting her pace to grow. Only the most intimate of lovers ever attempted something this intense and for good reason. The best part, and what her daughter was about to experience, was that she was a professional.

Every hump now turned into more of a jerky thrust back, the horn igniting within her as Flurry began hyperventilating and a magic filled her body. It sparked up her nerves, sending twitches cascading through her form, ending at her own horn that tickled her. It was s-so close. S-So c-close...

Cadance shut her eyes as her daughter screamed out, a burst of magical jizz shooting straight up her own aching pussy to enter her womb and burst up her spine. The orgasm was instant. Her chuckling moans sending forth into the open air of the kitchen as all her fluids burst from her marehood onto her daughter’s mane and face, another squirt pulsing out of the young mare’s pussy to scatter across the floor. Every massage of her muscles was another that sent more of the thaumaturgic delight into her, prolonging the release as her entire body shook and stars formed in her vision.

Breaths were too difficult, turning into shallow pants that didn’t get enough to keep her mind on task, inadvertently falling forward and slipping out the horn to poke up beside her dock, one last blast of sparkling cum shooting onto her rump as she laid in a puddle of her own making. Her own horn sparked, failing to reach full prompt release, but it was more than enough for her to be satisfied for the night.

The delectable fluid from her filly swirled and tingled deep inside her, keeping a miniature orgasm going even if the marecum stopped gushing. Oh, it had been too long since she practiced with another mare, a giggle escaping her lips as she sat wheezing. Flurry started up her own giggles from her ass, snout moving from the soaked marehood as she rolled over onto her side, every breath ragged and heavy.

“T-Thanks... m-mom...” Flurry laid her head back, focusing on her breaths. What heat she had was gone, replaced by the total wonder of post-coitus prolactin release. Her legs never stopped trembling the entire time, but now she could sense how numb they became while she was focusing on her pleasure.

Cadance got to her hooves and leaned against the counter, giving a playful smirk at her filly. “M-Might want to–”

She was cut off by the growl of Flurry’s stomach, both their eyes meeting before they burst out laughing, Cadance leaning on the counter for support. Her not-so-little filly rolled back to her belly, getting up and wobbling as she leaned back on the counter, pulling the container of cool pasta back over to her. Her horn sputtered as she tried to ignite it, a droplet of glowing golden sludge trailing down her forehead from it as she caught her next laughs in her heavy breaths.

“Y-Yeah. P-Please put it back w-when you’re done.” Cadance let out a satisfied sigh, igniting her horn to move the ‘wet floor’ sign out from beside the fridge to place over the puddles they made, giving one last glance back to Flurry. The mare turned her lidded eyes over to her, the same smile on her face. “A-And just ask when you need a new v-vibrator. I’ve g-got plenty.”

“Y-You’re awesome, mom.” Her lips turned up as the mare left, letting her return to her late-night snack.

Oh boy, would she get a good night’s sleep tonight.

The stroke of her pen filled out the last of her signature, the golden glow of her horn picking up the magnifying glass to hold before her. She grumbled under her breath as she set it aside and crossed out the erroneous signature, shuffling the scroll back to the next line. The pen hovered on the line, its ink soaking into the paper before she let out a sigh, putting it down to look up at her clock. It was... roughly ten o’clock, at least past nine.

Now that she stared at her clock, it made her wonder if she’s been screwing up on her signature because of her eyes being screwed up. How did this not come up when she was younger? She could write... well enough. Did the tutors look over her issues for her sake, or theirs?

Flurry shook her head and the thoughts fell away, hooves pushing her back from the desk to let her down, going to the bed and crawling up. Her horn lit up to take a special book from the bookshelf next to the desk and the box out from under her bed with her broken toy, floating it between her legs before the bed sheets floated over her and the lights dimmed in the rest of the room. While her legs warmed the instrument of desire, her eyes moved over the table of contents.

There was a significant variety in the stories included, but what she was looking for was of the smutty variety, something to help get her tired enough to sleep. Would the one about the step-siblings having alone time away from their parents be good? Oooh! How about the one about the mare getting her brains pounded out against a wall by a line of stallions? Or... how about the one about the handsome unicorn prince treating their ‘princess’ to a romantic evening before taking her back to their room to buck her dizzy?

A hoof grabbed the artificial cock to position, parting her lower lips as she bit her top ones, feeling it fighting back against her walls until it was in as far as it reasonably could be. Shit, she really should have pulled her mother aside after dinner to get one of the vibrating ones.

Her horn turned the page as she took her time pulling out the dildo and forcing it back in, going slowly to build up to her eventual release. Flurry’s smile ticked up as she read. What would a coltfriend be like? Her parents practically forbid her from choosing any random pony, which pretty much left the castle guards and a few nobles in Canterlot. Would a guard be nice? Somepony close, who wouldn’t arouse suspicion, would be in line with how her mom and dad got together, and best of all, it could be broken off whenever sh–

A knock at the door drew a growl out of her before it opened to the parent who understood privacy the least. “Hey, Flurry! Just stopping by to see how you are doing. Seemed pretty upset at dinner again, so, uh...”

“I’m fine, dad. Really. Just busy.” She paused her masturbation to move her eyes back to the story to reread.

“Have anything... on your mind? You’ve been really antsy to come back here the past few days.”

“Why do you think?” She asked with sarcasm dripping from her voice, shutting the book and turning over onto her back to look at the blushing white and blue stallion with graying hairs. “What?”

“I-It’s just... I’m not really used to this side of you. You wouldn’t know what it’s like, but seeing you so grown up and doing... w-well, uh–”

“Cut to the chase. Why did you stop by?” Her eyes narrowed on him. “‘Cause I’m busy reading right now before going to bed. I’m fine, okay?”

“Are you certain?” He took a step in, his shy smile pricking at her nerves. Never learned when to drop it either. “Because if there’s, uh...” Shining cleared his throat. “If there’s anything I can do to make you less uncomfortable, I’d be... willing to help.”

A blush came over her face as her eyes widened. “T-Thank you for the offer! B-But, um, I-I’m good, dad. Really. No need to...”

“You sure?” His head dipped a little, eyes remaining on her even as her breath went shallower. A real stallion. Not a toy, not her hoof, but a real dick with girth and length.

“D-Dad. C-Close the door.” He did as ordered, turning back to her as she set aside the book and threw the sheets from herself, taking out the toy to set aside. “C-Can you...?”

“If that’s what you need from me.” He casually walked over, getting atop the bed even as her face flushed even harder. “Something wrong?”

“W-Why... C-Can I get a c-coltfriend to h-help me? S-So you don’t, um, h-have to...” She cringed at the thought, spreading her legs for him. “I-I’ve only ever...”

“Hey, it’s okay. I’ll go slow for–”

“Go fast!” Both blinked several times, Flurry covering her eyes with a foreleg. “D-Do it! Buck me! T-This heat is killing me!”

“As you wish.” He grabbed her legs and lowered himself down, propping her up into a more advantageous position. “You absolutely sure?”

“YES!” She removed the foreleg from her eyes, staring into his own even as her heart pounded away. “B-Buck me like a slut!”

He bobbed his head while he eyed her up, grinding his stiffy at her dripping, hot marehood, poking at her lips as he loomed over her. As he looked her up and down, his smile turned up. “Damn. You look like your mother when she was younger.”

“R-Really?” Flurry stared at the cock poking her, but no more. Oh, her toys wouldn’t compare to the real thing, surely. Her daddy hummed to himself for a few seconds before backing up and letting her rump make impact with the sheets. “Hey!”

“I think I’ll start with this.” He kept going back until he could lower his snout to her dripping and winking marehood, her grin turning up. If he was anything like mom...

A hoof of his traveled to her teats, going in slow circles around them while his snout breathed against her aches, as if he was waiting for–

A squeak escaped her lips as he slipped in with his tongue, plunging as deep into her as possible. Shivers ran through her entire body, legs wrapping around the back of his head to hold him in place from pulling away fully. His tongue...

Was a bit of a letdown, if she would be honest with him. He moved it along her insides, but it didn’t have nearly the strength to fight back against her walls. Still drew another squeak out of her, but something seemed off. Maybe it was because he would get stuck on one spot to tongue repeatedly while the rest craved attention, maybe it was that he pulled back to breathe more often and giving only a quick lick to her palpitating love-bud before going back to his sub-par attempts at getting her off.

While the twisting in her body felt like it was building, it wasn’t going past a certain point, leaving her wanting more when he pulled his snout back to meet her legs. “You doing good?”

“Y-Yeah.” She gulped, his snout plunging back in. He found a new spot to elicit another squeal from her throat, legs trembling but holding strong. He certainly was trying, but his tongue wasn’t nearly strong or adventurous enough. Damn, what would her mother say if she knew her thoughts? Was this what passed through her head on a daily basis? All this love-making analysis? With a sigh, she released her legs from around his head.

He pulled free, beaming up at her and expanding her own expression before he gave her clit and nips three longs sucks, making his way back up the bed to shove her back to be tilted upward, letting his... Oh, sweet Celestia, how could her mother ever give up on THAT?! It was long, thick, hard, and throbbing, and had a head with pre-cum already dabbled atop ready for insertion. She always wondered if her toys could measure up to something like this. Now the time has come.

And soon - hopefully - she will cum.

Her magic ignited to tilt it down from its bobbing under his belly, redirecting it toward her pre-lubed entrance, her dad parting her lips and pushing forward. She gasped as she felt it pushing against every part of her. If this didn’t make her cream the bed, she didn’t want to think of what a coltfriend could give her.

His cock pushed deep inside her until she felt it press against her end, a hoof length still outside her. “B-Buck me!” Her sparkling eyes stared at where it was lodged within her, his waist pulling back until the medial ring was back at the vulva, shoving as deep inside as before and puffing the air from her lungs. The next pull back drew a squeak from her mouth, another thrust taking her breath away.

“N-No w-wonder mom m-married you.” She gave him a laugh as he picked up his pace, leaning down onto her to put his head beside hers. Every thrust sent a pant from her mouth, every pullback filling her with an emptiness that would then be filled. Her vaginal muscles were at his total mercy, feeling every shove into her reaches, his ring massaging her unaccustomed pussy.

He never seemed to stop getting faster, his sac slapping against her anus on the passes and sending more chills through her spine. With every impact, she felt that winding rope inside her growing; the air forced from her lungs as he pounded her for... W-Wait a minute...

Her horn lit up, attempting to cast the contraceptive spell as he pounded her with little mercy, the magic going off to - she hoped - protect her from any foal complications. Shit, she should have really reread the spell. The difference between relaxing the muscles and constricting them was as simple as a single symbol. Oh well. She’s confident she got it right.

Oh, and did the pressure never stop? His veiny dick rutted her like a common whorse on every pass, making s-sure she reached that blissful end. It was getting so close. So. Damn. Close. A-And... A-A-And...

Her father grunted in her ear, a shove of his cock sending a gasp from her mouth as a dull pain shot from deep within her, followed by a warmth that spread out and drew a sigh of relief. Her heat, quenched by his semen. Every burst into her she had a giggle at, feeling his loads spiral in her depths and fill her up.

But as he caught his breath and pulled back with another dull pain radiating from her deep inside, her smile faltered. Wait, that was it? Nothing more? Sure, it was better than her dildo and formula, but it still...

His grin met the pseudo-frown on her face, the young mare letting out a sigh. “Hey, w-what’s wrong?” He asked, pulling back more with his twitching cock, shooting everything left from his member to coat her saturated marehood with his fertile sperm.

She stared at the connection, eyebrows moving together. A whiteness seemed to push around where they made their love-bond, but it didn’t feel right. Maybe her friend was right about her. Maybe she is a filly-fooler. And as her eyes returned to his, she cracked a shy expression.

“Mom was better.”


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One breath in, one breath out. Two breaths, two out. And again, and again, and again. Whatever she ate last night was kicking her stomach with all its strength, a groan escaping the scowl plastered to her face. For over a month she’d been having trouble with her meals, either them making her nauseous or giving indigestion. At the very least the nausea went away last week, but the stomach troubles never seemed to end.

Flurry got down from the toilet as it subsided, flushing the throne to swirl away into the castle plumbing. She went for the mirror, tilting her head at the bags under her eyes and the disaster that was her mane, with strands of hair sticking up at random or clumping together. Her hoof rubbed her chest, moving down to the extra pudginess she put on. Diet needs to be readjusted, and maybe drink more water too.

Her mouth drew out a sigh. Yet another thing to add to the list...

She dropped her hooves from the counter to head back into the main room and for the door, exiting into the castle hallways rubbing her forehead. Was she sick? Was it cancer? Did alicorns even get cancer? A tumor would explain it, a parasite would too. Maybe she got a tapeworm taking all the good nutrients and leaving her with the junk?

As she turned the corner, she spotted her lean-ish mother giggling with one of the mare guards, eyes flicking to Flurry before grin and attention focusing on her. “Flurry!”

“Hey, mom.” She continued down the hall until she got to the two. “Something happening?”

“Well, kinda.” Cadance motioned her to follow. “We’ll chat later, Leap!”

Flurry followed her down the hall and around the corner, where she finally stopped and turned back with a crooked smile that seemed to get less certain by the moment. “So, um...”

“What? Is something wrong?”

“I wanted to tell you before breakfast, and...” She cringed, her shy twitching smile returning. “Y-You have a little sibling on the way.”

In four seconds, Flurry blinked five times as her head lightened up. “W-What?” She said with a voice low and shocked.

“You have a sibling on the way. I’m pregnant again.” Cadance turned to the side to show off the weight she had put on. “Took the test this morning after your dad tickled me into submission and made me pee the bed.”

“I-I’m going...” Her daughter hyperventilated, holding a hoof to her mouth before lunging forward to bring her mom into a bone-crushing hug. “THIS IS AWESOME! Woooo! Big sis Flurry, here I come!”

Cadance gave her a giggle as she rubbed her back, pushing her filly back after a minute to continue. “W-Well...” She cleared her throat. “I, um, need to tell you something else. Y-Your father and I haven’t had sex in half a year.”

The young mare took another few seconds to blink, her smile slowly falling. “What? T-Then did you...? Does he know?”

“Oh, he knows! Don’t worry, we’re fine with it! I-It’s just, um...” She took a deep breath in through her nostrils. “A-Apparently, magic ejaculate acts like sperm, just less effective, and... w-when deposited straight into the womb, there’s a teeny-tiny chance for fertilization to occur, a-and another slight chance it implants.”

Her borderline trembling grin met her daughter’s utter confusion. “I don’t get it.” Flurry said after a minute.

“Flurs. Y-You’re the father.”

Within the chest of the young mare, an icy wave passed through every muscle, spreading into her bones as she shook. “O-Oh, s-sweet Celestia...” She covered her mouth as she tried suppressing her vomit. She... knocked up her own mother. WHAT. THE. BUCK?! But before she could act, another cramp started up, getting a groan from her as it radiated from her stomach.

“I-I know this is hard to understand, but I’ll take all precautions necessary for our little filly, okay? N-Nopony will know the truth.” Cadance rubbed her hoof along her daughter’s cheek, the bewildered and fearful eyes of her daughter turning on her, trying to search for reassurance. “It’ll be okay.”

As the pain receded, Flurry sighed a breath of relief. “B-But I can’t b-be a mother so early! Or father! Or whatever! W-What will others say when they find out?! W-We’re- You’re my mom! I-I'm not ready to be a mom!”

Cadance bit her lip, igniting her horn and scattering light over her daughter before an even more uncertain grin formed up on her face. “Well... Now you will. And, um...

H-How do you feel about having two foals on the way?”

The world blurred and spun, Flurry's breathing stopping before her body collapsed to the floor. Her mom cleared her throat as Leap came around the corner.

"Do I even want to know?"

Cadance put on a shy smile. "Well, at least the three of us can talk about having a play-date for our babies."

"Heh. Yeah. Guess so." She returned around the corner, leaving Cadance to stare at her comatose daughter. With a deep breath in and a smile slowly forming on her face, she said what she had been hoping to hear all morning:

"Happy Mother's Day."